The Straits Times, 24 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.556. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 24. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 Decitfe* KO Vtf on you ir car. I WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims of all the cms you haw leen 01 heard ultout. 00N8IDKB the tests that all ciirs have been pot t<-. aud whnt they have Moomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or ;i ear thai will ■tend the
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    • 189 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. BCBNB \NMVKi:sai;Y: BATUKDAT, .ianL'aßV m SCOTCH SELECTIONS. 2nd Royal West Kent Band hm-ine and afUr dinui'r e^u tlic la«u, spcoiully laid ooi k* llio IMOMte. 00 IT NOW. IhOM up No. ft for scat-. Ml Mr. W. H. IN. Browne! NOTICE. (of Moms. FROST ami SHIIHAJI. J||£ HOTEL
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  • 830 2 JOKES AND JOTTINGS FROM THE WORLDS PRESS. Oce morning when Hufus Choate was still in England, his clerk informed him that a gentleman had called and wanted him to undertake a oasc. Ah I and did you collect the regular retaining fee? I only collected twenty-five guineas,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 M A pure Whisky of the highest I quality it is possible to produce at £j.»9«^l| the price, this Blend compares PMOKoraap| favourably with many higher-priced bujlgja productions. Guaranteed 7 years old. "Black a? White" S A blerul made up of only Perfeotly matured whiskies storedfor I many years in
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    • 866 2 TRIED FOR HIGH TREASON. a Fumn Ben Una or Raumm.l Mr. Pony de Wet, member of Parliament for tho district of Dordrecht, Cape Colony, had the unpleas-ant experience of being tritd for High Treaaon during the last Anglo. Boer War. He wan acquitted, and it was whilot on his way
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    • 55 2 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUBLISHER. Mr. H. (i. Harris, publisher of the Advertiser. Kentville, N. S., makes the following statement I hare used Chamberlain's Congh Remedy for myself and family and rind it to be one of the beat medioinea for conghs and colds that I ever tried." For sale
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    • 212 2 Our MALA Y Odeon records TAKKN IN SINGAPORE AND JAVA. ARE TO ARRIVE ON *f Friday, January 24. I I Odeon Records are the only double-sided Discs that al SOLE MWti ways exceed expectations I r— LEVY HERMANOS. M h^ I £r" J. MOTION CO. GO NOS AN Watchmaker.. taken
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  • 385 3 Two- Pence to the Bank. HOW LONDONERS TAKE THE INCREASED BUS FARES. Londoners are slowly finding out that many of their omnibus fares have just been raised. Although the new list of fares have come into operation many people enter omnibuses who have either heard nothing about the revision, or
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  • 181 3 A (i.-i-lin •■orrespondent states that some interesting experiments have been made lately, under the auspices of the Bavarian Minister oi War, with a view to discover the effect of alcohol on the shouting of the troops of the National Army. At the Augsburg Royal School of Musketry
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  • 204 3 Some interesting figures concerning the Indiau I'ost Office are given in the Pioneer Mail. The number of ai tides is»ued for delivery, including money-orders sent out for payment, was nearly 801 millions, an increase of 48 millions in the twelvemonth. This increase, it should be noted, took
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  • 83 3 Things appear to be mixed somewhat in a Calcutta newspaper office which is responsible for the following: With reference to the announcement a short time ago of the death of Mr. J. C. Carter, while attempting to loop the loop at Singapore in May last, a correspondent write* to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 723 3 PHOSFERINE ITU* Gr«ateat *f all To«l«» I 1 MABMm UMALTH. i f^ Umm »mm^m. Imtm. ic 2 Wines Wines Genuine table claret at 4.75 per da Vermouth of Turin 1 .20 p. litre bot Mosoat of Syracuse, an invigorating wint mostly reoommended for weak people and ladies at $1 .00
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    • 352 3 I MAYNARD'S MILK EMULSION OF I COD LIVER OIL J?XZKSE2r 9 A bi(jh:> not: itive, palatable chemical FOOD for infants and invalids. TRY IT! AND IT -WILL BE FOUND TO BE THE BEST MEDICINE AND FOOD COMBINED. Price: $1.00 and $1.50 per bottle. Be sure and get Maynards MILK Emulsion
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  • 234 4 A CALCUTTA TRAGEDY. Husband Suspected of Beating His) Wife to Death. A rJurupesUl named .1. 11. LsAfawst, cmplofed a Unakoosa IVev.'utive Oficer, residing at No. 2<>, Fordyte's Line, was .1 Mondavi beuig sa^nntnil of brutally Maaolted his wtta to death, i About 10 o'clock on Monday ni'i.iiiu;, sayi (halite of
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  • 224 4 WELSH GOLD DISCOVERY. Syndicate Formed to Work a New Mine. lib I'liueiiiality ot wale*, which uontest witli Urn eotmty of Sukliorlaiid the only sold' mii<iii>j Ki' in tlio United Kingdom, 'nas aoorod 1 point. recently Mr. Bvanx I.'. v.lio owuk 1 ilili twfto no I' iljjelly, Merionetliahiro, some sixty
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  • 156 4 Kcocut mishaps to army •fanshto, I- \h a: home and abroad, have oauhdl the Uar Office authorities to tun their attention to a phase of the airship trouble until now over looked the pmvisMsl of suitable anchorages for aeiial onsssm in various pMti of tho .>nntry. A special
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  • 730 4 Sam 1 port-, urobable faU of arrival, and /mw«' of Aqemi>. STEAMRRS. A^i'.ici-aiiou, l.i>.>rp .Tan Mansfield .VirliK. Rvdnev lob 1 H-noaHa* \niuocbn«. liiv«rpn Peb7s \V. Mansfield aMA H.ii^k i.' laa 80; i' .*■<> <■■> H „:>■ Mai Rtirtanhnu nnhmliU ■i,, re M c RhMM A. TV'>ii<\ Mane tta».
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  • 203 4 in 1 was a yi it in Kngland. Kngland m.-ln-.liinn to trie lir. a sharp white (lit)' at Dover shooting out Of the sea A sharp white cliff at Uover tleck'd with paUdlo-charnt*! foam. 'I lifi. a line 01 hop-wreathed ■mntrv, that led to a foj; called HmM, I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 124 4 10 WHEN DOCTORS SAY "HOPELESS" Little's Oriental Balm steps in and cures inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism .A. N. Ransom, Monduw. Wi<. For about three yt.irs I have had Rheumatism all < cr my body. The best Phvsiciu cuuld do nothing for me. My arms and shoulder* would swell and
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    • 696 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan Penan?. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Ejrypt, Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London Bi ti il r. i -.551 Oiact, V*rt <v Btsa n rill >v» Si .t cm :VJML LINE. PltHa I i: *J DatM Peb r. Octimi -Vn-:i 11 Vona I I
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    • 676 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SGHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." I BjVroJBBaUMH, The Sir -.nt,'- :-j;;any mainlai: a rean!»r 7crvi« htt'wa. flinrapoi^. tn, rabaya, Bandfar ma»in Pnli Zk nr'ik Pr-_ v!. Koetel with rnnshiprnant rj Bandjermaata for Batnpt. M^ndiwn:, KoeasJ, Katta '^V^rlnsin. Ojelai. Murahabr.a. MattjßMatiM. >7«jar» und B?hirik The <.tpaTn«rs havp foe 1
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    • 501 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE By the new ateamers "RHHNANIA," HABSBURG," HOTIRNST.VOFEV. The Ji-cj.: affK -.j .'.ii uuh ie tiie highest Comfort yet attained iv Oce^n Travellinij. They havo very la-fie cabins, provided with mil vltw-ThartiM The «>- imidahirw aud fitted with faas. t>.unlrg ..n ivwrt Doctiranl
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    • 784 4 STSAMER SAILINGS. rdTl. NORDQEUTSCHER LL9YD Imperial Onrroiiri r «fai! Line. The fast and well hn-wo mn.l atoam thla Company fortni^btly ?r,;-a Brer.:. n«uobcrp rta Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sou:'":.-, •co, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Nnplus (conr I Msn-tiliee, Naples, Alexandria, and vice ti n Per Said 6nfi. Aiea, Coloralio, Pboi: H.iCKMcng, Bhaagaai, Nagasaki,
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    • 33 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoomruended by the be*: medical anth irities. Easy to take and certain iv ri suits. To be had of all :nun:iats. Wholesale from Tbe Pharmacy. Battery Road, Singapore UM
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  • 475 5 Passengers Outward. (Vr I'. and' l Nubia, l-rmu l.oii'li'ii I'u;. Jl. duo Jan. "-i4:- -Mrs. 11. Godfrey, baaco-Oatp. and Mi DsJmuwu uud ohildren, Mr. uud \lrs. T. li. Harrisou, Lieut. W. Wflbufteoc, Liout. E. I" M. Barrett. Mi«s Thrinu. Mr. A. B. llayward, Liuiit. ami Mm. Thriu^,
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  • 117 5 Fob FEU BTitUUK Midi To-mouow Anamba, Nir mm Inland.- Haiiku 'J a.m. Bangkok Paimii 'J a.m. Labnan. Kniuhikiiii ato, Morailu 1 1 a.m. (ndragiri linn IWi noon Colombo /.■7>f. hood I. B'tenham aul Peuaug Yank 1 p.m. P. Swettunhmii. Voua'i^ Yin Scmt 1 pjn. Sabßii-'. Atjeli Padiin^ >„,■..!,
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  • 105 5 From Uuaopc— By the B. I. t,«. Teesta, ilno January 25. From Cbbna By the M. M. a. a. Sauuie, due January 27. TIME TABLE or MAILS DUI. Bini!»poro Dae in London Deo J3 N. 1). L. Jiu IS Deo 36 B. 1. Jao 18 Deo 30
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  • 986 5 DMHtaMa hoaiUiig the fullov. im: abbreviation* an i .etl -hii-. tftwuner; all. ship; bu. barque; sett. tclioow. Vet.— Yacht; Uru.- -Crufwr O'bl.— GunDoat; Tor.-Tun>«do: H.p.-Hone-powar Brit.— BritUb; f. M.-Uuiud (States; Kcb.-Freuch O«r.— Jurnuiii Dut. -Dutch Ital.— ltaliau Hpan.— SpauUb; <ar.— Sarawak U.c— Oaneral cargo d.p.— "leek pa»Mnf«r:
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  • 96 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To-day. T4IJOKO PMM. Bakt Wbakt Ba&di— Nil. Bast Whab» Kiction I— Nil. Saor. 1 (Bun Wbakt):— Dariaii. SiOTtoß No. 2— Islander, Gregory Apcar. i— Feaay Lodge. 4— Nil. 6— Charon. B— Nil. 7 Benlarig, Bombay Maru. B—
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  • 106 5 OtrrwASD B. I. Mail. The B. I. contract packet steamer Taesta, with the London mails of the 3rd instant, left Negapatam, on the 19th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 25th instant. OcTwtßD German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Kleist
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  • 279 5 Weekly Report of Messrs. Fraser and Company. NMbWi Irasor and C'oinpauy h weekly share ciretilHr is as follows Singapore, January M. The vuluuie of business lias been extremely small duriug the past week and transactions have been conflnod cliii-fly to low-priced mining share*, whiUt vnlib.i> have been
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  • 109 5 Jauoary 23 Albeuya, Ger str. New York via uort>> Stuntor, Brit atr, Am'dam, LondoD, Autneqi Totomi Maru. Jap str. Colombo and Bombay liajuburi, (•><■ atr, Bangkok Houg liob, Brit sir. Penang A. Apcar, Brit str, Penang aud C'alcuttu Capri, Ital Ktr. Penang ami Bombay Deli, Ger str, Bangkok liongloo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAIN S COUGH REMEDY. tu> will BM by tlic following that i ham bcrlain' (.'ouyli Hiiunly is ;i Uivoiitc lv the palace a- as w iili Hal buuibkr |iooplt' in India: 9m MM past four years I have btvn getting 1 r^u .implies of Cliitniberlain's Cough
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    • 435 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY nervice is maintained belween Japan and Koropn by the followiut; NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Uuder Mail Contract with tho Imperial Japauese Government, specially designed for the Company's Luropeau Service, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided with excellent aocommodatiou for First aud
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    • 521 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. I'OMBIKED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD, THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. MtWMU I HI M; (PERTH) KORTH WEST \ISIK4I,H> PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE Modular Fortnightly sailingi between Sings Bauii Western Australia, calling at Java dncement offere), Derby, King's bound, for the Kimberley
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    • 489 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. ANL> CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers »re deßpatohed from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China »nd J»i»u every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp Bvery fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One ont..*ard steamer
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    • 407 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA »ud the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vancouver, X.M.S. Emfhmb or India 1 Twin-sorow steaK.M.B. "Emtubs or
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    • 229 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jauy -V> Ai 19, Syed Alley Road, uoanebold furniture, etc., at 3-H0 p. m. -At Sao-room, 12.<KX~ Para Rubber Saplings, at .'-.iU p.m. -At the railway store, adjacent to Tank Road Station unclaimed au« •I'iter 1 iceable articles, at 2-30 p.m. H. L. CotfhUn and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 113 5 Singapore Tide Table. i bo» Imuh 24 to -i unia au.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATEB Time H'ylit Time H'gbt bra. mia. ft. H iiru.miu. ft. ins. January I -.'.0 am s.ti 7.53am! 3.9 Huiiv -I j i Aiplu 9.0 8.1 pin 2.0 j IlMmJ 8.5 s.l7anii 3.8 HtmD»Y .6 j
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    • 189 5 PAY BY UAV Friday, January a*. High Water. 1-13 p di. Proclamation Day. Prize Distribution. Hill Street Girls' School. 4 p.m. .Sporliug Club incetiug. 3-15 p.m. Priucebs .Ju-ju Matinee. 5-30 p.m. V.M.C.A. Concert. 9 p.m. Association Football. Ladies' Lawu Teunis Club Moo tiug. 6 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 pm. Alhambra Cinematograph
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  • 1330 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24. In oar issue of the 21st instant, we dealt at some length with the growing demand by the working classes for a scheme of old-age pensions. We now propose to discuss the details of alternative schemes at present before the public,
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 25 6 Mr. Alex. Reid read a very interesting and ab'i paper on the life and work of George Muller last night, at the Short Street School.
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  • 21 6 The R. I. M. steamer Dnfferio sailed from Bombay for Colombo on the Bth instant with the 98th Infantry on board.
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  • 31 6 A Calcutta paper believes that the practice of handcuffing prisoners in court, in India, is to lie discontinued in press sedition cases, unless violence or rescue from police custody is apprehended.
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  • 34 6 Good-bye and good luck, were President Roosevelt's last words to Admiral Evans and to each of the commanders when the sixteen battleships started on the 1 1,000 mile cruise to the Pacific last month.
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  • 36 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, fined a Chinaman 130, this morning, for importing thirty unstamped letters from Amoy. The Chinaman said that he did not hiivc time to mail them before his departure.
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  • 41 6 At the meeting of the congregation of St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on the 29th instant, a proposal to increase the Chaplain's stipend by £50 a year will be considered. The statement of accounts shows a balance in hand of »181.24.
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  • 48 6 Among the items published in the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and F.M.S., are some interesting noted on the acclimatisation of plants with a view to establishing them as regular inhabitants of the Straits and X.M.S., and allowing them to reproduce as freely as any local indigenous plant.
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  • 75 6 A native employed in the rat destruction staff, in Lucknow, in a fit of jealousy swallowed the contents of a one-pound tin of rat-poison with the intention of committing suicide. He only had slight pains in his stomtch, says a local reporter. In two days he was all right, and
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  • 82 6 On the Accession of the Queen of Holland. donations were given in Netherlands India for a gift to her iv honour of the occasion, but the amount collected proved to be larger than was required. Nothing was done with the surplus until the present month, when the Queen signified her
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  • 79 6 With reference to Mr. H. N. Ridley's paper on local grasses for paper-making, published in the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and F.M.S. some time ago, in which be mentioned Citronella grass as being probably useful for this purpose, the December issue of that monthly journal points out that Mr.
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  • 80 6 As Mr. Justice Fisher had a very small bankruptcy list, yesterday, he decided to go on with the suit of N. Poonoosatny v. P. C. T. A. Annaraalay Chetty for 12,029 as damages for alleged wrongful seizure and detention of ten bullocks and five carts, and for an injunction restraining
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  • 85 6 It is matter of common knowledge that Chinese, who have made money abroad, are unwilling to return with their hard-earned gains to China to be at the mercy of greedy mandarins. The Imperial Commissioner, who has been out to these parts, has ascertained this fact conclusively. He wired to the
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  • 105 6 The appeal to the New Zealand public for fluids for the national memorial to the late Mr. Seddon has, apart from the railway employees' subscription, evoked but a feeble response. At the end of a year's efforts only £1.165 have been raised, and of this £400 were collected by the
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  • 189 6 Social and Personal. The Bishop of Durham celebrated his 66th birthday on December H Mr. Lim Koe. a leading towkay at Kuala Kubu, died on Thursday last. afiV>r a short illncsH. Mr. Justice Beltield has returned I'rom India and has gone to Pahane to hold the •tensions there. Mr. S.
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  • 22 6 The price of tin to day in Singapore is $68i per picul. Two hundred and ten tons of the mrtal were sold.
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  • 41 6 The Nisshu and Japan Motel Fire Insurance Companies, which Msfarad heavily as a result of the disastrous tire air Hakodate, being unable to mert the claims against them, have been prohibited by the '>uthoritie» from issning any more imiltnif c Nicies
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  • 35 6 Superintendent Gardiurr pm~ ,;uted Lee Ah Hoo in the Third Mayistntw'n Court, vosterday attnrnoon, on charge* ol occupy ing a common gaming house aud currying on a Chap Joe Kee lottery. Tin: wriistd was acquitted.
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  • 50 6 A visitor to Tonkin ius|M*cU'<l the tiu bearing country and ram. uo the conclusion that there was nothing to warrant the expenditure of capital in a tiu-mining venture The tin, he suys, is of a lowgrßile type, and the distance that it has to be transported is against profitable working.
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  • 50 6 Speaking at Agra, India, the ulier day, Sir John Hewett said It has bnen for some time known to this Government that the evil of grain gambling, silver gambling and especially of opium gambling so great in Agra as to be a crying scandal, aud a cauk<v in your midst.
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  • 49 6 The Chinese Board of Posts and Com mo nications at Peking has, with a view to pacifying excitement, consented to take over the loan, intended for th>> Kiangsu Railway, nn its own account, and informed the people of the niang Province-, that no fcreignor* will interfere with railway affairs.
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  • 56 6 We are glad to notice that the complaint published in the Straits Tim.;.- en Tuesday, regarding th« existence of a plague spot behind the mata-mata's sentry box at tho junction of Bukit Timah and Campong Java Roads, has resulted in a gang of Javanese being sent by the responsible authorities
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  • 69 6 A most unfortunate and distressing accident occurred on the East Indian Kail way the other morning. The Ist Duke of York* Own Lancers (Skinner's Hor-c had eutered for the Connell Cup Polo Tournamuut, and six of their best polo ponies were being conveyed from Jhansi to Allahabad. The horse box
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  • 78 6 On the evening of the 15th instant, a number of residents of Hongkong especially tlwx.- on the water front near the Naval Yard imagined that they experienced an earthquake. The buildings trembled twice and there were dull rumblings on cicL occasion. The fact is the ooatnotan at the Naval Yard
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  • 89 6 A motor-car played an important p:trt la a robbery at Ipoh, the other day. The house of Mrs. H. S. Martin was robbed of a gold watch, and within a few minutes time, Mr. Martin, by the aid of his motor-e ir, was able not only to roturn home to
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  • 95 6 Tobacco planters in IMi look hack upon 1907 with unalloyed satisfaction, as high quotations for tobacco and huge pn.tit- were the general rule. Far otliprwisu is it with the coffee-growers, who have had such ft bad time of it that they have, for the most part, takon to rubber, Hevea
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  • 89 6 It was notified officially at Modan on January 14 Uiat, in pursuance of the currency reform in Deli, the Oidiuance prohibiting the importation of the Bmall Straits dollar and its subsidiary coinage there, comes into force on the 28th instant. The Ordinance prohibiting the circulation and possession of dollars and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 226 6 Best Value In Singapore. Thompson, thomas co. owe v, a cii-or wdtc for General Provision Merchants. PRICE LIST. 17 and 18, Goods imported from the Leading Stamford English, American, R oa d. FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN 4 AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURERS. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED. CALEDONIAN HOTEL h £&t£ii bSS. Jffo- W« *JB2£
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    • 327 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAO. TO-NIGHT GKAND CHINGE OF PROGRAMME. IST SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 The BlKok Witch 3 Up-to-date Burglars 3 A Quiet Hotel 4 Means of Conveyance in China. 5 Afraid of Microbe* 6 Express Sculptor 7 Doings of a Poodle 8 Ball-Fighting in Seville 0 The
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  • 101 7 MISSING BOAT FROM STEAMER AMSTERDAM. Twenty- Eight Lives in Jeopardy. I K«r tee's Tiligram London, January 23. The Great Eastern Railway Company's steamer Amsterdam has been beached at the Hook of Holland A boat coutaining twelve of the passengers and crew is missing. Dense fog still continues. London,
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  • 80 7 The Agreement Between Canada and Japan. jRHrrFF 8 TULK'.BAiI" London, January 28. Tbirty-one Japanese from Mexico have been prohibited from landing at Vancouver. This action is taken under the new regulation requiring immigrants to travel direct from their country of origin. London, January 24. Japan has forbidden the
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  • 54 7 [Rioter's Tblkoram] London, January 23. A telrgiam from Washington states that Mr. G. B. Cortelyou, U.S. Secretary to the Treasury, announces that owing to the great improvement in the financial conditions he has begun tho gradual withdrawal of moderate amounts of the deposits of public moneys
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  • 36 7 Rum he's Telegram I London, Jauuary 24. The destruction of Crosby Hall has begun, the negotiations for its purchase from tlie Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China and preservation having failed.
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  • 23 7 . [Riuteb's Telegram < London. January 23. The United States battleship squadron has sailed from Rio de Jap ro for the Pacific.
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  • 18 7 REDUCTION OF THE BANK RATE. [Rkdtbb's Tbleorak] London, January 24. The Bauk Rate is now Four Per Cent.
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  • 68 7 Special Message by President Roosevelt. [Dee Ostahatischb Lloyd Telegram Berlin, January 28. President Roosevelt, iv a Special Message, on the Customs Agreement arrived at between Germany and the United States, refers to it as a sign of the harmonious relations existing between the two countries. He
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  • 56 7 [Deb Ostasiatiscre Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, January 23. Information from Germany is published in the Westminster Gazette to show that the Ktatements in regard to the maintenance of thY statns quo in the Baltic Sea and an understanding amongst the Powers concerned are premature. Tho British Government in
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  • 27 7 T)er Ostasivtischr Lloyd Telki.kam Berlin, Jannary 23. The Chinese- authorities in the Province of Chili will build the railway from Tientsin to the Yangtse.
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  • 23 7 I'm. OsTASIATWCHB LLOYD TrLKOBaMJ Rerlin, January 23. Home oi the Social Democratic leaders in Germany advocate the abandonment of street deinonttlrutious.
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  • 21 7 |Dm Ootasutischb Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, Jannary 23. The French troops have evacuated Settat, and the Moroceaus have re-occupied the place.
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  • 730 7 Allegation of Breach of Passenger Ship Ordinance. Captain T. Bell, of the steamer Charon, appeared in answer to a summons, before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. E. C. Howard, this mornining, on a charge of conveying in his steamer 67 passengers in excess of the number allowed by his
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  • 127 7 One remarkable feature in the economic situation in Java is the rapid way in which house property is falling into tlie hands of Chinese in the large towns, this being specially noticeable in Samarang. Dwelling houses there now mostly belong to Chinese owners, who manaee to
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  • 173 7 Ramsamy, charged with taking away the wife of Mr. Marcus Fernandez, gave his defence before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. M. Chopard appeared for the prose cution. Accused said that he went to complainant's house to collect S7 which was
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  • 264 7 CAPITAL OF LANGKVT.SUMATRA OVER-SUBSCRIBED. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, January 23. The capital in the Langkat Sumatra Rubber Company has been over-subscribed. The following appeared in our issue of the 20tb instant The flotation is announced of the Langkat Sumatra Company with a capital of .£75,000. The
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  • 571 7 Moving Pictures Introduced Into Supreme Court. A somewhat intricate interpleader case coimri tntcd the subject before thu Court and public, this inorniug. His Lordship the anting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law bring entertained to a somewhat entertaining discussion respecting an application to set aside a judgmint
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  • 196 7 In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, an important matter came before the acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law, in the form of an originating summons. It is a friendly Huit between *.he heirs of the late Tan Kirn Seng for the determination without administration
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  • 810 7 PESSIMISTIC VIEWS OF THE FUTURE. Latest Statistical Returns. Ki-.oM Oik Own Correspondent.) Hamburg, December 24. The year is drawing to a close. From a purely business point of view, it may be considered ended, as of the seven remaining days three are holidays. Tho past year has
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  • 173 7 Lamentable Ignorance Displayed Regarding Loan. On December 23, the Peking correspondent of the Times despatched a wire to London, and stated Considerable ignorance was displayed regarding the terms of the loan, which the Wai-wu-pu themselves admit in most favourable to China; all the Chinese sovereign rights being safeguarded,
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  • 292 7 AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. Local Advantages from Imperial Institute According to the Agricultural Bulletin ol the Straits and F.M.S., His Fxcellenry the Governor has received a de-patch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies calling attention to the advantages offered by the Scientific and Technical Department, of the Imperial Institute to
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  • 163 7 Two Chinamen Sent to Nine Months' Imprisonment. Wan Yun, Chan Fat, Yip Kwee and See Toll Yip a^ain appeared before a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Howard and Gibson, yesterday afternoon, in answer to a charge of assault upon Wong Seng, a gambling informer, in Almeida Street, on
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  • 305 7 ALLEGATIONS OF CRUELTY. Java Society and the Shipment of Animals. Java has a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, with a branch at Soura baya, but it has aroused such little public interest that only uiue members, out of 118 on the roll, attended the general ineetiug of
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  • 198 7 Tang Bui and Tang Pin were before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, this morning, on charges of possession of morphine and of a syringe. The first accused admitted the possession, saying that the prohibited articles were left with vim by some one else. The second
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  • 49 7 Some of our contemporaries, says the Malay Mail, are still under the impreaßiou that the Federated Malay States are free of the clutches of the Crowu Agents. Such in not the case. Tlie Crown Agents serve the Federated Malay States in the same way that they aerve the Colony.
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  • 111 7 GERMAN COLONY'S MEMORIAL TO REICHSTAG. Rival Meetings in Johannesburg. km runs Tklkokaml Loudon, January 24. The German colonists in Gennau Africa has sent a iueiuori:il to tho Hoii hsUp protesting against the policy of the Colonial Minister, Herr Dernbur^. towai Ai the Colon f. The memorial states
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  • 546 7 Methods of Dog-Shooters Strikingly Condemned. Under date Jannary 23, a correspondent writes to us as follows, with reference to the dog crusade: This morning, at 9,30, my dog (a neatlymarked, smooth-haired fox terrier) was legally shot while seeing me off to the tram shot within eight yards
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  • 159 7 Malayan Planters and Coeoan ut Quit Rent. A well-attended meeting of the Planteis' Association of Malaya was held at Kunla Lumpur on Sunday, when Mr. W. H. Trott«-r brought forward the following resolution i That this Association views with grave concern the present policy of Government in taxing
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  • 110 7 The names of two prominent Chinese residents at liatavia have bt":n laid before the Dutch Parliament as candidates for naturalisation. The Attorney-General explained that there wus a graving •I. ■t among the Chinese in Java fur Dutch naturalisation, and that thu Government wish to encourage this
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  • 2890 8 SCHOLARS AND THEIR WORK CRITICISED. Miss Anderson Distribute!) the Frizes. Uuppy uoy^ on holiday bent returned to < ollcye yesterday evening to reouivi; rewards for dilip ut study, to Kara what ulh' r-> tliiuk tlicii progress, anil then in .idjoiuu for ilnc vit'kn' vacation. It wan prize
    2,890 words
  • 202 8 6ouie particulars as to tbe cost ol pauto i mime oostames, and so forth, are supplied by Clive Holland iv the Pall Mall Magazine. A suit of plated armour for a provincial St. George of Dra«ou fame, cost between jBIO and .£l2. For a dress for a
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  • 41 8 Sunday's Launch. The Argo will leav Johnstou t> Pier tor the Club Bungalow o. Sunday, tbe 20th instant, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., '2.80 and 3 80 p.m returning at 9.80 and 10.80 a.m. 12.16, 8 and S p.m.
    41 words
  • 42 8 . V.M.C.A. Tournament. In tbc V.M.C.A. teunis tournament, yeuterHay, ia the siu«ic.s. Diviet- bt-at Leicester, 6—B. 6 t, and B iker beat fcdmett. Xo the doablee, A. aad L. O. van Cnylenburg beat A. and W. Gorroey, 4—B, T— 9— 2.
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  • 370 8 OPBRATIVES DEMAND INCREASE! IN WAGES. Probable Closure of the Mills. i-KoM oi i. (i»\ c'uni mmonr.j H.iiubiun. l>ecembi.r X, i Two cocoons of ladiguaoM silkwornn ImiMl ill QeCBMHI Bml Airio;i li;im b«HI txbibiU'd lately at the Weaviu^ School a) I'refeld, the vvell-kuown ceuUe <>f Mm -ill; industry
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    • 91 8 The aunual geueral meutiuy of tho Siugaporo Sporting Club will take place at the Exchango at 5.1,5 p.m., to-day. Tin: lint match between the M.C.C team and Tasmania was to have started at Latin. oesto:;. ou January 18, and the second to-day at Hobart. The S.C.C. Crisket
      91 words
    • 69 8 Sclangor Golf Club. The following cards trt returned tor the January monthly medal in connection with the Selangor Golf Club 8. O. N. Anderson II I!. Leonard F. A. ;i u[> -in ii D. Christie j. E. t •,,lil. J.M.Cratfu I. -I n 47-ih=Bo 44 48 S 87 46
      69 words
    • 143 8 Selan^ur Ladies' Competition. Tin; following were Urn principal scores made on Friday iv the competition at SelanU»r for the rifle kindly presented by "Sir. N icholus Mih. Talbot 34+1-S6 Mrs. Hume 28 6 84 MissM. Grey 81 2 88 .Mis. Daiutoii 27 6 88 Mrs. Haszard 24 8
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    • 227 8 S.C.C. jnd XI v. E. Co., West Rents A team of the E. Company Went Kents i-u^Mu'ril a second eleven of the S.C.C. in an Association football match ou the Esplanade yesterday. Play was undecided until a few minutes before the close of the first half. v. Iv
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 499 8 SUBSTANTIAL ENQLISH-MADE nSH^^j Pitted with Rfc*^ r^Tj* j3\ Chubb s s*Jl,.*w s^^ 91 Patent Lock. I lifilta< tTVl aP^^J STOCKEO IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES: OUTSIDE DIMENSION^. INSIUL UUUINBIONM. Hkiuht. Width. Dkhth. libioui. Width. Dam Nu. 1404 20 in. lfi iv. U iv. M in. V\ in. Hrn. -41.1K1 1465 M
      499 words
    • 350 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. luuderb arc invited tor tbc taruiuigtora periud of thru- year« from Mnv J, 1908 of Teluk Ayoi >luuicipal Market. Forms of tcu<ii.r and properly udor^ il < cnvilopiih. a- will a« copich of upprovod Scalu ol licnts, Tolls and Cllar^;b^. Icviablo in tlic market tlic Market Hy-huws und
      350 words

  • 202 9 «b, Jaw uu M, ltm* PRODUCE. i.iiiibitr buyer- I T.ijo •io .< npietr*) 10.00 Co.ta Bali 7(50 Jo Pw 780 iv.B7) io Wh iiiOO lO2i lo Brie i !Td. 1 -"'7;, IVirl Sai»o I.M pioked Ml M i^oT^e M ■'•■1 IO 1 li > i 7 j'l Tin Onfou,
    202 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 321 9 i Date of f' rma v 1907 J307 I I*o7 J907 ChgNri MOO.OOO IfcOO.OOO ♦***** r»r noo £30 009 1 100 DM *HO.OOO 2100.000 £130,0(10 £***** mio.Od.'i JtnO.OOO s-^ i-90,000 t'"o.noo 560.000 Subscribed i i MSft.oon ♦«CO.^f:O CMMM rw.nro irri.eon O.fiOO £10).000 eiw.(no £80,000 M IT, 179.V0 £lOG,<KXI
      321 words
    • 379 9 1901 1906 1907 I 190S i«95 m$ 1904 I9VI 1883 UH ISGS 1836 ISKK S ll6/25 i IMMM 1 H06.000 10,500 iI:S2I i £70.000 £61.000 81.000 *no,<ViO i V14.1.0CJ 11,600 MM*) *io,sou i j ®$w I *-75,0<W j £tt,MO tMBO MIAMI 1 243,227 }|J;^s £180,000 £180,000 180.000 £380.000 £201,500
      379 words
    • 187 9 ISS4 £5,377.10.0' £4,801 ?,68S :«98 *****00 IMB.OOO 4.600 665 i15,000,0U0 *15,000,000 M 'p W UN 5J.4.00.000 »2,«00,O00 I 1896 91.000,000 11,000,000 Jss UM »34,000 »3»,00n 3J400 1899 1875,000 1875,00? 2|7SO 1903 8600,000 M4O.i»? 24,000 1891 taO.OOJ *w."»t 800 1933 £750,000 £760,000 40,000 1884 »«00.000 a.tWO 1890 *500.00 »4M6')O 5.000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE.! I KiT«.l:— Poor I!'-."*, one or t» r.-, li.j; By ".li» iaciv ici S-'J» of Ct tv, LANDAU FOR SALE A Fim-class Landau, Rubber .yred, ahr.c^t Qdw, to be *een nt F. Clarke .t Co.'s Livery 307, Qneen Street. MM MM LINE FOR SALE. Y or sale,
      293 words
    • 197 9 FOR SALE PRIVATELY. A comfortable, substantial, oewly-built residenoe. situate at St. Michael's Road, Singapore. Freehold. For particulars, apply to Powell V Co., Auotioneora. The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Dailj iwu« per year 130.00 do per quarter 7. 80 do per month 3.60 do
      197 words
    • 12 9 "Ml CHOP NUMBER SATU. WAN THAT 18 Fraser and Neaves' Aerated Waters.
      12 words
    • 134 9 GHEE EN6 SONS, (Established 1890' Civil. X'lval, Military and Sportiug Tailors, CONTRACTORS TO THE VOLUNTEER FORCES, NO. E. GRAND HOTEL DE I EUROPE. Beg to uotity that they have opened a Branch Office at the above address, in addition to their other premises at 620-4, North Bridge Road, for the
      134 words
    • 188 9 Pohoomull Bros. 40E HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHAHTf Dealers in High-.lass Indian, Chines.' and Japanese Silk, Umittl and Silverware of evmy description. Bneswaxe, etc. Mb CHARGES VERY PrifIDERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY S3LiS!T£O Kame G®. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Yen L SftaaiM At. .rti-.ein ol Aud Artificial Flowers <&) >
      188 words

  • 1170 10 CHARMING MODES FOR FEMININE BEAUTY. Mixture of Graceful Styles. Notwithstanding all the prophesies which are made concerning tbe fashion for tho season, it is impossible ever to be quite certain which of tbo new effects will catch the popular fancy and become law for the time. This
    1,170 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 609 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital •10.000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve »10,000,000> $*****000 Bilver Reserve »11,760,000f W 1 0 000 Koserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Deputy Chairman. OustavFrieslanl, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. A. Fuohs,
      609 words
    • 561 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Bhares of £*>?ach «1 ,800.000 Reserve Fund 41,475.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Correct Acoounts
      561 words
    • 513 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE. RUsMMbpt January 29, 190>i, 'it J 30 p.m. The Steam Launch BALAMAT. (For full particulars, see circu'ars). G. A. Fernandez V Co., 1)7 Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Wednetday, January 29, 1908, at 2.30 p.m. 909 years leasehold land fronting Cross Street, area 2,597 square feet, known
      513 words
    • 659 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IN THE ESTATE OF TAN TONG WHATT, Deceased. By Order of tbe Executors Ou,; Hoak Kene and Koh Gecg Neo, MES6RB. H. L. COGHLAN AND CO., Wi'l include in their AUCTION BALE, AT "BURNBRAE. ORANGE GROVE ROAD, On Saturday, January 25, at 2.30 p.m., A turnout oomprising
      659 words
    • 540 10 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT GUARANTEE. Fund* Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. BIMB, v 1378 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AVD MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,760,000 Revenue £2,061,044 19-8 The nndersigned are prepared to aocept Fire Risks st current rates. j 692 BEHN, MEYER A
      540 words

  • 1029 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. More Fuel Tests. Tlr latest fuel to come before tl.«. public is called tlu- Boss, mikl a 48 horse power Daimler, entered by Captain Orr, carried out a consumption trial of it the othor day, which fts officially observed by the X.A.C.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P.. four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, .Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three seaters, in Stock. Trial Runs by arrangement. Prices and Cull particulars from SYME CO^
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    • 39 11 NO POISON. Chamberlain* Cough Remedy has been declared absolutely free from any injurious substance by Government and expert chemists, and mothers need have no hesitancy in giving it to the smallest infant. For sale by all disr>oa<<aries aod dealers.
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    • 115 11 JUST ARRIVED Ex S.S. MOYUNE, 1 AlO-12H.P.4-Seater HUMBER CAR, W:tb aU Accessories. Tilt, favourite Car wherever introduced Abeolatoly silent whsn running. Particilhr? frac The Borneo Co., Ltd,. MARTIN'S JPTQjprLadjgsJ Pf LLS 4 Franan ttc<n«c» lor .11 Iriwiuurmaa f >u>Ui* •jj:h > 00.- -T a.-tto i liTTn t:.. in, £5 Ant
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 562 12 Scale of Cbaroes. < PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIioeIIItsoas Wants of Every Description, Houses, band, ci ,to M, are inserted at the following wtm Oc« Ie- :'.ion 1.80 per inch. Two *-00 Ttrte 2.80 Blx 8-30 Hiae 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 lEach aebsequent month IS per Inoh.) Ihe above rate
      562 words
    • 492 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. 1 Rates Four Lines, on* or two lOMrtioas, 11. By the inch, m "cMc of Cburges. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Wanted, a furnished private house, Tanylin District preferred, suitable for three or fonr ptrsone. Apply A., c/o Straiife Times. 149 SITUATION WANTED. Dutchman ii OBM for engagrniLUt. 10 >L-arß'
      492 words
    • 482 12 rO BE LET OR SOLD. iUTiN Uaoa, en« or two InMrtiom, B] eta 0M s cjJ« o! ChurgM. HOUBE TO BE LET. From April 1, Spacious and Commodious louse, No. 76. Bca> B*aan Road, now occupied by the Ch'neee Consul General. 94 Apply to FERTILE CO. OFFICES TO LET. Kamt-o
      482 words
    • 790 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Ratks:— Jit Month, »10 per inch. Subeequent months, li. Far shorter period! see Scale of Cbvw». NOTICE. The Captain aud Owners of the rtcrewTug NORTHUMBRIA will not be responsible for any debt or debts contracted or incurred by any of the Crew during their stay nt this port.
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    • 432 12 V 0 V W m %r v ft DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. ObTAINAHLE OF ALL ItEALEIO. Wholesale from SYME and CO., SoL Agents. SS. ALLSOPP SONS. LTD. Brewers to His Majesty The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. OMaWHo irom the w Syme Co., '*ADE H^ 1
      432 words
    • 256 12 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE XOHOUNDHI OF BBABKBWAKKASTS. 1 Ou tOjHaa a: tlic- Company's logjOOMod 'Cmcfc, Mo. 11, Ooßyor Qnay, ofTal bilders of Boam V. iriiiiti- wW rt<cii; ie eichanfie Talen No. 2. with Divultr.i C Bt .H< I W attaobul. H. A K. THOMSON. Acting Recrctai r tli
      256 words