The Straits Times, 9 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.543. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 9. 190 S. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 Motor Cars. We have now in Stock the following Cars One 14-lh h.j>. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-body. 7-seuted Two 8-10 li.|). BAYARD-CLEMENT, '2 cylinders, double phaetou-body, 6-seaM. One 10-14 U.p. WERNER, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-lxxh, 5-seated. tee B h.p. DE DION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seated. One H h.p. CORRE,
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    • 91 1 Mr. W. H. M. Browne (of Messrs. FROST and SHIPHAM. Western Australia). Eyesight A Spectacle Specialist, may be consulted at THE DISPENSARY BUILDINGS, 43tRams Place, for a few days only. NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive
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    • 135 1 'ROBINSON and CO. SANDERSON'S Hny§ Stand Cameras. HBHEO m JUNIOR POPULAR "REGULAR POPULAR. SB* TROPICAL POPULAR. SANDERSON'S 'j| W^^^fcff Jiand (Sameras. €|^feiTHE "JUNIOR. THE "TROPICAL. I^^^ Ideal Mew Year Presents. 4 Plate Magazine Hand Cameras. Film Cameras. ROBINSQN and COMPANY. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Brtttv Busah lioad< SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest
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  • 997 2 HUM LANCERS' CASE SADLY BUNGLED. A great deal of mischief and annoyance would ha M beeu avoided if the Army Counoil in dealing with the sth Lancers' case, had acted with a little more consideration nit only for tbe character of the regiment, but the good of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 HOUSE PROPERTY IS ENHANCED IN VALUE If it is known that the Wood-work has been treated with JODELITE. The rft3ultt> of '20 yearn" teat :n the Tropiofl have proved that this Preservative is an ABSOLUTE SAFEGUARD against the attacks oE WHITE ANTS, DRY ROT, TEREDO, NAVALIS and DECAY. i Gallon
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    • 299 2 nnn T Don't give in M When you give in SI in a fight with tropical 1^ disease, you throw away 1; I your chances of life. I I The struggle 'is an I unequal one but the 1 man who takes I Hall's Coca I Wine I knows that
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    • 31 2 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoommandad by the belt medioal authorities. Ea*y to lake and certain in rewrite. To be had of *v ohemisu. Wboteeale from The Pharmary. Battery Road, Riogapore. mm
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    • 297 2 mawmm N0 TENNIS THIS AFTERNOON OIABOLO I I d!Xo .DIABOLO DIABOLO DIABOLO I DIABOLO T r t diabolo m lhe z e 0f 1 T London and Paris. Levy Hermanos. A C9mpMm Q 1 GAME 3>O. 1 Steamer for Sale. The Steamship CON STAN TUN, as she now lies in
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  • 1153 3 SHERLOCK HOLMES'S BOOKSHELF. Throi/gh'thr Maoic Door. By Sir A. Conan Doyle. Loudon Smitb, Elder, and Co. (55.) It is not often that a popular novelist diverges into literary criticism. Mr. Arnold Bennett and the late Mr. Christie Murray essayed some slight adventures of this kind. But by far
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 It's the Quality that tells. van Iloufen's IS THE FINEST COCOA in the WORLD. j WHISKY AND BANZAI, BOY! WHAT IS "BANZAI?" "BANZAI" Is a Natural Mineral Table Water of Great Parity. üBANZAI"u BANZAI la the ool; Mineral Water bottled with its genuine natural exported froio Japan. •BANZAI 1 Is
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    • 313 3 HAVE YOU INDIGESTION i HAVE YOU SICK HEADACHES? Bccchaw's pills. To avoid Indigestion. This dHtrcsshii disorder is caused by pMtlyoetkln. itoraach. which Is In ik<4 of a lir'c tolp and a tonic. No matter how bad it may be. a dctc ol BEECH AM'S PILLS sjeuCly si** relief. T-kc BEECHAM'S
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  • 265 4 How Japan Fooled tbe Financiers! and Prospectors. It will be observed, says the Japau Chronicle, that the Japanese Geological Survey is at present prospecting tor copper iv Shikoku. and for kerosene iv the Hokkaido. Without wishing to cast any reflection on the work of t!:c (i.ological Survey,
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  • 188 4 Coldest Winter for Fifty Years in England. li the American weatlur uptH who so ::n i rt ally prouiinun us the most scvero winter mi' hu for the last fifty years should prove a true prophet, we shall no longer have to ai;i. ir. the disappearance of
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  • 115 4 A .-.i.lui-.ibu- amount of anxiety, tbe Tiuiis ot' India »tqjee, prevail-, in Bombay as to !:<■ n-v.ut state of the pearl market, the :cavy fall iv prices having affected shroffs and merchants. OTort-, to conceal the actual state of affairs r< .-tratod by tlii' suiode ef a
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  • 397 4 Passengers Outward. TYr N.D.L. sleamui' Priti/. Heimicli. From rMKitlKiujptou, Dec 10, due .lan. 10:- Mr. B. Brandt. Dr. J. 11. L. liergMua, Mr. Carl Knoptl, Mr. A. D. Ratal .Went/, and family. Mr. C. (i. van DsMMcMorf, Mr. Ca*l Sebroedar. Mr. and Mr>. A. C. PeaiMjn. Mr.
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  • 780 4 SaVM, port, probable datr. of arrival, and name of Agints. STEAMERS Vgair.i-iiin.'ii, Liverpool, Jan 94 Maoxneld Airlie, Sydney. Fob 2I Boustead Arabria, Hamburg, I in 8; llehn Meyer Arcadia, Hongkong, l.m 30 P. AO. Coy i Argotia, -lapan. Jan ifl Behn Meyer i Austria, Hongkong, l-'eb Rautenberg iAyutbia.
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  • 255 4 An Armed Attack on a Stevedores Office. I On "v.; irdiiy evening, December 21, a number oi armed men made a raid upon the premise of Messrs. C. Nickel and Company, wbich, apparently, by Hh merest chance was not accompanied by murder, says a Kobe exchange. Usually ;it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 40 4 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY CURES COLDB. Tlii-, icniudy acts ou nature's plau, allays tho cough, relieves the luugi>, aids cxpectorati.'u. "ix-ns the secretions, aud ai«K nature iv >v-.ioriug the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all dispenxaritw and dca!e:<.
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    • 752 4 STEAMER BAIUHGB. pTaTa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chi: r. Cjast, Psrsian Gulf, Continental, sod J-n ncrn PortsSteamer* will love Smgap >r? oa >ir 4 0 II MAIL LINE. Outward {for China).
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    • 1160 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY, BANDJER. BANDJERMASIN. The Steamr-r* ot tbia company maintain a regular servioe between: Bingapore, Bawean, Bourabaya, Bandjer. masin, Pnlo Laut, Bailik Papaa, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Maudawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marsbahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik The *teamers have good aooomxlation for
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    • 813 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Ma I L'nr The fast and well known mail steam' 4\ •his Company aail fortnightly from Br Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, SouthHinp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (conn? :10c Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and viue rm] Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Hmmt, Singapore,
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    • 40 4 Ihe i.*oual dismast crtatiil by Cod Liver (sfl or Its KmuUian iavariably offsetu tho l'i»j<l a luj.lisht'il. Not -o witU Steams' 'Cordial ol Cod LiviT Kxtract palatable, "a- ily taken, tbe patient at om-e experiences I -.ue tM'it c:al effects.
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  • 1135 5 i mm ii tliin heoilniK tho (0i1. ma tMwvINMaM an atiwi -str.— >t«iun«r xli. -.hip; t*(. lurqn-. mcli. •cboouor; Yet. -Vucbt Cru. C'ruiMr li'bl.-Uao-boat; Tor.— Turpwiu ll.p.— Uorao-powor Brit.— British U. H. -L'nitwi SUtw j Pch.-VreiK-h O«r.(i.rm.iD Dut.— Dutch j Ital.— Italian Sp.m. >p mish; M&r.— Sarawak
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  • 91 5 Whines at Which -ssel> are rthed To-day. HIIJONO P»O»« iMi WBAiir Bisin— Hong Bee. EuiT Waiar Section I— lstok, Bbarnia. Kntsang Sicr. 1 (Suri:Ki Wuabit):— Nil. S(cr<ON No 2 Elizabeth Rickruera. 6— Nil. 4— Dulwiob. ft— Sultan. 6 Dunblaue, Macuaou. 7 Lothian, Hebe.
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  • 80 5 ■I an nary 8 Macluw. (ier str, Bangkok Kagoihima Maru. Jap etr, Hongkong, Japan Austria. Aunt str, Japan via ports Nord, Brit «tr, Hongkong Victoria. Swed str, Saigon N>au/a. Brit atr, Antwerp >ia ports Specimen. Dat str Billiton Kinta, Brit etr, Teluk Auson via porix Kistna, Brit »tr, P.
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  • 64 5 Outward Ouuum Mail. The Injperial German mail steamer Prinz Heiarioh having left Peaang, at 3 a.m. to-day, and may be oxpeoted to arrive here to-mcnmr doraisi;. Oqtwabi) B. I. Mail The B. I. contract packet »«eam« Iboafwa, with tie Londoe mail* of tho 20ti ultimo, left Uegapatam,
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  • 350 5 Scottish Dress Creates Interest to Chinamen. Tbe arrival in Hongkong, of tbo transport Hardinage, on the Ist instant, allowed the Cameron Highlanders on board to spend their New Year's Day in Hongkong. Not many of tbe men were given shore leave, but a number of officers and
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  • 92 5 By the Ban Wbatt Hiu, Captain Morrull, Jan. 9. From Port Swettenbam via ports Mr. Sect Keng Saik, Mr. Soet Bug Uaik. and Mr. Lee Pang Seug. By tho Perak, Captain Turner, Jau. '■>. From Peuang via Port Swettenham Mr. N. D. Perkins, Miss J. Willett, Mr.
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  • 119 5 Fok Pkb Stiamir Tim To-MOBIOW Band jermabsin, etc. Reytut U(.m. Batavia.b'baya, Macassar Van Jen liutck 11 a.m. H'kong, Bhaughai, Japan Sam Sang 11 a.m. Muar and Malacca Sri iluar 2p.m. K. PahaDg.Pekan.Ka'tan 2 p.m Bangkok Deli 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports Penang 3 p.m. Peuang Chriiiifl (.'lieu
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  • 103 5 From Eoaora— By th* N. DL. Prinz Ueinrioh, due on January 10. From CantA— By the M. M. A. Beliic, dae on January 13. Singapore Dae in Lon-i Dec 9 N. V. L Jan 2 Dec 12 B. I. Jan 4 Dec 18 M. M. Jan c
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 459 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Thl steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hougkoug, Shanghai aud Japan, taking cargo ou through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chofoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, tho Philippines. *c, *r. Steamers Tons Commander Kotkash 4,89'>
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    • 488 5 CHARGEURS REUNIS. ROUND THE WORLD" UNE. Four New Steamers, with Splendid Passenger Accommodation MALTE 9.600, Gross Tonnage. CEYLAN 9.600, do. OUESSANT 9.600, do. CORSE 9.600, do. S.S. MALTE Due JANUARY 12, 1908. Takes Passengers for CHINA and JAPAN. For freight tuid passage, apply to i Moine Comic Co,, Agents. OCEAN
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    • 456 5 APGAR UNE OF STEAMERS. THt undermentioned mail steamers of tbe above Line maintain a regular Bervioe between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Peoaog, Singapore, Bongkoug and Suanftbai en route FLEET. Tons Cominauder 8.8. "Jatah" 6,300 .T. O. Olifent B.k. Ouooby Afcab 4,600 8. H. Belsom k.s. Ajuutooh Apcar" 1,500 A.
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    • 516 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY To.Krwil'E VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanoonver, R.M.S. "Empbsss or Indu" jTwin-eorew steaR.M.S. "Empbwsof Japam" mers, 8,000
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    • 115 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jauy 11— At bale-room, household furniture, eto., at 11 a.m.. 14 At Sale-room^ateam launches "Nora and Lanka, at 8-30 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Jan> 1 1 —At Istana Lama, opposite tbe entrance to the P. <£. O. Wharf, superior teak household furniture, etc,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 27 5 WEATf^K ILLE'iRAM. B^ekong. Jtuiary 0. 10 a.m. Barometer iO.if Direction ef Wind East Foroe of Wind 2 Max. Tamp in 6hadc ..67 Wtoila nt East o 87
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    • 149 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom Januaby 9 to January 16.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time Flfght ~Time~jH i Jsht bn. mm. ft. ins. ins. January -i| 8.85 am 9.8 I 7.57 am 4.1 T* 0180 9l i 1.58pm 9.5 I 8.38pm 1.6 3.10 am 8.6 8.56 am 4.1 Fwday 10
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    • 99 5 DAY BY DAY Thursday, January 9. High Water. 159 p.m. 8.1. homeward mail olotteo 3 p.m. Rugby. aC.C. v. B.R.E. (VV Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7.m Friday, January 10. High Water. 3-10 a.m. 31 pm. N. D. L. outward mail due. Municipal Commission. 2-30 p.m. Association Football. Saturday,
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  • 1385 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. On other occasions, we have dealt with the strange development Chinese national spirit is taking, and quite recently referred to the telegrams sent to Peking by Chinese residents of Singapore in regard to the patrol of the West River by British
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this isxue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 15 6 'l'ln price of tin in Singapore to-day is tdOij. No business, however, has been done.
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  • 19 6 The output of tin ore at the Tronoh Mines for the month of December is reported at Picnls 3857-77.
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  • 16 6 Notwithstanding the depression in the cotton-spinning trade, some of the Japanese companies arc paying high dividends.
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  • 28 6 Thn Chinese Eastern Railway is attracting towards Vladivostock the traffic in beans, bmucake and other cereals, which is blocked by the congestion at Changchun, by reducing its rates.
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  • 35 6 Telegrams from Newchwang state that owing to the continued decline in silver, and to the dullness of transactions ami the year in general, the price of conuuodilieA has aristtn by ten to twenty per cent.
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  • 34 6 Consequent upon being unable to satisfy a judgment creditor a money lender to the extent, of close upon *****, Khoo Tick Heng, of Hill Streot, this morning, had a receiving order made against him.
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  • 32 6 Kwek Sim.w Ngeo was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment, by the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for stabbing another boatman named Tan Toug Su in the thigh, uciir Pulo Obin, last month.
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  • 37 6 Noa Lye Hong pleaded guilty before a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Howard and Gibson, yesterday afternoon, to fraudulent removal of a package of tea under seizure at No 1 North Bridge Road. He was fined Mi,
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  • 34 6 A Chinese pickpocket, who relieved another celestial of $6 in South Bridge Road, yesterday, was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment, by the Third Magistrato, this uurning. The accused gave an address in Johoro.
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  • 44 6 Mr. E. E. Column, the Third Magistrate, adjourned his court at 7.26 p.m. yesterday. The case he was considering was one of theft, in which Mr. V. D. Knowles appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Rudra for the defence, but it was not concluded.
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  • 49 6 The usual weekly meeting of the Epworth League will uot be held to-night, in view of the address by the Rev. J. A. Gray, M.A., at the Short Street School, at ti.Bo p.m., on Foreign Missions. The meeting is in connection with tho annual universal week of united prayer.
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  • 67 6 Hit Lordship, the acting Chief Justice, Mr. A. G. Law, asked Mr. Delay for further argument, yesterday, on one or two points in connection with the legal contest about the estate of the late Khoo Tiong Poh. His Lordship said that a portion of the amount sought should be divided.
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  • 64 6 The supply of bamboo is gradually decreasing in Japan as bamboo groves have been attacked by a certain disease, which ransen them to decay. With the usual reliance upon the Government as a Univorxal Beneficence, the Kobe Bamboo Guild has addressed a memorial to the Minister for Agriculture ami Commerce,
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  • 67 6 A society of local architects has been formed at Shanghai and incorporated under the Hongkong Ordinances as the Institute of Architects in China, with temporary offices at 4 Peking Road. The following are the office-bearers: President, Mr. W, M. Dowdall; Vice President, Messrs. Walter Scott and Arthur Dallas; Couuail, Messrs.
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  • 331 6 Mr. W.irnford Lock, of Kuala Lumpur, is proceeding slmrtly to Siam. Bishop Oldham preached at the Methodist Church. Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday. Mr. V. 11. Pearson and his bride, who wore married at West Norwood, on December 9, have arrived at Ipoh. The meinbcrx of the Opiutn
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  • 44 6 The Dutch Consul-General at Melbourne reports that a demand for Java tea has set in there. Recently, several consignments of the article known to be of superior quality wore easily disposed of. In his opinion. Java tea planters have a promising held in Australia.
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  • 41 6 During the hearing of an application for receiving order against r Chinaman, this morning, a vvitnciw aaked Mr. Justice Fisher to grant a week's postponement as the debtor was snfforing from leprosy. The secrets ot' this rapid cure were not divulged.
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  • 50 6 A most interesting and picturesque ceremony was witnessed at Calcutta a few dsyx ago when th;- 13th Rajputs, who are under orders lor Hongkong, marched from their lines at Alipnre, with their band and colours, to visit the grave of Colonel Henry r 'orstrr, C.8., the founder of the regiment.
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  • 61 6 Tek Moh and Company, of Kliug Street, have failed for $22,092, a receiving order against the firm b°>ing made, this morning, by Mr. Justin- Fisher, on the application of Messrs. Helm Meyer and Company, the petitioning creditors. One of the partner* present in Court mentioned the possibility of a purchaser
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  • 63 6 Government approval has been accorded to the experimental measure, for two years, for re-opening the Indian Army Reserve to Gurkha battalions, the establishment fixed for each battalion to be fifty reservists for tuU season, to be raised eventually to one hundred. The 2nd battalion, 7th Gurkha Rifles, and the Gurkha
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  • 77 6 A polio*- constable on duty in Selegie Road, on Tuesday night, saw a coolie, dr> -*sud in trousers and undershirt only, holding a watch and chain in his hand. He arrested the coolie en a charge of fraudulent possession, and the accused appeared btloM Urn Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F.
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  • 111 6 Such is the scarcity of labour in D.-li that planters resort to crimping coolies from one another the moment their time runx out Coolies on the point of re-enpageraent aro promised heavier advances than usual it they forsake their old employers. The Re sident bas warned the planters agninst the
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  • 138 6 Legal proceedings in the case of Mr. Ulan van Cuylenberg. vrsus Messrs Louis Phillip van Cuylnnberg, C. E. Velgc and the representatives of the estate of .J. H hrinard, deceased, was commenced at I poh on Monday. The case is in reference to the Jehosa phat mine, at Sungei Siput,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 Just Received Direct from Cuba Havana Cigars. ROTHSCHILDS ELEGANTES (Bock 4 Co.) ALICIAS I'INOS (Bock 4 Co.) REGALIA DE LA REINA FINA (H. de Cabanas) REGALIA ESPECIAL (H. de Cabanas) LONDRES m 0 SUPERIOR EXTRA (Henry Clay) REGALITOS (Antonio Lopez) ORFEOS (Manuel Moreno 4 Co.) <2KS> All In Boxes of
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    • 216 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT OUMM OF PROIRAMM£ IST SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1. The Baboon 2. An Exciting Ride. 8. On the Grass. 4. The Vendetta. 5. Thieves Caught, in their own Trap. 6. Your Wife is Unfaithful to Us. 7. Living Silhouettes. 8. Daily Life of a
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  • 538 7 WEEKLY ALLOWANCES FOR OLD SOLDIERS. A Magnificent Donation from King Edward. jKOI'TKR'n TRLKIKtMI London, January H. His Majwilj ili.' Dag has inaugurated a Crimea and Indian Mutiny Veterans Fund with a donation of one thousand guineas. Tbe object of the Fund it to release veterans from the
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  • 55 7 English Press Advises Conciliation to Avert Lock-Out hei-TKK Telkiramj l^ondon, January 9. In tin- event of outside cotton firms joining the Federation of Cotton Spinners, 200,000 operatives will bi> involved in the lock-out in Lancashire. The Press makes appeals for conciliation in order to avert an economic disaster
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  • 68 7 [RecTEit's Tt lm.i! i .i. London, January 8. A telegram from Washington states that the Chairman of the Senate Committee of finance has introduced a bill for the creation of an emergency currency of 250,000,000 dollars, taxable as high as six per cent, and
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  • 58 7 [Rrutbr's Telbobamj London, January 9. A telii'rs^n from Washington announces that Senator Albert J. Beveridge (of Indiana), the well known Republican orator, who visited the Far East a year or two ago, has introduced a Bill into the Senate, authorising the appointment of a
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  • 35 7 .Rioter's Tbliuka London, January 9. The Irish Government has appointed a Commission to enquire into the robbery of lUe King's Insignia of the Order of St. Patrick Horn Dublin Castle.
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  • 726 7 Allegations of Abuse on New Year's Day. Laurence Marcus, Mrs. Marcns and Marie Marcus have had trouble with a nonya, nainej Ku Chu Neo, who lives near them in Clive Street. The nonya prosecuted them before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. E. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge
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  • 306 7 Cbinaman Sentenced to a Year's Imprisonment. A schoolboy, named Tan Chan, told Messrs. Howard and Gibson, sitting at a Bench Court, yesterday afternoon, that the prisoner, named Teo Kow Moh, who stood in the dock, had robbed him, in conjunction with two others, of 10.50 in coppers which
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  • 28 7 FIRM TONE FOR COMPANIES' SHARES. (From Orp Own Cobresposdent.) London, January 8. The market for shares in Ceylon and Malayan Ruhbor Companies shows a firm tone.
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  • 416 7 Registrar's Returns Show Decreased Death -Rate. Still auotber decreased death-rate is reported by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Dr. D. K. McDowell. Daring December, 989 persons died, as against 996 in November, and 1,098 in October, and the death-rate fell from 45.16 to 44.84. Phthisis appears
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  • 436 7 Exchange Speculator in Bankruptcy Court. Mr. Justice Fisher vacated his scat in the Supreme Couit. this morning, in favour of Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, and found a busy two hours awaiting him at the Council Chamber, where affairs financial were discussed. It seems to hrive been the
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  • 92 7 His Excellency Yang Shi K. Ie, the Chinese Commercial Commissioner, who was in Singapore recently, and who at the present moment is in the Federated Malay State?, has, we understand, been re-called at once to Peking by the Chinese Government. He is expeotcd in Malacca to-day, and
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  • 1289 7 REASONS FOR THE APATHY OF RATEPAYERS. "Observer's" Tilt at the Granite Contract. The following letters have been received with reference to tue Municipality and its contracts To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, January 8. Sir,— l have read with much interest your leading article of Saturday
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  • 336 7 Bengali Breadseller Robbed of Four Dollars. Hoe Tong Ting, who was sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment a few days ago, for escaping from legal custody, appeared before a Bench Court, consisting of Mussrs. Howard and Gibsou, yesterday afternoon, in she custody of a warder, to answer a
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  • 239 7 Charge Against Hospital Dresser Fails. Yeiterday afternoon, his Lordship Justice Sercorabe Smith had before him at the Assize Court, the case in which Patrick Maximilian Nunis, a dresser in the. General Hospital, was indicted with criminal broach of trust of 15, in the capacity of a public servant.
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  • 52 7 Another Tanglin burglar has been captured. The police have arrested a man who was offering for sale a pair of gold spectacles. He has been identified as the thief who entered Mrs. Newton's bouse some time ago, but the spectacles were secured elsewhere. An owner is wanted
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  • 120 7 Bamasamy, an attractive young Tamil dressed in European clothes, appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, on a charge of enticing away Mrs. Mary Fernandea, who lived at No. 17 Noordin Lane. Mrs. Fernandez appeared with him on a charge of theft of
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  • 71 7 ADMIRALTY INSTRUCTIONS TO SHIPPING. Preparing for Strained Relations. IRIHTKR'fI TBLIORAMJ London, January 9. The London Gazette notifies that all British naval ports at Home and abroad must be approached with the greatest can tion whenever searchlights are seen in constant o]ieration. Furthermore, in the event of relations
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  • 47 7 I.KkITTBK'h T«LKftRAM| London, January 9 King Carlos of Portugal proposes to visit Brazil on the occasion of tho centenary of the opening of Brazilian ports to the trade of tbe wcrld. His Majesty Hrrives at Rio de Janeiro on June 7.
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  • 71 7 ID«R OSTASIATISOHI LLOYD TILIORAH. Berlin, January 8. Mr. Lloyd C. GTiscom, Unitod States Ambassador to Italy, stated in an interview published in tho Tribnna (Rome) on the attitude of the United States to Japanese immigration that it was considered satisfactory in Japan and that good relations existed between
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  • 43 7 IDm OsTAsiATisrKR l,i.(i'. n Tslboram] Berlin, January 8. WirelesH telegraphic communication baa been opened up between Berlin and Tene--1 ilte, the. largest of the Canary Islands. This is a distance of 5.500 miles, and tha installation works splendidly.
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  • 39 7 (nab ii-.i -mi iir> Lloyd Tilkibauj Berlin, January 8. The resignation is announced of Count Radowitz, the German Ambassador to Madrid, on account of age. Count Radowilz's resignation takes effect from July 1 next.
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  • 41 7 [DkK 'I'll iuh in Lloyd Tslboram) Hi 'rim. Jauuary 8. The Madrid Press welcomes M. Pichou. t'ao French Minister of Foreign Affairs, but deprecates further participation of the Spanish forces in the military operations in Morocco.
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  • 15 7 [Die Ostasiatischi Lloyd Tklbirauj Berlin, January 8. The quotation for cotton is 6.08.
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  • 127 7 Man Tied to Anchor and Dropped Overboard. A correspondent at Karachi sends an account of piracy of a brutal nature from the Persian Gulf," in which the men of a boat whicli hnd gone up the Gulf for dates were attacked and overcome by seafaring marauders. The boatmen
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  • 104 7 The following properties were disposed ol at auction by Messrs. Fernandez and Company Freehold land situate at Moulmein Road, total area 5,400 «j. ft., bought by Abdul Karim at 5J cts. per sq. ft. Freehold land situate off Moulmein Road, total area 8,299 sq. ft., sold at
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  • 83 7 The year 1907 has been a successful on* all round for St. JonepVs Colloge, writes th% director ot tie Hongkong establishment. The regularity of the boys has shown a marked improvement on previous years. Very few boys were absent for b rtbday fenti vals or other such futile pretexts. The
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 65 8 Mr. B. L. Chapman, sou of Major Chapman, Commauduut of the Hongkong Voluuteor Corps, has wou a shootiug trophy pnwouttxl by Messrs. Butterfield and Swire. It is understood that the presideut of the Kowloou Cricket Club, Mr. 11. K. Mody, has offered the club a donatiou of
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    • 100 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. In the singles of the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, yesterday, J. A. Goetzec beat Coppin, 6-2, 6-2. Golf. I adies Competitions at Ipoh. In connection with the Ipoh Golf Club a number of competitions for ladies have beeu in progress during the past woek. Half a doien
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    • 311 8 Committee's Annual Report. The anuual report of the Committee of the Sporting Club, which is to bo presented at thu anuual gcueral meeting of (lie members on tho 24th inst.. .states that the statements of account show a credit halauco on the working account of »13,972.95 *nd
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    • 305 8 'his Year's Matches. Writing from London M December U, our Otl correspondent say Ml tla sixteeu ttrst-clash couuties were represented at MM meeting at Lord's uu Tuesday, aud uot only were all the secre taries pn tut but also many of tlie captains. Ranjitsinhji, who has been compelled to
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    • 336 8 Gentlemen Riders. Our London correspondent, writiuv on December 13, says The lfristmi Selling Steeplechase at Xewbury on Wedursday was won by Jackanapes, which wax ridden by hix owner. Mr. .1. M.' Kerne, the youny Uermau sixirtsinan. who owned McUyr when it won most unexpectedly the Hmrfi Cup lt
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  • 567 8 Punishment Held to be Sometimes Justifiable. On Decembor 28, Mr. Wybrands, the editor of the Nienws van den Dag, appeared before the Supreme Court at Batavia to answer the charge of publishing, without official permission, certaiu documents from tlie State Archives. These documents established the fact that
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  • 272 8 Scientific journals are always tryiny to make our tlosh creep, and wo aro nut iv the least surprised to hear that it is no longer possible to find pure air even in the mountains. For the climber aud the tourist who prefor the funicular railway
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  • 101 8 Oik of Manilas visitors at tht urobeut time is Mr. .1. R. < Aldworth, eustouib comluisaiouer of the Federated Malay States He is a guest at the Metropole hotel, aud is here for the purpose of inveatijjatini; the method* adopted by the local gov ernment to prevent
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  • 856 8 REVISED SCALE IN FEDERATED MALAY STATES. No Reduction in Gold Duty. i KmiM Oi-i: Own Correspondknt. i Lipis, Jauuary 4. A recent Gazette Kxtraordiuary contaius a revised scale of Customs Duties which came into force on New Year's Day. The import duty ou Opium. Asiatic Tobacco, and Toddy
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  • 167 8 The quest of Mr. Wigglesworth d Arcis, the bDghHhman who is under the impression that some important documents, pertaining to his family, arc lyiug hidden beneath .Toan of Arc's Tower and other ancient buildings at lloneu, has come to a sudden termination. The Rouen correspondent of
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  • 57 8 The opiain edict is not working wel! in the Swatow district. As a own said the other day, the smaller magistrate*, take their cue from thu affinals in the fu. TUete a. good Ibagwniog was made, bat most of' the zeal Kens to n»ve evucmteM. In xon. aoecej.aae apnot made
    57 words
  • 483 8 THE GUARDS 1 INQUIRY. Colonel Woods and the Treatment of His Son. (From On Own Correshondknt.) London, December 13. The decision of the Army Council in respect to the "inefficiency of Lieutenant Woods, of the Grenadier Guards, is uot going to bo taken lying dowu by the Woods' family. Colonel
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  • 579 8 By Likot.-Col. E. G. Bhuauiuch, Comraandaut, S.V.C. Singapore, Janunnj l'joij, bMGM. I:—The1 The Trained Signallers will parade at lorl Palmer on WeduosJay 15th, at Vl5 p.m., and Btthe Drill Hall, on Friday 17th at 8-30 p.m. (Sd.) B. B. Culiieck, Capt., K.G.A., 8. O. to Colonial
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  • 83 8 All the steamers comiug in from Singapore report very heavy weather, says a Hongkoug exohangc. Most of them are late, and those which are not supplied with reserve horse power are coming iv a day or two days buhiud time. This is. of course, what may
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  • 114 8 On the arrival of the steamer Macduff, at Hongkong, from Moji ou December HI. Detective Sergeant Wildcn went aboard and made a search in tho fore peak. He discovered twenty-four Japanese stowaways four men and twenty women. These were all arrested, together with three members of the Chinese
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  • 141 8 With reference to the shipment trom I'enauy of elephants from the Siamese Malay States to Rangoon, the Siam Free Press says It seems that the business of catching these animals is really iv the hands of a Bangkok syndicate formed for the imrfii'-. The auimals, it appears,
    141 words
  • 15 8 One si the newest food* fa* tafants ia C&rrot milk. The riticg generation will probable
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 118 8 B Special Show OF NEW GOODS LITTLES. dj|i| UTTLES. a vsr «lfc^ m^ m &;mSBv2:Q l tiiiß&% r\inm.Ti v< WAt™ %>■ > MATERIALS HATs *4 '?£p and:..jslins. XEW 'V'fi" *W* SCARFS AND BLOUSES AND "Jsiy 0* T\tiS KELTS. !|PIP& :W f&mSt' CHILDREN'S NEW ife^P l^ K °CKS LACE GOODS. I'INAFOItES,
      118 words
    • 291 8 HARNESS AND BADOLE FOR SALE Bet of hainefe. blank and brass, t) Philc. junt out from England, nearly neN<-. Price A comfortable i-«ddl<? will) brujln. aa4 in g<«H coujition. Apply Major K. <; .Tipping, B. A. Blukan Hati M GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. I lie Public ih informed thai n new blani|i
      291 words

    • 91 9 uulmi 'u.iy 6.70 lo (Cube No. 1 1 unpicked 9.75 .opra Bali 7.80 do Pontianak 7.35 1 pper. Black buyers 12.75 do Wbite 5% 19.75 tea Flonr Sarawak 2.974 <lo Brunei No. 1 -2.98 ft »rl Sat;o 4.25 .'offee Bali, picked 25.50 uETrt PaU-uibani;. kmk 22.55 'cffe«. Librrian 22.00
      91 words
    • 126 9 vn London Bank 4 m/a 2/4 Demand '-J/83 Private 6 m/a 3/4; do 3 m/a 2/4} Ovrminy-HnoV d/d 28>M Private 8 m/a 242J 1<> S m/a -J4M O'i Prince— Bank d/d 292 Private 8 m/« 298) do m 801 i O-. India— Bank T. T. 1731 Private 80 d/s
      126 words
    • 59 9 Howarth Erakln* 8% MOO.OOO 3% prem. Riley Hargreavea 6% 325,000 3% prem ■5 pore Eleotrio Tram way 9 Co.. Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal S'Qrf»pore Mnoicipal t% 400,000 20% prem H% 1,878.000 i% prem. *i% 1,600,000 5% prem i% 502,9)0 3%diBDom. -i 'in- Engineering Sml.. Li.l. 6 45,000 par. ImjongP.
      59 words
  • 227 9 Prophecies Which Make One's Flesh Creep. Thh is the time of year hen the almanacs which pretend to prophesy coming events are published. In Paris it is the almanac of Madame de Thebes that has niost vogue at present, according to the Dcbats. which gives an account
    227 words
  • 150 9 Cambridge Undergraduate's Tailor's Bill in Detail. W< cannot help Ix'iny ratlier relieved at tlie ji -ilt of the iutii.n l>roiii«lit by a tailor .gainst a CuahrUc undergraduate. The <Umi ■mv was the time-honoured oue that the defendant was au iufant, and that Dm clothes for which
    150 words
  • 88 9 In connection with the inauguration of the strainer Nuen Tung on the regular service between the ports of Bangkok and Singapore Alternately with the steamer Deli, Captain K. H ins, h. the master of the former, invited hi my friends to tiffin on board at Bangkok on the 27th ultimo.
    88 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 369 9 )al« of forma- ion Capita; i Subscribed i I I N amber of Shaw 1 lane Paid I Share* j Value up to Untuned j Company I QCOTiTICSf 1903 1800,000 1300,000 1907 •800,000 1216.000 1901 •600,000 MOO.OOO 1908 £400,000 4880.000 1906 £30,000 £80,000 1907 MOO.OOO •875,000 1901 £60,000 460,000
      369 words
    • 404 9 i M I £ i mm* i{ «g I I a w r 1305 1900,000 1106,000 10,500 110 HO IN. ,30,000 £,5.8.0 |Jg j g 1903 £70.000 £61.000 81,000 41 9,003 1906 1150,000 •136,000 18,600 i HO HO I 3.900 190* £13.000 i £10,100 J^g Ifj I 1905 £76,000
      404 words
    • 208 9 1894 £5.577.J0.0. £4,60} 7.68S 13/6 l»/6 1898 IiM.OOO IMB.OOO 4,000 150 |M 1865 ,•15.000.000 »15,0 M.000 JJ^ j JJ» 1905 12,400,000 I M,« 00.000 U^ j i<km unnnnon «i nnn Mtn ce > 000 100 WOO 189« W. 000.000 11.000.000 <>000 floo |100 i i.W >34,000 134,000 3,400 110
      208 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUBLISHER Mr. 11. O. Harris publisher of the Ad vilibtT, Kentville. N. S.. luakes the following -uttciueut 1 have u^ed I 'hiiiulu llaius 4.'nut;h l(<'int'il\ Ik iiiy.-i-h aud family ud<.l hud it to be one oi the beat medicines for (■■iiu'l)-. and col<K that 1 ever
      57 words
    • 289 9 PHOTOEPOT, 104, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. All sorta of Photographic Apparataa and Materials, viz. Cameras, Lenses, Plates, Papers, Chemicals, Films, Mounts, Photo Frames, etc. Prices very moderate. Pric Lists post-free. KONG HING CHIONO A CO. 1867 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tender* will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of
      289 words
    • 58 9 Kame Go. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for New Year. A Splendid Assortment of And t Artificial Flowers d2> aum s«i«otioD 0 in Bunches o td'ottcstptstt'C! Quite N*tnr») in Appearance. XTUCjOJLJ^I X O. A VISIT 18 KINDLY SOLICITED. Ml P^nHHim^BHV^'iPl COM I AIMS fw^L^Zi TO Ksfflw&n CA TQ till K-J* The
      58 words
    • 261 9 K.AJ. Chotirmall Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, HIGH STREET. Just Received Chinese Jade Stone and Gold Jewellery in great variety, as wall M Maltese Lace, Scarves, Cuffs and Collars, and Best Pongee Si!k~. J suitable for Presents. Next year's Calendars of our firm will be given away
      261 words

  • 1050 10 SOUTH AFRICA'S PROPOSAL FOR TRIANGULAR CONTESTS. Opinions of Mr. C. B. Fry. The important proposals which Mr. Abe Bailey, the South African millionaire, politician, and sportsman has addressed to the committee of tbe M.C.C., on behalf of the Sooth African Cricket Association, give, in principle, a practical solution
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 549 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital •10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve •10.000.00W W i 750 qqq BilveTtWve •11,760,000| al 7; ouu Reserve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medbunt, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Kerxiok.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fx.ob*. Eaq. A. J. Baymood, E*q.
      549 words
    • 632 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £10 eaoh *l,» 00.000 Reserve Fund C 1.476.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £1.200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Sootland. The London City Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Currant
      632 words
    • 679 10 SALES RY AUCTION. MICnOH SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. OFFICE DESKS, PICTURES, ETC., To be held at Powell A Co.'s Sale room, O«: Saturday, January 11, at 11 a.m. Powell V Co., 49 Auctioneers. MORTGA6EEB SALE or TWO STEAM LACNCHE6, To be held a: Powell and Co.'s Sale-room, Tuesday, January 14, at
      679 words
    • 529 10 INSURANCE Companies. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £12,000,000. W. A. SIMS. c 1376 Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue £2.061,044-19-6 The undersigned are prepared to aooept > Fire Risks at current rate*. 6W BEHN, METER Co., Ltd.
      529 words

  • 723 11 MOTOR CARS AND ROAD DAMAGE IN THE F.M.S. Selangor Motorist in Defence. IV-ruaps n.> other subject h»-t beeu dealt with :uore fully in thi- column than that of the general construction and condition of local roads. With the onward march of motoring, and the endeavours everywhere to solve the
    723 words
  • 221 11 Fighting Motor Car. A novel departure has been made in connection with the Morocco campaign. A motor mitrailleuse, <*<jsigned by Captain Oenty, bas been dispatched to Morocco by the French military authorities, and thus for the tirst time, the motor-car is to be actually tested as a fighting machine. The
    221 words
  • 49 11 At the International Automobile Exhibition, held at Berlin last month, Continental tyres were fitted to 57 per cent, of tyres exhibited— 777 wheels. The next largest number of one make was 174 wheels, followed by 158 and 79 respectively. These figures prove the popularity of Continental tyres in EuTope.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 435 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five -seated ARGYLL. Painted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, iiUed with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Runs by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from SYME Co^
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    • 270 11 JLocal Motor Car Agencies. ARROL-JOHNSTON I MotorCars II Motor Lorries. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agents. MOTOR CAR REPAIRS. TYREB VULCANIZED. ««,o C v ,,c. ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED, PLATING, ENAMELLING. PAINTING. T By Skilled Workmen. LAMPS. COILs. J \CKS, i MPS OIL. motor spiri r. *n Straits Qyeh Motor (So., BATTERY KOAI>. WE
      270 words
    • 285 11 THE LAW Of FINANCIAL SUCCESS The Book that tells how to succeed and mak» money by following the Lave. Everybody ne*d» it whether rich or poor. Big firm, bay in qaan tities. Agents Wanted. 300% profit. Make M aweekeaiy. Send 1/- for sample and agency. THE FIDUCIARY PRESS. 4500 1616,
      285 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 570 12 Scale of Cbaraee. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MUoeIttaeons Wants ot Every Description, House*, bud, etc., to let, are inserted at tbe following rttos:— One Insertion I. SO per inch. Two H.OO Three t.M Six 8-20 Nine 8.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty -five 10.00 (Each subsequent month $5 per inch.) Tbe above rate is
      570 words
    • 554 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUiu.— 7ou Linw, one or two Uuertiou. 51.."-. Br the Inch, lee Seal* ot Ctaargw. TOUT. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply. PATERBON, SIMONS CO., Ltd. cSOS'I COMPOUND NOUBE TO LET. No. 107, Selegie Head. Very comfortable, with stabling, complete. AppU to S. R. M. Supramanian
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    • 531 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Katis Four Liu«j, on« ot two lomtiona. si »j inch, m Seal* of Chargu. GODOWNB TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godowns in Cecil and Stanley Streets. Apply. S. Manasseh and Co. ■rtm HOUSE TO BE LET. Compound House. No. 1, Oxley Rise, to be
      531 words
    • 575 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Rate< lit Month, 110 p*r loota. SubMqnent morttl. v ti. For ihcrttr p.rlodi m 3ctJ« of Ch&rfpa. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who Bnd it necessary to leave tbe Colony for any length of time, can have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate
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    • 743 12 S. Allsopp Sons, Ltd., HAVE BEEN APPOINTED Brewers to His Majesty The King. hand brand Lager Beer, Pale Ale, Stout, Are obtainable from tbe w. Principal Dealers. Syftie A Co., V.m:-. V.O.V. B DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Sob
      743 words