The Straits Times, 14 October 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 232 1 HUGE SPEED »0R WARSHirS. One Hundred Miles an Hour Promised. 1,, :.-li Vliiiirallyliii- »<'■• „i. .M.1..1. »'>»«"»• •■<!«'"<«"; ,r.,i. 11.-i- wllidi. Hi' < liiiin-. will > nti..niv. MM only iwval IMfac but 11 uM-..L..,,.,tt1»«1..>1.«,.r1.1. The invntiov i- Ike fruit <>f a«a* »> itv lahaw >n<l.\l»-"'li' l >'< tllt I""
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    • 54 1 W>\J SEEN sf Motor Cars. Just Landed: 2 CLEMENT BAYARD 10 h.p. 5 -seated. Jeffrey's Stout In onto that this First-Class Stout may become better known in this market, Will be sold until further notice a: $12 Ptr Ca?e of 7 dozen Pints. i OF ALL DEALERS. v WaWUCaUaI KBOM
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    • 117 1 ROBiNSON Co SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "Black Prince" Boots. T::e Glack Prince Boor. V I The Black Prince \L TSADE MARK VvfORN BY ]i}is^la]c^ King Edward Vil ROBINSON CO. CALF.OONIAN HOTEL Amn lieiaah Rtxid. SingaporeThe Brightest and Ilealtliiust Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets all joatj au
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    • 90 1 AS WORN r.V "His Majesty," the King, "Baron Rothschild," "The Secretary of State for Home Affairs,' "The Attorney General." ENGLISH MADE THROUGHOUT. Over 26 different shapes to select from. ADELPHI HOTEL, Comfort Luxury Glearalsjisss a^RiJ^a^r^^^^^ 1 i I BaSßßS^afcaWßaWSL^i TROPICAL Motor Tyres i HORBE (\fQsQ\ BRAMD Always in Stock. KUMPERS
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    • 251 1 Choice Fresh Flowers. Wedding and Ball Bouqnc-t*, Wreath).. C'rosKfs an.l KKnal De*|gß«. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER OEPGT, .'i;. Orthnrti Bon*. tTel. 787 <;.VI{I>KNS. 190. Orchard i: HOTEL WiSSE Wxi.rtviu:p&s. Batavi.. Ectab!>ri:L;l in MM. Benovated up to date. SpleodiJ aitr.ntioa :e the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the PaUrp I Governor General and
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  • 769 2 laohai. ..a. t«-.1. The an foi Hi' mo-t part Konta I aii<l they unmix I about I.ikhi. M, ilia piiinitivf Eanfakm, and pii < auT: the sntV ty an nnkaown, ahhoa^i accidentMoc frotu time to time. A groapai tbn t..f,Tt. watouen work together to dig a »haft abo^ join liii-trr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 361 2 GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. F hb PATENT FIRE BOX hr WOOD FUEL ARE MOST EFFICIENT AND ECONOMICAL >ii !i; ii:n I'M l\ III: I. HI MALA\ STATUS. The Borneo Co Ltd., SINa APORe MARTIN'S OiPIOIi&STEti-. D > < M jTaLlfor Ladies.l a\ni**^> Pr •>■)!» B-midj tor all Irrajuirit'-i I «n r
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    • 689 2 TO BE OBTAINED FROM ALL STORE'M BUTiTKIiY M m>amW\ I I .^^M T*v M I^^ I^^ .a^^M IL M I^\ La La« Vt# Va# _P y mmmmmmuk m mm M LAGER BEER f fTIJSftELI INDIA PALE ALE AND BTOUT. 5 obtainable fbom all dbaleks. Jjj PURE f£ Co., Solo Agonts
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  • 550 3 One hundred Miles an Hour Promised. li.. HritiJl \.liniraltytijis n.i., iiml. i ,on „i. 1MH..11 nt n im ,",f luiiriii.- .nyim ami „r..i-llrr wlii. li. Me mv. nt..r < -iiuni*.. «ill .1U1..1H-.. ah nuv.-il uarfan-. lint Mk i.l tli,. w1i.,1,- MJBM. I li.. iin.nti.ii:
    550 words
  • 50 3 Ml |>lIH ll i I llli 1 nlt.-il i ii. Him;..! i'tt..,t-Itl I < I. kilkil Mi.l-Jiii.iiMii in l*r.. 1., i.. ii „ii. full) .rr.mi;. I |»ri» nii-_ KtvU.-. Mict-lii|'ln:il! >tpiin brnki lln n.>~ nu.l ntlicrwiw iujun-d Xi .i. I. uliu n Mm II ..,'
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  • 69 3 .i- w Kirl. 1...1 .i. t... tl» S .ii.l Tradiujj loin,,ii'.- il indo.l. na iK-half tliat .i Ndwol ..i ..I l« better ,-d. -.-I Ik I i!k t-liilU itUiMliut! i -..I. W1..11 i i.t. il t.i Hi; !>• Is urn ..I mm by U.i ,,1.
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  • 65 3 tad -i" waul- Ih I ■Im I Nutaaia. making i,.1'.,u v nth* l-.,«»i|.i, I -!i. I Ol l.nii.~. i i m i am k. i>. lt-.i««' mill-.. 7-..i»H. „.iui.l- ..I Hoar. ...n.i il- ..t Ml i<,, „i- in. ..««i Ji n.i.<>. >«.<|«l I- I ,V.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 l«f AMATORY RHEUMATISM. 'I m ifMHal in. imami iUu |i..iv.i. > rlsniiinariiasi. tM 1 noaaal l»i mm ii. .I. '.ii>is I'.ih i.. 0, i i aaMai I tin t.i~! f.. IMM i I 'in. i -i li.ii,.i. .it saria
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    • 769 3 THE WORLDS CHAMPION ,gX CLUB SWINGER. 'BBff'' Unfailing Vigour S||pS2|i and Endurance f To be supreme in ore lhin«, |p </o H brtttr t^an any\i j is to enjoy that aanaa of power which oonaai ■is I 111 to ever y nia has battled triunipii.imly into Hi j.l fll ront
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    • 561 3 A TIP FOB THE RACES is fa tmm im. ~h: "i ifßjace Week V)fie finest exhibition sfaw in town. STOP WATCHES, in #)I<l mi silvei. SCARF-PINS, in brilliants of oni own design, FIELD GLASSES, in toge variety. Original Unique Own' Designs. Tin- finest assoitment of Jew<-liri-y rvi-i naown in Singapore.
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    • 382 3 PHOTO DEPOT. NORTH r.IUHGK l:>\\>. .11l ■n» f ItMtupapah l|ipani s.i.l Mst'-i«l». \i.i amnat, LaMn, Platw, i...-.-^ 1 f "li* lit, lilms. M..unts. ri.-.t. Praraci Pli T»rj ir.'iilerate. PlietListi p•' -t- Ko.nt; MING CHIONG .v CO. Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON. U now a v^it to the AHferant pa^«
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  • 450 4 Rl BBKR -TAIMMSG AND BARK PRESERVATION. < 1 Mian n|w.ii 111. :l U,v, tin Ti-.ii"-.>! I v■m -..>-: It i;, :u y i!.:il „-.i.-\v.-.l j iV **wmM hMi ai 1.-.i-t thtn- tear* li. I 1 1. ..i ar- in. ifiv In fall, it ii '..1. .1 i<i -.iin.-
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  • 671 4 iiVrt/./<!, port, probahh- i'r arrival, and MM I (/'■/(/.<. STKAMKKS. 'a.Uillos, I.iviii[i.iol. Ort II: Ma: 8 1.1 \lciuous. Mrorpool, Orttli MaaalaM Airlie. Sydney. Oct Boiiatcurf 1 Vntilochus. Chini* Ota.; •1..-f..|.| Arcadia, H-<n->k uu Mc\ h. *O. Coy JAvnthia, Bn-nhay, SotMj BotiwoCay \pcar Hi.mjkong. Oct Patersoo Simons Bohio, Cotombo,
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  • 240 4 Passengers Outward Iv, U. M. r lilies. Sept. 29. v 1), \h. Mi i. I'l'V I', .v I I I with In iti mi 1 1.:.■ ■> i ,bo 1 m London. Sept. 27. !n.- cvt. ia li 11 R M m. Mr. 8. V, II .1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 6 4 i i 111% |«l.^, I banaaey.
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    • 641 4 STEAiER BAIUH6B. P. 6?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan. Penan*;, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills >( ladfeM i'aned for I'^«»t. In- a-j Qa.(. OaaMaaMl, »ul lessmii Patav Sjeam^r« MSJM Isagaf re on nr ab>n MAIL LINE. OaMsami {f«r (Hjlaas. BtpeaAa Oct BaM
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    • 700 4 STEAMER BAIUNGB. HANDEL AUD BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER.' a^A BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Ringapore, Bawean, Soorabaya. Bandjermaain, Pnlo Laot, Balik Papan, Roetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemei, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasariee, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aeoomodation for
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    • 437 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER BERVICE. I By the iit-T sfmiers "RHENANIA," HABSBUK;.' HOHENSTAUFEN." |Thc?e Btaaaaan <iff;r tithe public the highest C ■.it :u ii 1 i:! TrffraJHag They lia»e very large cabins, provided unii "illy lmwrhprtlw. The cabins aremnidshipg and d'ted with fans. Lmnndrv on hoard. D -.ctjr
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    • 807 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.D. U NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial asrmin Ma I Lin a. The but and well known mail steam?™ if j •his Company eail fortnightly tram Brem > Hamburg ria Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathm>> lon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples', (oonn- t. i I Marseilleo, Naples, Alexandria, an! Tic- -i. Par Said, Snei,
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    • 23 4 M AITMEPTIC Urf MENT. I. laiu'n I" Halm. Il miiiiM ihi.i, lea .st« tin- injury i.. I :>.'.. bj allay* lli> )Miiu ul i
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  • 675 5 <•: 1..i.|.-; -1.. \.t. irM < < ini— r: «.M. Kant I I n»W: lt.['. h..r-r j>..*.-r l;iit. i I nW» I -1.1,-. l.h. I rffl.-lj lirr. l>,' DrtHi: It .1. It. l ,v: >|..,u. »p I I:. M .:,i Whirl; I.IM> I .n'.'.i; n i
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  • 85 5 Wharves at wiiich VcSMti are BJcftlWi To-day TSnjONC Hoih i.A-r Wsuat fci-iN- XU. BUarWaaarSncnsa I— dee fr.T. 1 i^Hrtn^ WHAhr Nil. Sccxi'<N No. i— \m:i v X' »t, I— Alholl S I ..i. r: I— Hebe. •—Japan tuteoor. T buokir k— t.»r' liii.
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  • 84 5 fr*ti Kua«*«— tfce N. II li.n/ l.u.i .lv.- en i" i I*. f caw r... S. l». i v <■ •«>- ■> din. oil 0.U.' 1 -.11 Tijtv tabu >r imj> tea. I*. I ■S I M.M tS» 1- X.V.L ES 23 MM. hS sti< 3" :c
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  • 92 5 Tililir 12 liaralons. )"> Madrr» sui-1 LakuH.i Ida de i'anay Spoub'.i. Man 'a D. nof K< By, Br.t itr, Bobion aud N^ V. AreadU, DritUr. lanaji via porti Kiev, lius tr, \ladi«ostock Grutiai, I >i;t <f. Ams-ttrdani vis P ri* 13 Bajah, Brit »tr, tworabaya Dragamaiii -tr. Calcutia
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  • 96 5 Fan I'm: ktua Tom To-Moniiow Baramk j:.,;.,h,.,5.,,,, 3 m. p. B'tenl v 1 ai 1 Pt-nangftiuj 1 p.m. Penan •//<•» n.«. llfanfikuk -1 p.m. j I Hear and Valacdj MJhw »P-"-| ITafcn ia porei p- 1 Enfope vkk porM n^im :t p.m. Peaaag uW Cakuiu Afimr J p.m
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  • 71 5 lij- the An adia. Capt. 1.. aVnlin', Oct. 11. I'roui London: Mi bars. Tooth, SUuuer, I Felling, Adams. Liddle: from Marseilles: [Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver. Messrs. Duckland. .Hi uty. Clever, Bruin, Carter. Crocket, Mr. laud Mr-. Andenon; from Bombay: Mr. Piuheiro. Mr. Mowjee from Colombo: Mr. I
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  • 98 5 By the Delta, Oct. 11: Eof London Miss 11. Soiu/jrvillv. Mr. C. S. Murray. Mr. Win. Kiljjouu. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ben jaficld Miss L.aodXaetci A.J. Henjaneld: Eorßrindiai: Mr. M. Rabin; for Colombo: Mr. N.Thonias; lorPeaass: P. Kvaus, l>. K. Souitivillc. l>r. C. T. Kew, Mis-
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  • 93 5 The late Sir Henry I'aiki Auslralius Grand Old Man. bad a shun and summary method of proridrag liiinself with an oflicial iisideuee. When lie eaiue into power -and be waa the head oi half a.loz. n (iostiniucnts he tool; posM s, ion of a wing of the splendid
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  • 52 5 1 -ji. 1.-.v v Fort Caaawj «jl Mtint] 1 1 aU-r p daily at 1 m.. tmjaporu inwdacd li-Ti'.- cirrc-pciacLng to a.m. Gi-.-tu-'icb mean--1 time. liiu tlro») sun U fir.->l at 12 o'clock acsa, iudi- cuticg Singapore utacdard tiicc, on 1 .try flay utceptiui; BuutUy, when it v tired st
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  • 583 5 The Last Scene in the Plot Tragedy. An eycwitni ss bas yiven to a conc!<pon dent of the '1 1 1 jmii the following account of tlio execution of NaumolT, Nikitcnko. nn<i siniiivskv. the three men condemned to death for com] li< ity in tlic plot against
    583 words
  • 343 5 I Tin- '1. 1K.***** Cur a tir-i dam light al I Komari Point on the East Com* of Ceylon. llie 11m >ity for which was lunililv Diced by a Coasting Captain in tin Ceylon I Observer, baa beea preened br by the load
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  • 52 5 Il'<N.i «.ii.i> SmtM Mail. The Imperial Oecsnan mail btuamur Oeeben, having ltfi Beagkeng ut noon, on lbs Wtli instant, may be expuctwl to arrive heru al 4 p.m. .n MOll la* the 1 Ith m-.uut. Shu will probably be despajeaed lot liuroin: tbe follow a., day. a.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 382 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. A regular POBTMIOHTLT ssrvm is main-' tamed between Japan mil i:ur..p.' bf Ike bßowtng NEW TWIN-SCkEW STEAMEKS, DneW Hail Onlinet Witt khs Imperial Japansea Oiwenimenli eneaUßf designed for the Oompany's V. a Venn Bnrrses, kightei tnrongkiut by Ehetrictty, provided with txcellen 1 nenenanMdation
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    • 626 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. AM) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. [BM'M' stsasnen are des^tched fr.i.i Liverpool ontwaroi ior MM Strait", China sc.l .1 ivrry vrck, aad from Japan homewards 'or r jondon, Ansterdc") »od Antwerp rv^r\ f rtnigbi »t1 r Grcon. MarscilltK and Livtrp.i I
      626 words
    • 480 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINE!) SERVII'F. OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. IHtIH KREMIMLE (TEKTHi NORTH WEST A J STRILI IX POSTS, JAVA AXD SINGAPORE. Regular Fortnißhtly sailings bet.vecn Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port for
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    • 295 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA and tho UNITED STATES. Ronte from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Ejiiress or India" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. Esipbeks cr Japan
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    • 59 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. I'ENANG, KANOUON AND CALCUTTA. Tm Coainay'i Bteanser TAJkOaU, MM tou. C. J. bwani m, li.N 1., C luunantlur, will bo d-.i-pat -' for Uw ikeve I rt«M Ibwti day, O.tibur IT, at UQ p.u. bhe h»o tjn;eU«uta;c;mu;. lal 6»t Hd ntoesnValni rastesgers. for lr<.:iUt
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 28 5 WEATHER I'lil LOKA.M II 'i^,; 1 In am •nMMlat 30.01 Dirtction .-f Bnat Fgrcc of WiuJ 1 Max. Temp in tJou-U Manila. 703 BE.IvS. 1 27 BJ
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    • 109 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fnoa OcToaci 11 roOcroaßP ■-'■> 1 HIGH WATLK. LOW WATEBj Time light Time H^lit Mam 7.- B'Jlan. 1.1 1 roasoAi 1.:1 :1; >1)m 7 d lo.itpm v I 6.31 am 7.1 11.8 am 5.6 j I u.J pm 7 0 luu.i.wi, I tMfm lM9 jj -Han: '0
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    • 142 5 -i— DAY BY UAY Monday, October 14. High Water. J25 p.m. Hoon. First Quarter. S-Spjn. Children'a oneert Viototia Ball. 3 1 Grand Ciaamatognpbßbow. liea. h Hv.a.l 7 M. Ott'aCircns. 9. Tuesday, October 15. High Water. 4-38 a.m. 8-SS p 111. Uace-. First I 'a... Hanks close at noen Cricket. V.M.C.A.
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  • 20 6 oli m*n._ iin(i,-t.>lier 11. at UnusdtiU. Biver Valle> Boad, aintltpore, Mi., M t -i!,i rii'ii..tli rnlwnan Mad U '-..5.-i.
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  • 864 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY. OCTOBER 14 Inlik.- prulwii Ru,]*ts. t tii lullc i a altan th C..lonv Mm loulKMiiiiuu vr.ll. m \«-ali-il in ilu- <-siim.u<-. ami sum. I'lin-iiLd l>\ ih< sp lc .<.|, a| His Kxc. lUney tin ti.ivtiihir. Mir Mm Jkmimmm, X.c.M.*;.. at tin- Ohml iiii
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  • 12 6 All MMMDN published in this issue are protected by Copyright < irdi nance.
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  • 15 6 The riii-il i!<etimi- for the Russian Duma are rixei! (or from October '1~ t<> 81.
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  • 24 6 llur IH-rubui'u, tin- head ut the (ii-rinaii Colonial IVpaiti:ieiil, who is on a visit to <ii'i'inau Kast Aliica. is now on his hoiiu--uard journey.
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  • 16 6 Mi. 11. ii. Scott, general MHM <>l the .Siamise Tin Syndicate, has U'ft Touykali for Bangkok.
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  • 34 6 Three Chinese have been arrested, on a .■i-iiuisitioii from .lohore, on charfjeH of criminal breach of trust iv res|)eet of $273, and the theft of a child. They an- in custody praditiK extradition proueedinjJK.
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  • 56 6 I lie Ohina Critic has been iniormrxl by the British military authorities at Tienteiu iliat. pt udnis the cumplution of the judicial investigation into the case in >• rich CUmtte watchiuan was ivuL-Mtly accijtuitallyjOiot by a man ot the 3rd Bii Middlese.-- Kenpiliect tlic Kcttfth tuiliUrv ait!i-n--tics in twardiuf Vfeanl
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  • 9 6 H—iimM— restrictions agahmt Kedahoa account of eholeia are willnlrawn.
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  • 14 6 Ihe port of Maiiiln is dcclarod inr< et<d owiny 10 the existence of cholera.
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  • 19 6 A proposal is M f<«.l to open 11 In .inch of one of the Straits hanks at Pnket. Tonykah.
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  • 14 6 Ucrman naval contr;u;ts have been lot in piiviitc yards to the amount ol ITAMI.iMm.
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  • 20 6 Th<- Cantos Iwwrance Company pays a dividend of *-'O 11 share on the result ol the year's work lor P.HHi.
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  • 20 6 A earyo ot coal (or the Mils'ti BaitsM Kabiia arrived trom Kuobinotsn, this morn my. hy the Itiitisli sU'amcr Warrwr.
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  • 24 6 Over 000 passeagen arrived from I'enauy. this morning, by Wee 1. 1:1 and <'*>< steamer Ilony Bee. which leaves lor Honykouy ami Amoy, io inorr..w.
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  • 21 6 A Charyeurs Iteunis .teamer arrived from Dunkirk and way ports, yesterday, with l'reiich passenyers for S.iiyon aud M Asiatiis for Singapore.
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  • 26 6 The fireman who seiitencid to five months' rigorous imprisonment for tholt at the Kliny Street lire has given notice of ap)>eal against the Magistrates' decisiea.
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  • 31 6 Tlie body of a Chinese pauper was found on Saturday in the Bye-foot way in Chin chew Street, near China Street. Medical examination showed that phthisis was the cause of death.
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  • 26 6 Tiaui]uilliiy is being restored iv Calcutta. A number oi Europeans were specially altacked. and ill the disturbance forty police were injured. Forty arrests have been notified.
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  • 34 6 tine ot the compradorea on I'm. K:ii.isii gteamei stetiiti. whicli arrived from Langkat, this morning, with 51,5110 tins of keroaine oil for Cliiua. died at L.inykat on the Mth instant and was buried there.
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  • 37 6 Two Chines, ha\e been arrested for atumptiny to deposit the body of a dyiny coolie in Su, -iUn fladenafa L.vie. mis morn big. The • died in a ricksha shortly after lie was discovered by the I'oli.-e.
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  • 34 6 To meet the convenience of tiie lucmbots of the IViiany Commission on mail days, it has been decided to liokl the fortnightly meetiuys ot the I'ouani; Municipal Commis. »ion on Thursdays, instead ol Fridays.
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  • 35 6 The boily of Chinese female infant was found near a dust-bin iv L'pper Macao street. yesterday afternoon. Medical examination showed that death was due to diarrhcea. Tin aye uf tin eiiild was about nix months.
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  • 43 6 I.H c.'i|'s,- .ii a «.!iiue-. yirl about tlircc oi four yuan ol age was found in Kouhoro Canal Itoad. ycnterday afternoon, win re it had been thrown out. Tin body wax sent to the Hospital for observation as tv the caus. oi death.
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  • 44 6 in I ictober i. a terribli aocidunt happi Bed at Hanoi in Toukiu. l)n a Kuropean watchman e\plai:iiny to thr.-e uaiiv. s how tv line the detonator ou wnue charge* of explosive, the powder caught Are and exploded, killing all fow on tfai spot.
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  • 41 6 Tin siam.-s,- gunboat Bali. Captain S.lioniiiny. arrived from I'uket. on Saturday, en route to KanyUok. (or which port she leaves to-morrow. The Bali is a rowel of .".so [.us and •.iM bone-power, and carries nine yms and a crew ol '.'7.
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  • 42 6 A Chinese patient al the hospital at St. Johns Island, who was siilfciiny trom fever, escaped on Tuesday niyht. On the following morning, his body was found on the beach. An inquest was bold and a verdict of accidental drowniny was returned.
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  • 47 6 A Hylain boy employed by < ksnniuui living at Xo. 88, Institution Hill, was sentenced to a month's riyoio'is iiu)>risement by the Second Mayistrate. on Saturday, for theft of a belt, which, be said, be had seen lying about for two mom lis ami thouyhl was not wanted.
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  • 47 6 Owiny to tho i osi(juatiou of Mr. Murray (.iuthrie. a vacancy has been created in the aliU rmaucy of theCoruhill Ward. Sir Horace H. Marshall has received an influential requisition asking him to stand, and his candidature is ceceiviag a ikmwHiiihlilii auiount of support iv the ward.
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  • 50 6 A Chinese potato seller, uamed Tau siouy, died al the lieneral Hospital, on Saturday, after baiag maltreated by a man named Tug (Juan, in a ijuarrel over a small debt. Medical examination showed that death was the result of disease of the spleen. No charge was brought against Tiny (Juan.
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  • 47 6 Mr. .Insiii-c l-'islu-r tlii> niiirninu. h.ivi-juduiiit-iit tor tin- plaiuliil with WKta, in tile ease of Yw Cliwi-i- l<ian v. V. Mouroo^nya I'illay for MH kf rent ami products of a plantation. Mr. M. Harris appeared log the plaint ill' and Mr. T. I). I'arsous tor the defeodaat.
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  • 52 6 There are to be soin.- f>o.»l immical pu-.-.-s at the Chinese Christian Association Aniiiversary on Kriday, ineludiu>> a piano duct by the Misses Tnu, and silos by M.-ssrs. H. A. Dennis, J. llcnry. and Alex. Praetor. There will be no char^'i for admission, hut a collection will be taken to
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  • 80 6 A sjHjcial Chinese Coiuuiissiouer is ex [irrted at Singaporr in übuut a week's time from l'ekin-; H< «as cut out bj the Chinese Otmmmmtt to in-p..ct and HMft on the commerce oi the lunette in Lliina. the Malay and Datch Arohij tlagos, F MS Sumatra, and Straits Setilt .ueiits. or
    80 words
  • 640 6 It his Wen decided to torn, a kin,,...., Chili at Tonykah. His Majesty the Kiny -.1 SiaH 1 ipeel I to arrive at Colombo on Nuvinib 1 and i 1 Sinyapore ..11 Noveml,, 1 9. Capt. Baker ul.u ovor t.ln ton ■■M of the s.s. Hi
    640 words
  • 59 6 The meiiibi rs of tin Siiiyapon Huat CluL had a most enjoyable run yesterday niurniiiy Starting troiu the liardun yatc- at 6.30 Kully riders took part iv tin run, whicli is the first the club has had for some month. but which it is hoped will
    59 words
  • 103 6 About si\ o'etoek, this morning, ,i China man with his ihroufe i-ut WON tuiiinl Iviut; ■it the Rre-fout way in Croat of an eatiny lionat No. 17s Suuili Bridge Kuml. It wu .isii -i-taim d thai tin man wan uuipluyetl al 111.- slu.p and sl.-pl in a
    103 words
  • 110 6 A i'i)i'ri<s]K)iuli'iit WTitcs rult'riinj; to tin street nuisances whicli have been so ott.n limit with in these columns. BpMMafl al the methods adopted iv the clcaniiitr ol ni^ht-oil, he says: Mi^ht I p.unt out most unhealthy practice, which tihmvs littlor iu< improvement, in th< WMHMMiI lot tlu MWMMH
    110 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 NOTICE. \otu-. is n. i,\ yi\,n thi Trade-Mac* P<i P. m Utr exclusive of ROBKRT HAIiPKI; IV. I'RKPKIKTAItV. Ltd. M<4hotinH-. \ustraha. rovonn.- All 1 1 -ni.--,..m. s. Cordial* and leiiiieiit-d l.hi i. all .-olonrs and design aad aayoni u-in-^ ..i inniiiyiny tin- irad. -maik «>!! !>• ri"s.-, nled. Rohcit Harper
      203 words
    • 268 6 Wilson co i-UKsii \s\> i;i:i.i \i;li; stock Of PLATES. FILMS. PAPERS. Photographic Requi-ites, ::nt,r,ly"N..wS,.-,,. ,f S-,,,,,-,,1-LOCAL VIEW POST CARDS. ihi-inni lfc«.i and iit HoM a. I'Kiuapu. POSITION VACANT. The Lioy.l's tlissM Britail I'nblisl.mCompany, Ltd.. have a vacaacy tori xparl Barafmn Tespoading clerk, dtorthand wrflsr and typist. Ona with ritprarj rxpsrienre
      268 words

  • 354 7 THL LISITANIA'S WONDERFUL ACHIEVEMENT. Ciiiianlcr's Blue Riband. (iERM\N LINER REVERTS TO SECOND PLACE. Au*rajjc Speed on Voyage Exceeded by Half a Knot. Kn ikk TUMM I...H.I..H. iMahei I.' I i mmi I im. r l...-jt.ini., km umUui i' llook Inm ijit »i4uw. after |.a- i .!.!>-.
    354 words
  • 83 7 IVciiicr i'dsition Secured by an Outsider at Long Odds. ISmjtcb*i Invaeavui Loeiai. Uetuber II i:,, 1 suKoi the hake.n Vori Malo ran ia I'.ukoMSaturdMvisa- loilow-: ir. s <„ n. ul T..M.. I Mr. K. Bail. J \,l hlacl, J Hr. K. M'alken INnmnani IwiKe nanea start
    83 words
  • 54 7 j itKiiKi.s hr-" l^nnlou. iM.i. 1 II I, ii ink. r- at Milan maMnrf ,1,. Lafcwr h-'i.c. Urn mi .nging \pa „.1 ti >1 1 r l Beugm i- I' l1 ;l M.!»u lUi ■1 laW I, «|bj .!>. 1 1 naval »t 4 .mi .rik.
    54 words
  • 127 7 tor.iliiii': of Ro>al Patient More 'miiis ihan Admitted. I ...••.■1..11. October li I1 nl IIM- I I- 10: li ..icis.los. |>!i ■liteli 11..1- ■■■>■ n.0.1-1, his vhcomi 4 1. --v noil ml- t.. liis bnsi. 1 1! \Uunwi and I^ll. -i 11 1 .1. Ii |i Mtpooed
    127 words
  • 62 7 Riot Claimants to be Dealt With Generously. Kmini s 1.0n.10u. UMehnt li. isaniiMiiiued .1 oiiowalhat Mr. W. L, \l Kuig. L'JllU- the Unpasy Minister lor L.v.1,,1, ptaeeedk iiniii.diately la Vancouver 1,,, Ihe parpil 11 I";:.-! c. i.n- n-.i'ion l.nms .111-111^ 1* ot to. i< iti new, li
    62 words
  • 299 7 Remarkable Advancement of Kuala Lumpur. 1 Krom Orn Own OeMnmrvyMOrr. As a go-bead bvwm, the Kederal Capital Ivmila Liitnpur. is certainly making rap'd j strides in the march of progress. It is only within recent years that quite i a niiinUr of large and handsome IniiMiugs have
    299 words
  • 186 7 Kliiiß Woman Muriicrcd with a knife. I'loM Oi j; UtOi DinKNf.l Mnar. ttctober 1.1. Th, s t aim v PnU and Siyaug. which rcn oaci. owacd by His Uuhnc»s ;i,, Sultan of .lohon. were sold to Towkay Vh Hoik. of Muar. for MajOOnVßoc the n-^ oflj
    186 words
  • 294 7 Outcome ol the Shipping Conference in London. 1 I 11l I. lI^N Colil.l -I-..MJI-M. 1.,.u.|0:i. rtllltllllbuf \s vim it this year's Navig.itmu 1 "iii 1:0 in l."i'l'ii comes tile new Navigation Will at Uelboorne. Heavy I in nil It Us arc to In impoasd on any owner
    294 words
  • 290 7 SINGAPORE'S SCORE BEATEN BY HONGKONG. Northerners' Strong Team Win by Nine Points. il-'iin Urn Ow\ c'.>i:iii-si-oMiKM.i Hongkong. October IS, 6.1(1 p.m. Kiring to day at the Kings Part liange, in the Interpavt RMe shooting Match. Hongknag nimlM points. The 50;...., iv le.i Kred 011 Wednesday. OetolMi -J.
    290 words
  • 90 7 Luncheon with Army Officials at St. Petersburg. KKUTBR9 Iklk,.U\m |joadaai.ttetober 1 1. UqwrM iii'iii st. Pcterabnrg stat.' that (iene'ial l-'reiuh yesterday luueh.d at tilt M.-ss ..1 the otlicers „1 the rlonegoardi and, subsequently, visited several high military oßiciaU of tin liussian \nny. II afterwarda eoatimod his journey
    90 words
  • 41 7 Kfiikrs Tacaujua L.uidon. October 11. s>i\,re floods „uitiiine iv the southern IMovinces of Krance and Spain. Many |hisoiis been drowned and. in 1 -oti-cqueucv of tlie high water, the traiu s. ivice 011 tiie railroads remains interrupted.
    41 words
  • 132 7 1 Mr. i.llisou. Assistant I'roteetoi of Chinese proMCiited a Chinaman, named Tan I'm k- lye. bcfori the Third Magistrate. Mr. Colman, this lujruiug. on a cliarge of v fusing to sign a coutiact. I Accused said that he did not wish to eto aamnmana. He was put
    132 words
  • 98 7 i..ig, i-y eai-c eama to a nmjaatienaj ending Ulori- the Ciimimil Court at Saigon, on Iteaabrr Two «'hettics, Kn-uchman, ami a native. M r<- arraigmd an a charge of lorpeiv ml. r < Minmiatioii. the priucipal ituiss t.' 'h' proM-<iiti«in--:i native st.iv I 11..1 tin ndenai he
    98 words
  • 48 7 I!kl"tkr's Tklkuram. London. OctoU r VI. Mi. .loseph I'ope. l.M.(l..the Inder Seer, tarv of State for the Uominioii. will aouompaa* the Hon. Uodolphc Lemieux. X.C.. the Minister of r.aln.ur. on his visit to Japan in coiiuecliou with the negotiations for restricting tin immigration of Japanew.
    48 words
  • 54 7 litlllßs TVI.M.ItVM London. October IJ. I'm 1a1. Inttiiig ou the Cesarewitch Si-ikes, to Ik- rim ou Wednesday, is as follows: t,, I against I'.nltinglass. ti to 1 agaiust Dautine. UM to II ag.iiust Itoyal Hicain. B to 1 against l»nffy. aud lihi to T maiust Mondaiuiu. Outbr. a"k.
    54 words
  • 27 7 Ukiiku's Thlk..i;\m London. October U. Commodore Sir (icor«e .1. Scott Warreudcr. C.8.. M.V.0.. has baan gazetted Aide-dc-Camp to Mis Majesty the King.
    27 words
  • 49 7 |l)BB OBTASIATISCUK L,LOYI> TkLKGEAMj Iterlin, (ktob. r l:i. The Uussian C.rand-Hukc Vladimir and his family are now at I'.ucliarest. on a visit to the King ami I uc< it of Uoiiuiania. The kaiser is at llubcrtiisxtock. The (ierniau Crown I'rincess mmaeti her coutiiu inent in Novemlier next.
    49 words
  • 45 7 ;DKK OSTASIATIM'HK LloVli TkLKi.KAM P.erlin. October l:i. A I'oiniiiitLei- of licriuniis lias been up pointed at C'asablauca to divide among German tnulers there, some n cy that bad be-'ii advanced to meet their claims for daiiinges arising from the bombardment
    45 words
  • 34 7 [Dn^Pa^atafjmmj bw«J>.TR4«BUI I f{. rim. 'J^tobei: 1 y 1 In t!# Konign iitetxr v. l :.>nni a anetW defir;u>.-!it in. bf-.n ataabljakaAio d-jl >"X* poGt!:%l *a&- loe«l qwsti «k arfcrting Hun
    34 words
  • 890 7 INANITY PRODUCED BY LENTILS AND DISTILLED WATER. Straightforward Criticism of the Cult of Local Faddism. No one, it is supposed, is out in the Orient for his health, and it is incumbent upon all to safeguard ourselves as far as possible against the special ills that flesh is
    890 words
  • 87 7 Probable Winners of To-morrow's Handicaps. Our racing col lespouiient rites to say that, providing tin weather remains favourable, an excellent afternoon s racing -hmild be witnessed tomorrow, tlu opening day of the Singapore Vutuuiu Itacc Mectiaff. His.^ejections are U follow .tIAJiLN I'uizi: Beaii (iurcou. Lawx SiAKt: Oiij_in.
    87 words
  • 241 7 New System to be introduced in the F.M.S. 1 Kiiom Kin Ows Cokkkscunuksti. Kuala Lumpur. October 11. I lit plyiiiK to the representations of the Chief Templar of the Temperance Association regarding the undue number of licensed liquor shops in Kuala Lumpur, the Govern meiit stated that
    241 words
  • 161 7 New Consul to Arrive in Singapore this Afternoon. There arrives, this afternoon, by the S.D.Ii. steamer Uuebcn, Mr. Tso Ping Lung, who is to become Chinese Consul General at Silica pore. It may Ik remembered that this gentleman was Consul for China Dome wars a"", in Singapore, which
    161 words
  • 237 7 Alarming Increase of Infantile .Mortality. Hi,- weekly return of mortality in Singapore, prepared by i>,. l>. K. McDowell, the Registrar <.f l;ii"th- and Miath-. shows a decrease „t :M in tin- lnimher ul rli-ath« occurring during the week endi d October 5, B» compared with ill-- iniiiibei
    237 words
  • 126 7 V petition, Milled hv si\ty Chinese Wcl' rl. ants iv Ninaoß and .» has Inch forwarded to Mr. on,. Kun sing. Hongkong, to lie present.-.! T.i the <«.v. rnol of the I'oksuy. xlunld the appeal against the decision ol the iii'igistriit" be 1 i-ntiriued by Mis Ksctl.
    126 words
  • 115 7 Captain 11. 11. HiliaiM who wbh b gin! Mora tli<- Third Magistrate, last week. har". ..t bem* drunk ami dfcanlerly in li.aoh lioad. ref UUBR ry ricksha hire .11..1 HuMihiiiii a ridwl» i». .11. mm) wait released 011 VJO cash bail. The hhb wa* to have
    115 words
  • 66 7 Two carriages (roll) flnnif— f<»\ House wcic waiting at Johnston. I'ier fnr several hours this niurnin^. cue foi Mr. lticW, wlio u\|>cctcd from Kualn Lun nnr by the S. langorjnd tho other |m Mi. :m.I Mrs.-Willwni-on expect. 4 bam Bau;;':->L -by the Xuentun^. The fiidanr;or had ta pa te quarantine
    66 words
  • 452 7 SECRETARY FOR WAR HEARTILY WELCOMED BY COLONY. Eagle and the Dragon, AMERICA'S AMICABLE RELATIONS TOWARDS CHINA. Declaration of U.S.A. Support and Sympathy. (Krom Orn Owv Conmtopnvnp^T.* MuiiKkoii", OctoUr I::, Mi. William 11. Taft. the I nited stat. Secretary for War. arrived lien on lioard >.t the
    452 words
  • 146 7 American Convention's Decisions for World's Trade. Ravra'i Twtiiiii London, Oelnbu- I Ih. Convention ot Cotton (Sruwcni .im-I Spinners, at Atlanta city, (iror^ia. I'.n.a has adopted a proposal favouring the '|uarc. instead of the round, hale Action was also taken to prevent ulipnhud balißg, and thus spinners will be
    146 words
  • 67 7 [Kkutkk's Tkleohaml London, Octoh. r 11. The luited States cruisers Tennessee all' l Washington, left Hampton. Vir^ina. .tud an proceeding down the Ifoads. bound for tin I I'acitic Ocean, thus inauoii rating the hattle ship cruise. I They will sail 10 1 the coast of South America
    67 words
  • 56 7 Eighteen Months Imprisonment in Fortress. I I>«K OSTAHIATISCUI LLoYD TIILKoKAV lieiiin Qalabaf U. The Supreme Court ol the (ieriuaii Kinpire has found a lawyer, nami d l.ieh kuecht. guilty of bjiarib treason for publishing an anti military book, aud has sentenced him to imprisonment iv a fortress
    56 words
  • 43 7 'I))t O»TA^IATI. .IT I.LuW TILK.I.AM lotto *>Ctober 15 i Tbo fttccm'l „f il',. v > iictUnd; 1 tS.tateo^vneral ha: ">'.0.l j 1 it tur«K 1 »Ul^-.^M yui'.'W.-, (01 a T'-itch st>«»«hie I line, rannin'' t> Brazil »ni At^. ntina. I
    43 words

  • sporting Intelligence.
    • 47 8 >.> .A. .Monthly Shoot. Tho monthly shoot in connection with the S.V A. took place on Saturday at Halenticr liange and the competition was won by Sir u'. ant «iitlib<rt with a MM of !t7* The s.-c..iid place tell to li.Miibanlier ll.mlerson who s ior l If.
      47 words
    • 198 8 >.C.C. v. Moth Co. K.O.A. A laryc crowd witnoswd the iiicetiiij; of the S.CC. ami thr Wth Co iv au Asxociation !'<>• >tl»all match Ml tlir Ksplanade n Inlay. The |MM was a fast ami lively .•n. and tin conU-^t k. n. Itoth teaiiis were in form,
      198 words
    • 121 8 li« morrow* Meeting. Mr \itie Tully '?> ■rice* M tlic two rte- ;.O raa t I BMRMI an a> full,.\v KM i. CCI U one S3 1 Wail.i I l Rmmbhml I" 1 IllU «IO«)K I I" 1 l^uurrub"!<ii.^ a i i.iiu. i i ti.ii 1 U liroeldiiuii
      121 words
    • 789 8 >in>jaiH>rc cricket Cluh. n MWwiaf i- .1 in ..i tin *mg;ipi>iv I'li.-K. t Clib ln-t tad c.'U'l Octob) I V \>. II hpl JN in.-. Euvt> III! I v. I ■>. i;. t v..».,,,1hi s s. i;. i: I'ulowc* M.x «atn t Ni It W. K I! Vt. I
      789 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 353 8 To tie Kditor o' the strails Time.-. Hie, It ispleasaut to sec that "A Nyouya has cuiue boldly la the front U pfead for tin. CMMi ol lier laVow Xvonya^. I resume your aanajajaaaiaat'a plea uould have di skived more sympathies, had she admitted tin rioeaofCMaaJaeKa to
      353 words
  • 1081 8 NEW, QUICK RAILWAY SERVICE TO ERIN'S ISLE. Good Story About the King of Siatn. iKi;mm On Own Coi:i;ksioMikm.l I.. nid. iu. September ML A further continuance nf line, warm weather is to be reported tliis week and, though the atmosphere hi and around London had becu hggy
    1,081 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 565 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. TAXGMN AUCTION SALE or VALUAULi: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac, The property sf s.;u. Robinson, Km 2 c<k.l At "Cm- Hall," Strvcns Roud, 2L7C» a Sxturday, Oitob<r :'6. at .:> p.m. OK flic" Valuable Te»k Furniture tmAjvrwrjtiling, including "a beautiful H»«kc Piano and a Pianola, will be caM
      565 words
    • 307 8 Xs. "Walk Over" w> A I shoeM jOtt|^V "Walk Over' Shoes Walk Over Shoes Value tortlic Money. One Price &£1 Per Pair. Only OP /^K \u\ jF\ LlttlG S Money Makes Mori^y. SO WILL iOU. IP -YTOTJ BUY Pathe Freres' CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS. The mi. ist perfect machine on the market.
      307 words
    • 22 8 NOTICE. It i.. berob nu»il i I bati i;.m lit fc^ etoMdoa Taaatay. IMb it ii.. a, l.i ]>,' Than 17* i MM
      22 words

  • 249 9 mwuce IhmMh I. ix.rv do iCul No. 1. nn|< i |(u:. Cojira Bali s.7n do I'rint anak Jn Pern**. Black |3fJ do Whit<> 5% n iki -a I nmr*wni,, do Rmn< i No. 1 :t.()l i Pn»rl Sai>o 4.70 o(».« Bait, i.v, nan r< B i nWa
    249 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 338 9 !>»«« Number form*. Capital Scbscnbad I of j Rewrve IMO.1 9300,000 9400,000 SO.OOO i 10 110 1907 »3OO,OUO 9M3.00O 11,800 I 10 I 10 T.-..1 untatw.1 1301 WOO.OOO 1600,000 40.000 I 10 110 1903 £400,000 £350.000 150,000 £1*1 MMMri Wrt £30,000 £30,000 SO, 000 1 < 1 1907 9400,000
      338 words
    • 351 9 -.905 ltrO.I 1-104 IMI 1906 1<*<4 ISO', 1805 1900 1*>€ ipne IMt I9Oc KM 1<ll'4 1904 tmm £.16.625 j y $200,000 »105.000 °10?M0* d 10 10 ***** i niooo 1 iv *7o.ooc «i <wi "ei'.'ixi.r 1 i i ii.w.otH) »m.;>oo l3 '"i?sS» io I io *"T2 noo »in -/Mi
      351 words
    • 195 9 UN 19C5 1>9€ IPO1899 UN isr-i I 1S90 .7T.V-." £*,C05 "Mt 12/8 19f6 1,300 Bells Asbestos Knst.rn Agency, Ltd M.'VOOO C23.1.000 4.R00 $50 50 112,500 Frwer A Ne»vc. Lt.l. S10.WO0O »10,00*.000 M.OOO am IMS 11,75 i.eOOi. HOTekong and Shansbai Bank •25O.OOPC >•,„-,•% t.- ,ir^ I 19. 'MO JIOG
      195 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 I .^^^BSfa^^^kv \i^^Tl S^i -~-< tiny superior ii|i»»i9MV ''urt v Itnjp t tlout *y**L I**1 j~u~-^^^^^^^^ F0 c C, THE CHES". GR^ f "^LT'S SYRUP Mm of Lime I 't^ l rl:x^; in France for iht '.i«t 3c ycus It mains its reputati n for CONSCMPTION. Oh*TINATK Cl IGHS, Colds.
      67 words
    • 27 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co., Ltd. Electric Fans TABLE, BRACKET, and CEILING PANS. Speciality: CROMPTON PUNKAH PANS. LARGE STOCKS. LOW PRICES. Electrical Department: Telephone No. 362. 3 BATTERY ROAD.
      27 words
    • 434 9 I Wassiamull ;r Assomull Co. 1, 2, 3 4, HIGH STEEET, \l-.>. 42 ARAB RUn ami v. The GRAND BOWEL l>K I K I >.'!".. Just Unpacked SILKS, JEWELLERY CURIOS! M Pohoomull Bros. 40E HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk. Cariofl and Silverware of
      434 words

  • 293 10 Ten Thousand Fall into a Russian City. \n iMbmbi aarmfßMhlm »>llm aarierl .>^ „,u 14: :liiin.l.i«t<.r t.\ I'liona! n. livok. ilx otliri .T.inno \i. ;ii> rl. iii .1 i '.•ir.iiini .1 tm .on .k ralil. liini'. |li, 1111 llal lain t.ll in Khal is ,n,pii
    293 words
  • 78 10 A n. M-. I bun l'«-kiiiy hat. a. »ii ini.l.n... «;ti. thi Hmi II- .my. Vi..-,o> tor .r-......1!\ iiii|Ka.h.-il aawfuf lliao Krli- i lias ban before tbe Knprma-IVtwaaai li v. mar* inability n« a« «dmi_i«Umtor. Hi. \i-.i.\ ■iiawiinm.rrith .iff..;.-.i tn.. i i r. 1»..«.i^.-i
    78 words
  • 119 10 i. t i p I -..t.Mii.t. buill ai tin yard Mmwro. II iuu r. and Wiuliaii Ki< h«i*wii. Wall, end mi S««. n«mi ntl) taken -i v v. a hlk 4k vi.,« >;jn 1» i -i--« «i 1 1 i.i I v Ma i. it I.N In
    119 words
  • 71 10 There was a Man and His Wife, and a Tertium Quid. t H tidy: 1 ill 1 I*H Hi' '1 tci.i Mldouiiood gRMI} i i arml\ mi I agaae«aaart hajHßMNaa |tl_ll. 11. ..Mi1. I aiiKMii i. tooi fa -I o-i..i i~ li^Mer. .i... k tm on.- Kfwkor two i rerogni-wd
    71 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 i g_> i t «i 1 _^t_^_b_^_^__ r The Weight of j! The iVramids I It* m :i anlit- A bradachaUtbia Ist.. aUrra- h n•an .■■,rt..e !l I r -,'-r;; i; 1 1 i Little's I •Oriental Balm 1 and i 11 tut. t t
      45 words
    • 543 10 INSURANCE Compakies. OMMERCIAt. I'NION ASSPRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIXE, MARINE. ACCU>KST, GTTARANTEE. Kund» Exceed J;1S.OOO,«00. W. A. SIMS, r Ml Manager. Eastern Uranch. NORTH lUUTISH A\"l> MEHfAXTILE IXSIKAXCE 00 I Subscribed apital £2.i-">0.000 llcvenue 12.061 .011-19-8 The r.ndorsi^ui'd arc |irep_rvd to accept I Fire Kisks at current rates. i 692 REHX.
      543 words
    • 624 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID- tit CAPITAL »10,000,00ul RESERVE FIND Sterling Revive t10.000,000 1 M i 000 000 Silver Reserve 111.000,000) al oauwu R serve Liability ol Proprietor! t10.000,000 COl i/T OF DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Heory Keewick.— Deputy Chairman. A. Fucbx, Esq.
      624 words
    • 556 10 BANKING COMPANlESchartereo BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROIAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability r.f Proprietor «800,000 R*«rve Fnnd «1.075.000 CANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City <t Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
      556 words
    • 598 10 BALE 3 BY AUCTION. auctnnmu TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac, At The Cot,' Cavcnagh Road. On Friday, October Is, 1907, -it f Comprising Hand»ome Te»k UpholHterod Drawing Room Suite, Carved Teak Drawing Boom Cabinet, Teak Occasional Table! and Teapoys, Polished Almeirahs, Polished Dressing Tables fitted swing mirrors, Iron Bedsteads. RatUn Furniture,
      598 words
    • 222 10 Wines! Wmes Genuine table claret a' 4)i per do i Vermouth i..f Turin f VC litre bot. Moecat of Syracnm. «n inviuoiitting wine mostly recommended for wca! p p. _nd ladiei »t ti .00 per quart i.-.-.i v. 1-raochetto (a delicious rod Hjiar. .ut,. Mm, Fernet Bitters highly rcofuiiiii mded,
      222 words

  • 639 11 LATEST MOTORING MEMS FROM MERRY ENGLAND. A matter <>f «rc at im|x>itanee t<i mot»fi««t» re^ardinc the measured distune.' of ]«>lic>' Strap- has jn«t been decided. A defendant was chariicc! with exceeding the ■pasi. liiuit. aud lie rci|iicsted the police constables t>. show liiiu the measured distance over which he
    639 words
  • 132 11 I' Electric Automobiles. t We have received a comiu'.iuicatioii troll) I a corresj>ou<l< ut. and fancy there iau be detected a sliyht touch of sarcasm in tin tone. We can assure this -upportcr of electric autoiiioliil" s that wv know uo reason why th<-ir advent into Sinyajiorc should or ('.tlHvcd.biitfcelcimrtdenttlwt
    132 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 404 11 JUST ARRIVED 12-14 H.P. ARGYLL CARS Four Cylinders. Five Seaters. wncuuuts on application. SCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIALS. I,, Trial*. <1< -.1 l>v the Motor as i, ~iiit. -t n<lnnnn pv«r undergone by the Modem 12-1^ H.P. ARGYLL s. i. il N i mark* for tt< liabilit} Mid Btaitmg. iU marks
      404 words
    • 19 11 THe HUMBERS Again WON The HEAVY TOURING CAR RACE See at'comits in tin- II me I'aptrAfiKVl'S: Borneo Company, Ltd.
      19 words
    • 639 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. H. ABRAMS, m Mg^.,..^. m H0R8E repository. ARROL-JOHNSTON i jftzxtt&tt&sz lions anil xt Mw lowest possible fttem. I j~ "asy terms allowed to intending pur MotorCars hsU-p— II trial alli.wiil. T»» T mrvnaa II Newly imported English hand sown Har JMLotor Jjornes. mm t./ u,, um.
      639 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 477 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID AIiYKRTIREMENTS.-Miscel- -i. Wstit- Every Description, Houses, tw d etc.. f t. are inserted at the followirg ru" Unili.-r* -ii 1.20 per incl-. Twr *.00 Thrff S.BO Six S.M NiDf t.40 Twelve 7.10 Twenty Cve 10.00 'Each fubeeqnent month (9 per inch.) 1 v above rate is
      477 words
    • 634 12 ARTICLES FOR BALE. R»TM -Fo«r Lldh, on or tw IaBBMeM, tUOO Bf th. Inch, sse Seals ol CL uges TURNOUT FOR SALE. j A Mail Phaeton in good order, a |<sir of Australian horses, aud doable harness; a handeorne turnout. 1 199S Apply to W. C. NIBLETT. PAIA RUBBER BEEO
      634 words
    • 603 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BiTts:- Fo«r l.insi. ass or two lasertioM, Bf tht inr n. Seals of Ckafgw. TO BE LET. Dry and airy Oodowns in Cecil Street. Apply, r>. Manai'ih and Co. C.3O.VS TO LET. No. 4. Prince Street. Apply. MABMV. BIMONS A CO., Ltl. c»051 TO
      603 words
    • 738 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BAt*s :-Fo«r LI n«5, one or two Insertions. (1 Hj tli. iucta, M* Heals o( ChurgM. OFFICE TO LET. No. iO, Stamford Road, ground and first floor only. Reut moderate. Apply to c 1980 STEPHENS PAt'L CO. HOUSE TO BE LET. FURNISHED. Villa Marina, Tanjong
      738 words
    • 519 12 V.O.V. DAN MACFARLANE A COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OIITAIXAHLK OF ALL DEALKKS. WktlmkJrwH SYME and CO., >•■-'< .4avw/«, ALLSOPPS LAGER BEER 3 INDIA PALE ALE AND STOUT. 5 OBTAIXABLK FKitM ALL IT. W.Ki > SYME A Co., Sole Agents IMS MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tht Municipal Commissioner* of the Town i
      519 words
    • 499 12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE THE MINK IPAL COMJUSSIoNKKM are prepared k. rco ive ti-ml. 1- Foi t Htnictiot] tin Abutment-. Ornamental Archway*. ft'in« Walls hiii! II «dway. I'm tin Neu Bridid' acronx lucmtli ol tli S pore River. One copy of tlie plan- an.l ~j». .iri. ..ti. 1 with bill i|i oatitkti
      499 words