The Straits Times, 2 July 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.382 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 2. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 121 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. -l\(r AIOKK. MaKuiticci.tlv hniM With ElepiDt biraplicity. J^utomobiles ffiayard. j The VERY BEST. C. Dupire CO., Sole Agents. Katz Brothers, Btd. r GRAND CASH SALE Now in Full Swing. BARGAINS in HATS, SINGLETS. BOCKS, SEWING M.U illM>. UEDSTEADS. MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, MAIL CARTS. PERAIfBILATORS. Till NKS.
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    • 83 1 MOTELS. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77> Brnsi Bnsah Roa<h Singapore- Tbe Brightest anil Healthiest Resort in tbe City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets all 3oat« and Train*. HOTEL WISSE WILTITaEDEN. BaTATIA. Eitablished in 1836. Renovated np to date. Splendid situation in the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palace ol Governor General and Club,
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    • 159 1 ROBINSON Company. Sanderson Cameras miJEltlfi ARE SPECIALLY MADE FOR THE The "Junior" 'ffl^S The "Tropical" The Popular s^§i|s||S& «THE CAMERA FOR THE TROPICS. Hand Cameras or Stand Cameras. Robinson and Co. ADELPHI HOTEL, FOR Comfort f Luxury Cleanliness NOTICE. \WHEN ON LEAVE Keep in touch with the Col<>uy ami its
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    • 56 1 GRAND HOTEL OE L EUROPE. sr.Nc.Ai'oiu. ■mm nGnmn mm li».iU)i *mt mm4mk. PHOSFERINE S Th« Greatest of all Tonlo. 9 MMDIATE* HEALTH. J Fnpcieton :-AihiM Paiwot, Umlud, 9 La ;i«Ua Stunf*. London, K.C. X MHMIMHMMMtMUW mam limal^^^^^ i I P^ J TROPICAL Motor Tyres HORSE O^^y BRAND Always in Stock
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  • 703 2 New Rooks In and Out of the Press. sir ii.-ni.v i>ni oiiii Wolff. <..<■.;;.. v writing hw renrfniaoßaoeM. Hw rmnnwi with tlic fun s l-'oiirtli I'nm. iin.i his bun iind varied mm abroad in the ierviee <ii the stutc. should provide ample material f-" a Ihm.k al mm
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  • 130 2 'I'll.- S|MMk.Tof (.'<m^rr-.i<;ilu«y- ;> i>iom im nt fif-niv i" Washington (;<>^ip- l<aU'lj -i|H<iilatiim ;i> I* Mfc Camum attitmlr an the Tariff QMatiaa li»» U*n IIHfMJ •>> the iiiU-ivst Homai l>\ his new hut. Wo an- to the \V;,-.hnmioii H. rai.l for iU-sm|ition of "thr niosl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 268 2 CONGO I Wropieal Sloofing IS The Ideal Roofing for this Climate CHEAP! SANITARY! DURABLE VERMIN-PROOF I I 11i<- thickest quality |8 i>!vi can now be mpplied at $12 i.. r roll of -J l M|MUne teet eonplete with raps, nails and ceineiit f.-i lixiny. ACENTS: The Borneo Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE.
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    • 118 2 j'TijSSELLS e to{ BUTTERFLY br^ to be had CKILI/.CW Fii<»M I T^^^^^^fe, A^ j PROVISION lirj^ ru n *-/>£ a 1 1 Fill vV" J PATENT SOSTENENTE^I PIANOS Built Expressly for this Climate and Guaranteed for FIVE Years. $450 FREE TURING FOR ONE YEAR The ROBINSON PIANO CO., Ltd. FERMENT
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    • 487 2 CHRONIC ECZEMA j FOUrMMYEARS j Every Part of Body Affected— Was in Hospital Five Times— Army Doctors and Nine Different Remedies Did No Good— Speedy Improvement and Finally a PERFECT CURE BY USE OF CUTICURA REMEDIES "I have suffered with chronio orzdna for fourteen year*. Evi y part <-l my
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  • 815 3 Musical Art in the Northern Settlement. luiiiu. tmm Mk la aatiaa] ill. --.I, mi- „i ii,, aball ia»aj -La Mk ia MOmm \n K ..t." Mil taaaaaeaa ..f.-. n > v i;m t th. i.-at i>> tli. bmbbvl 1 i ill, <i r s,« i, ty. I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 MAINTAINS TIIK lIIGIIIW REPUTATION EVERYWIIKKK. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System ajainstjtisease wUIi C>«- KfaU JA>^^£^^^^ajWiri Pronounced by the niu«tyr MEDICAL AJ".hUKiiii.S Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, 2d -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN ELOCD. Fortify the System against Disease litfe PU!tE BLCC H. WILKINSON'S SARSAPARILLA c T^rs^Vj
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    • 333 3 J. DA. PEREIRA. HORTICITLTURIHT AND FLOKIHT Collector and Ejpnrter of Orcbidn. Diplomn and Gold Medal from the late Kingnf Denmark. By Special Appointment to His Majwty l>. King of Kmin., 11. 11. the Snltan of Jobore, and H. H. the Sultan of Linßga. Fresh Cut Flowers on hand, daily Orohul
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  • 468 4 aded in Hongkong. Mj In. ml 1. a 1i1t,.. !,,,t li. m.I. .1 mid juui|M Ui. heaaek eafsae he 0k» tin n- 1 aaU tin--11..... Mr. II 11. 1. Oaaeßerte at th, Heaa^ea| riminal S<-H«ion- on .li in. whea Mr. M. NhiekaaaVj aßnae] up „i.j,. 1 1., in,
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  • 307 4 I'aiis experimenting with the latest liaveiueata. They call ii nave. •in. bat it .> raell) men 11 li pavement I with a steel framework. ■hi of it Im« k m laid oa th. Mac II 1 1 tin. la fiont n( Urn 1 Maßrvatoi Ufa ajel
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  • 809 4 Xanif, /»>/■/, jnohahls 4at> mrical, mid imilir at Afi 111 STEAMKKS Airlie. Sydney, Anßt 24 Bo'i*u>*.! Alcinous, (.liina, July 21 Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 P. t Coy Astyauax, Liverpool, July 5; Mansfield Austria, Trieste, July 8; Ra:itfnhcr« Australien, Marseilles, A«fl Mi Mantimoa Ayuthia, Calcutta. 3 ily 20;
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  • 161 4 Mr. .1. L. Tannai's ballxm. M;iiniuolli wlii< h made such a Baeceeetal trial-trij' recently, well justitiis its num.- l<y it» imBOtJag dimensions; bin it i~ li> M liicuii^, V stated by lnoio than om eontotußonry, "th. largest l)all(H>n cvi'r built." It is. in tart almost a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 4 4 i,, n .^«ers. i
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    • 628 4 I STEAMER SAIUN6B. P7WO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills it Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Bteamcn will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. >utward {for China). /)<•»!» July 6
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    • 666 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAHDEL AND SCHEEPVAARI MY. BAIDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between:— Singapore, Rawean, Sonrabaya, Bandjermasin, Palo, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasarios, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good acoomodation for first
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    • 419 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Peoang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 797 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORODEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial (lerman Wail Line. Th« fad and well known mail steamors of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg ria Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) 1 Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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    • 42 4 COLIC ANO DIARRHOEA. I'ains in the sti.i.iarli. eotlc and dianlf an- nli.-v.-.l b) th. v- ol Chagls lain's CaKe, llu.l. ii nd I'mrrho^J^ When in ni'.'d of -ii h a im-iijciae^p,,^, trial. Koi sal. li> all ■I: j «am iaaltn. 4|
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  • 988 5 I m.ik tin- b... h.m Ihf 1. .11., .mil.' ;.1,1.t.-,i.1i..n« ri" .i .1 -tr -f.,m,.r. .1. .hi,,; ha. 1.,, m Mt „i,i. i r.i rratiii i.i.i i.,,m Inm-li. I -h 1.1, fwfc; t I.t li.ii.ii. li. l it I, ,n mbm niiia»i». S.i v,i,« ,k tifnivral .In
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  • 101 5 iu. P. O. Maii. The P. aud O. homeward mail Hteaincr Dt-\anha'left Hongkong at 1 p.m.. on Satur day. and in due here at 4 p m., on Wednesday, the 3rd iuxtant. Omw P. a <>. Miii.. The mail uteamer Delhi left Colombo, at 4 p.m.,
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  • 101 5 Jane 30 J. W. Uers'Bb. Bau»;kuk Koi-at. Uerntr. liam:L.,k July 1 Scandia. Ger Mr. Japan via |n.rt MtaJi l>»t "tr, Balik I'aiMin i.iiniu. Gcr sir. Langkat l*ar.», Brit »tr. Fn-mantle m port* I'euauK, Brit xtr. Teluk Annon va purU Itan tlin Guau, Brit -lr. I'ontuuiak Simla, Brit -tr,
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  • 101 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. uajoaa P48»« East Wharf Bakmj.-— he*ofi Chew. East Waiu Seition I— Tlmngwa. Sect. 1 (Shieiw Wharf):— Wright. Sbctioh No. 2— Shihetoro Maru, Renvorlich. ■bbMT. B— l ji Sang. 4— Ou Sang. B— Nil. 6 Moynne, Ambria.
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  • 42 5 Ti-ji: :-lUm.h on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p m. Biugapora standard time correspoodiug to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean The tima-guu is tiro.l at l^Vclock noon i^atiug Singapore standard /v o O ,a»»-J*a^ axuipting Sunday. wUe U>l b ,».*<^^*"
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  • 103 5 From Kih.,l t—By the P. <V O. s. s. Delhi, due ou July 5. From China—By the P. .v O. Devauha, due on July 3. ,I»y 30 lane 3 line 7 imo 11 tune 13 lane 17 line 21 line 2» I hub 27 raly 1 porn
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  • 154 5 Passengers Outward. Per M. M. nteamer Sala/ie. from Marseilles. June- 28, due July 15. To Singapore: Mr. J. van Dclden. Per P. and O. steamer Himalaya connecting with the steamer Delhi, at Colombo. From London June 7, due July 5. To Singapore: Mr. J. tlobertoon, Mrs. K.
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  • 170 5 A nole ou QaajpaaMsal Slips in Hish Wares roininds a I 111 HW|»Wwlaal of the Webt tuinster Gazette that more thau oue British Pivniier lias lx-( v ihakj in his geography. Cape lSieton an island the Duke of New o«stii^ once aaßlaimod *ahow it me on laa ni.-ip.
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  • 107 5 It lias ju>-t lx<.ii discovered hj statisti<-» tliat tin- Stnf.- Anii.-iiltur,il Cattafi at Man hattun is tbe ipmlmt si-1i«k)1 of matrimony in the In ion. A liir^oi- percent. a»e of its graduates (jet mamnl thau in any othor school. A youug wom:ui grailnntr m Manhattan is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 450 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Thk -t.-'iiiicis .1 lim ('<>in|iaiiy maintain a regular .lireit service between Cakutta, StraitH, H.,ngkong. Shanghai and -lapnn. taking cargo on through Bills .if leading for Cnuton. Rwatow, Am.iv. Cli.-foo. Tienttiin. Ncwchwang. Vangtsze Portu, F.-niKwa, the Philippines, .Vc. Ac. Slt-aiurrs Tone Commander ■KmiM" MM
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    • 464 5 STEAMER SAIUWGB. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. i pi The Companies' steamern are dosi*»ohed from Ltverpool outwards for tbe Strait*. China and Japan ever)- week, and from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp overv fortnight and f< r Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 685 5 BTEAHER BAIUN6B. OHItI.VED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. COY.. LTD, ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. umn rREMAXTLB (PEKTHi XOBTII WENT XI STR tLI AN PORTS JAW A\« SIXiAPOKE Regular Fortuightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port
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    • 689 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGIIWAY TO BUDOH VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA f..TI Mm UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, rw Shanghai, Nagasaki, (luland S«a of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Kmprksh o> India" j Twiu screw HteaR.M.S. "Empress
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 29 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hougkong, July 1, 10 a.m. Barometer W 74 Direction cf Wind B.S.W. Force of Wind 3 Max. Temp in Shad* ..HI Manila, 760 West. 1 M M
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    • 198 5 DAY BY UAY Tuesday, July 2. Wgfe Water. S-4« p.m. MiH.n. Last QusrU-r. Ml p.m. I'Hrr.e.lheatre. Wednesday. July j. Higfi Wiit -r. :i ill 11 111. I 41 p in. Spwni!- Ueetirn C.W.A., Parsonage. 4 »0. ItandtimnnCo. Tbe Dairy Maids. Thursday) July 4. Ilinh Water. 4-51 5-3H pin America,!
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  • 849 6 The Straits Times PHICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JULY 2. The report of Mr. M. W. Pett, Superin mil mli ut of the Singapore Kin Krigade. on the general working ol tin I'euaug Fire Brigade, which he was called upon to furnish by the Municipal I'uwinissiuncrs of the Northern Settlement, reveals
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  • 349 6 We rouil last woek iv ;i mail paper vi a death at Clatford. Hauls, from irritatiun ul a mosquito bitten M We do not kuow how far tlii-, may be authentic it way just as likely have bec-u souic other iusoct. Whether moNiuitot-A wHU-ltJi as far atield as liaiapshire or
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in tliis issue arc irotustwl by the Copyriglit OMMM
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  • 16 6 Kight vagrants were sent to the House of Detention by the Third Magistral, yester day afternoon.
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  • 19 6 Soua Sabapathy Chetty has been arresied ou v charge of using as genuine a forged promissory note for *145.
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  • 17 6 Then were t.-2*M> passengers on the Lai Sang, which arrived yesterday, from Hongkong, en route to I'eimng.
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  • 17 6 Sixteen Chiuesc, suffering from beriberi, arrived, this morning, from Sinkep by the Dutch steamer Sultan van Lingga.
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  • 26 6 \t the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Netherlands ludia Commercial Hank, a dividend of 8 7 Wtli pe xvas 'leclared for the past year.
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  • 23 6 A big conflagration at Cholon. a commercial suburb of Saigon, consumed live warehouses, on Juno Si. The damage done is estimated at *70,000.
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  • 27 6 A Chinaman, named Tan Ah Kirn, who stands charged with unlawful return from banishment, was committed for trial to the Assi/e Court, by the Second Magistrate. yesterday.
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  • 38 6 A Chiuainau was arrested last week ou the local steamer Hong lice with smuggled morphia iv his possession. He was fined, yesterday, by the Second Magistrate. In default of payment, he will serve six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 38 6 Veo Teck Li. a Chinese youth, was yesterday afternoon sentenced to four mouths' rigorous imprisonment by the Third Magistrate for being in unlawful possession of a handkerchief belonging to Mr. W. (1. Bead, of No. .1 Orchard Hoad.
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  • 44 6 We are informed by Messrs. The Kobiuson Piauo Company that the I Sandman n Opera Company gi\e only one performance at the Tcutouia Club, instead of three, as intended originally. The performance will take place ou Thursday night when "The Dairymaids" will be staged.
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  • 48 6 In -lapau. loud complaints arise regarding the bad ijuality of tlie Java sugar, which forms a leadiug import iv that country. There are sigus that, unless the consignments of Java sugar are of the very best quality. Japan will have to look elsewhere for supplies of the commodity.
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  • 55 6 H.M.S. Cadmus paid a visit lately to Pulo Laut, a Dutch coal-mining settlement off the Borneo coast, which has come under notice owing to the coal finding fp.vour with N. D. L. steamers. The Cadmus remain two days there. The officers visited the mines, and expressed pleasure at seeing what
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  • 59 6 The lndo-China Steam Navigation Company, Limited, for whom Messrs. Boustead aud Co. are the local agents, have extended their service to ,lapau so as to maiutain a ruu similar to that at preseut kept up between Calcutta and .lapan by the A pear live of steamers with which the steamers
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  • 64 6 Macau, who gave the name of Ng Ah Wcug. was cauglit in the act of attempting to break into St. Mary's Home, Tank Koail, early yesterday morning. When taken to the Police Station, he either had a fit, or pretended to have one. He did not succeed in stealing anything
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  • 61 6 Mr. Delay applied to the Chief -Justice, ou behalf of a Malay client, yesterday afternoon, for permission to serve a summons ou I'ngku Sleiiiian. State «'oniinissioucr of .lohore. in .lohore, outside the jurisdiction of the Court. The summons was in connection with a claim lor specific performance of au alleged
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  • 61 6 There would appear to be a slight ha^e about the ditlereuce of a Federal and a State appointment among (iovcrmneut Officials iv the Federated Malay States, says In Tinland. The Chairman of the Sanitary Boavd Kuala Lumpur is gazetted uuder the siguature of the Federal Secretary, while that of the
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  • 67 6 The annual feast of S. S. Peter and Paul was celebrated in the Chinese Church, Queen Street, on Sunday morning. The Hight Kevd. Bishop Barillou officiated, and he was assisted by the Kevd. J. Bes and another priest. The Key. Vincent Ga/oau acted as clerk of Service. A string baud
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  • 63 6 M. Beau, the Uovcrnor-Ueueral of ludoChina, has just left Saigou for Cambodia to cocsult with the King of that Protected State as regards the best means to adopt to carry out the new treaty with Siam. Under the treaty, Cambodia gets an increase of territory. Arrangements will be made for
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  • 69 6 The closing of the Acheeu harbours, says the Sourabaya Handelsbhul, one of tlie leading daily newspapers in Java, which was strongly ceni.urod by ex Minister Cremer, has also invited criticism in the Straits Times. This paper shows itself to be well informed, and entirely agrees with Mr. Cremer's expressed opinion.
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  • 80 6 Now that the Netherlands India Government intend to despatch a military prospecting expedition to Flores, one of the Molucca Islands, that almost unknown region is attracting public attention. The Samarang Looometief says that tin abounds there, but prospectors can only seek for it at the risk of their live*. Petroleum
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  • 875 6 Mr. Krancis Light, a descendant of the Founder of l'enang, is lying seriously ill at Ipoh. Mr. L. V. Harooari is said to Ik: rising mon rapidly in public favour than any immliei of the Cabinet. The Hon. F. 3. I'iggott. actiuj; .1 I Kngineer, retaned Irom
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  • 49 6 Dr. i.aiupbell. AmMml Health ww ,i ti;,h vcudor ..liaKiu^ mi^uto/fit 0i la. fj->li <iu<i caused Ui« arrest ou J^ «<£«>;».■ ol helling, at food, au article uu^,,. t o r bum* 11 confuuiption Ib U-biu»ag*r. w4 nu ,4 »10 by th» .-•oior :i» 4 ,i l .u«|^# ni m rB
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 Dont think of First Cost only. What about Maintenance 7 BUSINESS. "ORSE POWER BEING Equally Proportioned. THK MOST KCONOMICAL CAM IN DAIL\ VSK. AND THK CHKM'KST OVKK A I'KUIOD Ol" I IVK THAU IS THK Arrol Johnston ii J. Travers Sons, Ld. SOLE 7, D Almeida Street. AGENTS for m
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    • 150 6 Wilson Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our Productions »re of tlie highest paaaWi AKTISIIC TKCHNICAL KXCKM-ENCIi ami nrc ku iwn tln-oni-liiMt tin Kaet as INCOMPARABLY THE BEST." In Piwt.^ntpliy. n- in anything I'l-c, "The Best is the Cheapest." F'l I H°lS MAJtSTYTMC KING j Caldbeck Macgregor Co., HOLB AtiKNl's G. R. Lambert
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  • 253 7 THE FIRST TEST MUCH AT LORDS. Jessop Brilliant. ENGLAND OPENS WITH A GOOD SCORE. I i.'.m (it i own CMHaarvKMorr.l London. July I. 7. V1 p.m. 111. mutch in Kngland l«twe-tu li mis repn-w<utativi .1 Knglish and South Mn. an Ticket liegan lo day at
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  • 958 7 Hitter All round Batting Side than ***** Team. Wiiu. n -p. oialh fur U* Strait* Time* h> Mr. Udell). f ateaali i.. in net;. UUmmbjli prexio.i, i-ixita >.mtli AMeaa '.'.iin- to Kngland have Wen -u.ccssful from i mckitil- ji-uiil ill it would he idle i\ that
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  • 151 7 Local Lawyer Reproved by Chief Justice. The -uit ot Joseph Khalifa v. Moses Klias. for damages for slander, was continued balm the Chief Justice, this morning, and is proceeding this afternoon. Mr. Harris objected to a question asked his clieut by Mr. Van Sonuren in cro-s cxamina.
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  • 629 7 Alleged Breach of the Explosives Ordinance. The ofaargt of ajeviag dynamite without tin essential precautions, "brought against Mr. St. Vincent }>. lljwu. of the DIMBBU Company'! bed hnaeb, was again heard at the Police loiin. this wording. l>r. Kranklin heut. IT I n I— l Analyst, gave evidence
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  • 127 7 UNACCREDITED DIPLOMAT AND THE KAISER. Possibilities of a Rapprochement. [Dm OsTAsiATisemt Lloyd Tklkuram] llcrlin. July 1. M. Kti-nne. formerly a Cabinet Minister in France, is among the guests entertained by the Kaiser at Kiel. Prince von Ituelow has had several interviews with M. Ktienuc, which included political
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  • 81 7 The King Opens a Club for Soldiers and Sailors. Kkutkr's London. July 1. King Kdward and Queen Alcxaudra, to-day, opened the I'nion Jack Club in Waterloo Road. The Club is founded in memory of the men killed in the South African and China campaigns, and will
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  • 289 7 Promising Business Careers Spoilt in Singapore. We are impelled to revert to thesiibjiet of forward dealings, or -iieakiug more plainly gambling, in shares aud the attendaut evils to tiie community by a report which reaches us. says the Piuaug Gazette, to the effect that, owing to the
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  • 157 7 The charges of bigamy and cheating against Ho Song Yeow. aud of abetment against three other Chinese, was continued before the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon. The complainant, Li Ku I'au, told of his marriage to Song Yeow by Mr. Thohurn in t'le Gospel Hall. North Bridge Koad.
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  • 101 7 A le|ier appeared before the Second Magistrate this morning, charged with the theft of a fowl and being as uuisolated leper. He told the Magistrate that he bought the fowl from a Malay man. He admitted being a leper, but said that he never went about in
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  • 65 7 VXarder W. Hunt charged Chan Kook Sing before the Second Magistrate, this morniuf>, with at templed suicide by han^in^;. Aociihed was undergoing nine incwMis' rigorous impris >oment in the criminal pr||PH aud tin Magistrate gave liim an^&H uouth iuifirisonmeut Actuoed jJ^^W 1 thf other f
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  • 1479 7 PROPOSALS OF GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALITY. Features of Extensive Schemes. In less than a decade Singapore will be alive to it* new surroundings. I'rom above a Municipal I'ire Station, at the foot of l-'oit Canning, it will look across lo buildings growing into being where now the waves ripple
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  • 241 7 Chief Justice Reverses Decision of Lower Court. Mr. R. St. J. Uraddell has a client who. recently had nine eases iii the Court of Requests which were all decided against him. A number of coolies sued Padiaehy for wages alleged to be due to them, and. one
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  • 78 7 Wi arc ot the opiniou. and so hold, the provisions of section ~>, of the Philippines Bill' .:*prcssly prohibits the iinprisoniueiit of citi/eus of the Philippine Islands for debt. The iHilitioner herein is hereby ordered to be iclciscd from imprisonment. These are the closing words of
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  • 136 7 A programme of meetings ha- hceu arranged for the commemoration of the closing of the Colemau Street Methodist Kpiscopal Church. On Sunday morning next, there will be a united service of the Methodist Churches iv Singapore when Bishop Oldhani will give au address. 1 n the evening,
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  • 30 7 The renmiuH of the SKl^ were interred at the -s*^ yesterday afterr** l^ "^^papi the actiof buri»' Superior bbwaue to the aan Kinds. Pjl^MlHHNfl in.v U.o.
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  • 145 7 DEBATES IN THE HOUSE 01 COMMONS. Mr. Asquith Favours Reduction of Sugar Duty. Kki'tkk's Tklki.kam London. July In the House of Commons in the debut. on the Itudget. Mr. 11. Niekl. Conservative M.l', for haling, moved an ad valorem duty on tea of M per centum, hut
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  • 105 7 Vote of Censure on Government. 1 Rkutkr's Tki.m.kam London. July I. Speakiug at Rochester, Dr. T. .1. Macna luara. Parliamentary I'lider Socretary to the. Local Government Board, said the country would have the opportunity shortly of resenting the interference of the bfaaaqa sible House
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  • 91 7 Refusal to admit Pilgrims from Korea. Rki'lKk's TkUttBAM. London. July 1. A deputation from Korea has arrived at The Hague to protest against the noninvitation of Korea to the Conference, but, mainly, to appeal to the Contereucu for protection from Japan, who. they allege, has broken the pledge
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  • 91 7 Brilliant Performance by the Ope n Champion. Kkltkh's naaajui London. July I. Th.' Open Golf Championship of Irauir has boon decided, over the links at Versailles Aruaud Massey, formerly professional at North Berwick, aud the holder of the titlr. repeated his recent victory in the British Open
    91 words
  • 62 7 Lancashire Mills to take Fortnight's Holiday. ,Rkuikk's Titi.ruKAM London, July I. The spinners of North aud North Lancashire ami Manchester have. close their mills for a for*' end of October, for U>^ overstocked markj^jffif T, 9 This aeoi- J"V r*jfr|l Xl Horse HanE OP IMITATIO. Kithtot the *M
    62 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 68 8 Sepoy l.mrs Oulf Club. The foil.. wing i, the result o! the Meu~ June 1111 d,I Dia|H-i. Itryant. Haskins. Wrigiit. aud tin. -n also playeil. Th. Ml UiM 1 M. 1.1 «il! \*> plnye-1 M Monday tile Hill iust. apt. I hain't 11.. i ).HLD.JoMa ft. (J. KlliI
      68 words
    • 71 8 S.CK.C. Tournament. The followm- Mm aie ,i.,« v 1..r dei isi.m to day A DMMM. S*«li Cheng Joo and Laa iliiiu T.ian mm 0 v. Tan Tiai.i Kiat :.nd Chii M.kkl .• sor. !> SlNi.Lla. Tw Kwiiut Ngli. o\v. rt v. Tan l( ..,11 Kiah ree. 1 (final
      71 words
    • 157 8 Aacol Meeting. A London wire.of.lunt 21. uive- tii.loiluw. ■ug results The Alexandra I'Uto of l>i h.1.1,.1 u< i -t.i, of 2."> sovk. each. Mi W. SI. Singers b'forpoiiil O. Madden 1 Mr. i'haiiipiou s be. Mousieiir Perkhou W. I^-llhouse Mr. A. A. A|ieMrsili. tireat Scot Lynhaiu I I
      157 words
    • 36 8 >.C.C. Tournament. Y. v.<-i result, and (orthcoming events v tU s.t'.C Km liny toiircauieut are as YESTERDAY S TIES. Bwnua 1 Sowdon, owe S, beat v Hrown. owe 8, ai -•a"'M r«v. V, ..vve.
      36 words
    • 58 8 lp»h Ladies' Club. Kifteon members of the Ipoh Ladies' liifle Cl:ib shot .>n Thuisiiay in beautiful weather at the IM Mirds range, making the following -i- res:Mrs Douglas &'l Ohm HO Bristow 2m Walkei -2H Armstioug 2,1 .larksou 'J;l Hannah 28 Xutter 22 Tatlock 21 Towers 21 lii-t.m 20
      58 words
    • 63 8 Tuesday, July a. Hockey.— S.C.C. v. Ofhccrs of the (iarrison Wednesday, July 3. howiin-;. Smijles llnndii-»|i The Cham piollsliip. Thursday, July 4. llmling. -Singles Haudicap. The Final. Friday, July 5. Hockey- S.C.C. v. MmmM'l Infantry. >aturday, July 6. Cricket Tournament. (iaiTisou v. Merchants. Saturday, July ij. Cricket
      63 words
  • 286 8 Poor Entries in the Tennis Tournament. (FkM Oil: O».\ oKKHSPo.VDI- M I. I'ciiang, .lime 2H. Tin- drawing aud handicap* haw uu>n published (or the lVnang Cricket Club's lawn tennis tournament -the record of 1907. Compared with Uie touinaiucnt twelve months ayo and that six months ago, the
    286 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 361 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Siugapore, July 2. 1907. Sir,— Law is nothing but established precedent. The habit of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company of giving gratuities to their employees on retirement has hem so uniform and long-continued that it has been con- 1
      361 words
  • 379 8 Book Which Reveals the Emperor as an Art Critic. The Kaiser's relation to art is the subject of a ponderous book which the well-known art critic. Professor Uoese. is editing, and which will be published shortly. Wide j curiosity about it is displayed at lk-rlin, as the few
    379 words
  • 77 8 A Ceylouese uauied Albeit Seiuok ha<l an altercation with a spirit shop keeper in his shop on Serau<>ooii Road, on Sunday, with the r. ..ilt that some bloo-l was spilt. The i Cflylouese was before the Second Magistrate yesterday to answer to a charge of causing
    77 words
  • 302 8 Independent Opinion Expressed (or Lord Elgin. We have already ente-rod onr protest against i the influence of the British Residents in the Federated Malay States nein£ iiNtd to obtain subsidies towards the creation of the Singapore Anglican Bishopric, says the Christian World of May ID. It
    302 words
  • 16 8 A caryo of 1 ice for lii-nnion ariivxl, yestenlay, froiu MgM hy th«- British steamer Islami.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 336 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS BOARD AND LODBING. Apartments.— Admirably Miited to marrito couple or two gentlemen. Private bathroom and verat-dah. Apply "8.V.." co Straits Times. 1394 OFFICE TO LET. I.urgo and well lighted office to let, at No. 3 Malacca Street, from Anoint 15th next, very, cool, fitted wijievi rjf convenience, electric
      336 words
    • 219 8 Mn kittle 60, &td. mm' pit FULL STOCKS OF ENGLISH-MADE HARNESS AND gaddlery B .STABLE REQUISITES OF ALL KINDS. lt.|i.-iiis to Harness and Saddlery carried out by our own workmen, .1 fim EnrOpMM s,i|>ei vision. j Dainty Mnslius im^ ,.-j^^f^}^fy\ I I'iuc Liices should > jfsjftS{&^ aj r ~|m[\ I
      219 words

  • 233 9 MN'.vn.iiK, Tn 1, H«i7. PMMJCB. i .n.ln. r 6.70 U ,Ci. !h.- Ko. 1 lap 4n I 10.35 I 'lira Bali ;i .-,0 do Poniianak ;(.1.-> •Yppcr. Bl.irk buyers 17.H7J do Mh 1% 25. "i0 Sflßi Flour Sarawak :MM do Brunei No. 1 2.97 1 Pearl Sa«o LJ| Coffee
    233 words
  • 142 9 i >,i- the m—l« MgMiiag tbc \|..iinl- Ktai ;iiul Sir.imh ili tmtl 'I T.m. lad K. -ina I functMMM him- bee. lately ikegUwg fi" tin- neepe ol V»-:i\ i i-. 'I'iit- -tatue j ..i. the I'.itrnn »;ii;it tt the two I
    142 words
  • 116 9 Taft's T rip to Manila. |taa i in <l -I NU-. lb. -n>-: v r.iii mitt i<-.v i"i I'niiii'pii.'Stag ii.vii Sfattle mi I \lmiik— i. -t"p|ini- '-v raato :it i nivin. ,-.t ll.ii;L.-koiig early ■Uteg "i ii" niiHii- 1». ii laal Im til.- laltoi -.1 nt :li<- .onvuiiicMu of I
    116 words
  • 77 9 i H (-orro»pondent I t limt nm hear* of itu-iiij; it- lil«" in i>i<.t«clin» the tell a i;ihh oc- >. k him' uiOMiins;' a I i,.-in!.\ii .ircle. i nu*riug ilie hmiw. "f ilv In llie bark w»» liinturbtxl I Ik- ilm-f iii iuuuin<- away by ■.i
    77 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 309 9 Date of formaI Capital Subscribed 1 N amber I ol 1 Shares I Issue V.lne Paid op to Company QcoTATioas 1903 1901 1903 1907 •300,000 •600,000 I £400,000 '< J400.000 •300,000 I MOO.OOO £840,000 •875,000 30,000 60,000 380,000 37,5000 2,600 nnlmxl 60,000 90,000 10,00(1 UnIMBKI 15,000 190,000 45,000 600,000
      309 words
    • 317 9 1905 £150,000 1905 J200.000 £104,937.101 •87,400 46,500 1 I 93.500 1 I 1,700 tlO 8,800 •10 9,500 uniMUWi f 7,000 1 11,000 1 70,000 10 >,000 unimued 70.000 1 9.000 nnissawl 12,500 10 6,000 1 t 6,000 1 1 12/6 10 8 Anglo Malay Robber Co., Ltd. (tally paid)
      317 words
    • 226 9 189J £5.377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 1898 1225,000 1285,000 1*65 »10,000,000 110,000,000 j 19U1 J2,400,000 I 12, -.00, 000 IS9« *1 ,000,000 'II ,000,000 190 *34,000 134,000 93 1875,000 1675,000 i 1903 9600,000 (240,000 fIQI »30,000 130,000 i 1200,000 •200,000 1890 »MO.OO 1411,000 ISB7 »3,000,000 12,500,000 i 1864 •3,700,000 •3,700,000 1904 «40,00
      226 words
    • 41 9 Howwth EnkiiM, Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 3% pram Riley Hargrove., Ltd. 6% 225,000 3% pram. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 30% pram V^ S% 1,878,000 a%prem. 4% 603,000 2% dio nominal TaDiong Panr Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 350,000 3% pram 1.050,000 par.
      41 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 Ike uimi rmmiim. Mb» I- 1 iiu.licaJ »utli.n;,. l.»-v
      9 words
    • 26 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co, Ltd. Electric Fans TABLE, BRACKET, and CEILING FANS. Speciality: CROMPTON PUNKAH FANS. LARGE STOCKS. LOW Pg^ C Electrical Departmeeg^jQ^^ Telephone Mo. 362. &wr
      26 words
      224 words

  • 290 10 A Great Decrease in Chinese Community. Hi. n, w Hiirean of Health wl.i.h] •at tHk.n .lurins the month of .lanuarj, I kImWN that Maniln has popiiUtion of i ;i.\ML as against -J19.941 of the ofti, ial een M.s,,t l'.*.;t. j,,. :i.uu <>r 1r,.;!7 fw-i tliu,m,n«l. Ih. h—
    290 words
  • 199 10 k. «s has jnsi „,me to hand tli;it. at j I -ant; Sim,,;, „ii the Kast River, near < »nu>n. theie li»s Ih^.i, quite a tiylit over the DfeBJM IWwt festival. I here were two o|i|x>siii(; clans who wnnttl .t „f the river in older to
    199 words
  • 146 10 111- Vh nua eoires|x>tidei t of the K\pres~:t>»Hal Mis. wawwiha, Mm Ha <'f a Chfagi engineer. I, as been iirrotii] athat |«iri nts' I.i>iii<- Wk lUil-.;i.iitz. Sil.sia. i.n tlie iiiii<nis > harp- nf lese majesti'. tli" offence li.irin^ iniiuil in io\< laMan aVi mala two
    146 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE SHU'S I'LATCS AND STKKL OUTTOM, at K pi- Harbor. I rder nf The Taujong P«^»r DolU 'V.iircl U',,ln ~l.n/. July .>. IH:i7. at > M p.m. M. L. Coghlan Co., Licensed Auctioneers and Surveyors. S ESTATE. BUKIT TlfcAH RO. ".1 umios. ""SALE 1
      47 words
    • 490 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. 'paid np capital ..110,000,000 RESERVE FOND Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) -w, m, Bilver Reserve t11.000.000f W'. ooo 000 Rrarve Liability of Proprietor. 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. S. 11. M.-.lhnr-t, Esq.— Chairman. non. Mr. Henry Kesv. i.-k.— Deputy Chairman. A. lu.hs, Kwj. A. J. Raymond,
      490 words
    • 519 10 BUNKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor. £800,000 Reserve Fund £1.078,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, IM>. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and intend allowed at 1 per
      519 words
    • 403 10 SALES BY AUCTION/ AUCTION SALE OF I'nservicoablc Police Stores, Unclaimed and Cortiacated Property and Intestate F.state Propert) Ac. (Ity Older of tbe Chief Police Officer). To be hold at the Central Police Station, South BfUeJi Roa<l, On Monday, July li, at 2.30 p.m. Forpirtionlars, see catalogues. Powell Co., I:iHU Aoctioncers
      403 words
    • 547 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF 190 CASES PRESKBVKD PINK API'LKS (SEA DAMAviKP), At H. L. COOHLAN Co.s Km, \\,dne«day. July 3, at 10.30 a.m. (For account of mm-erned). H. L, Coghlan Co., Licensed Auctioneer*, ]:)«■> aud Surveyors. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. At a H'liny concern, the well-known bonrilin;'
      547 words
      526 words

  • 1079 11 I INTERESTING NOTES AND NEWS FOR MOTOR MEN. The Oriental Store, in ltangkok. now using moUir lorry for the delivery of goods j I in the town. Motors should form :i strong feature of Mm forthcoming »t Ku»la Kangsar. j lxs|.itc tin fact of Urn UMIbMotMh distance j i
    1,079 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 406 11 MOTOR CARS Now In Stock. One Rover Car. I II V. TWO »K.\TKI>. M'KCIAI. KIMSII. PRICE $1,600. WITH HOOD. LAMPS. ETC.. COMPLETE. <i>i:i.i\i:H!.i> hiNG.M'oKi: Capt. Lord HERBERT SCOTT, D.5.0., writ«ol UmmCms: •I -l.onM like you to know how well MtMaM I am withthf ■'Oh p. iS|Niiali ttiivei Car. I considi
      406 words
    • 14 11 Contributions of \dt_^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^^^^^^^ »rt luvitctl for t ii~ JMM
      14 words
    • 491 11 TUCK'S ACTRESS POSTCARDS. 0 Good assortment of Bed Photo in PhotoehronM I'ostcaids Just lteciived. Jitts and Co., 598-2, North ISridge ltoad Singnpore. CHARLES T^b, HEIDSIECKS fspK White Seal wf Champagne. jj|^^ 9<H.K AOKNTS ft M Bohn, Meyer &Co Ld. Singnpore and Penang. DEPOT t Bh^B Singapore, HflpH Mtssrs. |e^^U| JOHS
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 556 12 Scale of Cbatoes. PRKPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.-M.seel I Un*ou» Want, of Every IV«cri r tion Bm m tand, etc.. to let, arc inserted at the ioHuw.oc t^tes On» Invrtion 1.20 per inch. T*o 2.00 Thr««. 2. 50 5.20 6.40 i*' lve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 15 per inch.) The above
      556 words
    • 422 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Uati Four l.iii*-, runs or t' H\ tlioindi. nwSnt-pfUiitye*. ENGINEER WANTEO. i .i m qualified Knßiiucr (mu^t have a n Ticket) a-. Assistant Manager at Pulo D horn. Only steady men need apply. Free iitm mi.!' re»-™We -alary. Apply iv SYMK A CO. EMPLOYMENT WANTEO. i: ,ted. l>y
      422 words
    • 584 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. < Kvr«- Four Linn, on* or two InMrtlons, Bj the Imli, as* Heal* of Charges. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET, No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-S Prinsep Street. rBll TOUT. Hollandia, No. 4. 1.10 yd Road entry from July 1). Apply to Hammer,
      584 words
    • 577 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Kates Four Linos, one or two Insertions, »1.00 Bj tb* inch, me Seal* of Chargn. FOR BALE. RUBBER EBTATE. 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stamps. Apply C," c/o Straits Times. o 103 RUBBER SEEDS FOR SALE. Rubber Seeds for Sale. Apply the Manager, Malacca Rubber Plantations,
      577 words
    • 799 12 Mhceluweous NOTICES.;! Rates :-l>t Month, *10 iwr Inch. BIBWiaSH) raontlK. Ki.mliort«rperl««l«»i>es. .l« of Chnr(te». NOTICE. The nndersigned is prepared to book orders for Rubber Seeds from nine year old trees, for 1906 delivery. Price on application. MANAGER. o 427 Highlands and Lowlands Estate. NOTICE. The Im- and Export Maat -chappy
      799 words
    • 380 12 SMALL TRADE ADVTS. itvu.-: i Uoatl n pet in.' MttSBM ....nth-. 'iK-rii..-'!. VS««2* MARVELLOUS OFFER. .1 I t.> introduce un ..1 r i POS'J r'Hl 1 GOLD KING Hall Markad, set with 1 Donblet Stones. J Real Rose Dhmondl for the ridicu loiislv low pri.e '.f M.M DON'T mi- tin
      380 words