The Straits Times, 30 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VO. 22.101 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. JULY 30. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 505 1 MICHELIN TYRES NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED C. Dupire Company. c 101 4 i LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THK BAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. KOU COPENHAGEN ST. FKTEUBBVHG Hi. Dauiith c. SoltDKAl' is expected to arrive ftaa Baaaaaaj am the «*> instant and will receive a prompt despatch Ht the above axicta. K.n freight
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    • 444 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSIjNES^ jIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. uatci til. io«:-"h p«ir n U I Ci. ILC. MktlM POWELL &JDCK, Singapore. DE LA I ESTABLISHED 42 YBARhI. DAIV Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga r*RI A ps arranged. Vacations made, Bente ooUected. Hi no .nr,r« Powell 4 Coys Auction and Houae-Property Telrpho,,< bi
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    • 231 1 ROBINSON CO. RACE, FIELD and MARINE GLASSES tf^^^flft Robinsons ||H beout Ba^aa^H Mtdium very powerful, excellent for A MB target work, well finished M Mj. I M^m Mk -^^HBbslbbH each. _^^^H1 F-^^^H Jlobinsoris "Scout" The best value ever offered. THE scout 7 m**+ ALSO Robinson* well known "Special" Rapfl Action
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    • 247 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED TO BUY. I'ALANgI IN" One second-hand palanquin ill good couditinn for a pnnj*. Apply to J. S. c •iStmiii Timei. •".re:; LOST OR STOLEN. DO6 "ne brown chow dog, Municipal Nn. 97*. nsiwfatj miiit -'l~t nisi, A suitable reward will be paid to any one returning same
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  • 1044 2 Federated Selangor Rubber Company, Limited. Annui! M t n- The annual ordinary ing of the shareholders of the Federal id (Sclangor) Ruhlr.r Oompe.nY, L was held at the ofTices f tli" Oompany. 20, Eaatchoap. 8.C., on Jun< th. Mr. H. K. Rntherfo'cl (Chairman of •>■ Company) presided. The Chairman's spt»:<.h
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 369 2 JODELITE must not be con fused with other preparations which claim similar properties JODELITE has been in use in t lie "Straits Settlements" for many years antl has proved itself to be an absolute protection of SOFT TIMBERS against White Ants, Dry Rot, Teredos and Decay. This Preservative PENETRATES ONE
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    • 386 2 THE DERBY HORSE FEED. One of tin- greatest appcti/.er-> and nm-de producing foods of tlie prr eiu day, eonaiatutf of mixture of sugar, mai/e, |M<l(ty. bran, vi salt. Used as substitute for other foo.l Readily tsken l>v bone* with rapid ami autopolling results. Bccommended by all wlio have tried it.
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    • 940 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGREST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH aid Fortify the System against Disease with We eaonot tpmk iK^fla^af aV^al VaWHaal I I W^m mk. too hichir of a." B^V kwlSi Ual B Ml Lancet. B^^^fl^^^^^^^^ B^^UA.K^^^^^ B^a^j^^||^B^HlHE9HflßH Pronounced b^h^UOHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES 1 Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions,
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  • 838 3 The Milling Journal contains the following letter dated London 28th June, and signed by Mr. George \V. Thomson, A.0.5.M., A.I. MM. late Assistant Mi mug Engineer to the Duff Development Company. Limited. Krlantan) 1 read your various articles M the tin d»?ep leads
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 52 3 FOR LADI£S« D-JOHET*HOMOLIE'S"A?IOL" the moMt surt rttnedy arja/nif the Sickness, and other effects canted by th» deity of tht rtgular periods BtOUlN.ttialH.fS .Ha* B«-Honor4. PMIS. Ily a|.p..iiiln,.nl £>J*i»- lII* MajcWy i,, ■a||tt. ,i,.. Kirn.-. BOVRIL I i» (ManatNd the pure product of artaa Ox-barf. I— i v. i». ill your
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  • 33 4 Ti i-i-i I On the 2nd of July, at -M. Cornwallganlens. S.W.. I.ieut. -General GaK|>ard Le M. '('upper. CIS Colour) ('.iiiiiiiandant Itovnl H..:se Ai tiller* ill tli; HOth year of his age.
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  • 1156 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, 30TH JULY. In curtain -in U- at liuiur. iv America, uul I out here, uo case lias created more general inU'iest than the trial (concluded on thi-:w>th of .)miei of Mr. George Itiibert Adeocl;. 18, a ■nodical inau, ujmu an iudictiucnt kh'l coroucr'x
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  • 186 4 At the pre«,-ut moment. Mapsjm has not a deputy public prosecutor. Why* Until the end of August. Singajxiri: will lie- without a deputy public prosecutor. Why Because Mr. Sproule, the officer, who has la-en acting as deputy public prosecutor here, lias gone to Penang to act thare as solicitor -general,
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  • 69 4 Is our telegram on Saturday, aueiit the drastic curtailment of the British Naval programme. Renter wired the word "imperial." instead of the word imperil." To-day, he corrects liis mistake. Tiie sentence, therefore, should read Mr. Uohertson opined that these reductions would not imperil the balance of sea-power. The word impair
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  • 77 4 A Fancy Ba/.aar, in aid of the funds of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will lie held at the Catholic Club on Thursday and Fri day nights, the 2nd and the M of August. The Bazaar will occupy the ground Hoor of the Club, aud tho upper hall
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  • 58 4 We hear that Singapore is about to lose in the autumn her present lus]«c-ioi (o-noral of Police and her Master Attendant, both of whom are going home on vacation luave, to be followed by retirement on jx-nsion. We need not look far for their MOMM, should the Governor and the
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  • 798 4 The British have heon accused of land grabbingandenipire-wre*tiuK proclivities, but nothing can be more unfair than to Hay this of them. Why, they are always giving up territories that liave been haudetl over to them for safe-keeping or in triint. France everybody will recall how considerately the British gave up
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  • 494 4 It is most soul-stirring to Iseac the ditfi-rcut cries which are now brim; rmiwd by the spirited enthusiasts in favour of national independence. Greece for tin- »ir- In-land for the Irish at least, for MMM of tin- Irish China for the Japs uo. for tin; Chinese; Hindustan for the Hindtis
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  • 16 4 Tub Kussian Steamer S-ligmt &ri i\ yesterday from Hankow with a cargo of Uat for Odessa.
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  • 25 4 Thk Selurgor arrived this morning ii»m Tolok Anson with 4'H) F. M. S. Bengali troops, and she also brought a wild goal tor the show.
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  • 25 4 The Dutch Government sti-amcr Jhedmif arrived on Saturday from Djauihu- with two river su-atners in tow. They are to U docked at Tanjong Him later.
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  • 22 4 Mi:. Simi i, the High ComuiisKioucT tut Tongka, arrived this morning by tlu Jaml VteoM from Bmigok. He is bound hn Tongka
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  • 28 4 Thk P. and O. Homeward Mail "Devaulia left Hong Kong at 1 p. in. or Saturday ami is due here at ."> a. in. on Thursday the 2nd proximo.
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  • 31 4 The Outward Mail steamer Malta I. ti Colombo at I p. m. on Saturday and tna\ he expected to arrive lien nt daylight on Knd.i\ the .ire I pro-, it no.
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  • 35 4 The Homeward Mail of the week oftel next will \f taken by the P. n. 5.,. Moldavia. which (VMM will leave at.i a. vi, on Friday. 17th August, instead of the onli nary Thursday departure.
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  • 25 4 A srniiuxv contributed article b—iluil "Mr. John Morley on Opium," aud iin Malacca laflMaVi written by our special correspondent, will be found on page 10.
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  • 37 4 This Norwegian Colliers Vm,,,,1i~ i.l Produce on Saturday with c.iU. The former from Newcasule, N. S. W. and the latter from SaUang. Also the British Collier Vamileahoe from Barry with Ciuditf Coal from M. M. Co.
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  • 49 4 No Kav and two others were before .Mr. Colman this morning, for nbetiucut of iin porting $4!! worth of chaudr. dross into the. Colony on board the s. Kanmtj on Saturday. Mr. K. K. .Icnnin;;s appeared l-n the Opium Farmer. Ng Kay was tiin.l in default, three months' imprisonment
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  • 57 4 A 1-kkttv wedding took placo on Saturday at the l'!iurcli of St. Joseph by Key. A. A. Arillo assmUHl by Hey. Mr. Victal, lliail.s MontcirolH-iug married to Jom>]iliiiie Aiklaiih Klyne. Vfu-r the coremony, the lni]ij<\ couple an 1 gui'sts. drove to the house ol itubrides parents wliere the liualth of
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 42 4 Ih rlin, 20th July. H. M. King Kdwnnl will visit in the middle of August. His Majesty s meeting with the Knisc-r will probahly take place on the 15th September nt Friedrichshof in the Ta'inus.
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    • 23 4 It is certain that tho Turkish Oovemineut will increase certain taxes wit.i the consent of the Treaty Powers, including; Britain.
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    • 28 4 The British Squadron, which, in now visiting Philippe ill-, iv Algeria, will nlso visit Algiers at th«; invitation of the Hftjm of that city.
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    • 56 4 The Human (iovcrnment revenue for the first five months of this year amounted to H37 millions of roubles against Jtt millionin the correspomlino lx-riivl >f tlie previous year. The exports from BoMat for tinfirst six montlis of thi-! year amounted to 468 millions of roubles Mm imp
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    • 22 4 Wanted— a Minister. M. Stolypin, the! Premier of tiussia, the leader of the W OoaaHMiawU Democrat] party to enter his Ministry.
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    • 28 4 Governoi Truppcl of Ktaoch:.u and tin members of tho Pccichstaj; who are going on a Far Eastern trin will leave CtaaoftOaith^ Ist Aug. next
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    • 35 4 Lord Charles Beresford Intends to Resign. Lord Charlt s herestord, the OaaHMWdul of the British Mediterranean Simadion. intends to Msjpi on account of differences arising between him aud tho Chief Admii al
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    • 30 4 The crops in Kuropu aro favonrahly i< ported upon. Tho crops in America ><■ excellent. Equally favourable WtQOtt* i the crops in Germany have been <-. i\ i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 «PHENOT"p^ r Positively 3tilh 9erms and Gdecks H 1.1.K11 I'KHTK I LARS OF THK VAI.IK OF PHENOL SKE 001 PHK'K LIST, PACJK 4<>. Price Per Reptd. Quart Bottle $0.30 1 (xallon Tin si. 50 '2 ft.7fi 5 and 10 gallon Drums on application. One Quart I Ten (Gallons of Makes
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    • 229 4 WILSON t Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS AKK AIKNOWI.KIMtm TO HK Thf Best i t the Straits, AND KQL'AL TO ANY ANYWHKBK. Price of Caolnet Portraits ii '.ipieh 12 Copies IN M\rTOTYPfc S.OO 112.00 BROMIDE >2.00 18.00 PLiTi.M>TYPE i-voo mm CARBON -'SOO 40.0(1 Portrait* on Porcelain each $15. Wilton Fh to Art Studio.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 151 5 Revolutionaries Commit Murders and Robberies. M Wiumiw UM <•■>•<■ K\tensive agrarian disorder reigns throughout Mm provinces of Moscow and Tver. It is i. i .i t.^l that the Imperial troops have U^n<le. M in li«ht with peasants at HorisovsUy in the province of Kursk. Warsaw rev! itionaries have
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    • 24 5 I. Simjiipori: p.m. .'bth July. Tli. House of Commons have adopted the naval votes in the estimates for the current year.
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    • 17 5 Colonel Mackenzie has arrived at Durban .ami declared that the rebellion is ended.
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    • 40 5 fUe'd. t ,.m. loth -full/. Natal Militia will be repealled in the course of h week, and the Irregulars in a fortnight. A composite regiment will be formed to remain in the field for six months.
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    • 23 5 The T- mil* commenting upon the trouble at Teheran, considers that diplomatic inur\i utiou of Britain anil Persia is almost inevitable.
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    • 81 5 Conservative Differences of Opinion Settled. conference ol delegates of the National I uii'ii Conservative Assix'iatious was, held on >atnrday. when differences of opinion w■ i developed ou the iiuestiou of demo- i ni/iui; the organisation. In the cml. however, the supporters of Mr. A- Balfour weie
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    • 33 5 In the World's Professional Sculling Championship at Para Malta. Sydney, Australia, for MM aside. <J. Towns beat Stanbnry by twenty lengths. Last \..u- iace en.le.l in a win for Stuiiliury.
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    • 20 5 A loan "I a million aud a half sterling has i>. ii iaMfj at |im at Tokio.
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    • 41 5 king Edward Inspects Scuts Guards. His Majesty the Kiu<{ iMfMlti the Third lUiuilion ot the Scots (iuards at Buckingham Palace on Saturday. Prior to disband:iieni His Majesty, iv the course of a speech, sprcssctl his admiration of the Battalion.
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    • 33 5 It iiUr learns that the unrest in Persia is.lueiothe unpopularity of theitrand Vizier, oiuscd through his op|x>-in;4 the granting of »-lf .(ioteinment. which il was n^nru-d the >huh would welcome.
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    • 91 5 Democrats Refuse to be Revolutionary. UMMH MMjrf conference took place between the members of the Duma in Finland, and considerable divergences of opinion were develo|if<l. The Constitutional Democrat-, refused t>> go to the revolutionary .cngtliHof the extreme parties. Bte'd. i" July. The men ol the :lr.l H.r.tation
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  • 52 5 llh.'Kk Mr. Scott it! the Court nl Itojuests ibis morning a Ilvlnn. l*>\ until recently in the employ of Mr. K. W. Kox. of Moot* Howarth KrHkioe Limited claimed f 14.Ht) from his master hn wagen. It was proveil that the "boy" left hi» maHter'H •*i i,e without notict-. IIIMM
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  • 340 5 HEARING OF CASE ADJOURNED TILL SATURDAY. Bail $30,000. On Kriday afternoon information was sworn before Mr. Nathan. !the Fourth Magistrate, forji warrantor! the^arrest of H. C. HoganTformerly Chairniau'a'rDirectors and Managing (of j^HoganJand Company, Ltd. < (j3lB*Jfl£3l The warrant warranted.* and bailjwas fixed at tao.OOO. Detective Sergeant Maclean effected
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  • 150 5 the early hours of tin- morning a burglar paid a visit to Mrs. Kerr's residence at Leonie Hill, Grange Road. The thief managed to get into a room occupied by Mr. Cochrane, by cutting through the cloth of the screen door. He then put his hand through
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  • 253 5 The last performance of Harmston's Circus in Singapore takes place to-night and readers will learn with regret that such is the case. The Circus has proved itself a most i>opuliir •me and packed houses has been the rule every evening during the past fortnight. On Saturday there was
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  • 94 5 At the annual general on eeting of the Singapore Tin Mining Syndicate Ltd. held at the Registered Office of the Company on the 27th instant, the Accounts and Report of the Directors for the year ended the !MHh of April 19(>G. were passed, and a
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  • 14 5 BIIMWI is no longer declared to be a port infected on account of cholera.
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  • 44 5 I'h i dates of the two approaching holidays in Singapore are the Oth and 17th of August the usual August holiday, and the holiday for t'>e \gri-Horticiiltural Show at Singa|xire. on which all the local school children will be nilni'.tod free to the Show.
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  • 46 5 The funeral of the late Mr. (teorge Kappa took place yesterday morning and was well attended, among thorn; present btinfl the Hon ble .1. 0. Antlionisz. Colonial Tressurer, who was tint magistrate at the tiluo the deceased Hiiitlimaii whm Chief Clerk of th< Police Court, Singapore,
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  • 335 5 Disappointing Turn-oat at The Cathedral. A Church Parade for the Singapore •Volunteer Corps took place yesterday morning, St. Andrew's Cathedral being visited. Unfortunately, the turn-up was disappointing: yet it was significant of the fact that the movement is by no means as popular as it ought, aud deserves
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  • 422 5 Public Hall- under Control of Municipal Commissioners. The Halls under of the control of th.Commissioners are (<i) the Victoria Memorial Hall I'pper and Lower Roc .us. 1 6> thf Theatre. The Hulls shall be manayol liv a Committ. to be styled in the l'uhli. Malls Committee which
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  • 261 5 On Friday a most pleasing fuuetiem took place at the foveranieiit School in On train Road, when Mr. Hullett, the popular Director of Public Instruction, preHented Mr. .1. ri. Tliickett with a souvenir in the shape of a Benson lialf -hunter gold watch, subscribed for by
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  • 120 5 District Orders for Mobilization. Manoeuvres and Staff Ride. The following additional Officers will be employed in connection with the Staff Ride Lieutenant 1. A. .1. Pask, Royal Garrison Artillery, and Lieutenant A. M. Mil ward, Ist Sherwood Foresters. The 100 men of tile Royal Garrison Artillery
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  • 634 5 On Tuksimy, the indefatigable High Commissioner, together with his suite, the Resi-dent-General; and Mr. Belfield, took the 10 a.m. train from Koala Lumpur to Klang, where Mr. F. Rede-Cox received the party at the railway station. H. K. without delay. went to the District Office and there
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  • 73 5 Orders of tbe Day. l-'ri.huj, .Jr,l AiHjiixt. HM 1. Auctioneers Licensing Ordi- nance Amendment Bill i Bill T« amend The Auctioneers Licensing Ordinance 1906."') Ist Reading. ■I. Liquors Bill I Bill "To consolidate and amend the Law for collecting a Revenue of Kxcise upon Intoxicating Liquors.") 3rdßeadiug. 8.
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  • 24 5 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play at High Service Itesorvoir to-morrow (Tuesday) rtlst instant from S.W) p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 138 5 the members of the Lee Chek Kok Association celebrated the fifth Anniversary of the Institutions formation. The celebration was remarkably euthusiatic. It was held at Mr. Una Koon Choo's Bungalow. Tanjong Katong. The house was crowded by the members and their frienda. The gue«t« were very cordially welcomed by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 343 5 FINANCES UPIHE COLONY. On Tuesday the :tlst J illy, 1906, at 4.45 p.m. there will be held in tho Upper Room of the Vfctoria Memorial Hall (under the aui-oiccs of the Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association) A PUBLIC MEETING of tbe inhabitants of Singapore to consider the Financial
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  • 877 6 A MEDIUM FINED. Colonel ."Vayhew's Adventures «t A Serncr. Lieut-Colonel Mark Mayhcw, of Bollugbrokc House, Battersea, described, .^Junc 'JOth, before the Edware beuch I magistrates, his experiences at throe gi«M by a medium' named Frederick Foster Craddock, At Graewsville, The Grove .Mate. I'miicr. Craddock was being iih— mind as a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 621 6 WANTED^ BOARI' AND LODGING -Gentleman requires board and lodging in private family. Tcrni~ MMfl bf moderate. Apply C, 9/0 Straits Timet. SIT.VKYOR. Government licensed snrMtr. Wanted immediately. Apply, giving reference;- and stating salary required to Snr\.-\ Straitt Time. 1-2750 TYPlST.— Competent Typist, accustomed to the Remington keyboard. Han with knowledge
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    • 640 6 TO BE LET. I OFFICE— No. 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd flour. Apply to c 1558 GUTHRIE CO., Ltd. HOUSE— No, 8 Thomson Road. Apply to •I. A. Meyer u/o Meyer Brothers. C 2900 OFFICES.— SmaII first floor offices facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Api ly
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    • 779 6 NOTICES. NATIVE INDUSTRIES SUPPLY.— The Native Industries Committee of Port Dick&on are prepared to supply hats, fans, cushions, waste paper baskets, Ac. of local manufacture at current prices. Enquiries and applications shoulJ be addressed to THE DISTRICT OFFICER, !»97 Port Dickson. MESSRS LOOK VAN KIT AND H. K. WHAMPOA have
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    • 1066 6 BIMAPORE SPORTIN& CLUB, PROGRAMME FOR THK A.V CT'MX RACE MEETING, 1900. Oct. 16th, 18th and 20th. FIRST DAY. Tnenday. Octobn Kith. I.— THE MAIDEN PLATE— VaIue WOO. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight »»t. alb. Entrance »20 Distance, R.C. 2— THE LAWN STAKES -Value MOO. A Handicap for all Horses
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    • 452 6 Entries close at in hiii on Saturday, Oth Oct., 1900, except for Races No*. 2, 3 A 4 ou the Third Day. For these Baoas, aaariM will be accepted ii|>to 6 o'llock p.m. on Thursday the lMth October maon payment ,'f an Extra Free of Ten Hollar^. All such entries
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  • 672 7 Tlic Anb ihafti at ihc Suit,, arc not discouraged in their att<iii|>t- Ul create difficultios by the failure of tho Tabah question, which was tatinty their work, and not Izzet Pn i;i s „< has frequently Ixon stated, but ?re energetically pushing on their pla-is from other
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 394 7 ARGYLL MOTORS Ltd. •f 4- "^O ■The Ai vll Can Me among the most notable of all British Automobiles. The Fifld. A 10-12 H. P. CAR IS EXPECTED in the early part of August, and, if received in time, will be Exhibited at the Agri-Horticultural Show. Trials by Appointment. SOME
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    • 637 7 f "pn&vssAte ofeta/y ac/aptee/ to t/teff/vnm?ff (figest/re poire/s. K. I Mllk f® o*l0 1 N?l I Mllk Fo »d N?2 I Malted Food N°3 JT WWW \^mf*>r»/oJma^is. from3to6*aotfii I from 6 moatAs (pm/xts. J HAKONE WATER THE MOST REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING NATURAL MINERAL WATER BOTTLED AT HAKOKE IN [JAPAN) IT
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    • 114 7 THE MERIT OF A MEDICINE is determined Iv the test Does it curt? WHAT RHEUMATICS SAY? N. Galloway, S> v H London, writes: 1 ha\i. j;rcat :uffcrcr from Phwimtrifl many years. Dur!::;j (hi I I have fficd various advert! :iutic remedies, oils, nhrrnnri I brocations. My lcr- :fM so that
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 105 8 Attention to Knylish racing is confined to 4ioodwood to-morrow when the Stewards' < 'up will be run. The annual meeting of the S. R. A. ou August 11th has roused the local marksmen who are putting in as much practice at the targets as they can possibly
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    • 1388 8 SiNuAW>RF. Hunt Ci.db. I'lit members of the Singapore Hunt Club hiul a most enjoyable ride yesterday moruiuy. Punctually at 6.80 o'clock the field .started from the main entrance to the < >ardens, in charge of Mr. K. R. Coullie, who led the way through the gardens into Dalvey
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  • Correspondence.
    • 187 8 To tht Editor of Ote StraiU Titnes. Dear Sib Our trams seem to be run in a delightfully haphazard sort of a way, which is often a great convenience to passengers, but a nuisance to other parties who are using the roads. For instance, it is
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    • 204 8 To the Editor of the Strain Timtt." Sir,— The Honorary Secretary of the S. It. A. has procured a dozen or so of new rifle sights, and issued them to those who are likly to be chosen for the Interport match. These men h.ive already found
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    • 757 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sib, In your issue of the 26th inst. you give, under the heading of Visions and Warnings, an account of a lecture and trance given by Miss McCreadie at the 6th of the series of Occult Salons. As the subject
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  • 1070 8 Melbourne, 4th July. Tio repayment this week of JE1.500.000 of Victorian Government Bonds in London «ives further proof of the improved condition of Aiuttralian Finance. The London indebtedness has been met by a loan raised iv Melbourne, some months ago. and the Pre- I miercan now reckon on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 168 8 AUCTION SALES. Powell end Co. Aug. I—At1 At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges. 10 a.m. At Sale-room, unredeemed pledge* 10 a.m. At Kale-room, valuable books, 11 a.m. 4— At Baeburn House." Raeburu Estate off Neil Road, valuable teak house hold furniture, cottage piauo etc. 2-80 p.m. 6— At Bale-room, unredeemed pledgee
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    • 178 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS V SILK MERCHANTS. Have iust opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chin**?, aiid Japanese goods i.e. silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian mid Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 131 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 30th July Higli Water. 54 p.m. Cup Tie. H.G.A. v. Foresters. llttrmsloii'x Circus. 9. Tuesday, 31st July. High Uiit.-r. 6-14 a.m. 6-6 p.m. Public Meeting. Victoria Hall. i-tf. Catholic Club. Meeting. 5-80. Penang Races. First Day. Bandniiiiiii Opera Co. Teuton ia Club. Town Band. H. S.
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  • 856 9 Remarkable Revelations in the Senate. What U Pepper? To some extent th? fight in Conprers for the Fure Food Bill, the passing of which seems to be assured, is developing as much interest as the greater fight regarding meat inspection. In *both cases the principles a. stake
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 355 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed of Sh*r*.« Issue Paid I Value op to 10 I 10 10 10 i al l 10 I 10 io i io Reserve Company Quotations Pays at Present Price. I 1900 1903 173.000 £400,000 •140,000 18,500 Won uoia-utd 4,000 350,000 iO.OOO 10.000 «4» iinioued
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    • 302 9 1905 1905 1904 .!«'■> 1903 906 i9?4 1905 1906 1906 1903 1904 1904 1«9» 1903 1905 1904 1904 £150.000 •200,000 £30.000 700.000 £70,000 ♦150.000 £12,000 £75.000 •250.000 £300,000 30.000 1200.000 •100,000 i^ •100.000 £50,000 £60.000 i I £140.000 •120,000 £11,125 •610,000 £59,520 JU-VINKI £10,500 £55.000 1225 000 £260,625
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    • 201 9 1894 .698 .865 1901 1901 L 899 1903 1891 1884 1890 £5.377.10.0 $225,000 •10.000,000 •2.400.000 f 34, 000 •875.000 •600,000 •30,000 •200,000 •500,000 £4.648.15.0 •225,000 •10.000,000 I •2.400.000 •34,000 1875.000 j 1-240,000 7,6*8 18/6 i 12/6 Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd.. 4,500 •30 .50 112.500 Fraser A Neave. Ltd
      201 words
    • 49 9 Howarth Erakine. Lid. 6% WOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Riley Hurgreaves. Ltd. 6% 2*5,000 2% prera buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,0 0 3% prem buyers. 8 s o£ 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4<£ 603,'V0 par. sellers. Tanjong PagarDock Co., Ltd. 6* 25e,«00 2* prem buyers. 5% 1,865,500 I°,, prem buyers
      49 words
  • 222 9 Singapore, 30th July, 1906 PRODUCE, Gambler buy*™ 7 '*> do (Cube No. Ij unpicked „11.00 Copra bali do Pontianak »•«> Pepper. Black buyers 21.00 io White 5% 27J0 Sajjo Flour Sarawak do Brunei Xo. 1 2 M Pearl Sa«o Coffee Bali. 15% buyers Coffee. Palembann. 20% basis 2200 Coffee,
    222 words
  • 382 9 In America Englishmen have grown accustomed to being told that the best English, is spoken at Inverness, or in dear dirty Dublin," but now we are told that we must go to Kentucky and th Ohio Valley An English f.avant, Sir Jonathan Wil Hams,
    382 words
  • 268 9 Malaya, 1 -marks the Londou Daily Report of the 6th July, is building up an excellent reputation as a, rubber producer. The compauies which h.i\ been formed to acquire estates in that country for '.he purpose of planting rubber are, with perhaps one exception, moderately capitalised. Their
    268 words
  • 202 9 The following is from the Yoikslnrc "Daily Observer" of the 30th June. The advance in Pusing Lama iharci is- explained by the annouar-eincnt this week of another 2s. dividend. The company paid its first dividend in November last, and since then, including '.he present distribution, has
    202 words

  • 590 10 With the early days of this month came and went quite a crowd of distinguished visitors, so that for the first few weeks we livod a little like our «ay neighbours over the hsh pond. With His Kxcellencv the Governor arrived his daughter and Miss Laird, also Captain
    590 words
  • 169 10 A wmui sad occurrence took place in PaWaH recently, says the China Uriirir. wlieu a Chinese unfortunately -hut his owu son. It appears that the MS had iafalapad yriat ntJnbHnu propensities. .mil tiiui' after time hait'hecn obliged to to his htber, wbo i- wmltliy man. to
    169 words
  • 206 10 Thk following lettor. signed "Experienced Analyst." ap)>ears in the Curnith I'mt I am not in the meal tradi and hold no brief for anyone in it hut 1 feel that serious ami unwarrantable injury is being done to an industry which is now an absolute
    206 words
  • 1038 10 The Secretary of State for India replied on 80th May to the reftolution moved by Mr. T. C. Taylor and Reoonded by Dr. Rutherford that "this House (on the grounds of patriotism, humanity and justice) re affirms its conviction that the Indo-Chinese opium trade is
    1,038 words
  • 66 10 A hpecial telegram from London to the South China Morning Pott, under date lath July, Ka_y« British Admirhls have protected against the Government')! proposal anent a reduction of a British Navy and threaten to resign. The Cabinet ha» postponed any action it was to take. One hundred and twenty Radical
    66 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 73 10 Chamberlain's I otic, Cholera and Dia rhoea Wendy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel complaint? has brough: it into almost universal use. It never fails, and when reduced with wi.ter aud sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and
      73 words
    • 736 10 =Ships and Steamers. P. #0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and Lendon. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outvard nor China). Malta 4
      736 words
    • 668 10 Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with t c Netherlands India Government. Agenti at Singapore Ship Aoehct, late J. Daxxdkui A Co. 1-3 Collyer Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Kxp'ted WiU be desiatthed for (fi Tmman Bandjermassin July 26 Bandjermassin, Kota Baroe, Moeara Djawa, Samarinda, Donggala, Berouw
      668 words
    • 465 10 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers ot this Company maintain a regular sen ice between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
      465 words
    • 704 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong vii Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      704 words

  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 874 11 I port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agent*. Stfamehs. Sydney. Ang. 24; Boustead. Achilleo, China, Sept. 3 Minefield Albenga, Hongkong. Sept. Behn Merer AlcinouH, China, Sepl 4 Mansfield Alesia. Hongkong, Aug. IS Btbn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. Aug. 9 E Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. 30 M.
      874 words
    • 130 11 From Eußon— By the P. &O. I. s. Malta due on 4th August. From Chima By the P. O. I. I. lirranlia due on 2nd August. Loft Singapore Dae in London June 14th I. July 6th June lHth M. M. July 12th June 21st P. AO. July
      130 words
    • 1471 11 Under this heading the following abbreviation! are used itr. steamer sh. ship bq; barque sch. aobooner; Yet. Yacht; Cm. Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United State* Fob..— French Gor —German Dut.— Dutch; Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak O.c. General-cargo; dp. deck
      1,471 words
    • 149 11 July 27 Sultan, Brit »tr. Fremantale via ports 28 Telemachus. Brit str. Japaa. Tacoma. Seattle Sibinen, Dan str, H'kong. Shanghai, Japan Namaang, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Giang Seng, Dut str, Samarang via ports Fob Wo. Brit str. Laugkat Darvel. Ocr str. Zamboanga via ports Ban Whatt Hin, Telobin
      149 words
    • 100 11 for Per Steamer 7 i. c Tomorrow. Sarawak Kurhimj Palembaug Mf P. S'tenham, renang Aiiamlia Natuna Is. Buhl Palemlxuig OfUr Penaug ai d Calcutta roai taf Hongkong M S'<i«ff Malacca, P.Stenham Ctthjle Malacca P. SwettenliamA'iir'in; Kuantan, Triugganu, etc. Dm Baiißkuk H,<n.ik.d 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m.
      100 words
    • 108 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. TAajona p»o»« East Wharf Basis:— -Nil. East Wharf Section 1:— Tanglin. Powhatan, Selaniior, Thongwa. Auikrt Gravi*o Dor-u:— Hehe. Shantung. Shkbbk Whakk Batnaa 1 Edeudjle. Victoria Gravixo Dock Nil. Nftia WHSMF. TaHJOaO ■*»GA* Section
      108 words
  • 1598 11 Silly Annoyance of Mr. Asquith. The staid respectability of Cavendishsquare has been again interrupted by the militant advocates of votes for women." Apparently encouraged by the comparative indulgence with which they were treated the other morning, the Suffragists assumed a still more defiant attitude, openly avowing their
    1,598 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 761 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AMD Toyo Kistn Kaisha The three great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-screw steamersKOREAandSIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG HARC. and NIPPON
      761 words
    • 645 11 N. Y. K. JAPAN MUL STEAMSHIP Co, Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japau and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with thp Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
      645 words
    • 66 11 VESSELB ADVERTISED TO SAIL. London, (ilrnetk, due 2nd Augt., Boustead. New Zealand via ports, Aparima, on 8 l> Augt., Boustead. Teluk Ansor. via ports, Sappho on Monday* Silangor on Wednesdays, and liyt I.tumo •<■ Fridays, 8. 8. 8. Co. East Coast ports, Bm \lhatt Hin, altern i> Saturdays and Wednead
      66 words

  • 52 12 Consequent on the departure of Mr. .1 11. Garratt to Singapjre the Tramway Co. at Colombo has been working shorthanded. Arrangements have, howiv«r. been made say 3 the Times of Civli. n in England for the services of ;in additional engineer. Mr. Percy, who is already on his way out
    52 words
  • 611 12 The New Contract. After lengthy negotiations the contract for the carriagj of the Australian-Eng-lish mails was signed at Melbourne on the 7th July. It has been ascertained that the contract is with the Sunderland firm o.' Sir James Laing and Co., Ltd., for a service equal
    611 words
  • 336 12 The Opening Ceremony. The opening ceremony of the Canton if.i-ikow railway took place at Cant. .11 on 28th June. The representatives of the vari >a-i guilds and the committee of the Cham able Institutions received tbe various guests, and all the shareholders were heartily welcomed, without distinction. The
    336 words
  • 427 12 The uncensored reports of special oorrespoodents representing Polish newspapers published in Austria state that the recent massacre at Bickmtock wat arranged by the local authorities. The victims are variously; estimated from 700 to 2,000. The Jews of many other towns are panic-stricken under the belief that the outrages
    427 words
  • 41 12 Six irinors in the Caradobale colliery, Glamorganshire, South Wales, were imprisoned by flood waters. Three were drowned, but two others subsisted on candles, and were rescued <on the fifth day of their imprisonment. Ths sixth man has not yet been discovered
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 80 12 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in India. Mr. Sd L. Hiscocks writing from Clare Road, Byculla, India, says I have used and still require a good many bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Renv?dy, and have found it invaluable as a cure as well as a preventive of
      80 words
    • 611 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital •10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 tl9 .go (w. Silver Reserve 9,800,000 f f19 500 000 R serve Liability of Proprietors •10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Modhurst, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J.
      611 words
    • 544 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capitol £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 I BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. London City A Midland Bank, Lfc*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. ■ent Account* are opened and interest -<J at 1 per cent, per
      544 words
    • 727 12 AUCTION SALE OF PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. To be held at Powell A Co.'s Saleroom. Wednesday, Ist August, 1906 at 10 a.m. Friday, 3rd AugUßt, 1906 at 10 a.m. Monday, 6th August, 1906 at 10 a.m. Jewellery consisting of diamond ringx, brooches, earrings, bracelets, watches, chains, Chinese and Malay gold and
      727 words
    • 183 12 TAN6LIN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MABLETON and AILBA T Freeholds at M'unt Elizabeth To be sold by Auction At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Mart On Monday, 13th August, at 2-30 p.m. Two charmingly situate first class European Residences adjoining the Teutonia Club. Lot 1. MABLETON," No. 12 Mount Elizabeth Orchard
      183 words