The Straits Times, 27 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.351 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 27. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 225 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. SINOAI'OHK. M*,mtu-ent!> Furnished. With Elegant Simplicity. CONDOR CEMENT. Messrs. C. Dupire Co. iw« March h, mm. I Dear Sirs. We have t'AKEFI LLY TESTED the san.ples cf -CONDOR' ctuitnt which we had selected from shipnitnts stored in your uodowns. THE TESTS I NIFORMLY SHOWED the
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    • 125 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. etLUZ^ mnL 77. Broai Basah Rood, SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in .11 HnT-i wiqqp w™JI OTEL WISSl Ti... Established in 1836. Renovated np to date. Splendid situation in the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palaoe of Governor General and Clnb, and in the neighbourhood of the
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    • 232 1 Robinson and Company, sol a G ent S RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907. The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are thus enabled to produce CYCLES THAT ARE UNEQUALLED IN VALUE AND GENERAL
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    • 17 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE SINGAI'OKi:. Hum biC— nmm»» ■rterilH! »>^r> as> HMSSMJ .-.-i..1u,-,^l. he.llli iii.l ,-..|i.(,.rt.
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  • 998 2 Mountains of the Moon. The Uo\:d ( Sociclv is about U> make an aniioMiiccineiit which MHWii that (ircat Britain is faced with the loss ,.f some of km most ahtfUMi Em4 AMmm territory. His to the effect timt ti..- naet NaaMaai of the Mountains of Mm Moon, hitherto
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 CARBIDE OF CALCIUM STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., It, BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE, c 759 MARTIN'S /^*l»'rrr"Ladie3.| JPJ[ EitfMi**^ t.-f h H >«dy for ill IrMulariUta n«ntu«< Ui «.^i Sn.ol Manilla l>.ll«|.i thn koi.«o «.'l..i tl" lorn y'i^..f -i.k.'« At II Ch."n!«i« .»<>»«. o l iJ' Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS FIREBRICKS.
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    • 199 2 CONGO Wropieal Roofing IS The Ideal Roofing for this Climate CHEAP! SANITARY! DURABLE VERMIN-PROOF The thickest quality (3 ply) can vow be supplied at $12 per roll of 210 square feet complete with caps, nails and cement For tixing. 1 The Borneo Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY ORCHARD
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    • 105 2 I ALBERT L. A. DALEY I Agent for Meeen. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., -London, 02m Telephone No. 618. V ¥/\¥T¥ T\ ¥7^¥T¥7* \j\\X\j\\j I 1 ULL R I 1 M \C CDC D U 1 > IV C I\ O Fresh Water Island (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppel Harbour.
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    • 296 2 EINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. ILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System againstDi&ease lift too lufWr of a.' BsaaTW W M^^fcfcW W IMr \i &\l H .\ji PronolH^id b^h?MIUMR^MeOICAU AUTrtORITkCS Elt^bll Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, ad £WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOC O. Fortify the System against
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  • 247 3 S«WI iii^-l n..ivc<l l.v I 8.1. S. N. t'j>K atauaar, lehgiaplHi Iwiim oot <>ff. is tliat Miiiilmt-in is praetioal] wnectoJ bj acyrl<>m At H o'eloah at sjgirt rain Him doWM mcoin panir.l l>y m\iic tlimiil"!- ami li^'liliiiiiy. with tin- wind MM«M Irssfiiin" in force. -ti
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  • 315 3 •A story of heroism of the sea. rivalling thai ot (iilliat ill The TMilersi.f the Sea.' hns us. beM enaiteil in the I'aeilic Oieau." said .Inhn I. Maines. a San Kninciseo hi, reliantIt is the story an intrepid sea captain who resiirrerted a sunken ship that
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  • 98 3 moden Sootcti in-Miance coinpiinies bavetetgO- linht with co-ojx'iative societies which promkei lo aflcct the waai* of Knyland. I'd I'jHTnUiis havini; started an insurance i i .mi h in Mill-In -hi aud avowed their intention ol controlling the insurance business ,:ll over the country. The insurance companies have replied by deciding
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 5 •■>••/ j Time Fosters .Painiuliy J f.r t ho. c who suffer from the li>i- (2 ture-j i>l neuralgia. The irdesenb- A G able pain nnj torment .t in;!i(.is JA i i«>'::cs sudilcrly, ami takes ail the A Milf-rcr's courage a;id loftves l:iir» weak. Just aa qalcUywfll relt'.f <
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    • 171 3 Chubb's Safes. SOLE AGENTS s HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. *r *•>>•«! ■>-?;> is-V.;i~ty Warrant to V^yL-i Kit- Kma. BOVRIL aaka Hi*- i. urii i L'l':"im',': i"'ii.'/.".'', '■>■'■«■ ■'"■I MM li :.-v- ;,ll I Why use painful and inconvenient injectious. when GONOSAN tnlu n internally is so much better for all urinary
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    • 345 3 f^^THEKINGorRESTORATIVES!^ o cc t tW coleman's 1 Why Suffer with I !£•<"' A s|>lendid tonic made from choice wines, ll^m Lltbt M^' >nd E>twct^ MAYNARDS PRICKLY-HEAT LOTION HasTr mm Medical Profession of the United Kingdom. IbTHD<T'« WsHCAnHIO has an unrivalled reputation of over 20 VM^Z/^m >ears as the finest tonic
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    • 615 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY, FROM JANUARY 21. 1907. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP TRAINS. 12 34 5 67 89 A.M. A.M A.M. AM. P.M. KM. p.J|. PM. P.* P.ssir ranjam; <l "41 »47 189 417 517 Borneo Wharf <i "51 957 149 427 27
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  • 312 4 i RAFFLES HOTEL. Boa .Tin- i<e and Mrs Mr K A Slovens Fisher Mr Holurt Wilding Hoa V Mrs Wilber Mr J C W Weber Col 11. H. Johnßton Mr A llammerberg 'Jo! G. Wright Mr A Pearce Major Mrs Ford Mr E (i H Hartnell Major A
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  • 329 4 Mr A Mrs B. W. Barr Mr A. H. Robertson Mr O. K. Ommberlin Mr .1. l'ctsrMr J. Mr T Drawn Mr W. G. R.iker Mr and Mrs F M BadMr G. Ku-i- delev ttr Smithers Mr mid .Sirs 11 Mill* Mr J. Balling*! M^MiUs Mr W.
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  • 261 4 •Tlic Kii>t Soi-ifty of Kli-nml Youth i* Urn imme of ,vi orgaainlioa just founded in Unra which hasfor its object the prolongation •>t life :iiid which pnpoaaa to tine every member who eeooMea sick. That tin association i> in earnest is eTI and by the fast
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  • 141 4 Fifty thousand dollars in greenbacks, to be Daad to payiug IkNMat expenws at liiiam. will be sent totliat island by the next transport. The greenbacks are from tl to $5 in denomination. As there is v shortage of small paper iiionry at the Sub-Treasury, the greenbacks
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  • 1386 4 Ceylon Journal's Interview with Company Promoter. What is n.;.i!;iii^ most gneral attention in Malaya just now rubber or tin'.' aidted the represent. .in.- of tin Times ,,f \l,.n ..t Mr. A. S. H.iv.n.lale 'of Kuala Lumpiii i now on hist way In London U> flout tw.. Compasha,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 731 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTaFa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan?, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills )f Lading iaaned for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Porto. Steamera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward {for China). Delta June 8 Marmora
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER. pa BANDJERMABIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermaein, Polo Laut, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermaain for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, KotU Waringin, Djelai, Marabahan. Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good accomodation for
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    • 485 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE, HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, China, and Japan. Homewardi, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and ouoe a month (or Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of
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    • 796 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mail Line The fact and well known mail steamers of thia Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naplea, (oonr.ectioo Marseille!, Naplea, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Peuang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagaaaki,
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  • 73 5 tor Per Steamer Tim* Tu-unaaow P. Swetleuhaiii. I'euang Ptrak 1 p.m. Palembang (i/thir 1 p ni. Batavia. ("hon, S'rang h'.drndale 2p m. Sarawak Rajah of Snraicak 2 p.m. Beugkulis. >i:ik. I'iik.ui 1 1 ••tiij I. rr 2 p.m. P.Hwetteuliam via ports Hye l.eono :i p.m. Sv<liie\ via |n>its
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  • 709 5 Xanu, port probable date o, arrival, and name of Agents. Sr;i^« STEAMERS. Airlie. Sydney, Juue 24: Bouste*! Ajax, China, Juue 9; MansfieU Antilochus, Liverpool, June 26; Mansfield Aiagonia, Hongkong. July-; Behn Mover Arcadia, Colombo. July 19; P. 40. Astyauax, Liverpool, July I; Mansfield Australien. Saigon, July 1; M.
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  • 102 5 May 25 Liudula, Brit sir, Penaug, R'guou, Calcutt* K. Kegeuts. Dut str. Batavia Standard, Nor str. Saigon HaViue Rickmers, Brit str, Saigon Btmrbou, Fch str, Saigon Sdtva, Nor Btr, Bangkok Hong Bee. lint sir. Peuaug Gleuogle, Brit Btr, Hongkong. Amoy, Swatow C. Apcar, Brit str, Peuaug, Calcutta Redang, Hiani
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  • 55 5 Wharves at which Vessel, are h io« T pO»"«« y g£ wb^s^^-sISSJ; Slil"*-t^feja^-iSSU s._rharon.5 ._rharon. 6—ldomeueiiH, Olaucus. 7—Zoroaster, Verona. «J-Ba%ern, M.»;husM-n. »-Outhrie. Jaui,w«h- WeAar-Cv har. lllrflL HIIUIII Ma,« WBAR%:-V.ruu' Sea Belle. T,, S,.u,k. Cattlk Whabf:—Nil. vessels im OK* DOCK!, Ai »«*t Doc. -'Al&Kran 1*" V^a Doc.: Wright Ho
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  • 71 5 Prom Kcaort— By tbe N. l>. f.. ».a. K.h.ii, ueonMaySl. _By M M -%0' "T D," Loft oiDfi»pore Duhiu Lou<lmi Arrival T^rl^! M v x. v Jg P*O. ft May !h pr" Si" m" v S May B I May Haf M May 6 M. M. May
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  • 48 5 f""\BAL^ "Q olt '»nn"1« »lld Ml 'v" f' ber dro P Jfi "J hl''«»P"«-« standard tlme oorre.pondiug to 6 a.m. (.reeuwu I. mean urne The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock uoou, iudieating Singapore sUndard time, ou every day excepting Sunday, whenj it is fired at on* o'olook
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  • 1161 5 Under this beading the following abbreria tiuus are used itr steamer sh. ship bq —barque sch. aohoocjr Tot. Yaofct Cm. —Cruiser G bi.— Guuboat Tor.— Torpedo (I. p. --Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— Uuitod States Feb.— Freuoh Cter.— Oermu Uut.— Dutob Ital. Italian Span— 8ps*ii»h Sar.— Sarawak O.o.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 314 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May. to Sale r the MUM I>-h-<- ami i njliiH. ami Machiuerv <>f ilia Kailaua Uold Milling <'n. I. ill., nil Liquid* li hi., lit in p.m. tt— At Kalanda." Nuhmui H.*l, miIiih M* i.-ak IhmmImM furuitmv at I M p.m. U the Mm, Tank
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    • 377 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N/VTK. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY lerviee in main Reeu Japan au.l Europe by tbe /IN-SCREW STEAMERS. OMttMl with tin' Imperial .lapim teut, specially designed (ur tbe Iiini|K-au Service, lighted throughtnctity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Secoud Class Paeiteugers, aud title. I with
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    • 496 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool outwards (or tbe Straits, biui and Japao every week, aod (rum Japau homewards (or London, Amsterdam sud Autwerf every fortnight aod fir Qeuoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. Cue outward
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    • 489 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. < OMBIM l> SERVlt'E OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD., THE WE8T AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. RKTWKRN MIl.HIMM I'l.KI II \OKIII WEST »isiKU.H> POUTS. JAVA AMI six. II'OKK Regular Fortnightly sailing between Siuga pore mill WeHtern Aunlralia, calling at Java (ao inducement offers), Derby, Kiu^'h Sound,
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    • 250 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P ~R~ Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TIIK NATIONAL. HIGHWAY To MJMH CHINA. JAPAN, CANADA au.l tL» UNITED IK4VML Koute fn>m Hougkong, via Shaughai. Nagasaki (lulaud Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria aud Vancouver, R.M.S. "Kmprpw or Ikiua" Twin screw steatt.M.S. Eui-rkhs c.r Japan
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 145 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, May 27. High Water. p.m. 10 1.111 llrtriiiHlnii'- rifllW Full M<h>ii. tf p.m. Tuesday, May at*. High V\nM». 11 7 p.m. KM, am. lUrinston's Circus. Wednesday, May 29. High Wilt 11 VJ pm. 11 2.) a in H.x-koy, B.C.C. v. K.G..V. I p .in. Thursday,
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    • 154 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Kkom May 27 to Jink •>.) HIGH WATKR. jl LOW WATEB Time U tflu Time H'glit May l |rH ng l""» >»'■> ft nR 10.21m 8.6 MSaJ 1.0 MONDAY S7 j 09 a y y J7 iumdat as 104 4 94 44a W V1 ,.,q I 11.58
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  • 15 6 Wl: On.--At tbe Government Civil Hospital, on May 19, Wei Ou, of Hongkong, solicitor.
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  • 891 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, MAY 27. The revelations of bribery and corruption which reach us simultaneously from London and Hongkong suggest the ijuery whether the English race is undergoing moral deterioration. Not for the first time has this question boon asked, and we regret to say that
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  • 12 6 All Ujlcyrarus published in this issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 13 6 A uumber of passengers from Sydney arrived on the British steamer Guthrie, yesterday.
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  • 17 6 A cargo of rice from Rangoon arrived by Wee Bin and Co.'s steamer Nam Yong. this morning.
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  • 18 6 The first automobile fatality iv Japan has just occurred near Osaka a woman was run over and killed.
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  • 20 6 Mr. Johu Francis Wcbbe, a local journalist, was, this Liorniug, granted letters uf administration of the estate of his son.
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  • 21 6 Yesterday, the Government tug Sea Gull, which went to Penang with the dredger Mud Lark a week ago, returned to SingaIWt'
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  • 21 6 From Zamboanga, Southern Philippines, there arrived, yesterday, the British steamer Stettin in ballast, on her way to Langkat for oil „r
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  • 26 6 It is stated that the tender of a Dutch syndicate which offered to complete the Huaugpu Conservancy at a cost of 2.187,798 tacls has been accepted.
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  • 31 6 Outward bound passengers ou the V. aud O. steamer Marmora had the pleasure of listening to Madame Albaui at a concert given just before tke arrival of the boat at Colombo.
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  • 29 6 Miss Mary E. Gawthorpe, one of the most prominent of the active Suffragists, who has been thrice imprisoned, will, it is stated, shortly be married to a Leeds gentleman.
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  • 30 6 Last month, the Cape Liner Arniadale Castle landed at Southampton gold valued at XI ,060,650. This is the largest cun signment ever brought from the Cape in a single ship.
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  • 36 6 Thirty-one persons in all have beeu arrested in connection with the conspiracy to assassinate five Korean Ministers of State the prisoners included Lieut.-General Vi Youg-thai, a high official uf the Household lJ«,')><irtuimt. and UiirUun othir uoUtbli
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  • 30 6 On Friday, May :il. tin Klv. .1. A. B. Cook ill j^vc a lecture, at the 1'rinscp Strict Church, on Morrison and his connection with Malacca and Singapore educational institution*.
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  • 34 6 It has tx n decided by the Uiissiaii C'uudciI of Ministers to double Hie track of tin Siberian Kail way. A second track will be laid between Atachinsk anil Irkutsk during the present year.
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  • 31 6 Duriug the three nuutiiR ended December II last, 471 pontons were killed ami HJM were injured in railway accident-, iu the t'nitud Staten. These uumbers urc larpr than any hitherto roeorded.
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  • 39 6 HU Honour .ludjjc Arthur Vjucunt. iu Mm British Court for Siaiu, oil the 17th inst.. ailvisi-il a ricksha coolie never a^ain to have a drunken luan n- his (arc. iiuless it whs to take him to a police station.
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  • 36 6 Viceroy Yuan Sliili kai lias offered a reward of *.">00 fur information leading t>> the arrest of the persons wlio placet! the blood stniiiH on ccrtaiu Iioiihcs in Tientsin, as recently n ported in these coluiuus.
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  • 34 6 The Sen Mew arrived from Port Swetteu t1.-1.111 this morning, with Hi- K\c-. Hem y the Governor, Sir John Andersou. k.< mx... Misk Andersou, Mr. Claude Severn. Mr. Spooner and Mr. l.yruc as passengers.
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  • 34 6 The Ijcgislutm- Couucil of Hongkong pro pone advancing 92,4;{M,00O out of funds in the custody of the (iovornuicut for tin pur poHex of construction of the Kowlooii-Cantou Railway (Hritish section) during the year 1907.
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  • 35 6 Owiuf> to alarmist reports by missionaries n HainaD, a British cruiser .mil American ;unlxiiit hurried to Hoihow early this mouth, l'lie Chiuese authorities had suppressed the rouble, however, which was a sort of ion njutiuy.
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  • 48 6 I !<■(■! c-atiuy residents in Bangkok complain of tin very tough quality of steak to be had in the markets there. The Siam Free Press understands that the shipping of prime cattle to Siugaporc still continues, and asks if souir of it could not lie retained for local consumption.
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  • 41 6 At the annual meetiug of the Yorkshire luMiira'icr Company at S'ork. Lord Weuluuk, the chairman, congratulated the shareholders that the Company had kept clear of the San Francisco busings*, which had cont the sharelioldurs of liritish coiujtauics nearly ten millions sterling.
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  • 46 6 By the will of M. Coinruercy, there has xcii left the handsome betjuest of .£160,000 iv the < Diversity of Paris for the advance >f scicntifie research, the interest ou the •apital being earmarked in particular for .he provision of scholarships t" be used with his object.
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  • 49 6 The Attorney-General has appealed tgainst the ac<]uittal of Mr. K. A. Stevens, who M charged before the Senior Magisirate with having sold native wines without i permit from the Spirit Farmer. The ippcal was to have been heard this morning, jut the Farmer secured an adjournment till Fuesday next.
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  • 65 6 The clerk, L. A. Kodrigues. fur some time employed at the Selangor Lake Club, who ibscoudcd ti on. the State affc:r having iorgod the signature of the Secretary of ihe Club on <-<t.;i'u cheques and wait arrest:d at Bangkok the other day, has been found >uilty and scutcrced by Mr.
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  • 70 6 Mr. Keue Lowell appealed against hi* ;<uivietion by the Senior Magistrate ou a :harge of obtaining credit in the amount of 1200, while he was an undischarged bankrupt, and the appeal was to have been heard >his morning, but Mr. H. Farrcr-Kaync-,. who ippearcd for the appellant, said that he
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  • 67 6 Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co. have -eccntly had electric fans installed through>ut their showrooms, and have also lit the whole of their windows by electricity. The mc show made by these well-lighted windows after dark is a striking contrast to iiany other business houses in the vicinity. I'lie installation was
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  • 72 6 A. S. Watson and Company, Ltd., chemists, uadc a net profit, during 1906. of IMMMjM, vhich, with i1,7M.V4, brought forward frotu ihe previous year, and deducting commission md remuneration amounting to $7,618.30. eaves 9102,482.67 available for appropria ion. The managers propose paying a further lividend of 4 per cent, (making
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  • 98 6 Shareholders in the Hongkong Peak tramways Company, Limited, have received 'he report and statement of accounts for the )eriod from October 19, 1905, to April 30, 1907. The nit profit for that period, after providing for loss ou subsidiary cum-,. iinouuted to $43,830.71, and after making xrtuiii deductions, the directors
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  • 123 6 That Bangkok mortality rate is very high it present, is a fact which is apparent to everyway. At all hours one may bee procession* }f coffius being hurried on to the different jemetories, while it is stated that piles are iwaiting cremation in various wats of the sity, says the
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  • 479 6 The Chinese Consul at Singapore is uu a brief visit tn Kuala Lumpur. Water from the Itiver .lordau was used lot the baptism of the Crown Prince of Spain. General Teraiichi. Japanese Minister f<n War. is to leave shortly on a visit to Man clmria. Lord Wleud.ilc
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  • 65 6 At the Supreme Court today, Chung Luug appealed against his conviction by the Third Magistrate ou charges of procuring coolies to work in Johorc, as he was an unlicensed recruiter, his Solicitor, Mr. Farter Bayncs, argning that uu corroborative evidence was given at the hearing of the
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  • 66 6 The Tientsin correspondent of the China Mail, wiring on May IH, stated that a cousign ment of 8,000 rifles aud 300,000 cartridges had l»een Hmnml concealed amongst other cargo in the godown of a foreign him at 'I m utah. The whole consignment was confiscated. aud
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  • 144 6 A telegram, from the Captain of the I' and O. steamer Malacca which left ousting for Hankow early on Sunday last, reached Shangnai on Wednesday morning i says thi N C. Daily Nowsi stating that Captain Newell was missing on arrival at Wuhu Captain Nowcll was engaged
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  • 144 6 Mr. K. St. .1. Itroddell incntioued to Mr. Justice Fisher, this niuruiug, the appeal of Mohamed Hussain agaiust lii-i conviction on a charge of using criminal force to a child named Baba, asking that the api>cal might be heard by tin: full Court of Vp|x
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 278 6 FO p Q I-J Regular 1 V JL-/ LJ 1 1 SHIPMENTS. I SPECIALLY PACKKI) Jonathans Bb "in. OITfOKT TRADK. Tholpson. Five Crown -SU Thomas Co., Jj" $6. 60 cts. AUSTRALIAN S'KHiKS. A Treat. l\ 1 1 LLu BATAM GRANITE WORKS. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Wauled, b) Mining Kngincer, poailiun us Manager,
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    • 229 6 Q*AMPk&&Appointment feJiP '~T H°IS MAJESIYTHE KING Caldbeck Macgregor Co., SOLK AGENTS. HOUSE TO BE LET. Westbonrne," Gilstea.l Road. (Tennis court under construction;. Apply to VI, HAFFENDEN. c 494 c/oSthi&Co, Wilson co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our Productions are uf tlie highest possible ARTISTIC A- TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE aud are kuown throughout the East
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  • 81 7 COMBINED PROTEST BY PEERS AND COMMONS. Activity of Legitimist Party. [Kkctkr's TkuMua London. May 26. A serious situation has arisen iv Portugal. Meetings ol the Chamber of Peers aud Chamber of Deputies wete held in Lisbon yesterday, when resolutions were passed declaring the present Government by
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  • 47 7 Renewal of the Trouble at San Francisco. Kmth:- Ti MWMI Ijoudon. May '2t>. The .lapauusi (lovcnuiont having complained to Washington of thu ill treatment of .lajiam'scrrstiiiiraiitUiM-pcrs in Sau KranciKco. Mr. Klilui U(K>t. SecrcUry of State, lias ordered the innne<liat<! iiiMxti^ation of thr diaries.
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  • 38 7 Great Destruction of Life and Property. [Baura'i huMiu liumlun, May -H. A disastrous tornado lias txxm experienced in Texas. Sevcuty IH.TSOHS were kilUil or iujurcnl. and there was considerable destruction of property tliront»l«ont the Htata.
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  • 79 7 ■MnMt'a Tmmmuui London. May 23. ML I'ichou, FiviieW MiuM'T for Foreign Affairs, read a mImMMI M the French Cabinet from the Amhissvl >r in Tokio to the effect that F.ane ami I Ml are now in complete accord with regard to the agreement which he i-on the|H»in( ot
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  • 53 7 |{kiti:i:'s iHMiI London. May 2.">. The Czar has received Mm .lapanese delegates to the Peac CoufcieMec, who are passing through St. MonMMJ M their way to the Hague. jI)KK OsTASIATISCHK LLOYD TKLKIiISVM Berlin, May M. The Czar ha- received in audience the .lapauese delegates to
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  • 46 7 Kki/tkk's Tk i: v\i I London, May 2t>. The crew of the steamer Kilbin-u. wrecked on the west coast o'. Arabia, have arrived at llodcidah. A salvage steamer is standing by the Kilburu. The Turkish authorities are despatching a gunl>oat to MM -\»>'
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  • 50 7 lin i Kit's IWHll] London. May 2K. At .i in '(tiiiu of MM French Cabinet, M. I'ichiin read a reply from the Moorish Oovornmont promising satisfaction to all thr French demands. The French Minister at Tangier liuk IMMVMI instruction^ M insure tho eflVcti\e. accomplNhmtut uf promise
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  • 34 7 'Rr.rTF.B' TELfiiRVM 1.-inrimi Miy '_'•>. The CwMMMMMC "I the Supreme Court tit Missouri lias recommended that the Standard Oil Company should be ex|ielleil from the State, together will all its tributary companies.
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  • 21 7 liuiidtin. May ItIt is understood that the Kadical Government con -iiln the IrWi Government Bill as dead.
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  • 30 7 Dm OnmMß Lloyd Thlm.kam Berlin. May U. The Czar has MMbtJ numerous sympathetic i > <i.iiin'ini>v«tiii.|--e.mgratulating him upon Hit. ICMutattiuH i.l tin. I'lul to .i.xi.iBate In in.
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  • 445 7 An Assistant General Manager Wanted. The following advertisement appears in The KnyiiH-i'i ol April *2fi: Assistant General Manager r< ■jiurcl fur tin Tanjong I'agar Dock lioanl in Sing.; pore and I'cnang. comprising ikWH ■EMriM docks, and machine shops. It is not imperative that applicants should have technical
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  • 525 7 Sir Frank Swettenham Praises the Management. TIhj first ordinary meeting of the i;,il.l». i Kstatcs af .luliorc. Limited, ns hold at tlif I..1.11I1111 Chamber of Commerce. Oxford court, Cannon street. K.C.. on .'tOtli ult.. Sir K. A. Swetteuham icliairman uf tin company 1 presiding. Tlit Cliairmau.
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  • 165 7 I'ulouul A. M. MiWjfi in liis mil liuuk, lin I i ial Outpost <. luis a Hex* I itial tit -.iy about on i f'ortresrtfs in the lvi Ku»t. Singapore, w i tli its uiaguiticcnt sliippiug li-t rouses his enthusiasm, but he reserves hi, very bust praise
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  • 110 7 BRITISH DRAGOONS CHARGE A CROWD. Strike Demonstrations Prohibited. Km tkk s Tki.khkam. London. May ••*">. Four hundred men of the Second Battalion of the Cameron Highlanders have arrived on the East Itaud aud Ml of the Second Batta lion of the Bonier Itegimcnt on the West Rand
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  • 291 7 [Kkutkk's Amman Iji mi Inn. May 20. The dcatli is announced of Colonel Thomas iJeaue, the Agent in Km^ for the I "ivi ■rni i ii hi of I ml li Army Stud*. Huntsman. sportsnianand military veteran the late Colonel Thomas Deane, C.8.. has at
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  • 39 7 ;Kkutkr's Tklkiiram London. May 2t>. At the openiug of the Finnish Diet, the Address iv reply to the Speech from the Throne declared that internal independence was necessary to the fulfilment of Finland's mission and civilisation.
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  • 170 7 The Chinese fast cruisers Haiyung and llaicheu have been ordered to visit the is lands of the South I'aciKc. Tongkiug and Siam, wherever Chinese congregate, in order to show the Dragon flag to them and convince Chinese in foreign colonies that the paternal Home Government
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  • 232 7 The Cadet Corps of the Peuaug Kroe School celebrated Empire Pay by parading on the Esplanade at 7 o'clock in the morning. About fifty members of the Corps turned out, and a fairly large number of spectators gathered on the Esplanade to see
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  • 78 7 The King ami Queen of Deumark have I c jnimenced their tour of the principal Courts 1 of Europe by a visit to the King And Qnoen of Norway at Christiania. It is understood that their official visit to the Russian Court at St. Petersburg has been postponed uctil t
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  • 1099 7 WHOLESALE ADULTERATION MADE E\SY. Drastic Reforms Required. ißv Oil: Special Commissioner, i Tlierc is not an article of food aold in Singapore which in not capable of being adulterated in some form or another. This Ik a ptatemcDt that is startling enough in itsi If. yet when
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  • 333 7 Precautions taken by Singapore Authorities. A correspondent wrote to us as follows under date 23rd instant May I enquire whether, in the caau J a person in Singapore being iofeeted with tha bubooic plague or any other infectious disease, it ih compulsory, under the existing laws, that such
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  • 473 7 Crowded House on the Opening llai-iiisuni Circus Rave their opening performance liefore a packed house, on Saturday night. Colonel Bob Ijove. the futerprisius; manager, has a reputation for introducing improvements in his programme •a every occasion he revisits Singapore, and Saturday's i>crforuiauce fully sustained that well-merited reputation. Sonic
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  • 192 7 In their circular dated the 27th ultimo. Messrs. W. .1. and 11. Thompfon write Para. DWWJ MM carlirr part >if Mm t >r" ni^h* the .Market was tiruicr »n<l Hard MM Kiuc Sjiot aud forward delivery advauced t<> 4 11 ami.') respectively, but owiuy to advices of
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  • 38 7 The reward (or the arrest of the murderer of Bwi Abdul K»<l«r lihs Iwru ium-ased to f j.OOObv the 'I- i-j-iti«.n into tlielis'il ml Mw {•oMte ul *v MMitioaal .ntu <>t V.OOl) liy Syed Om«r bin Muhimid Ali^goft.
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  • 266 7 LANCASHIRE DEFEATS CHAMPION COUNTY. Notts and Surrey Leading. Rrctkr's Tki.k«.ram London, May 2ft. In the County Championship, Sussev has beaten Hampshire by ten wickets, at ChichoHtcr. Playing at Leicester. Notts beat Leiccs tershirc by nine wickets. An exciting match was played at Man cheater between Kent ilast Heasou's
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  • 107 7 DhK OsIAsIMIS, HK LMMI hMMW| Berlin, May 2ft. The Italian Government announces that it requires the addition of new ironclads to the fleet. A sum of 2<>0,U00,000 lire will bo expended. A telegram from Rome, dated May '■'>. states: -The new Italian battleship Kegina Elena
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  • 61 7 I Dkb Ostasiatichk Lloyd Tklegrax] Berlin, May U. The Japanese warships Chi tow ami Tsukube, which have been on a visit to the United States, and are now proceeding to Kiel, will visit Bordeaux next tuontli. It is expected the United States squadron will visit Bordeaux at
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  • 48 7 DkR OsTASIATISCHK. LIoYD TbLKOR AM Uerlim, May 28. The King of Siam is spending some time iv Switzerland. His Majesty will then go on to Baden, which he visits as the guest of Herr Krupp von Bohlen Halbock, Herr Krupp's son in law.
    48 words
  • 38 7 I>kk OHMMMM Ll«yi> Tklkuraw] Berlin. May Tlie Chiueae Bank pays a dividend of pur cent only, carrying 400.0C* mirks to an extra reserve fund Tin iiermau \sian Biuk piv a #rUas4 nf 9 per I'ciit.
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  • 26 7 DBOoMinm Uwi Tmumbmi Bcrliu. May M. The Duma hat passed the expenditure vveiiuen niillioii roubles for the relief of th.famine in MMMfc
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  • 29 7 i|»KR OIIMUIMH Lu>Yl> TkLKHKAM Herlin, May Jfc iHiuioDstralious arc being held by thr Kreucli vine growers on account of the bad state of the wine business.
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  • 30 7 [Dm Ostasiatiscuk Lloyd Tblkobam Berlin, May 23. strjkft of bailors lias broken out in PretiKU. !h' h'l-H Of tru. North 'i.nuiu Ltoyd 4Tti aH~ t*'t
    30 words

  • 1889 8 COMMENTS ON FLOTATION OF THE STRAITS LOAN. iKkom (Mi: Own Coi:kksi i Ij'miiliui. May 4. 01 Urn nsmfiOß Stmfei HhHmuiili Onvitruuii'ut Lorn, Ih wWak letu-rs of allot muut were ]>osUsl at the bet-inning of the last wk in April, only about oik- half l<> be imak,
    1,889 words
  • 157 8 An interesting musical evening took place at the Teutonic Club ou Saturday niyht. in connection with the Singapore I'hilliariuonu Society. The spacious hall wan arranged attractively as a drawing room. An excellent programme hail beon arranged by Mr Frank Whitefield. Secretary of the Society, to whose efforts
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  • 140 8 The tie fur seeoud place In the fir,. MMiag drill at the Hi i K ade Competition on Kmpire l>»y wan playtxl off on Saturday afternoon. team No. winning by ouetiftli of a ttecomi only. The jet ball contest, which <larknes« put a Ntop II- on Kri.lay.
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  • Sporting Intelligence
    • 69 8 Ti-lrnr:ipliu- chests matches will be played Utuevn the Hoiim.- of Commons and the I'arliuuient of New Zealand, aud between the University of New Zealand and the lvi versities of (treat Britain. During the three daya' racing at Shanghai IIOM4I pas,eil through the Pari Mutuel for |>lace-betting, ♦'.»9.24.'i
      69 words
    • 247 8 S. R. 0. (v). The S. H. K. (v) Monthly Handicap Shoot took place on Saturday. Both wind and li^lit were unfavourable tv »ooij Hhontiug. The scores were A. Class. Supper lilackstone 78<-20 9H Lm A. M. Thompson 84 +10= 94 Corpl. K. W. Chafer 88 88 B. Class.
      247 words
    • 491 8 Police R. C. v. S. R. C. The IhMM Recreation (lull mot tinI'ulice IhMMI Club on tlie S.K.C. pMBl on Saturday afternoon in u cricket iimuli. The scores were an follows I'oLKK hnuiM c'llb. 1st Inning*. 2si> fanBHa. Sproulo cCockburn b Alvis 20 Stui u| H-0 (ialisUu IG Nnh
      491 words
    • 43 8 Local Tournament. In the V AI.C'.A. U-unis tournan:eDt, on Saturday, C Edmett, beat, I{. D. Stafford, 6—4. 6-- 8, in the "A" Class Single*, and \.<m In and G. Hoisingtou boat Mipham antl Durham. B. 4— ti, e— :l. in the Double*.
      43 words
    • 58 8 National Union Cup Tit. There was to have been a match between the Kathol Karb and the Darul Khir on the Beach Road ({round, yesterday, but. forsi.ine re;.s<)u or other, the latter team failed U> turn up. The match was declared to have been won by the Kathol
      58 words
    • 69 8 Singapore Oolf Club. The May .Monthly Medal of this Club wax won by Mr. H. A. Manon with the excellent not Hcore of 77. The. followio^ cauls were returned: H. A. Mason 48 47 18—77 H. <_'. KliriMifcN jl 44 t 10 79 \V. M. Simo Ki 41 J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 328 8 IBERSAWAH GOLD MINING COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE I* HKH«BY IMVKN THAT AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEKTIN(i OF THE COMPANY. »ILI. HE HKI.D AT THK COMPANY'S REO18TEREI) OFFICE GRESHAM HOUSE, BATTERY ROAD. On Friday, May :J1, 190T, Soon. (i r the purpose of considering and if thought I lit. pawing as an extraordina-y
      328 words
    • 163 8 -'■^s±mmmcjf >.. t 3 _Ml«u»Lm»» n .....rni_ kj '^5 JEFFREY'S i Edinburgh Stout. "CASTLE" Brand. SPECIALLY BREWED FOR THE TROPICS. lligkly lttMXMumatMlnL Price $12 IVr 7 (st-vciil (iii/eii Tints. OF ALL DEALERS. Sunlight M Soap Makes Homes Bright Jf Sunlight Soai 1 possesses II Hf unique lathering properties and
      163 words
    • 80 8 REWARO. A rfuai.l „f .>25 vwll hi ftii t.. invunr vin >i infoniiaii<iu us will I. K.I t., tli.- „,,n „-ti..n f ("i-"" «lm tin- |>lab- t;la»» Hiod<> w the Orit-ntal TMaptwaa an.l Kl«tric Co. i I"*" 11 Hill Suwi |mb| Me>«rn. Whitiv v l.aicllaw ...n mmlowii! by throwui)-
      80 words

  • 224 9 Sixi.apokf. May M, 1907. PRODUCE. >KQlbier 8.611 do (Cube No. Ii unpiokcl 10.25 Copra Bali 10.4.» do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper, Black 17.60 do White 5% UM Sago Flour Sarawak 2.94 do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sa«o 4.00 Coffee Bali, \s°' o 19.00 Coffee. Palembang. Ml basi-. 22.50 Coffee.
    224 words
  • 480 9 To the new -ittings of the Judicial Committee, which Ugan on April i.\, the Colonial Conference yi\cs an added intf-i-st. Tin number of Colonial ap)M!als is unusually small. Only tin arc i -ntcred for hearing: luci aTC from Australia, the lemaining three •ominn tiom New
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  • 192 9 The Laiutit ]Kiinls out that then i-, a daily test U-iiid larrird un (no doubt unwittingly) by at loast one of the motor oimiibus.companics whuli soems t<i be faithfully recording t'n fact that the air of the London streeis is not so clean as
    192 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 333 9 Date of format- Capital Subscribed ion 1903 1300,000 j tdOO.OOO 1901 > MOO.OOO »600,000 1903 £400,000 £350.000 1907 t400,000 »375.000 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £90,000 1905 t150,000 199,000 1906 £120,000 £120,000 1906 > 9450,000 1337,300 1906 I £250,000 £145,000 1904 £120,000 i £98,000 1905 £27,000 £21,750 Share, j V>lß<
      333 words
    • 316 9 1905 £150.000 *104. M 7.10J{ j\\ J 1905 |800 ,000 M 7.«0 {M" 9,500 uninned 1904 rm i y 1905 700,000 Ml 0,000 70,000 JlO »10 9,000 unissued 1903 £70,000 £70,000 70,000 1 j£ 1 9,000 unimued 1906 $150,000 1123,000 12,500 $10 JlO 1904 £12,000 £10,500 j\\ 1905 £75,000
      316 words
    • 215 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 7,838 12/6 12/6 814.11.9 Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd 1898 1225,000 1225,000 4,600 »50 150 112,500 Fraser 4 Neave. Ltd. 10,000,000 a) 1865 (10,000,000 110,000,000 80,000 1125 $125 11,000,000 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 250,0006 j 1901 J2. ,00,000 »100 »100 40,000 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 1896
      215 words
    • 41 9 Howarth Erekine, Ltd. 8% $600,000 3% prem Riley Hargreavee, Ltd. 8% 225,000 3% prem. Sintjapore Municipal 8% 400,000 20* prem 1,878,000 2% prom. 4% 602,000 2% dig nominal Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 250,000 3% pram 5% 1,050,000 par.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 28 9 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co., Ltd. Electric Fans TABLE, BRACKET, and CEILING PANS. Speciality s CROMPTON PUNKAH PANS. LARGE STOCKS. LOW PRICES. Electrical Department Telephone No. 362. 3 BATTERY ROAD.
      28 words
    • 858 9 yyASSIAMULL ASSOMULL AND CO. LARGEST INDIAN, CHINKSK \M> .IAI'ANKSK SILK, JEWELLERY AND CLRK) MERCHANTS, 1, 2, 3 4, HIGH STREET, (Also at liie Grand Hotel de J'Europe). We have just received a large consignment of goods from India, China and Japan, comprising all sorts of Silks, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Jewellery,
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  • 858 10 The Curing of Rubber. Viscount .Moiitiuorrcs. K.1..S.. the Director .if tin' Liverpool Institute of OmMrU ■muoii in tlic Tnpiea, eaaiaaied mission to the <iolil Coast jind Lagos in the autumn of last year. ihM 1"' studied the OHM and rabbat IllJ—tllw of the country. At tlii' Lagos Agricultural
    858 words
  • 138 10 The cm ions custom of krvluild tenure still prevails nt the faiuuns abbey town iv the Lincolnshire fens, where there Hie a uiiinber of cottages which are neither copyhold, freehold Dor leasehold. They were originally built on waste land, and iv each MM the possessor
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 603 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital n0.000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 i Silver Reserve »11.000,000f ***** 000 Riserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst. Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq. A. Fuch«, Esq.
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    • 575 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Wednesday May 29. at '230 p.m.— 999 years Leasehold land and house known as No. 19 Dickson Roe/1, area 1,924 v ft. Quit renttl. G. A. Fernandez Co.. 1098 Auctioneer*. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURK, 4c. To be hi !d at Kimi.wokth, No. 30, Barker
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    • 609 10 SALES BY AUCTION. TO MINING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTOR*. AUCTION SALE nr VALUAbLE MIXING PLANT (NEW) At The Mart," Nos. 4 and Raffles Place. On Friday, May 31, l'JO7, at 11 a.m. Comprising 1 6 h.p. Vertic«l Tubular Boiler. •2 Complete Blacksmiths' Outfits, including Forge, etc. 1 ton (abju'l I Ootigon
      609 words
    • 425 10 SALES BY AUCTION. TO MINING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, AUCTION SALE One Complete Set of VALUABLE BORING TOO. r .S (NEW). At The Mart," Nos. 4 and "> Raffles Place. On Friday. May 31. IMT, at 11 a.m. Specification may be had of H. L. Coghlan V Co.. Licensed Auctionevrn 106
      425 words
    • 583 10 INSURANCE Companies. MAGDKRIRti KIKK INS! HANCE CO. (Bm mm A. I>. MM.) The undersigned, agents .'or the a bine com psuv, are prepared tv a-.vepl Kir«- Risk* at current rates. 891 BEHN. MIIVKK 4 Co.. Lid. NORTH ISRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSI KANVK id. Subscribed Capital Jt2.7i0.000 1!< M-mie JtJ.oai.Ol4 19
      583 words

  • 848 11 SEA- GOING TRAINING. Return of the Port Jackson from Experimental Voyage. Alt' r ."I BaMMe of ten months, dining which riie has cir< iiiniiHvigHtcd tlir globe. tli<' Pull Jaekaea on April '2'\ returned t«i Hm West India Hoiks, and the day pnrioam Ht Mm QiwiIimIj Oomt '>t' the Marine SiH-iitv.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 116 11 AN AMERICAN REMEDY. Than is probably uo medicine manufact in tit that can be found iu more homes in the I'nittd State* than Hiamberlaiii's Colic. C'holcia ami Diarrhoea Keu-edy. It kas been in pMMtal use for over thirty years and each wmBO&mkvt o|iiliinic of diarrhoea and •lyxMitcry diiriu^ thi« time
      116 words
    • 422 11 M>.u». 0. j. tfcrmeH 00. jo offor iholr wn/cM mm feOtNTS iN EN. LAND. Lntmiillxhcd In IB**, lhay haro a thorough knowloapo vf tho mtarkoia, and axpmrlonco ol taalarn roqulrotnonta Tho haada ot tho Firm giro poraoml amporriahtn to all bualnoaa, and ml. It confldonco Invlto tmoao rouvlrlng RE lABS.E
      422 words
    • 506 11 ISMAIL RAHEEM, °"Sui EM 82-1 and %%t Bros Ha-ah Koa<]. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set o MI Jewellery in modern and antique de«ign. Inspection invited. 7§ropiedl SBuilt BY LEADING LOHOOH MAKERS. TIME. Iv SOLID Maliogauy Cases. Full Scale, baa Fraiiu*!. JfStk WH PAYMENTS Check-Action, Hamldome Designs,
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    • 147 11 XlJai Seng 60., 2MTTE YR0 s| NS APORE TAILORS, OUTFITTERS,.*, GENERAL DRAPERS. Just Received Dressing Cases Helmets, Hair Brushes Leather Belts Cloth Brushes Ladies' Washable Belts *jj# Tooth Bruslie> Vinolia Soaps Razors j Sock Suspenders Pocket Knives I "DOG'S HEAD" BRAND i fell fe& Trade Mark. Registered \&^f&&y^J Guinness' Stout.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 516 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVEKTISEMENTB 1 Miscellanecns Wants of Every Description, Houses, L»a i etc., to let, are inserted at the following rites One Insertion S 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 8.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 15 per inch.) Th 1 above
      516 words
    • 579 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Kates :—Four I.itm«. on* or two inMrtions, tI.OC Bj the inch, >m .seal* of Charg**. FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATE. 800 acres iv Malacca, also Rubber Stumps. Apply C. c/o "Straiu Times," c 103 EMPTY HO6SHEADB FOR SALE. EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS.) Aboot 100 to 150 monthly. Apply
      579 words
    • 559 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rath:—Four Lino, on* or two inMrtioni, fl.lV) By th* inch, »w> Seal* of Charges. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street, r 811 HOUgE w- tTI w ,r, jo j a i Frankfurt House, No. 1 Lloyd Road.
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    • 490 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD.; Rates:— Four Linen, on* or two insertion., ft. By th« 'Th, m* sc\U ot Charfw. OFFICE TO BE LET. First floor of No. 1. Malacca Street, newlyrepaired, lately occupied by H. Brains A- Co. Immediate entry. Apply to E.Meyer Co,, Ltd,. 1 Malacca Street. 1007
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    • 275 12 MOTOR CARS. Argylls. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. EXPECTED DURING MAY AND JUNE. Two 12-14 H.P. (4 cylinder) 5 Seated Argylls, Fitted with Magneto Price $3,900. Two^lO H.P. 3 Seated-Hewitts, Fitted with Magneto Price $2,300. Two 6 H.P. 2 Seated Rovers, Special Finish Price $1,600. all:gars fitted with hood, lamps, etc. SYME GOap
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