The Straits Times, 10 August 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.110 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. AUGUST 10. 1906 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1003 1 ■■"""i 1 1 111 Reliability Evidence IN FAVOUR OF THE DE DION-BOUTON Car was forged in the Scottish Reliability Trials. One De Dion entered. One De Dion registered Absolute non-stops every day. The tit!e Reliable Cart given lo the De Dion, is proved more and more conclusively day by day
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    • 382 1 ROBINSON COMPANY. ENGLISH MADE np'tr'ncsi iili /v nr^icz^ JED n i I >>& X J£j*c\. I JZZ2 i > AT NEW j Or— REDUCED I 1.1.1 H Pi"«rs »l«dcd;pe.t rail. ,1 6 hv 4 0 >16 50 !.,t tin,, 4 feetO iml..- $20 00 B 6 by I »17
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  • 819 2 The Resolution of the Chambers o Commerce. The Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire was held in London on 10th and 11th July. A reaolu tion in favour of mutual preferential treatment of the product- of the different part? of th Empire was discussed, and ultimately
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 329 2 Siderosthen Paint S| DEROSTH€fi paint« O O tvl FOR IRON STEEL. Stands Tropical Conditions, Acids, Salts, etc. Siderosthen outlasts all other preparations and is in general use by Public- Works Department, Municipalities, Railway Companies, Engineers, etc., throughout the World. Importers Borneo Co., Ltd. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. RFPUKS
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    • 308 2 Maynard Co., Ltd., ENGLISH CHEMISTS. 1 4 BATTERY ROAD. HAVE OPENED A BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT AT 598-3, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, NEAR THE BRAS BASSA ROAD TRAM JUNCTION. HOURS OF BUSINESS, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. NIOHT BELL FOR UROENT CASES 7V/*7>/# <t»w wVnmber 1028. Cinematographs Films 9 s, For a complete
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    • 855 2 A MAN WHO HAD DREADFUL DREAMS. Liver Complaint cured In Sumatra by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is by strengthening the Liver, and with it all the other Organs of Digestion, that Dr. Williams' Mnk Pills have cured thousands of cases of Liver Complaint simitar to the following Mr. F.
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  • 333 3 Mcrsrs \Y. J. and 11. Thompson's Report. London, 9th July. Para.— We have to record a further fall in valuos since our last issue, hard cure fine having touched 5 Of, or 2d. per lb. under our quotation of a fortnight as;o Manufacturing demand rema.tas very
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  • 497 3 Though the naval manoeuvres recently in progress may prove many definite poiatl .n ocean warfare, tactics may ■liTtlv be modified in some points by a new lnventirn. For another naval error has just been added to the list. First we had the wooden ship, armed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Tli" qajek relief frcm ilicurnatic pain? afforded by Chaaaboriaia'a Pain Balm hi-, unpriced aad d«l ghted thewaawi ot infferen. It autkei ml and sleep prs m!>W. A gTWai niJiiiv have been per M'ni'iitlv eared of rhewaaiiaa by ili< 11 of t'li'. liniment. For sale b;- all and
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    • 578 3 TANGYE'S GAS ENGINES and SUCTION GAS PRODUCERS The CHEAPEST and SAFEST Power TANGYE'S OIL ENGINES *"?.r«r.«. HUTTENBACH BROS., Co. •*~Z3aMa&aaaWJßßaaW>aWHßMßaaWSaMß9BBflaaaWXQß^aßaaaaW*B I YAMATO CO. DKVLKIIS IX Japanese Curios. Pvo. 41 HIGH STREET. 229* GRAND PRIZE St. LOUIS 1904. DR DRALLES BIEK^N WASSER LOTION J 1?£ 0? DRALLt»^ raij|' strongly recommended by
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    • 85 3 INDIAN ENGINEERING. AN II'UBTRATED WEEKLY JoI'KNAL THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guarantied bcna fide circulation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C. E CALCUTTA v.c. w.f. ALEXANDRA BBICKWORKS Co, Limited. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. B urid Ml >lmix-.l and hui burnt bricks can be snpflicd at f, 1
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  • 357 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY. 10th AUGUST. Thk Resident of Pahang. Mr. Cecil W ri y. in his administration report for 190.">. states that the revenie of the State for the year amounted to s.V2S.;l«H.asagainst «4.">5.->26 collected iv IMi, with an estimate of 5415.566. There an' thus increase*
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  • 345 4 With «mie people, precedence means something of supreme importance, and therefore it in but natural that representatives of countries, such an Coubulh General, should be techy on the subject and show considerable zeal towards obtaining that position, to wllich they arc entitled, in a procession, at a dinner table, or
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  • 376 4 Thk Kaja of Sarawak recenth adaVwaad tho Council of State on im|.i<>\uuientK in hand out th.'v> 1 1. said that one great work in Sam ".'ah. the gi. • that has yet been vindertaken by th< Crovcrument. i- the tun.i-ihin" by pipe of a supply of water from Matang
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  • 135 4 It is notified from Allahabad that, owing to the success attending the employment of :XK> Sikhs, mostly reservists, in British Columbia, arrangements are being made, despite the white labourers' protests, to import '2. (UK) more of these workers from India. This is an important piece of news. What a splendid
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  • 20 4 L*DV Egkrton was "presented" by the CounteHH of Crewe at the Court at Buckingham Palace on the 18th of July.
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  • 31 4 Silt William and Lady Treacher and Sir Walter and Lady Kgerton attended c Court, held by T. M. the Kiug and the Queen on the 18th of July, at Buckingham Palace.
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  • 29 4 Mx. N. C. Jkllro, a tobacco king, died at Calcutta on the 26th July. Mr. Jeltico was the director and manager of the British American Tobacco Company (India) Ltd.
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  • 39 4 Mi:. .1. C'howlb. of Kensington, who died on tin- 12th of .1 line has left a sum of i. ZJO,(KIO to endow a fuud under the direction of the We.-levHn Conference tor the promotion of C'hri-aian temp ranee work.
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  • 28 4 From Ist July and until further notice Inferior Spirits will signify officially iv Sarawak brandy retailed at less than $10--and whisky at less than 9H per dozen quarts.
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  • 32 4 Thk Turkish cruiser MmmMlk, <CUo toaa, is due here shortly, on her way to Japan from Suakim. The last Turkish cruiser, which called here, was the ill-fated Krthotjrnl some 2() years ago.
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  • 34 4 Mk. K. B. Haldank, Secretary of Stato for War, speaking on the 11th July at I'iinlico. stated that the Army Council was devisinu means for improving the moral and material welfare of British soldiers.
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  • 22 4 Sin Henry Campbell-Bannerman. states that it will be impossible fully to establish Responsible Government in the Transvaal before the beginning of 1007.
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  • 23 4 Tup. yearling rain which wan awarded first prize at the Royal Agricultural Show has been sold for Argentina. The minimi realised 1.450 guineas.
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  • 26 4 Owino to the concert at the Ttutonia Club, tnis evening Dr. Foster has pbatpoaad his party at which the Cornwall Minstrels wen engaged to be present.
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  • 30 4 Tuk directors of the Handelsvereeniging Amsterdam in their report lor IMB, dwell upon the steady growth and satisfactory condition of the Company's business, and recommend a ten per cent dividend.
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  • 34 4 Tuk celebrate the return from Europe of the Sultan, the L>ato Mentri Itesar of the Johore State, on behalf of the officials of the country, gave a banqutt last night at the Jqhore Hotel.
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  • 33 4 Tuk liritisli steamer Smith Awriira arrived yesterday from New York with 1,'>0.380 cases of oil and .'•mi caset> of naptha. They are for Chefoo. The steamer is consigned to the Standard Oil Co.
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  • 44 4 Four private hospitals exist in Pahang. says the annual medical report, concerning which the managers have refused to supply any information; the mortality is. however, known to be heavy. In some of these, no registi rs of either admissions, deaths, or diseases are kept.
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  • 51 4 Tukkk are two things that the rapidlyrising town of Ipoh badly needs at the pre sent time: one. a new railway station and two. a new bridge over the rivtr. The latter, we believe, is about to be constructed, while it is icporU-d that the former will not be long
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  • 49 4 A MKKTiMi of the Siuga|K>re Indian Christian Association will be held at the Association Room, Anglo-Tamil School. Scranggong Road, on Saturday. 11th instant at M p.m.. when one of t!ie members will s|<cak on Cleanliness." A col dial welcome is extended to all interested iv this most absorbing topic.
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  • 57 4 A TKLKGRAii from Tokio. states that the Japanese Government is much concerned at the sentence of death iiassed upon General StoeHsel. Indirectly 'lie Japanese Government has made knotvn to the Russian Government that it believes that the unfor tunate officer did his duty as a soldier, and hopes that the
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  • 67 4 Tin; bailiffs took possession* on the IMb) of Jnljvof Mr J. A. Kensit's premises in Ratal* no-sterrow. on a warrant to distrain for the sum of i:16.~, (is. KM., the cost of the Dean and ChapUi of St. Paul's in the proceedings at the Mansion house arisiny out of the
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  • 72 4 A court-martial appointed to deal with the officers responsible for the sin render of troops on board the Ktnikim Mill a. to the Rmrrfiiwr. in May. I.MM. has m.v delivered jiidginf lit. Two li< uteiiauts. who were in command of the vcssi-l when the surrender took place, have baa*
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  • 88 4 l)ii:i si; the past two years the price of diamoud.s haajaaipad up 2"> \*-r cent. during tin' paat six months tlio priic lias ris<n ID percent., and in another two years diamonds will Im- iinotliir |ht ithi. dearer. The reason for this rise iv MM |>i ii-<- of diamonds is
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  • 68 4 At the annual meeting of the British Km pire League, in London, on the Mil July, Mr. J. (i. Jenkins. Ageut-dencral for South Australia, emphasised the fact that foreign trudc with Australia was im leasing more rapidly than British, though Australians W'ltild sooner trade with the British than with outside
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  • 92 4 AitoMi the paaaMMKI who sailed recently from the I'nited States for the East by the steamer '■'.ntjirr** of China, was a noted Japanese who is credited with a novel mission. He proposes to increase the stature of the Japanese islanders, who in the ancient days, were known as the dwarf
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  • 116 4 A company composed of Japanese and Norwegians has beon formed to work the fisheries off Japan and Korea. It appears that, owing to a falling off in the fisheries off Norway, the Government has ordered a temporary close season" and that many fishermen and their boats and appliances are in
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 89 4 Rumour that Czar Intends to Abdicate Throne UcrUn, 9th .ln-/«W. A rumour about tin- Czar intending to abdicate proves to be unfounded. The Czar and his family will not take a foreigu trip, this time. The Pall Mull Gazette publishes extracts from letters written by the C/.irina
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    • 18 4 The news of Dalny having baan opened to foreign trade is favourably coinim-nted upMii in Berlin.
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    • 13 4 Sir Henry Campbell lianuet man has paa ceeded to Marienhad.
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    • 22 4 The S tain la r. I Oil Company stands charged with illegally accepting rebates 011 railway traffic rates.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 62 4 Patrol Ordered to Fire Upon Japanese Fishermen. KnJ. Singapore IM fill, .1u,,,,.t. Siipplimenting the telegram published in tin Straits Times yesterday regarding the killing by Americans of Japanese FiabanaM, who had trespassed ou the Aleutian island in Alaska. Reuter states that when the Japanese raiders refused to surrender
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    • 63 4 Priceless Address of Appreciation Presented. The Duke of Somerset has conveyed to Ix>rd Milner an address of appreciation of his services in South Africa. The address is signed by .ITII.IHMI adult males. Lord Milner in responding to the gift stated that personal annoyances unaffected him iuiic 1
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    • 29 4 In- Ml ,(.m. WHi Angus!. The Standard Oil Company ha\< 1» c n indicte<l at Chicago on a charge of illegally receiving rebates from Railroads.
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    • 30 4 A notable feature at the Stock Kxchangiyesterday was the large pure ha-i s effected in gild-edged securities for investment in Iba Kreneli loan to Russia.
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  • 30 4 Thk police bare reeaived the report of the of two liriMH-lics, rained at $H<> and Ik lony in..; to Mrs. r'arrcr Haynes. which wen abstracted from Waverlev." Orchard Road
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  • 28 4 Mi:. T. I»i i.i.i v PABaom of Singapore will l>e married at Pcnang on the 1-ttli to inst Miss K. A. lioliinsnn. who arrives at Penally from Kngluuiljto-day.
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  • 43 4 Tn Slianyhai Life Insurance Co.. 1.ti1.. have instituted a novel gratuity to tluii (xilicyholilers. The I'oinpany him' pies,n Uil la khoae who are insured with them lot |S\ooo and over a gold medal and to those with a less |Mili<v a silver mi'dal.
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  • 40 4 Thk Daily Mail states that a syndicate 0J Berlin hnuneiers has leased the island ot Chiloe from the Chilian < ioverninent. which it ■Mfaaaa to colonise with (ierman artisans. It also contemplates Iba establishment of a coaling station on the islaud.
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  • 43 4 Tmi inemlx-rs of the Special Chinese Mission to BanM having been struck witli the efficiency of the artillery and infantry ot Norway, it is reported that they have ie< -iuu memle.l the engaging of a iiiiml.ii ..I Norwegian instructors for the Chinese ann\.
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  • 41 4 CAMION is moving toward* Western ideas A South (hiiui A/ornim/ /c.W correspondent nous that instructions have U-en issued bn the registration of all chair anil street coolies so as to minimise the opportunity fors<iut<v ing the unwary and ignorant visit.. i
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  • 135 4 As instance showing the extent lowhiell speculators will go has just baa* brought to the notice of the South Cliin.i IforNMf Pott. Early tins your a syndicate of British ship pan derided to fit owA in Baglaad toe ataaaaar Anglo Cmnmdian, ao mm Make the IMMI for tin axoiniiKKlation
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 "PHENOT"p»i n f e ct,nt Positively Jcills <3erms and ®&eeks nun i'aktk i i.aks or the value of PHEXOL SKK 001 I'KH'K LIST, PAGE 46. Price Per BepfeL Quart Bottle 80.30 1 Gabon Tin $1.50 '2 $2.75 5 and 10 gallon Drums on application. One Quart 1 f Ten Gallons
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    • 258 4 Wilson Go. NEITHER NEED NOR SEEK NEWSPAPER PUFFS B*a oive FREE HITTINGrt As STIMfLANT FOB IXM.IENriSO BOKINKXS. HI T T*KX A Short Cut to Success Highest Possible Excellence. A visit of inspection to our New Photographic Ait Gallery where our latest productions are on view, is cordially invited. G. R.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 154 5 COMMISSIONS 1 REPORT VERY ADVERSE. Discreditable Revelations. Xec'd. Singapore., )>.»i. Wth August. The report of the War Stares Commission iv- been published. It makes many adverse comments upon the conducting* of business supplies at the office in Pretoria, and states that there was an undoubted tendency
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    • 35 5 Tin' text of the Tibetan treaty has been published. It contains provisions which were fully covered by the statement made hv Lord Fitz;iiaiirice in the House of Lords on the Ist of May.
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    • 44 5 Petition Presented for a Reduction. The British Columbian Salmon canni rs have presented a petition for the reduction of the head-tax on immigrant Chinese. Owing to the scarcity of labour the greatest importance is attached to the judgment of the authorities.
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    • 74 5 Passive Resisters Dsclaraheir Campaign Justified. In the Court of Appeal it has been decided that the Kducation Act of l'.wi-j fan not oblige the local authorities to pay teacher)) for religions instruction not provided for at schools. The Passive Kesisters now declare that their campaign has been fully
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    • 24 5 Speaking at Wrexham. Mr. Lloyd-George said that the Welsh I )is establishment and Ois-emiownient Bill would likely be passed U'fore Parliament ended.
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    • 12 5 Sir Henry I'amph.'l RuMMM has started for Maiienbail.
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    • 23 5 The total exerts for July were OM4S,MS, the large-t ever yet recorded. The ImMH included 1J.H',1.17:; Worth of tixtile trail
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  • 315 5 Celebration at Raffles Hotel. CoWMUTMM Dai was celebrated in a right royal manner at Halites Hotel last night when a large uumticr of residents sut down to a very excellent dinnc:. Music was provided during and after dinner by the string hand of the I nion Hotel. The
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  • 64 5 I'oNsT.iNT Tkavkixkr again returns to the attack in favour of allowing the trams t.i [ia^ OMMfagi at full sjh ed and agaiust coiii|m Ming them to pull up before Uic more im|H>rtaut junctions, but he llat pmUl in ignoiing the difficulties of rikisha traffic in connection with carriage trattic at
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  • 804 5 ENEMY SUCCESSFULLY DRIVES DEFENDERS BACK. But Fail in Attempt to Seize the Camp. if'rom our Sprrial Corrrrjiomient.) Trluk AycrCamp, Wth .fitly. Thk garrison manceuvres have been proceeding for some days, but I have been unable hitherto to send you any copy owing to the very strict surveillance by
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  • 706 5 How They Came Near Defeating the Enemy. i />'</ Another Spx-ial CorTMfmdtut,) Sixty human beings, begrimed with coal dust and several varieties- of dirt, were to lie Keen lust night ci*-c|>in<; sUiilthilv over the (■rcat stacks of coal at Tanjonn Pa^ar. From the <lec|) shadows of
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  • 355 5 It was runoiired in Singapore, yesterday afternoon, that the euemy had been successful, so far. iv their advance, and that our yallunt defenders were in full retreat towards the D«x-ks. The most wavy of the Strait" Tun-*' staff, and the least capable of flight liefore an
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  • 130 5 Tuk Japan Gazrttr states that a fracas took place between British and American bluejackets at the Britannia Hotel." Yokohama, on July 17th. At first, eight Americans and thirty Britishers were engaged in a dispute arising out of the mutual exhilaration of the parties. The Americans,
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  • 31 5 Thk Army Council has decided that the order for Royal Garrison Artillery to discontinue the practice of firing for cups and similar trophies is not to apply to the Auxiliary Forces.
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  • 25 5 Tuk Rajah of Sarawak, and Major Brooke, arrived yesterday by the Sarawak yacht Xahora from Sarawak. The yacht will remain here for a few days.
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  • 61 5 This morning. Veterinary Surgeon Falxliaw brought a Chinaman before M r. C'olman on a summons for working a lame pony. The cane was against the owner who pleaded guilty. Mr. Falsbaw said the animal was incurable and that the owuer had agreed to have it destroyed. It had not beon
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  • 712 5 The Contract Labour Case. ISkfork acting Chief Justice Law yesterday, the case of Sheikh Mohamed Si rang against Kochappi Serang for a balance of ♦HO2. alleged to be due on a contract by which the plaintiff and defendant in joint partnership furnished Messrs. Howarth Erskine Co. Ltd..
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  • 175 5 On Tuesday night, a European named .lackson. engaged a rikisha. and after midnight b* disagreed about the hive. Both the coolie and the Knropeau became c: cited, the result lieing that the vehicle was tnrown into the sea. so the puller said. The. matter was reported
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  • 95 5 Wk understand that as the result of investigations the police authorities have come to the conclusion that no attempt was made to break into the safe at Sepoy Lines Police Station as was reported recently. Sergt. Hart noticed a few scratches on tin safe |nd
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  • 54 5 From October next, after the annual inspection of schools, the lower classes are to be cut off from the Raffles Intitution thus making the Fifth Standard the lowest- in which instruction will be given. Only those pupils will be admitted who have passed, 01 are capable
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  • 21 5 Wk congratulate Mr. Plumpton and Mr. Yenning on tbe auspicious occasions, to which reference is made elsewhere in today "b i«sue.
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  • 1059 5 Municipal Board. ORDINARY MEETING THIS AFTERNOON. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal CommissionerH was held in the Municipal Board room at 2-80 this afternoon. Mr. K. G. Broadrick, the President, occupied the chair and there were also present: Dn». Murray Robertson and Boon Keng. and Mi-s ,rs.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 389 5 SPECIAL. JT yj UOHTLY U SEP F 1 ANOS from R hi L re' ®V tdefolbxing well-known makers 3 Hopkinsons $4SO, $475, SSOO, Usual Price >600 2 Haake $450 5625 1 Paul Werner $425 $600 1 Racha's Grand $300 (Just been entirely Renovated) 1 Raohals Semi-Grand Used for a few
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  • 665 6 The plan for tunnelling from Franco t4> England underneath the Straits of Diner, which was abandoned about thirty year:-, ago owing to the opposition of the English authorities, has recently been revived by the establishment of I'r ••nilly relations between Great Britain aud France, and the
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  • 164 6 1 A revival all along inline," says < no of the l.iti'.-t Hongkong ■reports on tfca y.irn niarkct, be it Bombay or Hongkong or Shaughai. The\report adds "Merchants are s:ill scepticY»l as t\> what extent credence should Nbe placid OB the recent Japanese announcement t. > open Manchuria to foreign
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 Bowel Complaifnt in Children. During the sumJncr months children are subject to disorders of the bowels winch should reecijve careful attention as soon as the first 1-iiinatural 100-. :ho bovtii apjH-artv The best medicine in use for bowel f^uiuplaint is Chamberlain's t'olic, ChoU ra and Diarrhoea Reiiicilv us it promc
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    • 439 6 WANTED. CABHIER AND BILL COLLECTOR— •Ji-rurity required. Apply, with copies of testimonials to 8.. c/o Stratts Times ■2089 STOREKEEPER— Required, mast be active and have testimonials. Write K. It c/o gtrmU* Timct. MM TEACHER For Chinese conversation wanted by European. State terms, letters 0.. c/o Sruitt Time*. MM BOOK-KEEPER— Wanted
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    • 637 6 TO BE LEt HOUSE— Letcomb Cottage, Gilstead Road. Apply to John Haffenden, Gilstead Road. 2881 HOUSE— No, 8 Thomson Road. Apply to i J. A. Meyer c/o Meyer Brothers. ***** COMPOUND HOUSE-No. 5 Sophia Road. 1 Apply at No. 18-1 Prinep Street. 2944 OFFICES.— SmaII first floor offices facing Cavenagh
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    • 1074 6 NOTICES. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. Advertisers are earnestly requested to send In their smaller advertisements or notices of change Before Noon (on Saturdays before 10.30 a.m.) otherwise their orders may have to be postponed to the following day. Large advertisements In future will require twentyfour hours' notloe for Insertion or change.
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    • 524 6 FLITTERMOUSE MANURE. Best natural manure of considerable azote proportion, for Coffee, Chincona, Tea. and Caoutchouc Plantations, 4c, deliverable at any time fob Tjilatjap (Java). Information regarding quantities and price by letter or by cable. Drafts against shipping documents on the basis of bankers' credits. Apply to E. A. WOLFF, 2984
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    • 137 6 LAGE STORE 170, ORCHARD ROAD. Larfe and varied ttock of Laces, Nottingham. Valenciennes, Irish and Brussels and English and Swiss Embroideries. Prices very moderate. Inspection Invited. M. E. SHASHA. 2SO-2 POWELL CO. Sole Agents for PIANOS BY S. MOUTRIE&CO., LTD. Pianoforte Manufacturers Shanghai and Hongkong. Nt.W MODELS JUST UNPACKED Inspection
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  • 353 7 A Distinguished (ierman's View One of the most convincing evidence* of China's intention to take hvr place among the progressive powers of the world is the recent sweeping imperial edict taking over the Customs service from the hands of foreigners into Chi nese control. Whether this means
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  • 216 7 The "Ceylon Observer" recently estimated a total oi Hii.oiio acres under rubber in Ceylon. It vow underslaiuis that another 15,000 to 20,000 acres must be added for plantations, lanuj and gardens planted with rubber and held by native puprietors that are not given in the returns
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  • 32 7 Sir J. P. Rodger, K.C.M.G Governor of the Gold Coast Coloi>y, wl»<> at present, in England on leave, is. 'ays ttio "Mining Journal." not expected to return to duty in that colony.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 129 7 Dan Macfarlane Co/s ROYAL V. 0. V. Jbiqueur Seoted VOf)isky. bK) OBTAINABLE FKOM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. 2365 Sole Jlgents. What we Do. We do Well. m^ m^ Good Work
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    • 389 7 prn lilpllQ ft. hn onus* ULU. AliUUo a uU.. admiralty quality india LIMTED Jj. vV D RUBBER SHEET ("^i"") BT. JOHN'S WORKS, MWCASTLE-OM-TYIIt 4r* R IUO o Oak Tanned Leather Belting. A S I THE "RED ANGUS" SHEET. Unit Belting, Raw Hide Belt! ng, c agf^i TTYv I Raw Hide
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    • 58 7 "RUBBER" REQUIRED. Rl'BßKK— Kngagement either temporary or I iwrmaneut, to select and lay out areas suitable fur robber cultivation, prepare estimates, Ac or as manager or superintendent of a large es'ate, has had over 16 years' experience in Rubber Agriculture, Sleeper, Timber and Forest work. Writ up in bnsiness accounts.
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    • 43 7 1 GRIM All LT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap ORIMAULT C" tfr \i MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP V Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted In the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 Parla
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    • 200 7 Hklp!" Nobody as* dsa ribe the torture* of J neuralgia. \<i lium.iii wordi will essn y j J an il.i of ihe n (ul pain« that >hoot J H through tile -linear. lic»l. If re.l-h..t <* witr. -o MbulUuJ (..r the ner.c. Ihe pxin woulil lie n.. i-reater. J Thr.,,,4h0iin1,.-.v..,l,lcric<f,.t
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 29 8 Wolff, a longdistance swimmer, attempted un the lutli .Inly to swim the Knglish Chan Del, hat abandoned the effort after being in the water 10 bourn.
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    • 29 8 Dr. (irace, the veteran cricketer on the ISth .Inly, his BMh birthday, signalised the sasasjaa hv scoring 74 runs .vhile playing for the (ieiitienuu of Kngland against the Players.
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    • 30 8 The following is the probable Y. M. C. A team against the Drums to be played tomorrow Kdmette. Kliciimen. Lovcridge l,a]H>ile. (ioet/10. Davis. Chapman, Hall. Diohan. I'nosake and Van Cuylcnburg.
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    • 47 8 After all W. W. Udell, brother of F. of that ilk secured his place in the Gentlemen v. Players match as also did Lord Daluieny. In 'JS& overs, five of which WON maidens, Udell captured a couple of wickets one of which was that bowlers, nightmare Hayes.
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    • 53 8 Diamond .lubilee. until lately the pro|>crty of the King, left Southampton on .luly 18 in the K. M.S.I'. Nile foi lineiios Ayres. Several valuable hones, including Val d'Or. PieUrmaritzhuig. and .lardy, have of late been purchased for studs in Argentina. The majority of the chief winners in South Africa come
      53 words
    • 381 8 Bascu or tiik Lin..hi.i.:> Puts. The toUowiag the result c;f the^lield Plat*' run on Friday. .Inly U last: The Liiifitield Park Pbta ot :t.(KX) soys. the owner of the second received M 0 soys. and of the tliird lim so\s.. tbs noininatoi of the second 100 soy,..
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    • 210 8 Siv. woi.r. 1-. M. S. Tin team for the fiingapnm XI against the Kedcrated Malay States has b, in sel, ct. .1 anil the members are hard at work at the spacta] mt reserved tor them. So far there are eiyht S. C. C player- whilst then ;tlc till
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    • 309 8 Lamm Law* Tuna Cum Tounuanorr. l'la\ for Saturday, August 11th. is as lotlowi Mi.- (iiinn hikl Mis. Murray v. Miiut and Miss A. "Toaster Play fi'i Momlny August IBUI is Mrs. Murray. :iinl Sal/.i.ianii v. Mrs. Freer and Mr. Nubian. The j .l.iy for Tiiiml.iy An^ust 14th in
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    • 94 8 Wama v. Colours of S.C.C. Tiik. followiug are the players in the Whites v. Colours match this afternoon on the S.C.C'. ground at fivo o'clock:— White* ;—B. K. Taylor. H. A. Mason, F. O. K. Brown. C. A. Pearcy. H. Millard, C. E. D. Wariy. K. I. Sal/mi'iiii. H.
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    • 186 8 Sl"BM RIITIONS KOK iNTKR-PoHT TROPHY. The I'iniini/ (Inzrttc says that the movement for securing a suitable trophy for the annual inter port rifle match has taken definite sha|>e in Penang. a sum of 1180 having already been subscribed as the nucleus of a local fund. By a mutual arrangement
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  • 543 8 Good Shooting of the Malay States Guides. The following Sooting items appear in the papers, whiih have arrived by the German mail, this morning: MACKINNON (HU.I.KM.K Cl'P. The winners were the Scotsmen, almost every one of whom is a well-known They compiled the fine score of
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  • 61 8 A new fog signal has been fixed ap at Needles Lighthouse. It takes the form of reed truniiiets worked by compressed air, and can be started instantaneously when fog descends. This will be a great boon to navigation, as the blast of five seconds' duration uvery 16 seconds can be
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  • 56 8 The very strong departmental committee who have reported with respect to the amendments required in the Joint Stock Companies Acts at home make no sweeping proposal- They apeak cautiously and guardedly. They hare probably found, as they prr>coeded in their investigations, that in seeking to remove one evil there in
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  • 1142 8 List of Entries in the Classes Reserved for dogs. Th? following is a litt o: entries in the Dog classes at the forthcoming AgriHorticultural Show Class 263, Smooth Haired Fox Terrier Dog. (Ist Prixe, Cup, presented by L. 8. Lewis, Esq.; 2nd Prize, Cup.).— Name, Chesai," Colour, White,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 427 8 K A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e." silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton empe kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set- jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 130 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 10th Aug. High Water. Concert. Teutoiiia Club. 9. Saturday, nth Aug. High Water. 223 a.m. J-49 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. liiisitaiiiiin Club Concert. 9. 8. K. A. Annual Meeting. Sunday, isth Aug. High Water. 3-11 a.m. 3-29 p.m. Biota after Trinity. Penang Settlement Anniversary.
      130 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 356 9 Date of formation Capital Number Bubocribed of I Share* lasue Paid Value lop to i Reserve Company QcoTmoxs Pays at Pretcn Price. 1900 1903 1901 1902 1901 189-2 MM 175.800 £400,000 9300.000 £30.000 £146.700 £•200.000 2,000.000 •140,000 i wa"^ 4,000 £350,000 350,000 •293,600 fJoOO 1 GM mil i f,*
      356 words
    • 281 9 1905 1905 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 I I £150.000 1200.000 £30.000 700.000 170.000 •150.000 1-1-2.IVM) £140.000 •120.000 £11.125 1610,000 £59,520 •1 25,000 £10,500 140,000 1 1 20,000 10 t 7 f 7,000 1 1 11,000 1 I 7/9 70,000 10 10 !'.OOO unuued 63.000 1 1 I 7,000
      281 words
    • 196 9 l-.U 1898 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 1891 UM 1890 £-„:tTT.IO.O 9-2-25.000 M 0.000.000 52. 400,000 *:U,OOO •87-VOOO 5600.000 930.000 J'200,000 ♦500.000 i £4,648.15.0 7.638 12/6 1"2 r. 8-2-25,000 4.500 •50 »50 112,500 10.000.000 a ei0.000.000 «i-2.-> hrn 9,500.000 •j-ici.ixm; I •2,400,000 I I jj°°° 1100 »100 •34,000
      196 words
    • 48 9 Howartb Erskine, Ltd. 6°. Riley HarKreaves, Ltd. 6% Singapore Municipal (V 4% Taiijong Pagar Dock Co.. Ltd. 6V, •600,000 225,000 400,0 0 1.478,000 602.0T0 i r >0.000 1,865,500 2% prem buyer*. 2% prem buyers. 2% prem buyers, par. buyers, par. sellers. 2K, prem buyers. 1% prem buyers.
      48 words
  • 338 9 The Duff Development Co., Ltd. Tai Coiniwniv oni-i -.i.'.i liiiuy MitnattKl in thi' Soutlii-rii part of K.l.iiitan i> admir kblj snit.d to planting. There, I. I l'ir«e imhiilmt ot iiidiyeiioiis rabbet tceee tram tiv. to twenty years in aaja Maj be Men grnwiag plan te< 1 a littli
    338 words
  • 330 9 Messrs Wilson Smithett Cos Circular. London. 1 ltb July. The flat tone prevalent at the date of <>ur last rortuightly issue ha.» been ac- ceutuated. and at auction on 6th instant prices were again in buyers' favour, with limited demand. 60 packages Para and Peruvian realised, ontrefine
    330 words
  • 259 9 Than om aaaaaiag statemeu; m tinKeport of the Burdwan India Agricultural Station for 1906. It is re corded tli.r tin in turn < > ill. unmanm ed plota of paddy was much heavier. while that of the ni;niuvd plot! w;i ):ni:-li lower, than the average of tin preceding
    259 words
  • 234 9 Singapore, 10th August, 1906 PRODUCE. i. l.i. i buyers 7.12J do (CnU X,,. 1 1 unpicked „11.00 Copra Bali 9.10 liv I'outianal; 8.75 11.I 1 |i]h r. Black buyers 21.871 do White 6% 27.50 Satfo Flour Sarawak 2.H11 Jta Brrnu-i No. 1 2.65 l'earl Sago 5.40 toffee Bali.
    234 words
  • 624 9 Surveys in 1005, 1 Permanent Survey fur a L ght Railway from Ipoh to Tr nth in l\rak This survey was begun ia .-opt ml, i. 1905, and a the close of the year the line had been permanently Incited i'|> to the 9th mile, leaving
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  • 112 9 A correspondent in Los Angeic, California, says that Mr. Edwin Cawstou, a multi-millionaire American ostrich fanner, is going to England to start, the American mail order business there. Following the. method ho adopted in California, hjs first step will bo to rent suitable buildings where he will
    112 words
  • 37 9 The Directors of the Hongkong aud \Vliain|>oa Dock Company, Limited, have just reroniniended a dividend of II jmt cent., equalling 86.00 per share They al-. (in pose to write off about. 161,000, and carry forward about MtS.OOO
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 A Oood Kule for the Home. Make it one of your regular aabiti keop Chantberlian 1 Cclic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your hoaM M a lafeguard against a Midden attack ol bowel compliant. I>. is c.-rtain to be needed sooner or later, and when that time comes it will
      61 words

  • 337 10 Curious Kesult of the hire. Oh of the most interesting relics o, daaatex at Baa it—dieo, aad one thai HflHlintl ;> k*i oi many Umb> ands of doiUui to the United Hailroads. ((.nsists of various masses of molted com tliat tin' -tv i railway ew|wy
    337 words
  • 286 10 Is it possible to comple<e the last stage of mechanical appliance in the telephone, and to eliminate the girl at the exchange who is called upon to connael 'li mmbani A now invcntiiMi has come to us from the horn© of the ;elephone Canada which givea bur
    286 words
  • 248 10 The foUowusj cutting Erojn aa i -nt iiipi'i.n v ralan to Iv aaa, i ara tin i)i;iins ;ii( miUi «>>t <v BrisbaiM. i Jii. :ilan<). It suiinuiided l>v lafgt > ti < p l:tii:i^. and i tatt hemming a w beat p ij i .itir TLu
    248 words
  • 1031 10 It is iiu|H».siL>lu to ooonUnata iinvaried and Inigiiientaiy newspaper it. ports which >(j.ik; from St ttaenbaig with regard to proceedings in the Duma, without tracing the progi. tion by a reference to parallel events in Ifcaaaa at tin- end ot the fijghtwinth
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 720 10 Ships and Steamers. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. lhrongh Bills of Lading issued for China Vast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Americau Pert*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Oiifir.ird i/or China). ikeana 18
      720 words
    • 1338 10 HcninUlljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with t c Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore Ship Agency, late J. Daxkdkls 4 Co. 2-3 Cou.vr.R Qdat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be des]»Whed for Win liicmtdyk 'Batavia Aagt 6 Batavia, Soerabaya, Makassar, Balik i Papan, Donggala, Toli-Toli,
      1,338 words
    • 687 10 N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Oerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremeuHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, aud Kobe
      687 words

  • 303 11 A eoinparison of the banitary Rept>r.s ol the In.tid Province* with those of Cbenrioal lixauiiner and Bacteriologist ol the Government of the same Pro■BaOM would seem (says the "Friend of India to lead to the conelu>inn taVat water plays a very minor part in the d.->iininaiiiou of
    303 words
  • 277 11 Nearly 3-D men it tlie LitWlaaWl tonipaiuei of the BojaJ Army IfedJCaJ \oluuteerj; were in-peetvd in 11v.,e r.uK iiv Coioael sloggett, Prinajtattl -Med.c.u" Ollie.r (M >li- HotM Dutiici '111 otaflcci praaaat ;n--cloded C 'ilmul Valentine .Uualicw> mi CA.'iiiinand). Jlon. Colonel Cantlie. Mayor. Adjutant Langfoid l.lcyd, and
    277 words
  • 170 11 A i ;i incitiiiij of Collector.- if Laud Ki-vcnut' in Taipimg las. weak, a* Strait* Real I correspondent undcr3tan<l>. the qucition of advising <: ajuajii hat \x- to re luce the premi.-ni and high r. til M ISbSCT land Ml fliilv (I KMaMtl. Kvirvi:lie Ir.ijxs thai ini'ii od tn tax
    170 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1318 11 Under tbie heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah. ship bq; barque sch. schooner Tct. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p.- -Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— r-.ited States Feb.— French Ger —German Dut.— Dutch Ital.— Italian Span.— Spanish 1 Sar. Sarawak; G.c. General-cargo;
      1,318 words
    • 136 11 August A Tranquebar. Dan str. H'kong, B'gkad, Japan Heim. Nor str. Bangkok Antenor, Brit str, H'kong, Shanghai, Jn|«n Kampot. Keh str, Saigon Vladimir. Kuss str, Vladivostock Totomi Maru, Jap str. Colombo. Bombay Giang Seng. Dnt str. Samarang via ports Mira. Brit str, Pulo Samboe. Aroe Bay B. A. Broch.
      136 words
    • 111 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. TAHJORO P»G»R. Ei-t Wmm Basin:— Nil. Ei-rWHinrSn non I:— Zaida.Pitsauulak.Klak. Salahadji. Albert Graving Dock Nil. t Bam Wihiik Ski Tinx 1 Paknam, Calypso. Victoria Graving Dock Eden.lale. MAIN WHARF, TARJONS PABAR. Skition No.—
      111 words
    • 92 11 for Per Steamer To-morrow. Timt H'koug. S'ghai, Japan Sneolra LabnanA- 8'dakan etc. Montita Penang, Colombo, B'bay liina Hongkong. Shanghai >«M<> P. Sut-tU'iiliam. Penang fin Seng Pen&ng, SabanK. Padang ./<iy>.i/u Malacc*, P. D. it P. S. Malacca Kuantau.Triiigganu.etc/'oMfmmiASiak, Paueb, Asalian llrmnrer Peuang and Deli Hebe Deli, Asalmn Stttmm llkmiR.
      92 words
    • 128 11 From Eoßora—By the 8.1. s.«. Twin due to-morrow morning. From CaWA —By the M. M. a. a. A. Heliudue on 13th August. Left Singapore Dae in London .June 37th S. D. L. July 22ud June 28th B. I. July 23«1 July 2nd M. M Jiily 26th July
      128 words
    • 787 11 Xniiir, port, iirnbnbli' dull' of itrrival, -md name of Agent*. Stfamkks. Airlie, Sydney, tag. '-'< Boustead. Ac-1.i11.-s, China, Sept. 2; Man«tield Albenga, Hongkong, Sept. Belm Hi AlciauuB, 'hum. be^i 4 Mansfield Alesia, Hongkong, Am lit Behu Meyer. Annam, Saigon. Ani;. :l() M. Maritimes Andalusia. Hamburg, Nov. 7; Helm
      787 words
    • 229 11 Per P. <i- 8. k. OMm conne tinß with t!io steamer OrMM at CllllwTw. f.mi l,i>u< July 20, due 18th ftiirrt Ma—l D, A. BUwp. J. Watson. Mr K. Ken-, J{. \V. Ramagit. H Beechintf. L. I. Mitchi-11. It v B IV Co.irrv Blftkenrv. Krimi Colombo. Mr.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 683 11 C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUFCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
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    • 646 11 N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co, Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Compary's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
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    • 55 11 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LTD. FOR BOURABAYA, BROOME, PORT HEDLAND, COBSACK, ABHBURTON, CARNARVON, GERALDTON AND FRE MANTLE. The Company's steamer CBAJtOS, 2.6*1 tona register, Capt. Bell, is intended to sail for the above ports on Saturdaj the llthl August. For freight or passage apply to W. MANSFIELD 4 Co., Lte., 2974
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  • 569 12 Mr. Owen Seaman's Amusing Lecture. A large audienoe listened to Mr. Oweu Seaman, the master of literary cancatuie. Wcturing <oa Parodies, 111 suudurUiul ll»use recently, on behalf of the Invalid Children's Aid Association. Mr Seaman told his hearers that he would not conceal from them the deplorable
    569 words
  • 296 12 Then ia now to be seen at the (ivstal Palace ths smallest man on earth, Prince Oolibri, 23A inches high, H« will sit on the hand of his manager. C l.lovil. and if vim take him in your arm- he leak as light as a feather. llnw
    296 words
  • 514 12 Thai certain diJurders may Ijo cii: :d or relieved by a powerful diversion rf the mind l.:ip often shown. Sev 1»l instances no relate.i in an editorial ,r--tide in The Medical Times" \',t York, June). The first, quolod fn.ia Tukes book, "The Influence of (he M.nd on the
    514 words
  • 354 12 After experimenting for maiiv ream a Hungarian chemist ha. raco using glas.*- shells filled w.tli bud, a producing optical Icrutx quite ;i> good U the best massive glass Iwh it pwul Mad, and of much greater size. This fact was reported to our Government W a. KuiiL-e, Amnrmii
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 715 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. By Order of fhe Supreme Court AUCTION SALE OF A FREEHOLD BX'ILDINO SITE AT PABSIR PANJANG ROAD Tuetday, 14th August, at S-30 p. m. All that piece of freehold building land situate at Paasir Panjang Road, Singapore, near the 7th milestone, area 3 acres 2 roods 8
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    • 585 12 AUCTION SALE FREEHOLD LAND, TANJONG KATONG Monday, 13th August, at 2.30 p.m. Four pieces freehold land, area 8,000 square feet. H. L. Coghlan Co Licensed Auctioneers 2919 aurf Surveyors. By Order of the Supreme Court. AUCTION SALE Tuesday. 14th August, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable leasehold fruit plantation at Sambawangßoad, Singapore,
      585 words
    • 477 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BAN KERB. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, LW. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per oent.
      477 words
    • 552 12 Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital »i0,000,00t RESERVE FUND Starling Reserve •lO.OOO.OOO! Silverßeserve t 9,500,000/ 1950 000 R .serve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haapt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Mddhurat, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Eaq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gresson It. Shewan,
      552 words