The Straits Times, 13 March 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.598. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 13. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 JUST ARRIVED Dc Dion DRY CELLS. Order at once to avoid disappointment. p miPiRF o Pft t Motor Show-Rooms, W» UUI Il\ L. CX UU. HOTEL DELEUROPE BUILDINGS, SINOAPORK. KATZ BROS., Ltd. Carpets Carpeting and Linoleums. 2sTE"W" ARTISTIC DESIO-NS. POPULAR PRICES. KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Raffles HH Hotel. SINGAPORE. 0 Special
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    • 205 1 ROBINSON Company. SEWING MACHINES. g |||||jpiMpT- New Family Hand Machine i' ig\ Will sew from the Finest f»W. Muslin to the Stoutest Cloth. «8»y a^t" TuiB Macliino in on a Walnnt Base, with Kant aii'l Loowi l^^t' .Jj'%-"l!:;^fc. Jj' l!:;^fc BaWLMfSy v Wheel Multiplying Action, Automatic Bobbin Windor, ami T§2g(&
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    • 211 1 ADELPKI HOTEL. OJN C3-TJIEST 1 NIGHTS THE 2ND ROYAL WEST KENT BAND plays during and after dinner. Those nnablu to attend the dinner are ibvitcd to nome afterwards and hear the music on the lawn, which it now laid ont with tables and scats in CONTINENTAL FASHION. NEXT GUEST NIGHT
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    • 30 1 Mr. W. H.M.Browne (of Mussre. FROST and SHI I'M 01. W(;Btorn Australia), Eyesight Spectacle Specialist, may be consulted at THE DISPENSARY BUILDINGS, 43, Raffles Place. Spectacles and Examination, from 116.
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  • 1062 2 NOVEL AND BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS EXPECTED. Eastern Vogues of Sleeves. .Match brings many whispers as to the caprices of Dame Fashion, aud ono rumour is a promise o( a return to simplicity in MM as rich materials are t> be used. How far, however, the return to simplicity
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 446 2 EAGLE CEMENT. 7or all Jiigd-elass VOork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY. 6 ORCHARD ROAD. We havo just landed, ex S.S. Olenloohy," 9 English Harness Horses iv splendid condi tion anil ready for almost immediate use. We
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    • 872 2 PLENTY TO EAT, BUT STARVING. Tbvt Is Tuk Condiiios of Many Pkoi-ms .U, i.m i>.i> With Stomacu I'koublks Tuk Little Tukv Eat Doks Thkm No Oood, Tueik Systems Ake Starves Fob Want of Nourishment. DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS Havk Cured Thousands of Such Suffkkers. Hkrk Is Thk Expkrikncr Of a
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    • 33 2 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, raoom neude.l by the best medical aothoritiea. Easy so take and certain in resalt-t. To be had of 1 thermit*. Wholesale fr.jin Tue Pharmacy, Rittory Rood, H:ii;*ii n mm
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    • 209 2 A Second Shipment of 5,000 Malay Odeon Records TO ARRIVE ON THE 14th INSTANT Over 2,000 different songs havo beeu recently taken in Singapore and Java ODEON ARE THE ONLY double -sii>ed RECORDS THAT ALWAYS RECORDS EXCEED EXPECTATIONS. SOLE AGENTS: LEVY HERMANOS. "DOG'S HEAP BRAND Registered Efl J^JjN*! Trade Mark
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  • 1114 3 JOKES AND JOTTINGS FROM THE WORLD'S PRESS. You loved her very much? So much that wh«n her first husband died I married her that I might share her grief and so lessen it. And how did it work? Fine I I'm sorrier now for bis death than
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  • 126 3 This is essentially the »ge for the commercial utilisation of wa«te prodnctß. Upon the Hclgian Government railway system, newspapers left in the train are tho property of the nation, to be used by it. according to Chmnbcrs'a Journal, for the manufacture of railway-tickets. Tim papers are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 THe HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. IT3STABLISHED IZsT 18SS) MANUFACTURERS Ot* 1 Pure Manila Rope. 3 STRAND 4 STRAND CABLE LAID 1/2" to IT 8" to 10" 6" to 10" Priceh. Sample and fnll particulars will be forwarded on application to Agent i W. A. STOPANI, 821 25-1, BOAT QUAY, SINGAPORE.
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    • 33 3 Hkadacues are never too large to be driven an-ay by Strarnx' Headache Cure. It's a Rraall dose, and it's safe and it is easy to take, but it does the work every time.
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    • 996 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Sprint; Race- Meeting will oe held 01 Tuesday Mm 12th, Thursdny th<; 14th, aoc Saturday tlio 10th May, 1W8. FIRST DAY. Twnday, Miy 12, lf)OH. 1 -THE MAIDEN PLATE— Valae 1600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Ex-Griffins allowed 7 lba. Entrance, 920. Distance, B.C.
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    • 319 3 i must be made before the Start of Race No 6 on that day. Owners of Griffins are intitled to en'er fci either of lfc« toDovtog s. ries of Kn.-es I'm i i> rim Sn. 1 First Day— K.iea N0.7 S< end Day— Race No. 8 Third r Jij-n«*No. 7
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  • 384 4 Variety of Opinions as to Course of Battleships. Tlie Mlowiaa afaaial tflcßramß to tbe Miiiula Tituoß betray a gruat variety of opinion?- n» to tin- route to M followed liy tlie Am ii. ,iv battleship leal vow in tlie Pacific Occ:an, oil South America Tlie IU-licato HitiiHtion
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  • 141 4 Mr. Kugene Wason, M.l., lias drawn tbe Homo Secretary's attention to Limerick compotitionH ir. ncrtaiu npwsjiaporß. Mr. Wason iHki-ii Mi (iladstonc tMM iiavinp regard to the quasi- gambling nature of these •iompetitions," lie would be prci»arod with legislation to deal with the bubject. Tho Home Secretary replied
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  • 183 4 Tht Indian I'ii.m-er takes from aD Army report some inteiutsting couclusiouh with re(•aril U> Mm cyi-sinht of soldiers in India. Mi i have MMasjtsd thoniHihts for examination, and in consequence many, by the ur- iif s|>tctnf.U-s. Imvi- hu«i their distant vision so far ii.i!rovr:l ;i- to render
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  • 879 4 Nam-', port, probablf <l<it, of arrival, and MM oj Agrnts. STEAMERS. Agamemnon, Chma, Mar IS W. Mau^iW Airlie, Kvduey, Apl 21 Bonntead Ajax, China, Apl 11; W. Mant.6t.ld Alcinoas, Liverp 01, Apl 2 W Matu£el>l Alicante. Manila. Mar 21 Barlow \rcidia, Colombo. May 22; P. O. Coy. Australiea,
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  • 134 4 The St. Andrews golfer who has succeeded in decapitating a hird with his ball in not the only mau nho lias accomplished this murderous feat. Not long ago a player, driving from tho tco on the Birkdale links, (struck a bird about forty yards distant with hin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 2 Facts of Absorbino; Interest To Those Who Are In The Clutches Or Rheumatism On:; c.uinot be too quifkly cun-d of Rheuinatibni. To get rid of those a-.vf ul pains that make life a never-ending series of torture, SOW mild, now excruciating, to-J iv i:i bed, to-morrow hobbling around on
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    • 716 4 STEAMER 8AILIHGS. P 7& O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills at Lading Issued for China Jout, Persian Gulf Continental, and American »orts. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or aboot MAIL LINE. Outward (/or China,. 19C8 IfdUu
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    • 694 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SGHEEPYAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this oompany maintain egnlar Mrrioe between: Singapore, Soarabaya, Bsndjermaain, Polo i»ut, Balik Papan, Kootei, with transhipment I Bandiermasta tor Bamptt, Mandawal, ioemai, Kotta WarTngtn, Djelal. The steamers hare good aooomodatfon for first tnd neoond olasa passengers. Ton Gift. J.8.
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    • 538 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER 8ERVICE By the new «teamen "RHENANIA," HABSBURO," HOHKNSTA0FEN." Chese steamon offer to the public tne hi*he*t Comfort yet attained in Ooean Travelling. They have very large oabins, provided a ith only lower berths. The cabins a_e amidships tnd fittod witn (ana. Laaudrr on bo*rt.
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    • 727 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. RORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Q«rm*n Mail Lin* The fast and well known mail iteam' rt> i < tail Company jail fortuightly from Brsrai-i-Hamburg vis Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathauii on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonncctioi iaraeillea, Naples, Alexandria, and Tioe >. i >or Said, rinau, Aden, Colombo, Peoane, Itngapore,
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    • 64 4 "'Til not onouj?h to help the feeble but up' to support him after," according to Shakes peare. Persons just gcUinK over severe ill msH need the "after support" *o well given by Steams' Wine. It is just the tiling to bring hack htrcnyth and vigour, aud MM rich, red b'ooil
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  • 392 5 Passengers Outward. I'd P. 'lid Oi itwuni r Him il iv 1, a ■mutt j ■v" ;it. Cokmba \>i:h uteamet Malta, dot Marl.;: W C. H. Boannqout, Mr. J.Cbanipuoy, Hi. A. N. Hh^uull, Mr. F. ( Ut bklunil. Mr. H Gaiway, Mr. A. 11. Bagnall, Mr. Taobetiniaa,
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  • 82 5 Wharves at which Vts.-el« are Herthed To-day TlliOlO»R Wn«ur ltvsis- N.l. F.A-T W. KicTinN I— Knifukii Mtrn, Boa Bbawa. Sit 1 1 (SHUKiti Whakk):— Voudal. llamiua Ko J Patiala, B ifola. |->.M. 4 Japan. 5-Nii. t— Biagnra, 11 7-KamakQra Maru. I— Trafalfv,
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  • 64 5 Outhaku P. A O. Mail. Chi outward P. aud (> mail Malta left I'euaiiK at 9 am., yt-slt -rday, aud may be expected to arrive hew at .5 pin., to-day. Homeward German Mail. TliU Imperial G-rmaii mail stoamcr Goubeu having left Ilongkong r»t uoou. on tbe lltb
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  • 139 5 FOll fita SrE.'.uK'i fir". To-Moaanw lilMtink \i::ni«>,.i irkmig, sh.uiu'biii. Japan HWa h a.m. \u:imb.'. Kaluoa Uaod Hunlca 11a.m. Indragiri Ab^Tkpi noon K. l'aba:i.:, .1:1. K'wi BwMllll 1 P-m. 1' Bwcttouham, Penauß I'm 1 p.m. P. b'teuliam aud Peuatig I'crah 1 p.m. Hahaagi Huu/.. Gi-uoa 7', ntraaaU p
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  • 93 5 from ii n H^' (C. D March 30. From Chin* By tbe N I >. I. I lu« ¥«eb r > ■■im- i r U \pore I'uo iu i. >iil" Vtu 10 M. M Man-h 4 Kucb 5 }eli U I'.«O. tfaltdi 7 March 7 Tub II
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  • 1138 5 ;\m x llii- barihl lli« followiiiK nbbroviatioiu *re *,«l: itr.-aMUMr: »h.-«hip; l«j.— bar<)u«; *eta. ihuuiwr; Vi-t. V:w:i». <ru. -Cniliwr fl'hl.—Mun,,..,t; If.p.- -lioiwpnwer Brit.— trittah; r. s. -l'nil.,1 st aos; Pull. Wimt (ier.— lernwi Hut. Duti-li It ii. Itilim Sinn.— Spanish; rak; Rx^-OwMnleana: -t.p. ileck paa*.,ior- r.-
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  • 291 5 Hundred and Sixty Rebels Killed hy Dutch Soldiers. The (•oliiicai sitmMkM in Sumatra, whan a rebellion has broken OOS, is siiil to b«) virv iutricatc. Thi' island is p 11 iv'.lnl out into four Status ruled by th< il own t'hii ftains or Sultanwho have very little
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  • 74 5 ■March u 1 Qjiuta, (Jet str, Langkat Socotra, Brit str, Antwerp v: i i.orts t Denbigh Hall. Brit str, Ba»s4u Teo Pao, Ger str. Macassar, Meiiidu, Icruate Kilbride, Brit etr, Moulincin 13 Delta, Erit str, Bombay via ports Ban Poh GnaD, Brit etr, Macassar via ports Van Hogendorp, Dutstr,
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  • 174 5 The increase in tlio price of butter in London is caused by a shortage of the Colon ial article. There was a dry time in the critical Auii traliau spring season, August to October and tho output of butter at the facto* it in Victoria and
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  • 132 5 The Counttss of Seftun, \Wjg, we lcaru has IIMWltlj ihO* bar nrxt lii>n i'l Abys-inia is by no means thu only Society lady whu ha* accomplished this unkininiue tad Mrs. Alau Oarduer, accompanied by her husband, lias < xylortd not only India but the wflOMl and most
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 HOW DIPHTHERIA IS CONTRACTED. (on My child ca'j':'nt r aerefe cold wUofa dereloped irto ,lilO.:t'-..v:'.' ■rhea Hml the jold liad simply U (t Hrn littU lih- i^.vtic.ilarly tanoanathh to Urn vanalaring diphtheria germ. Wben Li'.aiabcrlain'E Coi'sl; Remedy is rivcti i". r:ot only onm tbc cold, bat "ready kwaeni l'.:o dsnrcr
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    • 416 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. jm V KT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD. i regular KOKTN1Q1ITL1 moe i.i ruajnlaiDo! batwoea Jaffa and K'uope by the knowing NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, i L'udnr Mail Cuntruni with tin 1 Imperial JapanMi Q .w uuni.ut, specially doaigaed for the Company's Banmaa Service, lighted through- .in DJ Klu-trieity,
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    • 482 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HlliliCKlt NEKVICE OF THE OCEAN S.S. COY., LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BETWEEN FKE.tIAVI'LL (PERTH) .\OKTII vvis 1 UMituin POETS. J.IVA ASn m><:troiM Jtegular Fortnightly sailiugs betweou Siuga i uore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sonnd, 1 (Port for
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    • 316 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO.. LTD. The ti-.'Uipuiie«' awamero are doapatcbod from Liverpool outwards (or the Straits, China and Japan every wuok, and from Japan home- wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Oenoi, Manoillea aud Liverpool mouth!y. Oue
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    • 546 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA UHINA JAPAN, CANADA i»r. 1 tb« DNITED STATES. ltouto from iknijUong, via Shanghai, Niu:n :aki IfUtod Soa of Japau), Kob", Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, B.M H. ••Kmimus or Ihdia" Twin-Bcrow rtea
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    • 193 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Mch 11-At Sale-room, office and aonaaasU furniture, at il a m. 17— At Sale-room, VBlnahle properties a» Buffalo Road and Kerbau Road, al 2-30 pm. :>*— At the Public Works Dcpt, K:m.iat, n Kerbau, uußcrvicoMe storas, at 2-30 p.m. 11. L. Cosrhlan and Co. Mcb
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 138 5 DAY BY UAV Priday, March IJ. Hi«h Water. 9-a pm. ruotbill S.HC. v. 2nd XI. R.O.A. Annual Mcutiug Chamber of Coiiimi P O. outnanl mail due. Municipal Cirnmission. M 0 p.m. Social Brantegol the W.C.T.U. at V.W.i A p.m. S. C. 0. tuillll t lurunmcnt. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Albambra Cinematoßraph
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  • 29 6 Toft. At Ipoh. on March 9, Gerald Arthur Alexander, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J A. A. Toft, of Teluk Anson, tged 3 year* and 27 day*.
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  • 770 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, MARCH 18. A correspondent writes to us in regard to some recent criticisms of ours on the Crown Agents. He says that he does not see eye to eye with us on the subject, but we do not mind that a little bit.
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  • 629 6 A few days ago, we announced that negotiations were in progress for the recognition by Siam of British supremacy in regard to the Native States of Triogganu and Kelantan. We believe we are correct in stating that the Native State of Kedah is also included in the transfer to British
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  • 23 6 Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistate, sentenced a Chinaman to a month's rigoious imprisonment, yesterday, for theft of a catty of pork.
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  • 23 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, lined ten Bengalis 95 each, yesterday, for .ittempting to leave the Colony without a certificate.
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  • 31 6 The by-election at Hastings, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Harvey Dv Cros, has resulted as follows Mr. Arthur Dv Cron (Unionist) 4,496; Mr. Harcourt (Liberal) 3.477.
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  • 23 6 No less than 7,000 candidates are up for the Entrance examination of tho Calcutta University, and B.OOP arc being examined in Calcutta itself.
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  • 26 6 Tbe anarchist who shot the Chief of Police md liis son at Chicago has been identified as a Russian student who fled from Klishineff in 1906.
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  • 27 6 The annual general meeting of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society will be held at the Riffles Library on Tuesday, March 24, at 5 p.m.
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  • 31 6 The De Potter 1908 world's party from New York will arrive in Singapore from India on the 18th instant, and will make the Grand Hotel Europe their headquarters while in Malaya.
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  • 39 6 Two large hopper barges, each having a capacity for 100 tons, for the dredger Crab, left Singapore for Penang last week, towed by a tug from the Tanjong Pagar Dock. They were expected to arrive at Penang on Monday.
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  • 33 6 We hear that the Kuala Lumpur station scheme, up"n which we commented some tirrj ago, has been postponed. Does this fo.eshadow important developments at Kuala Lumpur, or merely a re-consideration of the scheme
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  • 49 6 S. Ibrami, a Bengali driver employed by Messrs. Fracer and Neave, appeared before the Second Magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of using as genuine a forged delivery order in counter-foil. The hearing of the enqniry was adjourned for a week, accused being granted bail in the sum of t5OO.
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  • 54 6 A syce drove a nonya to Emerald Hill Road, on Wednesday, and went to sleep, leaving the horse and carriage in charge of a small boy. When he woke up, at 2 a.m., be found the horse missing. It was discovered subsequently without the harness, which was valued at $20.
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  • 62 6 An informer offered to take the police to a coining den, on Wednesday, and took them to a sugar shop, where be pointed out some counterfeit dollars and a mould under a stairway. The matter looked so much like a plant that the police arrested the informer on a charge
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  • 63 6 Says the Pinang Gazette:— The import trade of the Colony continues to be very bad; if anything it is worse in Penaug than in Singapore, where the pernicious system of extended credits to dealers has never been allowed to obtain the s iiue foothold as in the Senior Settlement. Nevertheless,
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  • 66 6 Mrs. Leask, tbe wife of Dr. Leask, had •35 in notes in her room, hidden in a bag behind some boards. When she went to look for the money, on Wednesday, she found it missing. On being pressed, the Hylara bny confessed to having taken the notes, believing them to
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  • 67 6 Tan Soon Swee lent 1250 to an acquaintance on a promissory note, and the other day he discovered that the note was missing from itscustomaiy place. He informed its maker, who said that as tbe note was due he had paid the 1250 to one Tan Seah, who had presented
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  • 100 6 We have received from Mr. H. N. Ridley, Director of Botanic Gardens, Straits Settlemeats, copies of the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States for January and February, volume 7. Each publication contains a number of interesting and well- written articles. la the January number, Mr. Ridley's notes
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  • 844 6 Mr. H. R. H. Coxe will act upon Mm Calcutta Hi«h Court Beuch. vic>> Mr. Justice Caspersz, placed on inspection duty. Mr. Mitra, Deputy Magistrate of Howrab, India, who was one of the victims of the vitriol throwing outrage, is dead Major Wreford Brown, of the Northumberland
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 Just Arrived. Choice Messina LEMONS. THOM7S9N, THOMAS CO., f" f\ i, Per.(oz.l«^| Cts. Provision Stamford lioad, Murchauts, Singapore. GELDNGS F.R SALE CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brass Basah Road, SingaporeApairofniark Gel 'ing*, 16 lianrl', s- itaMc for big Victoria or Linda 'i. Owner leaving for The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in VurOie.
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    • 267 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night! NEW PROGRAMME. ALL NEW FILMS. NORTHERN VENICE Elixir of Strength The Incendiary Foreman Tbe Game of Cbeaa A New Way of Travelling A Cruel Joke Tbe Frog An Up-to-date Removal An Unlucky Old Flirt Tbe Pirate. OILY PATHE FRERES FILMS. L. F. WILLIS, Manager. fPbotograpdy.
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  • 346 7 IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY THE RUSSIAN MINISTER. Legation at Tokio Raised to Embassy Rank. [Rtr rr's Tbuokah j London, March 12. The Duma ha.i held a discussion upon the Bill introduced by M. Isvolsky, tbe Russian Foreign Minister, for the conversion of the Legation at Tokio into
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  • 82 7 [Rkctis'a Tblet,bamj London, March 12. M. Fallieres, the Freuch President, on tbe occasion of the opening of the Franoo-British Exhibition in London, will accompany the King. The City of London will entertain the President at luncheon. |D«R OsTAMATIsnHK LLOTD TbLBQRAM Berlin, March 12. M.
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  • 77 7 Barcelona Visit a Great Political Success. 1 rUcTK's Tbleoraml London, March 18. The courage of King AUonso in braving the risks ot' Barcelona has mai'e the visit a great political success. There is some talk of the explosion of a bomb in the harbour, but the incident is
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  • 54 7 1 RSCTIBS TILBORAM London, March 12. The House of Lords has rejected the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill, which had been read a third time in the House of Commons, after adopting, by 153 70tes to 88 an amendment made by the Dnke of
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  • 21 7 [RaUTH'ft TBLBURjkMj London, March 18. Mr. Drury, of British Columbia, has been ainointed Canadian Immigration Agent in Japac.
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  • 26 7 [I)BB OtTOUTISCBB I. LOTS TblßClß**! Berlin, March 12. The Shantung Mining Company, a German concern, is increasing its capital to three million marks.
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  • 188 7 School (o Relieve Congestion in the High School. (From Oob Own Correspondent.) Malacca, March 10. A primary or infants' school, in connection with the High School, was opened on the 2nd instant, by Mr. M. Hellier, Inspector of Schools. It has accommodation for 100 scholars. and is
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  • 590 7 Ml Evidence Taken and Magistrates' Decision Reserved. Messrs. Howard and Gibson, sitting ai a Bench Court, yesterday iutiih m. concluded .lie bearing uf tin: case against Mr. L. F. j Willis, Manager of the Alhanibra Cinemato- ;raph, wlio is charged with criminal breach >i' trust in respect
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  • 55 7 Three Hokien women appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Colman, this morning, on a charge of kidnapping, from the lawful guardianship of one Yok Choon Wee, a girl named Yak Moo Kwee. Two of the women were discharged, and the case against the third was
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  • 99 7 Several rumours have recently been current regarding the future of the Grand Hotel I Europe. It was at fir-t announced that the management of Gordon's Hotels, Limited, of London, had negotiated a purchase, but this is not true. We are now in a position
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  • 79 7 Mr.Oibhs,thc gentleman who was landed at the Quarani me Station, f torn the British India steamer Putiala, with small pox, is an Australian. He was travelling from Calcutta with his mother, who has gone to St. John* Island with him to nurse biui. Ho is believed to
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  • 557 7 STRIKE IN SINGAPORE CANNING FACTORIES. More Wages and Less Work Wanted. A crisis has arisen in tho Singapore pineapple industry owing to the action of a section of the workers who have demanded an increase of pay with a reduction of tbe hours of labour. On Tuesday, a
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  • 162 7 Public Examination of the Debtor Closed. In the Council Chamber, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith heard thy conclusion of the public examination in bankruptcy of Mr. H<trold Latham. Mr. A. M. Hogg, in reply to Mr. Baddelley, Official Assignee, explained tbe payment of tbe 919,921 cheque
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  • 91 7 Loh Yui, the coolie who was before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, nn Weduesday. on a charge of travelling on the Singapore-Kranji Railway without a ticket, and of wilfully defacing a ticket, was fined tlOon the first charge, and tls on the second, yesterday. This has
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  • 78 7 The Frencl' yacht, Nirvana, 285 tons. Captain J. H Enard, which left Marseilles on February 11, has arrived in Colombo. Comtesf J de Beam, the owner of the yacht, is due there from Marseilles on the 17th instant by the steamer Omrab, accompanit d by
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  • 59 7 Chan Oeok Beng, an English-speaking clerk employed by Chop Soon Uuau Cbau, has been arrested on a charge of criminal breach of trust in rwnpect of two cheques having a total value of $3,344 18, which be was sent to tbe Chartered Bank with. Tbe hearing
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  • 605 7 SUGGESTED SUBSTITUTE FOR THE CROWN AGENTS. Control by the Local Government Advocated. The following letter has been sent to us for publication Singapore, March 11. Sir, I have seen notices of several attempts that are being made in the House of Commons to get, nearer to the
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  • 194 7 \nti-Opiumists Desire Special Wards in Hospitals. At the Anti-Opium Association's Conference in Penang on Saturday, the following resolution was adopted That the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States be requested to establish without delay special homes, and to reserve special wards in the
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  • 99 7 With reference to the proceedings of the Marine Court of enquiry into the grounding of the steamer Glenogle on the DeSil va Shoal on October 1, whilst in pilotage charge of Mr. E. Ottewell, licensed pilot, the Lieute-nant-Governor conenrs in the finding of the Court, says
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  • 127 7 Commenting on tbe Agri-Horticultural Show of 1908 to take place iv Kuala Lumpur on August 10 aud two lolluwing da>B, tbe Malay Mail says that tliu committee selected to bear the responsibility uf oigacising tbe Show U undouuiedly an efficient aud lepreHouutive one, wel. lilted to carry out suecessiuliy tbe
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  • 402 7 Resumed Hearing of the Opium Farm Case. The case of Dr. F. W. Goonetilleke v. The Opium Farm and its Prosecuting Agent, Mr. C. H. Daike, for 9 10,000 damages, for alleged assault, false irapiisonmeot and malicious prosecution, was coutinu. d before Mr. Justice Fisher, yesterday
    402 words
  • 267 7 Friendly Action Relative to Wealthy Chinaman's I'roperty. Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice, iave judgment, at 10 30 am. today, in the friendly originating summons for a lecision of the Court relative to cor. win matters in connection with the ostate of the late Tan
    267 words
  • 52 7 A cargo of tobacco and sugar arrived from Deli, this morning, by tho ISriti-li steamer Hebe. Sugar from Iloilo, is the cargo of the British steamer Haddon Hall, which arrived, yesterday en route to Greenock. Over 1,200 passengers arrived from Amoj and Hongkoug, yesteiday, by the Hamburg America
    52 words
  • 27 7 The manager of the Sipiau Tin Company, Limited, sends a corrected return for February output, namely. 145 piculs, as against 110 piculs reported previously.
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  • 34 7 Another pilgrim steamer, the Biitish ship Prometheus, arrivod from Jedilah, this morning, with 823 pilgrims, who were lauded at St. John's Island. There were eight deaths between Jeddah and Penang.
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  • 59 7 Before Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magis trate, yesterday afteruoin, Messrs. John Little and Company prosecnted an asiistan salesman named Wee H ick Seng, ou h charge of criminal breach ot tiust of tl, received by him for pins sold. He pleaded
    59 words
  • 31 7 Mr. N.Liz urns will be leaving Singapore on the 21st inst., and wishes 10 announce that patients dei-irous of consulting him should do so as eaily in next week as possible.
    31 words
  • 59 7 Mr. Alfred Lea delivered an interesting lecture on coal, before the.Epworth Leag ie, at the Short Stret-t School, last night, fhe lecture was iliustraU d by a cample black diamond, by a chart showing the different g ol>«ical periods and by a map illu-trating the differeut coal be-ls of Eugland,
    59 words
  • 193 7 LIKE UNTO THE GOVERNOR OF LEBANON. British Proposal to the Powers. [Rrotxr's Tklkoram] London. March 12. It appears that the proposal of the Briti-h Government in regard to the appointment of a Governor-General in Miccdonia stipulates that his position shall be similar to that of the Governor
    193 words
  • 358 7 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. The following is Messrs Fraser an<l Company's weekly share circular. Singapore, March 12. Apart from a small flutter in Duff Developments, the market has been dcv..M of any social feature excepting that Indut-tiials have claimed more attention than ha* been the
    358 words
  • 348 7 The Criminal Misappropriation Charge. Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, this morning, continued the hearing uf tlis charge against ltichard Walton, who accused of tliH criminal misappropriation of a cheque for 9100 belonging to Mr. U. J. McLauchlan. The Proprietress of the Singapore Ho'el substantiated the
    348 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 151 8 la Urn South lixliuu A- -oi i.itiun tootbull toiirnaic.nt, at Mtl'a-. m i!,c :tnl iustaut. Mm I.cictstc.s and Bhefwuw] Forcrten pljivfl a draw, no gotta being Mored. leooniuM i<» thu Ranawoa liu/.ctu. the iuterport riilo match, won by Siuy>ipore ovw Colombo and Rangoon, was (tifciingaitbod by excellent
      151 words
    • 41 8 Club Launches. The Swimming Club launches lor next .Sunday, the 15th iust., will run as under I'rum Johnston's Pier tf, 0, aud 10 a.m., 2.30 md 3.30 p.m., returning from Buu«nlow M..JO tod 9.80 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5 p.m.
      41 words
    • 72 8 Uangkok Chess Club. Tho match between coitus foiiucd by ■■v mben present ;it the v,.-_kiy meeting 01 ;hu <-hessClub on tho 4th iust.. resulted in a win for Mr. Sehwane'a team by 1 game* to 1, is follow Mr Bdiwana 1 Mr. (tough 0 tfr. Mill < 1 Mr.
      72 words
    • 184 8 Itan^kok Owners MeetingU the Bajal Baaghoh Sports Club on the Itb inst., a meeting ol owners of racing ponies nraa held, Mr. A. E. Stiveu presiding. It was I' oidod to hold ;i sky meeting, butiusteaJ of time d;iys' racing iv one week, then will be lacing on
      184 words
    • 175 8 Competitions in Penang. In tho riflo shojotiug competitiou^ bald under the auspices of the l'euaog Volunteer Corps, the Corps Prize presented by the Penang Volunteors, to be fired for by the companies of tho Cadet Corps, was won by Lance Corporal Che Pc. of the Free School, with
      175 words
    • 217 8 tingland v. South Australia. \n Adelaide wire of Hie 3rd instant says The weather here is hot today. The wicket continues a good one. Kugland wore all out today for 404 runs ol which Khodes scored IS, South Australia then went in. and scored 244 runs for 4 wickets,
      217 words
    • 86 8 uv.. f.vrnty Clnu.-.>fip],,aß.d before the Third MagisUaV. Mr. E. K. Colman, thi R rajnune, on a t'iargc ct patueipatin'' in the fatal riot in Park lioad. Tho hearing of the caso postponed for a wepk owing to the fact that somo of the aconsfrl are
      86 words
    • 660 8 I Results of Yesterday's Hay on the! Esplanade. Kartetdaj reaoUi iv Urn s.c Lawa Tennis tournament were us foll«;-> A Class BBMHB, .1. Hobert.son scr. bent T. (i. TluaiTglllli. owe 3. 6—3, 2-<l, 6— 1. N. E. Kent -or., beat Salzmaun. m I < 6 -H. 6—B.
      660 words
  • 211 8 Weekly Returns of the Registrar of Deaths. The Wteld] ruturu of mortality in einaa pore, prepared by Dr. D. K. McDowell, shows a ilicroaso of U in the number of dcatbs occurring during the week ended March 7 week™ 1 tl)l Ulimbcr in tho Previous The
    211 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 314 8 'L'o Urn Editor of the straits Tinia*. Tanglin. Mnieh Is, I Sir,— Yesterday af'eruoou, on my wa home, I passed the Orchard Koad Polio Station at about 5410, ud in froul of th Station I saw a Native Constable with a riii iv his hand iuto whioh he
      314 words
  • 200 8 Another Increased Output, but a Decrease in Duty. The advauue cf weight ot block tin aud tin-ore exported from tho Federated Jlalny States duriug January and February, aud of duty collected thnreou, as compared with the corrcs]X)udin{{ period of the previous year, has been forwarded to us
    200 words
  • 42 8 'ILc apart! of tin from Perak during February, according to advance figures, liable to correction, sent to us by the Aetiug Secretary to the Resilient, are as follow T 'n 1,468 piculs, 76 catti.;- Tiuon JG.563 63 Duty ?J35,806.68
    42 words
  • 122 8 The departure of H Beau, tho Oovuraor. General of Indo- China, for France has becu followed by that of M. Haidouin, his Colonial Secretary. Both of theui m Uocn Hupporters of thu anti opium smoking movement set on foot by the Homo Government. K. liardouin was
    122 words
  • 58 8 Threo Javanoso have been arrested on a a charge of honsabroikiDg, and theft of a box i it cintaining clothing and joweUpry valatd at d 5356.70, the propcity of one MohVmed. An 'ri idjournment was grßntcd till the 19th iai :nsUnt by the Socornl ilagiutrate, lit.
    58 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 647 8 "MALTHOID" ■IRKRRL HOOFING Tbj question often urUia ,n Urn mini uf tt man about t.. build "I WMMH it.MAllUoidujild be MitaMe". We certify troiii mauy years' practical experieucs tliat M-.lthoid will be louua i/unitiibily sausfdctory ou every clas, ot bnilding is «ot seemly, do it not; tt «'j not true,
      647 words
    • 354 8 Mn Jbittle <£ 6o. 9 J&f A, Singapore, I Tailoring Department. TUh l!cp:irini, nil 1 r the M i'm. ■f Mr. c. r. i ..irbinu, an expert I I Our Stock of Tailoring Materials h mblmi witli al! v- batMl fo«MtiM ANGOLAS. CHEVIOTS. TWEEOS. SHIRTINGS. TROPICAL AND TENNIS FLANNELS. ONE
      354 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 368 9 Mte of formsion IMS 1907 1801 1908 1907 1901 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1904 1907 1906 Capital Sobeoribed •800,000 WOO.OOO •soo.ono *****00 i 1600,000 £400,000 £860.000 1100,000 1375.000 £60,000 £<SO,OOO £100,0<K) £100.000 »180,000 I W»,000 £120,000 £130.000 *SO,OOO I £N>,ooo 1450,000 »557.600 £260,000 179.300 fittt.hnn i
      368 words
    • 409 9 19OS 1908 £160,000 I*oo,ooo £116,6 M •IOS.OOO I. 46,600 V 88,600 10,600 7,000 1 11.000 61,000 13.600 6,000 1 6,000 66,000 I 181.444 133,646 180,000 f 184,000 70,000 I 160 •1,600 I 900,000 I 10,000 r 116.000 140.000 48.000 30,000 23,600 if 8,688 I 13,411 1.000 f 16,8000 37,000
      409 words
    • 204 9 1f)94 1898 I*Bs 1905 189< 1901 18M £3.877.10.0 *4,80fl •Ml.OOO «*M.OOO [116.000,000 »1.5,0.1U^f t5.400,000 M,» 00,000 I »1 ,000,000 11,000,000 131,000 ISI.OOO »87i,000 j t575,0C0 tSOO.OOO I'/iC.MO tAO.noo I »so.nno I £750,000 £750,001) 1160,000 SUS.OOO fiUU.U<» l I 1300.0 0 »<OO 000 »3.000.00y jtSO -«i MO.OOO •6»5 7,688 4.500
      204 words
    • 88 9 <iambier buyorr 080 do (Cub* No. ll anpirkwl ,10 80 Copra Bali 645 do Pontian;»k 610 Pepper, Blaok 12 95 do 6% buyprs 21 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 2 97J do Bn.uui N... 1 2 95 Pe»rl St#o 895 Coffee Bali, picked 28 00 Coffee. Pnlembaag, "J<H Wi- nom.
      88 words
    • 126 9 M /-t>»«f<m —Bank 4 m/« 2 4jt Demand v/« I' Private 6 jat- 2/4 do 8 m.'n 2/4* {h>a*n*anj,-hankai& 287 Private 8 m/n 241 J do em/* 3*4} On ftM-ifr— Rank d/d 201 Privato 8 m/a 296 do A m/« '^99 -M India— Bank T. T. 174 Private 80
      126 words
    • 57 9 Uotmrth Krsktoe 6% MOO.OCO S\ prem. Riley H»vr«reavea 6% WB.OCO 3% prem H'pore Electrio Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 350,000 nominal dlnflapore Mun»olpa 6% 400.W0 80% p'«m 1.R78.0n0 8* prem. U'V 1.600.000 5% prem. 4% 608,900 J% die nom. Strait* Ko^iiiHTiutf Byd., Ltd. 6% 46.000 par. ranioni; D. B. t%
      57 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 239 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES 11/ r -i- Hi Mon.L, «lv fw iuch. SobMqtteit Monties*;. Fcr nhort.r p«riodii M Heal. of Chhrfw*. NOTICE. NOTICE 18 UEBEBY OIVKN that I have removed from Thompson Uoad t" No. 145-4, Tanjong Rhu. I shall bo at Tnujoni: Rhn front B a.m. to aoon, and atNo. 111,
      239 words
    • 277 9 CHARLES -Cjb HEIDSIECK'S Cpfj£i White Seal WP\ Champagne. TT Behn, M«yer A Co Ld Singapore and Fewing. lA oepot i Singapore, HuHH IOHI LITTLE 4 f« Ud. L^^^| March 90 m.w.f. n.C. SEI.F CURE NO FICTIONk MARVEL. UPON MARVEL,! NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but tLout rucr.'ng a doctor's bill
      277 words
    • 338 9 Jba yieina del Oriente, MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS FROM BEST MANILA TOBACCO LEAF. LA ISABELA. NEW STOCK OF WELL-MATURED BRANDS. Porfectos box of 25 Price 91.75 Roma Victoria box of lOOPriet J4.00 Reina Victoria. 60 2.16 High Life 100 2.76 High Life, Bpecial.. 60 160 Brevas 60 1.60 Regalias 60 1.50
      338 words
    • 227 9 Pohoomull Bros. 40e HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANT' Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Curios ind Silverware of every description, Brassware, eke. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED Kame Co. 23, IHigh Street. FINE ART JAPANESE CURIOS. Just Arrived JAPANESE HAND-PAINTEO PICTURES IN LACQUERED FRAMES Ooods packed careCullj aad
      227 words

  • 431 10 I WHY WHITE WOMEN LOSE THEIR HEALTH IN THE TROPICS. Can tbe American woman live for any length of time in tho Philippines and hope to retain her health asks the Manila Times. IT the answer were expressed in the pre- vailing opinion held here, that paper
    431 words
  • 239 10 New Law in Philippines Conies into Operation. The opium law in the Philippines has now gone iuto i-ffuct, and the Chinese who have been addicted to tho use of the dru<; are experiencing something of the joys akin to those attending a dry town. From now on,
    239 words
  • 213 10 It has been decidi d by Judge Lumley Sinai., in the City of Loudon Court that feiciiiu^ a new collar fur a customer rame within the BCi>|)O of the duties a haii-dreu^er 11 1 1 a i I l.'t *****1 l his ti 1 Walter Kzait, |'orier,
    213 words
  • 62 10 A marriago has brcn (trran^ed and will lake place ou the 13th iuHtaut, at Holy I riniiy Church, Woicrmer, by the Hot. j. F. Houkl), MA., of Harold Duncau, <{ I, ,h.,t. I'.ir.k, federated M..1..y S.aie •erond Buu jf Mr. J. C. R. and .Mrs. Day, t Luihd.ivii'.e Crencent, to
    62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 549 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital •is,ooo,ooc BE6KRVF. FUND Bterling Reserve •15.000,0001 t9ftfU)oMo Silver Reserve •13,.W0,000J »*8 600,000 Rjis^.rve Liability of Proprietors 115,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Chairman G. Goetz. Esq. Deputy Chairman. QaatavFriesland.Eaq. U. U. Medhurst, Esq. A. Fncbs. Esq. E. Bhellim, Esq.
      549 words
    • 638 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCOBPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER < Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares ot £*>eaoh £1,200,00 C > Reserve Fund £1,47.1. (XX Reserve Liability ot Proprietor* £1,300,00 C BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank. Ltd.
      638 words
    • 65 10 The most modern rcmpily fo Gonorrhea' iiml 11" ln-r cut, v i hal affoctioud of ilio urinary iruct is METHUODS. ak n intornaliy. No jiani, dixcomfort or "c.iijvf nicnte ax when injuctio ih vie uset). give visinle re»ulu in a few liouis mil ***** in a short period. Alwolulely
      65 words
    • 439 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE oy TEAK FURNITURE. PIANO. ETC., At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan it Co.'s Sale-rooms, On Wednesday, March 18, at 11 a.m. Now on view. Catalogues ixqued. H. L. Coghlan S* Co.. Licenßed Auctioneers and 617 Surveyors. AUCTION SALE OP OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD i-'URNI-TUKE, ETC.. At Powell
      439 words
    • 771 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF XEAK AND SERIAH HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC., To be hold at No. 1, Sophia Road, Singapore, Saturday, March 14, at 2 p.m. Comprising an Harmonium iv good order. Iron donble and single Bedstead,, T< ak Sofas Teak Sideboards, Tea* Tab c with Mtrble T >p,
      771 words

  • 239 11 NOTES 4ND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. A vehicle teun.d the Autow\tercir is so constructed as to be adaptable to either land or water. The wheels are of the dixc variety, am! after entci ing the water from the beach, tin power is traiibferied from the wheels to th(
    239 words
  • 965 11 The question lias becu raised as to 'he gyroNcomc effect of a flywheel on a motorcar when steering ruitnd a corner, aud the tendency to capsize the car produced by that effect. A correspondent to a Colombo newspaper, argues that if the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 354 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGYLLS Adams-Hewitts. CARSON VIEW AT: show-room o r,r,r (Two Doors frcm Cold Storage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres. "Non-Slips" (grooved) and "Ordinary" (plain) Stocked in all the principal sizes. Catalogues and fall particulars from SYME CO., '"aQEHTS. Dunlop Motor Tyres. BOMBAY- KOLHAPUR RELIABILITY TRIALS. Ouo of the most remarkablo
      354 words
    • 558 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. fjrrol-gohnston W MOTOR CARS and MOTOR LORRIES. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. MOTOR GAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. m t 3>ur 3 ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED. PLATING. ENAMELLING. PAINTING. 0 By Skilled Workmen. LAMPS, COII.S, JACES, PUMPS, OIL, motor spirit, etc Straits Q]fcU Motor Qo., BATTERY ROAD. The Wk. M I
      558 words
    • 533 11 INSURANCE Companies. THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICJS. OKlTirO WITH TB» itr.iAVct Aihubanoi Couptirt, Lnuru> A 2 Bartholmtw Laiie, Loudon. ESTIELbJBIfc 1903. Ckpital £5,850,000 Total Font's eioced.. £lo,ooo,ooo fteoera) Manager, Rolxbt Lewis, Rug. BAKLOW A C0..-Ai»nU "UNION FirJE INSURANC'F, COMPANY OF PARIS. ■STABLCiaU) IH2H RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000 The uudaiaigned, Agentd
      533 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 571 12 Scale of Cbarocs. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MUtoeI moons Wants of Every Description, Honsea. Lm4, etc., to let, ate inserted at the following tasss: One Insertion I 1.20 per inch. Two 1.00 Three >.8O Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month W per inch.) Tbe above rate is
      571 words
    • 569 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Ratz». :--Fo«r Urn, ont or two <M«rllon», II .00 R/itb* inch, s«a iieal* ot ClwrgM. NURSE DISEN6A6ED. Nurse willing to accompany kuly to England, in exobangn for pa9°»gt*. Apply Z co Straits Ti i es. m WANTED TO EXCHAN6E. Wauted to excbuige, Lessung in Enclinh or German for
      569 words
    • 602 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. £Ur»« Foai Lines, ob« or two lnMrtlost, |l C B« Urn Inch, ms Heal* ol chart.**. OFFICES WANTED. Wauted, large Offices near tbe Pqoare.' Entry JulyJ, next. Offers to X.0. X., c/o Straits Times. C 445 HOUSE WANTED. Wanted, a small house near town by single gentleman. Apply,
      602 words
    • 624 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. B»T«SJ— Foot Lin**, on* ot two nMrtk<u, SI. Bj Urn inch, m Seal* of Chv*<M. HOUSE TO LET. Compound Honse. No. 20, SpottUwoode Park. Apply to Ong Tek Lim, No. 20, High Street. 467 OFFICE TO LET, No. (i, Raffles Place, at present occupied by
      624 words
    • 337 12 V.O.V. S DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL, DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., 8W A<jmts. §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. Obtainable from the XJ SyttiQ A Co., Principal DAWSON^ SOOTS FOR All* CLASSES. £*V'**-MtJty'-^^^J^MMt MIRKpT
      337 words
    • 169 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rat-, Four Linen, one or two luwtloiw. $1.<*> lly tho inch, «.u Ink of OtaajM, FOR SALE. ara Rubber Seedlings in caseB or otherwise, also Para Rubber Stumps. Orders for selected Para Rubber Seeds from trees 10 years old and upward are being booked now for the
      169 words