The Straits Times, 30 July 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.400 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 30. 1907. PRICE 10 CENT?
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 •ran h>\ WHAT is ROSBACH P FOR SALE. One 8 H. P. Two Seated De DION. C. Dupire CO., Sole Agents. WE ARE THE LARGEST CYCLE DEALERS IN THE STRAITS. 1137 MERLIN CYCLES HA\K II K\ SOLO I)IHI\(. THK PACT 12M0NIHS Merlin Cycles b«w tbe LARGEST SALE of any Cycle
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    • 86 1 HOTELS. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Brass Batah Rotnl. SingaporeTbe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets all 6oaU and Traice. HOTEL WISSE Weltefreiien. Batatu Established iv 1836. Renovated op to date. Spleudid situation in tbe Fashionable Centre. Opposite tbe PaUce of Governor General and Club, and
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    • 235 1 JIM ROBINSON and CO. ill PATENT INCANDESCENT I Ii! BURNER for KEROSINE U fr |L lawps. K^f^j^ Gives a Most Brilliant Light Equal to j^Jpl 100 CANDLE POWER. InMUIU 11 1 iHi Wfv s l >>m ll( will lit any mdi.iaiv Taldc or H.-in^inu L;uii| $3.50 each. I Complfta with
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    • 68 1 AXftWBR THE LEAOING TABLE WATER. 5,,,,,,ii,,l l,v I',, VB W.n.nt |o H.M. The King. j shorthand typewriting clerk ■who. I Wanted M oaoa, good Sbortfaaatl aud Tyn« wrumyClirkfjra l.iwver <Offlce. Qoe.l man tog-md man. \|p'.yl.,» biter, enabling refer MOM, to V.I. e/oMraiti Time*. j IMS TROPICAL Motor Tyres HORSE fifs^U
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  • 969 2 Sir <iei>rge Sydenliiim Clarke. <i.('.M.(i who suoce<'iN Lord Lmiiington as (hjUBIBui of Bombay and was formerly a Tinier correspondent, has puiilishid the second edition of his work mi rortiriention its Past Achievements, licccnt l>i-velopiinni. and Future Progress. The Mendacious Preface. We may forgive the author of the flanbd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 EAGLE CEMENT 7or all Jiig6-6lass Work On tde Js>ist of tde (Brown Jigents for tde (Bolonies. Importer*: The Borneo Co., Ltd. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder 150 Middle Bead. Sole Agent (or Meaara. Dottridge Brother), Ltd.. London, c 2188 Telephone No. 619. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island
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    • 676 2 NAD ECZEMA FOIfYEAIS Doctors and a Skin Hospital did Him No Good— Sickness Caused Loss in Wages of Over £300-A Friend Whose Father was Cured of Eczema Advised Him to Try the Cuticura Treatment. A TRIPLE CURE BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "My wwrv. has hsen ten years' standing tad ha*
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  • 807 3 Hongkong Amateur Dramatic Club. In s-'!> "I tl» lit ..f play* 1,-,-, ntlv |.r«--.hi. .1 la MaugkonKiu-s bj tin- ItniHlinann '■I'l-inx. Il»- MMJMM Ki.-iiii.itif ('lnhnrc Ifl MM MMMIM at tilth ~n,(.ss. j •ml :.i. >alr.-M<ly MMMM MM* MM» ttoM t..r tlh MMMBMM t.f M.-ima Artliur ....h.-Ix Tht
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 I WXTINK. the M««J hMIIK rw«>m i ii.. U BMMMIMMMMMa Wm rtaia in r.mlt- T<> br had f kll WtMMaals f.'.ni Tue *MMMM|r. bMHJMI !<".
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    • 409 3 MAINTAINS THE lIIGIIFNT REPUTATION RVFRYWIIKRK BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH ami Fortify the System against Disease lift »> o.nnot spok I r9TWZW3IVBWITBVI BIW too Wi«Llj vf it" I l^lll "^^■ISTJIS'A! Pronounced by tho HIGHEST MEDICAL AiJTHORITibS i ßi3ffis* Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, iM -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BUMTP.
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    • 129 3 KAME and Co., 23 HIGH STREET. Dealers in High-Class Japanese Curios. .lust rcet-iv.!.!: GARDKX FLOWER I>OTS an.l STANDS, aiul T^\ SETS. PATENT SOSTENENTE^/J PIANOS Built Expressly fer this Climate anil Guaranteed fer FIVE Years. $450 IFRK TU.INS F0« OMt Vt»». The ROBINSON PIANO CO., Ltd. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED.
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    • 234 3 OR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOROOYNE. ORIGINAL AND ONLY OENTJINX. Saeh Bottle of this well-known Remedy FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, DIARRHOEA. SPASMS, ETC. Beats on the Stamp the name f the Imentor. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. Namerons ToitimnnialH from Eminent Physicians accompany each Bottle. Sold in Bottles by
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  • 377 4 riump Does, Fat Bucks and Fine Cloth. Mr. 1 M.i.-lfc.iiii»li.iiitli. .Inlyi liiini i.i .1...H ti-lU ..t mar in;. i.»tin« per...ii~it.. tint hi t.. httawaU liiyli Htak ..rti.iaK 1..11 H. i'.\ a 11. < liaii wan .|i|.li.-.l t.> tillII ..t >iiiiii..ii- .mi tin- in tins: uf
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  • 57 4 I u-rc lia»| tv v 'i I. i i ir. c in. l.v tllC i uiib i ..f 1 v. .inn, ut. Kill int. i. at* ..I I' tin n i>,i|.i..vr- ■i iinai Ust i»'W< aaa au i use i .veUK-utß. Ii In U.K. n in! .-vaiiil.l.-l |
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  • 119 4 The S word =Making Industry. I .....1a..,. :'..iti..!i ..1 ili,- 1 >v.v Ust. ani all) v i, it hj it.iin at W,«.1«i.1i. an.l satl 1..U 1..5.-.1. sr> ism heea saMMseal tli..t s urn pat t in Im\..ii. t. m II US :i IM u;lliy SSSSWi Ist* SUM al..|.t. .1
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  • 53 4 «a. a l.i,u*i c U> llt tUe lli«li m ..t ..,1,,,tu. Th. \.tiv. 1-lea.ltr. H-«.,l v bI.K f^u, iusuad U f iIm .cuk i i.> Miii. ..i s.,l.uiu bl«k. ,iud wc-ut bar. -v.l Hh (a* 11.,-x .1., w Mbands ■'-•tl.i..K U. distioKuiJ, I-1...1.,, vow fruUl ii Kur«^««n aMociah-H vi
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  • 759 4 Xanii', i>ort, proUahlr iaif oj arrival, and name oj Afffnt*. STEAMEKv Agamemnon, Liverpool, Aogl 1 1 Manstiel.l Agapanthiis, L'don, Aug/rfopt. Hat'baeh Broi Airlie, Sydney, Augt 24 Boustead Antcnor, Liverpool, Aagt 21 Mansfield Arcadia, Hongkong, Augt 30 P. A O. Coy Awlang, Bangkok, .1 uly 31 East Asiatic Coy
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  • 135 4 Such is Renown Th.> 1.;. H. .1 un t!:. 11..1-, (.ua Parade, an.l id.- man printed »way tv th. right, •here the fork-brick howea ot Downing-str.t-t were dwarfed by the proportions erf ti Foreign iMace. -That's the have," he sai.l will, eathu siiisn,. that all tlii- I'iini. oi-iii|.it-.1.
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  • 102 4 In n.-«ly publish..! Lit. of Sir W. -v < m ni< tall tlmt mmh tl» timmmtti inuaaUa ...JiiUf fUbirl will hM*a place of li.m.MM as tlir I' K.xp1..,!., who 1. -a- U MM dainv »1 ll»' Kl.m.i- of hMg»Mi v" ttw ruins of .l.ta.lint
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 29 4 COLIC AND DIARRHOEA. 1., -t.i1.;.. 1,, .ribaasl .lufllK.-, |.i.U> r.1hA.,1 1,) tl«us. ,rf ilaujiUr- i. i < Uui. r» ..,,.1 1 m<H v ■l«■ n. v.,4 vi A Kjv *> a
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    • 691 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penang, Cfylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills if Lading issued for Chm* Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental, and American Ports. Stearoeri will leave Singapore on or ab jut MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) .V.irm.r.i Augt
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    • 651 4 STEAMER BAIUMB. HANDEL AND BGHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of tbis company maintain a regular servioe between:— Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, BandjermaainT Pnlo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin. Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebink. The steamers have good acoomodation for first
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    • 438 4 STEAMER SAILIHPS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNIE. HAMBURG. The steaners of this Comrany maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 775 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. N. D. L. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOTO. Imperial Qarman Nail Line. The bat and well known mail .teamon uf this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamborg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ronthamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonncctioo Marseilles, Napls., Alexandria, and vice versa) Par Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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  • 1057 5 i <<•***»■ i»«ii«t blMra staasMsMasaai -•h \.i.hl; < ru. <ruii».r; li'M. <i aa l.«l 1.,r i,.i,h.|... ||.p. ||„r W M Brit._ Usmu 1.,,, |„t.1,. It, l 1tx11:,,, ;>,,»„ ,,,,,,l l •..I Nasavak; Usaatslessa*: ,i.|>. .i».i ■SSaSt: I lii^.Mi, in: w; 1.1>|1 -Taty..n B Man -»t -War,
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  • 86 5 Wharves at which Vessels an Berthed To-day. Taajose rasas Ka-t W«as» B«ani-Cheaog Chew, Bantam. EA«TWsAarfiKCTioNI /werna, fcnglish Monarch, Tbongwa. Sect. 1 (Ssassii Wbast):— Solfoud. Sbctmw No. Nam Youg. Nippn. S Glenturrel. 4— Breiz Uoel. B— Hebe. Peleus, Charon. 7— Laboan, Profit. 8 Vnrwicrt*.
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  • 68 5 HoucwaU) P. A O. Uau The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta, left Hongkong at 1 p.m., on Saturday, and is doe here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, the Ist proximo. Octkaed P. A O. Hail. The mail steamer Marmora left Colombo, at 9 p.m., on
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  • 47 5 JoJy 29 Tutomi Mara, Jap str,' Bombay via port* Vaadalia, Ger atr, New York Kob 81 Chang, Ocr atr, Bangkok Banjy Dotstr, Penang La'Seyne. Fcb atr, Batevia Kuuhing. Bar air. Sarawak Pcrak, Brit «tr, P. Swettenham. and Penang Hye Loong, Brit atr, P Swettenham vis ports
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  • 27 5 The Medical Officer in charge o( the Hong koog hospitals for Infections Disease* expresses the opinion that true septic plague is rare, the bubo being generally discovered.
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  • 113 5 Fob Pit* Bteameb Tins To-hobbow Koantan Ptmtimak 8 a.m. Aaamba Natuna Is. Hero 9 a.m. Bangkok Breid 10 a.m. Indragiri Ai*s Thy* noon P.Bwattmhtm, A Penang Kuf na lpm. R»h»k and Djambia Broutcrr 1 p.m. Hoar and Halaoca pultun 9 p.m. Rangoon Sam Ymg p.m. Pontlanak Kan Hi*
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  • 36 5 Two young tilings were married recently on roller Hkatew. They thought they war* clever, but many people get married under more precarious circumstance*. Roller i akatr» ace a much safer support than many a bridegroom's salary.
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  • 163 5 (Fsom Jclv SO to aaaan .V) The above is Singapore Standard Time; to obtain Mean Time, subtract six minutes from tbe time given in the tables. Tbe upper and lower liuea in tbe above table denote morning and afternoon respectively. HIGH WATER. I LOW WAIBI J-. I
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  • 104 5 Prom Eoaori— By tbe P. 4 O. s.s. Ma.rnu.ra, doe on Aogu.t 2. From Chdu— By tbe P. A O. as. Delta, due on August 1. Lrftßi June July July July July July July July July July i s 9 11 IS 18 23 ■21 89 (M
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  • 245 5 Passengers Outward. Per I. A steamer India, connecting wife the Rtcaroer Marmora at Colombo, from Log- .Inn, .Inly 5, due Aug. 2. Mown*. A. W. Ma« donald. J. K. Campbell, J. V. A. Mac Murray, ami H. S. Oldham. I'er N. D. L. steamer P. K. Kriedrieh,
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  • 111 5 Wiwlej's first uonforeiiuf n 711 i'l little Imndful of isolated sifc.. about the kingdom and ">♦'. rooms. At Uie death of -^'W^- his followers numbered To. 1 1 hers, with 3l:» preacher*. Tit 1907 will administer tho aflai comprisint! 2,»U« ininisterHjtJ',l'., ehorsi, over half a million Olw-l, ru
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 573 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS. INDOOHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. 'I hi: Msaaaai <>f this Company maintain a regular dir«. t service between CalcntU, Ktraits, Hongkong, Slian^hai and Japan, tnking cargo >v through Bills nf leading for Canton, Swatow, Am. iv, (iv(,»,, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsce NAB, Pnrninsa, the Philippines, Ac., Ac. SteaMien* Ti
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    • 524 5 STEAMER BAIUH6S. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. AND CHUM MUTUAL BTEAU NAY. rCO.. LTD. The Companies' (teamen are despatched rrom Liverpool outwards for V 1 Strait*. Chin* ud Japan every woek, and I. Japan horoeirardi for London, Amaten and Antwerp jvery fortnight and ftrOei Marseillee and Liverpool monthly. One c
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    • 429 5 STEAMER BAIUNBB. APCAR 'NE or BTEAMEI Tai nndermentioned mail steamers of ths above Line maintain a regular service between CalcntU and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m nmte fleeT Tons Commander 9.5. "JiriM" 6,300 J. G. Ouvsnt s.s. "GasooaT Areas" 4,600 8. H. Boson 9.H. AasAToos Akab"
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    • 462 5 STEAMER SAIUH6S. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong. Ha Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. Ellis*™ or India" 1 Twin-screw steaR.M.S. "Empress or
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    • 275 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. tag 2— At Sale-room, unredee" 10 a.m. s— At Saleroom, nnredea 10 a.m. a. 6— At Sale- r, 1.-,,,, 31. ties in A rah Street, Koad, etc.. at 2-30 p.m. 6— At Sale-room, leasehold lsr and dwelling houses, in T Cecil Street, etc., at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 169 5 DAY BY DAY. m Tuesday, July 30. High Water. 2-15 p.m. Peuang Races. First Day. r Parsee Theatre. 9. Wednesday, July 31. High Water. 2-10 a.m. 2-56 p.m. Brnseh Tin Mining Co. Meeting 12. Chamber of Commerce Meeting. 2-30. Thursday, August 1. High Water. 3-5 am. 3-42 p.m. Moon. Last
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  • 21 6 Biun»..n.-Oii July 30, at N I W.lki. Hjad. Sim; .ip.. iv. Mam Kosalu- iMmin Hrau-on. av-wl tl >iar-. Deeply rcgivttal.
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  • 1617 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. T UESDAY ,JULY 30. Tin W«a| India I jimuiuer Circular enters tin li*t* again*t Urn expensive ami generally uu*ati*Uctory system of conducting colonial eatctpruwa tliro.i^li Crown Agcuts. c-uiliu<: some ptitiucul facts from a Parliaiuculary pa)Kr recently published, which pava particulars at ilic remuneration received
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  • 11 6 'I'h. Bachelor*' Ball at S.uiiihan last I'riday was a great *ucc>**.
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  • 14 6 A French steatuar arrived from Xc« York yesterday, with lA3.STO cases of kerosene oil
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  • 16 6 Tin Dutch -i.. mi, i Outliooin arrive* from Saiiniiang yesterday, with catajn ol w.«hl and sugar.
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  • 21 6 It is aunouueed that the Siamese Tramway Company is to pay a dividend of two per cent, for the liall year.
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  • 22 6 Nearly a thousand passenger* arrived fi on Am. >v and Swatnw. thi* morning, by the We Bin and Company* steamer Hong Bee.
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  • 19 6 Me*srs. Howavth. Kr*kiin Ltd.. hay, received the eontrai t for the erection of tin ni Sung.i Pari Bridge,
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  • 20 6 Th. Pami Alfred Theatrical Company nil perform tonight, under the patronage o Soon Sze Tung. His Imperial Chine*. Majesty Con«ul-(>cneral.
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  • 31 6 A case of blackwater fever is repotted at Badtilla. Ceylon, the victim beiug Miss Nod der. daughter of Inspector Xodder. This is lielieved to be the first case known iv Ceylon.
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  • 24 6 A cargo "t phosphate, consigned to .MessrBountead and Company, arrived from Christ ma- Island, by the Christmas Island Phosphate l o.npaiiys -t.annr Islander, yesterday.
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  • 31 6 The s. veulii n Chiuesc who were charge, with unlawful as-cmbly by a constable win tt-ax guarding cholera patient, have been allowed to go free l>y the Chief Polici i MRccr.
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  • 37 6 Tin- War Department at Washington has decided to send experts to the Philip pines for the purpose of te-ting the coal fields of the Islands with a view to tlie list of the coal on army transport-.
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  • 37 6 The iuerease of internal leveuuc receipt' iv the Philippine Islands for the fiscal yeai ending .liiue 80, 19)17. as opaaaed to tin figures for the previous year, is twelve ]h' cent. The increase in pesos was 1.:!5^.:!.'i7.Jl
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  • 35 6 V llylam passenger ou the Koh-iehanj; at noon yesterday, attempted to jmn| overboard from the steamer in the harlxmi He was prevented from makiug the lea] ami lias been sent to the hospital lorobseiva tion.
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  • 33 6 Yesterday afteruoou. the jury which was hearing the charge of fabricating false evideuee, against Annamalay Chetty. at the Assizes decided that it was unnecessary to hear his defeuce. and he was unanimously acquitted.
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  • 41 6 An order for nve million pounds ol rice has been placed iv the Bangkok market by the Urewiug and Malting Company of Seattle. It is understood that some of the Bangkok rice firms have undertaken to ground the commodity into flour.
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  • 46 6 Mr. T. M. Ipton. of Bangkok, was diiviuu in his carriage in the street iv the Siamese capital on July 21. when the vehicle came iv contact with au eleetrie tramcar. The carriage wa» overturned aud Mr. l'i>ton was pinned underneath. Fortunately, he was not injured.
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  • 65 6 The high price of tin has resulted iv a boom in the ancient tin mines of Cornwall. and the return of miners to their old haunts in the Duchy has led to a very prosperous year, and the employment of about a thousand more miners than in the year before.
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  • 60 6 The Acting Legal Adviser, X.M.S., thinks it may be found necessary iv the near future to consider the question of tho appointment of au additional Deputy Public Prosecutor, whose duties might be combined with other work, possibly iv the Legal AdTisers office, the demand* on which are becoming more extensive
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  • 846 6 Mr. W. D. Scott has beea affiliated District Officer. Kuala Kang*ar. The Bar. J. It- Bourne, of Kuala Kangsar will leave for Sanaa shortly. The estate ol the late Colonel 11. Bynl Ceylon, is valued at Ropeex f._M h i. Captain Druce. Jnd Battalion Hoyal Wist Kent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 i Extra i STOUT. I In Quarts, Pints, and Half Pints <i>al>> Mth'si. Caldbeck, Macgregor Company. TOURIST TROPHY RECORDS, 1 I'm... WON l,y tin AKKOL.-. IOIINSTON. \'MV,. I \STKST TIMK. the \KHOI, JOHNSTON laftat dedu. -tiug top |..igc* fur tyre*). VII 7. Ivl Lap lU, KASTKST TIMK. XIMSOI. JOHNSTON. Jnd
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    • 211 6 COLD STORAGE SUPPLIES. OKCHAUD KOAD. Dl'.l'OT No 112-21. L The s.s. OI'TIIKIE, »r:ived this morning I and brought the following consignment Heel Mutton. Butter. Apples. IV irs Potatoes Plliii|>ku;», Swcdo turnips, Tomatous, l'm-Hiups. Turnips. Cuiilitlowcni, < abbagrs. Home iv.ddish. KbulmrV.. Celery, lldins. etc., cto. CajAaßKtl ob'iiining supplies from the lapM
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  • 506 7 WET WEATHER SPOILS GAME AT LEEDS. England's Collapse. BOTH SIDES COMPLETE AN INNINGS. Three Brilliant Ducks. Pawa on; o«\ OaaaaMNaaanrt.) Loud. >n. July 7.2."i p.m. The s, test match between Kngland and South Africa, which was begun at Leeds this morning, was spoiled to -oiue extent by
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  • 101 7 Marquis Ito on the Future Administration. KKt'lKKs TkLK.KaM I.'ni.liu. July \!9. Ifeuter s correspondent at Seoul telegraphs that Mar.juiß Ito- plans for the adniinistra tiuu ol Korean affairs involves the disbandkm ut ot the Korean army, aud substituting .in tijual number of Japanese. Marquis Ito. in an
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  • 57 7 *M Government Threatens Turku. Reprisals. OTM, TKLK"k*)I 1.. M.l.m. July v -liont; nprumnta Tlic I'orU-, rtUTuun- U> the cou Uuniito <irx)« Jyujt,! Ukud^ across tli. KUlOt J.l-^lj,. of Turki»li (rout ,r t t'lruateu^ I" Th«- 7 ,11.,-i, <io\ir:iujt»iu-l tht <irtxl< t*kc vigorous 11,. i- iiv.-
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  • 262 7 Some Amendments to the Liquors Ordinance. At the ujcctiug of the legislative Council on Irid.iy. th< Liquors Onlinanee Am.nd inent Bill, to amend the Liquors Ordinance. JJ5* and tin- Government Savings Bank 1.1 1. to aanal the law relating to the Bank, will conic up 1..r third reading.
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  • 50 7 \t Mai** 4nlt Ji M..X.1 Mwnl l>..ii-all...iiU.:u-,ltli. i:HtiOivt, ;1 iii.r Kirkkv. in.t witli^ tiinlilc ikatll. r»n trvins; Ui ni>t i>ii Ih..uil aifrin. nft. -i UikiHu ;t IwUi ia tli.lint. I- mMuutglit li.-i«. •••ii tlic vi -~.l .mil junk :.1..ii U -i<l*- anil mh« inixlinl io.I «tli.
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  • 85 7 lii lli 11, :u future tin <I.mi in li.,.ii, mania* u< llan^koU icgaUrly are to <-..:.l at wlirn-tu.. rotl hulk* ha«« iii>m Iki-ii plaiiil. I nili i .iiT.r.ur im nt. my tin- is.iiiuknk Tuiils. tin- ami «iii Im' oanm ha the hnlks to the nwh
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  • 88 7 A •cii..ii~ v itun.aU of pidgin- i> nuwttuj iv tin- <li>tiiit ol Klaßf Saust-|>. Siam. ami nuiiit'io'i- 'li.itli- liavt t.ikt-u i>l;u< alter v iiliit- of > 1 1 1 y v lev hours. The Canaan anil lioi- boUara ytmrallv an- Urror--tiiiKtn ai the mwJiU
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  • 111 7 A t liiuc-c man and woman were before tin Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge .it the aaaaoaaiaa of lu.liHj grains ut inui pin 1. 1.11" graius of cocaine- I"J hypodermic needles and three hypodermic ■yriagua. The outlit iudicatid that a large b»a»ea» was beta*
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  • 140 7 Mr. 11. liultcii. Sanitary Inspector. T. P. D. Board, writes to us as follows under today's date While two. if my children were returning fiom school yesterday afternoon, the ricksha iv which they wire driving, was run into by a bullock cart and smashed, and
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  • 149 7 Anotli.r ulaiiny MM on tlu part «»f IC.uUi lim- t-..iiif to Hylit. On July I. Ul.Kiaiii (<l iv<il iroin Iha Karon's A«ciith in Ignition, statiny that tlic steamship lltlio|K>lis hail sailed from l>'i>l«n with UM-W rrjiatriUU^I < liiikm f<»>li< s the liaml. At tintinu it «as
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  • 100 7 'I'll, i ill. I .Ill^til-c i*. tlli- afUTIMMHI. 111'H1- tlif last iiuinlti <as«- at Uw Asijzoi tl," Vim Si»u« Hill uiunk-r. wliiili uucunwd in N..v.iuU i last, lloli Hok is llie name of th. aocustj. Hi-'wsk anvstcU in Malacca last in.mtll. W, isirn tiom the M.mila Caltlcm WKtha the cbii-f
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  • 116 7 LORD CtkZON ELABORATES HIS PROPOSALS. Advisory Body for Colonial Office. Kki: i Kit's Tklrokam London, July .'to. Lord < 11 on of Kedleston. writing to the A'esliiiinster GazctU-. develops the idea of forming au Imperial Council composed of Pro-Consuls. He urges that the Colonial Office might have
    116 words
  • 111 7 Harmsworih Newspapers Again Pay Heavy Damages. Km rr.H's Tklkokam London July 20. Messrs. Watson aud Sous, the well-known firm of Leeds soapmakcrs, announce that their libel actions against the Associated Press Xewspa]iers (the Hanusworth combination of Daily Mail. Daily Mirror and F, veiling Ncwsi have becu settled. They
    111 words
  • 44 7 Fire at Coney Island; 27 Firemen Injured. Ukitkr's Tklkokam Londou. July '-'.<. Huetliird of Coney Island. New York's frtinous playground, has been destroyed by fire. T»iuty lmuls am limiHcl down, the occupant* MMfiMg in tluir niyht clotha«. Twtuty WMB tirt'incu MM iujurcil.
    44 words
  • 41 7 KkCTKkV TKLK.iKAM l.oudi.n. July Admiral Ijuin and his fellow officers, who have been ou a visit of several days' duratiou to Paris, exchanging courtesies with French officials and others, have left to rejoin their ships at Brest.
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  • 19 7 RMrm'a hutuli r r«iji t* A Bamitm military balloon has bein picked up in the ISaltic.
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  • 37 7 Dkk Ostasiatisi hk Lloyii Tklbgrax Berlin. July 29. It is understood that Kussia. which has hitherto refused to join the Powers which signed the International Sugar Convention, will shortly become a party to it.
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  • 33 7 Dun O iasiatische Lloyd Tklkokam Berlin, July -'I. Troubles arc reported from Kainerun, a German West African Colony, but the disturbances are insignificant in their nature. aud local in extent.
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  • 28 7 l)Ul OsTASI ATISI UK 1-LOYH TkLEC.HAM Itcrliu, July 29. The Kaiser paid a visit to the ex Kmpress Kugenie, on board her yacht.
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  • 30 7 [Dkr Ostasiaticbk Llovh TklkubamJ Berlin, July 29. Tlu- uieetini; betwoeu the Kaiser and tinCzar will wcMt probably take place in I irrintiu watvre, on Aii^iist :i.
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  • 40 7 I>KK OsiAsIATIStHK LloYI) TkLKiIIIAM Berlin, July 29. 'flu Couimcrcial Agroc-DK-ut and tbo Fishery Convention between Kuhm* and Japan have been signed at St. IVU 1 sbuij;. ■|'ln;M ducuiueuts, howevti. will not be published until after their ratification.
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  • 13 7 TL» I'otcb loail tc^njii Kaiwi Villein 111. arrived at c'iooua on July 'J9.
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  • 885 7 EDUCATIONAL ENTERPRISE AMONG CHINESE. Visit of a Military Expert. iKuom On Own Cokkksi-osoent.i Itatavia, July 24. Two certified .1 ipauese t^achert have taken up their quarters in Sourabaya. With the permission of the local 'authorities, they have opened a school there for Chinese children. Iml this permission
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  • 120 7 A MR serious accident occurred on July 4, at Okehaiiipton Artillery camp, by which four men were foully injured, one officer. Liciitcnaut ManWy, "of the ».Uh Kattery K. V. A., ho gravely that it in feared ho will lose the Might of both eves. It is
    120 words
  • 431 7 Three Men Condemned for the Pin Seng Murder. Yesterday afternoon, the evidence iv the Pin Seng murder case was concluded, aud this morning, Mr. Niblett addressed the jury ou behalf of the prisoners, holding that the second and third prisoner were on the steamer Sarawak when the
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  • 102 7 The new portable scaffold erected in tlie British Legation gaol at ISangkok. says a Siam exchange, is quite a "graceful ami light" structuiv. paiut<-<l a dead black. It lias been made- uu tlie must luodern lines and the trap dour is actuated by means of a
    102 words
  • 114 7 The tir»t soctiou of the Vuet Han Railway, from Wongsha to Kong C'huu, a little village about II miles distaut from Canton, was opened on .Inly 17. A large party of olhYial-- and merchants took part in the oi>euiog eere:nony. which was «t 7 o'oteok in
    114 words
  • 126 7 As a general rule people an to denounce all ricksha coolies as robbers and dishonest fellows. There are exception* to the rule, however, as the following expert•Bee proves, says the Siam Free Press, of July ->:t: Yesterday in ora. hak Koad. a Siamese hired a
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  • 140 7 In his re|>ort on trade for KHKS. the Com mission, r of Customs at Kowloon says tlmt the exportation of arms an<l aiiuuuiiitioii coastwise from the colony of Hoiif>koii|> was prohibited for a further period of six months from the 2Htu May. Hut arms kiuukK"'"!! from
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  • 33 7 The Koyalt'ominission on Canals in (licit llritaiu lias now miilttr consideration tin' pro|K>Nal to construct a ship caiuil across Srotlaml between tin' Kurtli ami tin' Clyde. Tlic schcuii' is i-.tiinatttl to cost CfJMMim.
    33 words
  • 66 7 Tile celebration of tin Kivimli National Festivity at Saigon w .Inly 14 in mpartad to have lici'ii unusually enthusiastic mi tlir jiart of tin I'liiucsc mid Native |>oi>iilutiun. Had svasoutt ami Kliort irojw liail •le|>rc)>»e<l tlitui in former yuar» but l ">'? li»' Ikcu n year of I'leuty. both I
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  • 540 7 SENSATIONAL TRIAL IN THE UNITED STATES. 5 Labour Leader Liberated. Ukutkh's Tklkuham! Loudon, .Inly 90. 10 The protruded trial at Mm, in the Statcif Idaho, is ended. William l>. Hay-wood, tlie TIWHM ol th Western IMmMn of Miners, charged w organising uii.ncrous murder* and outrage 45 in MkMH
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  • 273 7 DROP IN CO Collapse Attributed Securiti Kkutkk's Tki JJ u ■> .1 .f-i S 88 1 ■■> ii a m Consols have fallen owinn to the iuHnenc-i WBUCH. |.M fjf. The *'..iis<>l MarkeT I" iiiiml that tin- Trans;,, Ml eOfling, au<( it,y |09 7 I'.i 98 iui|H.'ii<liuM UOTMBB-H KM 7
    273 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 188 8 N otes in General. MMM will he held at M, .l-iu on SeptemU r I .ml It., l.y the New IH'ii It ace Club. The ting is limited to two ilny* iaKtaasi of Mi hs l.iiinerly from li.i.m. ml MMH, I from tlie l.ul'thdt p'lhlie interest iv the BM n
      188 words
    • 24 8 <i.licap Tournament. miilicap tournament is hcinu promoted NMJM«M Chess CWk. MemtxTs .I.' to participate -hoiiM comninnicate lie H.iii HaaMtMty, Mr. K. K. Column.
      24 words
    • 48 8 ncricaii Kecurd. I .1. Sheridan, ot tlie liish-Amciican i, Asni» iuion. t 4 t invtaut. t'le Aii.eriiHn all round lecord by win '4* i ut al t.-n cvi'iits. and tieiug tor the !l Qaaaajan brulu- the ltilb. hauiuiri •I" I a throw of Kitft. 4iu. S., 1
      48 words
    • 54 8 ii a Challenge Crip. lUstituKd in ii ii to a Umu of ten volunteers frmu each county, was won. at he stcoiid sear iv succession. l>y Cle »ho have now st-cured the troiihx .j casinns. Station! secured it iii si^;, and hay, not siuce tiguroAl 11 mining teams.
      54 words
    • 76 8 nun The Colony. .ii lowing team will represent the pi, ,tl.<- Colony iv Peii:ing on August .ilhot .Captaiin. A. H. H.ilihacK. 1 nitlt v. H. M McKeu/ie. K. M. lMc i..1 C. K. Martin |Maw I H. B. I'" W. 11. CiK-hrauc. K. Finch, and M*t 'I'eraki; and N.
      76 words
    • 69 8 •teer Club. I mi.llljelit ol tile Chinese aUn I. as been progressing excl I toiTuight. There are two 'm semi final contest ;«.vU> lli 'I" 1 Mai Pto. Tan •.ti t .ipetition. ivpointed ti.r this I «ill iH-a; «na their en proceeding ui'oiiglil to a close iv ••x days.
      69 words
    • 77 8 ament. i .i.tturday s play in the v meut is as follows 1 ChiMi Kirn. owe riit Swr- 11 m X 1,, itvf»»'smi i.i.t i :>l sf Teo Kwang Leug. WU iH-*t Seah Cheug Joo 6- 1. iiii.wu pioniiiiip tie in connection ■in. f», tl vnuis tournament. <
      77 words
    • 96 8 1 (I b. .petition for a prize pre """till take place from "■'l' 1 both days inclusive. I on. -t. 1 in the Club House. •'"'> 9 *tl.<- w-Mdl of the play sMt of Monthly Medal for •■•ean'd ■..•.mug i*Vifi,.,f.. r O l M«i»r v..-ir Kun.|^ f uiunii
      96 words
  • 411 8 Smart Arrest of Alleged Base Coiners. Counterfeiting would appear to be a profitable business iv Singapore, judging troM the number of arrests made ou that charge, but there Inive several times been indications that the counterfeiting outfits discovered were simply plants gathered together and i o|ier:ited by iuformers.
    411 words
  • 370 8 Election of Deputies by Popular Vote. 'lli«- election of the first Philippine As seiuhly takes place today, and. after it has Mas convened and organised, all the legislative power hitherto conferred on the Pliilil'j'ines Commission in that part of the Islands not inhabited by Mnros or other non
    370 words
  • 94 8 London July Id. Sir Henry Kiinbei. the Hon. Mr. K. H.isling. and Mr. C. A. Talbot consider the result of their interview with Lord Elgin and Mr. Morley yesterday as a step forwaid. They were cordially received. Lord Flgiu said he would uoufcr with Sir Henry MacCallum
    94 words
  • 136 8 Mi— (iladyo Vanderbilt. youngest of the five direct lieirs to the vast fortune accuinuUti d by the third head of the bouse of Vandvrbilt. comes of age next month, and, according to the Telegraph's Now York correspondent, that event will be celebrated at the Newport Home of
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  • 1119 8 SIEVIER REINSTATED AS MEMBER OF JOCKEY CLUB. i Qj i Domestic Servants' Insurance. iKki.m Oik Own I'oßkK.sroNiiKNT.i Loniinu. July 0. Kvcr sine. .Monday morning, at early dawn. w In a every household)*!' arose under tin; firm auil siilis»'ijiicntlv coiilirmol impression that lie had forgotten something, letters have
    1,119 words
  • 949 8 The Monthly Report of the General Manager. The following is the report of the General Manager of the Kanb Austraiiun Uold Mining Company, Ltd.. for the month cnilori July 18:— (irntlciiien. I licivu ith \n% tit submit uiy monthly report on your miniiiH and milling operations. The
    949 words
  • 108 8 At Hongkong on July 21, a Chinese foreman in the employ of Messrs. A. S. Watson and Company was attacked by four coolies two of w horn are said to have been, previously, employed in Messrs. Watson's soda water factory. In the nn'-lee one of the coolies attacked the foreman
    108 words
  • 116 8 Mr. W. J. Garnett of the Peking Kmbassy has reported to the Foreign Offices on a journey undertaken through Shantung and Kiaugsn. In the course of much descriptive matter, writes a London correspondent, Mr. (iarnett tells how vineyards are being developed on the slopes behind Chefo<> by Baron
    116 words
  • 90 8 The Statesman, of Calcutta, has just introduced rotary presses cai>able of printing at the rate of 25.0110 copies per hour. The proprietors are to be congratulated on their enterprise, which was most successfully inaugurated on July 1">, when, in tbe presence of the piopi ietoi m
    90 words
  • 37 8 Playing for Itoinford in a cricket match against Southwark, on July 4, Mr. Noel Clarke, of Singapore, gave another fine display both of batting and bowling. He compiled HM runs and took five wickets for 08 runs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 Wde Everybody 1 s K. BOOT, Mothlng Like A To Suit thorn for A Q| B ALL WEAR. Roqulromontm. (Less 5".,) BUITB ALL PURSEB. M WALKING ABB I j^MbVT- SHOOTING -~^Lvm\ Ww Little's. Jeffrey's Stout ■H In order that this First-Class ijWtf Stout may Income better\vn in HI thin
      133 words
    • 250 8 Ml MMICB 18 HEREBY 61 YE 9I Ibal lbs partnership between Wee chin Kk ami I'ut-v Fng Hong, carried on under the style at nairx* of Ch6p Joo Lenny, of Xo. 14 Cecil Strut. Singapore, was dimolved ax f rO m Jnne S. 1007. by tbe death of the ssid
      250 words

  • 227 9 SlNUAFORR, JrLY 29, WO7. PRODUCE. "•'"■I'i-r hmn 6.7.-, do iChW No. i, ;ni|.;.-k<«i in.:« -opra B»)i 9.2.-, Jo Pont.anak H.9. r Pi-pprr. Bli.rlt 17.90 do While 2.V00 Sago Hour Sarawak M02 do Brtin.i 1 2.H7'. Pearl Sa«o 4..V)" Coffer Bali, 15',, 19.00 Coff.r. I'al.uiUni;. JO li^si, 22.50 Coffee. I.
    227 words
  • 64 9 Ii- i aw mow t Pmwetbewi aad I bm i Scharnhont an travtlliuß 11.. i. full M~-,.,l nth the aem i froiu Koocliow. itnJalj I-VUm ri.ww tl hfl rVwt Haiil td al (he S, hanbant, v -I- ..-'1 in tii. canal. BeMa I Hnagtfimr i'"i I
    64 words
  • 95 9 -iH^-ia' il ii! ol i.• Loltalaa- tli.-u X..■..■K iiurwg ■»ut i- j.itt.! I. n K.U- ■DKUtia Nttuki betw« a Lord Hrtfe. chair io' M. Hariaod :>»,l WoMt. tad On tlu ll.iiiil. irK-Auierika liti.-. i,-i i.iii.lim; „t .i ac« TnumatUntii liaer, -Ui hi i i"iii;, i and -i\
    95 words
  • 107 9 s it 1 .ii.l Kati-.i have j ailwaj tl!i,.i-.'li tli.ii two 1 folluwißN provision* luu<- i tp i a* ign in, nt iliat i- I I .\.!v in b.>tli pnmaflea: I I i. 1,.,1; Md CM jkiauts .ml> :in-l in to be j£> ih, „t1i,i..1-.
    107 words
  • 109 9 I. II .1 ..F \u .1111 ..1..t. 1 LaM i:.ii mMm Hmbl „i...|. 1., wail ,1 awfaga l<>ns:| a iaa« »,,^l »ari.Mi- pi I f/Uk t.i..\ «hiUt into th.. !n- |»:-m.i! m^iiiy- idMate mm, i..v. k •■■•l %Mh, which mam ..11 tli. Man.liilay. th.j l;.i.ii.-.,n .iii.l
    109 words
  • Stocks and Shares
    • 304 9 formaCapital Sabwribed Number Of i lara* Talna t Paid jap to I i j Reserve I Companr QcoTiTtom •300,000 •000,000 £400,000 •400,000 I 190S 1901 1908 1907 • £SSO!OOO •870,000 30,000 60,000 380,000 87,6000 1, 600 uiam*d 80,000 90,000 10,000 antMMd 18,000 130,000 45,000 000,000 100,000 100,000 11,700
      304 words
    • 283 9 1905 1905 1904 I 1903 1906 1904 1909 1906 1906 1906 1903 £150,000 £104,987.10 f J 1 03,500 1 lira ,200.000 ,87,400 (J. 700 J- jlfi 8,500 oni««d £30.000 £U,l» *J £70,000 £70,000 i 70,000 1 1 9 000 uniuawl •150,000 11*8,000 12,500 tlO flO £12.000 £10,600 I JjJ»
      283 words
    • 204 9 1*94 *5.377.10.0 £4,605 7,6tU 12/6 IJ/8 1898 $225,000 1315,000 4,300 t 50 I 50 1865 910.000.000 110.000,000 60,000 1125 1125 1901 »2.400.000 »2,,00,000 f X J|JJJ »100 »100 1396 »1,000,000 •1,000.000 2'oSS JIM »34,000 •34,000 i,4M tlO •10 1575 000 1875 000 f 00 ICO 10 1899 »«7».«W 1875,000
      204 words
    • 42 9 Uowarth Erekine, Ltd. 8% fMO.OOO 9% pram Riley Hargreaveo, Ltd. 6% 235,000 3% pram. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% pram 3% 1,878,000 3% pram. 4% 603,000 3% dis nominal Taniong Pagur Dook Co., Ltd. 6% 350,000 3% pram 5% 1,050,000 par.
      42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 THE KWSTAKES OF rJ °fE U u..t ujiiil«-r mumhii! \> t»k. ,-t v..,i lit. tha. i»i;l«^<'''«* r iN,v«'«a bjfr ii Ina«biil l p\y. 4 l»'»f It. nl> iitLa<k.-.l «itli f id. or win. liar, aUa..-|'i« .hiiun lv ».mUm. ...i.I >* X «fef ii i s»r\ <••tit to <lay. i*, avc
      57 words
    • 28 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co, Ltd. Electric Fans TABLE, BRACKET, and CEILING FANS. Speciality s CROMPTON PUNKAH FANS. LARGE STOCKS. LOW PRICES. Electrical Departments Telephone Km. 362. 3 BATTERY ROAD.
      28 words
    • 756 9 KIM and COMPANY. «.,h The 1i. ,1 rait] lion* l.y \i,,iv. UqlM vv 1 H >r> ThoOn.n ,Htta :t.30 li<l Ws I' 1 1 W lir Thcßi.m,, ditto :t.:M) O—W«M ftwefc. ■—W MtlbH M Thctii.y .litl., :!.:M) V1 1 '""-I fl p lhaCriMaw ilittn »M I>v T1.,-I>ink li.t.. M ll
      756 words

  • 1128 10 Confessions Made by His Own Fireside. .Ins; in tli.s< aajfa then' is an air ol bring 11m- huh lif a \i-ry "jxi ial iinivi rv about aaaaatJh ataM*. its ang aaaaaaa, hanamn into pink How. is and whiti paint around tin- Mi|N'iM-i-ipti..n of Browns Hotel. s,viu« «,.n~. 1011-
    1,128 words
  • 222 10 At I paa4 many of our fashionable restaurants music is provided at meals. A contributor to the Atlantic Monthly is convinced that such n custom is a crime against nature no less than against art: If die addsi the teui|io is rapid I, in com. nnm w
    222 words
  • 158 10 By .in mli] mistake, which happeno,! in several accounts of the liirtlnlay Honours, it was akaai that a knighthood hail been con /erred upon Mr. .lohn Thomas, the harpist. Tin- .lohn Thomas who really is kuif-litcd was born at Shorcham, in Kent, in IK!4. ami
    158 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 195 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. 1f, 7 .Way. July 31, I!h>7, at .mm. 991» years Leaselioli lan.l ami house known as Xo. 61 Fnner Street, Singapore, area 1,170 s.juare fet-t. G. A. Fernandez V Co.. 1 ">67 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE VAU'AItU: TEAK AND RATTAN 11UI>LUOLI> 11RMHRE, Etc., To k* hall
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    • 554 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital ti0.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve §10,000,0001 M *****0 Silver Reserve •11.000.000} W lOOO OOO Raerve Liability of Proprietor* $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhurst, E*q.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Depnty Chairman. A. Fuchs, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. E.
      554 words
    • 530 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Beeerve Liability of Proprietors ..£BOO,OOO Reserve Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Th. London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      530 words
    • 636 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE CLUB A HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE at No. 25, I'ec'« Seah Street, Saturday, Augitxt 3. at 2 p.m. Catalogues i-wned. H. L. C ghlarv V Co Licensed Auctioneers 1505 and Surveyor*. AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED IT.KDGES, The property of twelve pawnshops On Thursday, Augnxt 1, VJO7. at 10
      636 words

  • 904 11 INTERESTING NOTES AND NEWS FOR MOTOR MEN. Mr. l>. C. P. Kindersley. of the Ualgownie Rubber Kstate. has purchased a new 8 h.p. Itovi r motor car of the latest model. Mr. S. K. Ha, it appears, is not the only man who can do extraordinary things with a
    904 words
  • 34 11 The Englulunan thinka he known more about everything than anybody else in the world," remarks the Headmaster of Eton. The Eton Hchoolboy. however, can be relied upon to convince hi* father of the error.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 436 11 The SCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIALS. EXTRACT FROM THE "MOTOR." JULY 2. 1907. Hit la Ml ovi rstatiny the matter to saj that the Scottish lt< liability Trial aaal in the «orld for perfection of organization, or for the tl maatMWm ..I Ike test which it imposes on the Car*, or
      436 words
    • 92 11 WAMTED AT ONCE. A little forethought will often save no end of trouble. Think of the pain and suffering Uiat must be endured in cane of an attack of pain in the stomach or cramp colic when medicine must be scut for. Every family shoulil liave a bottle of C'liamberlain'K
      92 words
      344 words
    • 279 11 The HUMBERS o Again WON The HEAVY TOURING CAR RACt. See accounts in tlio Home rapcrtt. o AGENTS: Borneo Company, Ltd. Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. I Sound well shaped and Hard burnt brioka oan be supplied at 91 SO per Lakaa at (ha worka. Firebrick* $80 per thousand.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 552 12 Scale of Cbaraes. Phr i.UP AI»VERTIBEMENTS.— MisceI■>i.i Wants of Every Description, Honse*, b-ii" ?tc.. t. let »re inwrtod at the following! rv One In«erti. n I.JO por inch. Two 200 Tbrw «-«> Bix S2O Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 'E» h «nb«>qnent month %!i per inch.) Th 1
      552 words
    • 527 12 LOST OR FOUND. 1 Kmi>: H«s Umsj sa»er«a» kaßMbi tut K\ tin- irnli. m Sivde si Cksafaa, $20 REWARD. IKXS LOST. A Hun. lie Pug l>og, answers tn name of Roy, Municipal Nnmber 183:t; anyone returning same to the office of Eastern Daily Mail will receive the above rewaid. :t
      527 words
    • 590 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bins :-Fou Linos, on. or two lassttloas. (1.00 By thsieeh,sesBeslso(Cnsr(ss. COMPOUNOHOUBETOBEIIT. No. M Bophia Koad. Apply to 18 2 Prinsep Street. •Ml OFFICE 4 GOOOWN TO BE LET. With entry on July 1, No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GITHRIE CO., LTD. r 1265 GODOWNS
      590 words
    • 627 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. RATE9:— Four Mm, one or two insertions, tl. By th* lack. Me Seal* of Charge*. OFFICE TO BE LET. First floor of No. 1, Malaooa Street, newly repaired, lately occupied by H. Branss Co. Immediate entry. Apply to E. Meyer Co,, Ltd,. 1 Malaooa Street.
      627 words
    • 530 12 iIMELUWEOUS NOTICES. RITIS:- lit Mon.h, #1 ii per inch. SubMqnmt months, »fi. For shorter perioili o<t tah of Charge*. IN THE MATTER OF THE EBTATE OF CYRIL REGINALD EPHRAUMS. OF BEREMBAN (heceased). IT IS HEREBY' NOTIFIED that all persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased must give
      530 words
    • 394 12 SMALL TRADE AOVTS. ■MM: nm Month, no. m In i CHILDREN 8 CONCERT. The next Children's Coocarl will be li.-ld at the Vicwria Memorial Hull oa Friday, August 2. Nt 5.50 p.m. Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON, Is now on a visit to Hie iliftcivnt part* ol tin K.M.s.
      394 words