The Straits Times, 8 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.542. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 Motor Cars. We have now in Stock the following Cars One 14-18 h.p. BAYAED-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double pha«'ton-budy, J 7-Beated Two 8-10 h.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 2 cylinder*, double phaeton-bedy. 5-sf ated. One 10-14 h.p. WERNER, 4 cylinders, doable phaeton-body, 5 *t-at^ii; One 8 h.p. DE DION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seated. One
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    • 285 1 ROBINSON and CO HHb Stand Qameras. B^^^^lr i'he Caiutrn.-. >i the Daj BBBKD m "JUNIOR POPULAR. "REGULAR POPULAR TROPICAL POPULAR. M^m mm£m I 3AMOERSON'S Kri^^W^"'" W*l Hand (Cameras. ißm THE JUNIOR. THE "TROPICAL. /<#ea# ilfoiv Tear Presents. Yx Plate Magazine Hand Cameras. Film Cameras. ROBINSON and COMPANY. M&W.L BENNETT. MINER.
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    • 162 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. Next Guest dtp Saturday, Night. T January 11. Special Engagement of 'Jud Koyal West Kents Band tturicf; nat'. alter <tiur.<=-r. Respnrc «eats early. 4MK NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). Ihe
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  • 1068 2 SIMPLE EXPEDIENTS TO SECLRE SOFT WHITE HANDS. Dried roseleaves have a virtue of their' own as vater sc-fteners, and many people j make a point of pn *t-r ring the petals a 9 they fall, in preparatiou for wintry v eatber. A handful stirred into a basinful oi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 i" Red Seal A pure Whisky ot the highest quality it is possible to produce at "the price, this Blend compares favourably with many higher-priced productions Guaranteed 7 years old. "Black White" 1 A biend made up of only Perfectly matured whiskies storedfor many years in Sherry Casks. The MOTCH
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    • 81 2 yr Oliver Stanoaro VISIBLE Typewriter. SEE NEW MODEL NO. 5. Aleuts: ATKINSON FORBES. «n a-i emm mn. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (»ULO BUXOM) Opoovte Weotern Entrance to Eeppel Ha.-bonr 40/--(FORTY SHILLINGS PER TON FOB. IN BUNKERB RATE Of DELIVERY 200 TONS PER HOUR. •tOOk* AIM Bt Saez, Bombay,
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    • 453 2 IS DELIRIOUS WJTHECZEMA On Chest, Back, and Head— Pain, Heat, and Tir.gling Were Excruciating—Nerves in Exhausted Condition— Sleep Badly Broken. CURE BY CUTICURA SEEMED LIKE MAGIC "Words cannot i»xprww th« sratiturW I fral for what Cuticura rtanedira hay* f»v- doneformydaußh- ter. Adelaide, she ■y^S Is flft<vn > pars of 9
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    • 32 2 LAX VTIXE. th» Html PorgatiTe, reoommanded by the belt medioal authcritias Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all chemists. Wholesale from The Pharmacy Battery Road. Sia^apors. ISM
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  • 488 3 OPTIMISTIC VIEW OF THE JAPANESE PRESS. The O-vtka Sbimpo pablishes the opiaion of Mr. K'ljiuo, manager of the Osaka branch of the Mitsui Bussao Kaisha, on the outlook for the spinning industry aud cotton yarn. The lowest price for silver recorded during the ten years ending
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  • 244 3 Bom private experiment* with a vii-w to determine the practicability of bringing trout fry from Sydney to WVsvrn Australia in hermetically sealed lvo'ptarUig. have recently h«en made by Mr. K. Gale, the Inspector of Fisheries in this Stat*-. anil the Fish* -rie-i Board of New South Wales.
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  • 206 3 Iv the .lonnal of Tropical Medicine aud Hygiene, Dr. K. M. Kaudwith contributes an interesting re)M>rt on Hill Stations and oibcr Health RmCB in the British Tropics. In the coarse of it he vi-ii. as follows, with regard to the Malay Peninxnla: Invalids whom it is not
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  • 19 3 Secret documents of the U.S. Km OAoe, which were stolen reoently by a notorious Manila adventurer, have been recovered.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 694 3 Kame a Co. JUST UNPACK CD: Floral Decorations for New Year. A Bp.ecad of And Artilicial Flowers <& L fcrg e m tmm c in Bunches o TDTJTPOiP'M'mci Quite NtfMtf in %MMH, JT XU!I O IL IN 1 O A VISIT IS KINDLY SOLICITED CHILDREN &INVALIDS k^ QUITE A
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    • 513 3 ep II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores Afl K PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELUES, \JL\ I^B DOTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. I Atenu for LEA PERRIN'S WOICESTEtSIUE SALCE JgJ Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. AN IDEAL INVALID FOOD IN HOT CLIMATES. fll W M^r^m^mmvt^M mfWm^W B^^^^#^fc The Allenburys Die: i- ucuirpltte food, being K^Vlf VS*A mM9&
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    • 162 3 When buying Lime Jake Bay the Best. The Best is Montserrat" Lime Juice. MONTSERRAT is prepared from cultivated limes, and is always fresh and pleasant to the taste. Mixed with plain or aerated water, it makes a cooling, refreshing, healthful drink. Try a dash of Montserrat in your whisky and
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  • 286 4 Clergyman Arrested for Walking with a Negress. 1 -H Rev. Dr. E. M. .l.tnos, V ioii Hirrajarf oi the Board of Educatiou, F"rt«iJiuuu's, Aid »!id T.uil.iy Schools, cv ro'itc to riltiburg. I'a.. bad itu I'tigageuiout in ><i: inin^ii.iiii. Ai:tiMtiii;i. 1 i si month. I .;i-i lie was
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  • 393 4 Passengers Outward i S .l>.L. st.'iuuct' Priuz Huiurioh. From Dec. 10, due Jan. 1°): Mr. B. BMadt, Dr. J. H. L. BatgniW, Mr. Carl Kno|itl. Mi. A. U. Pluiiu Mentz and family. 3lr. C. •>. van DHaaaldoff, Mr. Ca»l Scbroeder, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pearson. Air.
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  • 52 4 AajkT-aaiCi derived fioin Ciiinose st-aweed, may posr-ibly replace gelatine as a basis tor plijtoxidphie processes. Lecttiriu; 1 before the Royal Photographic Society on IJocuiuber 11, Mr. W. K. Cooawi said that il lihs oc-rtain .iH'i'i- il advantages ovor its riv.tls. mul will in time mark a revolution in plllll miayllhi
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  • 760 4 Sani. port, probable datr of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Aja'neir.iK'ii, fjiverpool, .Tan 24 MansneM Airlie. Sydney, Feb 20 Boustead Ambris, HatuKirg, .Uu S; Behu Meyei Arcadia, Hou^kong, .Inn HO P. A 0. Co Argonia, Jnpan. Jau HI Behn Meyer Austria, Hongkong, b Rautenberc Ayutbia, Bangkok, ,
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  • 127 4 In hi- report to the itJC.C ou Sigi.or Maggiora'n pro)>osal to bombard the fog ti- v 1 from th" Metropolis. Dr. Shaw incidentally mi utions that a fog a mile thick, covering the area of Creator London, Weighs 3.000,000,00" tons. Fortunately, however, a ion <>> these
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 108 4 PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE No matter how much pain your RheuTTMtiMii is causing you now, there k a remedy that will cure you. Little's Oriental Balm has >oolhej dsMasadt of sufferers from this insitiious disease. You iin prove this very ea»:> by scik!'r.f t.) your ihe^ii>t tor a bott'e v( this grand
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    • 742 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Pg o STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan?. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills ot Lading Issued for Chios Coast, Persian Gnlf, Contiuent&l, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on m ahou'. MAIL LINE. O-ittard (for China). 19*8 Ptnimidar Jan
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    • 1157 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE By the uew steamer? RHKNANIA," "HABSBDRO," HOaEMBrAUFEI»?. These steamer* offsr tjth') pnb'ic the highest Comfurt yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The oabi us are amidships and fitted with fans. L&jnJrv on board. Doctor
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    • 804 4 BTCAMEB SAILIH6B. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imper'a' (lerman Ma'l Line The fast and well known mail stMasen <■<- this Company sail fortnightly from Br^--:--, nam burg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Souths m;> ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (cou-.i-.m-MarDeilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe v r-ix) Por Said, Buez, Aden, Colombo, Peuuic, Singapore,
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    • 140 4 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY. You will xee by the follow ing that Chauib, i.iii: Cough Iti'iui-ily i-- I favorite in the palace as *vi-ll as with thu huiublcr people in India: For the \ four yiars i have bctfu getting large aupplics of Chamberlain's Cougb Rem^Jy, uot
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  • 1165 5 UNlicmhin irftlinj Itia following abbrcriallonii ar* «i. 'Unin, ah. itiip; bq.— lwrqu. mrh.- r Vet. -Yvtat; rru.— CrnlMr; Oh*.—nunboat, i t 1 .rpo.t.. H.p. Hontpcwn; Brit.— tirlti.h. I S— lfni««.t StiU. K.b Vr.ii.-h .<«rm»u. Out— Dutch Itil vi toim Aptu.ih Hu.-Hmnk <1 r iliiwti >-»/«o d.p.—
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  • 89 5 wtnivo at which Ves*eU Berthed To-day. TMJOM p»b«« EiftT Wuii Bwtn— Hone Bee. But Wiai Hiotion I— ißtok, Bbarata. BaoT. 1 (Hmta Waur):— Volnte. Bktioii No. 3-E. Kiokraom, KagoibimaMara it Lotbian. 4— Dulwioh. Sultan. 6 Dunblane. Uacbaon h 7— Penang. B—Auatiia8 Auatiia I—
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  • 95 5 K..H i.« Bnuick Tim To-noaaow Pecang au 1 Colombo Machaon 1 p.m. Moar aad Malacca •fin Hn 8 p.m. S'bava, Bali, Macassar Wilhtlm 8 p.m. Europe via port* Bkarata 3 p.m. H'kong, Shanghai, Japan Nam Sang :i p.m. P. S» ettenham via port Malacca 3 p.m. Batavia, Cbnn,
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  • 78 5 From Ku»o»»— By the N 1> 1. Priox Heinrich, da* on .I»ua»ry 10. From Cnu-B; the M. M. A. Bebic. da* on January 19. Dec 9 N. D L J«q X Doc IS B.I. Jm> D«o 16 M. M Jaa Dw M P.*u. J»o lu D«o M.
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  • 260 5 London Brokers Charge Planters with Seeking Self Destruction. Sunr planters in Java are rejoicing at a ro.vird crop this yoar, but, notwithstanding this glorious prospect, danger bents the future of the industry. Heedless waters point to tin-, year's outturn of 18,1^1,706 plculs against 16,710.860 piculn, the outabt
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  • 148 5 Au enormous n. iv the prices •> household necessaries, lias bnen witnessed iv Australia during the past few yearn. A dozra .'him.- are assigned for the exiu i.'ui'i' of this phenomenon at a time when tbo country an a whole, in enjoyiiig unpa rallrle.l prosperity, and
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  • 47 5 .TantAry 7 Eaplectela, Brit atr, P. P. o. via Suez Canal Flintshire. Brit Mr, Japan via port* R. F. Ferdinand, Aunt sir. Penang, Rangoon Siugapore, Brit atr, Bangkok Caiypeo, Brit str, Penang and DeU Rajah of Sarawak, Sar str, Sarawak 6 fl£s*y^T»u"^"'T«SdrP«e3jbaQg DoU, Nor ntr, Bangkok
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 The old tfr-atment of plain Cod Liver Oil or ita Emulsion was attended with many danger* owing to the indiscriminate use of fat. Steams' Cordial of Cod Livor Extract contains what is valuable in Cod Liver Oil without the fat. It is pleasant to take aad readily borne by the
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    • 440 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIPCO.LTD. fa r 3W A re^ulai KORTNIGHTLY serrine is maintained between Japau and Europe by the (ollowiug M v\ TWIN-SCKEW STGAMERS, Mail Cnutract with tbe Imperial Japanese Unvernraent, spenially designed for tbe Company's European Servioe, lighted thronghont by Klfnincity, provided with excellent anoo'n'modatinii for
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    • 475 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. rii Gempaulaa' steamers ars daspawbed Imm Liverpool outwards for the Straits, 1 uina and Japan every woek, and from Japan borne wards for Loudon, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool moutsJy.
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    • 461 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMER3. Tan undermentioned mart steamers ot ths above Line maintain a regular service between j Calootta and Japtn, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hougkong and Shanghai en FLEET. Tons Commander s.s. "Ji»iH" 6 800 J, G. Ourm ■."OanonAna" 1.600 B.H. Bsu>™ ».b. A.MHTOO* \TCiK- 4,600
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    • 482 5 STEAMER BAIUN6B. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE NATION All HIGHWAY in Ii ki.TK m CHINA JAPAN, CANADA ao.l tn« ONTTKP BTATKH Knnte from Hoofikong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria aid Vaooonver, X.M.M. KMPaasH or Ihdu Twin scxe* iiteaR.M.B.
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    • 119 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jany lI— U Hale-room, household fiunitura. etc., at 11 a.m. 14 -At Saleroom, steam launches "Nora' and Lanka," at 3-30 p.m 11. L. Coghlan and Co. Jauy 1 1 At Islana T.ama, opposite tbe entrance to the F. A. O. Wharf, superior teak honiuibolit furniture,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 154 5 Singapore Tide Table. (FaoM J am\»\ 8 to Jandaby 14.) HIGH WATMi. i.ow WATF.B I Time j H'ght TJime i H'ght 1 hrs. mm. jft, ins. :hrs. mm. ft. ins. January i 1.48 am 9.0 7.S am] 4.9 W'«ao*T 8 is pm 10.0 I 7.49pm 1 0.9 I 3.36 am
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    • 205 5 DAY BY DAY Wednesday, January 8. High Water. 1-5 p.m Ansociation r-'nnlball Hippodrome. 7 30pm Albamhra Cinematograph WB* 1-Mt Thursday, Januar) 9. High Water. 2 H a.m. 1 Vi p.m B. I. homeward mm cloera p.m Bughy. S.C.C. v. %R F. (V) Friday, January 10. High Water. 310 a in
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  • 725 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. The hopes we expressed a fortnight ago that fresh interest would be infused into the lost matches in Australia by an English victory at Melbourne liave been realised. WhM our mid-day telegram arrived yesterday, stating that eight wickets weredowu for U
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  • 256 6 In a reference to our leader ot yesterday upon the subject of the joint effect of the Criminal Procedure Code Amendment Ordinance and the Courts Ordiuauce. one of our morning contemporaries calls attention to a fact which we had overlooked. We expressed a pious aspiration that the advisers of the
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  • 339 6 Tariff Kefoi'uiers at home are making much of the fact that at> a reKult of the uew Australian Tariff Messrs. liryaut and May are propubiug to xlart a factory in Melbourne and thus give employment to a large amount of A tiHtralian labour. It seems probable that a oertaiu amount
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  • 11 6 All ti-li'^r.iuis published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 16 6 The price of tin iv Siugapore to-day is $62} per picul. Sixty tons have been sold.
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  • 15 6 A cargo of coal arrived from Newcastle, N.8.W., this morning, by the British steamer StrathfiUau.
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  • 18 6 By the Indo-China steamer Kutsang. this uorniug. 1 ..'>(*:> passengers arrived from Hongkoug. One Chinese passenger died ou Mouday.
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  • 26 6 The Government of Bengal has ordered from Euglaud a secoud pilot vessel lor the Bay of Bcugal at a cost JC&S.IM, lor delivery iv June uext.
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  • 28 6 The Government authorities iv RaawkiJl ;ne taking steps to rid the city of the number of roumiug pariah dogs which are to be met with iv every |>art.
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  • 28 6 The olhei day. a large boul of hsh. on its way to Bangkok, was capsized outside Pokuum, owing to rough weather. Two persons iv Ihc boal were drowned.
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  • 24 6 The ludo-Chiuii Steam Navigation Company a steamer Nam Sang, this morning, brought H- passengers Irom Calcutta and I'cnaug. One deck passenger died en route.
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  • 31 6 Mi. H. A. Dennis is the speaker at the Short Street School at 8.110 o'clock (o-uiglit, iv conncctiou with the universal week of prayer. The subject is Nations aud Their Killers.
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  • 26 6 .The IJiiii.ih Auifiii-an Tubacco Coiupauy are distributing very ueai leather-bound pocket diaries as an advertisement of the Egyptian cigarettes for which they arc the local agents.
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  • 30 6 Koh Choon was lined *.~>o. oi. in dclault. sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonincut, by the Second Magistrate, yesterday for selling cliandu without a liueusc. at No. ;t* .lohorc Uoad.
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  • 29 6 Two Sikhs were find a dollar each by the Second Magistrate, this morning, for distribratiug Wayang handbills iv the streets, this being iv contravention of a i Municipal by-law.
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  • 59 6 .1 al win -c mi reliant, who nfrries on busi ness upon a lar^e scale, has just arrived at Haiphong with letters of cecouiuicudation ioin French Consular agents in his country. His reported that he will make inquiries into the business outlook iv Tonkin, and into the practicability of establishing
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  • 75 6 Some idea may be formed of the extent to which Peuang milk veudors indulged in watering it, when its price has doubled siucc the new Municipal Dairy Regulations eauio into force from the beginning of the mouth. But there has beeu a decided improvement iv the quality of the milk,
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  • 70 6 Singapore see-ms to be a happy camping grouud for exhibitions of living pictures. The buildings along Beach Koau, where 1" ion vii net s of cinematographs are given each eveniug. continue to house many pleasure huuters, who have no cause to complain either of the quality or quantity of the
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  • 80 6 The Chinese Imperial Commissioner, who lately visited this port, has reported to the Foreign Affairs Board at l'ekiug in favour of Stationing Chinese Consuls al Saigon and in Auuain. The Chinese Ambassador at London also has urgod his Government to appoint Consuls iv India. One of the Imperial Princes at
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  • 81 6 A distressing accident occurred at I'adaug Rangas Station, F.M.S., early on Thursday morning. While the first goods train from Taiping, which leaves there at 5-40 a.m. was shunting waggons at the foot of the I'ass station. Guard ltodriguex, who was in charge, slipped and fell on the rails. Ono of
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  • 81 6 The Deputy Public Prosecutor agreed that thr charges against Sng Kiat Lek and Sng Woon should be withdrawn, in the Second Magistrate's Court, this morning, on the application of Mr. V. I). Knowlen, who appeared for the proxecution, and said that it was a civil rather than a criminal matter.
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  • 103 6 There wan not a large attendance at Uie annual concert in the Peuaug Town Hal l on Friday, in connection with the Penang Choral Society, and the local press charge the public with a partly toward choral music. Neils Qade's The Etl King a Daughter wa. rendered, being preceded by
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  • 311 6 I apUin C. I. O. Low, V.X.1). h.ii l.een pla fl on the sick lixt. Mr. H. M. Kaukilor, of Kuala l.umpur has agliu gone into Hospital. Mr. Hugh Kort returned Irotn the I' ,.M> by the local htcamcr Malacca, foiiterd* afternoon. Tile CUmm UmmnU Couiliilsiiouui k.
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  • 227 6 Penang Veterinary Surgeon Attacked by Mad Cat. iFkom Ouk Own Cokkksmjmjem.i I'cnaug, January 1 The first heading iu;iy well be applied ti> the misfortune which has befallen Mr. Bltun Bell. Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, Peuant; On New Year's Day. Mr. Bell hmt or--i siou to go into the
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  • 362 6 Agitator's Threatening Letter to British Minister. The Cliincse Government has taken mm surus to check the impudent protects of tkw Nationalist agitators against tin raising at loans from foreigners, for railway nterjir!*' in China- Une of these agitators, the <\ president ot the Chinese Commercial Association Shanghai, who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 323 6 Im»1\ builder ami strengtli crea •V^ifl 3af^ U lftkV t( fl I"'"l''''> IUUI>l UUl > c^ildTalnl BIV Mil. sicklj women and nursing ■w I mothers, and to build up strength I I nfter a severe illness. ■^r |ff?4tftr tnWi llu valut' of Sleorns' Wine in all couditious requiring a reconslrucW
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    • 228 6 ALHAMBRA: CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT CH&NUK OK PUoait.VVMK. 18T SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1. Tin- l>nbuuii 2. An Exulting Kide. 3. On the Gru.s-. J. Tbe Vondetta. ■"i. Tliievt-s Caught in their n>\ v Trap, b. Your Wife ib Unfaithful lo Us. 7. Living Hilhouutteu. 8. I)aily Lifo of
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  • 302 7 6 THE STATEMENT OF A FRENCH NEWSPAPER. Native Participation in Government of the Country. lUutbk's TblbobamJ London. January H. An article "in the Depoche Coloniale < Paris) dwells on a dangerous spirit of political unrest iv ludo-Chiua, si.uilarto that prevailing in British India, us a result of
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  • 113 7 Thirty-Nine Runs Added by Ninth Wicket. I KauinK's Tblbuuam| Ijondou. January H. Iht followiug ih the score in the test match nt Melbourne aud corrects yest< rduy's telegram: Australia (MM**! innings^ -'597, Marylebone M fur nine wickets. The finish uf the. match was intensely exciting, the ninth
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  • 81 7 Steamer Puts Back on Account of Leaky Boilers. I I<KU rru's TKLKiiKAM London. January H. The Canadian Pacific Hallway Company's •twiner Mount Itoyal which was reported ovordue ou the i>l instant, having left Antwerp for St. John, New Brunswick, on December 7. has arrived at
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  • 76 7 The Date Fixed for Lock -Out in Lancashire Mills. |Rbdtbh's Tblbgkam.] London. January 7 The luteruational Cotton Congress, which is being held at Manchester, has approved the principle of purchasing a plantation in the 1 ,nt. ii States by a Kuropean Company. The Committee of the Cotton Federation
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  • 90 7 Enormous Statistical Growth Shown by Board of Trade. |Kiotbb's Tklk..k»m, London, January B, The Kuan I ot Trad.- statistic^ of imports and exports lor the month ol I 'oceiuher show incroas. AJIMM and <MMJM respectively. The increase* iv imports art principally in grain, food .tuff., and x>l the
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  • 169 7 Penang Scotsmen to Celebrate the Bard's Natal Day. (From Ocb Own Cobkespomdent.i Penang, January 4. The suggestion made at the last annual 1 general meeting of St. Audrew's Society to celebrate the twenty-fifth of January (the natal anniversary of Scotia's national bard) has borne fruit, for
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  • 583 7 Five Counsel Engaged at the Supreme Oourt. Mi. Justice A. G. Law, acting Chief Justice, engaged all yesterday with an important estate casc> iv whieb five Counsel were engaged. Mr. Khoo Tiong Poll, a millionaire merchant and shipowner, haviug !>nsiness concerns in Hongkong, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur. Penang
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  • 259 7 Six Chinese Charged Before Third Magistrate. .Mr. K. K. Colinan. the Third Magistrate, had a Wall Well lottery case before him, this morning. Mr. K. A. Gardiner, Assistant S'ijm riut. ■lnifiit of Police, prunccnted. There were of tin- accused five males and one woman. The first
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  • 969 7 CHAT WITH A FORMER GOVERNOR OF THE COLONY. Sir Frank Swettenham and Revenue. 1 From Ocr Own Cobrbsfodbnt.) London, December 13. And what do you wish to ask me about? said Sir Frank Swettenham. About revenue, harbour, railways, and opium. Sir Frank, was my modest reply and I
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  • 93 7 Mr. Justice. Fisher sat hi the Council Chamber, yesterday as hie Court had been taken by Mr. Justice S'crcombe Smith tor the Assizes. The cato before him wm a petition for letters of administration of the estate of toe lit. Lisa Hie Koo, alias Lim Chic Neo,
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  • 597 7 PATHETIC TALE OF PERSISTENT PARIAH. 1 know uot whence she cauw. Herein am I confident, that in her uncouth frame, resides the transmigrated soul of some poor relation of a prior existence. She appeared one moruiug, fawning with the fervent uu -grace of a Chinese processional paper dragon's
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  • 365 7 Suspicious Character Arrested by the Police. Lim Koon Kee, a mild looking youug Chinaman, reported yesterday as haviug beeu found at 4 a.m. in Tanghu, iv possession of property stolen at Pulo Brani, was before the Third Magistrate, this morning, ou the charge of dishonestly retaining the following
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  • 68 7 At the Criminal Sessions, this morning, it wa* agreed to take the murder cases on Tuesday next, and in respect to an application by Mr. Sproule on tbo. subject, Mr, Justioo "iiercootbe Smith said be was not going io ait to suit the convenience of Counsel, aa lie objected strongly
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  • 369 7 Interesting Morning at Singapore Assizes. Three eases, out of a calendar of 19, were disposed of by Mr. Justice Sercoinbe Smith at the opening of the January Assizes in the Supreme Court, yesterday. The results of two of these were given in our previous issue and after
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  • 469 7 Case Against Opium Farmer Again Before the Court. Xefore .Mi. Justice Fisher, yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. T. Kllis, formerly Fourth Magistrate in Singapore, who had couic from the X.M.S. ou purpose to give eviduuoe iv the suit of Dr. F. W. (ioouclillekc, against the 'pin in Farm for
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  • 154 7 The mosquito's cup of iniquity, it seems, is not yet full. Dr. Kdward A. Ayres, lecturing on this pestiferous insect as a sauitary problem at the New York Academy of Medicine, said it had destroyed more human beings than are living in the world to-day, and that in
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  • 59 7 Iho rules relating to Indian Immigrants in force in Pahang have been amended by ao increase of 50 per cent to the charge fixed for the feeding and medical care of an immi* urant when uader treatment in a Govern* ment Hospital. It ssed to be 16 cents a day,
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  • 469 7 PEARSON THE TIMES STARTLING DEVELOPMENT IN JOURNALISM. Independence for the Editorial Department. Kkitkk'.s TblbobamJ London, January 7. It is auuouuoed officially that negotiations are proceeding for converting The Times Newspaper into a Limited Liability Company. Mr. Arthur Fraser Walter, the present chief proprietor, will be Chairman, and Mr. Charles Arthur
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  • 131 7 Scope of American Restrictions on Newcomers. I I)BR OSTASIATISCHR IjLOYD TbLBOKAM I Berliu, January 7. The peaceful relations between Japan and America's commercial representatives remain unchauged. It is stated that the proposed law to restrict Japanese immigration into the United States will not eudauger the rights of domiciled
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  • 41 7 [D>B OSTASIATISCHB LiLOYD TILBUBAM) Berlin, January 7. It is reported by the French General Lyautey that the operations against the Beni Snasseu tribes on the frontiers of Algeria are terminated, aud he proposes to withdraw his troops.
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  • 24 7 [Dbb OsTAauTiscHi Lloyd T»l»<jrak| Berlin, January 7. Prince Waldemar of Prussia will spen i\ the winter in Kgypt.
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  • 17 7 |I»r Ostisiatisum Lloyd Tblbobahl Berlin, January 7 The appointment of Coaaul-OoueralMotsoM to Paris tj confirmed.
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  • 46 7 Lahore bat> lost its old, rut inhabitant by the death of SCr. S. R. Mody, a Tarsi merchant, it the age of 96. Sb. Mody accomj vni«d tbe British, force to Kabul is 181. and c*nit into contact with many Afghan a>i ableti at that peri*4.
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  • 2374 8 REFLECTIONS ON THE AMERICAN CRISIS. Impoiiaiice o( the (ioachen I'ropusals. 111.- following article, written In Mr. Moneton Freweu. appeared >n tin- London Standard on December 11: In view of the present lui.nn-ial crisis in America, it muy be worlli while to draw attention to the threat currency experiment
    2,374 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 68 8 When Mr. A. A. Aprar won the Viceroy's Cup;«he established the record of having secured the trophy on six occasions. The next monthly shoot of the Singapore Rifle Association, will be held at tbe KaJeetier Range on Sunday, January 12, at 2.15 p.m. Nineteen teams have entered
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    • 35 8 V.M.C.A Tournament. In the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, yesterday, Laporte and Buck beat Boyd and Loveridge, 6—4, 6—2, in the doubles, and Carnegy beat Long Inn, 6 B, 4—6, 6 4, in the singles.
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    • 63 8 S.C.C. v. R.O.A. A Hockey match was played on the Esplanade yesterday between the S.C.C. and the HO. A., and it ended in a draw of two goals each. The artillery goal-keeper played a capital defensive game, and had it not been lor his efforts, the Club would no
      63 words
    • 66 8 5.C.C. v. S.R.E. (v.) The following will repn -sent, the S.C.C. in their niateh with the ->.li.F \v. to morrow: E. K. Taylor, full-back; Lieut. Hewitt, !A. H. Bailey K. M. Millar, Limit. Eddis, three-quarters; 0, F. Malcolm and Dr. Black, halve?; Lieut, i.'larke, Lieuu Tomyn, J. Kerr
      66 words
    • 141 8 Kent C.C. Prosperous. The autumn committee uieetim> of the Kent County Club was held recently at the Orand Hotel, Charing-crnss, Lord Harris taking the chsir. The account* showed that ■■in- nlnb had a most incressfnl neaxon, the profit on the year being reckoned at X1.551. During tbe sea<ton, 848
      141 words
    • 163 8 Singapore Chess Club Tournament. The result of the 1907 handicap competition of the Singapore Chess Club wan an follows 1 A. W. C. rUnburyl D. McLeod Craik i Ue <8 3 11. Smith 66 4 L. M. Cordeiro 35 5 S. Rosenbaum 29* 4 J. B. Elcum 284 7
      163 words
    • 338 8 .Singapore Uoll Club. The December Medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a tie between Mr. A. C. Padday and Mr. W. J. Mayson at 81 net. Mr. Mayson won the FWfep for the best 9 holns net, Mr. Kdmondnon being second. Thit following scores
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  • 216 8 Three Chinamen Killed near Kuala Lumpur. A fatal accident occurred at Piidu, gor, on Now Year's Day, in which one man met his death, whilst three others were seriously injured. Owing to the consistent rains experienced recently, the mortar sup porting the wall < of a
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  • 101 8 Writing from Lipis on January 2. our correspondent says A set of rules has been issued by the Resident for the control of billiard saloons in Pahang. The hours during which such saloons may be opened to the public, are fixed at from 10 a.m. to
    101 words
  • 133 8 This mattflr, in many households, is assuming an excruciating iAagn of development, writes the Hongkong correspondent of thn N. 0. Daily News. The Chinese come and go just as they like and when they like, and apparently they am quite uncontrollable. 1 have heard of several
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  • 141 8 The following telegram, dated from Calcutta, on December 28, appears in the Ceylon Observer: News has been received of an appalling disaster, due to the collision of two passenger trains on the North West Railway. It is reported that 500 have been killed and injured,
    141 words
  • 153 8 A Tokio wire of December 28, ways that the Japanese Government haa agreed to exercise stricter supervision with regard to the issue of passports to .T»pnnes« vimtinp the United States. So far as Canada is concerned no settlement has been arrived at, though Japan has promised not to
    153 words
  • 109 8 Our Pabang correspondent writing from Lipis on the 2nd inst. says Prom a return pnbUshed recently by the Superintendent of Indian Immigrants, Strait* Settlements and I- ..M.S., it appears that tho number of coolies applied for, from January to November, 1907, by oertoin
    109 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 44 8 THE HIPPODROME. To-Night 7-30 TO 11 P.M. LIVING LONDON The World's MetropoliH. Seeing London in :«l minutes TARFN BY URBAN TKADINanO., OK W)NI)ON, Thn World's realistic film mannfacturnni. Also h C'ompleto Change of Programme. THE HIPPODROME. THE 810 SHOW, Near Raffles, Beach Road. 4468
      44 words
    • 415 8 QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-NA. i ■■■■■>■ '■■■-o-llfftf.- y~* I T w ■'^aWftESi^aaala^ v 1 c Jti£c*&Sk hlV Jk F A 1 1 9 Gltul To 6* MISB JULIA MARLOWE. ANY remedy that Iwneflta digestion "I Improved under th« treatment, bat strengthens tbe nerves. an »oon as I slopped Uklng
      415 words
    • 113 8 HOUSE TO BE LET. DALYOENE," Killiney »<..»■-. For partionlars, apply TOMLINBON v LERMU. ,'H) I. KatHes Qo»> CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, a Jnnior Cbioeee Clerk who ran manipalate the typewriter and nndanUndx Bill Ledger work. Apply nndxr A H r.i riu an- i 1 48 EURASIAN CLERK WANTED. Wanted at
      113 words

  • 286 9 hnh, Jtsmuaa 7, i«o>PRODUCE. init r ri.fio •li (Cub. Nr. li ;.QDickti 7.-, < nr* Bali 7.70 Ponuanak 730 pper. Black buyers 1-2.024 do White 5% 19 50 ■> ;o Flour Sarawak 2.97J io Brunei N\l 2.98 id Sft>'o 4.25 j cSfct Bali picked 25.50 i3e* Palembaci>. '.JO*, bA*i-
    286 words
  • 374 9 lnt- I' '.tiiM. v .Man Of 7;">. \Lm> Slkh-.hkd rK.^i I iimxn. Sciatic Dbbxmi ra I'WS- IN THK BUB, I'IiINVKV DMHWi AND Orvvel. Mr. William Divi>, uti. Bivretou Koad. liuijili'j. Knyland says: 1 am 7*> years. ■U, but 1 am not too old to have louurl
    374 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 350 9 /o™.. (^1 Sub^b^j j£« ,ggj Unsold <**>"* I <*>^ Company Qhhiii— .-■u> 1300,000 IJOO.OOO 30,000 110 HO Belat Tin M. Co., Ltd. Ml 1907 tSOO.OOO 1225.00(1 21,800 tlO 110 7,500 Brnang Ltd. >• 6.00 1901 1600.000 MOO.OOO 80,000 110 *10 Brnseh Hydraalio Tin M. Co., Ltd. 15 00 1903
      350 words
    • 349 9 1905 £150,000 £116,625 $••**> f s j <90J »900,000 $108,000 10,500 HO 110 1904 £30,000 £,6.280 1901 £70,000 £61.000 81,000 41 *> 190« 1130,000 1126,000 IS.SOO HO HO «oi £ii.oo) £io,wo f, 1 '905 £73,000 £55,000 58,000 *1 £1 I** £810.000 £243,287 1906 £180,000 £180,000 180.000 £1 £1 1907
      349 words
    • 177 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,805 7,688 12/6 j 12/6 '■898 1225,000 «225.00 C 4,500 «S0 M 0 MM .NS.ON.JuO M.5.0 M.000 ISU6 »2.400,000 M,.00,000 i 1696 11,000,000 ,1,000,000 J^ "W< I M 4.000 134,000 3,400 110 110 S9. H >N O .875.000 «g «00 >303 taon.nv. tIiO.OW 24,000 110 110 1891
      177 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 DE SUMATRA POST i Miahld d.iily at Medan. De!i. i-s the LEADING paiiei'in Sumatra. Wines Wines II i faaaaaN table ciwt at 4.75 m d< Vermootb of Turin 1.20 p. litre bot. Mescal of Syracuse, an invigorating win* iL.+th recommended for weak people and ladiec at II 00 per qnart.
      80 words
    • 242 9 PHOSFERINE I Til* G»*art«*t cf ail Tonle*. 1 I **OIATMM mr/tLTM. I I Piipililiii 1 1 till ft f»i LMat I •> U MU I iriii, c.c f fcwawM i■ mint FOR THE CHINEBE NEW YEAR. NEW YEAR CARDS IN CHEQUE FORMS The Bank of Friendship, Unlimited.' 1 Price tl.
      242 words
    • 283 9 1 1 1 ALHAMBRA I CINEMATOGRAPH i Beach Road. Grand Change of Programme 'Go-Right ONLY PATHE CcL L. F. WILLIS, FRERES' FILMS. V Manage:. (SSHIB. p. dc Silva, H| MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. >' uri.n.i^e ut O m.«.h. th» Duk. j juts t appoiuteJ Purveyor to H.M. The Kln^ufS•ar^l. lokan, •f Conn
      283 words

  • 314 10 AN IMPORTANT DECISION GIVEN IN JAPAN. The Japanese- Official Oazette pubiithee the decision given by the authorities o: the Patent Bureau in the petition brought by Messrs. Lea and Perrin, of Worcester, against UsMeWsa Yasu, Kobe, claiming that the registered sauco trade mark No. 29,131 should be deolered
    314 words
  • 448 10 WAS IT AN ELOPEMENT Young Lady Bolts from a Steamer with Male Passengers. A somewhat startling discovery nun made on Monday last when the Orient steamer Ophir was starting out, says the Times of Ceylon, of Dei/ember 27. Amon^ the r-econd-dass ra -u^. was a family of th*. name of
    448 words
  • 200 10 Alcoholism in France is held to be one of the most terrible scourges of the present day, and is also, apparently, one of tbe chief causes of death. Two years ago, th Academic de Medecine invited members of the medical societies to collect statistics of all deaths
    200 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 621 10 BANKING COiPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. faid rp capital i KEBERVE FTTSD Sterling Basne $IC,OOC.(<OC I aji r 000 BUverfieserve til .7M.000 a 1,.-0-W» Bseone Liability ot Proprietor* $1C 000 000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. E. Medbust, Esq.— Chairman Hoc Ur.Henrv Heroes.— Deputy Chainnat. A. Ftohs, Esq.' A.
      621 words
    • 627 10 BAHKIHB COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. j INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Iii tc Capital -n 60,000 »t&re- oi JtJo'aL £l,»0C,000 Reserve Fnnd 41.475.000 Reserve Liabi^tj of Proprietors '*.000 BANKERS. Back oi England. National Back of Sootiand. Tb« Lccdoo City Midland Bast. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Acooccts are
      627 words
    • 38 10 NOPOIBON. Chamberlain's cough Remedy has been declared absolutely free from any injurious substance by Government and expert chemists, and mothers need have no hesitancy in giving it to the smallest infant. For sale by all liiniKinMtficiP. aud d^Jbu
      38 words
    • 682 10 IN THE ESTATE OF TAN TONG WHATT, i Dirs-isro. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE IRBEHOLD AND LEASE HOLD AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES, At Meiers. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Sals-rooms, Nos. 4 and J, Baffles Plaoe, Monday, January 20, 1909, *i 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable Freehold Land .n ite Dis-
      682 words
    • 527 10 INSURANCE CoMMWis. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT. GUARANTEE. Ftmdt Exceed £11,000,000. W. A. SIM 6, c 1376 Manager, Luterc Branch. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital X2, 750,000 Revenue £2.0*1.044- 18-8 xbe undersigned are prepared :o acoept Fire R.ske a: jurrent rates. 692 BEHN, MEIER
      527 words

  • 703 11 INTRODUCTION OF THE DARRACQ INTO SINGAPORE. t j order to still further briug their ba"-i--ne" Of to date and in line with modern requirements, Me99rs. Kat/ brotbers, Limited, have secured the m)le agency for tbe Straits Settlements and Federated Mslay States of tbe Kngliah firm of n'otor car builders.
    703 words
  • 688 11 The value of Orchard Road as v great artery of traffic from tbe Tanglin district can be recognised just at tbe present time, white repairs are being made. Various directions are taken in coining into the town, but none are so pleasant and convenient as Orchard Road.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 303 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P.. four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Paipted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheela, fitted w'th Magneto, Hood. Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters. in Stock. Tria! Hun* by arrangement. l"r:oes and h i>articulan» from SYME CO., S
      303 words
    • 129 11 JUST ARRIVED Ex -S.S." MOYIXE.' A 10-12 H.P.. 4-Seater HUMBER CAR, W:ta ill Acoe?!>oriee The fttvouri;e Car wherever introdncbd. Absola!«!y uleat when r^nainj. Particulars froo: The Borneo Co., Ltd. NO MORE WHITE HAIR. /fr ANTICANIZIE MIGONE MMIB Will, iv a brief lap-i- c-f time, ami without any trouble, I^jjljij 11w|b
      129 words
      258 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 606 12 Scale erf Charges* P&£PAID ADVERTISEMENTS. -Miaoeltaneros Wante of Every Deaoription, Houses, L+a 1 etc., to let, are inserted at the following One Insertion l.*> per Inch. Two "00 Three »-80 Six **0 Nine «•«> Twelve 7.W Twenty-five 10.00 (Sach subsequent month tS per Inch.) Tbe above rate is baaed upon
      606 words
    • 551 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. fUTBl Fomr LinM, on* or two Initrtion., 11.30 Bj th* inch, *M 9c»l* of Chirg**. TO LET. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON, SIMONS CO., Ltd. VMM COMPOUNO HOUSE TO LET No. 107, Selegie Road. Very comfortable, with stabling, complete. Apply to S. R. M.
      551 words
    • 619 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Bahs HB Lioar ona or two Insertion*, 11. Br Ml 'nch. m Seals of Ciiarm*. 6000WN8 TO BE LET. Dry and airy Godowos in Cecil and Stanley Streets. Apply, S. Manasseh and Co. ■MM HOUSE TO BE LET. Compo.ind House. No. 1. Oxley Rise, to
      619 words
    • 792 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. RtTZS lit Month, (10 par inch. SnbMqgent months, t5. For «horter period* Sc»la o! R.i THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF BEARER BHARE WARRANTB. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on pre sentation of Coupon No. 13. at the Chartered Bank of India. Australia aud China,
      792 words
    • 731 12 Vfi II DAN MACFARLANE 6 COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., SW« AftmU. ANTHROL. A PRESERVATIVE AGAINST WHITE ANTS, DRY ROT, ETC. Anthrol has all the qualities of other wood preservatm s, but at a iuueli lower co<.t. price $1,20 gallon. Syme
      731 words