The Straits Times, 15 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.548. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 317 1 Decido NOW on your Gar. WEIGH C'AItEFL'LLY the claims of all the cars you have seen or heard aliout. CONSIDER the tests that all cars have been put to, and what they have accomplished. DECIDE whether you want a toy or a car that will stand the heavy tests of
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    • 162 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. ■THE CATCH OF THE COLD >KAS<>X. 2nd Royal West Kent Band. Saturday 18 Saturday. During ami tftet' on the lawn, specially laid oat for the occasi .1;. 00 IT fJGW. PhoM tip No. JS for seats. ■M Mr. W. H. M. Browne tof lam FROST and SHIPHAM.
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    • 77 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Bros-'. Btisah Road. SingaporeThe Brightest acd Healthiest Resort i D the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets al! Soata and Trains. A CONCERT Will be yiv< n nt tin Dutch Club, Grange Road, TO-NJGHT I (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock, MISS PHINE LI6NAC. AfIMI^SMN $9 T'CETS CAN BE
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  • 890 2 PERPLEXING DIFFERENCES OF ONNION. Tht lm[>eriiil Diet of Germany is in the necessity of deliberating on suuie plan of tinaucial refoinj. ami as matter- stand, will find it a harder tank than tun proposed remodelliug of the Stock K\rhan>_'i haw or the new liberal cc^litication ot the F.a«
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  • 191 2 A remarkable story of a dream is ri-i ■< irit-il from MuHinKnr (county Webtmeath). Mary Devanoy dreamed tbat she saw her mother enter her bedroom covered with blood, and that the apparition bade her arise and search after her (her mother's) body, as she was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 EAGLE CEMENT 7or all Jiigd-@lass XVork On tde Jbist of tde (Brown Jigents for tde (Bolonies. Importer*: The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY. 5. ORCHARD ROAD. Has just lauded. Bs S.H. Kuryalus." a wellsel#c-Uil uumbtr of Hurst* hl<l Cobs, all I i broken in lo baram and saddle.
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    • 211 2 DiABOLO N Jim 18 AFTERNOOH DIABOLO diabolo DiABOLO DIABOLO DIABOLO I DIABOLO T r DIABOLO m he raze 0t 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. A CompMe Q j GAME CpO. 1 i,,S^c a J. MOTION GO. GONOSAN Watchmaker.. taken internally is so much better for Je Wellers. all
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  • 435 3 AN UNFAVOURABLE COMPARISON WITH GERMANY. Tlie current number of the Revue de Paris contains a remarkable anonymous article showing that vigilance is still the watchword of the most authoritative organs of public opinion in France in presence of the rebuilding by the Germans of the stations of Saarburg
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  • 296 3 Recommendation to the London County Council. Are Wt to revert to the Elizabethan practice of smoking in theatres The County Council will be recommended I j by the Tl»-atre» and Music-Halls Committee J lat tomorrow's meeting, says a recent exchange, to id i'li that thi- condition prohi-
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  • 171 3 A most unfortunate accident befell Lieutenant Harrison, of the 116 th Bombay Infantry, on Christmas evening. He and a number of other officers were spending the evening at their mess in Marine Lines. Suddenly Lieutenant Harrison, who is only twenty-one years of age, rose in sport to catch
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 543 3 THE KOBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. The Piibli.- an> INVITED to call and inspect the latest creations in I1I 1 LA YER- PIANOS. THE BRINSMEAD ANGELUS. A combination of the fcajria* Player and the celebrated Brinsnicad Piano. THE KASTNER ALTO PIANO. Both the above have a high reputation
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    • 809 3 By Special 'VMMT^ Purveyori 10 a^B^T^B^al aV^a^H Warrant I'M Ih,- King. lip II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores AT IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, I£V I I^B POTTED MEATS. MALT VINEGAR. H I Agent, for LEA PERRIN S WOKCESTERSIUE SAI'CE J/J Crosse Blackwell. Ltd. Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANTIJN, as bhe
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  • 226 4 Twenty Thousand Cases of Kerosene Destroyed. At uoon ou the 4th iustaut, a lire atartai in ihu kuroscue Kodowu in Hoihow which consuuieil about 'iO,^! oases of oil, most of which is retailing here at *8.40 por case, inakin" the loss about $70,000. Iv thi» tire,
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  • 171 4 In \;r;i.)iiliuir. stury i^ tok] b\ a i>uard, tin -ii MaiUagton, o± the Kast Indian railway! who wai tounil with a luissinH ural-.cvau. together with his box, with the ampa ■oaahad. At uoou ou tlio siibsoi]uout <lay, wheu Muiliiigton arrived at Cawuporc. he saiil his ir.iii halted
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  • 532 4 Passengers Outward. Per P.andO. steamer Hi-itauui;'.. eoonectiag witJi Che ~t>:ame;- I'uui-isula,- at Colombo. From Loudon, J)ec. SO, <lie .lan. 17: r.C.Watt, V. I >. r'n nch,.]. A.Guis.o, F. A. Teale. A. Condi-.-, W. Lildle. Mi>i Templar, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Maitcu ;-.ud childieu, Mr. P. I!.
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  • 780 4 j Same, port, probable dat<- of arrival and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Agamemuou, Liverpool, .Tau 8H Mansfield Airlie. Sydney. Feb 2 Boustead VnUmor. Liverpool. Jan 16; W Mansfield AntilochiiH. Liverpo.l. Fcb 7 W. Mansfield Arcadia. Hongkong, .lan 30 P. 40. Coy i Argonia, Japan, Jan'l6 Bebn Meyer Austria.
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  • 62 4 A tire hah occurred on the pilot brig Alijv. It was dne to ;m < \plosion of foul <^as. Five piloi- and the native on w Moapsd 1 1 umsliip. The lump triiim.i MM li It Imliiiiil. but Ml iiwuwml by tin steamer Maloooda, ;nul
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  • 174 4 Within tin c om-i of tin 1 next f<» I tin: yacht .Uincola is due ban fiom C'olonii; < 'and Xiw York, nitli cH«tingnJnhed pai:^ 11.!1 1.! Auniirun ami Rngtull tunriat*. The pnrty Inoladea Colonel Robert 34. Tbompaoii, Ne.v Voik. banker, retired ami otten aud lawyer;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 733 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Kills ot Lading issued fo.' C'uina Coaat, Peraiau Gulf, Continental, and Am no-\n Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on at akoM MAIL LINE. Outuiard [for CUr.uj. 19« Pcnintular Jau 18
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    • 1164 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SGHEEPVAART MY. 'BANDJER.' BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this oompany maintain a regular service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjcr. mas in, Pulo Laat, Balik Papan, Roetei, with transhipment at Baniijermaiin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waricqin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasariea, Negaia and Bebirik. The «teamers have goodaccomodatloD for
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    • 773 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NIXL. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mali Line. The fast and well known mail steam- r^ of this Company sail fortnightly from BremeuUamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southimp I lon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneuion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Peuiug, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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    • 26 4 Mama' Uaadia] of Uod Liver Extraot is loasant to taki'. Its beucticial effects are -i-ii-m cd at nucc. It is easily borne by the most delicate.
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  • 1123 5 I Mil R thin li«i.|iim th* (..Mowing ahbretlxtions are oimvl -t r -i.i um.r *h. -nhip bo. barque; nch. ■knar Vol.- Yacht; Cm.— Craftier ll'ht.—«lunhnut !..r. Toru«.li.; ll.p. -llnrM-pvver Brit.— Kri(.<h; O.H. I intj.lSt.Uwi; Fit. Tilt. <>»r. ll.n.iiu, Diit -nut'li; Ii .1. It ili:in; S|nni«h; NW<~M*ra*ak
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  • 63 5 Hohewabd P. A O. Mail. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delhi left Hongkong, at 1 p.m., on Saturday, and is due here at 5 p.m., to-day. OrxwißD P. A O. Mail. The P. A 0. outward mail steamer Peninsular left Colombo at 1.30 p.m., on
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  • 75 5 Fom Pia Steimib Tina To-momow Bangkok fktva lpm. Haigon LaerUt 2 p.m. Mnar and Malacca Jin Ho 2 p.m. Madras via ports Thongic* 3 p.m. Rangoon I'nity 8 p.m. H'kong, Amoy, Swatow Cheang Cheu. 3 p.m. P. Swettenham via port Malacca 3 p.m. Billiton and Batavia Japara 4
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  • 114 5 From Eubopb— By tbe P. A O. s.s. Peninsular due on January 17. From CnMA— By the P. AO. s.s. Delhi, due on January IS. Singapore Doe in London Dec 9 N. D. L Jan 'i Dec 1-2 B. I. Jan 4 Dec 16 M. M. Jan
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  • 79 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To-day. TASJOHO P«0A» EiST Whab/ Basin—Hong Bee. BabtWbabvSiction I—Newton Hall. Ban. 1 (Bntu WHAar):—Volga. SaonoH No. 2—Nil. *—Nil. ii •> 4—Thongwa. 6—Nil ii 6—Danblane. 7—Shinchiku Maru. B—Bintang. Verona. «—Nil. jAauiyi'B Whabt— Lamang. NIPMI HIUBOUH Maim WHAar:—Patrol, Trigonia.
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  • 88 5 January S4 Keong Wai, G. r str. Bangkok Signal, Ger str, Hoihow and Hongkong Scandia, Ocr str. Hamburg via ports Ning Chow, Brit str, Jspan via ports Dulwich, Brit str, Labuan Heim, Norstr, Bangkok Hong Wan I, Brit str, Penang and Rangoon Ophir. Dut str, Palembang 18 Diomed, Brit
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  • 43 5 By the Malacca. Captain Sanderson, Jan. 14.— From Port Swettenham: Mr. K. A. Stevens and Mr. F. O. Hallifax. By tbe Penang. Captain Perry, Jan 15. From Telok An-on via ports: Mr. H A. E. Thompson and Mr. H. Rhodes.
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  • 986 5 Details of the Beresford -Scott Incident. A Naval Correspondent writes to the London Times: It has bceu a mat tor of some surprise that no authentic or otlicial description or explanation at the disagreemerit between the Coiiimaiidi r in Chief of the Channel Fleet ami the Hear
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  • 112 5 The example of the Vallnmbrosa, Selangor and Linggi Rubner Compauics in splitting no thrir shares is advocated for Ai.u-o-Malays, Bukits, Cicelys and PatalipßS, says a correspondent. There can bo no doubt that the division of the shares of the former companies lias allowed of the entry on their books
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 440 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. NTYTK JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A A, i'X^ A regnlxr FORTNIGHTLY aervioe is maintained between Japan and Europe by the I following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 439 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Thx steamers of this Company maintain regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills nf Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cnefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac, Ac. Htemmttn Tons Commander Kdthanq 4,895 R.
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    • 436 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. I OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The CompAnie*' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight aud for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 526 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C.P.R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO RUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA itu.l Ihi UNITED BTATEB. tCnitf from Hongkuug, tin Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotona and Vanoonver, lOI.K. "K.mibjwh or India" 1 Twin-screw dte«R.M.B. "Emprbwof Japan" mers, 6,000
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 186 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom J.vnpabv 16 to Jan-car* 21.) HIGH WATER.!] LOW WATER 1 "Time f H'ght I Tinie~' H'ght hrs. mm. ft. ins. hrs.min. ft. ins. January .1 J 7.53 air. 8.6 I 2.1 am 4.9 WmsdatlS J 929pm 8l J 2.67pm! 2.1 T__.-._T ia'l 8.44 am 3.9 2.!*f>am'
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    • 139 5 DAY BY UAY Wednesday, January 15. High Water. 9-VU p.m P. A. O. homeward mail dne. Murder Cascx. Assizes. Hockey. Church Work Association Meeting. J-HO p m. Concert. Dutch Club. 9 p.m. Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Albambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Thursday, January 16. High Water. 8-44 a.m. 10-19 pm St. Andrew's
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  • 500 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15. The retirement of M. Beau from the <;<)veruor-(«eneralship of ludo-China. which has been so loug ruuioured. is now mi longer a matter of doubt. The Saigon Opinion has been assured on good authority that the (iovernor-Urueral will leave Saigon for France
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  • 267 6 In view of the statement ot Mr. Justice l'isher, in giving judgment in a iM^Mg collision ease at the Supreme Court, on Mouday. that this was another of those unfortunate cases ot which perjury and subornation of perjury formed the most conspicuous feature, it seems strange lliat he did not
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  • 420 6 We arc. plcaxuil to MS that tin- J-NlniMgliui Municipal iiutlioritii's have raiwl no difficulties about the extradition of the Chiuese buuk iiiauagcr who was arrested witliin the Suttleiucut in couueetiou with the attempt to institute a liritish boycott. He has been handed over to the Taotai, and the Chinese (ioverumeut
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  • 11 6 AU telegrams published in this issue arc irotecttd by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 16 6 The price ol tin to-day in Singapore is S6H,', |ier picul. Seventy-five tous have been sold.
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  • 21 6 1 1. M.5. Kent struck sonic heavy weather ou her trip up to Hougkoug from Singapore, the starboard boom being smashed.
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  • 21 6 The Tokio shareholders of the Electric ailway have adopted a contract for the diking over of the line by the Municipality.
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  • 24 6 A Greek stowaway, whoarrived at Colombo by tiie steamer Toiiraue from Singapore, was sentenced to oue month's rigorous imprisonment by the Joiut Police Magistrate.
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  • 28 6 The International Cycle louipauy at Shanghai has been allowed compensation amounting to |1fi,793 for the lootiug ot the Company s store iv the riot which occurred in IUOS.
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  • 36 6 A Chiiuimau was tiued *10. yesterday, or, iv default, sentenced to a mouths rigorous imprisonment by Mr. K. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, lor the theft of a hat from Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Company.
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  • 43 6 The statistics in regard to Japau s foreign trade for ltH<7 have been issued. The exports for the year amounted to en KHVHNUMU aud the value of the imports to Yen 4'J4,-200,U00. The total exceed I the figures for 1!K»6 by Veil 8-2,IKKJ,(XK).
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  • 36 6 Au interpreter at the lm|K.-rial Hotel, Tokio, shot the senior interpreter in the street ami committed suicide immediately itterwards. The cause of the tragedy some grievaneo iv the matter of the distribution of commission mouey.
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  • 38 6 The Police launch I'cuguin, which sank iv the I'euaug harbour ou the Till i"st.. was siiecesslully iclloateil ou Saturday under the supervision of Captuiu 11.I 1 C. Maciutyrc, Harbour MwtlT. aud Mr. C. G. May. Deputy Colonial Engineer.
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  • 42 6 The Director of St. Josephs Institution cordially iuiitc.s the parents of the pupils aud the friends of the to be pic sent at the annual distributiou of prizes on Thursday, Mid instant, at 5 p.m. His excelleucy the Governor will preside.
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  • 43 6 In view of the I act that liic Graud Hotel liurope has becu full for soiul time, the proprietors are ontcmplatiug addiug a new wing at the back of the Hotel. It will be three storeys high, aud will comprise about sixty rooms.
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  • 47 6 Occupying for the first time his ucw wooden hut temporary court al the overcrowded Law Courts, in London. Mr. Justice Darliug made some sarcastic remarks about a Gothic building with an ornamental facade, full of windows that exclude the light, anil of [Ml sages that lead nowhere.
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  • 52 6 Two Chiuese MyuMWll before the Second Magistrate, a week ago, on h charge of theft of a sampan on Christmas eve. S'esterday, the case was finally dis]H)sed of. The accused were acquitted and the prosecutor was fined $40 for bringing a frivolous prosecutioii. the money to be divided between the
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  • 58 6 Oue huinlred and eighty Russian soldiers lie buried in Japau. Every grave has been surmounted at the cost of the Japanese Government Isays an Odessa correspondent). by a handsome aud solid granite stone, bearing the Greek Orthodox cross in relief, and, iv neatly chiselled lettering, the name and rank of
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  • 56 6 It is understood that the authorities have taken prompt actiou wit'i regard to several petty officers who w^ro concerned iua recent disturbance at Wuchow. It will be remembered that a number of meuo'-warsmeu went ashore and behaved iv a disorderly manner. The Naval authorities, it is reputed, have disrated the
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  • 51 6 The steam launches Lanka aud Nora were sold by auction at I'owell aud Company's sale-room yesterday afternoon. They were bought by Yeo Tecl« Hoe for 19.000 and id.oOO, respectively. At the some auction, 80,000 rubber seeds realised »2.80 to »7 per 1,000. The seeds were packed in boxes of 8,000
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  • 67 6 On tho llh inst., a ruachaug with three passengers collided with a fish carrying boat at Bangkok. The boat capsi/ed aud two of Mm passengers were carried down stream for some distance before being picked up. whilst the third, a won. an saved herself by clinging to the mooring chain
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  • 63 6 The ludo-Chiua University, which has just been established at Hanoi by the Government of the Colony to spread among the unlives a knowledge of the sciences and learning of Europe, meets favour among the people. Up to the end of lust year, 12.> applications to be students had been received.
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  • 81 6 The iucomj-tix came into operation iv ■lava on January 1, but the assessment arrangements are so complicated that it is a hard matter to get the schedules ready soon. The MMMM require time to collect inforina tiou and to settle u]x>u the proper way to levy the tax. It will
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  • 86 6 A Japanese member of Parliament, named Inukai, a Radical leader, who was till lately Count Okuma's right haud man, has just lifted a come of tht> veil which hides the future of Chin i. Uc considers a war between Japan and Coma a., a probability to be reckoned with, and
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  • 486 6 Mr. aud Mrs. T. A. PoH arrived at Ku.ila iiiinpur on Sunday. Mr. V. E. Taylor has joiaed the I'edoral Secretariat iv place of Mr. M. B. Shelly, who goes to the Immigration Oftii. IVming. The Key. Dr. Dunlop. ol liangUk, preached at the Methodist Episcopal Clnm-li,
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  • 42 6 William Walker, a deacon in au ■natoon tic Baptist Church, and treasurer of the Savings I'.anl. at New Britain, iv Lou nectieut. recently absconded with fI'JJ.«"Hi of church aud bank funds. He was subse cjllelltly arrested while working in a Mexican mine.
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  • 65 6 W« have received from Messrs. Kirn and Company, Battery I load, acopy uf the K..M.S Almanac for this year, published by the Federal Rubber Stamp Company Kuala Lumpur. The almanac which chu be pin chased from Messrs. Kirn aud Compauy. W replete in useful information to all classes of the
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  • 82 6 l>eh planters are taking a keen iuteresl m the rubber exhibition to be held at London this year. Optimists hope that the Colony will make a woHuy figure at the show, and they emphasise the fact that rubber cultiva tiou is an important branch of industry there. Dutch capitalists do
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  • 79 6 Sing Kong Quee. charged with keepiuy .1 common gaming house in a small lane off North Bridge Hood, last mouth, was fined stiK) by the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon. In default of puyuu-ut, he will serve four months' rigorous iuiprisouuicul. Oue half of the tine, if recovered, goes to the
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  • 79 6 One of the most galling restrictions on Chinese in Java is the regulation that none of them may travel about iv tlint island without passes, to be taken out every veai. Tho Chiuese at Souiabaya have petitioned the Governor-General to remove this grievance altogether. They point out that other alien
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  • 151 6 Amoug the Chinese, both here and in tlien own country, it is nothing uncommon for the corpses of infants to be east away, instead of being buried. The ofaaritebifi c\pl:>uatioi> is that this is done to save burial expenses. The Ficho de Chine gives the true reason M being the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 370 6 Bod\ builder and streii^tli creti l^fei flli ■8 J lMal ll l( cl people, puny childM^l fcl^l \ll ill s 'kly worueu and nursing H| 1 mothers, anil to build up strength 1 J after ji sevi re illness. ■^r Better than f BaMtß* 1 whw man conditions reijuirinn a
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    • 234 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night' s Programme. IST SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1 A Five Birthday Cali.' 2 Around Port Arthur I've Lost M> Kyu^hi^s i The Kiufj of I)oil:ir The Half Ca tea KevenK'li Oeuevicvo de Brabn.t 7 A liewitched Sou iv km x Spot »t the Telephone
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  • 748 7 CENTURIES BY HtRTIGAN AND CLEM HILL. Brilliant Batting. POSSIBLE DEFEAT TURNED INTO PROBABLE VICTORY. (KlioM OIK Own Cotci:KspoNT>KNr.i Sydney, January 14, Mi p.m. The afternoon's cricket at Adelaide has been remarkable for the brilliant batting of Hartigan, the Queenslandei and Clem Hill, the South Australian. Both men
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  • 108 7 European Crushed by a Fall of Timber. While iv the performance of his duty at the Taujoug Pagar Docks, about eleven o'clock this morning, a wharchousemau iv the traffic department, named C. L. Becton, was instantly killed by a tall of timber. It seems that the deceased
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  • 608 7 Courts Ruling on Professional Etiquette. A sittiug of the Full Court, this morning, presided over by Mr. Justice A. O. Law, accompanied on the beuch by Mr. Justice Fisher ami Mr. Justice Scrcoiubc Smith, gave JlwlUliinal iv the case iii wiiicii Mahomed Hassin sued Messrs. Itudia uud Chopard
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  • 49 7 The section of the Sunning railway between Kung Vick and Sunning City was successfully opened on the tith instant. The arraugements for the return journoy to Hougkong became disorganised aud the V up >i>r:ui guests were detaiued at the Customs House, at Kongmoou. for the night.
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  • 171 7 Mr. J. 11. Brooke, assistant Government Analyst, prosecuted Dr. A. Sato, before the Senior Magistrate. Mr. K. C. Howard, this morning, on charges of obstructing him while iv tin- discharge of his duty as a public servant, and of not keeping a daily register of
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  • 17 7 The *.hres i:qused ir the'angl saw. xaiil muzdei case wore discharged at th» AMiaea this afternoon.
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  • 68 7 FLOTATION OF A FIVE MILLION LOAN. Favourable Terms for the Chinese Government. Kkuiir's Tklkokaml London, Jauuary Ij. An Imperial Edict issued at Peking sanction- au Anglo-German ■> per cent loan of .15,000,000 sterling, to be issued at 9», for the construction of the Tientsiu-Yangtse Hailway. The construction
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  • 80 7 Spain Refuses to Intermeddle in Dynastic Dispute. [On Ostasiatisi iik Li.ovn Tklki.kam Uerlin, January 1">. M. richon. Hie French Minister of Foreign AtlaiiT. who has been ou a diplomatic visit to Madrid, returns to Paris. The Spanish Government refuses to iutcr. t. ii in the struggle for the Moroccan
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  • 35 7 Hkiikk's Tklkukam London. January 1... Th nan in the third test uiateh at Adehiidc is now as follows: AI'sTKALU. I'm si luuiugs •2R'> Secoud luniugsifor 7 wktsl :K)7> First luuiugs :|6U
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  • 48 7 |Dkk Ostasiatisi hk Lloyd Tp.i.kukam| Berlin. January l.*i. The United Suites battleship Iml vow on Urn way to the- Pacific has arrived at Xi" do Janeiro, when: it has received an enthusiastic welcome. A severe storm was encountered, but the Keel is intiul.
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  • 28 7 DPK OSTAHIATIMI-HK IfMl* T«LK'»IU»| Berlin. January 15. Mr. W. H. Taft, I.S. Secretary of War, aud candidate for the Presidency, recommends the evacuation of Cuba.
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  • 29 7 IIKK OsTASIATtSCHK I.LoVH TkLKOBAM Merlin. January If. Ou the ."ah instant, the Dutch forces iv the Island of Flores attacked the rebels and captured their leader.
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  • 18 7 I>KR OSTASIATISUUK LLOYD TklKi.HAm! Berlin, Jauuary 15. The death at Bremen is announced of Ex President Clausseu.
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  • 237 7 Chinaman sent to Prison for a Year. Messrs. Howard aud Gibson, sittiug as a Beach Court, yesterday afternoon, heard a charge against Ku Chia Kui of the delivery of a counterfeit twenty cent piece. Mr. J. R. Brooke, assistant Government Analyst, gave expert evidence regarding the character of
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  • 119 7 Before Mr. Justice Fisher, at the Council Chamber, yesterday afternoon, the suit of A/.izullah v. P. R. V. Siniuiu Chetty and others was begun. Mr. T. D. Parsons appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. F. M. Chopard for the defendants. The claim was for an account
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  • 739 7 A MALAYAN PHENOMENON OF FLORICULTURE. The Reflections of Theophrastus. He is really a most excellent tukang Kebuu, and warrants enthusiasm within limits. Advisedly I speak. Araminta, you see, oucc wrote au Ode on the subject. The thing began All praise to thee, uiy gardener Haji Of all
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  • 134 7 Hamid. Police Constable No. 62^, who was brought before a Beuch Court consisting of Messrs. Howard and Gibson, on Monday, on a charge of theft of two watches, a chain and a Key from one Mobamod Ismail, was again before the same Court, yesterday afternoon. Mr. V.
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  • 146 7 Judgement in the matter of acouiplaiut in wliiuh Mt- Gardiner, Superintendent of Police, was complainant and Liong Thyc Hye, defendant, whs delivered this morning before the full court, consisting of Justices Law. FUher and Sercouibe Smith. This was an appeal from a conviction by the magistrate, who found
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  • 215 7 Twelve Months Imprisonment for a Chinaman. Mr. George A. De Souza prosecuted a Chinaman, named Kara Ah See, before a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Howard and Gibson, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of housebroaking by night, aud theft of clothing, valued at 615. The prosecutor's door, which
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  • 451 7 Alleged Burglar Before the Third Magistrate. Lim Woon Kee, who ii charged particularly with retaining property stolen from Captain Bishop and other officers at Pulo Brani, and with being in possession of a number of articles identified as having been stolen from seven or eight different Europeans,
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  • 113 7 The local Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has received the following telegram from his Head Office at Hongkong Subject to audit, Bauk Dividend for halfyear will probably be 40 old Issue Shares 30 New Issue Shares added to Silver Kesoi've, to lacs carried forward
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  • 110 7 Aniuy was startled, but not surprised, a few days ago, says a report of the 3rd instant, to hear of the failure of three Chinese Banks, thu total indebtedness being said to be to the tune of a million dollars. This will hit Uie Chinese business houses very
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  • 31 7 The Chinese cruisers Haichi and Haiyting left Singapore yesterday afternoon, the former, with His Excellency Yang Shi Khi, the <' Commercial Commissioner, on board, for Shanghai, aud the Hai-Yuug for Hongkong
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  • 55 7 The French mail, which arrived yesterday, brought out c new consignment of Pathe Freres films for the Albambra. Most of these will bo shown to-night, the naott notable being the Dieppe-Circuit motor race at 19D7, Fashionable Fans, and a Seville bullfight. Thib after-dinner entertainment is becoming increasingly popular, the house
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  • 95 7 TERRIBLE TRAGEDY IN OPERA HOUSE. One Hundred and Fifty Women and Children Killed. |DIX OSTASIATISCHK LLOYD TkLEOKAM Berlin, ....:v>ary 15. The opera house at Boycrtowu iv tbe State of Pennsylvania, has been destroyed by fire during a performance. At least fifty persons are known to have been
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  • 54 7 Governor-General Alleges Outrage by Turkish Troops. Rbutkk's Telki.kam. London, Jauuary 10. Russian and German despatches from Teberan state that the prime firman-firm ('.'principal Ferman Ferma, or Governor General) reports that the Turkish troops and Kurds surrounded him near Siybulak and captured tho treasury, with CW),000, aud a
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  • 40 7 |KbCTBR'B Tf.! k. ■>■:-. Loudou, Jauuary 14 Eight Indians aud Chinese have be«n ordered to be expolled from the Transvaal for picketing. Loudou, January U The loaders of a Chinese Association at Johannesburg have been arrested.
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  • 49 7 I liKi-TKh's Tklburah.J l ioudou, Jauuary 11. Tho Shauglmi bauk manager arrested it) connection with tlie anti-Britioli agitutiou arising out <tf the Click iung Kail way loan dispute has been hauded M lo the Taotai, who has lSMieil a striu^onl ant! boycott proclamation.
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  • 49 7 |K»utkk's Tblkokam London, January 11 The resumed negotiations between the Federation of Cotton Spinners and the representatives of the operatives with a view to prevent the lock-out notified for the Mh instant have been broken off, as the parties concerned are unable to agree ou terms.
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  • 37 7 [Kjctkk's Tbliciram; London, Jauuary 14. A New York telegram announces tin suspension on the Stock Exchange of the important Robert Maclay Company. The liabilities of the firm amount to .£300,000 sterling.
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  • 36 7 [Kbdtbr's Tklkokam London, Jauuary 14. Commenting on the success of Mr. Henry Farman's aeroplane, the newspapers describe Farmau as an epoch-maker coui[>arahle to George Stepheusou, the inventor of the locomotive.
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  • 36 7 Rkutkk's Tilboram| London, January II It is anticipated in Washington that it may be necessary to await tho arrival of Mr. Takahira, the new Japanese Ambassador, before completing the immigration negotia tions with Japau.
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  • 29 7 London. January U. Tho Czar has appoints M. Stolypin, at present Minister of the Interior and Prosideut of the Council of Ministers, Secretary of State.
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  • 24 7 I Kiutir's Tkuokam I London, January Id The Treasury at Washington ban pur chased '200,000 ounces of silver it 66.747.
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  • 23 7 L jrlin, January It Chief -tafi Strgeoc SchulU has b#« appointed chiaf oi the O e man uaval h pirn Yokohama.
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  • 670 8 WINNERS OF THE FIRST DAYS RACES. Gillc Secures the Club Cup. (li:..m Hi ii Own Oikkf.m-ODF.nt.) Penang, January 14. Tin .l;\ Meeting of tin- I', mini! Turf Club ii|u-ni-il toilay iv line weather. The goiug w.ts i to !!< i>t. :imt there was a fair attendance of
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  • 132 8 At a meetiug of the Executive of the United Kingdom Alliance held at Westminster recently, Mr. Leif Jones, M.P., presiding, a resolution was unanimously passed, thanking the Chancellor of the Exchequer for his re. assuring declarations as to the inclusion in the codling Government Licensing Bill of
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  • 104 8 Something Like Hailstones M. Cadet, the Director ol the Central Observatory in Indo. China, gives an account of a recent hailstorm in Tonkin, which was unique indeed. At one village, the hail wan of the size of a x \tn to eight years old child's head, and the stones weut
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  • 843 8 General Manager's Report to the Directors. The following is the report of the lieneral Manager to the Directors of the Kaub Australian Gold Mining Company, Limited, for the month ended December 28:— Gentlemen. I herewith beg t > submit my monthly rejiort on your mining and milling
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  • 50 8 A Shanghai wire of 6th instant, states that the British registered tramp steamer Victoria has boon placed under arrest by the Mixed Court authorities, and runners have b>>en sent on board. The Victoria is said to belong to a Chinese firm at Newchwang, which is bankrupt
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  • 75 8 The Governor of Celebes has sent a circular to the authorities there, directing them to encourage tea -cultivation among the people. The authorities themselves must net the example by laying out small gardnns for this purpose, near their stations. Information how to sot about growing tea is appended to the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 77 8 An Association football match will be played on Thursday on the Hiu.^ Lnu green between the Straits Chinese Recreation Club and the S.C.s.A. With the departure from Hongkong of the 119 th Infantry to India by the Hardinge, Hongkong will be the poorer by the absenco of
      77 words
    • 33 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. Iv the doubles handicap in the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, yesterday, Kartlett and Bishop beat Hay aud Coulcher, 6-4, 5-7, 00. In the singles handicap Goctzoe beat Dennis, 6-1. 75.
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    • 105 8 S.C.C. v. S.V.A. To-morrow, the S.C.C. will play the S.V.A. at Rugby football on the Esplanade, and the teams will be S.C.C— J. 0. Campbell, fullback; Lt. Comyu, Malcolm, A. S. Bailey and G. Savi, three-quarterbacks; Lt. Clarke^ud Lt.Kddis, half backs, Lt. Dobbs, Lt. Scott. Lt. Paget. Lt.
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    • 252 8 S.C.C. 95th Russells' Infantry. The S.C.C. and the 95th Kussolls' Infantry tried conclusions in a Hockey match ou the Ks]i|:tnadr yesterday, and one of the fastest and keenest ooutosU'd games ever played between them was witnessed. Play was of a high order. The Club showed up well, but the
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  • 282 8 Huge Vessels for the Eastern Service. Mr. Winfried Kreudenburg, of Messrs. Kreudenburg and Company, who has returned to Ceylon after a short visit to Germany, informed a Colombo exchange that the N.D.L. Company will shortly place on the run to the East, two new mail steamers of
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  • 161 8 On January 4, the Supremo Court at Batavia, delivered judgment in the prosecution against the editor of tho Nieuws van den Dag for the unauthorised publication of secret documents from the Government archives there. These documents showed that certain officials in South Sumatra, who had tortured witnesses
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  • 51 8 A scandalous fracas occurred outsido a church in Paris, after a requiem service had been held, between Count Boni Castellane and the Prince of Sagan. The latter is reported to be engaged to Count Boni Casteflane's divorced wife, who was a Miss Gould. The parties belaboured each other furiously with
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  • Correspondence.
    • 301 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Singapore, January l.'i. Sir,—As I have so often had my tinkers burnt" over non-paying boarders, to avoid a repetition, if possible, I would fuel greatly obliged if you would enlighten me un the following question. In the first place,
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  • 199 8 Java teak has got a bad uame in the London market, owing to many shipments of late proving -to be of interior quality. This may bave serious fiscal results for the Government of that island, which sells teak for export from its forest reserves, at auctions
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  • 217 8 Lloyd's Agent wired from .leddah, on j January 2, that the Itu&smu steamer Gregory Morch had stranded on a reef, and her position was critical. Nineteen hundred pilgrims were lauded. I The experiences of the owners of this yes- sal, during the past two years must be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 183 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE CHINESE JEWELLERY BRILLIANTS. To be aold by Auction, At Messrs. H. It, Cogblan Co.'b Sale-rooms, Friday, January 17, at 10.30 a.m. Brooches aud Krosangs Bet with Diamond*, Gold Kings set with Brilliants, Rubiea nnd Emeralds, Earrioga and Hairpina set with Brilliants, etc., eta. Now on view. H.
      183 words
    • 451 8 Mr. Alfred Pleau, a* txpert tnachhtist, lyj St. John St., Qutbec City. Can., writes a letter to the Perwta Drug Mfg. 'o., given below MR. ALFRED PLEAU. PERUNA STRENGTHENS THE EJTIRE SYSTEM. "Two jears ago, an accident necessitated ii i v confinement for several The good health I had enjoyed
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    • 179 8 THE HIPPODROME Cinematograph Co BEACH ROAD, THE BIG SHOW. OM Friday, the 17th inst., Will put Mon th.- smy.ip.v,. Pallia A COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME.; 1,000 ft. PICTURE. ju*ttliis morning tn hand ,t The Morocco War. Taken :it usii Hlanca (NOT T.IKKN IN HOMK BACK-TABO IN PBAN'CE b\ the
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  • 1 9
    1 words
  • 48 9 1 1 rteaaw i Maori Hug, boumt for Mexico >■.:•... coolies, ha-s boil aiwwtod bj- tin Briiish ,i,ithoiitii> on barge ol Hreach of Regalatfama, Bloejaeketi bay* aaea plaoai om board. ~.iys a Shanghai wire ot the ttth instant, and tl < Mixed Court ha-> nUreil runners aboard.
    48 words
  • 168 9 < on-iil'Tablo iuconvuuuucc was caused tin' unwal paHfc at ITnnglinng. nn January ft. by reason ot' tin I. that all the public ■ukaha ooatieaon tli. and went on strike. lsy a curious ooiMMeoee. the tnavtj ■ernoe waa dislocated ai abe -.nne time, for flaw was found in ;i
    168 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 344 9 Date of f -in i ion Capital Number SnbsoribeG of Share* brae Paid I Sluures Yalne lop to Unissued Company QCOTHIOIW 190* 1907 1901 IPOs 1905 1907 1901 1906 '.90S 1906 1906 1006 1906 1901 :903 1891: ;90.-. IM9H I*oo 1907 1908 HOT 1907 UN 1907 MOO.OOO HOO.OOO »SOO.OOO
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    • 1 9
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    • 1 9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 A Monster H v Devil Fish Destroying jts vieti:n is a type of Rheumatism. To be overpowered I by this terrible dWaat, crippled, hclplc>s, hi ihhMf is to-day the fate of haaaVedi >>! aaSercn. For but few £atatei arc- so many remedies reconmicn.LJ a- for Rheumatism, but among them none
      130 words
    • 169 9 By Royal 'SL^JL^L Ml Ml st V Warraat to /j£ The King. BOVRIL As a change try a little milk in your hot Bovril. MAKES THE LKIN* as S O F T as /^rf a *W "^^lll HIM i i 111 01 IRRITATION,TAN,and 1 KEEPS THE SKIN SOFT, SMOOTH, and
      169 words
    • 237 9 KELLY WALSH, LTD. Porcelain, by Edward Dillon ...515.00 Sea Kiu-js oi Britain, Hf-.VK.u-. to The Ingoldsby Legends, contain- Blako, by fi.A.R. tali<?:id<.r, b.a., $1.40 ing 24 Illustrations in Colours 0.60 Tli.* Writing of English, bj P. J. Human Bullets, a story of Port Haitog, 1.40 Arthur, by Tadoyoshi Saknrai. The
      237 words
    • 165 9 Pathe Freres Of PARIS iTODooEiis'oF 681 Cinematograph Films Use Pathe Films and Please Your Audience, E$W f And Satisfy Yourself. VsjL of** LOOK for this TRADE MARK. 'MS Pathe Films, 43 cents per meter. N^PL L^L|;* F. DREYFUS, 5 Pohoomull Bros. .40E HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers iv High-class Indian,
      165 words
    • 50 9 »s4vakessev Santal Capsules 'C of mambraaa. > Ctrlnii-'v af ran ik no inronvaaiaoea. T fal Paractlaan. AllChraWi. i«A- > I t'A RKttMk PILSENEK BEER KEY BRAND ir.MJRTLD SINCe II J^a^aaßßßßßßSaiaKT^^'w £~i /Jj Sri jjjjf M ievi'AßE OP lMlT.\i 3 \mt Kencinf »itk«it tat aim tH lali II BEH N MEYEK&
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  • 1377 10 BAG PUNCHING FOR LADIES AS EXERCISE. The athletic instructors now are advising bag punching ax an excellent indoor exercise for women, particularly for women who have to solve the ever-present problems of how to grow thin. A well-known writer on athletics insists that by punching a bag for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 620 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid tjp capital ..•10,000,000! reserve fund Sterling Reserve •10,000,0001 mi -?ui am BilT.Tftew.rve •11.760,0001 Wl. < 50.000 Beaerve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. B. Medharrt, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok. Depaty Chairman. A. Fucha, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq.
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    • 477 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of ISO each £1,J00,000 Reserve Fund ..£1.478.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors iJO.OOO BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts
      477 words
    • 71 10 YAMATO Co., 41, High Street, Have a full stock of BEAUTIFUL ORNAMENTAL FURNITURE mid SUITABLE WEDDING PRESENTS, Especially for taking home. A Visit Kindly Solicited. GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED AND SHIPPED. With thoso preparing to go homo, we can arrange to supply our skilful packing men on a moderate charge. CROWN
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    • 785 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or 100 CASH BRANDY, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Salerooms, Nos. 4 A 5, Ramee Place, On Thursday, January 16, at 10.30 a.m. Now on View. To be ottered in large or small lots, to suit purchasers. H. L. Coghlan Co., Licensed Auctioneers
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    • 535 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE. ACCIDENT, GDARANTEE. Finde Exceed fU.000,000. W. A. BIMS. c 1375 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750.000 I Revenue *i.061,044-19-8 The undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks a: current rates. 698 BEHN, MEYER i Co.,
      535 words

  • 1225 11 ITALIAN CAR SELECTED FOR USE OF RESIDENT-GENERAL Defence of British Trade in F M.S. If tht statement, iv a recent inxue of The Motor Car. that a F.I.A.T. car has been supplied to the rU/sident-Generul of the Ftdtrated Malay States for his iiersona! use, be tnu. an outburst of
    1,225 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 269 11 Argyll Motor cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Paiuted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary MMMOfWS and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three -seaters, in Stock. Trial Kuni by arrangement. Price.- and full particulars froi: SYME Co./°sfm.
      269 words
    • 70 11 JUST ARRIVED E\ S.S. "MOYCNE, 1 A 10-12 HP 4-Seater HUMBER CAR, With ai: Accessories. The favoarite Car wherever introdaced. Absolutely silent when running. Particular- from The Borneo Co., Ltd. "VICTORIA LEONIS" => CIGARS. 0 Retailed at $4.25 per tin of 100. THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. TO HAD
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 614 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceIIaneous Waafcl of Every Description, Houses, bine, etc., tc tot, aro inserted at the following «a»e» One Icfr'.ion t 1.80 per inch. Two *00 Thrte S.BO Six S.M Ml" 6.40 Twelve 7.80 Twenty -3ve 10.00 'Each fubseqnent month 15 per Inch.) Zzo above rate ia
      614 words
    • 560 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUtes:— Foai Linai, one or two inMrtion, tl.oo Bf th> Inch, in Sola of Charcaa. TO LET. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON, SIMONB CO., Ltd. C3OBl OFFICE TO LET. f No. 4a. Raffles Place, at present occupied s by Mr. W. C. Niblett Apply
      560 words
    • 478 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rates:— Fou: Uaaa out or two Insertion!. 11. By the BMk, •<< •*.■>:« ot Charma. HOUBE TO LET. Compound Hov.-e. No. 20. Spottiswoode Park. Apply to Ong Tek Lim. No. 20, High Street. 63 6000WNS TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godov- ds in Cecil
      478 words
    • 849 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Ratks lit Month, tlO p«r Inch. Subwquent montU*. For abortar pario<l> see *<vi!» ■lOaaaasß, NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who titul it necessary to leave the Colony for any length of time, oan have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge, or PRIVATELY
      849 words
    • 523 12 W i %J s If DAN MACFARLAIME <& COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., 3 i AftmH S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd. HAVE BEEN AffOIKTSD Brewers to His Majesty The King. «S Lager Beer. Pale Ale. Stout Are obtainable from tlie te^ Principal
      523 words
    • 368 12 NOTICE. Depositor, in :ue S* Baa ramindtd to send in IWi .k; teiween January C aud 'JO. 19i f. for ai.d:-.. .n Cin^pliauce wit:. the Ru'cs and Bcgnlatiosi laaant the Savings Bank Oriiiuancp. I'tu-iiooß. n;ay be bvwafd ed free aj post to tha Sv:perintenaeut -iBank. W G. BELL. i -;u!i=ter
      368 words