The Straits Times, 29 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.500. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 29. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 259 1 Decide NOW on your car, lAYEKrh CAREFULLY the claims of all the cars you have seen or heard about CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to. and what they haw accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the heavy te--ts of
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    • 203 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. Thosu uisbiuK to mjcui! a pleasant Eveuinc. shoiiUl rint THK AX>El>J'Ui any SATUISDAY XIOHT. GIKST XKiHT. The 2nd Royal West Kent Band plays during and after dinner. Those uuhUc to .'ittcoii the ciinnc t arc invited to c-onie afterwards aud hear the music on the lawn. wMeb i^
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    • 113 1 CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. Tiie Exkup Bnnks will bo closed <m Monday and Tuesday. February 3 and 4. whwli have b«en proclaimed Public Holirt.ivi. 180 BOARD AND LODGING. Boi.a ard ,xl«iug at 10. Orcliar.l R a.l 179 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Brtis-i Basuh Roan* SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the
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  • 282 2 hMi KIDNKY AND BIaDDEK TROUBLES. Mr. W. J. Renson, of 81, Fife Road, Ueckton Koad, Canning Town, London, England, \witi s: Ucntli nii-ii I was taken very bad with pnins in tin: small of my back. I soon became to ill that I could do uo
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  • 944 2 RECEPTION OF K USER'S SAILORS AT MANILA. Surifiud with hospitality and dtaghu-d with Manila, the officers and icon of tbr (iernian cruisers Faerst Bismarck and Niobe will steam ont of the harbour to-morrow mornitig for liangkok, and it is the firm intention of Admiral Coerpcr to return
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 Moet Qdandon (The Champagne de Luxe) iS 1 1998 *W j' Of)' inpantt Jm i,«orr 1 cflAJiiWii IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ltd. AUSTRALIAN FLOUR IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY. v OaOtflSD iW>Al> M j_t kidbJ, Xx BJB. "KurjiUiirt," a woU-wlecUxl uunibt't ofHaam and, all broktu in to
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    • 87 2 t Oliver Standard VISIBLE TYPEWRrTER. SEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Agents: ATKINSON k FOKB£S, cw«m *mt. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water inland (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entranoe to Keppe! Harbour. 40/- FORTY SHILLINGS PER TON F. 0.8. IN BUNKERS RATE OF DELIVERY 200 TONB PER HOUR. STOCKS ALSO AT. Suez,
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    • 522 2 DESPAIRED OF CUBING BOILS Suffered Incessantly for a Year— They were Very Large and Pain was Dreadful— Could Hardly Bear Clothing— Health Much Impaired. WAS ABSOLUTELY miD BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I have to tliank Onti~M^Reniftdies for comph't«>ly curing meor on* of the worst attacks of boils it is po»--gible t«
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    • 41 2 NO POISON. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been declared absolutely free from any injurious substance by Government and expert chemists, and mothers need have no hesitancy in j Hiring it to the smallest infant. For sale by j all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 249 2 Our MALA Y Odeon records i akkn ix roe—ram AND .TWA. *f Have Arrived. I —i Odeon RocordH arc the only doable-sided Di<v<> that al sote agents ways exceod exptetaUonii 1 LEVY HERMANS. -J ;J. MOTION CO. Gonosan will cure it. Oonosan is tbr be*t Watchmakers. tolerated of nil medicine,
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  • 270 3 TERRIBLE STRUGGLE WITNESSED IN A MENAGERIE. Rostock's great menagerie, now exhibiting at Atlanta, Georgia, was on December 2, the Hceneof a remarkable and terrifying incident. The elephants in the show include one huge and somowhat evil-tempered beast answering to the name of Itoger, who has lately been
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  • 253 3 Narrow Escape of Many Admiralty Workmen. An expensive ai-uident, which might have involved serious !o«» of life, or-eiiried during the New Year holiday at Kiel, where the cement wall of the Oovernincnt dry dock, erected some years ago at a cost of .£50,01)0, collapsed, endangei ing the
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  • 171 3 The discovery of gold-ore of extraordinary richness on a V\ elsli farm near Newport, once more conjures up visions of Klomlykes in (ireat Britain, which, we hope, may prove more substantial than their predecessors. Tliat gold exists in many )>aris of the I'uiteil Kingdom has been
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  • 154 3 Writing from Canton, on the 20th instant, a correspondent says An important communication dealing with the treatment of so-called rebels has been sent out from Peking to all Viceroys. It points out that many who are merely robbers, take themselves the name of rebels and so
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  • 41 3 An Euglish M.l', has received a letter from a conntituent in which he is asked if the Deceased Wife's Sister Act in compulsory. By that I mean, the writer explains, if my wife dies, am I forced to marry her sister
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 543 3 THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., BifffUM ILACB, BDpOAPOBI o The I'liblif ar. DfVRBD to i-all and iaafaat the latent creation ia i'LA YER. PIANOS. THE HJHNSMKAD ANOELL.S. mmMmttm ol the (lagnti I'layer and Uw oolcbratod Urinsmcad Piano. TUX KASTNKH AlTO PIANO Both the above have a high reputation in Kurop-
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    • 75 3 By Special VaV^r- Purveyor, to m^^^m V^H W «~< HM. The Kin s ■In II Celebrated Oilmen s Stores la^Xl I at PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, ILW I I^l POTTED MEATS. MALT VINEGAR. H I AgenU (or LEA PERRIN S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE lh^ Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. PILSENEF BEER KEY BRAND
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    • 690 3 YAMATO Co., 41, High Street, H«v. a full -itouk ot BEAUTIFUL ORNAMENTAL FURNITURE and SUITABLE WEDDING PRESENTS. Especially hi lakin'.' l>om.\ A Visit Kindly So'nVite.l. OOOiM CABKFCIiLI PACKED AND SHIPPED. With Mmm preparing to go home, we can arrant!" to supply oir --kilfn! packing men on lucieratc •:harge. MAYNARDS MILK
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  • 258 4 Effect of Sharp Cut in Rates of Export. The sharp cut iv tl:o price ul export tlour anil steamship rates on flour for th<- Orient, anuouueed last month at Tacoma. Wash., is ■Bjtotad by local milling and shipping men to make a notable increase in export
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  • 141 4 That con^iuuee may li<; lataat lor a lit'otime .nil then suddenly blossom out and Ijoar fruit h;is btsjsj ptovad by an ancient BaiHpiH in Culcutia. lie was a man of SS Bad holiMod into a Police Station lat. at uisjht. Ift told the [aajM oti'i ba had
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  • 102 4 TaoM was a serious* cuiitltLgrittioo at Shanghai, on :21st instant. Fire broke out ii: Mmwn. Bin-kill and Son 8 :;odu\vu uud contiuueJ. 10 bjrn rieivoly for wwral hoora. The^godowii ma completely jotted Ik ion 1 '.lio Srucouiil bagot undei. The ilaua^t: is mfiimttfrfl ;it
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  • 158 4 ILi.v CUaaae liqu.jr and onosn ash, according to the lu'v. Mr. Stadleiflti, episcopalian missionary amon^ the Chinese of Manila, is what the Chiucsu victims of the opiuiu habit an uu\v usin^ iv tlicir octivmiiy. Hw lii .or i^ fiaHatl from iiix, sjsM is of the Ughtning
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  • 37 4 Hongkong is ikterminod to topwaa expectoration iv pulilic. and with this object in view, the Sauilaty lioard i:.i- framed a namber of by-lan BMkfaf il ;\n ortuncc. in cort'.iu ca»cv<. i>\ipisliab'( by a tine not exceeding lift
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  • 764 4 Sume, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agem*. STEAMERS. Airlie. Sydney. lVb2>: Boustcail Al.caute, Euf.ii., F i 27; Barlow Autiloohu.-, Liverpool. Feb 8; W. Mansfield Arcadia. H.->ugk>.'.iC. in 30 P. AO. (V»» Au.-:ria. H'k ng Ma. V Rnutenlx r^ Schraid: Ayr.lhia, BombY. Fen 20; Borneo Ooy
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  • 275 4 Passengers Outward. IVr I. ami o. ~t.-atuci' Mooltau, connecting with Uk steaim r l>ilti< at Colombo. From Loudou, Jan. 8, dm Jan. Bl: Mr. M.'Kirwan. Mm. Millar, .Mis- Ball, Mr. B. J. Soutcr, Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. J. 8. Duulop. Miss hunlo) Mi. and Mrs. 0. W.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 13 IT'S A BAD SIGN \vh<u y.^u have that obstinate, lingering t-'iiKli which will not be sluktn off. Iran is IM couch at any st.ige. whether > id or youaga but what needs atvntion. A C'ligh soon wrecka a --trong t. stftuI n, -ion ntakta om ht!r'.ess, in net a
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    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. a?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills af Ladiug issnfti for China Coast. Persian Gulf, Continental, ani Am^rioan Ports. Bteamcr« w;!i leave Singapore on cr a'^ont MAIL LINE. 'Tuhcard {for China). 19"8 T>dtj Feb
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    • 1192 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SGHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER." ifalr-TMsj BASDJSRMASIN. The Suacat;^ o! ;=ie company mainta.o a regular sertioe between: Rinfiipore, Bzw^an, Sourabaya, Ban. jermasin. Polo Latt, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermaain for Bampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kctta Waringin, Djalai, Marabalian, Mara&asariea, Negara and Betnrik The steamer* ba^ c i>
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    • 801 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD. imperial (Urman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremonHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnectiou Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vfoe versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo,, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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    • 32 4 LAXATINE. the Ideal Purgative, recom>ntu led by the best medical authorities. Easy to lake and certain in results. To be bad of all ;heni;sts. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. Battery Rc*d. Singapore. IM
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  • 68 5 Homeward P. A O. Mail. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia left Hongkong, at 1 p.m., on Saturday, and is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, tbe 30th instant. Ootward P. A O. Mail. The P. AO. outward mail steamer Delta i^ft Colombo at
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  • 105 5 Kok Hkb Btiau>o Tim To-momow lalacca *n.t Lmpgt Khn. i Smg 1 p.m. lua: Sultan 2 p.m. langkok Freya p.m. SwrttfiiUi.ii i via port Mwm p.m. iladraß via porw Teata 3 p.m. latavia, Boiirahi<ya, eit. Dc Klrrk 4 p.m. 'ontiauak. RiaUawx.n^ tmt m > |'-m. Fbitiay. Europe via
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  • 140 5 January 27 tTamura Mam, Jap Btr, Yokohama t Fenay Lodge, Brit ttr, Moulmein t Trocas, Brit Btr, Palembang t Meng Mak, Brit sch, Bangkok 28 Omapere, Brit atr, P. Swottenham and Penang Braaila, Ger str, Japan via ports Bimong&n, Dut str, Faigon tilenavon, lint Btr, Antwerp via ports Bnnca,
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  • 969 5 I ■> der tbi. heading the following M.lireTtatlons &r* ued —^tr M-^inier: *h. stiip; bq. barque; Kh. •choonw; Vet.— Yacht; Cru.— CnuMr; O'bt.— GunScat; Tor.-Tnrp**o: H.p.— Hor»«power Brit.— Britiata; I. H.— Uuitad Ht&lu: Kch.-l ranch; Oer.— Oarman Dut.— Dutch Hal.— ltalian Npan.— Spanish; -*ar. .Sarawak G.r. Oen.ral
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  • 83 5 Wharves at which Vessels uro Berthed To-day. tmjom >-»«»» EirfT WhahJ BaSIN— Nil. Eabt Weiii Kfction I— Nil. Sect. 1 (Sunns Wham):— Nil. Bbotiom No. 2— Teeata. o— Nil. 4— NU. s—Beularig.5 Beularig. 6— Bangkok. 7— Calypso, Penang. B—Catherine8 Catherine Apcar. 8— Guthrie.
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  • 793 5 Warwick Armstrong's Revolt and Abasement. Considerable sensation lias been caused by W. \V. Armstrong's action in refusing to play for Victoria in their match against New South Wales, which had a very im|<ortaut bearing on the disposal of the Sheffield Shield. Much criticism ensued, and the Victoria Cricket
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  • 129 5 By the Malacca, Captain It. H. D. San derson, Jan. 28. From Port Swettenham Mr. C. A. E. Vuui ihmiii. By the Penang, Captain IVrry, Jan. 29. From Ti:lnk Ansou via Malacca: Mr. Yelge, Mr. Hasting Rhodes, Mr. P. Golil, Mr. Burgess. Mrs. Myler, Mr. Ro/clls, Mr.
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  • 89 5 Kr.mi KuK.rr —By tbe P.atO. >.». I >.-.<«. dne January SI. From Chin*— By the I. Jt O. a.i. Arcu'lU. dne January 30. ICC lan lan lav lH I wi an an lav h ngarore Dot iv r.ou'l.u I SO M. M. .Tau 3 P. *o. .inn
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 246 5 AUCTION SALES. M L. Coghlan and Co. .lany 29— At Sale-room, rubbor-tyred landau and pair Australian hor»es, etc.. at 4 p.m. t>by I— At 26-3, Sopbia It. .ad, teak household furniture, etc., at 2 p.m. 7— At Howartb Krskiue's Works, Mirbau Rnad, (4 H.P. Motor Car, at 4 p.m. B—
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    • 440 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FOHTNIGHTLT service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following !NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted through ont by Electricity, provided with exoellent accommodation for First
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    • 446 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF 1 STEAMERS Tbi undermentioned mail steamers of th« above Line maintain a regnlar service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penaog. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m FLEET. Tons Commander b.b. "JinN" 6,300 J. G. OunDtr so. "Orioort Apcar 4,600 8. H. Bilson s.s. Arbatoon ArcAF."
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    • 444 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. ANl> CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for (be Straits, China and Japan every week, and fro. i Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 523 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THK "NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EDROPK VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. I Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, i (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, I R.M.S. "Emcrkhh or Isdu" Twin-aorow Btear
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    • 14 5 Good Health is better than Riches. Steams' Cordial of Cod Liver Extract restores health.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 169 5 PAY BY UAV Wednesday, January 39. High Water. 7SI p.m. Princess Ju-Jn. 9 p.m. Hoc-Key I/.L.TiC. tnurnamont. Fontball Ba'e-^er Recreation, v. Band Unys, R.W K.R Hippodrome. 730p m. Alhambnt Cinematograph Sbo*. 7-H0 Thursday, January 30. High Water 57 a.m. a 56 pm. P. A. O. h> meward mail dne. Rugby.
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    • 29 5 WEATHER TELEGRAM. Hongkong, January 29, 10 a.m. Barometer 80.20 Direction cf Wind East. Force of Wind 8 Max. Temp in Shade 63 I Manila, 768 N.N.E. 0 25 23
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    • 50 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, January 28, 1908. \9 k. M. 3 r. M.'S t. m. Rxmiekh. Bar. 82 Fah 29.997 29.876 29.930 Temp W. 4 88.2 80.0 Wet Bulb Ther M-0 79.0 76.0 Dirof Wind N«r»h N.W.! N.W. Max. Temp Mm 74.0 Max. in Sun.. 161.0 Ten rad. Tb«r
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  • 15 6 Bill. -At Jialaviii (Jumii. ou ,lanuar\ 20, Philip Uoberl Kelt. l..rni.rlv ot SimM|H>r<',' a;!.-d
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  • 1862 6 Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. Lord Cur/on uf Kedlestou sigualised his return to public life by delivering au address ou The True Imperialism, iv Kirmiugham, in his capacity of President of the Birmingham aud Midland Institute. He reviewed the circumstances attending the growth of the British Umpire,
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  • 12 6 Klcvcii natives ha\c beeu bauishud from Pcrak diiriiiH tin. |> few days.
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  • 10 6 A iiumbei of Chinese criminals are licin^ fcpuikil this afternoon.
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  • 11 6 All tuIMHMN publishi-d ii this iam aro protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 20 6 The yaoo of tin in Binm/fate to diiy is h&li per picul. A hundivd mid fifteen tons have been sold.
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  • 20 6 The Kill I of Crawford's yacht Viilhallu, with tin Karl and party on boird. luuvc ou Snmliiy innniuH for .lolion-.
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  • 19 6 A Ciiiue&c shop in Coronation Uoad was entered by thieves last night and property valued at *20 was taken.
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  • 20 6 The ixtraordiiwry activity iv huildiug at lpoh has cume tv a suddeu stup. and many buildings are left hall finished.
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  • 20 6 Owmg lv bad har\ests. Lord LiulitliKow has remitted 45,000 of th< n uts due by bis teuautsiu Lothian, iv Scotland.
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  • 21 6 Sub-Police Inspector Kirn Swec hM been giveu a reward of 25 for his work iv couuectiou with the recent arson case.
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  • 22 6 Ihc general cause list for January having collapsed on account ol numerous postponements, the three judge- ay.- busy today with small causes.
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  • 29 6 The Malay Mail suites that ihc sis vacant lots in High Street. Kuala Lumpur, which were recently put UU to public tender by the Ourununent realised *l (MM i
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  • 28 6 • a the -itcamei Sportsmju. uliich arrived from Aim Slai. Kodah, at i'euaug, the other evening, had been nuchcr^d. the Malay captain of the vessel foil duwn dead.
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  • 30 6 There was serious tire at the Tamil Settlement at l)>oh on Wednesday last resulting iv the loss of thirteen houses valued at a *l,00(i. and ■•■insiderable amount of personal effects.
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  • 35 6 Then will lie an entire change, of programme at the Hipimdronic Cinematograph Show to-morrow i i 1 1 1 when a uumber of new films, which arrivel by the last French Mail, will be shown.
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  • 31 6 A cable has beeu roceived by the Kobiusou Piano Company. Limited, from the Hand maun Company, bouking the Teutonia Club for Thursday. February 18. Thf Walls of Jericho will be staged.
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  • 35 6 Threo persons were killed on the 3rd iu-,taut by falling ovor a precipice at Mischabelhoeruy, in the Alps. The victims iucludod I'raucis Bergne, son of Sir Henry Bergne, Examiner of Treaties in the Foreicn Office.
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  • 38 6 A member of the crew of the steamer Stettin was fined »250 or, in default, sentenced to four and a half months' rigorous imprisonment, by the Second Magistrate, yesterday, for importation of spirits and cliandu valued at b'2C>.
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  • 36 6 A .Javauesc sub-warder employed at the prison was converted into a prisoner by the Second Magistrate, yesterday. He was found guilty of convoying matches and tobacco into the prison, aud sentenced to two weeks' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 52 6 Mi K. K. Culuiau. the third lua^istrate, yesterday, convicted a Tamil, named Aroikasauiy. of theft of a rain i.-out valued at -Ll from his employer. Mr. Bath, aud lined him M,v ur. in default, sentenced him to ten days' rigorous imprisonment. If the fine is paid, 16 will go to
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  • 51 6 There will be an ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioner?, en Friday. Among the subjects to bo considered are toe insanitary conditions cf Norris Hoad, the widening of Scotts aod Stevens Roads, improvement of Tanjong Katang Road and tne recommendationtt of the Health Committee relative to 1 xnuif iai flooded
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  • 487 6 Mr. P. Moss, of Taipinn. will leav. 1,,r Home shortly. Mr. C. K. Volgß returned from the VMJU. by the sUaiii'-r Penally, this morning. Mr. aud Mrs. I-'. (I. Hallitax. lefl PUaiu| for Honif by the sUani'.r Nile on tho UHn hmtwrt Mr. A. Moli r. in
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  • 35 6 llic. ul of the kastoii' B .Uu ~iou Australasia aud China Tel^raph Com pauy Limited, notifies that communication on the Egyptian land lines has becu restored, and that 'i iilie iv |i,i sing lhroii;;li normiiJly.
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  • 43 6 V Chiuest bag purchaser was enticed into the jungle oIT Cairn Hill Road, yesterday tiftcrnoon. by toiir otbel Chinese, who said that they bag* for sale, aud was robbi-d of all the money be had. |M& The robin n made theii escape.
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  • 51 6 What terrors can the turrid heat of tin Kipiator or the frigid blasts ol the Arctic, have fur men who have lived pcrltxtly eon tented and happy- through a London \ia ember and December. Such a tiaimn;: brings with it a capacity to suffer anything with equanimity' soys the Daily
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  • 57 6 Three Chinese, two of whom MM employed on the local steamer Bon Youg Seng, ou which the third was a passiugcr were before the Second Magistrate, thir. morning, oi\ a charge of theft of two bags of copra aud a bag of betel nuts belonging tv Captain Angus. The third
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  • 55 6 The experiments carried out by the Miue Department to ascertain the wasteful methods of Chinese mining, as a result of boring operations at Rawang, F.M.S.. iv the dumping grounds, have uot justified the allegation, but on the contrary, says In '(.'inland, have proved that the Chinese have left little or
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  • 74 6 The official report DM the military opera tious against the rebel tribesmen in h lores from September to December last has just beea published. 11l that period, the lii 111 fam traversed districts hitherto, deemed to be inaccessible. Three hundred aud tilty fiv< of the enemy fill in dillon lit
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  • 72 6 A terribk depression weighed upou tintrade of Sourabaya at tho date of last advices. The warohousos of the European firms are stocked full of good:. Tiie rucr chant* will rather store up everything thairun the risk of undergoing losses, new that so many Chinese Iraim arc tottering. TUc banks, too,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 374 6 v builder and .strengtli en;u K%H H Jai ■IJ i&M lor for I"' 0 1 1 I" IIIV childH^Z^^Ujk Bb leu> bU i v woraen ;llu nursing m^fl^^^^^^WJ^W^ I mothers, and to build up strength I niter a severe illness. W^F DCtter than The mkN of BtaHßM' IHm in all
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    • 286 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH BEACH HOAD. To-Night' s Programme. FIRST SHOW 7.30 P.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 The Shot's IMiat ■2 'I ii H..LI i.n.i Hi- M.-mi 3 A Cbimpiun All llic flajm 4 >. i :i.l v i-utui i-s of a Hat Cou*trii. tiug a l-'i»liin. i; >-i(j Motor Car for
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  • 447 7 SOCIALISM LABOUR. ELECTION OF PARLIAMENTARY OFFICCRS. A Trio of Interesting Scotsmen. IRhutkk's Tklkukamj l.ondor lauuarv J'>. Mr. Arthur Hinder .on. LabaMr M.P. Im liarnard Caslle Division ol Durham, has been appointed < hniiumii of the l,.ibour Tarty iv the House ol I ominous, succeeding Mr. Kcir llardn Mr. l lciiileisvu
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  • 97 7 MOROCCO QUESTION. French Foreign Minister on French Alliances. l.'K'.-iKit' Tki.k.,::am Paris, January 28. Iv tin course of the debate iv the Chamber of Deputies ou the Morocco question. M. l'ichou, I'orei^.i Minister, said it wan impossible for Krai:, t cognise Mulai Hand as SulUn. IJefeniug to the sp !i of
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  • 27 7 IiKUrKHS Tk.I.H.IUM. London, Jauunry IV. Iv tho election- iv Cape Colony for the Legislative Council, the Dutch party has been signally victorious.
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  • 67 7 II."( 1 I XI.X .i;\ .1 London. Juuuary tt> Saivn you Achreuthal. Minister ot i'orcigu Afiaiifc for Austria-Hungary, made a states meut to a Huugarian dekgatiou that ho hoped shortly to effect a lunctiou of the Turkish aud i i reel. Kail ways at Larissa. establishing
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  • 182 7 RkUTlk'.s T(l K..KAM. l.i.ndon. January |H, It is announced that Mr. Chamberlain will not attend Parliament this session. A correspondent, writing from home the other week, xiivstlmt the fninily :nv m-jfti cally despairing ol Mr. Chauibeilain iv spite of the cheerful air tiny assume. He has become
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  • 683 7 Chinese Mandor Acquitted by Bench Court. A Cliiuainan. naiucd Shu Yew Chin, MM tried before IScuch Cuurt. lonsisUu^ of Nmß, Howard and (libson. yesterday afteruiion, oil charges of lurking house trespass, ou Ueconiher 2:J. and fraudulent possess- iu of a pair of (told spectacles, valued at fcl.>,
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  • 89 7 The masked man. mentioned in our columns yesterday, who wagered to walk round Ihc norld w.i~ arrested ;it l!c\loy Heath on his way to Dartford. by the MetroIKilitai. I'olice. tor acting as au unlicensed pedlar. He arrived at I'-exlcy Heath, and spent a nighl at tin- I'pton
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  • 101 7 Leong Kwvi appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, thi-. morning, for preliminary enquiry iuto a chargo of having beuu one of *i.\ participants iv a gaug robbery iv New Bridge lvoad. at g..'H) p.m. on January 12, when Ng Kec lost a gold riug.
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  • 119 7 In tin- Council Chamber, this moruiu^, Mr. -liisliee Strcombe Smith dcliwi.-u judguicut iv the matter of (icorge <r.\lmcida and others, who, through Mr. i>. Kitovit/. had moved the Court that the sum of Jti'.t. l ».'>.;■•■"•. accrued under a marriage settlement, ol -Inly 1". IMS| be paid over
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  • 16 7 Over seven t!:outand tone ot ioal arrived tnm Calcutta, this morning, b tht British steamer Umta.
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  • 52 7 SIRH.CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN IN ACTIVE POLITICS. |Rkutkr's '1 klsi.u.xm. London. January Sir Heury Caiupbell-Bauuermau, who was unable to go down to Wiudsor Castle to attend the Privy Council couveued to consider the King-, Speech for the o|Kuing of Parlia mout. is leeovcriug. Sir Henry pie- id. lat yctcr.Uy meeting of
    52 words
  • 653 7 The (iovernor Receives Commercial Deputation. While in I'.iiiaiig. His K\ci'llcucy the Governor riccivcfl a deputation from re preservatives of the intercut-, ol RHMg, and the subject discussed *M the reclamation of Weld '(Juu\ His Excellency said tluii. as regards the question to be. discussed. C-overnment was
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  • 124 7 The Singapore Art Club, last evening, resolved to have their Exhibition ou Friday, February 14 (St. Valentiuu's Dayi. Thu Committee of the Tanghu Club have kindly placed the Club at their disposal lor the afternoon aud evening, from 5 to 7.30. In addition to the amateur work
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  • 139 7 The I 'utch Parliament has passed a law sanctioning a modification of the conditions under which the direct contract si< m service from Java to Japan via China b conducted. The contract- voyages will be doubled, so that, iv every year, there will be
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  • 1422 7 GOVERNMENT CRITICISED BY MR. WARNFORD-LOCK. Prospects of the Tin Industry. Mr. UO. WarufyrdLocks book on Mmiug iv Mtdaya is largely an indictment of the MnM Malay States Government. As lit tells us iv the preface, the primary object is to convoy au idea of tin; pMHI condition
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  • 184 7 Alleged Assailants Sail Away in Junk. The police report that a ooohe was beaten aud kicked to death in a New Bridgn Road lodging house ou the uight of the 24th inst., and that his body was afterwards deposited in the l'cople's Park. On examination by the
    184 words
  • 71 7 A telegram from Itusscllvillc i Kentucky i. sUtcs.thut, ou Jaunary '■'<. a hundred uighttidcrs appeared iv tho town, and after overpowiug the chief of police and three policeuieu aud providing agaiust the alarm heiug given, they destroyed by dynamite and tire the two independent tobacco con OHM
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  • 126 7 The report of the Directors of the Bangkok Manufacturing Ccmpauy, Limited, for the hair year, uuded December 81, -.iy that the gross profits on ice and aerated water sales tor the six months amounted to Ticals 1:1,707.1>2, a very satisfactory result for the cool season. flic Directors
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  • 113 7 The Custom officials made rather a large seizure of opium on board the steamer Shan Tung the other day. A sailor, who was coming off that vessel w ith five tins of opium concealed in his clothing, was arrested, and it was found that he
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  • 107 7 Ou the Oth inst.. His Majesty the King of Siam conferred Decorations on the following Navy Officers lib Class of the Order of thu White Elephant—Commander Imli H.i 1. -i i Navy School, Month' in Chantaburil. 4th Class of the Order of the Crown of Siam
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  • 318 7 ABNORMAL RUN ON A NEW YORK INSTITUTION. Financial Conditions in the United States. IKkuth's Tbuokam] Londou, Jauuary '^0. Uwiuy tv a Mm run ou the National Uauk of NortU America, tla Maiuixviiiciil ha* u^kci.l tin (.'idiiiitrolk-r of Currency to MMI charge. Tho iustitntion lius it cu.i>it:il ol
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  • 58 7 sixteen Millions to Double the Line of Rails. Kkltkk:- Tklkokam St. Petersburg, Jauuary 2t*. General Schaffhausen Schuubcrg och Scliaoiusui the Hussian Minister of Commuuications, has introduced into the Duuia a Bill for the construction of a second line to the Siberian Railway at a cost of X1J,7U2,000 sterling
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  • 52 7 [Kkutkr's Tblbokamj London, January 2. Viscount liayashi has announced in the Japanese Diet at Tokio that the agreement with Canada iv regard to the emigration restrictions does not affect Japan's prestige A settlement of the tmestiou so far as it affects the United States is
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  • 19 7 Kkuikk's TklboramJ London. January W. Kiug KdwHid aud (^ik-pii Alexaudrn will visit Norway la PMcwwy,
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  • 18 7 li«nik- TkIK'.KVM Luadon, January -6 Tratlic in resumed in the Suez C'aual.
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  • 121 7 All at Washington who kuow him are sorry to part with Captain Kyau, who is vacating the uaval attuchi'ship. in order to take command of the cruiser Astro>a on the China station. He has been au extremely popular representative uf tlm British Navy, aud has
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  • 190 7 The cry for political reform in China comes loudest from Chinese who have made their fortunes abroad, and who essay to cut a figure iv their own country. Inder these circumstances, the question naturally rises what does the man-in-the-strent in China think of the matter. The
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  • 27 7 Judgment has beuu rtberved ie tbe m 'ior. before the acting Chiet Jutsr«, Mr. 0. respectiag the =iastrts*it»i c* the wiu of Tan Kirn Seng dec«as«A
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 116 8 Scotland v. The Rest. An interesting Rugby Football match is to take place on the Esplanade to-morrow evening, between teams representing Scotland and The Rest. The terms chosen are S.otland.— J. G. Campbell, fullback: Montgomery, K. M. Millar, 0. Malcolm, and F. G. Millar, three-quarters Dr. N. Black
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    • 121 8 Colony v. F.M.5. On Monday and Tuesday next, teainx representing the Colony and the F.M.S. will try conclusions in a cricket match at Kuala Lumpur. The Colonial team will be A. S. Bailey Dr. Hennessey Lieutenant Clarke -Singapore. Lieutenant Dobbs G. C. James Q. R. S. Mngliston V. D.
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    • 109 8 Tanj lin Club v. Teutonia Club. The annual bowling match between the Tanglin Club and the Teutonia Club was commenced last night at the alleys of the Teutonia Club, and it will be concluded at th< Taoglin^Club at 9 o'clock on Friday night. On last night's play, the German
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    • 273 8 Sir Thomas Lipton Interviewed. Lured on to speak of his favourite hobby. Sir Thomas Lipton, the Napoleon of the yachting world who is now in Colombo, remarked quietly, as though it were an everyday concern Yes, this year I am building one of tin largest sized racing yachts permissible
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    • 293 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament, In the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, yesterday, O. van Cuylenburg beat A. E. Coveney, 6—2, 6—6, in the singles handicap, and Edmett and Davies brat Kleinmann and Clark in the doubles handicap. Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club. By mistake, the following matches in connection with the Ladies' Lawn
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    • 387 8 S.C.C. v. West Kent s. To the tune of five goals to nil, the S.C.C. defeated the West Kents in a hockey match on the Esplanade yesterday. The Club, who showed superior dodging, passing and stopping powers, opened the attack with a force that soon made itself felt, as
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    • 394 8 A Great Match. A wrestling match at catch-as-catch-can between Zbysco and Hackenschmidt wax irranged recently for £200 a side for the best of three pin falls. Zbysco and his manager, Mr. Cochran, ire to be congratulated on getting Georges Hackenschmidt to make a match to wrestle. But [I would
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    • 143 8 Prince Arthur of Connaught, having completed his course of training with the Koyal Horse Artillery, has ceased to be attached to a battery, and will now do duty exclusively with the Scots Greys at Salisbury Plain. His Royal Highnexs's position is, however, an exceptional one, and will
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    • 91 8 A museum for the display of products and produce from all French Colonies has just been opened at Marseilles. The Courrier Saigonnais gives the speeches at the opening ceremony, which show that the museum is purely the work of private enterprise. The Home Government had long been vainly asked to
      91 words
  • 615 8 REPORT OF ROYAL COMMISSION PUBLISHED Summary of the Evidence. (From Our O* n Correspondent.) London, January 3. The third volume of the evidence taken by the Royal Commission on Experiments on Animals has now been published, and it is clear that the Commissioners are now within easy
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  • 187 8 Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and her cousin the Queen of Spain have always been on terms of in ti ma to friendship; in fact, most of the visits paid by the former to England have been when Her Royal Highness has been visiting Princess Henry of Battenberg
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  • 147 8 Commander J. W. Van Nouhuys, of the Dutch Navy, has been told off to be present at the laying of the cable from Java to the Cocoa Islands. The Java Government had asked the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company to allow this, and the Company readily granted
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  • 774 8 Plant That Would Save Colonies Much Money. The Times engineering supplement, in a review of the gas engine industry of 1907, remarks that certain noteworthy pieces of work carried out in the year indicate the course of development. To bepin with, the Campbell Gas Engine Company have con-
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  • 177 8 The Duke of Connaught wished his departure to be as private as possible says The World, of December 31, so there was only a very small gathering at Victoria Station on Friday morning when H.R.H. and the Duchess left for Paris. At the last moment.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROAD ROLLER FOR BALE. A Steam Road Roller for sale, oheap. Apply A. C, e/o Straits Times. 188 DRESSER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Wanted immediately, a Chinese Dresser with previous experience. Copies of testimonials to be enclosed with application. Salary: M 0 per mensem, with free unfurnished quarters, tukang aver,
      63 words
    • 550 8 THE RIGHT MEDICINE FOR PELVIC TROUBLES FOUND IN PE-RU-NA. MRS. CAROLINE KRAMER, Fort Collins, Col., writes: •The majority of women who ara suffering from disordered periods and other pelvic troubles, hare inch (trong faith in doctor* that they allow them to experiment on them for kidney, liver or stomach troubles
      550 words
    • 345 8 THE HIPPODROME. Entire Change of Programme, Wo-morrow Ngbt. ALL THE LATEST FILMS RECEIVED BY Till. LAST FRENCH MAIL. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVI N thai ill roads, paths tnd unendowed \r.n\. the property of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board, in Keppnl Harbour District, will b-
      345 words

  • 284 9 Six«AfOU, Jasiuf.v 190 S. PRODUCE. .iaujbi- r 7.J> do (Cube No. li --.or -k< :0.25 Copra Bali 7 rtO do Pontianak 740 I'tpper, Black 2.17J •Jo White 5% JO 00 -»a£o Flour Sarawak .tiW io 1U iv, No. 1 j.'.iTJ J o»rl Sa^o 4.10 Coffee Bali, picked 25.00 <"offee.
    284 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 345 9 fete of formaion Capital Bnb*cribed \omoer of Shared lane Paid Share* Value lup to Uniuaed Company QCSXITIOKP 1903 1300,000 WOO.OOO 1907 1300.000 1338.000 1901 MOO.OOO 1600,000 1908 £400,000 £850.000 1»M £30,000 U40.000 1907 1400,000 1875,000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1006 £100.000 £100,000 1908 $I*o,ooo 1J9.000 1906 £180,000 £180.000 1906 £80.000
      345 words
    • 379 9 M .ooo ium« as m IOiOO .'o"> (200,000 1105,000 10,500 910 110 IN* £30,000 £16 M\{ J| 1903 £70,000 £61.000 ***** £1 *1 9,000 1308 8150,000 HM,OOO 18,500 910 110 2,500 £ii.on i £i 0,600 j joo 1505 £75,000 £66,000 54.000 U £1 30,000 iona «4inom miim I 181,454
      379 words
    • 180 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,805 mSS* 1898 M 15.000 i MM.003 4,500 1865 MMM< 115.030,000 1905 jw,40P,000 W,.00,000 1896 11,000.000 •1,000,000 *;<*£ w: I H54.000 j W4,000 :S9S »?7!5,0OO »876,000 1303 9600,000 1240,000 24,000 1891 MO.OOO 530.U1)) 600 1903 £750,000 £750,000 40,000 1884 $900,000 'J.OOO 1890 ISOO.OG t495 600 5,000
      180 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 PHOSFERINE I Tk« Greaf aitt «f all ToKei 1 J *ABI*TKB mtALTU. I rii|il Htm Itam LWA I Wines j&umne table .-lire-, at 475 ft* dt* Vermouth ;f Turin 1 .20 p. litre bo. Muscat of SyracußO, au fanigmttag wise rjostly recommeuded tnr xeeji people and lsdice »1 00
      257 words
    • 277 9 ~T~ Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon. -3? \A/Gl tJClly tiK^O. J' Bm*m*m oj ,h. East. "^v C,M) f-sei ihOM sec ievel. S^. «1^ I ldca fa eal'li resort for invalids and persons BSpV- Sv stO requiving reat and ci.ange oi k;:. JPIEi mi. 12 BATTERY RD. *>9 SINGAPORE. .TennU.CKju^TrontFUhißg.audthennest Sat Sfi MB
      277 words
    • 127 9 I ALHAMBRA I CINEMATOGRAPH Beach Road. IQew Programme on TO-NIGHT. ONLY PATHE JL L. F. WILLIS, FRERES' FILMS. Manage. Pohoomull Bros. 40E HIGH STREET. BILK MERCHANT? Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Cm.os and Silverware of every description, Brassware, etc. CHAR6ES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. Kame &Co.
      127 words

  • 1108 10 WHY WOMEN HAVE GROWN MORE BEAUTIFUL. Personality the Culminating Force. There is a shop in Bond-*trcct. Loudou, celebrated for its prints of beautiful wonion who flourished in tin eighteenth ami nineteenth centuries; women who were famous toasts in the. gallant Jays of our great grandsirufl. But now people
    1,108 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 BANKING COMPANIES. I HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital 110,000,0001 keBekve fund Sterling Reserve »10,000,000 1 2J 760 000 BUverTWve »11,750,«X>} W' l 0 Rieerve Liability of Proprietor* $10,000,000 j COURT OF DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhnrat, Eaq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keawiok.— Deputy Chairman. <JustavFrieslan<l,Eßq. A. J. Raymond,
      632 words
    • 580 10 BANKING COMPANIES. i CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. I ISCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in GO.OOO Shares of I*).*. 1. ..£1,100,000 i Reserve Fund ..£1.476.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE
      580 words
    • 164 10 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker ft Tomb- Builder ISO Middle Road. Sole Agent for Meesrt. Doltridge Brothen, Ltd., London c 2188 Telephone No. Al9. CHARLES -^jh HEIDSIECKS WWfi\ White Seal tK* Champagne, j| fu\r. AGENT* M Behn, Meyer 4Co Ld Ajj^L Singapore a>ui Penang. _^^B^^^k DEPOT ll^^H il)U\ LITTLE k
      164 words
    • 183 10 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. i are not an experiment. They have been tbt i favourite blends at home for many yews and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the mark. 46 Singapore Cold Storage Co.,
      183 words
    • 529 10 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £U,000,000. W. A. SIMS, o 1375 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,760,000 Revenue £3,061,*****-81 The undersigned are prepared to aooept Fire Riake at ourrent rates. 692 BEHN, MEYER A Co., Ltd.
      529 words
    • 568 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF TWO INDIAN BULLOCKS AND ONE BULLOCK CART NO. 806. of 190*?. To be hold at Trafalgar Metal, Singapore, Thunday, January JO. 1908, ai 4.30 p.m. G. A. Fernandez and Co., 177 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF BHOLD KOWITUBK, ETC.. KTC. To be hold »t I
      568 words

  • 1409 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Dr. lugrimi Cotton, of Bangalore on t'.' V, motored to rtaugalore from l'omiicru ny in his 8 h.|i. Darracq. li ■aviiij; the Tnmdk Settlement at 3.30 a.m. and arriving here ut 7.150 p.m. a distance of 2MO uiilos. He. Mi only 7.J
    1,409 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 290 11 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P.. four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. PhjmU*<l and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 HP., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Kuns by arrangement. Prices and full particular* from SYME CO., AGENTS.
      290 words
    • 61 11 Write for New Catalogue .OK HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Anticanizie Migone. We beg to inform our customers that our stock of the above Hairwash is exhausted, owing to great demand, and we expect to receive a new shipment within a fortnight, when we
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 612 12 Scale of Charges* PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsoeI- .neons Wants of Every Description, Houses, band, etc la iet, are inserted at the following nrtes:Ont Insertion 1.80 per Inch. Two *.00 Three 8.80 Bb 8-80 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.80 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month IS per inch.) rhe abeve rate is based npon
      612 words
    • 491 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates Four Lines, on* or two l ruwrt ion-, .DC' By tlie lock, Me Scale of Chargw. WANTED TO EXCHAN6E. Owi>er of quiet, well-trained COB, suitable for lady's use, wishes to exchange for faster horse. Terme can be arranged. Apply 8., o/o Straits Times. ClOB SITUATION WANTED. Dutchman
      491 words
    • 523 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. I Hans:— Foar Lines, om or two ini«rsioiw. I. By th* Incb, m Seal* of Cbirn«. i TO BE LET No. 14-A, Collyer Quay, lately xoapied by Mi. W. H. Boyd. Apply to MssBM. MEYER BROTHERS. 0 8018 HOUSE TO LET. Now available BELINDA." a
      523 words
    • 613 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. I sUTU -Post LinH, om or tw 'insrtlosM. .30 By th* inch. *m SraU of Ci tk*s LANDAU FOR SALE A First-class Landau, Rnbber-tyred, almost new, to be seen at F. Clarke Co.'s Livery Stables, 207, Qneeu Street. MM FORJALE. The Race HorM NINOTON By Prince Chester,
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    • 444 12 v.o.v. DAN MACFARLAIME COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., SW< Ann,;,, §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. I Obtainable from the \3 Syme A CO., Principal Dealuis. Ai!en' '*AOE tt*-*" S Miscellaneous NOTIGES
      444 words
    • 596 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES K»Ti.- I.:. I. |rr i.i.h. MbMQBMI tsor.'.'fc! S F -li-.rte: porinl: a* Beak o: C'a'.riru'. THE STRAITS TRADINGCOMPANY. LIMITED. l. xoiiCJ- it Hum Gi\t\ i j bearers of riam ir.-ant-< of Mw abo\ c Company I that the f..ibjo.a«i resolution was passed at au I extraordinary Rer»ra; mtctiuj:
      596 words