The Straits Times, 14 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.341 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 14. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. »1N- >'i:K V. pi* ;t>. -immi %M Of our DE DION CARS are running in the Malay Peninsula, AND EVERY ONE OF THEM CiIVES ENTIRE SATISFACTION. C. DUPIRE COMPANY, Sole Agents. •^mwitmmwm^mm^mw CAMERAS, PLATES. w Printing Paper. ■h ■hbAIB MlffK •11 S mmw^Kl Life 1 1
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    • 89 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOTELS. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. JirnJt- Ihimih Ram 4 SingaporeThe Brightest and Hualthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform, meets all 3o*U l Train HOTEL WISSE Wbliktkkden. Bat\tu. Ketahlished in Ik-.C. Renovated up to date. Splendid situation in the Fashionable Centre. Opposite the Palsce
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    • 93 1 ROBINSON A OOm DELIVERIES. il yJ A Sweets and M|jp^ Chocolates ft* Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street F'.rm of Confectioners. Dtl^l* f% 2k ttt tl i> t^C ec^ wit^ P u^ crs est Chocolates. l\USn I/flniPvr^ A rvlost Ac: eptable Present. ROBINSON AND CO. ADELPHI
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    • 209 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. BIKOAPOBE. Mm no aOiim r*M .'tvrini; ■■>."> M.I .i-.l 1..'. 1t i NOTICE. Daring my kbamc* n; iI«M'I (>::• C'oiiipniiy. Tonxrt •'■•m.-.!;i. :::i\i>r.v make any ein;i:nv in ic^iini < .lie pol:< i THE MAVI Vi I IKi:ii> LIFE lNSI'l: am i: 00. of i
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  • 681 2 Is Literature Dying? i In th.eC<mteiii|>orary Keview Mr. Herbert, Paul MSJSM to hint that M is nut between science ami religion that a duel in Ix'iny fought, but Ix'tween scicure ami literature j One yriMt wiitii snuivis Count ToN j toy and hi Ix-lonjjn to ail old world:
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  • 204 2 Journalism. Though the title |««e of Pen. Patron. and Public" hears no author's name tinreader will probably not be mistaken if he asciiltcs the book to one of the most brilliant writers of "the leading article of the old regime" whose disap|>caiance he laments. Whoever the author may be, this
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 383 2 McAlister Co., Ltd. AGENTS A IMPOKTKItS Of GREEN ISLAND CEMENT. BEST Portland Cement. Copy of Testimonial. ■■MS. McAHSTKIt CO.. IMUMMJ, July JH. Is i Present. Dbaß Sirs: As requested by you. we have tested samples of Port lar.d Ceu cut made by the <>kkk\ Island C'kmknt Company. Limitkd, of HougUong.
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    • 84 2 A GOOD SUGGESTION Mr. C. It. Wainwriglit of Lemon City Fla.. U.S.A., lias written the manufacturers that much better resultn are obtained from the use of Chamberlain'B Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in oases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 167 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issu? per year 830.00 dn per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 0.10 Weekly iasue per year 12.00 do per quarter 3.00 do per copy 0.25 When sent by post, there ia added for the daily issue, two dollars a quarter
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  • 292 3 Proposals to Lease National Arsenals. Interviewed by the Madrid correspondent I f tin- Kolair. the Spanish Minister of Marine declared that a plan existed for the reorganisation of the. Navy and the coast defences. It i«irm>-d an integral part of the piogramme of -.hi i.overuuieut. and would
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  • 204 3 Travels in the Hainan Island. Mr. (i. K. l'earby has been mal:iDg some inland incursions into the island, and has published what he saw and the account is very interesting. He has the gift, and he .ises it. of saying just what he saw and little else, and therefore the
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  • 269 3 . The splendid mass of granite buildings, which, when completed, will be one of the imest in Hongkong, and perhaps the most substantial erection here, and, which when i.|k ned. will be devoted to the administration of law and justice, is slowly getting nearer to completion. The
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  • 29 3 If mi pMrfag up your newspaper in the morning it displays h tendency to tear almost mi its nwn :iei limit, a downpour of rain is not fur off.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 AN AMERICAN REMEDY. There probably no medicine manufactured that can be found in more homes in the L'uited States than Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. It has lvi n in general use for over thirty years aud I each successive epidemic of diarrhoea and ihsenUiy during this time lin-
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    • 537 3 ECZEMA COVERED^ HEUHDLJMBS Could Not Rest Day or Night— Felt Miserable From Itching— Cured Before Using One Complete Set of the Cuticura Remedies— Now Says: "It Ought to Be A HOUSEHOLD WORD THE NAME OF CUTICURA" I broke out with ecwma through grtt ing a .ipvere cold. 1 was covered
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    • 194 3 ISMAIL RAHEEM, m \g l Smum KM and tU Bras Basah Komi. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set ■m Jewellery in modern and antique design. Inspection invited. 3£im Jim @0., 7 KLING STREET, HAVE REMOVED FROM NO. 57 TO ABOVE ADDRESS. Customers and friends an- respectfully requested
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    • 357 3 PHOSFERINE Tha Greatest of all Tonic*. 5 J RADIATE* HEALTH. Proprietor I^IM ft Paraom, United. L. beile ilu'Ml Leedoo, fc.C. J iNNNMWIMIMMMHai TUITION IN MALAY. Apply to Tutor, r c o Straits Times. LACE STORE: .luut nceivetl: New collection of SILK LACES (WHITE. BLACK and PARIS CO LOIR). »nd MUSLIN
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    • 282 3 CARBIDE OF CALCIUM STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. ]:i. HATTKHY l:OA'.>, SINGAPORE. Tse Wines Wines I Genuine table claret at 475 per doz. Vermouth of Turin 120 p litrebot. Mo«cat of Syracuse an invigoiating wine mostly recnm mended for weak people and ladiea at M 00 per quart, ''hianti Wine, Bracchetto
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  • 311 4 People nd the Trouble of Making It Too Much. Is iiille. .iii;iUinv .hi the IU-iine Most foil; will Is snip- is,. l to leaTß that the trade expert* dectan that il is in tact. tin 1... •.10u 'hamliet i>t Cotumeroe has Ihm'll |ui//.liiio nut the reami for wha*
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  • 150 4 (HrinU tn .lie i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ■M Shum ('him linen. ex-Vioeroj ..I tin Two K an«. it is reported that Viceroy VnanSliili Kai.Taa si ch.iny ami Tang Sliao VI inxiona to resiyn. Slinni ui\ llenuuaeed these ■ifttcialx dnring an audii n^c v^
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  • 153 4 The l.cpi.isv Preveßtiou Bill, which was approved by tlie ilapan *c iliiring its last .esvju:i. l:i- bt>vomc law. Che "•liji" retuarkiitiial bin \pier* afl Ibj theaVa- ase ate i..";i:i:.v, 1 to this country, believing tliat Uie soil and cliinat nf .lapan IIRVO HUUie cial lvi ii: ;•>
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  • 222 4 What Time is the Next Train To—?" A novel device, wliii ill Inhwiiiim |ia— ungw a -lioulil And wry oaefnl, luw JtMtbeea bMmbh ed to the iMiisiil. of FarwtUau Statioa, oa iliidicat KasU'iu Railway. The inachi'ir. Hrbicli ataadaab at 7ft. hi»li ami has a sin.ut apprawm is inn inmiHtod l>y
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  • 27 4 Tha Htm BafyaMaa naadaaa a waah oak•oieaoa ami a aawiag lon^titution. Be not too aanqpaiaM ami by mmm -.till." is the pomae wUeb ooavlaaaai its lmilinf; prim-i-I'l'^-
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  • 31 4 Than oaa ha hardly imH that Hh Court of I'niinnal Appeal Hill will br |iopular, ami in Muh lircuiiistaiui's tha favuurablc notice of tbc Houso may U- oqaaalai with .suuie coutideuce.
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  • 618 4 RAFFLES HOTEL. Hod Justice and Mrs Mr K A Su-m-us Fisher Mrßobert Wildiag Hon Mrs Wilber Mr C W Weber Col H. H. Johnston Mr A lUn.n.erbertf Col G. Wright Mr A i Major A Mrs Ford Hi K i, HartaaU Major Mrs Ormistou Cant J an* Major
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  • 133 4 Tin- Srei-etary of St;tt< lias approval ot the .'>ii of siiii "'ivisiii'is A am! I! of Ckm 111 of thr K.M.s. Cfarfl Barries Mo ouijC'Ui->.. -ay. tin- Pioaear. TWaklacy attache! to Hh CfaMi is in br MM lisin^; l.y anii.i.ii i.Mi niuiuts „i £U to
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  • 124 4 I'.XIKCTED. Per P and Oss Hmmm, connecting vitb the -te*mer M:ilbi nt Colombo, from I :i. I .1: April 23, duo May 26, l)r mid .Mrs AA Mr U S Fry,' Mr L MacLeod, Mr Mac L Robertson. Mr T K Wall n, Mi-s H Ml Per P
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  • 109 4 . Tcluk Anson, via p<>rU, Mondays, S. S. Coy Tuesdays, for l'ort Swettenham via ports. Wednesdays, for T«luk Ansou via ports. Thursdays, for Fort Swettenham via purls, Fridays, for Teluk I j«iii via ports. Satur days, for P. Swetleuham and Penang. Straits Steamship Co. l'ort Swettenham and
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  • 60 4 I Mr. Hasil T!i<iin«<in, •-<■>■ tm QINMC "I Wormwrnxl Sembbs. is Uic author of book* on life and a<lv<ut.iii: :n the I'm ilii wJi«n tin \i-:irs ol lii- a*d} .'«ml winspiift. His Ik si kno'.Mi w.nk. gn'rhaps. is Diversions of l'rini' MißMli r an nti rtaiuine aiiouut of his
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Tbrongb Bill* if Lading isnneH for Chin* Coast, I'ersian Gulf, Continental, and American Port*. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward (for China). Malta May 2S
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    • 1192 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMABIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Singapore. Bawean. Sonrabaya, Bandjermasin, Pnlo Laut, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermaain for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Warmgin, Djelai, Marabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good acoomodation for first
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    • 763 4 STEAMER SfIHJNGS* N.D. JL NORDOEUTSCHCR LLOYD Imperial Oermin Mail f.m The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company Mil fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, and vice veru) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Coiombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and
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    • 102 5 . From Enw?i- By the N. D L. s.n. Scharn liorst, due on May 17. From China— By the M. M. i.i. Salazie due on May 20. pi pi pi pi 'P' s f lay Jay I*. lav VI 16 18 ■22 a 29 2 6 10 13
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    • 855 5 Name, port, probable date of arrival, ami name of Ay t n't. Steamers. Aberlour, Hamburg, May 15; Behn Meyer Airlie, Sydney, June 21 Bonstead Ajax, China, Juue MansfielJ Alcinoux, Liverpool, May 22 Mansfield Antilochux, Liverpool, June 26 Manofteld ArcaJia, Colombo, July 19 P. 4 O. Astyauax. Liverpool, July
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    • 37 5 Octward CiKicn is Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Soharn horst, having left Colombo, at 6 p.m., on the llth instant, may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the 17th instant, at daylight.
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    • 124 5 PASSED SITNDA STRAITS OR AKHIVKI) FOR ORDKHS. April 26— Ger str, Thuringen, Capt van Uiegen, (rom Bremen, March 6. For Batavia. 26— Nor bq. Clara, Capt Jacobsen, from Delagoa Bay, Feb. 21. Aujer f.o. o.f. Sonrabaya. 29 Ger str, Berlin, Capt Orgel, from Hambarg, Feb. 7. For Batavia. 29—
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    • 104 5 tot Per SUamrr Timt Toiioirow Tringganu via ports Aing Ltmf 10 a.m. liidragiri liny thm noon Sabak and Djambie I'uh der Parra 1 p.m. P.Swettenhara, A PenangA.'<iyiurr/niJ.i lpm. Kaaotan. K'tan, Patani Bntnrier i p.m. Katavia. C'bon, B'rang Kdnidult 'i pm. Penang and Deli Calypto :i p.m. Teluk Anaon
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    • 48 5 May 13 Radnorshire, Brit str. Port Said Amiral de Kersaint, Fch str, Saig-m Amiral Duperre, Fch str, Hongkong Glenfalloch. Brit Htr, Penang Haiphong, Fch str, Saigon Fau Sang, Brit str, Samarang, S'haya, H'kong Knryalus, Brit atr, Calcutta Frithjof, Nor str, Bangkok Rajah of Sarawak, S»r »tr, Sarawak
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  • 219 5 The Haw York correspondi-nt of the 1 hilly Tt-lrgrapli says that in the coiivictiou. of tin- Standard Oil C'oui|uiiiy at Chicago the Fi ikral Hillhol itirs liavi- won tin most sweeping of all their victories in tin caiiipuiun against corporations that violaUtin- Interstate laws. Tin- woiUl's
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  • 94 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TANJOWG P»O*R East Whahj Bahsin— Dagmar, .1. W. Weudt. Aldebarao EahtWbabjtSkction I— Curonia, Pahud. Sxct. 1 (Sbxkrs Whark):— McClellan. Sxction No. 2— Nil. 3 BoHcombu. 4— Shirley. 6— Sultan. o—Forest0 Forest Dale, Deucalion. 7— Rcael. B—Siagora,8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 403 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY.CO..LTD. Thk steamers of this Company maintain a J regular service between Calcutta, Straits and Hongkong, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Shanghai. Chefoo. Tientsin, Newchwang. Yangtsze Ports, Formova, Jnpan, the Philippines, *c, &c. Steamers on the Calcutta, Straits anil HouitkonK
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    • 518 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' Hteamers are despatched from Liverpool outward* for the Straits, China and Japan every week, aud fn m Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam snd Antwerp every fortnight cud f< r Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 490 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. lomtlMii SERVICE OF THE CCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. MTfHI IKMItMU: IPEETHi M»KIII WEST aJMHMiIaI I'OKIn JAVA \M» MM. UMiKI. Regular l'\>rtnighlly sailings Iwtween Singa i pore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offen-l, Derby, King's Sound. (Port for
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    • 464 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL, HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA mi.l tbo INI TED STATES. Route from llougkouti, <>« Shanghai, Ntga.iki, (lulnud S.a of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Emprkhn or India" |IMmm atet R.M.S. "Emprkhi
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    • 143 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May. 13— At Sale-room, teak aud senah household furniture at II a.m. IM— At 21 -8 Wilkie Rotd, household furni Hire, at l-30p.m. '21 At Saleroom, valuable property. No. 10 Tra» Street, at 2 p.m. IH— At Sale- r mm, the Mining leant- ami rights,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 187 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, May 14. Singapore Races commence. V.M.C.A. Town Council Meeting. 8-30 p.m j Wednesday, May 15. Hifili Water. 047 a.m. I Governor's -At Horn* 1 415 p.m. j Thursday, May 16. I H Kb Water. OJI a m 130 p.m B. I. homeward mail closes 3. I
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  • 30 6 Lkicemtlk. At his residence, No. 96 Thorn.vii Roail, Singapore, May 14, Andrew Benjamin Leicester, Assistant Surgeon, (strait- Medical Service, in his 54th year Deeply regretted. Indian papers please copy.
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  • 1024 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, MAY 14. Mr. Douglas Story is a journalist. This, in itself, is not sufficient to consign him to the outermost darkness, but when he adds to his original offeuce that of inaccuracy of statement he incurs the heaviest penalty that can be meted
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  • 266 6 We are pleased to learn that steps are being taken by a number of leading citizens to obtain for Singapore a suitable pi <>■<• for holding public entertainments whilst the alterations in the Theatre are in progress. The public are deeply indebted to the members of the Teutonia Club for
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  • 9 6 The towboat Sea (iull arrived from Peuang this morning.
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this issue are protected by the Copyright Ordinance.
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  • 15 6 According to the captain of the Hermann I .erelie. some of his crew have deserted.
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  • 23 6 Four Chinese lads were lined each by Mr. Colman this morniug for Hying kites on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. The kites were confiscated.
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  • 23 6 A Kliug named Namiuasamy has lieen sentenced to death by Mr. .listice Leslie Tliornston at the Penaug Asu/.cs for having murdered his wife.
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  • 27 6 Hongkong's plague statistics are growing much lighter. I'ptonoon of the Tth instant only 1!) fatalities from the disease had been recorded since the beginning of the year.
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  • 34 6 The Rattles Hotel has arranged a series of special dinners to take place on race 'lights this week. The first is the Derby Dinuer tonight. The Parisian Trio will discourse music during the evening.
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  • 41 6 The Rev. H. I{. Wells, of th« l^udon Mis sion, Hongkong, is to give an address iv Cantonese at the Chinese Y. M. C. A. on Tuesday May 21, at I'M) p.m. His address will be translated into the Amoy dialect.
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  • 39 6 A clover detective of a Canton Police Station, made a search on the Wuehow steamer Sainam, aud captured four men, who had kidnapped many boys, from Wu c'.iow, to be taken to Singapore and to be sold as slaves.
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  • 37 6 According to an Associated Press telegram, dated May :J, the I'uion Ironworks of San Francisco, the largest shipbuilding plant on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, employing thousands of men. have been closed owing to a strike.
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  • 40 6 Two American sailors from the United States Army transport McClellau. which is undergoing repa rs at Tanjoug Pagar, were fined $3 each by Mr. Colman this morning for being drunk aud disorderly in Tanjong Pagar Road at 12.15 a.m., to-day.
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  • 44 6 There were two Magistrates' appeal eases on the Supreme Court list yesterday, but owing to the illness of Mr. Justice Fisher, they were not reached. Au important motion directed against the Collector of Land Revenue will be hoard next week before the two Justices.
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  • 41 6 In common with other local hotels, the Grand Hotel de l'Europe is having a series of special guest nights during race week. The Austrian String Orchestra, which will shortly leave the Hotel, will be in attendance during a. id after dinner.
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  • 42 6 An electrical engineer who is in charge of a wireless telegraphic station, at Mauila. claims to have made a big discovery, in that his instruments record the approach of earthquakes irom six to sixteen hours before the earth actually begins to shake.
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  • 43 6 New harbour works at lloilo. P. 1., the greater portion of which town was burned a short time ago, as anuouueed in these columns, have been completed, at a cost of jESO.OOO. Harbour works of twice the c-jst are being constructed at Cebu.
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  • 51 6 The first American woman to marry a Filipino is the wife of Senor Antonio C. Torres, a son of Florentino Torres, who is one of the justices of the Supreme Court. They were married in America, and Mrs. Torres is now returning for a year's visit to her old home
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  • 46 6 Health conditions iv the Philippines have so greatly improved that the regulations re quiring a bill of health from all inter-insular steamer- have been suspended. There lias been no plague or cholera in the island for months, and there are only a few cases of smallpox.
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  • 53 6 A European lady was walking along Kennedy Road, Hongkong, a week ago last Sunday, when two Chinese, pretending to be catching butterflies, rushed at her aud tore a medallion from her neck. They ran away and have not been heard of since. The police recovered the trinket among some bushes
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  • 65 6 According to the Windsor Magazine, the Siamese, above all nations in the world, have to walk no such mode of progression is tolerated by a Siamese if he or she can by any means ride. A Venetian gondolier will walk sometimes: even a Hollander will ride on lils rough cart
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  • 53 6 A (irand National Exhibition of Japan will he held from April 1, 1012, to October U, in Tokio Prefecture. The organization of the Exhibitiou Office is also announced. The Prosident will be nominated by the Emperor from Princes of the Blood, while the Vice-Presid-ency is assigned to the Minister of
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  • 56 6 The Manila health authorities have been carrying on a campaign against vendors of impure milk, but, unlike our own inspectors, the Manila inspectors have exacted free samples from the milkmen. This has resulted in Dumerous abuses. Unauthorised persons have gone so far as to wear the inspector's uniform in order
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  • 59 6 Two Chinese were apprehended in the Police Court compound at noon yesterday with murderous looking knives in their possession. They were arrested on a charge of being armed with dangerous weapons without a pass from the Chief Police Officer. When their case came up before Mr. Colmau. lie ordered an
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  • 158 6 Mr. .lustice Fisher is still indispj >»d ami absent from the Supreme Court. MM order that all cattle iiii| M irU<l from Pcnauf- iuto SclanKor shall undergo v ii da\V i|iiaraiititn- has beeu rescinded. The Ceylon Observer says that Mr. Carle, of Ceylon, has gone to the
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  • 12 6 A reduction has beeu made in Siam in the Foreign telegraph tariff.
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  • 15 6 Practically no sea tish his liven for sale in the markets at Bangkok of late.
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  • 18 6 A car^o of copra arrived from the AnaiuUis and Natuna I -lands l>y the Itritisli xtcuiuer Itauka. yesterday.
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  • 29 6 The I'erak Government Ga/.ette says that it has been ordered by the Resident that the importation ul cattle into Perak. via Port Weld, l' be prohibited until further notice.
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  • 34 6 According to a I'aris ncws|ia|Hi a wave of lii/iness. false pride, ami dciuorali-alion is sweeping all through I'lanic. aud the ranks of tramps and beggars that till tin highways are becoming denser every day.
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  • 56 6 A Buddhist monk was t-'oiug his customary rounds collecting food in his small boat in the Samsen part of the liver, at I^k. ik when the wash from a passing launch cap sized his frail craft, throwing him and his food into the river. The monk wa«. n sened
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  • 46 6 Win.c an Indian policeman wa- mi his round at Bangkok, the other day. he discovered three Chinamen in the act of making a desperate attempt to burn down a dwelling house. A quantity of rags, soaked in oil. and bamboos were set in position for lighting.
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  • 49 6 Las. mouth Capt. Spieseu. of the Chow la. was filled 54(1, in Hongkong, for unlawfully blowing tliu whistle of his vessel in the harbour. He explained that a steam water lioat was made fast to his buoy, aud the whistle was blown by the pilot to get her away.
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  • 57 6 The Chief Justice- is engaged at the Su prcuic Court with a casein which tin plaintiff, a Tamil woman, sues for an induction res training a chetty from selling ■ii r of bullocks which she claims are k> i aud were wrongfully seized and detained, by tin chetty. and for
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  • 66 6 Prince Kiniyoshi Kuuli, a lueujbcr of the. Imperial Family of Japan, who ranks as Captain in the Japanese Army, is expected tv arrive in Berlin next month. He will serve for two years iv the He^imeut of the Kaiser's Bodyguard No. M. Prince Kuui was attached to General Kuroki's staff
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  • 54 6 It has been decided, says the Malay Mail, that in future all the officers in the F..M.S. Cioverumcnt Service should, when returning from leave of absence in Europe, disembark at Penaug. and report themselves at the Office of the Resident Councillor, for instructions as to the stations to which they
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  • 61 6 mcricau insurance company has scut circulars to the members of the Duma, iuvit ing them to insure their lives. It calls atteu tion to thirty-one promincut victims of the Terrorists during the last three years, inelud ing Minister von I'lchve and Baron Meydel. who wore insured iv the Company, aud
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  • 78 6 A few days ago a sad fatality occurred at I'aknam, Siam. which serves to illustrate tin danger of playing with loaded woa|K>us. The head constable of a river police boat left his revolver on the seat when he went on short and during bis absence some of the (tolicemtu took
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  • 68 6 Three boys. M '.ay named Dolloh Inn Mohamed Tahir ami two Kurasiaus. named •lack de Mello and Albert I'ereira, were before the Senior Magistrate. Mr. \V. C. Miehell. yesterday, on a charge of the Uieft of four white bajus and one pair of khaUi trousers in Scott's Koad on the
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  • 106 6 The stupidity aud lack of proper traiuiu<; on the part of native policemen is apparent every day in the Kast. Recently, an old and half-starved Siamese man. evidently in extremis, was found lying in the roadway, at Bangkok, his sufferings being watched with interest by a number of youths and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 Qaldbeek frlaegregor @0., WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. (Price List on Application). ELEGANCE OF °i" ""P**" >'"* p«ri that the HIGH nCQICU bcKt pIaCC f r fi U(4 ll irKC K CKIPICNPY UtOlbN motor is between the pistons of an trriUICBUI. Arrol Johnston In the six reliability trials since l'.Htfi. I GOOD
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    • 130 6 I m^^^^S^f f '.cm r HIS MAJESTY-TIC KINC Ifcil tl~" f. if* Caldbeck Macgregor Co., SULK AGENTS. Wilson Co PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Our Productiona are of the bi^bost possible AUTISTIC fl TECHNICAL KXCEU.KNCE and arc known throughout the Eaut as "INCOMPARABLY THE BEST. In Photography, a° in anything else, "The Best
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  • 256 7 ROYAL RECEPTION AT VICTORIA STATION. Audience of the King. CHEERED BY A LONDON CROWD. 1 Rkutkh's London, May 1:1. There was a large crowd of distinguished 1 ooplc at Victoria Railway Station to receive Karl Cromer upon his return from Kgypt. where he liav. been the Minister
    256 words
  • 85 7 Famous Novelist Attends Russian Congress. BaOTBB'I Tn.KlillAM London. May ML Three hundred l!ussiuu revolutionaries including half-a-do/.en iiicmlx-rs of the Duma, have arrived iv London to hold a secret cougress for the discussion of Russian alVairs. Maxim Gorky, the famous It issiau novelist, who was imprisoned in
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  • 82 7 Foreign Residents Withdraw from Marrakesh. |I)KK OSTASIVTISCIIK LLOVIi ThLKi.KAM Berlin, Miy 11. It is reported from Marrakesh that the Kabyle tribesmen have risen, and the situation is so threatening that the Foreign Consuls aud the French aud Kritish residents have withdrawn. The German residents, however, have remained iv
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  • 48 7 . HOUSE. II: i I Hi's ThLKi.i;.v.\l London, May 18. Last light, Prcsideut Roosevelt gave a banquet in honour of General Kuroki and the Duke of Abruz/i at Washington. it MM one of the most brilliant linn t ions ever witnessed in the White House.
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  • 43 7 Kl-.tlKli'.s fIIWIM London. May 1;). Queen Alexandra, who is still cruisiug iv the Mediterranean iv the Royal yacht Vicoria aud Albert, has been staying in Athens since Wednesday. Her Majesty attended t'le (Jill ll— til display- Mt Um Pan Hellenic scholar.
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  • 23 7 jKm im, s Tbummun London, May 13. It is anticipated that Urn current Italian budget will produce Murahto fifty-rive luilliou lire.
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  • 30 7 AN OMINOUS TRIP. |DKR OsTASIATISCUL LLOYD TBU«Ua Berlin, May 11. Gonernl Mi/onilmf. Chief of tin- AustroHungarian <icuu.ll Stall, has visited Kcrliu and in making a lour of Germany and Italy.
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  • 594 7 Penang Firm Succeeds in Hongkong Court. The Chief Justice of Hongkoug delivered judgment ou the Uth instant in the case of tint tin slabs which were wrongly delivered aud then pledged. In the course of his remark. M.\ Justice Piggot said the Bat Guan C >..
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  • 300 7 We rcgiet to Have to record the death, from cancer, of Dr. A. K. Leicester, retired Senior Assistant Surgeon of the Straits Medical Hervioa, which sad event took place at his residence. Thomson Road, this morning. I icccased. who was .V! years of age,
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  • 87 7 . The heavy raius which have been experienced at Kaugkok duriug the past few weeks have buen responsible for much damage. <hi May .'> a spirit nbgp oc the river side in the Talat Noi district of Kaugkok, collapsed, it is imagined, owing to the raius
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  • 113 7 The whaling vessel recuutly purchased in Norway by the imperial Produce Association, entered kobe harbour from Osaka the other evening. The boat which is of tin latest type and has a inch harpoou gun at her bow subvqueutly carried out some interesting trials iv the harbour. A
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  • 164 7 THREATENED STRIKE OF UNION MEN. Demonstrations in London and Glasgow. Kkutkk's Tm.k< it vm I union. May 1.;. One hundrod and fifty demonstrations of railway servauts have takeu place throughout the I'nitcd Kingdom. At these meetings, resolutions were passed cnd' the demands formulated by the Amalgamated Society of
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  • 320 7 Powerful Machine for Wor'cing Tin Deposits. Win. Simons and Company, Limited, of Renfrew, have just completed one of the largest and injst powerful dredgers yet built for working alluvial tin deposits. With the necessary modifications on the saving tables the dredger could be equally well employed in
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  • 96 7 The Fire Brigade are holding drills almost every evening at the recently erected tower on the old goal site, in preparation for their annual exhibition on Kmpirc Day. Great throngs of spectators gather at these preliminary drills and sometimes impede the work of the firemen.
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  • 287 7 On Friday night, the members of the Singapore Indian Christian Association held a meeting at the Association Room, AngloTamil School, Scrauggong Road, when a Farewell Address was presented to Mr. H. Rickard, the President of the Association, who was leaving the Colony the next day for
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  • 510 7 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY OF FORTUNE MAKING. iFkom Oik Own okkkspondkst). Labuan, May H. I. ibuau may be monotonous and certainly Pedliogtouian. yet its denizens cannot com filain of any lack of excitement during the ■at three months, as a tide of philatelomania" set iv and still continues with u
    510 words
  • 149 7 UK. Sir John Anderson, accompanied by the Hon. It. N. Bland, Mr. C. (i. May. and Captain Stockley. A. I). C left in the Seabud (under command of Mr. W. Wells) shortly after six o'clock on May 0 for the northern end of Pulau .lercjak. His
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  • 140 7 Farewell to American Consul General. About fifty friends of Consul -General and Mrs. I >. F. W ilbcr gathered at the Deaconess Ho. iic, on the summit of Mount Sophia, yesterday afternoon, to bid them farewell and bou voyage. After a half hour spent in informal conversation, Messrs..). Polglasc, It.
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  • 149 7 At Hougkoug, the other day. au Indian police constable received the full penalty of the law for disobeying orders and for being insolent to his superior officer. Assistant Superintendent of Police Wodehouse pro- iUi I According to the evidence, defendant went to prosecutor's office and said
    149 words
  • 83 7 The new uue dollar coin is as unpopular with the natives in the outlying districts of Penang as when it was first issued. Many absolutely refuge to believe that it is not a spurious coin, or, at least, of no greater value than 50 or 7."> cents.
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  • 212 7 What Would be the Fate of Indo-China? For a few years past no little app. ajat appears to have been felt in Frcuch IndoChina at the possible danger of a Japaneseinvasion. The authorities have done their best to discourage these fears, which occasionally found expression in
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  • 235 7 A Handy Manual for Amateur Marksmen. How to Shoot, by K. I). Xcwitt, a wellknown authority on the subject, ix a little manual of 40 pages intended to assist the rising generation in learning how to handle a rifle, and to aid Instructors, Schoolmasters (vow that every
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  • 156 7 The funeral of the late Mr. B.F. Skertchly, editor of The Straits Kcho. who died ou the «lh inst.. took place on the afternoon of t'.ie same day. The cortege left tiie General Hospital at five o'clock. The hearse containing the cotliu, which was covered with
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  • 224 7 Referring to the change that has been made in Pcnang in the office of Assistant Official Assignee by the tr.iiisl.iUou of Mr. Bcatty to the Chinese Protectorate and appointing, in his stead, in the former position, Mr. Dyson of the F. M. S.. the Piuaug Gazette asks: Is
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  • 195 7 Our London correspondent writes Public opinion in KngUnd which )m~ b,<n gradually declaring gainst Mm (Kitting of pigeons on their lieing loosed from a trap, mid wliirli culminated at Hnrrrngtiiil by the alKililioii of the "sport" there IIHWMJfa a general vote of the Club on May 111, IMS,
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  • 49 7 ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN MEN ENTOMBED. Only Seventeen Escape. Rkitku's TklkiiKaml London, May 1:1. One ImiKtriil ami seven men employed in a copper mine at Velardega. in Mexico, havu boon entombed. Seventeen of the men have been rescued. but the position of the other-, is considered hopeless.
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  • 45 7 Resolutions Favouring Accelerated Building. DkK Ost\sl\TlS|-|IK Ll.oM. TH.I.I.K\M Berlin, May l:i. A cougress of the German Navy League has been held at Cologne, with satisfactory results. Xi solution- were passed calling U|H.n the Government to accelerate the building of additious to the navy.
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  • 32 7 Rkltkk's Tk.lki.iiam London. May IS, Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia BM married Duchess Auastasia. the divorced wife of the Duke of Ixiuchtcubcrg. who is a sister of the Queen of Italy.
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  • 33 7 Rkltkk's Tklkokvm London. May l.'i. The eruptions of Ktna and Stromboli are increasing in violence daily. New craters are opening, and the inhabi t, mts iii the adjacent villages are Heeing.
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  • 313 7 Ascendency of T'sen Chung- Hsuan at Peking. As we surmised iv our leading article a lew diys ago, the official H sponsible for the impeachment of Prince Ching, Yuan Shikai and Tung Shao-yi is no other than our old ai) Li foreign friend, Ts'eu Chung-hxiiau the ex-
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  • 186 7 As has often been remarked before, the ways of the Straits Government are like peace of God," says the Pinang Gazette. I'nder the new regime its correspondence may be regarded as th<- formula that passcth all understanding reduced to paper and ink. Mr .1. W. Halifax rightly described
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  • 177 7 . The nc« draft Penal C.ide is the work of M. Padoux. UpWaMn Adviser. It is. M M Padoux MJS in his rejKirt, based on the old dratt Penal Code, which is Urn joint work of l>r. Masao and M. Schlcsscr, hnl dilTcis from it substantially. On its
    177 words

  • 2269 8 KVISER REPRESENTED AS HIS SUBJECTS SEE HIM. Interesting Pen-Picture. iKiiom (lie Own OHMMOnT.I Hamburg. April M Monsieur I iiU'h Hunt, of the Paris Figaro, has, during llie last twelve mouths, con ti touted articles on Germany to that pajier. which, coming from au unprejudiced Krench man, anxious to
    2,269 words
  • 1037 8 Dalkeith's Victory in the Newbury Cup. iFhom Ora Own Coiirksimindknt). London. April 19. The cold ».i\c. which had frozen the Mediterranean during the nio.itli of March, reached Kugland in Kaster week aud arrived apparent!) to stay. Greatcoats aud thick dresses, which had Iteen discarded during the March
    1,037 words
  • 73 8 Innumerable presents— cradles, embroideries, baby-linen are arriving at the palace for the heir to the Spanish throne. These gifts are coming from all parts of the world, including over 800 from Republican France. AU these gifts have been returned, as it is an invariable rule of the < 'ourt not
    73 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 36 8 The first athletic meeting of tin Pulug; c community, in Hongkong, wri lull at le Race Course, on Jib lust under t: c patronage of Conselheiro A. G. Komano. Cousul General for Portugal.
      36 words
    • 82 8 Home County Fixtures. The following are the matches j i progress and to Ik- playt-d during tlie week 1«. LoriU .M.1.1. and Ground v Derby shire. IS. Nottingham Notts v. LcreisU'rshire. IS, Catford- Kent v. Nortliauiptonsliiic. 13. Oval -Surrey v. Hampshire lib Brighton -Sussex v. Ksxex. IS. Bristol- Gloucestershire
      82 words
    • 335 8 Y. M. C. A. v. Police. A soccer m.itcli 'was |Uye<l on the IS-*<-|> Road reclamation ground yes terday afternoon, letween teams icpresenting the Y. M. I". A. and iKiiropeaul Police. A gix-1 mv was witnessed. Scoring proved a ibhVulty in the first half, despite the chances offered,
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  • 173 8 Details of Gunpowder Explosion at Canton. Reference has already beeu made iv our columns to the explosion at a Canton powder magazine, near the famous Five-storied pagoda. A correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph who visited the scene immediately after the catastrophe, found oue of the walls of
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  • 144 8 The demand for a steam laundry in Singapore ought to receive new impetus by the announcement of the fact that the Manila Steam Laundry was tho lowest bidder for the washing of the bedding of the ships employed in the Army transport service. Notwithstanding the fact
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  • 67 8 Owing to the big demand for labour in California, something like 2,000 Japanese have left the employ of the railways of the Northern Pacific Coast of the United States. They are being replaced by negroes from the Southern States, who are paid $2 (gold) a day instead of the 11.80
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 105 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Notice in hereby g yen that the partnership between us in the business of Accountants and Auditors, carried on under the name of Lyall and Evatt, baa been dissolved aa from the 31st of December, 1906, and that such bnstiueas will in future be carried on by
      105 words
    • 114 8 "i > f,V ft-W MB ■ihJ| K^ m»', Bfc 'ft" 1 1 lit 2XT T 111 all SM V M<jrfHlH *ffl* t fff' '^Ill'll Trt Ttti" r ftf lIT 111 if ITU '|T I lItTtI JH Ttlff i JEFFREY'S 1 Edinburgh Stout. "CASTLE" Brand. SPECIALLY BREWED FOR THE TROPICS. Hi"-)il
      114 words

  • 223 9 M\..u-..i.k. M\\ 18, l'.i.'T. PRODUCE. taeaWaf '..70 do (Culm: No. Ii iir.pirK-.l l().:(.-> Copra Bali UX3O do Pontianak liiihi Pepper, Black Ih-jo do White I buyers M.TI Sago Flour Ham wah U0 do Kiuii<.i \o. 1 2.87} Pearl Saco 4.00 Coffee ISali. 1 19.0! l Onefce, Pahimheim. TOT. Wuh
    223 words
  • 147 9 I 'tiring the heavy Mara 'hit (mjb! owh Bangkok, oa May 5, uaoh iaoooveaieejoe wm causexl t<j nsi is of eleetria Ugfci Vbaamffi the temiK»rary laihne ot the euirent for reasons inknown. The mwaUajpen at t'lnist Church experienced a tude ihook wheat in the middle .it
    147 words
  • 179 9 Earthquake Shocks at Shanghai. TIW toll .'ll i n\ sic-avwi lUmcrvaUnv on the c I -\\<i:U uliicli »ns felt in the Settlement on M,, 1 i>.in. ..ii April -i? imria iav« !>■ ,i niid ..I i.\ tin KrapliH. 'I i on the ttth, but noticed i day*. IJItK-1 i!i. 3UI.
    179 words
  • 215 9 The l'-\r!ii<ai Rmeaicli Society, i: aodia bodj exiMtH ii ;!(.nv,l.(i!, v may n-el] bmril •Mle th- nil plMmnnieiM MWlMctod with our lati llovei .-.i:- uth.-» Vahan. While be i~ packing op at lovonuuent Home, Hongkong, .liipan,^- PreM report his ui>|u;i -ii in in Japan. \s in-
    215 words
  • Stocks anb Sbaree.
    • 314 9 bate of formation N umber Cap.tal Subscribed 10 I 10 11 9 10 1 t 1 •10 i 6,000 1 I 5 T 1 1 1 Company QroTiTioss ]»■)< 1901 190* 1907 1906 >803 19»6 1906 1906 1904 1903 1892 1903 1898 1900 1906 1906 1899 1902 run 1907
      314 words
    • 335 9 1905 1905 1904 MM 1908 1906 1804 £150,000 5200.000 £30,000 700,000 £70,000 £12,000 £104. W 7.10{ £S|S «87 400 i I>7oo1 > 700 •10 I 8,800 •10 9,500 uniMUXi £11 135 f 700 1 xn.iio n (XX) x ♦610,000 70,000 10 8,000 unisauad £70,000 70,000 1 9,000 uniulMdl
      335 words
    • 208 9 BM )Nlso £V 377.10.(' £4.(548.15.0 7,633 12/6 ii".-t 1325.000 4,500 60 »10.000.0i)0 i 10.000,000 80,000 »125 12/6 814.11.9 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd 50 112,500 Fraser A Neave, Ltd. 10,000.000 a) •125 9,500,000 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 250,0006 j •100 40,000 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. •7.00 140.00 855.00 1901 )596
      208 words
    • 44 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% 1600,000 S% prem Hi lev Hr rarest-en. Ltd. 8% 335,000 3% (ram. Sinisaporu Municipal 6% 400,000 30% pram 5% 1,878,000 3% pram. 4% 602,000 2% die nominal Taniong Piear Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 250,000 3% prem 8% 1,050,000 par.
      44 words
  • 151 9 When liouap.irte was shut up in St. Helena, he had no niore generals to give orders to. so he laid his commands upon literature. Men who write of the higher things shall glorify me," he wrote, and for a century in all MMaiMM they glorified him at least
    151 words
  • 53 9 A street musician, charged with l«'jy;iiiy. at l'.l.ick|MH>l. claimed that he was as much en. titled to sym[Hithy as an organ-grinder. He argued. "There's nothing hard about turning a handle, but some skill is required to play a tin whistle." We are not inclined to admit, though, that this in
    53 words
  • 132 9 Ouylit not a shark story to lie lielieved when it comes from Washington and is vouched for by (ioveimiunt officials? Tliis rare certification is enjoyed by an incident reported to explain the retirement of a sailor on the American gunboat Klcano, now static nicd in the
    132 words
  • 65 9 A witness at Lamlietli remembers an exact date. I \va« young at tJie time," he said." iiml I licl|m-<1 the defendant to"carry the aiatam to tlic station. Am it was just liefore Christinas, I looked for a reward, but I failed to yi-i one. I always l-eineuiber tliat." An irresistible
    65 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 31 9 iff^wfpWWyiyiaw F'Rst class IvF 5^ "grgajy 4036 SHIPBUILDERS. ENGINEERS. VESSELS j= Built up to 200 Feet Long. SHIPPING ACCOMMODATION FOR VESSELS UP TO 160 Ft. LONG. RILEY HARGREAVES and CO., Limited.
      31 words
    • 232 9 yyASSIAMULL ASSOMULL AND CO. LARGEST INDIAN, CHINESE AM) .IAI'ANKSK SILK, .IEWKLLEKY AND ClKlu MKIH'HANTS. 1. 2. 3 4. High Street. Have «,'ieat pleasure in announcing to the public of Singapore and up-country, that they are clearing all their surplus stock at very reduced prices, the lowest ever offered in Singapore.
      232 words

  • 1066 10 Suggestions by Plum Warner. And the art of training a young cricketer is one not easily acquired. So much, at cricket, depends on temperament, and there is Mich grcatdanger that the laying down of fixed principles may mean the death bed of genius. Supposing, for
    1,066 words
  • 1015 10 Amateur Dramatic Reminiscences. Lieut-Col. Newnhain Davis has written an article entitled, The Humours of Amateur acting. from which we extract the following local references: In India, in China, in South Africa, in Singapore, in. lapan. I found here and there flashes of humour iv connection with amateur
    1,015 words
  • 123 10 Sir John Wmtt -n. Chief .lustier anil Lieutenant-Governor of Viotoria. is altto the Chancellor and one of t!ie most distinguished graduates of the Uuiwrsity of Melbourne. AlaH wit Milner. he was decorated with an honorary 4sgMj at O xfnnl during his meat holiday in t!i old land.
    123 words
  • 150 10 According to tin Header the woman, cabby, iv I'aris. is not a success. Madame Lutgen (formerly Countess dv Pin d,. la (inerinierei. who was one of the first to ■fBMi on the box of a "taiimetre. has deciileil to retire from the field, and is saiil
    150 words
  • 185 10 Hi 'tween four ami live million miles is tin unmziliy ilistnnee sjiiil to liiive Imih ti.ivelleil by Mr. .lanies (iiiest. tile ilo\en nf Great Northern express -drivers, who luis just retired after half a century of honourable nervice. If this estimate is at all accurate, Mr. Guottt
    185 words
  • 200 10 Mr. Andrew Lnng. iv the Albany Itevn w. tells of his hist acquaintance with Mark Twain. It was memorable, he says, because it illustrated varieties in the sense of humour 1 was then isays Mi. Langl an under graduate, returning from Scotland to Oxford in the
    200 words
  • 181 10 'I'll.- second annual volume of statistics iM'aring on the administration of the licensing laws iv Kugiaud and Wales contains several notable facts. b the first place, the numlur of licences shows a reduction There have also Ixi-n fewer convictions for drunkenness, or offences comhined with drunkenness, tindecrease
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 552 10 BANKING COMPANIESHONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital •10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve »10,000,000> t oi oqo 000 Silver Reserve 111,000,000 1 21l OOl 0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors »10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R.
      552 words
    • 598 10 BANKING COMPANIESCHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £1.075,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltf. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per oent.
      598 words
      499 words
    • 44 10 SPRAINED ANKLE. STIFF NECK. LAME SHOULDER. Thesi' are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Halm is especially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. Sold by all dispensaries and dealers.
      44 words

  • 145 11 A writer in the i uncut Sunday Maga/iue. in discussing what, tlie churches arc doing. inintmiis that tin- (NocM "f Hockhamptou il^uviislandi has a imputation of W..0110 scarcely more than are in Wigau to-day) scattered over au area very much larger than Spain. It has one church
    145 words
  • 173 11 It is almost a |x>iut of honour with Chancllors of the K\< heipier to attempt, at \mtt\ to enliven the dreary progression of figures in tli> ii liudgct s|h-cclics with a joke or two: and. however techlc tin' juke, it scld->m fails to p-ovoke laughU'r. Mi
    173 words
  • 138 11 Titan lias lieen and is ai. extraordinary rush towards Canada from Scotland. Dm ing the pa-t war no fewer tliKii l"i.H4(i nf hat sons mill daughters -m to the fascination of the once wild and woolly West. A eoiitein|N>rarv tabulates tlie tiyino of Scot* HlMag
    138 words
  • 145 11 . It has always been a matter of uncertaiuty to outsiders what is the actual strength of a Japanese Division on a peace footing. The Nichi Xichi Shimlmn now undertakes to enlighten the public. It says that the Division will for the presout consist of 400 commissioned officer
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  • 167 11 Tclt graphic information has been received in Shanghai to the effect that Mr. .1. W. .lam ii -.mi. Superintendent of Chinese Labour in the Transvaal, whose appointment for two years was about to expire, has been asked and has consented to retain his post for
    167 words
  • 22 11 The Dm**: I'm surprised to wee you Coining Ollt of !l public-IIOUSC agllill IW Worker. (111. iiiiiiu. we must collie out sometimes.
    22 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 ECONOMY IN THE END. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough lleiuedy will cure your cold and perhaps save a doctor's bill lutei on. It alnays cures aud cures quickly. Kor sale by all dispensaries and dealt rs
      37 words
    • 222 11 [7-8 The LINOTYPE s il&Jm Wlfc Composing Machine rival. f*l l l mIf 8 3bT Used by the Leading Newspapers. ■HP $<ffT«KSS OOVE&NMENT Korean an.1c..l ..I ■HNS Hf QPI 11,000 in Daily Use. E^^n^H^^^. LHI MSTKRS DKPOT: ijUH^ II I 9 H, DAIHOUSIE SQUARE. CALCUTTA. 4B^sS^ IV I In- |"l"-
      222 words
      551 words
    • 440 11 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been tha favourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining sim.lar popularity in to* Colonies. Mo expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" np to the mark, c 46 J. 071 PEREIRA. HORTICULTURIST AND
      440 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 597 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS I—Miscellaneous1 Miscellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc.. to let, are inserted at the following r One Insertion 1.20 per inch. Tv.o 2.00 Tl.ive 2.H0 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 {Each subsequent month V> per inch.) The nbnve rate io base.l
      597 words
    • 561 12 LOST OR FOUND. Km>: -Kive Linen, onenrtwi. kssMl lt> tlic iiiiii. nee tals afCtasßJii BROOCH FOUND. A lady's lirooch Ht the Vetutsar I>snce at tin 1 v ii Hall. OwntT can ha.c it ofl application to the Sergt-Msjor. c 892 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates Fonr Lines, one or two inserti>n-
      561 words
    • 622 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Batks:— Four Linen, on* or two in. •rtiona, 11.00 K> the inch, Scale of charges. TO LET: COMPOUND HOUSE No. 15-a Mt. Elizabeth. Bent $45 monthly. 435 Apply to GAGGINO tt Co. COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep
      622 words
    • 723 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rates:— Four Lines, one or two iiuertiont. Si. By tbe inch, ace Scale of Charges. rtOOMS TO LET. Booms are to let at Sberon, ldl River Valley Road. Tel. 714. 962 FURNISHED HOUBE TO BE LET To be let, furnished, Villa Germania" at Pasir Panjang.
      723 words
    • 488 12 Tonic, Restorative, Digestive Wine Very palatable. Known throughout the world and prescribed in all cases ofAncemia, Debility and Convalescence, to young women, children and the aged. Invaluable in hot Climates. DOSE One wioe-elua after the two principal meals. Each bottle of genuine YIN SAIN T-RAPHAIL tears, in addition to the
      488 words