The Straits Times, 29 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.858 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 29. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 253 1 GRAND HOTEL DE LEUROPE. BIMOAPOI MsKint .ce..ti} IV .-bod. With KIsRS-nt (Ml pi eit?. CONDOR CEMENT. Messrs. C. Dupire A Co. Singapore, nm* is, mm. I Dear Sire, We liave CAKEFILLY TESTED the sample-, of "CONDOR 1 cement which we hml selected from shipments stored in your goclown-. THE TKSTS
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    • 150 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WOTKLS. CALEDONIA* HOTEL 77> Bros* Baaah Road. SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform, meet* all ■Joata and Trains. HOTEL WISSE WILTITBEDEN. BaTATU. Established in 1836. Renovated up to date. Splendid situation in the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palace of Governor-
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    • 578 1 Robinson and Company, sol ao E n TS RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907 m The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are thus enabled to produce CYCLES THAT ARE UNEQUALLED IN VALUE AND
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    • 19 1 GRAND HOTEL DE LEUROPE iINOAPORE. ImBM Hi Oi'V-ii:i iH'N ■rtt»rin^ r^t-i h|\ t it -i 1,,T.-.-il> r. 'li.lliritrti. l>e:.lth.-inilr..n>f.>'t
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  • 956 2 ROBES FROM THK ORIENT. Increasing Luxury in the Realm of the Negligee. Tli, mapiM-i is m a 1,.,,.!; I tot. ah Mm foi.iini,,,. u,, r |,i wam^ p««ydw Mai mm) d.< hu „.».< U H v ,,w Pl> j various mmttkm *MM l» any ..llivr nan,, Wwld
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 *"Red Seal" o A pure Whisky of the highest quality it is possible to produce at i the price, this Blend compares *HouaoFCOinH favourably with nmnv higher-priced httgdj productions Guaranteed 7 years old. "Black White B MUUM U«t«B o A hlend made iij» ofonly Per- fectly matured whiskies stored for
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    • 92 2 ALBERT L. A. OALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder 150 Middle Road. Hole Agent for ilessru. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London, iISH Telephone No. «19. j LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BUXOM) OmmJm Western Kutranco to Keppc-1 1 Harbour. 30/- (THIRTY SHILLINGS) PER TON F. 0. B. IN BUNKERS. RAJE OF
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    • 144 2 IUSSEUS AND to isi: ORAtrei) kiiom am. Tim ill l II MiI McALISTER A Co.,' Ltd., Qrmml Utpnwmktirfa. $350. "Wropieal 53uiU BY LEADING LONDON MAKERS. TIME. In SOLID Mahogany Cases, Full Seal.-, l.on l-Vaun-d. PAYMENTS Check-Action. Handsome Designs. Tune Iticli and McQCfl TAKEN '■"»'■''»> hMtaMtaTw M>U*JU The ROBINSON PIANO CO.,
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    • 578 2 &£ri is!& I'M? BOVRIL A r..|. ..f mi i. rrfr -Line :it all.i M.i h htwmfnNim. I— l "II M n:«ott...i irbMi ft^ the u^i Uf »\f .*****. 11l urinary iii>t;<-<-s the U-.1 MMi MMi from usiuy i Gonosan. T.ilvi n iiittiiiH.ll v it lclicvi-. pain. ■iMcka tin- (list-iiar<;«- anil
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  • 456 3 Serious Illness of a LieutenantGovernor. Tbe news that the UaatMMWt-QoWeHMt vi tin Punjali has Intn oidiTri! holm tin < >n«_;i i s. lions illness is urn. hto !>.■ n-<,'rclteil. In tbe |iicsent disonli ic.l stat<- of artails in Imlin it was sfltlsfartoi in the <\tr< tin-
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  • 113 3 Au unfortunate occurrence has taken place in the Philippine province of Hataan, I 11 indirectly to the cxca|>c of prisoners at llalanga. Ah a result, two constabulary soldiers are dead and two wounded. An encounter took place in the dark, on the night of May 15, between
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  • 105 3 The following promotions in tlic I", ft Consular Service in the Far Ka*.t wen; announced in Washington on April 4: Thomas Summons from Consul (ieneial at I Wui liwnnj; tn Con-ml (iciitral at BmbL 'I'liomas K. llrciian from Consul at Odessa t. CoMnl lieniral Ht Ne\vcli\vanj>. i'licn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 I Time Loiters I Painfully 5 for those who suffer from tliu lor- 0 ture-i of neuralgia. The indescnl)- <► aI)U pain and tonrtont 't inilKts A comes suddcrly, and takes all the i) si.iiorer'i courage anil leaves him weak. Just as quickly will relief ■t come to the aching
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    • 187 3 MAJNOS MILK. Sole Agents: HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. I Mjk^^r For your health I M ■j^^^rip make a regular itrink of Lime Juice. The :B Why Suffer with Prickly Heat MAYNARD S PRICKLY-HEAT LOTION Will j>ivo instant relief <«K few applications will completely cure the most obstinate case y. Price 50
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    • 114 3 CHARLES HEIDSIECKS $fwf\ White Seal iW, Champagne. yf Behn, Meyer ACo Ld k I'ImW Siuyipirre mul I'm/nig. 4^B|^^^ DEPOT H^o^B JOHI UTTLF Ui. L J_ J March 30 m.w.f. 0.0. Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS A FIREBRICKS. Sonnd well shaped and bard burut brickcan be supplied at $150 par Lsksa
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  • 407 4 Proposal to Amalgamate Bangkok Companies Defeated. The proposed amalgamation of the I'.anukok Manufacturing Company with the Siam Klectricity Company, which has already '■•■I n published iv the Straits Times, has fallen to the ground. This decision was I'Oiuc to at a meeting of the shareholders of the
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  • 330 4 Deep Water Wharves for the Thames. In our issue of Saturday we printed a 11 leg am from Berlin, dated May 24, regard ing Mr. Lloyd Cieorge's declaration conrerniug tho assurauce of London's preponderance nd his advocacy of Government railways. I rom v reccut copy of the Manchester
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  • 139 4 The Military Officer Yanj{, who wan in charge of the guards of the Wing Chan Powder Magazine, which, as mentioned in our columns a few weeks since, was damaged by an explosion of gunpowder, has been again put on trial before Taotai Kung, the Superintendent of the Canton
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  • 672 4 RAFFLES HOTEL. Hod Justice and Mri r .t. oi. Sudk -mile Fisher Major II De T Phillip* Col H. H. Johnston Capt Mrs II Burton Col O. Wright Mr and Mrs I., Mi Major Mrs Ford Mr H Scott I Major A Mrs Ormiston >ir C 1) Green
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  • 287 4 How Preferential Tariffs Favour Britain's Competitors. At the last session of the Hoyal ton.mission on Shipping liiugs Sir Alfred Batrii.ui presiding), evidence was given by Mr. George Lninbo, on behalf of the East liulm and China section of the London Chamh. r .it Commerce. He contended that c<
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  • 110 4 From Kesora— By tbe N. '■>. L. a.s. torn due .m May 31. From Ckdci— By tbe M. M. i.i. Tuiiraue. doe on Jane TUB TIIU 01 UaIS DOI. Left Singapore Doe iv London Arrive* April 2J MM. May 15 May IS April 23 I. AO. May
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 717 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanjj. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bill! >f Lading issued for China I Coast, Persian Gulf Continental, and American Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). Delta June 8
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    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER. BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of tui« company maintain i regular service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjer mamn, Polo Lant, Balik Papaa, Koetoi, witl transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai MarabahaD, Marakasariee, Negara and Bebirik. The rteamrm have good aooomodation for
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    • 498 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain t regular servioe between Uambura, Bremei Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tie Straifc China, and Japan. i Homewards, they are despatched fortnight! for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month fc Bremerhaven rhrect, "^"■*«fl at Penang an Colombo, t
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    • 802 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamer* of Ihia Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, So'nthampton, Oibrallar, Oenoa, Naples, (ooonection Marseilles, Naplei, Alexandria, and vioe vena) a Por Said, Sue/, Aden, Colombo, Penang, >> Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 1122 5 Under thi* heading tbe following abbreviations are used str. steamer; »h. ship; bq. barqne;scb. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser. U'bt.— Ounboat Tor.— TorpMo H.p. Hor*e-|iower Brit. Britibb 1 United State*; Kch.— French Oer— German Dut.— Dutch; lul.— ltalian Span.— Spouisb Rar.— Sarawak O.c Oeneral-jargo; d.p.-di-.'k paaoengei I'ncertaiu
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  • 867 5 Nanu\ port, probable date of arrival, and name of A-jrnts Steamers. Airlie, Sydney, June 21 Bjuataal Ajax, China, June 9 MinstteU Ambria, Hamburg, June 22; Behn Meyer Antilochus, Liverpool, June 26 Mansfield Aragonia. Hongkong, July Behn Mey<.f Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 V. x O. Astyauax, Liverpool, July 5;
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  • 64 5 Regular fortnightly Service via Bombay or Aden to Zanzibar, Delagoa Bay, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and Capetown. Through bills of lading and through passage tickets are issued from Singapor j to all coast port* in East and South Africa. For passage, freight, time tables, or an;
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  • 54 5 May 2H Helios, Nor str, Bangkok Ban Liong, Dut str. Cotie via |>orts Nuentung, Ocr str. Bftii^kok 39 CiPtlirie. Hnt str. Batavia. Sv.lney via ports Merkus. Dut str, Djambie Bangkok. <ler str. Bangkok Montrose, Brit str, Penan? and New York Kdendale, Brit str, Samarang via port* G. G. Meyer,
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  • 147 5 J»i»r >'«• Steamer Time To-morrow AnaiiibH ,V Natiuia I*. H*M 7 a.m. BaUvia Aim M a.m. TriDgganu via ptirts Aing l.,«n>i 10 a.m. Tringganu via ports sirphmi 10 a.m. Malacca and Liiiggi Khettii aasaj 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca hn }lo 1 p.m. Penang and Colomlm MsWMM 2
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  • 470 5 Bt Liict.Col. E. O. BioAVttci, Commandant, 8. V. C. ksinftport. Mat X», 1907. T. A. 1 Or.lerly Officer for Bext #eek ut. A. A. Lermit. Ord*Kj C. O. Magmm*. e» II On Friday, 7th Jun«w»t S 30 p m at the Drill Hall, lnatrucliou on r>epre.-i
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  • 126 5 Kant Lothian was shockud on the tttA instant by the tragic death of Harry Oottane. the well-known Kast Lothian professional golfer, at North Berwick. Gullane acted a* professional for a famous Now York dob, bat returned to In. native place abont four years ago. where he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 ECONOMY IN THE END. A few doses of Cliamberlaiu'is Cough Remedy will cure your cold and perhaps save a doctor's bill later on. It always cures and care* quickly. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers. I
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    • 404 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD, A reKMl«r FORTNIGHTLY service is main gained lielweeu Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, I'nder Mail Coutraet with the Imperial Japan ese Goverumeut, specially designed for tbe Company's Ruropeau Service, lighted throughout by Llectrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 471 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Compauifel' uteamern are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbo Straits, Chin* and Japan every week, an.) from Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and << r Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool moutbly. One
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    • 376 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. ARCHIBALD CURRIE CO.. FOR ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY. ALSO TAKING CARGO KOR OTIIER ATBTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS. The Imon, SS7O toiiß, Captain Wilkinm>o, is <\ue hero shout .he Bth proximo, and will receive prompt deopatcb for the above port*. For fi-.-iL.-ln and pamage Apply in M. U.ISTER
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    • 330 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY To IOBOR VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA aa4 the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkoug, i>«<i Shaughai. Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Koba, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Km-KKKji or India" Twin s»:rew steaR.M.B. "Kmpbkss cr
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    • 228 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Juue I— At 46 Victoria Street, valuable MMtrees, ]«lms Ac, and household furni tine, at 2-30 p.m. m-At Stamnore." Grange Road, valuable leak household furniture Ac, at 2 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. May 31 At the Mart, one complete set of boring tool*,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 55 5 WEATHER REPORT. KanHang Kerbau Hotpital, May 21, 1907 9 a. m. :8 r. M.iv r. a. i Kemakkh. Bar. 32 29.916 29.823 29.876 Temp 87.0 88.0 82.6 d Wet Bulb Ther 80 0 80.2 79.0 DirofWind.. b.b. s.i. s.e. Z* Max. Temp 89.8 Mm 74.0 Max. in Snn UM 5
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    • 141 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fkom May 23 ro Ji m J.l HIGH WATI.K LOW WATER I Time H'k'lu Time H'gbl M a y hrs. mm. ft ins. hrs mm. ft ins. N lI.Mm 8.8 S.lOn I.! V* nksiiay*) t UMm 9 g 5.20 a; 8 3 Thi-dhdat 10 OMm c 5.59
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    • 69 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, May 39. Hi-i, Wai**. 11-52 p.m. ttnekry, B.C.C v. H.Q.A. 3 p.m. Jt.iriMHt.)n'9 Circus. J',.'.iwll, S.C.C. v. Dut.u Club. I ;'.i,i- I. iv Moy jo. HijfcWaMr. U3«i.iu. C I. Ujineward mml closes. .1. ll.i-i. moil's Circus. Friday, May Mi. I I^l. '.Va'er. 0-3 p.m .Mv
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  • 980 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. on Sunday last, the North Ocruiau Lloyd sent a special steamer over to Dover to convey to Bretnerhaven a. large party of British journalists, who are visiting Germany on the invitation of their brethren of tin German Press. This is a
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 14 6 Eight hundred passengers arrived by the German steamer Chow Fa, from Swatow, this morning.
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  • 21 6 It is understood that the new scheme of reorganisation of the Command iv India will come into force on June 1.
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  • 16 6 A franchise has been granted to the Automatic Telephone Company, of Manila, by the Philippine Commission.
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  • 21 6 New sawmills are to be erected in Tayabas Province, Philippine Islands, capable of turning out 80,000 feet of timber a day.
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  • 25 6 The opening of a general store at Bentone is expected to bring down tho high price* of food iv Unit towu, says the Peran Pioneei'
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  • 22 6 A Chinaman wun injured so tjuriously during the fireworks display at Kuala Lumpur, on Empire Day. that he died on Monday morning.
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  • 24 6 There were 1,154 passengers from Swatow and Amoy on the Dutch steamer Merapi, which arrived from those ports, this morning, en route to Sauiarang.
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  • 25 6 The Peter Rickmers, a four-masted sailing vessel, arrived here from Cardiff, this morning, with 4,818 tons of coal consigned to Messrs. Adamson, Oilnllan and Co.
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  • 25 6 There is only one passenger, a civil engineer, on the British steamer Errole, which arrived, this morning, from Manila on her way to New York.
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  • 21 6 The Secretary uf State has sanctioned the construction of Presbyterian churchy fir LucknoTv, Umbalk and Feehawar cantonments, in the Byzantine style.
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  • 15 6 'I'lic intcriiiiiiali» Iliirm (i Cuiu|iany rice case is a^ain before the Kcnch Court, this afternoon.
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  • 26 6 Graft purge in Hongkong," attracts atton tiou in the Manila Times to a telegram giving the finding of the Sanitary Coiuiuis siou iv our sister Colony.
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  • 26 6 Tlie commerce of the world is now estimated to exceed .£.■>, 200,000,000 per annum of which slightly more than half, or alx>nt i;2.7.">n,000,000, is returned a- imports.
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  • 36 6 The drought has broken in Jamaica, aud the damage done to the crops by the rain exceeds that caused by the earthquake. The bananas arc safe, but there will be a shortage in the su<;ar crop.
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  • 36 6 The Malay Mail hears that Lord Elgin, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, has telegraphed to the K. M. S. his refusal to entcrtaiu the petition of the planters in regard to the Hospital scheme.
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  • 30 6 The cane of Ijee Moon Hoo v. M.A. D'Silva for $1,61:1.70 for latent* alleged to have been supplied was concluded yesterday afternoon, before the Chief .lustice. His Lordship reserved judgment.
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  • 33 6 The cose of the Mercantile Bank of India. Limited, v. A. R. R. M. Itamasamy Chetty. which was beguu. before Mr. -lust ice Fisher, yesterday morning, was concluded to-day, His Lordship reserving judgment.
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  • 44 6 Good progress is being made with the construction of the new railway b^lgc over the Indus at Kushalgarh. which is one of the bii&est works ot the kind in India. It is likely to be ready foi traffic at the cud of the year.
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  • 42 6 Mr. Herbert Gladstone, has informed Mi T. Glover that the Govcrnmeut intend to introduce a Bill to shorten the hours of labour i^ mires as soon as the Department Coirmiltoe has reported, aud to pass it into law without any unavoidable delay.
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  • 41 6 It is safe to say that in no peri.i.l during the past forty years have the Japanese people as a whole been more possessed by the gambling and speculative spirit than during the last few months, says the Japan Weekly Chronicle.
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  • 43 6 All vessels aud boats are hereby notified that they are required to koep clear of any sampans or vessels trying red flags oil the Telok Ayer Reclamation Quay, and alao to keep clear of all works in connection with the Harbour Improvement Scheme.
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  • 47 6 There is uot the slightest real reasou why iermany and England must, sooner or later, go to war. says the Pall Mall Gazette. But, if the German and British peoples are only told often enough that there is, they may come to Ixlieve it and act accordingly.
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  • 42 6 Two passengers on the Austrian Lloyd steamer Trieste died while cv route to this port from Yokohama. A Chinese died on the '25th instant from opium poisoning and a child eight mouths old yesterday, from bronchitis. There were 1,198 passengers on board
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  • 54 6 In the course of a sermon to the Tamil congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, the Rev. S. Abraham, after impressing upon his hearers what Tamils derive from the British Government, advised their, uot to read the Hindu newspapers that come now from India and Ceylon
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  • 70 6 Governor Campbell, of Texas, last month signed the bill makine gambling a felony iv the State of Texas. The bill, which becomes operative at once, provides a penitentiary sentence for auy person convicted of gambling, a gaol penalty for the ownor of any buildiug in which gambling devices arc kept,
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  • 59 6 It wat very rough on the speaker, a socialist, at an election meeting in Brisbane recently, when, at the conclusiou of his address, it was moved and adopted unanimously that the Premier be askod to take the necessary steps for the deportation from Australia of all socialists, renegade Britishers, aliens,
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  • 81 6 An interesting function will take place at St. Mary's Home, Tank road, on Friday, the 31st at 5 p. in., when the new wing will be opened by Lady Evelyn Young. His Excellenoy the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.0., and Miss Anderson, have promised to attend. The Colonial Chaplain,
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  • 70 6 The long -talked of scheme for starting a five-thousand horse-power electricity installation in connection with the Bara Doab canal falls for supplying Lahore with electric lighting and fans, is now before the Punjab Government for final sanction, and the promoters hope to be able to begin work next a'.ituuin, iv
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  • 78 6 It is uot all liiu milking that goes on at St. Stephen's. This is shown by an incident that happened in the Reporters' (iallery. While ore of the reporters was busy taking notes of the speeches a piece of paper fluttered down on his book. His surprise may be imagined
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  • 92 6 Home exchanges by last mail point out that Mr. Vincent Kennedy (Nationalist Member for West Cavan) intended to ask the Prime Minister, on May 3, whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that in the play of Hamlet the King of Denmark is portrayed as a murderer whether,
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  • 210 6 l.adv Minto will leave for India about July .V Captain Taylor. -Tiud Lancers, has l»ecn selected as Aide de-Camp to Sir Frederick Lugard. Governor of Hongkong. Goveruer Carter, of Hawaii is talkiug of resiguing. Secretary A. L. C. Atkinson i~ regarded as his probable successor. Mr. A.
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  • 53 6 Ho Ah Kwi, who was charged at thj last Assizes with counterfeiting the King's coin and with beiug in poaseauoo of instruments for counterfeiting, but who was discharg^l ou account of the absence ot luspeetor Criiniiney. whose presence the Court considered csseuvial. was before the I'oliee Court on the same
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  • 66 6 A Chinaman appeared before Mr. Column, this moruiug, on a charge of the theft of 12 gunny bags. It was ascertained that he had been before the Court previously ou a similar charge, and had been allowed to i In m.l to come up for sentence when called for. The
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  • 57 6 European I'oustablc Stockfoid apptate<l before the Third Magistrate's Com I. last week. on three charges to theft aud four of robbery His east was transferred of the Bench ourt which heard it partly this afternoon. au<4 then adjourned the hearing till next week. The complainants are all Chinese aud thu
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  • 55 6 George It. Wentzol. chief clerk of the engineer corps aud department quarter master of the Veteran Army of the Philippines, is iv Bilibid detention ward, on a charge ol larceny of one Kcuffcl and I ..i- > survey t\ transit valued at 9190. Patted States currency, which he is said
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  • 63 6 Dr. Sveu Hedin is making his A.iy from Shigatsc to Ladakh, having abaudoued .my idea he once bad of attempting to solm the geographical mystery of the Tsanpo. It appears that Dr. Sveu Hcdin was forced to turn back from Shigatsc by official orders which would uot even allow him
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  • 70 6 On board of the steamer Kutsaug. which recently left for Hongkong, is the body of Lee Fong Seng attired iv mandarin robes. He was travelling from Tibet in the com pany of Hatu Kato aud Tak Luk Gye, ttvo Chinese princes, under orders to proceed to Peking. They have been
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  • 86 6 (•ood progress is being made with tin re -armament of the Artillery of the Amy ol India. Uf the Horac Artillery, eight batteries out of the eleven have now received tin thirt. -i |iounder quick tiring gun. Of the forty iwu batteries of Field Artillery, twenty have received the new
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  • 77 6 The steamship Shah Najaf, which was originally known as the Chusan, and which frequently brought the outward English mail to Singapore, is to be broken up after a service of about twenty-three years. She was built for the P. and O. Company by Messrs. Caird Co., at (ireenock, being completed
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  • 89 6 Notice is yiveu in the Selaugor timmtu uicnt (iazcttc tint a |mt< li uf rock, Lu-ium as Batu I'eayu l(>reeu Turtle (toeki, li buc-u li« .it' 'I in the uortlitrii approach Iv Port Swettuuhaui. I'oKitinn. latitude north ;l degrees. 1:1 minute* :!9 seconds. Longitude east 101 degrees, 12 minutes In
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  • 99 6 What is believed to be the tirst uasc in which a commissioned officer of the Philippine Constabulary has been brought before the civil courts on a charge of using the water-cure," is now in process in the pro vinoe of La Laguna. As a result of an in vestigation, Ist
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 368 6 Body buildrt and >trcngth L^H Jf 'Jt I H| crratol for old people, pun; H^.^^bkl^MA Bl c h llc lren, sickly women and I^^^ I nursing mothers, and to build \jT D l Up ttrcn B t^ a^ cr a severe illness. TW. »al« M Steam' Wia. U .11 cd..
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    • 241 6 Wilson co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our I'roductioub are of tin- highest itosiiblu ARTISTIC <i TKCHNICAij KXCKLLENCK in. l are known throughout the Kant iw INCOMPARABLY THE BEST. In Photography, a" iv anything elite, "The Best is the Cheapest." TO LET. WHITE HOUSC, Ualvey Uwl. Immediate eutry. Apply to TRASEIt 4 CUMMING,
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  • 216 7 GOVERNMENTS DIP INTO THE LUCKY BAG. Provision for Small Holdings. Rkitkr's ImMUI London. May 2*. Mr. Lewis Harcourt. First Commissioner of Works, in introduciu« the Kn^lish Small Holdings Bill, emphasised the fact of the ijravc rural depopulation of F.ngland. The Bill empowered the Couuty Councils to raise loans
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  • 80 7 New York Newspapers Fear a Recurrence of Trouble. Imil'l Tki.koi; vvi London. May °2K Kciitcr's correspondent at Tokio rc|>orts that the Japanese Press maintains a calm attitude with regard to the assaults upon Japanese restaurant h rpers in S.m Fran cisco. bi|t only MMMMC of the
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  • 41 7 Illl'l I- I. Tl 1.H.K.M1 Loudou. .\lay-JB. Captain C. 11. Halfuiir, <' uiscrvativc M.P. for the llornsev INvM f L union, bus resigned. The vote at tin last <I, n.-ral KImMM was as follows ISalfour iCi 58.V.1 Toinkinson (Li 7M
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  • 55 7 Kki'tkh's TnMßaa Loudou, Muy W. It is reported that Sir Antony Macdouucll is anxious to retire iv view of the decision of the Irish National ('invention (presumably in conucctiou with the Irish Government Mill i. but tin Government is endeavouring to induce him to
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  • 79 7 International Congress in Vienna. rjMVTMt'I 'iVi.i.i.itxM. Loudou. May 2h. The Fourth International Cotton Congress fiiiso|Mncd in Vioniia. There arc two hundred and fifty delegates in attendant-. The American planters arc represented. The Congress discussed what efforts should be made to cheek illegitimate speculation iv futures. The Chairman, Mr.
    79 words
  • 105 7 Selangor Remedy under Analysis. Hl-XTKIl's TfXM.K AM. London. May "JM. Iv tin Hoi Co ions. Mr. 11. Pike »Va l on-..-n alive M.l', tor Darlington ,i K«d tor tin- ,ip|>oitiliiiciil n I a Committee to MWMJMB the rcjiorted discovery iv Selangor of a remedy for opium smoking Mr.
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  • 24 7 Rbuiu'i hywß Loudou, May \m. The Raud It now completely ;;arrisoned. Many at the mini .ou trikt- luttt icturued to -Mirk
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  • 774 7 Actress, Prize-Fighter and Poker Dice. Dramatis pcrsouie. A rather "showy looking young lady (vide our reportcri; a gentleman given to designing houses, bungalows and other residences usually designated desirable: one of the genus homo, labelled "B.B"; a knight of the mittens and the proprietors of a Singapore hotel.
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  • 193 7 Increasing Population of Chinese Company. At the opening of the new Club for members of the Chinese Volunteering Company, early iv the month, mention was made of the fact that the movement was growing so rapidly that it was possible permission might have to be asked for
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  • 106 7 The Government of I.idia are now considering the question of the devolution of more financial and administrative powers from the central to the local Governments, and from the latter to district authorities, with a view to enabling tin man upon the spot to settle more matters for himself than be
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  • 91 7 A ROTHSCHILD ON SOCIALISTIC TENDENCIES. Stock Exchange Failure. Rrutkr's Tklkoram London. May M, There is a renewed weakness on the Stock Kxeliaiiye. A firm of jobbers failed yesterday. Barou Rothschild, interviewed on the subject of the decline iv the price of Consols, said he did not see auy
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  • 346 7 The Emperor William Decorates Officials. Dkk Ostasiatikchk liMN Tklkoram, Berlin. May 2X. The sixtieth anniversary of the Hamburg. Amcrika Liuic has bscn celebrated with great manifestations. Kmperor William has bestowed decorations upon several of the officials of the Company. It was in IH4T, that the Hamburg-Ainerika l.inie was
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  • 46 7 [Reutkr's Telkukax] London, May '2H. The Egyptian Mail Company's steamer Heliopolis has been launched at Glasgow for service between Marseilles and Alexandria. The Heliopolis will accommodate 500 firstclass passengers, and will reduce the journey to Cairo by one and a halt days.
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  • 45 7 'DKR OsTASIATIseHI LLOYD TkLKUKAM Berlin, May 2H. Prince Johauu Albrccht has been appointed definitely Regent of the Duchy of Brunswick. llmih,- Telkukam London, May °28. The Brunswick Diet has elected Duke Joliann Albrcoht of Mecklenburg as Regent of the Duchy of Brunswick.
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  • 48 7 Dkk Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram; Berlin, May 2R On June 8, the King of Hungary will have reigned for forty years, the Emperor Francis Joseph I. of Austria having been crowned King at Of en on June 8, 1867. Preparations are being made to celebrate the event.
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  • 42 7 |Dbr OsTAsiATiacHK. Llovr Tklkokvm Berlin, May 2R. The Kuylish journalists who arc paying a return visit to their German colleagues have arrived at lirenu v TmQF were given a splendid reception, and cordial and amicable speeches were made.
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  • 30 7 I'm: OSTASIATISC'UK Ll.ovli Th.Ki.i; vm Berlin, May '->*. General Mackensou has been appointed Chief of the Military Cabinet and General Huelson Commander in-Chief of the Fourteenth Army Corps.
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  • 22 7 l>th OsiASUiibCHK Lloyd DtLEGRAX Berlin, May 28. Admiral Vamamoto acd General Nichi ar< expected in Berlin shortly.
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  • 1125 7 ARTILLERYMAN CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED MURDER. Accused Before the Magistrate. The aj -iiiustanccs of the extraordinary act of Gunner Alfred (Juinnell, of the Royal Garrison Artillery, who stands charged with having attempted to murder Corporal Ryan by shooting at him at Blakan Mati early on the morning of
    1,125 words
  • 72 7 REBELLION IN CHINA. Thirty Thousand Rebels in the Field. KkITKR'x TkI.Ki.K4M London. May Mb Ths Chinese rebels in the north of Kwangtung number 30,000. They are organised by the Triad Society. Reuters correspondent at Hougkoug stales that the malcontents arc attacking Cheung- lam and Tungchung. two wealthy villages in
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  • 47 7 Innovation at Cambridge and Oxford. |Rkutbr's Tklkgram] London. May M Under pressure of tbe British Hierarchy, the Vatican has at last assented to the establishment of Roman Catholic colleges for women at Oxford and Cambridge, subject to the stringcut supervision of the students.
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  • 44 7 IKkutkr's Tklbokam] Loudou, May 28. General Louis Botha. Premier of the Transvaal, upon Ins landing at Cape Town, said that his visit to London had contributed largely to a better understanding between the peoples of Britain anil South Africa.
    44 words
  • 34 7 I Kkutkk's Tklki.kam London, May 28. I'riuei I iisliiiui gave au official dinner at the Japanese Knibassy at Grosvcnor Gardens. The Prince of Wales and the Dnke of Connaught were present.
    34 words
  • 231 7 Names of Successful Candidates at Examination. We have received from the Rev. P. K. lluuli'i tin uames of the Police candidates, who were successful iv pausing the examinatiou in First Aid held recently in Malacca. long course of instruction was first given by Miss (trove, a
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  • 187 7 Diavolo--the uiephisotoplieliau cyclisthas made his name by feats of daring, aud continues upholding his reputation by a sensational turn at Haruistou's circus. He loops the loop nightly, descending from the top of au iuclined track into the tent ou a bicycle and is carried round
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  • 218 7 Alluding to the extension <>l the system ol registration of Medical practitioner* in Singapore ami the Federated Malay BmmMmi Bangkok Times observes that a year or two a^o a scheme of registration seemed to find favour iv liaugkok. but nothing was done, and it
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  • 852 7 The Radicals now cousidcr that the Irish Devolution Bill is dead." With what bald cruelty Keuttr does express himself! He inevitably tempts the irresponsible poetaster on our staff to commit another political law poon upun poor Sir Henry Cuuipbell-Banner-man. With what angry dread lie most look foi
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  • 1178 8 Wby Should not Roadsters Race be Revived The Fire It. i^iulc iMrti crtiatml able iuN-rcst. i-s^)ecially hiiiouu tlie UHtivvt. Itmij.Mii Imil been spread tliat in the evening the wooden ntrucliirc wnuld bf> hnrniij down. I umi, uatu rally, thousands of |NK>pli'. on nt! :i mi I.
    1,178 words
  • 568 8 The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions af its correspondent-. New School Rule. To the K.l i to.- of the Straits Tim -s. Singapore, May 27, 1907. Sir. Oue of my children, today, brought home from school a notice printed iv three i ImMMJM to the effect
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  • 343 8 Remarkable Phenomenon in South China. Writing from Kweilin, ou May 11, the corresponded of the South China Morning Post stated that the previous night the south -west portiou if tliat city collapsed without warning. Houses and streets dropped bodily as though the foundations had fallen from
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  • 117 8 Thursday, May jo. Cricket.- S. C. C. v a Dutch XI. Friday, May 3 1 Cricket.— S. C. C. v. \i. W. Kcnts. Saturday, June 1. Cricket.— S. C. C. Ist XI. v. U W. KcntH, at Tauglin. S. C. l. 2uil XI. v. V. 11. C. A.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 104 8 Club days of tlie Singapore Kowing Club are Mondays and Thursdays, and members wishing to row are request d to turu up uot later than ">.l-V p.m. A record in amateur rifle shooting has been c Hated by the Leicester Liberal Club team. In a match against
      104 words
    • 24 8 Y. M. C. A. Tournament. Iv the Y. M. C. A. tennis tournament, B class singles, Davies has beaten Kleinniann, GO. 6 4.
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    • 44 8 ft. V. A. Rifle Club. Tho following dates have Im-cii fixed for the monthly shoots:— .Tune 29 and 80 July I ami 14 August 10 and 11 September 14 and I October 12 and 1:) November ltl and 17 December 14 anil Iv
      44 words
    • 256 8 Singapore Qolf Club. The Mouthlv Medal lor .lime will lie played for on Saturday and Sumlay Ml .lime 1 and 2. I Sepoy Lines Club. The following is the result of the men-: Imsmm competition (Naval dipt First round Anthonisz and Darby, handicap and Hall and Dane, 7, received
      256 words
    • 580 8 LUt of Entries. As mentioned iv this column MM .vevks since a bowling tournament, in connection with the Singapore Cricket (lull commences 011 the Plain next Monday. The eutries closed ou Satuiday last and, as will be seeD from the list Mjvwi Mm they include the name* of
      580 words
  • 274 8 A Tin Supply that will Last a Hundred Years. A corresponded from the Peninsula iv forms the Siam Kree Press that the projected railway from Hongkong will be likely to tiaverse tin rich mineral regions of Siamese Malaya. Operations preparatory to the conHt ruction of the line have
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 807 8 WOMEN TALK TO WOMEN About Pe-ru-na. MRS McCOUCM. MRS."^^ MOOCKS MRS. NELSON Depressed f eelbif VV<<WWW>A > VVVV ><<A/W Headache and Backache Mr B .M.Me, J ou ßt W^rd street. Zli£ j l^^^SS''^ New York, N.Y., write*: MJtMI writes- I 1 7l hvlllt n enn rtleB< "I gladly add my
      807 words
    • 113 8 Score hWh i skies. j££^A M MMS^HH^^RuOEjKrs^MV^Mt~^MdF^&* > Jfx. IKLj j FT? JOHN LITTLE CO. Lo.. SINGAPORE fell! CHINESE KARAN! WANTED. K*<iuircd A Chinese Kai-ani, mn»t lmve go. d liaii.lwritiiii<. One, just from school preferred. Apply 1 1 II c/i> Str.iU Tunes. in:; COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. Nc :i.
      113 words
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  • 229 9 SixoAioKh. Miv JH, 1907. PRODUCE. iiaoibier 5 6.70 do (Cube No. 1 1 nnpir-ked 1O.:15 Copra Bali in. 4". do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper, Black buyers 17.87} do White 5% 25..J0 Sa«>o Flour Sarawak 2.94 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15% l«. 00 Coffee, Palenibautf,
    229 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 306 9 Format Capital Subscribed I of ion Shares Vftllle |nP i i 1903 »300,000 $400,000 80,000 f 10 •10 1901 00.000 10 •10 1903 £400,000 £860,000 350,000 1 1 1907 »400,000 937,1 000 37,6000 f 10 110 2, SCO uniuncd £60,000 £50,000 60,000 1 1 1906 £100,000 £90,000
      306 words
    • 331 9 I 1W» £150,000 £104,987.10 s j 1905 i ,300.000 I W7.400 gjg j •10 »,»i uniMoed 1904 £30,000 I £11,136 1905 700,000 i 8610,000 I 70[000 flO 1903 £70,000 £70,000 1 1906 $150,000 $125,000 "T^"" $10 1904 £12,000 £10,500 I «<™ f 1905 £75,000 £55,000 55,000 l 1906 £310,000
      331 words
    • 218 9 1894 £5,377.10.0j£4,648.15.0 7,638 12/6 1898 •225,000 < $225,000 4,500 $50 1865 (•10,000,000 ;»10,000,000 80,000 »125 1901 |»2,400,000 •8,»00,000 X 1100 1896 '»1,000,000 »1,000,000 1901 I 1 34 000 •34,000 1899 "WW »"5,000 JjOO 1903 I t 6O0 000 $240,000 24,000 $10 8,600 nni^-ou* I 1891 »30,000 »30,000 600 $SO
      218 words
    • 31 9 How*r£ Erekine. Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 8% pram Ri Hargre.vea, Ltd. 6% 225,000 3% prem Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% prera 3% 1,878,000 2% prem. TaniongPaWbookCo.,Ltd. H £J#? 5% 1,050,000 par.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 479 9 LACE STORE: Just received New collection of SILK LACES (WHITE, BLACK and PARIS COLOUR), and MUSLIM EMBROIDERIES. A fine lot of fashionable patterns suitable for Dress Trimming is specially reconi. mended. M. E. SHASHA, 30 No 170, Orchard Road. J. DA. PEREIRA. HoKTicrr/rnusT and florist. Collector and Exporter of Orchids.
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    • 20 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co., Ltd. Civil Engineers. Mo. 3 BATTERY ROAD. TELEPHONE Mo. 362. General Construction Work ESTIMATES AND PLANS SUBMITTED.
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    • 414 9 THIS SPEAKS FOP ITSELF from The Autocar, March 30, 1907. REPORT OF THE EN .TNEER OF THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND The 14 h.p. Star Car has been in continuous use for driving lessons and general instructions tor over THIRTEEN MONTHS. The car has run 10,000
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  • 351 10 Rejection of the Queen of Spain's Bust. A rmiousstoiv Mold in explanation of the transfer of Mr. Conrad Dressier* in. .dcl of the marble bust of Queen Victoria Kiigenie of Spain from the New Gallery to the Royal Academy. Th lm-t is a lx>autiful piece
    351 words
  • 184 10 The premier barony of K.ugland has passed, by the death of Lord tie Kos, for the fourth time to a female und for the secoiid 1i,,,,. ti married to member of the Irish Peerage. The tivst baroness in her own light married a grandson of the great
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  • 307 10 Shanghai International Exhibition. TkapkuM for Dm puipawß h+mamtkmti Kxhihilion in Shanghai arc now materializing, says t!»- N. C. 1>- News. Already a ictus.. l of 106 MN of land, with the option „f 200 more oa Mm JmAml H«ad I**»1 obtained, au<l if ttM fMMMMM fund of »:.O.(KKI la »(M>,0O(l
    307 words
  • 343 10 British Consuls Optimistic Report Mr. Morgan, the Iliitish OommI at llonii in his latest re|»irl. l.> Dm Foreign Ofln-i-. mentions that a'ter I MMlU paMBatM (X'litKi of MMMMfa lle|llessio!l INI llH-i awakencil to :i new > \i-tein-e. The |»>|iul;< tion of former times, who iunl never ImW
    343 words
  • 170 10 The following extract from I*. T. O. has pathetic int<Test in view of the news ri>c«itly r.cei\ed of Dr. Watson's suddt n death in the I'nited States: lan Miulareii is a. ca]>ilal H. has a fund of anecdote relating to hilecture tours in America. One man
    170 words
  • 182 10 ■■I saw tV tii -t ataaaJaWp (King 0 \nieii. an Hag lhat cv. -crossed the Mi Ocean elite) the haiboiir of Hongkong. >g»id merchant of Hongkmig to a MfNM tativc ol tlie Washington I'ost. That \c-srl «M the Colorado, aud it landed in Hongkong in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 LAME BACK. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm two or throe tiices a day aud rubbing the parts vigorously ai each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of tlauuel slightly dampened with
      67 words
    • 597 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AHD SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital »io,ooo,ooo RESERVE FOND:— Sterling Reserve 1O '555'55aV •21,000.000 Silver Reserve »11.000.000f Rmerve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhuret, Esq.— Chairman. Hon Mr.W.J.Gresson— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmannr.sq. A Fuchs, Ksq. A. J. Raymond, Esq.
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    • 545 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve' Liability of Proprietori £800,000 Reserve Fund £1.070,00 C BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, LU* SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounta are opened and interest allowed at 1
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    • 632 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE or SEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (for account of concerned) }||.4KS. H. L. C«X.III.AN VM'O ¥*lir On Vrithiij. Jaw 7, 1007, <it 10.30 a.m. 8 Cases of Musical Instruments comprising 4 phonographs, <> doz Ungliih. Chinese tn.l Malay Records .'.l <loz. assorted Mouth Jriiaim, ~1 Violins aud
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    • 392 10 SALES BY AUCTION. I AUCTION SALE OK UNREDEEMED PLEDGES The property ->( twelve pawnshop On Saturday June 1, /.'><(,- at 10 On Tue*dny,Jun<- 4 On Thumday. Juiuij The pledges, con»istinn of mMmS, chiins. jold au<l diamond rings, earrings, broucu.. ItiiDrseand native ornament- etc will be on i ie« at our
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  • 417 11 A Steeple the Cause of Goodwin Sands N ■'"> months ay... dininy a soio.wha h.ated dis,ussion in the smoke room of a West KndCluh. the following 01.l saw was KivM a- a patfeot e\Hinj,le of f-,ls, I. yic ■•T.n' i.l ,1 su-,|ile was tttn mw of the
    417 words
  • 388 11 snMatth.» KsMbm IwaMla t, v ineiits Ixliiiiil hit the stat<' of tia.l, in Hon»kon K a hmni. my* the CMm Mail. I" his :timii:<l rcjnft he potebi out !h:it iii t1,,. lhin:i tt»de Hiumkony ■M M K|)MdM ini|Hiit» \,i v heavy liM—ll hu.l'to I K fa.
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  • 69 11 At ii lueetiug of the Colchester Town ouucil. toinperance members objected to an xpemliturc of irs UK. under the head of whiskey for sick lioim-s." It was explained that the liorm-s hn<l iufltieu/H. the veterinary mtumm NHWMkW whiskey, and the OMMtJMM could not shake his opinion. The horses 1,.,, 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 128 11 AN AMERICAN REMEDY Then is (uoLably no m.diiim- luauiifactun, l that can be found in nion- dome,, i n the I niU-d Stat.-s than C liumbfrlains Colic Uioltui and Diarrhota Ft has •BM in pjtaenl uso for over thirty vcars and neb ihihibliu mMibjld of diarrhoea and dysi nuiv
      128 words
    • 388 11 **U sorts anJ conditions of FeopU I CcLCftbz*£jr P 3 CoCOCt m I b u being Absolutely Pure rK«r.( n aa> t Ai obtalnab!.. I. ,h. ,d.l| tZi.^'^ m t OCO M .very occupation and for all^ltnT,^ con^^nT- n-trttlv. component, of ,h. .SS^i uJ. f** element, .llmlnatenl. ,h*, he j*
      388 words
    • 364 11 iZ&jk jm\\ OILMEN 3 SiORES I CEOSSE ps By Special AND LI E Warrant BLACKWELL, W* MA J^' R Purveyors to I LTD H.M.TheKidfi^r mm wor sr p8 ISMAIL RAHEEM, "Sffgniii. 82-1 and bM Bran Rasah Hoad. Exhibit a channiiig collection of Gold and Diamond Set Jewellery in modern and
      364 words
    • 344 11 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home (or many yevs and are rapidly gaining similar popnlarity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" op to the murk. Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANESE DENTAL SURGEON. Conanlting
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 602 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS I—Miscellaneous1 Miscellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let. ar» inserted at the following rate- One Inserti B 5 J .20 per inch. Two 200 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 'Each subsequent month 15 per inch.) The
      602 words
    • 581 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bates Four Liner one or two insertion*, fI.QC By the inch, s«e of Chargea. FOR BALE. RUBBER EBTATE, 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stumps. Apply C. c/o "Straits Times," clO3 TURNOUT FOR SALE. Mail Phaeton in good order, pair of Australian horse*, double harness handsome
      581 words
    • 611 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Batm:— Four Line*, one or two insertion, fI.OO By the inch, >cc scnle of Charges. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 28 Sophia Road. c pply to 18-2 Prinsep Street, c 811 HOUBE TO BE LET Frankfort House, No. 1 Lloyd Road. Apply within. 665
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    • 642 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. B*lES:— Four Lldm, one or two insertion, tl. By the inch. Me Scale of Charme. OFFICE AND GODOWN TO BE LET. From May 31st the Office and Godown Nos. 3 A J Malacca Street now in the occupation of Arthur Barker and Co. Apply to
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    • 284 12 MOTOR CARS. Argylls. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. EXPECTED DURING MAY AND JUNE. Two 12-14 H.P. (4 cylinder) 5 Seated Argylls, Fitted with Magneto Price $3,900. Two'10 H.P. 3 Seated-Hewitts, Fitted with Magneto Price $2,300. Two 6 H.P. 2 Seated Rovers. Special Finish Price $1,600. ALL'CARS FITTED WITH HOOD. LAMPS. ETC. SYME GO«*
      284 words