The Straits Times, 23 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.555. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 287 1 Decide MO W on your car. IV\ K KJH CAKEFULLY the claims of all the cars you have s-'en or heard shout. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they ha\ acoomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand Hn
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    • 151 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Brtuta lid-tali Road. SingaporeTbe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meats all doaia and Trains. Choice Fresh Flowers. Wedding and Ball Bouquets, Wreaths, CroBscs and Floral Designs. Deoorations of every description undertaken. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT, 217, Orchard Road. Telephone 787
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    • 63 1 NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). The House has been thoroughly renovated, and will be made comfortable in every respect. The management intend to keep up the good name this Hotel has always
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    • 8 1 Q W CO P w 3 z o
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  • 1074 2 K QUESTION TO THE KING'S PREROGATIVE. important Point Raised at Hongkong. Before a Full Court at Hongkong on the 16th last., Sir Henry Berkeley, K.C., in support of his motion for habeas oorpas, relative to the case of la Kai-Shing, tbe Swatow reformer, read the declaration of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 224 2 Our MALAY Odeon records TAKBN IN SINGAPORE AND JAVA, ARE TO ARRIVE ON Friday, January 24. l -k- Odeon Records are the only double sided Discs that al- sole ucnts: ways exceed expectations. 1 r-|— LEVY HERMANOS. Kuhn Komor, S^ RI Have always in stock very Artistic Furniture, Silverware, Satsumv
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  • 1610 3 POINTS OF FIRST TEST MATCH DESCRIBED. Criticisms by English Team Manager. The following are excerpts from an article in tbe Sydney Morning Herald, written by Major Philip Trevor, Dnx of tbe Sportsman, who is the Manager of the English team Qunn's Value. Tbiß young man's day has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 SELANGOR CLUB. fTIHE Secretaryship of the Se- langor Club being vacant, applications for the appointment should bo sent to the Acting Secretary, not later than 22nd inst. Salary $800 per month. 71 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. KBAR ENTRANCE TO BORNEO WHARF Telephone 1026. bea ritocks of all kinds oi
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    • 36 3 You cannot beat the best Don't turn up yournose, Fido, it's Van Houten's; the very best I "In flavour it is perfect. I I .in'. 1 and well prepared." I British Medical Journal VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA
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    • 56 3 MAYNARD'S MILK EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL D H^r' 8 A highly nutritive, palatable chemical FOOD for infante and invalids. TRY IT! AND IT WILL BE FOUND TO BE THE BEST MEDICINE AND FOOD COMBINED. Price: $1.00 and $1.50 per bottle. BE SURE AND EET MAYNARD'S MILK EMULSION OF C.D
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    • 283 3 THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAI'OUE. Tin) Public, a*'- INVITKI) to -all and inspect the latest croatiouH in i LA YLR- PIANOS. THE BIUNSJIEADANGELUS. A combination of the Angola* Player and tbe oelebrated Brinsmoad Piano. THE KASTNER AUTOPIANO. liotii ilio above have a high reputation in Europe and
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  • 1075 4 CURRENT LITERATURE. TWENTY YEARS ON THE OCE4N WAVE. Lnr nsOoßaV By George Liulo, *i'.h an Introduction by W. Clark Ktissull, and Illustrations by S. W. Hauter. London, Sampson Low (65.) 1 o tlio miking of books tliao i> "*u« oud said «M whose uauiu has bacouje another word loi wi-,Joiu.
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  • 783 4 Sam,; port, probable date of arrival, fid name of Agenia. STEAMERS. \.;ir.i.e.iiii Liverpool, .Tun 2H Mauolleld Airlie, Sydney. Feb 2> Bonstoad X.utiioohn- Liverpo..l. Fob 7 W. Mansfield Arcadia, Hongkong. ,vi HO l'.*O Onv Aastria, H mVm% Mar l| RauWtnherg HchmkJl Ayuthia Bxrabnv. Fob 20: Borneo Coy A. Apcar
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  • 87 4 The Central Government of China ooub. dors that the Oovernor of Kwangni should remove his yatnons from the present capital of Kweiling to the port of Wuchow and ta remain there permanently, or that the said port bo made into the principal city of th province,
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  • 131 4 Th.-ro ii a liistorica! room iv 1- Let >-tr. No. IT, probably, write* the London corn--pon.l. Nt of the Scotsman, not so well knowu as it deserves to be. It. wax restored by the I^ondon County 1 otmoil about eii'ht<*n months ago. and the preservation of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, recommended by the best medical authorities Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all ohemists. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. Battery Road, Singapore, 'MM
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    • 724 4 STEAMER SAIUH6B. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por Cblna, Japan, Penanc, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Ejcypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills at Lading issued tor Chin* Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Port*. Rtearaera will leave Singapore on nr aHo>it MAIL LINE. Outward {for China). 19'» Delta Feb
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    • 1190 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPV/URT MY. "BANDJER." pus BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers ot thia oompany maintain a regular servioe between:— Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermaain, Pnlo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetei. witb transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai. Marababan, Marakasaries, Negara and BebhHk The steamers have good aooomodation for
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    • 778 4 STEAMER BAILIHBS. KJJTL. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial (lirman Mall Lin*. The fait and wall known mail ateami r- this Company sail fortnightly from Br- i Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutba-np •on, Oibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneoiioo Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Snei, Aden, Colombo, P. nr. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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    • 51 4 CROUP 18 IMMINENT. j No mutter how well your .'biidreu may 1 a|.].o;ir to bo, you aro never sat',- without a bottle of Chamberlain's C'uu^W Keuiedy iv the hoase. It nevor fails to relievp and it i perfectly Mio to rivi- tbo little ones. For sale by all dtapenaaries and
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  • 109 5 OI'IWAUI B. I. M.IIL. The h. I. coutraot fmAuA steamer I'ueata, a Ith the London maiU of Uu Ird nisiant, left Kegapatam, ou the 19ili mslanl. and may be expected to arrive here ou Saturday moruiug, the 25th instant. OciwAUD Qmaua Miii The Imperial Germau mail utuuuei
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  • 127 5 Fob Pr.u Stiauuu Tut Tn-uoitaow HulaxiH, f >uiubu\a, etc. < •imphntjr s a.m. S'baya, Bauiijermawiu, etc. t.ertn* 8 a.m. Bali. M 1 -ar. Menado. «tu. Tts 9m 11 a. in Muar aud Mala<:oa Sri iluar 2 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports Pennmj 8 p.m. Christmas Island hlander 3
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  • 915 5 SHIPPING IN PORT. DXMtalhU bftuliug the rulluwiiiK iHmiWImM uod: »li. slwuuer nit. t»hip; li*i. barque; 'H.'h. Kbooucr; Yet.— Yaoht; Cm.— Cruller tibl.-Oun-bout; Tur.— Torp*lo II.)).— Hoixj-puwer Brit.— Kcitiih; U. S. -L'uitwl suUa Kcli.— French; U«r.— German Dut.— Dutch IbU.— Italir.u— JSpnuUb: Sir.— Sarawak G.c. Oenernl raruu il.p. ilei-k pa*wager;
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  • 62 5 January 22 Laertes. Urit str, Saigon Aragonia, Ger sir, Hamburg via ports M»y >ri Maru, '-.p str. Japau via porte. Helios. Nor atr, Ba»gk k Fuh Wo, Brit air, L^ngkat 23 Siugapore, Brit str, Bangkok Calypso, Brit str, Penang and Deli I Ban Bong Leong, Brit str, Bangkok I
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day, TANJONG l>aO»R liiflT Wharf Bahin -Fuh Wo. KartWh*iuf Section I— Capri, Tara. Sbct. 1 (Sanaa Wharf):— Darius. Section No. 2 Fenay Lodge. Gregory Apcar, Houg Bee. i— Bengloe. 4— Tudor Priuo«. s—Charon.5 Charon. B—Stent>r,8 Stent>r, Patani.
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  • 94 5 I'rora Lubofi—Ky tbe B. I. (A Teesta, due January 25. From China—By the M. M. 1.1. Balazie, due January 27. Bineapore Duo id Lwodon Deo S3 N D. L. Jan 15 Dec SB B I. Jan 18 Dec 80 M. M. Jan 21 Jan 3 P. tO.
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  • 472 5 Passengers Outward. Per P. aud O. Nubia. From Louden, Dec. 21 duo Jan. 23:— Mrs. H. Godfrey, Lanoe-Corp. and Mrs. G. Delamere and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Harrison, Lieut. \V. Wilberforce, Lieut. E. V, M. Barrett, MUs Thriug, Mr. A. B. Uarward, Lieut, aud Mi*.
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  • 72 5 ll\ the Perak, Captain V. A. Turner, .lan 2:1. i rom Pcmiug via Port Swctttmbaui Messrs. P. Wilson, G. W. Hunter, Vincent, Surudtield. Behrens, P. V. Pm dun, Donnot Doria-., P. JI. Mighitt, Wrisht, W. T. Cherry, Ka\\ '"at Swue, Cheng Bok, Clioo Wai Nauj, llu Book
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  • 418 5 By IjU.ui.-Col. E. Q. Üboisiuok. Coimnandaut, S.V.C. Singapore, January 31, I9u«. h. v. c. bigualliug. 1 The trained M^ualki will parade at Fort Palmer, on Wednesday 29th, an. I at the Drill Hall, on Friday 31st, nt 3-30 p.m. (Sd.) B. B. Coldeck, Capt., R.G.A., 3.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jan\ 2 1 At 111. Syed Alk> Bead, iiui ..1...11 ItnnituiL'.'eU'.. »i I -ti> |i in. M— At s.i, room H.« 80 Pan UnWwr Sapliujjb, at I'-iJ p.m. .'->— AI the railway atorr adjacent to Tank Road Statio" iiiwallßad anl ■amiiiuwilili vtidw at I 30
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    • 447 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-GHINA STEAM NAV. CO., LTD. 'I'm: -t .ink i.f this Cunii>auy maiutaiu a regular ilin-cl Mil lKtuieu Calcutta, Straits, Hou^Luuj,', Shauglmi ami )«y— i takini! cur^o ■>u through Hills nt I..- iini! f.rCnutou, Swatow, Ani.iv, OkalaOi TiaaMa, HtwokfflMgi Yangtsze Port,., itlMM. Mm riiihpi.mi-. .vc Ac. Tun.« r-.;i:i-l'-i Kci'
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    • 461 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. XtiV CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO.. LTD. Tbr (tampanuj' steamer-! arc dcdpot^li'd from ,,jt\vB«la for the St.-ii".-, Chun I|ivj ivcry irA, and froro ijtui I: ■uio[or InjDduu, Amsterdam and Antwerp f-r'.ui>!l:ttiad for Oeno.v MarHeilles ana ool ir..:,tbly. Oae outward ateemnr M da.Mj
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    • 481 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. LAPCAR UNE OF STEAMERS uuiioriiiuutioued mail steamera o( i lj above Line maiutain a regular service between Calcutta aud Jai»tu, calling at Peuaug, Siuga pore. 11. ■uyk'.iu'. 1 and S'muKhai M MS* FLEET. Tous Commander h.b. Ja**h 6,»00 J. G. OLirc>T a.X. "GREnohv Apeak" 1,600 8. H. hvdjws
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    • 392 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA MIINA JAPAN, CANADA aud tbe UNITED STATES. Unite from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, i1.M.8. "Empuh* or India" Twin-screw su>R.M.B. "Kiiprehs cr Japan"
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    • 41 5 CHAMBERLAIN S COUGH REMEDY CUREB COLDS. This romedy acts ou natures plan, allayb the cough, rdiovcb tkc luuga, uidn oxpeotoratiou, opens tho secretions, aud aidt> nature in reatoring the syßtem to a health: oobdioof. For sa)e by all diapeussrleß aad \<mmmm.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 294 5 DAY BY I'AY Thursday, January aj. High Water. 1-3 Im. St. JoMjphh, Vri/.uli;<itriliution. 5 v.m. B. 1. homeward mail close* 3 p. in U. E. the <;o\eruur'b Birthday. Bookay. Hrpp.idi.jine. 7-M p Ul. Alhambru Cinematograph Show 7>n Friday, January 34. High Water, i a.m. >-I~> p ni. Proclamation Day. Mat
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  • 27 6 Tessensohs.— On January 23, at No. 217, Queen Street, Singapore, Ethel/, beloved aughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tessensohn. Deeply regretted. Funeral at 5 p.m. to-day.
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  • 725 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. What strikes one in comparing the cdi-, torial opinion expressed in Far Eastern journals with regard to Sir Thomas Sutherland's recent speech at the P. and O. Company meeting is the unanimity with which his references to Japanese competition are condemned.
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  • 684 6 The unsettled state of domestic politics in England and Germany and the growing tendency of the so. called lower classes U assert their power in current legislation an reflected in Router's telegrams to-day. Foi some time, the Liberal journals have been insistent in their assurance that there are no dissensions
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  • 23 6 Will Pro Bono Publico please send lis name, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. We cannot publish inonymous letters.
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  • 9 6 We have received a calendar from the Medical Hall.
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue are irotected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 19 6 A mad dog bit a bullock in East Coast lead, iK ar the twelve-mile stone, yesterday, tnd was killed.
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  • 17 6 Japanese papers report that the Kawasaki Shipbuilding Yird intends to build a floating Jock of over_2o,ooo tons.
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  • 21 6 Ti.e Cross Street School was broken into by a'thief or thieves, last night, and clocks tnd. other portable furnishings were removed.
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  • 30 6 There was an affray in New Market Road at 8.10 p.m., yesterday. Three arrests were maiiu. One of the accused was sent to the hospital. All the parties were Chinese.
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  • 30 6 A Chinaman living in Beach Road, who was found in possession of four bottles of intiopinm pills, composed of one-third opium was fined $20, this morning, by the Second Magistrate.
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  • 30 6 Ethel Tesaensohn, daughter of Mr. Reginald Tesaensohn, of Messrs. Boustead and Company, died, this morning, at the age oi five years. The funeral takes place at 6 o'clock thin afternoon.
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  • 29 6 Mr. Alexander Reid, of Messrs. McAlister and Company, will address the Epworth League, at ths Short Street School, at 8 o'clock, to-night, on George Mailer." All interested are invited.
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  • 49 6 Mr. William Baird. who came out here only year ago to work for the Duff Development Company, in Kuantan, fell off a gold dred jer at 11 o'clock, on the night of Saturduy, December 28 last, aud was drowned. His body was not recovered till the Tuesday morning following.
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  • 59 6 A nonya appeared before the Senior Magistrate Mr. K. C. Howard, yesterday, on the charge of being in possession of a revolver without a permit. She said that it belonged to her father who bought a plantation six years ago, and was given the revolver by the vendor. She was
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  • 58 6 Reports from Nam Yang, says the Korea Daily Nov. s, state that the Japanese troops are commandeering anything they like from the markets. No payment is made and if any protests are made by the people, the reply is a blow from the butt of a rifle or a vigorous
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  • 50 6 At a meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya on Sunday, it was explained that in Sereinbao there were three liquor shops for about a thousand coolies, and there was no supervision. It was decided to institute a system of inspecting the shops and tenting the liquor ottered for sale.
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  • 47 6 A Javanese, named Jin, was sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment by the Second Magistrate Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning for criminal trespass on the premises at No. 1, Anderson Road, at 4.30 vm., to-day. It was a clever capture, made by Lance Corporal 201.
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  • 59 6 Two Chinamen were caught trespassing in Dr. Galloway's compound in Cairn Hill Road, last night. One of them said that be was going to call on the cook, bat as the cook was instrumental in causing bis arrest, he was fined tlO for not inventing a better story. The other
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  • 76 6 Mr. Justice Fisher was engaged, yesterday, with the case of N. Poomnsamy v. P. C. T. A. Annamalay Chetty, for (2,029, as damages for alleged wrongful seizure and detention of ten bullocks and five cart*, and for an injunction restraining defendant from disposing of them. Mr. Khory appeared for the
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  • 73 6 There is quite an epidemic of large snakes (mostly pythons) in the vicinity-of Grange ttoad. La->t eveuing, one of these reptiles, quite nine feet long, was seen lying across Orange Road, near the entrance to Mr. Hans. Becker's bouse, by a cyclist who was almost over the brute before he
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  • 78 6 Two Chinese women, named Cheng Ah Chap and Liong Ab Kow, were prosecuted by Superintendent Oardiner, before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colmau, yesterday, on a charge of carrying on a public lottery. The first accused was also charged with being the occupier of a common gaming home. She
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  • 327 6 . The ex-Sultan Abdullah of Perak is on a visit to Kuala Lumpur. The Assistant' Colonial Secretary r>f Ceylon, has arrived at Kuala Lumpur. M. Roussen from Tunis has been appointed French Consul-General at Calcutta Mr. W. J. Peter* has left Oaraaiisara Estate and will take charge of
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  • 117 6 A Chinese ice-cream seller who was found in possession of a large number of pawn tickets and a quantity of stolen property, part of which was identified as having been stolen from Oldham Hall, Orchard Komi, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment, by the
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  • 129 6 There was a small attendance in the Council Chamber, this morning, wlien Mr. Justice Fisher vook his seat to hear applications in bankruptcy jurisdiction. Five petitions for receiving orders were down for hearing, one application for a discharge, and four public examinations. But the business was
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  • 18 6 The price of tin to-day is $G2j per picul. Three hundred and twenty-five tous have been sold locally.
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  • 17 6 The Guthrie is due to arrive in Singapore on Saturday, at mid-day, with fresh Cold Storage supplies.
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  • 27 6 A robbery was committed on the Tientsin Railway as the cars neared Tangho on the 18th instant. More than ten passengers are reported to have beeu killed.
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  • 23 6 The work of constructing the abutments of the new bridge across the Singapore River was commenced this morning by the Westminster Construction Compauy.
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  • 30 6 Holy Communion will be observed at St. Andrew's Cathedral oc Saturday, at 7 a.m., iv celebration of the Conversion of St. Paul. There will be choral evensong at 6 p.m.
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  • 23 6 Tho French armoured cruiser Kltber, stationed at Casablanca, communicates nightly by wireless telegraphy with Paris, the messages beiug received at lue Eiffel Tower.
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  • 29 6 11. M. S. Crescent, Captain C. Henderson, arrived from Hongkong, this morning, homeward bound. She leaves to-morrow for Colombo. She is accompanied by the Hawke, Captain O. T. Gillett.
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  • 37 6 A Chinese boiler-maker employed on the Bin Fo Soon was sentenced to two wenks' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Magistrate, this morning, for the theft of a meerschaum pipe valued at tlO, the property ej the Captain.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 SOHNLEIN Co.'s Rheingold Sparkling Assmannshauser. (Sparkling German Wines). Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. ii I Just JZrrived! One 12-15 H.P. 0 ARROL-JOHNSTON CAR. Ft Fitted with Cape Cart Hood and Cromwell Wind Screen, painted Arrol-Johuston Red. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agents. II 1 J.Travers& Sons, Ltd. SOLE 7, D Almeida Street.
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    • 134 6 Photography. For Best Work, Go To Wilson co. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT. GRAND CH VNGE OF PROGRAMME. IST SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 A Champion All The Same 2 Th Troubado .r 3 Living Silhouettes 4 His First R w C Spot at the Telephone 6 Aerouiut'rt First
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  • 381 7 PROSPECTIVE CHANGES IN THE CABINET. Organising Labour. LIBERALS APPREHENSIVE OF COMING CONTESTS. A Peerage for Mr. W. H. Gladstone. [Riotsb's TkligraM; London, January 22. Tho death of Sir J. Lawson Walton (Utorncy General) has revival rumours of Cabinet changes. According to those rumours, Mr. W. Herbert Gladstone, Home
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  • 153 7 Agreement Restricting Emigration to Canada. |U»i:titr's Thlroram| London, January 22. Speaking in the Houso of Commons at Ottawa, the Hon. Rodolphe Lomieux, Post-master-General and Minister of Labour in the Dominion Administration, described his mission to Japan as a complete success. All danger of future trouble over Oriental immigration
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  • 64 7 . Numerous Deaths from Apoplexy in Melbourne. RKUTIR'? TILBORAMJ London, January 22. A heat wavo has passed over Australia, aud over a hundred deaths from heat apoplexy are reported from Melbourne. Disastrous bush-fires are ragiug in the State of Victoria, and scores of settlers' homes have been
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  • 62 7 General Booth, speaking at Berlin, said that people everywhere seemed to bo tiring of religion. If he had said that people were tin 1 of what passed as religion, he would have been nearer the mark. He expressed rui prise at finding such a lack of religion U Japan. Vet
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  • 759 7 Chinaman Imprisoned for Setting a House on Fire. Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and a common jury were engaged, at the Assize Court, yesterday, with the defence in the case in whirl) Gon Tian Kcng is charged with setting fire to his house in Cheng Cheok Street, a
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  • 114 7 This morning, while Chinese carpenters were engaged in pulling down the old B.V.A. Drill Hall, they came into collision with some coolies, who were removing furniture, and a fight took place. The combat arose through the coolies takiug cakes from a hawker, who was of the same
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  • 157 7 The Japanese operetta. Princess Ja-Ju, will be presented at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday night, under the auspices of the Singapore Catholic Club. The performers will be entirely children, except, of course, those composing the orchestra, and as a great amount of timo and
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  • 13 7 There was a cumg ly provsioi. yesterday. Teoouews, Hyiamt ajd Cantonese took part.
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  • 241 7 FLOTATION OF NEW ANGLOGERMAN LOAN. Agitation Against the Peking Syndicate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, January 22, 9.44 p.m. The Central News announces that the underwriting is completed in England and Germany of the forthcoming Chinese 5 per cent Railway Loan of five millions sterling. Another anti-British
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  • 108 7 Revival of Scare about Synthetic Rubber. (From Ocr Ow:; Correspondent.) London (via Penang), January 21. The share market for Rubber Companies is dull. The following are the quotations for some of the leading concerns Bukit Rajahs, £i 10/- to £i 15/- AngloMalays, fully paid, £3 17/6 to
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  • 351 7 Last Case at the January Session of Assizes. The last case at the preseut session of the Assizes was begun before Mr. Justice T Sercombe Smith aud a common jury, yesterday afternoou, the accused being a Chinaman named Lee Ah Phuan, who was charged with throwing vit iol
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  • 91 7 Shortly after half-past eight this morning, a public hackney carriage, containing two European gentlemen, was going along Lloyd Road, when, suddenly, the pony became frisky and unmanageable. The result was that the carriage bumped against the wall of a Chinese residence in Killiney Road, despite
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  • 97 7 The Lord Bishop of the diocese, Dr. Hose, administered the rite of Confirmation at St. Andrew's Cathedral, last evening. Thete was a large congregation. Altogether, twentyfive persons were confirmed by the Bishop, who was assisted in the service by the Revs. F. O. Swindell, acting Colonial
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  • 878 7 THEOPHRASTUS RELATES HIS EXPERIENCES. A Suggestion of Reform. It was my first experience of Trial By Jury in any capacity. Fortune, the Sheriff, or the Police bad hitherto proved kind, or myopic. At first, I felt a bit nervous, but most men I met spnke with such
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  • 160 7 With the exception of two pianoforte solos, and one special kolo, the programme at the concert at the V.M.C.A., on Friday night, will be purely a vocal one. The following is the programme Pianoforte Solos, Miss van Cuylonburg and Miss Ghorte vocal selections, There's a land
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  • 646 7 Five Women Ventilate Grievances in Police Court. Mr. E. C. Howard, the Senior Magistrate, listened this morning, to the grievances existing between Eurasian women. Miss Adelina Villan charged Mrs. Rosario, Mrs. Kendaleah, Miss Pereira and Mrs. Adola with assaulting her at No. 85 2, Waterloo Street, on
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  • 127 7 There were over 1.830 passengers on the Wee Bin and Company's steamer Hong Moh, which arrived from Anviy aud Swatow at dusk, yesterday. Tho Captam reports that at 7 80 a.m., yesterday, bim Hock, the cook, quarrelled with the quartern] ister »bout who should ba
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  • 255 7 Inspector Hart mentioned to the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, the case of Marcus Fernandez against Ram gamy, whom tie charged with euticing away his wife, and Fernandez's case agaiust his wife, Mary Fernandez, whom hu charged with the theft 1500 iv
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  • 28 7 A motion is before the Chancery Court in London concerning the recent ch tinges ade in The Time< newspaper. The part. •to the ease are Sibley versus Walter.
    The Times  -  28 words
  • 253 7 FRANCHISE DEMONSTRATIONS IN BERLIN. Police Accused of Provocative Tactics. [Die Ostasutjschk Llotd Trl|oram| Berlin, January 22. A street demonstration of Social Democrats in Berlin was firmly suppressed by the police. Speaking in the German Parliament, Prince von Buelow stated that the Government refused to allow interpellation in regard
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  • 44 7 IRjcutkr's Tklecram" London, January 23. The Great Eastern Railway Company's steamer Amsterdam collided off the Hook of Holland with an uuknown steamer. Her bows were torn, but the passengers escaped in the ship's boats. The collision occurred in a fog.
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  • 181 7 (Orb Ostasiatisciik Llotd Tkleoram] Berlin, January 22. The Russian newspaper Slavo states that the United States Government has refused the request of the Russian Naval Attache to accompany the U.S. squadron on its voyage to the Pacific. The following is taken from the Japan Mail As for the
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  • 67 7 [DSB OUTASIATISCHI LLOYD TkLKUKAJ' Berlin, January 22. The dispute botweeu the Gorman and Australian Commonwealth Governments in regard to the claim of Messrs. Bums, Piiilp and Co., the Australian shipping firm, for compensation for interference iv the South Sea trado, has bei n settled amicably.
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  • 49 7 ANOTHER RUSSIAN COURT MARTIAL. [Dkb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tklkoram] Bo rl io, January 22. The Slavo states that General Knropitkin, with his staff, will bo trie.l by Court-Martial, at the conclusion of tho Stoessel trial, for sending untrue stitcment* to tho Czar regarding tho progress of the campaign in Manchuria.
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  • 51 7 [D*B OsttSIATISCHI LLOYD TILaOBAX] Berlin, January 22. The Guatemala Transcontinental Railway is opened to traffic. This railway connects the two principal ports of the R public— luerto Barrios on the Atlantic tt da with San J *i on the Pacific c just w.ih div capital. Guatemala U
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  • 1043 8 MR. BEN/IE WINS ON TECHNICAL OBJECTION. Sudden Collapse of Interesting Claim. (Vitliiu il i.u;e>- in boui ofraKUßlug after the tilnn adjournn.".isi. yesterday, tho action brought by tin PneuiWß in Kiiigapor.'. ot La Bodete dea MistiotM EtrangciPB, and Au>>u^liuiiii dj liozario against Mr. A. Liu-lic Kenzir toy
    1,043 words
  • 34 8 The Russiau authorities h;'.\x i-c>okcc the regulation that auy chip eotcdug Vladi voatok moat be piloted by the Aokold. This revocation took efluct irom the 14th inst3nt. VladivTMtok was iivmeu up a moatb ago
    34 words
  • 365 8 LM of Winning Jockeys and the Trainers. 'Kkou <H;; Own Cuhkksl'iinpks r. I'eiiaug, .luiiuai y -<> Tin Jauuary Meeting under tlic taapieas of the" l'euiiuy Tarl club is aon a natter of Uatory, but it baa inltiil.-d .v. rv irediction made 11 to its si- maa
    365 words
  • 314 8 SERIOUS MILL FRACAS. Six Thousand Coolies Amok lor Thirty Hours. I 1 mi, uu iasiguilieaut cause ou New leal I Day sprang the Ktav^st disturbance wttaaased iv this part of the couuti-y for many nan. says v Caleutiu exchauge, tlio scene of thiestraordiu.iry distmbanco beiui> tho quiet river sido station
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  • 163 8 11.M.5. Monmouth, trhUfa airived la Singapore ou Tuesilay, left Hongkong at the end of her two years' commission on the 10tl iust. She carries her time-expired oiew o 810 800 men to Colombo, at wbic'j port slk «ill be reeommissioncd prepuratoxy to hei ri turn to
    163 words
  • 179 8 On <.'hristw;\s Jhiv. tlir (iranthaui a. robat. i 11. -my .luhusmi. who boasts of p< itoriiiaoce* biinK tiinc ftritiih -omnium. sltaiimd liin 101 st birthday. A native o( Norwich, .lohubon ha, Uad n uiost iutcrestini; ran-m. Burly is his teens. > hci.'uwi't'tltiun|{t'r>c;iiuus. audlatei with the i Hughe-
    179 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 36 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. In the second rooad of tlie siaglee, iii iii' \.M.c.\. tennis toarnament, yesterday, D KU iiinuinii brn* Boyd, 'i -1, B—4. In tlio d.iublos. Chill I li in, <;.m'tz, 0, B B—L
      36 words
    • 77 8 Kinta Meeting. A telegram lias been icecived oy tiit Secretary of tho Singapore Snorting Club from the Kinta Gymkhana Club. Stating tv it an extra race open to all ho'>. s, being, mai i<;ns at toe tin.i of i I'tvv. Ims b^on added to the Third D.iy's programme
      77 words
    • 107 8 5.C.C. v. 5.R.E. (v.) A eaoaar maieh was pJoy oU on the i.s) n.ule yosieuliy betweuu teams n>presbntiii^ tin- S.L'.C. and tin >, li.ti. if... Both tidei •ere .iol ap 1 1 lull 51.,.s 1 ngtb, nd the a urn .uiewlißt wninUriyninft. I iie s C.C got tha
      107 words
  • 219 8 FIGHTING REBEL TRIBESMEN, Dutch lorces Short ol txperienced Ofiiccrs. 1 'aptiUn tlni 11 I. tlie Comiuaudui of i.he ftiJdforoe operating in Plo tacerfaj of juccesses OTur the reb.l tribesmen from December It to Jj. Tli.y bad undo ever) preparation for a Hoaperaie rMistaaoe, ana nad, for that purpose, sent tlie
    219 words
  • 254 8 HEALTH STATISTICS. Remarkable Decrease in Number oi Deaths. Tht vM.' L kly return oi BatMttalitj in siuga pora, prep ireil by Dr. D. K. McDowell, showi i lamaihshle diwrnaai ot 39 in tlio number o 1 I dl.i- occurring during the week cnd-j<l l.umtry 18, us computed with the niunbi.
    254 words
  • 156 8 Reconstructing the Japanese Cabinet. Telegraphing from Tokio on January 15, .he corro-pondent of the Hougkoog Daily Press states Lite on Tuesday night a. partial raooa* ■itruclion of tin; Cabinet was eff- ctod. Dr. Karon Sakataiii. sis MiniKter of Finance, and Mr. 1. Viiinagata (heir of Prince Yaniagita), is Minister of
    156 words
  • 108 8 Tho .-.ocrind trial of Hirry Thaw for the murder ot Stanford White wjs bogun iv Xcw York, on Jaunaiy 7. It i» believed that the effort of the pro. ■i'.cutiou will be lo provo Thaw .i degenerate and nicjtally iriepousil.le for his act. It is liioiuht that
    108 words
  • Cctrapontence.
    • 89 8 Ton-. Singapore, January 1:2. Sir,— Could y. ton in B m^ Union .1 ■J'li.' Uo d >.!.l .ill. mil r, .md both it and i i- Chu n..\i ip|..-.r,..|tlv in distn rsary m the Kin^ s Aooesaion. I beli< ye the prime oaaat is due ij tlie brad)
      89 words
  • 652 8 MIAO TRIBE OF CELESTIALS. (ihinesc Show Goateapt tor t!>c Aborigines. Oetb Vino What d«x ■Cv .'I "dj I ii. gui tioc re .'ii ia of iin article by I; on tue Provinoe of Kweichow. il. .;,.,k-<of the) Aliio tribes, Umni rail 'i by th v aan tailed "Tv v.' m
    652 words
  • 106 8 A L-ndou tele^r.iui to II u;;kon*» eoatempOWT, dated tbr 16 li insUut. snyx: Aiimii'.il Sir Aljje'UOJ da Huscy, X.C.8., an livi 1 of tlia Rnlo of the Hoad wlio retired in 18U2. "as written a stiriin^ letter t> Iba London Motaiog Post iii wliicli lM
    106 words
  • 148 8 1 Au important sniL iv, liiuua^es which slur'ld prove of special intercut to op'ion bolde> 3 aud company promoters was decided I at the Supreme Couit, at Kuala Lumpur, ik-t week 'j no plaintiffs, Mr. A. Brown and othei'3 su 1 the d -fumlaut, Mr. J.
    148 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. FOR THE BEST CARTRIDGES. XT John Little Co., l e Shooting. limited. Cartridge* ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH Beach Road. TO-HIBHT I Grand Change of Programme. ALL PATHE C JU L- P. WILLIS, FRERE3' FSLMS. afaaagvr. THE HIPPODROME CINEMATOQRAPH SH3W. To-Night! To-Night! GKAXD ill \.\OK Ol- PBOOBA MME. FI33TBHjW,iT
      272 words
    • 239 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT.* FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Wanted famish i )iri> ate boose. laaglni District preferred laitabk (or tbrf. ai r..m asraoß tppl? 0 B*i Ji Tuna* ii--AUSTHALIAN MARE. ETC.. FOR BALE. h I U tialiaa Mare. Dogear' irubbur t> 11. and Ka« Harness, etc, etc. Brsrjtbing ootnplel v vary styli h
      239 words

  • 276 9 SINeAPOU, -Uni'tßY 22, 190 H. PRODUCE. ♦ambit r buyers «.«7| do (Cube N 1 unpi>ke<i 9.75 opra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 780 I epper, Black 12.87} do White 6% buyers ,19 60 Saco Floor Sarawak 3 02) do Brunei No. 1 i 97« Pearl Sa^o 4.15 Coffee Bali, piokod
    276 words
  • Stocks and Shares. >
    • 370 9 Date of formaion i Capital Bnbaoribedl I Nam bar of Bharea lan. j Yal no Paid up to Share* I Uniaatied ■jr ;.:ii«i 1903 (300,000 1907 •800,000 1901 MOO.OOO 1903 £400,000 1905 £80.000 1907 UOO.OOO 1901 £80,000 1906 £100,000 1906 •150,000 1906 £130,000 1906 £90,000 1906 •450,000 1906 £360,000
      370 words
    • 378 9 £116,629 46,600 I 93,500 10,600 I 7,000 I U.OOO 61,000 12,600 i J 6,000 t 6,000 66,000 j 181,454 1 123,646 180,000 f 184,000 1 70,000 I M I M 0 22,600 900,000 1 10,000 c 116.000 140,000 I 46,000 20,000 22,900 f 2,688 I 12,419 1,000 f M.»
      378 words
    • 191 9 GENERAL. 1894 £8,377.10.0! 44,80) 1898 M 2-..000 •218.000 1865 »1V 000. 000 AIS.OJO.OOO 19(5 :M,*00,000 1896 (1,000,000 •1,000,000 W< 134,000 $14,000 1899 IS7J.TOO 1878,000 1903 1600,000 •340.000 1891 »h.i.ikx) •to.ono 19JH 4700,000 £750,000 1884 »SOU,OUO 1890 IWO.OO «495 600 1867 $3,000,000 •3,AUU,UUU 1904 $40,000 130,310 7,688 *,800 r <»,000
      191 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 jT| RIGAUD'S lj <•» JAPAN TOILET WATER Jl M Rigaud's KasaagaWadT tsr has the 5»«« pcrhme Mki ii^Mk Kjn n ii Fio*** »f Bj'» n '^1 'outhini icJ ■SJW^^SBJ it tslieves mosqaito bites, li. I tmt most felresbiae ij- Jam pt'spimion. fc^S HIOAUD&C ÜbflEwJ PERFIMBRS Pf^S^fc^'^ rue ▼I'vteaa*. The Straits
      220 words
    • 12 9 INI CHOP NUMBER SAW WAN THAT IS raser and Neaves' Aerated Waters.
      12 words
    • 197 9 The YOST TYPEWRITER. The Reliable Machine. Nearly 500 Machines in use in the Far East. Lareely used in Government O'Ko** id F.M.6. NEW MODELS THIS M CHWE CONTAIN THE *Jl|l|s|t^ ALWAYB Improvements, SATISFACTION. SI MIB aCMLI S.t.r. f.r.K.^l TINWMtII THE tOSI PHom: $997 Complete. >ott> V: T T :c»,». T
      197 words
    • 196 9 Pohoomull Bros. 40E HIGH STREET. <£ SILK MERCHANT? Dealers in High-clase Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk. OaxiM and Silverware of every description, Brassware, etc. m CHARGES VERY MODERATE INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED Kb me Co. JUST UMPACKFD: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year, A Splendid Assortment of And Artificial Flowers d£>
      196 words

  • 1255 10 MR. HALDANE AND THE NEW ARMY ORDER. Efficiency of the Fighting Forces. (From Our. Own Correspondent.) London, December 28. Tho Secretary of State for War, in a speech at Edinburgh on Saturday, said that the King had signed tho new Army Order on the previous day, which
    1,255 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 551 10 BANKING COMPANIESHONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital ..•10,000,000 beBerve fund Sterling Reseiv* •10.000,000 > 2 i 750 000 Silver Reserve »11,750,000f Wl.7oU.uw Bwerre Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhorst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr Henry Ke*wick.— Deputy Chairman. ttnatavFriosland, Esq. A. 3. Raymond, Esq. A.. uch*.
      551 words
    • 629 10 BANKING COMPANIES* CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHAPTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £*)each «I,*X>,OCO Rwerre Fnnd £1,476.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor a ..£1,200,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank ol Sootland. Th* London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Correct Aooonnt* ar*
      629 words
    • 482 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE. Wednesday, January 29, 1908, at 2-30 p.m. The Steam Launch SALAMAT. (For full particulars, sec oircu'ar>i). G. A. Fernandez V Co., 117 Auctioneers. MORTGAGEES SALE. Wednesday, January 29, 1008, at 2.30 p.m. 999 y**rs leasehold land /routing Cros* Stree area 2,5!»7 square feet, known as
      482 words
    • 662 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IN THE ESTATE OP TAN TONO WHATT, Diciases. By Order of tbe Eicontors— Ong Hook Keae and Koh Geng Neo, MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN AND CO Will include in their AUCTION SALE, AT "BURN BRAE. ORANGE GROVE ROAD. On Saturday, January 25, at 2.30 p.m., A tarnout
      662 words
    • 534 10 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Fnnd* Exoeed £12,000,000. W. A. SIMS, D 1875 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITIBH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,760,000 Revenu £9,061,044-19-8 The nndenigned ara prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 693 BEHN, MEYER A Co., Ltd.
      534 words

  • 123 11 AUTOMOBILISM. NOTES AND MWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. One marvels, judging from present sraa', talk, that any one could ever have found anything to say before the coming of the automobile. Motors are the mainstay of modern conversation at dinner*, dances, tin utn s. between the most intimate friends and
    123 words
  • 518 11 A correspondent wants to know iC tbero exist any Speed Regulations for motor-cars iv Bangkok, and if not, why not? says a Bangkok exchange of the 15th instant. The query is a very pertinent odo and deserves to be answered. Wo arc not aware of any existing
    518 words
  • 1287 11 Reliability Contests. Manufacturers of motor .■mi <lv uol eutcr earn it reliability •'< >tit< sts for the mure purpose of winning prize* they go in with a view of learning the weak spots and the strung parts of their wares, sayx Motor Age. As a rule they art only too
    1,287 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 208 11 "ijiiiirii r lit' Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Furap, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Rons by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from
      208 words
    • 50 11 JUST ARRIVED fix S.S. "MOYUNE," AlO-12H.P.,4Seater HUMBER CAR, With all Acoeneorie». The favourite Car wherever introduced Absolutely silent when running. Particulars from The Borneo Co., Ltd. PHOSFERINE IT*. Qf ft «f all Ton I KADI A TIB HEALTH. i till II I I mill hmu, tkrtMi, I UMk L.»«». fcfe
      50 words
      214 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 570 12 Scale of Cbarocs. 'KEtAIL. ADVERTISEMENTS.— MifIoeI'aieous Wante of Every Deaoription, Houses, band, etr tr et are inserted at the following rota*:— One iDserticn 1.20 per inch. Twc a.OO Tb rf «-80 3b ••*> Sir. B-40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 £aob subsequent month M per mob.) t« above rate is baaed
      570 words
    • 500 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rate> Foct Lia«, on* or twouuertlonr. #1. •> By th* Inch, Brft!c of Ch&rg*'. "DE SUMATRA POST." Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper it) Suumtiß. 6 MOTOR BOAT WANTED' Wanted, a *ii\all Motor Boat in thoroughly gocd condition. Full particnlnrs aud price to P. T.S,
      500 words
    • 550 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. IUTt-i -?oa: L n«i inn in tim Imsilliim. (1. By Mi ">•■ J, Heal* o( Cbarcoa. HOUBE TO LET. Compoand House, No. 90, Spettiswoode Park. Apply to One Tek Ijim, No. 80, High Street. 68 60D0WN8 TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godowne in Cecil
      550 words
    • 610 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. lUT» lst Month. HO par UKb. Satwqaent months, s-.. For shorter p«rio l> *tt Sc&le of ChnntM. NOTICE A Public Meeting of Subscribers to the Chinese New Year Sports will be held at the Chinese Volunteer Club, on Saturday. January 26, at 5.30 p.m., to consider the advisability
      610 words
    • 672 12 §S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTO. ■Ml viioivrnu Brewers to His Maje Uy The King. LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, BTOUT. x3 Syme Co., Principa' Dealo.-.. ApeDi V.O.V. DAN MACFARLAINE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALEK>. Wholesale from SYME and CO., >>«/< ifilr ARTICLES FOR SALE. BtTU:— lour Line*,
      672 words