The Straits Times, 2 January 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. no. i SINGAPORK. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 Htor Cars. W| have V Stoclj the following Cars f n P- BAYARD-CLEMENT, 4 cylinders, double phuetou-l>ody, 3-seated r^B .1 1, BA YARD-CLEMENT, 2 cylinders, double phaeton-bcdy, 5-seated. ()^H|iM [i.p. WERNER, i cylinders, double phaeton-body, -5 n iti 1 "^^L i. DE DION, 1 cylinder, Tonneau, 5-seated. Oi^^H '^E, 1
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    • 241 1 ROBINSON and CO. Stand Qameras. Thf' Cmmtm of the Day. "JUNIOR POPULAR. "REGULAR POPULAR. TROPICAL POPULAR. t SANDERSON'S W&^^^&i} Hand Cameras. wßffi THE JUNIOR. THE TROPICAL. iii =S|^ Ideal Mew Year Presents. L 4 Plate Magazine Hand "Cameras. Film Cameras. ROBINSON and COMPANY. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. 3rudt 8-jrSnh Road SingaporeTbe
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  • 947 2 AIR RIFIE BISLEY ARRANGED FOR JANURY. Entries inu^t have been made btfore January 1, for the great air rifle coltest wLicli i» to be open and has been arranged by the National Rifle Association. Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, the National Air Rifle Association, and the Welsh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 CONGO Wropwal Sloofing IS The Ideal Roofing n for this Climate CHEAP! SANITARY! DURABLE VERMIN-PROOF W The thickest quality (3 ply) can now be supplied at $12 per roll of 216 square feet complete with caps, vails and cement for tixiug. AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd., H. ABRAMS. HORSE REPOSITORY.
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    • 467 2 ECZEMA MADE HER GIVEJJPIOBK Hands, Arms, and Feet Effected— Medical Treatment Mad^ Hands Swell and Run Water-^Was a$ Helpless as a Followed a Neighbour's Advice and 'Her CURE BY CUTICURA HAS BEEN PERMANENT "My daughter, Mrs. Hannah' Austin, lire* with me, and in September, 1906, something crnne on /7t\ her
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    • 55 2 FROM A NOVA SCOTIA PUBLISHER. Mr. H. O. Harris, publisher of the Advertiser, Kentville, N. S., makes the following statement I have used Chaiuberlain'g Cough Remedy for myself and family and find it to be one of the best medicines for cough* and colds that I ever tried." Kca sale
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    • 196 2 a^a^a^a^a^a^Ert I Ba^a^N rj, t^avluF^^nlßVß'flKS E!a^B^B^Bf^H of Kuhn Kay r, ga. Have always in stock very Artistic Fnrnitur^^B- ware Satsuma. Clo^ne, Ivories, Jtc, 4c. INSPECTION REBPECTFU^P ICIT E0 vitX! Goods packed and shipped to PftonoqrdftPtitiii? New Consignment, I .lust UNPACKED, of Gramaphones ant hho"**i o"**o"**0 ALSO COMPRKSSt IR MACHINES. I
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  • 1061 3 SIDELIGHTS ON LIFE IN CHINA. hMUMTI on Cbinesc Lihs. V<\ Rev. J. MacjjowaD. With twelve illustrations in rolonr by Montague Smyth. London Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibnir, and Co. (l.'is. ni-ti. There is little that is now but tuiu-li that is I pleasant to recall in the Rev. .T.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 THE REASON WHY van Qoufen's is the Standard Cocoa oi th^ World is that it combines Flavour, Quality and Economy as they are not combined in any other Cocoa. BEST GOES FARTHEST. The value of a tonic depends upon >r£ Hall's Coca Wine s a PP ee tonic. j53 It
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    • 193 3 The Popular Austral Motor Car. I aflal allaB! *a^B^ twf^^^aSfala^affaW^^^ Guaranteed {against any Defect of Construction. mAgNETO SIMMS-BOSCH. Price $950, VL'E beg to inform our customers that a model AUSTRAL Car, which has not yet bern taken delivery of, can be shown them for a few daye only. ALL information
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    • 106 3 Diamond Bazaar. hcl'ort- Purchavici: your NEW YEAR PRESENTS, •lo not fail to pay a visit to ISMAIL A RAHEEM, mu Z>. o This eatablinhment it replete wall every de^'-iptiorj Hitjh-clas* Diamood Tiaraa, Necklaces. Bracelets, Pendant >, Rinj- aid Jewellery, whiori. for excellence of qutlity and d'stinction ni ,1 _;n, cinaot
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  • 726 4 Ifamr, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj Agents. STBAMERS. Agamemnon, Tiiverpool, Jan 24 Mansfield Ambria. Hamburg, Jan 8; Behu Meyer Anamba Copenhagen, Jan i East .Viatic Coy Arcadia. Hongkong, Jan 30 1 P. .t O. Coy Armenia. Stftm, Jan 16; Bebn Meyer Austria. Trieste, Jan 7
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  • 134 4 The I'atiie, the French airship, which recently took Krem-li leave, is generally referred to as the Lebaudy airship but the announcement t lint th« Frencli War Oflieo had requested M. .lulliot Julliot to construct two airships on the lines of the Patrie is a rcuiiuder that although
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 AN INDIAN NOBLEMAN USES CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY. You will sec by tho fr^tft^^g ij.t Chamberlain's Cough liou'^B^^navoriio in the paluii' us well as witL If •juibler people in India For the |«Mt foil. I Vex I have been getting large supplies of Chamberlain's C'ongfa Remedy, not only for myself bat
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    • 749 4 STEAMER SAILIHCS. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penang, Ceyton. Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills .it Lading issued for Chirm Coast, Peraisn On!I, Continental, and America r < Port*. Steamert will louvc Singapore, od Of «boai MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). 19
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    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY, BANDJER. 1 fa EANDJBRMASIN The Steamers of this company maintain a regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean. -wars bays, Bandjermaain. Polo Lout Balik Papan. Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sara pit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Maraka&aries, Negara and Bebirik Tbe steamers have
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    • 491 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers ■■RHENANIA," HABSBURG," HOHENSTAUFEN. Tbe*e 9*«%-ners offir to tha pib'ic tho highest Comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The oabins areamidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor and
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    • 780 4 STEAMER SAILIH6B. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial CUrrmn Mall Line. The fait and well known mail steamr n ol this Company sail fortnightly from Hr. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Ponthnmp ten, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (conn. Marseilles, Naples, A leiandn sC anc vice v.-r- Por Said. Snes, Aden, Colombo, Ptoau:
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY7K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan aud ..jrnpe by the following. NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Servioe, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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  • 568 5 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. Out I .uui ln n correspondent's special telegram kliowh that ail old grievance in being ventilated i.i Kngland. A quarter of a contnry ago there wan a gnat outcry against tbc iniquities of the coolie cinigratiuu to Central and Soutboru America,
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  • 778 5 It th satisfactory to learn from Reuters telegrams that the negotiations between the lion. Mr. liudolpho Leiuieux. the Canadian Minister for Labour, and the Japanese authorities at Tokio, with regard to Japanese immigration into British Columbia, are progressing amicably. We hare no doubt that the United States Government is also
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  • 11 5 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 17 5 Mr. A. G. Law, the acting Chief Justice, has been eugagod this morning, with summonses in chambers.
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  • 16 5 A cargo of rice arrived horn Bangkok, yesterday, by tho North (ierinan Lloyd steamer Nuen Tung.
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  • 23 5 The iii n-e of liv iv Singapore to-day is »62i )ht picul. Altogether, i;>»> tons of the metal have been sold to day.
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  • 20 5 The quarterly meeting of the Chnrch Work Association will be held at the Parsonage at 10.30 a.m., on Jauuary 8.
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  • 19 5 The Perak Daudies, a company of mirthprovokers from Ipoh, gave a concert iv the Penang Town Hall, on Thursday.
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  • 19 5 A cargo of coal from Kuchiuotsu for the Mitsui liussau Kaisha arrived, yesterday, by the German steamer Elizabeth Rickmers.
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  • 22 5 The P. and O. mail steamer Devauha left Peuang at 10 a.m., to-day, aud may be expected at Singapore at noon, to-morrow.
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  • 34 5 When a youth was fined for theft at A Itrinchaui it was stated that he went to the gold links with a dog trained to pick up golf balls and bring them to him.
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  • 24 5 A telegram sent from Pekiug on Christmas Day says: An Imperial Edict has been issued strictly prohibiting mass niectiugs throughout the Empire concerning politics.
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  • 23 5 A sigu of the times. Several respectable shop-keepers have recently disappeared from Kuala Lumpur leaving sorrowing creditors behind them, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 31 5 We have received calendars from A brains s Horse Repository aud Mr. N. Haiueed, Ship Chandler, Robinson Road. From Mr. llameed, we have also received a pocket wallet and note book.
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  • 38 5 Captain Raiuagc, of the British India steamer Putiala. which arrived from Rangoon, yesterday, reports that a Chinese deck passenger Tan Kin foil overboard on Tuesday, and, iUthough every effort was made to find him, he was not recovered.
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  • 44 5 A clever robbery of *6,000 was perpetrated on the residents of a dwelling house in Kuala liumpur on Saturday afternoon. The money was taken from a sealed steel trunk without the knowledge of the occupants by three Tamils, one of whom returned King's evidence.
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  • 43 5 Hongkong papers of December '28 contain the announcement that the Indian National Congress opened with two thousand delegates, and was dissolved in wild disorder. Tiiis news Reutcr sent from London on December DO in time for insertion in our columns the next day.
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  • 61 5 Mr. Justice Fisher was engaged, ou Tuesday, with an ecclesiastical case, in the goods of Lenwaug, deceased. One Bogaug claims to be the son of Lenwang and sought letters of administration which had already been granted to Slayman bin Osman, Mr. A. R. Lowell appeared for Bogang and Mr. F.
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  • 100 5 Commencing on Saturday evening, when there is an opening guest night, at the Adelphi Hotel, the band of the Royal West Kent Regiment will discourse musical selections during and after dinner on Saturday evenings. An arrangement has been made which enables the management of this popular hotel to guar■an tee
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  • 109 5 Residents in Singapore who wish to visit Manila to witness the Philippine Carnival, which begins on February, 1906, will have a I good opportunity tv do so by travelling by thu N'orddeutscher Lloyd steamer Triug gauu as far as MoMo. and then joining the regular weekly conliection to Manila. The
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  • 419 5 Tlic Ktiipres- of Russia i.- seriously ill says a louidon wire of December -17. Captain Stoekley. A.D.I', to His K\obll ency the Governor, visited Kuala T.iii U f>>' on Monday. A. 11. Sauuders, of H.M.SS. Kcut, Ml down a hatch on board his ship, at lion," koag,
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  • 101 5 Two British steamers belonging to Messrs Wee Bin and Company, the Ban Hin tuau and Amherst, which are now running between Singapore, and Pontianak, havu bueu sold to the Chinese Chamber of fommerc at Poutiauak. The amount paid for botu the sfciamers is 150,000. They will
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  • 100 5 Charge Against Two Europeans at Johore. We regret that iv our paragraph >v Tuts day's issue stating that two Europeans were to lie tried by Mr. Justice Fisher at Johort on a charge of manslaughter the uame of Mr. Ingleby, of the Pclcpah Rubber Kst.u. was mentioned. Wo understand that
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  • 141 5 Mr. E. E. Column, the Third Magistral on Tuesday conducted a preliminary inquiry into a charge of using as genuine forged documents. The complainant i s X, V. R. K Arthapermal Pillay and the accused is a ritli named Ena Mohamed Kaitiiui. Mr. D. Parsons appeared for tho
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  • 124 5 Several pontons have been bitten by do#during the past few days, but ii no iugtunc has the dog been found to be mid, excepting in the two eases already mcutipued. Among them is a European* aud thu dt^ which bit him is locked up unier the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 227 5 Tev-58) r^y^^P^ i ti: vC«- 18 USED BY H.M. THE KING, H.R.H. THE FRINGE OF WALES. AND OTHEB MEMBEHB Of THE MWI WMHY. Write for new illustrated Catalogue of latest patterns. Guthrie Co., Ltd., s a£ nts Just Received Direct from Cuba Havana Cigars. ROTHSCHILDS ELEGANTES (Bock Co.) ALICIAS FINOS
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    • 109 5 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. TO-NIGHT BEACH ROAD CHANGK OF PROGRAMME. 18T BHOW. 7.30 TO 9 P.M. 1. An Exciting Ride. 2. Modern Hercules kt Work. 8. The Baboon. 4. Charley's Dream. 5. An Economical Trip. 6. The Half-caste's Revenge. 7. The Lost Umbrella. 8. Airship Thieves. ft. I've Lost My Eyeglass. 10.
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    • 51 5 I tyfjotograpfjy. I For Best Work, Go To Wilson co. LAMBERT V Co., IMITED. ARGEST PHOTO FIRM. Studio jUBt rebuilt aud refitted according to modern requirements. IHi JonSfln i Manager. tbMHk— -Al Seutosa. Stevens Road, on January 1. the wife of A. M. Sarkieti, of a son Indian papers please
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  • 1225 6 I m. >> «l hi* hauling v.« 1.. 11. nut nl.l.rn, > nr« •ml: »tr. <Wiw; »h "Inn; Ixj. Imr.iiw ~h. •ck.K.n»r, Vrt. Yacht; I r,i Onfat; .M.l. .Inn boat T«r. Torpwln Jl.p. -llor*« p<.w«r Brit. Brttiati: B.K* l'nii»lSuu».; Krh.- Fr«och; n«r. O«rraii.;T>tll. DuU-h, llil. Italian Snn.n.
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  • 79 6 Outward P. A O. Mail. The P. A O. outward mail Bteamor Dcvanha, left Colombo at 1 a.m., on Sunday, and ia expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the Brd instant. Houiwaiid German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Torck, having left Hongkong at noon, on
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  • 87 6 Wharves at which Ves»el« arc Berthed To-day. Taajoaa raoa*. Em Whaht Basin—Hong Bex. Bast Wiusr Skctiom I—Teesu, Riojun Mam Beot. 1 (Hgnw Wharf):—Nil. Suction No. 2—Catherine Api-ai', Pntiala. d—Reidar. 4—Kawachi Maru. m A—Dagmar. 6— Sultan. 7—Croydon, C. Lopez v liope/. 8— Euphrates, AnainbH.
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  • 70 6 Fob Pib Btbaiob Tun To-mobbow Europe via ports Delta 6 a.m. Band jermt aw,n, etc, T«nm»i 8 a.m. Teluk Anson via ports fowv s p.m. Penang and Deli UfU 3 p.m. Satdbmx. Qorontalo via porta Sandakan 9 a.m. P. Swettenham, Penang gpt Srn,i I p.m. P. B'tenham and
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  • 100 6 From Boaorm— By tbe P. AO. a.i. Davaoha, doe on January S. From Cmi-B; the N. D. L. a.s. f orck, due on January 6. TUB TABU 01 MAIM '>Vt. Bingapon Do* in Londuu [ov «7" N.D.L. D«c 81 [ov 88 B. I. Dm »1 )ec -l
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 664 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE OF BTEAMERB. Tn« undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular Hervioe between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Pnnang, Singapore, Hr.ugkouK and Rhsnghai m fMSM FLEET. TOUS .I I I OAI I. Ixl B.S. "jAJ-iH" 6.500 J.U. OuntNT s.s. "Obw.oht Apiur" 4.600 S. H.
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    • 490 6 STEAMEnI OCEAN S^^^l C 0.,« CHINA MUTUAL BTls^ CO.. LTO. Tba OAmpanlwi' learners are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straita, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for Loudon, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward ateamer every 'IH days
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    • 451 6 00 through Billn of Lading for Canton^r!^MM| Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Hewchwang, Yaii^tsze Porta, Formosa. th« Philippines, Ac, *c. Mfamrrv Tons < I. Hunan. l. 'i Kittsanu 1,89 A R. C. D. Ba*ii.»* Na»i 4.OSW P. M. B. Laki Laihano :),1611 K. J. Tam> "KnnsAN.l" «,237 R. J. Bpllfk FOOISANO S.IOO
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    • 379 6 THK NAlll.NAnsM CHINA JAI'A.N^B DNTTRD ''^(H Koutr f r i.i Hongkong, via SUan^B ß^^BPuaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, YoPPßam*, Viotonaand Vanoonver. X.M.S. "KMrRKSn or India" Twin-sornw steaR.H.S. "Knpß»a. or Jaj>an h nier-. 6,ooo tona, R.H.S. Kxi-RtJw m Cmm" J apeed 19 knots. RMd Intermediate Steam R.M.a "MoNrr.ou. B hip.
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    • 385 6 H^HHs^^^^^r^^aajajßai Hj^HPrnc stoampr Prnt^m^| ■Trroin I^oodon, Deo. 20, Mi^r^.,l.l \V:Ut, \.l>. I'rnnrli,.!. A^H^B A. Teale. A. Condie, \V. Liddle, Miss Teirffßß Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marten and <-luldr-n, Mr. P. K. Warren. Miss Warren. Mr. W. D. nariipn Per P. and O. Nubia. From London, Deo. '1 due .Tan
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 258 6 DAY BY DAY! Thursday, January a. High Water. 10-1 p.m. P. A. O. homeward mail dne. Straits Trading Company, uoon. Bneby. Alhambra Cinematograph Show. 7SO Friday, January 3. Hi** Water. »-19 a.m. ill .-.3 p m P. it. O, outward mail dne. Soccer. Football B.R.F.C. v. ttaffles School. Saturday, January
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  • 882 7 AUSTRALIANS WIN THEkTOSS AT MELBOURNE"! English Recorcts. INTERESTING BATTING I AlSg> BOWLING AVERAGES! Australians All Out fur 266 Rluns. (From Our Ows Cobrkspondkntl) Sydney. Jauuary I, 1.10 Amu. The Second Tent Match betw. v Au«3tr<tlia aud the Maryleboue C.C. team wan lat Melbourne to day. I The
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  • 107 7 Case Against Mr. Harden Drawing to a Close. |Rbutbb's Tblbqbamj Loudon. January 1. The come against Mr. Harden, Editor of the Zukunft, is drawing to a close. Counsel for the prosecutiou contended that Mr. Harden hail not produced a shri'd of evidence against Count Kuno von Molike or
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  • 76 7 Um-tkh's Tklk<>ram London, January i. ll Times considers that grave responsibility^ rests "|hjii the Japanese newspapers whiclA have spread an erroneous version of j 'lulu iKiinia s recent speech at Kobe. I .ip;'\ lewspapcrs in this telegram may refer to the English uowspapurs in K.»lk'
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  • 35 7 1 u«i "bs Telbubam l London, January 1. Lord Kittehencr of Khartoum, Com wander in-Chief .on the Indian Army, has been created a Kuiighd Ciruud Commander of the Ordur of theHudian Ktupirr.
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  • 45 7 Das «)siAs|iAirsi hk Lloyu Tklkukam! Berlin, January 1 Knquiiies ,ii-<\- being made iv the German Press in rugaiVd to <iurm:iuy's relations) with the Cliiiirs. and .la.pam.-se ambassadors. Confidence is 1 1 -.pressed that relations with the other Fonviga Koprosuntativcs are friendly.
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  • 37 7 Km OsTASIATIsibHH Lloyu Tklim.k \m Berlin, December 31. The < ■mvruuientsiof Brazil aud Peru have decided to give public receptions on the occasion of the visit\ of the United Status squadron. t
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  • 39 7 DBH OSTAKUTISI'HI, LLOYD IkIKijHAV •Vlin, December 31. M. I'ichou, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, will visit Madrid at au early date iv order to confer with Squor AllenJe Xalazar, tin -I'M""- 'i Fureigu Minister. j
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  • 33 7 I'M OsTAMATIttCHB l.rinn Till BAM He -In', December 31. The i-\-KuipreSb Eugenic is 'going to Marseille*, whence she sails kir India, where she will remain until the Spdng.
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  • 25 7 IDm Ostasutischb Lloyd Tilhokam i Berlin, iAeeinberSl. Mr. Alexander lswolsky, Miniticr of Foreign Affairs, is re-organising the Kusiian Foreign Office.
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  • 26 7 [Dbk OsTAbiATiseiHE Lloyd Tklkokam] Berlin, .Unuarv 1. Artide* are published in the Italian I'ress suggesting a return visit o) Mm ('/at to Kotue.
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  • 23 7 [Dbb O»t Lloyd Tru^B Berlin, Jani^H The Paris newspaper L' Eclair an^| the advance of the French troops to^J
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  • 21 7 IDm Os'asiatisohm Lloyd TkliorV Berlin, DeoemberH The French Chamber of Deputies! sanctioned im -reason to the War Budget!
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  • 23 7 [Dm OsT\siATis ;m Lloyd Tblsuraml Berlin. January H By v gas explosion in the Exchange Route, thirteen persons were killed.
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  • 9 7 [DaS OSTASUMVt ga^B Interaal peace bac been wB
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  • 198 7 IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY MR. W. H. TAFT. United States Shipping Munitions of War. 4JinpTKn's Tblbobam London, January 1. Mr. W. H. Taft, who inaugurated the new Philippines Assembly in October Ust. stated in a siieech at Boston, the centre of the anti-annexation policy, that he did not believe
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  • 128 7 Published Interview in the Empire Review. [Rbtjtbb's Tblbobam] London, December 31. Mr. Kdwurd Dicey, the well-known litterateur, publishes in the Empire Review for January an interview with the Emperor of Germany. As the oldest grandson of the late Queen Victoria, to whom he was deeply attached, the
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  • 97 7 Defence of the U.S. Government's Policy. I Khotik'n Tblkibamj London, I >t-ci tuber 31. Mr. W. H. Taft, U.S. Socrttuty for War. speaking ut Hum Ion. denied that the Administration's policy towards capital had contributed to tliu present financial criajg in tbe T'nited Statex. ■|'ln: demonstration
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  • 69 7 IRbdtm's Th*ik»i, London, January 1. The revenue of the United Kingdom bliows a decrease for the past vine months of the financial year of £271,692 sterling. In the past quarter, the decrease amounted to £1,155,182. London January 2. All the items iv the last quarter's
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  • 73 7 IRbotbk's Tbliukam] London, January 1. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the 167 members of the first Dnma who were being tried for issuing the famous Viborg Manifesto have been sentenced to the lots of electoral rights for a period of three months. The Manifesto
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  • 41 7 I [Rmutbb's Tblsuram: 1 London, January 1. Tin correspondent of The Times at ■soon »jnds news of an alarming revolt in Brtugueae Guinea. Hrhe Europeans there are in urgent need of and a military expedition will be
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  • 32 7 EASTERN NAILS BY SIBERIA. B Kkctrk's Tklbgkam. London, January 1. Br Uritish Post Office authorities have into the cauaeß of the. to Peking via Siberia. prospect of a satisfactory arrived at shortly.
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  • 563 7 HOW A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION WAS BROKEN. Singaporean's Sad Experiences. Last y tar's was the noblest of all my New Year resolutions. Ite beauty obsessed me. Like Dan Leno's Down where the Red I'oppic-. Grow," it came in the silent watches of the night. Usually proud of my
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  • 298 7 Revised Scale for Second and Third Class Vehicles. A wrong impression has been created that gharry fares from New Year's Day are to be increased, whereas, .is a matter of fait, nearly all the gharries arc being reduced to third class, owing to the bad condition of the
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  • 757 7 Formidable Ust of Applications and Examinations. On the list before the Bankruptcy Court, this morning, there were 19 petitions for receiving orders, three against Chetties and the remainder against Chinese, five applications for dischange from bankruptcy, eleven public examinations, three examinations of witnesses under Section 26. and five
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  • 117 7 Chinese Coal Coolie Stabs His Mandor. A Chinese maudor employed by the Tanjong I'agar 1 <:k Board had a quarrel with one of his coa coolies, yesterday, over five cents, as a result of which the coolie lay in wait for him at 7 o'clock last night,
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  • 84 7 Kerro-concrete seems to be making! favourable impressions wherever it is used] locally. Excellent examples of its use in the Straits can be seen in the One Fathom I Bank Lighthouse, which is practically I finished, the new bridge at Kant Coast KoadJ lover the Pandau River
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  • 148 7 HANDICAP IN CHINESE COOLIE CARRYING. Liverpool Chamber Approaches Lord Elgin. (Frou Odb Own Co«KaspoND«T.) London, January 1, 5.46 p.m. Lord Elgin, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has informed the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that the Imperial Govern uieut cannot agree to the proposal to amend the Hongkong
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  • 258 7 Negotiations Between Canada and Japan. IRbdtir's Tilkoram] London, January 1. Keuter Icarus that the utmost good feeling has been displayed throughout the negotiations between the Canadian and Japanese Governments in regard to the immigration of Japanese into British Columbia. No disstn sions have occurred. The British Foreign and
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  • 69 7 Belgian Minister Dies. IKauTiß'.s Tilbobahl London, January 1. Yesterday morning, M. Guyot-Dessaigue, Minister of Justice, fell down dead within the precincts of the Freuch Senate. DaR OSTASIATISUHB IjLOTD TSLIUBiM Berlin, January 1. The death iv auuouuced of the Frost dent of the Belgian Cabinet,
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  • 61 7 I Rbdtbr's Tilbupam.l London. January 1 i'hi' Sultan of Morocco has authorised the Governments of France and Spain to control the traffic in contraband arms in Moroccan waters. London, January 'i. General Lyautey telegraphs that he has effected a sweeping movement with various columns on the Algerian
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  • 36 7 'Rkutkb's Tblkijkam London, January 'i. Official Receivers have been appointed to take over the affairs of the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Railway Couinau| and allied concerns which liavc^tffl of «*),000,OOU. _^p«BgH
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  • 276 8 SINGAPORE CELEBRATES THE ADVENT OF 1908. Spurts by Land and by Sea. Adiml a crash chime---, from Mm Cathedral f a volley of crackers, and 1 1 touting of njrf-iis, 1907 «:i- MMigMi the pnst. and the now year crept, in i fli'lirutiiin iii Singapore wure
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  • 593 8 Interesting Competitions Among Natives. The committee of management of the Sea Sports are to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts on Now War's Day. Charming weather favoured the sports, which took place in the morning, and the sna being calm, i ln- various events
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  • 494 8 Keenly Contested Events on the Race Course. An ideal afternoon, a large and representative attendance, a varied and well-designed programme, excellent police surveillance, and must important of all, a large number of miirifs in each of the events, and enthusiastic participation, all mode the land sports, •MtMMty nil.
    494 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 436 8 To tin- Editor of the Strata Times. Madinn, Java, December 21. Sir, On i>. i-niiii -i 14, 1 saw in the Straits I inii-s an article by Mr. Cyril E. S. Baxendale, of the .lni;ra Kstiitc Solangor, on Rarair Fibre. Without considering whether Mr. l;.i M'luhile
      436 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 110 8 Mr. Melbourne Inman, the well-known billiard player, gare an exhibition of his play in ttir K. and O. Motel, Penang, on OirifttmaH Eve. and left (or Rangoon nn Friday by the steamer Bharata. The S.C.C. Cricket tonrnnment which was to start on tin- Esplanade on January 4
      110 words
    • 64 8 Sepoy Lines Club. The following is the rosnlt of the play lor the December medal Several other* played, but rotnrnpd no spores. V. G. Klli* 40 41=81—4=7: G. Savi 4fi 90 12 71 L Koith 38 47 a". 6 7! i. T. Bryant 47 60 97 16 8 H
      64 words
    • 132 8 Sarcastic Wail from .Sydney. What 18 cricket Wlial is it We thought we knew once. We have changed our minds. There wan a time when we were bewitched by a pretty back-cut by Sydney Gregory or Harry Graham. A time when Mamie would thrill us with a spanking drive,
      132 words
    • 108 8 V.M.C.A. Tournim.-nt. Tbe V.M.C.A. tennis tournament will commence on Monday, January 6, and the arrangement* for next week s play ate a* follows MONDAY. Sinolrs Handicap. Hay Mnir. Dmtblkh Handicap. N'l'lsuii and Watson v. Laporte and Lovoridgo. TUESDAY. SlNi,l.K-i_H.lM.Ii \l 1., nc Inn v. Carnogy. DodBLEK II i-Mc
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  • 303 8 Bt LntDT.-Ciot. E. O. Riuuimirx, < '.nnmandact., S.V.C. Singapore, h.rembtr .V, 1907. s. t. c. Meeting. I A meeting of two membeni from Unit will take place on January, IW m, at 5-30 p.m., at the S.V.C. Drill Hall, to decide on the conditions fo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 A SHORT HISTORY A Strums Cat* *f Chronic Catarrh Gradually Ovtrtomt By Pe-m-na. A REMARKABLE CASE. MR. ARTHtm TRKMBLA V, 8 St. James street, Mont Pleasant, Qne., Can., writes: "About three years ago, catarrh la Ht most terlous form assailed me. "1 consulted a specialist who prescribed medicines as constitutional
      504 words
    • 172 8 B Special JjShow NEW GOODS LITTLES. LITTLES. Everything (hat /is New and Spirt. FILMS SHJOWN WITH THIS TRADE I* W%£&£ MAHK ARE GENUINE Pathe Freres' Films. S LOOK Well BEFORE VJJ LEAP. ANO AVOID THE MIDDLE VUN S PAOFITS. Sol.- AKent: F. DREYFUS. I- 1 SUimfonl --J-f Kelly OOtelsh, litd
      172 words
    • 49 8 DE SUMATRA PUST. Published rinily .it, Medan, l)pli. ,h the LEADING j.h.jmt in Snmatru. ■1049 i Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON Hi 'A, lii-iii li;. ..ili li. i:..|, (Jppositn Raffles dirln' Hours of ('onsultation 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. •■PAIRS PROMPTLY IXSCUrM.
      49 words

  • ■l\>
    • 1 9
      1 words
    • Stocks and Shares.
      • 350 9 Date of forma- 1 Capital ioa 1 Nnmbn Snbwribed I of J I Bham Itrae Paid Share* j Value lop to Uniwned Ccmpany Qco~*n<»* 190H 9-100,000 9300,000 1907 >800,000 §125.000 1901 KOO.OOO 9600,000 1903 £*****0 £550.000 190 A ££0,000 £30,000 1907 9400,000 9375,000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £90,000
        350 words
      • 397 9 06 £150,001' £116,625 loe $200,000 •105,000 [•I £80,000 i £)5.380 I) i £70,000 £61.000 ■6 »i 50,000 |i £12,000 £10,000 ■> 476,000 «5,000 I £310.000 £.'43,227 B i £160,000 £180,000 I £330.000 £901,500 II /176,000 M 46.250 »250,00 C »22G,000 £100,000 £76.100 I 46,500 £1 1 93,600 41
        397 words
      • 171 9 1377.10.0 £4,805 7.688 13/6 tt.OOO «2M,000 4,500 tSC •MM moxooo P--M- :W..00.00c MJgo n.000.000 •.<» I *c-.OOC i 154.000 3,400 tlO I»H7« OM> »STS MIC 6000 10 |«87 ore tb7s,roe 2760 |100 kpoo.ono »MO.oon 24,000 HO imO 600 150 w.OCO £750,000 40,000 £1 ■00.000 < oaoo.non ?,000
        171 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 352 9 THE HEWFRENCKREJIED) -RAPE MAR" .1 >tu<rea»ftl aod Lighly pup>.ia' irwrAf. (Mi n i!^ ■i i.^nUl Hospitals by Ricord. K.i'U».. rl •-J «>th,r«, combines *il the df«id»-rat* to iie aaaint m cf '.Vie kind, and surpasses ertijtbing bitrin:THERAPION Noi v t. fi-r j! »,;.,y»oiily,rrmovcs»ll B* h^r«.»lro.r .t ..r^Ht.s.r 4 tuany»U|MTsMinK"^j'"' <'"
      352 words
    • 46 9 T> 1 b K>ke Motor Launch IN STOCK. H: M c. Launch, bnilt byK^, Hargreaves Co., Ltd;, sheathed with Mnntz Bine. ing all I'omiy^J^j and fitted with canvas awning and screens -..'I H; i^^^Mj^^H Btowrr Brooke's Motor, having 1 cylinders and KILtY'V Bml R Inalt. Kor^^H
      46 words
    • 34 9 XV ai Seng (80. 12 BATTERY RD «V SINGAPORE. BEST TWEEDS, SERGES AND FLANNELS FOR GENTLEMEN'S SUITING. DUTCH CIGARS. Latakia $2.75 Estrella Niieva 2.60 Ping Pong 2.50 Renata 2.40 Perla L>, Habana 2.25 i
      34 words
    • 56 9 Tor Nervous (©-Exhaustion /*^B F CHAPOTEAUT'S Phosphoglycerate ML OF LIME CA# moitrn ttttontit ■F^V <" f/ nnvout tyzttm. i For hnioworkera, proTauiooal niei.. Ifa.hfrs, slodenU, aul in drbiiily, wminal BJ^^P^^^pM touts, dyspepsia of nerVoas Jf7 B |f^^ II It i ►lily KSiro.laleJ and PHOSPHOGLrCERATE SYRUP ICHAPOIEAUT} PHOSPHOGLrCERATE WINE (CHAPOTEAUT| PHOSPHOGLrCERATE
      56 words
    • 221 9 ■^B.P.DcSilva,^ Purveyor to H.M. Th»- Km^ Siam. 4 •KE2? MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. m ii'm' t'h»V.'ii. W«montl Merchant. •l Connaufht. and Dealer la Precious Stones, etc. ■MHktal MM Jewellery for New Year Presents. 1 beg to inform my customers and the I'nblic iv genera), that I liave jnst optoud an unsurpassed collection
      221 words

  • 518 10 PATHETIC SCENES AND HISTORIC INCIDENTS. The Daily Telegraph, oi^ December 23, published columns -of matter in reierence to the dinner to the Mutiny Veterans at the Albert Hall, including pathetic descriptions of the arrival of little parties in London, one lot' which included a schoolmistress of the 78lh
    518 words
  • 98 10 Tho Dame Oi a yo.inq lady of Chicago, Wm Florence Warner, is associate! wi:h tlie latent invention lor ohtaiuint.' plietonriiphs in natural colours. The Florence Htliochiymic ]>lai<'. wliicli is :u ■!>■ ruled in tiiree colours *o a» 10 ,•< linit of colour itnageti bein^ taken, v\as duinou-
    98 words
  • 121 10 The Palaoe of the Grimaldi, which has i been burnt at Monaco, takes iti- name from a j very ancient Genoese imwilv jrhich first appears in history as aMtetijjg William, i Count of Provence, and the Emperor Otho 1., in expelling the Saracens. For their rvicc- the Kjuperot
    121 words
  • 154 10 The reported attempts to kidnap Master John Nicholas Brown, nephew of Mrs. George Vanderbilt and the very youthful heir to £2,000,000, are the latest illustration of the disadvantages ot being a millionaire. It is not long since the 'iftesnyv-ar old son of Mr. Edward CudaJiy, the pork-packing Croesup,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up Capital RESERVE FUND Sterling Reoerve 110,000,000) .01 -yi 000 BUTttRtMne •lUSO.OOOf i0 ww Beaerre Liability o( Proprietor! 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhnr»t, Esq. Chairman. Hen. Mr. Hear}- Keewick.— Deputy Chairman. A. FachB, Esq. A. J.RaymoLd, Esq. F.Ooeiz, Esq.
      494 words
    • 606 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IMCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHABTER. Paid ap Capita! in 60,000 Shirts of fSOeaen «:,J00,000 Reserve Fond «1 476.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* 3 .00,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Correct
      606 words
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    • 735 10 SALES BY AUCTION. SALEM AUCTION SALE I UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, fl The property of twelve pawnshops, COTTA(B On Friday, January 3, 190$, at JO a.m. PROOtfl On Monday, January 0, 100H, at 10. a.m. E TC.,A« On Wed nctday, Januarys 1901, at 10 a.m. The Pledge*, consisting of Watche9, Chains. Thefta
      735 words

  • 1067 11 MOTORING IN SINGAPORE AND. THE NATIVE STATES. 1 tar. and uo farther, shalt tbon go.' The WOrdi :;ii^'Ut be written in letters of flai'ip tborc :l.e tYrrv ou tbe Tebra.i Strait*, i For, a» surely as tlie water flows bttweeu fH^Hfion aud Joliore. ju>t as surely for tlie INMt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 226 11 Argyll Motor Cars. NOW IN STOCK One 1214 H.P., four-cylinder, five-seated ARGYLL. P*iut«rJ and Upholstered Dark Green, Red Wheels, fitted with Magneto, Hood, Pump, Lamps and all necessary iccCMOriM and tools. Adams-Hewitt Cars, 10 H.P., three-seaters, in Stock. Trial KoM by arrangement. Man aud hi particular*, from SYME Co., HAVE
      226 words
    • 215 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. ARROL-JOHNSTON I MotorCars Motor Lorries. II CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Agents. MOTOR CAR REPAIRS. TYRES VULCANIZED. ACCUMULATORS RECHARGED, PLATING, ENAMELLING. PAINTING. T By Skilled W.nkniea. Straits <2t/cle Motor (So., BATTERY ROAI>. All Motor Accessories. LAMPS, COILS. JACKS, PUMPS. OIL, MOTOR SPIRIT, etc. The H a 1 I
      215 words
    • 84 11 JUST ARRIVED I &8. -MoVrNE." A 10-12 HP 4-Seater HUMBER CAR, Witj i'A AMMMIiw. I Til- favourite Car IIMMI mkrodj Absolutely «:eat wh?a running. Particular? frotu The Borneo Co., Ltd. CHARLES rf£/ HEIDSIECKS ffW^S White Seal Mj|* Champagne. j| SOLE AGENTS fj M Bohn, M«y«rACo Ld > '!)>■■ JOHN LITTLE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 538 12 Scale of Charges. FAEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisoeIIaoooiu Wants of Every Description, Houses, band, ate., to let, are inserted at tha following t«Vv" One Insertion I 1.80 per Inch. Two x.OO Three f.BO Six S.M Hlns 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-flve 10.00 (Eaob subsequent month 95 psr inoh.) The above rate is based
      538 words
    • 562 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Bras:— F<mr Lloaa, eas or two iiirtion*. «i By th« inch, Soil* of Charfw. TOUT. No. 4, Prince Street. Apply, PATERSON, SIMONS 4 CO., Ltd. cSOBI COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. 107, Selegie Koad. Very comfortable, with stabling, complete. Apply to S. R. M. Supramanian
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    • 718 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Kites:— Ut Month. SlO pei inch, ttabstqutnt month*, ts. For staorttr ptriodl M Sc-Ut if Chargo*. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. Hermanp Riege ceases to be a Director, whilst Messrs. Aug. Diehn in Singapore, and R. Scliuoert in Penang. will join the Board from the Ist
      718 words
    • 849 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. lUtis ut Month, 110 par Inch. SnbMqaent month*, IS. For shorter parlodi SeaU of Charge. NOTICE. The Office of the Ban Fo >oou Steamship Company will be removed from Jannarv 1 to No. 56, Boat Quay, the office of the Thong Ek Steamship Company. Limited, who will act
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    • 451 12 V.O.V, B DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME and CO., Soli Afttih ANTHROL. A PRESERVATIVE AGAINST WHITE ANTS, DRY ROT, ETC. Anthrol has all the qualities of other wood preservatives, but at 4 luueli lower co-t. PM <* $1.20 gallon. Syme&Co.,.^, Kame
      451 words
    • 78 12 BOARD AND LODGING. lUti —Four Linen, on* or two inxrtlon Hf tli> iT-oh, m< Kilt of cbir«*a. BOARD AND LOD6IN6. Board and Lodging at Silv<rbank." Aup' Mrs. Kasteu, ORCHARD ROAD. 4396 BOARD AND REBIDENCE. Comfortable Rooms, with Board. Apply Leonie House. Leouio Hill, Grange R.:i I 0 1853 LOST. Two
      78 words