The Straits Times, 28 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.352 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 28. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 559 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE SINCJAI'OIiK. W i_inliriiitly I'uriiislicil iVitli Klegant Simplicity Robinson and Company, sol agent S RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907. The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are thus enabled
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    • 80 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. SINGAI'OKE. Mni'i H i\ C'i.n-m i nM §Hmttgmmt i* MMM) ..ii.lui'ix-t.. MM mil MM COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. 7 MOUNT f-OL'HIA, now iead> W occupancy, tlioruiuiTity repaired and rapiiatetl throughout, tennis court bcin>; road. < locality, near town stablinji. Apply to the Methcdist Publishing
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  • 900 2 An Adventurous Career, ■Kiel; tmm" (Mi. Mi.,|.|,kK who is issuin K shortly tln.nij.l, My. Lmi, from an A.hentui.r's Life, has had a m ■MkahfecMwr. As ;i hag ha mm ban tiny Mm jjreat Mutiny. He m acquaint with Nai-H Sahib, saw Uh MlCHtafttM iiiiH c,f (Mb, and «M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 187 2 Miedelin Wi/res FOR MOTOR CARS. The UNRIVALLED TYRE for the TROPICS. 760 x 90 700x65 NOW IN SIZES: 700x85 750x85 1 STUIIK. 700 x75 LEVY HERMANOS. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY OKI •HARD KOAD. I -lust lvii. lei K\. Kortuuatus :>2 Hoi-**, CobH iiml Ponies in tint cUhh order, i Oret
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    • 91 2 A ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder ISO Middle Roud. Sole Ageut for Meiwrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London, c 218H Telephone No. 619. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BUEOM) Opposite WeHttjrn Kntranoc to Keppel Harbour, 30/- THIRTY SHILLINGS' PER TON F. 0. B. IN BUNKERS. RATE OF
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    • 207 2 IUSSEIXS AND to r.i: oht.unkp KltOM ail nOBB-KEEPEtui, McALISTER Co., Ltd., Qrmrwl Utpmmlaiitn. $350. Isropieal tßuilt Pianos BY LEAOING LONDON MAKERS. TIME. fftt ilr Ilslinpajr r>i %m\%. li,« rtai_i. PAYMENTS < i.. .-I-. A.-ti..,,. uan.isoinc iks,-,.-. i\,,,.. uici. SvQlSn TAKEN ''""erf,.! ftnsjaj I-kkk MUM Ykv,. VPUWW The ROBINSON PIANO CO.,
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  • 660 3 Personnel of the Team I'h. loHowiag an Hw pilmutf I aMtnbani of Mm Soutb Africiui Cliikit Train, whose miivHl in l^oiidon was MqpßMjM by HruUr. I*. \V.<ll, who is aUmt tw.-nu in>-yi-ai's ofn^<'. the i-apUiiii "I tbr vi< tori oils Soiitli Afiii mis in all
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  • 202 3 A yomiH Chinaman told nn old story at the Hongkong Magistracy, the other morniu«. The previous day he whs walking along a stm t. entry ing I huudle <.f clothes and an umbrella, when he was accojted by two Chinese, who asked him to jiawn two gold rings
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 A 600 D SUGGESTION. Mr. CH. Wainwri("ht of Lemon City Fla.. I'.S.A.. has written tbe luanufacturers that iinich better results are obtained from tin- urn' of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and l>iarrho>>a Keinedy in cases of pains in the Ktomacb. colic aud cholera ruorbux by taking it in water as hot
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    • 587 3 BODY AND LIMBS Like Ringworm— Soreness and Itching Almost Unbearable Doctor's Remedies made Him Worse Could not Work with Comfort. CUTICURA EFFECTS AJ>ERFECT CURE "Alwnt October of last year I noticed a small round ml patch on each ol my lower Ihiilm not unlike ringworm. It gradually cot M> large
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    • 325 3 MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. IK TOC IXTKNI) TO SELL YOl.'H LAND AND HOISE I'KOPKKTIKS. HOCSKHOLD KIHNITIHK. Ac. KIKST C'ONSILT (5. M. Fernandez Co., -A/LTOTIOIsrEE??.*?, Mo. 6 D'A/meida Street. Whose KATKssre the CHt:»ih>T And the Srm.FMKVMof AnnrsT* the Cb»h..i;s and CMMMi the UON Phomi'ii>t in Singapore THai Seng (80., SINGAPORE
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  • 647 4 11AFFLES HOTEL. II. >n Justice and Mrs I.t. (V>l. Sorocrvill' Fisher Major 11 De T I'lnllirw (VI 11. EL Johuston Capt A Mrs II Burton ol G. Wright Mr and Mra Leuoi Major 4 Mrs Ford Mr II Scott Young Major Mrs Ormiaton Mr C D Gr«en Major
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  • 119 4 The announcement that Dr. \V. Dobcrck will retire from the position of Mieutot af rlii i Mivcriniient Observatory directs attention to his lony connection with the meteorological work of this Colony. After nine years' labour as astronomer in charge of the < Ibseivatory in Markree. County Sligo, Ireland,
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  • 227 4 Forty- four Years with the Queen. QOMH Alexandra-, nio-.t intiinitc friend •ad lontulantc Miss Charlotte KiinllyH, com|Mm this niontli her forty-fourth year of -it\ ii<- with Her Majesty. The Queen was niaiiuil in Marcli. IH6H. In that month Mi>s Knollys beeaine her Ladyin WV.iting, ami from that day to this
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  • 1129 4 Amateur Theatricals Says tl» I. .pan I li „l M:,\ III: Alter a lesiu. ,1 ;w.U< pMH in Koln Mr. F. \V. -ihle. le In M.",s. KutU'irield aii I Snir.. ■u,i.- to KnglalHl on a year's li <..- ,il ab-. In the li:< >|>y days u
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang;. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills if Lading issued for ('.him Coast, Persian Oalf, Continental, and Amerioan Porto. Steamera trill leave Singapore on or shout MAIL LINE. Oulrard (for China). Delta June 8
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    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this oompany maintain a regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermasin, Palo Laat, Balik Papan, Koetoi, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai,, Marakakaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aooomodation for first
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    • 491 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 787 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NJXL. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line The fait and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonthamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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  • 192 5 A book is xhortly to appear by a journalist formerly attached to the editorial staff of one uf tht- Hongkong paper-. It hby Mr. George Manington, who. though au Knclislnnan fought by the wide of the Kipucli in the campaigiiH in Algeria and Tonqnin. It is entitled
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  • 132 5 for Per Steamer Time To IIOBKOW Kuaulau. l'eknn. KelAiilnn/fii'<</ 9 a.m. Rangoon Sam Y,.,,.i 9 a.m. ludragiri Uaj Tlnjr noon Mnar and Malar.-a Sultan 1 p.m. Djambie If I IBM 1 p.m. P. Swetteuham, A I'euang K.i/.nnh.d.i lpm. ltata\ia, "bon, Srau^i MmhMi 2pm. Sambas, I'ontianak ttatarin :l p.m.
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  • 763 5 Name, port, probable, date of arrival, and name of Aocnlt, Steamers. Airhe, Sydney, June 24 Boustead Ajax. China, Juue 9 Mansfie.l.l Alltiloclius, Liverpool, June 26 Mansfield Aragoiiia. Hongkong, July Beliu Meyer Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 P. A O. Astyauax, Liver|>ool, July i'j Mansfield Australien, Saigon, July 1 M.
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  • 53 5 May J7 Dun of Crombie. Itrit d'tr, Hnnkok, Shanghai Cachar. Kch str, Saigon Amhernt. Brit str, Poutianak Pahud. I nit str, Deli M Yedo Maru, Jap xtr, Sourabaya Zoroaster. Brit str, Christmas Island Verona, (ierstr, H'kong, S'ghai, Cbemelpo Kajah it Sarawak. Sir str, Sarawak live Long, Brit str, P
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  • 89 5 Wharves at which VeweU are Berthed To-day. TaMjona paaaa. Baht Wbart Bassis— Dagmar, J. W. Weudi. East Wharf Section I—Simongau,1 Simongau, Aldebaran. Sacr. 1 (flnum' Wharf):— Me Clellan. Sbction No. 2— Nil. S-Nam Yong. 4— Nil. ft— Charou. 6— Olaucns. 7— Bangkok, Verona,
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  • 112 5 From Kcnori— By the N. l>. It, ia4MM, due on May :U From China By the M. M. b.s. Touraue, due on Juue 3. Ooft S: April April April May May Mav May May May Mny Hay Hi •29 I 6 10 IS 16 ■20 24 87
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  • 37 5 Outward Ukrman Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Boon, having left Colombo, at 10 a.m., on the 26th instant, may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the 31st instant, at about no. h
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  • 1096 5 Under this heading the following abbreviations are nsed str. steamer sh. ship bq -barque sob. schooner Yot. Yacht Cm. -Cruiser. G'bt.— Gonboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United State* Fob. —French Ger. German j Out.— Dutch Ital. 'tajian Span.— Spanish Sar.— Sarawak; U.c. General sargo;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 283 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Maj til* -At the Store. Tauk lloai KUtiou. unclaimed gtxids and unserviceable stores, al 2 :i0 p.m. June I— Al 16 Victoria Street \alimhle rose trees, (minis ,Vr. and household furin lure, at 2-30 p.m i— At Stanmnre." Grange Kuad. valna ble t«ak household furniture
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    • 411 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY.CO..LTD. Thk steamers of this Company maiutaiu a regular service between Calcutta. Straits and Hongkong, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton. Swatow. Ainov, Shanghai, Chefno, Tientsin, Newchwang. YangU/te Ports. Formosa, .l.i.mi. the Philippines, Ac., Ac. Nteamers on (lie 4'alrutta, Straits anil HonKkoiiK Kun
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    • 483 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. tand HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The Companies' steamer* an despatched rom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China md Japan every week, and from Japan home rards for London, Amßterdam and Antwerp iverv fortnight and fi r Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 429 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. <'OM HIKED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8.8. COY., LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. tcri'iin IKMIlMIt; IPERTHI NORTH WEST (lslKUI(\ PORTS. JAVA AXD si lOKK Hcgulur Fortnightly Militias between Siuga(>ure anil Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port fnr tlie
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    • 255 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. !C P R. Canadian Pacific R?ilway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY To KIPOPE VIA CHINA. JAPAN. CANADA and in* UNITED STATES. Route from Hougkoag, rt.i Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Emprkss or Inmi" Twin s, rew steaR.M.S. "Emphkss
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    • 36 5 ECONOMY IN THE END. A lav doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure your cold and perhaps save a doctor's bill later on. it always cures and enres quickly. For sale by all dispensari. and dealers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 118 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, May 28. High Water. 117 p.m. lit 15 a in. Harmston's Cirrus. Haahay, s.c.« v. It oA. 5 p.m Wednesday, May 29. High Wat r. 11 52 p.m. 11 2.1 111 Hockey S.CC. r. 11.0..V. 5 pm. llarnistniis Circus. F.«itl«ll, SCC. v. Dulcii CM. Thursday, May
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    • 97 5 WEATHER REPORT. A'.imi.iNg Kerbau Hoipital, May 97, 1907 9a. m.B r. H.'tt r. Rkuarkh. Bar. 32 2J.918 2).815 29.881 Temp 89.0 89.8 84.0 Wet Bull, Ther 82 0 81.0 79.0 Dir of Wind s.r. s.e. s.f. Max. Temp 90.5 Mm Max. in Run 147.8 Torr rad. Ther Rainfall Nil Tmt
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    • 170 5 Singapore Tide Table. | May 28 to lava 3.) HIGH WATER. |j LOW WATER j Time "H'ght Time H'glit May i ora '"in ft. ins. hrs mm. ft ins. lIKSUA* .H io4sai 045a 94 4.44 a 2>J w M nAvaa ll.«»m 8.8 «.16m 0 2 >v mesiuyjv n.23a 9.6 5.20
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  • 549 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, MAY 28. L'nliko the various straws showing the direction of the political wind in Russia on the eve of its second parliament, the news emanating from the Portuguese capitil has come with startling suddenness. Beyond the announcement, early in May, that Senhor Luciano
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  • 574 6 The announcement that the Japanese have resolved to subjugate the aboriginal savages on the cast coast of Formosa means, we fear, a process of slaughter for the extermination of this debased people. Although forming a small minority of the population these wild natives occupy about half the country outside of
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  • 83 6 Consequent upon the visit to England of Prince 1-usl.iiui. the Middlesborough Amateur Operation Society, according to a Home exchange, is in an awkward fix. For some time the members have been rehearsing the Mikado," and, owing to the withdrawal of the license of the Opera, it was feared that it
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in tbix issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 14 6 buffaloes arc dying in the Uauu Luan^ Chicngrak district, to the North of Ilangkok.
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  • 17 6 The final remittance of the Singapore Committee of tbe Central China Famine Fund amounted to Taels 1,15H.20.
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  • 24 6 A Malay boy, of about nine years of age, fell from the Government Kuildiugs, Kuala Lumpur, on the 24th inst. and was killed instantaneously.
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  • 29 6 In a run of field mice, only ton yards long, in a ipiarry near Lincoln, there have been discovered the shells of .1.000 snails which the mice had devoured.
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  • 18 6 The Cuban Government, acting upon the suggestion of tbe American provisional Governor, has appropriated X'HOO.OOO for road improvements.
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  • 28 6 A IhmU containing six persons was upset iv a stjuall iv the Hay at Saudakau, on May 1, aud two persons, a Chinese man uud woman, wuro drowneJ.
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  • 36 6 The Master Attendant notifies us that the Port of Singapore is declared infected by the < urn r ii i ut tit. of I Jin nia for I iui ma Ports, owing to the existence of plague.
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  • 26 6 Senor l>ia/., President of the liciiuhlic of Mexico, has proponed that the 1 nitiil States I •overiiment establish a protectorate over all the Central American republics.
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  • 29 6 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday, the :ilst iust at Mi p.m.. to consider the Supplemental Cudgel. No. 1 of 19u7, and Hye-laws.
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  • 37 6 A proposal is on foot to hold a Japanese Korean Exhibition tliis year. The preliminary meeting of the promoters has been held last week, and it is hoped that the exhibition will be opened on August 1.
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  • 32 6 Iv \iew of the large inllux of American visitors which is expected this season. Harrods Stores, in London, have arranged to price everything iv their windows both in Knglish and American currency.
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  • 39 6 Thirty eight stall keepers at the Klleu l>orough aud Teluk Aycr markets were fined one dollar each by the Senior Magistrate, this morning, ou the prosecution of Chief Sanitary Inspector Maybew, for lihvih" their stalls iv a filthy condition.
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  • 52 6 There was a large attendance of members of the Chinese Volunteer Club and their friends at the club room in Roach Road on Saturday night, when the drama "Gumfifali" was |h -rlormed in Malay, by the Straits-born Chinese. The building was tastefully decorated for the occasion and presented ignite a
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  • 59 6 The owners of the steamer Progress, of I longkoug, have entered into a contract with Chop Kirn Eug Watt, of Sandakan, for the shipment to Hongkoug of their output of timber for a term of several years. The Process has a carrying capacity of 3,730 ton-. She will make a
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  • 55 6 At a meeting of the Kroutford Guardians, Mr. Haley, a defeated candidate at the recent elections, attended to claim a scat on the ground that the successful candidate, the Rev. Father Bacten, was an alien, and therefore not qualified to sit. The clerk said that neither Fattier Baeten nor Mr.
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  • 72 6 The Philippine Government, a few months ago, turned over a small island to the lepers of the Archipelago as their permanent home. No guards were placed on the island as it is far from other laud. Nevertheless, eight of the lepers have made attempts to escape. The coast guard cutter
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  • 72 6 The local fund for the erection of the new Methodist Church on For. Canning Road has now reached nearly $10,000, but this iv eludes $a,OOO which Bishops Oldliaui and Thoburu promised to secure. They will probably get this sum from America, but no other funds are expected for the purpose
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  • 86 6 Another instance of the superstitious faith in charms is reported from the Klong Samray district of Bangkok. An old man had his body made invulnerable to all wounds, cutting or other, and possessing a faith that knew no doubts, he proceeded to demonstrate the efficacy of the charm in a
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  • 87 6 A Chinese In iv iv Stiudakau has produced a splendid sample of cotton from their laud at PintoHsau ou the Kinabatungtin rivor, says the B. V IJ. Herald. The sample has been sent to the Government Agents in Hongkong to find the market value there. In North Borneo, cotton grows
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  • 82 6 According to the Daily Press, there are piculs of opinions concerning the report of the Hongkong Sanitary Commissioners. "Look at Singapore," one says. They have a Municipal Council there, and far more Chinese blectors than we have." But our Hongkong contemporary listens in vain for any comparison of the Singapore
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  • 459 6 Lady liessborou^h is giving a ball for tin Duke and DucheßS of Connaught. Dr. Travers, State Surgeou. Selangor. has been granted twelve month?' leave of absence. l'lie SujMriutendcnt of Civil Police at Sandakau lias been appointed Pnblic Prose cutor. Mr. Herbert Hiiiton has l>ecn ap|H>iuted. temporarily, a
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  • 62 6 A wire in the China Mail states that Sir John Jordan has notified the Waiwupu that a British syndicate propose to develop a copper mine at Tung-Ku-an-Shan. The capital is to he supplied by the syndicate and Chinese jointly. The gentry of Anhui protested aud demand that
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  • 122 6 A boa constrictor has beeu shot 40 miles north of Zaiuboanga by two American prospectors. Tbe skin measures 29 feet long, but Mr. WickersLwuu, formerly proprietor of the Inter-Island News, who took the skin to Man 1 says when tirst killed the snake lut-aaunu 30 feet, 6
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  • 21 6 Two Bengalis were fined one* dollar each by Mr. Cireen, this morning, for disorderly conduct at the shipping office, yesterday morning.
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  • 72 6 Mr A II Lee, a Socialist member ot th* Swindou Board of Guardians who spent a night in the local casual ward disguised a- a tramp. l>as been held by the guardians to have iliu|iiahnt-<l his inciutxTship. ami his scat hits Imi ii ilevUri'l vacant. Mr. !,<-.■ I, ail seul
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  • 147 6 In justifying the reproduction in its columns, in extenso from the local prtts. of the meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council, last week, the Times of Malaya remark), :—lt: It is not wfteu that the proceed ings at tin meetings of the Straits Legisla tive Council are of sufficient interest
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 FRESH SHIPMENT JUST LANDED. Tansan Gingerale. A NATURAL TONIC Bottled at TABLE WATER Takaradzuka, Japan. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., sole agents THE FIRST SCOTCH BUS DOING REGULAR SERVICE IN LONDON AN "ARROL- JOHNSTON ON THE ARROW SERVICE T|, e t t Works are hard at it these days ou H 111
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    • 248 6 Wilson Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our I'rcxluotiuDb are of tho highest possible AUTISTIC A TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE and are ku ami throughout the East as INCOMPARABLY THE BEST." In Photography, a a in anythiug else, "The Best is the Cheapest." SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted a umart Chiaene Salesman for the Piec«-goods Trade, Fancies,
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  • 236 7 WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER OF OFFICIALS. Government Troops Despatched. Kkltkk's Tk.lki.kam London. May 27. Heater's correspondent at Hongkong forwards information received from Swatow regarding a rebellions oulbrcak at Wongkong. in the Chinchew Prefecture. All the civil and military officials have Im<u assassinated and the Yamens burned down. (iuveruiuent troops are
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  • 156 7 Parliament's Distrust of the Shah. Km'thi's TaUMUM London. May 27. Iteutcr's correspondent at Teh ran reports that owing to the receipt of complaints of plundering by thw (iovernor of Luristau's irregular levies, tie.- Minuter for the Interior has informed l'arli:,iii"iit tii it tro'ip- are Iwing despatched to
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  • 113 7 British Government Waits for Definite Information. Kkutkr's Tf.i,k,;iivm London. May '27. Mr. Winston Churchill, l.'ndcr Secretary for the Colonies, iv the absence of Sir F.dward (irey iForeigu Miuistcr), in autwer to Sir Henry Cotton, Liberal M.P. for Kast Nottingham, said the papers relating to tho effect of the
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  • 53 7 ItsLTMf TBUHWAM l.ondo May 27 The Itritisl, Kiubassy at Constantinople has taken up the case of the Mritish steamer Kill in m. whish was strauded ou the west coast of Arabia. A claim has beeu submitted to the Porte for damages for the raiding of the
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  • 41 7 RtjtOTß'l TUrBMUM Loudoii. May 17. •lohaaoetbnrg report Um4 bmm t<-nth of th«< white miner. aafpHjad aadaqpMMMl on the U.ind ail now on slril-., The milling engineers are taking a. li.illol on the question of joining the strike.
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  • 34 7 IJnTKli's Tm.Ki.KAU London. May 27. The tornado iit Texas has had only a partial effect upon the market. Prices have goni up ten points on the general weather conditions.
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  • 27 7 RtUTEfc TtLL'.hA;: London. May IT. Pnu, F ■■.ivvi:uvdby the Duke ot 'ouua'iclii aul Lord Rebaftl iv puled tin. Household hrigado in London to-day.
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  • 134 7 The Sentence on Archie Campbell Reduced. (FlioM Oil: Own Coi;i:ksi'o\ukxt.i Pcnaug, May '27, 141 p.m. Ou appeal, the sentence on Archie Campbell, the well. known trainer, for au assault upon Mr. John McDonald, has been reduced from six weeks' imprisonment to a line of •ant On April
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  • 211 7 Successful Examination at Tanglin Barracks. Following a course of twelve lectures, given by Captain Hcwctson, at the f'auglin Itarracks, on the subject of Military sanitation, au examination was held, conducted by l.i, lit, mint Harvey, h.a.u.i at wnich tweuty-six non-commissioned officers ■i v, I men of the 2ud
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  • 610 7 Chinaman Appeals Against Conviction. On tin- complaint of the I'rolcclor of t Choiig l*\mn was convicted to a month 's imprisonment by the Third Magis irate on three charges of procuring coolies to work in .loliore. M lie was an unlicensed recruiter of emigrants. He was also
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  • 186 7 t CAMPAIGN AGAINST ABORIGINAI SAVAGES. A Quest for Rich Territory. RKI/TKN's TKI.KIiIIAM. London. May 27. The .lapauesf authorities in Formosa have resolved to enter upon a campaign to subjugate the whole region of the Kast Coast hitherto a terra incognito Im cause of the fierceness of the
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  • 597 7 General Meeting at the Chamber of Commerce. A general meeting of the Siuyaporc Automobile Club was held at the Chamber of Commerce at last evening. Those present were Messrs. K. Stevens, K. V. H. Kdlin, LieutColoue! Itroadrick, K. C. Kllis, W. Haffeudeu, N. N. Adis, J. A.
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  • 174 7 llarmstoii's ('irons performed to a crowded house again last night, and went through a varied aud lengthy programme with as much success as on the opening ni .hi Miss Marguerite, iv her hurdle vet, ami Mr. John Welby Cooke. iv both Inn jockey act and his feats ou
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  • 1442 7 OPERATIONS TO BE EXPEDITED CONSIDERABLY. The New Exchange. N < tluti the course of the next few weeks, tlio telephone system of Singapore will be operated from one exchange on a multiple in itch board, thus saving time to all subAbout half of the lines are now
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  • 284 7 Difficulties of Construction of New Road. The case of Loe Hoon Hoo v. M. A. It'Silva. I for *1.rt1;;.7n. as balance alleged to be due for laterite supplied tor the new Taujong Katong Uoad. was continued today before the Chief Justice. .Mr. U. St. J. Braddull appeared
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  • 203 7 (iuluni Mohamed sued the Singapore Opium and Spirit Farmers iv aY Supreme Court, iv forma paupcris, for damages for j alleged malicions prosecution. The case was called before the Chief Justice last week and Mr. Carver argued for the defendants that the action
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  • 83 7 The .Mercantile Dank ot faftiia, Limited, stud A. I! 15. M. lUiiiusaiiiv Clietty, Mr. .liihtio Fisher, this morning, fur 14.J2H.20, alleged to have Ikcii the damages suffered through a breach of contract mi the part of the defendant, in refusing to receive iimi.inni fWiaaaJial uuls for
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  • 88 7 An extraordinary plea was made at the Shanghai Mix«d Court on May 18, when thirteen of the ringleaders in the gaol mutiny of May 4, 1906, were brought up and sentenced to toruis of imprisonment varying from five to twenty years in addition to the periods they
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  • 170 7 GERMAN STATION ATTACKED AND DESTROYED. British and German Gunboats to Co-operate. Kkitbrs Tklbgkam London. May 27. Renter's Berlin correspondent telegraphs that the (ierman mission at Liuichau, near Pakhoi. has been destroyed. Herman and British gunboats have left for MM Pakhoi, where the gunboats have gone, is in the
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  • 201 7 Kkutkk's' I-oiklon.I -oik Ion. May 27. The death is announoud of Mrs. McKinley. widow of the late President McKinley, who was assassinated at the opening of the Buffalo Kxposition in 1901. \Ji McKiuley was born at Canton, OWa. in June, 1847. 'she visited Kurope in
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  • 30 7 [Kkutkk's Tklkobam] London, May 27. A party of representative Kuglish editors lias arrived at Bremen to return the visit of i editors made to Kugland in 1906.
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  • 37 7 ,I>kr Ostasiatischk Li.ovn Tkxk,)h*m Herlin, May 27. Another demon stratiou of French vine growers has beeu held at Carcissouc, near Touloune, in the Department of Audo. It was attended by '250,1)00 persons
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  • 29 7 ;I>KK OsTAKIATIsiHK LIM TKLKiiKAM Berlin, May 27. The reports that the itussian Governmcnl intended to allocate 1,600 million roubles for the construction of a aavy arc incorrect.
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  • 26 7 [I>KH OHMHOMi Lloyd Tki.k,.ram Berlin, May --'7. M. Pichon, tin French Foreign Minister, ias informed M. ttadowitz of the contents of the Franco-Japanese agreement.
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  • 16 7 I>kk OsTASIATICHK IjLOVU ThLKoKtM llcrliu, May at. A constitutional crisis ha* arisen in PortupL
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  • 234 7 i briiliH ut |nh. iii from the p, nut Mr. Kud yard Kiplvig Ma aypMMd ill Ha Ktaudi'd The following \rr-r-, .tie quoted in Th< \V..rl.| Hi, Saw <>f Mm v Moid lioth.t, Im tip, f M*a WssrHsja Ua good iwrt. I'.nl Hrn RaM of Martha
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 171 8 Owing lo the lute arrival nf Captain Molliueiix's horses from Australia, it is h and that the Klang Sky llaces. which were to take place at the end of this month, will have to be |>o~t|Hini d for sonic time. At the Hankow Spring Itace Meeting, lield
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    • 29 8 British Victory. Th« ltsttenberg Cup. often d foi mMOmM tion between the navies of the world at the Jamestown K\hihition. li.i-lm-n won by the crew of M.M.S. Aruvll
      29 words
    • 275 8 Daily Mail Competition. Tin- Ht'ureH lit thu I poll loam iu the London I'mU Mail IiiI<t I'uluiim! Shooting Coni|K-ti linn, to which wi- i t-tiTi'i <l yoHterday, arc a" follows Yard* 21KJ Ml <UX> Tl. Mr. C'auldw.ll :M) M 82 M Mr. CuitiH 82 88 M M Mr. N.-wiimii
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    • 429 8 Mr. Apcar'j Horses. There is, the Asian believes, some dutibt whether Aubcr will run next cold weather in Calcutta, an Mr. Apcar, after the colt'H recent •accesses in England, is iialf inclined to kee)> him there for the rest of the season, during which he has Home nice
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  • 76 8 Wiring from Shanghai on May 21. tincorreHpondent of tlio S. C. Morning Post luruislics a few further particular!* of the naval mishap at the Saddles. Hh says: -The French cruisvr C'lian/.v raQasliorc uear The Saddles yesterday. She lie.-i iv a dangerous position. The tugboats Alexander and Victoria
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  • 570 8 Apparent Endless Round of Gaiety Fkom Oi-k Own ComtF.sposimsT.) IVnaui: M.'V M Life in Penane m far removed fmiu that state known us dull as ditchwater indeed, tin round of ymtity seems to be endleHH. and yet there arc those like Oliver Twist" wlio cry out for
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  • 230 8 Shooting Competition on Empire Day. After taking part iv the parade of troops on Kiupire iMy. the Malacca High School Cadet Coi ps held a shooting competition at Itukit Selmkor Uange. for prizes presented by the Chinese Towkays of the town, for the encouragement of shooting. Jhe
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  • 241 8 JUSTICE AND COMPENSATION Trouble with Foreigners at Amoy. It lias uikiii yr.ii for lln Itritish Goteriiini'iit to toiii|>.'l the CUIMM iintlioritirs to give Dr. Home ;m,l Mr. Forbes Kiidie a little < imm|m nsutiim. It was settled bItWM the Taotai :iml Mr. OKiieii Kutler. ltritisli Consul, that the sum of
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  • 868 8 Increased Rates of Freight to Home Ports. |Fko\l Oil: OIVN CoKRK.SPONOKST). Snnrabiya, May 12. Tin-re lias been an improvement in the shipping trade in Souraltaya. Although the figures for last TCM have not vet been |.iililisln-<l. it is expected they will show a great improvement over the
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  • 58 8 011 the night of sth iust., a brutal murder was committed near Sandakan by a Snlu woman who cut up her husband with a paraug ho wan ho badly wounded that he died within two or three hours. There seems to have bewn no motive whatever for the deed,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 541 8 NEGRI SEMBILAN TIN. j" Output for April. The output of tin for April was 5.715.18 I piculs against MMJI piculs in March. I The value of the metal in returned at I »j81,0j4.5H. ou which duty antouting toil 972,497.5-2 wax collected. The average price of tin wm •92.92 per picul,
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  • 225 9 StsnAPoU, Mv -.'7, 1907 PRODUCE. •■Jaiubier i 6.63 do (Cube No. 1) unpickod 10/25 Copra Hali 10.4-") do Pootianak 10.10 Pepper, Black 1760 do White 5% 25.50 Sago Flour Saraw-.k 2.94 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sa«o 410 €offee Bali, 15% 1900 Coffee. Palembantj. 10% ba^iw 22.50 Coffee,
    225 words
  • 605 9 Difficult Operations Near Lake Tchad M;iii in us Ims ktm >•''•> iveil liy Itcntei ..t farther nulitin^ which ! take n nlaee with Tilmk bunds mi the Province «i llornu. Win n tlie first HWI ot the rijditin;- was hi eivi il. a 'iinntli Mga it was
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  • Stocke and Shares.
    • 318 9 Date of Number T-_«T p ;/1 forma, Cap.ta. Sub^nbrf J- B«n. Company QcoTATioas til ii 1903 1300,000 $400,000 30,000 10 tlO 1901 $600,000 $600,000 60,000 10 110 1903 £400,000 £850,000 350,000 1 1 1907 »400,000 $376,000 37,5000 10 »10 2,500 uniMUtd £60,000 £60,000 60.000 1 1 1906 £100,000 £90,000
      318 words
    • 321 9 1905 £150,000 4104.987.10 j 1905 j ,200,000 i 187,400 I 1804 j £30,000 I £11,128 J'JjJJ} j 1905 700,000 j 1610,000 7o!oOO f 10 9,000 unissued 1803 £70,000 £70,000 70,000 I I 9 000 uniMUftd 1906 ,150,000 ,125,000 12,500 10 1904 £12,000 £10,500 f*$ j I 1 i 12/6
      321 words
    • 222 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 7,638 12/6 1898 (225,000 (225,000 4,500 50 1865 110,000,000 110,000,000 i 80,000 1125 1901 »2,400,000 »2,,00,000 "•{JJ} »100 1896 •1,000,000 •1,000,000 I »100 834,000 •34,000 3^400 >10 mart nnn «a?< nnn f 8 000 100 1899 W75.000 J875.000 „7M %1()0 •600,000 $240,000 24,000 3 10 Jsua
      222 words
    • 29 9 Howartb Erskine, Ltd. 0% P rem Ri Hargreave., Ltd. 6% 225.000 *%l nm SingaporeXnicipa. 6% prem 4% 602,000 2% dig nominal Tanjon g Pa S arWco.,Ltd. t% S^prem
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  • 171 9 A gentleman who lias just returned from a torn- of inspection through Formosa is said to have remarked that the suspension of the Forinosau lottery seems to have resulted in a great loss of confidence among the natives, who have hitherto believed that the Gover-nor-General of Formosa was
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  • 235 9 It will be interesting to sec (says the Times of Ceylon) whether the mild decline in the price of rubber this year, as compared with last, will result in the increased consumption which the producer so anxiously anticipates. It has been said that no industry has made
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  • 150 9 A startling phenomenon occurred at 2 p.m. oil tin- 9th instaut, imn tlie Dulhapur railway station in the (ihazipur District, India. The sky was perfectly clear and a i-ts wind blowing, when suddenly a terrific explosion was heard, followed in a few seconds by another and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 984 9 THIS SPEAKS FOr ITSELF B**"** The Autocar, March 30, 1907. KEPOKT OF THE EXGIXEEK OK THE KOYVL vi'TOMOBILB i LIB OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND The 14 h.p. Star Car lias bacu iv continuous use for ilriviufi lessons and general instructions tor over THIRTEEN MONTHS. The car has run 10,000
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  • 221 10 Allegations of Presistent Cruelty. A public lneetinu of tlie natives of Madras was held iv South Beach. Tripliiane. 011 Mny li to expresHi sympathy witW the resentment against the persecution of ltritihh Indians in the South African Coloiiies. Then was a very large gatheriug. Mr. d. Subrainania Aiyei
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  • 75 10 The member* of Manila club, including the I','tish residence of the city, have decided to Imndon their present club house and construct a new building, fitted with all modern conveniences as a club, on Calle San Mareelino, facing the site of the Manila Tennis Club, which fronts
    75 words
  • 149 10 Professor Lowell, of the Flagstaff Obscrvatoiy. Arizona, who astonished the astronomical world by successfully photographiug the -canals of Mars during the opposition „f IMS, has in the March niniilier of the Proceeding* ol the American Academy of Arts ami Sciences" a pa|xr on the
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  • 172 10 lathe i -Blind, winner of tin- (iieat MetrojKilitan at KiisoiM. who is siiid to liave co>t his owner no more tlmi I'tll. is the lati st addition to the lony list of successful racehorses which have Ix-cn picked up for a |MiUry sum. The historic Kdipse. who
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  • 173 10 Tlir House ot IxiiiU ill Hh judicial capacity vat rivcutly under sonicwhat remarkable conditions. The number of le^al )>eers noi mallv accessible for judicial duty is eight viz.. the Lord (.'hanccllor. mid Lords Malsbiuv. AsldH.iinie. MnenauliU-n, .lames of Hen r.,1,1. BllhulW. Atkinson. and I'ollins. Dating the
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  • 1105 10 Forcing an American Ball on Amateur Players. An astonishing ibJmm I", afeat which has fm its oliji'ct th>' 111H1.t1.iM ii|m>ii r.ritish mnaUMiis a twdsliiiliui. American lull tlmt they ilo nut wniii. nu.\ of wiii.-li tlii'v liny.only just luanl. Some of tin 1 foil-most Miitish professionals liiivi Ihi-ii ilihwii
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 SPRAINED ANKLE, STIFF NECK. LAME SHOULDER. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Cain Halm is especially valuable. If promptly appliod it will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of tiic-e ailment-. Sold by ail ifo>pensaries and dealers.
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    • 550 10 BANKING COMPANIES. I HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital •10,000,00 c RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,000 i M1 000 000 Silverßeserve $11,000,000)' Rsserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. C. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. G reason— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq.
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    • 526 10 BANKING COMPANIES, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve.Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Res*rv e Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of -Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Corrent Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      526 words
    • 630 10 SALES BY AUCTION. TO MINING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, AUCTION SALE One Complete Set of VALUABLE BORING TOOLS (NEW). At The Mnrt," Now. 4 and I Raffles Place. Oh Friday, May 111, 1'JO:, at 11 a.m. Specification nmy be had al H. L. Coghlan V Co.. Licensed Auctioneers 1068 and Surveyors.
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    • 482 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S BALE Weduiiday Msy 2». at > p.m. »99 \tirs Leasehold land nnd house known a* No. 19 I>i.-kson Rood, area 1,924 ft. <Vuit rent SI. G. A. Fernandez V Co.. 1096 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE On W'tuday, May 29, at tJtjfjm. 1. Twenty freehold building allotments situate
      482 words

  • 309 11 What i~ that )iim'ili;i' mull r^L.tinii said Kilrs ..n Parade. 'II is Mm IllKllllll' l>ov< "I IN :'<■■• HM (..lour Serjeant said. What's l.itin' him at all. lit air.' mU lil.s on I'aiad.'. Hc'k ttin ready foi the low." the CoaMaf Servant said. "Me knows yanj;
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  • 146 11 ,i|.t;.in Kiui-t l-redetii U Klhhlcs. of Ilalliam Hull, near Ncwiitnrl.ct. eldest surviving lirother of the hit.- Mr. Ceil HtOOaa, died at lii- resideiui- last ntli fioin ilialnt.-s aJbt a loa« illness. Bon in IS.V 2. Captain UaMsm sii veil at one time in the lioyal Kii^iniiis.
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  • 293 11 vvinri, j, ih..,t. mri flu irhir Mil UOat in ii ■<>lc island on the fax- (if the ■labaf Mkiiv i»-o|ile umilil doabttaai |>luu)|> for one of the Cro/.ct k wliicli were ristiitlv liniii^lit into iiolit-i' O«riag to tli<- \week thereon of the Norwi-j,'i;m explminy ship I'nllieiiiie.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 225 11 POSTAGE STAMPS. The Stamp Businevs lately carried on by Meunrs. ('.A. Kibeiro A Co of Singapore i» now conducted solely by me iv my own Dame. All i Communications should be addressed direct to me here. Buying and celling rales free on application, (ico. E. Antlionis/., Sea Spray Colpetty. Ceylon.
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    • 423 11 ISMAIL RAHEEM, "SPS^um R2-1 .m. I 82-2 Bros HMah Koad. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set Jewellery in modern und antique design. Inspection invited. Waltham Watches EXACT AND DURABLE The Waltham Watch Company, a.* Waltham, Massachusetts, U.S.A., is the oldest watch manufacturing establishment in America and Ihc
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    • 157 11 "DOG'S HEAD" BRAND 1 ==fcfl jN*J Trade Mark. Registered \^vJ^j^^^ Guinness 0 Stout. A HEAD OF ALL. Why Suffer with Prickly Heat w MAYNARD PRICKLY-HEAT LOTION Will j>ive instant relit I f.\ few applicatious will coiui.ioU.-ly cure the most obtitinate aaaiti Price 50 cents per bottle. MAYNARD COMPANY, Ltd., It
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 569 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS I—Miscellaneous1 Miscellaneous Wants of Every Description, House*, Land, etc., to let. are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Eaoh subsequent month $3 per inch.) The above rate is based
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    • 621 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bates Four Lines, one or two iu««rtiuiis, fI.OU By the inch, see .Scale of Uh-.-|ii". FOR SALE, RUBBER EBTATE. 800 acres in Malacca. al9O Rubber Stumps. Apply C. c/o "Straits Time-," c 103 EMPTY HOGSHEADS FOR SALE EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS.) About 100 to 150 monthly. Apply
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    • 609 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rates:— Four Lines, one or two iuertions, ti.oo By tl» inch, >•• Scale of Chaise*. COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street. cBll HOUSE TO BE LET. Frankfurt House, No. 1 Lloyd Road. Apply within. 665 ROOMS TO
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    • 509 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rates:— Four Lines, on. or two inMrtioiu, 11. By tbe inch, see Seal* of Charges. FURNIBHED HOUSE TO BE LET. Ti be let. furnished. "Villa Germania" at Pasir Panjang. Apply Nieuwkamp, 1 Almeida Street. 587 OFFICE TO BE LET. First door of No. 1, Malaga
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    • 469 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. B»te»:— ut M.mth. IWfarlaak. .MilKHXiuant ui.iiitlK. &>. For shorter p*ri.-l- k« Btall atOaagm NOTICE. The undersigned is prepared to book orders for Rubber Seeds from nine year old trees, for 1906 delivery. Price on application. MANAGER. r 427 Highlands and Lowlands BATAM GRANITE WORKS. Till. OFFICE OF
      469 words
    • 363 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Rvio: i-i lioalh,awa«rtsrii. ».m—<iu"" MiMiitl,.. rarahortsi i^-ii.-l- nrals rf kaajsi GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders ill 1m- ivc-civk! at tin 1 Colonial >.. iaarjr'l Office, up to noon of Tune 17. li>n7, for the MsMTaaJ work i. Kaaaajai of :he Main Btoak :ma Out j ofricet New Matnnit\ llcspital. i
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