The Straits Times, 23 September 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.452 BINGAPORK MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 204 1 ROBINSON Go. I Jinnual @as 6 (Slearanee MOW ON. REAL REDUCTIONS. ONCE J £5 1™, ROBINSON Co. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT; ORCHARD ROAD. ;*T' A New Stock of Artistic FLOWER BASKETS I Many Novel Shapes to select from. Suitable for PRESENTATION TABLE DECORATION AC I .411 Prices--1«31 IsunMß No.
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    • 72 1 ADELPHI HOTEL, FOR Comfort Luxury Cleanliness Jeffrey's Stout Sfl In order that this Firat-Class Hi Stout may become better known in HH this market, ■fl It Will be sold until further I] II notice at M $12 Wffirj&M Per Case of 7 dozen Pints. ■41«>>ia a# KMH v HH OF
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  • 927 2 If Ihe Earth Met a Comet. lii all probability tl»- Int effect Mile. <i. Kcnaud .t."of Midi i iliwwtrr, be a great diminution in Dm amount oxygen in tin- air. It won!, l bring aboi extremely low spirits, a gNWral deptMnion ami a state of dull, lethargic -tn|>or.
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  • 16 2 It in now KiiflKt-itUsl that Mars In- Ihi-ii iiiuiiki-viiii; with tin weather at home. Tlw Hanmpia
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 EAGLE I CEMENT Jiigd-eiass Work On tde Jbist of tde (Brown Jlgents for tde (Bolonies. Importer.: The Borneo Co., Ltd. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder UC MSMaf Road. nta Aceat for Measra. DjUriage Br.uhers, Ltd., London, c ai«^ Telephone No. 619 LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO
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    • 262 2 pSSEIXS AND McALISTER Co., SSSKL^m^ Direction der Disconto-Gesellschaft BERLIN-BREMEN FRANKFURT A. M. LONDON. Kapital (fully paid-up M. 170,000,000 Reserve Fund M. 57,600,000 Kagnawiaiil at HAMBIHti b> tha Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg. The bttmk tmmtmeti §ener<il banking btuim*** of ttery dstoription ami art* us reprrxrittatift' of the fblloieimg Jorei'Jn batik* i
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    • 299 2 c Oliver Standard VIBIBLE Typewriter. The Cosmos Letter Filing Cabinets. Card Index Cabinets. Typewriter Supplies. Agents: ATKINSON A FORBES, U7! a-* CH»«BI »ILET. o. j. Kcrmat r«. .N LAND. LmlmUlmh~d 1" 1 44 mirkmm. mm* r«a»o» a-««#««i rcQulrmmmnlm. Thm hmmdm »f thm Firm a** P* r lb ZoZZS'J? > lL*L*
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  • 877 3 Promisinj; Outlook in the London Market. M Mm ~i.;ii.~l,«x. ,|,,,i,,i;t!,, lvc)i a..i ii. ii, 1. 1 a T<'in|>..i'ai s.tkt.l,. |J,n in..:, tlian lik.lj- tli.y mm |.i..\,. tlir ■■Hllti NM| iiUM.llßn.-oi.N l-> ..'I"., til. I vso th, > ai. In-iny f.,,.|y .1.-alt in on Ma k K.\. ■liani'f
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 I WVIINK. the Id-*! Por«ativ», n«<-<>ni |,v il.. t«-,t »1 aolhoritiw Ka.> 1 «U,i. il. r.'.lll> To br had of all 1,..*,., \\I...I^U- !t..». Tl,, I'h. -....<■? 1 «n..> K«d. Siu|»f..i*.
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    • 639 3 MAJTNO'S MILK. So/c Agents: HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. >E r s THERMOS B^ s nowos people IN THE JUNGLE fr It: THEBMOS THERM PLANTERS. MOTORISTS. SPORTSMEN Oh 'ih»' H"E OOr.D BTESGAHS at aay -.iir.e. THEBMOB T j j>^ s HOUSEHOLD «,|^H*" h mi K il ai:v m agl FOR THE RICK*:
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    • 714 3 THE WORLD'S CHAMPION CLUB SWINGER. Unfailing Vigour and Endurance p^-)2i A y 0 supreme in one thine, to do it letter than m:yIbl^J nil else, is to enjoy tli;it s-enj-e of power which conies rfc j I to every man \\l:o has battled triumphantly into 1 1 ,J the front
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    • 137 3 I Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. [TEAR ENTRANCE TO BORNEO WHARF. TIhpJMM 1026. Sea stocks of nil kinds oi Frozen Meats, etc., can be deliverfed to Shipping at the Wharves, or in the Singapore Roads, on short notice. If Thawed Daily Supplies are required, orders for same must be telephoned
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  • 192 4 Remarkable Allegations Against the Salvation Army. S..IU' tii^nit \vi re 1010 l in lln l>.iily \< «■> «t \'ij i-t in support oi ,:lii ;'i"ii- »ir t »tin^ mi U- .lyainst HM S ilratinn Army s,h i i ni^ loiinvy w.irU^ at W|iiUvli«p»l. in iii..vU..ii mttkftmm mmkt
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  • 266 4 il 11 .1 Run .>■•-. IWTtag Hi -i k (sr the aatfaae o: .rt a.i :i 'iiniilla'.lixi -.-illr-. It I. I- ■i l Itj < Mil. t .1 OfM* \l\- ,:'■:.< itaiagtlMt atabnlta witliin M i.HJ I .i.niiii; '■'<■ '-i' 'ii.l IliifM •M t.< .1-1
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  • 105 4 I" -v..v .1,,,, i .-,l\. t. 1,,-t Ui ,11 i UmNn I .miij; :l i,--1 t1..-1ii..1:.1.1v. wan 1 I:'. ■■•^::.ij.l|i. M lil> H .1 ~|..,k|,,.. I wtm4 ihMt 1,. 1-.M.1.1 L i,,., „,u 1 I II -h. ,|d sit lit I 1 I. Win -I.-
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  • 665 4 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Agamtmuoo, Chin*. Oct 12 Mansfield Airlie, Sydney, Oct 35 Boustead Aniiaiu. Saigon, Oct 4; M. Maritime* Antenor. China, Oct IS Mansfield Antilochns, Chink, Oct 23 Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, Oat 12 P. O. Coy Anstralien, Saigon, >ct 7
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  • 251 4 Passengers Outward. Per I. O. ittMMt Mjoltan. eoaoeotiag with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London Aug. :10. fas Sept. 29.— Mr*. M. C. Crahaiu. Mesors. A. T. F laser. T. t. Blaokey, E. C. Ward. It. E. I'ayne, K. Stewart, and C. Henderson. .laeksou. B. Godfrey.
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  • 137 4 riu' ('tumid C'uiii|ii>M\ -|.aii-n.. pajaatu Mag fans htmm t<> Mm ttHUk poMfe. on, c.ulil iimbblh lt iMnvtor, nhn In Mm knowlciyc „i W i:ll cm.ihki iwne-powei nuaut. being mnvillint; t,. tlio vcr. twith his sl,h,v| 1( ,1,1,.,5. \,,t>.. with the fnuar.l Line, a* an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 11 4 iMFANT irtORTAIITY •■i«l.ty.£u mUi i..ii. 1.,,,, rt-£r2 I- 1 .1. nil.!
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    • 685 4 BTEAMER BJUUH6B. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan. Penang. Ceylon. Australia. India, Aden, Ejtypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bill* rf Idling uoued for Chin--1 Oaaat, Pemno Oalt. mtmeutel. and > mvnmn Port*. StrnniTi will lo»»< Simp ire on ir «n,i H MAIL LINE. OaMWi (f-r CkitU
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    • 705 4 STEAMER SAIUN6B. HARDEL AHD BCHEEPVAART Wf. "RANDJER." BANDJERMABTN. The Steamer* of this company maintain a regnlar *ervioe between: Singapore. Bawean, Sonrahaya, Bandjermaam, Pnlo Laut, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermaam tor Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, KoMa Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Harakaaariea, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aroomodation for lint
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    • 440 4 STEAMER BAIUWBB. ffHUlDvllQ HlwtlHl\H klliliat HAMBURG. The Meameis of this OompaLy n aintain a resnlar servioe between Uamborg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and &a Strait*. Homeward*, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Tbe arrivals of the neit
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    • 747 4 BTEAMER BAIUMB. N. D. L. RORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial darrnan Mall Una. The but and wall knows mail steamers of this Company Mil fortnightly bom BremenHambnrg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bcm thump tea, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneolioo Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and rioe vena) Por Said, Suez, Adas, Colombo, Penang, ningspoce, Hongkong, Shanghai.
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  • 1071 5 ■aajMj 1 1»,i,,,, w. »h.,rf. I IMi TlJ_ ••hi.ii l>.>\ K II K.-|.|...; n,,i,.,,, t u SSm <1 1 «••""""> Ma n -of -War. etc. >/.....,. I...i „i MitMa, Kan i.-, p Haaaaak, S.p Fr.un f.. r t RwMnMaMi ■•MM. Painataa Nbbm <;..» t i It.iII riu»,r.
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  • 58 5 By the StraiU SteaniHliip C<mi|Muiy°H hU»iin r SclaiiKor. Captain K. A. Turner, from K. M. S. |»rtH ami Malacca, to i lay McKsrs. I'alliser. U. 11. Hone. Q. C'liiiiuilDe. K. M. Klliot. W. O. Hildred. It. Van (icy/el. K. A. MonUiro. Chan iiook Kuiu. Tan Km Vau,
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  • 105 5 Prom Ecaori-By the P..HI. s.a. I Win, due ou Sept 27. From Caiu -Hy the l\ •O. ml Malto. due ou Sept. 26. tni tabu or maiui aos. Singapore Do* in tjoudoa Arrived Vugu-taO N. 1». 1.. Sepi 13 Sept 1« AnfiiistM 8.1. Sept 16 Sept 16
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  • 21 5 Sutue jiikts i au U .hi rut I too far. is: fur iiislaiu <-, Smith's i-.itt«n<- is wwn uiil<— fruui th. station
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  • 64 5 Hou>:»aki. P. .1 O. Mail. The I', aud O. hiimoward mail sU-amer Malta 1.-ft HoiiKkout!. at 1 pin on Saturday, and is due beiv at 6 a.m., ou Thursday, the 21ith instant. OflWi V.\ O. Mail. The outward mail steamer Delhi left Colombo, at 6.3U p.m., on
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  • 177 5 September 2U Ayuthia, Hntilr, Bangkok Van liiilm tl. Hut str. Bata\ia Ruby. Brit str. Palemhang HouJi Moh, Brit Ktr. H'kong. Amoy, Sivatow Sappho. Itrit »tr. 'IVluk Alison I i» |h ,i iNueuluug. (l.rsti. Bangkok V.-llore, Brit str, Calcutta Keynst, l>nt »tr, Bandjermassiu Solva, Nor str, Bangkok •a. A. A|war.
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  • 62 5 Foil I'KH STKtMKK Tn-MOHKOW H'kootf, filmiiulmi, Japan /'»•>«» TringgaDii via port* .iiinj hmms V. H'tenbsin, and Pewu>!(SVr<i* Muar and Malaica MMhi V. Kwettealmm via porU l.r Sarawak h«, 1a,,,i ||HBMI< BaUvia la HtfM Teluk Adboo via porU .s 1 i.,n0..r Fremaatl* via |xirU (Uaron Timk I 7 a.
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  • 462 5 Deliberate Attempt to Murder Two White Residents. The wliiU' community of Seoul was con sidcrahly shocked on August -".I. wl itlieanl that a deliberate attempt had been made the night previous to murder two well known and rmpntai residents; vi/.. Mr. and Ml', McLcllau. h .1
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  • 78 5 A iiiiirili't'tm.-. mmH hum iiiiimHlwl on Mr. U. William-.. carriagi boildw afttM Nortli-Wrstrin Railway, I.hl.oiv. ,m giialtin- H -i 6, between tin' huom at 1 and •> a.m. Mi WilUamN, who mtidpa in Old Nuulnklm, mm tabbed in tin right brmat and left ■baaUw, aad i-
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  • 88 5 Wharves at which Yes.- eU arc Berthed To-day. Txjone p»o»h K»ht Wa*»r BASHis-Kistii». EmtWb»»fSkction I— Nil. 3ect. 1 (Smcmw WuA»r):— Tli.mgwa. •iKCTIoN No. 2— Svanlioliii, liuimld.i. 3— Saint (ioortie. 4-I»cliih, Carlyle. s— Charon. 8— Keoniun. Nin(?ubn«. 7— Pak I-iu»J. (j_T. Hi ranu Yin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 374 5 JHEAKK SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. A regular KOKTNIOHTLY service is mainSEW"""-* 1 Md Kurope b > th < NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMEKS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan «c Government, anally designed for the Company sl.uropeau Service, lighted through ■>ul by hlectricity, provided with excelleut accommodation for Kirnt and
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    • 436 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Lid. AMI CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' ateaaiera are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China anil Japan every week, aud from Japan homeward* for London, Amiterdam and Antwerp every fortnight ami f<.r Oenoa. Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward
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    • 705 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. UNION 8. 8. GO. OF NEW ZEALAND. LTD. BINUAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND DIRECT. AI'CKLAND, WELLINGTON. LYT TLETON. AND DTTNEDIN also calling at SAMARANG AND FIJI (if indnoeraeotoffero.) The (!o.'« T. 8. 8. APARIMA..- 5.71 M toua, Udwd. Btott, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New
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    • 444 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO Kl'KOl'K VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA Mi the UNITED STATES. Ruute from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Rea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vnnconvor, X.M.S. EnriUM» or Imm t Twin-screw ateaR.M.S. "Kmprkhx wJam"
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    • 62 5 A GOOD FAMILY LINIMENT. Kvt'iv fmiiil) »lu>ulil Ik- «ii|>|ilittl with a Ixiill. <>f CliHiiilN'l'liiiii's 1 ";»i n Itulin. Km ruts. liriiis<-N. liiii'iih. miilils or siiniliir injiiria'H, wliirli itrc of frcc|iii'iit MWMM in HM Imiisvlioiii. tin n- in aatWag m |mA It mm hid) Miotlux tin' woiinil :in<l not only iliMUnt
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER TELEGRAM. Hongkong, Sept. 23, 10 a.m. Barometer »0 00 Direction rf Wind Kast Pone of Wind Max. Temp in Sbad* 80 Manila, 759 W. by S. 1 2« 25
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    • 143 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, September 3j. High Water. 1148pm. S. <i. K. A. Annual Mivi vi;. 8. O. C. Tennis. Feast of Taheruat-les ilewisb i Pathe Cinematograph Show. U «d 7 M Tuesday, September 34. High Water. 1)6 p.m. S. O. K. A. Annual Meeting. 8. C. C. Tennis.
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    • 134 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Kkosi Banana M nhrnan 29.) HIGH WATKK. LOW VVATKK Time H'gbti Time liyht Bmtkmbkk hrs. mm ft ins. lire mill, ft inn. 1 11.36 am 9.2 5 27am 1 1.1 Monday -i (U45,,,,, i 0.2 :..27pnil 2.0 {.muni 1.4 TurHKAV -2i 1)m M 60 pm 18 0.27
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  • 824 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. The interim report of the Health aud Disposal of Sewage Committee of the Munici|ial Commission, published in Saturday's issue, is a valuable contribution to thu literature that i* MMMUIB] with rcyanl to t'le sanitary improvement of Singapore. Kach point dealt with
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  • 513 6 The approaching visit of the Crow n Prince of Japan to Korea is sure to be invested by the New York newspapers with serious import for Korea. Marquis Ito has sought to anticipate this by announcing that .lapan has no intention to annex Korea, provided the Koreans do not make
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  • 13 6 The staff ball and harliour limit board has fallen off the Cyrene shoals.
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  • 12 6 A storm in South France has done enormous damnge to the vineyards.
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  • 16 6 Mr. F. M. Klliott was a passenger from the F.M S. by the Selangor. this morning.
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  • 17 6 Mr. A. C. Huttoii Potts quoted Ittiub .old shares at 57.-MI in Yokohama on the :!rd instant.
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  • 16 6 Sir Charles Klliott. K.C.M.G., C.8.. was a passenger from Bangkok by the Janet Nic oil. yeste-rdiiy.
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  • 20 6 Mr. <;. C. Hart. Adviser to the Government of Kedah. aud Mrs. Hart are c.\|>ccted t<> return from India next week.
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  • 23 6 The Lath of Mr. .1. H. T. Lcsslar. formerly of Messrs. Boustead and Company. Penang. took plac.- at Penang on the I'.tth lust.
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  • 21 6 The Sclaugor State Council has abolished the light dues levied on small shipping, with effect from the beginning of next year.
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  • 21 6 A bluejacket belonging to H.M.S. Kent absconded at Yokolmuin. with Yen .~>,OUO. He had been sent ashore to exchange the money.
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  • 24 6 The steamer Ticnyoiuaru was launched at Nagasaki on September 1 1. She is of Im.ikki tons, and is the largest vessel built in Japan.
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  • 24 6 A lioyal Proclamation ordering NewZealand to be henceforth a I >ominiou. instead of a Colony, was issued at the Colonial Office on September 10.
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  • 29 6 A deck passenger on the Selaugor. which arrived from 'IVluk Alison and intermediate ports, this morning, died of licri-licri between Port Mcksen and Malacca, and was buried at sea.
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  • 30 6 The steamer Lusitania 011 her first day's run accomplished •"•.It> knots, in foggy weather, sft and BN knots on her MOM and third days, respectively, aud ">'.•:> on the fourth day.
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  • 28 6 An art dealer named Morrison, who was apparently, the master-mind in the Wertheiiner art robbery, early in the year. Ims been sentenced to seven years' imprisonment at London.
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  • 28 6 A conference of shipping federations of F.urope will meet shortly in London to discuss questions of shipping labour, socialism, trade unionism, and the political-economical aspects of labour problems.
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  • 40 6 There were 74 deaths iv Penang during the week ended September 14. This number is equal to an annual death-rate of UM, as compared with 2H.[rl in the previous week, and with MM in the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 42 6 The I'nitcd States Army Trans|N>rt Wright, which has been overhauled aud refitted by the Tanjong hw Dock iVwud for Us< as the yacht of the (iovcriiol (icncral of the Philippines, left for Manila on Friday, the work having been completed satis, factorily.
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  • 54 6 The income Ui\ in Netherlands India will be assessed on a progressive scale,ou the principle that people with small means should have uttle to pay. The larger the income, the heavier will be the incidence of the tax. The assessment ou joint stock companies varies from one per cent to
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  • 113 6 Planters in Ueli have banded themselves together to organise an efficient coolie recruiting system in Java, aud to co-operate systematically to remove the abuses that have hampered a regular supply of Javanese labour. They have entered iuto relations with an emigration ggency of high standing at Samaraug, and have undertaken
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  • 110 6 A few mouths ago, a scientific mission was despatched by the French Government to explore Western China. The explorers under the leadership of Captain Mm* landed in Tonkin, and entered China over the \im nan frontier. The other ilay news from them reached Hanoi to the eff.vt that early in
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  • 32 6 We notict that a hro in a storeroom »t the back of Ludgate bill Station b said to have been put out by laeaui. of bucket, of water A very ingeoioui, idea.
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  • 568 6 His Hoi Mr. A. O. Wins a ill art Chief .luNtiee <>f Hoiigkoiigdnring the nbaeno on leave uf His Honour Sir Francis Piggoti. Mr. K. F. Brayn has bees appointed to a. t as local auditor. Hongkong, during th< absence on insi>ectioii duty «f Mr. 11. I:
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  • 89 6 The new lum to be introduced in .lav .1. next year, include one on bicycles. Than is a tax ou them already, but it will be doubled The Sourabaya Courant finds Un tax to he highly liiirdeusome to eycli-t-. owing to its heavier incidence. That journal says
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  • 81 6 Both sugar aud tobacco promise to yield abundant crops in Java, this year. MMM planters are quite satisfied with the resultof the crushing, which are greatly in OHM ot those reached last year. The cost of pro duction has been so lowered that the prohl on
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  • 231 6 Should the Penang Town Baud be wain tamed by the Municipal OmbUnm by the public I This is a question which U»i been agitating the minds of the public ii Penang for some time, aud on Friday last public meeting of inliabitants was held
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 Bblm^mmmlmV f?S MS SWI-fcßt i 'kflLi4nf4n «BraS9*^SttuiMMMM^sSaSawi Pull Price Lists on Application. MMMMMMTV -MMMMMMK^P-^^^^^^^ JL THOMPSON, THOMAS Co., Singapore. BILLET WANTED. AUSTRIAN LLOYDS STEAM NAVIGATION "niivl. MM b/ Planur. twenly Mn' of mmi mOtvton N.t.v. Mm ana Sar.i- koh HDXGKONc;. DIRBCT. »nk l,«timoni:il- frjm .1. 1 lie Honble T|, »tf«nu-r
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    • 262 6 $rand (Sinematograpd. PATHE FRERES. KNTIKK CIIANUKOF PIUHiKAMMK. To-Night To-Night TIIK HMMM lIV TIUNSI-AIiKXCV, Tli.- I.AIMiKST Picture ev.r I'ItO.IKCTKI) in the EAST. FKKK fitnu FLICKEi:. AMI ABSOLUTELY ROCK STEADY. BOARD AND LOOSING WAKTEO. Wanted. Board and Lodging in the Scnngoon Itoad district, distance from Own not material. Apply. C.X.. c o
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  • 159 7 NO ANNEXATION IF KOREANS ARE TRACTABLE. Honours for Distinguished Men. Hfi-h-k's Tbuuram! London. September ML Neuter's correspondent at Tokio telegraphs that the .'row,, P rjnc) of 4apM> P« by Admiral Prince Arisugawa, General tount Tan, Katsura i. x Prime Minister) and Admiral Togo, on October 11
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  • 109 7 Kkctkh's Tbi.k.iram/ London. September 21. telegram from Peking announce* that Mm I'u Lun and another have beeu HPI-oinU-d Presidents of a projected Government Council which is to be formed as a preliminary to a regular Parliament. I'nuci I'u l.uu is an lni|Hiial clan-iii;in IVi-t/u. o, -Cine,.
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  • 61 7 Threatened Strikes Throughout Great Britain. lim-TKKS TfI.K.iKAM London. September Jl. Nunii ion- -trike- arc threatened iv <iicat Kritain. including the railway iucu. the tl i worker- and pattern mak, i- in the -hipyarda\ K. lu-t. th. wiaw -r- at <•! t-g.w and the -hoeiuakcr- at Norwich. It
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  • 41 7 Ufithk'- IWanaa bmtm, September M. Viui'ia tc; gr.un -..lie- til U thcri were great testivitii ,it llomhurg mi the King of •slain birthday. A uew spring al tlii- tashi.iuahle r< sort has been christened "The < hulalongkoru Spring
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  • 50 7 Km TltK TSLKOKAMJ London. September 2-">. The rebel Hottentot chief Mori uga. who bad Ih-. ii negotiating for terms with the <.crinxii authorities in >..uth West Africa. lih-U.ii killed in an action with a I'.ritish lorcc 111 < a|« oloiiy. X number ot Mornigas followers were aUokill.
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  • 42 7 Ukitkk's Tilkuram L.indoii. September 22. I in l'ieu*i> Cuufcicucc at the Hague ha-H-lopt si the proposal regarding the establishmeut ot a pcrmaucut pii/t court. A in lion rtx iiniiii udiug a third Couti rence ught year- liemx was also adopted.
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  • 37 7 KSLTIKS TSLBuRAM] London. September 22. The latest information to hand from Mexico state that sixtytbroc persons were killod aud forty three inj'ired in the collision between an cxprw and i gutxU traiu at Kncaruaciou.
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  • 35 7 Kfltkk'k Tklkhkax; London. September '12. The loUowiug is the result «>f the Prince K.I war. l Handicap: Mr W. M. H. Singer.. LiM-hana 1 Mr. A. Baileys All Black I Tirara 3
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  • 34 7 I»»k Osr««i«Ti«-il» Llovk Tbumnam! lt<rliu. September -'I Mr boiia|«>l- the r«iWxl SUtos Secretary t,r u»# v«»y mtmti Wm tjrpedvb. .t <Jt .tr«yi r lv bt bltui «ltii th.
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  • 543 7 Complimentary Dinner by the Staff to the Principal. stiff y venin K. the members of the <■ \i in us ln(ltit «tion cutcrtained Mr. M. Phillips, the Principal, to a coinpli. meutary dinner in Kafflc otc o n the occasion of hj 8 approaching departure on louk leave.
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  • 291 7 Leader of an American Mission in Singapore. Mtw Uiuh l'ia/er, one of the leader- of a new religious sect, which has appeared in America. i« (Hissing through Singa|H>rc to ■lay by 1 1 Italian steamer Isehia. She is on her way W> Itombay. when' she will comnit
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  • 187 7 Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Nelson, Major F. K. Patch, and Second- Lieutenant C. H. Giy. Ituyal (larrisun Ari.llery, have been st'lei-ud for service at Singapore, for w hence they will leave England by the end of October. Laieutenaut-Colonel Nelson, who was latterly in command of the
    187 words
  • 17 7 A beau i.- vtrvthiiig of ovouo but Hit n*>«, ADti U'AlllUt; vi A UUI but lilt, c*^.
    17 words
  • 163 7 A NIGHT RECONNAISANCE BY FRENCH TROOPS. Political Side Issue Introduced. [Rrdtbr's Telegram; London, September 82. The negotiations between the tribesmen and the French and Spanish representatives at Casablanca have been broken off. General Drude will resume hostilities. London, September 28.It U reported from Casablanca that the French troo;is
    163 words
  • 86 7 (FiioM Oi-r Own Cokkksponoknt.) Penang, September 23, 12.2 p.m. Mr. August lluttenbaeh, of Penang, has been nominated a member of the Legislative l'-iiincil to till the vacancy caused by the ■Immmm of Mr. -lohu Turner, who has gone Hon. n holiday. it will be remembered that
    86 words
  • 166 7 Penang Combination to Counteract Competition. On Saturday we published a paragraph from the Piuang (iazette to the effect that a movement was on foot to form a shipping combine in the Northern Settlement, and that the local owners of steamers aud launches had been approached with the object
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  • 86 7 The report reached Sheerness on August 24 of a tragic occurrence on the battleship Bulwark, second flagship of the Nore Home Fleet. The dead body of Mr. Joseph Puceey, warrant officer, was found in After 12-inch Shell Room, with a revolver iv his hand and a
    86 words
  • 168 7 On September 12, Mr. I. A. Ila/.eland gave his decision at the Hongkong Magistracy, iv the case in which the Chinese Government applied for the extradition of lv Kai Shiug. for some time in business in Singapore and Johure. on a charge of armed robbery. His
    168 words
  • 138 7 A Manila wife of September Hi says AdxcttH appeared in Court here this morn iug on the charge of murder. lie was. as a pauper, assigned Counsel. The prosecuting Attorney said he expected detectives and paper* by the Kubi. Further hearing of the case was
    138 words
  • 1030 7 CIVIL SERVANTS' BANQUET TO HIS HIGHNESS. When tlie new railway is opened out, I am convinced that Johore will be able to hold its own with the other States i j the Malay Peninsula. lv the course of an interesting speech, delivered in Malay, His Highness the
    1,030 words
  • 529 7 Reorganisation of the System in (From Our Own Corrbspondknt.i Penang, September 18. IJy the departure yesterday, for Singapore, of Dr. Edith Boomgardt, Deputy Registrar of Deaths, the knell of the agitation for her retention here seems to have sounded, •■specially as Mrs. Clarke baa, since I last
    529 words
  • 190 7 lv reference to our recent telegram from Hongkong, the following explanatory details will be of interest Last Friday and Saturday, states the Hongkong Daily Press, of September 11, a Count Martial was held for the trial of six seamen of the gunboat Kio Lima,
    190 words
  • 94 7 Papers in from Hongkong this morning are full of pessimistic pars of coming trouble and bloodshed in South China. One journal states that after capturing the city of Fong Shiug and putting to the sword the Magistrate and the members of his family, the rebels have
    94 words
  • 92 7 The British- American Tobacco Company lias applied in the Mixed Court at Shanghai. for an injunction against Chinese who are manufacturing imitations of the Company's well-known brands of Three Castles, Sweet Caporal and Pirate cigarettes. The Court refused to grant an interim injunction. Next week, says a wire
    92 words
  • 24 7 Mrs. Neighbors Arc you aware that you* new hired girl b bownainbuM Mrs. Meadowgra.s. My guodut.o, no! l-Jbt U*» Imo .b wab a Baptist.
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  • 118 7 THE RESOLUTION OF A TRADES CONGRESS. Sir W. Laurier Refuses to Abrogate Treaty with Japan. jßidtfr's Tblroram' London, September T.t. A telegram from Ottawa states that the Premier of Canada, Sir W. Laurier, replying to the resolution of the Canadian Trades and Labiur Congress, asking for the abrogation
    118 words
  • 117 7 Authentic Summary by a Russian Journal. [Dbb Ostasiatischi Lloyd Truoram] BerUn, September 21. The Retell, an organ of the Constitutional Democratic party in Russia, has published what seems to be an authentic summary of the contents of the Anglo- Russian Agreement. I'nder it Persia is parcelled out into
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  • 70 7 [Der Outasiatischk Lloyu Trlroramj Berlin, September 21. Admiral von Tirpitz, the Head of the German Navy Department, has assured the Japanese naval authorities of his sincere sympathy with them for the accident which befel the man-of-war Kashima. A Havas wire reports, under date September 17, an explosion
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  • 16 7 [Rbutbb's Tbxiobaml Londou, September W. The Japanese cruiser Tsukuba has arrived at Port Said.
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  • 342 7 Malay Appeals Against Magistrates' Sentence. Before Mr. Justice Fisher, this morning. Johor, the Malay who was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by a Bench Court consisting of Messrs. Michcll and Bain, on a charge of rubbing Mrs. Lurcock in I'ulo Brani, has appealed against that
    342 words
  • 78 7 Poo Ah Qui and Wee Ab Soon appealed against their conviction by a Bench Court consisting of Messrs. Micuoll and Bain, on a charge of robbery of t'JO from Boy Ing, ami their sentence of six months t rigorous imprisonment. Mr. R. St. -I. liraddell appeared for them. Sit. Sproule
    78 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 51 8 li.. Aim, \-5.,-i.uion .1. h\ US v..1.s to to reUin it- dtio.a. 1., tie Koutliall .Hi.iti..ii Mi K 11. li. Scwcll h»s M aiti.l. oil u.ket in l-.tllT in the loitllichtl> liewew. I I I i lii'k.t I ii,|.||. in P, I m M.,jh/iu« I.TVpt. ml«
      51 words
    • 76 8 KM) I iius (i. .lf Club rii. ..suit „t th. L.a.i»- ml,o, M.d,,| Mm Mi- '.n-.ii :,l s |.t Mi- .Mnith in 4.". Ufa* rarkat M in »r, Mr- I.. II hI-o „la V .l Hi. \mmml Uiactal TiMlai il «iaw linaAli i will he h.ld on I
      76 words
    • 178 8 MaiKlu-.ster cup. >>n -Miii.lm at ...Hi p.m. the \l..n. 1.. -t. r < i aaa tn.d t..i ia aaajaactiea with tinS Ii A ui.'iithlx sh.K.t.the winiiei Uing hu.i K. «fca. MaW M MH rteaive A In—. < i m Uf K.. UM js In IH2 K.W.O i :;l :i^
      178 words
    • 132 8 Mi kau-v I Hl-nian in tli n— Hi. nfllm armail t .it Mm l>. Ii Mi rtlan <.\ Qmn i;>. IK. I .uk .Maharajah .i 5,,..,, 1 111 I. v l',i.|;n. > Kv.-uuit; st.n Mi I.- I 1. MnlliuKai I 1 l. MO. <il ML- «1\ I h..|
      132 words
    • 306 8 Mr .<|iroulc's v. S.H.C. 4 ii..t t.K.I, |.la,i ..ii the S l:.« ..i NMnrJay. UtM.<-i, ,u el. v.-v I l i b) Mi P. .1. >i,,-, m .....l tl. l:> ii,. Man ».i.-... i..ii..», E .1 >....,.. v. ,u.| b I.. >„„ I I •.alist.,,, I, vall ii D
      306 words
    • 242 8 A New Champion. KvereieMa int<<rniiti<iiial lawn tennis was lirvt alayal at deaAan Mm cliiof priaa has besa won b\ a visitor usually by one of lli.' leaclini; Knylisd players. l,a«t yoar tlir ll.iinbiir B liip I. II to A.V. Wilding, who until \u«ust -.'H ha.l mm b.-.-u di-fcattil
      242 words
    • 225 8 Darul Adah Cup Tie. I'll. lUnil Khir fared the Straits In. Han tiah in MM I'nrul A.lal. liip Tie t -omp«-titi<.i] •a >aturda\. Th.- yam.- was a fairly «o>kl aw and Mm was k.-.u. The" Kami Klmi w.iv Mm better U'uiu in p.iint of i-oiiihin..tkm and Mah(
      225 words
    • 355 8 handicap at the Sw immin^ Club. Hi. I*l >..i.l, ImbMbm Mm **>r* U"r..<U l-11l imiiimi Id a da» 1 >.->t<-r,lai •I. H Kaa* Uarci aam m,,iv strain.-.! "WJ «tWt U win. an.l mi.iihil.h! iv M uncertain uiaiiii.i i U.,1.1 men i-aiue in aMaai, Uiut; etoaalji folliiw««l i n
      355 words
  • 108 8 The P. 0. Fleet. Vn i.r.Ur lia» b.-.o placed with JJmrv an. l »u<l t'.,.. tif (ireeuock, for aiuitlur suaiiwr iUh.- iyhtln of tlie Moldavia claw 1..1 t1,.. IVuiusular au.| Oriental «'oui|»ny I Us aaaaV like Um> tmm ur.l. r.,1 a Km day.. J2J *■> I touK uro*. r.^iKUr. -ith
    108 words
  • 576 8 Singapore Cricket Club's Autumn Tournament. Tfcj MMh i, Ui. result „f Saturday's play m the S.C.C. Wuni* tournament UUMNMK K. K. tSaiuit brat K. E. Kent. ti a. H 1 A Cuss SINuLKS. .1. l<obertxoii +-l brat K. It. Niiunelev owe IM, «>. li 2. 0 Class Minulkh.
    576 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 204 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Tillies. SingH|Hire. Soptonibcr 21. Si,. 'I'here are donbtkss nmuy who will agrei' with the contention of .1. I', that the exclusive me of any o|»;n pnblir ground by any one -action of the community is> Hirablo. but dot sho know
      204 words
    • 193 8 To the Kdilor of the Straits Times. .lelebu, September HX Sir. -In reply to A Knowledge Seeker's iinestion as to Soul and Spirit being .me and the same tiling, the following remarks may prove of interest. I'll.' ordinary iiiitltiukiiiK Christian, 1 believe, considers Soul and Spirit
      193 words
  • 20 8 Aii Order in Pnaacil Ims Im-.-ii amaHael .siahlishiim a 1..-i;isl:iti\.- I'onuril in I'vprus. with .-1..-tiv. and si\ ef.i-ti\e
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY. UNITED NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 'That an Extraordinary Cicueral Mertiun of the Strait- Trading Company Limited, will be Tield at tli* K. t|ister.-.l Offlcr of the Com|iaov, No. 17, «'.Jlver yaay. Singapure, al noon oil Tumday. October BJ. 1907, wlit-ull.riiibi.Hned resolution will
      214 words
    • 371 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is HKKKISY (HTKM Tluil in order to cany oat MfaiM, Slumlord 1t«.a.1. Utuf.ii Hill Street un.t Ainieiiiaii Street, will he closed U. traffir ban 8 pan. tomorrow. Taeaat*, the ttth iustHiit. until th. «ork weoaaflafM. By Mm, .1. rOMhaMt, Miiuu-ipal Secretary. Muui. ip»l OHnv, biu(;ip..r<;. Sruieuilwr 23,
      371 words
      335 words
    • 149 8 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOU I'K.NANG. NKUAPATAM, NAMUri, KARICAIi. PORTO NOVO ANI> I'ONDICHKKRY. Tlu' Compauv'a Twin screw Mail strnnn-i THONUWA, 6>>!H I. Hen ioj-U.ii, <oin mander, will lie despafa-lie'i for the MOW purt» on Thursday, tfeptemter 2«. at 4 30 p in. She hus cucelleol ace3inmo<l:Uioii |m
      149 words

  • 185 9 PRODUCE. !cuhe X«. I, *2£ -<pra Ba i do Pontianak P«rpcr. Black do White 8% iA-*' Sago Flour Sarawak M *> Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago -'"J OoffeeBali. 15% Coffee. PalcmUn K 20*,. b»,i, 22 50 Coffer. Uibrrian No. 1 Tapioca, small Flak. T2 •lo small ,varl 0|*im, Benar»
    185 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 266 9 Date of form., ion Humber Cp.ul Bab«cribed of J BhHW Vataa FkU apto 1903 1901 1903 1907 •800,000 •600,000 £400,000 •400,000 I MW.OOO •900,000 030,000 •875,000 80,000 •MOO 840,000 87,5000 woo 00,00o J 10,000 .HlH^I 15,000 110.000 45,000 000.000 100.000 100,000 11.760 ""■MoT* 160,000 85.000 sr 06.000 8«0 06
      266 words
    • 304 9 190$ £130.000 1900,000 £116,625 •105.000 46,500 1 (MOO M 1 10,500 10 {""t^ooo** m i I 11,000 1 70.000^ 1 j 10 6.000 I 1 t 1.000 a i 1 'ft Anglo M»l«y Rnbber Co., Lid. (fully paid) (contoib.) Balgownie Rnbber EiUte Ltd. (fully paid) £5.17.6 £5.8.6 I •30.00
      304 words
    • 224 9 '.891 £5,377.10J 1898 1225,000 £4,809 • 7,688 12/6 4,000 M 110 I SO I,tOO 1 11J.SO0 10,000.000 a) 11,000,000 V 40,000 Bells Aabestoa Eastern Agency, Ltd Fnan dt Nera, Ltd. Hongkong tad Shanghai Bank J $7.00 150.0) 670.00 ex new issue I-65 110,000,000 •10,000.000 80,000 (lIS IIM 1901 $2,400,000
      224 words
    • 41 9 Howarth Enkina, Ltd. 6% 1600,000 3% pnm Rilay HaignaTei, Ltd. 6% 225,000 8% pram. Singapore Mnntopal 6% 400,000 20% pram 5% 1,878,000 J% pram. 4% 601,000 2% dia nomiu.l Tmiong l'agat Dock Co., Ltd. 190,000 3% pram 5* 1.050,003 par.
      41 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 249 9 ••FOR LADIES "i D JORET.HOMOLLE'S APIOL' 's thi most tun rtmedy Mgalntt the Sickness, and other iWecti ctuited kf thi del*, of r>i» rtguHr prtoit H. ABRAMS, HORSE HEPOSITOfIY. '•K( HAKH KOAP. Hi- .11 hand now a rive >« itvtinn ot over, 100 li. iv, c,,h- tmi I'ouU^ of all
      249 words
    • 27 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co Ltd. Electric Fans TABLE, BRACKET, and CEILING FANS. Speciality: CROMPTON PUNKAH FANS. LARGE STOCKS. LOW PRICES. Electrical Department: Telephone Mo. 362. 3 BATTERY ROAD.
      27 words
    • 250 9 Wassiamull m, .faiMiiicsc Silk, Assomull Co. sras* 1, 2, 3 4, HIGH STREET, Aim, 42 AKAB STREET ami at The (IKAXD IIOTKL I>K I.KIhoHE. Ju»t Unpacked i p::r. SILKS, JEWELLERY ft CURIOS. Pohoomull Bros. 48E HIGH BTREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Curios and Silverware
      250 words

  • 477 10 Weekly Rank Deposits to Meet Financial Needs I l,i (ollowint; oflirial utatemrnt was 1^^1101! i \iitnst 2:t in Now V>rk Mr. I'urtt 1 you annonnccil to ilay that trotn 1h 1:*****111^ ut next *ivk the TreaHiiry I paitnnnt will make each Weak, for a p. riml of
    477 words
  • 154 10 Top- knot Ceremony. Km Ij nain Ml -.'7. my* ike ft 00l l'r.», M ti Km]-.!..:- ami tie Xx KinjHi..! ami II I. H. tli. lr..nn I'nu.. of Koi.a hal tlit-ir laa-aaaßs i ttei Msatiseir lmir .lr»~~*-«l iv I ■Mn style. aeeanjhsj t" i"Oa! \\qir a few r»:icti<m- I ary
    154 words
  • 43 10 I loin t.i\.-..ii laa4 JaMMMtil were taa total m.nit- •!< -ri».-d. last tis»al year. Mr. A^juiih atatea. Thus the Daily Mail. The Mail i:i\i~ only about six eeXanM ot fast to |n.iiiil information. Tin- tiy ir.- iv i hut-, nf eourso. tlriuk and toliaeco.
    43 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 98 10 1 l|/' C > j AWNISTCPINC M NOT BEYOND HOPE reairJy Ih* 1... pave. aSalute T«vitk. Thee c n conditions of Rhruaur-.iMa. r. nutter aaw severe m r • ijuh.i t t nm4 immediately relieved, I rvr-iini-Rtly cured hy ".••s<»m,-.,i| IneJ Im:i'-,J renitj;,.. aaaaieaU .m.i •■s..-. .•.■tt .heresiß,,, Jt.,:heirfjte.
      98 words
    • 534 10 INSURANCE Cwhuiies. I OMMEIICIAL I'NION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED riatt, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Kxceed £1*,000,000. W. A. SIMS, r M7.i Manager, Eastern Branch. NORTH HKITISH AM) MERCANTILE IXSfHAXCE CO Siibsenbed Capital £2.750.000 Kevenue £'.'.061.044-19 8 The undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Kisks at current rates. 69. BEHN, MEYER A
      534 words
    • 604 10 BANKING COMPANIES. I HONGKOM AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital tiooooooo RESERVE FUND:— .wiw.wiu.uwi Sterling Reserve •10,000,000) M Silver Reserve •11.000.000 l WLOOO.OOO Rjasrva Liability of Proprietors »10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhnrst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Deputy Chairman A.Fuchs,Esq. A. jTßaymond. Esq. E. Ooetz, Esq. E.
      604 words
    • 668 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. Nations! Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank. LW. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      668 words
    • 608 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE LAND AND HOUSE PROPERTY, SITUATE AT VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE TOWN. To be held at Powell and Co's Sale room, On Tuesday, September 24, at 2.30 p.m. Area 777 su. ft part of Government lease 617, for»99 yetrs from .September IS, 1H29, qoit rent
      608 words
    • 257 10 SALES BY AUCTION. j _i_ AUCTION SALE. Wednesday, September >;, at 2.U) Freehold Agricultural Land, situate in Urn Mukim of DtiriHii Sabatlnil, Lower Pernk, area 49 acres and 30 pole 4. Quit rent 949.40. G. A. Fernandez Co., 1!)87 Auctioneer?. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AN INDUSTRIAL COMPANY.] STEAM LAUNDRY' EQUIPMENT
      257 words

  • 293 11 INTERESTING NOTES AND NEWS FOR MOTOR MEN. In a descriptive article of a tour through Spain, a correspondent to the Antcinotor says, in speaking of the Daimler car: It wis Hood for our English pride, and good also for Spainish motorist*, to fJiow the charming people we met that
    293 words
  • 630 11 l>on't ignore squeak ami think it will siM.ii go of its own MCOC& Stop at OHM aud investigate. I Don't drive Mm in mJiltl mi llw lw|i gjwf 1 us ioii-j as the tugim- will cuntiniir to run. When tin- nuiiilx-r ot revolutions or rate of
    630 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 318 11 ARGYLLS. Motor Cars and Commercial Vehicles. I- <»•:> IMarCa*»«| mmkmtd fmmm ml \m«- to aw -tullv a. •.in|ili-l, t1,,. fiv,- days' Ust witli <1, an sli^ts in tlu Mun, sl IIKI.IAItIIJTY TItI.XLS PItOItABIA TIIK KTIFFWT TEST Or ENDI HANCE EVEIt tTXMMOUKB I'.Y THE MODKKX MOTOR l Alt t l» 12-14
      318 words
    • 20 11 Tlie HUMBERS Again WON The HEAVY TOURING CM RACE. See accounts in the Home Papers. AGENTS: Borneo Company, Ltd. 1234
      20 words
      313 words
    • 1098 11 TENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. I KEVENfE FARMS. IDOh-IWW Tenders will be received at the Oftire <-f tli^ 1 Secretary to the KeHident. Selnnf,'i>r. up to Rasa on the '.(Otli Kc|>tvniber. 1907. fur IMHh K|iaraU'lv the follou iag Farms hf a period of two years (190H and 1UO»|. coniinpiirinK from
      1,098 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 684 12 Scale of Charge*. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Miaoellaaeous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to I -t. are inserted at the following rates:— One Insertion 1.20 per inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Bix t.M Nine 8.40 Twelve 7.M Twenty five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 15 per inoh.) The above rate i.
      684 words
    • 503 12 IRTICLEB FOR SALE. sUm:— Pear Uses, eaeertw 'aisrtleas, at-00 By the lack, ss* Seat, el CL rgts FOR BALE. RUBBER ESTATE, 800 acres in Maavri. aleo Ru. btr Stamps. Apply C," c/o Straits Times. oIOS ENGINE FOR SALE. One Gasolene Engine, S to 7 Horse Powst, Apply at Framroz and
      503 words
    • 577 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. IUW-fw Uaea, ea. er tiro Imrtloaa, »1.00 Bt U» Inch, tc* SoJ. of Chttf. OmCEftBODOWMTOBELET. With immediate entry No. 7, MaUooa Street. Apply to OtITHRIE CO., LTD. COHPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1-1, Wilsie Boad, from October 1, next. Apply to A. S. Shooker.
      577 words
    • 703 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. KAT«:-F<»r Llaea, of two lasertlona, By the tech. M* Seal* of Chanwe. TO LET. No. 11, L'oyd Bead. Apply to H. C. Verloop, o/o Hammer A Co. a ***** n«08E TO LET. From October 1, 1907. Blanche Cottage •8, Bcott's Bead, dote to the Teatoma
      703 words
    • 444 12 v.oyDAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. Wholesale from SYME anil CO., Sol, ALLSOPPS LAGER BEER 5 INDIA PALE ALE AND STOUT. 5 OBTAINABLE FKOM ALL DBALBBB. SYME A Co., Sole Agents 1835 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tender* will be received h: the Colonial Secretary's Office, upto noon
      444 words
    • 281 12 BOARD AND LODGING. R*ns -Pour Line-, sm or r«c sssn iBjthniMoh. it< natool BOARD AND LODGING. Airy aad comfortabls B mil h lURGANNV 1IO! Si:. 1; moderate. App]* to Mrs Orre 191? BOARO LODGING Miiglt- and Vc.:K,- K n r ■> n K<«d. EnaUeat Tabh < •Mser aaoath. 1971 i
      281 words