The Straits Times, 14 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.547. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JANUARY 14. IWB. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 Motor Cars. We have now in Stock the following Cars One 14-18 h.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-l>od.v. 7 ffr d Two 8-10 h.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 2 cylinders, double phaeton-body, 5-seated. One 10-14 h.p. WERNER, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-body, 5-s.'ated. One 8 h.p. DE DION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seated. One 8
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    • 140 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brass Bcuah Road, SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meats all Soats and Trains. LADIES LAW., TENNIS CLUB. The Lawn Tennis Tournament will begin on January 29. Entries close on January 35. M. J. DPCOTT, 78 Hon. Secretary. PRINCESS JU JU,
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    • 292 1 ROBINSON CO. THE "NEW VICTOR GRAMOPHONE. H MM t-MM Price $40. A S THE "MONARCH JUNIOR GRAMOPHONE. IJ t As Illustration. Price $55. ■HSHB^^^^HB^V RflijflM^^^HSuni PriM $70. W*'M THE "MONARCH SENIOR GRAMOPHONE. N k3.^MHI^U^wH THE "SHERATON GRAMOPHONE. Jl FC Fitted with Brass M.G. Horn. Price $140. t Gramophone Records. 12
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    • 10 1 p H w 5 hi S W 0 z o
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  • 1015 2 AXE NEWSPAPERS SUPPLANTING BOOKS. The reported falling off, within the last few years, of the sales of books, and especially of fiction, has sugge«ted as an explanation the theory that the actual happenings of the win Id during the past three or four years have been so dramatic,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 376 2 Dee's Concentrated Disinfectant 1 Gallon Drum 1.75 2 3.25 5 8.00 This Disinfectant is imported in a highly concentrated form, and may be diluted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a MILK-WHITE FLUID WHICH WILL NOT STAIN. This is the most economical and effective Disinfectant it is possible to
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    • 264 2 PHOSFERINE ITk* GrtitMt all Tonics. I KADI Am HKALTM. 1 t l|ll I 111 If H UUM. I La Mk ll «HI, I It I When mosquitoes begin to I I annoy, remember that simple 1 means of protection against the 1 attacks of these and other insects —the use
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    • 32 2 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, recom. mended by the beat medical aathoritiea. Eaiy to tike and certain in reaalts. To be had of all ahemiaU. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. Battery Road, Singapore. ISM
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    • 219 2 DIABOLO H TEMNIS THIB AfTERHOON 5 DIABOLO DIABOLO I DIABOLO Tv r c diabolo The Cr aze 0f I 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. A CompMe Q 1 GAME «PO. I Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CONSTANT! JN, as she now lies in the Roads, with all her
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  • 742 3 CITY MERCHANT FAILS IN ACTION AGAINST SLATER'S. The action in which Mr. George Hand, a former Sheriff of the City of London, claimed damages from Slatci's Limited, was concluded ou December 18, in the King's Bench Division, the jury tindiny a verdict for the defendant company. Mr. Hai
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  • 197 3 He who breaks the bank today will be broken by the bank to-morrow, was a favourite saying of M. Blanc, found*"- of the Casino at Monte Carlo; and that the converse may be equally true is proved by the experience of a well-known gambler, who, after
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 MAINTAINS TBE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortity the System against Disease with 'Wi oannot «i*»a Bj^aTvr^W£B|VJa)Viß vl nil too hn-bij uf it Ki'liflhf 'laf liimilMl Pronounced by the HIQHEBT MEDICAL AUTHORITIES s sl T «EwSit* Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, iad WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the
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    • 335 3 ALBERT L. A. OALEY Undertaker Tomb BuiSdcr im ,«'</</;« Unad Bnl* Aiitut lor Mean-*. Pottridne Blathers, LM T>'d.l"d c 218H TelepbOD" No. 81« JKy«-w< awirn, ranoxaa, My COVEMTET nuiTtt M T»ii-Km >oyi>i mam x^Bv MrßooßitM, nnai, and 7 BY R' 'D*>R WHIT WORTHS «bJ\ fJ j. Cw lU IDWA D
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    • 423 3 Tonic, Restorative. Digestive Wine Very palatable. KnoWn throughout the world and prescribed in all cases ofAnwmia Debility andCqtioaleseenee, to young women, children and the aged. Invaluable in hot Climates. DOSE i One wtse-glaia alter the two principal meali. Each bottle of genuine VIK SAINT-RAPHAEL tears, in addition to tbe registered
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    • 10 3 J. MOTION CO. I Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. KiPAIKB PROMPTLY KXBCUTHL
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  • 447 4 Startling Story Emanates from Singapore. The great mystery that surrounded the disappearance of the provost sergeant from the tropper Sicilia remained as dense as ever when the steamer left Hongkong for England. It will be remembered, says the China Mail, of the 3rd instant, that the sergeant, who
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  • 523 4 Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Britannia, connecting wilfi the steamer Peninsular at Colombo, from London, Dec. 20, due Jan. 17: Messrs. J. C. Watt, V. D. French, J. A. Guise, F. A. Teale, A. Condie, W. Liddle, Miss Templar, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marten
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  • 64 4 The officers of the Cameron ll' 'dauders were entertained to tiftin at the IK ugkong Club, ou the >rd instant, uy Mr. T H,>!iu'ii and MMMI other members of St. Andrew's Society. The function passed off very well indeed. Mr. T. F. Hough presided, having on his right His Excellency
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  • 787 4 Name, port, probable dat<- ot arrival, and name o/ Agents. STEAMERS. Usmemiwi, Liverp *>'. .lan 2H Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, I'eb I Boustead Anteuor," Liverpool. Un 16 W. Mansfield Anti'.o.:hun. Lever) 10 1 Fob 7 W. Mansfield Ar.-.adia, Hongkong, Jan 30 P. 4 O. Coy Ars-onia. Japan. Jau 16;
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  • 134 4 A rainy day to the rain statistician is a day on which at least otic hundredth of an inch of rai'i lias been measured by a rain-gau^e. and under the generic term rainfall are included rain, snow. hail, dew, and mist. .Indeed by this standard says a
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  • 53 4 With it friinc. to Lt i«- National line uf steamers from Holland to South America, for which 8 ibsidiett were recently granted by the States-General, it has pleased Quoen Wilheiuina to confer on the Dutch Lloyd Steamship Company the title of Koyal, so that the new company will be entitled
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 OHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY CURES GOLOB. This remedy acts on nature's jplhii. ;illays tin oougli. relieves the lungs, aid-t Hpsjetaratiou. <>|iou!i the secretions, aud iiiils nature iv r.Ntoriug the system to a healthy eouditiuu. For sale by all dispensaries and •ntm.
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    • 738 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION Ct. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills at Lading issued for China Coast. Fermao Golf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). 19"8 Pcnintular Jan
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    • 665 4 STEAMER SAILIN6B. HANDEL AND SCHEEPYAART MY, BAHOJER. SAKDJERMABIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a 'egnlar service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjernasin. Palo Lant, Baltk Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasln tor Sampii, tfandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, tfarabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aeoomodation for first
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    • 486 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE By th« neT steamer* "RHENANIA," HABSBURG," HOHENBTATJFEN. These steamers offer to the public the highest Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lowar berths. The cabins are amidships and fitted with fani. Laundry on boon!. Doctor
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    • 782 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial der-man Mail Line. The fast and well known man «Uam this Company sail fortnightly from Br. r Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sotub-",; ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (eoonr.t>->\ Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice i i Por Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, sVwac, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 1228 5 I ■niHtln, hsMfaSJ tin f.ill.iwins *1.1.nn 1 .11..11. an n■« 1 -Htf. ;ii«:uiiei .ill. rtliip; Imj. -lKtn|ii<- -h-li. •"hovner; Yet. -YurbV; Cru. ('rumor It lit. liunlimit; Tor. TuWßtllj II n. 1|..r»0 |i..»«. Brit. Briu-h. I.M.- I nitwlsutw; f.b.-Ki«nuh ()«r. <l«iß:ui;Uut.-l>uU'h: Ittil. Italian Snail. Npiniuli: ■ir. .^.ir.iw.ik (1..-.
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  • 86 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. ta«jo«o EiflT Wbabt Basin—Hong Bee. EiBT Whabf Section I—NewtonHall, KeongWai, Takaaaki Haru. Sbot. 1 (Sbbbbs Wiuv):-Htratliflllan. Scctiom No. 2—Nil. jJ—Nil. 4 —Thougwu. 5— Pelayo. 6—Duublaue, Nine Chow. 7—Nil. B—Lotbiau,8 —Lotbiau, Oceanion. 9 —La Seyne. Jabdins'r
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  • 115 5 From Knon By the P. A O. s.a. Pooinsular due on January 17. From Cbtka— By the 11.I 1 A I), s.s. Delhi, dno on Jau lary 15. t )ec IkIM )M )m tM )ec hi Vi. hi ran Kini;»tioro V>\ 9 N.D.L M B. 1. 16
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  • 79 5 Koh Pu Siiaiuw Tnu To-aoaaow P. ti'teubani and Penaug Kittna I p.m Bengkaks, Biak, Pakan Hong Wj< 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca Hainan 2 p.m. Penang and Colonibo II aka'.a, M:* 2 p.m. Poo4ag and Calcutta Lai Sang 3 pun. Penaag and Deli Calypio 3 p.m. Tclok Axt
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  • 73 5 January l.; loleinaohus, Bnt xtr, Shanghai and Japan Armand Bebic, Fob str, Marseille-* via portu Van Hogeudorp, Dut str, Deli Malt*, Foh str, Saigoc Devawongeee, Ger str, BaogkoV Ponti&nak, Brit sir, Kuantan Breid, Nor str, Bangkok Gleufalloob, Brit str, U'kong Amoy £wat;-v 11 Oceanian, Fcb str, Yokohama via port*
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  • 168 5 Most Kuglishmi-u iv the Bast, when they take their first ride iv a ricksha, have an uneawy fooling that they arc guilty of cruelty to a man and a brother. An a rulo, however, auy scrupleb about tliu use of this pull-man-car pass away after a day
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  • 69 5 Homewabo P. A O. Mail The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delhi left Hongkong, al 1 p.m., on Saturday, and in due here at 5 p.m., on Wednesday, tbc 15th instant. Outward P. A O. Mail. The P. A O. outward mail steamer I'eninsular left Colombo
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  • 915 5 POINTS INDICATING PROGRESS OF CRICKET. Possessed of a full account, with the score--of every tout match between England aud Australia, it is possible and a matter of keeu interest, to dive into the history of the i, learcli up performances of the giants of gaino from 1877
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 467 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV.COm LTD. The steamers of thiß Company maiutaio a regular din«;t seruce between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Sbaugbai aud Japan, takiug cargo ou through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbufou, Tientsin. Newcbwang, Yangtze Porta, Formosa, the PMmjlmn, <vo.. Ac. Steamers Tons Commander Xi i-'.v. 4,898
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    • 472 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTB. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. a The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every wrek, and from Japan home wardn for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa. Marseilles and Livprpuol monthly.
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    • 443 5 BTEAMEB BAILIHGB. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS The undermentioned mail steamers of the above 1/ine maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Peuang, Singa pore, Hongkong and Shanghai M *WM FLEET. Tons Commaudur 8.8. "Jamb* 6,300 J. G. OuriHT Gbbourt Apcar 4,600 8. H. Bklsoh s.s. "Abratoom ArcAR"
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    • 407 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. G. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Hoato from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Niflnsahi. (Inland Sea o? Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotona and Vanoouver, 8.M.8. "KnrßEv.H or India" Twin-screw steaH.M.K. "K.mpresh cr Japan"
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 114 5 DAY BY IMY Tuesday, January 14. High Water. 8-S7 p.m Hari Baya Hadji. Murder Case. Assizes. Hookey. Penang Kaoes. Hippodrome. 7--"> p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Wednesday, January 15. High Water. 7-53 a.m. 9-29 p.m. P. A. O. homeward mail due. Hookey. Church Work Association Meetiug. 1 30 p.m Thursday,
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    • 150 5 Singapore Tide Table. 1 1 bom Jamoaby 14 n> Jancahy 20.) HIGH WATEK.ILOW WATEB Time "H'ght Time "TWER hrs. mm. ft. ins. hrs. mm. ft. ins. 'i au tiftry __—_>_ I. Tdeddai II 1 6M m 8 -< i 0.56 am 4.6 ln«»DAi 11 I 8 27pm 78 IMpm M
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    • 28 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, January 14, 10 a.m. Barometer 30.15 Direction of Wind S.E. Foroe of Wind 1 Max. Temp in Shade 69 Manila. 762 North 1 <1 'H
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  • 1413 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 14. Last week, we referred in these columns to tin- prosperity of tlio V. and O. Company, and we promised ourselves ihn ploaßiire of ri'turninc to a confederation of the ablo and suggestive and interesting speech of the Chairman (Sir Thomas Sutherland)
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  • 570 6 In our issue of Thursday last, we called attention to tbe action of certain local Chinese in connection with the anti-British agitation arising ont of the Chekiang Railway loan dispute and the likelihood of an attempt being made to institute a boycott against British goods. We expressed astonishment that Chineso
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  • 10 6 Interesting test match statistics will be found on Page 0.
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  • 11 6 All telngrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 16 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is •68] per picul. Sixty-five tons have been sold.
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  • 17 6 It is reported that an Italian Engineer has been murdered in the province of Yunnan by robbers.
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  • 19 6 By the Norwegian steamer Unity, a cargo of rice arrived from Rangoon, this morning, consigned to Joe Chip Moh.
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  • 27 6 A man named da Silva, who was employed as a runner by the Macao Hotel, committed suicide on the 6th instant, by shooting himself with a revolver.
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  • 19 6 Wireless telegraphy has been installed on the Admiral Vontirpitz, the Hnmburg Amerika Linie vessel on the Shanghai Tsingtan line.
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  • 24 6 Mr. E. 'i. Colman, the Third Magistrate, sentenced three Chinese constables to a month's rigorous imprisonment each, this morning, for absenting themselves from doty.
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  • 29 6 The Master Attendant has issued notice to mariners calling attention to tbe various sections of the Indiau Immigration Ordinance 1904 which relate to the arrival and departure of immigrants.
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  • 38 6 Mr. Patterson, Minister of Customs, in the Uuuse of Commons at Ottawa, said that tho Government was making action to prevent German goods coming into Canada through England from being sold in the Dominion under tbe British preference.
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  • 60 6 The Khoo Tiong I'oli estate case was again before the acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Law, yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. A. Delay had asked that the legacy of tbe Singapore executor, in possession of the Court be divided among tbe executors and legatees who had previously filed their statements of
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  • 71 6 A concert will be given, to-morrow evening, at tbe Dutch Clnb in Orange Road, when Miss Phiue Lignac, a talented Dutch vocalist who is passing through Singapore, will render several songs by Rossini, Edward Greig, Joh. Wagenaar, H vao Koss, J. Massenet, G. Lemaire, A. Spotsl, Cath. v. Rennes. Mr.
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  • 538 6 Colonel Harold Deplodgo is dead His Majesty tho King of Siam will open the Petriew line of railway on February In His Excellency tho Governor is expected to arrive in Singapore about 1 1 o'clock on Sunday morning. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Austen Chamberlain
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  • 26 6 We have received from the Nederland Steam Navigation Company a handsomelyframed picture of the mail steamer Rembrandt, as an advertisement of the Noderland Line of steamships.
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  • 64 6 Hamid, P.C. No. '128, was tried by a Bench Court consisting of Messrs. Howard and Gibson, yesterday afternoon, ou a charge of theft of a silver watch and chain and a brass watch and key, all valued at %'HI. belonging to one Mohamed Ismail. Surgeaut Marietta prosecuted, and Mr. V.
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  • 50 6 Foo Ah Chiang, a cook formerly employed by Mr. F. D. S. Mitchell, of the Straits Engineering Syndicate, sued his quondam master in the Court of Re-quests, yesterday afternoon, for $80.64 for wages dim, provisions supplied and ricksha fare. The Court gave judgment for the plaintiff for •63.78 and costs.
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  • 75 6 Tbe ownership of thn Alliambra Cinema tograph Show was a bone of contention in tbe Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, before thn acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law. Mr. David Kitovitz appeared for Messrs. Madden and Dreyfus, who claimed the property on bills of sale, and Mr. K. R. Kock
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  • 91 6 According to an exchange, of December 28 last, the Army Medical Department report for 1906 has been issued. It shown that the effect of foreign service is to increase all the ratios except that representing men discharged from the Service. The total losh due to death is about trebled by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 SOHNLEIN Co.'s Rheingold nd Sparkling Assmannshauser. (Sparkling Gorman Winooi. <2KS> Sole Agents CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO. Hi Just Jirrived! f ARROL- JOHNSTON CAR. Ff Fitted with Cape Cart Hood and Cromwell Wind Screen, paiuted Arrol-Johnston Red for Prlc* »nd Particulars, apply to CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agents. II J. Travers Sons, Ltd.
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    • 22 6 Keane. On December 17, at The Oaks, Heidley, Hanta, the wife of Captain Sir John Kiine, Royal Field Artillery, of a daughter.
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  • 480 7 ENGLISH TEAM DOING WELL AT ADELAIDE. Intense Heat. FINE INNINGS BY AUSTRALIAN CAPTAIN. (From Oir Own Cokbksponkkkt.) Sydney, January in, .v:so p.m. Thirty one more runs were made in the afternoon before the first innings of the English t. am was terminated, Crawford lining responsible for lh»
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  • 35 7 [RaCTBB'S TIUOEAM.) London, January 14. The score in the third test match at Adelaide is now as follows: Australia. First Innings 286 Second Innings (for 4 wkts) 183 England. First Innings 868
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  • 117 7 l'-efore Mr. Justice Fisher, thU morning, Messrs. Ghee Soon anil Company sued a European lady customer for $1,042.98 alleged to be balance due for goods sold and delivered, for the use of her household. The lady's husband is said to be a bankrupt and she was sued
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  • 155 7 Three Chinese Charged with Murder of Compatriot. Chan Ah Kn, Lai Mnn and Pun Yeng were placed on trial at the Assizes, this morning, before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and a special jury, on a charge of the murder, on October 17, of one Wong Soo, who
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  • 669 7 Interesting Action Against 'Straits Trading Company. An i in] K>rt ant judgment was given by Mr. Justice Braddell at Kuala Lumpur on the Till inst., in rosjiect to an application for an injunction brought by K. V. A. L. Alagappa Chetty against the Struts Trading Company, Limited.
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  • 68 7 At the Assizes, yesterday, Mohamed Juri bin Samat, who acknowledged having been thrice convicted previously, was sentenced to five years imprisonment for theft of clothing valned at 1 14.50, belonging to one Kanasamy. Hadji Myden bin Kedurn Mohamed was convicted of theft of $20 in
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  • 142 7 Before Mr. A. .1. Law, acting Chief Justice, at tin- Supreme Court, this morning, Tan Teck Hang asked (or an injunction restraining Tan Peck Chua from removing the business of Chop Law Chia Wha Heng to Dutch territory. -Jr. M. Upeott appeared (or the plaintiff and Mr.
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  • 129 7 FURTHER DECLINE IN LONDON PRICES. Nine Months' Output at Vallambrosa. (From Our Own Coruespondent). London, (via Penang), January 11. The price for Para rubber declined at the auctions to-day to 3s. 4}d., with a record sale of seventy-three tons. Plantation rubber showed a similar decline, except for the
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  • 92 7 Turkey Receives a Note from tne Powers. (RltDTSB's TULKrtKAMJ London, January 14. The Powers have presented a Note to the Porte insisting upon its prompt assent to the renewal of tho mandates to the foreign reform agents in Macedonia. The Porte has called out the Redifs (first reserve men)
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  • 34 7 (Riutir's Tkliukam] London, January 14. Paris reports that Mr. Henry Farman has won the Dentsch- Archdeacon prize of £2,000 sterling by covering with his aeroplane a circular kilometre in eighty-eight seconds.
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  • 453 7 Suggested Imposition on Native Grown Tobacco. During the past few years, the Siamese Government has had to place increased taxes on all kinds of things in order to meet its needs. The closing of the gambling houses in the provinces and the. consequent losses of the revenue Hivruinj;
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  • 116 7 The follow '.ii(s >" the result of the play for the Ladies' January Medal Miss Smith 52—4=46 Mrs. Waddell 58 10 48 Mrs. Gansloeer 50 sci 60 Mrs. Sunders 56 6 60 Mrs. Hartnell 56 5 61 Mrs. Watkins 68 12 61 MissLeask 64 12 62
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  • 802 7 RUMOURED SECESSION OF A LEADING COMPANY. Some Facts about the Combination. We are informed on credible authority that one of the leading English constituents of the Far Eastern Shipping Conference has notified its approaching withdrawal from the combination, aud that there is every likelihood of the Conference coming
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  • 144 7 Commenting upon the outbreak of rabies in Singapore, the Bangkok Times remarks that in Siam they regard the dangerous disease as a Visitation of Providence as it means the destruction of pariahs. Singapore can with an effort clear that class of animal out of the island,
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  • 465 7 Murderers Complete their Term of Imprisonment. (From Odr Own Cobrkspondfnt.) London, December 18. It is reported that Mr. Gladstone, the Home Secretary, has given directions for the release from prison of John Lee and Joseph Foster. The former was found guilty of murdering Miss Keyse, aged 68
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  • 386 7 Reduction of Rents for General Products. It has recently been stated that the autho rities of the Federated Malay Slates arc contemplating the- leasing of land for agri cultural purposes other than the cultivation of rubhor it half rates. Governments, like individuals, says the Times of Ceylon,
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  • 43 7 The following is a return of the quantity of cultivated rubber exported from the F.M.S. 1906 and '07 Total 1,984,285 1,028,792 955,498 During December, Perak exported 30,784 lbs. Selangor 125,242 lbs. and Negri Sembi lan 68.062 lbs. Total export bxport
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  • 72 7 Four Chinese were brought before a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Gibson and Howard, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of removing property under seizure. The evidence showed that about thirty Chinese entered the premises under seizure, in Jobore Road, overpowering the watchmen, and carrying off the property, which
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  • 232 7 PROMPT ACTION OF CHINESE GOVERNMENT. Arrest of the Arch-Agitator. |RIOTIR'S I'IILK IKAM London, January U. Renter's correspondent at Shanghai telegraphs that the attempt to boycott British firms in China in connection with the Chekiang Railway loan dispute has resulted in the arrest of a censor. The manager
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  • 160 7 French Troops to Advance Upon Rabat. |lUUT«K'n TKLK.iKAMJ London. January 14. The proclamation of Mulai Hand as Sultan at Fez is recognised as a grave event, and is causing perturbation at Paris. It is thought in some quarters that this lias disposed of the question as one
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  • 91 7 The Transvaal Colonial Secretary Defends Policy. IRBDTKR's TKLKdKAM London, January IS, Speaking at Pretoria, the Hon. J. C. Smuts. Colonial Secretary in tlio TrAnsvail Govern in in. slid they must differentiate between the ordinary Asiatics and their leaders. Sj long ai tho tellers WIM on tlnir agitation,
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  • 87 7 |D»R OsTASLATISCBB LLOYD Tklk>.k\M Rorlin, January 18. Yesterday, the Social Democrats carried out franchise demonstrations in Berlin and the suburbs. The police interfered, and in the disturbances that followed upwards of thirty person- were wounded. |Kbut«h'h Tkleokamj London, January 14. Thirty persons were injured and 106
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  • 32 7 IKmrrnh's Tklkokam London. January 11. Sir Thomas Lipton, interviewed at Colombo, stated that he had decided to challenge for the America Cup in September next.
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  • 29 7 [Dm Ostasiatiscbi Lloyd Tkhoram] Berlin, January 13. The Abyssinian incident is cloned, King Menelik having agreed to give the Italians satisfaction for the raids upon Italian Souialilauii.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 142 8 Mr. W. K. I). Beckett has resigned the ctptainc} ot the Bangkok Golf Club, and Mr. J. L. Crockett has been elected in his stead. Haulon, the sculler, is dead, aud a telegram from Toronto states that his remains arc lying in state iv the City Hall
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    • 27 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament.'. Ie the siugles handicap in the V.M.C.A tennis tournament, yesterday, lioyd beat Mepbaui 6-3, 9-6, ana van Cuylenborg beat Hoisington, 1-6, 60, 6-2.
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    • 99 8 The French Championships. The. aunual tournament for the open umateur championship of France has been fixed to take place ou the course of the t> de Golf do Paris, at La Boulie. Versailles, on June 11, 12, and 18. A number of "rll-kuown British players invariably take purl in
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    • 85 8 Ipoh Ladies' Rifle Club. The weekly shoot, in connection with the lpnh Ladies' UiHe Club last W duo-day. n suited as follows:— Mrs. A. C. Valpy :il Mrs. Duncan Cooper 28 Mrs. J. H. Tatlock M Mrs. VV. Cowan 22 MM. B. Martin 16 In the first shoot
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    • 191 8 VM.C.A. v. K Co.. West Kents. A team of F. Co. of the West Kents met the V.M.C.A. iv v soccer match ou the Beach Hoad grouud yesterday, and yood, though ••ue sided, j.;auio was played. The iJf.CA. bowed superior play, combining aud piissing better thau their opponents.
      191 words
    • 345 8 An Interesting (iame. Hie following yauic wag ployed butwetn Mr. t. If. E lon in and Air. K. E. ColniHii in the recent handicap tourimincnt uf the Singapore Chess Club Kiuii'> Knight'- Sum. WuiU; (J. B. Elcuiu.) Black (E. t. Colwan.l 1 P-K4 P-K4 J P— K B 4
      345 words
    • 61 8 Selangor Club Fixtures. The Sulangor Club cricket fixture list for 1908 comprises twenty-eight matches. These include F.M.S. v. tho Colony in Kuala Lumpur at Chinese New Year Selangor v. Singa)>ore in Singapore on April 17, 18, and 20; Selangor v. Perak in Perak on Juuc 6—B;6 8; and F.M.K.
      61 words
    • 652 8 Colonial Born Defeat the Mother Country. The Mother Country sustained defeat at the hands of the Colonies iv a Kugby football match on the S.C.C. portion of the Ksplauade lasteveniug, to the tune of eleven points to five. The teams, which were composed of members of the Singapore
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  • 216 8 Mine Manager at Tenon Held up by Armed Ruffians. While driviug from Kampar to Temob, M. Bailleux, manager of the French Mining Company's mine at Temoh. was held up, the other day, by a gang of sixteen armed men, who levelled revolvers at his head and relieved
    216 words
  • 83 8 Sir (.Teurge <.larkt. ou December Jo. laid tht> foundation stone of the new Reclamation Works of tht Bombay Port Trust which are designed to add nearly 600 acre 9 to the area oi Bombay, which it wil! increase by 1-12 percent air Waiter Hughes, in asking the
    83 words
  • 1023 8 EFFECT OF THE DREADNOUGHTS SHOTS. Remarkable Speech by Rear -Admiral Percy Scott. iKkom Ocr Own Cokkksi-ondknt.) Londou, December 20. Another and most successful shot has been tired into that old and rotten hulk, known as the Straits Settlements Military Contribution, by Rear-Admiral Sir Percy Scott. The author
    1,023 words
  • 34 8 ■*'c have received notification oi the follow. :nj{ mint outputs for the racnth of December 190?:— Ths Belat Tin Mining Company 3ft.eo pteula. Th« Ifcujntta. Tin Mining Company Ltd., M,$M pienl*.
    34 words
  • 492 8 Labour M.P.'s Ask for Scheme Next Session. Oue of a series of Labour di-iuou-tratious organised by the Trade luions Cougress was held iv the Memorial Hall, I'aiTingdonstreet. to demand an old age pcusions scheme from tin- Govcrmueut during the coming Session. Mr. I) .J. Shackleton, M.l., who
    492 words
  • 124 8 Nearly all the sovereigus of Kurope are shorter than their consorts. Our own King, for example, is uot quite so tall as Queen Alexandra, the Kuiscr is decidedly shorter than the Gerinau Empress. Queen Amelia of Portugal is a little taller than hou Carlos, the Kiug
    124 words
  • 94 8 How can This be Explained The Bishop of Croydou lias, in his capacity of deputy-chairman of the Church of Knglund Temperance Society (the chairmanship i* vacant owing to the death of the late Bishop of Chichester), published some start ling statistics as to the decreased support it is receiving. He
    94 words
  • 86 8 Darwin professed himself au* iaclining more and more to aguosticisin, Spencer was well-known for his [anti-theological opinious, aud Huxley and Tyudall would have hesitated to declare for thirty-nine Articles. But Lord Kelvin, (says the Pall Mall Oazotte), like Newton aud Faraday, aud Uabriel Stokes of a later
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 29 8 Photography. For Best Work, Go To Wilson co. LAMBERT ff Co., IMITCD. ARGEST PHOTO FIRM Studio just rebuilt and refitted according to modern require, mente. H. Th Jamen, tfaoagtr.
      29 words
    • 299 8 JOHN LITTLE ft CO.. LTD.. FOR THE BEBT CARTRIDGES. jMOi\ELESS POWDER ..TT.. ■f* t Improve I t 4» C/tr Thr Your John Little Co., Hes Shooting. limitki Cartridges. Pathe Frlres Of PARJS a pLuc e ers r of EBT Cinematograph Films. Use Pathe Films and m>o- Please Your Audience, Ww
      299 words
    • 201 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMCNTS. GOVERNESS WANTED. To take cliurge of English Children procoiH mg to Europe in April,— iv exeliange for nirht olasa pusnagc. AppH by letter, with cr«.|entinl., to Briton, c/o Straitx Am. PALANQUIN FOR SALE. Kibber-tyreil l'uluuq'lin. with Ann tralifti' Horße. lamps, liaruess and syw'n uniform, com pleW. »S5O. Apply
      201 words

  • 1 9
    1 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 352 9 Date of formaton Capital I Sabaoribed Number of Shares lame Paid j Shares Valne op to Uniseaed r i Company Qr«4TjcaM 1903 $800,000 1400,000 1907 1800,000 9336,000 1901 9600,000 WOO.OOO 1903 £400.000 £860.000 1905 £30,000 £30,000 1907 9400,000 9375.000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £90,000 1905 9150.000 »99,000 1906
      352 words
    • 341 9 1905 2160.000 £116,635 l{ j|} Ifi 1905 1200,000 1105,000 10,'sOO HO HO 1904 230.000 215.3.0 J'gg g 1903 270,000 261,000 61,000 21 21 1906 9150,000 1126.0W) 13,600 HO HO 190. 213,000 210,600 j J} f, 1 1905 276,000 266,000 66,000 21 £1 1906 £810,000 2248,337 1 *j 1906 £180,000
      341 words
    • 198 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,805 1898 1335,000 $338,000 $*****,000 $15,0»,000 1906 >2,400,000 M,» 00,000 1696 II ,oOo,i ■00 $1,000,000 )*>: t34,000 $34,000 :sfS $$75,000 $875,000 7,688 12/6 13/e 4,800 ISO |M 30,000 j $188 i $1M 1 40,000 »m flu 18,000 i »100 I 6,000 1100 j 6,000 1100 1100 I
      198 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 47 9 TUCK'S ACTRESS POSTCARDS. o Good assortment of Eeal Photo Phok>chrome Pobtcarda Just fcmrrnit Jitts and Co.> ',98-2, North Btidi-e Road Singapore. PILSENEP BEER KEY BRAND IMPORTED SINCE i»7« BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Im< Suiiie witi.nt tke iU« tm Ul li BEH N MEYER& Co. Ltd. •tn ln>'"l irn
      47 words
    • 346 9 KELLY WALSH, LTD. Porcelain, by Edward Dillon ...$15.00 Sea Kings of Britain, Hawkins to The Ingoldsby Legends, contain- Blake, by G.A.R. Callender, b.a., $1.40 ing -J4 Illustrations in Colours 9.60 The Writing of English, by P. J. Hnman Bulletn. a story of Port Hartog, J. 40 Arthur, by Tadayoshi Saknrai,
      346 words
    • 80 9 BUCHANANS WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They ban been tbc favourite blend* at home {or many yean and are rapidly gaining similar popuiarity in the Colonies. No expenee is spared h keeping both RED SEAL AND "BLACK AND WHITE" np to the murk. 46 Why use painful and inconvenient injections,
      80 words
    • 176 9 Wassiamull /«*/>•« Assomull Co., Jnst unpacked, a large assortment of BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING PRESENTS, ESPECIALLY IN SILK GOODS. JEWELLERY AND CURIOS. O I, 2, 3& 4, High Street. l D "TBfSSLui m m Pohoomull Bros,, 48e HIGH STREET. 3& SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Cu.-.'os
      176 words

  • 1341 10 NEW LONDON MANAGEMENTS ARRANGED. Quite a number of new London managements are arranged, or are in process of arrangement. Among others, Mr. Charles Hawtrey, Mrs. Langtry, and Miss KUen Terry will be seen running seasons of their own at West emt theatres in the near future. The
    1,341 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 530 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £13,000,000. W. A. SIMS, c 1376 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £3,750,000 Revenue £3,061,044-19 8 Tbe undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 693 BEBN, MEYER A Co.,
      530 words
    • 546 10 BANKING COMPANIES, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. i paid up Capital 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) «oi7-Jinno Silver&eserve •11.760,000/ WL'W.uuu Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. O. H. Medharst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fnohs, Esq. A. J.Raymond, Esq. E. Goetz, Esq. E.
      546 words
    • 53 10 Waltham Watches EXACT AMD DURABLE The Waltham Watch Company, at Waltham, Massachusetts, U.S.A., is the oldest watch manufacturing: establishnr.ant in America and the largest in the world. The daiiy product is 3,000 finished watch movements— all guaranteed. "DOG'S HEAD" (BRAND Registered L| «^|j^*j Trade Mark Gulnness's Stout. lB{l nK AHEAD
      53 words
    • 1065 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of xiO-.i'. £1,300,000 Reserve Fund ..£1,476,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1.200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Lvd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooonnts are
      1,065 words

  • 960 11 PRACTICABILITY OF THE MOTOR CAR DISCUSSED. Glory of the Romance of Motoring. lit v one looks around aud notices the enormous headway motoring or, to put it more broadly, meclianical road-traction is making, uot only in Singapore and the F.M.S., but the world over, one asks whether the motorcar
    960 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Kuns by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from SYME Co., so
      260 words
    • 30 11 Steams' Cordial of Cod Liver Extract is an invaluable tonic for delicate women, children and invalids. The perfection of palatability is found in this excellent preparation. Increases weight and strength.
      30 words
      218 words
    • 184 11 JUST ARRIVED ExS.S. ••MOYUNE," A1012H.P..4-Seater HUMBER CAR, Witu all Accessories The favourite Car wherever introduced. Absolutely silent when running. Particulars from The Borneo Co., Ltd. TO PUNTERS AND OTHERS. CONCRETE DRAIN PIPES. with or without sockets. Strong and cheap. Sizes, from 9 ins. upwards ORNAMENTAL TILE WORKS. 65 81, Hill
      184 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 526 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PSEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsoeI-li-Biioai Wants of ETery Description, House., Land. ?to., to let. are inserted at the following fnfeet One Insertion 1.30 per Inch. Two *.00 Three 1.80 Biz •■*> Nine 8.40 TwelTe 7.10 Twenty-five 10.00 (Saoh subsequent month 14 per inch.) The above rate is baaed upon
      526 words
    • 554 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HiT«»:-Foor Lines, one ot two iaeertioai, 11.00 B* the inch, cc. Seal, of ChargM. TOUT. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON, SIMONS 4 CO., Lid. C3OSI OFFICE TO LET. No. 4-a, Raffles Place, at present occupied by Mr. W. CL Niblett. Apply to Meyer Brothers.
      554 words
    • 654 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Kati?:— Poi: L;a*r cat or two LtwwtioM, 11. By the :.i:u, Sc&lo of Charftn. HOUSE TO LET. Compound House, No. 20, Spettiswoode Park. Apply to Ong Tek Lim, No SO, High Street. 68 GODOWNS TO BE LET Dry and airy Godowns in Cecil and Stanley
      654 words
    • 647 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. ■MM :-l»t Month. 110 per Inch. Subeeqnent aontbs, as. For ehorter perio.l. see Scale of Chnrzee. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who find it necessary to leave the Colony for any length of time, can have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge,
      647 words
    • 707 12 S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., HAVE BEEN APPOIN TED Brewers to His Majesty The King. HA»oBR.» o Lager Beer, Pale Ale. Stout, Are obtainable from the tev Principal Dealers. Sjfnte Co. Acent-. United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd.. i^— >^^Ml SOLE "GENTS lor \Mu^mv£s\M BRONZE g^ aianuttr tv ■_>■ .liaiueu '"T*B» WF
      707 words