The Straits Times, 2 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. so. '.>■>. i\:\i SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1907. PRICK 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 202 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. >■>. ■> Shortly. A Btrini bMttm. I Of our DE DION CARS are running in the Malay Peninsula, AND BYEBY ONE OF THEM GIVES ENTIRE SATISFACTION. C. DUPIRE COMPANY, Sole Agents. CAMERAS, PLATES. ILFOBOS S^S^^^^' PLATES. Photographic Requisites at Popular Prices. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED, Singapore.
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    • 478 1 ROBINSON a Co* $Weets and X|P^ j Chocolates^ |W" Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Firm of Confectioners. Rush Bampers with Ws T££u p^ ROBINSON AND CO. ADELPHI HOTEL, FOR Comfort Luxury Cleanliness "STRAITS TIMES" TOOTim? BUSINESS DIRECTORY.! iN v A 1OJ!j cALEor™ Horn THE HOTEL
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    • 16 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L EUROPE. liirivalletl Position. Kndmlf riiar^.«. i.n: k li. -.i till a| 1,;.,1,T!l
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  • 993 2 Pretty Nava! Wedding in Hongkong. A \< tv petty iiii\:i' i ,n;: I.h.U |.|.i,-, .it St. .I.iliu'h (.'.itlctlial. rlnaffl .ny, on A|.ii! win n Surgeon l"s*i i— .'t :l» Knyu l H. j was iiniu-il la Sfian Winifred liny EtpyiuikU, mih .liiitylil.r „t .1. W, >u,\,U.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 140 2 jfaevy Jiermanos 3 BATTERY ROAD. Bronzes, Fancy Goods, Clocks, it* Silver-ware, Watches Talking Machines, and Records. AT FABULOUSLY CHEAP PRICES. H. ABRAMS. THE HORSE REPOSITORY. Has just landed ex s.s. "Euryalus," tifty Horses, Cobs and Ponies in first-class condition, consisting of Carriage Horses, Hacks and Polo Ponies, which have been
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    • 94 2 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb Builder 150 Middle Road. Sole Agent for Messrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London, o 2188 Telephone No. 019. LIQUID FUEL BUNKERS. Fresh Water Island (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to Keppel Harbour. 30/--(THIRTY SHILLINGS) PER TON F. 0. B. IN BUNKERS. RATE OF DELIVERY 200
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    • 375 2 McAlister Co., Ltd. .UiKXTS IMPOIH KKS OP GREEN ISLAND CEMENT. BEST Portland Cement. Copy of Testimonial. Mkssrs. McALISTER CO.. Si\,,v :n. July 2H. IhW. Present. I h vi; Sirs: As re<iuosted by «aa, «< bawl mmmbl samples al I'oitland Cerr.ent made by the (Irkkn Num. OjtBXI Caamii Limitkd. of Hongkong.
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  • 545 3 Social Catechism for the Use of Males. (Juestion Who are you Jn-wer: A itmle annual, ol the IIWII ■prckw. with tlii'-t for Social dotinctiou. (I.: What do you mean l>> "MOW dls (iuetiuii Bj "StH-ial tlislinetioii I .mean onl\ beißß wt ill"" 11 wit1 tMI I*-'*
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  • 244 3 *l:i|i|.iny men at Slmnyliai are liaviny a ti-n-.- little iiryilineiit wiili tin- Coiiiini-sionei-ol L'nxtoMa. Konne>l\ it was a rule that tM-niii'.* f»r woiUiiifi oveitiine wlik-li were Hilt nwd net-.l not |«:iiil lor. lint ntiw the l',,i -iui~si I tliMii:iinls full fees for same. S:.:i'|'ii>;4 firms are i;nl>«iiiint
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  • 49 3 Ai.inv ol tht- nativi' Pliilippiue w.kklh will M. .it. iuil if hautUt-d by tlic expert raftMmeu of ra.ific Coast t otild he raftetl '2IKI to «m mOm ilununh Die quiet inland was to Ma ltiln. anil possibly to China, says the Fai Immh Koview of Manila. Hongkong, aud Hkaaa^aL
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  • 1183 3 Boiled Bacilli. Tut- KnUIM Lam. K\ H. liailt.m liii-tiHii. London Mi'tiiiK'ii. i 7-. i'ml. in t. In hi- new Ux>k. The Kwiltitiuu of l.ilr. Dr. i liHiltcn ISif.ti.ii) t<i extent yi« ■> farther thnii in hi* nmiiifiiunis Imh.U ..I l«*t yem. Tin Natiui- ami Origin of Living Maitei
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 SPRAINED ANKLE. STIFF NECK, LAME SHOULDER. I < m <r'- ilin coiunion ailuieiitH for wlncl' i'liaiuborlaiii s Pain Balm in especially ralliable. If promptly applied it will ravp yon tini.'. money ami suffering when tronblcd wiili aiiy on< of these aihucnts. Solti l>y all >ti>]>. n~;<iie- aud ill aln-.
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    • 607 3 DREADFUL ECZEMA L OF LITTLI BDY Hands Had to Be Tied to Prevent Scratching— No Rest With Him Night or Day— Head and Face a Raw Mass Curls Cut Off. A DOUBLE CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES ci "My little boy \\:i- affected with eczema about the head und face. Ho
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    • 289 3 LOYD'S GREATER BRITAIN PUBLISHING C° L TD 20th CKNTIRY IMFKKSSIONS or STIIAITS BRUDBRI ivn FJI.S." NOTICE. The "Singapore Stction of t lie above work will be closed (Ml l about Mayjl, 1907. It is therefore reqiHstfil Unit all persons who have promised ither Letterpress or Photographs will forward same without
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    • 159 3 PHOSFERINE fTh* Greatest of all Tonics. 5 HAOIMTC* HEALTH. J Piufhtiun >■»■ Faraont, L* B«U* S»u»M». Loudoo, X.C j J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Introductory Offer Fromy, Rogee Co s COOX.U "Medcal Reserve" KB (.KAI'K HItANDV. GI(AM> PKIN I *j (iK.IM) I'KIX St. Lolls f|
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  • 142 4 The total amount U> be |w iited toKBthei «i'li liimiimii i-'o-.niio-i of M ni.,- ii.l.-ir.l in ...iiiK'.-ti'.a with I." 1 Huisiu InfliiiimTT -ifP^XhrmAimateA V!:,u.i«mi.ikki. The bentowaJ of theae I m aud BUtH m no« atomM oouiutetod, n is ana aaoßrtaineil diat'tbi- erti- lilU i.-hv.- -...-1.1.1- v«MBnAn VMUNKMina
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  • 161 4 Vooordins to uniiiiiiiiiisnaiina laaeived bf the (tori— Bmhaaqrfron thi Qaaaral >-• „iiu-.i in Tokio. tberairereil baoaol bmH OUMet Ironi (i.-i.iiiinv on )i>inl the ill".l Dakota, namely 2-' trom Koaln. Ifl from Ho\til. and l fioin HawlmrK <>i tbewll w.-r. „,v .-l S from Bostet (l eaoh
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  • 153 4 The Ncrih (i.inrui Oaaatte reprodnoen tbe tirais .it Hie new ir. .ity botweao i'r.uu-i :uul >i.i.... a, III expresw th opinion that siam bM not 1.1 1 bad baßfiUa. It >><• Ijeveatbat the bnrtxmt ol \\v<x m;iv bsra oat to 1 iii ;i In ii.-.- DoodWoa tliiin
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  • 130 4 >„, fi-r Ht i If.r TMhmm lt.,in;k..k 9 a.m. ltau^k..k BreU 11 a.m. T. Alison m» |>orts l',>h Inn 1 p.m Bauvia, Chariaon, A'nugEdaulaU -i p m. Bamtkok Ibjb. Taluk AnaoD via porti Sa»»»o :l j> r.i. Bangkok VfawlJ -i pm. IViiani! mad Ranfoon <;i?ti.»il< p.m. hnaagaad
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  • 112 4 From Broom B\ tl>.> N.D.1., s.s. On w. i.iv tad I>> the It. I. s.s. Tlioucwa. due on May 4. r >,,'in China— Hv th« M. M. s.s. Ville de i C Wat, due on Ma> 6. f»nfl Singapore Due m boudoo Arnve< Mar tt P. O
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  • 312 4 i:\KKLKs HOTRL. ll. m Justic<- aad Mn Mr i v, Fiober .v. i Mn II Boa *Mn Wilbur Mi Uarmoni Cal H. 11. Jr.!..,-! '.n M; K r..| O. Wright Vli WUtmann Major Mrs I• ni Hi Mr> •> .1 K. an Major .v Mrs I trmi lon
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  • 333 4 Ut* M. It. W. Barr M '.V. Mili.r Mr G. K. I lijurtilhl M: vMn I. M.muich Mr J. WitM KnOteaday Mr W. <;. li»k, r Mr W. Thorn.MrG. Km, Mr 1.. D. Knocker air Smith, r Mr C. W.iHrinub Mr J. BalliDOl Mr H. M. Drabble Mr
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  • 270 4 Kxj-RCTKIi. Per 1" a 0 I I Nnlmi m.m London 30, doe May 4— Mr T Howard, MraC R Messrs KM I) Ifiafwlu. I K( :i. bertsou, Z Baakar, I! U D toMa, H barn, .Mr II Simmer. Per P O s k Britannia, soaai .i:n^
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  • 117 4 Calcutta via portM, Taroba, oa May ■>. Boua rail. Teluk Aumhi, \ia portn, Mu-i.l B.S.C y Tuesdays, for Port .S'.vt-tu-uij.i.n via BfICM. We lnesdayb, for Teiuk Imn via ports. Thursdays, for Port .Sweltrub.ini via Fridays, for Teluk Ansoa via portn. Sat:.rilay«, lor P. Swettenham and I'unang.
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  • 47 4 TiMH-Blu* on Fort <'hihiiu.j an. l M ml Faber Jrup daily at 1 (> m., Singapore sU' i ,il tint*: corresponding t"6::.ra. (i:\ctm timo. Tbe time gun in tired at 12 o'clock noon, m.licaliug S:ay»ivire Htandaid time, on every 'lay excepting riu:..ui>. vhw it U fired at o'clock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan. Penan*. Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden. Exypt. Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London Through Bills if Lading iwned f>r rmn< Coe «t. Persian Gulf Continental, and m»ri"»n Pi. it*; St-amer» will leave Singapore on or aiwit MAIL LINE. ObM :r,l ffm Chim:) OtaaM Ma-.
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    • 687 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANOEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular iervioe between: Singapore, Bawean, Soarabaya. Bandjermasin. Pulo Lant, Balik Papan, KoeWi, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sarapit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai, Mm- i in h... ii. Marakasaries, Negara and Bebirik. The steamers have
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    • 500 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG. Tbe steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewardi, tbuy are dnspkiooed ftjrtmghtly for Havre aud Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
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    • 771 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOVO Imperial Qerman Mali Ltai Tbe fast and well known mail steamt-n of this Company sail fortnightly from BromeiiHambnrg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamn ton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, |woi,- i Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice •ana) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Pdd«ui>. Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, a.i'l i
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  • 1412 5 1 „,.|..i lisarting i!i>- Mlmrtag abbwvia. str.— -steamer i sh.— ship; bq. bmiuuß will snlmnnar Yi-t.— Vael.t; < .v. Crmwur. Gt*.— Onaboat j Tor.— Tornado •,-r; Brit. British U.K.— United St«t.-. Fob.— French; Ger.— German Hut.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Spm.— Sp»pi?h; ;-*r. Sarawak; Q.c- Oenersl-aaMo; dp.— I.
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  • 805 5 S'oinc, port, frobable dat>' of arrival, and name of Agoits. Steamers. Abcrlour, Hamburg, May 13 Behn Meyer Achilles, Liverpool, May 8; Mansli-ld Aj:i\, China, June 9; ManslieU Ucimms, Liverpool, May 20 Mansticld Antilochus, Liverpool, June 26 MaMMd Arcadia, China, May 9 P. O. \~tyanax. Liver|>ool, July I; MmMmM
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  • 105 5 Wharvf. at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TaNJONO PAOAR East WHABr Basmin— Dagmar, Breid, J. W. Wendt, E. J. Spence EautWhart Skction I—Me1 Me Clellan, Curonia, Taroba. Sect. 1 (Shkkrh Wbaht) Aldebaran. Skction No. 2— Tsintau, Heirstad. 3— Candleshoe. 4— Houg Mob. s—
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  • 54 5 May 1 Rajuburi, Ger str, Bangkok Victoria, Bwed str, Saigou 2 Taroba, Brit str, Pcnang, Rangoon, Calcutta Bellcrophon, Brit str, H'kong, Sghai, Seattle Agamemnon, Brit str, Antwerp via ports Cheang Chew, Brit itr, Bonrabaya Lightning, But str, Fenang and Calcut'a Japan, Brit str, Antwerp via ports Malaoriaj Brit str,
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  • 186 5 lii-iii^ genuine and untouched extracts from the answers to a paper on "Clcueral Information" wt to the pupils of a large preparatory school.] 1 The modern name for Gaul in Vinegar. 2. "Double dealing" is when you buy wholesale to sc.ll retail. a. "To
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  • 71 5 <)rr«.\iiii Gt-KMAX Mam. Tin- Imperial Gorman mail steamer Onei niiau, having left Colombo at 7 p.m. on tin28th instant, may be expectod tv arrne Mm on Saturday, May 4, at daylight Ul'TMAlili BIUTIMI IXI'IV. The B. I. contract packet steamer Thongwa, with the London mails of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 408 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HtDOCHINASTIEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Tim: MMMMI sf this Company MMM :i regular service between OmMMs, Straita and Hongkong, taking cargo M through Bills of hMMsJ for Canton, BMMMT, Anv.y, Shanghai, Chefoo, TicnUiu, TaagMM Ports, "WMjMB, MfMB, the Philippines, Ac, Ac. HMMn oh llic Cmmmmmi Straits ami lloiiKkoi)^
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    • 493 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. and CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The Companies' >;teamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China nn.l -Jap-..') ovcrv week, and from Japan homewards lof I. m<!..o, Amsterdam and Antwerp every lortawataarf f< r Genoa. Marseilles aud Liver;>* I Monthly.
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    • 486 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SEKVH'E OF THE OCEAN S. S. COY.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. i;i:twi:i n lltl >I\MI i: (I»EKTII> \OKIII WEST AJSTR.iLIIX PORTS. JAVA \M> MNUl'Olii: Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singa pore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derhv, King's Sound, (Port
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    • 306 5 I STEAMER SAILINGS. CIVRT Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATKS. Route from Hongkong, sM Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.S. "Empiums ok India" Twin-screw steaR.M.S. "Empress ck Japan" mers
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    • 343 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May 3— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges, at 10 a.m. 1 -At "Braesidc," 8 Leonie Hill, Graiujc Road, valuable teak household furui ture, iVc, at 2 p.m. 6 At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges, ul 10 a.m. 6— At Sale-room. 350 Cases Apolliuan-. water at 11 a.m. 7
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 28 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, May 1, 4 p.m. liaromoter 29.86 direction ef Wind East. Force of Wind 3 Max. Temp in Shade 72 Manila, 75-> S.W. 2 32 26
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    • 209 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, May 2. High Water. 024 a.m 130 p.m. B. I. homeward mail closes. 3. Final united Choirs' Practice,, (Morrison Centenary). Presbyterian Church. 8-45. Phil. Orchestra Pract. Vie. M'nal. Hall. :«0. Friday, May 3. High Water. 11 n.m. MB p.m. Legislative Council. 2-30. Municipal Commission. 2-30. Prayer
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  • 688 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, MAY 2. The throe half-yearly reports of the Taujony Pagar Dock li.ual just submitted to public examination afford seveial points upon which criticism may be offered. The available balances of leveuue over expenditure (or the three hall years uuder review are: December 31,
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  • 486 6 The I'inaug (la/.ette of April -J l publishes ail interview with the Hon. Charles Cartv Salmon, who, until the last Federal Elections, was Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker of the Australian House of Kepresentatives. Dr. Salmon has heal ou a visit to Penang, and our contemporary publishes au interesting
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  • 19 6 I'iiblic billiard tables in I'crak are to be liceused from July 1 at the rate of $8 a quarter.
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  • 17 6 The British yacht Norseman arrived from Hongkong this luoniiugen route to Colombo. She flies the naval flag.
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  • 22 6 There are 300 tons of dynamite ou board the Oermau steamer Segovia, which arrived from Hamburg yesterday. She is bound for Hongkong.
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  • 33 6 Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Leicester desire to convey to their friends their heart-felt thanks for their kind attoudauce on the occasion of their daughter's death aud for the numerous tokens of sympathy.
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  • 12 6 All tf«M puMisiit-d in this ieaM an protected by tin Uoflrigbt Orilimiliu
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  • 25 6 Tin r<- were t. n saloon passiuycrs hinn Loiiilon by Mm P. ami steamer Nubia which HM tltm that pert an<! way ports this morning.
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  • 28 6 During ;t UiiiiiiU rstoini in Kajauf; lust wtfk. hu^i- Im «H Utm dnwu mill, falling over a Chiuesc Koug>i. it UU tlmv •w-ii .mil sorrily iiijtnvil Hire, othcis.
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  • 32 6 Mr. I). Heropedes MHid th. CbwdaaaM Hotel ill the Couit <if Keipiestr. thi^ BKN mug for VH) for commission as runiu i. JadgßMajt was given for the plaintiff for only and covt>.
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  • 72 6 A .Native employe of the Siaiu Klect. i; -ily I ouipauy in rep.iii ing wires along the New Road, happened to l.iv hold of alive wire by mistake and wan immediately killed. J Messrs. Syme ii nil Company are !u i pi:ig Mn V. O. V. Li.pieur S, „ich
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  • 44 6 L .ig I i uipii.yi \by Mn. I uoc Aptruut as i bejr." ii it bat earriee withool gi\ing luitict for whieii he was liiie.l flO aad eeaai hy Mr. Miehell. th.- Senior .Magi Hate, this inorniug. the tine lo go 1,, the pros<ciitrix.
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  • 42 6 Wi bear, an the I'inang Haeu»i that with a \iuoi preventing oooHee aad kllcni fioin congregating on \ictoiia Tier, the (iom ninn nl proposes to allow only a limited aeaaher of forten there. They wU be aaeaead and will wear distinctive ha.lgts.
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  • 45 6 l/um Book (ruan sued Mr. William Seli'ill/. of Loop the Loop fame, iv the Court of l!e(|iiists yesterday for f.U) as couiui.ssion for the sale of the defeu<lant s tricar. .Mr. Schultz put in no ap|)earance and .judgment was given for the plaintiff with costs.
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  • 44 6 Mr. H. Dennison. one of the local Hoarding Ollicers. who hus just gone to Madras on U\.> iin.Mtlis' leave, is to get »."«<> from tlie Police Reward Fund lor the eaaietaßjoa In rendered the Police during the sampan fi>;ht iv the hafhaeit sonic weeks ago.
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  • 45 6 The opining sentence in n recent ii a. I. r in the Moulmeiii Advertiser appeared as follows: -C:ipt. Lee, I A., arrived laet Monday as Special l'lague Officer, and it was quite time he died ididl." Tho aiiology to, the error duly appeared next day.
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  • 46 6 Divine Service will be held iv English in St. Peter's Church, Stamford lioad, on Sunday next at 7.;>0 p.m., and will so continue on the first Sundays of each month until further notice. The Service will be held in Malay ou the other Suudays as usual.
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  • 38 6 Among this morning's arrivals are two HiiHsiau tioverniiicnt vessels to be Bead iv the protection of the fisheries off tho Siberian coast. They an the Commander Behring aud the Lieutenant DydymolV ami arc bound from Odessa to Vladivosloek.
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  • 45 6 A serious aflng is ■BBHead by eorres|ioudent i:i Tongkih to have aeaejrtod at obe of the tin mines there two or Mem <lavs ago between two rival kongsis. Itis said that one man was killed and several others more or less seriously injured. Pinang Gazette.
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  • 47 6 Tratle mark legislation is a crying v vii. in .lava. Marks are couuterfeited without restraint so far as the law is concerned. People abroad pass uut).itteriug remarks on the Java tioverumeut for allowing an open field to counterfeiters without tryiug to strengthen the law agaiust such practices.
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  • 51 6 A Ha*aa wire, dated Paris, April Hi. says that the Foreign Affairs Uoanl at I'ekiug has thanked the Japanese tiovernment for restoring Manchuria to China. The Beard gives the assurauce that China will r. organise the administration of Manchuria, which h:is now oeeu evacuated by both tin Raeeiaa and Japanese
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  • 59 6 It is reported that the RajaaiaaM iaaaad to turu Mania into a vast lortifieil ntv l>v surrounding the cily '.»illi a uiu.U aiid a continuous oi i arthworks extending era lo li. There will I*- eight eatraai mko the city, aud each entrance will l» guarded by big guns.
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  • 53 6 The Uoinan OaaVuftk eoiiiiiriuily, ol Kuala Lumpur, have raised a .-.ubscriptiou lur Hitpurchase of a bell for the Church of St. John the Evangelist to replace the present small one. It is understood that the bell to be purchased is one of those be longing to the Church of the
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  • 65 6 The French Municipal authorities ha\e lately brought up 60 Annamitc policemen to reinforce the (iarde Municipale at Shaughai. The experiment will be watched with gnat interest. The men paraded on April U, armed with rifles and bayouets, at the French Consulate as a guard of honour for HE. Tseu, Viceroy
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  • 73 6 Ml. .1. I. Si-lh cmplovt-d harms* Maker, naiiud Rngeboor, on a time unlract. hut liugaboor lefl liis servii.- lust iii..nth iritbuut giving notice. This luciminy. Ik appealed before the Senior Magistrate ,iiid it «as ordered that a half mouth's pay dvi him br forfeited aud the contract I* set aoUo.
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  • 77 6 The Sclangor State Council has amended the Volunteer Enactment of 1906 ko that the administrative powers over the Volunteers have now become vested in tin (ieneral Officer commanding the troops in the Colony of the Straits Settlements, subject U> two restrictions. All 'regulations' made by this officer require the approval
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  • 159 6 Social and Per sonal. Mi. w. >i<- I. i;r,»oi> hM rntwnwrf freaj England t<> Kuala Luajpor. Mi. .1. s. tfafivwMr, Go*i rament GcoiuriKt tJeUngor, has left for 11., m on loevi _.M.!.jur tfTiil 1'11. ».1.i. mm] Mm. .im.l rlowilua liavearrivud i,i RinKanore. Mi. Baehaaaß has beiw appuiated Huisi bwj the
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  • 53 6 ;-n.n< aham neataiaiag a Kern mm lady «as l K ing driven along St. VadxeWN lioad at a gr. at pace this m.irnin- when the I rout iisle l.roki Hi,- lady ,vas piared in an awkward poaitioa. ami «V.s r\trieate.l aft< consid.rahl.- d;lhniltv. hy t«,, Kuro peai:*. Th.
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  • 116 6 Serg.aut Motgin. of the Maiine Police yester.liv afternoon, am»4ed Hirniaun \ael and V. il.i.lm Duehoii. de tut- Immii Un (ierinaa m.ul steame. Priaj K.gefit LuitpeU, the farßM of ban left the ship dm ing Ik i visit lien live weeks g. the m mi I on
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  • 179 6 Wi ia.c .uciuiia uotilicatiou fioin Mr. T. w Maiu. tin- lion. Qeajetal tieeratarj ol the '.gii Horticultural S|k,v. Kuala Kangsu on August 11. II u |-j. «|,ieh .-.taUsihat the exhil.itsat the Sh,,v\ will be as numerous and excrlleiit M liiineil\ The competitions an restricted 'to ox hihiu from
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  • 70 6 Thin was ipiiu a large pthaeeaa of friends aud relatives at the funeral of the daughter of Mr. and Mm U. Lei.esU r yesterday. The Moral tiilmU-> were s.. unuieroits tlint they mtirtly conceal. (I the mound of earth OTOrthegrare. The liev. A. .1. Amery conducted the first poitiou of
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  • 65 6 The Morrison CinUiiaiv Meeting at the Victoria Meiuoi lal Il.ill on Monday ne\l pii'iinses l.i Im inteii sting. In addition Iv -010- from MONTH I'i.«Um and H. D Mr- I'hawhnhia «ill bi- the soloist in .Mendelssohn '.s 'IliaMiily Pbmw M i.. >-■ will boßhroa hy the Ke\s. .1. Oraj W.
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  • 60 6 An attempt is now Uing i,, L» r constitute the Buddhist iic-.scarcii Society and to give it extended scope as the ■oaaaMh Society oi India uuder whii.h name it will take the whole of Indian history, literature aud philosophy for its province. The Society will publish a journal, entitled the
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  • 74 6 Disease among oattk affMMI to be spreading ia Siam. The in malitv i- san l to he very ronsiderabli- iv llic ptorieotW n! Sarahuii. l.iphuii. Angtlion. Sou-Inn i. Xi unn Traug and Sj-ophone. Dwiag the months oi February aud March rroin four to live linn ilr.d BtM "I Oattk) Md
    74 words
  • 96 6 Tiii usual ja in ral nrnrtiey oi U* Maiaj l'euiusul.i A.^iioiliiiia! UeßMßtieaj *M kaH at Naaog >m laeaday, April 2-. when it «as |iropose<l that (Ml ul t: i s;.ni „l ~9.i»7 -i.tti standing to the tn J I of WHJt and bail a* count, they should repay the randan
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  • 37 6 A man, charged with drunkenness and Übiu^ ahaoMM aMgasgi at, put in a defence which seems to require thinking out carefully. "A- to thr Unnua.^t he said. I kmSm iiutlini!.' about that. MeMM I'm very deal.'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
      83 words
    • 179 6 EYE-SIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus may bo consulted for SPECTACLES at ti-B Battery Road, opposite Riley Hargiea\»H A: Co., for ;i ftu days only. m Consultations Free. WILSON Co. Photographic Artists. Uur Portraits an 1 Kiilar^umtiiits are of the highest possible Artistic ami Technical l-.v.-ll Matt«.tv|»- fH.OJ J'i.OO Im in, i
      179 words

  • 464 7 COMMENT ON PRINCE VON BUELOW'S SPEECH. Favourable Reception. LONDON NEWSPAPER'S SUGGESTION ON ARMAMENTS. DM 0w v-ivn. hi-. Li... xv fIUTB'-J Beilin. May I. I'riuce von Bueloxv't Maooh in the Koichstug ou the international political situation was receivird favourably by all the political parties, without e\i eption. The Press
    464 words
  • 42 7 Ull -i-Kii s TkUMUUM 1 May I. onspirators in Guatemala exploded 11 mine laid on the roadway as l'resideu! Cabrera drove past. The lioims iv the carriage were killed am an officer xvouuded. Tho President xvas un injured.
    42 words
  • 51 7 rWUTKB I KLKMU* London. .May I King Leojiolil ot Belgium vi-it.d Path ollicially yesUrday. At the luncheon gix 1 n 111 the King* I omM. Kallieri's. President ol the In nc!i I;, pud lie. referred to the sympathy of the l-'iciieli Government and people towards the
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  • 22 7 Kkithis Th.i..i;ui I, ond. m. May I. The G. 1111 in steel A--.x.ialiou ha- been renewed for live years.
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  • 36 7 Dtn OsuauiMon Lloyd Tmjmbam Berlin. Miy 1. Krauc. has asked the L'uited States Gov cinuicul (vi law same UIMtOM Ireatmout a; (iermauy i.-. to red ixc under the nexx cum r..ia! t'cAly.
    36 words
  • 287 7 Large increase in the Revenue Collect c! The MM annual re ort of Mr. K. .1. il.illi fax. the President of the IVuahg Municipality. states that the t' reane colli.s--ted in the colony during tin' veil' WM Sl.o-22,(i).547. an bwteawi or |iUH,tSI.B> over the amount iv th>
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  • 419 7 Printing Works Manager Fined Hundred Dollars. Time cJiMgW O* def.iiuation aud three of piinliim ilefninatoi x matter xvere made i^ai:.-t Ti b Hook Tin<; this morning, hotnre i Bench Couil eonsi.-tiu^ ol Me— rs. Coleman tod Bain, but fixe of llic c!i ■rue^ xvere xvith Ir.wii daring
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  • 136 7 Mi. Cai ver. juii.. appeared lielon: Mr. .luicc I'islicr this inoi -uing to apply for a receiving older against Mr. .1. K.VIe Conceicao. oiiii. r!y Manager of the l.'ecrealiou Hotel. >n account of a debt of <U-J4.IT due to lesMs. I'rascr and Neaves on a judgment •iven
    136 words
  • 209 7 The (todown, in it* --hue luaikcl notes, states that daring the year ending March I tl.e KiltngnWl Dock and I'li^im i l my Work* had in hand US ship- of iliti.ttti'.l tonaggregate, besides oveihauiiuy 118 \c->cl-and building It) of sorts. It is no cxaggcra tioii to -.i\
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  • 197 7 RESULT OF THE TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS. Kkutbr's Iklk«.i;a>i London, May 1. The Two Thousand Guineas Stakes of 100 soys. each. h.f. for entire colts and fillies. foaled in MM; colts st. aud fillies M Ib I t'ue owner of the secoud to receive UNI «ny, and the owner
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  • 383 7 Allegation against the Governor. One of tlie most remai kable ai tides on further Malaya 1 have read since returning Home appeared in the Kvcein^ Siaudaid on April 1. says the London Com-pondent to the Malay Mail. It refers to the Sarawak-Bruuci-Straits controversy and the quaint p. tiliou
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  • 149 7 irno.M Orn Own Corhk.scomiknt'. Hamburg. April '2. Tlie International Master Cotton Spinners Federation has lately instituted an enquiry regarding the supply of raw material held by the mills in the countries belonging to the Association. About seven-eighths of those addressed have furnished the desired parti culars from
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  • 113 7 A wealthy Burmese lady having died on April I .in Kaugoon. her relatives decided to have her body conveyed to the cemetery liy electric tram. Six cars were hired and. with a baud playing The British Grenadiers. the party merrily bowled along at 12 miles
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  • 94 7 A teli grain appears iv the Siamese Guveminent Gazette stating that His Majesty the King of Siaiu and suite arrived at Aden on April Id. The steamer stopped there for four hours. His Majesty did not go ashore, as he decided not to land agaiu until
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  • 1194 7 H MILK AS A PROPAGATOR OF DISEASE. Need for Local Legislation. i ili\ One Si'Kc iv. Commis»iom-.i:i. .Milk is the most susceptible to disease of all our articles of diet. Nature, in providing this wonderful and valuable food, appears to have arranged that, whilst, properly cared for.
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  • 779 7 Pertinent Questions to be Asked by Inofficial*. Supplementary orders of the day for the meeting of the Legislative Council to be held on Friday, have been issued as follows: 1. Motion by the Colonial Secretary: That this Council approves the ex|« ndi ture of a .sum not exceeding
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  • 106 7 Mr. Gill, of Messrs. Kiley rlargtravM and Co.. appeared Iwlore the Mastei Attendant's Cuuit this morning to answer a ehaige. on behalf of UM Cou-pauy. of storing batkUag materials in front m Hie Company s premises in Clarke ijuay. Mr. I'erkius appeared for the defendants. Mr. liill
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  • 38 7 The charge of attempted murder, brought by Luang Houg against Chiug Nong, was this uioruiug) amended to voluntarily causing grievous hurt, and the Second Magistrate sentenced tin accused to six mouths rigor- I oils imprisonmi lit-
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  • 311 7 RESOLUTION TO REDUCE THE TEA DUTY. Government Defeated. STATEMENT OF THE RELATIVE STRENGTH OF PARTIES. Rfcl THUS IMJMUI London, May 1. In the debate on the Budget. Mr Is Fletcher moved the reduction by a penny of the duty on tea. Mr. Asquith. Chancellor of the K\chei|uer. said
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  • 30 7 DMlOni MMATMCMI liMVB Tki.h.kxxi Berlin. May I. Kuipcror William has acquired a house at Achilleion, iv Corfu, as a holiday resort for hi'ii-i If and family.
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  • 41 7 Dm Ohmuihh r<i.ovn nuMßMtj Berlin. May I. Governor von Lind.-quist. who has gone to London to arrange treaties with regard to the froutier between Cape Colony and German South- West Africa, has been received in the friendliest manner.
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  • 36 7 il>kk OmamMi Lu>u> TauMtui Berliu, May 1. M. (tolo win. I'l-rsideiil of tlic Duma, has refused to receive a motion from a member dealing with offence* ill the Kussian army.
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  • 121 7 Distress Caused Among Woolwich Artizans. London. April tt, Last night an MWW procession of sevrn thousand artisans employed in the Govern mini arsenals at Woolwich marched la Westminster and interviewed Sir Henry Campl>ell-Bauncrniau concerning the rcduc tion- in naval and military expenditure aud the dismissals of thirteen
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  • 87 7 Tx\o hundred aud titty ounces of ROM, the product of individual effoit on the pmt of igorots. was disposed of in Bagnio during March, Good prices were uniformly obtained. That Bcnguet is rapidly forging to the front as pntd pHMMMfI province is shown by the lim'tfnliiu
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  • 99 7 Mr. \oii Zeppelin '•bcrniulli i th. Dutch Consul at Tientsin, calls attention tv tin: likelihood of a very brisk diuiand for cigarthere, tbc moment the laws passed gainst opium -smoking come into force. It should be borne in uiiod tbat Qhincse consumers ol cigars arc not very
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  • 1074 8 TRAINING FOR SINGAPORE RACES NEARING THE END. Petgrave Almost Sure To Win. (FkiiM Ol'lt OWX CoIIKESI'oNHKXT.I Race Course. Thursday morning. The going this morning was capital and afforded an excellent opportunity for the horses to take good strong gallops. First Tenor was one of the first to
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  • 551 8 The Supply of Medical Aid to Women of India. On a search being made through the papers of the late Lady Curzon after her death an unposted letter was found, atldn aaad to the Assistant Secretary of the Duffeiin Fund in India, which contained the words 1 do
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  • 87 8 Embargo Removed by the British War Office. The embargo ou American tinned foods has been removed by the British War Office, aud Chicago meat ha* again been admitted as a ration for the Army. (Exhaustive inquiries into the method of packing under the new pure food law
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  • 76 8 A correspondent writes rftatiug that. Dr. .J. Collis lirowne's chlorodync contains chloroform, prussic acid, morphia, aud Indian hemp, and that, according to the report for 11MI1 l'.iij.'i of the Kcgistrar-General of Kugland and Wales. (W males. :tti females, and 9 children la total of 111) died from
    76 words
  • 96 8 The Scarlet Mysteries. which opeu at the Teutonia Club on the 9th inst.. are now in Hongkong and are expected to arrive in Singapore on the Hth inst. The company is comprised of gentlemen who have gained great prominence in England and they are appearing here for the
    96 words
  • 176 8 The news of a syndicate of adventurers having been formed at Cape Town to seize upon a part of the island of Celebes, an integral portion of Netherlands India, meets with ridicule in .lava. Until within the last four years, Dutch authority in most of the isltiul
    176 words
  • 1048 8 WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE SEASON. Hopes and Expectations. Yoata*d*y, we published the prospei ts >1 Am South African team and of Kent, Vi-r.i-ihire and Lancaster, and to-day we alli'de :o the outlook oi the ot'.ier first-class county IaMM. Froiu N'orthaniptonKliire, the youngest of the first class
    1,048 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 79 8 Tha popularity of riding, among Shanghai sports aud, and the ditrieulty of obtaining e\]K'rt tuition in the art. should insure success to the riding school that is about to be started. The membership of the Shaivjlia i Cricket Club now stands as follows: 108 playing members:
      79 words
    • 62 8 The annual athletic sports of the li ill! Institution will held on the School grounds on Saturday. June R, All fiieiids oi the school and old boys will lie welcome. There will lx- a race for old boys and a tugof-war Past versus l'lvscnt. The preliminary heats will
      62 words
    • 67 8 Penan)? Club's Annual Meetin;?. At tie amn;al lueetiug of the Penan;.' Swimming flub <>ii Sunday. Mr. K. O. Hallifax, Vice-Pre-iiilcut. occupying the ehiir. Mr. A. li Adams was re-elieted President and Mr. K. O. Ililliux Vi,e IV.sident. Mr. C. M. Henderson was el. eted Captain. Mr. V. Gibbous Secretary
      67 words
    • 587 8 tiolf in Perak. The Sporting ;iud Diaiuutic K«WI Ims several pictures of the Taii>iii^ (Ml Links with this MlarpMMt In tho little town at Taifiag, ahe«t w miles as the i-row Hies frum the island of iWtng, iin.l sitnaU-d iiinl.r tin- !ine ran>><' <■< joiiglti-oovorcxJ noaatauM wkuota form tlu
      587 words
  • 136 8 At ;i iiu-i tin" of tlic lVrak I'laiiti'rs' Asso ciation iv the I|imli Club uu Friday, it was decided lint the conditions under which affiliation with the United Planters' Association would now be possible were unsatisfactory, aud a resolution which was adopted expressed the opiuion that the
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  • 24 8 The export of mangoes from Bangkok is very large just at present, and every boat bound for Singapore is bringing the luscious fruit here.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 "A PURE Highland M alt f TSKi." Purity and (Quality are the Characteristic* of the Whiskiffl that bear tlic name of Usher. Soap Flannels Soft as New. j^Etofey Flannels and "Woollens .XT^T should always be washed \fe~ *L. -^.77 with Sunlight Soa]> AND WITH NO OTHEIt, l^fV^m because it not
      219 words

  • 223 9 'liTinr— M\^ l. v.»h. PRODUCE, iambief boym 6.«) do iCnbt No. I; .mpi.W.l 10.«r. CM Bali 10.60 .lo I'outianaV. .10.1(1 jlht. Black l<*o do Whit- *M Siyo Klorr 2.85 do Br.n< i No. 1 IM| P<-ar! Sai>o **l Coffe.- lin'.i, 10° o 1900 Coffee. I'Rlc-uibanj;. JO bu*i M* (Mm,
    223 words
  • 393 9 Two Squadrons and Fleet Under One Command. vit.-i loan Ui] and oaarfaanfeli aMMey tin S«TJ l).-|M.tin<nt at Washington has made |iulilii- the aMgRMMM for the noryani--iuicm oi the aacaUai in tin PacMo, piovi .lin._ [alaiipaMj hi tl □eaaoaVaatiaa et the I i i.i'i;inisiitioiis 11 1< I'llili|. him
    393 words
  • 153 9 UI i. W^ A'itfa UotfCW A|.iil-J, Mr. iii 1 .1 "irmnlj ■liini.Uri ix <|li-. lit aud thai erecj loan «;«> nld pla\ fpM aii.l ,1: I m>: jiia-, ,t entj man niul MVH, too, who >.iiil "(ioli i.ii.^. for nhe Isti i period ol mvr\:-:. nee,"
    153 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 311 9 Date of. H amber _j. rornmt- Cap.tal Sabacribed of Rewrve iou snarea I r 1903 J300.000 $300,000 30,000 10 110 1901 1600,000 «600,000 60,000 10 •10 1903 £400.000 £890,000 350,000 1 I 1 1907 $400,000 $375,000 37.3000 10 $10 uniM»d £60.000 £60,000 60.000 1| 1 1906 £100,000 £90,000 90,000
      311 words
    • 303 9 1905 £150.000 IHOS 1200.000 ■•01 £30,000 1905 700,000 1903 £70.000 IJO6 »150.000 191>4 £12.000 £104,937.10 i 2/6 M 7 400 i I'7oo1 700 •10 •10 »87,400 6fjoo 10 g »,500 uniMued' £11,125 uooo 1 7/9 MlO.OOO 70,000 •10 110 9,oi>i uniousd £70,000 70 00 l 5125.000 12,500 •10 tlO
      303 words
    • 215 9 I UM i"'. 77.10.0 £4,648.15.0 7,638 12/6 i 13/6 814.11.9 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd 1W93 82-2.5,000 1135,000 4,500 150 150 113,500 Fraser A Neave, Lul. 10.000.000 a) 1365 t10.G0.i.000 110.000.000 80,000 $135 1135 9,500,000 Honfikong and Shanghai Bank 350.0006 1901 13,400,000 •3..00.G00 "'J^ «100 1100 40,000 i Howarth
      215 words
    • 41 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% 1600,000 3% pram Riley Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 325,000 3% pram Singapore Municipal 6% 400,01X1 20% pram 5% 1.878,000 a%prem. 4% 603,000 3% dis nominal Taujoog Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 250,000 3% pram 5% 1.050,000 par.
      41 words
  • 173 9 Life Assurance Blue- Book. Mi annual volume. pre|iure<l in accordance with the I jfe Assurance Coui|>anies Act of I*7o. has jnst luade its apprarauce for ll'Minri'i vrai. It is a \eritahle mine of i;ift<:-]'\itji.,i as to the position of the various <■ -s operating in Britain and i-outains. in addition,
    173 words
  • 199 9 Senator and Mrs. Thurston, of New York, who have been feasting their friends in a submerged submarine boat, have certainly made a novel addition to the list of nncon- I volitional banquet**. It is but a short time since twinu five members of ilie staff of the Royal
    199 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 239 9 HftNTHCOUKE D D HC Clj W A K.K.mSULT. MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. Has .II'ST o]x'ne<l a L-irge and VarionsV\ss<irtiiient of 60LD MOUNTED JADE SLEEVE LINKS. BROOCHES. NECKLACES. CHARMS. PINS. ETC. \n.| athai Qold and (Jem set .Jewellery too'nuinerous^to mentiou. Silverware ot every description at 62 and S3, High Street. THIS SPEAKS Xp/-vyi
      239 words

  • 388 10 Suit RegardingsLetters to the Late Dnke of Rutland. [a th« Chancery I ii vision 011 the 2flth ultimo, Mr. .InHticc Joyce heard a summons taken oat in the administration of tho estate of tho late Duke of Rutland. Tho point was whether certain letters written to
    388 words
  • 217 10 U..-UON. M.-i.cli 17 -An anonymous letter MMltMl ljf couiiKel for th» relati\e« i»f Mr». Mary Baker (i. Kddy who m-ek Mi MMMM. iuij of her estate, ntarttxl an inv.>stinatioii which MMMMi in the discovery that Mrs. Eddy owns city of B*is.tou bouds. prolmbly fxci.-diugiu valueiMN.lXKl. wliieii
    217 words
  • 202 10 lie dead musician l>erlriiin. t'reqiitutly related Httlr mmbmmm coocenUMgUw |n-uple llhllM lie MMM from his MMMM to assist him in his |K'i lorinances, aud umiii'd fellow OOMJMMH t<) lie very careful iv their MMM tt 11 1 ks where outside MMMM was retjliilvd. Asa moral to his
    202 words
  • 52 10 Siberian butter goes U> Hamburg, iniepacked ah 1 MM) to the Far Enst as a ieruian pro-«i'ii-ti.>n. lli.isian sugar sto .la|>an in an Austrian .iMyuisc. aud Russian calico is sold Utt-r-- under a (u-iiiian amMpMT. iMMi ar«MMM of the MMI why llie Hus-so Japanex OmMMOTmI i oiupany lias MMM foruird
    52 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 91 10 A GOOD SUGGESTION. Sir. C. B. Wninwright of Lemou City. I .1 1.'.5.A.. has uritun tin- MMsMMMMH t a nun Ii better results art* obtained from 1 tIM ise of Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera aud LnMttMM Remedy in cases ol paius iv the j till Mil 11*1 MM and choltia
      91 words
    • 656 10 SALES BY AUCTIONAUCTION SALE Of FREEHOLD LANI> At CAMPONG JAVA ROAD. To be bold by Aucticu, Monday. May 13. Nt itMlp.m. Nine plots situate in the district of Rochore, lots Nos. 23 to 25, 42 to M, 61 to 63 of parts 1. 2 and 3 of Grant No. 25
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    • 623 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SAU OK EXCELLENT TEAK AND RATTAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be held at No. 51. Bras Bassa Road. On Saturday, May 4. IUO7. at 2 p.m. For full particularß see catalogues. G. A. Fernandez Co., 936 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE. A RAMBLER MOTOR C.vR (4 seated, 8 H.P.)
      623 words
    • 706 10 SALES BY AUCTION. HELVETIA fM*M> Man t, al $JB />,'". Mortgagee's Sale of freehold residential property known as Helvetia, Confederate Estate Boad, Singapore. Area 32,100 square feet, being lots 317 to 3S'J of lot 7 of Grant No 1. Substantial two-storey brick-built house with tile roof. Short distance from the
      706 words
    • 413 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Stanmore. TUESDAY, MAY 7, AT 2.30 P.M. AUCTION SALE of the valuable and beautifully situated freehold residential property known as "STANMOHE." Grange lload. Tauglin. Area 3 acres :< roods 3.1 poles, for ever. A very comfortable aud 1 cnveuieutly situated residence. Large teunis court, picturesque grounds, select
      413 words
    • 589 10 SALES BY AUCTION. N". II DVLHOrsIK LAM!. MORTGAGEE'S SALE ftMMWM, Hmj T.HtJtfjm. All that valuable pivcaof laud.srea I.4lo»|iiari' feet, leasehold f. .r '.(••'.I {MM T«pM«rwiM dwellingthereou. known as No. II [i.M.1101 s|K LANK. Powell Co.. AuctMK.-r.. Allen ami C!-dhill. Kolieitorm. APOLLINARIS WATER. AUCTION SALE Ml (ASKS AI'OLI.INAItIS V. ATI.I: To
      589 words

  • 329 11 Official Contradiction to an Absurd American Rumour. Inquiries made b\ I I'ltss i.;prrs«iiUtive HO to disprove the stateiif nts whii h ap|H-aretl in several Loinlon pa)>ers U> tho effect that a 'MUi Trust' is Ikiiik fomiwi in Ameiien. to which the Uritish and KoreifiU Kihlt StK-iety anil the
    329 words
  • 228 11 Writing on March :tO. a OMMMMMI t<> ;li. North China Dkß] Newssavs: The floret tlays of xp! in" are U|x>n us: the outer hay is nearly free from ice. but the inner one remains iee-bo;in<l. The breaker. bowl mt. is at work every tliiv and with its help
    228 words
  • 227 11 Mr. .l::~titi I'.aiyiav: IH-nc and tlio Trinit) Masters lia«l a liard p:ol)lfin to solvr in tlif Ailmiialty Conn on Maitli It, when tln> int|iiircMl into Mm tollision in the lliist.,l Cliiiinii'l baUraM tin- sttaint-rs Ori .imla antl 11. lio|H,li-. Tin IMmsM sank an tlir n-iilt at
    227 words
  • 66 11 India «i'l (Ai-utuallv control tin- Orii-nU| i-oal niHi'krt*. At jmmm! Japan is her only competitor, bit Japan's coal area is only ■yOQO MMUC miles, witli nu auiiual output o| }iit h H '.<]«> lons. India* present out put urn a» iniu'li Imt, Iht iKjssiiulitich as a coal -pro tin ii
    66 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 ECONOMY IN THE END. A fov ilosos ol Cliambcrhiiu Couyl will our your cold nndpc>iliii|.s -ay. h doctor's ''ill later nu. It always cuics anc ..I.- qniekly. Kor siil, by all dispeusarif! and iUukis.
      35 words
    • 836 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. I KlTI>:-'.«l \|..nth. per inch. Knlwoquent Duntha, K..r <ih.>rtei' pwiixln mo ■•ViiW .>( Charge*. NOTICE. The undersigned is prepared to book orders for Rubber Seeds from nine year old trees, for 1906 delivery. Price on application. MANAGER. c 427 Highlands and Lowlands Et>tate. NOTICE. Our customers and the
      836 words
    • 549 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM! I ■SEE straits cycle motor co.. ;l 13, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. NOTICE. _J1 I. CHARLES DAY CO.. J. DA. PEREIRA. LONDON. HORTICULTURIST AND FLORIST. l| IRE TBE SOLE EXPORT WOTUM A«B!!TS Ml I Collector and Exporter of Orchids. Diploma JOHN JAMESON SON'S d Gold Medal
      549 words
    • 549 11 BANKING COMPANIES. I j. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up Capital ti0.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,000t /w, nnn Silver Reserve •11,000,000) ooo ow Reserve Liability of Proprietors (10,000,000 j COURT OF DIRECTORS. G. H. Medburst. Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson— Deputy Chairman. G. Balloch, Esq. C.
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    • 515 11 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 4800,000 Reserve Fund ..£975 000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Ibe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest illowed at 1
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 662 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS'— MisceIUneo'j-' Wants of Every Description, Houses, linr. no., to let, are inserted at the following r»:^t 'lie Irsertion 1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Bil 5.20 >'me 8.40 Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 fF.i^h subsequent month Jo per inch.) Tae above rate is based upon
      662 words
    • 565 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Km- Knur l.ini'v nne m l»" in-rrtioiii.. Hy the inch. M Wmtt ■•(< !i;irc*. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. B> a younKChinaman, as.lwK>k kt:i» pis: ■■general uttice clerk, on a mmlersu, -ilar\. Ten years' experience in a large loaal mm. Good references. Apj/K p. e/o "Straits Times." M ARTICLES FOR SALE.
      565 words
    • 616 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Rates:— Poor Line., on* 01 two insertions, fl .00 By th» inch, see Seal* o( Charges. TO LET: COMPOUND HOUBE. No. 15 a Mt. Elizabeth. Rent 946 monthly *>S Apply to GAOGINO 4 Co. COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 28 Sophia Road. Apply to
      616 words
    • 565 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO, Kites:— Four Libm, on* or two iiiMrtioii*. n. By th« inch. m« Sral* of Charaw. ROOMS TO LET. Rooms are to let at Sheron. 104 River Yalle' Road. Tel. 714. HOUSE TO BE LET No, Adis Road, apply to E. Meyer Co. Ltd.. 1 Malacca
      565 words
    • 203 12 ARGYLL MOTOR CARS. Adams He witt Motor Cars. ROVER MOTOR CARS. Mow in Stock One 10-12 h.[>. O-seat.-d ARGYLL (side wliiiu). f.- <^,->.,lH,i. Trials by apixjintiuent. wTlflt. UUip So!,. Agents, .Sin^.|M,r.. LOST OR FOUND. Riri>:-Kive!.ine N .me »r tw.. ii.serti..,,, NjH By the iiK-li. ~ee s, „|e lli ;1 r
      203 words