The Straits Times, 31 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.562. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 31. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 312 1 Decide j NO W on your car. I WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims of all the cars you have seen or heartl Kbont. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to. and wfaft they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that wffl ■tend fb«
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  • 983 2 JOKES AND JOTTINGS FROM THE WORLD'S PRESS. Therui- one thing I hate about boardinghouses, remarked v man who had returned from his holidays, and it is thin -the partitions are usually so very thin. At tho placr I pat up at I could distinctly hear the scratch
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 EAGLE CEMENT. Jor all Jiigd-elass VOork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS I FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOBITORV. OBCUAHP BOAD. riasjvi-.t lauded, Bx S.S. Euryaluh,' a v<vl\ .-<!•■ t- l nuuibtn of HoraoH and Cobe, all brokco in to harness aud saddle-
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    • 82 2 tt Oliver Standard VISIBLE Typewriter. BEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Agents: ATKINSON FOBBKS, 1-1 1 CHANCE JktLEV. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Freeh Water Island (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entranoe to KeppeJ Hftrboor, 40/--(FORTY SHILLINGS) PER TON F. 0.8.. IN BUNKERS RATE OF DELIVERY 200 TONS PER HOUR. STOCKS ALSO AT Suez,
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    • 675 2 LIKE A KNIFE IN HIB HEART. Tiir I'linvrn SmbRAM to Hi-. ■lIIWbJI I thk Yam Tiwn or Nkuhi Skmbihn Tkm.i How Hk Was Ci;kb» BY Sp.i:iois Hkaiit TKOL'ULK \NF> OTHKR AKMMM HY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Tunkr Laxaraana Abu Raknr i- a young Malay nobleman living at Sri Mcnanti, Federated
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    • 260 2 THERMOS Benefits of THERMOS T ir*f*mmf\f% THERMOS bottles. THERMOS I thermos PEOPL IN THE JUNGLE fan cow keep ice Ik S dayTHERMOS m W PLANTERS. MOTORIBTB. SPORTSMEN I 1^ h.i«,. ICK-OUI.U IHMUM at nny time h..| milk E«C« BOTTLE GUftftAMTEED. H S\|| CO Flit I H »I miiv hour „f
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  • 475 3 EARLY INDIAN GAME WITH MALABAR ORIGIIN. A correspondent writes:— During the last few months, diabolo bas become the most fascinating game among all classes of people in Europe but after all it is not a new pastime. Enthusiasts have tried to trace in origin and development, and several countries
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  • 310 3 Au iutere~ting moral which should not be lost by P.oiubay may be drawn from the pretty little squabble now proceeding in Calenttn. over the building of the Curzou Victoria Memorial on the Maidan. This was a grandiloquent idea of tin exViceroy, says an exchange, ami the design
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  • 87 3 Discouraging reports arc being received about the raineu in Yunnan, which are held by Chinese syndicates, bm which the Chinese authorities will not allow to be worked by Kuropeans. The. Mandarins, too. are said to be bitter against foreigners interfering in the mine*. This untoward
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  • 34 3 At a State Hall at the Madras Banqueting Hall the erroneous procedure of heralding the arrival of the Governor with God Sivcthe King was muitU'l. it being an honour reserved to tlie Viceroy aloue.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 379 3 PHOSFERINE I Tk« Gf<it.ii «f an To»Ua. I 1 m*OIAIM» MIALTH. 1 IHi i tlUll hniii, I Mni. I I U Mto liit^i. I irin, LC 1 H-tii mmJ ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder ISO MuUU Hood. Sol* Agent for Meeen. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., LooJod o 2188 Telephone
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    • 256 3 Waltham Watches Waltham Watches are the most perfect pocket timepieces it is possible to construct. Every Waltham Watch is guaranteed. t5,000,000 Waltham Watch— In Use WHAT IS Medical Reserve? IM\ THE BEST i» French GRAPE BRANDY. lyfgj Distilled and Dottl oulj bj iwST* FROMY, ROQEE CO., h.-*v.. sd Cogn ac.
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  • 256 4 Why British Shipowners Prefer Yellow Firemen. Mi. William 11. Haeburu, of the him of Haoburu and Virol, shipowners, writes to the Chi on i Ie with reference to the statements made by its Cardiff correspondent about the employment ot Chiuamoa as firemen on board ships. Mr. llni
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  • 100 4 The first applicant fat a dog liccuse in Nottingham in ihe New Year was an Irish terrier, which trotted into the Inland Kevcuii" offices with an envelope iv its mouth containing tbe official notice ami the necessary toe. The clerk took the letter, made out the
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  • 346 4 Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Moultau, connecting with tbe steamer Delta at Colombo. From London, Jau. 3, due Jau. ;1 s Mr. M.JKirwan, Mr-. Millar, Miss Hell, Mr. E. J. Sooter, Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. J. S. Dunlop, Miss Dnnlop, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
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  • 776 4 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agem*. STEAMERS. Airiid, Sydney i-'eb 10 Bonstead A;»\, Liverpool Fel> 19; \V. Mansfield Alicante. Kurope, Fe>> 27 Barlow Ant-lochua. Livenx*..,, FebB; W. Mansfield A ;-:na frkong. Mar 5 Rautenberg Sohmidt Aynthia. Bombay, Fell '2o; Borneo Coy A" A pear.
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  • 106 4 A telegram from Tokio to the Hongkong Daily Press, on January 28, states that at that day's session of the .Japanese Diet, tber-j was a joint party motion of want of confidence in the Government. It was move! and supported by members of the Sliimpoto. Daido, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 M ITS A BAD SIGN when you have that obstinate, lingering <<'iigh which will not be shaken off. There is no cough at any stage, whether e!d or young, but what needs attention. A cough soon wrecks a strong c nstituT:on, soon makes <>ne helpless, in .ct a ::U i<
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    • 720 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. &o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. (lutttard (for China). 19 P 8
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    • 638 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BGHEEPVAART MY. BANQJER. si BANDJERMASIN. Tbe Steamers of this company maintain a I regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjer- I masin, Palo Laat, Balik Papan, Koetei, witb transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koomai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasarlee, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have
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    • 509 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE By :ke a.w steamers "RHENANIA," HABSBURG." HOHENBTADFEN. These steamers oner :o tbe pnblio the highest Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. Thty have very large cabins, provided vitb cciy '.o-ger berths. The cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Lanndrv on board. i
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    • 784 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCNER LLOYD. Imperial (lerm«n Mall Line. The fast and well known mail ateamers of this Company sail fortnightly tromr Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnectior. Marseilles, Maples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penanß, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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    • 139 4 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAIN 8 GOU6H REMEDY. You will see by the following that Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy is a favorite in tbe palace a* we 11 H with the humbler people in India: "For the |>ast four years I have been getting large supplies of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed), not
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    • 66 5 Fob Per FigtMKH line To-aouow Khava, IVjcniiHhsiu, etc. .S'uriY Hvrnai 7 a.m. Madras, Coloinl»>, B'ba\ I <:/.»•(./« .V.iru lls.m. Bamaiaug "n 9ams 1 p.m. I', tj'teahati! mi.l l'uuan^ Penik 1 p.m. l< Pakau W an K'tan r ;,n.,u,,i. p.m. SsbßUg. Biic^ Citii"* tfraMw "i. Banr 1 111 rt
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    • 90 5 Wharves at whlrh Vessels »;e Berthed To-day. TANJONO PUCAR Ka-,i Damn— Nil. KiHi WBAi-.r Skctwn I—Dutforiu.Ycturufu1 Dutforiu.Ycturufu Maru, On Bang. Bkjt. 1 (Sukuu Whiw):— Nil. SrciioN No. i— Oranje, Cinta. A— Terrier. 4 Awa Mara. ft Nil. 6— Duucaliou, Miuily*. 7— Glenlochy.
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    • 105 5 ttom Kuion- B> '.h. P. 40. «.e. Delta. die January 31 From CuiNi— By the N. D. L. a.v. Zietec, due February I, Singapore JJ Dec 30 M. M. Jan a P. *O. Jan 6 N. D. ft, Jan < n. I. Jau 13 M. M. Jan
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    • 74 5 By the Carlylc, Captain U. Cobb, Jail. 30. From Port SwettenhHiii: Mr. H. E. Darby, Mr. Tan Keong Seek, .< ml two of his grandchildren. By the Arcadia, Captain A. L. Valentine, Jau. 30.— From Shanghai Mr. Forater. from Hongkong Messrs. Leige, Shorinau, Lai Toze Hun, Bouuiau,
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    • 24 5 Ity 'Ir Nubia, .lav. 29. For Huogkoug Mr. C. Sjostroru, Mr. Yoou Yok Too. and child, and Mr. H. W. Boom.
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    • 105 5 l:inu' HI Bsulang But s'.r llauguu" Hong Bee Brit str. Hkong. Am Edonditle Brit str, Samaraug via port? I Ban Yong Seng, Brit str. P-ctiane! M Frcya, Nor str, Bangkok C. Apcar, Brit str, Pcnac" and Calcutta Breid, Nor str. Bangkok G. ti. M- r. Hut str, Maatok, Palcmbaug
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    • 859 5 CREDITS CURTAILED THROUGH BUSINESS FAILURES. Municipal Corporations and Loans. (From Oub Own Corkkspondbnt.) Hamburg, January >i. At tliu annual meeting of the Ehrbare Kaufinauu— the Association of the .Merchants, Bankers, Shipowners, and so forth, of Hamburg hold, as usual, on the last day of the year, the
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    • 48 5 lloiikwMiii Qmu Hail. The lMi|xri»l OWMMH mail itHWWI Xi> lon lmv, M I'd llungl-oog »< I|> >n "i. .Ih 29th m.^um. >n%y V> exunlM hi if'" fc*fi OH Hui'da. aft-jruuOL' MM 2nl proxiiDu. Hbe wil! probably be despatch*' hf E'i>. i- Mm following 4oy, at coon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 NO POISON. Chaniborlain Coiiph Hcmedy has been declared abboluUrly froe from tiny injurious oubfetmnji by (iowrnmeat and expert cbemlute, and mother need have no '_>.^:uncy in giving it to toe smaUeat loiiot. For vale by ail diapenMiiae and dealers.
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    • 506 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD A regular FOKTNIGIITLY service is maintained between Japan Mi Kurope 1 y the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Cuutract with il;e Imperial .Jtt|>in ji<o Government, r\v cially designed fur the >>rnpany's European Scrvicr, li(jhtoiJ through>ut *-y Electricity, prorided with excellent icomiiiodati'ju
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    • 459 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. GO,, LTD. Tue steamers of this Coinptuiy maintain a regular direct service betweua Calcutta, Strait", Hougkoug, .1 iut:li.ii .iv.l Japau, takiug cargo od througli Bills of I-adiug for Cauton, Swatow, Amoy, Cliefoo, Tii'ntsiu, Newcbwaug, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac, *c. Steamers li ,ii Omiinander
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    • 429 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTB. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Q The Companies' steamers are dospatohed 'rom Liverpool ontwords for the Straits, China and J&pvj ovory week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amßter.lam and Antwerp o "try fnrtaight nr.d for Qeaoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 448 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, K.M.B. "Kmpbbibof Ihdia" Twinsorew steaX.M.S. Express or Japan mere,
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    • 18 5 Steunb Cordial o: Cod Z^ver ExtneW ThVuMsdeare enjoying UeolU> cfe»4&i> ed through iU timely uae. Why bhonlA I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 51 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kj.iuu.ilj Kerbau Hospital, January 3j, ISOS. 9 i.. M. 3 r. k. 9 r. v. Rkmihki>. Bar. 32 Fah 29.H89 29.t*33 29.89S Tump 85 I f-3.0 79.0 WutßulbTber 79.2 79.0 77.0 DirofWiud.. N.E. NE. Calm Max. Tern:. 89.6 Mm 75.2 Max. in 6oa 161. 4 Terr rad.Vbur Rainfall
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    • 149 5 DAY BY UAV. Friday, January 31. High Water. 10-5 pm. P. O. outward mail due. 1 Philharmonic Concert. 9 p.m. Association Football. L.L T.C. tournameut. Unities Girls' School Prue distribution. 5 p.m. Departure of 95th HusselN. 5 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Saturday, February 1. High
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    • 29 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, Jasuary 31, 10 a.m. Barometer .0.90 Direction cf Wind E.S.L. Force of Wind ..1 Max. Temp in Shade 54 Manila. 760 5.6. W. 1 39 '24
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  • 936 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY. JANUARY 81. Two questions there are among the many which agitate politicians at home just now, which are of outstanding interest and importance to Britons in this part ol the world. They are those of Tariff Reform and the Incidence of Taxation. In
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  • 32 6 The Board of Communications in Peking has given to the entire staff of the Imperial Railways of North China a month's salary, as a bonus for efficient work during the past year.
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  • 37 6 It is reported that the rates of Sanitary Board assessment within the limits of Taiping has been raised from 9to 12 per cent. Oatside this area the tax has been enhanced from 7 to 8 per cent.
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  • 32 6 In reply to the Chinese Foreign Office, the British Minister has stated that British troops will not evacuate Tibet until the commercial treaty between the former country and India has been concluded.
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  • 37 6 Skating has caught on at Raffles Hotel, and to-morrow night another opportunity is given by the management for lovers of this agreeable form of recreation to spend an enjoyable evening. There will be a special dinner menu.
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  • 37 6 Mrs. Emily Perrean prosecuted three servants, named Aba, Hussein and Kasonah, before the Sfenior Magistrate, yesterday, for leaving her service without giving notice. They were ordered to pay her a month's wages each, totalling 128.2Q, besides costs.
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  • 14 6 A cargo of tobacco arrived from Deli, thio morning, by the German -teann-r Ranee.
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  • 18 6 A Javanese witness, giring evidence in the Alsagoff murder ca«o, yesterday, defined perhaps as between yes and no.
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  • 31 6 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company havp been i warded the contract, by the Timor Gotermuent, for building a steam tender to replace the old Dilly, at a cost of $36,00(1.
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  • 37 6 It is rumoured, say* the Pinang Gazette, that a prominent member of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board is about to resign his seat on that body ax a protest against the management of Prye Dock from Singapore.
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  • 40 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, yosterduy, fined a Chinaman $8 for riding bis bicycle in such a negligent manner as to cause hurt to one Chew Hong Chuan. The injured man was awarded »2 of tho fine.
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  • 37 6 A Hylam servant, employed at Tyersall, the Tanglin residence of His Highness the Sultan of Johore, was fined $20 by the Second Magistrate, yesterday, for theft of a chair, valued at 18, thn property of Hadji Feros.
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  • 39 6 All three Judges at the Suprome Court have been busy with small causes, this morning, but this afternoon Mr. Justice Fisher goes on with the application of a nonya for the possession of two children from their present guardians.
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  • 42 6 A Chinaman broke into Messrs. Campbell and Company shop at Adis Buildings at 10.1 J p.m., yesterday, by smashing a pane of glass. He took some shoes, a hat and other articles having a total value of about 120. He was arrested.
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  • 45 6 There will be a special New Year's Address for Straits-born Chinese on Sunday next, February 2, at 11 a.m, in the Baba Church, at the corner of Middle Road and Waterloo Street, to which non-Christian Babas are specially invited. Admission and the seats are free.
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  • 50 6 Leong Kwyc, charged with being one of six who held up Ng Kee and roughly relieved him of a gold ring in New Bridge Road, at 8.80 p.m., on the 12th instant, was committed for trial at the next Assizes by Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 57 6 We are glad to learn, says the Porak Pioneer, that Mr. Cadman, Telegraph Inspector, F.M.S. Railways, has obtained a well earned promotion by his appointment au Telegraph Engineer Post and Telegraph Department. This is a newly created appointment carrying with it a salary of .£3OO rising to £420 per annum,
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  • 57 6 Mr. Ivor Thomas, a well-known Shanghai resident, has been arrested on a charge of obtaiuing money under false pretences a* the manager of the Shanghai Watch Club. Mr. Thomas was brought before the British Court and remanded. Other actions are pending in the American Consular Court in connection with the
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  • 73 6 In case there should be nurses who contemplate going oat to South Africa with the view of engaging in private work, the Nursing Mirror warns them that not only arc there too many nurses already on the spot far more than are able to obtain remunerative engagements but there have
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  • 90 6 A Chinaman committed suicide on the Sarawak ctoamcr Ruiah of Sarawak, yesterday, at «■;«> p.. n., by hanging. He had gone to Sarawak on that steamer and was not allowed to laud because he had beriberi. When returned to Singapore, he was also detained on board, shut up inside a
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  • 101 6 Probably the best lighted part of Singapore just now is outside the cinematograph shows in Beach Road. The Alhambra frontage is excellently illuminated by the well-known Crompton open type Arc lamps. The Japanese show and the Hippodrome have the latest in Aro lighting in the form of the Crompton- Blordel
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  • 119 6 Planters in Deli rejoice on hearing of the movement in the United States to revise the Dingley tariff, which presses very heavily on imported tobacco from Sumatra. The duty was fixed high to please American tobacco growers, despite strenuous opposition from the trade, and stands now at $1.85 per pound.
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  • 113 6 A story was going tho rounds of the bazaars at Ipoh on Tuesday, to the effect that the report of the Straits Opium Commission, which recently investigated the use and abase of the drug in the F.M.S., had been received at Ipoh. Inquiries were promptly made, says our contemporary, with
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  • 894 6 Mr. C. E. Spooncr. t', ha ban darted President of the Selangor Polo Club. The Siamese Minister nt l.onlon has gone to Tho Hague to attend lor Mm Dutch court seasou. Dr O, E. Morrison, Th* Time- Peking correspondent, has arrived at Hongkong from Shanghai, on his
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 Best Value In Singapore. Thompson, thomas co. Give us a caii-or Write for General Provision Merchants. PRICE LIST. o 17 and 18, Goods imported from the Leading Stamford Rd. English, American, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN AUSTRALIAN i manufacturers. STOREKEEPER WANTED. RUBBER-TYRED VICTORIA. ETC.. FOR SALE Wanted, a Chinese headstorekeeper for IM-
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    • 310 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BBACH ROAD. To-Night' s Programme, j FIRST SHOW 7.30 P.M TO 9 P.M. 1 The Super's Debot 2 The Dog and His Merits 3 A Champion All The Same 4 Misadventures of a Hat 5 Constructing a Fishing-Boat 6 Motor Car for Sale 7 Clown Doctor 8 Rival
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    • 11 6 All telegrams published iv this hsue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 310 7 DISCUSSION ON INDIANS IN THE TRANSVAAL. Concert of Europe. LORD RIPON ON MACEDONIAN AFFAIRS. Absence of the Speaker, Premier and Leader of Opposition. [Rkptik'h TauokAM] I.iiilon. January M. Speaking in flic lions, of I'ommoiin, Mr. Asqaiili, wlio was acting as l.cad-T in the absence of Sir 11.
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  • 69 7 Notable Speech by the Canadian Premier. H>i -l-K'-i Tm.»«l:AM' London, January SO. The Canadian House of Commons has defeated a motion dissenting from any treaty depriving Parliament control of immigration. Sir Wilfrid I.Auriei, the Canadian Premier, made a stirriug appeal for Imperial interests. and asked whether tbe Japanese
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  • 73 7 Programme of King Edward's Visit to the Continent. (Diß OSTASIATISCHB LLOYD TkLROBAMJ Berlin, January 30. King Edward and Queen Alexandra leave for Copenhagen and Christiania in February. Their Majesties will spend tbree days in ceremonial and official functions, and will then slay a fortnight unofficially with King
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  • 59 7 I'EK OsTtSIATIRCBE LLOYD TtI.E'IBAMJ Bc'in, January 30. Moratorium has boon allowed to the Hamburg firm of Messrs. Edward Meyer and Co., trading in China and Korea. The firm called a meeting of its creditors a few days ago, and announced a reconstruction of tbe subsidiary houses
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  • 38 7 [Din OaTtsuTiscM Lloyd Tilmorav] Berlin, January 80. Tbe Press of Europe refers in appreciative and sympathetic articles to the services of Sir Robert Hart as Inspector General oi the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs at Peking
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  • 33 7 IDM OsTAHIATISCHI LLOYD TmLBORA*! Berlin, January 30. The British Government, it is stated, has agreed to the idea that the Baltic Sea should be controlled by the countries on the littoral.
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  • 509 7 Malay Imprisoned for Teo Years for Attempted Murder. (From Ooi Own Cobboponornt.) Lipis, January '27. The Kaub and Lipis Assizes were held last woek by the Acting Chief Judicial Com misHioner (Mr. Justice K. lielticld), who disposed of several cases. Ad elderly and respectable Malay, named Panglima liaja
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  • 292 7 Case Against Chinese Cashier Again Adjourned, Sicw Hock, formerly cashier for the Straits Trading Company, Holland, appeared before Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary inquiry into a charge of criminal breach of trust iv respect of $6,183. There are other charges
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  • 113 7 Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice, this morning, gave judgment on the application of Mr. Hastings Rhodes, on behalf of Mr. Lionel Willis, for an order that the judgment on December 6, in favour of Messrs. Maclean and Company and against Mr. Willis, be set
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  • 113 7 Ii will be seen from an advertisement in another column of this issue that a Sublic meeting is to lie held in tho Victoria [emorial Hall, oc Tuesday evening next at 0.l 5, to bid farewell to the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Hose, on the occasion
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  • 116 7 REICHSTAG VOTES INCREASED BUDGET. Official Reply to Socialist Protest. [Drr Ostajuatischb Lloyd Tblrouam] Berlin, January 80. Thi' Reichstag has passed the Government's proposals for tlio iucream o( the Navy. Kki tki \x.j London, January 81. The Reichstag has passed the Second Reading of the German Naval Bill.
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  • 331 7 Weekly Return of the Registrar of Deaths. The weekly return of mortality in Sings pore, prepared by Dr. D. K. McDowell, shown an increase of 16 in the number of deaths occurring during the week ended January 25, as compared with the number in the prcvio'l* week. The
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  • 86 7 The Dutch steamer Giang Ann, Captxin J. Moss, has arrived from Samarang with the following Javanese contract coolie* and a general cargo For North Borneo Trading Co. 10 Ayer Maelik Estate, Indragiri, Sumatra 15 Gading Estate, Indragiri, Sumatra 6 Jenderata Rubber Co., Perak 21 Ragala do. do.
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  • 137 7 Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice, took the evidence, de benosse, yesterday afternoon, of Sivakadatcham, a contractor, who sues a money-lender yarned Naganpa Cbettiar for 1 10,000 damages for alleged libel. Plaintiff is going to India and, by giving bis evidence yesterday, enabled
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  • 193 7 As many complaints have been made by the public daring the last few days against the action of certain members of the European police force in refusing to allow Europeans to go on Johnston's Pier, it may be of interest to publish the new Port Rales
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  • 670 7 TRUTH OF PLANTATION STORY TESTED. Latest Evidence for Prosecution. When the court resumed its sitting yesterday afternoon, to continue tlie further hearing of the charge of murder preferred against Tophik bin Khurshid Aljunid, Sulong bin Mohamed Ali Marican and Sheikh Mohamed bin Agil, in connection with the death
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  • 657 7 'When (he Police Court continual the Bitting, this morning, there was just as large a gathering in Court as on the previous hearings. Sulong, attired in a white coat and sarong, and Tophik, wearing a black coat and sarong, stood leaning against the rail of the dock,
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  • 305 7 Weekly Report of Messrs. Fraser and Company. A better tone has prevailed during tbe past week, and, although business has been rather restricted, rates generally have been firm throughout, with the exception of rubbers, which still have a drooping tendency, with sellers in most instances. Mining-. Pahang
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  • 82 7 A Malay named Puteh bin Meydin. appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday, on a preliminary inquiry into charges of using as genuine two forged documents, and criminal breach of trust as a public servant. Mr. Hayes Marriott, of the Land Office,
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  • 87 7 His Lordship, Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice, is occupied tu-rlay with the oases of George Smellie v. Carl Zimmerman, and Carl Zimmerman v. George Smellie. Mr. Smellio appears in person and Mr. T D. Parson for Mr. Zimmermaa. Mr. Siuellie claims 9350 for work
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  • 198 7 It is reported tbat a Grape Cure Sanitoriom and Fruitarian Hospital is shortly to be established in Bangalore, on the linos of the Lady Margaret Fruitarian Hospital, Bromley, Kent, England. The land chosen for the hospital is be tween the site of the Tata Technical and Scientific
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  • 140 7 TWO NEW YORK INSTITUTIONS CLOSE THEIR DOORS. Names of the Presidents and the Cashiers. [Vu* Ostasutiscb* Lloyd Tblboramj Berlin, January 80. A telegram from New York states that the affairs of the New Amsterdam National Bank and the Mechanics' aud Traders' Bank will be administered, compulsorily, by the
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  • 30 7 [Drk Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telkoram! Berlin, January 30. The Emperor Williuru gave audience to Bishop Henninghaus, of South Shantung, and had a long conversation ou Chinese affairs.
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  • 307 7 SIX MILLIONS FOR CHARI TY. Large Sums for Religious and Public Uses. The past year has been remarkable for the largo sinus left under wills for charitable, religious, and other public uses. These bequests already amount to over £5,500,000, and it is estimated that when the records are complete, the
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  • 44 7 Mr. E. K. Colman, the Third Magistrate, fined a Chinaman 15, yesterday, for theft'of a 15 vote from Mr. K. H. Mauleifinch, in South Canal Road, at 6. 15 p.m., yesterday The note was snatched from Mr. Mauleffinch's hiinil. hut recovered.
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  • 83 7 At the meeting of the York Board of Guardians, one of tho members drew attention to what he described as base ingratitude on the part of one of the inmates, who had pawned bis arm for 3s. 6d. The man had been in the infirmary, where the
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  • 20 7 The price of tin in Singapore to day is (63 per picul. Two hundred and fifty tons have been sold.
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  • 78 7 Ipoh Amatenrs performed Frod W. Broughton's one-aot comedietta, Withered Leaves and Sydney Grundy's The Head of Romulus, on Saturday. Both pieces, says th.c Times of Malaya, were staged in a way that reflected highest credit on- all who took part in the performance, and the spectators were must enthusiastic throughout.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 21 8 The IMH lly lia-> bueii fmnktmi by Mr Lev Toon Took, aud Lady Mh Ha liy Mi Yzvlinan.
      21 words
    • 28 8 A MM of Ice Hockey was played at Tieutsiu. ou tht llth instant. )j>tweun teams rcpreHontiii" Kuglaud and America: the Knglisli teuni won by seven goals t<j Iviii
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    • 44 8 <»wii)g to the hard state of the turf, tho Kugby football mutch I* twoen Scotland and Tin fdst. which should have been played on Uio Esplauudc lust evening, did not eorao off. The match ha- boi'U aUiudonutl, M the Rugby football season has ended.
      44 words
    • 87 8 I'erakClubv. I r ping: Recreation Club. The match bntwi i I'erak Club and the Ixiping Htcivation Club was played on Saturday, aud resulted iv a win for the I'erak Club by au innings and runs. The I'orak Club compiled 113, of which A. Hroiirlcy was responsible for 80. and
      87 words
    • 105 8 S.C.C. v. R.U.A. The S.O.C. ha\e arranged an Association football match on tho Esplanade, this oveoui", with a team of the R.G.A. Neither team will be up to full strength, yet the game Hhould prove iutcrcsting enough to wind up thin seasons play on the Esplanade. The S.C.C.
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    • 132 8 Bisley Handicap at Taiping. Tho result of the Bisloy monthly handicap prize competition, in connection with Taiping branch of the Perak Rifle Association, which was tired last Sunday morning, was a popular win for Sayors, who, after starting in an unpretentious way at 200 yards with My put
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    • 222 8 Ipob Qymkhana Club. The executive of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club are to be heartily congratulated ou the successful way Saturday afternoon's interesting proyrauimo was carried out. From start to finish, everything was lot rate;, splendid weather, a representative attendance from all parts of tho F.M.S. and Penang, a
      222 words
    • 273 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. In the A siugloa handicap ot the V.M.C.A. tennis touinauunt. yeeterday, A vuu Cuylenburg beat Baker, 6-3, 61. Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club. Tlic result of yesterday's play in Uie Laditti' Lawu Tennis Club tuuruaniuut was ;is follows Mi\kd Dolblks. --B Class. Mr. aud Mrs. Hartnell owo
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    • 237 8 Elliott Competitions. The dm w for teams iv tho I'lliott t onipetition has rosulUnl as follows. I'ho lir.-t round will he swum oIT next Sunday iiflor the arrival of the 10 o'clock launch White Team— Yellow Team— .1. h. Black M. B. Brockwell C.W.F.vanCuylouburg K. B. S. Roberteou C.
      237 words
    • 332 8 Departure of Russell's Officers To-day. Every brunch of sport at the Singapore Cricket Club will lose valuable aud enthusiastic adherents by the departure to-day for Madras ot Lieutenants Coiuyu and Clarke, of the 95th Russell's Infantry. Both Lientcmiut Corny v and Lieutenant Clarke are true sportsmen,
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  • 296 8 Alleged Unsatisfactory Working of Clerical Scheme. Sundry correspondents have druwu our attention to what they allege to be the unsatisfactory manner in which the clerical scheme of the F.M.S. Railways U being curried out iv actual practice, bayb the Pt rak Pioneer. The two uliiuf points oi complaint
    296 words
  • 31 8 I Mr. W. miig, European Warder, Prisons Departmuut,- Per&k, has been appointed an laspector of Pdi<»-»nd posted to duty T«T ping. Mr.- M«t, Inspector, bu be»n tnrwferrtd on ojeeiaJ-daty tj Kampsr.'
    31 words
  • 438 8 List of Entries in Gymkhana Club's Event. The following is, the list of entries aud hamlieaps tor the Kint.i (iymKhanu Club's auuual muetiug, wlu'ch is Ui take place on Kebruary 11. Ii anil 18 First I >a> TUX OHBMM4IM OVP. I'iknl W.ll .lackoroo <l. H SUrlight 7.ii Tue
    438 words
  • 130 8 The following ib taUeu from the Hongkong Daily I'ress, of the 23rd instant llougkong pays a big military contribution, so, though we do not enjoy the grumbling privilege and status of the taxpayer at Home. we may surely address to the chief authorities a protest against
    130 words
  • 118 8 Ureat lutcrel <■ being manifested iv the municipal slcctioua. ays a. Shanghai wire o! the 22nd instant. In former Councils there were seven British representatives one American and one German. The Germans and Americans have on this occasion nominated t -vo each and combined to plump
    118 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 481 8 Gazetteer of the Straits and .M.S. To the Kditor ot the Straits Time Singapore. January Nl Mi, As t rimford'H Dictionary of the ludian Archipelago is. ouo umy safely say, yiitof print, do you not think it would Ik well if the Government of th<: Straits Settlement* '"iM make arrangements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 299 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE HIPPODROME CINEMATOGRAPH SHOW. Entire Change of Programme, To-Night To-Night FIRST SHOW. AT 7 30 P.M. 1 A 4icuu.ii u Wan. .1 I Him 1h i liil..- BMb I I i.a.11 Matoli I Huiiud tliu World Will... I, i .i <Vui I The Golduu Bectk' 6 Letters Wliicli
      299 words
    • 229 8 Disinfect with SMO WOOL A REAL AND RELIABLE GERMICIDE. Removes obnoxious hindls and pnoervt* life by rl<ns(royitm the oBim wllicll c;lllsr (liscilsr. IU ISy I" Tl fiJS I" C tl< i--l'»«Hi.iM < ■'• A.-.j, t.-sU-.1..n II 111 L I liWILL^ '"linn-.,! Typhoid (ien,.- wil t the I'oisoh MM11 M lliW
      229 words
    • 80 8 A {PUBLIC MEETING i<> BID FAEEWELL TO THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE wiu, m; HUiD in 'nil. Victoria Memorial Hall ON Tuesday, February 4, at 5,15 p.m. l a Hmm ru ill <t draSc: STOOMVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ NEDERLANO. Thu Company's Mail .Sicimur GKOTIVh li-.ft Ualavia on Janutry B, and is
      80 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 366 9 >ate m\ I jrmaion I Caoital SnbtorltMd Number of Bharea iMne I Paid i Value up to Share. Uniasaed Compaoy ,-r^tTj-*" ICO3 i JSOO.OOO 9i00,000 1907 9800,000 lIM.CO. 1 1901 1600,1)00 $600,000 190.1 £400,000 £360,000 1905 £80,000 £30.000 i 1907 1400,000 1375.000 1901 £60,000 £60.000 i 1906 £100,000 £100,000
      366 words
    • 380 9 1906 I £150,000 £116,698 1908 9900,000 1108,000 1904 £80,000 £18.2-10 1909 £70,000 £61.000 1906 1150,000 lIU.OOO 1904 i £19,000 £10,800 1908 £78,090 £88,000 1906 i £110,000 £243,997 1906 £180,000 £180,000 1907 £890,000 £901,800 1906 7178,000 I /146.2J0 1906 •280,000 •998,000 1896 £100,000 £76,100 1906 £300,000 £260,698 1901 i 30.000
      380 words
    • 211 9 1894 I £3,877.10.0 £4,805 7,686 13/6 I 11/6 1888 j 1225,000 1225,000 1,300 690 6&o .163 i»i 3,000,000 |»w,000,000 Jim »Vm j ISO* !»J,«K),000 'w.i 00.000 f ""SIoSS 6100 imm iainnnnm nrv> nnn f 6 WOO WOO 1896 I 11,000,000 61,000,000 1000 i woo j g IM 1 101
      211 words
  • 275 9 ■MMMMi Janoakv 30, 190**. PRODUCE. i_biir I 7.30 Jo (Cube No. i nnpi'.-ke-I 10.371 Copra Bali 7.60' ■lo Pontiana.: 7.30 Fvppor, Black 14.1X) .Jo White 6*- J0 12J Saao F;o»r 9ai ;i.o7| do Bronei No. I 3.00 rVirl Sago 4.10 Coffee Bali, picked 25.50 Coffee, Palerobang. JO Ukm 22.65
    275 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 Choice Fresh Flowers. Wedding aud Ball Bonqueti, Wreaths, Crosses and Floral Designs. !>rcor&(ionr of e'-try de-:ription undertaken. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT. 217, Oroluird Road Telephone 737.— GARDENS, 190. MM* KOH COMPANY, !XI. BR\S BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. Have just received Lette'a Deck and Pocket Dtata for 190S, fci-bo the following
      168 words
    • 482 9 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Chnrch of tnglana Soarding Bouse lor Earopean and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House or to the Colonial Chaplain. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. Many so-called women's complaints can be traced
      482 words
    • 216 9 MARTIN'S A rnncn H.mtiw lot .11 IW««|M|MML rhouu" M bdlo k«c boi ol VuUii nil*b Ik* kscM. KlbU tM SMUHOTw Irrrf iltrltr (-1 Uf t J HIM Mj.ll mMf UralnilMTf 1 rto««irhoM«tt— iirm» C«rrf tktlr MiK'li Al .11 Ch«ii.lM»t»* »«t»», nyilfnl »< The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION
      216 words
    • 84 9 CHARLES T&i HEIDSIECK'S White Seal V§^\ Champagne. BOLE AGENTS M M Behn, Mayor ACo U Am^L Singapore nnd PenauQ. JOHV LITTLE C«., V.L Ls^^J March 30 n.. w.f. t.C. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ARC LAMPS AIL TYPES IN BTOCK. FOR ANY VOLTAGE. THE CROMPTON-BLONDEL PATENT FLAME ARC LAMP. -MALL CIKRKNT
      84 words
    • 178 9 Pohoomull Bros, 48E HIGH BTREET. SILK MERCHANT? Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, GtuiOi and Silverware of every description, Brassware, etc. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITEO Ka me Co. I JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year A Splendid Assortment of Aud Artificial Flowers <&f a
      178 words

  • 1191 10 FAIRLY LARGE CHECKS IN VOGUE THIS SEASON. at the prcHcnt season of the year, wiieu our climate does MM worst, as a rule, to »i",il all our outdoor garments, there is a special pleasure in planning tLosc dainty toilettes which are intended exclusively for home wear, and
    1,191 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 613 10 BANKING COMPANIES.! HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital ..110,000,000 kebkrve fund Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) «oi-u\(vw Silver Reserve »11,750,000f Baserve LiabiUty of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. O. H. Medburßt, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick. Deputy Chairman. Oustav Frieskuiil. Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. A. Fuchi, Esq. E.
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    • 577 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £»*.b £1,500,000 Reserve Fund £1,475.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1 .'JOO.OOO BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts
      577 words
    • 530 10 INSURANCE Companies THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSUP.AXCE. (Estuujshkt A. D. 17*10.) The undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to accept Fire and Mariue Risks at curreut rat<*s. 693 BEEN, MEYER Co.. Ltd. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,7-iO,OOO Revenue £2,061,01-1-19-8 Tbe undersigned are prepared to accept
      530 words
    • 307 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or HOUSEHOLD FUKNITCRE, KTC. At Upper Norwood S;. Thomas's W*^. Ok Satur-loy, VMrtMTH S, M 2p.m.. Tbe property of W. M. 6IME, Irr. Comprising Single and Double Ir>>n Bed iteads. Toak Alcieiraha, Rattan Ware, Dinner Services. Cr.lery, etc., and collection of Plants. Now ou Vie*.
      307 words
    • 216 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or \v 8 n P. MOTOR CAR, V. KMRBIi Howarth Erskiue, Ltd Works, Mirbau It I. Ft-.A.wj, Frhru.irij ai p.'t. (For account of concerned). H. L. Coghlan 6" Co.. LrMrrrl iinvrn and Surveyor*. AUCTION SALE OK !<<»; SKHOLD FUBNITUHK, KD I fCJ| To be held
      216 words

  • 1538 11 LAST YEAR'S RECORDS IN ENGL4ND REVIEWED. Advantages of the Brooklands Track. Wlun tlic spotting chronicler of the- tuturt U writing a history of motor-racing, the year r.i'7 will stand out very prominently in liis woik. This will In 1 so not ouly ou account of the iictiuil races that
    1,538 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. I'uiiiU-d and Upholstered Dark Green, lied Wheels, fitted with Magneto, llood, Pump, Lamps and all uecessary accessories and tools Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three seaters, in Stock. TriaJ Ktuut by arrangement. Prices and full particulars frotu SYME Co.,
      265 words
    • 95 11 Write for New Catalogue OK HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices THE BORNEO CO., LTD. B> Royal &J|L&, Mc M< >«» 1 > Wmrnmt tt tagj/f}£ The Klof BOVRIL U true food and oostalns Altum?n and Fibrin* which go to form Blood, Rons, Brain and Iftucts. Borf-teu aud Meatr
      95 words
      254 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1100 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. R»tes Fonr Linw, one or twouw»rtion«, ti Bylthe inch, Sc&le of Ch&rgw. DE SUMATRA POST. Published daily at Medan. Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 STOREKEEPER WANTED An energetic assistant Chinese Storekeeper. Mnst be quick »t figures. State salary required. Apply to A. 8.C., c.'o Straits
      1,100 words
    • 541 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. RiTM:— £;*r Umm, Mi or two inurtioiu, fl. By '"> S«J« o! Chargta. HOUBE TO LET. No. 21s Wilkie Rom. to let. Apply Nindot bin Dato H*ijee. No. 181. Serangoon Road. 144 OFFICE TO LET. No. 4i, Baffle Place, at present occupied by Mr. W
      541 words
    • 544 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Kins -Poor Man, on* or tw 'r^srtfons, fUK By the inch, S?<wle of CL '.rtot LANDAU FOR BALE. A First-class Landau, Rubbe r-tyred, almost oew, to be seen at F. Clarke Co.'s Livery Rtablee, 807, Queen Street. 49*4 FOR SALE The Race Horse KINGTON By Prince Chester,
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    • 533 12 v.o.v. DAN MACFARLAIME COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., S tS. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD? II \\l lIKKS UTOIMKI' Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE. STOUT. Obtainable from th> < t3 Synte Co. I f Vot M^ nC Pa
      533 words
    • 200 12 PHOTO DEPOT, 104, NORTH BRIDGE KOAD. All sorts cf Photographic Apparatus and Materials, viz. Cameras, Lenses, Plates, Papers. Chemicals. Films, Mounts. Photo Frames, etc. Prices very moderate, i'ric Liets po3l'ree. Kong ante chiong co. 1867 BUCHANAN S WHISKIES. are not an experiment They have been the fa von rite blende
      200 words