The Straits Times, 6 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.334 SINGAPORK. MONDAY. MAY 6. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 294 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. Koof Q»r<l'- Oftm Shoin Austrian Striuj,' liestra. Of our DE DION CARS are running in the Malay Peninsula, AND EVERY ONE OF THEM GIVES ENTIRE SATISFACTION. C. DUPIRE COMPANY, Sole Agents. CAMERAS, PLATES. r ":Jpk Dark-room Lamps. I lt>,l Tripod Stands. Films, Albums. I i Postcards,
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    • 170 1 ROBINSON Co. IVEMES SweetS and XfjjßF Chocolates 1^ Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Firm of Confectioners. Rush* RdffiDcrs micd with Fullers Best choc iatcs A Most Acceptable Present ROBINSON AND CO. ADELPHI HOTEL, FOR Comfort Luxury Cleanliness ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT. Telephone No. 7:17.
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    • 16 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. UmMM Position. IMmti Clmhm, mi ■Mi witli a!! in kUtii MmlMi
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  • 1285 2 Rubber Introduction to the East. It appear*, from reference t<> table* i>ul> lished in a liiimlx-r of the Kew Bulletin, that the Hevea rublnr plant* Mill nut by Dr. mow Sir I TlUHtleton-IHer in 1S7!1 to the Kast were not. us is gem-rally considered, the first consignment des|uitched.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 350 2 4BFOR LADIES*^ D-JORET.HOMOLLE'S-APIOL 1 i* lh« moif ture remedy tqtlnit tht Sickness, and other effect* caused b> tht deity of th* regular periods. BfcOUlN.n««iit.ia»,Bo«B'-Honor*.PMtl«. SINGAPORE RACE MEETING. Jlrtie "(sully, has opened a $10,000 book on The Singapore Derby; also Double Events on The Lawn Stakes and The Derby, and The
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    • 512 2 FACTS WORTH NOTING. "HARD WATER HARDENS THE ARTERIES; SOFT WATER HELPS TO KEEP THEM ELASTIC AND PULSE-RESPONSIVE. TANSAN is the softest of all Drinking Waters. The Stomach assimilates TANSAN in less time than is required to absorb any known Water, the signinrame of wliiih fact must be apparent even to
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    • 432 2 MAINTAINS THK HIGREST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with •We cannot speak I Yfl^H A^| Jm A^| .Al |H I _-^k V». highly of it B^fc^Lf aV^aaP^al^Lf aa^V aX »^B Lj»aaaal Pronounced by the MlOMtdT medical AUTHORITIES V& t SSS*& Torpid
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  • 239 3 The N. C 1>- News hasU-eu favnurud with a copy of an interesting brochure by Mr. J. Mencarini on the Postage Stamps of China from IH7H to ML Those interested in Chinese philaU-lv will here find a mine of information which it would be iinpos-ihlc
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  • 117 3 The Hival police have arrested the com mitttee of the revolutionary fighting organisation. iiumlH-ring ten persons. Besides arms and ammunition, a store of strychnine was found with hollow bullets to be tilled with the paiaM and a plane for the distribution of revolutionary booty for the
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  • 136 3 There will be furious alarum* and excursions in the ultra-teetotal tents of Slieni." The body of eminent dot-tors whose manifesto commending the moderate use of alcohol both as a drug and an article of diet ap)iears in the Lancet are no doubt pafMaJ to be held up
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 AN AMERICAN REMEDY. There is probably no medicine manufactured that can be found in more homes in the tinted States than Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Henn-dv. It has been in general use for over thirty years aud each succetwivc epidemic of diarrhoea and dysentery iluriny this time has tested
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    • 890 3 MAJNOS MILK. Sole Agents: HUTTENBACH BROS. CO. Why use painful and inconvenient injections, win n GONOSAN taken internally is ho much better for all urinary diseases. It relieves pain immediately and stops the discharge. Effect is rapid and agreeable. Obtainable from all chemists. Jrlf.wl V^Tt.o- IV M 'v \V»rr.mtl.» fVfc.
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  • 338 4 Danger of Upsetting the Present Rebate System At I aHtillg "I the Itoval (( on Shipping Haejl Mki <'<>nfi tciici-s at Win- !i.-tcr hWMB. Mr. K.lwanl Tiv.hvin. of t!i" firm of Messrs. Qflbarf McC.ill iiml Co.. tiiuliny with \ii-tial.isiii. I'liitiH. in- Straits Settlements. ■ad South ami Kast Africa,
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  • 57 4 From tin; sixty fifth aumuil report of the HeartH of Oak Iteuptit Society, it appears that (lining tlir year HKHI no less than •J.ik i:;.! ihs i-oiiiiiiiiiiiriitiims. more than onefifth of tlitiu containing money or |x>stal orcleiK. were received at thr headquarters •>f the society, wliich him
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  • 164 4 The MiinchesU-r Dispatch says: It will k. kiii Ih- jHissiblo for jaded holiday makers to K|>eml a happy holiday the Cannibal Isliimls. Mar^MU' and liamsgate are apt to <-loy. and one can even get used t4> Paris and lloiuc. So that the Cannibal Islands, as a lioliday
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  • 221 4 Dangers of the House -Fly. A correspondent, wlio has been reading our s|K>cial articles ou The Kckml Supply of Singapore." semis iih the following: The common house-fly is not qaite ho iniHKtnt as lie sometimes looks. Dr. Ban-as, Scots bacteriologist, lias bw conducting a scries of experiments as to the
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    • 347 4 Hon Justice and Mrs Mr Leon Venascht Fisher Mr and Mr< l>errick Hon .t Mrs Wilber Mn I., •ann.iut Col H. H. Johnston Mr K A ITlll—l Col G. Wright Mr A Wulmsnn Major Mrs Ford Mr an.! Mrs .1.1 X.-. *vi Major Mrs Ormiston Mt II I
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    • 340 4 Mr A Mrs B. W Barr Mr W. Miller Mr G. E. Chamberlin Mr X Mrs J. Muumch Mr J. Wilson Capt a Mrs Gleuday Mr W. G. Baker Mr W. Thome Mr G. Rice Mr L. D. Knocker Mr Smithers Mr C. Woldringh Mr J. Ballingal Mr
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  • 215 4 Expected. Per P <V O s s Britannia, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, from London April 12, due May 10— Mr and Mrs W Roux, Mr T Meek, Mr W 3 Eimslie, Mr P A Church, Mrs E C Ellis, Mr PA Yearwood, Messrs T B
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  • 108 4 Teluk Ansou, via ports, Mondays, S. S. Coy Tuendays, for Port Swetteuham via ports. Wednesdays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Thursdays, for Port Swettenham via ports. Fridays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Saturdays, for P. Hwettenham and Penang. Straits Steamship Co. Port Swettenham and Penang, Kapurthala
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  • 48 4 TiMt.- Balls on Fort Canning and Menu: FabiT drop dtily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, mdi eating .Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 67 4 LAME BACK. This ailment is usually caused b\ rheumatism of the muscles and may be cored by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece oi flannel slightly dampened with
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    • 717 4 STEAMER SAIUNGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Tarough Bills >f Lading issued for Chin. Coast. Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward {for China). Oceana May 11
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    • 1099 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 753 4 STEAMER SAIUNGS. KD7L. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial O«rm«n Mail l.mThe fast and well known mail stearnurx of this Company sail fortnightly from BremonHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Por Said, Sue/, Aden, Colombo, Peuang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama
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    • 62 4 FOR FREMANTLE. ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE AND BYDNEY. The s.s. COOEYANNA, 3,9*2 tons. Captain Strom, may be expected to arrive on or about May 12. from Calcutta, and will hav<prorapt despatch for the above ports. She ban e.voeilent accommodation for salouu passengers, and is lighted throughout by electricity. The M-sael also carrim
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  • 1443 5 Onder tins heading the following ahbrevia tu.uH are used *tr.— steamer Bh.— ship bq. —barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser. O'bt.— Gnnboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.--Horse-power; Brit. British U.S.— liuited State* Feb.— Freuch Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch; Ital.— ltalian; Span.— Spanish Bar.— Sarawak G.c- General =argo; dpdeck
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  • 819 5 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. Steamers. Aberloar, Hamburg, May 15 Bebn Meyer Achilles, Liverpool, May 8 Mansfield Ajax, China, June 9 MansfielJ Alcinous, Liverpool, May 20 Mansfield Antilochus, Liverpool, June 26 Mansfield Arcadia, China. May 9 P. 4 O. A9tyanax, Liverpool, July A;
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  • 63 5 Homeward P. 4 O. Mm,. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia, left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and is doe here at 7 a.m., on Thursday, the 9 instant. OcTWARD P. 4 O. Mill.. The mail steamer Oceana, left Colombo at 12.30. p.m. on
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  • 51 5 May 3 Chesapeake. Hrit str. New York via Sahang Zweena, Brit etr, Samaraii}> 4 Kouaug Si, Fell Htr, Antwerp via parts Gueisenan, Her str, H 'koug, Shanghai, Japau Ruevia, Ger str, Hamburg via ports Daryal, Ger str. Sandakan via ports Jantt Nicoll. Brit str. Bangkok It.-, i.l. N..r atr.
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  • 115 5 tnr Per Sttamer To-morrow H«#M| O. Jpcar IWiuaih /.'i BpM Bangkok MM Sarawak Hitching Palembaii).' Air P. S'tenham, T. Anson Ptrak ciiriHtiiiHt Island UUnitr P.Swettenham via porte llye Ltong Peuang and Deli Culypiu l.nlitian. 110 Ho. Cobu Saluua Wh'XKsihy. Indragiri Aing ftp P.Swetteuliam, A Penang Kapurthaia Penang and
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  • 107 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TAHJOdO PflO*P EisT Wharf BASSiN-D^mar, .1. W. Wendt. K. J. Spence EahtWhabt Srction I— Curonia, Aldebarau, Catherine Apuar Sbct. 1 (8hk«B8 Wbabk):— Spiral. Sbctiok No. 2— Thongwa, Ramsay B— Glenogle. 4— Candleshoe. 6— Nil. 6 Tjiliwong,
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  • 102 5 From Ecwira By the M. M. s.s. Oceanien, due on May 6. From China By the P. 4 O. s.i. Arcadia due on May 9. Ur a p A 28 1 4 8 12 16 18 •a •-'■> 29 P. *O. Apl N. D. L. Apl B.
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  • 450 5 Risks run on the Ocean Bed. I Ittganliutl the salving work on the liner Swvir. a home journal hu\s: In all those o|K-riitiou» tin- ilivii. on vvlioiu rvnvtliinp tli'lNii.U. is in MMtajal |mtil. and tin- iMf*9 the dive tlie yroat. r llir dant-.-i. Tin- mu«t thrilling HtoricH
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  • 136 5 The KoiniHcliu Zi-ituuK »UiU-x that a ranOUmH iiiaiiuwrii';. brought some vcuih ayo from ivking. lias mm Mtwmm&k h O&ftm liagen. It ii» a tiansliition of th.- biiok on iiuatoruy l>y HnN IHouih. aii'l tonUiiiH many MfrfM of anat ical drawings from tlie works of Tlioiuh^ I'.Hrtliolin. tin-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 403 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIOHTLY service is maintained h. iwef v Japan aud Europe by the NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract witli the Imperial Japanese Oovei-nineut, specially designed (or the Company's Kuropean Service, lighted throughout by Eloctrictity, provided with excellent accommodation fur First
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    • 501 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. I I Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and 1 1 CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers are dnßpatchet from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straits, China and Japan every woek. and from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight aud f<r Geuoa, Marseilles
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    • 359 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PKNANG, RANGOON <» CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Taujong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rate* to all port* in India and Ceylon, also to East African PorU,
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    • 246 5 j STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. 1 THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KCPOPE VIA CHINA. JAPAN, CANADA aud the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, r»<i Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aud Vancouver, R.M.S. " ok Ini.ia" Twin-screw stea R.M.S.
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    • 241 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May. 7— At Sal< room, residential property knowu as Helvetia." Confederate Khtate. ut Ml I in 7— At Saleroom, Singapore, Rubber auii Tapioca estates situate in Malacca, •-> 30. 7 At Saleroom, freehold residential property known as "Staumon-. Grange Road, at 2 .40 p.m. 7_At
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 20 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Honukong, May 6, 10 a.m. Barometer Direction cf Wind S.W. Force of Wini Max. Temp in Shade 78
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    • 47 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, May 6. High Water, i:i a.m. C M p.m. Morrison Centenary. Memorial Hall. 9. M. M. outward mail due. M. M. homewarJ mail >lw\ Tuesday, May 7. High Water. 11-49 a.m. Wednesday, May 8. High Water. 047 a.m. S. U C foncert. p.m.
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  • 16 6 Tkloillis —On April 38, at the Peak Hospital, Hongkong, Paul Tregillus, from appendicitis, aged 27.
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  • 584 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, MAY 6. Professor W. J. Simpson's report upon the cause of the great mortality in the Colony, and upon the insanitary condition of the city, as affecting such mortality, is due to arrive from home. The document has been scanned by servants in
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  • 363 6 We were pleased to hear at the opening of the Chinese Volunteer Club on Saturday that Klmin like a definite understanding has arrived at with reference to the *it< j Volunteer Drill Hall. It may be remembered that, a month or two ago, we called attention to the (iovernmeut proposal
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  • 197 6 ■Some time ago, we published some correspondence on the subject of Sunday golf. The result was inconclusive, as all such discussions are likely to be. People who golf, golf still people who do not golf follow the calm tenour of their way, aud satisfy their conscience and scruples by devotional
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  • 5 6 Anglophobia is increasing in Germany.
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  • 13 6 Ranb shares were on offer at 8J yen in Yokohama on April IS.
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  • 12 6 Another British steamer, en route from Manila to New York, arrived yesterday.
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  • 26 6 Agitators are fomenting strikes and insubordination among the employees of the North-western Railway in India. Consequently, the volunteers arc drawiug rides and cartridges from the armouries.
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this issue art protected by the Copright Ordinance.
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  • 15 6 Owing to. a disagreement, the foreign instructors of the Peking I niverjty have struck work.
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  • 16 6 The Norwegian steamer Spiral, which arrived yesterday from Copenhagen, en route to Bangkok, coaled at Sabang.
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  • 16 6 A general cargo of Australian products arrived from Melbourne this moruing by the British steamer Euryalus.
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  • 23 6 A deck passenger on the steamer Shan tung, which arrived from Boelclcng yesterday died at sea on the Urd iu,taut, from ben bcri.
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  • 22 6 A ptrty of twenty two British military officers left Shanghai on April 2."> for the purpose of surveying the Mauchurian bat tlefields.
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  • 25 6 The Manoeuvres arranged for the Chinese Army to be carried out in the Autumn havebeen ordered to be postponed owing to the shortage of funds.
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  • 23 6 Eighty-one passengers came from Batavia yesterday by the M. M. steamer La Seync which connects with the homeward and outward French mail steamer*.
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  • 25 6 It is announced that a r<>al combine, with a capital of X1,2.*i0,000 is beinj. formed among the principal colliery owners iv East Midlothian, iv Scotland.
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  • 24 6 There were 1,400 passengers on the British steamer Saug, which arrived from Hongkong this 1110 uiug. The German steamer Uelgravia brought HOD .-..ore.
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  • 31 6 It is claimed that the biggest cranes in the Far East are in the Naval Dockyard at Hongkong where there are four -three of twenty tons, aud oue of fifty tons.
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  • 26 6 Germany is discussing a suggestion that all young women in the German Empire be compelled to undergo a year's training in the Army and Navy hospitals.
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  • 29 6 According to the Taiping journal, the F.M.S. Government employees drawing a salary of •125 a month and over arc allowed to travel first class by rail when on duty.
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  • 35 6 There is 1 'inning iv Singapore a Kichard Brasier motor car, which has just bi en brought out to order by Levy Hcrmanos. who are Mole agents for these cars of the GordonBcnnet cup final.
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  • 33 6 Yuan Shi Kai's memorial to the Throne requesting the despatch of a Commercial Commission to the Straits with a view to securing the co-operation of the Chinese Merchants In re has been granted.
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  • 38 6 The directors of Bells Asbestos Company. Limited, recommend a dividend at the rateof 121 per cent, per annum, with a bonus of 2.J per cent., placing to reserve the sum of X 10,000 aud carry iug forward .f.Mmi.
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  • 33 6 A Guatemalan youth, 18 years of age. assassinated General Jose Maria Reina Barrios, e\ President of Guatemala, ouc of the Central American Kcpublics, in the House of Representatives a.. Mexico City, on April
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  • 47 6 A large number of men from the Japanese cruiser Takachiho landed at Wuhu on April 20. They damaged a number of Chinese tombs with the result that the Chinese were enraged and a terrific fight ensued, during the course of which many were injured on both sides.
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  • 43 6 The Daily Mail states that the Czar lias become mentally deranged and that his abdication is imminent. The Grand Duke Michael, it alleges, will assume the Regency a military dictator will be appointed. It is claimed that this is a trustworthy rci>ort Naturally.
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  • 48 6 The Missionary Conference assembled at Shanghai on April 20. There were 411 delegates, and 514 visitors have registered up to the present. Dr. L. Gibson (British I and Arthur Smith (American) were elected joint chairmen of the reception to be held in the Town Hall in the evening.
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  • 49 6 The Chinese Government has sanctioued the ai>i>oiutiiicnt of H. E. Wu Ting Fang and H. E. Chang Pat-tszc as co- presidents, for the time being, of the Canton Hankow rail way. The appointments were made on the recommendation of Viceroy Chow Fu, at the suggestion of the Canton gentry.
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  • 49 6 The abolition of the regulation prohibiting tank steamers carrying benzine or petrol in bulk from passing through the Suez Canal will have an important effect, in which Colombo will be interested inasmuch as it should mean twenty additional steamer calls at that Port in the course of a year.
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  • 59 6 Samsudin, the caretaker at the I. W. 1). bungalow at Changhi, who was charged with receiving a gift to help to recover stolen property, was acquitted by Mr. Green on Saturday. It will be remembered that it was alleged that he found a missing bicycle hanging to a tree in
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  • 55 6 A message from Simla on April M stated that the Meteorological Department has received a telegram from Cairo stating that the South Soudan southerly wind and rains in Abyssinia have set in. These rains are the precursors of the moasoon which crosses to India in June, and are slightly behind
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  • 81 6 Timah, Limited, h the latest wining venture that in being floated, the shares for which have been privately subscribed. The capital ban been fixed at the low sum of $50,000 and provides for 915,000 working capital. The land is situated in Sungei iiesi and will be worked as an open
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  • 437 6 Mr. G C. Mart, \dvi-, tothe G,,vc riiiiieut of K.ilah, is indisposed, says the Pinaug Gazette. lakyanghw.L formerly C oreau MiuisUr iv Japan, was assassinated at Seoul ou the niciit of the 21st lilt. The death took place on the M insist „f -ur. I Itonald fanjuharsun.
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  • 17 6 The Colonial steamer Sea Mew arrhi-d from l'ulo Pisaug on Saturday, and left yesterday for Port Swcttcnliani.
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  • 31 6 An Englishman and three K"«siana a tight in Tanjong Pagar foul v. stciday. while under the influence of u.uik. They were fined $2 each by Mr. Green this morn ing.
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  • 31 6 Chan Ah Tak was sentenced to a mouth's rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Green, tin Second Magistrate, this morning, for taking up "absent-mindedly" a couple of psjji belonging to Mr. A. Sharp.
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  • 32 6 Two Englishmen, giving the names Me Cann and Whcarty, were fiued $2 each by Mr. Colman. the Third Magistrate, this morning, for being drunk and disorderly iv South Bridge Koad last night.
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  • 41 6 Mrs. Alice Judith Kocn it/ applic I. through Mr. Aitken. to Mr. .lustier Kisher. this uioiuing. for letters of administration of the estate of her deceased husband, Mr. Andrew l,ight_ Kocnitz. who died intestate on April 18. The letters were granted.
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  • 50 6 The funeral of the late Mrs. Daley, wife ot Mi. K;rt L. A. Daley, Undertaker aud Tomb- builder, took place yesterday afternoon at the Christian Cemetery in Hukit Tnnali Koad. and was largely attended. A larg« number of wreaths w placed on the grave by friends of the deceased lady.
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  • 46 6 Mr. Henry Richards, an iu'J Eurasian, appeared before the Senior Magistrate on Saturday ou a charge of abstracting some title deeds from a box belonging to a Malay woman. The hearing of the case was continued this morning, when accused restored the deeds, and was discharged.
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  • 99 6 On ApriU, there was successfully launched from the yard of Messrs. David and William Henderson and Co., Limited, at Patrick, a steel-screw steamer which they have built to the order of the Nippon Yuscu h.i Mi.i Japan, through Messrs. A. I;. Urown, Me Karlane and Company, Limited. CHmhmt, and under
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  • 114 6 Mi. Klliott applied this morning Ui Mr. Justice Fisher for letters of administration of the estate of Mr. John Klliott Morgan, who fell into a mine when he was employed in Paliaug. and was killed. Mr. Martin, the Manager of the Kaub Australian Gold Mining Comiiany, by whom the deceased
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 RED. Landed. APPLES. 600u.1. Ota P- c** of THOMPSON, m The Australian «pO a doj!ens THOMAS Co. Stores -3HS- ORDER EARLY, L^ |1 Ws? SUPPLY LIMITED. JL Iw Kj A police notice. MORTGAGEE'S SALE KKWAKfi r. r ATI.-KVPII innir rAi.iH VALt'ABLE PROPERTY, SITUATE AT RhW AIU» r. f.ATt bYED ABDL
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    • 230 6 EYE-SIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus may be consulted for SPECTACLES at 6-b Battery Road, opposite Riley Hargreaves Co., only until Friday next. Consultations Free. WILSON Co. Photographic Artists. Our Portraits ani Enlargements are of the highest possible Artistic and Technical Excellence, Pries m CaklMt Portrait, Mattotype »8.00 12.00 Bromide »12.00 20.00
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  • 99 7 THE ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS ON CONGO MISRULE. Threatened Intervention. Rki tku's Tki.k.i. i:\i London, May 5. In consiqui nee of the formation of a new Belgian Ministry by M. de Trooz. formerly Minister of the Interior and Public Instrnc tion, who ix considered a partisan of Kiug Leopold
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  • 94 7 Preparations for his Welcome in England. Km tk.i:'s London. May I. The programme of the reception ceremony of Prince I'nsliiiiii has Ih'cii definitely fixed. Their Koyal Higlin. -sis i.ln- I'rinoe of Wales aud the Duke of 'oiniauglit, the Duke of Argyll aud the Duke of Fife. Lord
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  • 80 7 A Combination of Continental Interests. BBIHM'n;i;vm L'.ndo'i. May ">. M. I'elersburg reports tint the Protocol ot thr liusso- Japanese Fisheries Convention has ban signed. The Swedish Kaat Asiatic Company has Ih-cii formed with a capital of t:;:!7.iKKI sterling to run a service of steamers to the
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  • 211 7 IiKI -TKll's fIHWIII Loii'loii. May .*>. The L>>rd Lieutenant of Ireland, the Karl of Aberdeen, his op-.-iie 1 Mm Irish International K\hibitio'i. The object of the l)niili:i L.Oiihiliou now bciug held in Herbert Park, is to promote the industries, art, ami noil BOe of Ireland by exhibiting
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  • 44 7 Keitkb's TIUMHUM London. May 5. The British Embassy at Constantinople has applied to the I'orte for a refund of the ransom demanded by brigands for the release of Mr. liolx rt Abbott, who was kidnapped in the mighlMiurhood of Salonika.
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  • 121 7 Bit hi;'- Tl IHIII London. May .">. The 'I'ennis Chainpioushi|i lias been won by Mi. .1 ay Gould, junior, who l>cat Mr. Eustace .Miles by three setts to two. Mr. .lav Qoald, who recently arrived in England from America, has meviuii.sly met Mr. BwteM
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  • 23 7 I)H IKKS Tn.Ki.liAM London. May 4. I'lii k'bivd the siUJi-- ncccssary for the establishment "f .in iudejicndeut Ministry fat the Colonies.
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  • 874 7 Burial Ceremony of an Ancient Chinese Lady. ll-'lloM On Own CoKltKsl'oMiKSTt Mali>'_tn. May :t. Am 1 not right in Haying tli it ire all have a constant desire to experience kmmIUm Ml, and it is somewhat of a Miaoa to tiud that it is not a
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  • 195 7 The Straits loan now required is due to the acquisition of the docks at Singapore at a figure which makes the Ceylon pearl fishery deal rather m. ill fry, says the Times of Ceylon. What is more material to us, however, is the rate at which the
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  • 56 7 Over a huudrud thonsaml Chinese from the famine -stricken districts in Kiang aud Auhui Provinces me now on the way, at the expense «>f the Government, to Shangtuuc;. nm they will joiu a great number of Shaugtiing people to go to Manchuria. This •'iiniiioiis caravau
    56 words
  • 60 7 HEAVY LOSSES TO THE UNDERWRITERS. Kkitkr's TblrorasiJ London, May 5, The Shell Transport and Trading Company's tank steamer Silverlip. lost in the Bay of Biscay through an explosion of benzine, was the first to carry a bulk cargo of benzine through the Sue/. Canal since the regulations
    60 words
  • 350 7 Sarawak Government Object to Present Conditions The follcwing was placed iv the seats at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday: At present the Bishop of Sarawak and Labuaii acts also as Bishop of Singapore including the Straits Settlements, and the Federated Malay States,— an arrangement that dates back to the
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  • 92 7 Contraband Chandu on French Steamer. Having received information that there was a quantity of contraband chandu on the M.M. steamer Villc de la Ciotat, which arrived this morning from Saigon, the Opium and Spirit Farmers sent a search party on board, but it was not found
    92 words
  • 24 7 The output at the Tronoh mines for the mouth of April was as follows': Dressed Tin-ore produced Piculs 2,464.7."> Value •m,507.68.
    24 words
  • 47 7 The Wrecked Net he rton. As will be seen from an advertisement on page fl of this issue, the wrecked steamer Netherton is to be offered for sale. We assume from this notice that the 1 'nderwriters have decided to abandon tluir attempt to re-coustruct the vessel.
    47 words
  • 87 7 A variety entertainment was given on Saturday night by the members of the Singapore Lusitanian Club, at their clubhouse in Waterloo Street. The small hall was packed to overflowing, and a good and enjoyable programme was gone through. The items consisted mainly of songs, contributed by Messrs.
    87 words
  • 155 7 In the Supreme Court this morning Samsii.i Merican appealed against his conviction by Mr. Column and sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of criminal breach of trust, as a carrier, in respect of 64 pounds of pepper, belonging to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Koard. Mr.
    155 words
  • 25 7 Tong Fuug Chi and Woug Chiun Sin have bocu appoint) l by Viceroy Yuan Shi Kai to control the China .Mi u.h.uiU steam Navigation Company.
    25 words
  • 1926 7 DR. R. MORRISON AND RAFFLES INSTITUTION. Uienfion of School Property, By the courtesy of Mr. C. M. Phillips, Principal of Raffles Institution, we are enabled to place the following documents bef ire our readers in connection with the Centenary of Dr. Robert Morrison, the famous missionary, which is
    1,926 words
  • 75 7 Three earthquakes happened it Colombo ou Monday, April 15 aud Friday, April 19, respectively. The first one commenced a few minutes before noon aud lasted more than two and a half hours. The seismic disturbauccs on April I. were recorded at '2. 4:1 am., and at ,V°29
    75 words
  • 72 7 Km >n i an advertisement printed mi Uiu front «lj4« of tliiH issue, it will be seen that a Syndicate has Ixx'ii formed to produce The Straits and F.M.S. Annual. It would apjiear that the forthcoming production will maintaiu the standard of previous edition*,
    72 words
  • 135 7 SOBER STATEMENT BY A CHINA MERCHANT. China's Request is Farcical. [Rkutkr's Tm.h.i.w London, May .">. Interviewed upon his arrival Home from China. Mr. Archibald Little, the well-known China merchant and traveller, and author of several standard works ou the Celestial Empire, states through Reuter that for China to
    135 words
  • 71 7 I>Kl< OsTASIATISCHK Ll.oYl> Tlltllll Berlin, April ft The result of Prince von Bnelow's conferences with Baron von Aehrcnthal, the A ustro Hungarian Foreign Minister, following upon the interviews with Signor Tittoni, is a complete international counterpoise of the political effects of King Edward's trip in
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  • 61 7 jDKK OsTASIATISCHK LloYli TkLKURAM Berlin, May 5. Keuti r publishes what purports to be a new treaty between the German Minister at Teheran and the Persian Government regarding the Commercial Bank, particulars of which were made known iv the Government's declarations in July last. No
    61 words
  • 36 7 Dk.i; OSTASIATISCHK. LIOVIi TV.LKciRAM Berlin, M»y .">. The steamer Citta di Milano, belonging to La Velooc Navigazioue Italiana, which was reported overdue with over 1,000 passengers on board, has arrived at New York.
    36 words
  • 32 7 Dhll OsTASIATISCHK IjLOYI) TKt.H'tKAM Berlin, May 5. It is reported from St. Petersburg that the preliminary protocol between Russia and Japan, dealing with the Seal Fishing Convention, had been signed.
    32 words
  • 19 7 [Der Ostasiatischr Lloyd Tklruram Berlin, May 6. The strike of waiters in Paris has termi nated.
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  • 17 7 1 Kkctkk's, Tklki.kam London. May •">. King Edward has arrived in London from .he Continent.
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  • 156 7 Application to commit Sir G. Arbuthnot to Custody. Madras. April 11. Mr. Osborue, on behalf of a number of creditors, applied at the High Court to-day, before Justice Subraruanya Iyer, for the Court to take action, under section 47 of the Insolvency Act, aud commit Sir
    156 words
  • 88 7 'I'h. London corres|R>udi lit to the South China Morning I'ust xvircil M follow-, mi April M. The British Government h hlkxil to bm a precis of a second Sin/ Canal which is projected to be built with exclusively llntlsl, capital. A concession for the mule is i
    88 words
  • 32 7 Mr. Justice Fisher this morning gave judgment for the dcfeudauU, in the case of T, It. Mill v. Messrs. Campbell and to. for %1M for Me mouth's MOH in lieu ol notice.
    32 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 70 8 Mr. F. 11. M'ljhsion is spoken of as likely t i get his Ulue for cricket ut Camhi i Ige this season Mti i a representative match in Melbourne. last mouth, a Itallarat cricketer named Stubhs threw the cricket ball 1:12 yards 0 inches. Bar the 140
      70 words
    • 58 8 National Union Cup Tie. The tirst rouud iv the above competition was played off on the Keach Koad reclamation ground yesterday afternoou, when the K'H'horc Police Station Kootball Club met the Singa|»>rc Pranakau Club. The was a fairly good one. and ended iv aueasy win fur the
      58 words
    • 266 8 Kecreation C lub's Competition. The annual tennis tournament of the Siugap>re Kecreation Club will commence on May 11. The events to be cniu|>eted for arc tlie Championship, single and double handicaps, and mixed doubles. Eight prizes will he awarded. Mr. T. dc Silva lias been appoiutc't secretary and treasurer
      266 words
    • 439 8 Cochlo's Eleven v. Gomes' Eleven. Two rival uleveus of the Singapore Kccrea tiou t'lnli played a crioket match ou the S. It C. ground on Saturday afternoon. The (■coie- were as follows: Cokhi.o'.s Elkvkn. Stuart b Goincvi 10 E. i i.iiisian c Cockburn b Alvis 0 S. I'ereira c
      439 words
  • 951 8 Successful Concert at the Teutonia Club. During the past few months, there has been much activity in the musical and dramatical world in Singapore; there has l» c [i no reason to complain of the absence of MM diversion from the ordinary, prosaic run of life.
    951 words
  • 1360 8 A Peculiar Right of the Straits Born. A coiuinodious new ChinCHe Volunteer Club building was foriual'y opencsl on tlie Hi nch Koad by His Excellency the Governor, Sir .Mm AnderHon. k.c.m.i;.. <>v Saturday afternoon. With His Kxcelleucy on the grounds were Major-Ueneral Perrott i Officer Commanding the Troops).
    1,360 words
  • 420 8 Presentations to Mr. Stanley Knocker. A convivial gathering of a ordial character look place at the residence of Mr. Seymer Haukiu, of the China Mutual Life Insurance Co., Ltd., on Saturday afternoon, when a presentation of an address and suit able memeiitos was made to Mr. Stanley Knocker,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
      267 words
    • 233 8 John Little Co., L d SOLE AGENTS for iMt' tß*' M CHAMPAGNE. Jjjk U m igHfl MMM^MSMw"\ 3 S Ca9 NFimSi&Tq i I^B^HH I "When the I>est is wanted fit jj^Bfl^B' I SiPommerv and Greno a^"'^ If MBMM^MMK I lm l' a M llfJ > s !!xl*»'<l for." W r
      233 words

    • 90 9 jambitr O.bii do (Cube No. 1) mpi<-l«-.l 10.45 Copra Bali 10.60 do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper. Blivck buyers 1H.12J do Whito 9% -25.75 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.80 do Brunei No. 1 2.78 Pearl Saco 4.00 Coffee Bali. \5% 1900 Mb* Mimlmm M h^*< 22.50 Coffee, Liherian No. 1 22.00 Tapioca,
      90 words
    • 126 9 On London Bank 4 m/* '.s/'tc Dcmaud '2/41 Private 6 m/s 2/4J do 8 m/s -Ml On Germany -Bank d/d 2.:19 Private 8 m/s 2.4. r >J do 6 m/s 2.474 On hr.mcr— Bank d/d 2.94 Private 8 tn/s 3.08$ do 6 m/s 3.06 On Jndia-Bank T. T. 17:1.
      126 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 320 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed Number of Shares I 'I lisa* V»lae i Pud np to i Reserve I I I I Company Quotations I I 19.35 19.00 3.75 10.35 1903 1901 1903 1907 1300,000 1600,000 £400.000 $400,000 •300,000 •600,000 £350,000 •375,000 30,000 60,000 350.000 37,5000 2,500 unissued 60.000
      320 words
    • 332 9 1905 £150,000 £104,937.10 f 48,500 I V 93,500 I 1,700 8,800 a. ■"< uniua*d f 7,000 11,000 70,000 8,000 unissued 70,000 U.K1.1 uniiiuixl 12,500 6,000 6,000 1 1 10 10 1 12/6 10 8 Anelo Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. (fnlly paid (oontrib. Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. (fully paid (ooDtrib
      332 words
    • 215 9 1894 1898 £5,377.10.0 •225.000 £4,648.15.0 •235,000 7,638 4,500 12/6 50 13/6 50 814.11.9 112,500 10,000.000 a) 9,500,000 250,0006 j Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd Frauer A Neave, Ltd. •7.00 140.00 1865 810,000,000 •10,000,000 80,000 •125 •135 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 855.00 1901 I 12,400.000 I2,«00,000 18,000 I 6,000 6,000
      215 words
    • 19 9 ""Ss^SSSS^L 8 •Kffl 85=. S&Sra*- «f iSKS 4% 603,000 2% dis nominal Tanjong Passbook Co., Ltd. t% 3%prem
      19 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 rear*. O. J. KEYMEH Co. bmt! io aHam ihoir unfeu aa AGbNTS IN j EN LAIMO. tatabllahod In ia44. thmy .n a thorough knomlaogo of thm Markofa. and mxacrlanom ot Eaatmrn rcQulrmmmnta. Tha haada ot thm Firm alrm pmraonal aunarvlaton to all bualnmaa, and ml. lt crj/ldonco Invllm thoaa raaulrlna
      187 words
    • 87 9 THIS SPEAKS For ITSELF. 2**^^ REPORT OF THE ENGINEER OF THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OK GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND The 14 h.p. Star Car lias been in continuous use for driving lessons and general instructions for over THIRTEEN MONTHS. The car has run 10,000 miles, and the repaint and replacements
      87 words
    • 95 9 TUITION IN MALAY. Apply to Tutor, m c/o Straits Times. H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY ORCHARD ROAD. Just landed Ex. Fortunatus 32 Horses, Cobs and Ponies in first-class order. Over 100 Horses of all descriptions and prices on hand for sale at the lowest possible prices. Harness, Saddlery and all Stable
      95 words
    • 561 9 M H THE DUKE D D t Clj 1/ A MtT THE SULTAH OF CORRAUOHT \J \J L. JILVn, OF JOHORE MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. i Has .H'ST oi«'nc<l a Large ami Various Assortment of 60LD MOUNTED JADE SLEEVE LINKS. BROOCHES. BANGLES, NECKLACES. CHARMS. PINS. ETC. Ami other Gold and (iemset Jewellery
      561 words
    • 257 9 TEUTONIA CLUB. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 4 SATURDAY May 9, 10 and 11. Mr. l:l»YM:l> IIItASSCnMI-.1. I SCARLET MYSTERIES (Direct from London). Admission $2 Only. Tickets on sale at Robinson Piano Co. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. 13, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPOUE. i 759 SALE OF STEAMER JYetfterton. Vessel to be
      257 words

  • 983 10 Oriental Plague. Dr. K. Klein, K. K. S.. has published (Hsjn Miumillani a volume of Studies on the HbcU-i iolo«y and KtioloKy of Oriental I'layiK comprising an account of the riscanli work on which lie lms now been < nyayi^l lor Hrn past ten years. Then; is now
    983 words
  • 162 10 I A sensational book by the well-known author. Count Krnst Kcventlow. was to l» published in Berlin. It m entitled World Peace or World War Whereto LeadH Ger many Way The author cliwnsM-s fully the international situation, ridicules the idea of disarmament and comes to the conclusion
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 599 10 BAHKIHG COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital $10,000,000 reserve fund:— Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) Silver Reserve $11,000,000f Roserve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. G. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. Greseon— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann.Esq. A. Fuchs, Esq. A. J. Raymond,
      599 words
    • 583 10 BAHKIHG COMPANIESCHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800 000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per
      583 words
    • 622 10 SALES BY AUCTION. HELVETIA Tuaday, Hay 7, >-r 2.30 p,m. Mortgagee's Sale of freehold residential property known as Helvetia, Confederate Estate Road, Singapore. Area 32.100 square feet being lots 317 to 332 of lot 7 of Grant No 1 I Substantial two-storey brick-built house witl tile roof. Short distance from
      622 words
    • 639 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE. Tuttday, 7th May, at 2.30 p.m. The dwelling No. 4. PALKMBANG ROAD, area 3638 square feet. Lease for 99 years from Ist October, MM Powell 6- Co., 9*7 Auctioneer*. No. 14 DALHOUSIE LANE. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuesday, May 7. at 2.30 p.m. All that valuable pieceof
      639 words
    • 469 10 INSURANCE Compahies. MACDKHI KG FIRK IXSI RANcK 00. (KsrwiiiMin. A. I). IS|4.) The undersigned, a^-nts for the above company, are prewired to accept l-'ire Risks al current rates. (i'Jl BEHN. MKYER A Co.. Ltd. NORTH BRITISH AND MKHC\NTILK INSI HANVE CO. Subscribed apital i:2,7.-iO.OOO Revenue £2,061,014-19 The undersigned are prepared
      469 words

  • 438 11 Facts Showing Disaster was Accidental. llefoie leaviuj; Yokohama for Seattle by ili« Tango Main. Captain Fianckc made the following statements iv «n interview granted exclusively to a representative of the .lapan Advertiser: While I do not wish to make any detailed .ii axtaaafcN statement previous to tho
    438 words
  • 168 11 Mi. (ls.ur r.vowuint! writes to a I»n«l<in .Inilv It may B> iuU-restiu)» for your n-a<ler» U> Uniiw in what proportion the stiulents at t aiuhridyf I uivemity who arc entering for TliaaaM in Jaafl Bt«l are divided amouK tli. s.-\.-ral stiulien. more enprcially a» the r.siilu sluiwn
    168 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 1 mW aft r •Xi 1 BS j^| r mmmm j Hj. :fl H'ffll'r' I *^a(B« bB I ,^aW^ mrm" -^^Jmr^ Facts of Absorbing Interest To Tl-.-sc Who Are In The Clutches Of Rheumatism On- cannot be ti») quickly cured of Rheum.itism. To g L -t rid of those awful
      187 words
    • 1092 11 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. PROGRAMME FOR THE SPRING RACE MEETING TO BE HELD On May 14, 16jind 18, 1907. FIRST DAY. I— THE MAIDEN PLATE- Value MOO. A Race (or Maiden Horses. Weitfht 9st. Ex-Griffins allowed 71b. Entrance Mfc Distance R C i-THE LAWN STAKES-Value WOO. A Handicap (or all Horses
      1,092 words
    • 462 11 ISMAIL RAHEEM, 82- 1 and 82-2 Bras Basali Road. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set Jewellery in modern and antique design. Ins, ection invited. I I±M£Z^_ Composing Machine rival. If RWrfp^jft»— L'sed by th< Leading Newspapers. r^aJlafnijl MB a^%^ OOVEBNMENT i 1 MM WftiCllWSa»V g% erunieiit^i.tliroughoiit W
      462 words
    • 193 11 TO ALL CYCLISTS. VfttEAD CYCLE CO., OEPT. a 352 LIVERPOOL. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT where Eno i Prnit Skit' has been Uken in the earliest stages of a disease it has in innumerable instanoes prevented a serious illnan. The effect of ENO S 'FRUIT SALT' upon any disordered, sleepless,
      193 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 553 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— Miscellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 8 1.20 per inch Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 N'n» 6.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month IS per inch.) The above rate is based
      553 words
    • 582 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates :-Fonr Llnm, one or two inMrtioiu, »1.00 By the Incli, »«e .Scale of Chargw. FOR BALE. RUBBER ESTATE. 800 acres in Malacca, also Rubber Stamps. Apply C. c/o "Straits Times," c 103 EMPTY HOGSHEADS FOR SALE EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 GALLONS > About 100 to 150 monthly.
      582 words
    • 588 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Poor Lin««, on* or ;wo insertions, $1 no By tho inch, m« sc.-vle of Ch.irge.. TO LET: COMPOUND HOUBE. No. 15-a Mt. Elizabeth. Rent Ms monthly. 435 Apply to GAGGINO 4 Co. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET Street* 8 Bo d A PP'> to 18
      588 words
    • 406 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. R*tm:— Four Linen, on* or two iowrtions, (i. By the inch, m« Meal* of Chanm. ROOMB TO LET. Rooms aie to let at Sfaerun, 1(M River Valley Road. Tel. 714. 903 HOUSE TO BE LET t£°\\. A Ro^-'PP'y to E. Meyer 4 Co., Ltd.. 1
      406 words
    • 688 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. Rates :-l.t Month, M per inch. Nuluwquent months, K. Fur ahortar peri.als mm Scale of Charge*. NOTICE. "^"k^SS"? U P"^"* l book orders °3L. übber fe eds from nme y«" old trees for 1906 delivery. Price on application. MANAGER, c *i 7 Highlands and Lowlands Estate NOTICE. Oar
      688 words
    • 296 12 LOST OR FOUND. hM Hie i.iii^., i^—- By the iiii-h. mm ■Mferf I'li.irge,. BROOCH FOUND. C 892 MARTIN'S J'^lforLadies.l PI JLLS l l i'*"**p**™fof sKJiiifl tea 11 ■i'««rfK 1 .1toi« iSIMnfSBuJSii jTiSfr; BUCHANAN'S WHISKIEsT are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home for many years and
      296 words