The Straits Times, 21 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.347 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 21. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 457 1 GRAND HOTEL DE LEUROPE. SINGAI'OUK. Umgnittwnll) I'uni she^i. \v i Itflant simplicity. Robinson and Company, sol L EN t S RALEIGH CYCLES Season 1907. The RALEIGH CYCLE Co. own the finest factory in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date tools and appliances for obtaining accuracy and finish, and are
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    • 170 1 v > .GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. HKOAFORB. Lan in C— »iii'ynwi he.ll'i iinl I NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well known establishment, 1 which has changed ownership, is now ojH-n sad ready to rvo«M> visitor^ (Boarden 4 Passengers 1 Tlm Howm has been thorongbl^ renovated, lad will
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  • 897 2 Dominant Sex in Novel writers. Why do Id.- ultra.-. |b n women writ. ih> In dun „f Kiij'l.ui.i I|lll-Still|l :lslv. .1 b) Wilt. < 11l 111. Vl^> Mail. Wi.ini ii i\l,., Mr I MU t ,i,,. liallot in Knt;l;iiiil a h.u. ialj to r,n\.i. assert- thi- „li t|,.,i
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  • 31 2 A milkman, having just set up in builM mm, »aid to ■uhtouierof hix milk You may i.l v on it, M im, for its fx< n aanlyaal h\ tin pllblir iillur'jllMt.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 272 2 Moet 4r Qdandon (The Champagne de Luxe) 1098 "tH I 3>y Imperil' 1 WTI CHAHDWJ Importers: BorAeo Co., Ltd. AUSTRALIAN FLOUR Ltu/J ZLAt^ JAMESTOWH^ 1 iM IMPORTERS: Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMSJ ALBERT L. A. DALEY HORSE REPOSITORY ""^VJrZ*?"" JMI land, i Bx. 1 1 H Ho.s.s, Me Dottrid 8
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    • 211 2 Pssnft! AND I TO HK OBTAINED KKOM AM. SToIJi: KKKI'KKs. McALISTER A Co., Ltd., Grmrmi Utprnmtmtier*. $350. Wropieal fßuilt BY LEADING LONDON MAKERS. TIME. In SOLID Mahogany Cases, Full Scale. Iron Framed, PAYMENTS luck. Action. Handsome Designs. Tone liich <uid H\QCII TAKEN l''»ver'ful Tinkii Fkkk im Onk Yiur. V«WW The
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    • 474 2 ECZEMA COVERED HEAD ANDLIMBS Could Not Rest Day or Night- Wt Miserable From Itching Cured Before Using One Complete Set of the Cuticura Remedies— Now Says: "It Ought to Be A HOUSEHOLD WORD THE NAME OF CUTICURA" "I broke out withocznnn through getting :i .sevi-re coUI. 1«: i*1 «:i* <-<>vere»l
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    • 87 2 A 6000 SUGGESTION. Mr. C. It. Wainwright of Lemon city Fla., U.S.A.. has written the ruanufactmi rx that much better results arc ohtaincd bom the use of l humbrrlain (.'cilic, Cholera and Diarrhoea (Remedy in cases of j.aius in Urn Rtoiuach. eoHa and cholera morhus by takint; it in water
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  • 361 3 bw I the Aiinr a» Oriental Hu i-, en,!, rkqddaaaf Vale read bbbot „v -The Sniti i\iss in \n. 1. ut India.' li.dnced to its foundation tta p'|» r was liixtun "i the Kis.. as w kii.'« it. The learned OiiwitaHnl traced it from its bfartn
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  • 320 3 Tlm Westminster Cuxette awards a pri/.e nidi, Cintica to Mi. .1. A Stark, for this brantifa] rehnke on alliteration. ispiiiint is well advised, ill this as in" 1 -.natters, not to a)K' the artitiee. hut to ai-i|iiire the art. Blow not. I U-j-. n,\ hold iMuiniHM's. hlow
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  • 242 3 Tint it i~ liitHriilt lor «oin<n to IhH< tluit tin- wi.iinii hi iinv iitlici- ihtjikl than 111 XX 11 1(1 1 tlllV thflllM'lvi'S iH'loll-i IIKM p. wed RBMt Ih'nutv is cTi'taiiily tn:< i Tin 1 Ulii-.c in KTtain rciiiynizol In-rtiiiii 111.' 1 1 -It
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 SPRAINED ANKLE. STIFF NECK, LAME SHOULDER. I I i-c arc three coiuniou ailment- lor wllioli Cliainborlain's l'aiu Balm is cspeoially V., i.ilile. If promptly applied it will savo ymi time, money ami hu fieri tig when troublxl with auy one ot these ailineuts. Solii by all .li-i naaiMa and ilealtrH
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    • 301 3 Tonic, Restorative, Digestive Wine Very palatable. Known throughout tbe world and prescribed in all cases ofAnwmia Debility andConoalescence, to young women, children and tbe aged. Invaluable in hot Climates. DOSE One wine-glass after tbe two principal meals Each bottle of genuine YIN SAIN T-RAPH Aft. tears, in addition to the
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    • 183 3 For Nervous (SWt^r CHtPCT£4ljrs n^^R Pliospliflglycerate HvoV of tit IP-nous system. fl^H MHI jfj in PHOSPHOGLYCERATE SYRUP ICHAPOI EAUTi PHOSPHOGLYCERATE WIDE CHAPOTEAUT| PHOSPHOSLYCERATI nPSULES iCHAPOTEAI; O 0, rue Vivienn«, PARIS-FRANCE J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers Jewellers. Opticians. IEPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JUST ARRIVED. Cheap Complete Outfits or SOLID RUBBER TYPE. The l'amil
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  • 610 4 RAFFLES HOTKL. Hou Jnstup and Mrs Mi- K A Su> Fisher Mr Hol»rt Wilding 800 .V Mrs \Y;lher Mr .1 C \V Wetiei-<-ol H. H. Johnston Mr A Hainincrberi; -.>IG. Wright Mr A Paaret Major Mrs Ford Mr E H Hartncll Msjor .v Mrs Ormiston ('apt Jones Major
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  • 145 4 I'lii -ix ami half million jm in Greater !->>inl'>ii livr in 'l-J.s.iuw i,,,u--. Ti, popnaV thin Iduyeam ;i^mi wa* junt one Hftli wiitl it ixnow. Tlionyli tli«- n;in:l»v birttw was iiiarlv doable the nninber afdeattMtii I'mi tin' liirtli rate is xteadih ilediiiinK. T |H^.;ii nKurex -!•■>« that in
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  • 122 4 EIPKCTID. Pat 1' and O• I Marmora. eaaaaathM with :1k- ktaaaMT Malta at Colombo, from London April •-'•>, due May M, I)r and Mrs A A Wood, Mr K S Fry, Mr t, MacLeod, Mr Mac I. Robcrtm, Mr T K Welen, Miss B Dixon Pit 1'
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  • 1049 4 Heir Friedenthal's Concert at Shanghai. _lii spite of the iiui.m t1,,-, atn.. h fairly repn-scntame Imm df Ideal HUM. I lovi-rs Jjllitnl HOT* Klicdenthai uli. m .i-aii) visit..,! Shanyh.-.i. M ;lv :i. His j pn-cc "The Wan.l.i-i although piovii,- till PWJMMr*« tciliui.|ii. < 1 1<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 vesseu advertised to sail Teluk Anson, via ports, Mondays, S. S. Coy Tuesdays, for Port Swettenham via ports Wednesdays, for Teluk Anson via ports Thursdays, for Port Swettenham via ports Fridays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Saturdays, for P. Snettenham and Penang.' Strait* Steamship Co. Port Swettenbam and Penang, Kapurthcla
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    • 704 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan;, Ceylon, Australia. India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills )f Lading leaned Ih OWa* Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and > mor-'-.i.. Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or tana* MAIL LINE. Outirard (fur China) ■rial May
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    • 1196 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." si BANDJERMABIN. The Steamer* of tbia company maintain a I regular service between: Singapore, Bawean, Sourabaya. Bandjermaain, Palo Laat, Balik Papan, Koetoi, with transhipment at Bandjermaain for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, I Marabahan. Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamer* have good
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    • 744 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HORDDEUTSCHER LLOfO Imperial Herman M»:i L«uj The fast and well kuown mail steamers i f this Company sail fortnightly from Bremeu Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutuamp- too, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, (connection 1 Marseille*, Naplee, Alexandria, and vioe verw) 1 Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo. Ptuans, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 84 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. Tftpjjone Kakt Wham Bakwin— Dagmar, i. W.Wendt. Aldebaran. KASTWBiBrSKfTioN I— lschia. B.isc.imbe. Sect 1 (Shmik WHABr):— McClcllan. SECrion Nc. 2-(ilenfalloch, Teesta. B— Saint Patrick. 4— Aberlour. s—Sultan.5 Sultan. 6 Calypso, Oopack. 7 Merionethshire. Sjcmbawa. B—Moutgomeryshiic,8 Moutgomeryshiic,
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  • 113 5 for Per SUamrr T%mt To uohbow I nutfgauu < F" rt SUflmn >U a.m Muntok ar.d Falembar? G. G. Utgtr 10 a.m. •olcmbn Schwabtn U a.m. Siak, Paneh. Asahan Van der Fd"i 11 a m. I rinfijjan'j via parts AingLcotfi nooo Isdragiri Ai "J noon Malacca aud Lingfii
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  • 1277 5 Under this beading the following abbreviating are used :-Btr.-«teamer <>b--«hip bq. -barque- scb.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cru. -Cruiser. G'bt.-Gunboat Tor—Torpedo H p.— Horsepower Brit. British 0.8.— United States Fob.— French Ger.— German Dut —Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar.— Sarawak O.o.— General- 3argo; dpdeck passenger U.-Uncertaiu f.^.W.—
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  • 807 5 Namf, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. Steamers. Airlie, Sydney, June 21 Bonatead Ajax, China, June 9; Muntii-lJ Alcinous, LiverpDol, May 20 Manufield \ntil rims. Liverpool. Jrn 26: Miinsneld Arcadia, CM mbo, July 19 P. 4 O. \-tv.uiax, Liverp-v.l, .Inly I; MaaataU Australien. Saigm. July
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  • 63 5 ll.hilu .Uil. P. 4 O. MaU, The P. and O. homeward mail uteanicr Delhi, left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, th. 23rd inbtant. Oi'in'AßO P. 4 O. Mail. The mail steamer Malta, left Colombo at 12.30 p.m.,
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  • 91 5 May 18 Asdaufi. Siam str, iJangkok via purb> CcenTDut str, Penang and Padang Besitanpr. Dut str, Pulo Samboe, PalcmbasS Korat. Ger IsT, Bangkok 13 Monsoon, Brit str. Mauritius Marudu, Ger str, Tawao via ports Will o'tho Wisp, Brit str, Kelantan via puts Ibla do Luzon, Span atr, Liverpool v*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 257 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. M»y.» At Idley Ifargrews A < sl n huilding y»rd. Tanjonn Ma, P- rap at 2 -30 p.m. 2", At Sand Kad Bungalow, 1 anjoug Rhu, valuable teak household furniture, *c, at 230 p.m. r, -At "Kalanda," Nassim Uoad, valuable teak household famiture at
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    • 377 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. j Tuk steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Calcutta, 6tr»iU and Hongkong, taking cargo on through BilU o Lading for Canton, Swatow Amoy, Shanghai, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang. Yangtsze PorU, Formoea, Japan, the Philippines, 4c, 4c. Steamers on the Calcutta. Straits
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    • 464 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' ateamsra are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every woek, and from Japan noroewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and fir Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool moutbly. One ontward
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    • 474 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS. HMIKIMI) SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. IlilllWllt (PEBTH) KOKTH w:st vivrKiiin ports. JAVA AMD SINGAPORE Regular Fortnightly sailings between Sing pore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port for the Kimberley Gold
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    • 426 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUP.OPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA and tbe UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanconver, R.M.S. "EuPREHSor Ikdii" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. Empress or Jam* men
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 126 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday. May ai. hi "Jse Y.M.r.A. Itov. 11. K. W«fc' mIdrCHK. 7 SO p in. l,egml»tive Mt. Wednesday, May 22. Iligli Wat;r. 0 Thursday. May 2,\. HiKli Water. 0 a.m. 1-M (>i'' n«H St School Celebration* ID.W. 1,, 1 d.en. en Salute Klag Haffles U
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  • 956 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, MAY 21. At a recent meeting of tlic Hongkong SaniUry Hoard, an auoiualous, soiui-roprc siutative body which ought cither to be reformed or abolished, au interesting discussion took place ou the dumping of bodies in tho streets of the sinter colony. The subject
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  • 369 6 So loug ago as 1612. an apothecary was honoured by the rcigniug Sovereign of Eugland. Wales, ami Scotland, and, through heraldry, of Franco also, to wit, by James 1.. and permitted to s|K>rt the gold lion passant on a rod held, as well an a Ueur-dc-lys, as portion of In-,
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  • 9 6 Penang has now got a third English daily paper.
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  • 12 6 All .tfctejiraius published iv this isbUc »io >rotoctcd by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 16 6 L'Opiuion. of Saigon. staUs that there i> plague iv that country, as well as 111 Cholon
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  • 18 6 The Malay Mail hears that a rubber estate in Pkhaiiß of 400 acres has been sold for tIOO.
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  • 15 6 The Dutch steamer Babalau arrivoil from Samboe. to-day, with a cargo of oil for Bangkok.
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  • 19 6 The inhabitants of Pimai have combined aud erected a uew day school for the benefit of the children there.
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  • 20 6 A cargo of rice from Bangkok arrived yesterday by the Norwegian steamer Hean, and another by the German steamer Tsintau.
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  • 21 6 L Avenier dv Tonkin reports that the ric, harvest in Cochin China this season is a, excellent one. surpassing the average.
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  • 22 6 A variety entertainment will be giveu al the Singapore Lnsitanian Club on June I and H. A good programme has been arranged
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  • 26 6 A groat conflagration is rt ported from Sapporo in Hokkaido. The tire occurred ou May ltt. aud »00 houses were destroyed and there were many fatalities.
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  • 28 6 Tliu Independent Order of (i.tod Templars, the Star of the East I, xlyo. will liokl its uniihl weekly meeting at No. J. Ailis I; mil. tomorrow. Wednesday evening.
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  • 26 6 Information has been received at Shanghai that America has decided to accept only *****0400, from China for the Boxer in demnity. and to return the remainder.
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  • 24 6 l.'Asie l-'raucaisv has suspend,^ publication from April owing to financial dirti cnltics. On M»y 1. anew pa|>cr, entitled L'lndo-Chiue Francaise. appeared in iU stead.
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  • 30 6 The Chinese merchants in liaugoon have subscribed M.T.10, and remitted sumc to the Tunga Wa Hospital, in Cantou, in lid of the cheap distribution of rice iv the Kwang Province.
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  • 27 6 It is credibly rc|>ortc<l that the Tientsiu Native Court has lioon empowered to arrest criminals within the Tientsin Settleiu, lit without requiring to secure a Consular warrant.
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  • 27 6 China has notified the Powers interested in the negotiations regarding the Treaty Itcvision to send Commissioners to Shanghai immediately to collier with the Ticaty Commissioners representing China.
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  • 36 6 A Chinese woman was lined »<J2O by the Second Magistrate, this morning, for briugiug into the Colony ehandu concealed ou her persou. She had an ingenious receptacle in the heels of her shoes for the ehandu.
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  • 45 6 A Chiuaman has been arrested on a charge of cheating by forging the name of John Krnest Lee on two drafts, for HO and and IUO respectively, ou the Hougkong and Shanghai Bank. The case will be heard by the Magistrates ou the 2Hth inst.
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  • 51 6 The Nanfaugpao reports that Sir Johu Jordan, the British Minister at Peking, has agreed to the appointment of arbitrators who will consider the question as to the auiouut of the iudemnity to be paid to those who suffered as tin; result or the riots which took place iv Shanghai in
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  • 52 6 Captaiu W. S. Soott, quartermasters department. I". S. Army, has arrived iv Singapore from Manila for the purpose of inspecting the linilers that have been made in England for the McCiellau. He will remain here only long cuoiigh to make the inspection, and will return to Manila by the first
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  • 56 6 There are 62 tons of explosives ou board the British steamer Montgomeryshire, which arrived from London yesterday. Two tons are for this port. The reminder go ou to the north. The British steamer Aberiaur. which has been lying outside the harbour for two days waiting for a berth, brought ;K)
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  • 63 6 The motion of Mr. Nansou. on behalf of Oona Ismail bin Osman, askiug for a review of the Police Court proceedings in which he was refused a writ of summons against Mr. Hayes Marriott, the Collector of Land Kcvcniii:. who was ucciisctl of ordering the destruction of the complainants house,
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  • 56 6 Lieutenant Horn, of the I'hih'ppiut < oti stabulary, has been sentenced to six years imprisonment for complicity in the robbery of %VifiOO from the safe in the Constabulary headquarters at Catbalogau, Island of Samar. The judge held that the fact that the accused was drunk when the robbery was perpetrated
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  • 64 6 On May 8, there arrived in Saigon en route to Peking, five of the competitors in the automobile race between Peking and Paris, organised by Le Matin, of the hitter city. They arc accompanied by two press representatives, one representing Le Matin aud the other a Milan paper. While at
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  • 63 6 The Japanese cruisers Tsukuaba aud Chitosejleft Gibraltar a month ago for England, en route for .lamestown, to attend the Virginian Exhibition, Admiral Ijuin and the other officers are highly pleased with the cordial welcome extended to Uiem at Gibraltar. All the Japanese Sbamen when ashore carried service water-bottles, previously filled
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  • 78 6 The first anniversary of the founding of a Scotch Lodge in the. Malay Peninsula, held at the Freemason's Hall, Penang, on May 17, was a brilliant function. Upwards of fifty Craftsmen, representing the Grand District Lodge (8.C.), and the various Lodges of the English Constitutions in the Malay Archipelago wore
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  • 647 6 Dr. and Mrs. Travers left K.ial.i 1..,,,,,,,,, for home, ou May IK. i PL XV< llv il '^'y '"''"liw in NMgkul left that I'ort. on May U for home. I'll, Key. I!. C. Jones of t!» An,,,. Mission, rcturu<*l t<. Ban-kok afU r a ir leave, on
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  • 50 6 Empire l>ay will be celebrated -it HI IVI Mi.-jiion School, Stamford r w Thursday next by recitations and .•ii^iij.- .t [mtriotic sougs by the children, and the .al'ut ing of the National Ha^ tew simple wordinculcating the principles .jl patriotism loyalty will be addressed to the liolars.
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  • 91 6 The New York Herald, of April 24, ,-,ays that the Key. John Watsou (lan Maclareui is seriously ill at au hotel at Mount I'leasaut. lowa, whore he arrived ou Monday to fulfil a closing engagement in a course of lecture* arranged under the auspices
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  • 106 6 A very haudsonie I'ulpit of I'erak marble has been erocted iv St. Peter's Mission Ciiurch, Stamford I toad, by Mcstj-s. Ravens way and Co., from designs prepared by Mr. K. J. Bartlett, Science Master at the Raffles Institution. The Pulpit is intended as a permanent memorial
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  • 27 6 The Petite Republique announces that a Paris doctor has made siiccttfhful «\ptruiieut--in a ucw treatment <»t UMHM, tin principal feature of which is the absorption „1 IIUIL.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 FRESH SHIPMENT JUST LANDED. Tansan Gingerale. A NATURAL TONIC £>«. Bottled at TABLE WATER W Takaradzuka, Japan. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co,, sole asents THE FIRST BCOTCH BUS DOING REGULAR SERVICE IN LONDON AN "ARROL-JOHNSTON ON THE ARROW SERVICE. The Works un- haul at it tlic^r days on J| I I I
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    • 206 6 Wilson co PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our rroductious are of Mm Inflict (wHsiible ARTISTIC A- TECHNICAL EXCKLLENCK and are kuown throughout the Kant INCOMPARABLY THE BEST. In Photography, a-- in ativthmy else, "The Best is the Cheapest." WHEN ON LEAVE Kt«p in touch with the Colouy and its doings. It is not
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  • 105 7 PLOT TO ASSASSINATE RUSSIA'S RULER. Duma's Resolution. SIGNIFICANT ATTITUDE OF THE SOCIALISTS. Hatmm'i Tmjmbam London. May 2(1. M. Stolypin. IVesidciit of the Council of Ministers and Minister of the Interior, an nouriced to the Duma the arrest of twenty eight revolutionaries, who. it is alleged, had plotted
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  • 134 7 Strong Protest Against Foreign Adulteration. lining Tki.k.i.i; v\i London. May 20. An euormous demonstration has taken place in Perpiguan. in the Pyrrm-es Orien tales, owing to Uw stagnation in the wine s rade, which U it'-i lutited to the competition of the foreign adulterated wines. Sixty ih.i'i
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  • 79 7 President lalliercs on Interchange of Visits. Kkutm'i TkUMui London. May 20. President r'ulli .-re* and some ineiiil>crs i.l the l-'reuoh Mini-try participated intlucelc hrations at Lyons in connection with the visit of representatives of Knglisli and Scot lisli municipalities. Speukiug at a banquet, at which upwards ol si\
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  • 73 7 Closing of the La>t Opium Den in Peking. Kki -tkk's Til MUM U.udon. Mm 20. The Peking correspondent of The Times telegraphs that the development of the antiopium movement iv China is encouraging. The last opium den in Poking was closed on Vriday. All the manufacturing Powers, with
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  • 83 7 |<».l IK TKUWtN IM I ..i 1 1. 1 on \Jrt\ 111 I ll'l I IMll't lIIC.'I ■>! Sir I.. ;i|HIUHI Haker. Sir Keujamiu Haker. who was the joint- ugiiii er of the Forth Hridge, was born in IH4H. He was created a K.C.M.O. iv
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  • 53 7 Ravna'a Tmmbmi London. May 18. The report of the Commissioners ap|ioint eil by President Roosevelt to inquire into the Trusts says that the history of the Standard Oil Corporation riMHM a irtual monopoly aud the delil>erate destruction of competition by less than a do/en men. who have
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  • 39 7 lin m;'s ItauMUl London. May 20. A bitterly cold Whitsuntide has been experienced in Km ope. Higher MMMiAMM haCe been recorded in lcoln-i.| linn i-i lire-it I'.riUin. ticrmiiiiy aud I rsucc. Snow fell in I'an
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  • 268 7 Another Transport Arrives from Philippines. The tinted States transport Wright arrived from Manila on Saturday, aud wiil uudergo complete renovation at Tunjong Pagar dojks. New boilers and tittiugs will be supplied and when the ship returns to Manila next fall she will be iv brst class
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  • 223 7 Struggle with the Americans Prophesied. A I lavas telegram, published iv Le Coin nor Saigon nais of May H, announces the signing of the Kranco-Japanese Treaty at Tokio. which is described as designed for the piotection of their mutual >osses.sious in the Far Kast. serving as a complement
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  • 58 7 A Chinaman has Ik-cii arrested at Kranji on a charge of murder, alleged to have been committed this morning. The story is that a hill collector called on him. and. during a quarrel, a blow was inflicted and the collector fell dead. It is probable that
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  • 270 7 The new agreement, which the Siam Klectricity Co., Ltd., hat signed with the (iovernment, is of more than usual interest to the general community, says the Bangkok Times. In return for the right to construct and <>pc .all' certain tramlines-two of which will connect the existing system
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  • 131 7 hilling the mouth of April, the output of tin aud tin-ore from Pcrak amounted to piciils ;tH.ti<)4.l.! i 2,;l«l tons i. valued at $:t..VI:i,K-2H.itl and the duty realised on the output was MtMM.IT, lp to the end of April, the total quantity of the metal exported amounted
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  • 29 7 The following is the result of the work -at Raub for the four weeks cudiug the iHth mstaut: Stone crushed, MM tons (iold obtaiucd. 802 ounces.
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  • 696 7 A WARNING TO INTENDING PURCHASERS. Prices in England. Mr. K. Crouch, of the Royal West Kcnts, Tanglin Barracks, has contributed the following letter, which will be interesting to Philatelists I thiuk it is only fair to your readers that they should M acquainted thoroughly with the Labuan provisional
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  • 236 7 Appeal Before Mr. Justice Fisher Muushi (nilam Mcydin was convicted by a r.eneli Court consisting of Messrs. Michell and Colmau. on a charge of bciug in possession of ten packets of rosewater labels to be used on bottles, with the mtentiou. it was alleged, of selling them
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  • 83 7 An excellent programme has been arranged for the musical evening which is to take place at the Teutonia Club, on Saturday night, in connection with the Singapore Philharmonic Society. The concert is confined solely to the members of the Philharmonic Society and their friends, whose names should be
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  • 1286 7 INSANITARY CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES. Condition of the Markets I H\ (hi: Si'K< in. OMWMM The demand that the Health Department of Singapore shall chauge its methods am take Home real ste|>s toward reforming uur sanitary system in mauy directiouK has so far met with little, or no,
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  • 149 7 i Handsome Donations to Building Fund A letter received from Mr. R. l>. Priuglc, (ieneral Secretary of the V. M. C. A.. Singapore, by Mr. I. Polglasc. Acting President oi the lo.:-il institution, states that a good start has been made iv Kngland in the canvas
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  • 216 7 Pitched Battle in San Francisco Streets. According to a cable of May despatched from San Kraucisco, the strike of the street car employees in the city has reached a serious crisis. Yesterday, says the wire, the strikers attacked several of the cars which the united companies were
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  • 22 7 A gang robbery was committed on the outskirts of the Kociiore district last night. The police are iuvestigatiug the matter.
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  • 66 7 The nine Russian firemen of the steamer Coronia who went on strike on Friday last were, this morning, charged at the Master Attendant's Court with desertion and wilful disobedience of orders. They made lengthy statements, alleging that they had been struck by certain of the ship's officer's.
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  • 189 7 Mr. T. ll! I'arsous applied In Mr. Justice risher. this morning, on behalf of Mrs. Ktnilic Mary Bernard, for letters of adminiH ♦ration of her deceased husband, Mr. Jean Hubert Hi ruard. who died on January 'ii at No. 6-4, Oxley Road, leaving, besides the widow, a son
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  • 122 7 It has been decided to hold the second Aunual Flower Show, at Kinta. on Saturday. October 5. The Toll Puan Haji San- pah, and the Datoh Sri Adika Kaja, i. s. 0., are lending their charming bouse and ground on the Lahat Road for the occasion, and
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  • 107 7 SERIOUS LOCK-OUT IN BERLIN BUILDING TRADE. Engineering a General Strike in Johannesburg. Rki tkk's Tklki.k\m lioudon. May 20. The demand for an eight-hours' working day has culminated in the lock out of tiff, thousand men in the building trade at Berlin, beginning to day. l-'ifty thousand more will
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  • 42 7 Kkutkr's ' London. May 20. The Japanese cruisers ChitoHc aud Tsu kube. which, under Roar- Admiral Ijuin. went to the I'nitcd States to be present at the Jamestown Kxhibition naval display, have left New York for Germany.
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  • 48 7 Rkctkk's Tklkoium London, May 20. The Royal yacht Victoria and Albert, having ou board (Juceu Alexandra, has had to run for shelter to Messina on account of the stormy weather in the Mediterranean. Her Majesty was returning from Cortu, in the lonian islands.
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  • 37 7 Rk.l-TKK's IVt.KiiRAM London. May 20. The Japanese authorities have placed orders in the United States for 412,000.000 worth of equipment for the South Manchurian Railway. High prices were paid to insure rapid delivery.
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  • 325 7 Sikhs Proclaim Loyalty to the Raj. Rkltkk's I'm. k.k m London. May 20. In view of the feeliug of unrest which exists in India, the Sikhs have issued a manifesto proclaiming their loyalty to the Kaj and their contempt for the agitators. Calcutta, May 1 1.
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  • 54 7 Department Raised to Imperial Rank. Dm; ORMIinMI l.i.ovi) llcrlin, May 20. Acting ii|">n instructions from Kiu|ieror William, the (iovernment Mi raised the Colonial Department into an lim|k rial Colonial Office, with Mr. Dcruburg as Sccrc t.irv of State. Chamberlain I.ocbcll lias MM appointed I ruder Secretary of
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  • 100 7 Mr. C. \V. Wood, who weut into KaoUy ua May 10 to take part in the (ioveraor's Shield competition, when returning U> fchc estate with his brother in a uigfcot car. ojut with a serious accident in the evening. Ooing down Katugastota road, noar about tin
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 16 8 Tin- Sclauuor Turf Club Meeting will 1« lul.l on .Inly .Ml ami I':i.
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    • 42 8 Club Launch. The Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club Bungalow ou Friday next, l.mpire Day, at 9, 10 and II a.m.. and 2.30 Mini :(.;tO p.m.. returning at MO and 10.30 .i in and I'-M.-p. ;1, and p.m.
      42 words
    • 71 8 An Immense Philadelphia .lack O'lSricn went down in lefeat be-fore Tommy Burns, the husky Canadian, before an immense throng of pngilisl enthusiasts at Los Angeles ou May 0. for a purse of twenty thousand dollars and sixty per cent, of the gate receipts. The result of the tight was
      71 words
    • 104 8 IV v. (i. Companies West Kents. The B. ami O. Comv iuios of the Kuyal V> st, Kents tried conclusion at Tanglin Bar raoka on Saturday in the Warrcu Shield <om|>etition. In tho first live minutes. O, 'jtnpuny st;ored. B. »'om:>any being at dis advantugi iv having
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    • 570 8 Sclanjjor v. Pcrak. In an Inter-State inateh lx:twcen iMaag it mi Perak. played at Kuhlh liuiupur m Friday aud Saturday, considerable interest «;is centred. When the game conniieiieed. the wicket was soft and easy, but the out Meld was dead aud the ball travelled slowly. Selangor wou the spin
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    • 51 8 Local Tournaments. In the Y. M. C A. tennis tournament yesterday. Song Oug Siang beat Falls by •—l,• 1, 6— l. In the S. I!. C. tennis tournament yesterday, Theo. dc Silva beat K. Stuart, 6-0. «--3. and A. R. Mowc beat C. Webb, 6-0. 6—o, in the championship
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    • 126 8 A Oood Ride. Mr. Kato, aged IS, employed by Messrs. Hashimoto and Co., of Kobe, ou April M, says the Japan Chronicle, completed a I,<XX) miles road race (organised by the Osaka Shimpoi ou a I lumber bicycle in ."> days !> hours fund 40 minutes. Taking into consideration
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    • 145 8 I.i 1 1 in-.; (in the Derby. A London cable of May 10. states that the latest betting on the Derby is as follows I.", to against Slievc Oallion t<> 2 <ialvaui K to I r.e/.oliiau 9 to 1 Ouadi Haifa 10 ti- 1 Wad Winder 14 to
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    • 167 8 Ipoh I adits' Rifle Club. In perfect weather on Wednesday, May 15, the Vanishing Target Competition took place in connection with the Ipoh Ladies' Kifle Club. There was a large attendance of ladies. This competition, the first of its kind in which the above Club has taken part, was
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  • 198 8 The Calcutta Statesman the other day stated that it would be well for a Temperance Society to take the ticker under its care. The "ticker" i- a telegraph instrument situated in the office of a newspaper, by means of which news telegrams are sent
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  • 156 8 Tbe dolt liner Agamemnon put into Colombo on May 9 and began taking in cargo the following morning. She took in 2,500 tons of cargo, mostly tea. and, despite tbe raioy weather and frequent' interruptions, the work was finished well within the twenty-four hours 2,500 tons in lett
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  • 798 8 Encouraging Features Disclosed For the Coming Year. Tin auuual MmUm of the Kelmigor Huh er Company was held in Glasgow. Mr. T. ohnson, the 'liairman. presiding. After alluding to the balance sheet, which as already appealed iv the- Straits Tunes, lie Chairuiau remarked —It may perhaps c uniiHual
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  • 110 8 It was recorded in our columns a law days since that the M. M. steamer Kouang-Si had last licr port side propeller and shaft, about 40 tuiles from Cape St. Jauies, near Saigon. She came on uml remained here for two days, and then started for
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  • 209 8 It ha- been common kuuwledge that the number of Chinese reported to have died from cholera acd plague in Bangkok daring the last two months has been very large, but few are aware that within a period ot nine days in April uo fewer than 1,164
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  • 420 8 Possessed no Attraction for Investors. Alluding to the Straits Settlements Loan, the Daily Chronicle, of April 25, sayti: The Crown Agents for the Colouies are having rather an unpleasant experience with this important emission, ns well as the underwriters tiny got to guarantee it for a commission
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  • 227 8 I/A vi ii ir dv Tonkin is not pleased with the Franco Siamese convention of .March 20 last, but -;iy- that all the efforts of France should tend to assure her prc|x>ndcrancc in the valley of the Mekong, which is logically in her sphere
    227 words
  • 268 8 The south-west monsoon in our Way lias fallen sadly from the magnificence which characterised it in the time when Sir Kim-r-son TciiDcnt wrote of its imposing phenomena. Instead of being ushered in with whirlwinds aud thunders and a deluge of rain, it now steals in by
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  • 100 8 According to a telegram from Wellington X.Z., dated April 22, a case of suspicious illness, suspected to be plague, has occurred on board the Powerful, cruiser, Captain L Halsey, flying the flag of Vice-Adm. Sir W. H. Fawkes. ot the Australia Squadron, and at one
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 A telegram from Santiago do Cuba to the New York World reports tbo death of Antonio Infinato, a negro, at tho ago of ICO years. The correspondent adds tut his facultios were practically unimpaired to the end.
      37 words
    • 20 8 LATCST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHINESE BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. A Chinese Bill ColifcctoT—oceurity 1 91,1)00. Apply in writing to 1101 bViIL 1- CU.
      20 words
    • 178 8 MB 111 ill illillTTtinTTr i^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 1 111 JEFFREY'S 1 Edinburgh Stout. "CASTLE" Brand. SPECIALLY BREWEO FOR THE TROPICS. Highly RecomineiuU'd. Price $12 Per Cas«' of 7 (seven) dozen Tints. OF ALL DEALERS. CHINESE CONTRACTORS WANTED. Chinese contractars are invited for the supply of a l»r^8 quintity of dressed granite
      178 words
    • 192 8 MORTGAGEES SALE Widncudiiy May at Ml p.m.— 939 fMM Leasehold land mid louse known an N.i. 19 Dickson Road, area 1/J24 ft. Quit rent 11. G. A. Fernandez 0* Co., 1096 AlcUoii-ti AUCTION SALE On W'ctinliiy. Mmj I'!), nl :'.JO /,.m. 1. Twjntv freehold building allotments Hitustc in the District
      192 words

  • 226 9 Sim.aiokk. May 18, 1907. PRODUCE. JBQibier buyers 6.6."> do iCnbc No. li unpicked 10.35 Copra Bali 10.4r> do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper. Blank IH.OO do White 5% 25.80 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.92J do Brunei No. 1 2.90 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee. Paleuiban*;. -JO"., b*M« 22.50 Coffee,
    226 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 329 9 Date of format- Capital I Subscribed ion Number of Shares I lane Paid Vain* iup to Reserve L Company QvoTAnom 18.60 18.75 2.50 10.00 1903 1300,000 fctOO.OOO 1901 1903 £400,000 £350,000 1907 (400,000 1375,000 30,000 60,000 350,000 87,5000 ,2,5W> uuiaauad 60,000 90,000 IU.OOU unim*d 16,000 130,000 45,000
      329 words
    • 326 9 1905 £150,000 £10i,9»7.10 *••**> J 1905 I $200,000 W7.400 J Jjg •JJ ».:<"' uniMned 1904 £30.000 £11,195 J 1906 700,000 I $610,000 I 70,000 tlO I «,000 unimnd 1903 £70,000 £70,000 70,000 1 8,000 uniMMdl 1906 I •150,000 $125,000 12,500 $10 1904 «12,000 £10,600 i 1 12/6 10 I
      326 words
    • 214 9 1»94 £5,377.10.0 £4,648.15.0 1898 $225,000 $285,000 1865 110.000,000 110,000,000 1901 $2,400,000 $2,-.00,000 1896 91,003,000 $1,000,000 1901 3 000 1899 W75.000 1875,000 1903 9600,000 $240,000 7,638 12/6 13/6 4,500 *50 tSO 80,000 9125 »125 ***** 100 i 100 6,000 $100 I 4,000 1100 3,400 t 10 10 6,000 SlOO IIOJ
      214 words
    • 42 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 3% prate Riley Harareaves, Ltd. 6% 225,000 3% prem Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% pren 5% 1,878,000 2% prem. 4% 603,000 2% Sis nominal Tanionc Paear Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 250,000 3% prem 5% 1.030,000 par.
      42 words
  • 134 9 The U»v. W. A. Huuck. chaplain of Hw Haajaji of Representatives, either considers in wsi«i|H'i nun beyoiul the pale of ilivinccouti -ill or liss needful of heavenly Krace than any otliti eJaaaj directly or indirectly connected with tlw Legislature isaysthe Philadelphia Public Ledger). Iv his prayer
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  • 49 9 Tim I'ni.i- on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p in., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meanI time. The time gun is tired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Snnday, when it is fired at one 'o'clock
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  • 130 9 Dr. Bernard Hollaiider lectured recently before the New Kra Sociological Society on The I»robleiii of the I'ntit. In a reference to capital punishment, he said that even when technically insane, it would be an excellent rule that a person who intentionally killed a fellow-creature should ipso
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 335 9 PRELIMINARY NOTICEAUCTION SALE VALIABI.i: TEH HOUSEHOLD PUBNITUHE, OOTTAOE IMANOAND AN KXGLISH HADE FULL SIZK MILLIARD TABLE. The property of D. or BRANDT. F.sii To be held at ST AXMORK. GRANGE KOAD, Siitar.l.iii. -I MM V tMpjm. (The f urnitiii-e will bo on iev.- sue week before Powell Co MM UmMmm,
      335 words
    • 66 9 LAME BACK. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on apiece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain
      66 words
    • 217 9 THIS SPEAKS FOr ITSETjF Bltwel from Autocar,'* March 30, 1907. KEPOKT OK THE ENGINEER OK THE KOV\L A I TOMOBILE (.LIB OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND J: The 14 h.p. Star Car has been iii continuous use for driving lessons and t;t:ueral instructions for over THIRTEEN MONTHS. The car has
      217 words

  • 1322 10 Prospects of Rivalling Feats of Australians. '1 bagUUUßgof.Hoath African <-ri« kit may b- -iid tv iliiU limn tin- tour <if Major Wli-iton- U-uin in tin- winter .if IHMH-H9, wi;t<-- I. K. Warner, in the Wistiuiu-Ur Me. Mine- that time lour otlnr Knuii-li t-lcn-i>N have playd nt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 426 10 SALES BY AUCTION. THE KADANA GOLD MINING Co.. LTD. (In Liquidation). AUCTION SALE THE MINING LEASK AND KIGHTS: VALi ABLE MACHINERY COKBIMTUK3 of one l'J li.p. ilouble cylinder i<oii;i i'h engine by Claytau an.l Sliuttlewortli. with fl> \veel- and pulleys complete one 10-heail -tunp inlf.erv with amalgamation tables BOMtpMt with
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    • 547 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up Capital »i 0,000,000 UESKRVEFCND:— Sterling Reserve »10,000.000 i Silver-Reserve 111,000,000 1 210 °0.«>0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 510,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTOKS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— rhairmau. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresaon Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq. A. Fuchs,
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    • 527 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor £300,000 Reserve Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City it Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      527 words
    • 1016 10 ALES BY AUCTION. TO maiMC ESOIKEERf) \M' 1 IRPERTERB, AUCTION SALE aqslete >. I A M. l Ai'.i.i: BOBIKO too.- (KKW). At -The Mart," Rob. 1 and 4 lintfi. On FrUmp, Urns If, IW7, mi 11 S|nvirVatw>n nia\ I* luul of H. L. Cofthlan 6- Co.. Liei 1 \u. >
      1,016 words

  • 790 11 Why Women Age Quickly. TliiTr iin hundreds <>1 11 nl thi' uppet ami i.iiililli- tlitniri j:i*t now bewaJUov tliiir "iiiim- mid crying out that livii<lit>'lirand in^iinniii ami ilu|im»ilmi an iquiliiiK tliiir livi-.. This is a ii' niotii- «<;«• an«l hall the world i>t men
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  • 160 11 SVotkoa tho Kowloou railway has been progMMfaaJl slowly of late swing to the lieavy rains which have caused a few minor landslips on the tcuiporary railway track which runs between Mounkok ami Kowloon!sai. Tin- shaft which divides the first from thf Mai section of the tunnel is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 ECONOMY IN THE ENO. A few doHt'K of Chamberlain's C ou«h l;< uicly will euro your cold and |ierliap» -<aye a doctors bill later on. It always cures aud ureu quickly. For sale by all dispensaries □a dealerv
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    • 422 11 ISMAIL RAHEEM, "IKUai 82 1 and 82-2 Bras Basah Koad. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set mm Jewellery in modern and antique design. Inspection invited. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNEdT IK YOl" INTEND TO SELL YOUR LAND AMD HOUSE PROPERTIES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. FIKST CONSULT (3. J\.
      422 words
    • 565 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. K»tks -i»t .M.mth. *1O per inch. Subwqusnt rautithH. io. r'«»r *hort«r periods *9# seal* of ('harxw. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all roads within Government House Domain will be closed to the Public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of the following dates, namely May
      565 words
    • 393 11 PHOSFERINE Th« Greateat of all Tonic* 5 I RADIATES HEALTH Ptoerttmi: lifclaa ft Parent, LWied. La Belle Seumte, Leodoo, h.c. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. OHIO IS AL AND ONLY GENUINE. Baeta Bottle of this well-knnwn ßemedy FOft COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, DIARRHOZA, SPASMS, ETC. Bear- < n
      393 words
    • 307 11 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have beta the favonnte blends at home for many ye*rs and are rapidly Raining simiKr popularity in '.he Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the mark, c 46 CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT DID
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 590 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description. Houses, Land, etc., to let, are kMatM at the following raVH One Insertion 5 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty five 10.00 fSach subsequent month $5 per inch.) Th* above rate is
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    • 548 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rites Four Lines, one or two Insertions BJI By the inch, ace .scale of (hure— FOR SALE, RUBBER EBTATE. 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubier Slump. Apply C. c/o -'Straits Times," clO3 EMPTY HO6BHEADS FOR SALE. EMPTY
      548 words
    • 622 12 Hint*:— Poor Linen, on* or two insertions, H.OO By the inch, see Meal* of Charge.. COMPOUND HOUB£ TO BE LET. I No. 88 Sophia Road. Apply to 18 2 Prinaep HOUBE TO BE LET. Frankfurt House, No. 1 Lloyd Road. Apply ROOMS TO LET. Rooms are to let at Sheron,
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    • 553 12 Rates:— four Lines, one or two InMrtions, ti. By the inch. Me Scale of Charge*. FURNISHED HOUSE TO BE LET To be let, furnished. Villa German ia' at Pasir Panjang. Apply Nieuwkamp, 1 Almeida Street. m OFFICE TO BE LET. First Boor of No. 1. Malasca Street, newly repaired, lately
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    • 288 12 MOTOR CARS. Argylls. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. EXPECTED DURING HAY AND JUNE. Two 12-14 H.P. (4 cylinder) 5 Seated Argylls, Fitted with Magneto Price $3,900. Two 10 H.P. 3 Seated-Hewitts, Fitted with Magneto Price %2,30 Q. Two 6 H.P. 2 Seated Rovers, Special Finish Price $I,GOO. ALL GARS FITTED WITH HOOD. LAMPS.
      288 words