The Straits Times, 10 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.544. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 10. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 Motor Cars. We have now in Stock the following Cars One 14-lH h.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double phaetou-todr, 7-e*>tCfi Two 8-10 tup, UA YARD-CLEMENT, 2 cylinders, double ph—tnn-bfcdy, os tt-i. ()nt> 10-14 h.p. WERNER. 4 cylinders, double phaeton-body, -.<r..|. One H h.p. J)E I>ION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seatod. One 8
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    • 421 1 ROBINSON CO. 1 K ffSmm THE "MONARCH JUNIOR" GRAMOPHONE, ii BBIJ^RHH^?^ A~ lilustrntion. Price $55, l" i^HH^wWy^iß^y'SP' l 1 THE "MONARCH DOUBLE SPRING GRPMOPKONE. t PjJr^jM^#W^ f* Price ffO. i ifcSr^'T^ THE "MGN<>aCH SENIOR" GRAVOFHCNF. j j4 I^B v Fitted with BnM M.G. Horn. I'riic $140. F" 1,. t^, I
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  • 709 2 BOMBAY PROTEST ADDRESSED TO EUROPEAN LADIES. The Christian Women Workers' Union of Western India have addresHd the following protest to all Englishmen iv the Bombay Presidency. It has been felt for some time past that the attention of Englishwomen should be drawn to the fact that by being
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  • 129 2 The American barque Acme, Captain A. F. McKay, which left Kobe on October 20 for the Pacific coast, had a very rough voyage across. A dispatch from Astoria, dated November 27. says Lying five days on her beam ends with her lower yards in the water, her
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  • 328 2 Biliousness (or bilious attack) needs little description to the unfortunate sufferer. Food cannot Ik; retaiued. the tongue is furred, there is a bitter taste in the mouth, the head throbs aud aches the patient is constipated, exceedingly weak, depressed and miserable. Doan's Dinner Pills will give relief in a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 FOR PROTECTION OF IRON STEEL. IN THE TROPICS Siderosthen Paint i^BBBBU 's^BBBBBBBBBBB^B^BRMbbI BBBvl f T^K v4«vHßßjeS4^Bl Hfj B^BB^B^ gi *t/V-»iiJj^M^^MBiBMBBBBBMCT 9 Resists the action of Salts, Acids, Steam, Extreme climatic influences, tropical sea water with its destroying organisms. Specially Suitable for Bridges, Piers and all Structural Ironwork. "Siderosthen" is what
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    • 78 2 Standard VISIBLE Typewriter. SEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Agents: ATKINSON FORBES. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water island (f ULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppcl Harbuur 40/--(FORTY SHILLINGS' PER TON F. 0.8.. IN BUNKERS RATE OF DELIVERY 200 TONS PER HOUR, stock* Also at Suez, Bombay, Colombo, Peiiang, Bangkok, Hongkong,
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    • 605 2 ABOUT BERI-BERI. COI/K'l I.VTKBPRKTfK IS SIMiAPOKK PKRMANKNTIA OMB BT OR. WILLIAMS PINK PIUS. Experiments are constantly being made tv discover more about that puzzling disease Beri-Iteri than is at present known, and the Authorities, whilst they agree in describing it as an iv Bam mat ion of thejner yes due
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    • 137 2 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN UBES CHAMBERLAIN 8 COUGH REMEDY. You will see by the following that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy- is a favorite in the palace as well as with the humbler people in India: For the past four years I have been getting large supplies of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, not only
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    • 416 2 DIABOLO N mm 18 AFTERNOON DIABOLO DIABOLO DIABOLO W^*^ DIABOLO I DIABOLO Tv r c DIABOLO lhe raze Of 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. AComplete <k g "1 1 1 GAME CpO. —I ~717ZZ L 0 A. PEREIRA. J^^j— j- HOBTICC'r.TURIBT AND FLOKI6T. \TI £j Tl 1 1
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  • 1457 3 FASCINATING DESIGNS FOR EVENING BLOUSES. There is something very fascinating this season about the new designs for evening blouses. Many novel fabrics have boen requisitioned for their making, while the most elaborate and beautiful embroideries have slso been employed for their adornment. Soft chiffons, painted with flower-garland
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  • 62 3 Discouraging news from America reaches Deli planters, whose tobacco had hitherto found ready sale there, in consequence of the bales of late containing too many damaged and punctured leaves, which are utterly unfit for cigar making. The demand for Deli leaf is now falling off, and will cease altogether in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 228 3 THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. The Public arc INVITED to oaU and inspect the latest creations in I'LAYER-PIANOS. IB BRINSMEAD ANOELUS. A combination of tue Angehis Player and the oelobrated Brinsmead Piano. THE KASTNER AUTO-PIANO. Both the above have a high reputation in Europe and are sp-.-cially
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    • 275 3 gust Hrrivcdl MAYNARD CO., LTD., A LARGE CONSUiN.MKNT OF PE-RU-NA THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN MEDICINE. Sole Agents MAYNARD CO., LTD., '"To^s 14, Battery Kortd. and 'KJ9, Nortb Bridge Road. Kuhn Komor, gSr i Have always in stock very Artistic Furnittm, Silverware, Satsuma. Cloisonne, Ivories, tc, Ac. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED mm Ooode
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  • 842 4 Memorable Voyage from Singapore to Hongkong. The following interesting eoiuin. miration to the I liiua Critic, ol' Tientsin, i-, self-ex-planatory. I have re:ul with considerable interest the j account ol the recent tow from Vlmlivoatock s to Slianghai, and therefore think that perhaps the following accouut of
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  • 123 4 American Had l>rili-ii methojs of building are instructively eonipart-il In the current issue of aMUtan Worlil, iv which it is claiuicil that many Kn^lisl. tinus, iv a quiet English way, aeliii ye just as much ;i- any American, ami ou simitar lines. In New York the
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  • 104 4 Ml few of the first lines of an epilogue by Mr. Austin Dobson which appears iv the December issue of the Cornbill l-'inis :it last— tht' •■ml. the Kutl. the End No more of paia^ta|ihs to prune or mend No more blue pencil, with its rutlii
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  • 772 4 -V/jw, port, probabk date of arrival, and name, of Agents. STEAMERS. Agam«mnou, Liverpool, -Tan 24 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney. Fob M Boustead Arcadia. Hougkong. I m 30 P. A O. Coy iArgoma, Japan, Jau :6; Behn Meyer [Austria, Hongkong, Feb Raute'nberg Ayuthia, Bangkok. .Tan Borneo Coy A. Apcar, Hongkoai;,
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  • 338 4 Passengers Outward. PerP.andO. steamer Britannia, cuunoctiuy with tbe *te.aiuer Peninsular at Colombo. From London, Dec. 20, duo Jan. 17: Messrs. J. C. Watt, V. D. French, J. A. Guise, F. A. Teale, A. Condie, W. Liddlo, Miss Templar, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marten and children, Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 NO POISON. C'uambcrlaiu's Cough Kvuioly lias been declared absolutely free from any injurious -jubilance by (joveinmeut auil expert diem-i-jts. nud mothers nerd have no hcaitamy iv giving it to the smallest infant. For sah by all ii. u-arii^aud dealers.
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    • 746 4 STEAMER SAIUNG3. p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thr->nt;b Kills it Lading issued for China Coast, Pbrsian Quit Continental, and American Ports. iit. t'i. r wfO kaWN Siiijjspore on or abont MAIL LINE. Outtrard (for Ckina). 198
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    • 1178 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER BERVIGE By the new steamers "RHENANIA," HABSBURG," HOHENSTAUFEN." These steamers offer to tbe pubic the highest Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided i vith only lower berths. The oabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on hoord.
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    • 800 4 STEAMER 3AIUHGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHJER LLOYD. Imperial Uerman Mail L'ne. The fast and well known mail steamers of j this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotturdam, Antwerp, Soathamp lon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 1133 5 r i.i h thin luM.linx iha fnlluwiiK il.brMiaiiniu *n •»«.l ntr.— ateamw lib— nhip; hq.— baraua; *eh.— •chooser; Yet.— Varht Cm.— CrnDwr; (I'M.—dunboat; Tor.-Torpwlo H.p. Hor*powM Brii.--Briti»h, I. r uit«d SUUi: rVh.-Vr«Dch; fior.Utranil Dill Ih;lrh Hal. It ilnn Np&n.— Hpnnlih; Mar.— .Sarawak llr -OnnwO cargo d.p.— <l«ck
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  • 46 5 January 9 Maguct, Brit cable str, Banjoewangri Machaon, Brit str, Amtterdam.L'don, Antwerp Zweena, Brits-r, Bangkok Bbarata, Brit str. P.toang, Rangoon, Calcntta WUhelm, Brit str, Macassar via ports ,10 >'amaang. Brit str, Hongkong, S'gbai, Japan Reynst, Dot Mr, Sourabaya Penang, Brit str. Teluk Anson via ports
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  • 97 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To-day, TARjone s>aaasi. Eurr Weabf Bism— Hong Bee. East Wbubv ßaonoM I— Newton Hall, Kutsang. Sbot. 1 (Saras Whabt):— Strathflllan. SaoTion No. B— Nil. NiL 4— Dulwich. s— Nil 6 Dunblane. 7 Lothian, Tringgann. 8— Nam«apg, Prinz
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  • 75 5 OOTWABD B. I. M\lL. The B. I. oontraot packet steamer Thongwa, with the London mails of the 20th ultimo, left Negapatam, on the fitb instant, and may be expected to nrrive here on Saturday morning, tbe lull instant. Outward Fbkkch Mail. Tbe M. M. company* nw-amer Oceanien
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  • 378 5 Result of Indian and Far Eastern Amateur Match. At Calcutta, on December 28, Mr. Ales. Manu. of Calcutta, beat Mr. A. H. Colville. of Dooars, m tho final of the Indian and Far Eastern Amateur Oolf Championship, with a score of 80 against BS. In the semifinals ho
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  • 78 5 By the Nyanza, Jan. 9. For London Engineer Lieut. Wm. P. C. Spriddle, Master Gunner H. Hyde, wife and child, Quarter Master- Sergts. Burden and Sherman, Condoctor J. Oddboy and wife, Mrs. Ryalls child and infant, Mr. P. Wbclan, wife, four children and infant, Mrs. Thompson, two
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  • 101 5 Fnk Fk« Stiahe* Tiki To-Moaaow Bandakan via port« Darvel 10 a.m. Sydney via port* Cooeyinna 10 a.m. Indragiri A ing Thye noon P. B'tenbam and Penang Perak 1 p.m. P. Swettenham, Penang Pin Seng 1 p.m. Sabang, Atjeb Padang Bantam p.m. Bangkok via ports Pnrilnt Ipo. Peuang and
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  • 110 5 From Eoora— By the B. I s.s. Thongwa, dne on January 11. From Cmu— By the M. M. s.t. A. Behio, dne on January 13. I ■)ec )ec Jeo |M lan I an fail 9 18 16 20 33 26 30 8 6 9 pore Dim in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 476 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. V X A regular FORTNIGHTLY Mrvioe Is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCKEW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, speoially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted thronghont by Electricity, provided with exoellent aooommodation for
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    • 495 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companion' ateunarn are dedpatohM from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa M&rseillnf and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 489 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SKKVIIE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. Biiriu FREMANTLE TKKIII NORTH WEST II STRIIUV PORT*. JAVA AND SINGAPORERegular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Weotern Australia, calling at Java (a» indacement offers), Derby, King's Sound Tort for the Kimberler
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    • 575 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO.KUROPE VIA (3UINA JAPAN, CANADA and (bo UNITED STATES Route from Hongkong, via Hnanghat, Nagasaki, (Inland Boa tif Japau). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoonver, R.M.H. EMrum or Imdu Twin-sorew steaR.M.B. Empbexs of Japan mem,
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    • 49 5 The marvellous ben 'ix <lnrived from Cod Liver Oil in wasting disea-ses |sj due to the potent alterative principles. These are found in Steams' Coidial of Cod Liver Extract, thus rendering it n> longer necessary to overtax the weakest -d digestive organs ol the patient Incrilbea weight and strength.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 135 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fsoa jANt-iBT 10 io Jamuabt IB.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'ght; Tim* H'ght hrs. mm. ft ins. hr. mm. ft ins. January I 3.10 am 88 8.86 am 4.1 a>AT 10 1 8.1 pm 8.9 ».80pm 8.8 4.1 am 8 4 i|10.6 am 4 0 BAtWDAT
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    • 95 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, Jant|ary io. High Water. 31 pm. Association Football. Hippodrome. 7-30 pm. Albambrn Cinematograph Bhnw 7-SO. Saturday, January 11. High Water. 4-1 a.m. 414 p.m. B. I. outward mail dne. Cricket tournampnt. Football. B.R.C. v. Raffles School. 5 p.m Sunday, January 13. High Water. 4-59 a.m. 639
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  • 1163 6 The Straits Times PRICK 10 CENTS. FRIDAY,JANUARY 10. FRIDAY. JANUARY 10. On December 27, we reproduced from the Malay Mail some editorial comments on the Federal Estimates for the current financial year. It must strike the careful reader of that article that the warning cry of economy uttered with so
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  • 10 6 The F.M-8. Yeobt See. Belle arrived from Port Swettenbam, yesterday.
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  • 17 6 A Christsa- party w_e given to the c— Qdrce of FeMM a)- -ska. JSeetern Mid -Be*. _^._y.
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue itru protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 19 6 Mrs. L. 1). Moore bus won the croquet championship of Ceylon, beating Mr. C. L. Tivy by 27 points.
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  • 21 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is 101 i per picul; yesterday, it was $60;,. Seventy-five tons were sold to-day.
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  • 23 6 There aro 174 French soldiers bound for Marseilles on the Chargeurs Reuuis steamer .Vuiiral Magon, which arrived from Saigon aud Haiphong, this morning.
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  • 27 6 A London wire says that a letter has been received in town from Sir Harry Maclean indicating that the arrangements with Kaisuli for his release are completed.
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  • 32 6 It ib reported that oue of thu biggest Chetty firms of Rangoon has failed aud that tho local Chetties arc calling iv all outstanding* in order to come to their compatriot's assistance.
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  • 42 6 A watch found in possession of n Tauglin burglar, who was captured rtveut ly has been identified as Dr. Fiolayson's. It is believed that the nmn caught is thu thief who has visited the doctor's house on sevtn m iii;ht occasion h.
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  • 39 6 It is rumourod that Mess>r*. Wnlker. Sous and Company, a Colombo engineering firm, arc cuiiUmiplatin;: opening a branch iv Ku.ila Sclangor, aud that negotiations are in progress Tor Mm. acquisition of a large tract of land in that district.
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  • 50 6 Thuro ".v ill Ik- heavy shipments of spocio, this year, from Holland to Java, for the purpose of driving out the Straits dollar from Doli. Currency i etui in there take- the direction of HUDutitutiug guilders for dollars, and it is expected to colt about nine millions of yiiiWi r
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  • 60 6 The Singapore 'atholic Club are giving an untortainment in which children will take part, at tho Victorii Memorial Hall on Saturday night, the 41 1 in tint. The piece to be staged is a Japanese operetta in three acts entitled Princess Ju Ju or the Golden Amulet. A matinee rehearsal
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  • 54 6 The health returns of the Penaug Mum. cipality for the week euded December _H show that there were 71! deaths— 08 males and 15 females— equal to a death rate of 87.88 per niillc per annum, compared with a 1.52 iv the preceding week, aud with MJi iv the corresponding
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  • 56 6 Mr. B. J. Baughmau, of the Anglo-Chinese School, was to have boeu the speaker at the Short Street School, to-night, at the service in connection with the annual universal week of united prayer, but owing to his serious illness, the Rev. H. B. Mouscll will speak instead. The subject is
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  • 57 6 Mr. Justice A. G. Law, acting Chief Justice, is proceeding with the defence, to-day, in the case of Senivasayan and S. Muttoo v. T. C. Loveridge for $810 for metalling the road connecting Bukit Titnah Road with the Ma' Jai Quarry. Mr. V. D. Knowlett appears for the plaintiffs and
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  • 61 6 The Rev. R. J. Campbell objects, as do most clergymen, to being interrupted by members of thu congregation at the City Temple while he is discoursing from the pulpit. Recently, he warned his audieuee that though lie has boon very patient hitherto, he is afraid there will bo a limit
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  • 57 6 Something uew under the suu has happened at Kiahwoa, a bsieu governed by Kweiyangchou, in Hunan. An expert tinner, who loarnod his trade at Hankow, has beea employed by the official to toaoh the convicts there the tinning trade, and thus convict labour has been instituted, an entirely new departure
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  • 63 6 The Netherlands India Goverumcut is planning to build at Sourabaya a naval dock larger than any available in that country at present. The plans rest upon improvements and dredging operations to be carried on iv the western channel of the harbour. If those should turn out to be a success,
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  • 67 6 The following wire, of the 2nd instant, will supplement the information already cabled from home: Tbo transport Nive had gono ashore on rocks five miles south of Casa Blanca. In addition to her crew, she has a detachment of troops and horses aboard. The cruiser De Saix has left Tangier
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  • 68 6 From Ghoramara in India a strange incident is reported iv connection with the Kishorc Hat case, says an exchange. While the examination of defence witnesses was going on several of the accused persons were seized with cholera in the court-room and one is reported to have since died. Others are
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  • 65 6 The French Parliament feels uneasy about the naval defence of Indo-China. To <|uiet the alarmists, the Minister for tin Colonies stated, on December 28, that a new naval base had been established on the coast, and that the defences of the Colony were up-to-date. In bis opinion, there was no
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  • 73 6 A coolie drawing a heavily- ladfcttad handcart ■tamblad and full in Kling Street at abo^t ten o'clock, this morning, and was almost buried under the oases which {ell upon him from, the cart' Whoo these w «ro removed, be was found to be bruised con--durably. He had also a deep
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  • 451 6 Mr. F.H. K. Lamb, the well-known C'sJcutU golfer, has died of cholera in Mtutrai*. Sir Thomas Lipton is ou his way to Ceyleo by the P. and O. steamer Britannia, duo in Colombo to-morrow. The Karl of Crawford and party lea\. Colombo, in tho yacht Valhalla, for
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  • 45 6 The following additional subbcriptioott ka the New Bishopric Fund have boun reoeiv eri in Peuaug Paid. The Hon. A. R. Adams $100 S. C. A. 50 Mr. J. G. Berkhuijsen 25 Promis-d. Mr. W. G. Maxwell $.0 Mr. C. G. May 20
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  • 129 6 There will be a weekend oaiup for the members of the S.V.A. Maxim Coui^aav. on Saturday and Sunday, the 18th and 19th instant. Members will assemble in camp at Labrador Villa, I'asir Panjang. Trains will leave Tank Road Statiou at M 0 aud 1.1 ■> p.m., and Borneo
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  • 179 6 .Mr. Arthur Wigu Stuphuu*. of the Forestry I >epiirtmcut of the X.M.S. Government, diet) at the European Hospital, Taipiug, ou Tuesday. The deceased guntleuiuii, whu was 62 yearn of age Buffered from licart trouble. He entered the F.M.S. Government service in )892. Both socially and officially.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 281 6 Ladies Afternoon Tea. FOR A VARIETY OK DAINTY BISCUITS. TRY A TIN OF ~i I swallow I r AND (jig ARIELLS I Ladies' Afternoon Tea Biscuits, COMPRISING, IX EACH TIN Cafe Noir, Croat- Wafers, Fruit Wafers. Finger Creams, Mixed Frou Frou, Noix-de- s. Shui thread Sandwich. CHAMPAGNE BISCUITS. Por Tin
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    • 279 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD TO-NIGHT CHANGE OK n«)3KAMMK. ST SHOW, 7.30 TO 9 P.M 1 A Five Birthday Cake 1 Up to-date Burglarn 8 Tbe Black Witch 4 Tbe Lucky Heiret* 5 I've Lost My ByeglasH 6 Tbe King of Dollar* 7 The Japanese Girl 8 The Doings of a
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  • 492 7 CONDEMNATION OF RECENT LEGISLATION. Lord Ampttiill Presides over Crowded Meeting. [lUdtir'h Tblcobam.] London January 10. .V crowded meeting to protest against the Transvaal legislation <? in regard to Indians) wan held in the Caxton Hail, London, under the presidency of Lord Aiupthill, formerly Governor of Madras and
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  • 56 7 llurkish Battalions for the Persian Frontier. V RiUTSR'h TBLB'iHAM ljuuduu, •Tanuitry Id. >t ih reported from <.'<juit(iiitiuuplo that eight batiulh'u* ul r«l<i:fs hMM I'oau dcap»tobed to ruiDforcc tin- Turkish truupn on the Turco-Persia') froutier. Eight other battahuiiH Ml huld iv resHrve. Tliu Turkish troop- now on the
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  • 50 7 [RaOTM'B TILKiiKiM London, Jauuary 9. Mr. Fowler, on behalf of the Currency (.'uniffiitteu uf the House of KeprwbcutativoH at W.ishiu^loii. lia- introduccil a Bill autboribiuK a Nuliuual Uauk currency baited od the goueral auwitH of each bank, instead of n«|iiiriiiy -t-ciiri il Bpucifiud bonds.
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  • 41 7 Kbctbb's Tkleuham. London, January The charge of desecrating ex- President Krnger's grave at Pretoria brought agaiuat Lieutenant Clark, Yorkshire Kegiinent. Lieutenant Herring. Koyal tCngiueeri*. and Mr. Dickson. an ex-Civil Servant, in October last, has tx-.n withdrawn.
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  • 38 7 IiKLTKB TILBtiRAII I ."in lull, Jauuary H>. Tbc Kiag has conferred tin Commander ship of the Kuyal Victorian Ordur upon Mr. William Powull Frith, Kuyal Academician (ratirod 1 on tbe <iccatuon of Wi oiD«tietb WrAdtv
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  • 26 7 [Bsßtn't liunuxi Lonioa, Jsauary 9. Ibv.-j tv bete *441»-ol "wow »&d tiMt «a| Wag* of rtn. t«U»ir»^ by warm Dim, fa lafltMl
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  • 268 7 Three Ship's Officers Rescued in the Harbour. Three officers of a large foreign steamer berthed at Tanjong Pagar had an exciting experience in a motor launch yesterday, an experience which they are not likely to forget in a hurry, inasmuch as they had a narrow escape from
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  • 754 7 Views on Election to the Upper House. On lli ix-lillj' I ,'.ll, Keutci' s- lit the follow iug wires. Lord 'iir/o'i km agreed to outer the Home of lion'" is i- >■• M<iuu to Lord Kilrnaiue, an IHhli lvprßKCutalivu peer who committed uticid; recently in Paris.
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  • 205 7 INTERIM DIVIDEND OF CICELY COMPANY. Outputs of Leading Companies. i Kkom Our Own Corukspovdbkt.) Londou, January 9. The following rubber crops for 1907 are announced Anglo-Malay Rubber Company, Limited, 224,144 lbs., as against 100,019 lbs. in 1906. Highland and Lowlands Para Rubber Company, Limited, 198,506 lb-»-, compared with
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  • 83 7 Some of the New Shareholders la the Company. [Kbotbr's Tblkuham Londod, January 10. The Daily Chrouiclo auuounces that £200,000 of now capital is being raised for Tin Times Newspaper. The principal subscribers are Lord lirassey, Lord Rothschild, I. aril Stratucona. Lord Iveagh. and Sir Alexander Heudersou (Chairman of
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  • 403 7 European's Valuable Aid to the Singapore Police. Seven years' imprisonment for forging a delivery order was giveu at tbe Assizes, yesterday, by Mr. Justice Sereombo Smith, to Chan Ah Seng, a coolie with a record of crime. Afterwards Lee Fah Chong, Ah Soong and Leong Kee were sent
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  • 133 7 A number of extra dog-shooters have been < secured by the Municipality, and they are i busily engaged in their work of destruction throughout the town. Owners of pet dogs, i therefore, may take warning and keen their canines chained up till the wtfl^fti vUioh
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  • 1076 7 SIR FRANK SWETTENHAM AND THE DEFICIT. Colonists Urged to Fight for Port's Freedom. (From Our Own Corkksj'ondknt.) LoDdon, December 18. The estimated deficit balance of 1110,688 in the financial statement of the Straits Settlements as set before the Legislative Council by His Excellency Sir John Anderson, on October
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  • 573 7 Chinaman Explains His Possession of Morphine Bottles. Mr. E. E. Cobnan, tbe Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, further beard tbe oase in which Koh China was charged with possession of two hypodermic syringes for use with morphine Mr. E. Farrer.Baynes appeared for tbe Opium Farmers and Mr. V D.
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  • 280 7 Preliminary Inquiry Began Before the Magistrate. Mr. C r J. Green, the Second Macnstrate, sat, yesterday afternoon, to hold a preliminary inquiry into the charge of murder of Sob Teug Ann, the towkay who bad charge of the coal coolies at Tanjoug Pagar for the labour contractor.
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  • 190 7 A sampan man, named Too Bay, prosocuted two boatmen, named Lee long and Tian Tee, before tbe Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday, on the charge of theft of a sampan, valued at »60. Mr. V. D. Knowlea appeared for the prosecution.' Complainant said
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  • 263 7 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM QUEEN AND PRINCE OF WALES. Distinguished Additions to the Committee. [Raoraa's Tblbuham London, January 9. The fund for veterans of the Crimean and Indian Mutiny campaigns amounts already to .£6,000. Her Majesty the Queen has given £300 and the Prince of Wales 4250. Lord Iveagh
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  • 78 7 IKkotbk's Tb li ok am, London, January 10. Mr. Itoot, Secretary of State to the United States Government, has informod tbe Government of Japan that the transfer of Mr. Takahira, at presont Japanese Ambassador at Rome, to Washington would be acceptable to the American
    78 words
  • 46 7 [RauTH's Tblbokaml London, January 10. In a speech, Mr. K. B. Haldane, Minister of War, stated that the time is approaching when it will be impossible to withhold the Toto from women, but the voice of the nation must be taken first.
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  • 20 7 IRbotib's Tblbokim; London, January 10. Tbe French Bauk Hate has been reduced to li\ per cent.
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  • 60 7 [Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tblsoram Berlin, January 0. The Spanish Government announces that the only troops it intends to keep iv Morocco will be a garrison at Molilla. Additional troops will be sent only in case of emergency. A portion of the French troops operating on the
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  • 29 7 [Dbb Ostasutuchb Lloyb Tslbgbau Berlin, January Tbe Portuguese Minister in Hio de Janeiro announces the approaching visit of King Carlos to Brazil on June 7.
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  • 26 7 [Dbb Ostasiatiscbs Lloyd Tbleukasi Berlin, January 9. King Edward will visit Paris in March next, and will afterwards spend some time at Biarritz.
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  • 26 7 [Dbb OsTtauTMcn Lloyd TacaotAM] Berlin, January U The revision of the Dingley tariff, it is unounccd, will be made in 1909.
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  • 23 7 I Dan Ostasutischi Lloyd Tsliuram Berlin, January 9. Mr. Stabenrauch has been appointed Cbiet of the Polioe iv Berlin.
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  • 49 7 Tbe appointments of the three recantly arrivsd cadets :3 the F.M.B. ar<t gaKtted Mr. W. Bnrtoji i: attached to the o&m et the Secretary to Resident it Kuala Lumpur Kr. O. E. Cator to tb» Fadaral Secretariat gad Mr. A CaMoecf. to the oSce *hHipwistenfant M tn-iian Tmm»r»TWL ?«nang
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  • 18 8 Mr. A. V Hornby has been re elected President of the Lancashire Oonntv Cricket Club.
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  • 20 8 The Rajput Pilgrims beat the Hussars in the final lor the Indian polo championship by 4 goals to 3.
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  • 28 8 The fund raised for a testimonial to Lord Hiwke, the skipper of the Yorkshire County C icket team, amounts to over £700. About 8. XX) subscriptions wero received.
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  • 25 8 The Indian Grand National resulted, on December 30, afternoon as follows: Mallard won easily by three lengths. Kipling was second, night lengths ahead of Chaiwnpnt.
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  • 28 8 The filial tie in connection with Penang League championship Mas to have been played on the Esplanade at Penang last niuht, between tho P.C.C. and the Croseut Club.
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  • 28 8 Cambridge has beaten Oxford in the crosscountry racu. Cambridge has now won on eighteen occasions to Oxford's ten, and on nineteen occasions has supplied the first man home.
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  • 41 8 Playing with the Cambridge University iv a hockey match against Surbiton, m December 16, H. J. Goodwin, tbe centreforward, nevnr missed an opportunity of scoring, and was responsible for nn fewer than ten of the eleven goals scored by his side.
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  • 49 8 The following is from a home paper to hand by the last mail News reached Brighton yesterday of the death at Burwash «i Mr. Charles Philcox, who was a warm supporter of Sussex county cricket, and who participated some years ago in many matches lor the Gentlemen of Sussex.
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  • 82 8 Merchants v. Civil Service and l««. The Hi i match iv connection with the Singapore Cricket Club's Cricket tournament will be played on the Esplanade, to morrow, between the Merchants and the Civil Service and Law. The Civil Service and Law will be: Captain A. H. Young (captain), A.
    82 words
  • 100 8 I lit Belgians and Henley. At the annual meeting of the Henley Regatta stewards, recently, a discussion took f)lace with reference to the resolution passed »st. May debarring foreign crews from competing at next year's regatta, and it was decided to issue a statement to the Press setting forth
    100 words
  • 90 8 Singapore Golf Club. The following have qualified to pWy for the Gold Medal (lwO/; ou Saturday and Sunday, tho 11th and 12th instant. Handicaps are given ci "f>side their names Dr. R. A. Campbell scratch Captain J. Kirkwond scratch C. T. Durward 1 R. T. Reid 2 A. C.
    90 words
  • 436 8 S C.C. v. S.R.E. (V.) A fifteen representing the S.R.E. (V.) tried conclusions with a tram of the S.C.C. in a Rugby football match on the Esplanade yesterday, and an interesting and lively game was witnessed. The teams were S.C.C.— Taylor, full back Hewitt. Montgomery, Gallimore, and Lt.
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  • 325 8 Interstate Match. Penang and Perak tried conclusions in an interstate Association football match at Penang on Saturday, and the Perak team uad to admit defeat by five goals to nil. Commentiug ou the game, the Pinang Gazette says The respectable margin of five goals gives a very fair
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  • 155 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. The following games will bo played next week in connection with the V.M.C.A. Tennis Tournament MONDAY. Sinolks Handicap.— A. Class. Mepham v. Boyd. B. Class. Hosington v. G. van Cuylonbiirg. TUESDAY. SiNoLfcs Handicap. A. Class. Davies v. Clarke Doubles Handicap. Hartlett and Bishop v. Hay and
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  • 162 8 List of Handicaps for First Day's Events. The following are the handicap* for the first day's events at the Penang Turf Club Meeting on Tuesday Thf Club Handicap. Lady Brockleigh 9.0 Deloore 8.8 Oillo 8.5 Newbury 8.2 Haunjore B.U The Oboroe Town Cdp. Latouia 10. 0 Chrysalis
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  • 1300 8 JEHOSAPHAT MINE DISPUTE CASE. Legal Action at Ipoh. Tho dispute concerning the Jehosaphat Tin Mine between Mr. A. van Cuylenberg (plaintiff) and Messrs. Louis Philip van Cuylenberg, C. E. Velge and the representatives of the late Mr. J. H. Barnard, deceased (defendants!, was brought before Mr. Justice
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  • 945 8 Description of How the Australians Won. The following is a description from an Australian exchange of the exciting finish of the first test match at Sydney. Slight rain fell when the Australians had scored 75 runs for the lors of five wickets. Armstrong was in two
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  • 65 8 Count Okuma, tbe Japanese statesman, who is exerting himself to push on trade between India and Japan, has started a scheme for improving tbe commercial relations ootween his country and France— the intention being to establish a Franco- Japanese Bank. Several prominent Japanese support the idea, and an agent It.
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  • 30 8 A tongkang-ladened with brickx sank near St. John's Island, on Tuesday night. Five of the Chinese crow are still missing and it is believed that they were drowned.
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  • 84 8 On Tuesday morning, the Police lauurh Penquio, sank in the Penang harbour. It appears that she was proceeding to the water boats near Swettenham wharf for a fseflh supply of water, but ran too far on to the bank. She then suddenly listed over and sank in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 190 8 B Special Show NEW GOODS I AT LITTLES, d^jk LITTLES. Lack GOODS JF£J§['s^* PINAFORES, Everything that is New and Smart. I ALHAMBRA I I CINEMATOGRAPH I Beach Road. To-Night I To- Night I Grand Change of Programme. ONLY PATHE JL L. F. WILLIS. FRERES' FILMS. y Manager. PRINCESS JU JU,
      190 words
    • 264 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LIGHTKEEPER WANTED. Applications will be received at tbe Mi.i'.t Attendant's Office, op to Januiry 18, for the post of Lightkeeper, Malacca group of Lighthouses. Salary $400 per annum wit ti free Ratinnx and Clothing. Applicant should have mechanical knowledge as fitter, eto. Applications should be accompanied by recent
      264 words

    • 101 9 .mini ouyeis o.mi <\o (CuU- No. 1 nnp'.-k';1 9 75 opra Cvli 7K) da I'oiitianak 736 ppcr. Black l> r- 12.7. f > a White 5% 19 70 ■>14O Flour Sarawak 2 97 j io Brunei Jto. I tit Paid Sa^ 4.15 'offec Bali. pick»3 A5.5O Coffee. Paleiubony, 20
      101 words
    • 125 9 0<: London Hunk 4 rale -'4',, Deoiaud -T 1 Private 6 ni/a 1/41 do 8 m/u f.. -/4i On Gorman v -Rank d/d 28<H Private 8 n 2424 1.. 6 u>/8 '2444 fri*;,-.— Rank d/d 29-2 Private 3 in,- 298j >lu 6 m/a Ol On /o<Jta— KankT.T. 1731 Private
      125 words
    • 49 9 Howartt Erskine 6% *•;<<,■ 00 I\\' Riley H«njre<».-<3 2-25.0C0 8% pr'ni I Spore Electric Tram A-ayt, Co., 5% 350,009 nommai Singapore Monioip*' i% J00.003 iOTf, piva Ml 1.878.000 nrn 4i% 1,600.000 80»,9K> ?%-^'Dcin. ■^trails Kn^i menus.' Syd., LM. 15,000 par. InjongP. O. B. *W).(«KI iir'-T. 11% 1.060.000 par
      49 words
  • 80 9 I'atriik «'aiii|>bell, tu. aouv- i, uJ'ioh annoye<l because tho liii.iiaL'e) if the Pla^a Hotel, at New York, where she ifi Mayini;. ol)j.-t-'H to ladies nmokini; iv the tea room. She statt> tint At tho Carltou and Kiw HoteU iv London a lndy ih nllowed to smoke
    80 words
  • 109 9 A woudurtul Che*!*' from death occurred *t Kinsur. nrar Lucknow. i lady trou: Kauikl wan ridiny dloug k -.'I. D-iulchina road wlitu her lioiae nhied, both Inn and rid«:r fell over down a «i'.vipicc visty foot kele« on to a l>ank, Tatlk re the liorse rolled over
    109 words
  • 39 9 l,:i Mild lia* lioen officially thanked by the .iv.niy i'an«:int. tor tin: raanui'i iv which ))i Mattinea tin toU- ci Lady Uodiva, on .gust 7. Then are. a^ it WWa, no flieH on l.a Milo anr) very littl-' else.
    39 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 355 9 Date ol formaion Capital N amber Snourtbed < of Bharw lane Paid Shares Value jap to Unissued Company grori.iov19fla 1907 1901 1903 190-1 1907 1901 1906 190.5 1906 1906 1906 1905 1904 190S i 892 )905 1.898 1900 1907 190* 1X99 1907 1903 1907 $300,000 IWO.OOO 1300,000 $235,000 »eoo,ooo
      355 words
    • 382 9 :BCS i £160.000 £116.615 «$> g ft IMS 1200,000 1105,000 10,500 1 10 110 imu ««nnnn oimiin '.000 £1 12,000 i 904 £30.000 £15 MO II 11 (J00 £l 15/ 1303 £70,000 161,000 61,000 £1 *> 9,000 1906 1150,000 j »125,000 12,500 HO HO 2,500 1904 £12,000 j £10,900
      382 words
    • 179 9 MM jt5,.i7?.10.0 «4,80 A 7,688 "S9B (835,000 »i3i.000 4,100 I«M 115.000,000 »15.0J0,00U 1«M M,40.1,000 M.i 00.000 "jJ^O 1886 •1,000,000 11.000.000 I J'^ 1901 134,000 134,000 MOO 1898 »*?VOO0 »875,000 190 d 1600.000 |2i:i,OT) 1691 MO.OOO »30,0i>l 600 19J8 £750,000 £750,000 40,000 1884 JiOO.OOO MlO.Oft) i.OOO 1890 (500.00 $495 600
      179 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE He MMCf hnw much pair. \<n.r Rheum-iUMi. is causing yeu now, •here a remedy thjt will cure you. Little's Oriental Balm r.jR southed thouMiu's ot sufferer:, from :hi- MMfioM <*"— V' CM r< vt :h> very Cm£v by Mtd"i p■■ oar li-.nrtisi !^r .i bottle of (Ui £r.»mi
      111 words
    • 446 9 KELLY WALSH, LTdT ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker ft Tomb-Builder 150 Middle Road. Snln Aijent for Mewid. Doitridge Brothers, Ltd., London c 2188 Telephone No. 619 PHOTO DEPOT. 101, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. All aorta of Photographic Apparatus and Materials, viz. Camera, Lenses, Plates, Papers, obemical9, Films, Mounts. Photo Frames, etc
      446 words
    • 219 9 Pohoomull Bros,, 40E HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Onrioi and Silverware of every description, Biassware, etc. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. Kame a Co. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for New Yeak. A Splemli'l -ortiiifiit uf And Artificial Flowers <^ L.u-e selection o
      219 words

  • 846 10 JOKES AND JOTTINGS FROM THE WORLDS PRESS. When I married you, yon said I'd never want for ar-ytbing. Did I say that You did. That shows bow little 1 knew of women then. A number of quaint and clever Hindu aphorisms have been gathered together by Arthur
    846 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 611 10 BANKING COMPANIES* HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital ti0.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve tl0,000,000» 191 7-J1 nnn BUveTßeserve t11,750,000} W l 750 000 Raaerve Liability of Proprietors t10, 000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Eaq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fuchu, Esq. A. J. Raymond,
      611 words
    • 571 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHAJRTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Bhare; of Jt'JO ta-.-h ..aU,»00,OlO Reeerve Fund ..C1.476.0C0 Reserve Liability of Proprietor. £1 .JOOCO BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      571 words
    • 823 10 a haudshake with the wife of the Secretary of War. Tbe climber, with determination written on ber t'ace, finally pushed her way np to bnr hostess and paused long enough to say. How do you do, Mrs. Tait? addiug, with a very impre.nsivo manner, I've heard of your husband. PHOSFERINE
      823 words
    • 531 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funde Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. SIMS, c 1375 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Kevenue £2,081 ,044- 19 8 The undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 692 BEHN, MEYER
      531 words

  • 1441 11 WHEN THE DRIVER'S OIL GAVE OUT. Story of Personal Adventure by Straits Motorist. Wliat are yo"'.i going to do if you mv short of lubricating oil on the road asked one of a trio of Straits motorists, as they started ou a tour through Scotland. The) had all been
    1,441 words
  • 36 11 Geutlemen, said the acquitted prisoner to the jury, I thauk you fur my vindication. Young man. ni.'u-d the foreman auoterely, you don't seem t<> know the difference between a vindication aad a streak of good luckr
    36 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 336 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Paiuted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Ran*; by arrangement. Price- and full particulars from SYME CtO.i S
      336 words
    • 98 11 United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd., SOLE AOEMTS for ■afensw „>" r 4 THE UNITED FLEXIBLE y^HSSiSfe METALLIC TUBING CO.. LTD. Hk BRONZE £g\ I" diameter to 2" diameter 1 mmmmmmmV C J y^jFf* Vjfll me m jjß Mm STEEL (S\ l diamett ito 4 diameter I PATERBON SIMONS CO.. LTD..
      98 words
      325 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 462 12 ADVERTISEMENTS.-Miioel-VREPiot-i of Every Deeoription, House*, Uneow »o let, we inserted at the following One Insertion I I.SO per inch. Two *•<» Three «-80 Six 8.90 Nine «•«> Twelve 7.50 Twenty-five 10.00 Eaoh subsequent month »5 per Inoh.) The »bove rate is based upon an average of ,c«8o words to the
      462 words
    • 534 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rams:— Poo: LI dm, on ot two inMrtiom, » By tta* Inch, v* MeaU of Chu«n. TO LET. No. 1, Prinoe Street. Apply, PATEBSON, 6IMONB CO., Ltd. cSOSI OFFICE TO LET. No. 4 a. Raffles Place, at present occapied by Mr. W. C. Ntblett. Apply
      534 words
    • 479 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ttATIS:— Four tIM >: M two UlMrtioni, fl. By tbo inch, M ■Nfc »t Chirjt»e. GOOOWNS TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godown! in Cecil and Stanley Streets. Apply, S. Manaeseh and Co. U3052 HOUSE TO BE LET. Compound House. No. 1 Oxley Kibe, to
      479 words
    • 772 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Kates lit Montb, $10 p«r Inch. S»ub»«qu«nt roonttu. It. For shorter p«rtort» Scole of Chp.rjOT. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who tiud it necessary In leave the Colony for any length of time, can have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge, or
      772 words
    • 750 12 V 0 V I DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur I Scotch Whisky. I OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALEH>. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Sol* A§mts. S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., m HAVE HKKN APPOINTKD Brewers to His Majesty The King. H H.NDORAND Lager Beer, Pale Ale. Stout. I Are nbtniual>!e from the
      750 words