The Straits Times, 30 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ISO. 22.561. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 30. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 382 1 Decide i NOVN on your car. WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims of all the cars you have seen or heard al>out. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, aud what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the heavy tests
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  • 1090 2 LIFE OF ERSTWHILE BALLOONIST DESCRIBED. The lihcono or an Arkonact, bkinu tub Lifb of John M. Bacon. By hi* daughter, Gertrudo Bacon. London: John Long. (Ida. Hi) In this volume Miss Bacon gives us a very full and intimate account of the popular balloonist who dit'd at a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 315 2 Tansan! (in common with every article oi PROVED MERIT) has its IMITATORS. Tansan is bottled under the strictest EUROPEAN Supervision. The extensive, up-to-date Plant is open to the inspection of all visitors to Takaradzuka, Japan, where the bottling of Tansan in its natural state may be seen. No contamination is
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    • 85 2 it Oliver Standard VISIBLE Typewriter, SEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Agentu: ATKINSON FORBES, >1 OIUBBt *LHT. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. From* Water Island (PULO BUXOM) Oppom»« Wptitorn Entrant* to Keppel Ha'bour. 40/--(FORTY SHILLINGS PER TON FOB, IN BUNKERS RATE OF OELIVERY 200 TONB PER HOUR. STOCKS ALSO A.T. Suez, Homba), Colombo,
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    • 175 2 PHOSFERINE I Taa Oftrti t at all To«i«« I I lifum wuim. 1 I rr.M.'— Htm a n ri- I uimißii^ «.c j BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not as experiment. They havu been tbi favonrite blends at home (or many yewrs and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies.
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    • 239 2 THERMOS I Bane/its of thermos ■>riirT\M/\/* THERMOS BOTTLES THERMOS I THERMOS PE <>PLE IN THE JUNGLE UM Ml k<_<; lot for H <lavTHERMOS r^ W PLANTERS. MOTORISTS. SPORTSMEN I Can hars li:f.-COLI> IRNUI t :.ny lime MCH BOTTLE eUftfttMTCEO HaII CaFi fkl /I tVny'lmu'f'.fTlwLevy Hermanos. g«CM BOTTLE BtUBMTCEO et |M;
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  • 244 3 A LEGACY, A HONEYMOON, AND A CLOCK. Gerolauio Papquali. who bad been sent to serve a sentence for larcenies which would not expire until 1910 in the penal settlement of Lauipvlusii, an island off Sicily, has had a stroke of good fortune, says a Rome correspondent. Last spring
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  • 110 3 Lord K.l»in has sent a letter to the Governor drawing uttention to Uie lar«e uiiinbiT of appeals for redress that he MmHm fr UJ Ceylon aud as regards those that are Rent in by members of the public Hervicc, His Lordship throws out the
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  • 157 3 The Criminal Statistic for Scotland (ur 1906, make rather sorry readme. Apprehensions and citations in twenty years have increased 40 per cont, tin- total in 1900 being no fewer than 175,000 odd. Scotland it the land of distilleries, and the drink figures given are certainly remark, able.
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  • 293 3 The Upper India Chamber of Commerce, through its Secretary, has addressed the Financial Secretary to tbe Government of the United Province on the subject of tlie univerMil i mi M-liiin -in hi tbu i ii miir currency notes at par. The letter, after referriug to
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  • 79 3 A well drewied Malay wa« wending Ini way leisurely from Ipoli to Mcagleuibii tho other clay, when be was .1 by a Rang of Chinese, who demanded money of him. He replied he wag wor ac off than they iv that respect. Tho celestials then sped him on bis journey
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 CHARLES tA. HEIDSIECK S fflWjt\ White Seal Champagne. f| bmLK AGENTS f. M Behn, Meyer ACo Ld A-j^ Singapore and I'eiiang. kV*V^^^ DEPOT > Bb^Bsl KtHV UTTLr: f«., LW. L^^^l Maroh 80 m.w.f. no. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. HUB ENTRANCE TO BOUNEO WHARF Telephone 1026 Sea stocks of all
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    • 275 3 2 A Boon to the Bilious. S§ tku tb. tomtr Your llvar ami •t.auck n«d atttntl*. am than tb. 4M. W a WkM you HW your«.H Mrff.rtll( Ir.a. a Mlmu. attack, tak. jjwm Pius 0 •""s>''»» •»•!>«««« will ««Ml dlMppiar. They MtU. tb. .tomach r,, u l.t. Q V th.
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  • 271 4 Passengers Outward. Pur I. aud O. steamer Mooltau, connecting with the steamer Delta, at Colombo. From London, Jan. 3, due Jan. 31 Mr. M.)Kirwan, Mrs. Millar, Miss bell, Mr. E. J. Souter, Mr. A. Morrison. Mr. J. S. Dunlop, Miss Dunlop, Mr. aud Mrs. C. W. Darbishire, Miss
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  • 188 4 Mr. Uawtrey Thwaites late of the Ceylon lievcrument Service, has an interesting letter iv this wook's Field upon Pythons and their prey, in answer to tho remarks of a correspond' ut who expressed a doubt whether constrictors generally ever attempt to catch toot tad animals with
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  • 155 4 Tut' Tieutbiu-Ynngt/e Loan AmsMsMMl Mt- -'^:ie.l on Mtli instant between the n nrL-ontativos of tile AusjloUerman Syndiu.itc iinJ the Waiwupu. The amount of the loan i~ i;5.<300,000.. to bo i-Mied within one year t 88, bearing tivo per *****, interest, and OTred by Imperial guarantee and provincial revenue.
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  • 169 4 l'articulais are jmt to liand from Hyderabad city of the terrible death of a young woman, aged sixtecu. and married only a few days, says a Secmderdbad wire of the 15th instant. At the entrance, to the city are standing places for elephants
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  • 96 4 Daring t!io summing up, in ibis case, reiened to in our columns a few days since, ;h6 accused asked permission to leave the Court, saying 1 cannot staud this." His MQMtt w^s^rantet). After summing up, the Court was closed iiud reassembled in half an hour. Kvidenco
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  • 66 4 By liU will, the late Mr. William i U who diol at :-.t Kaplock Cottage, Blantyn on .July 20, has loft estate nuiu;iutiuy to ll,<>.>i. Mi. Kac nhirvfil considerable fame as the bloodless surgeon, and in the summer of 190.'., theie were pilgrimages of the bait and lame, mainly from
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  • 805 4 yam--, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agem». STEAMERS. iiriie. Sydney. Feb 30 Bnnstead \i*^, Liver;-oJ. Feb '9; W. Manafield Alicante, Europe, Feb 27 Barlow \u:i!') buH Liverpool. Fob 8; W. Mansfield A riii- H king, Ma. 5 Rantenberg Sohmidl Ayr-.bia, Bombay. Feb '2o; Borneo Coy
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  • 134 4 j Aa ..i-i'.'.siiit ..lustration of the risk involved in representing technical terms by tliuiv. initial*, laniliar, no duiibt, to the. initiated, lia; ruyslorious to otliers. is pro videJ by a No>Bt correH|)ondcnce in the Yorkshire Post. I >n-» day there i[.peai\Hl in that journal a I
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  • 113 4 Cuusi lorabk ourost is being aroused in l\trsee circies ~y ua approaching case in the liou.baj High t -.vhioli effects the whole eomuiuuity. Mr. Hutton;. Lh.dabjioy 'I'uta is calling upon the XtewttM o: the Rmsjm l'anchayat to show why they s.'.ould not admit his wife. .i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUBLISHER Mr. 11. (1. Harris, publisher of the Advertis. r. K. ntville. S.. makes the followin:; statement I havt used (.'hamherlaiu's CoJg!; Ktiuedy for myseh' aud family and find it to be one of the best medicines for Couyh- aud colds that I ever tried. For
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    • 719 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Com*, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Porti. Steamen will leave Singapore On or about MAIL LINE. Outitard {for China). MM TM'ii Feb
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    • 1183 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER BERVICE By the new steamers "RHENANIA," 1- HABSBURG," HOHENBTAUFEN. I Theae steamers offer to the pablio the highest i Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided •sith only lower bertha. The oabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laandrv
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    • 771 4 STEAMER SAILIH6B. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Ocrtnan Mall Line. The fart and wall known mail steamers of thia Oompany Mil fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, (connection Marseilles, Naplea, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penan? Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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    • 28 4 H< t.!Ui ilo". -c p.ssoKs it.' I'se Steams' Cordial of Cod Liver Extract. Stearn«' Cordial of Cod Liver Kxtract is a blo>jd builder, a fesb and strength creator.
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  • 579 5 SUFFRAGETTES MOB THE KING AND QUEEN. Police Make Arrests. FIGHTING SESSION PREDICTED. Lord Curzon of Kedleston Takes his Seat. (From Oir Own Corrmpondknt). London, January 29, 4.65 p.m. His Majesty the King, accompanied by Qnren Alexaniia. openud tlio n»:w H sion of Parliament in person this afternoon, and
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  • 434 5 The Procession. In announcing the date fixed (or the openIng of Parliament, a Home paper says The ceremony will be practically similar to the last State opening of Parliament, and preparations have been commenced (or the processions between Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Westminster, which form so prominent a
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  • 450 5 Chinaman's Terrible Death in a Boarding House. Mr. E. C. Howard, the Senior Magistrate, took evidence, yesterday afternoon, in regard to the death of Scow Kirn, at Xo. 98, New Bridge Road, on tbe night of the 24th instant. Sergeant Bartells said that he went to thin
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  • 223 5 Catholic Organisation in Sound Position. The annual meeting of the Singapore Catholic Funeral Association was held at the residence of Mr. T. A. Pereira, No. 208, Queen Street, last night. Amendments to tli« rules of the Association were adopted, the minutes of tbe extraordinary meeting held in July
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  • 23 5 I'm thinkin' that ivry man has a Ooold Mine undher his own dnre-step or in his neighbor's pociet at tit' farthest— Mr Dooley.
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  • 102 5 OFFICERS EXONERATED BY COURT OF ENQUIRY. (From Odb Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 30, 12.55 p.m. The Conrt of Enquiry into the circumstances attending tlTe loss of the Indo-China steamer Yiksang at the Brothers, near Swatow, on the 16th instant, when Mr. F. R. Pinkerton, chief engineer,
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  • 67 5 The Chinese Viceroy Promises Protection. (From Our Own Correspondbnt.) Hongkong, January 80, 12.55 p.m. AH tbe British gunboats have now been withdrawn from the West River, where they bad been sent to keep down piracy. The Viceroy of the Kwang Provinces has promised to settle all claims
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  • 63 5 The New Issue of Pataling Shares. iFrom Ocr Own Correspondent.) London (Ma Penang), January 28. Shares in Rubbor Companies are mostly quiet, with a lower tendency. A new issue is bring made of 2,500 XI shares in the Pataling Company at a premium of j£3, in the
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  • 37 5 "Rrhtbr's Tklf.oram.i London, January 29. Despite the denial of Mr. Smuts, there is a strong belief in Johannesburg that a solution of the deadlock arising out of the Asiatic Registration Act is impending.
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  • 29 5 IRbUTKR 1 TIL««BAMJ London, January 29. The Russian naval programme provides for an expenditure of £19,000.000 sterling annually for twelve years to re-build the navy.
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  • 151 5 Meddlesome Humanitarians Bring About a New Law. Planters in Deli nod themselves in an awkward position just now. They and their labourers had been loft much to themselves for yoarx, until recently, when meddlesome humanitarian!) raised tbe cry that the coolies were cruelly and unfairly dealt with.
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  • 191 5 Straits Cattle Trading Company Fined. Dr. F. Dent, Government Analyst, has prosecuted Abdul Haza, an employee of the Straits Cattle Trading Company, and the Manager of the Company, before the senior magistrate, Mr. B. C. Howard, on a charge of offering adulterated milk lor sale to the prison
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  • 88 5 As the Chinese New Year's Day comes nearer, burglars aud thieves are busy. The residence of a Chinese clerk, at the 8 mile stone Thomson Road, was visited on Wednesday morning, but through the barking of the dogs, the thieves ran away. Last night, the visit was repaid,
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  • 1084 5 STARTLING ALLEGATIONS BY JAVANESE. Story of a Secret Meeting. There was another Urge assembly in the Police Court, this morning, when the hearing of the Alsagoff murder case again came before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colin an. Inspector Frayne had taken special pre cautions to
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  • 634 5 Official Assignee and Squeezing of Debtors. The bankruptcy work was taken by Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, this morning. The list was an unusually short one. In considering au application for the withdrawal of the petition against A. R. R. M. Rauiasamy Chetty, who had already been made bankrupt,
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  • 95 5 Mary A. E. Dnnman, Ellen Dunman, Charles J. Lacy and Kobert Dunman, owners of the Grove Estate, Tanjong Katong, sued a Tamil named Pakiri, before Mr. Justice Sercoinbb Smith, at the Council Chamber, yesterday, for $300 as damages alleged to have boon inflicted on plaintiffs' young
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  • 153 5 Among the distinguished visitors at the last rendering of the Japanese operetta, Princess Ju-Ju, at the Victoria Memorial Hall, last night, iv addition to His Excellency the Governor and Miss Anderson, were the Earl of Crawford and two of bis guests who are visiting Singapore on his
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  • 217 5 DUET BY FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN MINISTERS. A Song of Love and Friendship. [Dee Ostasiatischk Lioyd TeleoramJ Berlin, January 23. The speech of M. Piclion, French Foreign Minister, in connection with the Morocco question, was made the occasion of a remarkable demonstration and was received with much acclamation, which
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  • 65 5 Diplomatic Speech by Prince von Radolin. JKictmb'h Trlr(>uam| London, January 29. At the Kaiser's birthday banquet in Pari*, the German Ambassador (Prince von Radolin) said that Franco-German relations were gradually becoming more cordial. Ho rejoiced at the rapprochement, to which President Falliercs, supported by his Ministers of State,
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  • 61 5 Mr. A. Deakin Advocates Universal Military Training. IRbCTKR's i'rl.K \:> London, January 29. The Hon. Alfred Deakin, Premier, speaking at the celebration of the foundation of tbe Commonwealth, dealt with the subject of Australian defence. Ho advocated strongly universal military training for the whole manhood of the
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  • 43 5 IRbdtbb's Tbliokax] London, January 29. It is announced officially that Sir W. S. Robson (Solicitor General) succeeds the late Sir J. Lawson Walton as Attorney General. Mr. S. T. Evans, K.C., M.P. for Mid Glamorgan, becomes Solicitor General.
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  • 42 5 [Dm OSTAMIATISCHI LloYI) TbLBi.RASII Berlin, January 27. There has been a scene in the House of Deputies at Buenos Aires in conscience of a conflict of opinion between the Opposition and the Government of tho Argentine Republic.
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  • 41 5 [DlB Osia-iai i«.. m« 1. 1. ...i. Tm.,,m Berlin, January 28. A nroposal has been introduced into tbe Duma for tbe duplication of the permanent way of the Trans-Siberian Railway at a cost of 157,000,000 roubles (over £15,000,000 sterling).
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  • 32 5 (Die Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tilioham] Berlin, January 27. A Republican riot occurred at Lisbon in connection with the elections now in progrtv. The riot was suppressed quickly by the authorities.
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  • 21 5 |D«k OSTASUTISCHI LLOYD TIILBOBAUt Berlin, January H The celebration of tho German Emperor's birthday throughout Germany was most enthusiastic.
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  • 20 5 [Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tklkobam] Bo'Wn, January 28. The death is announced of Bishop Richard in Paris.
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  • 991 6 STRONG INDICTMENT AGAINST HIGH OFFICIALS. Is Colonial Office Rule a Success? In Mm uourHc of a long leader 00 tho question as to whether or not the appointment of In^li official from the Colonial Office to the post of lli^h Commissioner of the Federated Malay States lias beon
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  • 45 6 There will be a papor-cbasc in connection with tho Singapore Hunt Club on Saturday. The start will be made from tho corner of Almeida-Road (Bukit Tiawii Jioad), uaree at ijjCi &ad hnsjdg at p.m.' j tEa£aiga will be at the Club n»r jaee at Tj^rtall."
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    • 16 6 Tin.- Engliuh cricket team begins the return match with Victoria at Melbourne to-morrow.
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    • 23 6 The racer Recompense has changed hands, having been bought by Mr. Ho Kirn Teck. Recompense will be entered for the ISatu Uajab races.
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    • 58 6 A circular letter has been sent to i in athletic clubs of Calcutta, by Mr. A. W. Hughes, bon. secretary of the Lacrosse section of the Calcutta Football Club, asking for their opinion upon the proposed introduction ot lacrosse into India. Many former lacrosse playero have forwarded their names to
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    • 89 6 A match bes beeu definitely arranged to be played in Calcutta between Stevenson, the champion of the world, aud lnman, the holder of several world records, including ■.i hi off thr rod ball. Negotiations have been in progress for some time between tho interested parties, with tho result tbat they
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    • 49 6 Balestier R.C. v. W.K. Band Drums. A soccer match was played ou the Old Gas Site yesterday between the Ualestii Recreation Club and the Band aud Drums, Weal Kent*. The lialosticr Club, although the lighter team, proved the better team, and won by two goals to nil.
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    • 149 6 S.C.C. v. E. Co.. West Rents. Au eleven of E. Company. West Keuts. luicd v team of the S.C.C. iv a hockey match ou the Ksplanade. yesterday. Play commenced with E. Company attacking ana applying pressure but only tor a little time, as tlioy soon lost the ball and
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    • 156 6 Married v. Single in Selangor. "M Saturday the Married aud Siugle of Kuala Lumpur engaged in a cricket match on the Khplauaile aud the Single won by ■X) i nuw. The Married batting lirst, made a poor show against the bowliug of Wyatt aud liurtou and were all out
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    • 364 6 I i-i" Lawn i iimv club Tha rcbiilt, ol yesterday's play 111 Hit I :v li< s Lawn Tumi it, l lub l. •■h-m.i im was M follows Mixti- Dul-ule>.— A Class. lUai .1. •nun aud Mr. Oauul uwo •">, boat Mr*. Waddcll and Mr. Hanbury, scr. o—B,
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  • 1336 6 HEATED CORRESPONDENCE IN A HONGKONG NEWSPAPER. lv -in- of inn- Hongkong contemporarily, a heated correspondence has l>ecu hoiuh 0. for some time oil the much -debuted iiiu'stiou of Christian Science so-called. The following letter by Major U. 1". T. Fisher, Army Service Corps, appears iv reply to several
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  • 391 6 Committee's Annual Report to the Members. At the annual general meeting ol' the members of the Singapore Rowing Club on Tuesday. Fubmary 11, at 5.1.3 p.m.. the report of the Coiuiuuteo f-jr the year will !>■; pie euted. The report says that the bor-OK boats and the
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  • 131 6 Gigantic Conspiracy to Defeat Australian Law. The Federal (lovernmout s Special Commissioner, Mr. Lewis, who ha- beeu investigating the administration of the Immigration Restriction Law, has presented to Mr. Deakin a startling report, revealing an elaborate system for smuggling Chinese stowaways iuto Australia. A gang of corrupt whitesis
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  • 133 6 Whether the insignificant attempts of the Calcutta Corporation to destroy mosquito lame in souiu of the tanks in the city will ever have any effect, or reduce to any appreciable extent the myriads of these pests, is a matter which is open to considerable doubt. But the Chairman
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  • 70 6 The action of the Government with reference to the more complete equipment of oar men-of war with refrigerating machinery, for maintaining ammunition chambers at a regular temperature, resulted in a large number of orders for small cooling machine*. During the coming year, says Ice and Gold Storage, it is anticipated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 571 6 Mn %>ittk Go., Jbtd. HIRANO Mineral Water. An excellent and most reliable Table Water. Mixes wall with Spirits. Per case of 8 doz. Splits $6.00. Per case of 4 doz. Pints $4.25. Haihambra CINEMATOGRAPH Beach Road. Rew Programme on TO-NIGHT. ONLY PATHE JL L. F. WILLIS, FRERES' FILMS. \U,m, LATRST
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    • 132 7 I'ou Peb Btkaulu Ii» To-morrow Malacca aud Liuggi Khemj Senu 1 I'-ui. Muar Hiid Malacca }lainum 1 p.m. Muar Sultan 'I p.m. Batit Fahat Aing Thy* '1 p.m. T. T. Beiiukulm tiagnu sn' Trms/an* 'i p.m. Ponaug, B"g'X>u, Calcutta VMlana 'A p.m. Malacca •'<"<; Urns 3 p.m. Bangkok
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    • 117 7 II i "am. P. AO. Mia. llit P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia left Hongkong, at 1 p.m., on Saturday, and is duo here at 6 a.m.. on Thursday, tbe 30th instant. Homewiiuj Girmas Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Zieten ta\iin: left r T ""t^""|
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    • 89 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. tahjoms «g«» Eaht Wham- Basis— Nil. V. A r \VII4K>- SCOTIOM I— Nil. Sect. 1 (Suras Whabjt):— Nil. Sumo* No. 'I— Teeeta I'mta. a— Ferric. 4— Awa Maru. s— Nil. h 6— Oeucahon, Miuilya, Meuclaus. 7—
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    • 77 7 Koar Admiral Korber, throe members of his staff and tlie Captains of the German croiuum lur.-t Dismark, Niobe and Lucha wero received in Audience by His Majesty the King of Siam in tho Chakkri Hall of the Koyal i .I.-ice, being introduced by Herr von Prolliux. the German Minister Plenipotentiary.
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    • 96 7 From Enaopx— By the I*. *O. *.a. Delta, due January SI. From Chiki— Hy the P. AO. e.i. Arcadia, duo January 30. t. Dot Jan Jau Jan Jan Jao Jan .Tan Jan Singapore I' 30 M. M. I P. >v O. N. D. L. 9 8.1. 13
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  • 272 7 A Living Sacrifice to Gain Over a Spirit. All ul. I rcMiii'iu in N> tin i hiiiil.i I uili.i. gi\o, iv a mrnwfagm ]>übli-~h<j<l iv Holland, some shocking particulars of atrocious GHmm superstitious practices carried on at Klii... Ou a fixed day, every yoar, a festivity i.s given
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  • 247 7 Liberal Gift to the Presbyterian Church of England. li.v la>it mail, we loaru that Mr. Thomas CuthtxTtaou, the senior partner of Messrs. Boustcad and Company, has given .£5OO to wards wiping ott thu deficit;- on tho various Synodical funds of tho Presbyterian Churcli of Koglaud, of wliicl: ho
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  • 92 7 < liolcra hub broken out at Jvuduh itli a Uoulh-ratu of 400 n clay, v flguru which may bo dcomod to bo extraordinarily high, uou sidering that the pilgrim ncasou is drawing to .1 closv. Jedduh is at all tun oxtremuly unhealthy, and the quarantine arrangomenti fall
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  • 387 7 >'\ Lirci.-CoL. K G. Btojf.i.i. Commandant, 6.V.C. Singapore. January .'a, 1906. v. i. Signalling. 1 i The trained u;;uaUui> will l>;ir:ulc hi. Fort I'almer. on Wednesday Mli, at I l"i p.m. iiiul at the Drill Hall, on Friday 7tl>. Nt h-30 p.m. (BH.) B. B. Olw.ik,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 33 7 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, rec mmended by the b«it%edica'. authorities. Easy to take aad certain in result. To b« bad of all cbomi»ta WboUsale i'im The Ih rtu\r\'. Btuary Raad, hiagaf r U6C
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    • 425 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The steamers of thin Cumpauy maintain regular direct MTviM MwM Cnieulta. Straitu, Hougkoug, Shanghai and Japan, Ukiug cargo on through Bills of Lading for Cauton, Swatow, Amoy, Clief'io, Tiuufaiiu, Ncwchwnug, Ynngtsze Ports, Formosa, Die Philippine". 4c, 4c. Steamers Toua Commander Kotxaxu 4,895 K.
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    • 532 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE or STEAMERS. Tui: iiudvnnvutioued mail stcamur^ of the above Line maiutain a regular service between Calcutta and .Tnpau. calling at Peuaug, Si up* poro, Hongkong and Shanghai en mute FLEET. Tom Commau.!«r s.B. "Japan" B.SOO J.G. Olu^nt S.R. "GEEOOHYAtru. t.Hlllt S. II Hl-IHHN K.K. ARRATOOK Al'"Hl
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    • 545 7 STEAMER SAILINGS^ OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTB. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Comjianics' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japau over; woek. aod from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp ovcry fortnight and f:.r llouoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. OsM oatward
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    • 395 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. C.P.R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TUE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tho UNITED STATES. Roate from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoonvor, U.M.S. "Eutbzss or Indu' 1 Twin-sore w "Ehpbkmh or Japan"
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 27 7 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, January 90, 'Ua.m. barometer IMI Uirection of Wiud West. Force of Win* 1 Max. T«mp in Rhn.le ..64 Manilo. 760 E. o 29 24
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    • 55 7 WEATHER REPORT. A'.iiiil.nij/ Hospital, Jonuanj ?9, 190 b. 9 a. h. B~p7 m7[9"p. x. RiMuuuir Uar. :?l Full -yi.m 29.9-23 9JSTJ Torap 81.U »2.0 7U.0 Wet Bulb Ther 78.2 79.U 77.0 Du: of Wiud tNorth N.W. «'iUin; Max. Temp SB.O Mm 73.6 Max. iv Sun.. 154 (J Torr rad.
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    • 155 7 DAY BY UAV. Thursday, January ~so. High Water. ■VI p.m. P. it. O. homeward mail due. Rugby. Scotland v. The 9m* L.L TC. tournament. Hippodrome. 730 pm. Alhambra Cinematograph Hboiv I H Friday, January 31. High Water. M a.m. 10-5 p.m. P. outward mail due. Municipal Commission. 2-30 p.m. Philharmonic
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  • 17 8 Bxu..— At Batavia (Java), on January 80, Philip Robert Bell, formerly of Singapore, aged 88 years.
    17 words
  • 575 8 Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 80. With a cause for which a great deal may be said in support, the advocates of Female Suffrage appear to be determined to leave nothing undone to prejudice public opinion against them. Their latest mad freak was to mob the carriage of
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  • 644 8 On Beveial occatioun we have referred to the apathy of the populace in public affairs in Singapore. This indifference was never more strongly marked than it was on Tuesday when only thirteen voters out of 1,044 in the Tanjong Pagar (No. 1) Ward recorded their votes in favour of the
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  • 11 8 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company's steamer Recorder returned from Cocos, yesterday.
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  • 19 8 A meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Parnouage on Wednesday, February .">, at 4.80 p.m.
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  • 21 8 According to The Englishman, the 2nd Cameron Highlanders will leave Hongkong on April 8 and disembark at Taku on the 18th.
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  • 25 8 P. and O. mail stea uiur Delta left Penaug at 9.30 a.m., to-day, and may be expected at Singapore at 1 p.m., to-morrow, alongside wharf.
    25 words
  • 31 8 Tiie busy Reason for shipping is now in full swing at Rangoon. The other day there wer-' thirty-three vessels in harbour, with a total registered tonnage of approximately 90,61 >O tons.
    31 words
  • 33 8 The Straits Echo states that the cruiser Mop mouth is to call at Port Swettenham shortly, owing to, rumour has it, expected troi'Ole with the numerous Chinese miners out of work at present.
    33 words
  • 31 8 The regular meeting of the Enworth tmtpm »t thp Short Street School, at 8 o'clock to-night, will consist of a praise, prayer and testimony service, with Mr. H. Rickard as leader.
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  • 38 8 The small-pox epidemic at Kobe, has attained the most serious dimensions, says a telegram on January 28. To date, two thousand cases have been reported, six hundred of which have proved fatal. Three foreigners are now in hospital.
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  • 39 8 Messrs. G. A. Fernandez and Company. Auctioneers, yesterday, sold the steam launch Salamat to Messrs. S. M. A. Marican and Company for 91,100. The sale of the property in Cross Street, Tampenis Road, and im! Gaylang Road, was postponed.
    39 words
  • 47 8 Last week an untenanted seaside bungalow at Passir Panjang was entered by a thief or thieves and a quantity of linen war taken. On Monday night, the neighbouring house was entered, and picture-, valued at 840, were removed from the walls. Both the bouses belong to Chinese.
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  • 50 8 Three men alleged to be concerned in a police case were lying in the Comilla, India, hospital when an outsider entered and gave each a piece of cake or swectment. Shortly afterwards all three 'showed symptoms of poisoning. One has siuce died and the others are in a pre<:ariouB state.
    50 words
  • 49 8 The Hylam boy and cook employed by Mr. Carl Degler, at Passir Panjang, were, yesterday, convicted of theft and fraudulent possession of stolen property, respectively, by the second magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green. The boy was sxutenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment and the cook was fined $25.
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  • 50 8 A Javanese ayah .vho had been pawning some of her personal effects in a pawu shop in Merchant Hond for $14, was robbed outside the shop door, on Tuesday afternoon, by a Chinaman, wlio was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment for the offence, yesterday afternoon, by the Third Magistrate.
    50 words
  • 64 8 As a first step in the direction of discountenancing unnecessary Sunday labour, we are glad to note, says the Perak Pioneer, that the British Resident has directed that no auctions shall take place on a Sunday. We consider that by this action of Mr. Birch, one of the many counter
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  • 67 8 An Indian exchange says The opium revenue for the year 1907-08, is rupees 68,250 better than the estimate for Bengal, and rupees 5,29,600 worse than the estimate for Bombay. These figures relate to December 1907 and January 190 c* only. Ten sales of Bengal Upium, and nine mouths pass duty
    67 words
  • 76 8 The Report of the Subsidiary Coin Committee, was laid before the Hongkong Legislative Council on the 23rd inst. It showed that the members were sharply divided, and that the same old confusion as to possible remedies still prevailed. The majority submitted a draft Rill on lines adopted from Singapore, prohibiting
    76 words
  • 124 8 A Chinese student at Sheffield University replies in Floreauus, the University journal, to criticisms of Chinese custom!) which were made at the recent missionary exhibition in that city. As to footbinding, he Bays the practice has been stopped, and he goes on to point out that there is a fashion
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  • 879 8 Sir Daird Brand, the Sheriff of Ayr since 1885, is dead. Lieutenant A. A. SutclirTe. R.A.M.C., baa been placed on the sick list. Mr. Justice Innes, of the F.M.S., has been confined to his bed with fever. Captain E. G. W. Pratt, »Oth Russell's Infaiiiry. was placed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 SOHNLEIN Co.'s Rheingold Sparkling Assmannshauser. (Sparkling German Wines). <2KS> Sole Agents i CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. I ii I Just Arrived! One 1216 H.P. 0 ARROL-JOHNSTON CAR, Jrt Fitted with Cape Cart Hood and Cromwell Wind Screen, painted Arrol-Johnston Red. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agent: Ii I J. Travers Sons, Ltd. SOLE
      140 words
    • 211 8 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH ROAD. To-Night' s Programme. FIRST SHOW 7.30 P.M. TO 9 P.M. I The Super's Debut i The Dog and His Merits 3 A Champion All The Same 4 Misadventures of a Hat 5 Constructing a Fishing-Boat 6 Motor Car for Sale 7 Clown Doctor 8 Rival Sis-
      211 words

  • 277 9 SINIiAI'ORB, JaSCARV 29, 1908 PRODUCE. liarobkr 7.30 do (Cube iftt. I) mpiflfecH 10 87. »'opra Bali 7.60" io Pontiaua'.< 7.80 Pepper, Black 12.75 do White 5% 20 00 s-1.40 Flour Sarawak 3.06 do Brunei No. 1 2.97 J Porl Sa«o 4.10 Coffee Bali, picked 25.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20°- basis
    277 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 359 9 L>ate of forma- > v Capital Number Subscribed > of i Share* Iwne Valne Paid lap to Share* Unissued Company QcoTtnoire 1903 $300,000 1907 • Mia.doe 1901 1600,000 •800,000 1909 £400,000 2360.000 1905 £30,000 £30.000 1907 MOO.OOO 13T5.000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £103,000 1905 1150,000 199,000 1906
      359 words
    • 385 9 1903 £150.000 *116,626 1905 *200,000 1105,000 10,500 1904 I £30,000 £15.290 J'°^ 1903 £70,000 £61.000 6l]cOo 1906 •160,000 •125,000 12,600 1504 £11,000 £10.600 j J'^ 1505 I £75,000 £56,000 55.000 1906 £310,000 £213,227 1906 i £180,000 £180,000 180,000 1907 £320,000 £201,800 1^ I J*j° 1 I 80 iaOB /175.000
      385 words
    • 181 9 1894 £i,077.10.0, *4,MH T,W ia/6 1498 •325,000 »a>fi,OOo 4.500 i «W I«M :»16,000,0tW .•15,030,000 Jlaj 190.1 !m,400.0m !w,40c,000 I j;ggg- ;H™ 1886- t $1,000,000 $1,000,000 j JJJJ 'Ml 1,000 t $34,000 MOO (10 18» .875,000 M7..0W «;~J| I'^ :9U3 $400,000 (340.030 24,000 110 1891 •30,000 9W.MO 600 840 1909
      181 words
    • 989 10 POSITION OF BRITISH NAVY IN THE WORLD. An Improvement upon Dreadnought. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, December IL Tho short naval function, which took place yesterday at Portsmouth dockyard, when the first keel plate of H.M.S. St. Vincent was held by Mrs. Robinson, wife of Vice-Admiral C.
      989 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 315 9 KOH COMPANY, M. PKXSBASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. ll.i -.u jnst received Leu'a Dfjk and Pocket D a?!e« for 19»W, al-«C' Ikt f.illon-int.' books JtermanKncjlish llnglish-German j tIJ 00 Cycle B.iildiDg and Repairing .55 Violins and other String Instruments >) M )tor Bicycle Building 5.5 Photography .55 Speeches and Tousts nod how
      315 words
    • 37 9 ♦DOG'S HEAD" (BRAND Registered M P^}nWn*\ Trade Mark Guinness's Stout. m lSL,,ns. AHEAD of ALL. 4414 BROOKE silent X3p mjr SIMPLE! iy Mf\|f\r^ EFFECTIVE O I^IUIUI »l ALL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. SOLE AGENTS Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd.
      37 words
    • 166 9 Nuwara Eliya. Ceylon. ENGLIBH CLIMATE' 'I'hc Sanitarium -jj th, East. 6,200 feet above sea level. Ideal health resort for invalide and p erjou- requiring rest and change of air. Tennis, Croquet, Trout Fishing, and ihe inea: Oolf links in the East, Botanical Oardeca, Ac. Dii- -t train service from Colombo
      166 words
    • 196 9 Pohoomull Bros. 40E HIGH STREET. *tk SILK MERCHANTS Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, UnKM and Silverware of ever v v description, Brassware, etc. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. Kb me a Co. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year. A Splendid Assortment of. Aud Artificial
      196 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 548 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital •10.000,000 reserve fund:— Starling Reserve t10.000,000 1 t2l 750 000 Silver K**>rve 111,750,000} «I.™J.«» ftawrve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Mc.lbr.rnt, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keewick.— Deputy Cbainran. Unst-vvFrieslarKi, Esq. A. J. Raymond, E»q. A.
      548 words
    • 630 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capita] in GO, OOO Shares of £iWe*cb £1,«X),000 Reserve Tuni «1, 478,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. Bunk ot England. National Back of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      630 words
    • 528 10 INSURANCE Complies NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capitol £2,750,000 Revenue £3,061,044 19 8 The undersigned aro prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 693 BEHN, MEYER x Co., Ltd. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funda Exceud £13,000.000. W. A. SIMS, d 1373 Manager,
      528 words
    • 317 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MO«T6A6EE'B SALE TWO INDIAN BULLOCKS AND ONJO BULLOCK CART NO. 606, cf 1906, To bo hold at Trafalgar Street, Fingnj,, ..-i, Thursday, January 30, 1908, at 4.30 p.m. G. A. Fernandez and Co., 177 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE or an 8 H.P. MOTOR CAR, At Mv4*ra. I! vartli
      317 words
    • 215 10 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., ETC. To be held at No. 11. St. Miihaul's Ro*d, oft Seran-oon Rc«d, Singapore, Saturday, February I, 190 1 at 2 p.m. Comprising Iron Double Bedsteads, Bent wood Chairs, Almeirahs, Teak Table with Black Marble Top, Ratt:in Chairs, Crockery, Glassware, etc., (to. G. A.
      215 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1294 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Future of the Motor Union. lv order to ck-3i itself of any suggestion tliut the Meter Union is a trading concern, n statement lias been issued by Mr. Charles H. ]>odd Hud Mr. Rees Jeffreys. The docn-im-uI. which has doubtless beon sent
    1,294 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 284 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P.. four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. J'aiiited and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Runs bj arrangement. l"rices and full particulars from SYME Co., so
      284 words
    • 162 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices THE BORNEO CO., LTD. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker ft Tomb-Builder ISO Middle Road, 8nl« Agent for Mosara. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London o 2188 Telephone No. 619 CHEE ENG SONS, (Established 1839) Civil. Naval, Military and Sporting Tailors,
      162 words
    • 256 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. f|rrol-gohnston W MOTOR CARS and MOTOR LORRIES. GEtt §KM L ENGINE WORKS. MOTOR GAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. c- v f v ACCUMULATORS RECHARGEO. PLATING. ENAMELLING, PAINTING. 0 »y Skilled Wo.-kmon LAMPS, OCHLB, JACKS, PUMPS, OIL, motor spirit. ,tc. Straits QxjqU Motor (So., BAXTBU ROAD. WE HAVE
      256 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1058 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceI- j weous Wants of Every DewsripUon, Houses, tend, etc ,to let, are inserted at the following •ates:— One Insertion I 1.80 per inch. Two ».00 Three 1.80 Bix B.M Bins 8.40 TweWe 7.10 Twenty -five 10.00 (Each subsequent month M per Inoh.) The above
      1,058 words
    • 548 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Batm:— Pott Uasa. cm or two Iwrtioiu, Si. Bj tii a in-.-, tee tssji of Chargea. HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 111, Orchard Road, a comfortable European dwelling-hoc^... Rent ISO. Apply to S. Hanasseh and Co., 7. I) 1 Almeida Street. clB4 TO BE LET
      548 words
    • 618 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bins —foar Mm, mm ot tw HmrtiOM. tl.oo Br the inch. i»e S«U at CL .run. LANDAU FOR SALE. A First-clue Landau, Robber-tyred, almost new, to be eeen at F. Clarke Cc.'s Livery Stables. 807, Qurer. Street. §m FOR BALE The Bace HorstMINGTON By l'riuce Chester, out
      618 words
    • 477 12 §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE. STOUT. Obtainable from the \3 Syftiß COm, I grinoipa! Dealer. V.O.V. DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from 3YME and COm, Soh Agmts. Miscellaneous NOTICES Rill?:— lit Month, tlO p»r
      477 words
    • 321 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES R»T£S;-lst Montb, flO per inch. Suhwquent momli", Fcr shorter period- cc Scale of aasfsa, NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who find it necessary to leave the Colony for any length of time, can have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge, or PRIVATELY
      321 words