The Straits Times, 21 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.55 a. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JANUARY 21. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 293 1 Decide NOW on your car* I WEIGH CAREFULLY the claims of all the cars you have seen or heard about. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the heavy tests
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    • 132 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brass Boaah Road. SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter i- uniform meats all Boats and Trains. "DE SUMATRA POST," Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 PRINCESS JU JU, OR THE GOLDEN AMULET, A Japanese Operatta in three
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    • 11 1 0\ d H w B Li z S to Pd o
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  • 1007 2 REPRESENTATIVE ALTHOR OF THE ENGLISH RACE. Apropos of the Nobtl prize, one or two: French writers way more tor Kipling than they would tay for many Kreuch writers of to-day or of the j a-t. This mean* that they say more than even the greatest admirers of Kipling
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 Electric Motor Cars are not more silent when running than HUMBERS. For SIMPLICITY RELIABILITY and ELEGANCE These Cars are unrivalled. 16 have been sold locally and every one of them is giving complete satisfaction. A recent testimonial says I hay- completed 2f>,000 tu.ile» on a Coventry Hambre aud "Car is
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    • 191 2 J. MOTION CO. Watchmaker*. Jewellers. Opticians. tif AIRI PROMPTLY ItSCUTM 1 1 To be clean and feel dean J on a hot dusty day that is j the refreshing feeling which 1 follows the use of Calvert's i| Carbolic Toilet Soap. I Purr, anti<eptic and nicely ptrfumed Sold by local
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    • 23 2 There in only one preparation of Cod Liver Oil that does not occasionally upset tinstomach. That i» Stearn»' Cordial of Cod liiver Extract.
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    • 200 2 Our MALA Y Qdeon records TAKEN IN sINIiAK>RE AND JAVA, ARE TO ARRIVE ON Friday, January 24, Odeon Records m the only doubla-ftided Dines that a.- *Oi.t MSIMi ways exceed expectations. L j— LEVY HERMANOS. 1 Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANTIJN, as ahe vow lied iv th* Roads, with
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  • 859 3 Rl MOIRS OF TROIBLE BETWEEN AMERICA AND JAP4N. In spite of the optimistic a«*uran<:oB beiug given out a; Washington and Tokto regarding the progress of the negotiation* beUveen I Japan auj th-; L'uited Smtos, consiMerable ap)»relien-ion U felt a« to the outcome ot the diplomatic .hauges, sij-s a
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  • 128 3 A remarkable ceremony took place oo December 24, in the vaults of the Opera, ;it I'ai is, whan the records of the voices of i-i>nieni|ioiary Miiyers are stor<id iv the form of gramophone iliskH. 'Hie disks, •■iii-ln-t in two copper boxes, solden (I to prevent the entrance of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 681 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease wto ~TTT ,i~> I l3!l»w3il«ii|iiT 111 Pronounced by the HICHKST MEDICAL AiJTHORITkfeS Torpid Liver. Debility. Eruptions, jc WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOC It. Fortify the System against Disease litl PURE BLOOD. IWILKINSOVSSARSAPARiLLA^^^ZoVRr'f
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    • 310 3 Kuhn Komor, s^F" 10 H..\t- »'wajj it n»'.k vmj MfaM K';rmM-. S r-jfware, »atinm», Cloixoooe, Ivories, &0.. 4< INSPECTiOK RESPECTFULI> SOLICITED M <i<x>de pa::-.*i au<i sbippfld to all parts oi tht World. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., Thi- IVbhc m INVITED to i*:\ ujj inspect Mm .nV-trt crrtntioo« is t'L
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  • 341 4 AMERICAN COMPETITION WITH BRITAIN. A report by the I'nitcd States Vicc-C'ousul Volliuor, of Tsingtnu. would seem to deserve caruful attcntiou of British exporters to the l-'ar Kast. Itritisli manufaeturei's, he says, have lost much ground iv China by making a convenience of that market for the
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  • 187 4 Mr. Loral Fraser, late editor ot the Times ot ln<lia. ruad a \\iy,- ou the Mk inatant., at the Central Asian Society. L.mdon, upon IJi'kisli paraiaouutcy in thu Persian fiulf. He feared that the period was appioachin^ when our |.aruinouutcy woul.l bo ch.-'llen^crl. It WM
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  • 470 4 Passengers Outward. Per 11,I 1 aud O. Nubia. From London, Doc. 21. due Jan. 28 I—Mrs.1 Mrs. H. Godfrey, Lance-l'orp. and Mrs. G. LkJamcro and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Harrison, Lieut. W. Wilberforce, Lieut. E. F. M. Barrett, Mi-, Thring, Mr. A. B. Hayward, Lieut,
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  • 761 4 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agent*. STEAMERS. Agameniuou, Liverpool, Jan 2.1 Mansfield Airlie. Sydney. Feb 20 Bonstead Antiloohus, Liverpool. Feb 7; W. Mansfield Arcadia. Hongkong, Uu 30 P. AO. Coy Austria, Hongkong, Fob Rautenberg 1 Aynthia, Bombay, Fob Borneo Coy .V. Apcar, Hongkong, Jan
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  • 116 4 I he death occurred in Jesselton (iaoi jii Uecemb< t 7. of Datoh ludok, who was tor so ie years Government Chief of the Marudu Bay District. Uatoh Cudok hnd for some time bi l.i giviug trouble to tbe Government aud, in IWi, lie formed
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  • 137 4 Is This Justice i in tliis iit-it'liiit:. the Hongkong Daily t nss, oi the l:fth instant, prints Mm following At Mm l'olic£ Court yesterday Mr. K. A. H.i/elan.l ordered a ricksha coolie to pay M coui|> usatiou for running over a lukong'toot. The lukonn, it appears, was on duty ii:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 CROUP 18 IMMINENT. N\j matter how well your children may a]'!* v i<j be. you are never safe without a bott!e "f Chamberlain's Cough lieuicdy in tbe house. It never fails to relieve and is perfectly safe to give the little oucs. For sale liy all dispensaries and dealer*,
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    • 730 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills it Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerimn Porto. Steamers will leave Singapore on or tbo-ii MAIL LINE. Outward (for Chinij. 19'« Delta Feb
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    • 1212 4 STEAMER SAIUNGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. 'BANDJER. BAMDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular sot vioe between:— Singapore, Bawean, Sonrabaya Bandjermaain, Palo Laut, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermaain fur Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Wanngin, Djelai, Marabahau, Marakasariee, Negara and Bebirik. The steamer* have good aesaroodation for
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    • 768 4 STEAMER SAILIHBB. rdTl NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Herman Mall Line. The tat* and well known mail steamers ot this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong, Shaughai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 30 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal ive, recommended Ist beat mediusJ authorities. Easy to take and :> rtaiu in results. To be had of all chemists. Wholesale from Tbe Pharmacy. Battery Ko*i Singapore.
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  • 1313 5 I'Mir.u UiiM he.ulitiK tho folluwiim alil>r«vi.ti laM ■»*l -tr. -nte.iwer; ab. <hip; l*i.— iKirqii-; aekw— •i-buulwr Vet.— Yacht; <ru. <ruis«r: lilit.-liuu-bo»t; Tur.-Tonwlu H.).. 11.,r,0|..,»«, Brit.Britiah; IT H TT»lt>il ttlatsa, Frh. -Krom-li lioi. <ii.rju.iu llut. -Dutvli Inl. -Ituli.iu Span.— .Spanish; SM.-Saraw«k Cl.c. -t;«Tierul carnu j il.p.— lock pasMngor;
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  • 169 5 Fok Pxb Hi Kiiii.n Time To-momow Ananibtt A Natuna la. hl< < 7 a.m. Bangkok Dvti 7 a.m. Kuantan via ports Rubii 8 a.m. Kuuku. Billion. l'Al'bmif: r« n Hook 11 a.m. siaigun r.nrrlri 11 a.m. Sabnk ami Ujambie Hruuircr 1 p.m. P. b'tenhaiii and I'onair: Ktitna I
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  • 91 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day, TUJOID F»0»* Eaht Wbaut Bmn 1 ah Wo. East Wbabi Section I— Capri Saor. 1 (Sbxibs Wbabt):— Darius. Siotioh No. 2— Fenay Lodge, Hdios t— K. Willem 111. 4— Volga. ft— Charon. 6— Stentor, Titauia. 7
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  • 111 5 From Eoßora— By th« N. D. L. i.s. Kleist, due January 24. From China By the M. M se. BaU^is, due January IT. TIKI TIBLB or KAIUI -l\Jt. b Dec Dee Deo Des Dec Jan JtD Jan J«B Jan ie •20 23 26 30 3 6 9
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  • 50 5 By Uiu Kistua, Captaiu Learmout, Jan. °20. From Penang and Port Swettenbain I Mr. L. WoU, Mr. A. Kidd, Mr. Salder, Mr. Daoe, Mr. Scow Poll, Mm. Joueti, Miwi Boyle, Mr. S. M. Alkalabo, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. lipH, Mr. Tan Chip, and Mr. L. L. Chan.
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  • 199 5 January 18 1 Pocahoutas, Brit str, Bumbury CheangChew, Brit Btr, Hoibow.H'kong, Amoy K. Wilhelmina, Dut str, Amsterdam via ports Laurens Pit, Dut str, lndragiri via ports I Sanuki, Jap str, Hongkong aud Japau I Khenania, Ger str, Japan via ports I Romany, Brit str, P.P. f.o. via P.S.,SuezCaual
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  • 136 5 (Fbom January 21 to Jancauy. 27.) The above is Singapore Standard Time; to obtain Mean Time, subtract siz minutes from the time given in the tables. HIGH WATER. liOW WATER Time H'ght hrs. miv. ft. iub. January I O1 0.88 am 8.7 DMU 21 1 11.51 am
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  • 315 5 Exciting Experiences of the Ceylon Party on New Year's Day. A correspondent sends to a Ceylon contemporary tho following interesting account ot a day with the Maturate hounds On New Year's Day, hounds mot on Goodwood Patauas, and drew iv a small piece of jungle facing Mandara
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  • 194 5 Tho oponiug of the Druee grave recalls many rather grueauiue Htories of dintrtrbance of the dead. George IV., for iustuuee. oueo invaded the vaults of Windsor Castle, had Charles I. s coffin opened, and the martyr's head held up for his inspection. Milton's coffin was o|>ened by
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  • 125 5 The China Navigation Company.-: attaint! Tcan (Captain Outerbridgo> on nor arrival at Hongkong from Manila on the 16th instant proceedod to Kowloon dockft for ropaira. While tht Teau was lyiu^ at her buoy in Manila harbour with lighters alongtridu 1 charginu cargo ou the Brd iustaut at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 457 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. 'I'm: steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai auil Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chofoo, Tieutein, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, &0., An. .Steamers Tone Commander Kctkanu 4,895
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    • 464 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' Bteamer<> sro despatched (rom Lv r, n ,1 ontwarda for the Stmits, Chins and J«paD every wrek, and from Japan home wards for London, .'.meterdum Aud Antwerp evorv fortnight and tor Gouoa. Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 470 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BETWEEN I KKWANTLE (PERTH) NORTH WEST 11 STKALIAX PORTS JAVA AND SINGAPORERegular Fortnightly sailings between Singa pore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Bound. (Port for
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    • 501 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAT TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanconver, H.M.S. "EMPRESS or India" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. "Ekpbiss or Japan"
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    • 41 5 GHAMB?RL»W 8 COUGH REMEDY GUREB COLOB This, remedy acts on nature's plan, ilUye the cough, relieves tbe .ogs, aids cipecfc* 4ttoo, opose tb« MCtetiosi. asd aH$ n*«ur» us Testorlag tha njnte^s. to iejiij' jtmtftfOß. For sale by all dispaosarlet ami dealers
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 28 5 WEATHER TELBORAM. Hongkong Ji-viit." *1, 10 a.m. Barcmoter 80.29 Direction ef Wiod East. Foroe of Wiad 2 Max. Temp is Shad- ti Manila 7U E.6X. 1 2. it
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    • 210 5 DAY BY UAY Tuesday, January at. High Water. 11-51 a.m. Rugby. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m Alhambra Cinematograph Show 7 30. Wednesday, January 22. High Water. 1-5 a.m. 0-26 p.m. Anniversary of King's Accession. Association Football. Continuation at St. Andrew's Cathedral, i 30 Thursday, January 23. High Water. 1-M a.m. 1-3 p.m.
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  • 999 6 The Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21. It would seem that the principal plank in the programme of social reform to be submitted to the House of Commoo.i by UiMajtsty'R Government when parliament reaasemblefl is a scheme for the introduction of old -ago pensions. This question has bean
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 23 6 A Chinaman was knocked down and killed by a motor car belonging to a well-known F.M.S. towkay at Ipoh on the 16th instant.
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  • 26 6 The total amount spent on fireworks by the European community of Bangkok on the occasion of the King of Siam'a return from Europe was Ticals 22,000.
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  • 15 6 T All S.V.C. drills in future will be held at the Drill Hall, Rearh Road.
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  • 14 6 j The steamer I Kn arrived thii mornine i from Australia with 48 horses
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  • 16 6 T>ie price of tin to-day in Singapore is »68j per picul. No business lia-> been done.
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  • 31 6 Tue lii .uli hi Councillor of Pounng has suggested k> t l newly- formed Rural Board in the noithern vttlcmcnt that the cart tax should be «t Iron) $9 to HIO.
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  • 32 6 According to the present plans of the United Stai^< Navy Department, one hundred t.hoitxnnd imr< of con I will bn delivered ai Mriiilh by A pril for use of the battleship rleci.
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  • 45 6 The Hankow Daily News of Dororctwr :tO, tolls us that thp Mevicau (lag wah unfurled for the iir«t time in Hankow on Saturday last, when it was hoisted over tho house of of Mr. 1 iruone. who has been appointed i mi .il for Mexico.
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  • 37 6 The l»Ua ship l'atrol, belonging to the Eastern Exten^ou. AuHtralasian and China Telegraph Company, early ne.Kt month, will make v h«>ginniug with tho laying of a telegraph cable, for the Company between Java and the Coros Island.
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  • 39 6 'Lan Au and Lim Tiang, charqod with counterfeiting :inrl beint! in possession of instrument!! and materials for counterfeiting the Balestiir Rifle Uan"e. were commil'. .1 to Ansi/.CM liy MM ieeond >lagivt.rr»U', Mr. i' .F. J. ftroen. ihis iii.iruing.
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  • 50 6 T ie river wtamrr San-Li, helongingln Mei-ir*.. I'litterfield and Swire, grounded off n I isl.uifl VVa'igmoon, Canton River, ou i i l;>. h in Lin', and H.M. torpedo t. at Fana" to her r.ssiatanee. She was subsequently rruWteii, a ill it wan aseeitni'.ed she 'i:i-l been d.imag<*l.
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  • 58 6 M Nan. Ila Mag* Kliod.s and E. k. Koek tool: up tiie -vl! )lf afternoon with the- acting Chir; Justice, i i i i.c Supreme Cou-t, yesterday, in a legal argument as to whether a iu'jt<t,.. to .hi ftsidri a j i.',;tii i.i was iv affect a rehearing, or ati
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  • 47 6 Mr t_. F. .1. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, sentenced a Hylam named Hoon Inn to two months' rigorous imprisonment for theft of clothing, valued at ♦7, from the qnarters of the Chinese servants at No. 5, Orange Grove Road, the residence of tli<= German Consul.
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  • 45 6 Toe small British steam tug boat, North' umbria, belonging to Sir John Jackson, Limited, arrived this morning frou London, under the command of Captain Webster. She carried a crow of only nine men. The tag is to remain here in connection with the harbour works.
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  • 57 6 Since the beginning of 190? tnere have been exports of rice on the pars, of Bangkok firms to Europe. The total amount o: rice duty paid for the ten days ending January 13 amounted to Tcs. 84,8<id.68. The month promises to be a good one for export, and several
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  • 56 6 At the sixth ordinary general meeting ci the Siamese Tramway Company on the 14th instant, the directors report, which was adopted, showed that the gross receipts for the half-year amounted to Ticals AH ,028.4k, and that Ikm ax a profit of Tica1:<36,170.6'2. The payment oi a dividend of 28 per
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  • 61 6 lt hari been oerlificd officially that the .line of tlii Oovornmont currency notes iv circulation iv li.tngknk on Decomh?r 31 wai Ticals 1.'i.10i.t.",.!. h. my a decrease ot' Ticals a*:!, Wl as ci>iri|iared with the amount at the end of Notunincr. Of the total, Ticals 9,871,866 i« n i.-i'iii'ii in
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  • 59 6 The cane of alleged arson is still occupying the :ii lentil hi ot .Mr. Justice >Scrcombe Smith and jury, at the Assize Court. There was au interesting episode, yesterday afternoon, iv which Mr. A. C. Rndra. oount*el for the uccuHed, and Mr. Justice Sorcombe Smith usod Homo plain language. The
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  • 66 6 Comment is needlrss in the following instance of an honest endeavour to obtain live vows Mr. Harry Hayuex, recently manager of the Hongkong Hotel, and now of the Victoria Hotel, of Canton, wires, in response to a wiro if ho is dend a rumour to that effect itt current, says
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  • 75 6 It ha* boen awertained at Ipoh that the murder of a mine oonlie at Kampat on New War's Day cannot in any way be connected with the tin slump. It wait up parently a murder >>i the ordinary type, the money known to be poHsessed by the ii"vr;i .nl having
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  • 82 6 Deli planters have been gladdeuod by the abolition of the extra export duty on their tobacco which bad been in force since 1906. In that year, the duty was raised from one guilder to two guilders per 100 kilogrammes. The abolition took eriVi-i on January last, but the relief to
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  • 91 6 The Chinese Imperial Commissioner, on leaving Java, paid a visit to Muatok, the port of Banka, where the tin mine? are worked by Chinese coolies who, thongh they had an unhappy lot a little while ago are now fairly treated and well off. They look no interest in the visit-
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  • 426 6 Dr. Reid i- acting temporarily at Klin* in place of Dr. Wition Mr. H. C. Robinson has boon appointed to act as the Director of Mimcnirais, I\M S Mr. aud Mrs. r,i«, r ni Ipoli, havo jutt returned from a pleasure trip to India Mr. R. Laidlaw,
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  • 82 6 Mr. R. 0. Wright, a Java rubber planter, who is weli-kuown in the Straits Settlerarnt'- *nd i>vl.-,n tuMy arrived at Ban Jakaii la NMfl on tho Mekong Rubber I sUii. vtter Kippectiag it, say 8 the British North Borneo Herald, he proceeded to Kudal to report, on the Langkon Estate.
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  • 43 6 Mr. S. J lf. of the f .M.S. Civil Sorrfei him been granted iliree nmnth leove flora January lit, and is proceeding to England, whom he is to be. married. Mi 11. 8. Sircotu it acting an District Officer, I'e.knn. in las stead.
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  • 71 6 The contract for the new building for th<> Bangkok branch of the (.'hariered Hank has been given to Hmm llowarth loUm, I.t-d. The now building, which will bo plm-i-ii on the itite of Messrs. Kalck and Beidtk'l present premises, will, nlicn .oiiipl.iid, make a very handsome addition In Iha rhw
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  • 94 6 Captain Robimton, of the stemm-i Stag*pnre. was charged at Mm BritM I'mirtfor .-m.-vii, on tin' Kill) innlaui, with linviok on board his vessel five kliol gun* m 4 i wo ial'« of gun caps, which not ieehmd :it the CiwtoroH. The, Captain plendod nut guilty, and slated that ho
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  • 82 6 Even in thinga medical, China is besurrinp itnelf. Hitherto, anyone there could kpi himself up as a doctor without undergoing an examination, with the result that ignorant people practise tne medical protrusion to the injury of the public The authorities in Kiangsu province hive sought to iPmedy this by Usuing
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  • 114 6 From Bat a via comus n«ws 01 a rrtrilw ot postal delivery messengers at Wetevredeu, on Janu&ry 7. Several of them ba.t been detected Leepiug undelivered letters at ibnir houses. The stricter control resulting from the discovery so annoyed the meaßongnrs that they, thirty-six in number struck work. New messengers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 SOHNLEIN Co.'s Bheingold and Sparkling Assmannshauser. (Sparkling Grrmnn Wniosj. <2KS) Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. ~li Just Jirrived! ARROL-JOHNSTON CAR, I Ft Fitted witli i'a]<e Out Hood and Cromweil Wind Screen, painted Arrnl-.iohniton Red o CENTRAL EHGINL WORKS, Agent*. 1 I J. Travers Sons, Ltd, SOLE 1 D Almeida Street
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    • 163 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAO. To-Night! To-Night!!' QR&V.I-n HAMIEOI PROGRAMME 18T BHOW, 7.30 ToTp.M. 1 His First Row Thu Troubador a The V i. .i a A Hquallv U--.-.. The Hali-Ca te's Revt-nge 6 An Aeronaut's First Appearaiioo Spot at tin- Telephone 8 Cowboys and Reriflkinn 9 The Talisman 2ND BHOW.
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    • 41 6 We are asked by the Spirit Farmer to contradict the statement in last night's issue that the Governor's bottle of claret was taken by a obinting. In another column will be found a report giving the name of the real culprit.
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  • 377 7 EX-VICEROY ENTERS THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Large Majority oi Feliovt Peers Support Him. 1 From Oih Ow» fIIMII IWDMI 1. 1. I. don, Jiiiiuary 7.5 p.m. It M re(.oririt from Inihlin, though the official IgMM will not bo .ivailnblc till to-morrow, th^t Lord Cnr/on of Xi die-ton, cx
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  • 59 7 The Brazilian Police Discover an Anarchist Plot. D»o Qmwm LtoYC TsiißOkkXt Berlin, January 20Information comes from New York that I Russian naval otfi>-:r accompanies tl* United States fleot. ;R«ni»Bs tamd London, JMMKJ ~0. The police st Rio de Janeiro report the discovery of an anatchist plot to
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  • 121 7 Rapid Growth oi the Movement in| Fngland. I'll, ithit imii'BM I«MB ImMMM] ft- rim. January :!0. The Tariff H.forni Party in the British Parliament are more hopeful of MMMfc There is much elation ovor their recent MMMI the l.iher.ils. and thero is a general movement iv the country
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  • 31 7 Drr OIIMUnMi Lloyd Telrgroi'i Be'Hn, January 20, Mr. Borapard tho French Ambassador to Russia, succeeds M. Beau as GovernorGeneral of Indo-China. M. Beau resipns in the Spring.
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  • 51 7 (Dm Ostasutischi Lloyd TbukikamJ Berlin, January 20. Exciting debates have taken place in Berlin at the German Navy League, after which the President resigned. All the member; o f the League in Bavaria nave sen i in there resignations. The next Conference which will be held at
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  • 30 7 [Dm* O»tasui»cbb Llotd Tiu<»«m'' Berlin, January 20. Opposition i? growing in Russia against the proposals for a reconstruction of the Navy, as foreshadowed in the Naval Budget proposals-
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  • 962 7 A •i»ij police constable named F. H. j fuxworth appeared before the Third Magis- 1 rntf, Mr. E. Colman, this morning, on ■lu.r... of theft of a bottle of claret, valued Lt 45 cents, belongiug to His Excellency tbx governor, :U Johnston's Pier on Sunday last,
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  • 60 7 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate' sentenced a Hylam woman to two weeks, rigorous imprisonment, this morniong, for attempting suicide by jumping into the sea off Beach Road, yesterday morning. She told the Magistrate that her husband had died and she was badly treated
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  • 99 7 Five Chinese were before Mr. C. F. J. Green, MM Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, ou charge of participating in an affray in Tan Qaee Lan Street on the night 'of the ISth instant. Sergeant Gilroy prosecuted and Mr. V. D. Knowles appeared for the accused. Ote of
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  • 61 7 RESOLUTION OF THE WBOUR CONFERENCE. Pensions at Sixty-Five and for the Physically Infit. lUl'TKh'.i Tf.filiM London, Jnnnary 20. j The l.nUiin Conference, which is being jheld at Hull, rms passrd unanimously a resolution in favour of Old. Age Pensions. j without direct contributions, for all persons of ft;",
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  • 49 7 1 JFkom Oit>i Own Cohrkspondknt.i London. JmMNWJ 20. 7..">. p.m. Telegrams from Votacrp NMi thai the steainor Japan it- :nhoro in tho liivor Seholdt at Autwerp. TugH havo gone to her assistance. This telegram nroUHiilj rpfan lo tho P. and <>. Company's freight steamer Japan.
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  • 148 7 Another Tanglin Burglar Sent to Prison. \nother Tanglin burglar m cimyht la«t night at No. Grunge Road. .Mr. L. M. llinnel;indt hoard n noise on the floor above him. iis ho was dining. Mr asked I his brother to pa up and investigate, and v Hylam
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  • 373 7 Considerable Rise in Metai Price Expected. There is every probability that the price of tin will become almost double the present value after the Chinese New Year festivities have ended I This is the opininu of a well-known j Chinese miner of Johore. who told a repre-
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  • 147 7 Before Mr. Justice Fisher, this morning, Lira Joo Chip sued Tan Seng Leong and Lim Wee Tcong, the suit being for a declaration that the judgment entered an by consent of solicitor against tho plaintiff, in suit No. 828 of 1906, on October 22, 1906, was
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  • 96 7 The road at the back of the Victoria Memorial Hall has been cleared of the debris which block' .1 it during the reconstruction of the Town Hall, and the work of demoli tion of the temporary Government Printing godown is almost completed, so that this portion of Singapore
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  • 23 7 The leave of absence of Mr. S. T. Debney, of the F.M.S. Civil Service, has been extended for three month? from March 1
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  • 997 7 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT A HINDU SECT The Chetty, always a conspicuous if not an indispensable feature uf life in Singapore, ban been looming unusually large in the public eye during the past few days, on account of tin recurrence of hie annual Taipnsain MiraL The God Siva, known
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  • 103 7 Writing from Amoy, on the 9th instant, a correspondent saya that the third engineer of the steamer Hatching was taken ill with what turned out to be plague, and was taken to the Amoy Hospital on Monday last, but died on Tuesday. His name was Mr.
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  • 89 7 Dr. I owiic's Nomination forTanjong Pagar Ward. As meutioned editorially in our issue of Saturday, Dr. P. Fowlie has signified his intention of entering public life by standing for the vacancy, created by the retirement of Dr. T. Murray* Robertson, from the representation of the'Tanjoug Pagar (No. 1)
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  • 726 7 Important Case at the supreme Court. A irwHt interesting and highly important action is being openod in tho Supreme Court. :is we go to press, before thr acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law in which the Pro eureui, iv Sing" pore., of f.H SooMt des Missions
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  • 101 7 At a meeting of the Perak Planters' Association at Ipoh, on Mouday last, it was agreed to obtain the opinion of planters ou the proposed reduction of wages of free coolies. In tiie course of the discussion on the question, Mr. C. L. Gibson pointed out
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  • 100 7 There wax ao atfray in Chin Nam Street, at 6.10 p.m., yesterday, in which consider able blood wag shed. One man was sent to the hospital by the police and another, who was badly in need of medical attendance, escaped. Three arrests were made. Clubs and
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  • 144 7 CONSERVATIVE CLUB BESIEGED BY LIBERALS. Policeman Injured Sergeant -Major killed. ■Rjii-e's Tmmbam London, January XX t, r aiii' of roi'.-ii v 1.-..1 die Con servatives in their iub at Newton Abbott, iv Devonshire, for a ptiio.i of t!v«< Uour^ during which tune they -miashed all
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  • 112 7 The Times Reproxes China as an Ingrate. lUrriß's Tki.kurau. London. January 'Jl Discussing the differences between China snd Japan, Tho Times emphasises the as tutencss of the former in inducing otiicr* la extract ihe chestnuts from the tire China, to-day, would have no standing in Manchuria but for
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  • 92 7 Recriminatory Generals Abuse Each Other. IRetTTJK'a Tir.KOE«M{ London, January 20. The progress of the trial of General Stoessel and the other genera! officers iv connectiou with the surrender of Port Arthur to the Japanese during the Kusso-Japancse war is marked by bitter recriminations be tvreen Generals momml
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  • 16 7 London. January 21 The Premier, Sir Houry Cnm|>beii-Banner-man. has returned to London.
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  • 284 7 Chinaman Charged with Possession of Firearms. Christian Chinese planter, living on the Oka* Chew Kanß Hoad. near the 11th ii.ilr-.tum-, prosecuted one Ho Ah Tin before the Seoond Magistrate. Mr. 0. F. J. Green, •Mtwd*] afternoon, for shooting his bullock. To this "charge the pnlfrni :idded another, that
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  • 80 7 A correspondent in Newton writes complaining of the existence uf a plagu« spot at the bend of the road behind the inata nrnta's sentry box at the Bukit Timah K.,;i I end of Campong Java Road. The festering drains theic, he says, Hindi vilely, and when tho
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  • 1336 8 SPEECH BY THE GOVERNOR IN PENANG. Financial Depression Not Ended. Tin. 1 sMnsi presented, alou£ with a silver <• i-Im t to His Kxcclloncy tlic (ioveruor by Mm I >iroctors and shareholders el the lantern Smelting Compauy, LiuiiteU. m Friday, on tlie occasion (if the openiu*; of
    1,336 words
  • 456 8 Increase in Tobacco and Rubber Planting. The British North Borneo Herald, iv reviowiug tho past year, states that the country has gone forward iv many differcut direc. tions, a]ul there are visible sigus iv the year to come of further advancement. The &*W eminent are providing
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  • 217 8 A crowded meeting of the principal Chi uo*e merchants and traders in Sandakan was held at the Court House on Friday, December 20. It was called by Mr. W. H. Penney, the Protector of Chinese aud Superintendent of Immigration, to consider the advisability of
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  • 131 8 Ou Christmas night, about 8-30. an able seaman, named Frank Bailey, belonging to H.M.S. Morliu was accidentally drowned through falliug off the end of the wharf at Sundakan. It was very dark, and, although lie was seen by two men of the sln'ii. who wore on the
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  • 60 8 H.XT.S. Monmoath arrived, this moruing, from Hongkong, and anchored iv the roads She is of 10,00 c tons, and bag a orow of 600 men and carrier H guns. Captain Tuke ib is command. She leaves for luaiaooi, Pott Swettenham, Fuua&g a^nd Colombo, os the 26th instant. At the Utter
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 60 8 H.M.S. Merlin v. Marudu Bay. A two-iunings cricket match was played ou December 14. betweeu a team from H.M.S. Merlin aud residents of Marudu Bay. The Navy wou by nine wickets. Iv the tirst innings, the Navy scored 50, and the Marudu Bay team were disposed of for ;12.
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    • 63 8 International Matches. The dates and venues fur this seasou s international hockey matches at Home have been arranged as follow- Feb. H.— Scotland v. Wales, at Glasgow. Feb. 22.— Wales v. Ireland, at Wuitohurch. Mar. 7. England v. Wales, at Bath. Mar. 7.— lroland v. Scotland, at Belfast. Mar.
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    • 83 8 Team Kace Competition*. I'hc romlnion- ut the teuui iiiot which ix Iv tuke plaeouu February 2 aiul 10 und at subsequent datoH, ut the Club, fur the six cups which huve been presented tv the Club by Mr. F. M. Uliott. htivi; hteu drawn up. K;icli tL'itiu will eousisl
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    • 49 8 Tanglin Club Championship. The following rutrios h.ivi- mm liwilil fur the Uowliug Cliauipionsliip, the Tantflin Club, which takes phi, ou l-'riday. ;tt 'J p.m. -11. Al. Caulrull. V. A. Flower. 11. r' L Uafuer. 11. A. U.i om it. T. Roid. r. K. W. Taylor. A. H. Wither.,.
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    • 117 8 Keppel Uolf Club. Play for tbu Jauuary MMsJ iv tuuuuuliou with the Koppol Golf Club, resulted us follows •I. 11. I". i.. 76—10 G. G. Jollie 71 i 87 G. K. H. Wobb 80 10 70 11. S. Uauxwoll Bt> 15 71 ILToiiguf 87 13 74 11. li. Saliuuii'l
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    • 137 8 Bangkok Race Owners Meeting. A meeting of ownors and prospective racehorse owners took place on the lyth iustant. at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, when there was an exceptionally representative attendance. Somo discussions eusued ou the proposal to have professional jockey for gallon uy eveuts. The meeting was
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    • 240 8 S.C.C. v. the Garrison. A i.' -am represontiug the Garrison met a fifteen of the S.C.C., in what proved an interesting Rugby football match ou the Esplanade yesterday. The < Samson were uot up tv full strength and were thus handicapped against a superior team. The teams were
      240 words
    • 210 8 A Naval Match. A splendid ten round contest between B. Coyne, (Xaval Yard), and J. Sholter, (King Alfred), opened proceedings at a boxing display at Hc.igkong, the other evening, and each of th. teu rounds was fnllof fijiht. Coyne bad the greater variety of attaok and defence, but towards
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  • 141 8 The sudden death, on 14th iustunt, of Mr. K. L. Woodiu. who mauy years a«o was pruininently counseled with the P. and <>. Compauy in Hougkoug, is announced. The deceased arrived iv the Colony on tin liih. from Sourabnya, where he had t>< v
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 348 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, THE HIPPODROME Cinematograph Co., BEACH ROAO. Don't Pail to see this week's Programme. THE HIPPODROME, NEXT TO RAFFLES. IN I UK KSTATE OF TAN TONG WHA'I I', Dkckasld. Uy Order of the kxecutora— Ong Uook Koue .mil Kob Jciil; \\v. MKSSUS. H. L. COGULAN ANU CO., Will includu
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    • 275 8 JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. FOR THE BEST CARTRIDGES. 'ZT John Little Co., Shooting. uuiTF.i.. Cartridges. ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH Beaoh Road. GRAND CHANGE Ti\ MIOUT OF PROGRAMME I If "niHlIl KVKNTS IN MOIiOCCO t ilvcn at the fruul. I'he Buuibarduionl uf I asahlauea. Fall of Cnsab'aiica. The Asc< >it of tin- War
      275 words
    • 61 8 MOTOR BOAT WANTED a HMD Hb*M B->»t ii- tb.rougbi'. geod ronditiou. I Full particu!ar« »ud piic« lo '1 ti Straits Tim?-. 12=* KELANTAN RUBBER BYNDIC.BTL PLINTH R WANTED. Wanted, for a Rubber K.tai* iv h. jnerjetic ani ixpsrio-i-ed Planter. Eiap.t aiau preferred. Oood silary will be give::. Afftv, etiting
      61 words

  • 279 9 MN<itPoM, January 20. I9o>i PRODUCE. ■•tuibi* r buyers "1.80 do (Cube No. 1 unpicked 9.78 < o?ia Bali 7.«0 do Pontiannk 7.30 Kpper, Black buyers 1 1.00 do White 5% buyers '975 ->aao Flour Sarawak 2.97^ ■Jo Brunei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago 4.15 Coffee Bali, picktd •">() 'otfee,
    279 words
  • 118 9 I XuT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the AmMHMBI List containing tho annual valuation of, and amount of assessment to be iuvied on, all bouses, buildings and lands situated within tin Municipality of Singapore, tor the year 1908, is open to the inspection of Rate-payers at the Municipal
    118 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 355 9 Date of forma- 1 ion Capital I Number SnoMribad of 1 j Bbft lane I Fsld Bhans Value np«o Uniwaed Qcotinoas 1903 »300,000 $400,000 1907 1800,000 1116,000 1901 MOO.OOO »800,000 1908 £400,000 £850,000 1906 480,000 480.000 1907 1400,000 •875,000 1901 460,000 460,000 1906 £100,000 £100,000 1906 1150,000 199,000 1908
      355 words
    • 391 9 1805 £160,000 1905 •200,000 1904 £30,000 1903 £70,000 1906 (150,000 1904 £12,000 1905 £76,000 1806 £810,000 1906 £180,000 1907 £320,000 £116,626 •106,000 £15,160 £61.000 • £10,500 £55,000 £248,227 £180.000 £201,500 if 46,500 98,600 10,500 T.OOO 1 11,000 61,000 11,600 I I 6,000 I 8,000 56,000 I 181,454 1 118,548
      391 words
    • 191 9 1894 £5.377.10.0 1898 •335,000 1865 115,000.000 1905 12,400,000 1896 •1,000,000 1W; 134,000 1899 »876,000 190S •6C0.000 1891 130,000 1913 £750,030 1884 •300,000 1890 i •300,00 1887 13,000,000 1904 »40,000 44.80S IMS.OOO 113,000,000 13,100,000 »1, 000,000 •34,000 7,688 4.600 40,000 I 40,000 f 18,000 I 6,000 J 6,000 I 4,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon. ENGLISH CLIMATE. Ihr Sanitarium oj thi East. MM feel above sea level, hlr-a! heafch resort for invalids and persons requiring rest aud change of air. Icuuis. Croquet, Trout Fishing, and the tiaeßt .1: I uk- in v..- Enst. Botanical Gardens, Ac. Uirtcttraiuaorvicefrom Colombo (ten hours), a nil
      187 words
    • 168 9 ST. ANOREWB HOUBE. A Church of tDgianu Boarding Houae for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, Kt. Andrew's Houae or to the Colonial Chaplain. FOR SALE AS A GOING CONCERN. Well-known and old-established Boarding House
      168 words
    • 175 9 The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily iwv« per year $30.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 3.60 do per eofj 0.10 Weekly iMiws pp* year 13.00 do per quarter 3.00 do per copy, 0.36 When tent by, poet, there is added foi
      175 words
    • 129 9 CHEE ENG SONS, (EatablUhed if>B9. Civil, Hmsl, Military and Sporting Tailors, I ONTRACTORB TO THE VOLUNTEER FORCED. NO. E, GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. Beg to iiGtiiy tbat they .1 opened a Branch Office at the above address, in addition to their other premises at 620-4, North Bridge Road, for
      129 words
    • 209 9 Kame a Co* JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year. A Splendid Asaortment.of And Artificial Flowers d2> of in Bunches %S "D"DipC!TP"KrrTio Quit? Natural in Appearance. JTSXIIi Q Hi IM X O A VISIT IS KINDLY SOLICITED. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. IV YOU INTEND TO SELL TOCB LAND
      209 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 546 10 BANKING COMPANIES., HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rATD t* CivPITAL ..•10.000,008 KEBEBVE FUND Sterling Reserve •1C.000.000 I M1 m y^ miv^rßeaerve •11,750,000j WIJW.WO MoiArve Liability o! Proprietor* 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. O. H. Medctrat, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Zwwio*.— Deputy Chairman A. IWis, Eag. A. 3. Kaymona, E»q. K
      546 words
    • 629 10 BANKING COMPANIES, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 shares of £Jot*.-c ..£1,200,000 Reserve Fund «1,476.000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietor* £1 .00.000 BANKERS. Lan£ oi England. National Bank ol Scotland. Tbt London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. gIKGAPORE BRANCH. Ocrrent Aooocnt*
      629 words
    • 933 10 MUSIC AND DRAMA. FINE TRAGEDY PRODUCED IN ROME. Considerable Criticism Expected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, December 21. (iabriele D'Aunuuvie has written a now tragedy, "La Nave (the Ship), which was produced at the Argentine Theatre, Home, at the end of December, and it is considered by those who have
      933 words
    • 815 10 The Quetn's love for muaie— Hor Majesty Ea 8 brilliant pian:-t -led b>;r to make freI qiipnt v isita t-3 tbe opera and to the concerts at I Queen's Hall. On live occasions during the I I <■! ■anil -oa-'in. ber Majesty accompanied the I King to Covcnt Garden, and
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    • 657 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTtOHSALE or lONDEMNED STORWB, To be held THt CABLI DEPOT, KEPFEL HARBOUB On Wtdnttday, January 22, at 2.30 p.m. Two Boilers, Boiler Tobee, Bcr»p Iron Cha:n*, R. pe, Old Copper and Brass, Lamps Bnlrie ■BnU'rien, «to., etc. Powell 6* Co., 93 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE or ii.OOC PAKi
      657 words
    • 532 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASBCRA>'CE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT. GUARANTEE. Fuode Eioeed l'ia,ooo,ooo. W.A.SIMS. V IB7C Manner. Eastern Bran .-a. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO flabsonbed Capita 4J2.750.000 Revenue 45.061.0U- 19-8 I Abe undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Biskf at current rated. 692 EEHN, MEYER A Co.,
      532 words

  • 977 11 LINKING OF EAST AND WEST BY THE MOTOR CAR. Correspondent's Query Regarding Syrens. Ka-t i<- I'.ast auil"W'r.*t is West- and the twain are meeting meeting in tlie car, of which such a liWlf time ago the Ka«t bad hardly heard. Nowadays, where the Kuio|»eau takm his itadc he takes
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 269 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four -cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. United and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary aceeßHoriea and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P. three seaters. in Stock Tnai Runn bj *rrangemeat. HrieeH and full particular from j
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    • 56 11 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUB JSHER Mr. H. G. Harris, publisher of the Advertiser, Kentville, N. S., makes the following statement I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for myself and family and find it to be one of the best medicines for cough* and colds that I ev».r tried." For
      56 words
    • 269 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. JUST ARRIVED Ev MOYUNW. flrrol-gohnston hu^^r MOTOR CARS and aaq MOTOR LORRIES. OMIX, CENTRAL cr Witt *n *oc««»ori»(i. ENGINE WORKS. X8 The favourite C»r whatever mtrodmyot AbsoluWj silent when running. MOTOR GAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. mm* fee «c«. e s «ir (es ACCUMULATORS RECHAfIBEO, w<rww
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 587 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsceI ineoas Wants of Every Description, Houses, biad, etc., to let. are inserted at the following cOec On* Io»crt on I.W per inch. Two ».00 Thre* t.BO Sli •.*> Nine 840 TweWe 7.J0 TwentT-Hre 10.00 'Each subsequent month IS per inoh.) Tie abore rmte is
      587 words
    • 460 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. fUfu Fomr Liu*, oae or two laMrtlou, t\ .00 Br th*ißoh,*MBeatootCbargM. OFFIOE TO LET. No. 4-a, Raffles Place, at present occupied by Mr. W. C. Niblett. Apply to Meyer Brothers. 13 OFFICE ft 60D0WN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply
      460 words
    • 555 12 TO BE LET OR 80L0. Kins.— Four Lira, on or iaMniou, (I. Bf tta* Inch, «m Sotl* of Ch&rfw. GOMPOUNO HOUSE TO LET. UPPER NORWOOD, No. 8, St. Thomas Walk, from February I, 1809. Comfortable European Residence, with stabling complete Apply to No. 81, Robinson Road. GODOWN ANO OFFICE TO
      555 words
    • 809 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. lUtis :-lit Month, no p«r lD<rh. Saba*qo«nt ■onth«, |6. For iliorUr pwiodj «m Scale of Ch&rf*>. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who find it necessary to leave the Colony for any length of time, oan hare their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge
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    • 567 12 S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., HAVB BEEN APPOINTED Brewers to Him Majesty The King. The Celebrated M •■hand brand Lager Beer, Pale Ale, Stout, Are obtainable from the L>. Principal Dealers. Xj) Syme A CO., ±W. V.O.V. DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. mioksak /row SYME
      567 words
    • 352 12 SMALL TRADE ADVTS. T.\U-: i-ir>! Mcntii, pel inn. »üb»et)<:em mmiii-, f5.(«. per mcl. PHOTO DEPOT, 101, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. > Rior io rt! of Photographic Apparatus acd ?W 041 6 I"°**. Pl»tes, Paper, Chemicals. Films, Mounts, Photo Frames c' Prices very modente. Pric Lists post-free! KONG HI NO CHIONG CO.
      352 words