The Straits Times, 26 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.558. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JANUARY 27. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 Decide HOW on your car. I WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims of all the cars you bare sees 01 heard about. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a cai that will *tnnd the henvy tests
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    • 146 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. 'THE CATCH OF THK SKASO.V. Saturday, February 1, 1908. 2nd Royal West Kent Band, During and after dinner on tlio lawn. s;>ccifilly laid ont lot the occasion. 00 IT NOW. l'hone up No. -".8 for natal 4536 NOTICE. Mr w> Hi M> Browne THE HOTEL DE LA
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  • 1028 2 THE INDUSTRY AS RELATED TO FORESTRY. Systematic rubber planting in Hawaii as an industry was begun three years a(;o, but until this year there have been no systematic tapping of trees and keeping of statistics of yield, on which to' base commercial calcula tioDS of the profitableness or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 398 2 TPCDTR, PROTECTION OF IRON STEEL. IN THE TROPICS Siderosthen Paint Resists the actiou of Salts, Acids, Steam, Extreme climatic influences, tropical sea water with its destroying organisms. Specially Suitable for Bridges, Piers aud all Structural Ironwork. "Siderosthen" is what its name implies DEATH TO RUST". No oxidation is possible where
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    • 168 2 FOR LADIES «B d JORET.HOMOLLE'S APIQL it the most tun rtmatf/ agalntt tht Sleknttt, tnd othtr •ffitcti earned by tht deity of tht rf/ar period* StOUIN 165,Raa8--Bon-r(..P»a S FOR THE CHINESE NEW YEAR. NEW YKAR CARDS IN CHEQUE FORMS "The B*nk of Friendship, Unlimited." Frioe 11. per book of 100
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    • 312 2 Our MALA Y Qdeon records takes in Singapore AND JAVA. 9 Have Arrived. I -i Odcon Records are thp only double-sided nines that al SOie IMMi wayi exceed expectations. I LEVY HERMANS -I J. DA. PEREIRA. I^l Inl I I fl lyi HORTICIT.TrRIST AND FLORIST. IllIII&J J mJk I M
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  • 382 3 PROPHETIC UTTERANCE FOR THE NEW YEAR. It is a matter for regret that tbe Calendar isjnot so arranged that Leap y<-ar can be made a movcable affair, mi that the extra day may be taken in. whenever the conditions appear favourable for the coming year is to be
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  • 123 3 The Eclair publishes the following telegram from Cherbourg I As a result of experiments carried out in the first Channel flotilla with a view to providing submarines with buoys fitted with telephonic apparatus, in order to enable the crews to communicate with the surface in case of
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  • 213 3 The republic has at last become the undisputed owner of six out of the sixty gunt) used byNapoleou tor shooting game After the fail of the Empire, the celebrated gnnsmith Lepage came into possession of these weapons, though history sayeth not how, and lent them
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  • 228 3 In an anecdotal sketch on Mr. John Hassall in the January number of Caswll's Magazine, we are told that when he was sent to school at Worthing, lie distinguished himself as the only boy to be caned during the whole time he was there.
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  • 45 3 Urgent requests have been made to the Peking Government for re-inforcemeut to quell the Kiangsu riot. By order of the Board of I'u--ts and Communications, special trains are net aside for the tranHportation of troops from Peking to HaDkow, thence to the place of riot.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 765 3 Hackcnschmidts Great RivaL l !»v_^^ Stamina (Cj^Tl^r^S^) and Muscle IJV ifc»i)>S. JSt t Jfw Tlie formida k le >ount; wrestling *£%V*--J^ -m^^mif rliampion who has issued a challenge mtf^ t0 Hackenschniidt, 'S authoritatively nm n 'Wlflm stated to be the most dangerous rival who has ever conic forward t0 Jis
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    • 479 3 Healthy Children Can only be reared by giving suitable nourisluncnt. If unable to fci-d your eMM, the proper iiin^tiluic i> a fcxid that corre»pon«ls in all respects with human milk. The Allcnbury* Milk j-imkls arc to piepared as to rctnoit the dift'erence between cow's milk and human milk, and are
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    • 675 3 Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANTIJN, as she now lies in the Road?, with all her tackle and apparel, is offered for sale. For particulars, apply to INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., "ROTTERDAM. ***** AnticanizSe Migone. We beg to inform our customers that our stock of the above Hairwash is exhausted, owing
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  • 530 1 Bequests tv Glasgow and Other Charities. < oinui.iuder Marshall was well known in Singapore, and will probably be remembered by uiauy of our readers to whom the following cutting, from tlie Glasgow Herald, of December :!0, will be roail with regret Ou Saturday, in Cathcart
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  • 328 1 Prevalence of Cholera Necessitates Postponement. A teleyiaiu was received in Hon^koug, on 17th instant, iioiu Manila to the effect that the Carnival has bceu postponed from February > until Februuiy AccoiJiuf- to the Cabluuews- American of Jiiuuaiy 11 it was ilceidcd the previous day to postpone the I'aruival
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  • 26 1 The -iul Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanderc, which has just arrived in North China, with headquarters at Tientsin, will remain in that country for two years.
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  • 771 1 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Airlie, Sydney. IVb 20 Boustead Antilochus, Liverpool. Feb 7 W. Mansfield Arcadia, Hongkong, .1 iv M\ P. <ft o. Coy Austria. H'kouM. Mm' Kantenberg Snhmidt Ayuthia, Bombay, MM; Borneo Coy Al Apcar, Calcutta. Fel) 17 Paterson Simons
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  • 270 1 Passengers Outward. I'ur I*. ami <). -i. ■aiun Mooltan, connecting with the steamer Delta at Colombo. From London, Jan. '■>, doe Feb. 1 Mr. M. Kirwan. Mrs. Millar. Miss lioll, Mr. B. Soutor, Mr. A. Morrison. Mr. .1. S. Dnnlop, Miss Ihinlop. Mr. and MK^'. W. Darbisliirc.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 NO POISON. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been JeWared absolutely free from any injurious iub^tanee by Government and expert cheinibt>. aud mothers need have no hesitancy in giving it to the smallest infant. For sale by all di- jK.usaries and dealers.
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    • 714 1 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of liadiug issued for Cbim Coast, Persian Gtilf, Continental, ani Amarioin Porte. Bteamera will leave Singapore on or (kt II MAIL LINE. Outvard {for China). 198 Delta
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    • 1063 1 STEAMER SAILINGS, HANDEL AND SCHEEPYAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of tbis company maintain a regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermasin, Pulo liar.t, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotte Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aooomodation for first
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    • 779 1 STEAMER SAILINGS. n.dtx: NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremeuHambnrs via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamn ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection I Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Saez, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and
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    • 31 1 LAXATINE. the Ideal- Purgative, recommended by tbe best medical authorities. Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all chemists. Wholesale from Tho Pharmacy. Battery Road, Singapore. vm
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  • 1205 5 UnDFH tlii.i lio.i'linK tlialnllMiriiiK MmUMBI n»™l «li. -fctuainor >li. -«hi|i: l«.— l«n|ur m-li.— wliik)ll*i Vrt. V.ulit: < iu.-<;rui«r; OIH; Tin. Tiniilii. Hj. Vkmm mmm lirit.Krltitli; o.*. I'iiitwl st.itwi Kill.- -t ren.h (Jcr.ilaru:iu: Dul. -DuU li It il.-ltijian Np.ui. Hfhfcj Hatswak; ax. -U«Mnlo»|o; d.p.-■lwhiuu-xaniiar: V -Unnriain
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  • 107 5 Kroui |WM-#| the P.AO. M Delta, due Jauuary From Caist By the P. O. e.g. Arcadia, doo January 30. mu :aiilk or mails ">oi. Singapore Due in Loud Dec 23 N. D. L. Jan IS Dec 26 B. I. Jau 18 Dec 30 M. M. Jau 22
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  • 86 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day, TANJOUG P»0«l» East Whibp Babim— Nil. East Wbuut Section I— Hydra. Ssot. 1 (SHnas Wham,.— Nil. BionoN No. 2— Teesta. i— Nil. 4— R.I.M. Duti.Tiu. S Bangkok. 6— Benlarig. 7— Kleist. M B— E. Simons, Salazie.
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  • 91 5 9m I'KB STEAMER IIHB I TO'MOBIOW Batavia La Sey/i< 9 A.m. Sarawak Kuehing 10 a.m. Palembang Opkir 1 p.m. P. Swettenham, Penang Omapere 1 p.m. Peoaog OUnaion 1 p.m. PamaDgkat, Poutianak Ainhcrtt i p.m. P. Swettenham via ports Poh Ann A p.m. Wednesday. Swatow via ports Hong Bee
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  • 68 5 HosiEWAKii P. O. Mail. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia left Hongkong, at 1 p.m., on Saturday, and is due hare at 6 a.m., on Thursday, tb« 30th t. Ouiwiui P. A O. Mail. The P. it O. outward mail steamer Delta ,16ft Colombo
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  • 113 5 January 35 Hatfcn. Gerstr, Hamburg via ports Ban Hiu Uuau, Brit str, Pontianak Marudu, Oer str, Tawao via ports Dortmund, Gor str, Hamburg via ports Banka. Brit str. Anambax, Natuuas Islands 26 Charon, Brit atr, Fremautlo via port* Agamemnon, Brit str. Hougkong, Shanghai j j Sultan van Koetie, Dut
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  • 275 5 What the Salvation Army Has Done and Will Do in Java. On thr iif\vs spreading that tho Dutch Uoverumcut int. ■mini to eutruxt tho Salvatiou Army fully with the care over lepers in Jawt, tin corr6t)poudcnt of a newspaper iv Holland at onco sought an interview with
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  • 290 5 Austrian Sidelights on Government Policy. The (iuographk-al Society at Vienna luis just published a Commercial llaudbook of Netherlands India, written by l>r. F. A Schoeppcl, the Austrian consul at Batavia, who a. lds to UlO iutcrest of the book by dealing with political matters solar .1
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  • 281 5 Expert Opinion on a Solution Given in Java. Some time ago, a planter in Java, who resides in the district of Madiun, Mr. Klaring van Beerenbergh. sent us particulars of a method of his own invention for preparing ramie, and also samples of fibre so prepared, to
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  • 111 5 By llif KintH. Captain M. l>aly, Jau. 2?. From Teluk An son via ports: Mr. Mac kenzie, Mrs. A. Oow, Mr. and Mrs. l'hillipn, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Rat, Mr. Talbot, Mr. Dean. Inspector Stoveus, Messrs. W. (J. O Woo<lrofT, H. L. Coghlan, r*. M. KlHottn. Van Mate,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 3eeari.s' Cordial of Cod Liter Extract giv«a perfect health.
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    • 563 5 BTEAMER SAIUHCS. HY/K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO.LTD. A A rotjul.u FORTNIGHTLY svrvioe is maintained betxvueu Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with UM Imperial Japanese Government, speoially designed for the Company's European Sorvii.c. lighted throughout by Electricity, provided xvith eirellent accommodatiou for First :n.l
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    • 496 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. iimn tKEM.tXTLE (PERTH) KOttTH WEST 4VKTRALI4N PORTS. •t t AND SINGAPORE Roguliir Fortuightly sailings betxvoen .Siugapore and Western Australia, calliug at Java (as inducement offers), Dorby, Kiug's Sound, (Port for the
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    • 444 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every week, nud from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and f< r Oenou, Marseilles ftDd Liverpool monthly. One ontnrd
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    • 520 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, "Kmpkebu or India 1 Twin screw ttcaR.M.S. "Enpansor
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 117 5 DAY BY UAY Monday, January 27. Hieb Water. 4-25 p.m. Kaiser's Birth lay Rugby. S CC. v. Garrison Officer* Hippodrome. 7-30 p in. Alhambra Ciuematograph Show. 7-30. Tuesday, January aB. High Water. 4-53 a.m. 9-56 p.m. Election of Municipal Commissiouer. Hookey. Princess Ju-Ju. 9 p.m. Wednesday, January 39. High Water.
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    • 28 5 WEATHER TELEGRAM. Hongkong, January 27, 10 a.m. Barometer 80.24 Direction cf Wind Eaut. Force of Wind 5 Max. Temp in Rhad« 62 Manila. 762 South o 26 24
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    • 60 5 WEATHER RKPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, January 26, 190t>. 9A. M. 8 P. H.'d P. M! B*MkK»K. Bar. 33F»h 29.978 29.8 >7 29.961! Temp 82 0 85.0 79.0 d Wot Bulb Ther 77.5 78.0 77.0 a Dir of Wind Nirth We»t osku Mu. Temp 83.0 Mm 78.3 I Msx. m 8nn
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  • 1049 6 The Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS. MONDAY, JANUARY 27. The Kaiaer is forty-nine years of age today. With the Bingle exception of our own beloved King, there is no monarch in the world who has bulked so largely in the public eye during the past decade, and it is no
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  • 16 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is »63i per picul. Seventy-five tons have been sold.
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  • 14 6 Mr. Justice Fisher has been engaged, this morning, with probate work and judgment summonses.
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  • 21 6 The White Star liner Soevic, which has become famous through a big salvage and engineeringieat, has sailed for Australia fully repaired.
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  • 17 6 One hundred persons hnrr been killed in a tunnel of the PekinK-Clian^kohow Railway. uwiiit! to a collapse.
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  • 20 6 An explosion has occurred at the Yubari Colliery in Hokkaido. Seventy of the men employed iv the mine were killed.
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  • 22 6 The Crimean and Mutiny Veterans' Fund has reached a total of more than £1 1,000. Mr. Hnldane has given a hundred guineas.
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  • 25 6 It is r. |mm u-.t from Chinkiang that three hundrud yards of the rirer bank collapsed and fell into tho river. Twenty persons were killed.
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  • 23 6 It is reported from Peking that the Shansi Concession has been surrendered by the Peking Syndicate. The syndicate, rocoives as compensation Taels 2.700,000.
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  • 29 6 Seven passengers were injured in an electric tramway accident at Glasgow on the Brd inst. The tram ran away down a hill in a fo|{. Three horses were killed.
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  • 25 6 Constable Phillips, of the Shanghai River Police, has committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. Tho deceased shot himself whilst on the police hulk.
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  • 32 6 Tin K.I.M S.Dui'ierin, Commander T. A. L. ile Berry, arrived from Madras this morning with officers and 7Aj rank and file of the 99th Deccan Infantry, to relieve the 95th Russell's Infantry.
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  • 31 6 Mr. I'ao, assistant magistrate of tbe Slwnghai Mixed Court, i-os entered a strong protest against the arrest of Jang Seng-zung without a warrant, in connection with the tln'i iti'in. I boycott.
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  • 44 6 Mis Kobinson, the Druce case witness, hax been arrested on a charge of perjury. Tin prosecution avers that she is a daughter of a London policeman and wife of a butcher of l."eds, and that the whole story is a tissue Of 1 1'.K.1.
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  • 43 6 In view of Ihe fact that tho Government loans money to one rlass of people engaged in developing the country, we think it would be only fair, says the Malay Mail, to assist miners over the New Year by temporary advnuces against security.
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  • 36 6 A Chinaman was sentenced to three months' rigorou« imprisonment By Mr. C. F. J.Oroen, the Second Magistrate, this morning, for trespass in the house of Superintendent Howard, u( tho Tanjong Pagar Dock Police, on Saturday evening.
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  • 43 6 The S.V.A. will spend a week-end in camp at Fort Pasir Panjang, during the Chinese New Year holidays. They will assemble in camp on the Ist instant, and any of the members of the S.V.A. Maxim Company dpsiroui of attending mny do so.
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  • 57 6 News has reached the Times of Malaya from various sonrees of the discovery of an extraordinarily rich lind. just on the borders of liatang Paiang and Kinta. It occurs in the form of an outcrop, having the appearance of a huge boulder, practically of solid tin, high up on a
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  • 55 6 Canada is following the example of Australia in placing restriction upon her coasting trade. In doing so, she is acting upon the tho precedent set by the United States, Russia and other foreign powers favouring preference. It is stated that tho coasting trade of Canada is to be confined to
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  • 59 6 In reply to a letter from Sir Arthur Vicars' step-brother to the Earl of Aberdeen, asking him for a complete public judicial enquiry, into the Dublin Castle Regalia theft, the Lords Justices acting in Lord Aberdeen's absence dedArc that the Commission of Enquiry is fully adequate, and Sir Arthnr Vicars
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  • 63 6 A correspondent writes that native cultivators, living at about the 11 milestone Changi Road, complain of 'the depredations committed upon their plants by wild boars, which Beem to be living on the vast track of Crown land near the sea in that locality. It is to bo hoped that some
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  • 69 6 The Samarang Chamber of Commerce, the other day, urged the Java Government to establish a fortnightly steam service between that port and Singapore The idea is to ensure a quicker delivery of the mails. The Royal Packet Navigation Company could not see its way to do anything of the kind.
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  • 126 6 What is happening to the Calcutta Sunday Press Here is a sample advertisement Will sell myself for rupees 5000 cash down to save the situation. This is a genuine advertisement. If genuine it is scarcely explicit, says the Empire. It seems a new sort of bazaar fish pond in which
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  • 119 6 The schemes of the Government of Tonkin to establish schools, high and elementary, to give the natives an education on European lines, meet with no support from old residents, who point out that the only result will be to turn out a lettered class, too highminded (or manual labour, but
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  • 541 6 The doath is announced nt tieueral Sir F. .1. Goldsmiil. Lady Howard of Ulo>wo|i i« on nor vr ay to the Far Kant. The Fiold Officer for this week is Captain E. G. W. Pratt, 95th Russell's lntantry. Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice lias
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  • 97 6 In sentencing the printer of Yugnntar to two years' imprisonment and a line of Rupees 1,000, the Magistral.:, at Calcutta, said the articles wore primarily addressed to Sikh soldiers, and were an attempt to incite them to mutiny by publishing false, scandalous, and malicious charges against
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  • 101 6 Ang ttwee Chiang, was convicted by Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, recently, to three months' rigorous imprisonment on two charges of cheating Messrs. DaendcU and Company, in respect of (2,000 and «6.C00, respectively, it being alleged that he had obtained delivery from them of two
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 125 6 Controversy regarding the Pithecanthropus or ape-man, the fossil remains of which bave been found in Java, and which certain Darwinians thought to be the long nought for miming link, continues to interest men of science in Germany. The latest disputant is Dr. olz, a Prussian scientist, who visited Java in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 Best Value In Singapore. Thompson, thomas co. Give us a can or write for General Provision Merchants. PRICE LIBT. o 17 and 18, Goods imported from the Leading Stamford Rd. English, American, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN A AUSTRALIAN I i MANUFACTURERS. COLD STORAGE SUPPLIES. CALEDONIAN HOTEL ORCHARD ROAD DEPOT, NO. 141-21.
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    • 156 6 lALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAO. TO-NIGHT GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. 18T SHOW, 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 The I'.lncK Witch 2 TJp-to-date Bnrglari 3 A Qaiet Hotel 4 Means of Conveyance in Coin*. 5 Afraid ot MicrobOH 6 Express Sculptor 7 Doings of a Poodle 8 BuU-Fightiog in Seville 9 The
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  • 382 7 SENSATIONAL DECLARATION BY M. DELCASSE. Morocco Question. BALANCE 01 POWER IN EUROPE _h»cl«K'S TlLßilktM, Paris, January '2.V Tho debate on Morocco in tlio Chamber of Deputies wan notable fur tho reappearance in active politics of M. Delcasse, iormorly French Minister of Foreign Affairs. M. Dolcasti.'- admitted lull
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  • 41 7 King Edward Sends Presents to the Emperor William. |l>«h OSTASIATISCHI Lloyh TbMOKAM] Berlin, January 2A. King Kilwurd has written an autograph letter to tho Emperor William sending him two casos of presents on the occasion of hibirtbday anniversary.
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  • 45 7 [RaUTMK's TCLEKKAMJ London, January 26. Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, the Premier, is confined to bis room with a chill, and was unable to attend thr Privy Council held at Windsor Castle to consider the King's Speech fur the opening of Parliament.
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  • 37 7 [RIU TIB'S TILIOKAUJ London. January 26. A Russian telegram from Tabriz states that the commander of the Turkish troops has ordered the Persian Firman. firma to leave Sujbulak, saying that it is Turkish territory.
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  • 29 7 [Dm Ostasiatisobi Lloyd Tiuobam] Berlin, January 27. The twenty-eight persons missing from the Kteamer Amsterdam, injured in collision off the HooV of Holland, have been rescued.
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  • 28 7 Der Dstajiatiscu* Lloyd Teleobam' Berlin, January 27. Captaiu Moliai, au Italian officer, was killed in the invasion of Lugh, in Italian Somaliland, by Abysinnian troops.
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  • 24 7 Dtli OfcfjUUATISTHK L.LUYD T(LBOBAy] Be rl in, Jauuary 24. A Kuskian newspaper correspondent reports energetic activity of the Japanese in Manchuria
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  • 337 7 What Becomes of the Java-Grown Product. I i o-.i (i, i Own Corkkspondbmt.) London, January 3. It will be of interest to sugar -planters, and very possibly to other people, in the Colony I and tho States, to know what becomes of much of the sugar grown in Java.
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  • 237 7 Singapore Philharmonic Society's Programme. The programme for tho Philharmonic Society's orchestral concert at the Teutoniu Club, on Friday night, contains variety to suit all musical tastes, including two or three favourite pieces from former programmes. In place of the usual -election from some Symphony by a classical composer,
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  • 381 7 Loud Cheers Terminate Saturday's Performance. Housing cheers, followed by equally rousing tigers" were sent out as the curtain descended, on Saturday night, upon Princess Ju-Ju and her courtiers, and ho forth, at the Victoria Memorial Hall. And as Mitt. Gosling, who was mainly responsible for th. children's admirable
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  • 66 7 The King and Queen, who come to Buckingham Palace in the middle of January for the opening of Parliament, will hold the first court of the season on February 7. It is of interest to note that Baroness Komura, the wife of the Japanese Ambassador, whose first baby was born
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  • 68 7 PRICES DOWN FOR PLANTATION RUBBER. (From Oub Own OmhwMMM.) London, January '25. The market for rubber is «toady, tho price for Para being 3s. l]d. Plantation prices arc down penny to twopence. Sheet and Biscuit are qnnted 3s. 6d. to Bs. 7 id. Shares during the work have
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  • 431 7 Appeal Against Conviction for Offering Bribe. Before Mr. Justice Sercouibe Smith, in the Council Chamber, this morning, Lim Boon Keng appealed against his conviction on a charge of offoring an illegal gratification of 950, to Dr. F. Dent, Government Analyst. The story was that accused wanted some anti-opium
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  • 59 7 Gradually the flotilla that weut up tho Wettt Rivor is being withdrawn. They went originally on a three weeks' cruise, aud several of the vessels are back in. It was thought that by the end ot' last week only two torpedo boats would be up the river,
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  • 67 7 The amount ol block tin and tin ore exported from Pahang during 1907 was pikuls 83,194.89, a decrease of pikuls 1,298.27. The duty paid was »2. r »fi, 158.10. a decrease of •22,778.36. The total output for the four Federated States was pikuls 818,686.08, as compared with
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  • 126 7 Lim Kirn Hwa and Liong Kam Kew appealed before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, in the Council Chamber this morning, againßt their conviction b_ Mr. I.. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, "on a charge of assisting in carrying on a Chap Jee Keo lottery at No. 69 Duxton
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  • 201 7 The Earl of Crawford's yacht Valhalla arrived from home yesterday, with the Earl and a party of friends on board. Lord Mun caster who made the trip out with the Earl as far as Colombo, left that port on his way home by mail steamer, on
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  • 1361 7 INDUSTRY IN CEYLON AND MALAYA REVIEWED. Prospects of Future Consumption. In their annual review of the ludia rubber market, Messrs. S. Figgis and Company, of Fencburch Street. London, refer as follows to plantation rubber grown in Ceylon and British Malaya— Federated States, Perak. Malacca, Johore. Straits Settlements—Sumatra, Java,
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  • 348 7 Sports to be Held on Straits Chinese Recreation Ground. A public meeting of those interested in tho Chinese New Year sports, was held at the Chinese Volunteer Club, on Saturday afternoon, to consider the advisibility of holding the sports during the forthcoming Chinese New Year. The Treasurer's
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  • 226 7 Ong Kian Heug and Ong Koh appealed, before Mr. Justice Serconibe Smith, thin morning, against their conviction by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, ou a charge of assault upon a fish Mller, named Chio Liong, on December 5, in Beach Koad, and their sentence of
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  • 74 7 Dutch authority in South Celebes seems to be resting now on firm foundations after a rigorous application of the argument of force. A correspondent assures the Sourabaya Handelsblad that the country is now practically pacified. The people obey all the orders given by the authorities, who rule under a military
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  • 403 7 ONCE-POPULAR NOVELIST DIES IN POVERTY. Books of Passion and Prejudice. iKiutib's Tki.k.ikam London, January 27. Tho death is announced of Millie. Louise de la Km in i f Ouida "I. The death of Ouitla ends a life of vicissitude. Twenty-five years ago, probably no novelist was more
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  • 53 7 (Kkutkr's Telegram I London, January 27 Mr. Lloyd George, President of the Board of Trade, speaking at CarditT, said thai the depression which was being experienced in the United States a'nl Germany is likely to spread to Great Britain. But he is confident that it will not
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  • 41 7 [Kkutik's Tklkiiram; London. January 27. A baud of Manchester unemployed is marching upou London. A .-unmet took place bstween them and the Birmingham police, win. escorted them as far as the city boundary. Several arrests were made.
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  • 39 7 'Kkctkr's Tflkciram.; London, January 27. It is expected that the fifteen minor Labourites in the House of Common* will join the Liberal Party, in view of the socialistic resolution passed at tho Labour Conference at Hall.
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  • 24 7 IRihtrh's TklkoramJ London, January 27. The Municipality of Johannesburg U dismissing all its Indian employes and repUc ng them with whites.
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  • 24 7 (Kkutkr's Tklkijkam: Londun. January "7 The Lancashire cotton dispute h M sadad The operative* have anoopfiil the. employer* terms.
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  • 46 7 I Unit USTtSIATISUHI IjLOYD IKLII»KAM| Berlin, January IT. King Mwill and Qmsb Alexandra ai* leaving hoou for Christiania ou a visit to King Haakon and Queen Maud of Norway Thoy will then visit the King anil Queeu ot Denmark at Copenhagen.
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  • 21 7 |D»K OBTASIATISCHB LLOYD Tklki. ka.ii Berlin, Junuury 17. There has been a MM snowstorm in Now York.
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  • 138 7 A correspondent writes A Malay policeman, whilst out ihoaltagdqp yesterday afternoon, MM the tmui U ruiinui at Payah Lebar, fired at an unmuzzled <l»n He missed the dug, but liit a CWmm boi who was in his own compound, uu 1 k (dwl The lail received a
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 23 8 their iu,itclu:s (Northern I'uionl. the New- Zialaudiis snffered defeat at the hands of W»l, s hy points Ui
      23 words
    • 23 8 Monday ...KuHby. s.C.( ulhceisof (•airison. I'uobday ...Hockey. Wednesday ...Hoi-key. ThurHday ...Kugby Sootlaad The Kest. Friday Association lootbtill. Suturday ...Cricket, tournanieut.
      23 words
    • 78 8 Law m Tennis. l.adie.-' lawn Tennis Club. The Spring TliaMMlit 111 Ihe Ladies I .awn Tennis Ululi .toi» uou Wednesday, the Mth inst. W« a; mM tostate that the Ist round of A class Mixed Doubles llaudicap will be played oil on that day. Th< Ist round of the U
      78 words
    • 76 8 >clangor Turf Club. The Secretary of tho Srlaugor Turf Club notifies that it is proposed to iiuport a batch ol well bred galloways to race at the next mooting in July. Those galloways, whose height will be 14 hands to 11. will bo specially selected for racing purposes.
      76 words
    • 108 8 Warders v. A.T.A. Tho team representing the Army TouipcMM Association mot the Warders at Sepoy Linos in a socuer match ou Saturday. A good, though uue-sided. game was played. The Warders had the better of the game iv the lirst half and scored two goals while the A.T.A.
      108 words
    • 175 8 Team Races. There have beeu a large number of eutrics for the team races of the Singa|K>re Swim■•i"ug Club, the heats in which will be swum off on Suuday next, for cups presented by Mr. t. M. Elliot, the vice president of the Club. The competition, will be as
      175 words
    • 271 8 The (iarriaon v. 5.C.C. The iimU'li Ixawei-n the IiHBM aud tin. s.C'.C, iv thecriekrt Uiuruauieut. whirl. «iis l)i;;uu ou Saturday, the Isth instant, wns tiuKhi-d last Saturday, iv bad weather. <> n tho previous oceasiou. the OarrUon ran up total of Mt, while the toUtl ami by the >.i..C.
      271 words
    • 586 8 I'irst International Match. v lonilon wnc ,ji l'ttli iaataat, myu Hiut mi ill. iute'uatiuutil liugby competition, v ,d. eotad |Hj"i>t!- i^h Knglaud s)8 p.iut Following was the l.n^li&li team, which defeated i'rauce at Paris, on Xev. Teat's Day, by 19 points to nil L rf. Wood '.Gloucestershire] full
      586 words
    • 617 8 Murray Trophy Competition. «*jm The difl'ereut units of the local Yohintcr Corps took part in a coutcst for the Murray trophy ou Saturday aud yosterday. I'enaug is also competing. The results will be an uouueed when the I'ouang results arc received. I'cniK Rifle Association. A programme of the
      617 words
  • 623 8 DO SINGAPORE LADIES EVER SMOKE? Indefinite Answer to Pleasant Question. (I'uoM <>ii; Own UsMUMMKMUCT.) London, Uaoataber ;»l. At a dinuei party last night in Mil v fair, I was :i-Ki-il whithei woineii in Sinyaporo .•ver suioke. I ntil that moment, luy lair iuUi -rosjntor iiad not blruck
    623 words
  • 359 8 An Indian Criticism of the Happy Island. \V< always t.'k. a \> iuteresl ia the uffuirs of the- happy island ot Ceylon, while (Kiniiic is unknown and plague census from tioubliug. The iuhaliil;' ul HM to have in .1 inn- else to do but yrow rich. Tea. rubber
    359 words
  • 38 8 A cr.ckct match has been arranged to be played on the S.C.C. ground on February (Chinese Now Year's Day), between an eleven representing Australia [and an elev&c representing England. The match will be played under "tssr match conditions.
    38 words
  • 131 8 11. 1. 11. Prince Iliroyasii Fnshiuii of .hi|xiu attt uded by LienU naut .1. Kiyokawa. A.D.C., are doe tn arrive iv Singapore, to-day, by the stiaiuer llakala Muni. Tlnj youn^ priuci: is a eoiuiuaudir in the Jaaaaaae navy, aud was wnnniled in an luya^iiui.ul during
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 536 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE HIPPODROME CINEMATOGRAPH SHOW. To-Night! To-Night! (IRANI) CIIAXCK OK PttOUKAHHK. FIRST SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 1 Buying a Now I>o^ •1 Picrrott'sKuvuiiKi.l 1 Never Gel l>ruuk \ftuu I The Wat la Koraeea f lli" Kucliaatvl 1 .•■>■. •■>■ I fi lilfiTlwHtj 7 to tin' Hippodrome I l'.sil|lCil '.I
      536 words
    • 361 8 Disinfect with SMO WOOL A REAL AND RELIABLE GERMICIDE. Removes obnoxious imellfl and preserves life hy drsti'nin^ (he which came disease. hi 1 5v £T Xl'iiJCC !l lni L |p v 11 111 EL I I fill LJ 'Ulton.s Typlioi.l 1., i ins. tin Poison- llfc ilUs.lHllHiliUltpn^lti,-.. DIKKCTIoNs KOK UtUC
      361 words
    • 149 8 MOTOR CAR FOR BALE. 14 h. p. Argyll. 1 cylimlur, I Mali. U)«l Type. Magneto ami accumulators. Trembling uud uon-lrembliug coila. Fitted with canopy, side curtains, glass pane's behind and gluits screen in front (MOVABLE). Guaranteed in thorough going order, including both ignition Side lamps «nd tools complete. I'BICE ■>•_',
      149 words

  • 274 9 SINuAFORK. J.VNUAKY 2.5, 1908. PRODUCE. OaatUH buyers S 6.90 do (Cubi- No. 1 mpioket 10.25 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.30 J'tpper, Black buyers 12.75 lo White t% 20.00 S.ino Flour Sarawak .1.05 <io Brunei Nj. 1 2.974 Peirl Sa«o 4-10 Ccfftc Bali, pickod 25.50 Coffee. Palembanjj. 'JO ha^is
    274 words
  • 58 9 It'irglaiics in New York during last jear Uave involved a loss of £#,'200,000. t)t this amount £700,000 wan stolen within 60 days. The wave of crime has also reached its highest mark iv Philadelphia. Baltimore, Chicago, and Boston. The cause of tho increase in crime
    58 words
  • 152 9 l'hu Selautjor Fire Brigade was one tf tin first to ri'Cujjuisc tlie advantages of Motor !in- apparatus, and Ikis for tin. past tive years had in service a Morryweathi.r motor '-File Kiiiy strain tin > n^iu. of 40<t siallons pet juinuti' capacity. Thin engine will now have
    152 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 379 9 Date of forma ion Capital N amber Sabsoribed > of Shares I brae Paid Share* 1 Value auto Unissued r I Company „v. r. ::ons i 1903 1907 1901 1903 190.'. 1907 1901 1906 1305 1906 1936 1906 1906 1904 1905 1892 1905 IS9S 1900 1907 1906 1899 1907
      379 words
    • 343 9 ,906 £150.000 £116.625 g 1906 1200,000 1106,000 10,500 HO HO 1904 .30,000 J;" g W^° 1908 *70,000 £61, 000 61,000 «1 *1 9.000 isoe tisc.oo) 9123,000 12,600 9io no 2,500 i?O4 £11,000 «i 0.600 «-g°» Jl f, 1 1908 £75.000 £58,000 86,000 Ml £1 20,000 19 06 £310.000 £243,227
      343 words
    • 179 9 1894 £5,i77.i0.0 £4,805 7,888 I l«/ 8 U/6 j 1898 i M«, 000 4.800 j MO MO I IMS •15.00T.000 $115,000,000 nis !905 *2,«K),000 W.i 00.000 i iua 11,000,000 •i.000.0m «j»jj gg J}~ •w; 1,000 »34,00-> .1,400 MO 110 18SS 1575.000 1875,000 [J^ I }JJg 190S ttOO.OOU »34C,000
      179 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 173 9 ITS A BAD SIGN •a hi-n ymi h.tve that obstinate, lingering ti ij;h which will not be shaken oft. ilicre i> m> caoijl 't any >t;ige, whether J or young, but what needs attention. A cough soon wrecks a strong constitutkm, soaa makes .me helpless, in fact a Coiqpi ll
      173 words
    • 184 9 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker dt Tomb-Builder lyj MiMU> Road. Sole At 1 i for Meesrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London 0 2189 Telephone No. 619. PHOSFERINE ITh« Graataat af all Taalaa. I *ABIATM IKALTM. I ruiiTi- lit ii a imm, LtatMi. I U Ml* km*. L««4««,J^C BOARD AND RESIDENCE. London,
      184 words
    • 55 9 TO PLANTERS AND OTHERS. CONCRETE DRAIN PIPES, with or without sockets. Strong and oheap. Sizes, from 9 ins. upwards. ORNAMENTAL TILE WORKS, 65 31, Hill Street, Singapore. PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND IMPORTED SINCB i»7« <y^ajfrV""'°" T s J^ Jtv BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. ItM taiiM wiu.ut tht t«t Ui b. BEHN
      55 words
    • 74 9 MARTIN'S JT^ifbr l^adtes.) Pf 4 FMiton Ramady for alt Irruulatltl«a I'hoaMoif «1 AliM k«*r a let ;f Var'.to t ti,l«Tn ir.r to- *r H thmt on te% totrtioofit' ftfu^latltj ot (h«r k)u.s«M»^Td«wr- u TUCK'S ACTRESS POSTCARDS. Good assortment of Real Photo AND Photochrome Postcards Just Received. Jitts and Co.> 598-2,
      74 words
    • 300 9 Wassiamull OM A STORE. Assomull Co., 5 Just unpacked, a butge assortment of BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING PRESENTS, ESPECIALLY IN SILK GOODS. JEWELLERY AND CURIOS. O I, 2, 3« 4, High Street. L DI a "TSfSSLu, »m«a. Pohoomull Bros. WE HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANT? Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese
      300 words

  • 1202 10 DIAMONDS AND THEIR STRANGE FORMATION. Diamond is a peculiar form or variety of the chemical element carbon a very peculiar form most people will say who remember that charcoal and lamp-black are the common form of carbon. That one and the same unchangeable chemical element can exist as
    1,202 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 617 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rAiDTjp Capital 120,000,000! RESERVE FDND B»erlin« Reserve $10,000,0001 Ml 000 BiWeriWve 111,750,000; W 1 50 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110.000.000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. 0. 11. Medhnwt, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keewick.— Deputy Chairman. aafrtavFrieel&nd.Eaq. A. J. Raymond, Eaq. A. Fuoha, Esq.
      617 words
    • 575 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shu-ev of £90 eVb *1,300,000 Reserve Fund «M 75,000 Re«erve Liability of Proprietors £1, 430,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      575 words
    • 131 10 United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd., "frY -^a^SßaMsßa^Bafl AGENTS for :^3S^fcypl! THE UNITED FLEXIBLE >Al&3x '^fik^vEk B BRONZE jO\ 1 diameter to 2" diameter &sp^^*V^ 1 y-jtm^ri STEEL jOC\ l diameter to 4" diameter I PATERSON SIMONS:& CO.. LTD.. j^ffiggygjyj!^ t** s ?jH 8H Agents, B.S. and F.M.S. WHISKY AND BANZAI,
      131 words
    • 533 10 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT GUARANTEE. Fuuda Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. BIMB, o 13J6 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue i 2,061,01 < 19 8 The undersigned ar» prepared to aooept Fire Risks at current rates. 69S BEHN,
      533 words
    • 551 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BAU. Wednesday, January 29. 1WH. ai 2 y) p.m. Tbe Steam v 6ALAMAT. (For fn'.l particular*, cc» eire jlarsi. G. A. Fernandez tf Co., I*7 Auctioneer*. MORTGAGEES SALE. I W* Jfciduy, January SO, 1308, at £J0 p.m. 999 years leasehold lacd fronting Crosa Btre«t. area
      551 words

  • 1433 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Reduction in the Prices. Tlu' estimation of price on a horse-poirer ki.-U MM t<> e\ereise a Uiud o( fascination •rer eertaiu ingenious spirit* in the, automobile world, and. so clever are some of our motor-statistii'ian9, that they seciu able to do just
    1,433 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 HP., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Faiutfti and Upholsttr^d Dark Greeu, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood. Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 HP, three -sealers, in Stock. Tr.»: lUan cj ».-r^iu;Mii-at. t"r:;t?>i »nd (OB particulars frw SYME QtO^
      288 words
    • 160 11 JUST ARRIVED Ex L& MOYUNE. A 10-12 HP 4-Seater HUMBER CAR, WitL iii Acceawries. The favourite Car wherever introduced. Absolutely silent when running. Particulars from The Borneo Co., Ltd. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE, 3INGAPOUE. The i*ublic are INVITED to call and inspect the latest creations io i
      160 words
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1092 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rites Four Ham, one or two in»rtioii«, (1.00 By the inch, >m Kc&l. of Ch&rgw. CHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Smart Chinese Clerk as Assistant Timekeeper, mnst have a knowledge of Chinese. Apply M. C, c/o Straits Times. STOREKEEPER WANTEO. An energetic assistant Chinese Storekeeper. Must be quiok at figures.
      1,092 words
    • 479 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Satis:— Four MM* Ml or two laMrtiou, tl. Bj tba icci, >?• of Charge*. HOUBE TO LET. No. 81-3, Wilkij Read, to let. Apply Nindol bin Dato Hadjee. 80. 131, Serangoon Road. 144 OFFICE TO LET. No. 4-a, Raffles Place, at present oconpied by Mr.
      479 words
    • 714 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. HITIS -Ponr«s. on. or tw wrtioM. 11.00 Bj tha Inch, saa Scala of C! .*sm. LANDAU FOR SALE. A First-class Landau, Rubber-tyred, almost new, to be wen at F. Clarke Co.'s Livery Stables, 907, Queen Street. 4W4 CINEMATOGRAPH FOR SALE. For sale, one new Hep worth
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    • 541 12 VJMf. DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Sol* Afotts. tS. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. II WK MM AII'OINTKIi Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. Obtainable from the \3 Syme Co. Principal Dealers. \uiut THE STRAITS TRADING
      541 words
    • 556 12 NOTICE. Tok Chi Neo and her two children havini; left my protection, I shall not be responsible for any debt or debts tint may be incurred l>y them from this date. Singapore, January M, 1908. I*s LOW KWATBOO. HOWARTH ERSKINE. LIMITED. SINGAPORE. NOTICE. The Transfer Hocks of the above Compauy
      556 words