The Straits Times, 16 July 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.394 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 16. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 318 1 WHAT is ROSBACH P ROBINSON and CO. Own SPECIALITIES. {fiiggjfel Pure Glycerine Toilet Soap. A U X Q C" DT3WS BP^^ b^Hl^b^HS^Hb^b^H nil i lOL.r[IB«M i ■bßbbbß^^bbbßlßm Taa Robinson's Toilet Rejisisities. Hb»HZlu£| 'OOTH PO^^gi bbRRERM V '^^son&co IbbbßßSsSw "•'•"l England expnSiyf I^^*— ""-^^^f^ j BBBB^9W^inl ROBINSONS ANTiSIPTIC girtHlW*^ TOOTH POWDER.
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    • 12 1 A.VHWRR, THE LEADING TABLE WATER. ttapplfel b] Warrant to H.M. The King.
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  • 843 2 Miss Patrick Campbell Miss SU-tin Patrick Campbell ban Uva touriny with her mother in tin- ptllliim, and although slip Ims played only small parts -lie lias attracted a great deal of notice. Her performance of Marie, the sister „i Mh^ilh. is s|H'<-iallv clinrminy. mid •)■,<,■ |g no
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 Moet 6? (2f)andon\ (The Champagne de Luxe) Mfl CHANPO*J Importers: Borneo Co., Ltd. AUSTRALIAN FLOUR wow o ROLLER rLDDR *'»^M I JAMESTOWN >£l IMPORTERS: Borneo Co., Ltd. CRUSHED FOOD. IRVII VNi'Vul- tIU BK PATISFIEE I. K. KUUCN bet;* 111 1 inform the public •tt bin K»rt. ,i. for pn-pariu^ <
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    • 170 2 AND j McALISTER Co., ZSS^u™* A\^ PATENT SOSTENENTE^I PIANOS Built Expressly for this Climate and Guaranteed for FIVE Years. $450 FREE TUKIMG FOR ONE TEA*. The ROBINSON PIANO CO., Ltd. UNITED ASBESTOS ORIENTAL AGENCY. LIMITED. An Unbroken Record IKoi tlio 21st YEAR in sucvossion tlio Lords ot tho Admiralty have
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    • 507 2 FACE ERUPTIONS FROMIHSIION Face and Nose in Very Bad StateTried Many Kinds of Soap and Ointment Without Result— At Last Completely Cured After DOCTOR HAD HER USE CUTICURA REMEDIES "Mjrface and no«e were in a very bad ■tate through indigestion. After trying many kinds of soaps and ointment*, my doctor
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  • 870 3 American Literary Lights on Burns. (irant Mi. k. n/i. .;i t.iiim i „i „i ili.- tauouK Rivcn*tc rYeaa, hi i■, .1. km l.i n tM"H :l „.,i il,, lunt!-l,u. .1 al mm ->r hi- iillectinM •■■inn mill.: ..itain ..f Aiu.iiia's 1..1' Ml M. \\l,,i. 1,,«. n« i.H-i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 I VWIINi:. the l.loal I'urK.tur, reenoiI i- -t i.i.-.|i.«i mmmritim I m I itmia .11 i. -nit- T" k* hal •'< N i.mi.. fi in Hit- thtfwmtf. i i. i.
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    • 375 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease iKH |liSilils^!!S^ffi^^^^^Sa«Bca^sl{^ffuil^»XTlti>CTOr»ltD JKMAlCA^^^^^^^ "Wf lanntit •i>-ak ■4^VaS^^^B*^Vat^|ii*Vt^l **^H I BJ Pronounced by the HIQHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES WHY Tor P« d Liver Debility, Eruptions, al -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMANJELOCD. Fortify the System against
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    • 245 3 KAME and Co., 23 HIGH STREET. Dealers in High-Class Japanese Curios. .lu-t re<-.iv.-,l:-(iAHI>KN FLOWED POTS and STANDS, and TKA SKIS. We help you to Fortune THOUSANDS HAVE MADE IT THOUSANDS WILL MAKE IT By Running a INKMATOGHAPU Show, Ynti <i< t 100 I<>i cent, a Year for tin' liioniv invrstvd.
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    • 104 3 BRITISH MALAYA Hy SIX FRANK SWKTTKNHAM. liliwtraUd. Cloth. I*so. STATESMAN'S YEAR BOOK. 1907. A Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World. (4 1th Year of the Publication.) «6.5u. A VERY LARGE COLLECTION OF INTERESTING NOVELS Now on Sale. FIVK for OXK DOLLAR MARK TWAINS BOOK ON THE
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    • 186 3 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Each Bottle nf this well-known Remedy ion I COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, DIARRHEA, SPASMS, ETC. Bern--- .11 the SUmp Of nnme f Ifa. ImonUi. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE. Numerous Te*tiin,..iuils htm Kmincnt Pliysii-iaiiH MMfM) each Ituttle. Mi in BoMIm
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  • 326 4 Famous Deserter from Hanoverian Army. o*lll Irtllj Slo.i^',. wlu-iv I'm lava* s Ban, i, i. y n s i, is just di.d. Might ii. v.r li.iv,. sjaMai hsj| it not Ixc-n •-'if Miitn sjiirit of a c. rtain liands. in in in tli,. HaiMv.riin (iuaids
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  • 191 4 Romance of Gold -Finding. Ifvoovt-iy ul' j I n Mi' Rail int i~ the i aaM oi dijiuiiif; ha< stri .-i- p i ■aIU 1 in .i sterj j 1 ttasUan in laliI I ni.i. I' i OUtW M irtin .Hid .1 in I iu.»uths. ■nitil Ki)v.rd:.l >>f eshaaattoa.
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  • 144 4 I' stag taw paat I ymn i: ha< hafpaaal timt tin' e*in A;-t!.i!iau p iri iiiii i\, stalesi Uw VMSjtli >'n > >v. i v ar.d away to Dutch Masts, with Mm n.-ult that the n'.ii. :.iit i \V L »t .\u>!i'ali.iu i-'. Ii
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  • 177 4 11. »as U^Hnm-i .it |>uk< r. 11. l< a .l U yinm r- luck, ami all th< iniiiuv stt'int-d flow int<> l«i- aaafata, Wk i >ii< d >h'n<pi to lllij-. i.|o|Miltiolls. Tlllll thilr BMSM I i..~h. Ii m> a ].i, l,|h,t. Tli,. ,1,-al. i o|« iii d
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  • 785 4 Sams, port, pnktkU dni< »J arrival, and name of Agent*, STKAMEIiS. Airlie, Sydney, Augt 24 Bountead Alcinoiwi China, July 21 Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 P. O. Coy Asdaug, Bangkok, July 31; Kast Asiatic Coy Austria, Hongkong, Augt rUulenbcrg Australien,!' Aiigt2(i; M. Maritiraes Ayuthia, Calcutta, -I .!y2O;
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  • 188 4 Passengers Outward. I 'or M. M. stoatuer Sala/.ic. from MaMaJUali Juuc 2i>, duo July 1& To Singapore: Mr. J. vau Deldeii. l'er 11,I 1 and O. steamer Moldavia, cull-lHH-tiny with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo. From Londou June. SI, due July 'JO. To Singapore: Mr. A. C.
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  • 50 4 Tmtß.iLi.s on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily «t 1 p in., HapfOM standard time corresponding to 0 a.m. Greenwich mean time Tbe time guv id f;r. 1 at 12 o'clock noon, mdi eating Singapore ilauJard time, on every day excelling Sunday, when it is tired at one o'clock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 59 4 THE MISTAKES OF YOUR LIFE. l "»»"K tl»- lui»Uk.s vi ii ill. that ..I iMKUxUut; t-i 1.1,. i,r. h Urt » «..i,..a.ui. litiiu <i Uihi K.M...U S.M.M- U v,,,,| family *;;«:v! 1 i r 1 1 1 ■'< .<tl« i. nu.l nuiiMxlutU- nil. t is Uh-u Jhx«--.v ««l,y, it uiay
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAIUH63. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan.?, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Ejrypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Rills >f I;«ding turned (or Cbin.i OoMt, Persian Oulf. Continental, an Araerinan Port*. Stoaraer* will leave Singapore oa ir *bou. MAIL LINE. Outward ifor CMm). Mfc July 20 1 1,-,
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    • 1113 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERHCA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a < regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and bnoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The
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    • 765 4 BTBWER MltllHS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mall Line. The fact and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, ami
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  • 1097 5 a--- I -ti. -I" .m»«r «1» -.Inti ha. ltir<jilf>: «h. i,t |rM |i|i W r I] |,t I lu.lill, I- „■!,-I Ik* 1 I!. HI I 111 h I 11. 1 I Man •of- War, etc. WtUkt, D.&IMMI, :«;i toll», f.7 mw, (apt 11Hm.1t..,. May 17. FRM
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  • 22 5 July M La |M r\h »lr, Batavia Kuchiug, Sarstr. Sarawak C. AWHT, But »tr. tall| < aW-utta \pcar. Britstr, H'kong, Shanghai, Japan
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  • 98 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TAHJOBB P»8»B. East Wharf Bahhin— Cheaog Chew. East Whui SrcTioa I— A. Apcar, Teest*. SrcT. 1 (BreebB Wharf):— Amiral Magon. Section No. 2— Nil. S Kaxouia, Bnndan. t— Beneltuch. 6— Nil. 6 LiglitniDK, C. Apcar. 7—
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  • 29 5 Tliei. arc 1ii1.127 pertMtus in the Philip piui- Nliiuiln qualified to vote (SOO pesos property qualification I, and of this number only voted at the last municipal I'll/ftIOUS.
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  • 101 5 11. .mi m.i. P. A O. Mail. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer China 1.-ft Hongkong at 1.30 p.m., on Saturday, and is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, the 18th instant. Oir»Aßi> P. O. Mail. The mail steamer Arcadia left Colombo, at 8 a.m.,
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  • 95 5 From Eußori— By the I*. A- s.e. Arcadia, due on July 19. From Chiha— By the P. »P. a. a. China, due on July 18. June June June June Jnlv July July July July 13 17 20 21 27 1 5 9 11 15 B. I. July
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  • 102 5 X,,,, l'l«SlM»l.: Tim. TO- MORROW Mnutokand Paleinbang (i. <-'. M**B 11 a.m. Indragiri Tringganu via purt* Mms noon Habak anil Djambic Bnmm Ip.m. P.Swettenham, PenangA'i-fn.i 1 P Penang and Colomtw K. Man |> m. Muar and Malacca .s'n/ 2 p.m. Malacca Fort Dickon //<>".'/ i"» I'"'Penang and Calcutta
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  • 579 5 Discoveries Made Through Use of the Camera. It.inaikiible studies of the nature of lightning have Imi-ii made by a i;ilt<d Danish American aXpaIMMMH undir the auspices of the. Smithsonian Institution, at Washington. Not only has it MM learned that lightning Hashes are innde up of innumerable shorter
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  • 332 5 LADY MATCH -SELLER. Speaks of Offer of a Real Live Han The lady match srllir. whoso MMMIMM in tin- London str^■«■t^4 iciently rount-d much curiosity an<l. who, some ><urs ago, MM IB gill^pore, whs Dm MBtnl figure in a e*M at Uiistol OB J«M 21. when slir summon.d hn hushaii.l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 454 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Tm mmmmn <>f Ihto Oanfaaj maintain a regular direct servin- l.el\vecn Calcutta. Strait*. H.'i.iiki.iiK. Shanghai nml .lapan. taking carfio ■ii through Mi of I .a. linn for Cai.t-n. Swatow, Amov. Cliefon, Tientsin, Newchwau«. Yan^twe Nrta, Pnn«— the MKjalM, .Vc, *c. Strainers Tons Commander
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    • 431 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. ANI> CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. pi The Companies' (Hea-ncrs are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China and Japan every wrek, and from Japan homeward* for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp overv fortnight au.l fcr Oeuoa. Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. Oue
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    • 610 5 STEAMER SAILIH6S. APGAR LINE OF STEAMERS I Thf undermentioned mail steamer* of tb* above Line maintaiu a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, railing at renang, Siuga|x>re, Hongkong aud Shanghai tn r.mte FLEET Tons Commander i.X. "Japan" 8.800 J. O. Oi.tfent h.s. "Orkuorv Apcar" 4,600 S. 11. lin.sns s.h. "Arh»tik>n
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    • 399 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TBE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EIP.OPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA ami the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, Ml Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobp, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "EsirßEsH ok Ixdi.v" Twin screw steaR.M.S. "Empress ok
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 164 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fao» MM 5 I" iM 22.) HIGH WATER. I LOW WATER Time Hght Time H'ght j tIT hrn. mm. ft. ins. hm.min. fUmr I 1.15 m 9:« 7JI m 1.5 Tcehpat 16 2 .2ua H.;* 7.10 a 4.1 I 156 m 9.0 M2l n. 20 W'kbu>atl7 aJ9
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    • 29 5 WEATHER TELEGRAM. Hongkong, July 16, 10 a.m. Barometer 29. CI Direction of Wind West. Force of Wind 1 Mai. Temp in Sbads 88 Manila, 756 West. 3 28 2.
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    • 96 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, July 10. High Water. 11l a.m. MO pjß. P. O, outwnrd mail dv«. Parse.- Theatre. M. Assizes. Wednesday, July 17High Water. 156 a.m. 219 p.m. BMW Football Cup Tie. Thursday. July 18. High Water. 242 a 111. It 11 p.m. M<k>ii. First Quarter. 8-I'J p.m. P.
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  • 1096 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JULY 16. W« arc indebted to Mr. Monichi Kobe Acting-Consul for Japau, for a copy of the seventh Financial and Economic Annual of Japan, issued by the Department of Finance. It is replete with interesting information for the statistician or student of national
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this iwue hit protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 23 6 A cargo of coal was brought from Calcutta, yesterday afternoon, by the B. I. 8. N. Co.'s steamer Tpada, destined for Java ports.
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  • 20 6 I'We were over 800 passenger* on the Indo-Chroa S. N. Company* (Warner Van Sang, which MriTtd from Honukong. yMtenUy afternoon.
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  • 10 6 A serious outbreak of plague Ims occurred at Tanyaburi. Siam.
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  • 19 6 There will be a formal opening of the new building of St. Josephs Institution in about a fortnight's time.
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  • 15 6 Tenders are been invited for the construction of dhoby houses and ironing room at Ipoh.
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  • 24 6 Over 1,000 passengers came, yesterday, from Swatow and Amoy, by the Hong Moh. This is an exceptionally large passenger list for a local steamer.
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  • 25 6 For the first times in the recorded history of the Philippine Islands, a half-year has passed without a single case of epidemic disease in Manila.
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  • 25 6 Seven thousand tons of coal and coku for Messrs. Guthrie and Company arrived from Barry Docks, this morning, by the Caledonia Steamship Company's steamer Kan/a.
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  • 31 6 Chua Kirn Sui and Chua Sun Ki. accused of housebreaking, and robbing an uged pigrearer of tl(K), besides stubbing him iv the chest, were acquitted by the jury, late yesterday evening.
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  • 33 6 The two Chinese who assaulted Sergeant liartells, a week ago, when he put a stop to their disagreement on the rive- foot way, were fined 45 each by the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 31 6 The N.D.L. steamer Itoon WM delayed considerably in her journey to Peuaiig ou Wednesday, owing to bud wenther aud high sens preventing the pilot's launch from going out to meet her.
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  • 33 6 It is being asked ou the street by what authority the hotels and cinematograph shows can fly the I'nion Jack, while only the blue ensign flies from the staffs on the Government buildings.
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  • 31 6 The examination of Mr. Joseph Khalifa. iv connection with the civil actiou of Saul Meuaham against Moses Klias, for damages for alleged slander, was continued, before the Chief Justice, this morning.
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  • 38 6 The Good Ho)>c of Malaya Lodge of the International Order of Good Templars celebrated the third anniversary of its inauguration at Kuala Lumpur, on Friday. Addresses were given by Hro. H. Itickard aud the Key. W. K. Horley.
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  • 45 6 Mrs. Well, a Eurasian lady, was takeu into custody by a chin tiny yesterday afternoon as she landed from a sampan at Beach Hoad, because she had a ijuartcr of a bottle of brandy in her possession. She was discharged subsequently by the Opium Farmer.
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  • 39 6 The Methodist Publishing House, of Singapore, are erecting for themselves a large three-storey building at the coruer of Stamford lioad and Armenian Street, the steelwork for which, we understand, has been placed with Messrs. liiley, liargreavcs and Co., Ltd.
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  • 46 6 A Chinese capitalist has settled down at Tulung Agung, in East Java, to grow mulberry trees, rear silk worms, and produce silk. He is uot discouraged by the many difficulties met with at the outset, and says that he will leave nothing untried to ensure success.
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  • 59 6 The Java Government refused to establish a school for Chinese, at Samarang, though the local authorities reported in favour of such a step, and a Dutch lady took up the idea and started a school for Chinese of good family. The scheme met with so much support that she has
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  • 76 6 Mr. Joseph Hillman, proprietor of the George Hotel. Soli hull, whose death is announced, was in early life a waiter at the Acorn Hotel, Birmingham, where he was known as the demon waiter" on account of his ability to carry more on a tray with greater speed than any other
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  • 72 6 Japan has vainly tried for years to enter into diplomatic relations with Turkey. The hitch arises from Japan claiming to he put on the same political footing as the other Powers by her subjects enjoying extraterritorial rights. The other Powers enforce this privilege under special agreements called Capitulations. Turkey is
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  • 80 6 Hereafter, uo American teacher in the Philippines is to receive less than $200 a month, a change which has been found necessary in order to get and keep sufficient teachers of satisfactory attainments and capabilities. This necessitates the increasing of the pay of fifty teachers by 1200 a year, of
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  • 81 6 Chinese Secret Societies are giving rise to serious trouble in Dutch West Borneo. These organisations are so increasing in strength and influence there as to become dangerous to public safety. The Kosidrut, therefore, has advised the Java Government to deport the riuglcader*. The GovernorGeneral set aside the opinion of the
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  • 80 6 Tliriv in a M'iy >U\Win>; ami significant remark m llmt mvlumi >\i lln inli'utta Mi-iiltli Dftw'unwill iv|sMt «In>-li Kuu-lirs on birtlm. l»r OmII MMlfci Hml In normal towns (lirro M ui.-it-*^ ,\f Imiilis over ili'ittlis knonn M 111.' Mtml IMMMH >'( the |K)|<ululit<n In I'al. 11IU. *(T.i iimkun: oonmilcrablx nil.
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  • 13 6 Mr. G. Sala, Distiict Eugineer. I'uket. In arrived iv Singapore.
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  • 15 6 Bishop Oldhaui, of the Methodist Kpiaoo pal Church, is ou a biief visit to I'enan^.
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  • 15 6 Mr. Foo Choo Choon. the F.M.S. mining magnate, arrived at Pcnang from CWmob Thursday last.
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  • 17 6 Mr. H. W. MacKcu/ic. District Shi vc \,i< Perak, has been granted nine nioDths' lea\< of absence.
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  • 17 6 Major Hills, having completed hi-- ia <|>e< tion of the Survey Departments, lelt tin. F.M.S., on Sunday.
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  • 17 6 Mr. G. C. Irving, of liritish North Borneo, has been elected Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute.
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  • 16 6 Major lioluiden, i>. ■>.".. district surgeon ot Tawao. North Horueo. has been fjmuiul short leave of absence.
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  • 23 6 Mr. Jacob A. Uus, the veil known jouraa< list, author, and friend of President Rousevelt, has become ougagci to his own private secretary.
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  • 22 6 Emperor Kwaughsu of China has recovered from his recent indisposition. Medical attendance is not required, lie still suffers from loss of appetite.
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  • 26 6 M. liodiei-, the Governor of Cochin China, has been app'iiuted Governor of Cayenne or French Guiana. M. Kodier's successor is M. lionhoure. the Kcsident-Genornl of Tonkin.
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  • 36 6 Mr. M. Sub!, of Messrs. Schmidt, Kn-t.-, maun and <V. an. l Mr. W. I 100. I Begg, of Messrs. Guturie aud Co., left Ve tiling by th( N.D.L. steamer. Hoon, ou Thursday last, tm Home.
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  • 30 6 Mr. K. Wood, District Surveyor. Kiuta. has been appointed to act iv a similar capacity at K..;ila Kaugsar. Mr. A. I. Harper, of Kuala Kangsar has becu transferred t.j Larut.
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  • 34 6 Mr. li. I. I'hillips. of I'cuiin^. w;ii iiuiim^ the ">OO pussengor-i ot the Irish express steamer A.iglia. when she ran ■ground on .i submerged rock a few miles from Hotybead. ou .1 urn- l'l.
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  • 36 6 A Tient-in paper records the death of .Mr. V. S. Gardner, an engineer of the C. M. stuamer Aitping at the Hospital on .lum £1, where he was removed a few days previously suffering from small-pox.
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  • 32 6 LicuteUiUit-Colouel Strachey does not alter all return to India, having decided to retui from the Army. He has asked permission to withdraw his acceptance of the appointment of Superintendent at Port Blair.
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  • 39 6 Mr. I. (troves has assumed .y .iActing State Engineer. Perak. We under stand that amoug other changes in th> P.W.1)., Mr. .1. K. Jacksou i, to proceed Iv Kuala Lumpur. Mr. F.W. Mayor taking liiplace as Executive Engineer, Larut.
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  • 43 6 Amoug recent appointment in British North Borneo arc Mr. K. V. L. Pritchard. t. l bc'a magistrate of the.third class Mr. 11. A. Schocncr, to be attached to the CustomDepartment; and Mr. H. S. Atkin, to be placed iv the Constabulary I (epartmeut.
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  • 14 6 The other day. a tiger was km iv tin vicinity of I'lu Station, X.M.S.
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  • 27 6 There were only four tickets on I twain land in the Galloway Handicap at tin Kuala Lumpur races on Tuesday. Tlr punters were rewarded with *17l each.
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  • 50 6 A C'liin sc secret society has been Atcovered iv Bangkok aud a number nf the members have been committed t'ov trial at the Criminal Court. The discovriy wan made through some Chinese making o>m plaints to the Police that they were bcin^: forced to join the Society against their will.
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  • 57 6 According to a Sau Francisco wire 01 Julj 2, the drivers and helpers employed on thr garbage carts iv New York city who ,m now out on strike are persistently refusing the terms offered them and refuse to return to work. As a rcsalt the city garbage Ibeing left uncollected
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  • 61 6 A sugar trust luis been formed iv Australia The Colonial Sugar ltetiuiug Company ban taken over the extensive refineries of Mcs-r^ Poohuan and Co., as a step towardmonopolising the Sugar trade of the Coniuieu wealth. Australia produces sugar enough for its own consumption. The Trust will try to keep prices
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  • 67 6 The surrounding countryside of (Hagapofl is in many places completely flooded M result of the heavy rains of last night and this morning early. The maiu thoroughfare leading to the town were iv some partundor water, especially iv Orchard Kou'l tail the roads leading towards the Hotauic;il Gardens. The rainfall
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  • 110 6 Iv tlic KnglUli Year Book of Y.&X'JL'* which haH just boon paVWMd Ibare ap] au illustration of the front elevation til tin propoutxl new V.M.C.A. building 111 Siu»iipore, and the headquarter*, of Bh IVuan^; and Kuala Lumpur branches. Thr. ■<■ f*f* arr devoted to a rtnuiiu' of the Y.M.t A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 110 6 Pilsener Export I BEER I I lIO.M THE Amstei Lager Beer BREWERY of AMSTERDAM. -mij., oil ii|y!ir;Ui<pii t.. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Me Aucnt-.. Dont think of First Cost only. What about Maintenance 7 HORSE POWER BEING I Equally Proportioned. THE MOST KCOXOMKW, CAB IN I>AIIA ISK. AMD TIIK CHEAPEST OVER
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    • 168 6 Wilson co PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our Productions Are nf the highest iwssible ARTISTIC TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE and are throughout the East as "INCOMPARABLY THE BEBT. In Photography, at in anything else, '•The Best is the Cheapest." HOTEL WISSE Weltfvudex. Batavia. Established in 1836. Renovated np to date. Splendid situation in the
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  • 169 7 SAVAGES BURN TOWN ON DUTCH ISLAND. (io\crnmcnt Representative's House Blockaded. I'lioM Dm O«N CoKKKsIMiMo-M,. Souraliaya. July 16. Tliere is trouble in l-lores. one of the Molucca inlands, where the Netherlands India < .overturn nl intended to send a military M .editioi.. Iliiteh nil, there is nominal. News
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  • 100 7 Hostile Demonstration in Trafalgar Square. Kkitfr's hmn London. July M. There »j> a great demonstration in Trafalgar Square. London, yesterday, to pNaMI against any Brfktah entente with It i~-ia. wikficregiai w.i~deuounje<l bitterly, n-.iently. a crowd. 1, d by Mr. W. .1. Thome. Lihour M.l' I.r W, l[,
    100 words
  • 106 7 Question Answered in House of Commons. Ufi i m Tm.k..i; \m. London. July 10. Mr IT. ineiman. Financial Secretary to tin Treasury, replying in the House of Com j iuons t i Mr. I. l>. Itees. Liberal Member for th< Montgomery district, stated that the final contrat
    106 words
  • 60 7 British and German Squadrons to Meet. I.'HI.H. I U.K., 1. VM London. July IV I'i'iik. lIUMJ rf I*l— ak has sailed with a "liiadroii of I, .mi in for Uergen to imit the Uritish Cruiser Squadron. It:- b<heved the BHfMH William. wlm is «j present al
    60 words
  • 38 7 ltKi'ims Tk:lk<.k\m U.ndon. .luly IV lli. Australian Commonwealth (tavern>ueu: is mtrodii.nug a Hill to spend three .|uarteri. of a uiilliou sterling iv bjuuties for i iffec. cotton, liemp, jute, rice, tobacco and "tin i crop*.
    38 words
  • 35 7 Rklikh's taMMI London. July 16. In thr International Tennis match for the havis Cup. Heals- Wright aud K. H. Behr Im«i V Brookes and A. F. Wilding by llinv sets to two.
    35 words
  • 100 7 Workman's Strange Method of Attracting Attention. l>lh OKTAMAII. UK I.UJVU Tm.Ki.KA.II It, rim.. l ills !•>. Ou I'runidcul Falh. re* returning to his it-sidt-aoat Paris after attending the celebration of the National Uingclianip* a workman tir. -I s. \erml ul>"' at him. All I hoi
    100 words
  • 44 7 London. -Inly lti. A .-.1. -i Uo»|>s have left Fez to com hint- witli tin Moroccan forces, which are ont-a-ntraling iv the llymass country i the purpose of effecting the release of Kaid Maclean who was taken prisoner hvlUisuli
    44 words
  • 552 7 An Australian's Views on the Labour Question. Mr. I. 11. Myhill was recently Hiving his opinions regarding tlie Malay Peninsula and its mineral wealth, to a reporter ou the Adelaide Hegistcr. This mineral wealth, ho •aid, was worked before the British official ap|>eared on the scene.
    552 words
  • 80 7 The Chief .li.stice. yesterday afternoon, granted a number of letters of administration. to the following persons, among others: Mrs. Mary Andrews, of the estate of her deceased husband. < ieorge Andrews, of the Municipal Service. Anastasias Theseira. of the estate of her deceased husband, Edward Theseira. ot the
    80 words
  • 99 7 The dramatis persona 1 of the Itajah of Steug»hpour. which i- bciug presented by local aruatcurs at the Tangliu Barracks Tlieatr-- to-morrow night, aud at the Teutmiin Cluh. m .Inly aud 27, is as follows Kajah of Stengahpour, Mr. A. S. Bailey. Harry Chalmers. Mr. .I.Henry. Archibald
    99 words
  • 105 7 There was a racial row between Chinese and Tamils in Trafalgar Street at 1 p.m., yesterday The trouble seems to have started with the throwing of a stone at a Tamil bullock cart driver. Stones then fie from both sides, and the natives of India made
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  • 80 7 The case in which the Indo China Steam Navigation Company sued Dr. L. Wyndham. at Hongkong, for 11,000. was decided for the plaintiffs, with costs. It may be remembered that the doctor left the employ of tin- company at Singapore on February H. when they had an
    80 words
  • 52 7 The wonderful decliue in tin death-rate at Manila siuco- Amoricun occupation is an excellent object 1< soon to Singapore While li.iv p-*n bavin g rate in axce..t o! 50 r r uUle fur out «<.eV.». the rate at MauiU tv» .-.uiik da* n to half
    52 words
  • 515 7 SCHOOL ON THE HILL WINS A GOOD MATCH. New Record by Harrow Captain. [Rrutkr's Tklborax] London. July 15. in the annual cricket match between Eton and Harrow, played at Lord's on Friday and Saturday last, Harrow won by 7!t runs. The scores were II MllioW. First Innings
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  • 202 7 Subjects for Discussion at the Next Meeting. At Friday's meeting of the Legislative Council, the Colonial Secretary. Captain Young, will move (It That this Council approves the expenditure of a sum not exceeding 910,000 chargeable on the general revenues of the Colony for the current year, for the
    202 words
  • 101 7 The British cruiser King Alfred has established a world's record for gunnery, states a Shanghai telegram in the China Mail. Three sixteen-inch guns each fired eleven rounds a minute and scored eleven bulls. Firing fourteen rounds a minute, thirteen hits were made and eight bulls recorded,
    101 words
  • 59 7 Some idea of the enormous profits drawn by some oil companies may be formed from toe fact that one Java venture— the Dordt Petroleum Company- has distributed adivi dend of l.'-i per cent for 1906. This is the higbebt ytt recorded. In 1*99. the dividend «v 418
    59 words
  • 1794 7 DRUMMER SANDWELL TRIED FOR MURDER. Line of Defence Indicated. Mr. Montagu Harris shook hands with Drummer William Sandwell, of the Royal West Kent Regiment, as he stood in the dock at the Assizes, this morning, clad in white ducks, to answer to the charge of murdering Corporal Hurley,
    1,794 words
  • 145 7 Questions for Discussion by the Commissioners. We have been informed that Dr. T. Murray Robertson has given notice that he will, at the'uext Ordinary Municipal Meeting, ask the following questions regarding Tramways in addition to those of which lie has already given notice (ii What control
    145 words
  • 55 7 The funeral of the late Mr. Ueorge Davidson took place, yesterday afternoon, at Bukit Timah Cemetery, and several friends attended to pay their respects to the deceased. The Masons and the District Grand Lodge both sent wreaths. The whole of the arrangements for the ceremony
    55 words
  • 22 7 lin wemberb of the Lit* Click Kok .Wociation will celebrate tbt-ir lAtlj anmiTraajry on July -0 and -1, »t T*njou^; Katou K
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  • 168 7 POSTPONEMENT OF TRIP TO THE UNITED STATES. Death of the Second Delegate. (From Orit Own Cohkkm-omiem i. London. July 15, 41."> p.m. i Ti-ouni, the second of the Korean delegates to the Hague Conference, has died of heart disease. Prince Vi Ouui-tiougs wife is lying seri ously ill
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  • 97 7 Viscount Aoki and Irresponsible Jingoes. Kkutxr's Telegkam London, July 16. A telegram from Washington states that the Japanese, who was suspected of spying around San I'icgo, in California, has been released. Nothing of an incriminating character was found upon him. New York newspapers report frequent colli sions between
    97 words
  • 59 7 British Bluejacket Killed by Natives I Kbutbr's Tblkoram] London, July In. The British cruiser Cambrian i Captain K. F. A Daunt, C.M.O.i having lauded a force in the New Hebrides to avenge the murder ef a Kuropean, an encounter occurred with the natives, sonit of whom were armed
    59 words
  • 32 7 1 Kbutbb's Tkleukam. London, July 16. The Newfoundland Fishery nogotiatious have practically reached a deadlock. Arbitration on the interpretation of the Anglo-American treaty of HIS is »iow being mooted.
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  • 42 7 Demonstration on the Arrival of the Monmouth. [KBDTBR's TV.LK..KAM liondou, July 16. The arrival at Yokohama of H.M.S. Monmouth, with Prince Fushiuii ou board, was made the occasion" of a remarkable doiuon stration of friendship for (treat llritain.
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  • 32 7 [Keuter's Tiuiokam. London, July In. The British destroyer Lee has arrived at Plymouth with her side badly stovo in, having been in collision with tho Mutch cruiser Friesland.
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  • 17 7 Kkutbk's IklHH.] London. July l.">. The death is announced of Sir Wilhain I'erjin C'l.
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  • 34 7 [Dik OsTASiATiseuK Lloyd Tblkokam Berlin, .Inly IV During the review at Lougchamps on the National Festival Day. the balloon called I'atriu aseeinli d aud moved about with the utmost precision.
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  • 65 7 |I)ER OsTAiI.VTISI 11 K LloYli TkLXIIKAM; ld-rliii, July V>. Tin indictment friu in- 1 1 ii^un .1 ii.-n. i i Stojssel, the (iovcrnor of Tort Arthur, aud against Hrn ntlicr funeral* iinplic itai dwell* upon thtir MmMImI of ordrrs and their spreading lying reports. Anothor
    65 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 71 5 llarxard I Naif. In ■M<hßhM ll:ii\ u.-t..iv in Uml HMri Hin.ii \.ile K.nt ratw, M \sso t i .1 rVnw des|.:i'.<!i to tlie Miiiila Tillies. I s.i\s th..t during the K. li. ll.irimi:iii I MM iii.sti.l t,. i Mm r. lies. if the i a arm.
      71 words
    • 163 5 Wille Mutch. Tlm Maxim C»T. K\'JL. .Main. .:i fa.let J t ..rps lire.l „ii Saturday at liiilestni and ktelaeca Thr Hatoiif tn ml l.inht had. (.'..iiditi.uis lnr..iinds at MOajKl.'iOO .ra^ l|>..h ladies' k'.tle club. The priaatpal mmmi in a Moaat practice shoot, iv o.liu.stiill with the In.ili l.sdies Hitle
      163 words
  • 452 5 Chinese Efforts to Establish a Monopoly. Sir IVlh.ui! I. Waii.n. XV..M LJritisli Con»ul<M-iiei;il. HhMighai. has received tin iottoWMM petition dated Joae :;7. iv refcnmce loan allege. I attempt oa the put oftlx CWaaae ITieevoy U NaaUafl t.. orcafc mon<>|vi!y cit tlif opium trade than mm .it
    452 words
  • 102 5 Tin- Tiuins s. 4 y- that linta.n reasons for .uu-rini! into au .tirau^eiuenl with Spain are uiaiiifest. The „,ates t.. India and the I »r Kast. in peace ..I war. |.«ss the coasts l.arboun.. aud waters included in the auree meut.o. huu.lre.U.., „,,1e,..u,l it i. of£L
    102 words
  • 99 5 Vli^s I aiili> >Ultle) Ust tew years ie uot tvry loituuaU. She «as hard hit by Hi. titilme of Watson s, and about foai yearn hi!-, ..uijutuy nufl.-rwd bwlly iv a railway a<vi<ieul uenr Meerilt. when her husband I ..-I his arui au.l then child was Liil.,l >'iiiu^ Imi last
    99 words
  • 760 5 West Rents A Team beat R.G.A. in Semi -Final. I In- I'mnl in tho Uvocintii.ii Football Ma will be played .m tin- Ksplana.lo on Monday next, ami tlic teams that will try conclusion's 1..r the championship will U< A IMB West Kents and Mm winner of the
    760 words
  • 198 5 Tribute to a Lady Member of the Local PL.R.A. HcteiriiiK to the prowess ol Mrs. IJassett «ith hot rifle aud the- welldeserv. il praise which kho has rectivu.l in China, the Perak Pioneer nays some decree of glory in reflected uiKin the Taipiny brauch at the
    198 words
  • 112 5 Tli« Citatoi in a new Madias publication. louiaiuiny yood ami iu-urate reportx of easts dvciilul in all loiirtH in Knwlaud India and Kuriuah. Ah the work i, published every thirty one days, and claims to contain »tl the finislitsl castH dnrinK that period, it
    112 words
  • 1122 5 FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE STATE SATISFACTORY. British Resident's Opinion on AntiOpium Movement. Ae.Hir.lin.. to the annual Mali of Mr. K. \V. Kirch. M.Ci.. liritisl, KeeUWnt, the HMW |x>sition of Mm Slut,- „f IVrnk is exceedingly satisfactory, lv l'.toti, the revenue nawM 11$ millions of dollars, I two millions
    1,122 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 130 5 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sungei Urn jam. July 12. Sir In your isviie of lllth instant under the heading of Curry and Sambals" 1 see you make a witty reference to the pro sedition of a certain M.l. Now Sir, neither you nor I wen-
      130 words
  • 153 5 There was aa :iuiiisini; exhibition of tho Xoucomfoiiiiist CoiiMcicnce on the warpath at Leicester. th<- other day. whon a mild divine, rejoicing in the appropriate name of (iutterv. informed his brother Primitive Methodists that :i certain London paper was in the habit of dipping its pen into
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 384 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HUNTLEY PALMERS. LTD.*. Biscu t Manufacture rt, I READING A LONDON, ENGLAND. WARNING. matencc ol two months' rigorooa impriaoammt «n~ recently paaMd upon an BMcrapnkm* .It-.-il.-i lot lftilliuy. with biscaita inferior wake, biacuit tins bearitiS tli.' w« II known labels of Uiintley and I'al n LULaI l<< a.
      384 words
    • 330 5 John Little Co., Ld. \A WARE. I'uie White S»-mi I'oieelane Dinner Set fat twelve Persons, with Soup Tureen $14.35 Ditto, witl t Suiip Tureen $11. 50 NOTE H^^T^^^^W^ i'arts can be had for s.ts I'KTI. -ftw«>- l.iun.-i fet bf t«.h.- Ftrnm 18 26 I'HTi l-'amv Bine Set, saiiii- shajie as
      330 words

    • 86 9 <io (Ctt V.. 1 i. Copra Bali <1o I-.niti in.ik FVpper. Kln.-k do :,-> .A .1 do Brunei N>. 1 Poarl Say Coffee Bali. U% CoCm l'.iU tl ,l,; 4: Coffer LAeriaa So 1 .Io til ,.l •io m >' Tin Opium. Benares Rjoc, Rani!<K'n Ifl, IX i.
      86 words
    • 111 9 CM !:.i»K 4 ii. f 4 I '< ii. mi -1 1 kv..v 8rc/« »4 1 ii. s 2/4,1 Han). .1 ,1 l ;i:ii I'riva*' i tu -i 1 4,;' lo i MS IM\ Private :t m |jM <l" 6 ii; k :iO6 OkJMit BMkT.T. 174; Private M d
      111 words
  • 50 9 v. i;o kk i: the In- ftUod why 1"• Hi .ill h pa« tlx ship au-i I ii mey, no* be ttemely doae •v tn lip's I timate iking i it iud wen in- now i eed Si i lain limitation m i i Attain un l«
    50 words
  • 103 9 I*. Bui y i ■■|ihnll we 18, art.-: 'n i\in_vorld in forty I Bta .ii U Ii (O i -il v. ii<I I iy ri hiu^ the i: rliu tin 12th hi tfaac by i Ebom UMrpaal ou m M.iy 10. i; iH« .y.
    103 words
  • 145 9 FMh .li.-^.ii i, i.l,^iaiili 1 would hipfM if bj would |ir.,l>ab!y phi bbm4M tin fM» 1 i-ill, an.l til.' m U i.. hi I hi MM whale.' v hale hen- between j m 1 '„i!|. 11 iv, „n c t ,t af|
    145 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 305 9 Urta f'lrnmOkfM Number S inscriOeJ of Sbarei laroe I Paid Value |opto j m Company (JCOTATIOHB 1001 IMI INI ;9(>T Ml (i", 1 9 6 I:)O6 r iO6 1%! !'JO-, I <rt :ww I*,6 i<w. 1907 iwn.nno tCOO.(K)U (MM WM Jtoo.o;)ii txmMß Cim.oon IIiMM CMMtI £l.'('.(>iO tnjm OH BBJ
      305 words
    • 287 9 -a; IMS INI MM iSOi ItOI CUMM •MMN 1 10,000 £70,000 »r*i.GJO i' 12.000 £.01.937.10 I 1 <..-. uv.i-.ued 1.3S i £70,000 70,000 1 EDinaad 1135,000 12,500 10 £10 600 6'ooo6 000 1 «iu,ew j 6(X)O M j 1 •To 8 1 i Anglo-Malay Rnbber Co., Ltd. (fully
      287 words
    • 206 9 >9i £4,605 7,6 m itM 5225.000 J225.000 4,500 iaM -i 0.000,000 ?i0,000.000 1901 52.100,000 $2, ,00,000 I !'9^2 1896 »1,000,000 $1,000,000 J'JJJJ 0 ,001, 001 »34,000 •34,000 3^400 1899 W.OOO »876,000 i J'ljij 0 i ,9(1,, 9(1 *600,000 «240,000 21i0<30 3.60 C aniuaxt IKal 530.000 130,000 600
      206 words
    • 42 9 ilnwarth Krskine, Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO i% pram Riley Hargreavea, Ltd. 6% 225,000 8% pram. Singapore Mnnicipal 6% 400,000 20% prem 5% 1,878,000 3% pram. 4% 603,000 3% di« nominal Tanking Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 350,000 8% pram 5% 1,050,000 pur.
      42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 Estimates Submitted. VESSELS Steamers, Launches, Stern Wheelers, etc. RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. LIMITED.
      12 words
    • 185 9 llbl^Uhli ifc^a^a^ahilllllllP'Mllllii t* The Kichest Milk on the Market. ASK FOR SLEDGE." KIM 6? COMPANY. each The Red Fairy is,.ok by Andrew Laagt&M The Green ditto BJM Th.- Brows ii.;o :!.:io TheOrey ih'tto :s.:so TheCrhnHoa ih'tto :i:M The Pink ditto :t.:SO The ISiue litto MO The Violet litto &80 The
      185 words
    • 341 9 et b How shall I $0.53 Beetoa'n Complete Letter Writei 0, S Oonunenaal French, a men method ol Conversation and Correspondence by C. Brown l.]fl Selections from the Best Authors by Prof. A. F. Mmison J.r, The Art of Writing Kn»lish bj •t. .M. l>. M.iklejoiin ].i;, Haii.lbook of
      341 words

  • 322 10 Is an Air Gun a Weapon According to the Act? On .liinr l'>. in thr KiiiK'sßonch Divisional t'ouit. In t .]<■ tin- Lord Clii.-t JMMM and JmHoM Darin*] and AT. l.a\\r.n.. an I nt.rc.tins: was raised for tlio decision I t lli. Hiijh Court in
    322 words
  • 295 10 Much interest is being taken in tho two competitor- trom Austria, the Misses] Kliina. whose joint ages do not exceed the age j „1 s.a.thl at the ladies in the lists for the j LaJtai Tennis Champim^hip. Watching j th. 1.1 ,11. --ing
    295 words
  • 122 10 Ele tric Traction at Hongkong. The lin.- oMßNaai by Mm BhetriaTkaa. tion<>t Hongkong w..s tinned for traffic the •tiimruer of I'.HH. The company was registered towards tin- end of IWK* its Kir»t IH-ben-Mr. s wen charged on the share capital in the Hongkong Tramway Electric Company, through which the- undertaking
    122 words
  • 136 10 It m in BM KM tinny- that Scotland. ti ii ni ni.i!i> aataJUi pMajtfMßMa, ahaaM paariii m ■Mfc a aaad ■ataai in tli. ■111 1 -t 1 1 t.mi- -I! .'t ..m's bounty. BaaVkajaara Malay aawafMaaaar, Mr. .liinH-s t'.Ht-. lias i sUiblishe<l iii recent \..u- in niiiiHioiis villages
    136 words
  • 292 10 Forty Teams Playing the Game Under American Rules. Kor nearly twenty years ;ill attempt* I naturalise lacrosse in England have faile but baseball seems to In- now -fairly well astai lisli. d.iind in the courst of a l' -,v yeiir-, ln.i be expected to spread thfOOgboot
    292 words
  • 282 10 Two men «t..od at the Manhattan end of lirooklyn Bridge in the afternoon at the hou. when the multitude assembled to watch the baseball scores. They indulged in variouspeculations concerning the makeup ol th increasing numbers. How many uieu in that push do you think I
    282 words
  • 160 10 The searchlights to be lilted to liiMa.jesty's battleships now beiag built on tin Clyde are of extraordinary power. In a dm cription published leccntlv, it is stated that it would be possible to read a newspaper by fie light of one at a distance of about eigli teen
    160 words
  • 145 10 Don't Bacilli The I'lilvrprisint; American dort..i who I started tin' kissinfj loan" ■honld reoeife, in addition to the desired a<lvcrtis< nun 1 a cordial vote of thiinUs boa tin- MUOTOIM youth of both lirniixphorLs. Every male lover who U worth bJI tail >• murk-. AthiK in a Itwt*— oontemnocajry, will
    145 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 WANTED AT ONCE. l:ttl< f.u. thought uilloft.u save no end .1 trouble Tliiuk "I ill. 'i ill and -iitt. rin<j that mii-t i« < u.lni. <l in case ol an attack ol naja m nW >tuiua>h m aaHc wh> n di. iim' mii-t l« > Hi for. Kv.rv faiui!> kw
      84 words
    • 555 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital 110,000,00 c RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $10,000,0001 9 i noo nOO Silver Reserve 111,000,000| uw uuu Reserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Meelhnrst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick. Deputy Chairman. A. Fucbs, Esq.* A. J. Raymond,
      555 words
    • 426 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bauk of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      426 words
    • 493 10 SALES BY AUCTION. ESTATE OF HADJEE ZOBEIDA BINTE INCHE ISMAIL, DECEASED. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE TOWN I'ROPKRTIKS Tuesday, July 9s, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Three houses, No. 27 Lavender Street and Ne>. 140 and 142 Kallang Road, freehold. Lot 2. Seven houses. No 159 and 160 1 leach Roael and
      493 words
      520 words
    • 41 10 COLIC AND DIARRHOEA. Mm in thr -.t.mia.h. calk tad iKarrri are- quickly relieved by theUMeo! I'liamb i lain-i Colic. Cholera and DUrrW* lU-nieily. When in need ol »w* mediciM, |{iTe it trial l-'or aala a) all MafißMtTw im ,1,,.1. i k
      41 words

  • 975 11 THROUGH HISTORICAL SCENES OF EAST ANGLIA. From Lincoln I meandend throii|*h tho li-nfv lantw and imn.n« tho Rrwu hills of that pracVfnl land whtr.. Alfrtd Tennyson first lived and sang. Itrtwtvn the an.ieiit city and the sea lies a country of ineffable MM» uc-k its sweepinu undulations coloured like
    975 words
  • 1002 11 Married in Bandage*. A U'li'Kiaiii claUil Waxhington, Juue lw. sa\-: 'Captain ll«irac«- f. M. Itrnwm-, of the Indiau Ariuv Cilst Punjabis) aud Mi nunct*-, Mi»s Maiul Vcia llanna. »f Cliv.laml. Ohio, have- Urn iujtirt-tl in a motor atvitk-nt. Thi-ir tar plnngc-cl over all ruibaukiwDt durinK a drive throt^li one of
    1,002 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 330 11 MOTOR CARS. V STOCK Two Adams-Hewitt Cars lit H.P. THItKKSKATKI). One Rover Car I II I1I 1 rWO-MCATHk, BfBUAL FINISH. ARGYLLS. v.kai n \\i> ki m ikni TMK BLGOAXT AKD hanhsomk'lr.S (II IHK AUOYIX CARK ARK BUT OM A PAR WITH THAT I'Kl! i lhi\ cil MKtIUNISM \MIK 11
      330 words
    • 10 11 BOVRIL As ehaap n> littl. milk in >■ v. l"'t ■mmM.
      10 words
    • 20 11 The HUMBERS Again WON THE HEAVY TOURING CM RACE. S,i- accounts in the Home Papers. AOKNTS: Borneo Company, Ltd. MM
      20 words
    • 405 11 .Local Motor Car Agencies. I IJL'* HAItIIIS mi' easily brut ami Hoon rattle to piocos. The AR/BOL-JOHN"STOIT has a Pressed Steel-Frame that WILL stand the strain of Many YEARS. Write or telephone to CRMTRAL KNGINK WOHKS for further particularM WB HAVK BEEN APPOINTKD BOLE AGKNTB FOR STRAITS BKTTLKMKNTH, NKTHERLANDB INDIES,
      405 words
    • 61 11 c Oliver Standard VISIBLE Typewriter. The Cosmos nUagC'dbuwtit. (v.l lihl.n CabiarU Typewrterr KuppttM A^eut-: ATKINSON a FOUBKH. li;i 2 CHANOC IU« ST.°ANOREW S HOUSE. A CkSMB at i:ii.l 1 H. 'ir.ln.i; ll.'««- f.r Kurgan aad Bamuaa bu»i aa« iasM la atu-n.l th. '-.'I- "1- I-"'- •apUertkaato bo la
      61 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 520 12 Scale of Cbaroes. nSMID AI'YKKTIHEMENTB.— MisceI. Uu> i- Wait* f Kvcry Dcwription, Houses, Imdi -t. nr.- inserted at the following rvtw:— One fa -<rtim 1 .20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2. 50 Pix 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 (Each snbscquent month %5 per inch.) Xb< above
      520 words
    • 580 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. RiTF.s :-Fimr l.ln»\ on* MW.WJI Hv the ituli. see Malt I li ir««>. LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. Private lessou? la Shorthaiiri given by a ?r,i tical stenographer of 7 year*' expedience. 'urns moderate. Apply 'Stou v" c/o Straits Times. 1190 SALESMAN WANTED. Wauted an experienced «!»»nM!i for sundry py>ds
      580 words
    • 595 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. R»TM :-Fo»T, on* or two insertions, 11. nr Bj th« Inch, im Scale of Chargm. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 88 Sophia Koad. Apply to 18 2 Prinsep CBll OFFICE GODOWN TO BE LET, With entry on July 1, No. 7, Malacca Street
      595 words
    • 577 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bites Foar Linn, on* or two inMrtlom, 11.00 B j the inch, m Seal* of Charge.. FOR BALE. RUBBER ESTATE. 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stomps. Apply C," c/o Straits Times. TONGKANGS FOR SALE. Four Chinese ton^kaugs, cheap. Apply to Batam Granite Works No. 12-a Baffles
      577 words
    • 717 12 TONIO, RESTORATIVE, DIGESTIVE WINE Very paltxtablo. Known throughout tbe world and prescribed in all cases ofAnwmia, Debility zndConoalescence, to young women, children and the aged. Invaluable m hot Climates. DOSE i One wine-glt** after the two principal meals. Each bottle of genuine YIN SAINT-RAPHAEL dears, id addition to the registered
      717 words
    • 438 12 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Bseraorfliß**] General Meetin| „f thi Membeva f the Singapore Golf Clnl. will be held in the Club House, on Friday. July 1 1907, .it 5. II p ni. precisely, for the purpose considering, and, if thought tit. passing with or without
      438 words