The Straits Times, 3 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.538. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 3. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 Motor Cars. We have now in Stock the following Cars I One 14-18 h.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-l>ody, 7-seated Two'b-10 li.p. BAYARD-CLEMENT, 2 cylinders, double phaeton-body, 5-seated. Oue 10-14 h.p. WERNER, 4 cylinders, double phaeton-body, 5-seated. One 8 h.p. DE DION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seated. One 8 h.\>. CORRE,
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    • 70 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77, Btom Boaah Road, SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets all Boats and Trains. FUSSELL'S MILK. NOTICE is hereby given that The Butterfly Brand TRADE MARK ON MILK I| the exclua^^jonMf|- of Messrs. Fussell Co., Ltd., by I A|^ Boi use
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    • 162 1 ROBINSON and CO. SANDERSON'S Hffin Stand (Sameras. ■BBBD M "JUNIOR POPULAR. "REGULAR POPULAR |fi TROPICAL POPULAR. 1 livr SANDERSON'S I PPfw} Jiand (Sameras. WMSm THE JUNIOR. THE "TROPICAL. I^M^l Ideal Mew Year Presents. T 4 Plate Magazine Hand Cameras. Film Cameras. ROBINSON and COMPANY. KOH COMPANY,; 30 Br»-> a Road.
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    • 128 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. Opening w Saturday, Guest Night, f January 4. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF WEST KENT BAND dnrinf; and afur Dinner. NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). The House has been thoroughly renovated, and
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    • 30 1 Mr. W. H. M. Browne (of Messrs. FROST and SHIPHAM. Western Australia), Eyesight A Spectacle Specialist, may bo consulted at THE DISPENSARY BUILDINGS, 43iRaHUt Place, for a few days only.
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  • 806 2 PUNGENT PARS FROM THE WORLD'S PRESS. Doctor ito patitnt) Your heart is rather irregular. Have you anything that is worrying you? Patient -Oh, uot particularly. Only that just vow uht-ii you put your hand in your pocket I thought you were going to give me your bill.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 CONGO Wropieal Sloofing IS The Ideal Roofing for this Climate CHEAP! SANITARY! D URABLE VERMIN-PROOF W The thickest quality (3 ply) can vow be supplied at $12 per roll ot 216 square feet complete with caps, nails and cement for tiding. AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd., H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY,
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    • 620 2 MALARIA KILLS MOREPECPLE IN THK TROPK S THAN AN\ UTHBB DISEASE. TaociuKtMnr i.ivk> Mmhti i:kSa*m. Anmalia li CR WILLIAMS PINK PILLS Wl-KK I'sKD. Tan Cuek— Hkkk Is Pitom. Mr. Mariano Danker is Dresser in the Duriun Dtuin Hospital. Malacca. He was formerly a victim to Malarial Fever, and. suffered so
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    • 290 2 THE INTERNATIONAL ASPIRATOR CO.. LTD., In urinary diseases the best results come from using Gonosan. Taken internally it lclieves pain, checks the discharge and effects a lasting cure. It does not disturb the stomach nor become obnoxious, nor irritate the kidneys. A trial will convince you, as it has convinced
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    • 9 2 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. SUAIRt PEOMPTLY UlCCf
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  • 1039 3 ENDLESS VARIETIES OF NEW FASHIONS. If ouly by reason of their endless variety and the obliging way in which they can be altered and adapted to suit the varied requirements of individual faces and figures, the new fashions for January, as they now stand proclaimed, present many
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 840 3 Knme Co. JUST UNPACKED: Floral Decorations for New Year. A Spied J Assortment of AnJ Artificial Flowers <& a Large sei«et>on c< in Bunches o iD"D"irQTr"Nr r rQ MMri in X'lUll O Jit N 1 O. A VISIT IS KINDLY SOLICITED. MS PHOTOJJEPOT. 10*. NOETH BRIDGE ROAD. All
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    • 66 3 PHOSFERINE I Tk« Gwmn «f all T*nl««. 1 1 ADI A TUM MI ALT H I I Fiauwswt l^l n rWina Lkri**s. I t La i* tl m. L B.C I GRIMAULT*C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP fts| Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals In
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    • 172 3 Diamond Bazaar. Belore Purcliasinj; your NEW YEAR PRESENTS, •io not fnil to pay a ri-it to ISMAIL A RAHEEM, mu Zo This establisbmeat it replete wi:b every deacriptioa ol High-clas? Diamoad Ti&ras, Necklaces, Bracelets, Pendant*, Ring*, and Jewellery, winch, for excellence of quality and distinction of 'le-tigu, cannot be equalled.
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  • 339 4 Tbe following new books arc roady for iHSue to- day. \lbfimsi, Madame, Loveiu-a-Mist, 1907. A*kew. Alice and Claude, The Plain* of Mam* 1907. Barlow. Jane, Irish neighbours. 19»»7. Benson. K. H., Lord of the World, 1907. Carr, Mr?,. Coinyns, John Fletchers Madonna. 1905. Castle, Agnes and Egerton, My
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  • 394 4 Passengers Outward. I'cr 1\ and O. steamer Macedonia, connectfaag with the steamer Devanha at Colombo I'rom London, Dec. 6, due Jan. 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxton and child. Mr. J. J. c'ollinb. Mr. A. Bethuue, Mr. C. Euiergon, Mr. V. H. Duuu, Mr. R. F. Whitgreave,
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  • 61 4 The clearing of the harbour of Port Arthur has made considerable progress. Most of the 18 steamers sunk during the war have been destroyed. The entrance to the harbour, whicli was hitherto limited to vessels not over 4, 0K) tons, is now available for warhips of about 10.000 tons. As
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  • 719 4 Xame, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Jan 24 Mansfield Ambria, Hamburg, Jan 8 Behu Meyer \namba, Copenhagen. Jan 2 East Asiatic Coy Aroadia, Hongkong. Lan 30 P. 4 O. Coy \rgon-a. Japan, Jan 16 Behn Meyer Austria, Trieste, Jan 7 Rantenberg
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  • 253 4 Strong Comments at the Legislative Council. Adelaide, Due. 5. la tlie Legislative Council, Mr. B. A. Munlileu uskud wasthe entertainment this day given to Mr. KeirHardie within the precincts of the Houses of Parliament at the public oxi«OBc Ii >», at whose instigation WM sucli entertainment arranged
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAIN S COUGH REMEDY. Von will see by the following t!< >t Chain beilai; 1 Cough Remedy is a favome in the palace as well as with tin humbler |>cople in India For the p;i-t four years I have been getting large supp)ie» of Chamberlain's Cough
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    • 730 4 STEAMER MIUMGB. 1 P. 6? O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued (or China CoMt, Persian Oalf. Continental, and American Port*. Steamen will leave Singapore on or »bou: MAIL LINE. Outward (/or China). 19
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER. band;ekmaein. The Steamers ot this cempany maintain a regular servioe hetween: Singapore, Bawean, Soorabaya, Bandjermasin, Pulo Laut, Bslik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Mf^lahm, Marakagaric?. Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good acoomodaMon for first
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    • 497 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. HAMBURG AMERIM LIKE. PASSENGER BERVICE. By the new steamer* RH EN AN I A," HABSBURO, HOHENBTACFEN." Thete ■•earners -if ?r > the pnb'io the highest Comfort yet attained in Ooeui Travelling. They have very large cabins, prorided with only lower berths. The cabins are amidships and fitted with
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    • 800 4 STEAMER BAIUHGB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial German Ma 1 Line. The fast and well known mail steamers > f this Company sail fortnightly from Br. j Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southern i< I ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Iconn. Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe v.r»»> For Said, Sues, Aden,
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    • 33 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, recomy mended by tbe beat medical authorities. Eat J to take acd certain in results. To be had of all dteniibU. Wholesale from The Pharmacy. Battery Roe Singapore. MM
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    • 940 5 Latest Arrivals. i:.nk-ii>n. Brit, utr. 2,75U UiHri. OaptSaaboroai .Inn 2. From Boagfcoag, Dm SO. Q.c. KW 1',,., to, I". -Bd«. Daja*ilßM. But. -tr. '',992 t-ints, <'i;it N i. hotaa. Jan :f I' Inni-pool, Ike 1. (I B. W. M.niHti.M AC". TO -lupnti. .l.n W. h.ilu-uli, Brit.«tr. Mill
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  • 106 5 From Europe By the N. I) L. l'rinz llcinricl). due on January 10. From China— By the N. 1). L. s.a. Yorck, dne on January 5. bi Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan siuij.uirwfi l'he ID Li'iuilou 2 M. M. Dec SS 6
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  • 101 5 Fok P«b Stsambk Tuu To-HOBBOW Clin-tiiiHii Inland Xillah 7 a.m. 1'tuang and Cochin (Hnahrurk 8 a.m. Gowutelo via ports Kundaku* 9 a.m. Indragiri -tiny Thj/e noon P. Swettcuham, Penang Mb Seng 1 p.m. P. S'tenluun p.nd 1'eoacg Pc-rai 1 p.m. Bangkok ports Redana 8 p.m. Sabang, Suez and
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  • 52 5 liy the Perak, Captain Turner, Jan. 2. From Penan); via Port Swettenham Captain Ipton. Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Greaves, Captain Beltfrave, Mr. J. Christie, Mr. F. C. Dundan, Mrs. Michell, Mr. Wilkie, Mrs. F. Kie«, Mr. C. L. Campbell, Mr. (Coventry, Mr. Klackwcll. Mr. Malcuf, and
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  • 47 5 Homeward Girsian Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Yorck, having left Hongkong at noon, on the Ist instant, may lx expected to arrive here at 3 a.m. on Sunday, the sth instant. She will probably be despatched fir Europe the following day, at noon.
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  • 197 5 United Kingdom Still Heads List of Exporters. Out Loudon correspondent writes A few facts and figures about the world's coal jupply may be interesting to tbe general In 1906, nine-tenths of the 905 million tons raised in the world were raised by fire countries alone, and the
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  • 125 5 Planters in Cocbin-China find the local labour supply falling short of requirements, and are now casting about for coolies. Chinese labourers are looked upon as objection able, and, in their utter despair, the planters turnod to Javanese. The Java Government was then approached, to ascertain on what conditions
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  • 135 5 Shortly before Christmas, unusually lie y rains fell in Acheeu I'rojH 1 for three day >. resulting in widespread and destructive floods, the like of which have not been known shut the Dutch occupation about a generation ago. Great damage wa-s done to the coast tramway
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  • 140 5 Among the European public in Java, |iubli<; spirit stands very low indeed, and it is hard work to arouse any interest in municipal affairs. A section of the ratepayers at Batavia has sought to remove this reproach by starting a so-called Liberal Democratic League. A meeting was held
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  • 122 5 I In- fall in the price of tin htut bad serious consequences for the Netherlands India Government in marring its fiscal plans for 190 H. The Government draws a large revenue from nationalised tin mines in Banka, on the strungth of which a surplus was budgetted, but
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  • 55 5 According to the Hongkong Telegraph ot December 27, eight men of the 129 th Balu chis, stationed at Kowloon. have been arrested on suspicion of knowing sotuothiu", respecting the fatal stabbing of a member ot the regiment during a quarrel resulting from bad feeling between the soldiers.
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  • 63 5 The Nippon Yusen Kaislia'x new nine-thousand-ton steamer, the Kaga Maru. was launclied at Nagasaki on ChristmaH Day. It is the first of six vessels of that size now building, and Japan's distinct advance in the craft of shipbuilding is receiving encomiums in the Press, some papers pointing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 Clearances. January > EUootdar, BtHatr, Oaeoalalaad Crcwdao, Brit *lr, Manila. Culm and 110 Ho Uiojun Maru. ,l«p ,f Ooiomboand Bnmbn\ Polrphomvi Britrtr, Chirantpu Bos -l i Pi rl Shkl Maetbiivokf-r, I'ulttr B l'reya. Rai llr, M.n^kok Teestu Brit »n PaaaaK, -'.uiatin>i Madras Brit at, ul enhaM \ia port-* 1 port-:
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    • 563 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. V A A rotfuUr FORTNIGHTLY nwrvice ih maintained between Japan aud Knm|». by the NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAAIERS, l'tnl«T Mail Contract, with tbo Imperial Japan eae Government, npecially designed for the Company's Kuropcaa Scrvire, lighted throughout by Electricity, provide! with etcollput aocomtn.xlation for
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    • 575 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. PL The Companies' steamors are despatched from Ijivorpnol ontwards for tbe Strait*, China and Japan every week, and from Japan bornewatus for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp "vi-n fortnight aud ft r Genoa, Marseilles and Livirponl monthly. Oo"
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    • 488 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BBTHTSKH I KI.WA>TI.K (PERTH) NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS. JAVA AND SINGAPORE Regular Fortnightly sailings between Smgn pore and Western Australia, oalling at Java (as indncement offers), Derby, King's Hound (Port for the
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    • 445 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE VTIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "E»BB88or India" j Twin-sorew steaR.M.S. "EnrßßB or Japan"
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 27 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, January 3, 10 *.m. Haromoter 30.38 Direction cf Wind N.E. Foroe of Wind 1 Max. Temp in Huml« 60 Manila. 763 N.N.K. 27 2S
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    • 146 5 Singapore Tide Table. (I-'bom January 3 to Jaxuaiiv 9.) HIGH WATER J LOW WATER f"Time H'ght Time~TH'ghl hn. mm. ft. ins. hrs. mm. ft. ins. January j I 9.19 am 9.4 3.23 am 4.6 Friday s |io.s»pm 8.8 4.3 pm 0.9 (10.8 am 9.9 4.11 am 4.6 Saturday 4 1139p1n
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    • 97 5 DAY BY DAY Friday, January 3. High Water. 10-53 pm. P. it. O. outward mail due. Noou. Soooer. Football B.R.F.C. v. Aaffles School. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7-30. Saturday, January 4. High Water. 10-8 a.m. 11-39 p.m. New Moon. 4-43 p.m. Cricket. Football Chartered Bank v. 8.U.1'. < Oolf. Monthly Medal.
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    • 58 5 WEATHER REPORT. Ko'viung Ktrbau Hotpital, January i, 190". ~9 a. <R rTii.T9 r. M. Buiuikk. Bar 12 Fab 50.009| 29 906 29.965 ah Temp ..\<H.2 89.2 76.0 4 J We* Bulb Ther 78.0 79.0 78.8 n o Dir of Wind North N.B. N.E.J Max Tenp 91.8 S'; Mm 73.9 Max
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  • 570 6 The Straits Times. PRIOR 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. Two important question* relating to the staple industry of the F.M.S., have been brought before the notico of the Federal Oovernment. One of tl inn is with reference to the cancellation of the leases of nnworked mining land. n<l the other
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  • 419 6 It would appear that the recruiting of Tamil coolies for the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States is not qnite approved by somo people in India. We learn from a Madras contemporary that the following Government Order has been issued on the subjoct, and it may be that our London
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  • 14 6 The new customs duties come into force in the F.M.S. on New \err'n Day.
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  • 15 6 A Romanised Malay Version of A Life of Queen Victoria has been published in Singapore.
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  • 16 6 A cargo of tin arrived from Singkep, this morning, by the Dutch steamer Sultan Van Lingga.
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  • 14 6 A Municipal watering cart was seen sprinkling Crow Street during the rain yesterday afternoon.
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  • 18 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is ♦SOJ per picul. Altogether 275 tons have been sold to-day.
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  • 16 6 Thirty thousand cases of petroleum arrived from New York, yesterday, by the British steamer Wray Castle.
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  • 18 6 Foor thousand aix hundred tons of coal arrived from Port Kembla, this morning, by the British steamer Dulwicb.
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  • 23 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, fined two Malay syces 12 each for cutting grass in Government House grounds.
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  • 17 6 The Malay wl« bells from the TalepHH sentenced to six wsri^H meets, or to p»y a fin^H
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  • 15 6 The German steamer Kcandia on her way to Kobe ran down a Japanese sailing ship.
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  • 27 6 Tho Tamil Immigration Fund Enactment is not appreciated in I'ln Pahang by employers of Tamil coolies, and in several instances the Tamil employees are being disjicnsed with.
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  • 36 6 It is roported that a sum of Tcs. 66,200 belonging to tho Siam Treasury has been stolon at Bangkok. The police have searched tho houses of suspected persons, but so far wit In M it result.
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  • 38 6 Two Macao women wore ftued »2 each by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday, for trespass in the compound of Mr. liar jah. at No. I A Sentt's Itood, at 11 a.m., the previous day.
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  • 31 6 The telephone exchanges at Seiemban and Kuala Selangor with trunk line commnnica. t mil betweon Kuala Lumpnr and Seremban and between Klang and Knala Selangor were opened on New Year's Day.
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  • 28 6 President Roosevelt has instituted medals for civilians as a reward for meritorious services in peace time. The first medals will be issued in connection with the Isthmian Canal.
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  • 30 6 The Borsen Courier, a journal published twice daily in Berlin, is much concerned about Canadian trade, and strongly urges the German Government to seek improved commercial relations with the Dominion.
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  • 39 6 The F.M.S. are being bled to the extent of t4.V).(100 for a quarantine camp at I'ulau Jerejok. We wonder, says the Perak Pioneer, if the X.M.S. can claim extra territorial rights over the ground that these buildings will occupy.
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  • 44 6 Mr. C. F. .1. Green, the Second Magistrate, sentenced P. C. 118 to six mouths' rigorous imprisonment, yesterday for theft of a watch and chain, clothing and money having a value of 138.75, from P. C. hh. at the liinn.ili Miskin Police Station.
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  • 43 6 Tho Chamber of Commerce ot Hongkong sees no reason to object against the opening ol a Chinese Government bank in tho Colony. so I, mi. as it is on exactly the same footing as the other foreign banks now trading in the Coloay.
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  • 49 6 Five Chinese appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday afternoon, ou a charge of participating in an affray in Tan Quee Urn Street at 9.4(1 p.m. on New Year's Day. They were fined 110 each, or, in default, each sentenced to two weel.s' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 41 6 The opium commission arrived in Taiping and began its sittings on Monday. The British Kesident was examined in the morning and the State Surgeon iv the afternoon. On Tuesday the Protector of Chinese and Mr. Hiah Swee 1,00 gave tlieir evidence.
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  • 45 6 Tho series of pictures of the sea sport* ou New Year's Day, taken by a representative of the Cinematograph I'nth. will not be pivsi-iiicd at tho Alhambra Cinematograph on Saturday, m the film lias to be Hunt to Messrs. I'athc Kreres in Paris for reproduction.
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  • 45 6 Tho number ot mining coolies in the F.M.S. who have been paid off recently is variously stated at anything between ten and forty thousand, says the Malay Mail. We hear of mities being cloned down in all directions and wonder where all the coolies goto.
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  • 54 6 Correspondence between the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce and the British Minis, ter at Peking shows that no satisfactory progress has been made for the establishment of a national coinage system for China. The Chinese officials havo not yet got beyond the "report" si,-ijje -and it lias been in that state
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  • 47 6 As will Ih> scon from our advertisement column the management of Raffles Hotel will re commence their musical skating evenings on Saturday next, the 4th instant, when there will be a special dinner menu. These arrangements will bold good for every succeeding Saturday evening until further notice.
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  • 50 6 A Bill iias been brought into the French Chamber of Deputies to attach an anthropological department to the Colonial Office at Paris. It will be the duty of the department to gather together all information of any interest regarding the nations and tribes over whom France rules in her colonies.
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  • 67 6 The conected returns of the population of Java at the taking of the census in 1905 show Unit it amounted to fully 30,0ft0,000 persons or about ri./.t; l to the Dutch square geographical mile. This is an astounding figure when it is borne in mind thnt, in Belgium, one of
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  • 77 6 The members of the Opium Commission sat again in Peuang on Thursday last, and heard the evidence of Messrs. Ynoh Wooi Gark, of the Opium and Spirit Farm, and I. im I.ii Toh. On the previous Tues lay, Mr. Fou Choo Choon was the principal witness examined, and on Friday
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  • 140 6 Two oflioern of the Netherlands luilia Army— Major W. K. de Gmve, and Captain Ben we attended the grand army inaiueii vr>-H hold in .lapan in November lant. The Major liau just returned to Java, but the Captain remained behind an military attach^ to the Dutch embassy at Tokyo. Major
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  • 360 6 The resignation of Dr. D M Koss. District Surgeon. Krian. Perak, has been uccepted. Mr. and Mrs. .lames McClyinont. of Port Dickson, celebrated the twenty tilth anm versary of their marriage on Saturday. Bnrou Komnra, the Japanese Ambassador to the Court of St. .lames, has returned to
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  • 352 6 Ni' Hi. mi Qni was the possessor of a shot gnu, and when his brother w-:rs arrested, yesterday, on a charge of robbery, he attempted to use the gun as a means of inliuiidating Police Corporal 17, so the Corporal alleged at the Police Court to-day. As a result, the
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  • 100 6 Before the acting Chief Justice. Mr. A. O. Law, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Delay, ou behalf of the See 11. li Tong Bank, asked for a receiving order against A. It. It. M. Kama samy Chetty, against whom the hank Mi a promissory note for ».'1,07.'>. Mr. I:.
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  • 139 6 Two (.'hiiH'sx twakow men M tried by the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on the nl"l familial charge of bleeding rice bogs. Acting inhpnetor MocNniuara a| thn Marine Station, prosecuted and Mr. It. St. J. Braddell defended the accused. One of the men was Also charged
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 Ladies Afternoon Tea. I OK A VAIiIKTY OV DAINTY BISCUITS. TKV A TIN OF SWALLOW VN j ARIELLS I Ladies' Afternoon Biscuits, OOM nUfUNO, IM BACH TlN:— Cafe Xoir, Cream Wafers, I'rnit Wafers. I'ingei Creams, Mixed Frou Frou, Noix-de-Cocox. Shortbitad Sandwich. HA. Ml 1 A( INK BISCUITS. Per Tin 90c
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    • 136 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT CMANGK OF PROGRAMME. IST SHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1. Tipplers' Race. 2. Japan en Fete. H. Batbcra' If n. 4. A Quiet Hotel. !>. Living Silhouette, ti. Poor Old Couplo. 7. Nurses' Strike. 8. Kxprras Sculptor. 9. The Japanese Girl. 2ND SHOW. 9.30 TO
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  • 784 7 FINF RATTING BY HUTCHINGS AND HOBBS. English Bowling. FIVE WICKETS DOWN FOR 299 RUNS. Scores in Representative Match at Brisbane. ili:OM Our Own Cokkk*posdrnt.) Sydney. January 2, 4.55 p.m. O. Gunn, toe Nntts professional, who made 119 and 71 in the first test match at Sydney, accompanied
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  • 478 7 Evidence for Prosecution Called at Police Court. Tnphik bin Khurshid Aljnnid leaned against the dock rail in Mr. Cohnan's court this mnrning, listening to the evidence tendered in support of the charge, against •him. nf being cnncernul in the murder of Syed AlsagnlT in April last.. Mr.
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  • 51 7 Two old shnphoiiscs near the Montguuiery Bridge, Scrangoon Kood, about 'i\ miles from town, collapsed, this morning, tho front walls falling into the roadway. It is as yet too early to secure details, but it is believed that at least onu Chinaman is buried in the i
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  • 86 7 Dotective Inspector Frayne tho other day received information that property which had bnen stolen from Europeans at Tanglin was concealed in a certain European's compound. On the night of New Year's Day, he proceeded to the spot aloag with a couple of detectives and a
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  • 118 7 One is apt to suppose that the only effect of the cold weather on trade in to increase the demand for blankets and rugs. But the Bangkok Times has been informed that the recent cold weather in Bangkok has boen having a very appreciable effect on
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  • 149 7 Tho execution of t» eke gang rob berg. At t.i<> Haroe time, at Pati, iv .lava has led to strango revelations which throw strong doubt on the evidence which secured their conviction. The preliminary inquiry into the cane lasted two years, says the
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  • 188 7 TIMES' CORRESPONDENT ROBBED NEAR URFA. Energetic Action of the British Ambassador. lUhtmh'h Tmlk.ikam| London, January 2. Mr. David Kra ci who represented The Times with the Ja|>anesc troops in Korea and Manchuria during the Kusso Japanese war and who has since published a book describing his adventurous
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  • 326 7 Weekly Statistics of Registrar of Deaths. The weekly return of mortality in SingH pore., prepared by Dr. D. K. McDowell, the ■ftjaiatMl "f Births and Deaths, shows a decrease nf i in the number of deaths occurring during the week ended December 2K. as compared with the
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  • 261 7 Dutch Description of the Chinese Commissioner. More about the visit of the Chinese Imperial Commissioner to Java has come to hand by the Intent Dutch exchanges. When he visited Samarang, the local Chinese arranged festivities on a large scale, which led the Commissioner to explain that the
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  • 162 7 The Chinese inandor who was murdered at Tanjong Pagar on Ntw Year's Day was Saw Teng Gam, a broth Tin law of Mr. Tan Kheam Honk, a contractor to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board, by whom he was employed. Fifty-three years of age, he was of a
    162 words
  • 1191 7 PROGRESS OF A WORLDS GREAT PORT. A Reminscence of Twenty Years. iKy I'm i.i Pknn.i If tli.ii- is romance in the history ul commerce, then the annals which <i ilm the ili 1 vi'li>|iini mi of Singapore aud the Straits Settlements are full of the deepest mii -i
    1,191 words
  • 373 7 Should Singapore be Represented in London (From Oi'R Own Corkkspondknt.) London, December 6. We have been favoured with a very interesting axhibition in London, this week, at the Vincent's Square Hall in Westminster, where Colonial products have boeu shown on the invitation of the lioyal Horticultural Society. Canada,
    373 words
  • 197 7 Father and Son Before Bankruptcy Court. At the Bankruptcy Court, yesterday Mr. A. J. Mclntyre applied for hi.-, discharge. The Official Assignee said that the debtor, who was a book-keeper on a salary of a month, owed xki to Cbetties and had been ordered by the Court to
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  • 94 7 Mr. D. Ma.'l.ciutuu, of Messrs. Mansfield and Company, who rosides at Claughton, Paterson Road, kept a metal despatch box on a table in his room, and to one leg of the table was chained a fierce dog. At fji o'clock, on Wednesday night, the despatch box
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  • 154 7 At the Bankruptcy Court, yesterday, Mr. George Michael, proprietor of Messrs. Wilson and Company, was examined relative to the bankruptcy of Mr. C. Chaytor. He pointed out that he stood security for the bankrupt, who owed him, in consequence $1,400. He met the debtor on October 1, and
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  • 37 7 The extent of the Chri-.tmis mail traffic at home may be gathered from the fact that no fewer than thirty million letters were handed by the London Head Post Office (St. Martins la Grand) on Christmas Eve.
    37 words
  • 107 7 CANADIAN PACIFIC LINERS LONG VOYAGE. 230 Passengers; 90 Crew. IRarrrsß's Tblboraml London. January Anxiety is being felt for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's steamer Mount Royal, which left Antwerp fnr St. John, New Brunswick, on I>ceeniber7. The Mount Royal had :'M) pasBoiiK*i» on board and carries a crew
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  • 64 7 Supervising Proposals by Governor of New York. Hkl'Tkii's Tklkukam Loudnn, January 'J. Mr. Charles E. Hughes, the Oovernnr at New York State, in his annual message iv the Legislature, recommends that whatever restrictions are considered advisable iv the cose of Banks should apply equally to Trust Companies. The
    64 words
  • 49 7 |RauTßß'ii TaLK<iuAU| London, January It. The following is the score in the second test match at Melbourne Australia. First Innings 266 England. First 1 1. n in;'.* (fnr 8 -,v l. l Mi Hnbbs scored 83 for Kngland and K. I. Hute.hings is 117 not ont.
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  • 34 7 1 Kri-tkr's Ti lkukam London. January :i. A Receivership has been appointed for the Seaboard Airline Kailway Cnmpany at Richmond, in Virginia. The Company has a capita! nf
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  • 37 7 IRlUTBk's TKLIiIRAMj London, January 1. The Duke of Con naught has left Marseille, for Malta tn take up his new |<osl as Com inaudcr in Chief nn the Mediterranean Station and in Kgypt.
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  • 41 7 n«H Diiasiatisi hk Lloyd T«lmokam| Berlin, January The Emperor nf <iennauy and Prince I lini v of Prussia were present at the funeral at Bielefeld oi the late I'rivy Councillor Hinzpcter, formerly tuu.i Ul the Kui|>eioi
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  • 38 7 [Das Ostasutiuchb Lloyd Tklk.ikam Merlin, January 3. The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount by one per cent. IRKUTSK'S TILKOkAM; London, January :i. The Bank Itato is reduced to d per cent.
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  • 25 7 |l>«n Oshsuti -i hk Lloyd Timokaml Berlin, January B. The New Year festivities have passed throughout k.impi- without any special manifestations.
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  • 27 7 [Dill OfITAftIATIHOHI LI.oYD TbLIIIBAM| Berlin, January 3. A party of Cossacks has arrived at Tabriz, in Persia, for the protection of the Russian Consulate.
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  • 38 7 Inspector Frayne made a successful raid on a counterfeiters' den in Range Road, near the Balestier Kifle Kange, yesterday evening. A number of counterfeit dollars and a complete outfit wern secured. Two Hokiens were arrested.
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  • 125 7 A Javanese, woman, named Timab, ap pared before the Second MageHtrate, Mr. C. V. J. Green, this morning, on a charge of cheating a Malay named Dollah, employed at the civil prison, in respect of money and pro perty valued at 1629. The story of the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 50 8 Iv tin Inter State mated between Victoria Mid South \ustralii which Victoria won by A» iuiiiugK and a lot of runs having s-ored iv iv light of South Australia captured one wicki t tor •^J2 runs. Whatever bis average was before, this must have knocked it end«.'Vs.
      50 words
    • 114 8 kanjitsinhji and Sussex. Our London correspondent, under date Docember B. writes as follows: Cricketers will be rejoiced to bear that K. S. Raujitsinhji. otherwise the -lam of has infurmed the secretary of the Sussex County Club that he intends to play next season for his old county in
      114 words
    • 100 8 Penang Monthly Medal. The result of the Penang Monthly Medal com petition is as follow s C. C. liogirs 87-12 75 Dr. Skac 94-18 81 I apUin Adam 99—18 81 V. M. Key worth 'J4 5 H9 T. A. Martin 99—8 91 Messrs. C. (i. May. E. K. Sykes.
      100 words
    • 178 8 Foreigners Excluded. tur Loudou correspondent writes: Oarsmen will be interested to kuow that public feeling amongst the brotherhood is waxing very strong over the question of barring the Belgian holders of the (fraud Challenge Cup at Henley from defending it at next year's regatta, the rules for admission of
      178 words
    • 343 8 List of Winning Owners. <'ur London correspondent writes I Mr W. Hall Walker heads the list ol »m •nng owuers, in ISM with .£17,910. ami Mr. B. Joel comes i_i xt with £13.803 .£B*o Mr. W. Bass and £594 above Lord L>erby. King Edward is a loug
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  • 111 8 A well -informed Washington correspondent -fate* that Admiral Dcwcy and Mr. Taft are at logger heads over the Vexed question of the fortification of the Philippines. Kor some time past it lias Imb known that Subig Bay is in proce s of l>cing rcudcrcd practically impregnable,
    111 words
  • 50 8 Keplying tv tin Uaiwupu. .ays a I'eking win of L'tct-iubei L' 6, the Kieuch Miuister has stated that France cannot undertake to hand over to the Chinese authorities any member ot secret .ocittie;, in Anuam. but that oht will prohibit their movements as much a& posoibl.
    50 words
  • 313 8 Relieved Stringency and Brighter Outlook. Mcssi s. aud Compiiuy's report of tin- shaic market, for the week now ended, is as lollows The cud of the year settlement somewhat relieved the stringency which has prevailed for the past few weeks aud buyers of mining shares an
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  • 134 8 The settlement, together with the holidays, have so interfered with business that quota lions are more or loss nominal, and we have only a few changes to report. Industrials. Straits Traders advanced to 962, owing to bear covering, but have since declined again to $57.
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  • 233 8 Coconut Plantations Ruined in Perak. U Mm iucctiuv.of the Perak State Council on December I the Kcsideut announced that, ou the >• commendation of Mr. L. C, Bruwu, Inspector of Coconuts, who reported that bears were iloiug great damage among the cucouut pl.-iuVitious in Tjowoi Perak. a reward
    233 words
  • 143 8 A Bombay telegram of December 16, a The P. and t >. Company's steamer Devauha, Captain T. H. Hide, which arrived at Mumbay yesterday from Shanghai via Colombo, ri-poi ts that she panstd the B. I. S. N. Company's steamer Ujina iv latitude l:j degrees north aud
    143 words
  • 104 8 Wi published n paragraph, a few days ago, conceruinc a tight which recently took place at Washington. The following details appear iv the Manila Times Washington, December at. -Kepr. senta tive David De Annoud. of Missouri, and Representative John Sharp Williaina, of Mississippi, engaged in a tjstii:
    104 words
  • 945 8 WHEN WILL THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION BE Nationalisation of Railways. iKkom Our Own GoMMMOMUrr.) London. December •>. This week, I have had Hi opportunity of learning what is going on behind the scenes of the political dr.ima, as played at the St. Stephen's Theatre. Westminster, during the
    945 words
  • 105 8 Wu Ting Fang and Lord U having suggested that a Chiuost Consulate bo established in Hongkong, the question was reform] to tlm Canton Viceroy by the Peking Govern meDt. Tin Viceroy h*n replied, cxpruwin" tho opinion that o .ving to the close proximity of Canton to Hongkong,
    105 words
  • 71 8 Fifteen thousand ballots have been cast for queen of the Manila carnival, the counting of which has Mi yet beeu completed. Mrs. Henry M. .tones is far in the lead, with Miss Raldasano second. The Americans arc dividing their strength between Mrs. .loves, Mrs. Beck ami
    71 words
  • 160 8 With reference to our Special Telegram of yesterday about coolie emigration through Hongkon". we note from the minutes of the Committee of the Hongkong (ieucral Chamber of Commerce that, according to a letter from tin- Colonial Secretary, His Majosty's (iovernment does not see its way to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 393 8 LATEST AUVERTISr MINTS. THE HIPPODROME. To-Night I 7-30 TO 11 P.M. LIVING LONDON The World's Metropolis. Seeing in M) miniiU-s. i \kkn n DBBAfI TKADINO(X).. orUMDON, The World's realistic film maiuifa- tine r Also I C'oui|ilet«' I iianye ol l'r<iyraiiinie. THE HIPPODROME. THE Bid SHOW, "Near liaflles, lieach Hoad.
      393 words
    • 185 8 B Special ©how Of NEW GOODS LinLES. LITTLES. M-W VKVN I-.W.-.S M,,,.hJ. SiNHHVI»fcS MBW WALKING Mvn.tiiM.s VI<S «H A> l> Ml si I f POL NKW f+Jr »£> bCAKKS VM> BLOI'SKSAMi V.v' -j,' TIKS. ■■MV chii.dhi-a NKW fl Vj lUOCKS. LACK (ioo|».s. f MMAFORBS, OOLLARK. wu si i i Everything
      185 words

    • 86 9 I 'ainbior do iCnbe No. Ii onpickei opra Bali rto Pontian&k T-eppet, Black do Wbite 5% Baal Floor Sarawak do Brunei Xo. 1 earl Sago CoSee Bali, picked Coffee. PalembaDK. 20 'i Ccffee. Liberian Tapioca, small Flake do •■ma!! pearl do med pearl Tjp Opium, Benares Rice, Rangoon Rice,
      86 words
    • 125 9 On London— Bank 4 mlB 2;4i Demaud 2/82 Private 6 uu/s 2/4', do 3 m/e -',-«< Otrmany— Bank d/d 2.88 Private 8 m/8 A42* jo 6 m's 2.44$ On Bank d/d 2.92 Private 3 m/8 2.98* do 6 m S.O1A ON India— Bank T. T 174 Private 30 d/s
      125 words
    • 55 9 Hcwarth Enkine 6% 1600,000 3% pr^rti. Rilty HargrcMTea 235,000 3% prem Spore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal -c i-arore Municipal 8% 400,000 20% prem i% 1,878.000 3% prem. 4J% 1.800.000 5% prem 4% 602,9)0 2%dienom. Engineering Syd., Ltd. 6 45,000 i*r Taniong P. 1). B. 8% 250,000
      55 words
  • 142 9 Reported Montenegrin Reign of Terror. The Prioolo gives currency to alarming reports from Cattaro, Montenegro, with regard to the condition of affairs prevailing at Celtinje. It is said that since the victory of the Government party at the recent elections there has been a ni'ra of terror
    142 words
  • 63 9 An Imperial Edict was issued at Peking, on the 19th iust.. stating that Censor Chan Minj; Yuk. recently dismissed owing to his weakness for opium, has memorialised the Throne, declaring that he has given up the opium habit entirely, and urging that he be re instated to office. His memorial
    63 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 321 9 Date oJ forma Capital ion Snbaoribed N amber el Bhari Ine Tahu Paid Share* op to Unissued Company QtO7j.XlO3re 190!) •300,000 1907 1300,000 1901 MOO.OOO 1903 £400,000 190 A £80,000 1907 MOO, OOO 1901 £60,000 !906 £100,000 1906 1150,000 1906 £130,000 1906 £80,000 1906 •450,000 1906 £160,000 1904 £120,000
      321 words
    • 371 9 1906 1905 1904 1903 1806 £180,000 •300,000 £80,000 £70,000 •150,000 £116,625 •108,000 <15,U0 161,000 1138,000 t 98,600 10,500 7,000 i 11,000 61,000 13,800 j 6,000 I 6.000 88,000 j 181,484 I 1*8,646 180,000 f 184,000 70,000 160 39,600 900,000 10,000 f 118,000 140,000 46.000 30,000 23,500 I 2,588 I
      371 words
    • 194 9 1894 1898 MM 19U5 1886 1901 £5,877. 10.0 i 1235,000 |*]5,000,000 12,400,000 I »1,000,000 134,000 £4,805 •nß.ooo tl->,0.)0,000 ,00,000 j »1 ,000,000 184,000 7,688 4,500 80.000 I 40,000 I 18,000 I 6,000 6,000 I 4.000 8,400 < 6,000 2,750 24,000 600 40,000 1.000 5,000 250,000 3,685 13/6 •W •135
      194 words
  • 207 9 A Hindu correspondent writes to one of the vernacular journals tlie following short account of the life and death of a famous fakir, Bawa Muni Sahib (the Silent Saint): During his long fifty years' sojourn at Mirpur he never uttered a single word which could be understood
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 160 9 P^ I A Reason For It There is onl> vne cure for Rheumatism that has reached a worldwide popularity and reputation. There are remedies si 'ld for the relief and cure of Rheum.itisin, but there is only one cure bt considered as having a universal reputation, without
      160 words
    • 169 9 Kelly Glalsh, Ictd, IMPERIAL IMPERIAL runiiou UAIAV ENGLISH and CHINESE ENGLISH, MALAY CHINEBE DIARY, 1908. 1908 WITH ENGLISH AND CHINESE Bin rr CAP FoLl (l2i inches by 1M U. .nter^ed with b.otting, strongly bound. With supplement contain- SIDES To FACILITATE THE MAX ing all useful local information. t>ig OF FORWARD
      169 words
    • 387 9 {Ssßlß P Ap Silvft £$33& Ksubli.hed 1»;.'. SE27 MAHUFACTURWG JEWELLER. k .Jnst appointed Purveyor to H.M. The King of Siam, loboie HAS NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63. HIGH STREET. A magnificent stock of Diamond Jewellery of the latest designs, an inimuns. of Sterling Silver Articles aud Fancy
      387 words

  • 298 10 ENGLISHMAN'S SEARCH FOR HIDDEN BOX. Mr. Wigglesworth D'Arcy, the Englishman who asserts that he possesses proofs that one of bis ancestors, the Bailie of Rouen, at the time of the English invasion of Normandy, hid some valuable documents in various ancient buildings at Rouen, commenced his
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  • 103 10 General Sir John French presided on December 5, at a meeting at the Royal United Service Institution, at which a paper dealing with the question of night operations was read by Brigadier-General Sir Henry Rawlinson. Sir Henry said it was always necessary to avoid
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  • 149 10 It is doubtful whether there has ever been a time ho rich as the present in the dramatic discovery of singers and musicians of remarkable gifts. Miss Eira Gwyn, who has just made such a successful debut at Bechstein Hall, was discovered by two ladies who
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  • 182 10 A correspondent of the Bombay Gazette, writing from Karauli, in Itajputana. relates an incident connected with the shooting of a tiger a short time ago. News of a tiger beinc brought in from a village about three miles from the capital, the chief of the Statt; want
    182 words
  • 195 10 The rich crop of prizes which the King's cattle and sheep have won at the Bingley Hall Show, Birmingham, is the latest demonstration of His Majesty's success as a farmer, of which be is so deservedly proud. When the King began breeding nearly forty years ago,
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  • 19 10 A critical session of the Japanese Diet is anticipated by Ministers in consequence of the nearness of the elections.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 609 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. pajd-up Capital •10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve «10,000,000 l M i 701 aflo Silver Reserve »11,750,000f W'.'M.OOO Reserve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medharst, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keawick.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fnohs, Esq. A. J.Raymond, E»q. E.
      609 words
    • 563 10 BANKING COMPARES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £80 each £1,«00,000 Reserve Fund £1.476,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ..£1.200,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aocounts
      563 words
    • 19 10 Steams' Cordial of Cod Liver Extract is an ideal Nutrient Tonic for Convalescents from Lung Disease, Influenza, and Fevers.
      19 words
    • 494 10 INSURANCE Companies. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,750,000 Revenue £2,061 ,044-19- 8 The undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 692 BEHN, MEYER <ft Co., Ltd. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (EsTASusnr A. D. 1730.) The undersigned, agents for the above company, are prepared to
      494 words
    • 912 10 SALES BY AUCTION. HOHT6ASEEBBALE. Wednesday, January 8, 190S, at 2-30 p.m. Freehold Land situate at Passir Panjang Road, near 5? milestone, total area 3 acres'and 30$ poles. G. A. Fernandez Co., 13 Auctioneers. SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, To be held at Powell Co'a Sale-room, Saturday,
      912 words

  • 189 11 SINGAPORE AUTOMOBILE CLUBS LETHARGY. Messrs. Katz Brothers. Limited, have been appointed agents in Singapore for the Darracq cars. Ip till September last ttie im|>oriation iuto Turkey of motor cycles aud cars was prohibited. The use of tin- vehicles is Dot permitted in towns, however. Amoug the tendencies in French
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  • 760 11 A year has gone, and another year has come to nod the local Automobile Club subject still to its same chronic lethargy. Many endeavours, during the Old Year, have been forwarded to full it out of the mud but all to vain purposePitiful euough is it
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 270 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 12-14 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. Paiuted and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary accessories and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial Runs by arrangement. Prices and full particulars from SYME Cro.^VoENTs. The
      270 words
      198 words
    • 69 11 MOTOR CAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED. ==F= PUTINS. ENAMELLING. PAINTING. f By Skilled Workmen. Straits Gt/ele Motor 60., BATTERY ROAD. ALBERT L. A DALEY Undertaker A Tomb-Builder 150 Middle Road. Sole Agent for Messrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd.. London c 2188 Telephone No. 619 United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd., <mU
      69 words
    • 169 11 MARTIN'S yipiOL &STEt aUITIM. Ckaaut UUTHllPTON'ljj^liia.*' Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON 82-8, Bras Basali Road. Opposite Raffles Girls' School. Hours of Consultation 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. BUCHANANS WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been the i favourite blends at home for many ye*rs and are rapidly gaining
      169 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 563 12 Scale of Charges. > POEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsoeIImsous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at tbe following rate" One Insertion 1.90 per inch. Two X.OO Three t.SO Six S.»O Nine 8.40 Twelve 7. J0 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month M per Inoh.) Toe above rate la
      563 words
    • 554 12 ro BE LET OR SOLD. HATi»:-Fo«r llbm. on* or two I— Ho— .W W Br th. lack, M< Seals of Charges. TO LET. Mo. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATEBBON, SIMONS CO.. Ltd. 0 3081 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. 107, Selegie Koad. Very comfortable, irith stabling, complete. Apply to 8.
      554 words
    • 579 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ttiTis: -Poor Linw, on* or two tiuartioiu, I. Bj the inch, Seal* of CluifH. GOOOWNB TO BE LET. Dry and airy Oodowna in Cecil and Stanley Streets. Apply, 8. Manasseh and Co. OFFICE TO LET. No. 4-4, Baffle* Place, at present occupied by Mr. W.
      579 words
    • 835 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Kates lit Month, SlO p«r inch. B«b*«queiit montlu, to. For shorter pniod* Scile ofChufM. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That in order to oarry out repairs, Orchard Road, between Tank Road and Oxley Road, will be oloeed to traffic from 2 p.m., on Saturday, January 4, 1908,
      835 words
    • 422 12 VJUL SB DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALER>. Wholesale from SYME and CO., SM AfmU ANTHROL A PRESERVATIVE AOAINST WHITE ANTB, DRY ROT, ETC. Anthrol has all the qualities of other wood iire^ervativi-, but at a umcli lower co^t pbice $i.2Q pigs*. Syme&Co.,^. DAWSON'S' 500T5
      422 words
    • 251 12 IN THE COURT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER AT KUALA LUMPUR. STATE OF SELANGOR. CIVIL SlIT N. 2O'.i. of 1907. In the matter of Captain Car\l Richard Molyneux. of Kuala Lumpur, an insolvent. ALL pen 'is liavitig an\ claims cr demau iag&inat the n'jcvenamed Captain Xi liar Molyueu.l, lately >arr)ing ou
      251 words