The Straits Times, 3 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.332 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1907. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 GRAND HOTEL DE [EUROPE. .\u--..m fltri m. L j Of our DE DION CARS are running in the Malay Peninsula, AX I) i:\ I RY ONE OF THEM GIVES EKTIKE SATISFACTION. G. DUPIRE COMPANY, Sole Agents. CAMERAS, PLATES. Printing Paper. i^^B^B^kji^^i^^^ ILFOR^S PLATES. Photographic Requisites at Popular Prices. KATZ BROTHERS,
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    • 149 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOTELS. CALEOONIAN HOTEL 77, lirat- Bmtmk Komi, UnguftnrrThe brightest and Healthiest Kusort in the City. Hotel Porter in uniform, meuts all 3oata and Trains. HOTEL WISSE Wbltetbeoen. Batxtu. Establixhed in 1836. Renovated up to date. Splendid situation in the Fashionable Ceutre. Opposite the Palace of Governor-General
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    • 169 1 ROBINSON A GO* Sweets and XfgpF Chocolates JW* Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Ftrm of Confectioners. I^tictt R^Htn^t^C W&t& with Fuller's Best Chocolates. I\UM7 namp^r^ A Most Acceptable Present. ROBINSON AND CO. MORRISON CENTENARY. ADELPHI HOTEL, VICTORIA MKMOIiI.W. HALL Comfort Luxury Cleanliness SEWING MACHINES. The
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    • 17 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. UninuM !V>--itioii. :.'.Hit ratf OaajM, earn-t'.iu-il a uli all iiuHleru c ••iivciirciii-es
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  • 826 2 Globularities. The <iuveriiiiient are euttiny down the Navy. They iMft eventually to do without one altogether, and to rely solely (im our weather to re|>el inva<iers. A "Vanity Kair" wiiUr says h lmly of his aci|iiaiutauee once refused an offer of marriage BMBM the geiitleinan who pro|»>se<l
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  • 43 2 Six cases of nflos, marked "Passover KisjuitN." liavi- reccutly been sei/.ed at Tangier. Tin- Jewiiih bakers insist that the usual compliment to the Custom* officials on their astuteness in suspecting the mis <ie« enptioa is a reflection on the lightness of their products.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 i" Red Seal A pure Whisky ot the highest (piality it is possible to produce at r b «™.V»l-: the price, tliis Blend compares ST3HTEDOIDSOOWW kHoosEOFCOH* B favourably with inanv higher-priced productions Guaranteed 7 years old. "Black White" S i u«tea >— o ffiv*3 A blend made up of only
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    • 92 2 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb- Builder 130 Middle Soad. Sole Agent for Megan. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London, 21»H Telephone No. 619. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BUEOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppcl Harbour. 30/--(THIRTY SHILLINGS) PER TON F. 0. B. IN BUNKERS. RATE OF DELIVERY 200 TONS
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    • 313 2 McAlister Co., Ltd. AGKXTS PIMMtTIM OK GREEN ISLAND CEMENT. BEST Portland Cement. Copy of Testimonial. Mkssrs. M.ALISTER.V CO.. Spn,, viouk, .Inly 28. IH9«. Present. Dkai: Silts:— As requested by von. we have t<Kti<l sainplcH of Port land (JaMßt made by the OsAS Island Ck.mknt Comtasy. Limitkd, of Hongkong. Tin samples
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    • 676 2 CHRONIC RHEUMATISM CURED IN PERAK BY OR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS. THE REASON WHY. The fault of the Blood— that in the direct cause of KhciiiuatiRni in every form and an the disease proceeds from tlie blood the only way to a cure is by renewing the blood sup. plv. The
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  • 1149 3 Newest Millinery Modes. dmsiilrrablo i-lmngi's an- taking |>l;u-r in tlir millinery world. Hat UIWM arr <lnily ■WWtell lii«lm MM) ln«ln-r. and triiiiiuiiiKH so far a-* feathers nre ec.n< true.l arc follow ing suit. On MM "1 the newest straw sliaiHs rind I distinctly hi},'h< roun. of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 HUTTENBACH BROS. 0? Bleetrieal SHOWROOM: 13 COLLYER QUAY. Dynamos, Motors, Supplies, Fittings, Lamps, Wires, Cables, etc., etc., in Stock. ESTIMATES PREPARED FREE OF CHARGE BY COMPETENT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. MARTIN'S ,|F\iiorLadies.i Pf LLS Pranoh Rim«dv for all lrp*(ularin*a rriouun-t« o* Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS ft FIREBRICKS. Sound well shaped and
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    • 226 3 ISMAIL RAHEEM, "IS™* tt-21 and 82 2 Bras Basah Hoa<l. Exhibit a charming collection of Gold and Diamond Set M .Jewellery in modern and antique design. Inspection invitod. Jfaevy Jiermanos 3 BATTERY ROAD. Bronzes, Fancy' Goods, Clocks, $l]r Silver-ware, Watches Talking Machines, and Records. AT FABULOUSLY CHEAP PRICES. THE BEST
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    • 144 3 l/^Mk The LINOTYPE A U^S&gm Composing Machine bival. f^l f JjfpW&iSjrßß/f Used by the Lta.lint; Ww^papern. *SrS mf Q(5 11,000 in Daily Use. E^^PJlßi^__ I'll KASTKRN I>K)iiT J«| "i^fc IJLL DALHOUSIE SQUARE CALCUTTA iS^^BP* TWi piip« i» partlj -et upon Uu»t>p« C..nip<>«ln B M.ulilne. t Yamato Co. Patron ised by
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  • 673 4 HAFFLES HOTKL. lion Justice and Mrs Mr Loui MaMMaa Fisher Mr and Mrs Derrick Boa V afn Wilber Mrs Leiriunnt Col H. H J BBBIBM Mr K A MsWSBBJ „1 O. Wriejhl Mr V Widiiiann »i»j .r A Mr* Port Mr an.l Mr- .1 .1 Keßjßll Ifalof A-
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  • 252 4 EIPECTEP. l'er i' .v 1 1 Nubi.i from London March 30. due May 4— Mr T Howard. .Mrs C R Hodgins, McsmltM Lewis, At) Kie«wiu, T F Cuth IIMBMO. I Bhokor, R W I) Kod.ln. H S Den ham. Mr H Suinuur. I'.r PAO s s MbbMbbji BBBBBBBBg
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  • 103 4 Teluk Anson, via ports, Mondays, 8. S. Coy TiK'sJayn, for Port Swettenham via ports. Wednesdays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Thursdays, for Fort Swettenham via ports. Fridays, for Teluk Anson via ports. Saturdays, for V. Swettenham and Penang. Straitf Steamship Co. Port Swettenham and Penang, Kapurlhala
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  • 913 4 WHAT TO EXPECT FMM THE COUNTY TEAMS. Essex Now out of Debt. Tliis i< Mm Iliinl anil bat vii.-li- paliHuhad in this j()nrn;il on tin- ■rwyeuU Home County I'lkl.i I CMb; Mm tsronri were mi UV.liicsilav .tihl Tlic Ks«c\ I'iiimnitfi ik v! froi just now from tlio
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 Tiuk Bii.!." on Fort Canning and Mount Kaber drop daily at 1 p m Singapore standard lime corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it v fired at en* o'clock
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    • 708 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London Through BilU >f L*ilm« iimiih4 !.,r ('')■•>• Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, »ni Aisrlssjn Port*. Steamer j will leave Singapore on or asjesM MAIL LINE. Outward (for China, Oem— May 11 .(r,-..fii
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    • 669 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Singapore, Bawe*n. Sonrabaya, Bandjermasin, Pulo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetei, with trauihipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mamlawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Murubahan, Maraknaaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have good accomodation for first
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    • 487 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. Tbe steamers of this Company maintain a regular service hetween Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. t*7 Homewards, they are dnspatuned fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaveu direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. The
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    • 761 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. KWI. 10R0DEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial Oerrnan Mail l.'nThe fast and well known mail steamer* nf this Company sail fortnightly from H-.-n.--i Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Souihamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonii-vuoo Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, and ftai mb) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, "aaaas), Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, M I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 99 5 Efforts air aefasg bmmbi t" raine a fund of AIO.OOIt for tin- fmtfmm «f outlowing a ■asjawali l'lofesMnslii). in TMaiasJ Medicim- at the LJfutfial Hehaal af Tiapial McHlicine 11s a me rial of tin; life and work of Dr. .loseph Kverctt liulton. wJki <lie.l at Kasonyo. on tli.-
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  • 104 5 What The Hague Conference May Do. Si.iii.tliinn max sWgaJMSjhj tin H.lvisa af a limitation of ai iiiainents at Tin- Ha»ue. <vrn if tlie thief l'outiu»-utul l'o»cis slioul.l reject tiu- paaaaaal. Tliey will lad that lh«-y onglit to innke saBM <»ui|N>iiHatoi > ionaaasjai to i\w muse af eivilizntion him! humanity, ami
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  • 67 5 This ailment is usually by rheumatism o( the muscles and may be enrod by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm two or three times a day and rubbing tin- parts viKomiialy at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with
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  • 1349 5 Under this beading the following abjreviaions are used str. ■(earner ah. ship bq. —barque sob. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. Crniser G'b».— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo 8. p. --Horse power Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb.— French Ocr German [hit.— Datch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak; O.c- General
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  • 121 5 To-morrow Batavia Unit I 7 a. m Batavia, Sourabaya, etc. Van Birbettk a.m. Bangkok /><•'< ».">• Swatow via porta //»»</ A/"* 10 a.m. Sandakan via portH MM 11a.m. Bangkok «r«<* uoan P. Kwettenham, Penang Pin .S>»o 1 p.m. P. Swettenham, Penang Ptrak 1 p.m. Sabang, Atjeh, Padan« Hi»l«
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  • 110 5 From Bosons— By the N.D.1., s.s. Gneisenau and by the B. I. s.s. Thongwa, dne on May 4. Prom Chiwa— B> the M. M. s.s. Ville de la Ciotat, due on May 6. Loft Singapore Dae in London Arrived Mar 28 P. AO. Apl 2J April 20
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  • 68 5 May 2 Volute, Brit str, Calcutta Chesapeake, Brit str, Pnlo Samboe Chow Fa, Ger str, Bangkok Teo Pao, Ger str, Manila Segovia, Ger str, H'kong, Shanghai, Japan Seirstad, Nor str, Bangkok Valentyn Dnt str Singkawang via ports Paroo, Brit str, Fremantle via ports 3 Antenor, Brit «tr, Genoa, Marseilles,
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  • 806 5 Same, port, probuble date of arriv&l, and name of Agents. SteanTßrs. Aberlour. Hamburg, May 15 |}ehq Meyer Achilles. Liverpool, May MansflfJd \j ix. China, June 9 MansfieU Alcinons. Liverpool, May 20 j Mansfield Autilochus, Liverpool, June 26; Mansfield Arcadia. China, May P. 4 0. Astyauax. Liverp<iol, July 5;
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  • 105 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To-day. T»«jo»e r»s»« East Wharf Baski*— Dagmar, J. W. Wendt, E. J. Spence EABTWHAar Section" -Me Clellan, Cnronia, Sect. 1 (Sheer* Wharf) Aldebaran. HEPFEI H»«BOU« Mam Wmr- Netherton. Recorder. Clam, Sea Belle, Murex. Cattle W«»»r:— Varuna. VI»»CLS
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  • 31 5 The inventor of a German motor-beaxse claims that iU |tatrons can be buried in one Jbird the ordinary time. Moat true it in that we die in an age of progress.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 331 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May. 4— At Braeside," 8 Leonie Hill, Grange Road, valuable teak household furniture. a, at 2 p.m. 6— At Saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10 a.m. 6— At Sale-room, 350 Cases Apollinaris water at 1 1 a.m. 7 At Sale-room, residential property known as Helvetia," Confederate
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    • 414 5 STEAMER SAIUM6B. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained betweeu Japan and K ll rope by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Jaj snese Government, specially designed for the Comiiany's European Service, lighted throughout by Electriclity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 472 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers sre despatched from Liverpool outward* for tbe Straits, China and Japan every wrek, sud from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam snd Antwerp every fortnight and f. r Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 492 5 STEAMER SAHIN6B. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED TO PENANG, RANGOON 4 CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave T&njong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East Africau Ports,
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    • 245 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. c. p. r. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA. JAPAN. CANADA aud the UNITED BTATES. Route from Hongkong, 1 ia Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Emprekh or India" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. Kmpbkss cr
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 158 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, May j. High Water. 11 s m Mi p.m. Legislative Council. 2-30. Prayer Meeting V M C.A. Vl'. p.m. S. V. A. Lecture. K. R. K. Electric I. it-tiling, sir, p.m. Saturday, May 4. High Witter. I-M H.m. Mi p.m. Chinese Volunteor Club HoiiHeo|ieiiiiiK. lWscli Koad.
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  • 452 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, MAY 3. The despatches rclatiug to the increase of official salaries will be read with interest by others than officials. It will be seeu from these documents that His Excellency the Governor adopted a warmly sympathetic policy towards the successivo jx.titions from the
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  • 1010 6 It is ii<it fashionable in a Far Eastern port to praise tin- work of the missionary. Krotii trite time the grirhn passes tlie portals of the Mediterranean till tite day lie lands >n Singapore, SUaugliui or Yokohama, he Ims heard several versions of the few remaining bricks." He starts his
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  • 12 6 The output at Mm Scrcndah Tin Mine lor April was »»."> t piculs.
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  • 12 6 All telegrams published in this issue arc protected by the Copright Ordinance.
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  • 19 6 The Herman steamer Suevia. en route from Manila to Colomlxi anil Kurope, is to day passing through this port.
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  • 19 6 cargo of coal arrived from Kuchiiiol/u this morning by the British steamer Ramsay consigned to the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha.
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  • 23 6 The British India steamer Bulitnba which went ashore in the Persian Gulf, near the Island of Aboo Musa, was refloated without any assistance.
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  • 20 6 By the steamer Kan Hong Liong from Bangkok, yesterday, there arrived Chief Inspector Grover with six prisoners and their escorts.
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  • 26 6 A Bengali milk man who had a previous conviction was fined >I(K> ly the Senior Magistrate, this morning, for .selling adulterated milk. His license was cancelled.
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  • 29 6 Two Indian stowaways who arrived from Colombo by the N. Y. K. steamer Colombo Maru yesterday were each sentenced to four weeks imprisonment by the Master Attendant this morning.
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  • 36 6 It is expected that during this week all the boats of the luited States Asiatic aud Philippines squadrons will be in Manila Bay. The Asiatic squadron will sail for Japan about the middle of the month.
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  • 40 6 We would remind our readers ot the Sulli vau Concert to take place iv the Tcutouia Club to -morrow uight in aid of the funds ol the Y.M.I.A. and < I ildrcn's Aid S.h-m ty. An excellent programme has been arranged.
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  • 30 6 Over twelve bundled jiAKseugtrs for Singapore arrived honi Chinese ports yesterday by the Austrian steamer IVrsia, which is bound for Trieste. The vessel contained nearly three hundred passengers for lYniiug.
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  • 39 6 On Thursday uext. May at I p.m.. Mr. C. 11. Buckley will give out of his popular scientific lectures at the Coleman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, under the auspices of the Kpworth League- The subject will be the Moon.
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  • 63 6 Although little has Ixi n heard of it. yet there is a fair prospect that Beuguet may yet prove the Niagara of Manila aud its water supply the power to light the metropolis or otherwise aid in promoting its public utilities. Minds are now at work planning to make use
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  • 58 6 From mail accounts of the Moilo hie. recorded in oar columns by wire on April 20. it appears that the conflagration broke out iv A nipa building aud in about forty-five minutes had encompassed the whole of the Calle Concepcion. The cause of the outbreak has not been determined. Eight
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  • 64 6 Lieutenant- Colonel George \V. Gocthals. Corps of Engineers, 17, S. A., who is vow at the head of the Panama canal construction force, has strongly recommended that the work on the canal be done by the contract system. Lieutenant-Colonel Goethals desires to do the work in the same manner as
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  • 61 6 VallQK Mandor sued Mr. Robert Howard before Mr. .lustice Fisher this foi $185.50 for his own wages aud those of his coolies. The defendant, a contractor, said that he was prepared to settle with all the men when they rendered their accounts. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for
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  • 75 6 During the week ended April 27. there wero 221 deaths in Singapore, a ratio of 4::.4."> per thousand of the estimated popula tion. Of this number liitt were Chinese, 36 Malays, l.i ludiaus. S Eurasians an. l H of other nationalities, excluding faajajyi Phthisis was responsible for M deaths. malarial
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  • 83 6 According to a San Francisco cable of April 20, a serious plot has been discovered which as its object the assassination of President Roosevelt. The plot has its origin in one of the numerous branches of the anarchist organization iv Pennsylvania. While the details of the plot have been kept
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  • 331 6 Captain Hwaniy, I; A J4.C, died of faajM at .lalapah;ir on Apiil .Miss rWihl— «j lell Siui;,i[>ore for Kurope yesterday l.y the l',riti,ii India Taroba. Major Aaron H. Ami, American Medical l>. parlin. ut. Manila. MM been puled l r aw of absence. A scheme f. ii-
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  • 227 6 The death took place fioin hydrophobia at Bangkok of .Mr. Matt Cray Mactarlaue. Manager in Siam of the Bombay Burma Trading Coronation, Ltd. The circumstances of his death me painful aud unprceed. -nted among the foreign community in Bangkok. On September MM, the dere.-i-.ed u;i, bitten ou
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  • 315 6 Trial Trip Along West Coast and in the Roads. A number of geutlcm kind courtesy of Mr. A. Hamilton. .>!.. ' Ktigine Works, yesterday alu-njuou enjoyed a delightful spin along the West coast and iv the Roads in the new motor launch Lauadron, which recently arrived from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 226 6 RED. ™j". .1 SEE E ss^__ SEEE E Landed. DONT MISS Choice Australian THE CHANCE. APPLES. ftflrtft r ow ois. dozen (feft perca^of THOMPSON, ft The Australian *t>O iT dozens. THOMAS Co. w Stores ORDER EARLY. L? J JUJ SUPPLY LIMITED. AIL V^ A I RILEY TRICAR FOR SALE. I
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    • 171 6 EYE-SIGHT. Mr. K. Lazarus may be consulted for SPECTACLES at U-b Battery Road, opposite Riley Hargreaves Co., for a few days only. Consultations Free. WILSON Co. Photographic Artists. Our Portraits and Gnbrgementa are of the highest possible Artistic aod Technical Excellence, Prlc* ot Cabinet Portrait* Mattotype $H.OU 12.00 Bromide 012.00
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  • 67 7 MODERN CURRICULUM TOR AN ANCIENT INSTITUTION. Lord Cur/on's Appeal for Funds. Hkiikk's TIIMHH Londou. May Lord OHM of Kedlestun. the uewlyelected GmMMSMM of the University of Oxford, has issued an appeal for aMaMMMfI to the I nixersity. which is in urgcut need of money for the promotim of
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  • 133 7 Colonial Premiers Speak on the Forbidden Subject. MaoiaaVa Loudon. May 2. Imperial preference was the text of the speeches of the Colouial Premiers at a banquet given them by the Londou Chamber of Commerce. Sir Wilfrid Lauricr. Premier >f the Dominion of Canada, said it would not
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  • 79 7 Chinese to be Repatriated When Possible. bom'a Tn.Kci:\\i Lou.l.i. May Itcuters correspondent at Pretoria repoils that Mr. Smuts. Colouial Secretary of the Trausvaal. replyi:.g to a labour deputation. said the (iovcrnnr lit was determined to repatriate the Chinese employed on the Rand mines at the earliest
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  • 93 7 Foreign Minister Defends the Lord Chamberlain. KkUTKK'm Tl I n.l;\\| London M.iv i. Sir Khi ul <i,w. K.iffijin Mmi-tcr. in reply to Mr. V. P. K uuccly. N.iti maliM. M.P. for West Civau. Mats I that Urn L «id Cham hnriaia aadkotc layoakitowa ronponsibility iv withdrawing t.i- li
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  • 54 7 ItKITKI;> I K.LKlil-.AM London. May 2. IteiiU-r's corn spondent iv St Pilcr>bur» telegraphs that the Kusso-lapaiicse plenipotentiaries agreed to-day U|kiii the text of a commercial maty. A protocol and diplomatic notes VMM c\ changed having reference to mutual special concessions agreed upon. The form il signature of the
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  • 37 7 Km h-.k's I/. .in Urn. May 2. I i Kuroki aud other Japanese visitors to the Jamestown Exhibition have arrived in I'.ritish Columbia, where they were a. corded a cordial reception.
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  • 25 7 RaOTKB'I London. May 2. Prince Edward of Wales has been entered M a cadet in the Naval OoMMJi at (MMH nc.
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  • 18 7 Rkutkr'm Tkummum I. .union. May 2. The South Afrii-;in pricket team has arrived in Eimland.
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  • 40 7 Dki: OaTAMATMCHI Li.omi Ti.lm.kvm lit lii). May 2. Mr. (iiitmatiii. tlie ivprescutativc o! the German Orient Hank in Persia, has arrived MM British aud Kiissian Ambassadors in Teheran with ■MM to the institution of the liauk.
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  • 1445 7 STRAITS LOAN AND MILITARY CONTRIBU I lON. Replies by Colonial Secretary. UWMMUmJ replies were v l^ a -erieof important questions i kedal 'p.- meetiii"; of the Leyi-lative Council llci- afternoon reH irding the issue of the I per cent debentnra liouds by thr I'roun \ce:,t-. ::nd the
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  • 381 7 Services of Or. Charles Hose Recognised. Dr. Hose, Divisional, Resident, Kuchiug, Sarawak, is going Home, and we understand that it is not his intention to return to that Colony. The Chinese of the third Divisiou of Sarawak, over which Dr. Hose has had jurisdiction siroe ISHH. have
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  • 236 7 The following is the weekly report of Messrs. Krasor and Co: Singapore, May 1 There has been no improvement in the market during the past week, mining shares generally showing a lower tendency owing to the tightness of money. Industrials and Rubber shares have received little attention.
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  • 1697 7 POSSIBILITIES OF A MILK PERIL IN SINGAPORE. Precautions Absolutely Essential. (By On SPECIAL CoSIMIsnIONM!). The milk sellers of Singapore apparently look upon the suggestion of control over their trade oh the thin evil of the m cdyi of municipal tradiug. Two years ago the authorities decided that
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  • 411 7 Second Officer of Janet Nicoll Before Marine Court. A Mariue Court of Inquiry into the conduct of Mr. W. P. Dargan, second officer of the local steamer Janet Nicoll. was held in the Master Attendant's Court this morning. Mr. Michell. Capt.iius Hiwksue.ll and Fawcus. and Lieutenant Citorsatou th
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  • 50 7 The output of Kubber from the Lanadron Estate for the month of April was 7,805 lbs., bringing the total of this year's crop to date up to 29,520 lbs. The price obtained at the late sales in Louduu for l^auadron Block according to MMMNmMi advice I*. 10id.
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  • 70 7 THOUSAND ITALIAN EMIGRANTS ON BOARD. DM Osrvsi vriscHK Lloyd ImMIM Bei lin. May 2. I he Trans- Atlantic steamer Milano, carrying one thousand Italian emigrants to America, which sailed on April S, is reported as overdue. Iroiu the telegram, it appears that the stea'uer is owned by the
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  • 109 7 Anarchist Disturbances in Paris and Rome. Kkitkk's Tklkc.uam London, May 2. May Day ill Krauce was quiet generally, despite the labour agitation in Paris and elsewhere. Seven huudred arrests were made iu'l'aris of people who refused to move on iv the streets, while carrying arms and distributing
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  • 87 7 i Dkr Ostasi \tischk Lloyd ImMUI Berlin. May 2. L" Temps aud Lv >lo:irualdcs Debats, the two leading newspapers of Paris, publish leading articles approving of Prince von linelow's declarations, in hie recent speech in the Reichstag, regarding the improbability of practical results arising from
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  • 42 7 Dk.K OsTASIATISCHK 1,1. oM. TeLKGRAM Berlin, May 2. Baron von Achrenthal, the Austro-Hnn garian Foreign Minister, held interviews yostcrday and Ui-day with Kraperor William and Prince von Buelow. These interviews had special reference to Eastern political affairs.
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  • 43 7 DhIC OsT.VSI ATICHK LUOYD Tk.LKOHAM Berlin. May 2. King Edward has visited Paris incognito. 'Rkutkr's Tklkokam' London, May 2. Kiug Edward visited M. Fallieres. the French President, and remained with him for three-quartern of an hour. M. Fallieres returned the visit.
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  • 332 7 Negotiations for Termination of Freight War. Since August last there has been keeu competition on the Singapore- Penang run. The rate of freight has gradually dropped to 50 per cent of the original charges, while passage money has been reduced by over 60 per cent. It seem.4
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  • 3511 8 FULL TEXT OF LOID ELGIN'S DESPATCH. Reasons for the In:reasc. The corrcs|K>ndence which has passed between Hi* Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, *ttt. and Lord Elgin, the secretary of Stale for tlie Coloi.ies, regarding s.ilnrii* of Civil Servants formed a paper laid .hi tin- Mia at the
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  • 27 8 Mr. E. Koy, formerly acting Consul at the French Legation in Bangkok, has been appointed Vice-Consul at Chiengniai. Mr. Roy left Marseilles on April 14 for Bangkok.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 36 8 Sunday's launch The steam launch Argo will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday, for the Swimming Club Itnngiilow at Tanjong Katong. at 9. 10. 11, 2-HO, and returning at -SO. 11l Hi). 12-1.1. I and V
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    • 67 8 Colonies V. Mother Country. The following team will represent the Colonies in a cricket match with the Mother Country" to take place shortly, the criteriou l>cing the place of birth A. W Bailey. H. M. Cantrell, Lieut. U. C. Clarke. C. I. Carver. A. W. Kevan. R. H. W.
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    • 86 8 keppel Qolf Club. A competition for a prize presented by the Captain of the Club for the best four cards of nine holes, less handicap, handed in il'irini; the month of April, has resulted in a win for Mr. E. J. Jollie 1 handicap of 2| with Messrs. W.
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  • 206 8 S. C. C. v. 80th Co. R. <i. A. What proved to be a well ami evenly contested match was witnessed on the Esplanade yesterday, when teams representing the S. C. C. ai.d the HOth Co. R. O. A. met to try conclusions at soccer. The Club, who
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  • 358 8 The following is Messrs. Latham and Co. s report of the share market for the week end iug May 1 On the eve of the settlement, there was naturally not much inclination to enter into fresh commitment.-, and business has been of a very restricted character, consisting
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  • 132 8 Mr. T. R. Miles sued Messrs. Campbell and Co. before Mr. Justice Fisher last week for $250 as a month's pay in lieu of notice of dismissal. Mr. E. Farrer-Baynes appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. L. E. Gaunt for the defendant. The case was finished this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FURNISHED HOUSE TO BE LET. Famished Villa Marina, T&njong Katong, from June 1. 1907. Apply to r»B2 STEPHENS, PAUL A CO. OFFICE TO BE LET. Fint floor of No. 1, Malavst Street, newly repaired, lately occupied by H. Brjuw &>. Immediate entry. Apply tj E. Htyrr/t Co., Ltd.,
      53 words
    • 167 8 "A PURE Highland Malt Whisky -532; Purity iVDtI Qaalttj are tlie Cl uinrteristics of tlie Whiskies bear tlie mime of I'sher. against infection by N H_ the use of Lifebuoy J /^1^"~^B Soap. For use in v^W all climates and at /^V V KM FOR PRESERVATION Ifm— «3* Manufactured by
      167 words
    • 114 8 I A SULLIVAN CONCERT in Am ok thk mum nrm <>k ST. MARTS AND THE V.M.C.A. VtILL HI HKLH IV THK Teutonia Club ilty kind fmmtmtm of tlir Cuinruitcc). TO-MORROW AT 9 P.M. under the Patronage of His Kxcellency tlio Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.r.n.i.., Mix Kxcellcncy the G, <>.
      114 words

  • 222 9 Swci imu, Mai 2,;. PRODUCE. Jatubicr 6.ISO tlo (CiiIkj No. li ,inii;<'.;..| 1O.»"> Copra Bali 1060 do Pontian^k 10.10 Pepper. Work 1*00 do Whit.^ I KJfli Floor fl --"3 do BraaeiXo.1 UN Prnri Sayo 4.0(1 Coffeo Bali. 15% 10.00 (>&<■... Pfclembang. 3d taw 2-250 Coffee, Ldbertaa N' •>.
    222 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 331 9 Date of format Capital ion 1 Subscribed Number of Shares Issue Value I Paid up to I i Reserve Company QooiATiom 1 1 1903 $300,000 1901 9600,000 1903 £400,000 1907 »400,000 •300,000 •600,000 £350,000 9375,000 I :>.0.000 60,000 350,000 37,5000 ■-'.joiumMued 60.1)00 90,000 !",■-> I HIIIHiUWI 15.000 120,000 45,000
      331 words
    • 309 9 1905 £150,000 1905 »200.000 £104,987.10 46.500 93.600 I 1,700 8,800 »,SOO unissued f 7.000 11.000 70,000 9,(>00 uniwMd 70,000 9,000 unissued 12,500 6,000 I 6.000 1 1 10 10 1 12/6 10 t 8 Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. (tolly pud) (oontrib.)j Balgownie Bobber Estate Ltd. (tally paid £3.12.6 £3.2.6
      309 words
    • 216 9 1894 1898 £5,377.10.0 •225,000 £4,648.15.0 •225,000 7,638 4,500 12/6 SO 12/6 SO I 814.11.9 112,600 10,000,000 a) 9,500,000 250.000 b Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd Fraser 4 Neave, Ltd. •7.00 140.00 1865 •10,000.000 t10.000,000 80,000 •135 •125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 855.00 1901 •2,400,000 $2,,00,000 f 18,000 6,000 6.000
      216 words
    • 30 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% I S o prem Riley Harßreaves, Ltd. 6% 445,000 3% prem. Sin£po^M?nioipa, g V. iZZ ffiST 4% 604,000 2% dis nominal TanjongPa«ar"DookCo..Ltd. 6% 3% pram
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS HOUSE TO BE LET. HIiKNDADENK, BsfkSf Bast, No. 1-* Thomson lfen-1, nidjacent to ('»m|>ong Java Road. I'OWKLL CO., 9>o AgenU. REMINDER. TOMORItOW Bsfcisisi. Mag 4, at JS.M. (iREAT KIRNITUHE AUCTION Dip property of .7. Norman Dick. Esq., at THE COTTAOB KKI'I'EI. HARIiUUR. H. L. CoghSan 6* Co., I,
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    • 136 9 CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.... $3,500,000 Amount paid-ap 600,000 Reserve land 1,600.000 Head Office, Homoiokq. The undersigned, having been appointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared to accept Marine Risks at oorrent rates. BOUSTEAD <k Co.,— Agmu. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. Sabsoribed Capital £3,000,000 Total Invested Fonda
      136 words
    • 133 9 THE LONDON "AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £3,137,500 Paid up Capital 813,750 Reserve Fond £1,078,650 The undersigned. Agents for the Com par y. are prepared to aooept flre risks at onrrent rates of premium. BODSTEAD A Co.,— Agmu, THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. UNITE I WITH TBS Allukce Aaauauici Compact,
      133 words
    • 575 9 H.«H. THE DUKE D D [jt Cl| \l A H. H m SUITM OF COMNAU9HT. IV S I UL UILI Mj MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. lias .H'ST op. mil Large ami Yarious'Assortment of 60L0 MOUNTED JAOE SLEEVE LINKS, BROOCHES. .BANGLES, NECKLACES. CHARMS. PINS. ETC. And other Gold and Gem-net .Jewellery too'niiineroiiH'to mention.
      575 words
    • 93 9 LACE STORE: Just received New collection of SILK LACES (WHITE, BLACK and PARIS COLOUR), and MUSLIN EMBROIDERIES. A fine lot of fashionable patterns suitable for Dress Trimming is specially recommended. M. E. SHASHA, 30 No. 170. Orchard Road. MARBLE! MARBLE! MARBLE! BEST. CHEAPEST. HARDEST. Best Italian Marble Tiles WHITh AND
      93 words

  • 328 10 Is it a Deterrent of the Crime of Murder? The intense interest excited in tlie fate of Kayner has with poiguaut force brought to tlie front the grave consideration whether or not the infliction of capital punishment serves, of itself, to deter homicides. A study of the
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  • 176 10 The Aden water-supply problem seems at last to he nearer a solution. On the occasion of his last visit to Aden, in Hues. Lord North cote, in reply to an address presented by the Arab merchants, said, in connection with this subject, that the question of bringing an
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  • 253 10 Ity the admission to the inner Ministerial oireleof Mr. llareourt. the l-'irstCoiniuissioner of Works. Sir Henry ('Hiiipbell-Bamicmian lias i -iiised the Cabinet once more to the num-U-r at twenty, which was first attained by the latt Lori Salisbury on the reshuffling of his Administration after the
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  • 37 10 llaraseho!" is said to be the word with which the Russian sailors, recently Britain's visitors, answer every question. It means "All right!" When heard from the mouth of an Englishman it means a cold in the head.
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  • 256 10 1 am perfectly certain that half our ills andue to tin- fart that we do not laugh enough. says a writer in the World. Go into any asst-iuhly of folk, and nolv how much laughter is indulged in. A good -iiiirr. smile is somewhat rare in these
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 113 10 AN AMERICAN REMEDY. 'linn- is probably no medicine manufactured that can be found in more homes in the United States than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea 1!. It has Im-.-h in general use for over thirty years and each successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dysentery during this time lian
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    • 638 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Ok FREEHOLD LAND At CAMPONG JAVA ROAD, To be sold by Auction, Monday, May 13, at 2.W p.m. Nine plots situate in tbe district of Rochore, lots Nos. 23 to 25, 42 to 44, 61 to 63 of parts 1, 2 and 8 of Grant
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    • 613 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or EXCELLENT TEAK AND RATTAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be held at No, 51, Bras Bassa Road, On Saturday, May 4, VJO7, at 2 p.m. For full particulars see catalogues. G. A. Fernandez V Co.. 936 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE. A RAMBLER MOTOR CAR (4 seated, 8
      613 words
    • 707 10 SALES BY AUCTION. HELVETIA Tueday, May 7, al -J.W p.m. Mortgagee's Sale of freehold residential property k" 'wn as Helvetia, Confederate Estate ltoaio!, Singapore. Area .12,100 square feet, being lots 817 to .U-l of lot 7 of Grant No 1. Substantial two-storey brick-built house ith tile roof. Short distance from
      707 words
    • 415 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Stanmore. TUESDAY. MAY 7. AT 2.30 P.M. AUCTION SALE of the valuable and beautifully situated freehold residential property known as "STANMORE," Grange Road, Tang lin. Area S acres 3 roods Ho poles, for ever. A very comfortable and conveniently situated residence. Large tennis court, picturesque grounds, select
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    • 488 10 SALES BY AUCTION. N... 14 DALHOUBIE LANE. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuemlai/. Mmj 7. ■ffJtftfß, All that valuablo pieceof land. »rcal. 44Qs<|aar« feet, leasehold for 999 \i-ars. Together with dwellinglhereon, known as No. It DALHOUSI K LANE. Powell Co., Auctioneer-. Allen and (lledlnll. Solicitors. M APOLLINARIS WATER. AUCTION SALE Of 350 CASES
      488 words

  • 353 11 £120,000 Paid Out by the Relief Fund. No fewer than 0.3.',: i muferers from the :ailineof the Liberator liuililing Society. wliohp losseit agKreHaUjd X79;i.4»W. have applied for help to the Liberator Relief Knnd. according to tlm fourteenth annual report of the fund. Three fourths of thia uiimlKM were
    353 words
  • 64 11 It is announced that Professor Hay b>BUesUT will retain his (Kisitioii as Dirc<rU)r of the. Natural History HMM at South Ken>in»ton. the nile Koveininn the Civil Service «hich wonlil have placed him on the retired list last January haviny Im-om ahrofiati.-d. I'rofessoi llay hunkester's salary as
    64 words
  • 197 11 lit nn mean* the leant inteventiiiK chapter in the latest Official Intelligence is that licnling with Mnniciiial Trading, in which reference b made to the fact tli:it in certain •MUmW civcle» in Britain the intercut which Diunic ipal trailing excite* i« due to mmc eiU'iit to th<- a(>|>ieliennioiis
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  • 659 11 X20.000 THK I!k-1 [.I OF AN ISVr.sTMKNT ill' fcH. a Qoranan offkr Dabbling in stock* and shares is a poor game for tlic amateur. There in certainly a chance of making money this way. but for every such chance there are nine chances
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 130 11 An Assassin rn«M ul> from tiriii" I «>,. »..ur i>»< ki* tirnol Brfora you know it y.m «r.- m its powrr. ami the lillMs i>«ms mi.l SChSK that fullnw ;iro i\ rll worse ihnu I! :>isiu»ia'ikn::iw«i!n.™ into youi tlc»h. UTTLE'S Oriental BaSnv 1 J eJ lor Rheumatism. It I* applUd
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    • 131 11 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Borneo Wharf. Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of Frozen Meats, etc., can be delivered to Shipping at the Wharves, or in the Singapore Roads, on short notice. If Thawed Daily Supplies are required, orders for same must be telephoned to the Borneo Wharf
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    • 596 11 BANKING COMPANIESHONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital •10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve »10,000,000t ta qm /^n Silver Reserve »U,000,000f lwo uw R>serve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. G. 11. Mrtlliurst, Esq.— Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. Greseon— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C. R. Lenzm»nn,E»q. A. Fuchs,
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    • 226 11 BANKING COMPANIES. CHAPTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTEB. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £800,000 Reaerve Fund £975.000 BANKERS. Bank nl England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltf. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interact allowed at 1 per
      226 words
    • 209 11 IT STANDS ALONE. $197.00. COMPLETE. Kelly (Qalsh, Sc Y lJai Seng @0., 12MTTHVM SINGAPORE GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR THHEK WKEKS ONLY. Commences: Wednesday, May I, 1907. XOTK--\ll goods for sale are not inferior articles expressly imported for the purpose, but are part of our last year's stock. There is a
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  • 166 12 PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— Miscellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following ratee (Each subsequent month »5 per inch.) The above rate is based upon an average of seven words to the line and seven lines to the inch. When sending in
    166 words
  • 35 12 Letters are now lying at this Office ior the following advertisers Mi inir. i i Tutor 1 j. i I rii nr i -2 a.*. i as. s «r. i Auction 4
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 403 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rmks: -Four M one „r t»,, i,,» e .t r.l«> By the inch, sou Svule of I li.. n:i TYPEWRITING CLERK WANTED. A young Chinese TjlflMM Clerk, Apply in unting to W., c/o "Straits Tinies."' 9*ii STORE-KEEPER WANTED. (Experienced Storekeeper, our iicctistoined to Auctioneers' Sale Kooms preferred.
      403 words
    • 513 12 LOST OR FOUND. KATI>:-Fi>e Uimm. ,Mr „r t». MMMMI By tli. inch, *>c Mcale of < MJM BROOCH FOUND. A lailv'o brooch at the Volunteer Dtnce it the Drill Hall. Owner can have it oa application to the Sergt-Major. t-892 BOARD AND LODGING. Rates :-Four Liiw, one ur two inwrtimw,
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    • 576 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. B*T*s:-Fo<ir Uatm. on. or two inwrtion., «1.00 B> tha inch, m. s -ale of ChargM. TO LET: COMPOUND HOUSE. No. 18-AMt. Elizabeth. Bent $46 monthly. Apply to GAGGINO 4 Co. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. Is^ KOP 1 Road. Apply to 18-2 Prinsep HOUSE TO
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    • 472 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Kates :-Foar Liow, an. or twc. imwrtiont, »1. By th. inch. >«r Scale <>f Charina. ROOMS TO LET. Room* are to let at Sheron, 104 River Valley Road. Tel. 714. HOUSE TO BE LET. No, 2 Adis Road, apply to E. Meyer* Co., Ltd.. 1
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    • 691 12 I Miscellaneous NOTICES. B»TW:— lit Month. *:<> per Inch. Nalmequent nonthft, l-or -"hi.rter peri-nli *e« s,. tt «f Oi.iri-e-. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS FOri I'CKCHAsi; OF PLANT, ETC. Sealed Tenders will be received at tbe Colonial Secretary's Office not later thau May If, 1907, for the »iir.-lnix.< (1 f the Plant
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    • 355 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES. I .11 '-t M,... t i i, Purdwrtoi p. ,i. NOTICE. ('•:r ™«1,,n,,,. ,i j tr rem.iw.! ..n t pj o jq RafasQwjraad.abo, .■..iiumg le BwatM, au() SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. Mirtni Dm Mr por. cinb H»» >m K«p, UoH the l:»,-e „c:... overUiagnm Liow Coarae, irith th« ,-U.,,
      355 words