The Straits Times, 28 August 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.125 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. AUGUST 28. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 528 1 Proofs of Efficiency of power-production and transmission in the i 3)e 3)ion ZBouton Cawkwell Hill Cliipb, Liucolnshire. July 1% 1901, Saltbnrn Speed Trials, Yorkshire A. Cl, July 14, Average gradient. 1 in Hi l>arts, 1 in 1900. Result Result 8 IP Kf R!°" Clans A for Single-cylinder Touring Cars up
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    • 427 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS POWELL CO., Singapore. (Established 42 yeahs). Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers Mortga tea arranged Valuations made. Rents collected. Powell Coy 'a Auction and House -Property ircular is issued weekly and sent free to any Nm GENERAL OUTFITTIRS. KATZ BROS., LTD Rttfflc.i Si/narp. Tra\<>l!i rs nnd
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  • 73 2 Stop Press Edition. ANOTHER TRAGEDY IN RUSSIA. GIRL KILLS A GENERAL BY BULLET. 1t.,,1. 4 p.m. t0 .,1,,,i. iMm r;il Minn. Coiiiniainler of the Sime unvsky regiment, who \\«n mortt prominent in .-ii|i|jn-ssiiiy the riot* ut MaeMM in December, was assassinate at Pcterhoff Kailway Station last niylit. The axsaHsin. a
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  • 330 2 K. MiOTUTAM and H. Yujjetaliave come to Sinya|>oro from .lapun for the purpose of ooUeoting Mibecriptiona m Ixlialf of the 11.-in ;ii Orphan Asylum i" The Han ai KiishokuKwail. ut Osaka. Japan, and it i> hu|«<il tlmt us the object is a most ieettviag (■in it will
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  • 225 2 Tnui is at present at Aiuoy. saysa China .V'/ioru >iM>niliiit nniler i late of the IMB <it August, a |>lnbctrottcr named Captain I'nwi 11. who, having heard of the fame of the Aimiy tigers, lias come along in the en iliiiM.ur W) bag Home of them. Be
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  • 197 2 Tatß ChttMM Hi uinii nt lia> Ik en ili-liaml il. lint, ut the same linn', all the nll'ni is of tin n yriiint and alsii all ollii-eis who lirvc qualified as utterprotun ol the CWaeea HM||Bnaa have Ix^ n aii|iris<il hv circular of the fact that tie
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  • 87 2 I. mi < ii S.Uiudiiy evening, a laij;e Krench in. in ot win. with four funnels and Null (minted wliite. passed Sinyu|K>ir. without ■topping, to tlie westward. Anotlier Kreucli 11. .in ol win "Isii pasrxd SiuyaiKire earlier in tin unk. without atopping, to tNe enetwani. Do tliex- lioaU OOal at
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  • 2734 2 Venturing into Unknown Regions. At. an At home" in Gm-ernincnr lli>ii.-r, at Colombo, a largo mi|»ni assembled to hear t lecture on travel across Tibet delivered by Mr. V. R Johnstone. The lecturer is a fMtIMMO, thoroughly intimate CbuUk and tho ChineFe. The journey he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 A Good Rule for the Home. M ike it une of your regular hal'its to keep Chnmlwrlian Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea BnanWrjp i. yom home as a aafegnard against a sudden attack of bowel iH)ini>liaiit. I: is certain to be M led or later, and when that tinii buflM it
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    • 283 2 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES Being of British Manufacture, are produced under Government Supervision, and are obliged to pass SEVERE TESTS FOR Safety and Efficiency. Dynamite. Detonators. Gelignite. Safety Fuse. Blasting Gelatine. Accessories. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. H. ABRAMS Horse Repository Just landed ex s. s. Darius 20 very select Horses, Cobs
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    • 295 2 I Jt Waltham i^^^B^^aßß^.^S^ Better than ever A -the best watches LACE STORE m the world. Beno. ORCHARD ROAD C J^ fa^ Larce and varied .tock of Lace*, \3. Centllfy Ol high Nottingham, Valenciennes, Irish and »J__ «—J Brussels and English and Swiss 3 IcpUiailOn alKl d Embrold PHce, ve
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  • 380 3 A Faithful Cook At the Hongkon;; Magistracy, i fortniyht aRO, two bad charatrters were brought up chargeel with being in unlaw ful peasaaaiea of three knives without |ierniits. Aceindiii^ to the evidence, the defendant uen aware' that the roaster of a seamen's hoarding house at No.
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  • 185 3 Distkict Officers of B. N. Horneo are informed that an ingenious system <>t defrauding the revenue lias been brought to light during the conrse of a caxc trinl before Magistrate Mr. W. Woodyear Smith. The method in as follows: A Government polltax collector goes to an up
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  • 149 3 Kkitmis corre>poin!( nt at <iie\to\vn. Natal, wiring to tape Town oil July "2 says This cm niny I interviewed a i.ative who was BMr when Hamh.tta was killed at the Home Hill nghl My iiifoimant. who is a relative of the notorious chief, [remarked that the bullets
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  • 55 3 A new Colonial industry which promises to benefit the island greatly, has just beM started in Barhadnes. A syudicate has been formed to make paper out of the DMBMi sugarcane from which the juice has been pressed which ha* hitherto been used M fuel. The syndicate is offering planters Xl
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  • 94 3 Anothkk death through an attack hy .i buffalo is reported from the Aver Kilning district. Klang. A Bengali watehinmi. who was looking after wootlentters tit the lOtli mile, Batu Tiga Koad was attacked and gored hy a buffalo. Later, a party of Chinamen MM np and were carrying the watchman
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  • 37 3 A Cihsksk merchant, who has just arrived in Hongkong from a visit up the West Kiver. assures the Snulh t'hina Miirniny Poti that the same gang of desperadoes who attacked the Sum im succeeded in overpowering the
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  • 93 3 braves and taking charge of the British launch, Wing h'nt. Thi i merchant was on hoard the Sitinnm at the time of the outrage. and was likewise on the Wim§ I'nt -and one of the pirates whs recognised by him a < an who figured in Ixith attacks. The
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  • 121 3 Kkphrskntativks of the firms of Messrs. Oow, Wilson Stanton, Ltd.. Wilson Smithett Co., and Lewis a l'eat. three of the beat-known rubber broking firms in London, will bu the principal judges at the forthcoming Ceylon riil>l>er exhihiti hi. Thrso appointments are the result of a letter addressed, through the Imperial
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children jre subject to disorders of the bowelswhich should receive careful attention a^ soon as the first unnatural looseness oi the bowels appears. The best medicint in use for bowel complaint is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re nii-ily as it
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    • 440 3 DOGSHEAD^^ BRAND BASS'S ALE K,Kp)g GUINNESS'S STOUT. Can be had at all f rst class \CS^^/f^^pS'Ssw ole Agents. Bars and Hotels m liin CC M Sjn a P ore STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1906-7. ORDERS .Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in the
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    • 359 3 CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crashed Food, at No. 1, Belilios Road, is now opened. Price of a bag of Crashed Food 1 p. 10 cut. lS 14.00 per bag. No. 1 Bran
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  • 686 4 Local The object (Japanese Orphanage! of two Japanese gentlemen's visit to Singapore is explained on Page 2. An ingenious system of defrauding the B. X. B. revenue iit explained on Page 8. The article* of the Anglo-Chinese Convention are set forth clearly on Page 7. An appeal of .1.
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  • 821 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, 28th AUGUST. It U not cußtomary, not would it be "convenieut." for a liritish n<\vspa|>or. in the ordinary way. to interfere with ISaa domestic arrangements, obtaining iv a d.-|M iideiuv of a foreign power, however near, and the Stiaits Time* would be the
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  • 280 4 On Friday. Renter informed Singapore that thu liner Ciniiliromnn has been chartered to tour the Colonies. Japan, and South America as floating exhibition of British goods. Two or three yean ago, this scheme was mooted at home and. according to the plan then suggested, the floating exhibition of British manufactures
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  • 30 4 A novel suggestion aud one worth considering comes from the Btmt. It may have been noticed that the Straits Tiiw* is in the habit of using the words England and
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  • 149 4 "English' only as purely geographical e\ pressions and never, as some contemporaries are accustomed to do, as equivalents of the United Kingdom and the inhabitants of the British Isles, where the Strait< Timm invariably speaks of Britain and the Blitisli. It is in this connection that the Star steps in
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  • 14 4 It is reported that the light ou Batu Bereuti was uot burning last night.
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  • 14 4 Thk .SV<i Belle left for Pulo Pisanr, light house yesterday afternoon on relief duty.
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  • 11 4 Thk United States transport (ihuur left for New York ou Sunday.
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  • 16 4 Thr French steamer Euprate arrived from Saigou this morning with 300 pigs for the local markets.
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  • 16 4 The Dutch Government steamer Zridnif arrived yesterday from Rhio to take down some officers to Rhio.
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  • 23 4 Thk Blue funnel steamer iti'lrnw, at present lying in the roads, is expected to leave en the Ist with I.OCO pilgrims lor .leddah.
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  • 24 4 Thb Dutch steamer (i. C. Umir is under going a thorough overhaul at Tanjong Rhu with a view to obtaining a British pajaOBJK license.
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  • 28 4 Wk hear that next Monday and f illowiafl days, there is to be a demonstration by the H .1. Hotel Co. in thegodown ol MoßMfc Little A Co.
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  • 26 4 Tiik steam launch of tlie Tanjong Rhu Slipway Co. has !>een chartered by a Kling firm as a passenger ferry between Borneo Wharf aud Pulo Brani.
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  • 30 4 .V LAKiiK empty totujkantj floated down the Singapore river yesterday and drifted out to sea. The Marine Police went after it in a launch and recow-red it near Tanah Merah.
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  • 34 4 Mi;. O. F. Ourll will give a paper ou The life and work of John Milton at the meeting of the Epworth League, at the Methodist Kpiscopal Church, on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
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  • 32 4 No fewer than eight hundred Chinese coolies were released from quarantine at St. John's Island this morning. They arc to leave for Port Swettenham by the B. I. steamer Tlioiiijwn this afternoon.
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  • 48 4 Ykmtkkhay, a Chinese boy, a lepor, was brought bate* Mr. Colniau for not being JMliiM, I>r. (iibi». Iv Tock Seng Hospi til. certified to the existence of the divas,-. Mr. t'oltnau committed tliu lad to the Leper Asylum. A public 'rikisba was used in carrying this boy about.
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  • 1021 4 Mining Position BroadlyReviewed. Wkittkn ■■mil 1 nil! tiik "HniRI Tarn n lun Stokks. The unprecedented rise anil fluctuations in Mm price of tin have drawn unusual atten tion to the question of tin- future supply of tins ill-distributed metal and, although keen public interest has been awakened in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 ealdbeek frlaegregor (80. WINK AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, ALE, BEER AND STOUT IMPORTERS. Rotel de l'6urope, IN BONOOI OF THK BIHTHDAY OF H. N. M QUEEN WILHELMINA OF HOLLAND. A "Birthday Dinner" Will In tnrted on Friday tht Slit ituUmt, *t 7.30 The Austi.iin string Orrhestra will MoOOOEM special Selections
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    • 195 4 DRS. KEW BROTHERS. DENTAL SUKQEONS, No. 2 Battery Road. CHARTERED BANK BUILDINGS. 1533 Artistic Portraiture Or thk Hh.iiest Excellence HAVING 2 STUDIOS Adapted for Forenoon and Afternoon Light, and our Chief Artist's time being confined entirely to the studios, we are thus enabled to give sittings throughout the day. HIOH-CLASS
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 152 5 RUSSIAN PREMIER IMFORMED HE HAD TO DIE. Social Revolutionaries at Work. liee'd Singapore, Mill August. Private advices from TiHis rci>ort the discovery of a plot against the life of the Viceroy of the Cam asiis. Many arrests have been made, anil those include officers of the
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    • 77 5 Liberals Might be Forced to Fight Against Socialism. The Master of Klibank. Liberal Whip among Scotch members of the House, in a speech at Westlingtou. Pecbleshire. referred la the Labourites and hinted that the Liberals who liad ju-t completed a cru-adc against Protection might be forced into undertaking
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    • 30 5 The l>uke of Oporto (brother of King Carlon of Portugal) while motoring at Cascaes ui'-ar mouth of the Tagu-i fell into a ravine and was seriously injured.
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    • 44 5 British Mediterranean Fleet at Fiume. The British Mediterranean Fleet has been paying a visit to Fiume lAustria Hungary) and at a banquet given in honour of the visitors. Vice-Admiral Lord Charles Ban **> ford and the Governor of Fiurae exchanged complimeutary toasts.
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    • 42 5 Another Assassination in Russia. lice, l. in. lo ,i.,,i. :'*th Augutt. Yet another assassination in Russia. Acting-Military Governoc General of Warsaw, M. Wonlarlar-ki. was driving home in a cab yesterday when he was shot dead. The laMMia unfortuuaUlv Maaßai,
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    • 30 5 Train Held up and three Persons Killed. A train on the Tamboff Railway was held up." by Terrorists, and a Police officer, (iendarme. and the guard were killed.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • 165 5 Chinaman Gagged and Bound by Thieves. Is Saturday's issue, some particulars were givi n of a case of alleged robbery at No. 62 South Bridge Road at 11 p.m. on the 10th. Three men had !>ee?i arrested. Chan C'liu Hcng, the victim, said that he had
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  • 129 5 Thk s.s. Honymvh one of Messrs Wee Bin and Co.'s steairer's trading betwoen the Strait-. Hongkong. Am.iy. and Swatow, due to have arrived here on Friday, will not, however, enter the port till Monday or Tuesday next. This delay, we ore informed, is due to
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  • 90 5 On Sunday, a rikisha puller took up a fare at Crus- Street to go to Kallang. On the way lie demanded his hire, but was induced" to continue the journey. He took his man to Victoria Street where he was among his friends, and there he
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  • 72 5 Reported Death of a Well-Known Writer. Ai'VN by private telegram reports the death, in most tragic circumstances, of Mr Herbert Eastwick Compton. the well-known novelist, biographer, and writer on Georgian and Indian suhj.-cts. whose latest work. The lndrrtakers FitU or Munhr Will Out was recently reviewed in the Strait* Time*.
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  • 125 5 Captain Saxby of the British steamer Braemar. which arrived yesterday afternoon from Liverpool, reports that on the lHth in Lat 7.10 K. and Long. 75.30 K. he pa— < d close to a submerged wreck floating level with the water. About forty feet of lulge was showing
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  • 136 5 A littlk eight-year old Chinese boy with a dollar in his pocket, and then-fun full of importance-, rambled along Rochore Road on Saturday viewing the birds and wondering how he should invest his dollar. He was spared much trouble in this matter, however, for a loafing individual
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  • 84 5 At the request of Mr. Huns Becker, the ineniliers of the German Meichstag were photograph) > 1 hy Me.—rs. Liimlrrt and Coin pany. faring their short stay in Singa|K>rclast Thursday. The photograph is an excellent one. The same can be said of the three different sets taken by Mr. Jensen
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  • 66 5 Ykstkhh.w. Tram Inspector van Buren found a Cliiuaiiian travelling with an old ticket. Tlic man was apparently pivparrd for detection and so had three H nts in hihand. He made a mistake by saving lie hud purchased the ticket he held from tin conductor in charge. He was arrested. Tliis
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  • 95 5 St vtis rii s of the Dutch Borneo oil output -in i\\ that '.i'j.:i:n i ton* of crude oil wore produced l«Ht quarter, and 207.020 tons in the tir -t half of the pi-r-i'iit year, as cou,->arcd with 11*1 .DIMI tons in thccorie»pondiu^ pwte 1 of 1906. The shipment)! of
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  • 79 5 The army transport Sheridan, Captain P.iabody, which sailed in the beginning of .Inly for Manila, was carrying a great fortune in silver currency for the Philippines. Guarded by Lieutenant Tarlton and thirty picked men of the First Infantry, is a bank roll valued at •17,000,000, (gold) and all in paper
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  • 210 5 Judgment ft? Rodriguez' Appeal. J. RoiiKio--K7. wan convicteh the police court of cheating pawnhroi'''™ on three counts Rnd sentenced to eiylit months imprisonment Ho appealed to tho Supre*^ c Court and the appeal was heard sometime ago. judgment being reserved. Tliis mor ning Mr. Justice Fisher delivered judgment
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  • 749 5 Thr East and Th« West." the high class quarterly review for the study of missions instiled by the S. P. G., contains in ita July number an article by one of its missionaries, tlie Rev. F. L. Norris of Peking, an article on this awkward moral
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  • 41 5 A Chinese coolie met with an accident at Howarth Erskine's workshop this morning. The man was cutting a steel plate when part of it fell on him and nearly severed one of his feet. He was removed to the General Hospital.
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  • 41 5 P. C. 660 arrested a Chinaman yesterday in Fraser Street for washing his garments at a public hydrant, thus wasting Municipal water. This morning, he was before Mr. Green and was fined a dollar. The ordinary dhobie would have been cheaper.
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  • 596 5 Rules of a Local Secret Society Betrayed. Yesterday afternoon, Li Lye Sum, Teng A Wi, Kway Ho Ong, A Mooi, Tun Ti, Hoo Lye Kiang and Li Sek Mooi, worn again before Mr. Cohnan on remand for further enquiry into the allegation brought against them by Hip
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  • 96 5 This morning. Inspector Wilson. T. P. Dock Police, charged a Chinaman with mischief in placing two large -tune- on the railway track at Tanjong Pagar Wharf, yesterday. Mr. Waller, an engine driver, saw this aud had the man arrested. A pointsman gave corroborative evidence. The
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  • 109 5 Last night a Malay named Hassan was seen by a watchman leaving Mr. Palliser's premises in Teluk Rlaugah Road with a bundle of chips. He was arrested. This morning, he was haled before Mr. Green for theft It was explained that this prosecution was not brought owing
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  • 116 5 On the 21st instant Leo Neo left liis house iv Victoria Street to fetch some witter. He fastened his door. During his short absence. Ling A Meng drew away the padlock, slipped in and annexed a jacket and pair of trousers. With these he made
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  • 63 5 Captain Pkvnn who is well known in Singapore, has become commander of the new British steamer Sord, belonging to Messrs. G. Mcßain, Shanghai. The boat arrived in Singapore this morning from Langkat with a cargo of oil for Tientsin. She will bn utilised for tho purpose of carrying oil from
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  • 63 5 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company faeld its half-yearly meeting at Hongkong on the 20th instant with Sir Paul ('hater in the chair. The net profits for the half-year were about 1408,000 against ♦82H.0U0 for the corresponding period of 1006. The aiiimiiit tor distribution came to over 1754,000. A twelve
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 Tiik ni-w K. Bt S. launch A mi.i. to Ik- iiscil :i>. a tkilhih laadar, left for lYnann yettttrilny afternoon in rliar«i- of Mr. Trowt'll. tlif <iov( riiincrt llHfMctor of Marine S:irvi\-.
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    • 484 5 "CLAN MACKENZIE" WHISKY /^P As Supplied to The Hou«e of Commons L_ 5 fl|B British Ixdia Ste-ii Savkiation Co., !.w<: /*^B IHV Obir-vt- Pacific Like l^Hr British it African Htajibhip Co F^H Thk Koyal Mail Stxah Packet Co Ha^Bßm Tm Ct an Line The City Gink Thk Bibby Link J^a^a^L^Bß
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  • 329 6 In a small oity office situated in London wall, news is anxiously awaited from ;1 man who sitting on ihp edge of a liiouiitain lake >" Colombia, Central ftisrilTß. waitng for rain. Heavy rsifl niay am for him and for th.isc in the tity office
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  • 304 6 It is reported that the two remaining vacancies for special class clerks on I salary of 13,160 rk'.ng to have bsm oii-'erred on two Federal clerks who are stationed in Taiping. One of them, says he Perak Pioneer." is Mr. 11. Baptist, Chief Clerk. Revenue Audit
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  • 136 6 Tliu- tin- ll.iink.nig Dailj- Press It Is rei>or;«d that the Governor (Sir Matthew Nathan was unable to find a scat in tlic 7 1) liak tram on Wednesday iiiijlit (l. r )th August) and t hat no one thought >if .ill'ering to resign iv favour of the
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  • 48 6 Pmmw WsfHWrti tlio arrival iv tlmt rity of Dr. Timothy Riclmr.l on the •"•tli in st. Dr. Hi.lmr.l WM invited tn Peking l>y the OUaaai MinisWrstocoiifcrwitli tlictii in ri-f.Tctic. to a Jtofmi religious tr.'aty Im -tin' iiiaiiitfiiHiiro of tliorougli j>.m>(l reintions boiween Cbriatcuu im non-.uin.rts thrnngtifißt Urn Empite.
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  • 64 6 Tn Timm of Unlay,, h favour.-.! with tlic following iiif.iriiiatinii r<s|M .•tinj,' the Kl.dani; Ti-i mining mi p.iuy operations. All tin- machinery md.r.d (or tlie mimm Im* bs«i yiv. ii t<i Hmm Bolmmi Itros.. 1.u1.. Caiiilxirm-. Cornwall. Tin wliol, of it will be sliipjM-d in nine winks' time, ho it
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 629 6 WANTED. CHINESE SALEBMAN— For Machinery Department. Apply C, c/o Srain Timtt. Hill SAFE— Wanted to buy a second-band fireproof big safe. Answers to A. L. L. cyo Strain Timn.. MM BOARD AND LODGING— Wanted by bachelor. Apply to Rumakan," c/o Straitt Timr.. i MM BILLET. —Rubber Estate, by young Englishman.
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    • 652 6 TO BE LET. HOUSE— No, 8 Thomson Road. Apply to J. A. Meyer c/o Meyer Brothers. ***** COMPOUND HOUSE— No. 5 Sophia Road. Apply at No. 18-lPrinep Street. 2944 COMPOUND HOUSE-No. 49 Killinev Road. M. E. Shasha, 17 Orchard Road. o 3037 COMPOUND HOUSE.— >? 6 6 4 Oxley Road
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    • 430 6 TO BE jJET. OOMPOUNDHOU6S^ A >r«e compound house, No. 7, Oxley with .tables. Apply «o ANG EWEE Clhamg Nc i 2i 2 Niven i^ HOUBF Para Villa, 30 Sy«d All) Road Rent moderate. Entry Ist Sept. Apply to J. G. JAMES, 3136 28 Syed Alley Road. FURNIBHED HOUSE—' MATFIELD," Anderson
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    • 1093 6 SMAPORE SPORTIN& CLUB. PROGRAMME FOR THE AU fCMN RACE MEETING, 1906. Oct. 16th, 18th and 20th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, October Kith. I.— THE MAIDEN PLATE— VaIue »600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance »20 Distance, R.C. B— THE LAWN STAKES— VaIue WOO. A Handicap for all Horses
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    • 873 6 18th October upon payment o an Extra Free of Ten Dollars. All such entries must be made on the B.R.A. Forms in the usual way, and be handed to the Secretary. 2792 0. P. OWEN, Secretary and Clerk of O>i Cnurte. NOTICES. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. Advertisers are earnestly requested to
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  • 737 7 The by-ways \>f collect ing are rich in eccentricity. In the July 'Pall Mall Magazine." Mr. F. Lees recounts the way in which a MM famous Paris amateur conceived the idea of gathering and preserving characteristic works of art not pu: uies by great artists,
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  • 80 7 A TOCM .j.ntleinan in Paris, named M. Manrie,- I liauliii. is i,|M>ited to have declared war electrically ujiou nioMuaitoeH. Kabrtitutina ekctroention f..r oU-laaUoned metlKKls. Hia iineiitiim consists of a cylindrical lantern conatraeted el twe hdrs tneaanded one al» n the other, and connected l>\ paralW and vertical chains connected wiUi
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  • 171 7 A ment Coomkr tiadc Nam*, in describing phases of Japanese commercial develofMDMt, speaks 01 the remarkable <i w-lupnicnt ol the t'i li: 'iiniii!» industry: pi tha imveiHi in oatU yam product i-. |> !<■ I t Ik- <i< own ol r\|). its tlii> yen. the li.nne ij mantl linni',' grown
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  • 609 7 Strange Story of Mongolia. The Sau Francisco Call" of July 10th says: G. \V. Morlcy, who arrived yesterday on the liner "China," kit hero four months ago in search of his brother in the Far Ka.-s. He has roturn ed to preparo for another search, this time for
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  • 162 7 Anglo- Chinese Convention Th' Culiventicn betwnn Knglaii'l and China Mgudißf Tibet il i-<ni.:uii.-d in five arti'jL.. Au..k' i iv tie Oocyention concluded on September 7th, 1904, between ( Britain and Tibet is hereby ooufinncd, botii high contracting panics engaging to take; at all times mob ateM as may be necessary
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  • 50 7 Thk inli'ihitantH >f a xoctioi of Alliu-ju Philippine* Imvr had U nhjrrt IsMNH in dealing with oholera. Kirs', one man clieil there. About 'Ml of ilic ISO r.-si.lfiits of tli.barrio went to tin linn-rat feint nt the hoHM of tin' dead man. In few days ::n of tliem were dead.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 MOTOR CARS 0 JUST ARRIVED 6 H.P. Two Leatcd Rover (Special Finish) Price $1425. (Trials By arrangement) EXPECTED IN A FEW DAYS One -4 seated 8 H. P. ROVER Oiie 5 seated 10/12 H. P. ARGYLL Full particulars on application to Syme Co., Sole Jig ents. ARGYLL MOTORS LTD. ROVER
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    • 958 7 THE DERBY HORSE FEED. One of the greatest appetizers and muscle produciug foods of the present day, consisting of mixture of sugar, ma>ize, paddy, bran, and salt. Used as a substitute for other food. Readily taken by horses with rapid and a»tonishin(, results. Recommended by all who have tried it.
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    • 49 7 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. The quick relief from rheumatic paina ifforded by Chamberlain's Pain Malm ias surprised and delighted thousands ot mfferers. It makes rest and sleep pogiible. A great many have been periianently cured of rheumatism by th» use of this liniment. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 20 8 It has Ix^en arranged, says our Malacca eorresixuidi'iit. to piny off the golf ekajafioßship there in September.
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    • 37 8 By permission of the Stewards at Goodwood the new |>atent blinders weie used on I'rloritil at the starting i>ost in the race for the Chesterfield Cup. Full Cnj, which also ran. is in foal to Hock SaaA
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    • 36 8 The following will represent the Dutch Club in their match against the S. C. C. this afternoon at .'> p.m. on the Ksplanade Segboer. Pftiffer. Van I^eeuwen Vogelesang. Ank. i-mit. Malar; Johannes, C. Hissiuk, Becking, Moraux, Verniey.
      36 words
    • 48 8 The Kuala Lumpur Y. M. C. A. are arranging a Tennis Tournament (men's singles) open to all members of the Association to be played during September. The prize to be eoinpettd for is a tennis racquet presented by Mrs. Hyndinan-Jones on the evo of her departure for Siugaporc.
      48 words
    • 61 8 The following is the betting on St Leger 2 to 1 nyainst Keystone 11. up to August U (Hob. <i. l.ainl.toiil to 1, Troutbeek (Wauf-hi; twelves. Black Arrow iltoliinsoni. Saucy (Taylor) and Storm (in Praam) 100 to 6,' Oomm ilt. Marsh i ditto, Malua. (Day) 10 to 1. Beppo Pratt),
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    • 584 8 I'brak Racks. XOTKS ASH N'KWS OS THE MEETISIi. Wanna on August 19 our Taiping correspondent says For some reason or another, the Maiden plate aud Roadster races have fallen through. In the first day, the open Galloway Handicap lias been substituted value $:((K) with $50 2nd horse second
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    • 120 8 ToUKNANKNT AT PkKAK. Writing from Taiping on the 28 rd instant our own corrcs|H)iident says that the Billiard tournament for the secmd quarter of the current vein at the Perak Club was finished on the 11th. Thaw left in were Mr. Birch minus 110, R. l'inkuey, scratch, W. Douglas
      120 words
    • 77 8 ■Ml County Championship. Heuter, under date of August 17 and 19 wirrK as follows to the Time* of Ceylon < lluuci'xter has beaten Sussex by an innings niul tif'.y runs. Kent has beaten Somerset by 8.14 runs. The West Indians have beaten Northampton by 15S runs. Lancashire has bi-Hh-n
      77 words
    • 330 8 ISTKRKSTINii MUIIM OF THE P. R. A. Our correspondent, writing from Taiping on the 19th inst., says The members of the above Association were At Home" to their friends nt the Kifle Range yesterday afternoon when members of the P. R. A. and oilier gentlemen competed also, and a
      330 words
    • 313 8 Boxing Tournament in Colombo. Tbe recently formed Colombo Boxing Club has to be congratulated on the success of the first public display of the noble art which has been held under its auspices and if such tournaments can be held regularly once or twice a year the Club will
      313 words
  • 190 8 Tin I "iw in a special article on Sir B. Fuller's resignation, says that while admitting the numerous reasons in favour of Lord Ifiato'l view regarding the disamliation of schools, he failed. |H'rhaps, to realize that it m the character of the Government for impartiality w.iich was
    190 words
  • 44 8 Tiik Master Attendant notifies the following: On and after the 27 th September next. Raffles Light 1 1 10 and 108° Ui'Ki. Coney Island, (Singapore Straits), will be altered to a group-flashing white, showing groups of three flashes in quick succession, every ten seconds.
    44 words
  • 71 8 About 7 o clock this morning, the Municipal Sanitary department burned down three Chinese coolie houses at Nelson Rood, Tanjoug Pagar, by way of rendering infection to the neighbourhood impossible. The Fire Brigade were warned, and the Fire King stood by the conflagration in case of need. Later some one
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  • 134 8 Wk would draw our readers' attention to the advertisement on page 5 with regard to the A rml .1 l illusion Motor Cars. The New Arrol-Johoston Cat Co., Ltd., are the manufacturers, and the Cars are built under the Arrol-Johnston Patents. They are the result of a series of most
    134 words
  • 1090 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time*." Sir, Your editorial comments of the 1 ."it h of Augußt on the Dutch Commissioner's report on Kanka Island move me to add Borne facts and lights to what yon yourself term, a difficult situation, which, to my
    1,090 words
  • 99 8 Lowmoor iron, notes Indian Engineering, once held the pride of place as the highest class of iron procurable in the British market and even Swedish iron had to take a back seat. Modern expert opinion now inclines to the riew, or believes, that Best Yorkshire is a brand that it
    99 words
  • Stop Press Edition. Special Telegram to the "Straits Times."
    • 245 8 Third Day. Monday 27th August. Reed 3-50 p.m. to-day. 1. Kvmi ntim. Purse. Postman 1 Sir Albans 2 Mandolin 3 Won by length and half neck between second and third. Time I. ■-'(>!.. Tote paid t56 $17 and $17. 2. Klian Pal- Stakes. Kalde 1 Choto 2 Bull's
      245 words
  • 328 8 To the Editor of tlie "Straits Time:" Pkau Sir,— The Agri-Horticultural Show has brought very prominently into notice a habit which, in the minds of most people, is of such a character that every lover of thu horse should do all iv his or her power
    328 words
  • 118 8 A CHUB Chinese oook, named Chin Ivain, bad lieen Mfaged l>\ ;i wcnltliv Chinc-e in 110 In Street. 111 1 niton All the *****1. v he < iirni'd has been lostin BMntlHnfl On OM iK-ca-ioii his master (mid lulu -.nine 1:1 nicy or tin 1 provisions he
    118 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e." silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      292 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 156 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 28th Aug. High Water. 4-> p.m. S A. Mnxini Co. Horrnits drill. 5-:tO. Town Hand. i.Un.ule. ■"> t 1,. Wednesday, 39th Am,'. Riot Water. 6- i a.lll IM p-in S V I. Company Drill. -I ..(I. Town Hand. Institution Hill. Ito Thursday, 30th Aug. Hiflli Water.
      156 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 346 9 Date of >rmation 1900 1903 1901 1902 1901 1892 IK9* Capital •175.000 £400.000 •SOO.OOO £.W.OOO £146.700 £200.000 1 2.000.000 Bub«nbed-| ofT^, Pft L d Share. I Wlue I°Pto 1140 000 i 18 M 0 10 10 I 4.000 I 10 It 10 *MO,OOO 850,000 K. 1 T' I )'OOO)
      346 words
    • 294 9 190-i 1905 1904 190.-1 1903 1906 1904 19fr"> 1906 1906 1906 1903 1904 1904 lx9x 1903 £1.10.000 J200.000 £:».000 700.000 170.000 415H.000 t1.'.000 £7 -..000 £310.000 •250.000 £100.000 30.000 tiOO.OOO IIM.MI £30.000 5100.000 £140.000 •120,000 £11,12.-) 1610,000 i'Vl.-VJIi •125,000 £10,900 £55.000 £227,788.15 •225.000 £260,625 £20,000 •135,000 •35.000 £26,000 •91.500
      294 words
    • 197 9 1494 l«9s 1 ki>"> i'<.:(77.10.0 SJJ.i.OOO M 0.000.000 > £4,648.15.0 7.638 > »2-r).(MH) 4.V10 i $10,000,000 80.000 12/6 12/6' Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency. Lt.l •50 050 112,500 Frmser Xeave, Ltd. 10.000.000 a IIM IISS 9,500.000 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 250,000. i 57. 71 imii 770.00 1901 1901 1899 1903
      197 words
    • 45 9 Howarth Enkine. Ltd. 6., 1600.000 3% pram buyers. Riley Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% prem buyers Singapore Municipal 6°,, 400,0'"0 nominal. 5% 1.478.000 par. buyers. 4% 602,000 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6* 250.000 2% prem buyers. 6% 1,365,500 1% prem buyer..
      45 words
  • 338 9 I lie Duff Development Co., Ltd. Jin I'timpany < ion Ixin^; silnaUil in the s<Mithein part of KaUaaaa is aihuiral>l\ suiU-d u> plantiug. TheM is a lar«e iiuuilm 1 of inilimnoiis rower tins growwil in tlic Concession, anil Hainl>oiiK hililmi trees from the to t\\mt\ ;u in
    338 words
  • 274 9 The Malay Mail hears that official sanction has been given fur the building of I bridge over the river at Klang. This is undoubtedly the atOOBM of 11. E the High Commissioner's recent vi-n to that district, when hi met a deputation j of the planters there, and
    274 words
  • 195 9 A i- iv ir i K w.i l li on his departure. It appear! when In- Caaibodian Maji v embarked 09 the Aiiural Ponty, ;> t Mar>i llc». for ll' voyage to the Kast. he suddenly changed his mind, and rummoning the iptain told h m he wi
    195 words
  • 132 9 Took told cm thi m<>-t miser11 in his life -ays liev Kvclyn liiimai,;-, "was when hi wax invitcl by my brother. Colonel I *n r i 1 1 t> retard with him and a companion ficm the Derby in htmtom ill My brother we IBst.. and
    132 words
  • 238 9 PRODUCE, (iambici buyers t 7.22 i do iCnlu- No. 111 1 unpicked 10.90 Copra Bali 8.76 00 I'ontiiin.ik n 8.26 I'.llki. Black buyers „22 do White 28.00 >;i^" Flour Sarawak 2.70 do Hruuei No. 1 2.66 IVail Saßo 5.40 Coffee Bali. li. buyers B% 20.80 Coffee. Palembanc, 20% basis
    238 words
  • 1088 9 Hi. I- Year y Mte i.ij. The ordinary half -yearly mwitiwg of ■haßahsJchWl .11 the Hongkong and boat] ghai banking Corpcnvtion was h.'ld at the City Mall Hongkong on the 18th of Augu.>t. Mr. A. Haupt chairnua of directors, presided. The Chairman read the report,
    1,088 words

  • 515 10 Mr Taorawell bayata, Daited siat.^ (.•onsui. writing froii Kankiaf, myt it ha?, .iKii been a erted that, n.xt to i«a. paaeag is the most oolebrated plant in all the Oiunt. It may wail be terated tha care all, as the Chueee have n wonderful faith in .t^
    515 words
  • 224 10 It is e>t:m.ii.'cl thai than ;ire 600,000 tons of junk, esehaava <>f ;Jic brick. IV'iig in <lv' dc'iri.s in the devastated disdrict of San Kiaiuivoi It .onsists uiiiiiilv uf eopfMr, araaa, Iroa aad steel winch wlh-m inaikctixl, will net the junk daalen many million- of dotlan. If. s.iv.-
    224 words
  • 1356 10 Sjstimatic and Continual Robbery on Land and Sea. Tin- following eoutribttted article ap pears in the Hongkong Telegraph Whilst the tragadji em the \V. -t Rivei steamer Sainam stands oat in clear i outline in tin. minds if am ruadatl and Man its mam iVatuii- become Marred
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 764 10 Ships and Steamers. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Anatralla, India, Aden, Egypt, 1 Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth ■nd Londoa. Through Bills of Lading issned for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about I MAIL LINE. Outward i for
      764 words
    • 699 10 Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I'nder contract with t c Netherlands India Government. .I. 1 ki, nt Singapore Ship Agency, uaa J Daimdixk A Co., 2 3 f'oi i.vkb Qdat. Tbe undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'led Will be desiatcbed for 1 I'ioi BMB Billiton Augt 2tt Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast,
      699 words
    • 543 10 v, V HAMBUR6AMERiXA UNIE. HAMBURQ. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of
      543 words
    • 684 10 N. D L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial (lerman Mall Line. The fast aud well known mail steamers of (his Company sail fortnightly from BremenHambarg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Sue*, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      684 words

  • 421 11 Arrived Since 25th August. I'ti "Sappho". From TeJofc Aasoii: cut norU Mi. T. t Cott, Mr. Mayill. Mr. W. i Kock. Hevd. Brother Dooithien, St Marii n.l Mr. < >i"\. Pi 1: Kiatna. From ft oanij and Port Swi n.i.,111 Mr. F. i Bi ntoo. Mr. Uer.
    421 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 80 11 for Per Bassasr Time Tn-Moimow. ■teagaak 11 a.m. ludragiri Umf noon P.S'tenham Peiißiig Ai«(«.i 1 p.m. Bangkok BrtU 2 p.m. Colombo. Bombay ITaatua Mam 2 i>.iii. Teluk Anson via ports Bsieayar 3 p.m. !!nn«k»k K.<ntt 4 p.m. Bangkok sink 4 p.m. Tringganu X KelanUn BM WhmU Hin 4
      80 words
    • 122 11 From Ki'rope —By the P O. s. s. Ittaaaka due on Ist September. From China—By the P. O. s. s. MM due 30th August. IjCIL rilnBIipOrC ituC ID IjOUUOD illy 19lli P. *O. Any. 1Mb u!v Bed N. I). 1^. Aug. 16th uly 26th B. I. Aug.
      122 words
    • 79 11 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. KastWhibk: Thougwa, G. A)>car. Victoria Giuvnsn Dock Poll Ann. Ai.nKRT Gb »vin(i Dock La Seyne. Section 1 Singapore Section No.— 2 Loch Tay. H Hong Wan I. 4 Nil. 5 Fil. A Machaon.
      79 words
    • 1209 11 Under this beading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq; barque; sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Home-power; Brit. British U.S.— 1 "iiited States Fch.— Frfluch Ger —German l)ut.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.c— General-cargo; d.p.—
      1,209 words
    • 781 11 Smm: port. i>r«h<thU- <lntr uf irri m,l ii-iiiu- vf A'jcnln. Sri-'AXKRS. \chilles. China. Sept. Mmi-ti.-ld \irlip. Sydney. \nu. M 800 I sJaiaoaa, Cum, BaM. HanaflaM .Vmbria. Ramtmrg, No\. SO; Bahn >iAnamba. Bangkok. &og> i Baal AS Annain. EhujM, Am;. N; K. Maritirm itikliwia. Hamborg, Sot. 7; Bahn Hi
      781 words
    • 51 11 A nOUUBLI ti;U!«Mly occurred! at I' mi tin- lTtll Aii^'ist, iiivnlviiii; tin dl two liisjli oflctoh and the wounding others. A iMittk- nf ctln-r which explod I the ofloe of Tuaii Kan;;, n Übi was t)i> OMHS <>> tin' OMUc. l>i' killi-l \vi rMa,MdB( (iineral. L.i Tuu you, Coatoma Taotai
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 699 11 C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mvll Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, 4APAN. AND EUFCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED
      699 words
    • 483 11 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Company maintain a ten-daily service between Calcutta and Hongkong. CALLING AT I'KNANG AND SINGAPORE KJfMOOTM FLEET Tons Commander r.B. Arratoon Apear 4,510 A. E. Gentles h.s. Catherine Apear 2,727 W. D. A. Thomas s.s. Gregory Apear 4,606 S. H.
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    • 320 11 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES THE INTERMEDIATE STEAMER "EUPHRATK 7,(100 Tons, expected here on or about the 28th August, has excellent accommodation for passengers. Rates af pissage Money. Ist Class £32 To Marseilles gl5g 15 lstCUss £38 15 To London 2nd £191 3 Tor freight and i-assajjc apply to C. TOITRNAIRE, 3098 4fans,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 46 11 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HOM6KO3O. -'Tin Ai,. 1 us. Barometer on Hir.cti.,ii ol Wit:.' Fores ti Wuri i. Mac Tamp la Sbada *i MANILA. Mta Til -w, ■> -.'!> -.'0 Tim. Ball* Port Canning and Mount Fabar drop dailj at 1 p.m.. Singapore standard ti'nr o-rssp Hidim '> '< »in. Gfwewiea maautiuie.
      46 words

  • 210 12 Chinese Banjckok Shippers. It has an open secret iv Bangkok ship ping circles, says the Si«m Observer, for a good many months past that there luvs been open friction between many ot tiie Chinese rice millers and deaJer> aud the Norddeutscher Lloyd. It has been partly
    210 words
  • 647 12 Thai tired 111:111 is nelly poisoued by tii accumulated w.isK products of bob own muscular activity is a theory thai i.imili:.r ;:nd has been widely •■nt.u by pliy:o!i>gis-.K. Much of the i- out pnMM iv explaining this co:iditioa is due to a Geruiau investigator. Weil limit,
    647 words
  • 358 12 Spirit in "Temperance Drinks The pages of the report, issued by the Britiah Principal Chemist, upon the work of the Government laboratory during the year ended Mach 31 last, will be searched in vain for a scandal. Although at the different laboratories and stations over a quarter of
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  • 190 12 The Penang Gazette urges the appoint mint < t an add tv ual Judge at Peuang to cope with the increasing business at the Court there. Iv its opinion an additional judge is aha required at Sin gapore. That journal gives the following grounds ■It it a
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  • 506 12 Jjord Aliuto presided at a MMfcuej of the Legislative Council at Simla on the lUth inst. The llou. Air. Baker in nitioduciug a Bill to aiucud lino Excise Act ut IS'JU »id —My Lord, 1 beg to move for leave to introduce a Bill to
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  • 206 12 The C'liainli r i Commerce iv li'<li;i have in\:i ■ddreiecd by th< Goverom nl there \< i in expn mi d t < pini the d' siuii :Hiv i (im cniiM.'i t awardiHg one os two fT^^nnhip annually i'< r ad wmccd commercial ttudiei at; 1 :i<l (or three jrean,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 559 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital »i 0,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve •10,000,0001 1Q (v^ t Silverßeserve 9,500,000 •|1»-500.°00• 1 »-5 00 00 R:serve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Hanpt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Medharst, Esq. Deputy Chairmau. E. Goetz, Esq. A. J.
      559 words
    • 513 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chin» INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £978,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
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    • 648 12 MORTGAGEES SALE MORTGAGEE'S SALE AUCTION SALE. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND Districts or Siolap ash Toah Pvoh at Messers. H. L. COGHLAN A COs. Hart MONDAY. 27th AUGUST, at 2-30 p.m. Lot 1. Twelve plots Freehold Land frontage to Confederate Estate Road, Area 24,000 Square feet together with the native house thereon.
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    • 236 12 yr TANGLIN AUCTION SALL FIRST CLASS TEAK Fl RNII lUK. etc. thk nontan op The Rev. STEPHEN S. WALKER, M A. AT THK MANSK. UAVBKAGH KOAD. SATURDAY, ist September, at 2 p.m. An Excellent Toned Cottage Piano by ltozenknin/. Uiin.l-.nie Soli,l T™k C.inprisiog drawing room tables, teak bric-a-brac stand*. Whatnot*
      236 words