The Straits Times, 22 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.348 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 22. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 GRAND HOTEL DE LEUROPE. SINOAPOBB. Maiinitiiciuly Fill llMml Witli Kleßnnt Sim|>lkiU CONDOR CEMEN T. Messrs. C. Dupire Co. Mappm, March i.:. im IDUM Sirv. Wo inn,- IAItKKI "LLY TfcSTEi tli< RMsfH* ot "CONDOK ctnuut whicli W» lia<l selected fi oui sliipini'iits stored in your yodown^. THK TKSTS INIKOHMLY SHOWKI- ilw
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    • 150 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOTELS. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Bran* Brtsah Roari. SingaporeThe Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform, meets all Soate and Trains. HOTEL WISS WILTITMCDES. BATATIA. Established in IRB6. Renovated up to date. Splendid situation in tbe Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palace of Governor-General
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    • 382 1 Robinson and Company, sol a GE nts. RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907. The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are thus enabled to produce CYCLES THAT ARE UNEQUALLED IN VALUE AND GENERAL EXCELLENCE
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    • 17 1 GRANO HOTEL DE LEUROPE. moAion. Imm mCmnmx nm r\rr\ ul> .intMur -ilnl kSaM >n.l r..n.(..rl J
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  • 1063 2 Men that Women Like. l>«> women like any pm'tii-iiUi l\ pc of man.' In a daily ttmtmmfmmtf a dis.ii.~i, ,n Ixen invited as to the kind of mini i,,,,5t in favour with women. I incline u> tin .>. >, .11 v<\-a contributor in Tlic WacM, that then is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 Dee's Concentrated Disinfectant. The most economical effective Of all Dealers. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY OK( lIAKD KOAU. Just landed K\. Kortuimtus ;S2 Horses, Cobs ,md I'niiii iv iii>t class order. Over UH) Horses of all descriptions and prices n hand ioc sal.' at the lowest
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    • 90 2 I ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder 150 Middle Road. Sole Agent for Mewni. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London, 218H Telephone No. 019. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppel Harbour. 30(THIRTY SHILLINGS) PER TON F. 0. B. IN BUNKERS. RATE OF DELIVERY 200
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    • 145 2 A.N D TO BE OBTAI.NKL) 1 ROM ALL STOKK-KKKI'EKS. McALISTER A Co., Ltd., dm, ml tUfnmmmma. $350. Tsropieal 9sui\t BY LEADING LONDON MAKERS. TIME. In SOLID Mahogany Cases. Full Seal.. Irou Kiaiue<l. gfm PAYMENTS Check Action. Handnoiue Design*. Ton,- Kll-Ii ,i.i>l IvQCO TAKEN Powerful TiNK.r, Fkkk kok Onk Ykak. V«WU
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    • 237 2 Mft. i^k ■it'Lte' BOVRIL A cup nl I'-.. «it i»rof~.!,i.i tf n allliin,- li h« i.mrrliiUiimu. Liui will mi: Hi- pmaii man »h .1, f.iiinK, the u^, o( almhol. DON'T WOKKV Gonosan will cure it. < li the U-i-t toll 'liiti-il of till Illcclit HH-. it r< lii'Vfs imin and
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  • 285 3 Proprietor killed in Faking a Drama. \\.i\ anave ataaal to tba extraordinary im BMMMaaafk advaatata at stoats Nest on April 17 has lo recorded. The man William Zeiss, who whs injured, died three days later in C'mydon Hospital. He was lort\ eight yaaaaoi afa^aaal liveilat 4. Whitehouse villas.
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  • 412 3 Amusing New Story of Mr. Winston Churchill. Mr. Winston Spencer I'limvliill. novelist .uici in ■apafCC writer. |».lo|>layer and ]«>• htician. has been I nude a I'riw 'oinicillur .in.l thus baOBBMi a Ki»ht HaHnUl" ill the same way as a solicitor Ikh-oiiii-s a gentleman uhcthci he is
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  • 83 3 It i- |Kipnlaily aaapaaaj tlmt the MfcCKHiin.aiida fortiori Ma lx'st man. is the lrnst iiii|»>rtiint panaa at I wcdiliii}!. To jml}>«'. however, from a i<|xnt in a Middlesex paper of a wedding ia tavooittc LaaaVm taaideatial -uliiirli. Mm best man. limn a sartorial (mint <>t view, ranks
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 AN AMERICAN REMEDY. Than is probably no medicine that can be found in mure humos in tin 1 Initi'il States thau Chamberlain's Colic. hnlcra anil DiarrluMA K.imilv. It has 1* en in aaaaaal aaa t»r avat thirty years and < aaß aaaoaaatfa epidemic of diarrhoea and ilvcnttrv .luring this
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    • 81 3 F USe UiiUf&uSE ALWAYS MOST H¥ ilffl m l^aCTM^Ba^ REFRESHING. I A Lux.mous Perfume Far 2S erlOr In Health. German Kinds. A NECESSITY RESTORATIVE Jft 1 |>]j JR #|Wj T^tkTl dM IN SICKNESS. "T^-^^BB^k^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^l Why Suffer with Prickly Heat MAYNARD'S PRICKLY-HEAT LOTION Will give instant relief! f.\ few applications will
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  • 325 4 Discussing Formation of Hongkong Association. The yieat interest nhowfl in tin l.;i\vii Tennis Championship of tin- Hnajnag Cricket C 'lull, and the announcement of tourn. uncut-, tn In I'oliilnc'tftl liy other Chilis. 111 .1 attention t,, the nccil of Holl<,'lioll}>. \ssovialioii in S|Miit. Without carryiM the idea
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  • 644 4 RAFFLES HOTEL. Hon Justice aud Mrs Mr K A Sleveus Fisher Mr Hubert Wilding Hon .v Mrs Wilber Mr C \V Weber' Col H. H. Johnston Mr A Hammerberg >l Ci. Wright Mr A Pcarce Major A- Mrs Ford Mr E (i H Hartnell Major A- Mrs Ormistou
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  • 773 4 Same, port, proinbU ,/,i/, ,>/ arrical, and nanv ,ii Aqtwto. Steam kks. Airlie, Sydney. June 21 :it i. t-1 Ajax, China. Juue 9 Mansii. 1.1 AntilocliiiH. Uimfoat, .iniif M MauKtit- .1 Arcadia. Colombo, I ••■> r»; I. ,1 O, Astvauax. Liverpool, .in K h; M.uisiiekl Anstralieu, Saigon. -11.1
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  • 121 4 Homkwakd P. A- O. Mail. The P. and O. ho-neward mail steamer Delhi' left Hongkong e.t 1 p.m., on Saturday, is due here at 6 vm., on Thursday, -n. 23rd instant. HiIMIIM U..J DUTCH Mill,. The Nederland maU steamer K. WiUem I left Singapore on April 17,
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  • 92 4 From Erun- By the P. O. t.i. Malta, due on May 24. From Chcna— By the V. A O. b.i. Delhi, Ine on May 2.1. TIME TABU OF ilkllS DCS. pnl .pni c [ay Uy Uy ay [ay 25 39 I S 10 ia is 20 X.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 LAME BACK. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with
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    • 701 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanjj. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills rf Lading issued for Chin* CoMt, Persian Golf, Continental, and American Porto. Bteamen will leave Singapore on or aboat MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). Malta May 2-1
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    • 1171 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamer* of this company maintain regular service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermiain, Polo Laat, Balik Fapan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koamai, Kotta Wahngin, Djelai, Harabahan. Marakasariei, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good aooomodation for first and
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    • 744 4 STEAMER SAILINM. NTdTL. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial German Mail Lin« The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnjction Maneillea, Naplea, Alexandria, and vioe vena) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Peoaaff, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe
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  • 1659 5 Drummer Sandwell Found Guilty of Culpable Homicide. I' iquest r< suiting from the death of Cot; ml Murky, at the Taugliu Barracks M th ii utituf May M, was concluded vest. rda\ ;ii if i ii, when 11 jury consisting of Captain r ,li and Messrs. l.lovl ami
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  • 46 5 Tim* Balls on Fort Canning an>J Mount Fiber drop daily at 1 p m., Singapore stuudard lime corresponding 106a.r0. Greeuwich meantime. The time gun is tired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day Bxcepting Sunday, when it is tired at oue }'olook
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  • 1148 5 Men -of- War, «tc. tlathidatt, .lap. cru. 2, M8 «Mh, HO crew, 19 gnu., 3.776 h.p. (aptaia Y.&riMk Ma* 40. i Proai Batavia, May IV For TesMflare, May Iliukwhim,,, Jap err. J. 9-26 £a|». Mo crew I I'.l^uos. 3,776 li. p. I'apMiti N><^ »ay 20 I Fi..m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 425 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. I A regular FOKTNIGHTLY service is main I»iued between Japau ami hnrope by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Coder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan eae Government, specially designed for the Company's Kuropean Service, lighted through out by Electrictity, provided
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    • 489 5 lAMEff MH.HWB. i Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and A MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. K|V npanies' ateamara are despatched »x .l outwards (or tbe Strait*, China ivery week, and (nun Japan horoeI.. hi. lon. Amsterdam (oil Antwerp iiKbt and U r G enoa, Maraeillei and nontbly. Ono outward steamer ays
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    • 674 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH ttflNA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON A CALCUTTA. One of the Company's ■teamen) is intended •o leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Pawogerg and Cargo booked by the above ■teamen at through rate* to all ports in India md Ceylon, also to East African Porto,
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    • 589 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EI' HOPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA >vi tue UNITED STATES. Houte from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe. Yokohama, Victoria aud Vancouver, R..M.S. "EMraaw or India" 1 Twin screw steaR.M.S.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 111 5 DAY BY DAY Wednesday, May 22. High Wats*. 0 47r.ii. Thursday, May 23. High Wau-i. 0-14 ISO p.m. Cross St. School Celebrations. 10-30. Childreu SalnU- Flag Raffles Vi noon. Anglo Chiuese School Exercises. S-30 p.m. P. ST. <). homeward mail dae. Friday, May 24. High Water. 1-1 a.m Ml
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    • 27 5 WEATHER TELEQKAM. Hongkong. May It, Mam. Barometer 2<i.hii Direction rf Wind South Foroe of Wind s Max. Temp in ShaHo ..86 Manila. 759 W.S.W. 1 II 2B
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  • 1513 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. While we approve of every word uttered at yesterday;, meeting of the Legislative Council by Mr. Fort and Mr. Anderson in favour of the extension of the increased local allowances to the higher-salaried members of the Civil Service, we must take
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  • 20 6 The report of the Coroner's inquiry into the circumstances of the Tauglin Barracks' tragedy will be found ou Page i.
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published iv this issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 17 6 A cargo of coals for Christmas Island arrived, this morning, from KuchinotKii by the British steamer Zoroaster.
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  • 28 6 The half-yearly Sale of Work, in and of the C. E. Z. M. ft. will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall, on June -1 and i '1.
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  • 23 6 One of the alleged gang robbers at Kallaug i'uddiug has been arrested. He will not be dealt with till the others are apprehended.
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  • 22 6 Tweuty thousand tins of kerosine oil consigned to Messrs. Katz Brothers arrived, this morning, from Laugkat by the British steamer Fuh Wo.
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  • 31 6 We are asked by Captain Colbeck to state that the electric light drill for the ft K. E. |V) which was fixed to take place on Friday next, has been cancelled.
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  • 32 6 Among the numerous shipping arrivals, today, are the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, steamer Wakasa Maru. bound from London to Japan, and the British steamer Zenobia. which came in ballast from Newcastle for orders.
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  • 33 6 Owing to the delay of the British India steamer Lindula, in consequence of had weather, Harmston's Circus will not arrive here from Penang until Friday. The tir-.t performance will take place on Saturday.
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  • 39 6 Mr. Choo Keng, head cashier for a wellknown European firm, who has a large circle of friends hero, died yesterday of plague. This is the third case of plague reported in the Colony within the course of a week.
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  • 46 6 On the evening of the 9th inttt., a severe gale passed over Paknam, Siaiu, and out in the Gulf much damage was done to the tishiun stakes. night fishermen from I'aknam, who were out at tlit stakes, were drowned. Three of the bodieH have been recovered.
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  • 39 6 Australia's two tree-felling and wood cutting champions arc appearing at the Loudon Hippodrome, and one of them, Mr. McLaren, has offered to shave any person in the audience with his axe, without the use of soap or any preparation.
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  • 42 6 A doctor who gave evidence at an inquest at Warning Camp, Sussex, said he remonstrated with a mother for improperly feeding her infant with biscuits, and she replied, Well, doctor, 1 ought to know. 1 have had thirteen children and buried eight.
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  • 59 6 The New Game Protection Ordinance cf Ceylon, which is to regulate and control the trade in dried meat and thereby prevent the wasteful destruction of game, has not met with the attention it deserved, says the Ceylon Observer, though His Excellency the Governor has not failed to fulfil his promise
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  • 14 6 There will be no issue of the Straits Times on I'riday next. Eiupir Day.
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  • 13 6 Over two thousand passengers arrived from Amoy this morning by two coolie steamers.
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  • 28 6 The inquest on the man who is alleged to have b; 111 murdered at Krauji is bein^ helil at the Tan Took Sen*; Hospital, this aft. r noon.
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  • 22 6 A Chinaman was killed by liu'litnin^ uliile sitting uuder a coeonnt tree six miles from town on the Chau^hi Koad. yesterday afternoon.
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  • 26 6 The (ierniau steamer Sauit arrived here this morning from Bangkok, in tow of the Nuon Tung. The Sauit is a small vessel of :ij tons only.
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  • 29 6 A largo consignment of wild animal < for Hagenbeek's Menagerie, at Hamburg, is on board the German steamer liri ivia, which arrived from China, this morning, en route to Europe.
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  • 37 6 The Anglo-Chinese School will join in with the other schools at the general exercises on the Old Gaol Site at noon tomorrow, so the special exercises announced to be held by the School will be dispensed with.
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  • 38 6 The attention of the Chief Justice was occupied this morning with the part-heard case of Lee Hoon Hoo v. M. A. D'Silva for 11,613.70 for laterite. The hearing was not concluded, an adjournment being taken till Tuesday next.
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  • 39 6 Empire Day not having been declared a In Way in (rovetnmeutdepartments, the Geue ral Post Office will be open as usual so that the English mail will be delivered shortlyafter the arrival of the I', and O. steamer Malta.
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  • 43 6 The statistics of mortality caused by wild animals and snakes during 1906 in the United Pruvi..i''n of India, show that 281) drat'nwere caused by wild animals and 5,188 by snake bites. The number of cattle killed by wild animals and snakes was 6,1-<7.
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  • 46 6 Soug Keo Sian sued Yen Kirn l.ian bcle-n Mr. Justice Kislicr this uioini": i sion of an indenture aud tur din,.*.. detaining it Judgment was given, by eou sent, declaring the indenture void. Mr r Farrer-Bayueb appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. Batteuberg for the defendant.
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  • 65 6 It is. of course, unfortunate, says the Financier, that Ceylon, being a Crown colony, has to submit to Colonial Office vagaries which would not be tolerated for a moment by a self-governing dependency. But Ceylon is worth more to the Imperial Exchequer than many of these freer lands, and this
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  • 77 6 A disastrous panic occurred at Palermo Cathedral recently. The population had been in a state of nervous excitement bf some time owiny U> frequent sti->mii shocks. Hence the vast assembly '>' worshippers mistook tl v sudden rumbling ol the bass notes of the great organ for an earthquake. The
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  • 87 6 Members of the legislative Council attend ed in the Council chamber fifteen minutes before the hour of meeting yesterday after noun for the purpose of being photographed by Messi.- <i. H. l<aiubert aud Company on behalf of the pru...->torn of the Straits aud K. M. S. Annual. BfwlM prrmission wm
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  • 338 6 Mr. .1. Hums has resigned the ix^l ..I Secretary to the Bangkok Dock Co.. Ltd. Captaiu Uobiusoii, of the steamer Sin^a pore, is about to return Home on leave. Superintendent Hall, of the Crimiual Prison, is acting Senior Magistrate to-day owing t<> the indisposition of Mr. Micl.cfl.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 355 6 Body builder and strength YlalJ creator (or old people, puny Al children, sickly women and I nurs n g "others, and to builai \^T n up strength after a severe illness. Ww Better than V Tk* Talac af Suarat Wba i> all cadiW IT 1 1 re^" l raramrutlitt task
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    • 206 6 i C^MPrvG\^I' a^a^a^ Appontuitm WJ»W Ji«l HIS MAJCSTYTHE KINC I, emiM Caldbeck Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. TO LET. WHITE HOUtF, Ual%ey Uoad. Innm diate a entry. Apply to nUMtI 4 CUMMINfi, I lo:*0 29 Winchester Homo. Wilson Co PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our l'rwliii:tioii!> an- of the highest pMriUl ARTISTIC A TECHNICAL
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  • 102 7 NATIONAL CONVENTION REJECTS BIRRELL'S BILL. Liberal Journals' Warning to the Nationalists. Rkutkk's VfcMMUfl London. May 21. Th'ec thousand delegates have arrived in Dublin to attend today's Irish National Convention, on which depends the fate of Mr. Bin ell's Irish Government Bill. Luter. At the Irish National*. 'ouveution in
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  • 88 7 Society Formed to Cultivate Friendship. Rkutkk's Tkl,ki>k.\m London. May 21. General Kuroki ga\( a luncheon in NewYork, after which a Japan Society wan organised. Viscount Aoki, Japanese Ambassador at Washington, has elected President, aud General Graut and Admiral Dvwey are among the Vice Presidents. The
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  • 47 7 Foreign Firm Implicated in Chinese Affair. Rkitki;'- TeUMMUM London. May 21. Keuter's eorres|i.i,ident at Ticntsiu annouuees the sci/ ne. hv the Inqierial Chinese Maritime C.istoius officials of H.oon rifles ami MOO bayonets intended for revolutionary piii|xiscs. The arms were imported by a F.uropean firm.
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  • 56 7 Black Hundred's Outrage in Odessa. Kkitkh's 1., mi lon. May 21. A 1 1. null was thrown among a group of Police officials at Odessa and kilied two of tlnni. Many lasscrshy were injured. Afterwards, gangs of the Itlack Hundred ran through the streets mercilessly healing the
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  • 69 7 Rkutkk's Tki.kokam London. May 21. A delegation representing London I'uiversity is paying a visit to Paris. The members have been hououred as the guests of the Municipality of Paris, and M Pichon. Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended a luncheon given in their honour in the Hotel de Ville.
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  • 72 7 Km ih;'s huMUa] London, MavJl. Sir "Ailiri.l I. mi hi. dernier of the Dominion t>f Canada, leaves Kuglaud to day on a visit to Frauee. Italy and Switzerland, before returning to < i He states that he is quite satisfied with the results of the Imperial
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  • 38 7 RKITKKs TkXKGHAM London. May 21. The S|iauish Minister of Murinc aniioiinecs that the inival cst.iin.ite* provide for the construction of three fifteen thousand ton battleships and several submarines. heHides the renovation ot the Dockyards.
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  • 23 7 Rkutkk's Tklkukam London. May 21. IJnccu Alo.mi Ira has arriveii at Naples in the lloyul yacht ictoria and Albert.
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  • 27 7 [Dut o-i.\-,iwi« UK I j<m hukiui Berlin. May IL There .in over luo.oon worKiucu employed lv the budding trade.* u«u ou strike in licrliu.
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  • 192 7 Official Tiffin at government House. Xi decked with many high orders bestowed upon them by the Ktnperor of Japan, half a do/en Japanese naval officers, who took part in the battle of the Tsushima Straits. landed from the Japanese training Mjuadrou shortly after noon today, and proceeded
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  • 211 7 Progress of the Scheme at Negapatam. (Pan (In; ttws OWBMMMt.I Kuala Lumpur. May ML "I'ln Kmigration Camp, which is tv be OmM iv Negapatam for the Straits Settle, incuts and Federated Malay States (iovirn iiieuts, will be larger in dimensions than the Tataparai Camp at T.iiicorin. wliicli hrlongs
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  • 105 7 Before his death, Sv«kl Abdul Kader, who was shot while at prayers on the verandah of iis house gave the jtolice a cheque for Sl.m\i is a reward for the arrest of his assailant. When it was found that the wound was citain to prow fatal,
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  • 156 7 At a special meeting of the active mouthers jf the Young Men's Christian Association, held at Zetland House last night, to consider the question of providing billiards as one of the amusements for members, it was decided, hf a vote of 10-H, to erect a billiard
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  • 144 7 U the I n ma .oils Hall Jitbt night, the Hon. W. .1. Napier, ri.W.D.G.M presiding, the May i "in nication of the District i i rand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago was held. Among the officers appointed by the District Grand Master are D.D.G.M.. Mr. F. M. Elliot;
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  • 154 7 The Stale Dc|>artuiciit at Washington has other prohlcius to solve than those concerning the Hague Conference. There is. tor example, the grievance of Mr. Ida M. von Clausscn against the I S. Minister at Stockholm. Mr. Graves, and his wife for refusing to present her to
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  • 189 7 CH\NZY ASHORE ON THE SADDLE ISLANDS. Safety ol the Crew. Kkutkr's Tki.kgkam' Londuu, May '21. Tlie French cruiser Chan/.y has run aground on the Saddles Archipelago. The crew ha* been saved. The cruiser Alger has left Shanghai to assist in salving the Clian/y. and the cruisers llruix
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  • 44 7 Rki'TKli's TkLKHKAM London, May 21. Ilampshiie has defeated Derbyshire in the County Championship by seven wickets. The match was played at Southampton. The i ii, n ..ponding match last year was remarkable for even scoring, and Hampshire won by 147 runs.
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  • 42 7 Kkutkk's Tklkck\m I .'melon. May 21. Prince (-'usbimi has been ou a visit to Glasgow, where lie insp«!cted one of the principal steel works aud witnessed the process of armour-plate making. He afterwards lunched with the City Corporation.
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  • 32 7 Rkutkk's Tklkoram London. May 21. New York experts forecast that the winter wheat crop in the luiteil States will be IH6 million bushels below that of last year.
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  • 29 7 Rkutkk's Tki.k<;kim' London. May 21. His Holiness the I'ope has issued a decree entrusting the revision of the whole of the Vulgate to the Kcnodictine Order.
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  • 40 7 Dm Ostasutisi hk Lloyd Tklki.ium Berlin, May 21. Herr Liudrxiuist, the Governor of German South-West Africa, lias been appointed luder Secretary of State for the Colonies, and Hcrr Schuckmann is appointed to succeed him as Governor.
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  • 42 7 [mORMUIMM Lloyd Tklkgram Berlin, May 21. M. Siolypin has informed the Duma in session of the discovery of a conspiracy to assassinate the Czar and the successors to the throne, including some of the Grand Dukes.
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  • 42 7 [Dkr Ostasiatimchk Lloyd Tklkoram'i Berlin, May 21. The Japanese cruise rsChitoHc and Tsukubc, under the command of Itcar Admiral I join, which have been visiting the i mini States, are expected to visit Kiel during the Regatta week.
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  • 137 7 With the object of encouraging the members of the Fire Brigade to attain efficiency in saving life and protecting property from tire, a competition and sports are to be held on the Old Gaol Site, on Friday, Empire Day. I lis Excellency the Governor has expressed his
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  • 100 7 At the local Chinese Y. M, C. A., last evening, an interesting address wan given by the Rev. H. R. Wells, of Hongkong. He mention**! that, twenty years ago. there was only 20,000 church members in China, as a result of eighty years' work of all the
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  • 2120 7 EXTENDED SCHEME PROPOSED BY UNOFFICIALS. Legislative Council Debate. I a spirit of willingness is sunn linn overcome by a weakness of flosh was apparent at yesterday's meeting of the Council, when Government officials were called upon to vote on an unofficial amendment extending the scheme proposing increases
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  • 204 7 A .singular case, in which a midwife, natmxl Mrs. Gilbert. tkimmiHUmm Mr. A Wester hout for attending his wife (luring con tine nient. was brought befure the Court of Kc<|ucsts. today. Mr. Westerliout admitted the dubl. and explained to tile Magistrate that while in
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  • 985 7 Hero's another |»>iitical cartoou for you. Your most Spring Poet is borne out to his very last rcm this time by Baron Reuter anyway si, lleury Campbell Kan ncrnian is an old hand, and the utmost rein he will give to his chagrin is confined to
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  • 1073 8 What Should be done in the Case of Madame Meg? Invitations are out for the °.Kerrcngt>a's dance which is to take place on .luue 28 at th« Taugliu Club. It is a Fancy Dress affair, and if it turns out to be such a thorough success as
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  • 81 8 hi our issue of Saturday last we printed a telegram giving the result of the prosecution arising out of the West Ham Union scandal. We find from home papers that iv charging the grand jury, at the Central Criminal Court, the ltecorder (Sir Forrest Fulton, recommended a true bill against
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  • 911 8 Criticised in Council by Dr. D. J. Galloway. There were present at a meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afterm-on. His Kxcelleucy the Governor, Sir John Anderson. h.i.M.i.. Major-General T. Perrott. en. .General Officer Commanding the Troopsi. Captain A. H. Young. cm <*.. (Colonial Secre tiiry). Messrs.
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  • 22 8 Two elephants b( lougiug to the I'll in ol Lam Sam. of Bangkok, were stolen last mouth and have not been recovered.
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  • 118 8 Dr. Martinet has written to La I'ressc Mcdicalc. in favour of the siesta, asserting that the children of six and seven years of age, who arc accustomed to sleep after their midday meal, thrive well. Animals, also, quid.-d solely by their instincts, are accustomed to sleep in the same way.
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  • 320 8 Tennis. Local Tournaments. Yesterday, in the S. K. C. Tt nnis tournament, "Gomes and I'eralta boat Cockburn and Krskine iv the double handicap, by 6 1, 6 2. In the Y. M. A. Tennis tournament yesterday. Clarke beat Meier. 4 ti 4. tl 4. iv the" A i:lomk
    320 words
  • 208 8 Siamese People Believe War Immiment. Humour is .ill >v in Mouthou Pachim. Siam. that war is immiment between France and Siam. the reason as^i^ned being that I'rance will not allow l'hva Kathatoru to take his money with him to Siam. With the recent and unexpected visit of
    208 words
  • 216 8 We understand Messrs. Itilev. lUivrcm,-> a Co.. Ltd have !m'< n o*aa the eontra< t to erect larye nil stoves at KafcMNJ for thi' Standard Oil I'u. Thaaa «kNM will lie new depaiture in the system Usually adopted for buildinys iv SingH|Mii» as it is
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  • 185 8 The following pio|xrties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co's Sale room, \esterdny afternoon Leasehold land for 9H9 years, area I.HH7 latt, quit rent ft, together with the dwelling iioiisc thereon, N> MB, Amov Street, purchased by Oag Task Lim. for *!).HO0; leasehold Innd
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  • 29 8 Messrs. Kiley. Hargreaves and <V, Ltd., have secured the contract to build a large suction pump dredger for the Malacca Tin Dredging Co. Ltd.
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  • 38 8 According to Le Matin, of Paris, dysentery is riiially conquered the bacillus lias succumbed absolutely to a serum discovered by Doctor Vaillard, who has proved its merits to the satisfaction of the Academy of Mcdi cine of Pari*.
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  • 737 8 Assurances of no Cheeseparing Requested. If the P. C. M. (>. takes no exception to Government nurses tripping across from their quaitera in the General Hospital to the new Maternity Hospital, and that at some future date I I will not ask Council for a further vote
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  • 232 8 Probable Litigation over Mr. J. li. Smith's Millions. A Pacific liner is bringing the body of Iff .lames Hem v Smith, who was iv Singapore recently, and wl o died on his honeymoon in Japan in Mirch, to San Kraucisuo. Th» funeral will take place in the
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  • 105 8 The Cnp Final wait the signal for the sporting journalist of a London contemporary to roll up his sleeves and lay on the colour with the palette knife: Crawxhaw play > football with his head, especially with the inside of it. He has brains in his feet. When you look
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  • 80 8 The mw Bai 'iKt.ig. a. -uiil n;4 t i tin S:,n day at Home. rmntatn> 2211 rVatMßMta, as collljialcd with 17V* ill the (111 VlOlls HllUs:-. Thei-e are 141 Koniau OathoHca. :i •!<■«>. I Old Catholics. 1 Memnnnite. and H DmuMm who have de-land thai
    80 words
  • 51 8 Mr. Kieldinu. Canadian Mil inter of Fin aDce, lias issued a statement uu the trade ol Canada for the nine months ended March HI last. Tht! total amount of traile showed an increase of .Vi.immi.cmk) dols the imports increased by 17.:>0 u>u> dots., ami tl c export -i by 7..'HX),000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 512 8 A PRETTY MATRON OWES HEALTH TO PE-RU-NA. fOC<X>000<>00<>0<><>OC<>0<>0<>0<>0«<>i>0<>0<X><KK><K>0<>0<XXX>0<X><>00« I MRS. ANNA N. KAISER, 6 X Had Suffered Severely Fnm Pelvic Cc'r.rrh -Cannot Praise PerunaX X Too Highly Read Her Letter. 6 6<KKK>0<><><KK><><>C<><><>000<>0<>^ Mrs. anna Kaiski:, Two RepcrJs Her Cure. Kivers, Wis., was a minYrcr fi..::i Af.<r continuing tliu treatment pelvic
      512 words

  • 96 9 BORMMM, Miv 21, 19(»7. PRODUCE. iumbicr t 6.60 do (Cube No. li nnpir-ked 10.35 Copra Bali 10.4 ■"> do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper. Black 17.80 do White 5% 25..W •^ago Flour Sarawak 2.92 j do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15<& 19.00 Coffee. Palcmbanu. 20% basis
    96 words
  • 126 9 On London— Bank 4 ml» 2/4^ Demand 2/4J Private 6 m/s 2/4j do 3 m/H 14 On Germany— Bank d/d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.45$ do 6 m/s -'.-17 i On hrann— Bank d/d 2.94 Private 3 m/s 3.08$ do 6 m/s 3.06 On India— Bank T. T. 174|
    126 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 320 9 Date of format- Capital ion Subscribed Number of Shares 1 Issne Value ,52, Company Quotation-: 1903 tSOO.OOO 1901 $800,000 1903 £400,000 1907 •400,000 £60,000 1906 £1QO,000 1905 (150,000 1908 £120,000 1906 (450,000 1906 £250,000 1904 £120,000 1905 £27,000 1893 £200,000 1905 £40,000 •400,000 •600,000 £350,000 •375,000 £60,000 £90,000 •99,000
      320 words
    • 351 9 1906 £150,000 1905 $200,000 1904 j £30,000 I "~i I AngloMmUy Robber Co., Ltd. (fully pud) £3.12.6 (oontrib.) £3.2.6 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. (fully pud) 119.00 (oontrib) $17.00 B»tu C«vee Rabber Co. Ltd. (f.p) £1.2.6 (oontrib.) £1.12.6 B»ta Unjor Robber Co., Ltd. $20 25 £104,987.10 $87,400 46.500 1 I
      351 words
    • 197 9 1894 1898 £5,377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 •325,000 1225,000 •10,000,000 »10,000,000 7,638 4,800 i2/e 50 12/6 150 814.11.0 112,500 10,000,000a) 11,000,000 250,0006 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd Fraser A Neave, Ltd. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ST... 140.00 855.00 1865 80,000 •136 •126 1901 1896 1901 92,400,000 »2,,00,000 •1,000,000 •1,000,000 •34,000 $34,000 •875,000
      197 words
    • 30 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 8% 1600 000 S« m«m Riley Hargreavc, Ltd. t gj|;j|g j* Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20* prem S% 1,878,000 2%\,rem Tanion g Pagar'bockCo..Ltd. 6 1,050.000 pi
      30 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 MARTIN'S f*J| fcfli^ 1 ■>» «,jf,.ifi-»t- r.vl ■!<>•*■ who u»* (turn reronroand thprr> IV HO itjeir •nfirmnu.«!f M ».t ii t> mul S'or«<-. or i V Given away FREE OZONE OZONE OZONE TIIK KKY TO BTEJX\T LIFE] SEA VIEW HOTEL TANJONCJ KATONO. OZONE is a better Tonic than any mediciue
      392 words
    • 35 9 XVai Seng Go., I!MTTE yRD SINGAPORE TAILORS, OUTFITTERS, GENERAL DRAPERS. 9 Just ReGotved Dressing Cases Helmets, Hair Brushes Leather Belts Cloth Brashes Ladies' Washable Belts tfi Tooth Brushes Vinolia Soaps Razors Sock Suspenders Pocket Knives
      35 words
    • 552 9 I lußi The LINOTYp E \/&ffisSfy Composing Machine ffKyT L'sed by the Leading Newspapers. ■RyCfcsS OQVERNMBNI i ..*>«„ n ,i <-..]. i HlM^Bl^- CONTRACTORS: [ZZ'TiT^ 11,000 in Daily Use. «H •^^^_>JLA 04LM0USIE SQUARE CALCUTTA IR9H^ I"!""'''' P-irtl) »et up..n l.iin,t>p« r.,mp..«in(( M :,,n,. THIS SPEAKS FOP ITSELF Kxtmct flom The
      552 words
    • 103 9 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been tbe favourite blends at home for many ye»rs and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in tbe Colonies. No expense h spared in keepii-g both RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" np to the mark. I Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS FIREBRICKS.
      103 words

  • 181 10 Canton Railway Muddle To Be Investigated. Kroni Piking it is reported that Slum t him Muen. Minister of the I >epartment of Ports and Coiniminications. has advised the Kinpress Dowager to send a high official to I'aiiton to iuvestigati- the railway muddle. The Throne has approved of
    181 words
  • 267 10 Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman's Sympathy with Workmen. liefi nine t'> a telegram apjH-ariiii; in our columns I few days since, it is of h| to Mfc that the Woolwich Arsenal workmen held a meeting at the main gate of the Arsenal on April 28 to discuss the
    267 words
  • 160 10 Information hastx-ru nvrivrd in Hoiiykon^ t<> the effect tliat Hrn strainer Nikolai. flyiu" iht li.ti--.ij' i» tlaij. iiiiiauioiinilnciir Amov ami lias Uin abandoned. The Nik.'!:ii i> l»tt«i known locally as the ami i- owned. WB lielicvc. l>y a liri'tk. of ShniiKliai. Poc ~oni tiini 1 ifaa
    160 words
  • 138 10 Tin seven patrol boats, built by Messrs. \V. S. Builey anil Co.. of Hongkong, under the supervision of Captian T. P. Hull, have been delivered to the Canton authorities. The M*j|i are H hat loll", each niniiiiteil with a ■puck-tiring 888, anil protected by -tcel ynu shields
    138 words
  • 47 10 Han is ill) udvcrtisiiiicnt which <m take mmi a Cornish ]kiint: Tenders are in-viu-il for ieaahl tin- i-iitianee tx> the Nuam llailKim- and Dock by dri-d^iii-; lor tin- I'.-nzaiuc Town Council." Died UiUH for n Towa Council would save Minn- i-li-i -tiuti dimcultic^. i cannot help thinking.
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 TO MINING ENGINEERS AND CAKPENTEUS, AUCTION SALE One Complete Set of VALUABLE UOP.ING TOO.'.S (NEW). At The Mart." No«. 4 and 5 Raffles Place, On Friday, May 11, JMV, at 11 a.m. Specification may be had of H. L. Coghl&n 6" Co.. Licensed Auctioneers 10(8 and Surveyor*.
      47 words
    • 605 10 BANKING COMPANIES.! HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital w0.000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reaerve 110,000,0001 000 000 I Silver Reserve 111,000,000) lwu w Rjserve Liability of Proprietor* •10,000.000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medharst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W J. Gresson— Deputy Chairman. G. Bslloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq. A.
      605 words
    • 531 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £800,000 Reserve Fnnd £1.079,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, LW. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current AoooanU are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      531 words
    • 595 10 SALES BY AUCTION. TANGLIN AUCTION SALE. AT No GOVERNMENT BUNGALOW. NASSIM ROAD. On Saturday, June 1, 190! at S,iO p.m. The property of L. G. North* «v, E«o. Consisting of one Iron Framed Cottage Piano by F. Adam refold, hi ndsome carved Burmese teak table an.l chairs, rattan lounge*, sideboard,
      595 words
      412 words
    • 621 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Wednesday May 29. at Ml p.m.— 999 years Leasehold laml and h-nise kn »n us No. 19 Dickson Road. M MM w|. ft. Q«M rent >1 G. A. Fernandez V Co.. 1096 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE <<>, Wenntay, M,iij :>■), ,il -'.M p.m. 1. Twenty freehold
      621 words

  • 328 11 Suggested Adoption of Methods in Singapore. Are (lie method- of "tn local authorities for the -iippressinn of clime behind MM pi'eviulini; ill other part- of the Far Kast".' MM the HoiijikoiiK l>»il\ rVaaa, Frui i. coiivei-ati.iii which mil 1 repre-. ntative had with a l'oli-e
    328 words
  • 74 11 Tantai Ma. of tlic Koochow Mint, who has Im-cii charged with corruption by (hi'i I'ili. tin; I'uirency C'ommis-ionei who \\n* on a mission to mvestij-ate the various mints throughout the I'liinesi' Kinpire. ha- MM tiird More the Chief .lustice at I-"h.k -how. and an ordi-r for
    74 words
  • 88 11 The following new direction leyanliny stamps is issui'd hy the Financial Comuiis. Lionel in Calcutta ami should ha of inU-ri-st U> r<-»iili-nts of HagflfMWi -Stamps! should be kept flat in airtight tin caxes. Hud M they havi' adhesive hacks or are j attached to envelope*, a Hinall
    88 words
  • 124 11 All Phi is will mm U' Mttag of tin- action j inonyiit hv M. If Baqfjr, Urn bmmm acaar, U< pnvcnt his wifr. fnun wliAin lir whs divorced not Ing agjfc fiom usiii(j his naiiii-. lii its4lf tlic issue n|>|M'iiis to ha alaat aawaigh, siiier in
    124 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 VIOLENT METHODS nre unnecessary to conquer bitter enemy of civili/iition— Rheum:iti>m. All its forms, including Rheumatic Gout, cm be cured permanently, s.ifely :ind inexpensively by Little's Oriental Balm. Rub it in wei— and plenty of It— Hut's all that st.^nJ-. between you and perfect hoal'.ii and comfort. Nothing like
      127 words
    • 496 11 saris and conditions o/ I 'People I Cadlyzixvjr's Cocoa I because, being Absolutely Pur*, therefor* the best cocoa I obtainable, it Is the ideal food-beverage for every age ■f every occupation and for all climates. It contains all tha I nutritive component* of the cocoa-bean with th* fatty I elements
      496 words
    • 356 11 *,j|ja mmml Bmmm cuEBI rED »Ww m^ ini OILMEN 3 mii m I ceosse m neK^ PS BySpecla. AUD MM ToV EE o L1E Warrant BLACEWELL, W^ -I I LTD BBfl B Aaniraro. Purveyors to Hriiri Hj lea&perrins H.M.The 1116%^ mM "'"I 1 111 1 LACE STORE: Just received New
      356 words
    • 127 11 Yamato Co. PatponiBed hy Ttieip Ko,yal Jiig^nesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaugftt. WHOI KSALE AND RETAIL DKALKKS IN ALL KINDS ol JAPANESE CURIOS. 4-1 High Street, Singapore. 94 Telephone No. \i:>. "DOG'S HEAD" BRAND i =ty fe J>jSj 7-rai/e Mark. Registered \s^^&&y3&l Guinness' Stout. A HEAD OF ALL. 714
      127 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 591 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description. House., Land, etc., to let. are inserted at the following rt:-?- One Insertion 9 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 8.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 'Each subsequent month *5 per inch.) The above rate is based
      591 words
    • 588 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates Four Linn, on* or two insertion", I. By the inch, ■>•• >-c.ile of Chnivn. FOR SALE, RUBBER ESTATE. 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stumps. Apply C. c/o "Straits Times." c 103 EMPTY HO6SHEADS FOR SALE. EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS.) About 100 to 150 monthly. Apply
      588 words
    • 620 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUim:— roar Llnw, an or two iuntiow, 11.00 By Urn inch, m Seal. 1 1 Ch&rgM. COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 88 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep Street. rBll HOUSE TO BE LET Frankfurt House, No. 1 Lloyd Road. Apply within. 665 ROOMS
      620 words
    • 536 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Rates ut Month. Md p«r inch, sulwaquent raontha, H. Fur shorter p«rinl« -••>• Srala of Charge*. NOTICE. The undersigned it prepared to book orders (or Rubber Seeds from nine year old trees, (or 1906 delivery. Price on application. MANAGER. c 437 Highlands and Lowland. Estate. NOTICE. I hereby
      536 words
    • 283 12 MOTOR CARS. Argylls. 1 Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. EXPECTED DURING MAY AND JUNE. Two 12-14 H.P, (4 cylinder) 5 Seated Argylls, Pitted with Magneto Price 53. 900. Two 10 H.P. 3 Seated-Hewitts, Fitted with Magneto Price %2,300. Two 6 H.P. 2 Seated Rovers, Special Finish Price $1,600. ALL CARS FITTED WITH HOOO.
      283 words