The Straits Times, 9 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.:t«7 STNGAPORK. THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1907. PRICE 10 TENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 421 1 GRAND HOTEL OE L EUROPE SIKOAPOSE. fagniflosjrtly Fomwlwd Vitli lic^anl BinpUoitJ ROBINSON* Co. LIVEMES $weets and XV Chocolates J^F Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Firm of Confectioners, Rush Pampers (11W Fu s 'TS^U p— ROBINSON AND CO. Of our DE DION CARS are running in
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    • 194 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. siNGAroin:. ■ncn nr( II v .1. ,u.| MssasH) i ililisli J TEUTON|A CLUB. TO-NIGHT TO-MORKOW, SATURDAY, Complete change of programme e»ch evening. Mr. l.liWAUli l\s< DMl:irs Scarlet Mysteries Thfi nvmt clever combination of variety |»rtisißß. t!mr his arsf l>,>n Ml in Mm Fhi-E«9t.-^"Tientsiii Critic." Tickets
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  • 1153 2 Pictures of Paris. P.utis. By Mortimer M«-ni>rs. Text b\ Dorothy ataam l*»idon: A. and t'. Mark. As. net. I This ix a delightful book about I'ari*. Artist ami author Imve eoinbined t<i produce I a work that shall convey a vivid and truth fill impression o{ the ({ay
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 Dee's Concentrated Disinfectant. The most economical effective Of all Dealers. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY Oi:< HAIil) ROAD. .Itist landed K\. Koi-tunatiis .'i'2 lloiscs. Cobs and l'onie» in tirst-class order. Over KHI 11oi'm;s ol ull ilesci iptions aud prices on hand for wile at the lowest
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    • 371 2 McAHster Co., Ltd. AGKNTS IMPOHTKUS OF GREEN ISLAND CEMENT. BEST Portland Cement. Copy of Testimonial. Maaa, M< amstkh <.<>.. laauMaa, .inly -ha. ih»9. Present. hni; Su:s: As re<|iiesti'(l by you. we have t<st«.l Kainpleo nf Fortlar.d Ce.i.f-nt uiiule by tin- GaBBR WLUm Ckmkxt Company, Limitkd, of llongkou^. Tin- sainjm weit-
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    • 512 2 SUFFERED FOR WEARS With Rashes-Little Girl would Scratch until They Bled Unable to Rest— Spent Lots of Money on Doctors Without even Relief. CURED BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "My little girl had rashes coming nn her at times Tike nettle rash, since she had vaccination nn her arm. Thcywould rise
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  • 236 3 Mr. W. J. Itranch recently cited ia his chess column in the Cheltenham Examiner the following interesting extract from Highways and llyways in Dorset." by Sir Krederiek Troves In the days of Edward 1., Nichola, the wife of Nicholas dt: Morteahore, held the manor of Kingston Itussell,
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  • 199 3 Messrs. Longman's Civil Engineering Series has been enriched by the addition of a vuliniii dealing with Water Supply and Sewage Disposal," the result of the leisure of rive years on the part of the author. Prolessor Leveson VcrnonHarcourt. After introductory chapters dealing with the sources
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  • 152 3 Hcfore the end of the present year (says the Central Newsl it will be possible to purchase in London the best salmon the world produces at (>d. a pound. Arrangements have just been coucluded whiTt by about IHIO.OOO fish will arrive in London in the
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  • 88 3 A Henrico -Jacobean Riddle. 1 doubt not in the crucible Of analytic thought." Wrote .lames, the irreducible, We'll And the world has wrought A u<l caused and evolutiouized K iiiiivi-iiiriit in the nation We call, when closoly xcrutinized. Parental liiiuidation. The nn iinini; of this wondrous phrase I pondered o'er
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 SPRAINED ANKLE. STIFF NfCK LAME SHOULDER. TIkMC are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Halm is csjx-cially \hlhr >le. if promptly applied it will save you time, mouey and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. Sold by all dan)M u-arics and dealers.
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    • 610 3 LACE BTORE: Just received New collection of SILK LACES (WHITK, BLACK and PARIS CO. LOUR), and MUSLIN EMBROIDERIES A fine lot of fashionable patterns suitable for Dress Trimming is specially r<«ommended. M. E. SHASHA, 80 No. 170. Orchard Road. ISMAIL RAHEEM, 8-2-1 and KM Bras Itanali 1;.,a.1. Exhibit a charming
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    • 46 3 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. 1 'ley have been the favourite bleuds at home (or many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keepiug both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the mark, c 46
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    • 320 3 Boon to the Bilious. Ar« you campaltad to don> > oursclf many waslaaaan loads bocaswo yoa think 7 thor will nake you bllloas? Do yoa kno« that your condition I* aiort to alaai* W -aaa tho load? Your livor and aood attoatloa aior. than tho din a Whoa you
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    • 372 3 CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT DID YOU WILL BE SATISFIED I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the pnblio that hia Factor) for preparing Crashed Food, at No. 1, Belilios Koad, is now opened. Price of a bag of Crushed Food 1 p. 10 cat. (8 MOO per bai; No. 1 Bran
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  • 301 4 Probabilities of the Next 300 Years. Advance sli.cts sj Mm .liyu -Tsnhin iLiban] N.'ws Aut'iuvi of ToVio. .Japan, ttll ms of th" followini' in IMS, according to ofKoia.l investigation, llicre were in Japan HS^ lVot'st.uit missionaries (including women i. US I! nu m Catli"lie missionaries ami
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  • 305 4 Alter the ii-tlni i.i)..- at San Kraucisco. Locd Nortlieotc (lcspatclie<l, on behalf of the (.'ommonwealtli Government, an expression ;>f tlinnks to the British Consul at San Francisco for the kindness with which Australians li;id been treated. In his acknowloil^cincut of the letter after
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  • 90 4 The visit of His Majesty th<? King of S::im to Kurope is having the inevitable result. The papers arc struiuing after what they call picturesque to;:chm M witness this nonsense, says the Bangkok Times, from the Pall Mall Gazette His Majesty's titles alone are imposing. More are some which have
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  • 191 4 Expected. Per PitOia Britannia, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, from London April 12, due May 10— Mr and Mrs W Roaz. Mr T Meek. Mr W S Elmslie, Mr P A Church, Mrs E C Ellis, Mr P A Yoarwood, Messrs T B Betteridge, A Cheetham,
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  • 357 4 KAKFLES HOTKL. (lon Justice aud Mrs Mr Laos) MaaaMSKI Fisher Hraad kfi Derrick Hon .V Mrs Wilber Mrs Lsswi it Col H. H. Johunton Mr K A HtevesM Col G. Wright Jfa A WMsaaon Major A Mrs Ford Mr and Mr, .1 J Keeisui Major A Mrs Ormistou
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  • 337 4 Mr Mrs B. W. Barr Mr \V. Miller Mr G. E. Cliamberlin Mr >v Mrs J. M mnich Mr J. Wilson ('apt >V Mrs (.N-nday Mr W. G. Baker Mr W. ThotM Mr G. Rice Mi 1,. I). Knocker air Smith.-r- Mr C. Woldnn^h Mr J. Ballinfiil
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  • 104 4 Teluk Anson, via ports, Mondays, S. S. Coy Tuesdays, for Port Swettenham via ports. Wednesdays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Thursdays, for Port Swettenham via ports. Fridays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Saturdays, for P. Swettenham and Penang. Straits Steamship Co. Port Swettenham and Penang, Kapurthala
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  • 46 4 Time-Balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 A 6000 SUGGESTION. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, Fla., U.S.A., has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in tho stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot
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    • 717 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanjj, Ceylon, Au.otralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills )f Lading issued for Ohm. <" n <t, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Dutward (for China). Qbmm
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    • 665 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular servioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Sonrabaya. Bandjermasin, Pnlo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetoi, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, M<irabahan, Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good acoomodation for nrst
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    • 497 4 STEAMER SOILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. I The steamers of thin Cnrnpsny maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewardi, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. The
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    • 748 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. 0. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial Uarman Mail Lin The fast and well known mail eteam.'rn of this Company sail fortnightly from BremeuHambnrg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo., Singapore, Hongkong, Shatujuai, Nagasaki, aul
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    • 182 4 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR SOURABAYA, BROOME, PORT HEDLAND, COSSACK, ASHBURTON, CARNARVON, GERALDTON, AND FREMANTLE. The Company's steamer "SULTAN," 2,063 tons register. Captain Townley, is dne here May 11, and is intended to sail for the above ports on Saturday, tbe 18th idem. For Freight or Passage apply to W.
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  • 837 5 Samr, port, \>robahle date, of arrival, and name of Aqentt. Steamers. Aberliiur, Hmiil.urg, May 15 Hehn Mev.r Airlie, Sydney .him -24 Bouptead Ajax. China, .lui.e'.i; MiinsnelJ Alcinoiis, Mwarrvwi. May SS i MaaataM Antil'M-hiiH. liiMTikml. .Inut- M i M.nineld Arcadia. Inua. Mai t' A O. Aslyau.x. l.i\.i|^'l. -luly l;HwHaWi
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  • 47 5 May 8 Itind.. Brit itr, Rangoon and Calcutta De Kock, Dut str, Subak. Djambi, Palemhang Klauder. Brit atr, Chrixtma» Island 9 Saint George, Brit tr, Colombo, New York Belgraviv Ger str. Hamburg via ports Spiral, Nor str, Bangkok Besoeki, Dut tr, Bata\ia Amberst. Brit Btr, Poutiauak
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  • 80 5 for Per Steamer Tims To-morrow Kuronc via ports A read in 6 a.m. Hall, Macasaar, etc. Sundakan 9 a.m. T. AnnoD via ports I'uh Ann 1 p.m Hongkong Kum Sana 3p m. H'koug. Shanghai, Japan Cardiganshire 3 p.m Pekan, T'lianu. KelanUD />'m. fms Sena 3 p.m. Menadu via
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  • 1344 5 Under this heading the following abbreviations are u»od Btr. uteamer; sh. ship; bq. —barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacbt Cru. —Cruiser O'bt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torprdo Up. Hone-power; Brit. British; U.S. United States Fch.— French Ger.— German Dut. Dutch Ital. Italian Span. Spanish Sar. Sarawak; G.c- General-aurgo; d.p. deck
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  • 355 5 By Liect.-Col. E. G. Bmudiocx, Commandant, S. V. C. Singapore, .Wof 7, 1907. r. c. Duties I Orderly Officer for next week: 2nd Lieut. G. B. Strati. m. Orderly N. C. O. Bomb. J. Aitken. Parades II On Monday, 13th inst., at S-li p.m.. at the
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  • 109 5 Or rwAHii P. 4 O. Mail. The mail steamer Oreana, left Colombo at 12.30 p.m.. on Sunday, and is expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the 10th instant. Outward Dutch Mail. The Nederland mail steamer K. Wilbelraina, arrived at Sabang at 1 a.m., on the Bth
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  • 101 5 Wharves at which Vessel* arc Berthed To-day. T»«jo«e p»o»« Eabt Waur BAWUN-Dagmar, J. W. Weudt East Wmu Suction I— Curonia, Both, McClelltß Sect. 1 (Shush Whist) Aldebaran. Ssctioh No. 2— Tbongwa, Cardiganshire. 3 Abbotsford, Kauagawa Maru. M 4— Nil. s— Machew. 6 Tjiliwong.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 384 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO CHINA STEAM NAY.CO..LTD. Thf. steamers of tliia Company maintain I regular Henice between Calcutta. Straits and Hongkong, takiug cargo on through Hi!!-* of Lading for Canton. Swatnw, Ainoy. Shanghni. Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newcliwang. YangUze Ports, Forniiwa, .1:. 11:111. the Philippines, Ac, Ac. Steamer* on tbe Calcutta, Strait* jiikl
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    • 482 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits. China I and Japao every week, and from Japan home- wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and f< r Oenca Marseilles nnd Liverpool
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    • 479 5 BTEAHCT SAHJftBS. 40.11 BIX ED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. IKKIItMIL (PERTH) SORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTO. J.VIA AXI> MM.U'OKI 1 He^uhir Fortnightly sailings between Sings pore and Western Australia, calling at Java (bh inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for
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    • 484 5 BTEAWER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY To EUROPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA and tbe UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Empress or Inuia" 1 Twin-screw steaR.M.S. "Emprkss i.k
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    • 171 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May. 10— At Jalan Khalid Abdullah off Jalan Ayer Mulid, Johore, valuable household furniture Ac, at 2 p m. 11— At ■■Romulus." 16 Thompson Road. Chinese a-d teak household furniture, at 2:19 p.m. IS— At Sale-room, teak ami seriah bounehold furniture, at 11 a.m. 21
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 131 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, May 9. High Water. 0-24 a.m. 1 SO p.m. Mr Buckley's Lecture at Coleman St. Chnrch, 8 p.m. Scarlet Mysteries. Teutonia Club. 9-80 v. vi. Friday, May 10. High Water. 11 am. 233 p.m. Scarlet Mysteries Teutonia Club. 930 p.m. Legislative Council. 3-30. P. A. O.
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  • 21 6 Duck.— On April 18, at the General Hospital, Hankow, from pneumonia, 8. D. Dock, of the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation.
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  • 906 6 The Straits Times, PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, MAY 9. To-morrow, the Unofficial members are going to make another laudable effort to extract information from the Government with regard to the Straits Loan. The process is not a very encouraging one, but it is laudable, and those who tak« more than
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  • 483 6 We fear these speculations of ours may be as uninteresting to most of our readers as the treatises on bimetallism it was once the tashion of university professors and students in political economy to write until Mr. Chamberlain gave them a new problem to worry over. This is Government pidgin,"
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  • 14 6 The exchange value of a tical advanced one-eighth of a penuy on May 2.
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in tlris issue aro protected by the Copright Ordinance.
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  • 16 6 The Anglo- Malay Rubber Co. Ltd. pays a divideud for the year of 18 per cent.
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  • 16 6 A cargo of toak for Calcutta arrived from Bangkok this morning by the Norwegian steamer Terrier.
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  • 17 6 The Indian Budget will be taken in the House of Commons soon after the Whitsun tide recess.
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  • 14 6 The Japanese 'iner Kauagawa Maru arrived this morning from Antwerp on her homeward voyage.
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  • 18 6 It is reported that a Chiuese lad was struck by lightning in Cross Street yesterday afternoon aud killed.
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  • 18 6 Another alleged stowaway from the Sanuki Maru was before the Marine Court this morning, but he was discharged.
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  • 21 6 The P. and O. steamer Arcadia arrived tro'ii Shanghai, t'lis morning, en rout, to Bombay. She leaves at H a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 20 6 Mr. 0L It. Buckley lectures to-night to the Epworth League at the Coleman Street Methodist Episcopal Church on The Moon."
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  • 28 6 Mr. Albert L. A. Daley desires to thank his friends for their kind attendance at his wife's funeral, and for the condoleuces aud wreaths sent ou that occasion.
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  • 41 6 A Russian oiler on the steamer Koronia, now in port, has been arrested on charges of stealing nine blankets belonging to the ship and of absenting himself from duty. The case will be heard to-morrow before Mr. Grccu, the Second Magistrate.
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  • 42 6 There will be a Marine Enquiry at the Master Attendant's Court, to-morrow, at 11 a.m.. into the stranding of the British steamer Candleshoc. There is a large number of witnesses it be called and the euquiry will probably occupy the whole day.
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  • 51 6 From an advertisement appearing in to-day's issue, it will be seen there is a special display at the Municipal Gas Otkees of the manufactures of the Welsbach Incandescent Gas Light Co. Ltd. There is on show every thing for interior and exterior use, and the exhibition is well worth a
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  • 39 6 At the Hongkong Criminal Court the case against Charles Humphrey Kane, charged with larceny of 100 cases of Egyptian Delight tobacco, the property of the British-American Tobacco Co., was resumed, and accused, who was found not guilty, was discharged.
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  • 68 6 T lie Bukit Lintang Rubber Estates Ltd., situated about seven miles from Malacca, is a company which opened its subscription list in London ou April 12, with a capital of £30,000 in £1 shares. The estate consists of about 273 acres in four blocks, all planted with Para rubber, the
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  • 65 6 The shareholders ot the Ceylon -Japan Trading Company are to have their money refunded, say Colombo exchanges. The company, which is to be dissolved, so as to remove any obstacle in the way of a new company, which may wish to engage in similar work, was started in 1905, with
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  • 86 6 A meeting of the Singapore Indian Christian Association will be held at the Association Room, Anglo- Tamil School. Seranggong Road, to-morrow, the 10th inst., at 8 p.m., when an address will be presented to Mr. H. Rickard, the President of the Association, who is leaving the Colony for the Federated
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  • 91 6 Last week, Low Hock Guan sued Mr. Willium Sclmltz, of Loop the Loop renown, in the Court of Requests for }:tn as commission on the sale of a tricar. Judgment was given for the plaintiff in the absence of the defendant, who was then in Johore. Upon his return from.Johore.
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  • 104 6 At tlic first sessiou of the Missiouui y Conference at Shanghai the Hoy. T. Poarcc, of Hon^kon^. presented the Chairman of the Conference, on behalf of the missionaries in South Chiua, witli a symlxjl of the Chairman's office in the direction of the Conference. Mr. I'earce handed Dr. Arthur Smith
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  • 675 6 Prince Edward of Wain has been curolled as a racwr. Ten thousand skilled workmen arc going to Germany. Tha Kiujj and Qmm of Denmark M U. visit KiikUihl in .Inuc. I-ord de 9m, X.P.. K.C.\ .<> died on April M Hi was eighty years of age. The
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  • 17 6 A committee h;i- been appointed in Kuala Lumpur to consider a scheme for celebrating Empire Day there.
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  • 18 6 The French .Minister at Peking >li m. s tl,. report that two cuui|iauies of iulanlry ii;i\c entered Yunnan.
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  • 17 6 Mr. Zeruichow, manager of the ■leudaralu Rubber Company, has obtained leave to recruit ">(H» coolies from Java.
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  • 38 6 TaoUi Ma, of tin; Kixjcliow Mint, who has tx en Anrf witli^ guilty of corrupt practices. ha.s appeared bMOK th. liiglii i authorities lor -lllHTtatfli H S.i'.W.OUH hax been iMwuuWMul, iuc which Ha In livM responsible.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 Qaldbeek frlaegregor (So., WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. (Price List on Application). THE CORRECT CARS. h 2 1 Hrrol Johnston WITH HORIZONTAL ENGINE. SET Hrrol Johnston WITH VERTICAL ENGINE. Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, 5i,,,,a V or,: ii J. Travers Sons, Ld. SOLE 7, D'Almeida Street. AGENTS for GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Ld., I
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    • 151 6 EYE-SIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus may be consulted for SPECTACLES at 6-b Battery Road, opposite Riley Hargreaves Co., ONLY UNTIL FRIDAY. Consultations Free. Sp'eca! fl^& Appnnuncm l&tr^LV HIS MAJCSTYTHF. KIHC Caldbeck Macgregor Co., SOLE AOENTS. Williams.— On May 9, at Holroyd," Newton, Singapore, the wife of A. V. William», of a
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  • 240 7 GOVERNMENT FORCES MEASURE THROUGH COMMONS. Disorderly Scenes. IRISH DEMANDS UNSATISFIED [kmrt Tk.i.kokam London. May Iv the House of Commons, Mr. Walter Long, who was the last Chief Secretary for Ireland iv the Balfour Administration, was proceeding to make vigorous attack upon the Irish Government Bill when Mr.
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  • 99 7 Liberty of Action for Imperial Units Kki'tkis's Tbumuui London. May K At the Colonial ('out. -rcnee. Mr. Winston Churchill, the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, dwelt on the cmoi'iiidudifticultic- aud dangers of preference. Lird Klgiu. the B>M»|WJ of Slate lor the Colonies, declared that the
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  • 165 7 Cruisers to be Stationed in the West Indies. liv vkk's Tki.k.i.kwi Loudou, May !>. In view of the disaster wrought by the recent earthquake in the West Indian Colonies, the Home Government has decided to make a free grant of 1*150,001 > to Jamaica, and will
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  • 163 7 HKiTKii's Tklkmbam London, May H. The following is tin- ivsnlt of the Chester Cup ran at the Chester Meeting yesterday The Chester Cup ihandicapl of MM soys. lacitp value .">() soys. ami the remainder in specie), foi three years olds and upwards; the owner of the second horse
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  • 23 7 Tla uuti Jut l*uaia| Laiua Tiu mine lor April was I. mm piuuls. of an approximate value of >■)»,. miii.
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  • 341 7 Efforts to Change a Chetty's Mind. There were two Kuropean cases before Hie Bankruptcy Court, to-day. Mr. Chopard appeared on belia'f of Mutuearpen Chctty and asked for a receiving order against Mr. I*. A. Lopat' employed iv the Italian Consulate. Mr. Chopard said that the debt amounted to
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  • 293 7 Fruitless Search in Shanghai and Canton. The mi-sing mau mystery which, at one time, was thought would be solved in Singapore, is as deep as ever. .Mr. M Mcllrath. brother of the missing Mr. Hugh Mcllrath of Sydney, has returned to Hongkong after a fruitless search in
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  • 22 7 The mail steamer Oceaua left I'cuaug at 12.;t0 p.m. to-day, and may In expected at Singapore at I p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 76 7 Kobe. May 2. Tli.) enquiry which has been proceeding for the past two weeks in connection with the collision between the P. aud O. steamer Devanha when she had on board Prince Kushimi. the Japanese envoy to Kugl.nd, aud the Japanese steamer Shinshi Main has
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  • 115 7 The lloihow correspondent of the China Mail hears that v uew (ieriuau Consulate is to be built at that Port iv the near future, and that a vice consul will be appointed to take the place of the present secretary the consul at Pakhoi being now
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  • 145 7 'i'lii' variety entertainment given at the Tuulouia Club ou April 23. on behalf of the Children's Aid Society, realised the sum of $HIH. minus S7:l for working expeases. This sum will wipe off the debt which was ri-t;irtlinj; the work of the Society and leave a small
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  • 168 7 KING HOWARD TOASTS HIS ALLY EMPEROR MUTSUHITO. Kkitkb's Tkleoram London, May H. At the State banquet given last night at Buckingham Palace in honour of Prince Fushimi, Tiie King toasted My ally, the Emperor of Japan," who n he thanked in the most cordial manner and complimented for
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  • 88 7 Many Processionists Drowned at Shanghai Shanghai, M <\ 2. A terrible a':: 'lent occurred Iml Might During the progress of the Huaughui pro cession on W, dnc-day evening, the wooden barriers of the Scnza bridge, which crosses the Soochow cruek, gave way on account of the pressure
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  • 119 7 Criminal Charge Preferred Against Sir George. London, May 2. The Arbuthnot Company, bankers in Madras, have failed with liabilities amounting to a million and a-half sterling. Sir George rbuthnot lias been arrested on a criminal charge in connection with the failure. Sir George Gough Arbuthnot, wbu is now
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  • 132 7 We are pleased to hear, says In 'Finland that Mr. Burnside, the Secretary to the Resident of Sclangor, had the good fortune to lose his bicycle in the Public Offices a few days ago. Bicycle thefts are of frequent occurr«ncc owing to the facilities for the
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  • 126 7 A special cable from London announces that the Consolidated Malay Co., Ltd., lias paid a dividend of 10 per cent., for the year, and carried forward £700. This is a good beginning for a Company which was only floated in the autumn of 1905. The Company have
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  • 29 7 The Secretary to the Resident-General of the X.M.S., has foi warded to us the following export returns of tin from Pcrak, including Upper I'erak. for April.
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  • 11 7 Tin 9,4»3, piculs. M catties. Tin Ore 2U.14H Hi Duty 49.'i,183.11.
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  • 29 7 The body of Mr. .1. Gordon, of 11. M. S. Itedford, was found iv Hongkong harbour near the Army Service Corps pier. Deceased had been missing since April 25.
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  • 28 7 The Waiwupu considers that the sentence passed upon Collins for his connection with the plot to assassinate Kuniieh Li and others is insufficient, and demands a heavier sentence.
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  • 90 7 The tire on board the Gregory Apcar in Yokohama was subdned at 5.30 p.m. on April 20. The cause of the tire is not yet exactly known owing to the absence of Capt. lli'lsim at the time of the outbreak, but is alleged to be due to friction of hemp
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  • 899 7 AN INVENTION WHICH MAY PROVE PROFITABLE. (From Oi'B Own Correspondent) Batavia, May 4 It is known that all tropical countries produce many plants whose leaves are most valuable for the fibre contained in them the problem has always been how to extract this in sufficient quantity, and
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  • 173 7 A native love tragedy is reported in Bang kok. For several years, Meh Boonmi had been oourted by a young man. Nai Dam. The other day, he thought the time had come when his bachelor days should cease, and he gathered sufficient courage to approach the
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  • 19 7 A much ur dt d slipway is to be constructed, at an e»rly date, by Government, at Telok Alison.
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  • 615 7 Ricksha Coolie Gets Ten Years' Gaol. The murder trial, the last case before the May Assizes, was concluded at the Supreme Court late yesterday afternoon, the 'accused. Ting Leong Ho, being convicted of culp&ble homicide not amounting to murder and sentenced to ten years' rigorous imprisonment. The defence
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  • 93 7 On 2nd inst.. Canton city was suddenly shaken as if a great earthquake had happened, and ■■> few seconds later a terrific sound of an explosion was heard. It seems that the Chinese magazine at the Vuet Sau mountain had exploded, and that as jfar as could
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  • 95 7 Bangkok's bill for imported liquors last year amounted to Tcs. 1,748jt9.1. a decrease of Tcs. 1.1.71R on the previous year. The total, however, is still much in excess of that of any previous year to 1905. and can give but liLle encouragement to those who would be
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  • 60 7 Coolies continue to emigrate from Hoihow in increasing numbers. Their chief destinations are Singapore and Bangkok. Th« total number of passengers, inward and oatward, during last year was over 2,000 more than the previous year. Since April, 4,798 coolies have left Hoihow, '2..J40 going to Bangkok
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  • 37 7 The total amount of Tin Ore ex|>orteil by the tributors on the lauds uf the Royal Johoie Tin Mining Coy.. Ltd., for the month of April, was 20.°) bags, equivalent to I'ls 152
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  • 53 7 A carriage belonging to a Clfiuamau, but fortunately unoccupied at the time, was upset in Itoat Quay yesterday afternoon, the horse being frightened. The syce, a Javanese, was thrown from his seat, but was not injured. The horse bled profusely from one leg, but is
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  • 17 7 Great changes are expected to be made in high official circles in China in the near future.
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  • 29 7 The Bank of the Chinese lWiard of Re\euue has been authorised U> raise a. lohu <>f $10,000,000. It is reported that this loan is for the development uf Manchuria.
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  • 205 7 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS TO PRESERVE PEACE. Yu/n Shi-Kai Impeached. [Rkctkr's Tklki.kam" London, May 8. Reuters correspondent in Peking reports that Tse-Chung-hsuan, the most prominent of the Reactionary party in the Chinese capital, has obtaiued the ascendency at Court. Prince. Ching, Yuan Shikai, tho Viceroy of the Province of Chihli
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  • 77 7 Panic-Striken Passengers Jump Overboard. KpVX'TKb's Tklkorvm London, May H. The Krouch liner Poitou has been wrecked on the coast of Uruguay. The passengers become panic-stricken an 4 jumped overboard. Many wore drowned. The Poitou was a three-deck steamer of 2.127 tons, and was built at Flushing in
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  • 60 7 AMERICA. [Dbpß I kr\M vnsi n p> Lloyd IkHIH Berlin, May 8. The Powers, including Germany, are exercising diplomatic pressure to prevent the outbreak of war between Guatemala and Mexico. Mexico, for some reason not explained, has uemandod the resignation of President Cabreras mot his extradition
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  • 25 7 IDkr Ostasiatiuhk Lloyd TklburamJ Berlin, May 8. The Reichstag has approved of the com mcrcial treaty between Germany and tinUnited States.
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  • 198 7 Do Not Hit a Woman, Especially Your Wife. Shu wouldn't obey me, thcroforu 1 struck her as a lesson," said a Malay husband, who was summoned at the Police Court, this morning, by his young wife on a charge of using criminal force against her. Why would'nt she
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  • 39 7 High class artistic postcards arc l*iu_' published iv connection with the Colonial Conference. These include photos of Mm Premiers and other personalities, anil a unique series giving tho flags of tin- hi ion colonies with views of notable places.
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  • 85 7 At a meeting of the Ceylon Legislative Council on May 1, the Hon. Mr. Ferguson moved "That His Majesty's Principal Secre. tary of State for the Colonies be informed that there are practically no Chineite re sidents in Ceylou, and that for this reason, a* well as others, he be
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 37 8 The Gaylani: Restaurant Billiard Tourna meiit U coming to an end. and the fc'inal Tic U-twoen Messrs. K. Stuart aud An Chiang Gin will be played on Saturday, the ll tli instant, at p.m.
      37 words
    • 66 8 S. C. S. A. v. European Police. A football match was play d last eveninc; on the Beach road reclamation mmm, between an elevcu fioin the Subordinate Civil Service Association and a team of the European Police. The former won l>v thret goals to nil. The Subordinate. Civil Service
      66 words
    • 51 8 Singapore Derby: Latest Betting. The following is Mr. Artie Tully latest betting for the Siugaitorc Derby:-- Hapiu Pilgrim Kirnt Teuor l.mi\ lil'lM-kll Qurrobolonf{ Acotine Jim Uos[mt Mish Xaiuptou ti i i 3 to 1 7 t<> I 4 to 1 'ito 1 N to I U tO 1
      51 words
    • 72 8 Seamen in the Ring. A fifteen-round boxing contest between Will Griffey (H..M.S. Astiaa) and K. W. McKcnua it'. S.S. Wilmington i for a purse li $500 has been held at Shanghai. For the lirst eight rounds the Union whs the I|MV sor and rattled up mUi quickly. The American,
      72 words
    • 96 8 Sunday* Launch The steam launch Argo J'will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Clul> bungalow on Sunday next at 9, 10. ami 11.80 a.m., and U0 and MO p.m.,* returning at 9.80 and 11 a.m., 12.1."i, 3 and 5 p.m. 320 Yards' Handicap.' f The second event in the
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  • 249 8 Shot by a Friend While Shooting Figs. (Fkom Oil: Own Coiihkspondknt:. i Lipis, M 6. A Malay planter at Kertau, in the central district, was troubled by pigs, which used to come and destroy his sngar-c.ine, M he arranged with a friend to come and shoot the
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  • 348 8 A correspondent writes: Two deaths from dysentery in a very acute form occurred off Campoug Java Koatl about a week ago, one of the victims being the child of a respectable country-'mrn family while the other was a Malay child. While there can be no doubt that
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  • 17 8 The Oerman Oovernment and business men in the Empire strongly repudiate the Anglophobia of the German press.
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  • 441 8 Amelioration of the Masses in the Territory. Siani is vow entering on a new era of enterprise the industrial resources of the couutry are being developed on an unprecedented scale. Tne mineral and agricultural 7— on ices in the Kingdom and its de pendencies afford vast scope
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  • 244 8 The weekly share report of Messrs. Latham and Co. is as follows: gi •fltl ilf Wednesday, May H. There has been marked inactivity in all departments throughout the week. Prices generally are lower, and while the larger operators keep out of the market we do not look
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  • 284 8 The following is the weekly Share Circular of Messrs. Frascr and Co. Singapore, May 9. Our market still remains somewhat lifeless with few alterations in rates to report. The publication of the output from the Serendah Mine has had a r eassuring effect and those shares close
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  • 32 8 If the liv -sum generals had fought the Japs as hard as they are lighting the Kuropatkin revelations, the revelations might not have been necessary. So. at least, an American journal thinks.
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  • 465 8 Journalist, Ornithologist and Entomologist. It is with great regret that we learn, through the medium of our acuior morning j contemporary, of the death, at Penang. ot j Mr. Ethelbert Forbes Skertchley, for some time past Editor of the Straits Echo. Well known throughout the Straits
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  • 322 8 Seed Easily Obtained, but Success of Industry Doubtful. Iii tin' course of an interview uitli a Colombo press representative. .Mr. H. X. Ridley, Director of the HiiiKap in- B>tanic Gardens, referred to tlic pnSMM of camphor cultivation in the Straits. Mr. Kidlcy stated that it was
    322 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 64 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Singapore, May 9. Sir, I desire to thank Mr. J. C. Elcum, D.P.1., for kindly supplying the information about the Free School at Penang, which was opened on October 21, 1816, two years before the Malacca Anglo-Chinese College, and seven
      64 words
  • 129 8 The Scarlet Mysteries," a company of clever artistes, are to give their opening performance at the Teutonia Club to-night. This company number seven performers, all of whom not only enjoy English reputations, but claim individually to excel in some speciality." Thf performances given are musical, and of
    129 words
  • 428 8 The Transmission of Mails to and From Bui ma. We cannot but regard the present arrangements with respect to the mails {from Rangoon) for Penang as a disgrace.' Thus remarks the Pinang Gazette in call-in-:attention to tli. iuadeqimt postal faciliti from Burma to Penang. It goes
    428 words
  • 198 8 i Fkom Oitr Own Corrkshondkst) Lipis. May 1 A Tamil notice sigucd by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements has been issued in Pahang with regard to tin- new dollar. It says that the only dollar which is legal tender in the
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  • 187 8 It is reported that Prince Eutchin will return to Korea before the ceremony of put ting up Prince Yung-chin's hair takes place. A fourteen-year-old boy attending one of the city schools is given five cents a day by his father to pay for his lunch at noon,
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  • 149 8 The City of London College, acting in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, has lately made beginning with an experiment of great interest. This is nothing less than a Chinese language class. It is in the charge of Mr. A. E. Eason, who has lived for
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  • 12 8 Sixty employees are to be discharged, weekly, from Woolwich arsenal, during summer.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHINEBE CLERK WANTED FOR PAHAN6. A Chinese Clerk for Kuantan salary 135 a month, with annual increments under Clerical Scheme. Must have pawing 7th Standard in local school. Applications, stating age and present employment, ahonld reach the Resident's Office, Lipis before Hay 33. 1034
      46 words
    • 424 8 John Little 6? Co., L d SOLE AGENTS for I "When the Best is wiiiiltil I S Poinmery and Oreno JBteW Mf m^^^^Hl I ('h;ini|>;i";tie is ;iskrd for." v^^&Xk v MMMMHMMMk MMs! XX JHbB l££ jiff WELSBACH Incandescent LIGHTING. SI'KCIAL COS SICNMKNT of the latest and mo-l improve.! form-, of
      424 words

  • 5 9 Smoapoee, Mai 8. i»>7
    5 words
  • 81 9 hunbier oo> ■io (Cube No. 1> impWwui 10.45 inpra Bali ,io l° ()0 IVpper, Black .1o wi.iu v Sauo Flour B«iw*k ■lo Brunei No. 1 2-80 Pearl Sa,o J™ Coffoo Bali, 15% '8.00 UoflH Palerabane. Hmw Coffei-, Lillian No. I J»JO TRpioca. xmall Klakp 100 do small prarl
    81 words
  • 124 9 "i London— Bank 4 m/s '•2/ 4 W ninu.l 2/4 k Private 6 ni,s Wl do 3 m/s 2/41 r;,r»!'(ni/— Bank d/'l :I t Private 8 m/s '•J.4-M do m/s 247 J On /.r/inc..— Bankcl/d 294 Private 8 na/» a -08$ do 6 ra/s 3.06 On Indui -Bank T.
    124 words
  • 307 9 Strange Encounter Between Two Scouts. A. T. LjWIIIW <>f St. Louis has been qpakHafl HMiI days in S).ringfi<>ld. going over baUli'ticMs ill thin vicinity, with which hr m quite familiar during the civil war. LawTHMM wore the blue during thr war .iml paitici|MiU'd in the battle
    307 words
  • 253 9 Nature gives every woman at leant one chance. She always has one good point, if only one anil, if she will but realise it, that is her salvation. She must find it ont, live ami lead up to it, emphasise it, give it a background, treat it
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  • 87 9 An Außtrian, Professor Nowack, claims to have known years ago what happened in Jamaica on the 14th January, 1907. His researches enable him to predict a terrible catastrophe for Columbia in 1918 and one for Havana before that year. In his forecasts he is aided by Abros precatorine nobile, a
    87 words
  • Stocks anb Shares.
    • 330 9 Date of Format- Capital ion 1 I Snbwribad Number of I I Issue Paid Value lap to 10 10 10 •10 j 111 10 It 10 j Reeenre QcoTinom I i I 1903 t300,000 1901 5600.000 1903 £400.000 1907 »400,000 HOO.OOO 1600,000 £350,000 I »375,000 30,000 60,000 350,000 37,5000
      330 words
    • 362 9 1905 £150,000 £104,987.10 f 48,500 93,500 I 1,700 8,800 9,sOuuniMtt«<l f 7.000 I 11,000 70,000 0 OUU uniMuert 70,000 9,000 unimued 12,. 100 I 6,000 6.000 1 1 10 10 1 13/6 10 8 > Anglo-Mali Balgownie iincl" Mall Rubber Co., Ltd. (folly paid) I (oontrib.) Salßc -iVinltnbber Estate
      362 words
    • 209 9 1894 1898 1865 1901 1896 1901 1899 £5,377.10.1 •225,000 •10,000,000 •2,400,000 •1,000,000 •34,000 •875,000 £4,648.15.0 •235,000 •10,000,000 »2,,00,000 •1,000,000 •34,000 •876,009 7.638 4,500 80,000 C 18,000 6,000 6,000 I 4,000 3,400 6,000 1 3,750 34,000 S,«oo aniMawl 600 3,000 12/6 50 •125 8100 •100 •100 10 •100 •100 10
      209 words
    • 26 9 HowarthEr«kin..LM. K 3*^ Riley Harereaye., Ltd. 90% prwn Singapore Municipal #> 2% prem. J| 602 l 2% dii nominal TaniongP^r >1 Do O kCo.,Ltd. 3^P rem
      26 words
  • 216 9 Some amusing stories are told in the in! teresting volume, Memories (Edward Arnold), and Sir Owen Tudor Borne, a distinguished Indian official, who, after brilliant service in the army as a young man during the Mutiny, was private secretary to two Viceroys,
    216 words
  • 182 9 Turn One a man comett on to sing and shows How fair a thing the world is when he goes off Turn Two: a lady clad in tights and spangles Climbs awkward heights at more ungainly Turn Three two versatile^" called Mic and Mac" Come on
    182 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 ■i— ~33BCtCaSM I O'cTnecu'^'prue <^~"9 J036 jable Address HARGREAVES. Telephone HO. 4. I=l ELECTRICIANS MOTORS! DYNAMOS! LAMPS! REV HARGREAVES CO., LTD., Singapore Ipoh.
      23 words
    • 327 9 THIS SPEAKS Pqy* TTSETjIi 1 Extract from The Autocar, KJ.*-IJ-I J. MarcL m V)QI KEPOKT OF THE KN(iINEEK OK THE KOYAI, A I TOMOBILE CLUB OF OREAT BKITAIX AND IRELAND The 14 h.p. Star Car has been in continuous use for driving lessons and general instructions for over THIRTEEN MONTHS.
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  • 1038 10 Their Curios and Erratic Influences. As a nation we consider ourselves well removed from the weakness of superstition." a word which I find iv the dictionary thus defined Auxious religious cn-dulity which manifests itself in a false faith in certain .harms or a false fear of certain omens.
    1,038 words
  • 693 10 Opening for Breeding Experiments by Government. Horses lost s<> mm h landed in tin- IMiilij) pines that tli.rc should br an owning in our Pacific- possessions for stock furins. n< corn-Kpondciit of the American Home Breeder. He also suggests that the Government might establish an
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  • 87 10 TIIO general manager of the Metropolitan Railway complains that Ku^likh people are not so quick as they are in America in hopping in and out of vehicles. Still, tilt motor- bun is educating us. Ttu Londoner of the future will have been trained to a uiiubli ness
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 556 10 NANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. 'Aidup Capital •10,000.000 jeBerve fund BterliDt; Reserve IIO.OOO.OOO) 2 1 000 000 Bilver Reserve »1 1,000,000) Jjserve Liability of Proprietors 110.000.00 C COURT OP DIRECTORS. O. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Ch»iniuui. Hon Mr W. J. Gresaon— Deputy Chairman. a. Balloch, Esq. C. R. LeDzm»nn,b»q.
      556 words
    • 634 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK Oft INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital V 80 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* A £800,000 Reserve Fund \«975,000 BANKERS. I Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. 1 The London City A Midland BankA Lfa*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aocount* are opened and
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    • 712 10 SM.ES BY AUCTION, f M(MTGMiEFB SALE. I TAN JONG RHU. J AUCTION SALE I VALUABLE LEASEHOLD LAND I To be sold at I Messrs. H. L. Coghlan it Co.'s Mart J Monday, May 13, at 2.30 p.m. Lot I—l.eawhold1 I.eawhold lan.l in tin district of Tan )<lt; Kirn. held under
      712 words
    • 515 10 INSURANCE Companies. MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE CO. (Established A. D. 1814 I The undersigned, agents for the above company, are prejiared to accept Fire Risks at current rate*. 691 BEHN, MEYER A Co., Ltd. NORTH BRITISH AND MKHCANTILE INSURANCE CO. Subscribed Capital f.'.7')o..Xi Revenue iJ. 061. (i1l IU s The undersigned
      515 words
    • 134 10 AUCTION SALE Ok FREEHOLD LAND At CAMPONG JAVA ROAD, To be sold by Auction, Monday, May 13, at 2.30 p.m. Nine plot* situate in the district of Rochore, lots Nos. 23 to 25, 42 to 44, 61 to 63 of parts 1, 2 and 3 of Gram No. 35 and
      134 words

  • 846 11 Our Most Extraordinary Military System. Tl»Tf is HiioilitT chanu< t«p Im- naonM in tlic (U-UiU of the Wit Office romiHtnictiou -heme. whicli is fast Iniug m> minUtied, amended, improved, and i«noiiil that soon it ill Ik- little lietter tliau a sort of skeleton of its former self.
    846 words
  • 55 11 During tin- three months of last year in which inoculatiou against plaguu wascairied out in Rangoon, no laai than tjOM perHona went through the operation. No ill effects wric ri'|K>rte<l. lietween August last and March thin year then- was no inoculation. Siuce tile middle of March there have beeu some
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 ECONOMY IN THE END. A law Amm Chamberlain's Cough Hi im ily will t'urc your cold and perhaps »aye a doctor's bill hit it on. It alnuys cures and cures quickly. Kor sale by ajl dispcnNarieit und dcaletf.
      38 words
    • 764 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. K«TF> :-l«t Month, $10 p«r Inch. SubMqucnt month!, «5. Fur nbortar p*riodt »M Xcsle of Chnrnen. NOTICE. Mv wife, Cbeoni; Geok Lian Ntxi. having left my projection on the 2nd of May, 1907, without my consent. I will rot bold myself responsible for whatever debts she may have
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    • 359 11 Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANEBE DENTAL SURGEON. Consulting hours 0 t.m. to 5 p.m. 1. RAFFLES PLACE. 291 Hairs coca Wine :mu!iiiiiimili:miPuiiiirMv.!.::-iiiw.iiiim? ii£sV Would you like to say jflggijiS goodbye to 'that intolerable' j&jyW: uaitmim that untits you for I il'our and robs you of all vSS-SS tiie enjoyment of life?
      359 words
    • 196 11 SINGAPORE RACE MEETING. \Jlrtie Wulltf has openec 1 a $10,000 book on The Singapore Derby; also Double Events on The Lawn Stakes and The Derby, and The Derby and The Grand Jtand Cup (1,000 to 75 if not) nd The First and Second Jriffins; und a Treble Event on 'he
      196 words
    • 332 11 I Yamato Co. r^ Patronised by Tbeir Royal .Higbnesseg tHe Ouke and Ducfiegg of ConnaugUt. WHOLESALK AND KKTAIL DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OK I JAPANESE CURIOS. <#/ High Street, Singapore. 94 Telephone No. 129. "DOG'S HEAD" BaUHD i Registered £7 Trade Mark. Guinness' Stout. A HEAD OF ALL. To the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 601 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— MisceIIaneous Wanta of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following One Insertion 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 280 Six 5.20 Nine 64" Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month %S per inch.) The above rate is based upon an
      601 words
    • 557 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bates Foor Linn, one or two inaction*, H.OO By the inch, mm Meal* of Chargw. FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATE. 800 seres in Malacca, also Rubber Stumps. Apply C. c/o "Strait*. Times," c 103 EMPTY HOGSHEADS FOR SALE. EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS.) About 10f> to ISO monthly. Apply
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    • 589 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rates Four Line*. on» or two insertion*. »1.00 By the Inch, m Meal* of Charge*. TO LET: COMPOUND HOUSE. No. 15a Mt. Elizabeth. Rent M 5 monthly. 435 Apply to GAGGINO A Co. COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 38 Sophia Road. Apply to 18-2
      589 words
    • 498 12 jfb BE LET OR SOLD. Rates .-Four Lin**, on* or two iiiwrti. <ns. fl. H, By the Inch, m* Si-.-iID of Ch&rfcni. ROOMS TO ITT. Rooms are to let at Sheron, IU4 River Valley Tel. 714. FURNISHED HOUBE TO BE LET. To be let, furnished, Villa Gerraania" at l*»DJ»iig. Apply
      498 words
    • 137 12 I MOTOR-CARS. Argylls. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. BYME CO., s O i,. Agra ,s. vxxv. •ADAN MACFARLANE CO.'S Royal OBTAINABLE T of Liqueur JSta* Scotch 1 Whisky. Vhl ale om SYIKIE and CO., Sole Agents. What C|f WiOXlb eav,,:--DUN LOP tyres are now perfectly satisfactory, and then- M need whatever to go
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