The Straits Times, 16 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.549. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 308 1 Decide MO W on your car, WBIGH CAREFULLY thi- claims of all the cars you km Been or Iward «l«ont. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they hay acomi-li-hed. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the heavy te^ts
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    • 140 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brans Busnh Road. SingaporeThe Brightest and Filthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meats all Ooati and Trains. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker ft Tomb-Builder 150 Middle Road. Snln Agent for Messrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London. d 2188 Telephone No. 619. PRINCESS JU JU, OR
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    • 63 1 NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). [The House has been thoroughly renovated, and will be made comjlortable in every respect. The management intend to keep up the good name this Hotel has al-
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    • 10 1 d w B vi bad w 9 z o W
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  • 1069 2 ALONE ON A LONG TRACK ACROSS AFRICA. Across Widest Africa. By A. Henry Savage Landor. 2 vols. Lon'don: Hurst and Biackutt. (425. net.) This work dcscriboH a journey across Africa from Djibuti, in French Somaiiland, to Cape Verde, on the west, the route covered being a distance of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 Tansan (in common with every article of PROVED MERIT) has its IMITATORS. Tansan is bottled under the strictest EUROPEAN Supervision. The extensive, up-to-date Plant is open to the Inspection of all visitors to Takaradzuka, Japan, where the bottling of Tansan in its natural state may be seen. No contamination is
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    • 83 2 tf Oliver Standard VISIBLE .Typewriter. SEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Axent-j: ATKINSON k FORBES, v:: ii ch>»«i >mr. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BIKOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppcl Harbour, 40/--(FORTY SHILLINGS. PER TON FOB, IN BUNKERS RATE OF DELIVERY 200 TONS PER HOUR. STOCKS ALSO AT. Suez,
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    • 141 2 Jl To antiseptically cleanse the lj teeth, and polish, without jl scratching the enamel— j I in short, to perfect the work of your tooth-brush, use Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder I Sold by total Chtmistt and Storn. "ADI BY I F. C Cahxrt Co.. Mudmur, Eaf J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers.
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    • 34 2 Steams' Cordial of Cod Liver Extract contains all the cm utinl and potent constituent!) of Cod Liver Oil prompt in effect. It ci\ bettor r. --ilte than any other preparation of Cod Livei Oil.
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    • 212 2 OIABOLO N TENNIB 18 AFTERNOON DIABOLO k B^ diabolo DIABOLO DIABOLO W^~ W DIABOLO I DIABOLO Tv r DIABOLO m e raze Of 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. A CompMe 1 1 GAME JJ)O. —I Kuhn Komor, ssIF" 10 Have always in stock very Artistic Furniture, Silverware, Satsuma,
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  • 1270 3 PROPOSAL FOR AUSTRALIAN NAVAL GUARD. Great Speech by the Premier. Supplementing the telegram published in tin- Straits Times on December 16 regarding the defence of Australia, it may be of interest to explain that the speech of Mr. Dcakin in tlie House of Representatives on December 13,
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  • 76 3 The Chineae revolutionists who receotly crossed over the Tonkin border into Kwanggi province bave been defeated by the linperialiats, aud bave retreated aurons the frontier. They now harbour in a wild part of Upper Tonkin, where, it is feared, they will take to brigandage as a means of living. That
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 407 3 2^HOUTENS_y COCOA i THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., KAFKLES PLACE, SINOAPORB. o Tho Public MM INVITKD to call and inspect the latest creations in PLA YER-PIANOS. THE BIUNSMKAb-ANUELUS. A combination of tho kw^fkm Playet and th<> celebrated Brinsmuad Piano. THE KASTNEIi ACTO-PIAXO. Both the above kayo a high rrputation iv
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    • 211 3 CROWN "l^g-' PERFUMERY <%£fg THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., L0 "IS OF All DEALERS sxaaaaaaßaßßßaaaJ Sm that i be hottlc* ar* itoppered with our ragiit«r«d GBOWN STOPPER." fXVai Seng (So. 12 BATTERY RD. SINGAPORE. BEST TWEEDS, SERGES AND FLANNELS FOR GENTLEMEN'S SUITING. DUTCH CIGARS. Latakia $2.75 Estrella Nueva 2.60 Ping Pong
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  • 177 4 Chinese though Efficient are Given to murder. A ttltgnun from .lohannesbermji: D^eeinic i 18, itMIM thai Mm O<ivcinuieut mining >>nt;ineer's naportfH tlio year eliding .June 1907 thMMi a-. iMWmi with th. preceding year, i i iso of 808 whites employed iv the miuiui; indubiry, and an inert
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  • 111 4 c i > traUau uii-iit vfm m- nation iv •_h i Midlands. .1-. the lutj ou biorcli was I-" I'. 1 iit. which It > onld !'..ivc lilt to \u-;ui!ia, aud M ti My i^illi d cyi ling in that oountry. The only arms tliai did
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  • 153 4 K:ij, id .1 Q«l 1] -i, the s i un-ni .v Frankfort has mada the diacoverj a means to oonda bj nimnn oi ruin ri*h which g ITT* IUOStjOjtOM and ill shallow w Bj luoliatiui) o! tbe Swod «L Ainna^-ailot <• ooauiunicsted the taai to
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  • 512 4 Passengers Outward. I U.«M UI i I! ii< iy at« 'ii. < i!i ibo Frjm Lo.:d»i:. D. .1 1..;. >7:M- si- J.i .Watt,V.l>. French, J. A. Oui<! F A.Teale,A. Condi ,W. Li Idle, Mix- Templar Mi and Mr<. II B. Marten an uildrou, Mr I!. Warren Mi--
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  • 624 4 Sj"i<\ port. proJMtblt <»/ arricft/, ROHM <>r i STBA.MKKS \Sanirmnon, ti vjrpool, .Tan Mannneld Airlip. Svdm>>. r'eb 2i Boostond ,i.i hn~. L >m 0 Kel>7; W. Mansfield \:cadis, H"i^k..i!g, ..n M A 0 Coy Austria, Boßgk ag. K«b H:i;it,MberK Ayuthia, Bangkok, *n Borneo Coy Vp-nr. Hoagki ig, .'in
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  • 41 4 Wei tl '..iii: v. .i iill nihUt v. nay. iir. ai I. < I agbl Bl t.i say. He would be Jlegutnoe hearty to I -li id aocrnem [nojiar-. lurr; Bui certain, and i Havi lo ;»t-^ i unpbell'a l« w
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  • 98 4 ,)oiic< i. -A.. ■> in reported iruu ngh :.i v, „1 Hrn "ii innttat It ajipjar-. thai > nottoe* oi Mm reward" o] too I pow lor Urn di--I covers <.i Mr. Allen as-*! nits, having hieu ton 1 1 -ii. tin; Cil located ,ij p| i ii.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 LAXATI3B, tbe Id?ai Porgativ*, neoav ■Ma I. iby l!i, but -uedi. null: -iitiet. Krsv > t.i una eertaia in resultn -to be had of all ohtPi-oU. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. B«-- lvi»d, Sios>»p.;re. >
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    • 721 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. o STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, < Australia, India, Aden, Bgypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thrcigh BiV.s Jl Lf.dlnc Usue.l for Chia.i Coaet. Parr.'rto Gulf. OeaabMctal, auti I Poris. Rtcn: Ml •ill ie-.-c Siugßr-irc OH .<i MAIL LINE. OafcMftl <(■• OWaff). IS Pcnlutii^ir Jaa
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    • 681 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER.' r.\NI;JERMABIN. j Tfct? Sveamefs of this company maintain a rsjjnlar terviae bttvreon:— Siugapore. lia-v^Rn, e,.arabaya. Bandjermasin", Puio I iv.t. Bslik Papan, l'oetei, with t'ftoshipraont Bucljerrnasin for Sampit, Mand*wsi, K^cinji, Kctta Wariof; a, Djelal. Matabahan. Marfcka:»n;s, Negara a.d Bebirik I Thj -ieamirt have p.xids
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    • 454 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PABBEN6ER SERVICE B> Ifct u«.v sloaiuers RHENANIA," HABSBURG," HOHENSTAUFEN. These steamers offer tj the pubic the highest Comfort yet attained in Ocev.i Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lowr bertha. The oahiua are amidships aud fitted with MM. foundry on hoird. Doctor
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    • 770 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NJLVL. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oirnun Man L'.nc. The fast and well known mail awMK ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremi-ii-ITt.Tburg via Hotterdam, Antworp. Bonthamp kna, Gibraltar, Qeccu, Rantae, (oonneotion Marseilles, Naples, Al&zaudria, no., via Por Baid, Buez, Aden, Colombo. Pen»a., oiugapore, Hongkong, BbaagjknJ) Nn^o>..k!. >.\ Kobe to
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    • 41 4 FROM A NOVA SCOT.A PUBLISHER. Jlr, ii i (i.. <■•■■<■ ol the Ad- the follow- ."tiainbcrlain's Cuiijjh family anil And it to c .n> i- iiicdiciues for ■,m\iH and "oUi- i\i-i I '-or tried." For si.j bj aJi Jiipen-.iri-" 1 J Oealer>.
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  • 1177 5 iMitkthis buo-liuK ttmtMtmtm ilbiriathaiM ii:".- I Mr. itotluar. sli Hhip: bu. l,..n|ii- -,|i. kliuuuoi Tak— TaaM; t.'ru. Crun»r; <; la. -limiboat; Tor. -Torudilo U.p.— llunw-iiuwor llrit.— BrltUb; V. s. -Uniiwl si;,u»: lib. (i«r.<>< liui. -Hutch Hal -ltaliuu Np.111.-- sp.iuiiili; War.— Hariw.ii (i.e. ,fim il^i. il.p.
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  • 33 5 OOTWAM. P. O. MiJI.. Tbe P. &0. eutward maii it«u»w I-e«~.8 il*..sft Colombo »t ;.3C j.x., on Biad»y ud it axpaeted to *m. c here on Friday «ft*rn ;d, ta«
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  • 77 5 January Ii Luibttu^;, Bra bir, Penang and Calcutta f Dunblane, Bril str, Elipbaot Point Daphne, Brit ttr. Moulmein ;Sarie Bandjer, Dot atr, Bangkok Karang, Brit str, Anamba and Kataua lelanda Lady weld, Br:t str, PoaUanat fLothiaa, Br:t btr, Amhe'st CirM. Brit .tr Port frvatteniirj vis port* 16 i Bistaog.
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  • 91 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To-day, TiNjoaa p»o»« Kaht Whabt Biaro— Hong Bee. EiHT Wmßr Section 1 Newton Hall, H*> Belle. Sect. 1 (Shuus Wbaw):— Volga. B«ction No. 2— Shirala. d Nil. 4 Thougwu. 6— Nil. B—Charon.8 Charon. ,i 7 Sbinohiku Mam
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  • 105 5 From Ecao»— By the P. AO. c .a. i'euiuaiilar due on Jauuary 17. From China— By the N. L>. L a.i. P. K. Frivdricb, due on Jauuary 30. Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec J-iC Jtfi Jat Jan 9 12 16 ■20 23 26 SO A
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  • 64 5 Fok Per Steaxzb Tnu To-Honow Europe via ports Delhi 6 a.m. Bandjermabttiu, etc. Houlmuu 8 a.m. Muar and Malacca Sri Aluar 2 p.m. Macasuar via ports Sum Tms 3 p.m. Telnk Anson via ports Peming 3 p.m. Bangkok MMtfaaj 4 p.m. Saxouday. P. b'tenham and Penang Perak 1
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  • 45 5 Xms-BALLa on Fort Canning and Mount Pabar drop daily at 1 p m., Singapore standard time oorrtspoudiog to 8 i.lz. Greenwich me»ntun*. The ume gnu U fired at 12 o'clock boob, iudi■uukg Singapore etasdard tisie. on every day ♦I^yi"" Sunday imm it <• fir«l at 'oa
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  • 359 5 By Lieut. -Col. E.G. Broadiuck. Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, Tan Miryi ry It, IHUt. !?igualhug. I The trained tiguallers will parade at Fort Palmer on Wednesday '22nd, at o-15 p.m.. and at the Drill Hill, on Friday Mfcfc, at 8-30 p.m. Murray Trophy. II: The competition for
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  • 108 5 Adiiiiral Korber, in couimauil of tbo Imperial German SquaUrou in K.i-t Asmtic waters, is expected to arrive in Bangkok on Saturday, the INth instaut in his rla^sliip, tlit I'urst Btsiuiirk. She will be accumpauied by the cruiner Niobc and tlie uuDboat Luch.s. Tbo Furnt
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  • 60 5 Uy the Bau WUatt Hin, Captain W. U. H. Morrell, Jan. 16:— From Port Swotteubam via Port Diokeon I Mrs. Gilbert and Miss E. Gilbert. By the Perak, Captain F. k. Xurner, Jan. 16. From Pon&nc via Port Swettenham: Messrs. J. C. H. Macbeth, H. A. Woolton,
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  • 16 5 A bruioh oi tin lape Chit— Customs was opened at Fort Arthur on th« §th fnsunt.
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  • 784 5 INTERESTING INCIDENTS IN LAST DAY'S PLAY. In his report of the last day's play in the first test match at Sydney, the representative of the Australasian wrote All the excitement of the test match in Sydney was reserved for the last day. Apart from the apiiearance of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 442 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The i-M of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai ami Japan, takiug cargo ud through Bills of Ladiug fur Cautuu, Swatuw, Ainoj Cbefoo. TieuUiu, Newcbwang, Yangtze Ports, Formosa, tho Pliilippiuuß, *c, *<••. Steamers Took Commander Kptk»no
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    • 449 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTB. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Compauice' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straita, China and Japan every wrnk. and from Japan homewards for Loudon, Amsterdam and Antwerp evorv fortnight and fi-r Onnoa, Marseilles and Liverpool mouthlv. One outward
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    • 584 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERB. This undermentioned mail steamers of tbc above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Peuaug, Singapore, Hnugkong aud Shanghai en route FLEET. Tons Cora mauder s.». "Jaiin" 6,300 J. O. Ourzm b.h. "Gbiookv ArcAii" 4,600 8. H. Buhoh b.b. "Abhatoon
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    • 254 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tbe UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagaaaki, (Tnland Sea o! Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and VanoonTer, R.M.S. "fcinvtutss or India" Twin screw stoaR.M.B. "Empbjuu or
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 143 5 Singapore Tide Table. 1 Ihom JakuaßV IB to Janu.vuy 22.) HIGH WATER. 'LOW WATER Time H'ght Time jH'pht hrs. miv. ft. ins. bra. mm. ft. ins. January iHcasDitlb 10.19 pm HA 3.47pm 1.6 |7 9.28 am! 9.1 3.46 am 4.9 rmi.AY 11 i n pnl g5 42-jp,,, 13 v i
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    • 139 5 DAY BY UAY. Thursday, January 16. High Water. 10-19 p.m. St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir Practice, i 10 Penang Racen. Rugby. Bap|>er ami Gunners fs.C.<'. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Albarabra Cinematograph Bhow. I .«> Friday, January 17. High Water. 9-28 a.m. 11-1 p ra. P. A. O. outward mail due. P. O.
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  • 19 6 Wilford.— On December 10, at Cardiff, Thomas Wilford, beloved fathor of F. C. WiJford, Hongkong, aged 92 years.
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  • 592 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. Not ranch is heard nowadays of Sabang the coaling station in Pulo Way, which, at one time, bnlked largely in the public eye as a formidable rival to Singapore. Alarmists used to call attention to its advantages as a port of
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  • 382 6 When Parliament re-assembles on the 29th instant, it will probably be found that the ranks of tho Labour Party have been reinforced by the inclusion of the majority, if not all, of the representatives of Trade Union interests. And thus there will be a united Labour Party sitting on the
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue aro protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 15 6 From Bangkok, a cargo of rice arrived this morning by the N.D.1.,, steamer Nuen Tung.
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  • 20 6 Ang Wha Chai, who was in gaol awaiting trial on a charge of returning from banishment, hanged himself, on Sunday.
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  • 20 6 The ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Board Room, on Friday afternoon, at 2.80.
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  • 14 6 The price of tin to-day in Singapore is $H:t{. Fifty tons have been sold.
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  • 19 6 A thief secured a bicycle, valued at SI OO. belonging to a boy living at Oldham Hall, last night.
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  • 21 6 On and after Tuesday, the 21st instant the office of the Staff Officer to Colonial Forces will be at Raffles Reclamation.
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  • 32 6 The Rev. B. H. Manned will address the Epworth League at the Short Street School at 8 o'clock to-night, on the reasons for revision of the St. James's version of the Kiblo.
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  • 31 6 Over 900 passengers arrived from Calcutta and Penang, this morning, by tho IndoChina steamer Kum Sang, which is bound for Hongkong, most of the passengers being from Penang for that port.
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  • 39 6 Mr. G. F. Towers, of the Municipality, appeared before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. E. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge of criminal misappropriation of a kolch claimed by one, Abdul Maran. An adjournment was taken for a week.
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  • 53 6 There was an affray in Ord Road on Tuesday uight and eight Chinese were arrested yesterday afternoon they were fined »2 each by the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, who further required them to give personal bonds in tho sum of $25 each that they would keep the peace
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  • 66 6 Yesterday was an unlucky day for Eusope, P. C. No. 458, who was sentenced by a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Howard Mil Gibson, to two months' rigorous imprisonmnut on a charge of desortion, notwithstanding his plea of illness, .mil by Mr. C. F. .1. G een, the Second Magistrate,
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  • 59 6 A Chinaman was seen by the police, early in tlie month, attempting to break into a house about three miles from town on the Sera igoon Road. He was fonnd in possession of a murderous-looking knife and a housebreaking implement. Yesterday, he was sentenced to a years's rigorous imprisonment, by
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  • 64 6 The huge chimney stack at the Naval Yard, Hongkong, which is sooner or later destined to belch smoke over tho European part of thp city, is now practically completed, and the scaffolding will soon tw> removed. A local journal says that this eyesore will in the the future go down
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  • 65 6 A correspondent writes Last Saturday and Sunday, Mr. Y. Tan shot seven pariah dogs in the vicinity of Tanjong Rhu. During Mr. Tan's stay there, he has destroyed upwards of one hundred of these nuisances. It would seem that all the stray pariahs in Singapore are sent over to Tanjong
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  • 80 6 Before Mr. A. G. Law, acting Chief Justice in the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr. E. G. Cropley sued Yap Hon Chin and Yap Loong Shin "for 94,410.06, alleged to bo due as money expended on behalf of defendants by plaintiff, acting as agent, for their steamer, the Karang. Mr. Delay
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  • 79 6 An official despatch has been received from Kum Ku, Korea, to the effect that on December 4, a considerable force of the insurgents made an attack upon the Government buildings and looted everything within sight. Information wis quickly despatched to the Japanese some distances away, and a small body of
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  • 112 6 According to Japanese reports, fighting took place on tho 9th ultimo between the insurgents and Japanese in the district of Ik San, Korea Seven of the Volunteers were killed whilst twenty-seven rifles were secured. Two days previous, over 100 volunteers attacked the village of Pap Sung Po in Yung Kwang
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  • 133 6 The import trade in Bangkok during the past year was exceedingly dull, the chief contributing causes to this state of affairs being the bad rice crop, the absence of the King in Europe and the high rate of exchange. The whole of the import busiiesx, says the Bangkok Times, has
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  • 124 6 The other 1-iy. Reuter reported the arrest of a prominent ceusor at Peking for complicity in the foreign railway loan boycott movement in China. This may refer to the fact, mentioned in the Echo de Chine, that, towards the end of last month, a censor, Kian Chun-ling, by name, reported
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  • 547 6 Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Davies left Singapore for Home by the steamer Wnkasa Mam on a short holiday. Sir Frederick I'pcott, the President of the Railway Board, will vacate his appointment and retire from India next March. Mr. T. A. Kord, Veterinary BfOfßOa, Sclangor, has returned
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  • 64 6 The steamer (iiang Ann, Captain .1. Moss, has brought the following contract coolies from Samarang: For Dunlop ltubbor Plantations, I'orak ;"i Nova Scotia Estate, i'erak 29 Colwall Estate, Selangor M Batn Putch Estato, 8..V Borneo 24 New London Borneo C' II Aver Muelik Estate, Indragiu, Sumatra 1
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  • 112 6 At the Police Court, this morning, brforn the Second Magistrate, Mr. K. C. Howard. Dr. A. Sato, proprietor of tlie Oriental Medical Hall, in Middle Hoa'd, again appeared to answer charges of obstraetiug Mr. .1. R Brooke, Assistant Ooveruinput Analyst, while in the discharge of his
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  • 156 6 In the Allahabad High Court. Justices Banerji aud Richaids have disposed of a most extraordinary case of rour<K-r in which one Ranjimul Jat, in the Mrerut district, was charged with having murdered his own infant daughter with a view of fastening the charge- of murder ou one
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 SOHNLEIN Co s Rheingold Sparkling Assmannshauser. {Sparkling German Wines). Sole Agents CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO. 1 1 I Just J^r rived! One 1216 H.P. 0 ARROL-JOHNSTON CAR, l?t Fitted with Capo Cart Hood and Cromwell Wind Screen, painted A i ul, Johnston Red. f «t Prle. md P«rtleul*r», apply to CENTRAL
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    • 217 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night'a Programme. 18T SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 A Fine Birthday Cake 3 Aronnd Port Arthur 3 I've Lost My Eyeglatß 4 The King of Dollar* ft The Half-Cat te's Rerengo 6 Qenevieve de Brabtnt 7 A Bewitched Son-in law 8 Spot at the Telephone
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  • 664 7 FINISH OF A REMARKABLE GAME. English Collapse. AUSTRALIANS WIN BY 245 RUNS. From Oci: Own Corrkspondknt.) Sydney, January IS. 5.35 p.m. Tin second innings of the Australian- in the third test match at Adelaide caroe to an end so»n nftcr the resumption after luncheon. Clem HiU'x tine
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  • 656 7 Two Boyanese on Trial oo Capital Charge. The Siglap murder case was heard by Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith at the Assizes Court, yesterday afternoon. Mr. P. J. Sproule, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, appeared for the Crown, and Mr. Hastings Rhodes for the aroused, who were two Boyanose
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  • 217 7 Weekly Returns by Registrar of Deaths. The weekly return of mortality in Singapore, prepared by Dr. D. K. McDowell, shows an increase of 5 in the number of deaths occurring during the week ended Jan lary 11, as compared with the number in the previous week. The death
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  • 80 7 Before Mr. Justice Fisher, fitting in the Council Chamber, yesterday, N. Poonosamy sned P. C. T. A. A nuamalay Chetty, for $2,029 as damages for alleged wrongful seizure and detention of ten bullocks and five carts, and for an injunction restraining defendant from selling them.
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  • 93 7 S. S. A. R. Aroonasalam, Chetty sued Poh Khiam, 1 .in Swee Neo and Chop Poh Hong Whatt, before Mr. A. G. Law, the Acting Chief Justice, yesterday afternoon, tor $3.30 as principal on a promissory note and for interest thereon at 24 per cent per annum,
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  • 380 7 ENQUIRY INTO THEFT FROM DUBLIN CASTLE. Curious Attitude of the Guardian of King's Insignia. [Rhutbk's Tblroram] London, January 15. The Commissioners who are sitting in Dublin to enquire into the robbery of the King's insignia of the Order of St. Patrick at Dublin Castle have written
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  • 59 7 A Weaker Demand For Company Shares. (From Ouk Own- Corrksi-ondknt.) London, January 15. The London market for Rubber Company shares has weakened a little owing to settlement day being near. Kepitigollas, in spite of the excellent crop of tho past nine months, just reported, are quoted at 18s.
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  • 80 7 Heat at Adelaide Reported to be Fearful. lUbotbr's Tbuohaml London, January 16. The score in the third test match at Adelaide is now as follows:— Australia. First Innings 285 Second Innings 506 791 England. First Innings 868 Second Innings (for 6 wkts.) 189 602 Clem Hill scored
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  • 38 7 [BaoTaa'a Tblbobah] London, January 16. The Firman-Firma (Governor-General) telegraphs that Subjnlak is surrounded by 20,000 tribesmen. He asks urgently for reinforcements and provisions, else his forces will be cut up and will perish of hunger.
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  • 26 7 jßbdtih's Tilkokam| London, January 15. One hundred and sixty-seven bodies have been recovered from the ruins of the opera boose at Boyertown.
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  • 18 7 IRhittik'h Tblkcjßam| London, January 16. Nine millions sterling have been subscribed to the Prussian loan.
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  • 73 7 The following alterations have been made in the published calendar of the School The date of closing for the Chinese New Year holidays is now fixed for Wednesday, January 29 the date of re-opening remains as fixed, Thursday. February 20. Owing to a present lack of available
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  • 1517 7 CREATURES CAUGHT IN THE STRAITS AND STATES. Personal Jottings on Local Bags Creatures furred, feathered or finned successfully maintain the struggle for existence in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States in far greater numbers and variety than popular opinion usually conceives. Only those whose week ends
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  • 427 7 Three Accused Acquitted on ali the Counts. On Tuesday afternoon, the prosecution, iv the Kalians; sawmill murder case concluded their evidence, and, yrsterday morning, the accused told their story. The first prisoner said that he took refuge in flight when the trouble between the two gangs of coolies
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  • 150 7 Tanglin Burglar Sentenced to Three Years' Imprisonment. Lim Woon Kee, the Tanglin burglar, was convicted on four charges of fraudulent possession of stolen property, yesterday afternoon by Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, who highly commended the detective force for their skill in fastening so many different
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  • 56 7 Tan Kirn Loh was again before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, for the continuation of the preliminary inquiry into the charge of murder of Soli Teng Ann, at Tanjong Pagar, on December 81. Superintendent Howard conducted thu inquiry. Medical and police evidence was given, and
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  • 551 7 FAMOUS NAVAL ENGINEER AS A CONGRESSMAN. Fifty Million Dollars to Strengthen United States Navy. (From Odr Own Corrrspondknt.) London, Janua.y, 15, 11.20 p. m. A telegram from Washington states that Congressman R. P. Hobvin, who bocamo famous by his attempt to sink tin- collier Merrimac at the
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  • 107 7 Proposals to Increase Circulation of Silver. |Rbdtbk's Tklkhka-h London, January 16. In the course of a debate in the Reichstag on the monetary position of Germany, Count Kanitz urged that every effort should be made to erect a wall of silver round Germany's stock of gold. The Government
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  • 51 7 Alternative to Chairman of Chinese Association. [Raima's Tils'»ram London, January 15. Ten Indians and eight Chinese have been expelled from Johannesburg for picketing. The Chairman of the Chinese Association has been given twj months to comp'y with the order to register, failing which he will be
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  • 41 7 [Riutbb's Teleobam.J London, January 15. A section of the German Press declares that the new situation that bis arisen in Morocco gives G.irm my a great opportunity, and that she should recognise Malai H ifi 1 as Sultan.
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  • 26 7 [RbUTIR'S TILEOKAMJ London, January 16. The ex-Empress Eugenic left Port Said for India on board the P. and O. steamer Mooltan.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 59 8 The new building for the Victoria Kecreatlou Clubat Hongkong, which is beiny creeled clone tn the Naval Yard, is uearing completion. A moonlight IV te was held at the l'euang Swimniiug Club, on Saturday night last. The club house was prettily illuminated with Japanese lanterns and presented
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    • 28 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. In the singles of the V.M.C.A. teuuis tournament, yesterday. Nelson beat Livock, 6— 4, l. and A. E. O. Coveuoy lieat llogau. 6 -:>. 6-0.
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    • 133 8 I nterport 'Matches. Negotiations an- Urn opcu.d up with Hongkong for a match by cable and now it is suggested that a match of two games should be played with Dangkok. Blindfold Match. An interesting exhibition blindfold match was witnessed at tho City Hall, Hongkong, on the 9th instant,
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    • 101 8 Swimming Club Launch. The steam lauuch Argo will luavu •ou's Piei be tho Club Buugl"\N ou Suuday, Mm 19th iustaut, at P 10 aud 11 a.m., 2.30 and 8.30 returning atlVVJmi'l 10.30 a.m. U 15, and I J'.lu. ream Race. On the arrival ut the 10 o clock lauuch.
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    • 172 8 S.C.C. >nd XI v. 98 th R.I. 2nd XI. Second elevens of the S.C.C. aud the 96th Russell's Infantry met iv a Hockey match ou the Esplanade yesterday. Play was untveutful till about twenty minutes after tho start when the Club scored a goal through Habkius The Russclls equalised
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    • 207 8 To-morrow's League Match. Tho football match between tin Club and '.he Warders iv the _mm Football \_odatiou BhUi Competition, which is to Uke place on tU Esplanade tomorrow even ing, should b" pRMMIhw of con idoable interest. From tho lcagui. standpoint this match >vil! beouc of the most
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    • 194 8 -elaiiKor Ladies' Medal. The following cards were returned lor the ladies' golf medal for January, in connection with the Selangor Ladies' Golf Club IViianj; Golf Club. The result of the I'cikiuh <ioll Club's monthly medal competition, says the I'inang Gazette, is ax follows < aptaiu Ad:u_. Ham. Key worth,
      194 words
  • 126 8 Additional Handicaps for To-day s Events. The tollovMug arc the additional handicaps for three important events at to-day"s meeting of the Penang Turf Club Thy Aii.uN Stakes. Orion 10. B Sextant 9.11 Maintenance 9.10 Eclipse 9. 9 Madame Mag 9. 0 Placida 8.10 Dartmoor 8. 4 Chevalier
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  • 294 8 Dr. Hose's Valedictory Sermon at Kuala Lumpur. There was a large congregation at Kuala Lumpur, ou Sunday evening, when the liishop of Singapore and Saruwak. Dr. Hose, preached for the last time in Solungor before liis retirement. Tho liishop selected as his text Isa. X.XXU, v. J7 Aud
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  • 251 8 Formerly eotlee from Netherlands India found ready sale iv the t nited States under the comprehensive name of ".lava Coffee." This cannot any longer be carried on there owing to the strictness of the laws against the sale of articles of food under misleading descriptions. So
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  • 229 8 A successful concert was given at the Dutch Club-house in ti range Road, last eveuiug, when a good audience assembled to hear an accomplished Dutch vocalist, Miss I'liiin Lignac. It is not often that Dutch performances take place in Singapore, but the success which attended the
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  • 960 8 IMPORTANT DECISION IN GERMAN COURTS. 4 Success for Well-known Local Brand. A case of some considerable importance, invulving tiie question of Trade Marks, has been settled in the Chamber for (Joinmorcial Causes in the Provincial Court of Hamburg The plaintiffs were Messrs. Mackie and Company Distillers, Limited.
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  • 79 8 The other day, during the absence ut the driver for his dinner, the fireman en a steamroller at Ipoh became ■ized, with an ambition to run the engine, do started the machinery, but found himself unable tc con-' trol it with tho result that the roller w en t over
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  • 659 8 Objection Raised to Continued Postponements- Kacli week, for several weeks past the ■MM of Cilia Keug lioek and Chia Ktng Chiang have appeared ou the bankruptcy list. When they were called, this morning. tin usual adjournments were usked for. Ituth His Lordship Ml. Justice P__M uud M_ Official
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  • 19 8 The output for the month of December at the Sipiau Tin Company Limited, was 110.88 piculs.
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  • 111 8 lii the rourse of a mouth there have h< v four big robberies at private residence* at Soocbow, oue near the North Gate and three iv the Southern part of the city. The losses of clothing, jewels, aud other articles, are estimated at 93,000, $4,000, $8,000 and
    111 words
  • 157 8 Arbitration Courts to Deal with Commercial Disputes. \u early iilump iv couuty "Uit MM law costs and lawyer-, jl Cardiff lniy uot hup a.-o:iahly bt expected, as tin city Chainin of Commerce are establishing courts of urbitra' tiou tot the settlement oi disputes arising out ut commercial trauj.'.ctions.
    157 words
  • 130 8 An engagement between a Chinese girl aud tishermau of Matang, F.M.S., i K reported to have ended very unsatisfactorily for many of the parties concerned. Tbe ardent swain in the first iustance advauced a sum of tl'2 as a preliminary settlement and was accepted as
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  • 125 8 Tin- Illustrated London News of December 14 contains a picture of an airship, named China. The vessel is Hying the dragon flu;,', aud there are two Chinese on its quarter-duck. Beneath tbo illustration in tin. following paragraph A syndicate is being formed in Hongkong to build an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 THE HIPPODROME Cinematograph Co., BEACH ROAD. THE BIG SHOW. ON Friday, the 17th inst., Will pat before tlic Siuyajiure I'nbliiA COMPLETE CHAN6E OF PROGRAMME. iucludiuK the 1,000 ft. PICTURE, jiiht to liaml. •ntitU.l The Morocco War. Takuu at t.'asa-Blaiiuii (NOT lAKKN IN SOUK HACK YAKI> IN FRANCE) by tin- I
      63 words
    • 363 8 JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., -FOR THE BEST CARTRIDGES. _^^^^tf_^9V 1 "ZT John Little Co., ""J? Shooting. i.imitki) Cartridges. ALHAMBRA Ginematocjpaph. BEACH ROAD. New Programme on TO-NIGHT. DO NOT JIISS THK DIKIM'K CIRCUIT, J'MiT. One ol tin. most k_m_M__ races of lust yi V. ALL PATHE FRERE'S FILMS. ARRIVED BY THE
      363 words

  • 323 9 a Domestic Heirloom of the Walters. Mr. I H. BaooM talk in the Albany \i. tli. utorj tit. Timei :i- In knows Kroin tiist to laet Ii -uys. th A'alters iav< been the roal matters and direutoca, it irkm* t.i ii toUtl It S.l < "l»;ridf;o ill -.1
    323 words
  • 137 9 liv Nil.;. i Country Milli uaifc who s.i a ih gIOU i hristmaa 111 tillceuord >; «ball we aay ;tw m i I tin wealthy predeueaaoi two a thro yuan ago paid •*••< for a aoere halflo/.en i in. krrs. sj^ei.iily ma Ii for din by
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  • 183 9 Babies as Bait „n yi\ns iii the Boatou i i uMsuunt ol ho* crocodiles ar< i in Ceylon. I', iby bait, be naya, in the .v.; b I'vocodue, and everybody Met Vi t can 1. Nt a baby down there tor lialr' di Hal i i)■ iiu uontiDueM the thing
    183 words
  • 277 9 Svaruu w bein^ ■'••>■ i firm of Loodua (oi tbu beit n .is i;i luted by Cbarlca 11. to a tunu named i i «*bo sbelterod Uu 'vul 1 ahei the 'li->a-trou-battle of Wotooiitec. H.iiiiT.l Itiohard IVudroll burned tome M i ii StaffonUbivc (ariuei bo
    277 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 370 9 Date of forma ion forma Otpltal Subscribed i Capital Number Subscribed i of i Sharei of Share: Uaatf I'Hid Shares V»l :c 'ap to Unissued V»lae ja l^ uSS- c^^ Qt UTW ion I• i 1 IM 1907 ,301 19C. 1 19t>7 1901 1906 90S 1603 19 6 1306
      370 words
    • 346 9 1:150,00, J.U6.625 tl 16/ IMMH J105.000 10,500 *.O JIO HO4 mm mtm il-SSS K SO3 £71,000 £61. 009 61.000 SI '906 ?!50,000 *i 29,000 12,600 »10 »10 UXM OMN C*« IBM £75.000 456.000 85,000 tl *1 UN *«0,000 1243,187 *J 1906 £180,000 £130,000 180.000 £1 £1 1907 £320.000 £201,500
      346 words
    • 172 9 ■ii £YJ-.;.1i.0 ti.Hii 7,68s It/I i li/8 >98 MU.OM MM.COiJ i.BOO •<" !MO bM IaUjMMN •15.0 M.000 JJg ™j« I H.MMM |«*M« J}^ .8M -'11,000.000 'f1.00D.090 *$> •*<» if™ :'.».000 IM ■>,«■" SlO |M 898 *»75,000 1875/. I J JJ^J 10a |10Q i.) 3 tSn-LOOO tUWn 34,000 »10 »10
      172 words
  • 279 9 SINOAPORK. Ja.MAKY lj, 1004. PRODUCE. iaiubier buyers 6.87 i do ;Cube No. 1) unpickt 1 9.75' Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.30 taw Black buyer-, 12.874 ;io White s<t buyers 19.871 Sun Flour Sarawak 2.97J do Brunei No. 1 2.93 Pearl S&ko 4.15 Cofito Bali, picked 25.50 Coffer Palenibany
    279 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 CROUP I? IMMINENT. \n aaattar liow «ill your eaaUn I naaf Hnwai vh<\ yon an navai <>tV whooot ;i bottle oi fliamhfirlaln'a Coo(b Kiincly in It neviai fail-, to nHeri and t.» thi Hatk ooeta Foi U >li^|).-ii~i\rii- au<l Sealers.
      41 words
    • 174 9 The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily hjp« per year 530.G0 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.10 Weekly iaeue per year 12.00 do per quarter 3.00 do per copy 0.25 When sent by, post, there is added foi
      174 words
    • 69 9 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE A Church f K» hUf, House for European e^.,l Bnaaian ::ys i:. desire to aMaM aha aehoola J vii .pplicationa to be made ro th-5 BOOM Maaie:-. Andrew's House or a) the 001-.n-.5.: ..l:.< lain. PILSENEP BEEF KEY BRAND IMPORTBD «INCE JjjSES" t. *S §3 Lara BB.W.\«i:
      69 words
    • 174 9 Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANTIJN, v ibe no* ii b Ld the Roads, with all her tackle anil ipfMurel, offered fop salt. For particulars, apply to INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.. ROTTERDAM. u44O:j Kame Co* JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for Chinese New Year A Splbiitinl Assortment of kg Artificial Flowers d£>
      174 words

  • 330 10 A MOST UNPROFITABLE YEAR FOR THE MILLERS. The year just closed has been a most unprofitable one to rice millers in Siam, who have bad two bad years in succession owing to tbe difficulties of exchange, says the Bangkok Times. The exports for 1907 turned out better
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  • 125 10 Writing to the Dean and Chapter of Truro Cathedral, offering to provide tbe tenor bell of a peal for the north-west tower of thu Cornixh cathedral, Mrs. Jane Ellen Hawkins, of Portland-place, suggests that the representative Cornish families might each like to give a bell. By
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  • 203 10 It is not given to every man to anticipate bis death as calmly as did the late Mr. H. N. Pottle, an organist, at whose obsequies a funeral march was played which he had composed expressly for this purpose but there have
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  • 218 10 Professor H. S Jennings of Johns Hopkins University, who baa been connected with the University of California in a number of experiments of several months duration at the university's marine biological laboratory at La Jollo, has discovered that no animal known is ho low as the starfish.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 548 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PA.IDT7P OaPITAL •10,000,000 RESERVE FUND Bterhng Reserve »1°.«».O«>1 W1.750,000 Bilver Reserve •11,780,000/ Reserve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fuoha, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. E. Ooetz, Esq. E. Sbellim,
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    • 623 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of fJOoach ..£1,200,000 Rewire Fund 11,475.000 Reeerve Liability of Proprietors ..£1.200,000 BACKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants are
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    • 40 10 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY CURES COLDS. This remedy acts on nature's plan, allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature lin restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 645 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac, To be held at No 912, Queen Street, Singapore, Saturday, January 18, 1908, at 2-30 p.m. (For particulars see Catalogue). G. A. Fernandez Co., 91 Auctioueera. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tueiday, January SI, at 2.30 p.m. Freehold Land, area 4,017 square feet, together
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    • 434 10 SALES BY AUCTION. VALUABLE CHINESE JEWELLERY BRILLIANTS. To be sold by Auction, At MMn H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Sale-rooms, Friday, -January 17, at 10.30 a.m. Brooches and Krosangs set with Diamond!. Gold Rings let with Brilliants, Rubies und Emeralds, Earrings and Hairpins set with Brilliants, etc., etc. Now on
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    • 529 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. BIMS, C 1378 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue £2,061,044-19-8 The undersigned are prepared to aoeept Fire Risks at ourrent rates. 692 BEHN, MEYER 4 Co., Ltd.
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  • 1110 11 THE CUSSIFICATION OF POWER COMPARED. Although the Royal Automobile Club has goue to the trouble of producing a simple formula for the estimation of horse-power, it is notice able that very few of the motor manufacturers, either England or of the Continent, have accepted the rating for their catalogue
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 274 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Kuns by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from SYME CO^ 8
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      248 words
    • 171 11 MOTOR CAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED. =5= PLATING. ENAMELLING, PAINTINi T By bkilled WMbmb. Straits Qyeie Motor 60, BATTERY ROAD. J. DA. PEREIRA. HORTICIT.TURIST ASD FLORIST. I Collector and Exporter cf f^rchitlK. Diploma and Oo'.d Medal from tbt l:r_. King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to II"- Majt-fty, tbe
      171 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 574 12 Scale of Charges. VRtrAIL ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisoeIUneous Want* M Every Description, Houses, li»nd, etc.. ToM »re inserted at the following fitea One Imtrtioa 1-80 per inch Twc i.OO Three ».8O 3b 8.80 Dine 8.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 'Eacfc subsequent month 15 per inch.) Che above me is baaed upon
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    • 562 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bins;— Poor Linw, ode or two initr; .iv I By the inch, Seal* of Charge* TO LET. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON, SIMONS CO., Ltd. cSOSI OFFICE TO LET. No. 4-\. Kfttllcs Place, at present occupied by Mr. W. C. Niblett. Apply to Meyer
      562 words
    • 480 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Batis Fuu: Ui> on* ot two Insertion* fl. Hj th» inch, sea Seal* of Charges. HOUSE TO LET. Compouud Hoa-e. No. 20, Spettiswoode Park. Apply to Ong Tek Lim, No. 20, High Street. 63" 60D0WN8 TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godowna in Cecil and
      480 words
    • 676 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. lUTl3:— lst Month, »1O per Inch. Subwquent ni<'iit IS. For shorter periods see Scale of Charges. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS wbo find it necessary to leave the Colony for any length of time, can hare their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge,
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    • 256 12 S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., HAVE MUOi APPOINTED Brewers to His Majesty The King. £m£ Lager Beer. Pale Ale. Stout. Are obtainable from the v»w Principal Dealers. \3 SytitC Co.. V m W V a DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALEK-v Wholesale from SYME and CO.,
      256 words