The Straits Times, 28 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Str ai ts Times NO. 22.559. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JANUARY 28. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 202 1 Decide MO^N on your car. WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims o£ M the cars you havt? wttu heard aliout. CONSIDER the tests that alLcars have been put to, and what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a ear that will stand the heavy tests of good, bad
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    • 106 1 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Concert. TEUTONIA CLUB, Friday, Jan. 31, 9 p.m. TICKETS ($2) AT ROBINSON PIANO GO. MEMPEKS. UAJgOH TICKET. 197 PRINCESS JU JU, OP THE GOLDEN AMULET, A Japanese Operate, iv three Acts, will be give-i by the Children of the Singapore Catholic Club, at the Victobia
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  • 989 2 WHY NOT LITERARY TRAINING SCHOOLS? Those who write- for their living, are tho only largo class of skilled workmen for whom profeswioual schools are not provided, writes Mr. Walter H. Page, editor of the American World's Work, in the Atlautic Monthly. Our universities train men not ouly for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 There is no work possible on the most Expensive Machine which cannot be Performed on THE EMPIRE TYPEWRITER. It ii j.:n<',r....t»'<.ii to outlast the highest priced machiues. It is without "lumainess or exct'bbive weight. Itb SIMPLICITY and BEAUTIFUL WORK have gamed for it the highest praise from Governments, Municipalities and
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    • 222 2 When mosquitoes begin to annoy, remember that simple means of protection against the attacks of these and other insects —the use of Calvert's 20% Carbolic Soap. Sold by toe*'. Chmiiti and Sum. Muk.ra: P.C.Clv.rtaCo.. MuohnUr. J In(lud. 1 1 BUCHANANS WHISKIES. an not an experiment. They hays been tb« taronrite
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    • 11 2 For Health and Strength take 3tearns' Cordinl of Cod I.iv-r Extract.
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    • 198 2 Our MALA Y Qdeon records TAKKN IN SINGAPORE AND JAVA. Have Arrived. I -i Odoon Records aro tb only doable- aided Ujhcs that a. SOle aoemts: waya exceed expectations. 1 LEVY HERMANOS. -J Kuhn Komor, sSii? 10 H;ive alwuys in stock ycry Arti'tic Karnitarc, Silvtrwuri-, S;i:nuui», Cloisonue, Ivt'rieH, *c, Arc
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  • 1320 3 CONFERENCE OF INCORPORATED MUSICIANS. Attack on Royalty Scandal. At -.hi- conference of the Incorporate Society of Musicians at Harrogate recently a paper on A Stocktaking of. English Musii was read by Dr. F. J. Sawyer, of Brighton hon. secretary of the Royal jCollego of Orga nists and
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  • 64 3 Belgian surveying engineers, who have travelled along the Whampho river, have formed a syndicate forihe purpose of securing a shipping concession on that waterway. The Waiwupu has not yet replied, but, in the meantime, the people of the five provinces through which the river runs, have joined in a memorial
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 578 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease will IWe miitK t rp«*£ 9JH L$ IpG Hr 1 41» I.- ki(L] <t v^v k^S^V a^C ll n xEI HHI Mfct is. ■> Pronounced by the HIUHiST MEDICAL AJVH'jKITita Torpid Liver, Debility,
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    • 328 3 Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANTIJN, as uhe now lies in the Rom. is. with all her tackle and apparel, it offered for sale. For particulars, apply to INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., "ROTTERDAM. nJlft'; ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT' A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR All Functional Derangements of the Liver, Tempo- rary Congestion arising
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  • 448 4 Suggested Cure for Many Ills. In wending the adoption of the roport and balan. -sheet, at thu annual mooting of shareholders of the Manchester Crematorium. Limited, Mr. F. Smallmau made a startling proposition. Au impetus, wonderM in extent, lie asserted, would be given to the
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  • 260 4 Appointments in the Straits and the Far East. Appointments iv ihc Colonies and I'rotoctuialcs appear to bavc a great attraction for many young barristers and solicitors who tin. l a difficulty iv making headway in the old country, says the Daily Telegraph. l'osts in tbe Kn-t -cm to
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  • 169 4 Uncemore Popjeate[>utl. '.he famous Mexican volcano, is on offer to the highest bidder, who, if be may not be able exactly to insist <m an eruption, would uot be unlikely to nave his ambition gratified at any time. Some years ago this volcano, which is uoarly JB.CiMl'i.
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  • 151 4 At tin HouKkoun Supreme Com i ju 18th lUbtaut. the case of the Swatow reformer canio up again. The Hon. Mr. \V. Kees Dsvies. Utorm>y-<M>nerul. represented the Orowu. aud Sir Htuty Berkeley. K.C., appeared lor the prisoner. Argument was resumed by the Attorney Oenoral, who conteuded that
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  • 774 4 Name, port, probable /fate, of arrival, and name of Agent*. STEAMERS. Airhx, Svdn*\ 2I Bonstead Vntilochus. Livi'rrTo I. I'Vb 7 W. Mauaneld Arcadia. Houßkong. l.iv 30 P. St O. Got Austria, H'k..ui;. >!■■ > Rauk>nberg Hohmidt Ayutbia, Bombay. F.1>20; Borneo Coy A. Apcar, Calcutta. Feb 17 Paterson Simoni
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  • 272 4 Passengers Outward. k"er I. and steamer Mooltan, connecting with tin steamer Delta nt Colombo. From London, Jan. 3, dm- .Inn. ;l -Mr. M.'Kirwan. Mr,. Millar, Miss M, Mr. E. .1. Souter, Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. J. S. Dunlop, Mi«n Dunlop. Mi. and Mrs. C. W. Uarbisliiro, Miss
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 717 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin. Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, ani America Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or sboai MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). 198 Delta Feb
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    • 1186 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." v BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this oompany maintain a regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermasin. Pnlo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik The steamers have good aooomodation for
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    • 782 4 STEAMER BAIUHBB. KdTL. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. imperial German Mali Una. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Oompany sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthamp ton, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Naple;, (oonncc-.ioD Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vtoe versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Oolcmbo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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    • 31 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Portative, recommended by the beat medical authorities. Easy to take and certain in results. Tc be had of all 'bemiuta. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. Battery Road, Siugapore. ml
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  • 1156 5 lM>mthi» hevliux the fulluiriiig lOilire? umna are v-"-l itt r. -steamer uh. ship; bq. liarqiie: >n-h. i nvi Vet. -Yacht; (Tu. -«:mi»er, rl.t.-Uun-hiit; Tor. -Torpedo il.p.— Uom-puwsi Brit.— Hnti.ih. D.M.— L uiiecl MaUw Feb.— Frawli Oer.ilorm.m [>ut. llutvli Ital.— ltalian gpau. ->i>u,i»h; Hm.— Sarawak U.c— Oeueral cargo;
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  • 67 5 ilouLWAim P. U. Mail. The I. aud O. homeward mail bteamer Arcadia left Hongkong, at 1 p.m., on Saturday, aud in due hero at 6 a.m., on Thursday, the 30th instant. Ol i aki. P. O. Mail. The P. it O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo
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  • 118 5 Fok Pkb Biuiui Tina ToUOBBOW Sydney via ports Gulhrit 10 a.m. iwatow via (writs Huug Ike noon K'touuam and I'enaug Kiilim 1 p.m. iabak aud Djarabic tiruuiccr 1 p.m. Vnang hd<l Columbo Habit a Mai 2 p.m. 'outiaunk Hau Youf Saiy 2 p.m. 'euau^' aud Calculi* Jprur p.m.
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  • 92 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To-day. TMJOM r»G»* East Whaki- Basin— N il. East Whakt Sictiom I— Nil. Sbot. 1 (Sbubs Whabf):— Nil. Sxonoß No. 2— Teesta, i— Brabik. 4— R.I.M. Dufierm. B— Nil. 6— Btulany, Baagkok. 7— Nil. B—Banoa,8 Banoa, Catherine
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  • 117 5 From Enron— By (he P.4O. e.e. Delta, due January 31. From China— By (he V. A U. Arcadia, doe January 30. ran table or mails ooe. SinRaj Dec 23 Deo 36 Dec 30 Jan 3 Jau 6 Jan 9 Jan 13 Jan 17 Jan. 20 Jaj. u
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  • 82 5 liy the Xubiu. Captain F. J. Fox, Jau. 29. From London: Mrs. H. Godfrey, LanceCorp. and Mrs. Delamere, infant and child, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Mr. Moulton Barrett, Lieut, AVilberforce, Mins Thring, Mr. S. B. Reyne, Lieut, and Mrs. Thring, Mr. A. B. Hay ward, Mr. C.
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  • 39 5 January 27 Patrol, Brit cable utr, Batavm II mliti Nor Htr. Kautjkok 38 I.a Simiu, Fell Htr, Uatavia Laurent* Pit, I >ul Htr, Rliio and Indrugin Kuching, Sar str, Sarawak Ophir. Dut sir, Paleuibaug Amherst, Brit str. Pontianak
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  • 75 5 .M^ MbUlt ut '£jfcM£puu tire in Lavug, lOthSfctt*, bomS^Jw^ bundred people Tb« low* iw eetimated a» QnQhundrcd thou t-an(l dollars. Two huniitift tpd. eighty houses and four hundred saofcH.oty>Mi wuro consumed in ton flames, which spread with lightning rapidity among the nipa houMk. Some of.
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  • 922 5 THE NEW PUBLIC TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR ACT. (From Ovr Own CoRBKspo.vDtNT.) London, January 3. On Wednosday, tho new Public Trustee and Executor Act of 1906 came into forco. and everybody can now have the oomforting assurance that, officially, their Trustee, if they select the Public Trustee for
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  • 113 5 A special wire to Tlio Manila Timed from Washington, under date of J anuary 14, says that, speaking at a Navy League dinner on the previous uight in that city, Juntice Harlau, of the Supreme Court, spoke strongly on the question of the yellow
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 467 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Tbk steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Uongkong, Shanghai aud Japan, taking cargo on through Billß <>( Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tieutsiu, Newchwang, Yangtaze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac, Ac Mteamers Tons Commander Kotbano 4,895
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    • 447 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. n The Companies' steunen are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japao every week, aod from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 498 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE OF BTEAMERB. Turn undermentioned mail ateamere ot th above Line maintain a regular aervioe betweei Calcutta aud Japan, calling at Penang, Singa pore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route FLEET. Tone Commander «.B. "Jamh" 6,300 J. G. Ourorr 8.8. Guoobt Apcab 4,600 S. H. Belsoh 8-b. "Ajuutook
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    • 439 5 STEAMER SAILIHQ8. C. PR Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA ud the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Kea of Japan) Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooaver, R.M.S. "Empuss of India" Twin-sarew steaR.M.S. "Enru88 or Japan" men,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 27 5 WEATHER TELBORAM. Hongkong, January -8, 10 a.m. Barometer HQ.J9 Direction cf Wind Ea^i, Foroe of Wma Max. Temp in Shade 83 Maoil*. 768 East 1 M 88
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    • 113 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, January 38. High Water. 5-56 p.m. Electiou of Muuicipat Commissioner. Hookey. l'riuceßs Ju-Ju. 9 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Wednesday, January 29. High Water. 5-52 a.m. 7-31 p.m. Princess Ju-ju. 9 p.m. Hookey. L.L.T.C. Touruameul. Football, tialcstier Reoreatiou. v. Uand Bo\V K.W K.K.
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  • 42 6 Hanson.— At Hongkong, on January M), Mra. Hanson, wife of Inspector Hanson, aged 41 year* Martin. On January _15, suddenly, at 31, Boone Koad, Shanghai, "Annie, the widow of the late I, P. Martin, formerly British Postmaster, Shanghai, aged 70. years'.
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  • 751 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 28. The subject of the registration of servants crops up periodically, and the recent epidemic of burglaries in Tanglin naturally revives the topic. The police assert that in many cases the thefts are not perpetrated by burglars, but by the servants, and
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  • 548 6 We published on Saturday some statistics of the work done at Tanjong Pagar during the past year. These statistics show that the number of vessels using the Board's wharves is a record over 1906, which had also been a highest on record. The registe' ed tonnage of these vessels is
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  • 11 6 The Straits Trading Company has opened a branch office at Pudu.
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  • 11 6 Motor cycles are said to bo largely im ported into Selangor.
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  • 15 6 In Serendah, the shops are cloned at 7 p.m. for fear of the gang robbers.
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  • 9 6 Twenty-eight Celestials were banishod from Perak, during December last.
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  • 10 6 All telegrams published in this'issne are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 12 6 The Lady Ridgeway Memorial Fund in Ceylon now amounts to rupees 28,989.53.
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  • 14 6 The Malay Mail understands that the Sangei Cbul flotation is going through at Home.
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  • 14 6 Five hundred and sixty passengers arrived from Hongkong, this morning, by the Catherine Apcar.
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  • 21 6 The price of tin to-day in Singapore is i >'<:', ]*-r picul. A hundred and twenty-five tour- have been Bold to day.
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  • 18 6 N.vv Year's day marked the introduction of an electric street lighting installation in cert hi parts of Rangoon.
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  • 22 6 Tlm Singapore Volunteer Artillery are carr>int; out heavy gun practice from Fort Pasir Panjang on Sunday, February 2, commeneiug at 9 a.m.
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  • 29 6 Tim Shipping and Import and Export offices will be open for one hour (10 to 11 on Monday, February I, and will be closed on Tuesday. Fehruary 4.
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  • 28 6 Sentence of death was passed upon the woman Lam Kui at the Hongkong Criminal Sessions. She was found guilty of murdering a man with whom she wan living.
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  • 25 6 The Hongkoug Government propose that a sum of $4,250,000 be advanced for the purpose of construction of the Hongkong-Canton Railway (British Section) during this year.
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  • 36 6 A European named Conway has been arrested in Calcutta on a charge of doing a rash or negligent act in kicking his dlioby. who is said to be in a serious condition. Bail has been granted.
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  • 45 6 Bar»n Hayashi in an interview at Tokio, has repudiated the report of an important negotiation with tho United States. The Government, he says, will not hesitate to forbid emigration to Hawaii if the Japanese immigrants do not cease crossing from that, island to America unlawfully.
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  • 57 6 Koh Lian Neo, charged with assisting in carrying on a Chop Jee Kee lottery at Xo. 11 Tras Street, and fined 1200 or, in default, sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisoment, by Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, was acquitted by Mr. Justice Scrcombe Smith, on appeal, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 71 6 Tho sentry on duty at the door of the lockup in the Si-cond Police Court at Penang, one day last week, heard a bench fall, and, looking into the room, found that a Chinaman had wound hi* towchang round his neck and then on to a bar in the ventilator,
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  • 76 6 Madame Albani told an interviewer in Calcutta the other day that she had never sung to more discriminating, and yet delightfully cordial and appreciative, audiences than in that country. They inspire one to do her very best. I should like to have had time to hear something of tho typical
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  • 71 6 The Hongkoug Laud Reclamation Company, Ltd., made a net profit last year, including t849.841.05 brought forward from last account after paying all charges, of $.'l5B, 185,99. It is now proposed to pay a dividend of 7 per cent on the paid up capital after providing for which and writing off
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  • 95 6 Sir F. Lugard, K.C.M.G., Governor of Hongkong, is of opinion that additional and practical means should be substituted for the old, costly and drastic measures taken to prevent the spread of plague in the Colony. Ho thinks it would bb as well if every householder kept a cat, though as
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  • 122 6 That the F.M.S. have not been a bit early with the Medical Practitioners Act, says the Perak Pioneer, is evidenced by the fact that even China is bestirring herself to guard against the evil of ignorant people practising the medical profession to the injury of the public. A proclamation has
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  • 521 6 Ranjitsinghi has routed Shillmgl. s Park in Sussex, for a yoar. Mr. R. O. Winstodt ha« an-ivo.) at «n.l taken charge of Matang, X.M.S., in «u<vi;»sion to Mr. Alien. The death is reported of a Air. J. M. Jaiue*, which took place in the Yokohama General Hospital
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  • 142 6 The 95th Russell's Infantry will leave Singßpoie for Bolarum, Madras, by the K.I. M.S. Dufferin on Saturday, having been relieved by the 99th Deccan Infantry, who arrived yesterday by thr Rteam«r. Like the Russell's, the Itoecan Infantry arc a smart body of men, and as they
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  • 53 6 To celebrate the birthday of the German Emperor, there was a dinner at the Teutonia Club last night. There were about seventy present, including ladies. In proposing the health of the Kaiser, which was drunk with enthusiasm, Consul-General Kiliani made ac interesting speech. After dinner, dancing was kept up till
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  • 71 6 Before Mr. Justice Fisher at th. Supreme Court, this morning, a huh for $1,500 damages for alleged breach of contract in respect to 500 shares in the Kledaog Tin Mining Company, Limited, was mentioned, and the hearing adjourned till Wodaesday of next week. The defendant denies the contract and alleges
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  • 95 6 An interesting case ia promised in the February session of the Supreme Court when Koe Ouan and Company are appearing against Commander C. A. Hvlclitfe, K.N, in respect to a claim for damages for cancelling a certificate concerning the steamship Perak. The case was mentioned in Court, this morning by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 SOHNLEIN Co.'s Rheingold Sparkling Assmannshauser. (Sparkling German Wines). Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. I ii Just Jirrived! One 12-16 H.P. I ARROL-JOHNSTON CAR. Jpt Fitted with Cape Cart Hood and Cromwell Wind Screen, painted A rrol Johnston Red. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agent.. II J. Travers Sons, Ltd. SOLE 7, D'Almeida
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    • 134 6 ALHAMBRA Cinematograph BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT TUESDAY. Grand Change of Programme. ALL NEW FILMS. FIRMAN'S AEROPLANE— Do not miss seeing Finnan, the well-known French aeronaut, who has recently won the Dentsch Archdeacon Prix Aeroplane, by completing a circle of 500 metres. LA LAS HYDROPLANE— by which he has travelled on the
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  • 537 7 LOSS OF LIFE ON THREE PIRATED LAUNCHES. Withdrawal of British Gunboats from the West River. It «i tub's Tm.hukam. London, January 27. lii .id- correspondent at Shanghai telegraphs that piratefi attacked three launches ne.-ir Kashing. killing and wounding thirteen Chinese. Launch traffic between Shanghai and Langchow Hangohowi
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  • 81 7 Suspension of Traffic on the Suez Canal. Rmctbr's Tblbobam Paris, January 28. A gale has brcn raging at Port Said since Sunday. Much damage has been done. The telegraph system is interrupted, and traffic on the Suez Canal is suspended. The Superintendent of the Singapore branch
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  • 43 7 Triangular Test Matches in England Next Year. [Rrcter's Telegram.] London, January 28. The Marylebone Cricket Club is arranging for a visit of Australian and South African cricket teams to England in 1909 to play a series of triangular test matches.
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  • 34 7 [RlOTM's TILIOEAMJ London, January 28. The Counties' Advisory Committee has prepared unanimously a detailed scheme, subject to consideration, to assist the War Office in its new scheme for the territorial army.
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  • 21 7 r R«nT»R's Tiliubau London, January 27. A Russian telegram from Tabriz states that the Firman-firma has evacnated Sujbulak.
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  • 28 7 A Manila- patrolman, who shot and killed a Filipino thief to prevent his escape, has been exonerated from all blame, without going through the formality of a trial.
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  • 586 7 Magistrate's Sentence Upheld lo Appeal Court. Before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, at the Council Chamber, yesterday afternoon, the appeal of Wee Ah >feng was heard. Mr. Leigh Clare appeared for the appellant, and Mr. P. J. Sproule, tho Deputy Public Prosecutor, for the Crown. Appellant was convicted by
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  • 259 7 Thousand Acres of Land Acquired at Kelantan. At a meeting of the Shareholders of the Bagan Rubber Company at Bangkok the other day, the manager's report was submitted. It stated that there arc now fully 100 acres planted up with plants spaced 17 by 1H feet in
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  • 44 7 Following is the result of work at Raub for four weeks, ended the 25th instant Bckit Komas— B,BB6 tons crushed 881 ozs. obtained 4.54 dwt., average per ton. Bckit Malacca— 2,o9B tons crushed 190 ois. obtained 1.81 dwt. average per ton.
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  • 131 7 Mr. P. J. Sproule, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, addressed bis Lordship, Mr. Justice Sercombe Sn-ith, in the Council Chamber, yesterday afternoon, on the appeal of Lim Kirn Hwa and Leong Kara Kew, who were fined 1150 each by the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Oilman, ou a
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  • 650 7 MARKED ENTERPRISE AMONG THE NATIVES. Wharfage to be Extended. Some time ago, the present writer asked some Johore Malays if the world was still going round, as Mr. C. it. Buckley has long taught them that it dons, and one of them promptly replied, in faultless English,
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  • 96 7 A law has just come into force in Indochina which brings all life insurance companies there under the strict control of the Government. All such companies must be registered, with full particulars of articles of association and rates of charges. The provisions of the law aim
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  • 171 7 A court of two judges, Messrs. A. G. Law and T. Sercombe Smith, sat in the Chief Justice's Court, at the Supreme Court, this morning, at 10.80 o'clock, to mention the appeal case of Chia Geok Miang aud Tan Choon Tiam v. Tan Chiap Heng, plaintiffs being
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  • 90 7 Polling is taking place at the Municipal Offices, to-day, for the election of a representative of the Tanjong Pagar Ward on the Municipal Commission. The only candidate is Dr. P. Fowlie, whose nomination was proposed by the Hon. Mr. T. S. Baker and seconded by Mr. Hans
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  • 1028 7 ANNUAL REPORT OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Satisfactory Result of Year's Working. (From Our Own Corrrspondent.) Hamburg, January 8. Germany's oversea shipping trade during the past year has had to contend with serious and protracted labour troubles, which have not only added materially to the working expenses, but have,
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  • 206 7 Depressed Condition of Indian and Colonial Securities. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, January 8. As it is a matter bearing in some degree upon a subject that is exercising the Straits Colonial's mind just now the loss incurred by the Colonial Government on tho sale of sterling
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  • 191 7 Alleged Contravention of Custom's Regulations. In the British Court for Siam on the 22nd instant, His Honour Judge Skinner Turner save judgment in the case in which Captain Robinson, of the steamer Singapore, uncharged with being concerned in the smuggling of five guns and a quantity of
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  • 248 7 Big Decrease in Duty Collected in F.M.S. The Senior Warden of Mines. F.M.S., has now completed the returns of the weight of block tin and tin ore exported from the four States of the F.M.S., during the month? of January and December, inclusive, and of the duty
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  • 227 7 Natives Confirmed at St. Peter's Church. On Sunday evening, the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak, Dr. Hose, administered the Rite of Confirmation at St. Peters's Church, Stamford Road, in the presence of upwards of »00 people. Twenty-six were thr recipients of the Rite. The Bishop delivered twoaddressos
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  • 45 7 The Perak Pioneer understands that, owing to the increase in crime and the ever increasing number of the coolies who are discharged from the wines on account of tha slump in tin, it has been decided to increase the police force considerably in the F.M.S.
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  • 149 7 CONTRADICTION OF A GOOD STORY. Suspension of the Registration Act Denied. lUuikk's Tklihra.-vi London. January 27. The Daily Telegraph's Johannesburg cor respondent states that the Transvaal Gov eminent, realising the seriousness of the situation, has decided to n -consider its wholo attitude towards Asiatics. It has appointed
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  • 214 7 Deceased Man's Property before the Court. Another intricate will case, which hai already occupied the attentiou of his Lordship, tho acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G La<v, on several occasions at the Supreme Court, was continued this morning. It is the suit of Tau Jiak Kirn
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  • 370 7 Chief Engineer Refuses to Leave the Sinking Ship. A Swatow correspondent of the China Mail sent the following further particulars of the loss of the Yiksang 1 have obtained further particulars in regard to the wrick of the steamer Yiksang. It appears that she struck at 4.20 a.m.
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  • 161 7 At the Supreme Court. Itsia morning, the acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. (i. Law judgment in the matter of the Sze llai Toiig, Banking and Insurance Company, Ltd., ol o tiling Street against A. HUM ltamsamy Chutty, lately carrying on bMiMM at 83 Market Street, Singapore,
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 80 8 T. Burns, ot \ineriea. the couqueror of Gunner Muir, hus fixed up a match of L'.'ilm i a side with J. Palmer, of Newcastle. The tight is to take place on or before February 7. Twenty rouud-. are to be fought. Owen Muian, uf Englaud, and Abe
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    • 94 8 Ceylon Team at Madras. Tho three defeats inflicted by the Ceylon cricketers un the Madras c icket tcum which visited the Maud during Christmas Week, has brought the > lon of victories iv all matches played 'nn to-datc very near that of Madras. The contests commenced iv Madras
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    • 150 8 Ceylon Morse's Fine Wm. Mr. U. L. F. do Soysu is to bo euuy ratuluted ou his succuss in winning, with Footprint, the Merchants' Plate, vulnc rupees 5.000. at Calcutta, says an exchange. This was the samu race in which Footprint was hoateii by a head by Mallard
      150 words
    • 446 8 Singapore Uolf Club. Tht Captain's Cup was played lor under bcleotic Conditions on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. A. M. Hogg turned out to be the winner, with a net score of 36. At the conclu- wu of play, Captain Younu, the President "i tbe Club, handed over Vie Cup
      446 words
    • 260 8 S.C.C. v. Officers of the Qarrison. A keenly contested Rugby football match was played on the Ksplauade. yesterday, Ixtwitn lifwviis representing the S.C.C. and tlic Officers of the Garrison. The teams were as follow S.C.C.--WaM. fullback; R. L. Cuscadeu A. Bailiy. 0. Malcolm and R. H. Oliver, three-quarter
      260 words
    • 281 8 V.m.C.A. Tournament. In the doubles uf the V.M.C.A. teuuis tournament, yesterday, A. and G. van Cuylenburg beat It. J. Bartlett t.ud Bishop. T o. 6—4. In the singles. Dm ham beat Hay, 7—6,6—8. Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club. In connection with the toadies' Lawn Tennis Club's Spriug tournament, the
      281 words
  • 470 8 Sir rienry Blake Lectures at Colonial Institute. The tollowiug telegrams, dated from Lou dou vii llio loili and loth iustaut. respectively, aru from the Ceylon Observer Sir Henry A. Blake delivers his lecture ou Ceylou before tlie Royal Colonial Institute to-morrow, the Duke of Argyll presiding. His
    470 words
  • 195 8 On tlic Hitli iustaut. says an F.M.S. exchange, five miners in KinU sold their tiuoroto h tirin tlir. partners for about »0,000. These wen told the mMmn thai- as tlioy intended to taku the ore la Gopenj; to be sold, they (the sellers* would huvc to
    195 words
  • 1248 8 DETAILS OF ENGLAND'S EXCITING WIN AT MELBOURNE. Following is a full account of the concluding stages of the Hccond test uiatch. as winxl from Melbourne on the 7th instant The tinal stage in tin- second u-t match wax entered u|h>u today. The uot-out batsmen were Braund ll7i
    1,248 words
  • 395 8 Tm, I was the lord uud master And you were the Kdy queeu. Aud wo lived aud lo\ed uutronbled. In the land of the might have been. The season was always springtime. The sky was always blue. In that laud of impossible fancies. Where IVory dream
    395 words
  • 183 8 His Excellency Sir Frederick ljUgurd. Cioveruor of Hongkong, speaking the other day, said I think Hougkuug should be the Oxford and Cambridge uf the Eivst. It seeni* tv me, Indies uud gentlemen, that our geographical position is one which londs itself in an extraordinary wuy to
    183 words
  • 195 8 A verdict of suicide during temporary insanity, wm returned at the inquust on Lieuti nant J. M. C. Scott, of tho Royal Scots, who shot himself early iv this year at the Great Western Hotel, Bombay, with a double-barrelled gun. Evidouoe was giveu by th-
    195 words
  • 79 8 At the Hancook Museum, Barraa Bridge, Newcastle, on December 29, the first two lectures arranged for young people, to bo given during the Christmas holidays, was delivered by Professor Henry Louis, M.A. There was a large audience, and Sir Walter Plnimacr occupied the chair. Professor Louis took for bis subjeot.
    79 words
  • 237 8 Abandoning the Idea of a Ship Canal. Mr. T. J. McCloughin, Traffic Muuagur uf the South Indian Railway, is on a visit to Colombo and is utayiug at tho Grand Oriental Hotel. In conversation with an Observer representative, Mr. Mri'ln u^hiu -:ml that the latest vows about tbe
    237 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 169 8 Jofjn Mttk @0., 2s>td. 0 HIRANO Mineral Water. An cm eel lent ant* most reliable Table Water. Mixes well with Spirits. Per case of 8 doz. Splits $6.00. Per case of 4 doz. Pints $4.25. lALHAMBRAI ALHAMBRA I CINEMATOGRAPH Beaoh Road. Entire Change of Programme TO-NIGHT TUESDAY. ONLY PATHE JL
      169 words
    • 236 8 1 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS BOARD AND LODGING. buard au-l IVjdfiiDg »t 107, Orchard Kwl. CHINEBE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. The K\oliaug. Uuuks will bu oluecd un Mouduy aud Taenday, February 3 aud i, wlmli have been pi wlMnud V'ublic Uolidavs. Ml PARTNER-MANAGER WANTED. Ui'.uli .1. P»rtntT-Mrtii:ii.'.)r fur h buuiou&x Id be
      236 words

    • 89 9 ■'iauibiiT buyers 5 b.»*o Jo (Cub. N. I np>k-l 10:26 < pr» Uali 7 60 rio PontiaL;;!. 7.30 fVppor, Black buyers K'.H7J '.j WLito I '-'COO >ajo Hci:r Sat 801 ■1o lininei No. 1 U9J IV«1 Sago 4.10 toffee Bali, picked 2560 Coffee. Palomban'i, J'l ba»is -22.55 Coffee, Liborian
      89 words
    • 118 9 On London —Bank 4 m/s -'*i Demand 2/8^ Private 6 mfi 3/4 A do 8 :u:- '2/11 (h. Q<*>r.a:y—Bank d/d 288* Private 3 m/s 242J do 6 m/s 344* v. /-r.««—Bank d/d 292 Private 3 uj 298} do 8 m/s 301J >. Iniia—Bank T. T. 178J Private 80 dy
      118 words
    • 53 9 Howarit Ersklue 8% 9600,003 l%fM«. Kiley Hargreuve? 6% 225,000 3% fttra H' pore Electri.: Tram ■>;ays Co., Ltd. 5° o 330,000 nominal MDCaporeManioipftl6% 4G0,000 20% prem 6% 1,878.000 :V*prem 4^'i 1.600.000 oprem t% 302.900 2%diaoom. -L.'ailH EOiJ'PMO.' Byd.,Ltd. 6 45,000 par lanjcng P. D. B. 8% 250,000 3% preou
      53 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 365 9 Date o( formaion Capital i Number Snb«aribed at Shan* I Imm Paid i Value jap to Share* Unissued Company QcoiATiotra 1300,000 WOO.OOO 1907 1900,000 laii.OOn 1901 $600,000 1600.000 ISO 3 10C 000 £350,000 ISCS £80,000 «80,000 1907 $400,000 $875,000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £100,000 1905 $150,000 $99,000 1906
      365 words
    • 372 9 1905 £150,000 £116,818 1305 •MO.OOO •108,000 10,500 1904 £30,000 £15.150 j J'^[ 1908 £70,000 £61.000 6l!oOO 1906 »IW,OOO fISS.OOO 11,500 1904 £11,000 £10,800 j J'JjJj 0 1905 £75,000 £58,000 SsioOO 1906 £810,000 £243,917 j J^'mß 1906 £180,000 £180,000 180,000 1907 £310,000 £301,500 I 80 l»06 r1 75, 000 146,150
      372 words
    • 176 9 1834 £5,S77.1O.O' £4,805 7,688 I 12/6 1498 •S15.000 ISU.000 I 4,000 j ISO 186.; ( ' H'$% 1905 »2,t00,000 12,400,000 1896 11,000,000 11,000,000 1100 >X)' >■ 11,000 134,000 MOO 110 1399 *s76,000 «815,000 J}Jg 1903 »600.000 9240.000 t*',000 j 110 1891 t)0.000 130.000 600 960 19)3 £750,000 £750,000 40,000
      176 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 NOTICE. C HARLES DAY CO.. LONDON. '.Mill SOLE EXPORT K'iTTl.l\t. A«EJSTS JOHN JAMESON SON'S WHISKEY. Aud on each label must be fuuui! tbe following Notice nud Signature In order that OmmMN may feel a^aurc 1 •i >,• n'litt'ut we \.-.julii request atteution, to this, onr Special Export Label, and to
      251 words
    • 68 9 Kame a Co. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year. A Splendid Assortment of And Artificial Flowers <£) a Lan* s*:«,t.< JD O f in Bunches O "P"R"PQ"ii»Ta"TQ Quito Natural in Appearance, XVJCIOJiI J^| J. O. A VISIT 18 KINDLY SOLICITED Hi (Brt&E£ESS2£ Cj T Tv nm* T^ S3
      68 words
    • 277 9 1 SsS^^^^§s^^^^\M\lU fi \\Wlllhf////7///////////sVsy<*>!>Z*TK •^>^r^^<</y7y^///7//////l!llm\ 1 1 11 ll«\^^^^^^^5 Tonic, Restorative, Digestive Wine Very palatable. Known throughout the world and prescribed in all cases ofAnmmta DettUiU andCqnoaiescence, to young women, children and the aged. Invaluable in hOt Climates. DOSE i On« wlQ e-gU. s afl«r the two principal meals Bach
      277 words

  • 350 10 ROUND THE WORLD FOR A LAKH OF DOLLARS. Ooodbje see you in ten years, was tbo parting message of a man, wbo set out from Trafalgar Square the other morning, wearing an iron mask and pushing a perambulator. He was starting on a tour rouud the world for
    350 words
  • 542 10 Alarmist Rumours Contradicted Emphatically. It is time a protest was entered against the alarmist rumours that are being published by certain of our contemporaries. Hays tiiny Mail. No doubt with the best >ns in the world, they have been led ably by the statements of ill-informed
    542 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 553 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG ANO SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital •i0.000.0w keBebve fund Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) aji 750 001 Bilrer fieterve t11.750.000f ™> lx <™ Rwerve Liability oi Proprietors •10,000,001 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Q. 11. Medburst, Esq. Chairman. Hon Mr. Henry Keswick.— Deputy Chairman. «lus»avFriesla.ncl,Eeq. A. 3. Raymond, Esq. A.
      553 words
    • 627 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ap Capital in 60,000 Shares of «0«*-b £1,200,000 Rmerve Fund £1,476.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* ..£1,200.000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts an
      627 words
    • 56 10 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUBLISHER. Mr. H. G. Harris, publisher of the Advertiser. Kentville, N. S., makes the following statement I have used Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy for myself and lamily and find it to be one of the best medicines for coughs and colds that I ever tried." For s
      56 words
    • 532 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exoeed £12,000,000. W. A. SIMS, o 1375 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue £2,001,044-19-8 Tbe undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 693 BEHN, MEYER 4 Co., Ltd.
      532 words
    • 563 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SMiT WcJMid^y, January 29, 1908, at 2-30 p.m. Tbe Steam Ljiancb SAL AM AT (Fat fall particulars, seu circulars). G. A. Fernandez V Co., H< Auctioneers. I MORTGAGEES SALE. IPMMafaßj January 29, 1901, at 2.30 p.m. 999 years leasehold land fronting Cross S* n- area 2,597
      563 words
    • 452 10 PHOSFERINE I Tko Grootoot off all Tooloo. I I ADI A Til mtALTM. 1 If»i|illl«n a P.r.i.. LMiai. I I La art. Lata, S.C I fc— oooooßtßOßOoo— a— aaf ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker A Tomb Builder 150 MuilU Road, Mi Aiiont for Mcßsre. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London. c 2188
      452 words

  • 1060 11 GREAT MOTOR-BUS STRIKE IN LONDON. Road -Car Company's Problem. At the d.iit of last exchanges, between twe-lve and thirtoeu hundred motor. bus driveiß, conductors aud uiechauics employed by the l.ondou Koad Car Company hail ceased wurk in consc:(pience of tin- decision of tho directors to adopt the system of
    1,060 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 283 11 s <^___;X' ,^t\ 19 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheols. fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial liuun by arrangement. PaeM _nd full particulars
      283 words
    • 340 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. flrrol-gohnston W MOTOR CARS and "central MOTOR LORRIES. ENGINE WORKS. MOTOR GAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED, ~*,^~~v. ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED. PLATING. ENAMELLIN6. PAINTING. t By Skilled Workmen. LAMPS, COILS, JACKS, PUMPS, OIL, motor spirit, etc ft;_/fc Qy Q U HotOT (SO., BATTERY ROID. JUST ARRIVED Ex S.S. MOYUNE,"
      340 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 638 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PWPAD ADVKRTISEMENT6.— MisceI in':oui Vt'iota of Every Description, (louses, (iar.4. tta M 'ct. are inserted at tht following rate- One fmi Mi I.W per inch. Two a.OO Thr~ 2.80 Pli 5.20 8 40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 Each snbseqieul month %6 per Inoh.) The above rate is
      638 words
    • 518 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. R»tf- :-Four Lines, one or two insertion", »l.on By the inch, m Scale of Charges. CHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Sn. .rt Chinese Clerk v Assistant Timekeeper, must lit.-. a kmmlenge of Chinese. Apply M. C. c/o Strait-* Tinu*. 166 STOREKEEPER WANTEO. Au energetic assistant Chinese Storekeeper. Must be quick
      518 words
    • 511 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bins Foni Liaea. >ns or two inaenioas, ti. By the inch, Seals ot Co&rfw. HOUBE TO LET. No. Sl-8, Wilkie Road, to let. Appi\- Nindot bin Dato Hadjee, No. 181, Seraagoon Road. 144 GODOWNS TO BE LET. Dry and airy Oodowns in Cecil and Stanley
      511 words
    • 657 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. lUrms .-Foar L!n*a, omoili 'Mirttooj fl-00 By tb« inch, m i-cul. of CL .tvi LANDAU FOR SALE. A First class Landau, Rubber tyred, almost oew, to be seen at F. Clarke Co.'s Livery Stables. 207. Queen Street. ■M FOR SALE The Race Hors* KINGTON By Prinoe Chestev,
      657 words
    • 555 12 §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER. PALE ALE, STOUT. Obtainable from the \3 SytTtC A Co., Principal Dealers. \cents V.O.V. 8 DAN MACFARLAIME COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Soli Agents. NOTICE. 0 WKEKS OF PIANOS
      555 words
    • 293 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Hates -lat Month, fit) per inch. Kul.wquent montlii, $5. For shorter p»ri<*l» >» Scale of Charge.. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. SINGAPORE NOTICE. Tlij Trauskr Docks of the above Company will be closed from January 25 to 31, botii days inclusive. |S,l imm BENZIt: s Secretary THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY.
      293 words