The Straits Times, 25 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.350 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 25. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 256 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. siNO.M'ui E H :itli V Vu!i Kle^ant S. \> city. CONDOR CEMEN T. HP MeSSfS. C. DupirC A CO. M^MK, March Li. Wk I hear Sire. We have CAHEFILLY TESTED the sampU- <•■ CONDOR" cement which we had selwteO from shipments stored in your goduwns.
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    • 517 1 Robinson and Company, sol a CE nts RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907. The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world. equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are thus enabled to produce CYCLES THAT ARE UNEQUALLED IN VALUE AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE
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    • 21 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE UOAPOBS. llm.i mn iv o—l Ml rsM .•Hrrini!»>r'> .i.l> .Hit ,11. MP.-.'«-it> .■.■n.ltl.n.M.. saaltk iimlmi
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  • 1632 2 Dream of the Ship's Doctor Sliijw" d.xtors hit tin- |„v yon, Isniila ulolx- tnittiny biiHii»>HH iiihii. "This inorniuK I hud letter fn.i i. of th>in. an 01, l friend. Ho'h ships siirn«'oii of a steamer on Mm Sin Kniiuixo Yokohama run. 11. wntkt he j was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 360 2 FOR PROTECTION IRON STEEL. IN THE TROPICS Siderosthen Paint j pr^~ tr. -"**2fF* TH Bi >l*<%lt iff] n w'a -w^ w U mWk i r aUIIw -r !O WX' MBtM VC m m^^ y^» tfiTj tf 1 1 M j^^ltfiti r^x' *SM K fiti t j I A J*tWX? Jkm
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    • 214 2 AND TO M Oin\\lNKl> KKOM Al.l. STOKK KKKI'KIIS. McALISTER A Co., Ltd., tomnk ttfnmiiin. $350. Wropieal sBuilt B» LEADING LOHOON MAKERS. TIME. In SOLID Maluigany Cases, Full Scale, Iron FhMnA jfm A PAYMENTS Check-Action. Handsome IVmuun. T liicli and 3)350 TAKEN Powerful Tinkk Pan if>H onk Vkvk. MJWIP The ROBINSON
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    • 309 2 nor p n up J Of Dill HUMOURS Of the Skin and Scalp Speedily Cured by Baths with (ifiai Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle, gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment to allay itching, irritation, and inflammatio.i, and soothe and heal, and mild
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  • 92 3 A MmmJwMJ lady. MMMMMg MM via Vani-onver. the nther week related a most MMMMJ incident which took place M Ixianl when marine Sliuiiyhai. A careful lady MMMMNT pMMd her eostlv set of molars in a MM vase, and her thoughts may Ik> iw'tUr nn.^uincd tli.lll iMMMMI when she was
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  • 197 3 Is tin re any MMMMMM MMM restaurant MMM and the dyspepsia of which excrv second pMM you MMt apiM'iirs to h<> a •MMM niiwiulays'.' It was suggested to me the other day liv a member of the ••faculty," says a v i iter ill Tlie World, that
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  • 549 3 Trying Times for Harbour Enumerators. In the MM of hii- report concerning the censiiN ,>f Honj-konu. for IWW. Mr. P. I. .1. I Wmmm my i The census of the MM and Foreign Mercantile Marine was taken liv MMH mJw ami Menkens of the HmMMT Depait merit.
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  • 220 3 Sir Frederick Tieves. w ho has Ix-en unlit t inn tlu< Miuukv fiend so vigorously, is also one of those who will have nothing |o MiJ MF alioliol. which, whether I MMMMM or ;i im ilirinc. In- Killileillils unreservedly. The jktsoii aboM ill other* uhom I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 A GOOD SUGGESTION Mr. V. n. Wainwright of Lemon City Kla., L'.S.A.. has written the manufacturers tnat much better results are obtained from the u»e of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera nud UiiinliiK'tt Remedy in canes of pains io the stuuiarli. colic ami cholera niorbiiK by taking it in water as hot
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    • 1131 3 SINGAPORE TAILORS, OUTFITTERS, GENERAL DRAPERS. Just Received! Dressing Cases Helmets, Hair Brushes Leather Belts Cloth Brushes Ladies' Washable Belts *jp* Tooth Brushes Vinolia Soaps Razors Sock Suspenders Pocket Knives KELLY and WALSH. NAVIGATION. MARINE ENGINEERING. Know Your Own Ship by T. Walton t4OO bothern'ti Verbal MM and Sketrractical Navigxtioo by
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    • 39 3 ECONOMY IN THE END. A lev. MM "t Cll ">'•• IMM'I Mlyh KeiiH-dv will cure your old ami p. rl ,ips <,ma doctor's bill later ou. It always cures and cures .|uiikl\ X.ii s ,le a) all "mpensaries and dealers.
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  • 376 4 Considerable Improvement in the States. The Licensing Hill, which has just liecn issued by the Parliament of Victoria, in reaaidai ay IMhaavM aanaaaaajiaßi, wi-it-ing ill the Sunday at Home, as a great ini|iio\ementon that which it suiiersedes. There are sonic I.HOO "hotels" in the Suite of
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  • 95 4 A« '-oiiling to a report submitted to the rlim -liire Kdncation t'oiMinittcc. onlj 4.774 •■•■liiiliii's out of a total of 1 7.4 MM) attending i. -in '-iiiiiry Noboaiaia ttwooaaar) can s|h-hk Welsh. The Diiector of Kdncation has repand .1 scheme he the instruction a) W lab
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  • 215 4 Than wan an eufHag incident at I- 1. -mantle am the niylit of April M, in uutKitioli with the Hriival (if ihe GSRNM ■nail -t.aii!.i- lYin* Heitni'-h. A str.>ii« wiml. with a veliKritv of Ix-tweeii M au.l 30 milev an lunir. was Uowiag as she
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    • 345 4 Mr Mrs H. \V. Barr Mr A H. Robertson Mr G. E. Charaberlin Mr J Peter s Mr J. Wilson Mr T l)r.-wr\ Mr W. G. Baker Mr and Mrs F M Bad Mr G. Rice J.-lcv Mr Smithers Mr and Mrs H Mills Mr J. Balling] Mi
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    • 309 4 Hon Justice and Mrs Mr K A Steveus Fisher Mr Iw.wrt Wilding Hon Mrs Wilber Mr W Weber Col H. H. Johnston Mr A ilammerberi: ColG. Wright Mr I'.-arce Major A Mrs Ford Mr BO H Hartn.-il Major 4 Mrs Orraiston apt mm Major J. Ben bow Mr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 AUSTRIAN LLOYD S STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. FOR HONGKONG. The ISTOK having left Bombay on May 21, is due to arrive on June :<, and will receive prompt deapatch for the above port. For f -eight and passage apply to— RAI'TENBERG, SCHMIDT CO 1114 AgenU. OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR
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    • 721 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through BUI* jf Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Steamers will leave Singapore on or aboat MAIL LINE. Outirard (for China). Malta May 25 Arcadia
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    • 1182 4 I STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BGHEEPVAART MY. "BANQJER. pa BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Singapore. Bawean, Bourabaya. Bandjermaun, Palo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetoi, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, j Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringio, Djelai, Harabahao, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good
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    • 734 4 i STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYO. Imperial Qtrmtn Mail Lino. The fact and wall known mail steaiors ol v Company Mil fortnightly from Bremen- Umburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplee, (oonnectioi arseille*, Naplee, Alexandria, and vice versa] 'or Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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    • 280 4 NOROOEUTSGHER LLOYD. FOR EUROPE, The liiii-niilCer.nan mail steamer ISAYKKN MM tons, Captain M:ltzloff. left B on Wednesday, the V2nd instant, at I may be exacted tc arrive here on Monday, the 27th inst.. .it about 6 a.m. She will probably be ile-niUctu'd for ETOft on same (lay at 2 p.m.
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    • 84 5 llomkh inn Qk.iums Mail. TIIO Imperial German mail steamer liayeru, ba\ing left Hongkong at 1 p.m on the fltM iii-tiint, may l»- expected to arrivo here on Monday, the 27th inst., at 6 a.m. She will probably be denpatched for Europe the same day, at i p
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    • 161 5 May M Sohwaben, Ger str, Bremen via |wrU VoluU', Brit Htr, Rhanghai I'exhawur, Brit Mtr, Hongkong and Japan Alcinoiis. Brit Htr, H'konn, Rlianghai, Japan Van tier Parra, Dut Htr, Deli Vander (touch, Dut sir, Olehleh Zcnobia, Brit str, Yokohama 23 TtH'sia, Hi it s'.r, Ptnang. Net!H|>atain. Ma.h. 11 lscliia,
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    • 102 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TANJOMO P»G«R East Wharf Bahsin— Dagmar, J. W. Wendt. Aldebaran. Eamt Wharf Section I— Siinongan, K. Willera, Liodula. Sbct. 1 (Bhekrh Whabt):— McClellan. Section No. 2— Tol\ C. Apcar. B—l8 I >i- Eerenß. 4 Tringgami. 6-NU.
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    • 79 5 tat Per SUamer Tims MoMDiT. Deh MM 7 a.m. Saigon Caehar 11 a in. S'baya, B'jennafliiin etc. S. Bandjtr 11 a.m. Europe via ports tiaytrn douo Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. PenanK and Deli Hebt 3 pm. Teluk Adsou via ports I'tnanu S p.m. Hniiiljt'i iimxsin.
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    • 108 5 From Europe—By the N. D. L s.s. Roon, due on May SO. From Chika—By the N. D L. s.s. Bayern due on May 27. •oft Singaf .pril 22 .pril 85 j>ril 29 lay 2 lay 6 lay 10 lay 111 'ay 11 lay -.'II (ny I port
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  • 149 5 By Lir.cT. Col. E. O. Broadrici, Commandant, B. V. C. Singapore, May Hi. 1907. 1 I Orderly Officer for next weak Captain F. Hilton. Orderly N.C.O. Bombardier J. Henderson. Paradea II -On Tuesday and Friday, Wth and 3 1st inst., at Mi p.m! at Drill Hall.
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  • 469 5 (Sunday. May 26.) TIIIMM bIM.VY. Sr. AnuhfwsCvtukwui..— 7 a.m. Matins au.l 7li a.m. Holy Coinmuuiou (Choral). 4 p tn. Clnhireu's Ser\ ie«. ".Stl p.m. Evensong aud Sermon. Preacher Knv. R. Richards of s Peter's, Stamford Koad. Offertory uu behalf of S. IVter's Mission. Kt. Maithkw's, Sepoy Lines.
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  • 97 5 In having been suggested that an effigy of IIMM Kwoh Kan should be placed in the Tempt* of Confucius at Peking, it is reported that the Board of Ceremonies baa approved of the suggestion. Tseng Kwoh Kan was one of the ofAciaU who took a prominent
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 400 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. ul.r FORTNIGHTLY service is main h.-t -ii Japan ami Europe by tbe TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Ooverumeul, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted through oat by Electrictity, provided with excellent aooommodation for First and
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    • 493 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and f< r Oenoa. Marseille* and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 459 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. I lit steamer* of this Company maiutain a n-i'-lar service between Calcutta, Strait* aud Hongkong, taking cargo on through Billti of I Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Shanghai, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang. Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, .Japan, the Philippines, *c, 4c. 011 the Calcutta.
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    • 510 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. I C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA au.l tu* UNITED STATKS. llnulfc from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (lulaud Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, X.M.S. "EitrawtHor Ihdia" Twin screw stra R.M.S. "Emfrthm cf
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    • 275 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May l'> --At Sand Koil Bungalow, Tanjongßhu. Miliiahl)- teak household furniture, Ac-, at :i«) p.m. 27 --At 1 A Devonshire Road, valuable l..^is,-liold furniture 4c, atS SO p m. 24— At Salt r mm, the Milling lease and li'jhtH, mill Machinery of tlie Kadana Gold
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 110 5 DAY BY DAY Saturday, May 25 High Water. 1-44 a.m. 343 p.m. Harmston'a Circus. Beach Road. Cricket, Merchants, v. Rest 2 p.m Police, v. B.RC. Philharmonic Munical Evening. Sunday, May 26. High Water, a :)4 p.m. 9-3.1 a.m. Monday, May 37. High Water. 10-21 p.m. 10 9 a.m. N D.
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    • 149 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fkosi May 26 to Ji vk 1.) HIGH WATKR.jI LOW WATER Tune Hght Time H^nt May hrs. mm. ft inn. lira mm. ft ins. I 9.34 m H. 2 ■.IS*] 1.9 BINDAY i 6 9..» a 8.7 3.28 a M Monday J 10.21 m 8.6 %Mw\ 1.0
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  • 525 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, MAY 25. It is too early, as wo believed at the time it was reported, to assume that a ■nnul Suez Canal is to be constructed. The telegram announcing this project has a somewhat doubtful origin. Au Auicricau journal, published in France, attributes
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  • 379 6 Lite annual report uu the Singapore l.alnl >fli.:c was laid on the table at tho last meeting of the Legislative Council. It is signed by Mr. 11. MhtioU, Acting Collector of I -and Kevcniic, aud shows that whereas the total revenue collected during 1906 was 4147,111 against tMMU in MMt
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 15 6 A cargo of teak for Calcutta arriyed from Bangkok, yesterday, by the Norweign steamer Soirstad.
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  • 16 6 The Parambe iiubbcr aud Tea Company has been registered in London with a capital of £40.000.
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  • 16 6 The menagerie and employed- of Harmstons Circus arrived yesterday from Rangoon, by the British steamer Lindula.
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  • 17 6 The British steamer Glcnogle brought 1,105 passengers yesterday from Rangoon and Penang. She leaves to-day for Hongkong.
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  • 21 6 The passenger list of the British steamer Hong Bee, which arrived yesterday from Amoy, en route to Penang, includes 1,455 persons.
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  • 29 6 The play "Giuufifah" will be staged at the Chinese Volunteer Club, Beach Road, to-night at 9-15. The play was presented recently at Amoy Street by Straits -born Chinusc children.
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  • 22 6 There were nearly a thousand passengers on the British steamer Catherine A pear which arrived, yesterday, from Hougkong, en route to Pcnang.
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  • 28 6 Four of the men arrested, in connection with the affray on the Pin Seng on Thursday, are charged with murder and the other nine with abetment of murder.
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  • 23 6 Eight uundred and eighty tons of refined petroleum arrived, yesterday, .from Palembang, by the British steamer Sabiue Rickmers, which is bound for Saigon.
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  • 27 6 A passenger died on tho Gorman steamer Keongmai on the 22nd instant and was buried at sea. The Keongmai arrived, this morning, from Swatow with 823 passengers.
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  • 30 6 One of the crew of the Spanish steamer C. Lopez y Lopez, which arrived here on Thursday from Barcelona, died from natural causes between Suez and Colombo, ou May 11.
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  • 33 6 There arc 55,000 cases of kcrosiue on tho German steamer Verona, which arrived, this morning, from New York, eu route to Hongkong. The German steamer (Juiuta brought 53,425 cases from Scmbilang, on Thursday.
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  • 42 6 About $9,000 has now been subscribed locally for the erection of the new Methodist Episcopal Church on Fort Canning Koad, in addition to the amount promised from America and from the mission funds, ho that the plan is now an assured success.
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  • 74 6 A contributor writes The Sunday Even ing Service at the Boustead Institute is con tinning to do a good work, and is attracting many from the ships and elsewhere. On; Sunday evening last, the Rev. J. A. Gray gave a helpful address to about forty adults. The singing is always
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  • 14 6 The Bank of Honibay lias reduced its rule of interest to 7 per cent.
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  • 14 6 A proposal is on foot t -t.u t a < 'lioral Society in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 15 6 In the Government Gazct'.c is published a list of undischarged bankrupts in the Straits Settlements.
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  • 22 6 Food and mouth disease existing among cattle in Province Wellesley, the e\port of cattle from that province is prohibited until further notice.
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  • 34 6 An important scheme for the development of technical and industrial education in Bombay, Bengal, the I'nited Provinces, and the Central Provinces has, it is understood. received the necessary sanction and will shortly be introduced.
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  • 41 6 The Magistrates in Pcrak have been notified to the effect that a copy of the notes taken at inquests on all 3tatute immigrants, and on all unindentiired Tamils, employed on estates, should be sent to the Superintendent of Immigrants at Penang.
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  • 43 6 The monkey which has caused so much damage and profanity in Battery Road recently was caught on Tuesday and sum marily disposed of, so tho usual calm serenity of that neighbourhood is no longer disturbed by the mischievous pranks of the ruthless invader.
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  • 41 6 Two ooolies who went down a Calcutta sewer were asphyxiated by the poisonous gas on the tilth instant, and a young Bengali, who went down a manhole to save them, suffered the same fate. All three were eventually pulled out dead.
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  • 36 6 Captain Kohn, of the German steamer Sophie Uickmers. which arrived, yesterday, from Calcutta with a carg* of coal, consigned to Adamson, Giltillan and Co.. reports that one of his Chinese firemen has developed symptoms of beriberi.
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  • 49 6 An exciting incident was witnessed in the harbour on Saturday afternoon last, says the Pinaug Gazette, when a cow, which had been tied up on board the s.s. Kapurthala, broke loose md jumped overboard. A sampan was procured and the animal wax rescued with some difficulty and brought ashore.
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  • 62 6 'flic first Swift motor car iv this part of the world has just been imported by Alessrs. Gutlirie Co., Ltd., the sole agents. This make of car has done exceedingly well in the most severe home trials, and there is no doubt its merits will enable the Swift to hold
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  • 53 6 Letters received by landowners and farmers in Buckinghamshire show that 20,000 troops will take part in the manoeuvres, which are to be held iv September, under Sir John French. The area over which it is proposed to mameuvrc is the land lying bet with the towns of Thame. Bicestcr Buckingham,
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  • 67 6 A Calcutta telegram, dated May 15, says that Corporal Wcmyss, who killed his sweetheart, Amy Gardner, at Darjecling, has been found guilty of culpable homicide uot amount ing to murder, the jury believiug he had no murderous intentions The accused said he struck Iv r after having been taunted by
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  • 64 6 A daring gang robbery occurred ou Saturday night at Taipiug. Mr. Kata Tan's bouse being attacked by a gang of armed ruffian^ about 3 a.m. The owner, naturally onough, resisted and was at once set upon by the robbers who inflicted several wounds about the head, neck, and limbs. The
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  • 79 6 A small Mohamedan Indian lad appeared before Mr. Green, this morning, on a charge of flying his kite in the public road. He denied the charge, in the midst of sobs, and said that he was playing with some other boys who were flying a kite. They ran away and
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  • 82 6 Good progress is being made with the rearmament of the Artillery of the Army of India. Of the Horse Artillery eight Batteries out of the eleven have now received the new thirtoen-pounder quick-firing gun. Of the fotty-two Batteries of Field Artillery, tweuty have received the new eighteenpounder quick-firer, and four
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  • 73 6 Commander Fullam. of tho United States gunboat Marietta, telegraphing from Puerto Cort/es, reports that Colonel Isuala, of the N'icaragmiu army, who cut down the British dag flying over thy house of Mr. William Collins, an Englishman living at Salado, has boon dismissed in disgrace from the army, and has been
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  • 153 6 Mr. .1 N. Karuuhai. M. A. tLKuu.p, for many yean a missionary in India and theu General Secretary of thp Calcutta V.M.C.A., who has been making a tour of the world, visiting many of the Associations in Kngland, Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, and is now returning to India
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  • 308 6 Mr. T. \V. Itiisst-ll ImM Imi ii MgaiaMl successor U> Sir 11. liutikutt in Ireland Mr. Tan Kmng Saik has Un appointed member of the Taujong Pagar Dm-k Hoard. Mr. A. Caveudish, Passed Cadet, Ih en appointed to act as Assistant Colonial Sccrc tary Singa|Kire. His
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  • 122 6 Diver Hughes, the rescuer of the cutuuibed miner Varischetti, arrived in Melbourne by the steamer Grantala. His coming was unosteii tatious. and not many people knew of his arrival. When it became known. howe\er' that he was on board, a large crowd assembled on the wharf,
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  • 140 6 The steamer Suez, or Nikolai, winch went ashore on the north-cast of (Jueiuoy Inland, inside Dodd Island, near Auioy, is stern down, and there is every prospect of her becoming a total wreck. It is understood that a dense fog prevailed when the ship struck.
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  • 33 6 The dead body of Mr. Alexander Gain t. has been found in tin- Avon at Katb, from which city he disappeared a few days alter his marriage to Miss G. Sauvarin, a nurse.
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  • 33 6 The new Straits dollar is ■till .1 with suspicion outside the HKmm ments, says the Straits Echo. At Pant Buntar, for instance, it is difficult to obtain more than seventy-five cents for it.
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  • 48 6 The building of a pavilion aud reading room, on the Recreation ground at Kuala Kangsar, adjoining the hospital, has com mencod, says the Malay Mail. These, it is un derstood, arc intended for the use of the Malay Kesidential School students aud MMI of the Sclangor l.oyal family.
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  • 56 6 The ell know u toreador VttfUu «-t grievously injured iv a hull tight at tin. V M Aieua. Mai'stillis. mi April 30. I'ur.tucd by h bull, he was just 100 bat to MQBfl by jump iug the barrier. The uncial's hums iutheU'<l a terrible wound iv tne back, and Crcp.l..
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  • 60 6 The Imperial Civil Works Budget Ksti mate for Burma for 1907 -OH has been pre pared for a total grant of IN. :i:w.(» x i. Of this, Its. 50,000 will be spout ou the new Telegraph Office iv Kaugoou, now under construction, and Ks. 73,000 ou the new Currency Buildings,
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  • 63 6 According to In Tinland, a big miuing case is coming off in Pcrak shortly between Haji Uaoph aud the Kiuta Tin Mine:. Ltd. re termination of an agrccintut for supply ot water by the latter for hydraulicing purposes. Mr. Adams has been retained tor the Kinta Tin Miue., aud Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 186 6 Wilson co. PHOTOGRAPHIC APTIBTS. Onr ProductioiiH are o( the higheat (wssible ABTIbTIC TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE and are kuuwn throughout the East as INCOMPARABLY THE BEST. lv Photography, a" in anything elite, "The Best is the Cheapest." WHEN ON LEAVE Keep iv touch with the Colony aud its doingx. It is not
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  • 187 7 DEMONSTRATION ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Universal Celebration. FIVE MILLION CHILDREN SALUTE THE FLAG. kna'i Tklki.kam. London. May 2">. Empire Day m celebrated throughout the I nited Kingdom far more generally than has been the case hitherto. The I'nion Jack was largely displayed, and special addresses appropriate to the
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  • 82 7 Armenians and Parsees Consider Emigration. IfKl-TKli's iV.I.HiIIVM London. May 24. A St. I'etershuri; i- Icgiani from Teheran states that attempts to deprive the Armenians and I 'hi sees of Mm franchise have led to protests from all the cities of Persia, accompanied by threats to
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  • 59 7 Slieve (iallion Still lavouritc. l!n ri n's Th.m.rwi. London. .May 2... The following is the latest lu-tting lor the Derby Stakes, which will In run on Wednesday. June .i Slieve Gallioii i; to on Galvani ii to I against. Hi /on la l l 7 to
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  • 95 7 Imperial Troops to Preserve the Peace. London. May 21. There arc now forty-three Hand mines affected by the strike of white employes. In view of the state ot affairs at Johannes burg arisiug nut of thu strike, Imperial troops have been sent there from Pretoria. The strike
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  • 68 7 Innovation Due to the Jena Explosion. IKki-tkr's Tki,k.i.i:\m London. May M. .i n sull ill the iiupiiry into tin: causes pf thu evplosioii mi hoard the I leueh battle hip .1. iih Hi I', ii 10,,. tl,, \d,,iir.»lly has i ii. I .hi oidir dtlwUan tin iniui.-di.iU HMtaMatfc
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  • 31 7 'Rkctkr's Tklkuram London. May 2:1. t'riuce tishimi has paid a visit to Liverpool to inspect the docks. London, May 24. Prince Fushiuii has visited the Dreadnought at Portsmouth.
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  • 34 7 ReTTKR's TeLEijKAM" London, May J I The New York Couvcntiou of the National A»»oc -i.: Lctutvn baa adapted it.V'oßbiitUt. a rumrtia favour of an immediate *pvibion of the L'niUd otatcb tariff.
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  • 53 7 Result of the Examination. We are indebted to Mr. J. M. Elcum. Director of Public Instruction, for the names of the successful candidates at the 1007 examination for the Queen's Scholarships. They are as follows 1. C. da Silva, St. Joseph's Institution. Singapore. ii. Khaw Oo Kek. St.
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  • 56 7 Socialists the Strongest of TwentyOne Parties tßki-tkh's taMtt London, May 2.>. The second ballots for the Austrian Reich--rath are now finished. The Reichsrath comprises no less than twenty-one parties, whereof the strongest is the Socialist, with eighty two members, and the Anti-Semites, with sixty six members. There arc
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  • 31 7 Run-nit's TKLK«ii;\M. London. May Mk The German gnnboat Luchs has left Shanghai for the Saddle Islands to render help to the stranded French cruiser Chau/y,
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  • 23 7 Rkitkk's TauaaAM. London. May 2.* i. The Finnish Diet, which opened yesterday, includes nineteen women, who have been elected as members.
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  • 21 7 Kkutkk's Tklkgkam London, May 21. The disturbances reported throughout India ou the 19th instaut are becoming more serious.
    21 words
  • 23 7 Rkl'TKß'k IIHMUa] London, May M. The race for tlie Manchester Cup resulted M follows: I" Pl" 1 S|M-cnl;ir J Vcno :i
    23 words
  • 238 7 Scheme Approved by Lord Elgin. The following scheme of salaries for' 'il teachers for < ioveruiuelit Euglish Schools has bucu approved by the Secretary ot Stale Tur the Colonies and is published in the (ioveruiuent (ia/.cttc: They will 1m- placed on the Non-pcnsioua hie I .1 'I.lislmik
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  • 333 7 The Rev. Hock well Clancy, D. 1)., one of the leading missionaries of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India, who is retu.ning to In- station from the Morrison Centenary at Shanghai, addressed the Epworth League at the 'oil man Street Chnrch, Thursday night, on the great convention to
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  • 178 7 SIR. F. D. LUGARD ON BRITISH INTERESTS IN ASIA. Kki-tkh's Tklboram London, May 24. The Chiua Association has banqueted Brigadier-General Sir F. I). Lugard. K.C.M.G., the Governor-elect of Hongkong. Mr. R. S. Gundry, C.8., President of the China Association, presided. Sir F. Lugard, who was given an ovation
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  • 57 7 Strong Action of the French Government. lln in:"- Tklkuram London May 24. The French Government has decided to offer financial relief measures to the distressed winegrowers in the South of France. It also introduces a Bill taxing heavily sugar used in the adulteration of wines, and closing the
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  • 63 7 [Rkutkr's Tklkuram] London, May 24. Thousauds of persous from all parts of the Highlands attended the inauguration at Dingwall of the National Memorial to the late Gencal Sir Hector Macdonald. The Marquis of Tullibardinc. who served under Sir Hector at Omdurmann. inaugurated the memorial.
    63 words
  • 150 7 Kk.ctkk's;kam London. May -4. King Edward has received and knighted Mr. John Kirk, Secretary of the Kaggcd School I ii ion and Slmftcsburv Society This honour was quite unex|iecteu. Sir John Kirk was born at Kegworth, Leicestershire, in 1847. He spent part of his boyhood in
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  • 323 7 The following is the weekly share circular of Messrs. Fraser and Co. Singapore, May 2:4. There has been a larger business done iv the past week, and, although the prices realized in most stocks have been low. yet they have changed hands in good numbers. Pahang Consolidateds
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  • 609 7 CELEBRATIONS IN SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. Raffles Girls' School Gathering. The Assembly Hall of Raffles Institution was thronged with friends and parents o the pupil of the Girls' School, yesterday morning, when an interesting entertainment was given in celebration of Empire Day. The arrival of His Excellency the Governor,
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  • 1275 7 Successful Sports on the Old Gaol Site. Not only did the Fire Brigade Sports, which were held on the Old Goal Site, yesterday, serve to celebrate Krapire Day, bat they wore the means of deruoust rating to the general public the efficiency the Brigade has attained
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  • 255 7 (Fkom Ouk Own Couacsro.NUKNT.) Empire Day was a day for national rejoicing in Malacca; the celebration did not consist of a mere official ceremony, but one in which a large representative crowd of all colours and creeds did honour to the Flag. Drawn up on parade on
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  • 32 7 It is notified in the Government Gazette that a charge of one dollar a day will be made for native patieut-. who .occupy a special room, at tL-_ Utntntl Hospital, :>inga pore.
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  • 116 7 RADICAL JOURNALS ADVOCATE LAND LAW REFORMS. Unionists Ridicule the Government. lIHITKK- TKLKORtM London, May 24. The deadlock that has arisen out of the rejection of Mr. Birrell's Irish Government Bill by the Irish National Convention in Dublin continues to engross the attention of the newspapers. Continuing to
    116 words
  • 82 7 Mr. Walter Wellman's Mammoth Airship. Rkl'TKß'* 'I'KLh.I.H London, May 24. Mr. Walter Wellman, the well known American journalist and explorer, who led expeditions to the Arctic regions in 1594 and IH9H-9, reaching latitude 82 degrees in 1M99, sails on June 1 for Spit/.bergeu. whence he starts with a
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  • 38 7 Kkutkm's Tklki.rvm' London, May 24. It in reported from Aden that the British cruiser Perseus has gone to the assistance nf the steamer Kilburn, which is wrecked on the west coast of Arabia.
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  • 47 7 Km ikk London. May 24. In consequence of fresh reports of damage to the wheat crops in Russia, Roumania and America, the rise in the price of bread in becoming general, and it appears certain that it will reach -V'd. per loaf.
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  • 36 7 No Prospect of Land Law Reform Dkr Omamm Laata Tklr<>ram' Berlin. May 21. M. Stolypiu hiix addressed the Duma on the agrarian question, aud stated that any reforms must be gradual and not radical.
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  • 56 7 Dkk Ostasiatibchk Lloyd Tblburax' Berlin, May 21. Mr. Lloyd George. President of the Board of Trade in the British Government, after visiting Hamburg and Autwerp, has declared that the preponderance of l«>ndon h assured, but that Britain ought to follow the example of Germany
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  • 38 7 [Dkr o»i \^i viisi itr. i.jhyh Tklkorvx Beriiu, May "J4. The International Court of Arbitration has appointed as its Chairman President Butler of Columbia University. The Court acknowledges thu paci6c politics of the Emperor William.
    38 words
  • 32 7 [Dkr Ostahiatischk Lloyu Tklkukami Berlin, May 24. I'rinm: Kuni, of Japan, will enter a r. of the Guards .it I'oUdnui in order t'l eoinplete his military studies.
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  • 25 7 llhii OBT4MATKH I.Loyij Tk.p.'.kwi IWlin. May 11 The lImMI cruiser Areonn itils for tin l-ai l..(st in the month of August.
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  • 29 7 Hkk Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tklkoham Berlin. May 24. The Dutch Parliament baa passed a measure providing for the examination of meat before being exported from Holland.
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  • 22 7 'Dm OsTAoUTiseUE Lloyd Tele »lave Berlin M.i Tb* King, of nam is no* in the North of Italy.
    22 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 38 8 Sunday's Launch. The Argo w ill l«ave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow to morrow at 8. 9. 10, and 1 1 a.m., UO and p.m., returning ut H.HO, y.HII, !<>.:«) a.m., 12.15. I aud 5 p.m.
      38 words
    • 80 8 Local Tournaments. In the S. R. C. tennis on Thursday, in the single handicap, J. T. Andrews beat J. R. Bloom. 0-1, o—o. H--4, and George Onhlers beat I. M,.lutyie li-ft, tt—u. Yesterday, in the m>c ond round of the double handicap, Cotihlo and Keck beat I'eralta and
      80 words
    • 74 8 Penang (lolf Club. The following is the result of the com petition for the Presgrave Cup, ulayed for on the 10th aud 1 llh iustaut, says the Piuaug Gazette: G. R. K. Mugliston 2 down. W. R. Armstrong 5 D. A. M. Brown G. H. Stitt fi C. tl.
      74 words
    • 121 8 The Bromhead Matthews Shield. The following is the result of the rifle shooting competition for the Bromhead .Matthews Shield, which was fired off betweeu the Ist aud 12th instant, says the Pinang Gazelle The Shield has been wou by the'M. S. V. R. owing to their larger score at
      121 words
    • 273 8 Veterans v. The Rest. On the S. C. C. grouud, yesterday, tin Veterans played a match against "The I lest. the former having two innings. The scores were as follow Vktkkans- Ist Issisi;s. W. Dunman b Davidson II P. T. Kvatt b Davidson 7 Col. Wright h Bailey M.S
      273 words
    • 466 8 Mother, what of the morn f With a laugh on her lips, she rose With a flush on her brown whose snows A tin). i». mil winters seen Like a maid ou her marriage morn, Filled with wouder and brighter and scorn. Hose England, the great gay
      466 words
    • 46 8 The tiuals uf the MiiMscHirif I'olo Tournament were played ainidteen excitement, the 17th Lauceix winning by ti goals to 4 against Mussoorie "A" Team. It wag a very fant and i-vi-ti game, ami tvaa anybody's matcb until tbe tilth cbucker. wheu the Lancers forged ahead.
      46 words
  • 153 8 There can be no question but that this Colony in called upon to contribute iv a measure altogether out of proportion to its revenue, to the cost of Imperial Defence. Thus remarks the Pinang Gazette in dealing with the subject of Military Coutri bution. Tlie figures furnished to
    153 words
  • 459 8 Celebration of Lodge Scotia's First Birthday. (Fiiom Oih Own Corrkshondknt). Penang, M»jM. Our "Merritt Masons" were in high spiritson Friday niyht in the Masonic Hall, the ht« sion lii-iny the celebration of I^odge Scotia's first birthday anniversary. As this Lodge is the only representative of Scottish Free
    459 words
  • 1167 8 iKkom On Own Cokick>"om>knt. I London, May The Kiut; of Siam would appear, at the present momuut. to be bitting on a he<lge, ami that lin'.yi-. San Remo. He has given out. of course, through his diplomatic re presentatives, that he is goin^ neither to London nor
    1,167 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 574 8 THOUSANDS OF FAIR WOMEN HERALD PRAISES OF PE RU-NA. Catarrh and Catarrrul /jfl f ijj^^S^/^ J f\ Diseases Make In- ■!f! f l^^uJfV \l] HRS. W. 0. BRY/IMTON J^^^f.^^^-^^ JJ A .-5. J. fl. Bflh'Er? Jfi/ >^ m 'fSte^^'ni /v\icc /v\dv ("DflY *~-vk^ Contiden Pe-ru-na the Bett Medicine Permanent Benelit
      574 words
    • 253 8 1 1 1| H"~"jfL^fyy^^»^^^^^ VtlW^We 9hm9Vi jC*^HPi iff Ttl Tl Hit 111 T jH f*<~'r *V- iv mil if I *4U44- JJH I llrfi- Cz xfft -j^jj yis'-' I1 zz zz "ffliß Btts ~tr V^^^cT Jo^*^ i Sens ll Jff f \>7^\ il^^^^MrHjDKl^^^H 3: ■[f ftjr.Fire Engine For Sydney. Tlu
      253 words

  • 223 9 Sinuapokk, Mvv J:t, 19H7 PRODUCE. laujbicr 6.6(1 do (Cube No. I nnpi.-Wcl 10."25 Copra Bali 10.45 do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper, Black 17.60 do White s°, 25..V) Sago Flour Sarawak 2.94 do Brunei Xo. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee. Palembang. '20% basis UM Coffee, Liberian
    223 words
  • 323 9 Indian Official's Game of Hide and Seek With a Big Beast. S. Kraser. Chief I <>:iiinissiouer of Caotg and resident ill Mysore. met, with M idveiiture in Oeoqg im .v the Canara border daring bin recent torn. .Mr. Kraser. accompanied liy Mr. Hanis. \ssi-uuit I'oiiimissionei Mr.
    323 words
  • 215 9 Tin i|iiill|H'ii which one of the Colonial Premiers will take home with him as a -oiivinir of the Conference will probably I sonir i lay lie ;i valuable and cnwud |MM» Am, though it may not ri\al in in.eiv-i one ill the Jkissessioii of Mr. IaMH B.
    215 words
  • 107 9 According to UMI i received in Ceylon by raeeat mail. tl»- K0v..1.i). huil Mm. Num in the enjoyment of good health. They left l 1 ylon early ill IH6I after a stay of eighteen years in the Inland. The reverend geutleniiin was I nloiiial C liaplain of
    107 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 323 9 Date of, format- Capital Subscribed ion I »*s"* I-u« P*d Shares Valne |°P 30,000 10 $10 60,000 10 110 350,000 1 1 37,5000 f 10 110 2,500 unim«<l 60.000 1 1 00,000 i 1 1 li V" 1 uniMa*l 15,000 10 110 130,000 1 1 45.000 10 17.60 600,000
      323 words
    • 320 9 1905 £150,000 £104,987.10 I* 11 0 1905 »200,000 »87,«00 »J« I B, 500 nniM<i*d 1904 £30,000 £11,136 J'J*} 0 j 1905 700,000 1610,000 70,000 I 10 9,000 aniianed 1903 £70,000 £70,000 70,000 1 1906 9150,000 8135,000 ''""I^SOO $10 1904 £12,000 £10,500 J'°s} 1 13/6 10 I 8 Anglo Malay
      320 words
    • 212 9 1894 £5,377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 j 7,638 12/6 1898 $225,000 (225,000 4,500 •50 1865 1 10,000,000 110.000,000 80,000 1195 I 1901 $2,400,000 M,« 00,000 j I $100 1696 $1,000,000 •1,000,000 j JJ^J $34,000 $34,000 9g $875,000 $875,000 i .<,,,., $600,000 $240,000 24,000 10 I V«iuni«.<KKt vq $30,000 $30,000 600 50 ',J,\
      212 words
    • 40 9 Howarth Erekine, Ltd. 8% MOO.OOO 8% pram Riley Harcreavea, Ltd. 6% 239,000 3% prem. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% prem 1,878,000 2%pVem. 4% 602,000 2% dis nominal Tanjoog Pagar Dook Co., Lid. 6% 250,000 3% prem 6% 1,080.000 par
      40 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 THIS SPEAKS "Pz-vy. TT^tTHTjI? 1 Extract from The Autocar, J» V^ J. |^aF JnVninl*iMn«iiM March 30, 1907. REPORT OF THE ENGINEER OF THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND 1 The 14 h.p. Star Car has been in continuous use for driving lessons and general instructions for over
      111 words
    • 24 9 I1&\X c T|l e I»MPLf 4038 ESTABLISHED 1865. Tel. Address HARGREAVES =l PUMPS l= Sole Agents for TANG YES' Ltd. RILEY HARGREAVES COMPANY, LIMITED.
      24 words
    • 332 9 yyASSIAMULL ASSOMULL AND CO. LARGEST INDIAN, CHINESE AND JAPANESE SILK, JEWELLERY AND CURIO MERi HANTS. 1, 2, 3 4, High Street, Have great pleasure in announcing to the public of Singapore and up-country, that they are clearing all their surplus stock at very reduced prices, the lowest ever offered in
      332 words

  • 532 10 Re-modelling Physical Training on Foreign Lines. tMNRMMMI with Mm general annual r<|Kiit mi the Army. issued on April "24. is the annual re|H>rt on MnHh^ I" -onie j^neral OMMTNMM it is stated that: TIN iimnlM-r of recruits who joined the I li.'Uiiliii Army. mWh| those for
    532 words
  • 318 10 Our Singapore telegram of Tuesday last, say* the- Hongkong Telegraph, of May 11. relating to the steamer Ne.therton \vaB an uupleasant surprise after the announcement which had lieen made a few weeks since that the contract for repairing that vessel wan ■MMli by Hrn Hongkong and Whampoa
    318 words
  • 59 10 I'lague continues at Delhi at its worst. I •i-l'iif tho advent of extreme heat. 100 to 120 fatalities arc occurring daily. From ineffective policing, plague corpses of paupers are being thrown into the river and even into the canal, poisoning water and the native fish supply and multiplying the disease,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 542 10 BANKING COMPANIES.! HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital »i 0,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,0001 .***** 000 Silver Reserve »ll,000,OOo) low uw Roserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon Mr.W. J. Gresnon— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq. A. Fuchs,
      542 words
    • 564 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE Wednesday May at 2-80 p.m.- 999 year* Leasehold land and house kno»D as No. 19. Dickson Koa<<, area 1,934 s<j. ft. Quit renttl. G. A. Fernandez V Co.. 1096 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 4c. To be held at Kkmi.wohth, No. 30, Barker
      564 words
    • 539 10 SALES BY AUCTION. TO MINING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS, AUCTION SALF. One Complete Set of VALUABLE BORING TOOLS (NEW). At The Mart," N'os. 4 an. l 5 Raffle* Place. On Friday, May -11. I'M?, at 11 a.m. Specification may lie had (if H. L. Coghlan V Co., Licensed Auctioneers 1068 and
      539 words
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      487 words

  • 434 11 Important Points in the Government Measure Mi Cirrell announced in the Haaaoal fllOlßlllM towards tl:< oloM aflaal month that the Hill for the establish nt of an Irish Council would lie introduced OB May 7. As rajßHlh the measure, the Standard sa\s: Its main baton w
    434 words
  • 291 11 Custom and Prices in the Highlands IVml tisliiuy is still M inil.istry in Scotland. Some inWestinn particulars romiill my l ap))«>ar in Cimmlxis' .lonrual. At one time it was vigorously BMaaOOOBI 'inder tl»e direction of Mr. Yoiinjjer. an Kil'nlinryli icweller. and the harvest was vi plentiful. In IHK4
    291 words
  • 130 11 The bbbol tabasco, bj ajravim lodaoa. pveially. lias often Ih.h denounced, hut the statement of tlie Uev. <1. liowden. uta liaptist Confer, meat West Hartlepool the other day. must suieU Im- said to stand alone. It was 1. 1 this effect Kvei v child of a smoker was
    130 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 SPRAINED ANKLE. STIFF NECK. LAME SHOULDER. These an- three coiiitnon ailineiits tor vlucli I lianilxrlHin s lain Kaliu is especially valuable, if promptly applied :t "ill save yuu timp. money «ud s;ilTeiiuy \v!;on troubled with auy one ut UiexoaiiuivutH. Sold by all di-tpcDKaiies .veil dealers.
      45 words
    • 387 11 T. E. CHIN CO., 82-3, Bras Basah Road, (Next to Ismail Ralieenn SINGAPORE. Dealt is in Swatow Drawn Thread j Work. Krabroidrries. CtaaMNO IVvvter Ware, I'icture I'ost I'nnls. Viawa I'ost Cards. I Perfumery. Stationery ami Stamps. and I CoiuiniKsiou Agents. Prices are moderate. TAN EN<l CHIX. l(i:(7 Solo Proprietor. Given
      387 words
    • 462 11 ISMAIL RAHEEM. "Kuem 82-1 and 82-2 Bras Basali Koad. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set Jewellery in modern and antique des-'gn. Inspection invited. No. 23 High Street. r ERS HIGH-CLASS JAPANESE CURIOS HAVK NOW OX VIKW A XKW SHIi-MKNr ok GARDEN FLOWER STANDS and POTS, TKA SKTB,
      462 words
    • 637 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. RilF>: l«t Month, tit) p*r Inrli. Sntw*qnant ■untln. For tbortcr p«ri.-l< -re oaoa of ChwfM. NOTICE. During my absenca at Head Office of the Company, Toronto, Canada, anyone wishing to make any enquiry in regard to the policies of THE MAM'FACTITBKKR I.IFK INSUR ANCECO. OF CANADA, will please
      637 words
    • 517 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Ratks h-M Month, tin per inrli. ■BBaapOBI month*. 5.*. For shorter p^n-nl- mm svale of »-har K NOTICE. The undersigned is prepared to bonk orders for Rubber Keedn from nine year old trees, for ISXMJ delivery. Price on application. MANAGER. c 427 Highlands and Lowlands Estate. NOTICE. Notice
      517 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 551 12 Scale of Charges, j PHS" T D ADVERTISEMENTS'— MisoeIiMMMWwtI of Every Description, Houses, L»ai r«,t iet, are inserted at the following t\'.-.- Ono Insertion 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 'Each subsequent month $5 per inch.) Tae above rate is based
      551 words
    • 593 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bates :-Foor Lin*a, on* or two in»*rtion.. I: B> the inch, a** Heal* of Charg**FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATE 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stur.ip*. Apply C. c/o -Strait;. Times." o 10S EMPTY HOGSHEADS FOR SALE EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS.) About 100 to 150 monthly. Apply B.
      593 words
    • 616 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rites Four Lim, on* or two uwrtloa*, »I.M By the Inch, scale of Chugs*. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinaep Street. cBll HOUSE TO BE LET Frankfurt House, No. 1 Lloyd Boad. Apply within. MS ROOMS TO LET.
      616 words
    • 645 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. lUtes:— Four Lin»«, on* or two inaartions, tl. By tta. inch, m* Heal* of Chant.!FURNISHED HOUSE TO BE LET. To be lei, furnished, Villa Germania" at Pasir Pa-.jang. Apply Nienwkamp, 1 Almeida Street. st>7 OFFICE AND GOOOWN TO BE LET From Hay :tl -t the
      645 words
    • 131 12 MOTOR CARS. Argylls. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. EXPECTED DURING MAY AND JUNE. Two 12-14 H.P. (4 cylinder) 5 Seated Argylls, Fitted with Magneto Price $3,900. Two 10 H.P. 3 Seated-Hewitts, Fitted with Magneto Price $2,300. Two 6 H.P. 2 Seated Rovers, Special Finish Price $1,600. ALL"CARS FITTED WITH HOOD. LAMPS. ETC. SYME
      131 words