The Straits Times, 29 April 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.637. BINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 310 1 miles on less than a gallon of petrol OU at a speed of 52 miles an hour. An interesting performance sliowiufj the exceptionally low petrol consumption and higii speed of tlie New 12 14 h.p. -B"De Dion Bouton" E Here if a letter from S. F. Edge, Em., of the
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    • 134 1 Robinson and Company. JUST UNPACKED. STYLISH ami EXCLUSIVE MODELS in TRIMMED MILLINERY, From London and Paris, ALSO A VKRY LARUK ASSORTMKNT OK Dress Materials, Comprising Filet Voiles, Plain, Embroider-. I nd Striped, Ninon Voiks, Eoliennes, Crepe de Cbene, French Muslins, Bordered Cotton Voiles, Bordered Voile Robes, Lace Robes, Embroidered Lawn
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    • 507 1 ADELPH I HOTEL. ™Vf\"KT THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE FJNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. Anglo-French Cuiiine English Cleanliness Home Comforts Moderate Terms GUEST NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY. On Saturday next. May 2, by speoial desire, a second Plebiscite Dinner will be given. The Menu will consist of dishes, for which the greatest number
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  • 861 2 PRICES IN RELATION TO THE CULTIVATION. A pamphlet dealing with the price of rubber in its relation to rubber cultivation issued by the editor of the Rubber Investor is quoted by the Financier, which saya that the writer clearly shows that plantation rubber companies hare little or nothing
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  • 139 2 State of the Market. Writing from London, ou April a. Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanton state that the offerings were smaller than at the last auction by about 17 tons, and following the rather better demand noticeable during the la>t few days, there was more competition for most descriptions. A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 There are no EXORBITANT PROFITS FOR ANYBODY ON Buchanan's Whiskies. THE PUBLIC GET THE FULL BENEFIT of the high qualities of "RED SEAL" and "BLACK and WHITE" at the lowest possible prices. 44 Red Seal retails at 9.50 per case BUck and White" retails at 12.50 OF ALL DEALERS, Wholesale
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    • 496 2 DESPAIRED OF CUJPOILS Suffered Incessantly for a Year— They were Very Large and Pain was Dreadful— Could Hardly Bear Clothing— Health Much Impaired. WAS ABSOLUTELY CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I have to thank Cuticura Remedies for completely curing me of ona of the worst attacks of boil* it is possible
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    • 60 2 While it is not true that "we are well if we think ourselves well," it is undoubtedly true that we can aggravate our, sickness by frettiug and worrying about it. Steams' Wine, taken by rundown Jdebilitated persons, soon produces such a curative effect that they cease to worry, as they
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    • 395 2 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. We beg to inform the public that, pending the completion of our New Premises at 13, Kling Street, we have this day removed temporarily to Nos. 22 and 23, South Canal Road. Singapore, W{ J m^m 11J O f% April as. toon i\ I ill rtin <x
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  • 438 3 GREATER EFFICIENCY THOUGH COSTLIER. Where Britishers are at Fault. To those who believe that British ships should be manned by British crews, certain statements recently laid before the Board of Trade, and vow made public, are a little disquieting. They show that in many trades, more particularly where
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  • 429 3 Considerable Amusement Found in New Volume. Sala used to say that one of the most fascinating books was tli.- London Directory. If be had lived to see Who's Who in America for 190s. he might have added this interesting volume to his list Of fascinating books.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 394 3 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. PORTLAND CEMENT. In Casks of 375 lbs. net. i Drain Pipes, any shape. In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways. Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed. Glazed Paving Tiles. Paving Bricks. rKKES, SMPLES Ull FULL P.UTItILABS WILL BE Ft>BW\RDED OS MMMM T« Agent: W. A.
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    • 978 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. FROV APRIL 1. 1908. ANO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP TRAINS. 11 I 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 U 15 18 Paseir Panjang 710 10 00 1M «gj Borneo Wharf 7 M 10M J^ Peoples Par* 727 1017
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  • 409 4 Passengers Outward. By tliu icrm.iu Daelow, bom Europe, du< AprB8O: Mr. ami Mn.W.G. n Mr. .1. Dfforka Mr. 'I. Pied en pack, Mr. Riohtur Soinner Turner! Mr. ami Mr !l. Looey, Mr. C. I. Noriunn, Mr. Wuj huu^las, Mr. Bruno Laeacbke, Mi aud Norman- Dick, Him Betal
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  • 146 4 v -i 1 oaw >'■'■ wikai U n [Hirted tram Lpoh. Cliiuauiau nu woui&a, having apparently come tn the end ■>! theii reooaroea, decided to pot an ci I U> their lives, and. haxiii'. 1 sualle-vi ,i iiuantityoi i hiiidu each, they lay down, locked in ono
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  • 155 4 A itjonua appeal lot the reform ol c jlle^c aihU'tics in the United State* haafcaaa made by Dt. David Stair .Jordan. I'iesiilc nt of LJelaml Stanford luivorsity. Aoootdiag to a correspondent of the Methodist I" i in be denounces the Ann-noun form ot tixitball as a
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  • 779 4 Name, part, probable date oj arrival, it'iil name of Agaits. STEAM KRS. Uh, ill 2t; W. Mausaeld Aidie. Sydm\. -in. I; Booataal AlcinOM, China II -'"> W. Mansfield \ntalooa, llanib;u-. M.iv 6; Bchn Meyer haa. China, luce U; \V. Mauafleld ArodiK. Oolombo, May H; P. .v O. Coy.
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  • 98 4 Frcm Ecbjfk— Di lh- N.D.L. >.i. Buelow, Friednch, due April 30. From Chin* -By the M. M. is. A Bahio, Lnitpold, due May 4. Tim/ MH or mike :ct Singapore O April 1 N.D. L. April 2 B. I. April 6 M. SC. April 10 P. it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 85 4 DON T NEGLECT A COLD. Perhaps you believe you will be able to throw off every oold you contract. You may bavc 'lour so many times before, ami yet the vi tv mi \t cold may develop iuto pneumonia. You cannot always toll the condition of your system, and it
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    • 704 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P 9$ O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanjj, Ce>lon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Mi if liJKHai! is-.ei for Chi:u o<»3t, Persian On:?. fJwMiliil*!. *r.rl > morion* Potvi. steamers will leiie Bsatpp I MAIL LINK Outward CM 19i S D<«ii May
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    • 699 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Handel and scheepvaart my. bandjer." I BANDJERMABIN. The Ht»amers of tbU company maintain a raMkc ssctlm between: Ringitpore, Sourabaya, Bandjsrmasin Polo Lact, BiJik P-.- Hoetei, with transhipment at IJanUjtrmaVn for Sampit, Mandawas Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai. The steamers havu good aooomodation for first and second class passengers. Tosb
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    • 453 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. %hl.%xlaA The steimers of ibis Compaay majaaaia regular service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are desnatche.i fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penanc and Colombo. Taking oarpo
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    • 731 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. N3RDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Qcrmaß Ma.i Lin Tbe fast and well known mai: Bjaaaj this Company sail fortnighiiy from Br narDburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boa:: ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, ■aplsa, (sjobo MarnciUes, Naples, Alexandria, an.l vios For Said. Sues, Aden, Oiiliaaliii. Pm Singapore, Hongkoi s Bbangbai, Nau's
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    • 49 4 NEURALGIA AND SCIATICA CURED. The «reat pain Natofiag fOWW of Chaiubeilain's lain lialiu has baaa ::ic surprise and delight of many sufferers bon neuralgia and sciatica. The exeruciatiui; piins chai octcristic ot tliesc di-M-aM sai' I k!y allayed by this liniment. For sale by all lJispens arios aud dealers.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 80 4 Sin^apca i<!c Table. Hit. I OW WATER rims S'gbt hi mm. ft iua. d > ;7 am ■-••2 pn i.-J l.;t am ■> I i. ■■.':im 0J |ll 8 pro H '.i B.S pm 1.9 i il.«8 am 9 S.Sflam f.i ■pm i I am t.S9am 0.1 •«"">« m 8.6
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  • 922 5 i MlWi U».-vliiif; tha fullnwlnK abbr»Tintion« an u« "I ir. -steamer; »h.— ship: liq. b.hrqui* ttc'a. HbaoMr; Vet. TaM! <'rn.— Cnh»r v bt. -Ounl»'»l; It— Torpedo; Il.p.— Uoiwpuittr Brit.— Brlllih: CK.-l'iiitixtMtatm; Fch.-Kremh; Hut.— D'; Ital.- Italian Mfiui.— Spanish; S«.-Sm» Ji Oenonil <\»r«o il.p.— riix-li pukii.w: I
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  • 126 5 April a 8 Hiinongan, Put sir. Samaraug lamli-iv. Rim Ktr. Vladivostock Stentor, Brit str, Shanghai aDd .la pan Flevo, Brit -tr, Anamba aud Natnna Islands Arohenit, Brit Blr, Pontianak Omapere. Brit atr, Port Swettenham, Penang Kenurty, Brit str, Hongkong and Japan t Nord, Brit str, Laugkat IVrriur. Nor str.
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  • 161 5 Malays in Sumatra Refuse to Pay Taxes. The anti taxation movement among the Malays in West Sumatra has resulted in bloodshed. Demonstrations against the new taxes and refusal by th« headmen to collect them or aid in the assessment work wero followed by numerous arrests. The prisons
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 LAXATINB, the Ideal Purgative, reoommended by the beat medical authorities. Easy to take and oertain in results. To be had of all ohemiats. Wholemle fn<m The Pbarmaoy, Pattory Road, Hiagiporr ma
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    • 550 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. 1 A regular FORTNIGHTLY servioe la maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under M»il Contraot with the Imperial Japaneee Government, specially designed (or the Company's European Servioe, lighted thronghout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 342 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, P. &0. S. N. CO. CHEAP RETURN TICKETS TO COLOMBO. On and after April I, Special Cheap Return Tickets to Colombo and back, available for three months from date of departure to that of arrival on return, will lie issued at the following rates From Singapore .£l3-14-0 Ist
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    • 537 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. GO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Struts, Chin* and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Oenoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 634 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aiid lbs UNITED STATES. Ronte from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotorla and Vancouver, R.M.B. "Empmhs of Ihdia" 1 Twin-screw eteaR.M.S. "EmuaaoF Jatah"
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    • 399 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May I—At1 At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges, at 10 a.m. i—At 48, Keppel Road, valuable liouae bold furniture, etc., at 3-30 p.m. ■i-At St. John's Wood, Kampong Baliru lloail. honiwhnld furniture, etc., at 2 p.m. 4 At Sale roem, unredeemed pledgo*, at 10 a.m. 4— At
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 140 5 DAY BY DAY Wednesday, April 39. High Water. 10 8 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph 7-80 p m Japanese Cinematograpn. 7-30 p.m. Harima's Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Thursday, April jo. High Water. 10 26 a.m. 10-36 p.m. New Moon. 10-33 a.m. B. I. homeward mail oloees. 8 p.m. N. D.
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  • 748 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. Mr. Winston Churchill went down to Free Trade Manchester with a Kree Trade policy and was rejected. Ct would be assuming too much to attribute his defeat by Mr. .loynson llicks to the growing strength of the fiscal reform party, however.
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  • 207 6 The recent financial crisis in the I'nited States lias made a most remarkable reversiou of the immigration aud emigration figures since the beginning of the current year. Figures just arrived from Washington show that for evory twenty-five immigrants during January aud February, there were nearly a hundred emigrants, most of
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  • 15 6 A cargo nf coal arrived I'roiu Sourabaya, this luoiuing, by the Dutch steamer Tji. paiias.
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  • 17 6 H. M. survey ship Waterwitch. bound from Hongkong to Port Swcttonhaui, arrived, yesterday. She leaves on Saturday.
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  • 26 6 A special meeting of the Municipal Com missioucrs will he held iv the Board liooiu, on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., to consider the uew Petroleum Ordinance.
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  • 28 6 A Chinaman, riding a bicycle iv ltivcr Valley itoad, was run into by a motor-car, yesterday afternoon, and was cut about the face. The car did not stop.
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  • 32 6 We find we were mistaken in our reference yesterday to the Liberal candidate for the Kiucardineshire Division. The successful candidate was Captain Murray, not Mr. James Murray, of Glenburnie, as we supposed.
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  • 46 6 Pena Kurpen Chetty has been arrested on a charge of cheating. It is alleged that he secured $180 from a man, named Oobala samy, on a promise to return it in lift ecu days, but, when the time had expired, he was not to be found.
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  • 40 6 Mr. U. W. P. Guest appeared before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. E. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge of obtaiuiug credit while an undischarged bankrupt. The case was adjourned so that it might be heard by tho District Court.
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  • 36 6 It is reported by the Sourabaya Handelsblad that, about August or September next, the Netherlands India Government intends to despatch three armoured cruisers— tho Hertoglleudrik,theTromp,and the Koningiu Kogcntes, on a visit to China, Japan, and Australia.
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  • 58 6 Mr. E. de Cruz, Usher of the Secoud Magistrate's Court, saw four Tamils cruelly beating two bullockb attached to a road roller, near the Kandang Kerbau Station, yesterday. He roported tho matter to P. C. Cannon, who had the Tamils taken into custody. They were fined by the Second Magistrate,
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  • 30 6 Gordon Grant, a European who was arrested iv Singapore, recently, on a chap'c of forgery at Taiping, has been sent to prison at lpoh for six months with hard labour.
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  • 34 6 House to house searches in Seoul by the police are still being carried on owing to the fact that it is well known a that considerable number of insurgents are bidden in the city.
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  • 27 6 The steamer Prometheus, leaving Singapore on the 30th inst., will convey Home twenty-three non-commissioned officers and men of the R.G.A., RE., and 2nd ltoyal West Kent Regiment.
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  • 56 6 The official returns of people vaccinated in Siam during last year, shows that a total of 11,482 were operated upon. The greatest number of vaccinations made at any one place was Ligor, where iJ,46u persons presented themselves to the authorities. At Chicngiuai, the total vaccinated was 2,156 1,316 were vaccinated
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  • 57 6 A telegram lias been received from Peking by the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce stating that, His Excellency Yau S/.e-tse (tho Chinese Imperial Commercial Commissioner, whose visit to Singapore recortly will be reluembercdl having memorialised the Throne in the matter, His Imperial Majesty has been pleased to confer on Mr.
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  • 66 6 The question of lighting the trains on the New li ti in lino, Siam, by electric light lias been receiving attention of late, and installations of dynamos, accumulators, etc., have been fitted on to some inspection cars, witli satisfactory results. It is hoped when the next section of the northern
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  • 71 6 Coca planters are. in a bad way in Java, after they had brought much land under cultivation with that product, owing to the high prices formerly ruling for it. But vow the restrictive laws passed in India and the Straits Settlements against tho sale of cocaine as a deleterious drug,
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  • 68 6 The New Fire Brigade Station iv lpoh is to be just alongside of the Post and Telegraph office. Already, big excavations of earth are being carried on to make the site level with the main thoroughfare. It is quite a good position, :iDd much more central than that now in
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  • 66 6 1 correspondent writes to the Bangkok Times that on April 20, about 5 p.m., a loud explosion was heard iv the direction of the saw mill of Messrs. Pialot and Company, iv Bangkok. On enquiry, it was found that Mr. Pialet was making cartridges wlien the gunpowder ignited and exploded.
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  • 67 6 The Secretary of the War Office auuouuces that, consequent on the decision of the Army Council to pans out the 2nd as well as the :lrd Pivision from the Uoyal Military College iv 1 uly next, a considerable increase will be made in the number of infantry cadetships offered for
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  • 84 6 The report of the directors of the Siam Commercial Bank, adopted at a meeting of the shareholders on the 18th instant, shows that the net profit for the half-year, after special allowances, amounted to Ticals 183,511.49, as against Ticals 190,077,64 for the preceding half-year. The payment of the usual dividend
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  • 91 6 Owing to scarcity of cauli, food ntuJls, a, also moat Md fish, have come down iv price wonderfully iv lpoh during the. em-rent month, Hays a corrctipondcnt to the Pcrak Pioneer. A luxury, such an venison usually is iv these paits, was beiug oflorud iv the local public market, the
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  • 105 6 Iv East Java, coffee growing is steadily on the downgrade Both tho Java and tho Liborian berry are found wanting, and the output is disappointing in the .extreme, owing to the ravages of leaf disease. Planters turn with hope to a new kind which bears the name of Coffea Robusta,
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  • 106 6 The British North Borneo Herald, says that application has been granted for the purchase of 1,000 acres on Balambangan Island for cattle breeding and coconuts. This Island was in former years the most easterly station of the old East India Company. ltemains of some of the ruins are still to
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  • 132 6 Foundations are being sunk at Dusit Park Bangkok, for the oroction of a now Throne room for the King of Siaui. The Tliroue room is to be 100 metres in length, 50 in width, and 40 in hoight. There will be a large dome in the centre, and four smaller
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  • 416 6 Mr. C. W. e\ I'arr lias been appointed In act as District Officer, Batting' I'adanu. Miss Sophia Blackmore. of the I Vacom Homo, Mount Sophia, Hfwti to return from Australia in June. Bangkok advices auuounci- tho illucsm from typhoid fever, of Mr. U. P. Itoyle, of the
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  • 61 6 The Korea Daily News is iuformed that the three Korean gentlemen who were rais ing subscriptions for briuging back the body of the fate Mr. Vi Chuu, from Holland, have becu arrested by the police. It will be remembered that the late Mr. Vi was one of
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  • 100 6 Hy tin Siberiai) mail WM rectu\ed tiouj Loiiduu, a valuable sp«x;iiiien of radium >n Hongkong, ou April I'l. The rays from it uuoily |iasu through serious of glass, irou, aud copper, aud illuminate a screen aflat having passed through such media. Crystals such au Willcmite glow with
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  • 104 6 An action for tho specific performance of an agreement, dated December 1, 1904, for the sale, to Mohamed Said Baker, of certain freehold hereditaments at Toluk Blangah, for (15,427.60, of which So.OOO was said to have been on account, was mentioned to Mr. Justice Sercombo Smith,
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  • 150 6 An Indian named Ibrahim, appeared beton the second .Magistrate. .Mr. C. F. .1. Groen, yesterday afternoon, ou charges of clin[Kjiiti:: of stolen property and fraudulent possession of property. A Malay, named Abdulrahmau, a clerk who was in the employ of the laU. Sultan of Siak,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 310 6 ALHAMBRATHE HIPPODROME CINEMATOGRAPH Co. 10-NlCint. To-Nlght! To-Night! ALLNKW FILMS e\ P. <kO. DELTA. HUGE SUCCESS, first show at kwpTm. 1 Ladies of the Wbip 2 Distress 3 A Trip to tho Htm 4 The Monntaina in Swi4/*rl»nd The Up-to-Date Play 5 Ho Tam^ hu wife 6 The Tulip 1 House
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    • 180 6 CHILDREN S CONCERT. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. Friday, Muij 8, -5.50 ft.m. Ili ;i'l- of School- au^l ParenU please vote. 931 Wilson co. *P6otograp6ie Jirtists. Jiigdest Reputation Jor SBest Work. GODOWNS TO LET. Nos. 1, 5 and 6, Palmer Godowns Area 18,890 square feet. Immediate eutry. Nos. 7, 8 and 9,
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  • 398 7 ANOTHER BRITISH DESTROYER SUNK. Rammed by a Scout During Night Manceuvres. I Rioter's Tilkoram.) London, April 2H. Tho Admiralty authorities announce that all hope has been abandoned for the safety of tho inis-eing portion of the crow of the British cruiser Gladiator, totally wrecked after collision off the
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  • 91 7 The New Premier Moves Second Reading. Kkltkk's Tklkokam London, April 29. Mr. Asquith, thu Premier, iv moving the Mjcond reading of the Licensing Bill, reiterated its principles, and said he was prepared to consider arguments with reforonec to the length of the time-limit for the redemption of licence-.,
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  • 53 7 l/mtm, Apnl 'M. Mr. Wiuntou Churchill, ]'rct>idont of tho Board of Trado. lias conaontud to Htand as Iho Liberal caudidato for the seat at Dundee rendered vauaut hy tho translatiou to the House of Lords of the senior member, Mr. Edmuiid Robertsou, X.C.. Financial Secretary
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  • 45 7 (RaUTIB'B TumuKam; Washington, April 28. Mr. (1. B. Cortolyou, U.S. Secretary to the treasury, aunouuccs a further withdrawal from the National Banks of »45,(X)0,O0O ((jold) of Oovernaent deposits, lout to help tho Baukb over the monetary crisis some Montbd a^o.
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  • 32 7 Reported Murder of a Picturesque Character. [Dm Ostasutischi Lloyd Tilbqram| Berlin. April 28. Humours arc cunuut that Uaisuli, the Moroccau brigand, has been murdered. The Sultan Mulai Hand is advancing upon
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  • 22 7 [Dm* Ostasutisobi Lloyd Tummum] Berlin, April _n. Canada has invitsd the United States fleet to visit British Columbia.
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  • 26 7 !Di« c n-i>! r t'p Lloyd Telefax i Hi run. April 28. A punitm> expi-diliou km toft Mfal for lb» l'or»i*D lrontivr
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  • 306 7 Enthusiastic Farewell to the Coal Company's Manager. (Fbom Ouh Own Cobresponoent.) Labuan, April 23. Sorrow is general at the departure from the Colony, of Mr. C. J. Da vies, the General Manager of the Coal Company. Seldom has a man gained such general esteem. Always urbane aud
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  • 317 7 Chinese Salesman and Two Collectors in Police Court. Mr. C. V, J. Green, the Second Magistrate, was engaged nearly all day. yesterday, with a case in which a salesman and two collectors employed by Chop Sin Song Ho, Boat Quay, were charged with theft of money, rice and
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  • 169 7 Forthcoming Action Against a Local Merchant. In the Supreme Court, this hum him.;, au mterestiiig action that is [lending was mentioned to Mr. Justice Scrcolubu Smith, with a view to a cUte for hoaring being fixed. The parties are Mary A. E. Duumau, EUou Duumau, Charles
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  • 122 7 Satisfaction in Sourabaya at Extent of Crop. The Chamber of Commerce at Sourabaya has just published its report for 1907. It dwells, with satisfaction, upon the fact that the sugar crop in Java, last year, was a record one, reaching the total of 19,444.238 piculs. Leaving out
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  • 55 7 The IVrak Pioneer says: The clerk* at Batu Gajah want quarters, tho District Officer and the State Engineer want to give them, but the Resident General will not do so, for does ho uot want all the money he can find for tbc tinkering of thu elcc'.ric works at Kuala
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  • 80 7 ULTIMATUM TO THE RAJAH OF KLUNCKUNG. iFkom Ock Own OmmnMß.) Sourabaya, April 29, 9.15 a.m. Yesterday, tho Governor-General of Netherlands India, General van Heutsz, sent an ultimatum to the Rajah of Klungkung, where, recently, a party of Dutch troops was ambushed and an officer and several men
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  • 354 7 Inspector Meredith Relieved of a Silver Watch. Inspector li. W. Meredith was robbed of his silver watch, pocket book and ftH in money at his quarters at the Detective Station, at 5.80 a.m. to-day. A scavenger was arrested. The watch was recovered in the lavatory and the pocket
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  • 216 7 Thirteen Passengers Killed and Twenty-nine Wounded. Further particulars of the boiler explosion on board the I'ahud at Bclawan, in Doll, show that, of her crew, only ono was killed, but seven were wounded and four were missing. Of the passengers, thirteen were killed and twenty-vine wounded. Just
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  • 95 7 Owing the new order quarantining all vessels from Ptmang, Malacca and the F.M.S., the quarantine and '-rage is crowded. As the Norwegian steamer Dott. just arrived from Bangkok, was about to drop anchor there, tills morning, she came into collision with the N. D. L. steamer
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  • 171 7 Stories respecting the nationality of certain individuals born ».t sea, and so forth, are comparatively common, so it was a little refreshing to hear another theory propounded before Mr. Justice Scrcumbc Smith, in the Supreme Court, this morning. An Arab witness was being examined, and as there
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  • 1692 7 DISTINGUISHED BURGOMASTER'S DEATH. Training Young Men for German Colonial Service. Oiu Own Cokkkspondkmi. Hamburg, April 2. Since my last letter, the State of Hamburg has sustained a severe loss through the death of the Chief Magistrate for the present year. Burgomaster Dr. Monckcberg, whose decease, after
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  • 135 7 China's Representations to the Diplomatic Corps. It was reported from Peking, on April Iff, that the Waiwnpn has ninde representations to the doyeu of thu Diplomatic Corps to the effect that the foreign Hank-, in *hant'.hai have decided uot to accept tin: uotcs i sued by tin GhiMtt
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  • 138 7 There is nothing new about the Burliu wire announcing that M. Beau, the ox-Governor-General of Indo-China had been appointed Ambassador at Brussels. As we stated explicitly at the time of his departure from Saigon, it was an open secret that he had been marked out for
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  • 141 7 The Mission Field < the organ of the S.P.G.) to hand by last mail has the following paragraph Beyond Burma, oar eyes are h\< d upon two Dioceses— they are two now, not one Singapore and Borneo. Bishop HM will be with us soon, retiring after
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  • 170 7 SENATE REJECTS ROOSEVELT'S NAVAL PROJECT. President Denounces Millionaires and their Families. [taom'i TKLKoii\>i Washington, April 28. The hcuatc has rc-considored the Naval Appropriation Kill which was amouded to provide four battleships for tho Tnitod States licet in accordance with the desiro expressed by President lioosevclt. The measure was
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  • 454 7 ACTION BY AN ATTORN EY. Evidence Respecting Commission by Syed Alsagoff. Mr. Justice Serooiubc Smith coutiuuud the hearing, iv the Supremo Court, this morniug. of the action brought by Shaik Sallied bin Abdullah Bajarie against Syed Omar bin Mohamcd bin llashiiu al lUbshee and Syed Abdulrahinau bin Mohameil bin Hashim
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  • 262 7 Daring Outrage by French Footpads at Hyeres. Mr. Hook, who is the British Vice-Consul at Hyeres, and who is also manager of the local iCnglish bank, was the victim of au audacious attack by footpads recently. Accompanied by his nephew. n;;ed 16, Mr Hook left the bank
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 22 8 It in probable that the competition for tho Singapore Association Football Cup will commoncol at the end of .Inly.
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    • 29 8 What) tin' last mail left England, the condition of Bobby Abel, the once famous Surrey cricketer, was causing considerable anxiety. He was n patient in tlio Royal Free Hospital.
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    • 77 8 Mr. 11. Hooker, a popular member of the Bangkok Racing Club, was the guest of kt* lolleagiU'K on the turf at a theatrical perforniamv at Bangkok, on the 21st inst.. on the occasion of his departure fur Knglund shortly, after a resilience in Bangkok v! nearly twenty live years. Among
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    • 34 8 Singapore Golf Club. Ah will be Recn from an advertisement elsewhere, the Golf links on the Hacc Cours* will be closed from, ami including, Friday May 1, until after the Spring Rticc Meeting
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    • 117 8 Marudu Turf Club's Meeting. 'llie following are the results of tho Spring Meeting of the Turf Club The MaMn Plato, Mr. Li Ah Toy's Rusa The Planters' Cup. Mr. A. (i. VauscoliuaV Rajah Tbe Opium Farmer's Cup. Mr. Li Ah Toy's l!una; The Biliajong Cup. Mr. K.
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    • 181 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. The first round in the V.M.C.A. billiard tournament has been concluded, with the following results: Class A.— A. I). Baker,— Bo, boat A. C. Morgler, plus 20 A. K. G. Coveney plus 30, beat W. 11. Holley— itO. K. Meredith— 2o, beat I. J. Gillespie 10; J.
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    • 443 8 S.C.C. v. The Police. What may be regarded as a scratch ele ven of the S.C.C. engaged in an Association football match with a team representing the Police on the Esplanade, last evening, and the Club team won by two goals to nil. The team were S.C.C— C.T.Costifian,
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  • 80 8 The Japan Herald states that the appeal of Frank l'ratt. describing himself as the correspondent of a certain American paper, who was sentenced by the Yokohama District Court to eight months' imprisonment for Iraud in January, was dismissed on Tuesday. W lnii the judgment was rendered, tbe
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  • 381 8 Narrow Escape from Drowning of Two Europeans. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. H. J. I. Smail, Acting Executive Engineer. Tapab, and Mr. K. M. Latham, of Ipoh, went down the Bidor river for the purpose of inspecting some contract work on which the latter is at present
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  • 289 8 Extraordinary Hailstorm Plays Havoc in Siam. A correspondent writing from Lakhon Lampang to the Bangkok Times ou the 2nd inst., says It was open to any of the inhabitants of Lakhon Larnpang so disposed, to indulge yesterday in the luxury of an iced drink. After a
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  • 302 8 Extraordinary Cautiousness of Rubber Planters. As yet it is too early to speak of a reaction in regard to several matters. A short six months ago, land, cocoanuts, and rubber were discussed even in the most trying weather. Lately remarks have slumped, writes a correspondent from Papua, in
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  • 93 8 A rule of the Governor in Council, published in the Hongkong Gazette, specifies that the owner, agent or master of a vessel from or into which naphtha is about bo be landed, shipped or transhipped Hhall give notice to the Captain Superintendent of Police of the proposed
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  • 969 8 APPEAL FOR RELIEF IN FAMINESTRICKEN DISTRICTS. Under the heading. A Pitiful Cry from India, haste to the Rescue of the Children, Mr. Hicliard Burges, the General Secretary of the India Sunday School Union. Jubbulpore, C.P., writes an follows on April 11 Tin Government of India is alow to
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  • 52 8 The Diplomatic Corps has agreed that properties in foreign ownership in the interior of China, namely in non-Treaty ports, can be ro purchased by the local officials. Tbe Waiwupu has, accordingly, directed all the Provincial authorities to ascertain what are the properties held in China by
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  • 654 8 'revisions of the Herbert Samuel's Children's Bill. We have received the following letter for lublicatiou To the Editor of the Straits Tim,-. Kirk Terrace, Singapore, April 25. Sir, There was a short article in your paper, a few days ago, which recorded the itartling fact that there was
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  • 345 8 Bt Majob E. C., Aoting Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, April 28, 1908. S.V.A. Duties. I Orderly Officer for ensuing week Lieut. A. A. Lermit. Orderly N.C.O. Bombardier G. J. Marshall. Parades. II On Tuesday sth, at 615 p.m., D.R.F. and Gun Laying. Camp. 11l A week-end
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  • 54 8 During a recent thunderstorm in Bangkok, a flash of lightning struck a boy who was riding a buffalo in tbe vicinity of Bang pain. Both the boy and the buffalo were killed, and, in the fall, the horn of the buffalo pierced tbe boy's body. In this condition they were
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 508 8 A PELVIC DISEASE Of Which Pertma Curtd Me In a Very Short Tim* WAS SAPPING MY LIFE. «Rt.IOPHI»C»i.DWELITIi K JTR9. SOPHIA CALDWELL, 112» IVI McGavock St., Nashville, Term., writes: "After doctoring for a year and findIng no relief from leucorrhea resulting from prolapsus uteri, and which was •applng my life
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    • 306 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. The Golf Link* will be clo«ed from and including Friday. May 1, until aftor tho Spring Race Meeting. W. .1. MAYSON, 937 Hon. Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of May VO, for tlu< Construction of
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  • 300 9 Preparing for the Tercentenary Fetes. L'aoadaVa dimati aoown nunarkable^i iimiii Victoria to ijnebec. Three wi eka ago, wrote oorrespondent on March 20, 1 was sitting at Victoria on tin seaahore, wateliini^ ohildren A *£S? n f{ s;l1 |11U 1 oatohm^ biitttrilii's. \t Winnipeg the abenao metai
    300 words
  • 49 9 In Mr. Justio I 0 irt on tin I\M lani The only other point I have to argue my Lord, is, 1 tabmit, \.piii- ..s the one that gaii nue. Roarsol langhtfir.)!'_' Counsel: In thatcaae,my 1 resolves iteeM into ■11 of costs. (Rent wed laaßhter.)
    49 words
  • 118 9 tb ':u v v ictoi iii nil tin maidan, 'i"t ttx from the Cbottei Uaa /;1. which is one ol two memorials ol the ...iiirii Kmpresa erected by tiie people ol oii'lh. \.:is unvoili 1 ycaterda) by Sii John Hi »-ett, »ay»i .1 l.ucknow report ol March
    118 words
  • 123 9 \,i ink resting rcpon w current to tin it to taki plaoc bet- 1 lin I), ataofa vessel, which i-; fitted uitli reciprocating engines, and ha- iloiii- tbo Atlantic pasxaK* an average speed ol 1 lat knutd pot hoar, has j Ist been 1. lief boUern bainH
    123 words
    • 84 9 Gambier e.K'M do (Cube No. 1 unpicked 1O."><> Copra Bali n 6.55 do Poutianak 6.20 Popper. Black 1105 do White 6% biyers 19.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.97V do Brunei No. 1 '2.921 Pearl Sago 3.90 Coffee Bali, picked 27.00 Coffee. Palembang, \>A% basi* nom. Coffee Liberian '32.00 Tapioca, small
      84 words
    • 124 9 :m r.,sn46n— isacx -t m/B z;*-ft Demand 2/8tf Private 6 m/R 2/4j do 3 m/s -J/4> >.i Omiiii) -Bank d/d 286J Private 8 rn.'a J41 lo 6 in/? -'43,,.- Bank a/d 291 Mflfc S m/s -29-.J dc 6 m/a 298 Inlr.ii— BankT.T. 174 1 Private 80 d/p 176
      124 words
    • 56 9 Er-:fciuc CX «600,000 3%pnm. tflaj H".rgreavc^ t% 325,000 3% prera ■pore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal ■iui;apor Municipal 6% 400,000 20% ptem 1% 1.578.000 3% prcro. *i% 1,800.000 S% prem 602,900 2% dis no:.. -traits Engineering Syd.. Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. "Mijtuf. P. P B. 6 1J
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 f^^B& I Longed-for Relief j (I from the agouy «'f a terrible heat 1 ache might be within easy reach (> i of every sufferer if she but knew 1 1 it. Those shooting pains that <) I almost drive one wild can be instantly allayed, and rest and sleep
      148 words
    • 376 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES I Is! M..iuh, 110 per inch. SutMequent ■«Mta,aV. P« -.hoitor p«riol« c 9 v.ilo cf Cbargen. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. S-PRING RACE MEETING. Tm <i>u Wk, fftiinlMi nth. W Sdtuntity 10th M'tij. Tickets of admission to the Grand Stand can now be had at Messrs. Jons Littlf a- Co.,
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    • 568 9 Pohoomull Bros. 40e HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Curioe and Silverware oi every description, Brassware, etc. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED Kame Co. 23, High Street. FINE ART JAPANESE CURIOS. Just Arrived JAPANESE HAND-PAMTED PICTURES IN LACQUERED FRAMES. Goods packod carefully and
      568 words
    • 485 9 NOTICE. Please DOM that on aud afte: la day, mj firm, 3HENG CO., will not be ie^u:.'i6ible for any orders lot goods, etc., not tearing my jwii signature. TAN K\Vi;i: JAASG. Siujjapoie, April 14, 1908. 899 THOMAS HANDRIHAN BATH. DECEASED. Ponaaatto tbe Conveyancing a^d Law jf Property Ordinance VI of
      485 words
    • 160 9 THE Alhamhra. Grand Change of Programme TO-NIGHT F TO-NIGHT F A TRIP TO THE SOUDAN. Home Work and Street Scenes in China. KELLY WALSH, Ltd. "LINETTE" or LINEN-GRAINED Playing Cards. Duplex, Round Corners, Thin, CONTAINING THE JOKBB The special feature in these Catch oonaWs in the fat that the sarfao
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  • 1249 10 NEW AND FASHIONABLE DANCES FOR THE YEAR. Cotillion and its Latest Figures. Dancers will find much pleasure in the undulating movements of a new dance, which is graceful and continuous, like waves which pursue one another, hence its name, La Vague, or the Wave. La Vague is suggested
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 612 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. »aid up capital ..115,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve •15.000,000( i2Bi 28 son 000 BUyer Reserve •13,600,000} M B5OO 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 115,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keewick. Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. Deputy Chairman. L.G. Barrett, Esq. n. R. Lenzmann.Esq.
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    • 532 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED Bl ROYAL CHARTER, i Paid np Capital in 60,000 Bbaree of ilMtach «1.»00,000 ReMrve Fund 478,000 Rewire Liability of Proprietors ..£1,200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants
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    • 77 10 Artie Tully. TURF COMMISSION AGENT. Raffle- Place (OVER ROBINSON PIANO CO.) Artie Tully, THE WELL-KNOWN STRAITS BOOKMAKER, Has opened a book on the forthcoming Singapore May Meeting, 12, 14 and 16. DOUBLE EVENTS ON 3 AND 4. 3 AND 5. AND 4 AND 5. FROM 1.000 TO 75. AMD TREBLE
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    • 256 10 I wish mamma didn't have headaches. The little ones cjiiickly notice tho difference when there is an aching head in the house. Then Steams' Headache Cure is the children's friend. AUCTION SALE OF WAR DEPARTMENT STOREB, To be held at The Ordnance Depot, Palo Brani, On Friday, May 8, at
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    • 617 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE of FREEHOLD PROPERTY, BITC.UE AND KNOWN AS No. 153, SERANQGONG ROAD, At H. L. Co. hi an and Co' 9 Sale-boou, Monday, May 4, at 2.30 p.m. All those two pieces of Land situate in the District of Rochore, marked No. 324 and No. 173
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    • 535 10 INSURANCE Companies •UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPAHT OF PARIS. ESTABLISHED 1828 RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000 The nndeisigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept Are riaks for long or short periods at current rate*. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by the agent* it, Singapore. MOINE COMTE A Co. CANTON
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  • 1425 11 CAR'S ADVANTAGES CLEVERLY DESCRIBED. Not the Brutish Man's Weapon In tlit- early days of a movenuut that affect- tlie common life of our age, and before we have learned to take all its new conditions for granted, it is north while to consider its effect upon our life and
    1,425 words
  • 50 11 In addition to the Sta. and other motor cai-s, Messrs. f, V. W'earne and Company have been appointed sole agents for the Standard and Belsize cars. A2O h. p., sixcylinder Staudard and a 14-17 h.p.. fourcylinder Belsi/.e. besides a 12 h.p.. fourcylinder Star are advertised as expected to arrive shortly.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 301 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGYLLS Two of Mm Celebrated SILENT 14-16's DE LUXE Expected Shortly. Adams Hewitts. Rovers. ON VIEW aT filinill DAAH XJQ MM* and 14-J 25. Orchard Read 9nUlff HWHD XT (Two Doors from Cold Storage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres! -NON SLIPS GROOVED) AND "ORDINARY" PLAIN HEAVY TYRES STOCKED IN
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    • 258 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements t Reduction in Prices!! THE BORNEO CO., LTD. BOVRIL should be in every home as welt v in every hospital. When you ant worried and cannot eat well nor ileep well, you will find a great help in BOVRIL. BEWARE OF
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 456 12 Scale of Charges. VKFPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MitoeIIi«.xras Wants of Erery Description, Houses, »\jl, eto to let, are inserted at the following Oiit Insertion I 1.90 per loch. Two a.OO Three 1.80 Sli 8.10 Nine 6.40 TweWe 7.80 Twenty-fire 10.00 (Each sabaequent month IS per inch.) Z'ao above rate is baaed upon
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    • 436 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Kins Fonr Line*, on or two insertion., (1.00 By the inch, see Seal* ot Charges. TEACHER WANTEO. Wanted at once, a European Teacher of the French Lauguage. Apply (with copies of Certificates) to the Director of The Academy of Languages," Batavia (Weltevreden). State terms and age. 9*3 A
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    • 609 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. RiTXj:— Fonr Lint!, ens or two Insertions, 11. Br :bs inch, set Scala of Chtrgas. OFFICE 80D0WN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No 7, Malacca Street. Apply tc GUTHRIE 4 CO., LTD. o ÜBS OFFICEB TO BE LET. Offices to be let in Cavenagh
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    • 662 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. Eire -Kocr I.!n«s. one or two insertion II.OC Xt the Inch, ins ic-.le of ntMPM ROOMS TO LET. Rooms to let, with or without board, at No. 3-a. Sophia Road. 780 OFFICE TO LET. No. 14, Raffles Place, to let from May 1. Apply Portuguese
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    • 404 12 B DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Sol, Agents, Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE ANO SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatable, refreshing and healthy drink, which is uo
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    • 371 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Katis :-l.t Month, II j par incb. Mutneqnent months, |.i. For shorter periods see KcMe of Charge*. NOTICE. We have admitted Mr. A. Frankel as partner in our firm, with eftect from Ist Aucn»t 1907. A. FRANKEL Co 1 Siogapcre, 27th April, 1908. NOTICE. Julia llowe having left
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