The Straits Times, 2 March 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.588. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MARCH 2. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 210 1 JUST ARRIVED De Dion DRY CELLS. Order at once to avoid disappointment. "Vlb oonV n t Motor Show-Rooms, VJ». UU> Il\ L. Ot UUi HOTEL DE L EUROPE BUILDINGS. -mNG.U'ORE. Compania General tie Tobacos tie Fllipinas, La Flor tie la Isabela MANILA CIGARS Perfectos $1.50 per box of 25 Londres
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    • 99 1 ROBINSON CO. Special White Show. Embroidered, Hemstitched Towels and Towelling Prilled and Plain Pillow Cases Damask Table Cloths and Napkins Hemstitchtd and Plain Sheets Madias Muslins and Curtain Nets Linen and Cotton Sheetings Embroidered Muslin and Cambric Robes Bed Qnilts and lied Spreads Ladies' Underclothing. Etc., Etc. ROBINSON Sc Company.
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    • 175 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. OJST GUEST NIO-lECTS THE 2ND ROYAL WEST KENT BAND plays during and after dinner. Those unable to attend the dinner are in win i to com', afterwards and bear the music on the lawn, which is now laid out with tables and seats in CONTINENTAL FASHION. NEXT GUEST
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    • 52 1 Choice Fresh Flowers. Wedding and Ball Bouquets, Wreath Crosses and Floral Designs. Decorations of every description andertakeo. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT. 217. Orchard RoadTelephone 787.— GARDENS, 190. 4025-a CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brass Basah Road. SinfapomThe Brightest and Healthiest Reaort ia the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets a.i Boat!
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  • 1174 2 A STRANGE ROMANCE OF THE INDUSTRY. L«-t us try to trace the history ot rubber from it- tarlirst sta^e until it reaches that fociis of commerce and adventure and romance the Port of L»nd'<a. Imagine, then, in the forests of South Aruericn, of Madagascar. Mozambique and the Western
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 472 2 DEE'S Concentrated Disinfectant. 1 Gallon Drum 1.75 2 3.25 5 M 8.00 This Disinfectant is imported in a highly concentrated form, and may be diluted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a MILK-WHITE FLUID WHICH WILL NOT STAIN. This is the most economical and effective Disinfectant it is possible
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    • 48 2 ■IFOR LADIES«* tJORET.HOMOLLES'aPIGL it the mott tur* rtmedy tqtlntt tne Sicknttt, *nd othar affects c*uted 6y "19 d*l»g of th* rtgular jeroj, 9eoolN.Cl<iiit,l6s.Bo«S l-Honor«.P»ll?Sl -Honor«.P»ll?S PILSENEF BEEP KEY BRAND IMPORTBD tlftiCe ■•••> HE A AH E OP IMITATIONS Uv fltiiiM witi«at tat tWrt twt Uk BEHN MEYER Co. Ltd.
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    • 141 2 immmrat. a. J. keymfr Co. 10 offai- tholr iwrlMi if AGENTS IN £N LAND, tmtmbllthsd In IB**, lhay havo a thorough knowlodpo of tho Markata, and axpnrlanca ot tamtnrn rmqulromont* munorrlmlon fa all bumlnomm, and ml.h con/ldanca Inrlla thosa requiring I RE lABLE AGENTS for purchmaa at good*, mmlo of
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    • 314 2 THERMOS Benefits of THERMOS If- f% JSS THERMOS BOHLES THERMOS I thermos PEOPLE IM THE JUNGLE Cau now keep ice for 8 day. THERMOS X PLANTERS. MOTORISTS. SPORTSMEN 1 tL. l"an h^>» IC-KI'OI.O aIMMAM it .my tim* fj r»r milk EACH IOTTII aiMMNTEEO. HnilCPhnln •'">■ "«'">• Levy Hermanos. C»CN
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  • 627 3 VISIT TO ARDATH COMPANY IN LONDON. Kor «1 si i vil. wisely or otlies\vi->e, the number ti those wlio iuiiulge in the use of tobacco iuci'eascs in a ratio to population entirely overshadowing the Registrar-Gen-eral's periodical returns of added population. Perhaps tl!b growth of the habit
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  • 226 3 Proposed Immunity from Capture of Enemy's Merchantmen. During the debate on the Addre-s-inßeply in the House ot Commons on the tith in-taut. Mr. F. K. iuiith (Conservativei moved an amendment regretting that the British plenipotentiaries at the International Peace Conference at The Hague had not been authorised to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 756 3 Hackenschmidt's Great Rival. )>^__^^*3^\___^ Stamina >|4 t^J^iv^P^' •w-'-af mmT !e lorp; t a > c >° lin wrestling w|*m -jf U^^S^r champion who has issued a challenge MKUr kj Hackensilmiidi, is auihoritatively fg^ J|l l^^t llei l lo t* the inosi dangerous rival who "^•rfS' m 11|s ever <l)i "P
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    • 92 3 EYESIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus may be consulted for SPECTACLES at the Hotel de l'Earope FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. Consultations Free. C3.>6 60N0SAN The modern scientific remedy lor urinary diseases. Gonosan jjives visible results in a few hours and cures in a short period. Absolutely safe, and better than any
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    • 718 3 United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd., Jf <^^^I^^^^ METALLIC TUBING CO.. Lit m^BSf^SXX^- nP a tl7C J' diameter to diameter Mifc vJllJtlgHacLSgSlES^MlMl TUBING with coDDections. H& U^ 1 I STEEL £C>< ito 1 iliauji Ur Er I TUBIN6 n ith concoctioiis. I PATERSON SIMONS CO.. LTD.. I S.S. aDd X.M.S.
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  • 481 4 CONTRACTORS BUSY AT WORK IN SINGAPORE. ipondeatto thcMaia; Mail wittw ire ia Im-y housing its institutious 1 baCbineM Qida' School hy Dr. l!oon l\> u^' in! Ht. Soug t>ng Siang soute yean ago, ha* been oaaflned in i bonding*, but His ExkbeOovamo) baamada the osteol 1 bniMinu-.
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  • 338 4 Bengali Magistrate Attacked by Vitriol-Throwers. A Calcutta Ulc^raiu of the 16th inst. says: Two ll.,wiah Magistrates were driving along tin yesterday when a man flung ,1 ijuautily of sulphuric acid into the vehicle, mining frightful injuries to one and slight burns to the other. The injured
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  • 147 4 To work all the Mispciuletl scenery by an ■laeWc motor iustra<l ot by hand, Mr. Frank Cur/on has just had an installation, invented by Mr. K.lwanl Lytton. put up at Wyudham's Theatre. London. The saviuy of labour, money "I time tlfeoted by the machinery is wonde. tul. for
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  • 784 4 Sum., port, probable date "i nm'cal, iiml aaiHi hi .hi' in*. STEAMERS. Agamemnon Clima. Uar 15; W. Mansfield Alicante, Maniln. M.. il Barlow Airlie, Sydney. Apl BoaatpAd Alciuous." Liverpnol, Apl 2 W. Manstield An i.iia. Colnmb... May _>>; P. A- O. Coy. Australian, IfanfiUea, Apl 6: M. Miiritimes
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  • 277 4 Passengers Outward. I'ur K. M. L. steamer l'rinzoss Alice, from Europe, due March 6;— Mr. H. Volluierliaus, Mr. T. F. vau HlWiill. Mr. uid Mrs. Friedrich (iiurlinys. Mi-.s Ptmom <>. Warren, Miss Alice B. Warren, Mr. I, van Odder, Mr. and Mrs. Adolpii Amhm, .Mrs. Obcrst Kmilc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 VXATINK, the Ideal Purgative, recommended by the best medical authorities. Easy 10 take aud certain in saMSBB, To bo had of al chemists. Wholesale from The Pharmacy Battery Road, Singap:r' 1366
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    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p g? O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penarijj, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills Lading ieeaed f' C^w^t, Persian Gulf, Ccntincnta!, an<.l ri'* Ports. Steamer* Tcill lcive Singapore onort Ml MAIL LINE. Outward {for Chin ;j. 1908 Marmora Feb 29
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    • 705 4 STEAMER SAILINGShandeI AMD SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of tois company maintain a regular ecrvioe between: Singapore, Soarabaya. Bandjermaein, Pulo Lsnt, Balik P&pan, Koetel, with trannhipmant at Bandjennasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koenrni, Kotta Waringin, Pjelei. The steamers have good accomodation for first and second class passenger*. Toss Caw. S.S,
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    • 543 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE By the :e<v steamers RHENANIA," rHR«R'-?>'-. rTnrr^\i3T A rjpEN. rhese iKasMn crier to the public the highest Comfort y:t attained in Ocean Travelling. They have vary larce cabins, providod with only lorcvr berths. The cabins ye I midshipe md fitted v,!th HI fj—
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    • 760 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NIXL. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. iraperiftl Qerman Mail Line. Ikl fast and wafl known mail 3 :eam r „f to is Company sail fortnightly from Brti-i---. llambnrg »ia Rotterdam, Autwnrp, SonthKiap ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Napled, (conne fc Marseilles, Naplee, Alciandria, and vioe vers;-.) Pt.' bald, Enez, Aden, Colombo, Peua;v. Rlugapore,
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  • 1349 5 > sshHbi IkaMfcvtaa ,iiii>r«>i ttnaasn Intel sit. itwouar. :.h. -ship Ik|. liarqun sdk -h..,.n0. Yit. -Vaaki; cm.— Ouiwr; G'hi.-Ou-ronsdu; 11. p. Hoiw-Bewci Krii. Kritisl. V. M.— lnitu-1 SUtSij fell. -Kraifrh «)«r. (lonu.m. Hut.— rtuu-li liii. U.ili 01 Hpauitak; Sir \T,i».ik iir (lenentl i-.irtti; ,l.p.— .leek nan•■onKsr;
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  • 105 5 From Eonoi*— By the N. D. li. 8.8. l'riuzc>>s Ali.e. dne Mar -b 5. From China -Ry the N. N L. o.s. Kloiat, rtnu MnroU I. TIMK Hi" r or MklW •>V* Siniini' -rv II iv liou Arrired Jail 27 M. M. Fcb 19 Fcb 20 Jan
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  • 39 5 Outward Gkrham Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Prinzes Alice having left Colombo, at 3 p.m., on the 29th ultimo, and may be expected to arrive here on Thursday afternoon, the sth instant, at 5 p.m.
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  • 64 5 For Pm Btkahkr Tmr To-HORBun P. ettui'hiu'j. Peuang Omaptr, 1 p.m Palsmbang Ophir 1 p.m. Sarawak Rajah of iarjxukl <p.m. Penang and Deli Calypto 3 p.m. P. Swettonham via ports 3 p.m. Wecnehdav. P. S'tenham and Penang flsjs* 1 p.m. Telak Anson via ports Kinta i p.m. Tbobukai.
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  • 152 5 Ky the Carlylu, Captaiu 11. Cobb, Feb. W. From Telok Ansou: Mr-. Toft, Mr. A. Bau in rman. From Poll Swetteuham: Mr. Buxtou. By the Marmora, CapUkiu Q. 11. C. Wustou. Feb 28.—From London: Mr. Carvers, Mr. A. K. Martin, Mr. T. B. Wonhcld, Mrs. Wen Held,
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  • 221 5 By the Devanha. Feb. 27.—For London. Mr. J. McCrcadio, Mr. I. W. King, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Forbes and infant, Comdr. M. W. Consett, Miss M. Ashley. Mr. (1. T. Oreig, Capt. H. 11. F. Stockley, Mrs. F. H. Dale. Mr. Den Osborne, Mr. W. .1. Kady,
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  • 45 5 lime-Ballh on Fort Canning anJ Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore utandar J time corresponding to 8 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time-gun in fired at 12 o'clock soon, indicating Singapore standard time, oce.ery day excepting Sunday, when it is tir-.l at ■ne o'elook.
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  • 203 5 For the deaths of throe British coutcna rians to be chronicled on the same day must surely be an almost unique occurrence. The names and ages of these vuterans .ire Mrs. Margaret Fagan. 104: Samuel Goldstein. 106; and Mrs. Honor Coleman, who died from
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  • 200 5 Mi. Neville Priestley. Ajjcut of the South Indian Kailway, wire- on February U, to the Colombo papers that the construe tion of the Danishkhodi extension was sane tinned. Danishkhodi is at the extreme Eastern cud v! I;. urn -swuram, near Adam's Bridge, aud as we explained recently,
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  • 132 5 Some day* ISja Kuropeau. named McMahou, wa, brought by the polico to tin. i 'ampbcll Hospital in M uncouwiious stati says a recent telegram from Calcutta. Eli) bad been found lyinn iincoiißciou on tin Canal Kuad near the. Narcoldan^i Bridtf. anil marks of injuries were fouud on
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  • 122 5 I'ln |<ii* i '.tation of Coouoor. India. MM in .1 state of sensation when the news went abroad of a disturbance that took place on the night of February 17 between three subaltarn officers of the -'ml Battalion Dotsti Rogiment, stationed at Wellington, and sonic of
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  • 68 5 The failure season set in strongly ,v Mcdau, the chief town of Deli, at China New Year. Four failures amon(; Chinese were re])ortedon February 11, sixteen on the 13th. and live on the 18th. These traders had spent money freely on new year festivities, and met the day of reckoning
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 409 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KYTK. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD, A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN.SCREW STEAMERS, Undor Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 655 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Q The Companies' steamers are despatobed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam aud Antwerp every fortuightand for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer
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    • 543 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD FOX PAHANO AND KUANTAN. S.S. BAN WHATT HIN will leave Singapore for the above Porto ever} Saturday. This vessel li v accommodation foi lirtst das.: passengeru. For freight and passage, apply 4, Rallies Quay M BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PENANG,
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    • 357 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. lioate from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotona and Vanoonvcr, X.M.S. "Kumiss or India" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. Empress or Japan
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    • 62 5 BEWARE OF FREQUENT COLDS. A succession of colds or a protrai ted cold i, .tliiiu.l ortain laaajd in i liromc c.iUirrh, from whicli lew aanOM over wholly rcc"\. dive every cold tin. attention it duscrveb aud you may avoid tLi, di^agrceablu di „<.a_.. Chamber lain b Cou^L Komody is iamou-
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 26 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, March 2, 10 a.m. Barometer 30.02 Direction of Wind East. ForoeofWind ..1 Max. Temp in Shad" ..81 Manila. 760 North 1 29 24
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    • 148 5 DAY BY DAY I Monday, March 2. High Water. 11 II p.m. S. C. C. tennis tournament. Hippodrome. 730 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7 ii). Jaiianeso Ciuematograph. 730 p.m. Missionary Meeting. Priusep tit. Ch I [ Tuesday, March 3. High Water. 10 40 a.m. 11 II Now Moon. 157
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  • 714 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, MARCH 2. Other people's babies seldom interest the average man. It is different, we believe, with the ladies, and when they get the franchise and a lady member of the House of Commons has replaced Mr. John Barns as President of the Local
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  • 196 6 Information reaches us that negotiations are proceeding, both at Bangkok and iv London, for a new treaty between Groat Britain and Siam. If the new treaty is arranged, as there seems to be every likelihood of its being, it will have a far-reaching effect upon the future of the Malay
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  • 6 6 "0.8.'5" letter will be published to-morrow.
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  • 9 6 H.M.S. Moniiiouth left for Hongkonu soon ititei daylight, yesterday.
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  • 13 6 Over 500 pwmengers arrived from Swatow, yesterday, by the German steamer Keong Wai.
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  • 16 6 The price ol tin in Singapore today is Jo.". per picul. Eighty-five tons have been sold.
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  • 20 6 There is a letter at this office addressed to Mr. Jos. Gocnnert, who may take delivery if he will call.
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  • 17 6 By the British steamer Henley, a cargo ol coal arrived from Port Kembla, New South Wales, yesterday.
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  • 13 6 Detective Inspector and Mrs. Frayne have returned from a brief visit to Penaue.
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  • 15 6 Mr. A. (>. Law. acting Chief Justice, has been engaged, tins morning, with summouses in Chambers.
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  • 19 6 Messrs. Wee Bin and Company's steamer Hong Vt :in I. arrived from Amoy and Swatow. yesterday, with 1.140 passengers
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  • 24 6 It was expected that the number of per sons on famine relief in India would exceed one million by the end of last mouth.
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  • 21 6 There was one cane of small-pox on the British steamer Benclench, which arrived from Kohsichang. yesterday, with a cargo of rice.
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  • 23 6 Mr. Justice Fisher, this morning, appointed Mr. F. M. Baddeley, Official Assignee, administrator of the estate of the late Mr. A. C. Rudra.
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  • 23 6 Toug. lon's steamer Ruby reported wrongly as lost, returned from Teloban, yesterday. with a general cargo and fifteen passengers from East (.'oast ports.
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  • 29 6 Mr. Henry Abrams, as attorney of Mrs. E. L. Bath, was appointed administrator of the estate of the late Mr. Thomas H. Bath, by Mr. Justice Fisher, this morning.
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  • 31 6 On Saturday, a monkey belonging to a Malay, living in North Itridge Koad, bit a Chinese child, who was sent to hospital. The monkey was sent to the Government Veterinary Surgeon.
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  • 38 6 The reports from the Local Governments on the scheme for establishing central agricultural banks and branches in India is now reaching the Government of India. It in likely that the consensus of opinion will be against the scheme.
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  • 39 6 The Russian gunboat Mandjour, Comman.lei- Ogilvie. arrives! from Manila, yesterday. She leaves here for Bangkok on Wednesday. Th" Mandjour is a vessel of 1.124 tons and 1.900 horse power. She. carries ten guns and a crew of h... men.
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  • 51 6 A row which began in a tongkang iv the Singapore river, at noon on Saturday, wa* transferred to the shore at Boat Quay and one man MM fatally injured by being struck on the head with a carrying pole. One man is detained on suspicion of being connected with the
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  • 47 6 The marriage took place at Chiist Church Luck now. on February 18, of Miss Marian Kll'ie Murray, second daughter of the Hon. Colonel 1: D. Murray. Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, to Mr. Kenneth Campbell, of Calcutta. The function was attended by the leading members of European society.
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  • 52 6 Mr. Justice Seruombe Smith will take the Assizes, beginning to-morrow. There are eight cases on the list, including two of murder, one of return from banishment, one of counterfeiting, two of forgery, one of criminal breach of trust aud one of dishonestly retaining stolen property. This list is, however, subjoct
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  • 81 6 A contemporary coins a new. and really expressive word in a vote commenting on the position iv the Afridi country. It says, it is known for certain that all the border clans are very short of ammunition, although rifles are believed to be tairly pestiful everywhere. Pestifnl just describes the
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  • 93 6 A serious accident is said to have occurred to Mian Sahib, Kaja ll.iri Singh, ouly son of Sir A mar Singh. It appears he was riding at full speed on the Satwari Parade (■round. and from an opposite direction his sawar who had been called by him, approached at a
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  • 90 6 A Norwegian firm in Hongkong writes thus on German shipping competition The system evidently in vogue amongst our German competitors of specialising trades and shipping, so as to avoid as much as possible inter-competition between their nationals, could well be studied by the Norwegians, as the pr.-sent endeavours to kill
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  • 112 6 It is something new to hear of insurance against the mutilation and dolay of telegrams. The Deli Courant, in the hope that the idea might And favour with the public, not, i the fact that, at Copenhagen, on February 15, th« Danish Lloyd Company began working a department which provides
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  • 114 6 Mr. F. Sal/m. inn. who has been several linn- tennis champion of Singapore, and who was admitted a member of the local Bar a few days ago, loft to day tor a short bpliday iv Europe. Mr. Salzmann travels by the Austrian-Lloyd steamer Austria, by which steamer Mr. M. Rodesse,
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  • 399 6 Mr. M. ,1. Keunaway. of Kuala Lumpur, gopn home shortly under doctor's orders Mr. C. O. Ogilvie. Mm well known F.M S. mining uiagnHte. returueil from hune by l:i-t mail. It is stated that Princess Patricia of Cou taught has become engaged to the Count ot furm.
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  • 121 6 The two Chinese who were killed at the Kallang water-works on Friday afteruoru were making an excavation about eight t'eel below the surface and instead of removing the ear ll i from the side, they attempted to tunnel underneath, with the result that they were buried
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  • 118 6 The ranh act of a young Kumpeau woman who cut her throat with a carving knife has just come to hand from India. It appears that the young lady in i|iiention. Miss Floiencc Klder, residing at No. I, Sudder Street, Calcutta, had inuitl with her sister
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  • 233 6 It' a lady drops her piirno, mil only pick il up but return it to h(>r. If your but lias blown off, mul you > i lady, you unixt ask her kindly to mi till you have recovered your hat. N rli n you may
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 178 6 Jbuseious Grapes THOMPSON, Direct from Almeria. THOMAS CO., oo II atxl in, Perlb. -"ill Cents. OFFICE TO BE LET. Nn. 28, Rallies Place, to be let from April 1. At presont >xvu|)ied by the Metbodint Pxbliub ing lloaso. Apply to Meyer Brother*!. > Vl.' HOUSE TO BE LET.,. 107.
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    • 229 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. UKACH ROAD. To-Night' s Programme. FIRBT SHOW. 7.30 P.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 The CtbmaD'a iJeinuiou 2 For a Flower ii ljiicky Heiress 4 From Eartb to Moon I The Troubadour 0 Uewaie !My Iliishainl Conip7 Poor Old Couple 8 Magic Roses 9 Making Love to the (mliuu
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  • 532 7 SHARP RE* ACTION AT LONDON AUCTIONS. Voluntary Liquidation of a Dutch Borneo Company. il'K.m Ouk Ows Cokkksi-onuknt.i London, ivia I'ensngi February The price fur Plantation MMMM is Hh. por Ib. There has been a sharp re action on the London Miirkot. and tho demnn.l for shares in brisker.
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  • 129 7 Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Seal fisheries Question. [Kklikk's TuLknKAMJ Ottawa, February 'J9. Sir Will i id jLaurier. Promior ot the Domi uion of Canada, speaking iv the House of Commons, -aid he did not apprehend any danger ou the Pacific. Great Uriuiu's diplomacy had been far seeing,
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  • 53 7 "The Trade" Organising Opposition in the Constituencies. K.I I Mil's I'lLKiiKAjl Loudon, March 2. "The Trade" has raised IMOO.OOO to light ihe Licensing Rill, which was introduced .i.t.. tho MMM ol .'ominous lost week h\ Mr. Asqmth. OmMMmN I the ftMMMM*. Petitions ugainst tho Bill are being uipanised
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  • 44 7 t.». nWIW-lf IMMJ UM TKI.K.IKAM! M ihn. I ■ebniiiry 'l'lii! Noiildeiitche MMMMMMM that White book oil Moioc.o will M published, ll will conlain MMMMMM MM v.dl prove Hint MM itllu.'k- of I.c Ti inp- upon ticiiiiain an- .in i.-t iii. I
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  • 32 7 |D»h o.i isitu..riiK l.i.ovi) Thki.i.mi Berlin. March 1. 1 lie BmMMMMJ Wilhitiu leaves tor Corfu oi U,e 'J4th in-laut. On Hie return journey, he will viail Venice and Yionua
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  • 637 7 Appealing Against Decisions of Magistrates. Mr. Justice. Scrcombe Smith sat in the Council Chamber, this morning, for the purpose of hearing appeals from decisions of Magis trates. In one. in which a man named Chowan, upiK-aled against the decision of a magistrate who sentenced him to fourteen days'
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  • 103 7 Man.iiu. a Police Court interpreter saw two Javauesc passing his house near tho third mile, Gaylang Road, at an early hour, tliis morning, and called after them, asking if they wore thieves. They immediately started to run. He gave chase and secured one of them
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  • 112 7 The following circular has been issued, under date February 21, by the Traffic Manager. Federated Malay States Railways On Ist March, 1908, the following stations on the Johoro State Railway will be opened for ii.-ifli.-'i Auain, Buloh Kesap, Segamat. And on aud after that
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  • 186 7 The sale, for 4850, of the ring of the Chesapeake recalls one of the episodes in the history of our country which it is more pleasant to forget than to remember, sayi a home paper. In tho beg.iiuiug of IM.\ through the successful |Kilii y
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  • 101 7 NARROW ESGIPE OF ARGENTINE PRESIDENT. A Missile that Failed to Explode. [KtiriieK's Tkliukaj London. March 2. An attempt has been made to murder the President of tho Argentine Republic at Buenos Aires. He had an extraordinary escape. A bomb was thrown at him. and fell at his feet,
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  • 34 7 I >l- H OSTASIATISI.'HS 1. 1. o Vli TkLKORAM| Berlin. February 29. An invitation has been sent to the Interim tional Tuberculosis Congress to hold the uext meeting in the I'nitod Suites.
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  • 402 7 Contemplated Abolition of the Post Rumoured. A MMM hus again gained currency in nertaiu quarter* that it is seriously contemplated to MMMM the Mist of Resident lieueral at no distant date, and that the Federal Secretary stationed at Kuala Lum pur would be th. sole medium of
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  • 183 7 Our Malacca correspondent writes Mr. Evans, Kesident. Councillor, returned from leave on the 2.">lh nil., looking well and hearty. Hi» sojourn among us is to be very brief this time. Iv a week or two, he goes to Penang to act ft.. Mr. I! N. Island, the
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  • 139 7 In the Council Chamber, tin moruing, before Mr. Justice Son-oinbe Smith, the case was continued in which Otanrge Angus, engineer of the -tenner Karang, is suing the owners of tho ship, Yeap Leong Chin aud Yeap Heong Chin, for salary due fou November and December,
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  • 673 7 SUMMONED FOR POSSESSION OF MORPHIA AND POISONS. Alleged Breaches of Deleterious Drugs and Poisons Acts. I i...m Ouk Own Corrksi'ondrnt.i Penang, February 29, Mi P-"»-Dr. Gnoh Lmm Tuck, of Penaug, ha- been summoned at the Penang Police Court, before Mr. H. Scott, (ll for having in his
    673 words
  • 193 7 In tho. now sporting journal, published for the first time to-day, there is printed au excellent pen-pictaro of the Cricket Club, with the photograph of the popular Secretary, Mr. 0. P. Owen. The magazine deals with motoring, golf, racing, volunteering, and sport in general, and is
    193 words
  • 85 7 Before the Third Magistrate. Mr. E. Column, this morning, Arthur Hendricks, a European employee of Messrs. John Little and Coui|>any, was tried on a charge of theft of a packet of cigarettes valued at tI.HO and a tin of coffee valued at .">.*> cents. He claimed to
    85 words
  • 907 7 The Matrimonial Troubles of a DogShooter. It was a happy thought that suggested itself to the members of the Indra-Irving Dramatic Maatschappij -in other words, the members of th. Didsbuiy Mess iv Chancery Lane— to entertain their friends at an af fresco performance in the Mess grounds
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  • 120 7 The police courtu were stormed by Chi n.-se, this morning, on account of a rumour gaining currency that a priest at a certain temple had been guilty ol criminally assault. ing Chinmte women. Hundreds of Chinese, including many women, uttempted to crowd into the Courts, and
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  • 37 7 Mr. .1. Gordon Bennett and party left, on board the Ly si strata, yesterday morning, eastward bound, on an extensive tour of tinislands east of Singapore. Captain Fripp, a well known local manner, has gone as pilot.
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  • 91 7 THE SEIZURE OF THE TATSU MARU. Japan Prepared to Enforce Apology and Indemnity. [llßMfM'l fKIK,K»M l.oudou, March Renter's coni's|Kiii.ltMit :it I'oUi.i stalethat Japan is determined in her demands for an apology and MM payment of an iv di-nniiiy for the seizure of the steamer Tatsu Man, oil
    91 words
  • 51 7 Japanese Consul Murdered by a Ship's Officer. jI'HK IhI'UKIM UK 1.1.0Wl TmMMMJ4M| B.Tliu. March 1 It is ro>> from MHMMM that a rirfy'l officer named Oto Takotauii, belonging M Hi.! Nippon Yiiscu Kmmm .t.-.iai.i Hakau Main, mmmmmjWmlj stabbed the Japanese .ii-n I there. \ll cll.iuil'y is In-ili^
    51 words
  • 137 7 Proposed Establishment of a Base at Honolulu. KkUIKKS TKLk.IKAMJ Whiliiii^Uiii. February H I'hi' Nmml OmmMMM of the House of I:, in.' j-iiiain.'v I'l'i'Miiiini ii.l- the I'uiiitiii.' tion of floating MMMI to accommodate Mm in 'i;.st bm [1.- hip- MM on the Atlantic and in. .Hi. i on the
    137 words
  • 64 7 RE -BUILDING RUSSIAN FLEET. Km if ii < Tkumkamj I .on. l.jii. .March I. ll in MMMMMMd .< mi ofticlHlly from St rVwCMMTg tli.'it. tin- RmMM BoMfMMMM MNffMMi to spend merely JttjßMyMjQ MMMMJ |ki .iiiiiiiin |m 111. ne\t lew yens in rebuild iMJ ill.- fleet. Iti-rlin, February '.!h ll is
    64 words
  • 55 7 ARMY. Kmil'KK's TKLK.IHAM.| Louden. Maich l ->p. :.knnj HI LtaMi iv Hi.' Isle of Wight, Mm Km I of li irl- 111. 111 1 1 1. fiulcr Set-rotary for War. MMMMi thai Mm toUl annual saviug MMoM on Mm army MM Urn Liberal QMWWMMN MOM inUi
    55 words
  • 52 7 l<Kl IKK-. TkLKi)KAM| London. March At ftm Trade ilotiiniiHtratioii held in Mm Queens Hall. Mr. Lloyd Gooi-ge, President of the ll.wird of Trade, axhortad the audi ■MM not to ];ui.. ii its efforts in the causo of Free Trade, otherwise- a tariff would be .m posed within
    52 words
  • 30 7 |HhDTIR'H 'I*LKi.KAM| London, March 2. Official announcement in made from Madrid that the accouchement of the Queen of Spain is expected in the coming Hummer
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  • 31 7 KkTTEh'M Tni.kak.tu.; Bombay, March Tha piiuitive mm4mmm mjmml Mm /hi:i..« Khels is ended. The t» ix ij.-i have ewiouat. .1 Mm Ba/m Valley, and Math PmMMMMI shnitly
    31 words
  • 65 7 Him OmWHMB Lluku TMMMMMjJ Berlin. Fehriuuy Tlir German ;im l l n .r itic- givi- v < 1 1 1 p ***** 1 1 1 1 d.'nmi to tii.- mmmmmm iA Mm mm Van llt'i.tM that Germany lia<l :i t I MM I'nited Stales with liM M diplomatic action
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 92 8 The cricket match, which was to have been played between the V.M.C.A. and the Recreation Club at the S.R.C. ground, on Saturday, was postponed. Iv the mixed doubles of the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, on Saturday, Miss Stuart iind Lyall beat Mrs. Hodges and Goetzee, 1-6,6—4, 10— A
      92 words
    • 55 8 I earn Race at Swimming Club. There was a good tide at the Swimming Club ou Sunday, when the Club swam the West Kents iv a team race, winning by about six yards. Tho current, however, was somewhat strong. Tho West Kents won a polo match against the Club
      55 words
    • 426 8 Blackheath Gold Medal. R. M. Morrison won the Ulackheath gold modal, at Calcutta, last mouth, with a score HK —12^74, ,i. M. Davenport being second with 84-6-78, and A. Maun third, with a card showing 79 scr. 79. S.U.C. Championship. The semi-tinals iv the championship of the Singapore Golf
      426 words
    • 267 8 Raffles Institution v. S.R.C. Ou tin S.R.C. f>rouud. ou Saturday, there was .1 cricket match between the Kafflcs Institution and the Recreation Club. The Raffles Institution had two innings to the S.R.C. one, and the S.R.C. won by 40 ruus. The scores wore an follow: Raffles Institution.— First bMNa,
      267 words
    • 412 8 Ties in the Proper Rounds on the Esplanade. llie following ties will be played on tinEsplanade to-morrow, Tuesday, in connection with theS.C.C. Tennis tournament: B Class Sim-i.k~. E. J. Thoy v. E. Tyler. T. G. Scott v. G. A. Chanev. Hon. .7. Anderson v. R. L. l>unman. Hon.
      412 words
    • 252 8 Tournament at Malacca, A tennis touruament hail been in cxiutencc at Malacca for nome thm sayu our Malacca correspondent, and the results of the various rouuds are as follow Haxukap Sim.les Fiiist Round. Croucher beat Maddocks. w.e. Trcmeuheere beat Firmstone, 6—2, B 3. Millingtou beat Stockwel), w.o. Swindell
      252 words
    • 60 8 Qopeng < iy mkhana Club. The result of Uie mouth ly chiy pigeon shoot iv counoctiou with the Oopon^ Oyuikhana Club in as followH Mr. Coson 7 Mr. DougUb Osbornb <j Mr. Richard 1 Dr. Milne Mr. Baker o Mr. Wotthingtou 0 Mr. Darby 3 Mr. Buckwell 0
      60 words
    • 574 8 Straits Chinese Recreation Club's Annual Event. The Straits Chinese Recreation Club had delightful weather for their annual Chinese New Year sports, on Saturday, and the programme was carried through with characteristic vim. The spacious grounds were neatly staked out and decorated with the inevitable bunting. The bar
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  • 277 8 Mr. Van Kol, a Socialist Deputy from Holland, who, lately, visited this part of the world, has drawn the attention of the Dutch Parliament to the unusually high death rate among the coolies in the tin mines of the Singkep Company a venture,
    277 words
  • 83 8 Singapore v. Ceylon and Rangoon. Captain Elliott, of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, has received a teleg. vu from Colombo, stating that the Ceylon Volunteers had scored 897 in the rifle-shooting match between them and Singapore and Rangoon. Rangoon's score, which was received by cable this morning, is 868.
    83 words
  • 111 8 Mr. Rruce Cook, third officer of the steamer Muttra. was the victim of a serious assault at Rangoon, on February 12. Mr. Cook aud some friends who had just gone ashore, were going along Brooking Street iv a ticca-pharry, when they came upon a native procession. Mr.
    111 words
  • 156 8 The Chinese revolutionists, who seek to make Tonkin into a base of operations for stirring up rebellion iv Kwang-si province have had a bad time of it lately. One of their leaders, who had taken out Japanese letters of naturalisation, found them of no avail when hauled up
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 27 8 Among the paG*bnger» arriving from Eang. Itok by ths N.D.L. steamer Deli, Ust night, <ru H.K.H. Ptinoe Kaogset of Siam. Thb Deb brought a oucgo erf rice.
      27 words
    • 452 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. We, tho nudcraigucd, bc^j t) gi«a u.Hicu that we havuoponed an omoe at No. It, D'ALMI.ID STREET, iiuilit ti,,- style -of liogg aud Co., Exchange, Share and Brokers, from this date. (Si.i..) A. M. HOGO. <S»».) CHARLES BENJAMIN. Singapore, March 2. 1908. 426 IN THE MATTER
      452 words
    • 455 8 Razor. mm- THE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR HAS 12 BLADES. EACH WITH 2 SHARP :3GES. NO HONING. NO STROPPING. Many mau any that they caunot shave thgmselvos they hue Mad If win Ml ami failed. Tuey give as reasons that they are nervous ami liable bo rut themseur that thuir
      455 words
    • 286 8 SWIMMING CLUB, SINGAPORE. NOTICE. The Annual General Meeting <>[ the Swim mingClub, Singapore, will, by kind |«ri of ths Singapore Cricket flub Committc:. l« held iv the Singapore Cricket C'luh Pavilion ue.\l Friday, March 6. at i p.m. \<;knim. 1. Miiiiiu.. 'f lust Oeucrul MiroUllfl 2. Cominiltee's Bayod 3. Finaucinl
      286 words

    • 71 9 6,90 be X n| I ln.oTi Hali MO 1o Pontia-i:';- BJO i p.-.Black 13.25 lo Whil 212.1 SRgO K!our Sa. •io Brunti No. 1 LM 4.00 BaU, picked 25.00 Nembang, ".'r>: h»«i' nom. ibori&n 24.00 Tapioca, small Flake 6.90 '.O HMD p ,\r iioiu. Jo oaed pearl tM •boyen
      71 words
    • 124 9 ji Lfndon— Bank 4 tn/s 2-4^ Demand 2/8| Private 6 ni/8 4; do 8 m,V 2/4 s 111 lmm»nt Itoiih il/<1 287 Private 3 m/s 241 io f, m/s 244} •t Hruik d/d 281 Private 8 ui/b 296 do 6 m/e 299 Cm lr.di.i- Bauk T. T. 178 J.
      124 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 342 9 Date of .ma Capital ion Scbacribcd "of i" 11 Pmid Shares j Company (^cotatioih fehare* T lna U P Umaened 300,000 1907 5300.000 1901 »600.000 1908 £400,000 IM7 »400,000 1901 £60.000 1908 £100,000 1905 SI 50,000 1906 £120,000 1906 £30,000 1906 1150.000 ISO 6 £250.000 1904 £120.000 1909 £27,000
      342 words
    • 417 9 ;9nx *ifioooo *ii«M« i it 600 fl l 10 000 .905 £160,000 £116,626 M «00 aU 18/ 1905 (200,000 1105,000 10,500 110 HO lflfli P*nnnn m f 7,000 41 41 12,000 1904 £30,000 416,250 J v £l 15j 1303 £70,000 £61,000 61,000 41 Ml 9,000 190* »150,003 J125.000 12,600
      417 words
    • 195 9 1894 1898 1H65 1905 1696 1901 1899 £5,377.10.0 •325,000 •18,000,000 •3,400,000 i •1,000,000 •34,000 »875,000 £4,806 7,688 •236,000 4,800 '♦i 5.000.000 JMJg •1,000.000 •34,000 3,400 tain nnr 8,000 «876,00 c a 7M •340,000 24,000 •30,000 800 £750,000 40,000 •113,000 1,130 •300,000 3,000 »495.600 i 5,000 13.0 M.000 301,000 •30.260
      195 words
    • 58 9 ,»...-tn Lr-Ki..c 6% toCO.OOG 3%prcic. Huey Hursreav. j 11% 225,000 3% prPm S pore Electric Tramwave Co., Ltd. S% 350,000 nominal •sici;«pore Mnoicipa.' t% 400,000 20% prem ff 1,876,000 3% prem. 4i% 1.600.000 W.prera. 4% 802,900 1% die nom. ~traits Engineering Bid., Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Imjong P. D.
      58 words
  • 211 9 4 Appointment of Labour Minister Suggested. A teltfHi tioin Londou ou tht- oih iust. -ays that tliu Daily Telegraph states that Mr. H. H. Ascjuith, Chancellor of the BxcbMMT, aiuis at setting aside tor oUlage [H.n~ion-i. The ijualitying age will be 63 years lie ii pension of :>s.
    211 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 116 9 An Assassin Rl imatUra ti I kfl nn immili It en *(mr 1 ack b ore in ti power, an. l Hie t. s tbat follow an- tv«n w< rsc iban I b€ aiwssin'* knii« wa» driven mto jrou la*, UTTLE'S Oriental Bairn m I m MM an>l the
      116 words
    • 155 9 MARTIN'S jSLnrTT iPIIT I C rfF wftr Ladles.! rk irt-'afcT Prcnor Bum»d» fol >li lr.*«ularlt!u ri,ou»- it .:.;r<n.i'i..t.lMn.N •rcoufw* i o --rr- jak<i TO LAWYERS. BANKERS. MERCHANTS. MINERS. PLANTERS. AND EVERYONE INTERESTED IN BRITISH MALAYA. A Year's Record. STRAITS BUDGET FOR 1907 Strongly Bound in Leather. *.'O pc-r^Copy. A LIMITED
      155 words
    • 259 9 K-t.ll>liahe.l \-T.-i. SSS MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. HAS NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63. HIGH STREET. A uiasjuiticent stock of Diamond Jewellery oi the lau-*t di-Mtui-;. ta inju of Sterlint! Silver Articles and Fancy Goods suitable tor PRESENTS, Imported from the Leading Houses of India. Ceylon and lima Siku-UI has been
      259 words

  • 1171 10 4% INTERESTING CHEMICAL PUZZLE. The following experiment, ■.ay- af.GwtftTC Micliaiul. oi the Cona Rica ?;at' GdhpJß,i> easily porforineil. even by tbose who have had little or noprovioii- in chemical training. It fiv. -ankieaof the infinite diversity ot chem ical and physical chance-; w)iich tint ami tinsame ivajient may
    1,171 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 554 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. j-aidttp capital ..*****0,000 hEEERYE FUND Sterling Reserve JJ ■o°o-°«0 1 »2> JOO.OOO Silver Reserve »1>. 600,000. Ivmrie Liability of Proprietors ?1 j 000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hen. Mr.Henn. Keewick.— Chairman. E. Goelz, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. U *S«ai Friesland, Eeq. O. H. Medburst, Esq.
      554 words
    • 624 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £10 each £1,800 000 Reserve Fund i 1.475.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1 200 000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. Natiocsl Bank of Scotland. The Loodon City A Midland Bank. Ltd.
      624 words
    • 157 10 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. REPAIP> PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Thes< tic y A^^j^^^LfA Capsules BV)I superior WJjßi lYa to Copaiba, J.^^m*MW Cubebs, and cure tbe same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without irjeonvenience. >. Bach Cap* t bears the name Hdllm FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST. 1 3RIMAULTS
      157 words
    • 281 10 A SMALL FREEHOLD RUBBER AND COCOANUT PLANTATION. 8: MILES FROM TOWN. To be Sold by Auction At Mi ssrs. H. L. Coghlan a* Co.'s Salerooms, afomiayi Mirch 'J, at -J. 30 j>.m. Ann: 117 Acres. 1 Rooi. 10 Poles, Indenture Mo. 104. Lot No. 90. Ulu Badoh, situated at Milestone,
      281 words
    • 652 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FUBSITtmE, ETC., To be held at No. yaeec Street. Siutjapore, Saturday. March 7. at S p.m.. Comprising Ircn -ing'.e Bedsteads, Seriali Almeirah with full length Mirror, Cbest-of-drawers, Dressing Table with mirror attached, Teak Folding Card Table, Almeirahs, Bentw,.od and Rattan Chairs, Engravings
      652 words
    • 546 10 INSURANCE Companies The Standard Life. THE OLDEST BRITISH LOT OFFICE IX THE attST. PROVIDE FOR RETIREMENT by taking a policy under tbe new SIMPLE iMmiiniM SCHEME mthom Medical Examination. £1,000 at age 5O can be seen red by a life aped j.5 next birthday by payment uf £'£?'lO-O per annum.
      546 words

  • 1068 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. j (iarugo keepers of I'aris have okui to a unanimous understanding to increa'-e their ratts lot -toring autumobih s. The first uuiubt-r ot the Mi tor Car au< Athletic Journal was published to-day. I is a creditable production, aud the promoter have
    1,068 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 293 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGYLLS Adams-Hewitts. VABB ON rill' AT show-room or,::;v,r (Two L'"'>r~ f-.i/m Cold Storage Depot;. Dunlop Motor Tyres. "Non-Slips" (grooved) and "Ordinary" (plain) Stocked in all the principal sizes. Uatelag .94 and full particulars from SYME Co., so aoemts. WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AOENTB FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, NETHERLANDS
      293 words
      355 words
    • 432 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices II THE BORNEO CO., LTD. ATKINSON FORBES, ■-I CrUHOE tllEf. Have the following secondhand Tnewittan for sale at reasonable prices, Empire. Grii ville, Kemiugtoa, Yost, etc. SOLC.aeEMTS F0»: The f\ 1 2m aw Standard (J I I V«^
      432 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 665 12 Scale of Charges. P..EPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mlsoel teai .1, Wante of Every Description, Houses. tan 1 etc., to let, are inserted at the following j UK: 1 One Insertion I.JO per inch. Two *.00 Three 8.80 m s.m Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.30 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each scbeeqnent month %5 per inob.) I
      665 words
    • 519 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rate* Foar Lines, one o: t^o insertions, tl.oo B) the inch, see Sc:.lo of Chr.rges. TEACHERS WANTED. Qualified Lady Assistants desiring appointment will kni.lly apply to K. E. PEASE, Prinoipal, 1 354 The Anglo Chinese School. 60D0WN WANTEO. Wanted. LARGE IMPORT GODOWN. one with Urge efnee" attached preferred,
      519 words
    • 498 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bins Four L:a?v one or tw isaartiont, fl. By tbe inch, SSS scil« of Ci. un*« LANDAU FOR SALE. A First-class Landau, Rubber-tyred, almost new, to be seen at F. Clarke Co.'s Livery Stables, 807, Queen Street. 4W4 STEAM LAUNCHES FOR BALE. For sale, Steam LaDuch SUCCESS,
      498 words
    • 576 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. R»ibs:— Poor Lino*, one 01 two inMrttons. 11 By the inch, see ->eal« of CbargM. OFFICE TO LET. No. 20, Stamford Road, ground Soor only. Rent moderate. Apply to o 1980 STEPHENS PAUL CO. BHOPB ANO OFFICES TO BE LET. SHOPS, Ac- Magnificent shops and
      576 words
    • 301 12 v.o.v. DAIN MACFARLANE COMPANVS Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., 8W Aftmts. §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. ■ATI HI IMMD Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. Obtainable from the \3 SyttiC CO., Principal Dealers. a <nnt Direction der D.sconto=Gesellschaft
      301 words