The Straits Times, 17 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.550. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 17. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 344 1 Decide NO W on your car. I WEIGH C AKEFULJjY the claims of all the Oftra you have seeu or heard about. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the
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    • 118 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. •THE CATCH OF THE COLD SKASONV 2nd Royal West Kent Band. Saturday 1 8 Saturday. During ami aft< r dinner on the lawn, specially laid out lot the Oeocufoa. OO IT NOW. I'honr up No. 58 for Mfc Mi Mr. W. H. M. Browne (of Messrs. FROST and
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    • 62 1 NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has cbanged ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). The House has been thoroughly renovated, and will be made comfortab'e in every respect. The management intend to keep up the good name this Hotel has always
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  • 826 2 SUGGESTIONS FOR CHECKING IRRESPONSIBLE TRADING. Writing from Shanghai on December 31, Messrs. Ilbert and Company embody Home very useful commercial intelligence in their weekly market report The year which closes to-day, they write, will long be remembered as one of the worst in the history of the import
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 EAGLE CEMENT. f Jot all Jiigft-dass VOork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRANIS, HORSE REPOSITORY. 5. ORCHARD ROAD. ■mJm! Iku.U-iI.Kx S.S. Euryalus" well— Let. il numbtr of Hoifecs bud Cook, all broken iv to liurnoss ami £u<Uil<\ is
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    • 639 2 THE HEALTH OF THE CHILDREN Is or First Imiobtance. So Says Thb Rev. Mother Supkriok Of St. Joseph's, Mandalay. Shr Rklatks Uow Tbr Cbildkkk In Hbr Convent School Arb Kept Strong akd Healthy By OR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS. The St. Joseph's Convent School, of Mandalay, Burma, iR an ednoational institute
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    • 136 2 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. You will sec by the following that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite in the palace ax well as with the humbler people in India: For the pant four years I have boon getting large suppliex of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, not only for
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    • 213 2 DIABOLO N TENHIS THIS AFTERNOON S DIABOLO DIABOLO i DIABOLO T r e DIABOLO lhe raze 0t 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. A CompMe <k g I j GAME \J)O. 1 GONOSAN x OTION The modern scientific remedy for uri Watchmakers. nary diseases. Oonosan gives visible results in
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  • 1275 3 NEWEST STYLES OF EVENING GOWNS. Embroideries Worked in Copper and in Aluminium. The latest evening modes this season seem to be more than usually attractive, partly, no doubt, because there is so much variety in the newest styles, but even more because of the gay brightness and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 312 3 THE KOBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., RAFYLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Tho Public are INVITED to call and inspect the latent creations in I* LA YER-PIANOS. THE BIUNSMEAD ANGBLUS. A combination of the An<;, lu« Player and the celebrated Brinsmcad Piano. THE KASTNER AUTO PIANO. Roth the above have a high reputation in
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    • 254 3 YAMATO Co., 41, High Street, Have a ftili »t<x.-k of BEAUTIFUL ORNAMENTAL FURNITURE md SUITABLE WEDDING PRESENTS, Especially for taking home. A Visit Kindly Solicited. GOODi CAREFULLY PACKED AND SHIPPED. With tbost- preparing to go home, we can arrange to supply onr skilful packing men on a moioratc charge. gust
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  • 524 4 Passengers Outward. Per I. und O. steamer liritauma. c ouuoctiug with the steamer Peninsular at Colombo. From London, fee. 20. duo Jau. 17: Messrs. J. C, Watt, V.I). Krtuch.J. A. Guise, F. A. Teale, A. C'ondiu, \V. Liddle, Miss Templar, Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Marten aud
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  • 159 4 The Secretary lor Scotland, we learn from Mm (tlasgow Her, 1. has had to cover many ;i weary mile during the. last week or two in order tv get into touch ith hi> electors, and loea-i.inally the wee short hour has boon close at hau.l
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  • 177 4 Au Auglo-Aiuei correspondent writes to au exchange Wl have the biggest man in the world, an.l this is not boasting this time. He is IoMWI as Kaby .Tim Simmons, negro, who weighs T-IO [xmuds i almost 54 stone i. There arc hut tew
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  • 146 4 We uumiuneil yest« rday that there was an tluiieut of NMM iv tin- late I.ud Kelvin's marriage. »ays a recent issue ot' the We^tujiuisiei (la/.ette. The story i* worth tolling. It wa- at the Cai;:ivv Islamls tliai IhtfMl -cieutist met his bi .ile to Ik. ami hot
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  • 42 4 Wby ;i ship slioiiM Ik; a tcii.alt U I problem which piiz.lrs OMJM people. b;r. MM can. we xiipiwse, be no doubt that it U due to tlii- fact tliat ilii paint :iud v .>« ■1c troubl- has OtiMJI iv tin Royal Navy.
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  • 782 4 Sanu 1 itori, probable AaU of arrival, and name oj Agem». STEAMERS. \yian:-... ii, Liverpool, .Tan 28 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Feb 20 Bonstead Amiloebus. L>verp-01. Feb 7 W. Mausflold Arcadia, Hongkong, lan 30 1". ,t <). Coy Austria. Hoogkong I'eb Rautenberg Aynthia, Bangkok, lOfl Borneo Coy A* Apoar,
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  • 86 4 SUpaoaHn turn in Singapore will i>: interested to IoMW that the time hall towor built on Signa' Hill, Kowloon. is ready for use. It rises to a height ol In feet and can o se<.-u from almost every part of the harbour. It is of special
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  • 131 4 Fo> slieei' deviuy and insuue fcro< ity Ibe liv.ii- -t.iinU preeminent, and for courage))'. baa no ***** among animals. A wild boar charging has been known to bi ing an el. pliant down on its knees, and oue well authenticated tight is recurdi d BtOWOOB
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 Moot DnM luive active medicinal piin oij-1- 1 m liu~ Co.l U*OC Oil. SUaub* Coiilia. of CoJ Liver Extract cuntaius al! that is useful iv Cod Liver Oil without its diaagr<'< able portion. Perfectly ii&lßtablc. htMMX weipht ami ROOOgth.
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    • 747 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P& o STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills at Lading issued for CbiD.i Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and America." Port*. Steamers will leave Singapore cv or about MAIL LINE. ."Hifu-ard (for Chim). 19'« Ptnintilar Jari
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    • 1165 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. I PASSENGER SERVICE i By the new steamers "RHENANIA," HABSBURG," HOHENSTAUFEN." Thc:c IiOMMB* oStf to the tho highest Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided ~<ith only lowr berths. The oabins are amidships and dtted with fans. Lnundrv on
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    • 781 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NJD.T. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD imperial Oorman Via Line. The fast and wall knewn mail steamer- < f thi* Company sail fortnightly from Brc-inen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthcmp lon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplee, (conn<vtion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Par Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Pentium, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, »n]
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    • 44 4 NO POISON. !.f.ujl> ilain'-, < iiiyli liciui ily lias beeu doolorotl (AooMolj boo liom any injurious sib-tan?' by O tontßOot ami expert chem UiHi «'-d ujotli< Mod lm\<- mi ln.sitanoy in j.'!vi'it' it to th. -.iiialUst infant. For sale by al ■!> n -arios I aoolon.
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  • 1105 7 I'.vDrnthM bwuliUK thsfullu»iuc abbreviations ar» n-tH-t hU. ste.itllwr .-«li. ship; b(l. -iMirqil* 1 neb. »cb.K)n«r; Vet.-- Vuchl; Cru.-Crufwr <n>t.-<iuu-boat; l'T. -lurpa-lo: ll. p. -H..r»o-po»or Brit. British; IT. «.-Uuitwl staUi Feb.— Fraucb Oer. (iorm.iii I)ul.-Uul<'li Ll.l. luhin Sn;ui. Hut.— H^riiwak li.c. -Uoneral euiyu; il.p. ilo. k ii.n--»»UK»r: It
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  • 60 7 January 16 Japan Dut atr, Batavia via porte Malacca. Brit Mr. Port Swettenbam via ports Sdandale, Brit str, 6amarang fta ftttt Bolva, Nor utf, Bangknk Kam Sang. Brit ate, Uungk-i.^ Batavier Datetr Eo'-actsa 17 BalraU, Brit e:r. bcirahaya Pslai, Brit itr, BombavvU ports Veroaa, Gei-ftr. Manila aad Yotoia^e THifcy,
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  • 105 7 From Eobopi By the P. A O. a.a. Pemuunlar dae on January 17. From China— By the N. D. L. s.e. V E. Fhedncb. dae on January 19. I >c X-c H fan BlDgapore Di 16 M. it. 20 P. *O. 93 N. D. L 26 B.
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  • 92 7 Wharves at which Ves^eb are Berthed To-day. Taajjoat r»oan East Whabf Basin— Hong Bee. Eaht Wham Section I— Newton Hi.ll, Sea Belle. Sara. 1 (Shubs Whabt): Pataui. Section No. 2 Amiral L. Treville. J— Nil. N 4 Sbinohiku Maru. 6— Nil. 6— Charon,
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  • 80 7 Foh \'zn Stkamka Time To-Moaaow Penang Pa He 7. a.m. Indragin Aing Thy. noon P. Swettenham, Peoang Pin Seng 1 p.m. P. S'tenham and Penang Perak 1 p.m. Rabang. Suez and Genoa K. Wil*-?'. ajM 2 p.m. Bangkok via port-. YugaU 3 p.m. Panang and Deli fith, 3
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  • 75 7 Outward P. <£ O. Mail. Tbe P. O. outward mail steamer Peninsular left Peaang at 2 p.m. yestarday and ajv be expected to arrive sere at 5 p.m. to-day. HoxxwAJD Osaiuv Mia The Imperial German mail steamer i L Fr.edr.ob saving left Hongkonfitt 4 (t>m.. oo tbe
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  • 425 7 Australian Government's Proposed Survey. Interest is now being roused in Australia in an archipelago off the West Australian coast near Kaperancf the nearest point on the Heaboaid to the goldiields. Tho islands eomposingthis archipelago ait not large, but numerous and welf endowed with good soil suitable for
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  • 208 7 Burman's Terrible Sacrifice in a Flame Circle. The report has been recuivuil ut an act ot self-immolation by a Buruian hpoongyi, say < a Rangoon report. Tho hpoongyi, named I. Paduma, resided iv a kyauug by himself in tho Barodo village, Hlaine township, on the opposite side of
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  • 165 7 A curious incident happened in Glasgow a week or two back. A party of Russian emigrants numbering about 250, arrived at that port with a view of taking passage to New York by the Auchor liner Astoria. As it happened, however, they had l>ti 11 guided in
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  • 81 7 By the Delhi, Captain J. D. Andruw», Jan. 16. From Shanghai: Mr. Clouet, Mr. Stopani. From Hongkong: Mr. Van dor Voort, Mr. It. M. Kyekiel. Mak Sliak l'an-. Mak Shun Ming, Mr. hi Sun, Mr. M. A. Stephens, Mr. 11. K. Joues, Mr. Tong On Chee, Mrs.
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  • 150 7 The provinces ceded 1 uceutly by Siaui to Franco iuclude territory on which stand the famous ruius of Angkor aud Angkor Thou, with palaces and temples bearing witness to by-Konc high civilisation iv ancient Cam bodia, now a French protectorate. Arcba&o logibtH in France, have, with the aid of Government,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 578 7 STEAMER SAIUH6S. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FUKTNIOUTLY service id mmm tamed betweeu Japau and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Coverument, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
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    • 551 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BETWEEN MtEMANTLE (PERTH) NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS. JAVA AND SINGAPORE Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as indnoement offers), Derby, King's Bound, (Port for the Kimberley Gold
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    • 456 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LTB. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. a The Compauiee' steamers are despatched (rom Liverpool outwards for ibe Straits, Chins »ud Japan every week, and fiom Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp Bvery fortnight and for Oenoa, Marseille! and Liverpool mouthly. One
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    • 426 7 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA an.! the UNITED STATES. Koute from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Emprbm or India" Twin-aorew -teaR.M.S. "Emfbxbb cr Japan"
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 165 7 Singapore Tide Table. (Faon Jamui.. 17 10 Jancaby 93.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER I Time H^t "THmTTH'gt ulluy I >»«■ mm. ft. imiJlhra.infai.lft. Sis. Friday 17 I 9>28 am 91 5.46 M" <•» FwuAV "i(ll.l pm 8.6 4.26pm 1.3 SATOIDATIB Ui37pm 8 6 4 Wpm 1.0 BmiDAT 19 fl°- 4
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    • 144 7 DAY BY IHY Friday, January 17. High Water. 11l pm. P. A. O. outward mail due. i v.m S.C.C. Shield Football Competition. Male Voice Choir Practice, Memorial Hall. 5-15 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Saturday, January 18. High Water. 10-7 a.m. 11-37 p.m. Full Moon. 8-36 p.m.
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  • 871 8 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY. JANUARY 17. Tin moves notoriously against all reason as many speculators in Singapore will be loath to adL-.t. Twelve months ago it was fairly steady at 196, and, after fluctuating in the nineties, during the middle of the year, tumbled to t6O, where
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  • 11 8 A new Catholic Club was opened at Sarawak on December 21.
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  • 11 8 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 13 8 Negotiations are in progress for the establishment of a Chinese Bank in Sarawak.
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  • 18 8 The import of copper coin into Sarawak has been prohibited, except with a written permission of the Treasury.
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  • 24 8 The P. and O. mail steamer Peninsula, left Penang at 2 o'clock yesterday, and is expected to arrive in Singapore to-day at 5 p.m.
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  • 16 8 Over fifteen hundred passengers arrived from Amoy and Swatow by the British steamer Glenogle, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 22 8 The limit of value for parcels despatched to the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States from Sarawak has been fixed at 1,000.
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  • 32 8 From January 1 to December 28, last year, 502,288 tons of rice were exported from Rangoon to the Straits and to China, as against 458,912 tons dnring the corresponding period of 1908.
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  • 28 8 The musical comedy The Coopers, which was given last week by the members of the Singapore Lusitanian Club, will be repeated, to-morrow, the 18th instant, at 9 p.m.
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  • 24 8 The Sarawak Gazette for January 4 contains the names of twenty-nine pepper planters who have absconded rather than face Bankruptcy Court proceedings at Euching
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  • 24 8 The youth Herbert Myers, who shot Mr. Duncan McLeod at Sitarainpur. India, has been committed to the Calcutta Sessions on a charge of murder.
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  • 28 8 The Veterinary Detriment of the Government of hull. i are selecting a special breed of Indian cattle and auccp for despatch to England, for the Duke nf Bedford
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  • 28 8 The Pioneer understands that the third and final instalment nf the war indemnity imposed upon Tibet will bo paid by the Chin. 'so Government this month in Calcutta-
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  • 31 8 A case is occupying the Hongkong Courts in which oue Chinaman ix suing another for damages for libel alleged to bo contained in words written on Hongkong and Shanghai Rank notes.
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  • 30 8 An amendment of the Indian Whipping Act is likely to be adopted during the current legislative sessions in Calcutta. Punishment by flogging is likely to be confined to habitual offenders.
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  • 37 8 Our Ipoh contemporary reports that trade in revolvers is particularly brisk just now among Europeans in Perak, due to a general determination on their part to be prepared fov all emrtrgeucieo in the coming Chinese New Year.
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  • 43 8 Tho funeral of the late Mr. Tan Pee Tan, father of Mr. Tan Eng Lim, will take place on Sunday next, the 19th instant. The cortege will leave No. 78, Cuppage Road, for the Chinesti burial ground at Wnysng Satu. at 10 a.m.
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  • 35 8 According to the Nagpur correspondent of the Hindoo Patriot, a movement is on foot to excommunicate socially nnd politically those who have, to their eternal shame, helped their leader Tilak to wreck tho Hurat Congress.
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  • 42 8 An excellent group photograph, taken at the opening of the V.M.C.A. Bazaar, held recently in the Victoria Memorial Hall, is reproduced in the current month's issue of the Y. M. C. A. Magazine. Miss Anderson is in tho centre of the group.
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  • 45 8 A European cyclist was thrown into the drain at the corner of Armenian Street and Stamford Road at about five o'clock, yesterday afternoon, as a result of a collision with a ricksha, which was cutting across the eorn«r on the wrong side of the road.
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  • 51 8 A Chinaman has been arrested on charges of shooting at and wounding a bullock at the 10J mile on the Chua Chu Kane Road, at 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening, and of being in possession of firearms without a license. The hearing of the e.ise has been fixed for next
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  • 42 8 Wo are requested by the Mother Superior to state that the Convent School re-opens on Monday, the 20th iustant. Parents are asked to see that their children are punctual and regular iv attendance, without which it is impossible to obtain satisfactory progress.
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  • 50 8 When the vernacular is sandwiched into paragraphs the result is interesting. Thus, a Rangoon paragraph The Burmese hpoougyi who was severely stabbed during a quarrel with another hpoongyi on Monday in the Ngidon kyaung, Poozoondonng, has succumbed to his injuries, his death occurring the night of his admittance to hospital.
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  • 62 8 A report has been received in Penang of a double murder, which occurred on Friday afternoon at Bayang Lapax, in the south of the Island. A Kling, belonging to Balik Pulau, killed his wife and a fellow-countryman with a knife, then gave himself up at the Bayang Lapas Police
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  • 51 8 Tan Fok San, employed as a clerk and bill-collector by a towkay, named Tow Chin, was convicted in the Third Magistrate's Court, yett.erd.iv. on three charges of criminal breach of trust of sums aggregating $92, and was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment on each charge, tho sentences to run
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  • 62 8 A Hokien was sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment, by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday, for breaking open cases at Jardino Wharf, and to two months' additional imprisonment for taking from them piece* of silk valued at •80. A Keh was sentenced to a month's rigorous
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  • 60 8 The attempt to make A. K. R. M. Ramasamy Cbetty a bankrupt during his absence in India by instituting proceedings against his attorney here, Arunasalam, his father, was argued before the acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law, yesterday afternoon, by Mr. Delay for the creditor and Mr. Van Some
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  • 61 8 At a meeting of the Calcutta Legislative Council, on the 3rd instant, Mr. Baker introduced and explained the Indian Tariff Act Amendment Bill, which is to raise the duty on beef of all classes, both imported and manufactured, including ale, porter, cider and other fermented liquor from one anna per
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  • 67 8 The interpleader case concerning the Albarobra Cinematograph was again brought before the acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. O. Law, at the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon. His Lordship and one of the Counsel engaged expressed a desire to Bee one of the films, and one was produced by Mr. L. Willis,
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  • 96 8 The Netherlands India Government has far-reaching plans for railway construction in Sumatra and Java, bnt foods are lacking owing to the heavy outlay on the war in Acbeen. It is said that toe proposed railway lines in Sumatra are to be so laid out •a to develop quickly the commercial
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  • 511 8 Mr. A. Dnkr, Advisor to the 0 ivernmcnt of Perils, will be ooingon leave iv April next. Mr. W. S. Huxley has been appointed Chief Draftsman in the Federal Drawing Office, Kuala Lumpur. Sir Marcus Samuel, the pioneer of the petroleum oil trade with the East, has
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  • 43 8 It is reported that the number of immigrants who arrived in Burma during tinpast year, rose from 239,000, the previous record, to over 860,000. On the other hand, the number of emigrants who left tiio country also increased from 178,000, roughly, to 820,000.
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  • 45 8 The owners of the JMWMH steamer Tafoo Maru, which was burncc 1 uut up the Yangtze some months ago, have after the lapse of a considerable time, decided t o have her repaired. Ths contract has been placed with the Shanghai Dock and Engineering Company.
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  • 40 8 Reports from Shanghai of the 9tli instant, state Rioters at Hsuhchiao near Hashing, have destroyed the police station, military barracks, the school and Roman Catholic chapel and other property. Subsequently they met aud defeated the provincial tronps, killing their commander.
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  • 57 8 The Times of Malaya, in a leading article on the tin position, forecasts a drop in tho prico owing to the Chinese Now Year and Banka sales, to be followed in a couple of months or so by a steady rise in view of the improved conditions in America, which
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  • 46 8 Viceroy Hxi Liang has reported that the Yunnan-Anoam Rtilway will noon reach Yunnan, and that is necessary to redeem the concession from the French syndicate to place the railway under China's own control anJ raise share* to provide fund-, for redeeming the same from various provinces.
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  • 82 8 The Yaumati Hospital Committee are appealing to the philanthropy of the British and Foreign community in Hongkong on behalf of a hospital fur Chinese which it in proposed to build on the Kowlooa Peniasula. According to the last MM the Chinese population of Old and New Kuwloon numbered 70,000. Thero
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 260 8 Ladies Afternoon Tea. TOP A VARIETY OF DAINTY BISCUITS. TRY A TIN OF "1 SWALLOW T <& <$ j ARIELLS I Ladies' Afternoon Tea Biscuits, COMPRISING, IN EACH TIN Cafe Noir, l.ream Wafers. Fruit Wafers, Finger Creams, Mixed Fron Frott, Noix-de-Cocos, Shortbrtad Sandwii h. C'HAMPAGXK BISCUITS. Per Tin Qflr Thompson,
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    • 229 8 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night's Programme. 18T BHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 A Fine Birthdty Cake 2 Around Port Arthur 5 I've Lost My Kj-.-rlm 4 The King of Dollar* ft The lUlf-Ca^te'B Kev-n* 8 Qenevievs de HrtbiDt 7 A Bewitched Son-in-law 8 Spot at the Telephone 9 Cowboys
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  • 86 9 DISCUSSION OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION. Directorate Defended by the London Standard. [liei'tub's Telegram I London, January 17. Commenting on the heavy fall in the shares of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the Liondon Standard defends the action of the Board of Directors. It nays that by raising
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  • 68 9 Picturesque Request of Men who Served in the War. Kkitkr's Tklbobam] Loudon, January 16. A telegram from Johannesburg states that IU Indians. e\ soldiers, have sent a petition to Lord Elgin, Secretary of State for the Colonies, saying that if thn Imperial Government is unthle to protect
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  • 72 9 The Foreign Minister Favours an Increase of Ships. Km tkk ■< Tfi.kuba:.! London, January 16. Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Minister, speaking at Alnwick, said that if foreign naval programmes were carried out in their entirety, further increases in thn British navy undoubtedly would be necessary. 'Dkr Ostasiatischr Lloyd
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  • 220 9 Redtkb's Tbleoram.) London, January 16. It is reported from Washington that a joint resolution of tho Senate and House of Representatives has been pasted reducing the amount of the indemnity payable by China to thn United States on account of the Boxer Rebellion to
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  • 49 9 [Rbotbb's Teleokam! London, January 17. The annual meeting of tbo Irish League iias passed a resolution to the offoct that the candidature of Lord Curzon of Kedleston for election as an Irish representative peer illustrates the moral and political imbecility of the Irish peerage.
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  • 26 9 [Rbutbb'i Teleorak] London, January 17. The conclusion of a definite and satisfactory understanding between Canada and Japan is announced serui -officially.
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  • 21 9 iHei-tkb's Tilkliram London, January 17. The Australians have won the third tost match at Adelaide by 245 runs.
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  • 16 9 Reutee's Telegram] London, January 17. The Bank Rate is now 5 per cent.
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 28 9 [Die Ostasiatisceie Lloyd Tiliuram Berlin, January 16. It is false that Germany made a proposition to Frauce for the partition of (he Congo State.
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  • 20 9 I Die Ostasiatische Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, January 16. Count Knyphausen, President of the HerrenhauHe (the Upper House) is dead.
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  • 128 9 Police Court Case Broker Stabled in the Chest. Koh Toll, a well-known Police Court case brother, was stabbed to death in the roadway in Cross Street, at 6.50 p.m. yesterday, by another Celestial, who is believed to be an ex-incmbor of the Fire Brigade, and well-known
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  • 826 9 Indian View on a Growing Evil in the East. In spite of the wide scope of its powers of inve .tigatiou, the Decentralisation Commission, so far, has barely touched upon the criminal side of a Civilian's work writes Justice in a loading article printed in the Madras
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  • 143 9 The remains of the late Mr. C. L. Beckton, of the Tanjon.; Pagar Dock Board Traffic Department, who was killed wbilo engaged in bis work on Wednesday, were interred at the new Cemetery yesterday morning. The Rev. J. Andrew Smith performed the ceremony. The
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  • 87 9 FIASCO OF CAPE COLONY LOAN FLOTATION. Serious Effect of State of Diamond Market. [Rbctkr's Telkoram. London, January 17. It is reported from Johannesburg that in view of the collapse of the diamond market, consequent on the crisis in the United States, the Premier Mine has postponed payment of
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  • 216 9 Chinaman Charged at Assizes with Embezzlement. Goh Kirn Bun was placed on trial before Mr. Justice T.Sercombe Smith and a common jury at the Assizes, this morning, on throe charges of using as genuine forged rent receipts. Two of the sums were 145 each aud the
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  • 293 9 Recent Sarawak Presentation.-, to Dr. Hose. After forty years spout in tbe East, during twenty-six of which he has held the Office of Bishop of Sarawak, Singapore and Labuan, tho Right Rev. G. F. Hose, D.D., has resigned and loft Sarawak for good, says the Sarawak
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  • 266 9 Sent to Goal for Exceeding His Duty. A native took two friends to the Pauper Hospital for treatment, last Friday, and Dr. H. Hogan, Surgeon in charge, discovering that he was a leper, sent for the police, who arrested him. He was taken to the Police Court and
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  • 42 9 Sir Andrew Kraser is dow devising a scheme for tho reclamation of th criminal tribe of Orissa. known as the Pans, on the model of the Mughaya Dome settlement in Behar. Mr. Mehta, 1.C.5., in all likelihood, will be put on deputation.
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  • 381 9 SINGAPORE SHIPPING GOING TO MACASSAR. Effect of Dutch Competition. The decline in the transit trade of Singapore forms the subject matter of a communicated article in the Locomotief. a Samarang newspaper. Ttn.years ago, so far as Netherlands India was concerned, Singapore, says the article, monopolised the transit
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  • 201 9 Mr. Redmond Expresses Himself in Black and White. i Fro* Oub Own Correspondent.) Ijondon, December 20. At last, after many years of weary waiting, wo have got a Home Rule for Ireland leader to define on paper autonomy or home rule for Ireland. Mr. John Redmond is
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  • 68 9 Whon the prosecution closed thoir case in the Siglap murder trial, at the Assize Court before Mr. Justico Seroombo Smith and a special jury, yesterday afternoon, tho jury expressed an unwillingness to hoar further evidence, and the accused, Norasa and Pakam, were acquitted. This was tho last murder
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  • 107 9 A terrible tragedy was enacted on board the China Merchants' steamer Kiangwo early on Christmas morning, whon Mr. John Freeman, chief engineer of that vessel, committed snicide. The deceased was seen by one of his shipmates early in the morning, and Xmas greetings were exchanged
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  • 142 9 The Rev. H. B. Man sell delivered a very able and interesting address on Bible translation and revision, before the Epworth League at the Short Street School, la»t night. Reviewing the early translations and subsequent revisions, be explained the reasons why modern Biblical scholars dtcided upon
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  • 345 9 Young Kling Imprisoned for Two Years. Before Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith and a common jury at the Assize Court, yesterday, a youthful-looking Indiau appeared in answer to a charge of using in the Court of Requests as genuine three forged I. O. U.s purporting to have
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  • 336 9 Malaya Free from Clutches of the Crown Agents. Commenting on the interview our London correspondent had with Sir Frank Swettenbam, the Pinanp Gazette trusts that they have heard the last of all the pretty schemes of fusion and amalgamation brought forward recently by various well meaning but misinformed
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  • 132 9 Mr. E. E. Column, the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, concluded the hearing of the charge against Ho ('him of being in possession of a quantity of morphine, and syringes for injecting coolies. The case attracted unusual interest, b. -cause the evidence showed that accused lived in one
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  • 106 9 A few days ago a Russian named Kondmsky, with an accomplice, was arrested by the Bombay police and charged with robbing General Hawkes, Transport Corps, and of other passengers on trains travelling between Bombay and Calcutta. He was placed before the Magistrate and remanded, being confined
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  • 58 9 At the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, Mr. Hastings Rhodes asked for a postpouement of the application to set asid« the bankruptcy notice ia the case of L. Willis. Mr. E. R Koek, who appeared for the creditor, objected to an adjournment, holding that the Court bad no power to
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  • 16 9 The price of tin in Singapore to day is »62* perpicnl. Altogether, 260 tons were sold.
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  • 105 9 CLOSING OF THE BALTIC SEA RAISED. Denial of a Triple Alliance. [Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd Tklf.oramJ Berlin, January ID. Tho statement that (treat Britain. Frauce and Russia have entered into an agreement in regard to the Baltic Sea is incorrect. It is true, however, that the preparatory conferences have
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  • 266 9 Plot of Chinese Revolutionaries Betrayed. from Tonkin tells of lack of discipline and a mutiuuous spirit among the native troops there. In the outlying districts, discipline is so slack that the "soldiers not only take to gangrobbery, but are also in league with brig md bands.
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  • 372 9 Characteristic Letter by the Irish Cynic. Mr. Bernard Shaw writes to the Jewish World to defend himself from the charge ot anti-Semitism brought against him by Dr. Nordau in a recent letter. In an open letter to Dr. Nnrdaii, Mr. Shaw says When, in introducing
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  • 114 9 A Lethal Weapon A very small man was placed in the dock in the Hongkong Police Court a few days ago, and an unusually large Japanese sworJ, having a blade at least an inch and a half broad, was placed on tho Court table. Tbo man was a juggler, and
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  • 16 9 The Zoo is to be enlarged. The new Giraffe is getting Huch a big girl now.
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  • 64 9 The Chetty community will celebrate tho festival of Taipniwßß— at temple in Tank Road on Sunday. To morrow, there will be a procession of the silver car to Sepoy Lines, and on Sunday a procession of the silver peacock, an emblem of God Siva, to the Raffles Reclamation, where
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  • 517 10 I.ASV WINS AT THE JANUARY RACE MEETING Quorrabolong Obtains Grand Stand Cup. lltuM OVI (hw CoKRKsfONDKM.) I'euung, January 10. I he second day of the Pcnang Turf Club's llace Meeting was characterised by fine vuathcr. There was a large atteudauce, many visitors from Singapore uciug present. Ihe
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  • 305 10 European Found Dead in a Railway Carriage. A European gcntleint»u was found dead, on December 'ii, in an empty intermediate rail■vay carriage at the lielliaghatta Stationvard. Calcuttu. Some of the documents) found ou the deceased led to the lioily being identified us that of Mr. J. W, Ashworth.
    305 words
  • 52 10 It u> said that rEo-Timet has lost at the rate of £20,000 year through the Book "ar Henceforward, ucder its now management, The Times oe&K* tc compete with book j ubUsher*, ..and the .remarkable lendiea. .ibrary sobcflM wbie£ brought it ictc e r=f with %ue paWiihar*.
    52 words
    • 81 10 A successful regatta took place ut Saruwuk on New Year's Day. The fourth test match begins ut Melbourne on February 7. the fifth at Syduey uu February 21. Iv his match with Massy, at Deal, Braid wa- within a foot of the third bolo with his second,
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    • 18 10 V.M.C.A. Tournament. The V.M.C.A. Ping Pong tournament was concluded last night, Chill beating Peehc, 20-0, 20—5.
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    • 63 10 5.C.C. Tournament. The following team will represent the S.C.C. iv their match against the Garrison, iv connection with tho Crioket Tournament, on the Esplanade, to-morrow: P. T. Eratt, H. C. Paxon, R. L. Dunman, K. E. Kent. H. D. Jensen, A. C. Mergler, R. E. H. Oliver. F. H.
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    • 84 10 To-night's League Match. The following team will do duty for the S.C.C. against the Warders to-night in the Singapore Foot hull Association Shield competition C. T. Cosiigau, goal; Chapman and Clarke, bocks Gullitnoro, Baird and Henderson, halfbacks Mackay, Comyn, Fulcber, Krockwell and Weir, forwards. This is. undoubtedly, a
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    • 66 10 Tanglin Club Competition. The following have qualified to play lor the Gold Medal (1907) to-night, at 9 o'clock, at the Tanglin Club. The handicaps are appended A. H. Withers scratch H. M. Cantrcll 80 V. A. Flower 80 H. Freeman 80 W. L. Komp 80 H. A. Mason 80
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    • 109 10 Perak Rifle Association. The first of the monthly handicap competitions for v prize for tbc greatest number of points cured in the Musketry Course, took place uu the Taiping range on Sunday morning, when 20 members put in attendance. The shooting was koeu and inlcn si maintained throughout.
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    • 202 10 Sarawak Race Meeting. A meeting of those interested in the Races was held in the offioe of the Hon. Sir Percy F. Cuuyughatur at Sarawak, on December 11, to make arrangements for this year's Race Meeting arrangements for 19l)H. Mr. Bryan submitted a suggested programme for a Race
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  • 140 10 It i reported from Sapporo that a grunt mi iuw -storm has caused terrible lotu> of life and Luncli damage to property at Yakijiri island. Tomauiae district. Japan. Forty people MM frozen to death, aiid another was injured. Seventy tivo residences »n; destroyed or damaged, while
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  • 1076 10 EXAMINATIONS IN BANKRUPTCY COURT. At the Bankruptcy Couit, yesterday aftern.inn. Abdul Hath; was examined relative tc the bankruptcy of Kbrubim bin Cassiin Mysoory, a Mohammedan shopkeeper. Among other matters, witness said that be Hold turbanb, sarongs and shawls valued at $1, 895 to ono Sheikh Hasuau, after bis
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  • Correspondence.
    • 149 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore. January 17. Sir, I thiuk the following will serve as a reply to Kumuh MakuuV enquiry in ynur issue of the l">th iustaut. It is a well known construction of Law that au inn-keeper or keeper of a
      149 words
    • 138 10 The Kditor of tbc Struits Times. Singapore. January 17. Sir, As I read from the articles in your paper that you have the interest of the general public at heart, may 1 ask you to be good enough to iusert this in your valuable paper Why are all
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  • 224 10 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser aud Company- weekly share circular is as follows There is practically nothing doing in the uiorkotand rates generally reuiuiu unchanged in all sections. Mining. Although tin shores are quiet, rates keep very steady iv most instances, aud transao. lions
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  • 317 10 Some readers in Singapore and the Nutivo States may have friends in Simla. If go the following forecast concerning the forthcoming Society changes at this Indian hill station for the approaching season will be appreciated. It is almost certain thai a number of popular
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  • 87 10 Cue effect of the deepening into famine in the United Provinces and some distriote of the Punjab has been tc improve recruiting for the Indian Army. The area affected is sc enormous that cultivators are numbered by the million, and from among these there are many young
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 502 10 SUBSTANTIAL ENGLISH-MADE JH^ OArCa fa I, ji.fl IP I' w* kill Fitted with I^T l\n ft H| Chubb s P".— is U BTOGKED IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES: OLTSIDK DIMENSIONS. INSIDE DIMENSIONS HKKiHT. Width. Dm. llkiout. \V».th. Oki-th No. 1464 20 in. l(i in. 15 i v 94 in. it} in.
      502 words
    • 270 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS 1908 F.M.B. ALMANAC. 1908. A very baud) WALL ALMANAC Jot feruuee. aud replete witb useful and abw>lutol\ reliable information far every household ami busiuus* establishment No home or office should be withuut it. I A unique production of its kind, and the fir-i j to bo published in
      270 words

  • 193 11 Coastguards Through Their Glasses See Vessel Disappear. liv motile gale at home, a aahooscr mot yet identified) with all hand- foundered in the I'tutmiui aome -omu mile-, eaal of Swan- About KHWOB >>aturdiy m<rui!ig, Dccoui Ik 14, The eoa-tguards »t IVvuril Point uhaerred tluoiyh thekr ajtaaaM a large
    193 words
  • 221 11 .i following r-cipts on How to I W to 100 ar<. by wollkuowu peaoii ir.ii- al l!oolh I?'J'. <i<;t married; have a nood ooii*.'i<; i recieati! simply. lh> .ithhi yom income: eat M littl-' M possible: Iriiik plenty of water; abstain from iudulu- uccs. •-ir Theodore Martin (WU
    221 words
  • 135 11 v> \-litm-. U.i ttmkt >*< DeaMMwbOM i»a\e ;in MHMaJ has just b>. ii linul.' hy tho chairman of the .lapan IVxiintj. w.ts the first Englishman to land In Japan, in Quepn Elii-alicth's tun- tomb, which !■> falling inlj i lius, is near Yokosuka, in JagM. Ailams was a
    135 words
  • 115 11 Gaaann K. Osbom ims what is said to be the smallest order ever drawn on the I'uited Statos Treasury, says the Kansas City Star. It i> an order for OM cent i'.ud was issued Ml Utl to John A. tlreaton, an assayer iv the Catted
    115 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 361 11 >ate ol forma Capita! ion SnbMrilMd NU 3 b IMM P»H RI M V»ln« inpto 6hares Unissued Company 1 QroTa-ioa« 1903 1907 1301 180.1 1905 1907 1901 1906 1905 1906 1906 :30« UM 1904 ISO) 1692 1905 !898 1900 1907 1906 1899 1907 1902 1907 I 9300,000 •dOO.OOO 1300.00
      361 words
    • 377 11 .905 £160,000 I £116,6,6 l{ JUg «WQS 1205 g' •108,000 lo'soo »io no .90* tSO.OOO £15,2£0 f jj^ a 15/ 1903 £70,000 £61,000 01,000 £1 *l 9,000 1906 »1.>0,000 »136,000 13,500 HO HO 2,600 1904 £1».OOO £10.600 I "JO ft l£oo £76,000 £65,000 96,000 £1 £1 20,000 I9flfi ««mnnn
      377 words
    • 199 11 !594 i' 5,377.10.0, £1,805 »2M,0T0 1318,000 INI I«16,000,OU') •15,0W,000 1905 M,400,000 W,»00,000 18S6 »1,000,000 »1,000,000 >.»1 134,000 984,000 1899 «STS,OOO *876,00Q 7.88S 4,500 so.oon 1 40,i>00 i 18,000 I 6,000 I 6,000 I «.oon 3,400 6,000 t 4,760 34,000 600 40,000 3,000 5,000 260,000 2,333 12/6 SO ll« •135
      199 words
  • 280 11 SINOAPOBB, JANUARY 16, 1908. PRODUCE. Gainbier buyers 6.90 do (Cube No. li unpicked 9.75 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 780 Pepper, Black buyers 13.00 do White 5% buyers 19 87J Sago Floor Sarawak 2.971 do Brunei No. 1 2.98 Pearl Sago 4.16 Coffee Bali, picked 25.50 Coffee. Palembang, 20
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 134 11 A Monster fl Devil Fish Destroying its vie- THk tim is a type of Rheumatism. To be overpowered by this terrible clisease, crippled, helpless, beJridden, is to-day the fate ut' hundreds o! sufferers. For hut tew diseases arc so many remedies recommended as for Rheumatism, but among them none is
      134 words
    • 210 11 MARTIN'S M Wsm Ladles J f f f^JU 2> 4 rrancn F«m*dw foi «U Irr*<u arltl a> ri >( ua>c d> I iff a boi ol V«tlB >'i'lj i-i lh. bsw ih«t •> iv tn: mtga of mr t f JwngulmwHr of :ht t;i.t»u Tl Wines Wines Oennine table claret
      210 words
    • 484 11 Pohoomull Bros. 48E HIGH STREET. <fc SILK MERCHANTf Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, L 108 and Silverware of every description. Bra»sware, etc. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. Kb me a Co. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year A Splendid Aaaot*aaont ol I Artificial Flowers
      484 words
    • 68 11 SELANGOR CLUB. rpHE Secretaryship of tht S^langor Club being VMftlH, applications for the appoint eat should be sent to th( j Actin. B« cretary, not later than ±2n() met. Salary B>'3O<> per month. 71 CHARLES HSLfe HEIDSIECK'S fywfr White Seal iWk Champagne. ]W flehn, Meyer &Co Ld Jk jIL S-iig-ipon
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 175 11 The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily iaaue per year 130.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 0.10 Weekly iaeuc per year 12.00 do per quarter 3.00 do per copy 0.26 When aent bj post, there i* added foi
      175 words

  • 1207 12 JOKES AND JOTTINGS FROM THE WORLD'S PRESS. Jack! called a young wife. Jack, come hero, quick Thinking that some danger assailed her, he grasped a stick and rushed up two flights of stairs to her assistance. He entered the room breathlessly, and found her looking ont of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 608 12 BANKING COMPANIESHONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up Capital n0.000.000 RESERVE FOND Sterling Reserve »10,000,0001 *****0000 Silver Roaerv* •11,750,000j tSMW.WW B-werre Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. 0. H. Mcd hirst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fuohs, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. E. Qoetz, Esq.
      608 words
    • 551 12 JANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. NCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. "ai.l up Capital in 00,000 Shares of **>each £1,500,000 *eeei-ve Fund ..£1.476,000 *eeerve Liability of Proprietors £1.200,0C0 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. rbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are
      551 words
    • 228 12 PHOSFERINE ITU* Qroatoat of all Tonls*. I HABIATtS MfALTN. 1 Nsffc—. a hnm, ÜbM, i U BDto tmym. I CC BT. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Church of £ngiana 3oarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to tbe House
      228 words
    • 643 12 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ic., To be held at No. 812, Queen Street, Singapore. SaturaUiy, January 18, 1908, at 2-30 p.m. (For particulars see Catalogue). G. A. Fernandez Co., 91 Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tuesday, January 21, at 2.30 p.m. Freehold Land, area 4,017 square feet, to
      643 words
    • 532 12 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, OUARANTEE. Funds Exoeed £13,000,000. W. A. BIMS. o 137S Manager, Eastern Branoh. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue £2,061,044-19-8 The undersigned arr prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. i 093 BEHN, MEYER A Co.,
      532 words

  • 1680 13 QUESTION OF A SUBSTITITE FOR PETROL. Sidelights from the Paris Show. For some years engineer* at Home have liecn devotiug a great deal of time and money in perfecting a cheap power for the stationary internal explosion engine, commonly called a gas engine. The result has been the adoption
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 265 13 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 1214 H.P., four-cylinder, five seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Kuqb by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from SYME CO.,
      265 words
    • 41 13 JUST ARRIVED Ex 8.8. MOYUNE," AlO-12H.P.,4-Seater HUMBER CAR, With all Acoessoriea. The favourite Car wherever introduced. Abeolately silent when running. Particulars from The Borneo Co., Ltd. SINGER MOTOR CARS. Stocks held in Singapore and Penang. Paterson Simons A Co., Ltd., soleasents
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 591 14 Scale of Chaises. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MiaoaIr IBOU3 Waoti of Every Description, Houasc, band, etc., tc let, are inserted at the following rate.:— One Insertion I 1.80 per inch. Two v.OO Three S.BO Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.90 Twenty-five 10.00 Each aubsequent month IS per inoL.) Che above rate is
      591 words
    • 547 14 TO BE LET OR SOLD. K*r« Foar Linn, on* or two laMrtloaa, (1.00 Bj Urn inch, Boal. of Ch&rgw. TO LET. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON SIMONS CO., Ltd. Cso3l OFFIOE TO LET. No. 4-t, Waffles Place, at present ocoupied by Mr. W. C. Niblett. Apply to Meyer BVother-.
      547 words
    • 453 14 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Kates:— Foar Liatf, oat or {wo inMrtiont, fl. bj the inch, ScaU of Chnrgev HOUBE TO LET. Compound House, No. 20, Spettiswoode Park. Apply to Ong Tek Lim, No. 20, High Street. 68 GODOWNS TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godowos in Ceoil and Stanley
      453 words
    • 817 14 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Kate lst Month, tin p«r Inch. SnbMqaent months #5. For ihorUr p*rlodi h« ScMa of Chantw. NOTICE. Depositors in the Savings Bank are reminded to send in their passbooks between January 6 and 80, 1908, for audit, in compliance with the Rule, and Regulations under the Savings Bank
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    • 338 14 V,o.¥. DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS Wholesale from SYME and CO., Soli AftmU. S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., HAVE BKIiN Al •'•lilVTEU Brewers to His Majesty The King. hand NMO Uger Beer. Pale Ale, Stout, Are obtainable from the few Principal Dealer-. 'Q Syme A
      338 words
    • 234 14 SMALL TRADE ADVTS. Bull tUrn, «liu>. per task. Mnbwiueut :u< utli-. per inch. PHOTO DEPOT. 104, NORTH HUDOE ROAD. Ail sorts i f PbolOfnuhia Api-aratue and I Materials, viz. Cameras, Lenseß. Plates, Papers. Chemicals, Films, Mounts, Photo Frames, etc. Price; very moderate. Pric Lists post-free. KONG RING CTIIONO CO.
      234 words