The Straits Times, 9 September 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.440 SINGAPORE MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 yiKsTloN. WHAT IS ROSBACHP j To arrive by mJKM II 1O Horse Power s.s. Hohenshaufen I WW II r/y Seated Clement Bayard For Prices Specification, w APPLY TO THE SOLE AGENTS: l^\lX\JrlO\lS C. Dlipire CO. Motor Cars. KATZ BROS, Ltd, GENTS' "DUAL PANAMA HATS, <***. $18 EACH. (HEAPKK QUALITY, d»^
      155 words
    • 139 1 HOTEL WISSE WILXIYBSDEK. BiTlYli. EiUbliahei ia ISM. I Renovated up to date. Splendid titnatiOD in 1 the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palace of Governor-GeneraJ and Clnb. and in tbe neighbourhood of the French stores. Kitchen nnder special European supervision. English dishes. Strongly recommended by English and American Tonnete. UoitraU Tariff.
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    • 346 1 ROBINSON Go. jf. ttnnual (Basd (Blearance MOW ON. iREAL REDUCTIONS. ONCE! HSU ROBINSON Co. i CALEDONIAN HOTEL Frist Ranah Road, $infnp>ir*. Tbe MaUwl nii.l flialthlfl Ramrl in tin- City. Hofc-1 Porter iv uuiforiu moll til t« mi. l TrHinx. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPJT ORCHARD ROAP. A Haw Stock of
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    • 13 1 aN.swki;. THE LEADING TABLE WATER. Snpplhil I.v I.'. >:<: Warrant lei H.M. The King.
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  • 1010 2 Sumatra-Deli Rubber Estates, Ltd Tlii- it a iiiu (ornpHiiy uitli n rapttal 111 in slmn-s of L'l cncli. |be prewsl issue coiiMstiiiK of Nfflt rinna, Tin' company mcjiiirrs tin- taint TarVn and Memluris Cutilxi Plantation-. sitaatMl on tin- t-a-t coast of Sumatra containing M.767 acre* at thereabout*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 310 2 Dee's Concentrated Disinfectant. The most economical effective Of all Dealers. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. CRUSHED FOOD. TRVU VNKYOr WILL BE SATISFIEL I. R. BKLILIOS tw-K- tnl.irm the public tint bit Facter\ U>* prepariug ('rusbod Food at No. 1. Belihoa Kuad. now opened. Pnce >f a bag of Cruabed Fx>d
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    • 349 2 i.\jxt wounri Gonosan will cure it. Oonosan in the best tolerated of all medicine. H relieves pain and sti-ps the ilis<-liiir«e. Uh effect is noti«-al le in three or four hours after you start to axe it. Try a bottle and be convinced that the tiny cr|>siil<s taken internally will
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  • 542 3 Bcri Beri Responsible for Increased Death -Rate. I. ha> aaaaaJ rt|N,it ..n ill. aaMaiaMtfiaa t hrixUiiao l-iaii.l. tl» M,,,,. C«|4aaa Vn«a«. (Mi;.. Ciilaaial Naaraaarj aaaaai thai Urn it v. nut .lurini; tin a „i ajaa •i< Ua rayakj aa tta ataaplaMi ■■xpnrtpA. «lii. ii iraa aaM in LnaaW,
    542 words
  • 192 3 Fditorial Views of an Indian Native Newspaper. fallow iag v en.',.; dum in Ireland i ..'l'illA lutv. nut an :"lf- ■.i vi tii. Baton ii tin criay i v i [noli i. for politi I ited Im-i: Uaajfai i» oraaMMtiaa, -\>r* a«l i Miuitrx. 11~ iv. Biben
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  • 268 3 Mi <• 1..M M»c»«M»rk.i.jf«.! 1~. i ..I.iuiU. i^ tin- |KjsMHs»r of wliat i i to he tlit lary«M sa|<i>hirc in tin j ..rut 'li.. -lc>u< »i> uiiui-J in Ur- l;.itna|i ira .ii-tnct ~>m. -i\ uwntli* auo I n its tiui*lic<i I -i..i, L 1. m.1..-, 1.r..a.l and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 719 3 MAJNO'S MILK. Sole Agents: HUT TENBACH BROS. CO. F»CH BOTTLE 6U»R»HTttD Thermos Bottles./" a Vaaiarfal bwaaaiaa hi« i'int Bots. $10 PRESERVES HOT DRINKS FOR 36 HOURS. Urn < nut Bots. $15 PRESERVES ICED DRINKS FOR 8 DAYS. From tiui< tiilt^l |o timt bjbmHbl lo a% keaa, THE TKMI'KRATIHE OK LiQiins
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    • 237 3 Direction der Disconto-Gesellschaft BERLIN -BREMEN FRANKFURT A. M. LONDON. Kapital (fully paid-up) M. 170,000,000 Reserve Fund M. 57,600,000 Kepi-<"»fnt«l at HAMHfRC by the Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg. The bunk tntntaott fsmttul banking bit.iinrvs of every description awl iwt-i its V*pt**rmtmtim of the folloiving fvrtign bunk*: Brii>illianlsrh' B»nk. fur Orut^rhlmid of
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    • 183 3 MARTIN'S /■W Ladies.l r\ LI <S 1 Pr«nrh R .m»dy tor all lrr««ul»rul»>« n>ouMn4«« ■«ir Ml. At HllCh.mi.(..nd s.of*» o.p.*' 5 *»»T.M IjUTHAIPTO.I. IMCL4I.O aawa. O. J. KErmCH t. Ca. ami, i u/fmr .*.«.> Mrrim mm ».oLf>r? N LAND tmt.bllmh d In MM, thr r ■arm a thoruuO" know
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  • 692 4 Mere Theories Concerning Planet 1 Mars. "v n»iti. im' M^MMJT, i» I In I. mi upplnii bj I'm.; --.h «!i:.,1, I. |i,,l,ui. ii .li.»ir I mi.iiiv at in I niviiMtv of IVmi-yl-lathe afvariaM iiniisi- to |»uwl that Ui plan- 1 M.v» i- mlnliit. .1. w tli' t 1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 I.VWTIXK. tlie 1.1. -I 1',,, :at.»e. rerun. k* Ik* l» t atediral «-,il,.,ritie S Ka> •1 'i i.eilt- Veha hnd „f all 1 Who', e'. /.in Tin- riiarnia.v. B«iu-i\ H.eii. Km^aujK.
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    • 700 4 STEAMER BAIUWB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan. Penang:, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Tbroogb Bills H Lading leaned frr Chim Ccatt, Persian Golf, Continental, and Anaerinar Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on or abont MAIL LINE. thitrard {for China). Ommm Sept v
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    • 710 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANNER." pi BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between:— Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermasin, Polo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetoi, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, KotU Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good accomodation for
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    • 441 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNIE. HAMBURG. The Bteameis of this Comrany maintain s regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straite, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 774 4 BTEAJER BAIUH6S. N. D. L. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Oerman Mail Line). The fact and well known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naplea, Aleiandria, and vice Mfsa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penaug, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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    • 747 4 Miscellaneous NOTICES. K.TI-i-l-t Monih, »1» per inch, s .l^oqimnt month* $5 For shorter Beftoti -^.il. efCknsflsa, NOTICE. Koom^ airy and comfortable, with liistcla--bosrd are now available at a very moderat rate at the RECREATION H01T.1,. Paya!: Lebar Tramway Torninus. G. A. Fernandez, c 1607 I';, pin-tor. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders iilll
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  • 1128 5 1 m.i Kiin- atafaj th.f,.u.,.i lU[ sMMßHtaaiaji h.-.ii^i. \,t Nr,.-i,t. < ru. CraEar; am. 1...1 f willj 11.,, ||„r«. !r Hrm«li I Iim«I«Ij1i.; 1, 1,. Kr»ii«h; Usraw l>.,i 1...1.1,. |t»i. ii,i,.,,,. mm Maaaak; <i < «.ih»»i ,-Krit.. ,1.|,. .t^i M I I n.,-M .111; W hurt T.P.K
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  • 760 5 Samf, port, probable dale of arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS. A. CaUutti, Sept IS; Paterson SimxM Airtw, Sydney. < M 25 Boaste*l Antilochun. China. Ort 25 Mansnold Araadia. C >lomh Oct U V. o. Coy Anstralisn, Saigon, Oct 7 M. Maritimes Ayuthia. Kaiii-kok, CKt Borneo Cor \v.»
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  • 47 5 September 7 Abv-rlour, Brit «tr. New York Devawooa*-. Ger Mr. Bangkok I'enua, Aust str, Japan via port* Ranka, Hnt str. Anambas. Natunan lalaiuin Ranee, (i.-r sir. Deli. A«ahan I Siii«ora. tier «tr. itaugkok HKi:i\ie'-. Brit Btr, Bindon via portM Flevo. IJ,i «tr. Aiiamha and Natuna Inland <
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TMJOHG P»G««. Kaht Wharf Bassim— Nil. East Wba»f Section 1-Edendale. Km Sam. Sacr. 1 (Shekki. Whahf):— Nil. Skction No. 2— Neuiunnster, Uhuidt-i. S-Benmohr. 4— Port Maria. B— Nil. 6— Flnrea. Belang.r. 7— Sultan. Isla de Luzon.
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  • 65 5 Homkwaki. P. O. Mail. The P. and O. horn-ward mail steamer Marmora left Hongkong, at Spin., on Saturday, and in due here at C a 111.. on Tasnday, the 12tb instant. Oi-TWABi. P. A O. Mail. The outward mail steamer Oi-uana left Colombo, at 1 ).30 p.m.
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  • 100 5 p OB Tub Steameb Timk Tomorrow BaUvia La Seym a.m. TrinKganu via ports An.p l.r,m<i II a.m. Batn Pahat I' 1 P. K'teuuam, and Penau^/'frii* 1 l»'» Muar and Malacca Sri Mum- i p.m. Batavia, ("bon. S'nuiK t'.drmUiU il> m. Peuaug and Calcutta FaatAWf .1 pin HongkoDß and
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  • 103 5 From Bcaora— By the P. .v <>. s.s. 0.;.-ana, daeoo Sept IS. From Chik\- liy the P. *O. Mann ra. due on Sept li. Bin^pu Anjjuat 8 August 12 August 16 AugOMt 21) AngUßt -tl Augurt 2« August 30 Bout i Sept S Sept 1 an l>oe
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    • 209 5 Per I. ft O. steamer Kritannia, ronneotinx with the steamer >ceana at Colombo, from London Auk. 16, due Sept. lit. Montr*. W. H. Campbell. K I). Spencer, E. V. Mitchelmore, MacClyniont, Q. MacClymoot, W. .1. Kemp. Mm. M. MaddockN. Mr. .1 I'nv. lin M Mr. and Mrs. W.
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    • 46 5 By 11,I 1 and O. stoaiuer Sunda, on Septeir brr H From Singapore to London Mr. and Mrs. W. Tait Bowi*), Major K. F. Vi-u able* and Lieut. W. (i. H. Creo to Mar seillex: The Hou. Mr. W. Evans and Mrs Kvans.
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  • 118 5 (Fiu»i hnoan 0 nfornna is.) The above is Singapore Standard Time to obtain Mean Tim*, subtract six inintiteH from the time niveu in the tablet-. HIGH WATER. LOW WATEJI Time H»lit Time H'gbt BcmMßn lira. mm. ft Inn. tire mm. ft iun v m 9.1 5.20
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  • 244 5 Our of the HWI of ill*' regulation* aflectuu Itritisl. dupowaam which have am by the lijaid of Trade is MM which makes it ui-icssury to provide upon nil ships, some safe ami Mq MM by whi<:li workmen may have HUM to llie various holds
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  • 37 5 It-.v. -.v'.nt ha- of aaaf hliud. b.'-«i!i!j tutiiui that uscil U> h .-a around li.v You ht y>t v lot of moi.y win n (MM dad .l«tl. ami aaaj In- isu t blind auy iv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 391 5 BTEAMER BAIUIIBB. N.Ylt JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD mm A regular FORI NIGHTLY nerv ice v maintained between Japau and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS. I'ml.T Mail Contnt.t with the Imperial Japanese Goverumeut, specially designed for the Companvn Kumpean Service, lighted through■rat by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 450 5 STEAMER BAIUH6B. j Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. ANH CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. pk The Companies 1 stoamen art. denpatched from Liverpool outwards fur tbe Straita, China and Japao every wock, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Aatwerp every fortuignt an.! fcr Genoa, Hareeillee and Liverpool
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    • 565 5 STEAMER BAIUWQB. <'O WHIN Ell SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY., LTD. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BZTWr.F.K rRKUAXTLE (PERTH) NORTH WEST AUSTRALIA* PORTS JAVA AXI» SIKUAPORE Kegulsr Fortnightly sailings between Sing* Lpore and Western Australia, calling at Java (an inducement offers). Derby, King's Sound, (Port for
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    • 322 5 STEAMER SAILHWS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Konte from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe. Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.B. "EMPRESKor Inou" 1 Twin screw steaR.M.S. Emprehh r.r
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    • 104 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Sept 1(1 -At Sale-r.ioii,. Nam TaO£ at 2-:t0 p m 10— At Sale room, laud honaai at Bophia Road, at Ml p m. Hi— At Sale i(«.rn. huildint; sitooi Man daily 1:..n.i. at 2 HO p.m. i 17— Al Xo. 4. Mala, .a Street, Office
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 137 5 DAY^Y UAY Monday, September o. HighWaUr. 11-34 pin. Jewish New Year's Pay. Polo Match. Singapore* Selanjjor. 4-30. S. C. C. Tennis. Victoria Cross Club Football. Old Site. PatlieCiueiiiato^raphShow. Baaehßoad 7 30 Tuesday, September io. High Water. Oil p.m. Assizes. 11. Chamber of Com—rat F.xamiualiou. C. W. A. Parsonage 10-30.
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  • 1158 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. There h« Ml i*-ued trom The Times of < eylon < Mfiec! by MH < upper ami Sous, Coluiubu. uuiler the title of Tropical In \e»tor BMM," a comprehensive register of public i.orupaoic* concerned with the «r. .wiuy of rubber and
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  • 17 6 It is reported that H.M.S. Terrible will replace the King Alfred as flagship on the China Station.
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  • 29 6 The Merchant Uoad affray case was concluded this morning, and the fifteen accused were bound over to keep the peace for three months on personal bonds of $10 each.
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  • 39 6 A Malay woman and two children were burned to death at Cherakc Fookon. F.M.S., on the sth inst. The house in which they lived caught fire through a tin oil lamp being left burning while they were in bed.
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  • 37 6 Then- were 442 deaths in Penang during July, which was equal to a death-rate of :SH.:t.-. per thousand on an estimated population of 1:12,019. During the week ended August 31, the number of deaths recorded was 55.
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  • 29 6 The Malay Mail hears that work in couuection with the construction of the Hail way from Geinas to Kuala Seinantan is expected to commence about the beginning ofnext year.
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  • 34 6 11. M. S. Kent will be re-commissioned for a second spell on the China Station. Her uew captain will be Captain Gerald C. A. Mareseaux. He will hoist his pennant on Hit 17th instant.
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  • 30 6 H.M.S. Crescent, with homeward. bound crews from the China 'and Australian ■Station*. «ici*«4 at Colombo on the lot instant 3h« had a, epluriid passage-. in<l all on board ware wall.
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  • 11 6 All telegrams published in this issue arc protected by Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 18 6 A conference of British Residents in the X.M.S. is to take place about the middle of the mouth.
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  • 17 6 A Tamil woman charged with theft ot jewellery at Batu Tijja, Klang, was extra dited this morning.
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  • 19 6 A cargo of tea from Shanghai for Odessa passed through Singapore to-day, by the Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Yuroslav.
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  • 19 6 A cargo of coal for Messrs. Helm. Meyer and Company arrived from Calcutta yesterday, by the British steamer Dragoman.
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  • 23 6 A cargo of cotton from Bombay for Japan was conveyed through this port on Saturday by the Nippon Ynsen Kaisha steamer Totomi Mam.
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  • 25 6 A runaway pony careered nudly along Uivcr Valley Koad, this morning. Fortunately there was very little traffic iv the roadway and no damage was done.
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  • 29 6 The ladies of the Presbyterian Church Sewing Party will meet at the residence of Mrs. T. C. B. Millei, Kairleigh, Nassim Koad. on Tuesday next at 4 '(0 p.m.
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  • 26 6 A Chinese stowaway was discovered on the <<erman steamer Helene Kickuiers on her way d.jwn from Japan. The steamer arrived yesterday ivith a canro of coal.
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  • 29 6 Messrs. Itudra aud Chopard have lodged au appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision given against them in the Court of Itequests, granting *M) to a dissatisfied client.
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  • 27 6 H.M.S. Klora grounded near Dumb Dell Island. Hongkong and received injury to her bottom which necessitated her transfer to Kowloon Docks. Several pl&tes are to be removed.
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  • 30 6 One of the new North Owruiau Lloyd steamer for local service arrived tiiis morning from Hamburg. She is called the Chicugiuai. A sister boat, the Pataui. is expected next week.
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  • 28 6 There have been four more resignations among the subordinate staff of the Federated Malay States Railway Department, aud another four iv the Construction branch of the Railway Department.
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  • 35 6 There was an affray iv Augullia Road yesterday at about 2 p.m., aud the Police arrested 17 Chinese. The trouble is said to have arisen from the ejectment of an intruder from a private dwelling.
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  • 38 6 Advices to hand by the Kreuch mail state that the weather iv" Ireland has beeu very bad all through the summer— in fact, the worst for fifteen years. N" o wonder the Irish are discontented British (iovernment again
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  • 40 6 The Sea Belle arrived from Port Swettenham yesterday, and has goue to Pahaug. She had as passengers. Messrs. liclticld. Watson, Kenny. Dick and Kobiusou and Captain Talbot. They were joined here by Dr. D K Me I K> well. P.C.M.O.
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  • 37 6 iuuner C. Cartwright. H.0.A.. died of pneumonia on Saturday uight and was buried with the usual military honours at the Christiau Cemetery. Bukit Tiinah Road yesterday aftcruoou. The Re\. K N. Hunter. Chaplain to the Troops, officiated.
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  • 48 6 Two of the crew of the steamer ludravelli are charged with being concerned iv the stabbiug of Mr. (i. 0. Thome, the third o&cer. while the steamer was lying in Hongkong harbour. The names of the accused are 1 houias Dean and Charles Reilly. The officer is recovering.
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  • 61 6 In the course of a leader, the I'iuang (lazette suggests that the appointment of a Deputy Public Prosecutor for Penang would considerably raise the working efficiency of the Police Force, for the inspectors would then have time to instruct aud supervise their men. The hope was expressed that Mr Cuscaden,
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  • 62 6 The late Syed Abdul Kader bin Abdul Uahman Alsagoff died, ou April 19 last, without having administered fully the estate and effects of the late Jived Alie bin Mohamed Assapic deceased. In order that the matter might be concluded, Syod Omar bin Mohamed Alsagoff, merchant, of 12 Battery Koad petitioned
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  • 77 6 The measures for carrying out the curreuc y reform iv Deli, by substituting guilders for dollars, are proceeding apace. The silver for the operation will be sent from Holland to Batavia. Several months will be required for despatching the treasure, and it is expected that thirty steamer trips will be
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  • 79 6 The following Committee has beeu appointed iv Hongkong to inuuirc into the causes of the depreciation of the subsidiary coinage of the Colony, and to advise as to what means can bo taken, with duo regard to the interests of trade, to rehabilitate such coinage The Hon. A. M. Thompson,
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  • 86 6 The oomut present* a bright appearance at Saigon between two and four o'clock in the morning. The natives, who are naturally superstitious, attach a terrible importance to the visit. To them it bears the meaning of a dreadful war being near at hand between two nations. Some of tb6m take
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  • 709 6 Lady McCalluni gave her first At Mom. in Colombo on the 2Vtli ultimo. Since his arrival at Tokio. all men. from the Kniperor downwards. lihv. paid mark. .1 honour to Viscount I to. Sir Henry McCalluni has accepted tin position of patron of the Ceylon llranch ol
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  • 86 6 The Peking Government has beeu urged to order a new vessel for the Chinese uavv to oc built in Japan. When this news got abroad, one of the Imperial censors advised against the proposal, ou the ground that the ■Japanese were cunning anil dishonest. The censor strengthened his point by
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  • 127 6 I'ro Bono Publico writim to hrn Ins doubt of the Bim;eritv of tin- Chines. (iovcruiucut's efforts to mm opium smoking. Ho also ilcals with the subject of reform in China, but add* nothing original to the diwuiwion of this subjivt. He com ansmh the attempt now lx-iu» ni««le by the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 ...At VMTOMKM Him Ks SWALLOW AND ARIELLS AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS ARE JUST BPLENDIO. Swallow and ArielTs LADIES Afternoon Tea" Biscuits Are Exceedingly Choice. COMPRISING BPEC|AL < «l. V.ii. I Imniiiacn Biseuitv ream ll Nr l wv trv.:::; I T Each 90 Cents. THE POPULAR AFTERNOON TEA BISCUITS. THOMPSON, THOMAS A
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    • 146 6 9rand Qinematograpf), iIJEACH UoADi. P WE REPRODUCE F TMK my A UVINC WORLD. R T E I At 7:«) i-.ji. ,v, b.m IV EVERY EVENING. l\ H E OIH q 255 Ijoughs iv 85 minutes. Wilson co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our Productions arc of the highest possible ARTISTIC TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE and
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  • 363 7 MOORISH TRIBESMEN PARLEY WITH FRENCH GENERAL The Captive Raid. PATHETIC LETTER FROM THE PRETENDER'S PRISONER. IKtUTRk's TRLKUKAMI I .'melon. s.|iUiul« i ft. It.iiUrs •i>ii,s|N>ii.l«iit at Casablanca l«-lt u'raphs that certain tribes have for a silH|lunsiuo hostilities with a view of nc U ',,tlatinn |k a<i (•'eiieral hru.lf.
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  • 71 7 British Authorities Return to Old) Formations. I(H IKK TkLK'.NIM I 1..n. September 7. Tin MM ariu.i MbMIM in Wiltshire ah concluded The system of extended righting lines, viliich h.'' (Mgjciatil in South Africa, was abandon, d. I ..rm ttioiis generally were i Misvr th.tu auv practised in Critain
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  • 66 7 Swelling Statistics for the Month of August. lIHTKHS TkLKi.UA.II London. September •>. ti....rd ut Trade statistics show that the ralm < sports from tin- I uiuxl Kingdom iv i!k month of \ugust amounted to C17..5.V..041 and imports to £4MMJIfc These tigin-. s represent increases of i:t.MK*.4*l i:4<17.
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  • 57 7 kßl'Tßk's TuLKIiKASI London. September 7. i.v Admiral < ouul MnuNi-ui coli. Com luaudci iul'bief ..I the Austriau Navy. i..,n |i. it. -I Ke*r Admiral Ijuin and his Mi.-, rs on hoard the Austrian cruiser I ii roim f at TricKtr \rchdul,i Karl Stefui »i»il«- 1 tiie J.i|uuc«e
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  • 31 7 K«LTItKs TKUtUKAMI l-ondon. September H. The Kw-uing N.'ws publish' a telegram lioiu Alaska announcing tin- iwife arrival of t'&ptaia Mikkei^n. ..f tl:< Angl. American Vi.ii. <:\ plorati'Q > \|-'<liii<>ii
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  • 25 7 ''•rf MMM Hf Lfiil 1.-Lr.ju* rk-riia -'ftt-mbr r I In- d IafMNM •b" ha<i -tru. k at li.t«<*| ka.v i.-.ui'l rV
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  • 936 7 Presentation of an Address to Mr. W. E. t. Grove. Ou the occasion of the departure for England of Mr. W. E. 0. Grove, the retiring Chief Police Officer, au interesting gathering of members of the European I'olice force took place at the Masonic Hall, on Saturday.
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  • 28 7 The following is the result of work at Itaub for tin four weeks ending 7th instant Stone Crushed. li«7'.» Tons. l iold obtained. HMU Ounces.
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  • 114 7 The news that tin Tamil Immigration Kirn .l Bill in not regarded by Uovernment as liual will be hailed witli satisfaction by all planter*, nays tin- Times of lialaya, which eousti'iii's the meaning of tiie liuvi riiiui nts declaration on Friday to be that a new Kill
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  • 51 7 THE UNITED STATES' BRILLIANT VICTORY. [ItiuTMt's Tblboeaml London. September 9k The luitcd States have won the Palnia Itilie Tropliy with a score of 1,71*2 points. Canada was mai with 1.H71, Australia third with l.liVI. nu<l Great Itritain f.mrtli with 1, .X1. Thu previous bust on rocar-1 was 1..V70
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  • 277 7 Clerk of Works Killed by Falling Masonry. Mi. W. Glover. Clerk of Works for tin- Committee in charge of the re-con-struclion of the Town Hall, met with a fatal accident at about 1 1 KM I on Saturday morning. While he whs standing with the contractor. Wun Ah
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  • 205 7 Charged with Carrying Passengers Without a Licence. Captain H. dc Vries, of the Dutch steamer Vau der Liju. was fined 1,000 by the Senior Magistrate, this morning for carrying passengers on his steamer without a licence. He pleaded not guilty. Mr. .1. Cohen. Boarding Officer, said that
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  • 74 7 News has reached Colombo of the death of the Sidainbrani Cbetty, the millionaire trader of Devocotte, South India, who was recently on a visit to Ceylon. He took ill with fever in Colombo. He lived in Dickman's road, Bambalapitiya. where he always had two attendants fanning him
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  • 112 7 There was a row between Hokien boatmen on the Singapore River at noon on Saturday. A number of Police rushed to the scene and twenty men were arrested, two of whom it was thought best to send to the hospital, though the/ are not dangerously wounded. The
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  • 115 7 A Chinese contractor named Yap Pun Hun prosecuted Mr. Morris, of the Taojong I'agar Dock Board, before the Senior Magistrate, this morning, for aasault. Mr. It. St. J. Braddell appeared for the complainant and Mr. F. M. Elliott foi the accused. The evidence snowed that accused was
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  • 27 7 The death is announced at Waoatiec-, near Berlin, of Hcrr Heimaao En*., the well knows architect, tad until recently Fre*ident of the Berlin Acadrray of thr Arts.
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  • 1625 7 PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF RAFFLES. Memorial at Hendon Church. (Fiiom Ouk Own Corrksponuknt.) London, August lit. Pilgrimages seem to be not quite no freiment in Europe as they used to be, when travelling was slower but not mi dangerous, and the risks of the road could
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  • 204 7 t Theft of Goods From European Store. Pictures of foxes aud grapes aud of oxen in teacups suggested themselves in the Supreme Court, this morning, when Eno's and Bovril figured largely in a case that came before Mr. Justice Fisher. It was an appeal from the decision
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  • 205 7 A private musical eveuing for the members of the Singapore l'hilhariuonic Society and their friends will be held in the Teutonia Club to-morrow night, commencing at 9 o'clock. Mr. Claud Severn isdown to siug a eoupleof songs; one, Hope Temple's charming composition My Lady's Bower." and the other
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  • 101 7 Bangalore is particularly unfortunate to our British soldiers at present. An [epidemic of enteric broke out six weeks ago amongst the Sherwood Forester" and some of the 1 4th Hussars. There were several fatal cases a few weeks ago, and then it was reported that the
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  • 104 7 LUSITANIA'S DEPARTURE FOR NEW YORK. Patriotic Demonstration on Banks of the Mersey. [Rbutm's Tblbobam| London, September The departure of the new Cunard turbine steamer Lusitauia for New York was made the occasion of a popular patriotic demonstration at Liverpool. Fally a hundred thousand people assembled on the banks
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  • 49 7 The Government as an Employer. [Rbotbb's Tblbobam.l London, September 'J. The Trades Union Congress is closed. The Congress passed a resolution calling upon the Government to settle the Unemployed Question by absorbing unemployed labour and permanently reorganising indus. try on a co-operative basis.
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  • 45 7 [Bantu's Telburam; London, September 9. Kcuter's correspondent at Canton reports a rising iv the Fungshing District of the Yuenchow Prefecture. A district magistrate and his wife were killed and the magistracy destroyed. Troops have been sent to suppress the rising.
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  • 47 7 [DlB OSTAHIATISCHK LLOYD TILKURAM Berlin, September 7. It is said that the Dutch Government intends to abolish the tax on sugar growers in Java, to raise the export duty on Sumatra tobacco, and to levy a general income tax in Netherlands India.
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  • 233 7 At the renewed bearing of the application of the Chinese authorities for the extradition at Hongkong of Iv Kin Shing, formerly a merchant in •lohore, on a charge of armed robbery. The Police Magistrate (Mr. F.A. Hazeland) reserved his decision. Sir Henry Berkeley, who was
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  • 174 7 A statement of the actual revenue of tin: Colony for the year 1900, on which the Defence Contribution is payable, was laid on the table at the Legislative Council on Friday. It showed that the revenue amounted to $».«1H,:t12.«7, from which was deducted the sum of MM.IM4M
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  • 93 7 Writing on August 19, the Frtimautle correspondent of the Times of Ceylon says Commander Dewera, of the O.M.S. Scy dht/, spoke very forcibly today of the neces sity of the < lover n me nts of Australia, Ceylon. and the Dutch Eaat Indies establishing wireless telegraphic stations
    93 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 106 8 mmaal mama l» |mt)«4 tliis i-v. tmi ..n tlir <ll.| ( Mai tetween II i- Whit ami i ■..l.iiirs of th<- Victoria truss < I,lb Tii. Bmmmi mamal mam left Kr.iuautl.' ..11 at :<rd iaaml f.n F.iit-land. ....I 1- \i».t«.| la play a match at Colombo
      106 words
    • 40 8 k.11.D. Cup. Lm 1. n .nt mMmmi «ill ham am amaa af < ij'tain Uamf in the liajHM teitn fur ii:. match tins mmmmn f->r lap K <t.|{. 1 p. at the aaeaosane, I'lay t» cnis .it Mt p.m.
      40 words
    • 45 8 lYnanit cricket Club. in. laal tit- iv tn.' Mi\.-.l ImaMm aaaaVrapt iv .-oiiii. ti-ii with tin r.-iiHut: CC liiaiaamil Mrs. loun aud Qi K. K. M .Li.-i.Mi 4". v. Mi»» .loncs aud W. .1. tfaaa* IU w..s «.i, l.\ the f.<rui, rln I.
      45 words
    • 42 8 kacing. 1.. .--1 I'.-rhvs won am I «ith Lari HaaMMai'a *J i»;>|«-li. wx I am) KarKtjn thin). T!«- Uimctarh Mtaaea w.r.- ami h| Mr. ft HaH Walker's aojal aarnm, with Uoii Kaadmrt'n Hhrmmm aeeaai ;in.l MemaUul thir.l
      42 words
    • 113 8 tM Yards' Handicap. Tl.aiili- I I til..- 1:. ii.ij'i- 1 r.allv -I (30 yard* raortaakalam at the Swimiiiitiii tlub Buagalow yesteraay, aad was won by .1. H. K-.i its >..--.•. Mm -wai:i ;i mmaß ■toaaa aa4 ilinmajaalj amarvsi hi- «m. r. W. l.yall I 4 es. IMM .1. Watson
      113 words
    • 537 8 S.V.I. >. 2nd K.W.K. An ir.t. r—tiug match was ile. i.k.l v-ter v.v an ra a, kaMMaa the s.\.l. N\i"-j Co.. ■Ma mam mmami hv Omftlm Lister from ma Batt. It.jyal V«m K.nts liett. Tin t»-«ui« aoammki al \i side, .ml th< bist U n s.- irt« were In
      537 words
    • 109 8 Darul Adah Cup Tie. Tin; Mnjilis Uintaug Timor Club iaced the Mkluvu I'erbHktian Rajah Club in the Ilarnl Adab Cup Tie competition on Saturday. The play was not of a high order it was more of the kick and a rush characW r. Tl i- game. nevertheless, was
      109 words
    • 109 8 .-in>rarH>re Championship. I'lay tor the golf championship of Singaikirc U-giin on Saturday on the Garrison Links at Tanglin. The' following are th» n Milts: First Rouii.l. -Dr. «i. A. Kinlayson beat C T. Dnruanl. M 1 apt. .1. Kirkwood tx-at C. M. O. Iturnie at the 19th hole, after
      109 words
    • 554 8 K.U.A. v. S.K.C. A cricket matrh was played on tlie Recreatinn Club gronn.l on Saturday between the IMi.A. ami the KJLC The rf suits were as laVa Mgi. Arthur I. Cm bin 26 Gr. MaUJc-n c Coehlo b JaM 1 tir. Johnson u..t out 27 hi. ISiuwciiii: ii i\»
      554 words
  • 83 8 au l>«aii v. who wax arnttted at Batavia in roii in i'ti> hi uitli tin- A. lir»D Tummj liiiryliiry c*v. wax Hi -.|uiU In il to I'adang OB I In- W.*t C>at.t of Sumatra on August 27. Tin- Supn mi I'oiiu at I'a'laug lias jurisdiction on
    83 words
  • 831 8 Singapore Cricket Club's Autumn TounwncHt. The following w.h the result of Saturdays play id tbe S.C.C. tennis tournament:— l» Class Doiblks. Oilchrist and CrnttweU scr. beat E. R Taylor and 0. Warren. .Jones scr.. ft-8. 6—l. 1 .ran and Unmimomi owe 2 beat McCubbin and Cluttpr rcr., 6
    831 words
  • 27 8 Tlie qoaatHy of tin exported from P..rak during August wait Jin, »,S4e picuU, 70 catties Tin or.-, 27.987 piculm 98 cattiw.. Duty, »-t:«i.S7O m.
    27 words
  • 224 8 Urge Percentage of Deaths due to Opium. There is a pathetic touch in the annual report of the Cotnniissi,.n.r of Police. Calcutta, in connection with the gruesome account of suicides, which throws a peculiar side-light on an interesting sociological problem. The total number ot suicides that ocrnrred
    224 words
  • 34 8 The total amount of tin ore exported by the tributors on the lands of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Company Ltd., during the month of August was pirnls 126 lfM bags.
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  • 103 8 The Loiuloii eanasaaadaat of tli.- Birmingham Daily I'ost Irarns upon excellent authority" that, as s.h,u us practii-able, there will bt- rnuu-il a new Far Ka-t.-i n C'oinmaiid. with duties an<l responsibilitieH atMclii-il to the post similar to those nttacliing to tin- Mediterranean Command just created,
    103 words
  • 125 8 Mr. iraham ii ibble. au eleetriual engineer, who lately visited .lava on business, has written a Mm* to the Sourabaya Handi Is bUd on his experiences there, during a three years' rtay. In that period he noticed great changes in the chief towus, especially at Bandong. a
    125 words
  • 196 8 I The following are the monthly returns for August from the various F.M.S. Tin Mines: Piculs. Serendali Mine 701 The Brusoh Mine m) 0 <ropene Tin Mining I'o. 490 New Gopeng. Ltd. 219 Kinta Mines, Ltd. .120 Uanibutan. Lt<l. :tlo Hedhills, Co.. Ltd. ;iMO We learn, says
    196 words
  • 132 8 A Tientsin correspondent of tbe Akbariaui of Lahore, report* that, in view of the report of seditious agitation among Indian troops in China, the Executive Committee of the Khftlsa Dhannsala, Tientsin, held a meeting and adopted the following resolutions (1) We. Sikhs, have nothing to do
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HORTCAGJarS SALE VALUABLE LAND AND HOUSES ■mamal NORTH BRIDGE BOAD, BINOAPOBK. Turtday, September 17, at 2.30 Bultan Allies Isaam Mob. U and M far 9» yaam from UfO, ana fl.fN sqaar* feat, toasthsr with the SBOp-BOWM pnmiaas tberaon kuown asMoa. «4 aad«U North Bridge Road, Siaav aom.
      57 words
    • 205 8 JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMITED. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Our long cipcriiow (extcMmmJ over (.0 years) as WINE ami SPIRIT Merchants iv Singapore, has enabled us to obtain the ooi.t.ul of th^ prothaeti of the liest known protlueers of WISES and SI'IUITS: lirands which, for their excellent Merita, i-oinineiid themselves to
      205 words

  • 171 9 ■mamm, Barn mm 7, 1907. mwuce. '»njl»< 6.H0 do Iteta Nn. I m.;;.-, •Oopra Ba i u -j."i do Pontianak 77.-, f'epprr. Bl.u-k 17.171 do WlnU 5 2. if,.') Flour Sarawak 2!W 1 do Brunei N". 1 291 Pearl Naco 4 ?,•> Oofft* Kali. U 19 ■off.*. PalciuimiiL'. >2
    171 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 296 9 ate of form* Capital Snbaoribadl BhwM lama Paid T»lu« jap to j Company I QCOTATIOSI 1903 WOO.OOO 9400,000 1901 MOO.OOO MOO.OOO 1903 £400.000 £800,000 1907 t400,000 •378,000 80.000 60,000 850,000 37,8000 00,000 90,000 110,000 Ml— ld 15,000 IW.OOO 45,000 600,000 100,000 100,000 11,750 6,iiowrt— *i 50,000 150,000 86,000 4.M0
      296 words
    • 283 9 ;905 .905 i»O4 1903 1306 MM UM 1906 i9o€ :90€ £150,000 £116.625 J**2s J SS.MMJ 1 15/ 5200.000 1105.000 10.500 110 110 8,500 oniMMd £30.000 £11.111 J.OJO 7/ J 4*70,000 £70,000 70,000 1 1 t.OOJuiMMd *150.0 0 USS.OOO 18,500 $10 110 £17 000 *in Mm 6,000 £111 1 tIi.UW
      283 words
    • 208 9 MM UN •901 >96 1901 1699 ■903 1«91 IMI !990 1887 £••177.10.') £4.80-1 7.68S 12/6 12/6 1,300 Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd >.-•.• 4225,000 4.800 >0 ISO 112.500 Fraser 4 Neavt, Ltd. 10.000.000 a) •10 000 00(1 »10,000,0:X» ■•0.000 »123 1125 11,000.000 V Hongkonß and Shanghai Back 250,(100'. I
      208 words
    • 42 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% WOO.OOO 3% prem Riley H»rgre«vea, Ltd. 6% 235,000 3% prem. Smmpore Municipal 6% 400,000 30% prem 5% 1.878,000 2% prem. 4% 602,000 2% dit nominal Tauioas Fuu Dock Co., Ltd. 6, 250,000 3% prem 5% 1.050,000 par.
      42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 THE PUSidG LAMA T'N MINES LIMITED i- than m :':>e 1 I eai M I LIQUEUR DOM BLASiUS. fcowj V A!.! I'i.A' H. Bchaefer Co., PILSENEF BEER KEY BRAND ■MOTM HMGi i»t» 7: i BEWAKE OF IHIfATWMftItw ficaiuf citkMt tkt iW«r *.ni UWi BEriN MEYER Co. Ltd Sole <■»<?•«■••"
      48 words
    • 21 9 Tlio BROOKE SILENT X3n m simple! v Mntnr^ EFFECTIVE O ITM U W1»I ALL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd.
      21 words
    • 265 9 Wassiamull > Japan** k, Assomull *F Co. 1, 2, 3 4, HIGH STREET. AU,i. 4.' A RAM STKEKT un<! at Tli< (iIiAM) lIOTKI. DX I.XI I '"K. Just Unpacked 1 Jisr? SILKS, JEWELLERY CURIOS. I ISM Pohoomull Bros., ME HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and .lajianese
      265 words

  • 552 10 Th. follow in K n,« I,**., ar, ivadv for issii, at It.iffl.s Library: A-k. Alhv hii.l Claude. Thr Sword of Pcjit. B—waH. Praaota, ot like kiahaav WaMmi. Haroi.i. His Ua> a Ptaaaate. Lapn, H Urntlnrt flfcraw Tfjaajij. «l«rk.'. T. Kingston. Tlie Man. » S.
    552 words
  • 24 10 aa I art afl la mmwmm.tit 1 My ■Mai \.ur du .1 bsat ».vk". .l.ilmny. >,^. ~ir aa tomorrow BMBsaaaMere n l'< 1» BBMlaal ajjKiii
    24 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 6 .^L^^aal j| Truth Stronger i| Than Fiction i, nacKsaMth's Experience v. Enact. Mfat v h Uata- i. I: *r';. 1 j _rr:i. Ijs a r V^v. t i I rwrj more i he!:- .aadaaJ n.\' miti r. c Mi i I 1 faaad .\...Z r-c. T,,.:.. U m Re
      57 words
    • 526 10 INSURANCE Courts MAtiDEBIRG FIRE INSURANCE CO (Eht\busbu> A. D. 1814.) The undersigned, agents for the above oom£r£n, I rß\jr iI d 691 BEHN, MEYER A Co., Ltd. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO Subscribed Capital £2,7.10,000 Tk Ve T £2,061,*****-8 The undersigned are prepared to accept Fire Risks at current
      526 words
    • 574 10 BAWKING COMPANIES. HONGKONB AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 Silver Reserve |n 000 0001 21 000 000 R«erva Liability ol Proprietor. •10.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. H- M«dhurst, Eaq.-Chainnaa. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.-Depnty Chairman. A. Fucha, Eaq. A. J.^avmond, Eaq. B. Goats, Esq. E. Shellim Eaq A. Haupt. Eaq. R.
      574 words
    • 549 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. C *P'««' £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ..£BOO,OOO Reserve Fund «l.O7».O00 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tha London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Cnrrent Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      549 words
    • 253 10 BUCHANANS WHISKIES. ■n not an experiment. They have be*» »h« favourite blends at home for many yean and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in th« Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both •'RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE' up to the mark, c J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians.
      253 words
    • 96 10 CHARLES -^afi HEIDSIECK S tfjW', White Seal fIR, Champagne. jW' ■OLE AGENTS V fl ■•hn, Mayer ACo Ld Jfc^ Singnpore and Penang. tK^^^k DEPOT t Singapore, R|H| JOH.I UTTLE C» Ltd. L=|a^J March 30 m.w.f. 0.0. A FEW COPIES OF THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL. 1906-7, FOR SALE. i STRAITS TIMES
      96 words

  • 906 11 INTERESTING NOTES AND NEWS FOR MOTOR MEN. On Saturday there is to take place a" meeting of the Rrooklands Automobile Kacing Club on the W'eybridge Track. There is considerable discussion tfoinß on at home regarding the reckless driving of motor buttes. It is quite evident that most of the
    906 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 ARGYLLS. Motor Cars and Commercial Vehicles. Tin mily Motoi ar>. of m.idrrate p..wcr and price to sue i "fulK a. <0!m..>1i..1, the five days' U-t with clean sheet* in the SKITTISH RELtABIUTT TRIALS PRniiATtLY THK STMKKST TKST c»K KNUI HAM'E KVKK I NDKKGONK KY THK HODBBX MOTOK CAB wei. the
      288 words
    • 111 11 INFANT MORTALITY. The attention of tlie Town Council at Johannesburg. TrauHvaal, «as last year directed to tlie fact that out of eighty-four iufautK. who iliiil in December, forty-four of them had died of <\\ Hentery. An inveKti,cm lion with a view of tracing the Mturce of the disease wax authorized.
      111 words
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    • 169 11 THe HUMBERS j £k Again WON THE HEAVY TOURING CAR RACE. See accounts in the Home Papers. o AGENTS Borneo Company, Ltd. ■M Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON. Is now on a visit to the different parts of the F.M.S. where he will practise for a few months. 391
      169 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 533 12 Scale of Cbaraes. PRKPAIP ADVERTIBEMENTS.-Miscel '"Tew T, Every Description, HoZ Land, rtc., to let. are ineerted at the following Or Insertion t I.JO per inch. J*° J.OO Tn" 1 S.BO 5 1X 520 lne ••♦0 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each "nbseqnent month IS per inch.) Taeubn-.e rate is based npon
      533 words
    • 508 12 LOST OR FOUND. R«tk -Fiv. Unt. one or two inwtim *i.,,, »r the inch, w, s^ale of rhart*>. PURSE LOST. I IST C»o Monday September 8, at Messrs. and Co V lady's Purse containing hid iL, I Wh l lnfo ™«> that same e^at C*7 er Wi rctnrn the P
      508 words
    • 453 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE TO LET. No. 7e. Battery Road. cl7B7 PPl> GUTHR1 E*CO., Ltl. OFFICEftaODOWNTOBELET. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GI'THRIE CO., LTD. C 1265 COMPOUNO HOUSE TO BE LET. Aj&tV7» October 1, next I*-Jo f?hooker 7 D'Almeida Street. HOUSES TO BE LET
      453 words
    • 845 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. of Charges. NOTICE. hi™ r if M- E t E 'L" hM thit day eslabli.hed himself as Exchange, Share and General Broker, having offices at No. 8, Malacca street. August 15, 1907. 1786 TENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. KKVEXCK FARMS. ]90m— 15*19. Tenders will be- received at the
      845 words
    • 341 12 ROYAL SCOTCH SYME CO., Sole Agents. ALLSOPPS LAGER BEER 5 INDIA PALE ALE AND STOUT. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. SYME A Co., Sole Agents. IMS NOTICE. SHANGHAI LIFE INSI'KXNCE CO.. 1.-. The Office of the alxue Company !,iu ronoved to the office ai Messrs. H. BCBAEFEB A CO.. Prince Strtet.
      341 words
    • 157 12 STRAITS PARCEL ANO SHIPPING AGENCY. P«ck.igj. feared am] forwarded I PaitGOMLIKG it CO ion B, bim m B i HOGAN ANO COMPANY. LIMITED. IN LIQUIDATION. Miv.- i ild is in the abii\e CoOpany v heiab) notiti <1 that Oantral Meeting I I ibeU IheoAces ol Ursan. Kvatl and l«, CoHrtr
      157 words