The Straits Times, 27 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VO. 22.099 THE STRAITS TIMES. M|I)AY. JULY 27. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 711 1 MICHELIN TYRE)§ tNEW STO^K JUST ARRIVED Dupire Company. < 101 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. UK-MAN A(i~KRSHII>-- Mr. A. Lewis no longer Manager of tlif Shanghai Lift- liisuraißM C'otU|ianv, Ltd. v aIeSStS. Muish it Co. arc H|i|Kiinted Managers Singu|>oi(' Branch as from the 24th -July, 1908. C. W. KKANKEL. >inpt«lt of Agencies.
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    • 238 1 (ROBINSON CO. fIACE, FIELD and MARINE GLASSES •^^^^H^ Uiobinsoris TM beout K^^^^^^B L^H SlbbbbbbbH Mfdiurr. mi very powerful, excellent for J| B SB MB target work, well finished fHEII^H $12 50 each. 3 avl Isfl bY bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV^bb^^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw s~t\. j^^^^BT-^^^H| f/lobinson's The best value ever offered. AL9O Robinson's well known "Special"
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    • 310 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE QOLF CLUB NOTICE. 'I lie links ill be closed on Saturday nf t< n. n tbeWth instant, the Band Adab lul. hkriaj paamiaaiaii to liold their minimi tearM aa tinBae* Coum on that day. Through the courtesy of Ke|>|>e] Golf Clnli. members are ma<le honorarv member- of
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  • 1277 2 His Character and His Career. For some yen- John I). Rockefeller, |iui, had been preparing to take upon jirasclf the burden of his father's turn moth financial responsibilities. As the rcnly son of the man reputed to bo the greatest known accumulate if riches, young Rock.-f«-l|T
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 330 2 MOET and CHANDON. (The Champagne de Luxe.) Buchanan's WhiskieS are THE FAVOI KITE BLENDS EVERYWHERE. m—mm "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK WHITE," BETTER VALUE CANNOT BE OBTAINED. 44 Black and White" is guaranteed 12 years old and is matured in Sherry casks OF ALL DEALERS. H. ABRAMS The Horse Repository Orchard
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    • 342 2 THE DERBY HORSE FEED, One of the greatest appetisen and rmnel* producing fnods of tlieproent day, coimintina of mixture of sugar, raauc. paddy, bran, ana ■alt. Und M a Hubstitute for other food Keadily tsksa by horses with rapid and aatonithini; raaoha. Becommendexl by all who have tried it. H.
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    • 350 2 GENERAL EIECTRIC COMPANY, Ltd. LOIsTCOIn". Having been appoiuted Sole Agents for the above Company, w| shall shortly be in the position to undertake Electrical Work, and Simply Fittings of all kinds. Our Engineer is dne the first week in August. JOS: TRAVERS SONS, LTD. 2780 »7, D'Almeidai. Street. Maynard Co.,
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  • 529 3 The Sainam piracy calls atteution to the prevalence oi |)iracy m the delta ol the Canton Biver. How initters stand there is thus deacribed by the S. C. Morning Post": Toj ■how t.r \vha extent bngandagC prewill?, the daring >>f these MMBWnfa an 1 their
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  • 46 3 R a. A r «:i- n, ho will I', ,iii Aim lies. t>. tli Far Ivi-t in Eh ptember mth i juadn f i nr ■rill, on hi* voyage, rail at Kiitisli porU t<> return the visit the Second Cnriaer Bqoadroa, mdci Prince Lovt of Battanbtirg
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 Chamb •rlain's (olic. Choltra ard Din rhciea 1/e-neJy. The great (neons <>f this preparation iv taw relief and cure ol unplaint* li.i- broagb it into alna rsal v*< It never fails, and when I iced vitk «.t.-i mill sweetened is pks to take aillv valuable for UldNsl .'md adsJta, and
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    • 66 3 LACE STORE 170, ORCHAHD ROAD. Large 'and varied itock! of Laces, Nottingham, I Valenciennes, Irish and Brussels and English and Swl»» Embroideries. Prices veryi moderate Inspection Invited. M. F.. SHAKHA. 250-2 CHARLES tS^j. HEIDSIECKS fftnj! White Seal Champagne. j^ SOLE AGENT? I B Behn, Rleyer ACo Ld J| JL Singapore
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  • 28 4 Hin«ii\.— On ilu- '.'fftli..liiii<-, nt Dulhousie, pneumonia, in xla Muriel ll> nslpy, Indian Military Nni->.iiui Service, <Uu«liteV of tlie Revd. A. de Mnrgau and Sdiuli Anne Density.
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  • 3710 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, 27TH JULY. In tin- Colony, an in otlior places whenthe Anglican Church holds sway, much inter -t has boon taken in respect to the delayed report of the Ritual Commission or, to give the official appellation, th.- H >v il Conaraisfiion on Ecclesiastical
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  • 37 4 t inonthiy Manila market report continues to orgi the need of an auricnllni.l li.i;iK". With Matted t<> yolil mines, it Mlij •{••sis Unit a little more money spent i i development •would qmbb some evil: Illl'llt. I
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  • 52 4 Tun warships anil oilier vqmalu mbuierj;•d in uml near the hnrhoiu ul portjVrthur were <lispo-ic<l of by lmblic tendur in Japan. Tba number of TMM !s ofl, WM H, v [lie 111 1 liave fallen into the Imm I- of eight bi-M. Tim toWil pr;.- f. UllM I «:>s
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 "PHENOT"D.s in fcct»nt Positively Kills 9erms and Qhecks FULLKU PAKTICULARB OF THE VALVE OF PHENOL SEE OUR PRICE LIBT, PAGE 46. Price Per Reptd. Quart Bottle #0.80 1 Gallon Tin *1.50 2 !?2.75 and 10 gallon Drums on application. )ne Quart Ten (Gallons of Makes Strong Phenol Disinfectant. THOMPSON, THOMAS
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  • 84 5 Jhl Sitbm.iriif Cnble) DISSOLUTION JUSTIFIED. Dumaists Attempted to Usurp Executive Power. ginfaytrr ttf MH An official st itement, published in St. Petersburg, jll illflM the dissolution of the Duma on the o-.ind that from the outset the members |i ye overstepped the limits set by Law. as t'IMMJh
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  • 33 5 Report Stage Completed Through Closure. Uir'tl. :'Tth -Inly. WJ <*./»i. The H*i>ort stage of the Education Bill has MM completed in the House of Commons by tlu application of the closure.
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  • 10 5 Kussian stocks are recovering from depression.
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  • 50 5 Situation in Egypt Discussed^ Yesterday. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman presided at a meeting of the Imperial Defence Committee yesterday. Lotd Cromer, and MajorGmmml s >r Kiancis Reginald Wingate K.C.M.G.. were also present. It is underst«H«l that the situation in Egypt was the subject MM the meeting for consideration.
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  • 46 5 Rte'd. nth -lulu. llMmjm. At the inaugural banquet of the East African AmMMMM last night. I>ord Hindlip, who presided, stated that Lord Elgin s attitude was ot the friendliest. Mr. Eugene Was4.ii. M.P.. in-fed the Government to assist in einijiiittion to Kast Atrica.
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  • 20 5 )MMMJ uemrally quiet iv liussia. Labour organizations are restraining workmen, and discouraging them, against strikes.
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  • 57 5 Resignation Announced of Sir Robert Hart. Centers corespondent at I', kinu states that 8b Robert Han, bMMJOMt General of tin- Chinese Maritime Customs, has announced his intention of nmmJmjMi i*>sition. Sir Hubert's attitude is regarded as a contilluillt; evidence that tile New Customs Hoard MMMM* M ta
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  • 77 5 Disappointment at Scheme at Athens. The Pow.'is havi evolved, and siilnnitUd to the Kiii^; .>t (ii.ccc and |xople in Cretan, a M-heine for refi.i ins in Crete. The scheme, while nmintainiuH international control, includes the MMMMI M create I militia .■oinposi-il of Cretans and Greeks, under the
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  • 83 5 Narrow Majority in Irish Bye- Election. l>\e eUetion took place yesU rday at 'I i one. Ireland, to till the vacancy caused h\ the death of Mr. P. C. Doogan, Nationalist. I lie eontesi resulted in the Nationalists party retaining the Mil by the MM majority of nineteen
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  • 99 5 This mommy i,,m Indian women, with ti v i children were ohargad by Inspector Nolan. In-foie Mr. Column, for bMMttJ U Maine) n Street, yesterday. While the mayistrau wns ahlt to dfaMM I 1 the women and the childieu. who are hiy MMMJOI to he MMUWtad
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  • 60 5 I'm very oiijectiouable. iv fact, from a s.mituiy |k)iut of view, dangerous practice <«f layin'.' the .lust kg shrinking the public ihrouyhfaros with waU-r from the drains, is toreccivr a ohecU Servant Thrale has •onimcnccd a er,is;ule afMMt it. This morning, bnfttd a < himuimn MMHt i.i.eii. lor indajaiag iv
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  • 621 5 The "katori" arrived at Singapore this Morning. Thk new Japanese battleship Katori arrived from England this morning and exchanged salutes with Fort Canning. She is ;i -ister ship ot the Kimhiwi. which passed through the port a few days ago. These two battleships were constructed at the
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  • 286 5 A v|,n:\i of some magnitude visited tlio i Colony shortly after five o'clock this morning, and it was raging, more fiercely, perhaiis. thau i earlier in the day. at the time we went to pri a Considerable damage has been done, especially to the Shipping. .1 id
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  • 15 5 Tuk sailing nliip Duulne Rrrivtil hum .Mauritius yiMterday afternoon after a voyage of fortvtwo days.
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  • 57 5 Ahi hi !t o'clock on Wednesday night a liir^r python crossed the tram rails opposite one of tin tanneries at (iaylaug and was crnshi-d by a iiassiiiy traiu car. The body of the reptile was cut in three parts by the wlii'cU of the csr. It is believed thiit the
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  • 149 5 i bave raoaivad from Ifaan H..1. M. Kills hikU oiiipany. Ameririiii Manufacturers' a^iiits. ;i (Ceil Street. Singapore, au *!NU'i!si\c report iiu the Chicago Packing Houses by the National Association of Mauufacturers, which was ]>nblislie(l in the C'liifaj-n Kvcnint; lost on June lMth. It is impoHMible for us to reproduce the
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  • 1122 5 Suit over the New Tanjong Katong Road. Bkh.kk acting Chief Justice Law yesterday. Mrs. Mary A. K. Diinman. and three others sued Mr. Edwin H. Koek for the recovery of paid by the plaintiff* on behalf of the defendant, alleged to have been done at his request,
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  • 46 5 Mr. Justk k Fishkk and his staff at the Supreme Court had a half holiday yesterday, owing to the small number el summonses in chambers. They will be fully occupied, to-day as there are Mill I J cne small causes on the list to be triad.
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  • 508 5 Australian Loafer Imprisoned for Theft of Notes. J. W. Wills is rroui Western Australia and according to his own account, entered in the Boarders' Register of the Waverley Hotel, is a loafer by occupation and came from prison." He became acquainted with Mr. J. C.
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  • 110 5 Li Thong had in his possession at Collyer Quay on Wednesday, a ball of raw opium valued at $30. Yesterday, he was prosecuted by Mr. F. K. Jennings on the charge of possession of less than a chest of raw opium. The defendant said he liad
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  • 21 5 This morning a wheel came oft one of the mail vans at Tanjong Pagar and certain mails wore delayed in consequence.
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  • 23 5 Thk Monthly Sewing Mtnting >>f the Church Work Association will be held at the Parsonage on Wednesday August 1 si at 4 p.m.
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  • 21 5 Two hundred and ten deaths were Leistered in Singapore during the week ending 21st July. The ratio per Hwnwfl is 89.04.
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  • 25 5 Thk Siamese Royal yacht Jlmk I I hukrkri left for Dangkok to-day with the two Siamese princes, who arrived from England by the Germau Mail.
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  • 24 5 The Master Atteudant notifies that the quarantine restrictions here, a^ain-i the pott of Bangkok have|beeu withdrawn. These restrictions were imposed on account of cholera.
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  • 40 5 Thk Rev. W. Murray has gone to Muar. and is expected back next wuek. His place as leader of the Young Men's class at the Y. M. C. A. on Sunday afternoon, will be taken by Mr. J. A. Ooetzee.
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  • 45 5 Mkmhkhs of the S. V. A. will be Mamaied to hear that their guns, which have hitherto been painted khaki, are now *o be changed to an invisible grey. It is believed that this will make it difficult to see the gnus from a distance.
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  • 45 5 H. E. Sir Joux Axdkrsox Motived in the Cm Mtm Irom the F. M. S. this morning to attend the meeting of the Legislative Council. A salute was tired by the Siamese Royal Yacht \taha Cluikrh'ri H. K. will leave for Penang after the meeting.
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  • 43 5 Six months' rigorous for stealing thirty cents' worth of zinc is a punishment that ought to protect the metal, for which tin re is apparently a great demand. Such was the fate that befell Woo Kain yesterday at tlie hands of Mr. Cohnaii.
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  • 93 5 The financial position of tin- Rangoon Municipality is said to be serious. At the present moment the town is indebted to two banks in respect of loans for waterworks and drainage to the extent of Us. 11,400,000; against this heavy liability there is a sum of Us. 685,990 in Hi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 546 5 TO-MORROW NIGHT. V FINANCES OF THE COLONY. On Tuesday the 31st July, 1906, at 4.45 p.m. there will be held iv the Upper Kyonj of the Victoria Memorial Hall (under the auspices of the Singapore Branch of the Settlements Association) A PUBLIC MEETING of the inhabitants of Singapore to consider
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  • 533 6 GliJdens Are Bound for Home After Globe Tour. C'harlo J. (Hidden, of Boston: aud Mrs. Glidden, who have been touring the world in an automobile, are on turn way homo from Yokohama. Japan, where they ended their latest wandering. The last advices give Glidden \s
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  • 121 6 .Mr. W Beanbaon, luad of the shipbuilding firm in wfaosc yiirds the new hattlnahin "Ajpun ntu" has Imilt. s|>oakiiig on kc 1 c thi 1 bring 1 lunched, that, owing to improvement* in lii 1 ii being n rapid, the Ibe British (Ir<-t would be obso Within tivr years. Al
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  • 302 6 Aims and Views. The meeting of the Inter-pturluunentary Union at Westminster Hall this week is .in? ot the motit remarkable sjsistn ings of the year. Following the exam pie oh Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Norway, Switzerland and the United States, Sir Henry Cunpbell-Hannerman has promised to pi>pose a
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  • 280 6 A correspondent in the W*SMt ludiea deals in a London journal with the subject of insurance 01 cultivated products against damage by hurricanes —a scheme which Mr, llebke;h Uell. Administrator of Dominica, hail announced, was being worked out by .Messrs. Henry Head and Co. The terms were embodied
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  • 187 6 A torr— puildsal tliUi describes, 111 the biaui Free Press hU sxpsrisaost in the markers' there: —"I have visited some ot these during th.' last few day-. and found thai their state is veiv lilthv. The foul drains and the accuinni;iuon of putrifyiug animaJ and vsgstabl ulTs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 79 6 Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and DlsrrhMa Remedy in India. Mr. SI L. Jliseocks writing from < ti. IJ.McI. Hvculla, India, says: "J h.ivo used and still require a good many bottlsi "i Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di.inlioea ReLiedy. and have found it :ii\. Unable as a cure as well as a
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    • 555 6 WANTED. SURVEYOR. --Government licensed surveyor. Wanted immediately. Apply, giving references and stating salary required to Survey," c/o Strait/ Timet. u'2750 TYPlST.— Competent Typist, accustomed to the Remington keyboard. Man with knowledge of Shorthand preferred. Apply with copies of testimonials stating salary required, to 2R. r >o D. c/o Straitt Timet."
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    • 657 6 TO BE LET, OFFICE.— No. 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd floor. Apply to 0 1658 GCTHRIE CO., Ltd. HorsE— No, 8 Thomson Road. Apply to J. A. Meyer c/o Meyer Brothers. 0 2900' HOl'KE— Letoomb Cottage, Gilstead Road. Apply to John Haffenden, Gilstead Road. Ml OFFICES.— SmaII first
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    • 828 6 NOTICES. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. Advertisers »r« earnestly requested to send in their smaller advertisements or notloes of ohanoa before Noon (on Saturn ay* before 10.30 a.m.) otherwise their orders may have to be postponed to the following day. Large advertise* me nts In future will require twenty* feur hours' notioe
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    • 695 6 READ IT IN THE NEWSPAPER Colombo Lady's Qood Fortune. The wife of a well-known Csylon Government Official bad the good fortune to see something in one of the Colombo newspapers which has proved of great advantage to her. At the time she was suffering much from poverty and impurity of
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    • 92 6 Wanted > t Once A little forethought will often SBve 1.0 end of truiiMo. Think of the pain and suffering that must !>• endured :n case of an attack 0/ pain in the t'liWHtili Of cramp colic when nu'diciiu- mu,| be MBl for. Every family shouid have a lx>^le of
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  • 445 7 A oji rcspoudcul sends tin the following extracts from a private letlet- written by a landowner in the g i vornment of Saratoff to a frinul in >i P*;ersburg "I can imagine with what feverish interest you nut now be giing development 1 in the
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  • 211 7 A case ut ra— rkahki craehj n reported to have occurred in the Puen Yue District.. near Canton, says a 'Chiua Mail" con rsrx indent, under date 13th July: There wat a doctor of considcraMr fame, who had a large prac!i< large indeed thai In ><iuid afford
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 276 7 ARGYLL MOTORS Ltd. "The AIJ vll Cars ire among the most notable of all British Automobiles." Thi FiM. A 10-12 H. P. GAR IS EXPECTED in the early part of August, and, if received in time, will be Exhibited at the Agri- Horticultural Show. Trials by Appointment. SOME RECORDS. ok
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    • 234 7 ULU. Arouuo a uu., I .2/ fl admiralty quality india Oak Tanaad Leather Mttng, I ».i r A I THE "RED ANGUS" SHEET. Unk Belting Raw Hide Belting, I j t I Raw HMaOaara, *c I i^ujg^^^l AH Genuine Oood. stamped wfth CAHYAt HMf, COTTON IIITIHC, ISj^^^l^" <v^-T^^^S« Trade Mark.
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    • 172 7 f"*^>- ft i fJA i I 5 Time Loiters PainiuiJy w for ibose who suffer from tho lor* <} 0 turc^ of neuralgia. The indescrib- (i able, pain and torment t nr.luts q comes suddenly, and takes all the sufferer's courage and leaves him > weak. Just as quiclily will
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 113 8 The race for the Liverpool Cup is run for to day at Aintree. I'hi m. l. Linr.iin will leave Johnston's Met to-morrow at 2.:M1 p.m.. for the Swim mini; Club Bungalow, returning thence at ."> p.m. Tin- death is announced of Captain Hank Ma'!, wlm was ski]i|Hi
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    • 87 8 Sl.S(iMdl:K ltlH.h A— otlATloN. The following arc the dates for engaKmputs at Italestii i BaOgßi Sunday. 29th July. S.U.A. Monthly Handicap. 2 p.m. Saturday. 4th August, l'n-.ctise 800, 900. and l<KK)yarls.. 2 p.m. '>th August. Practise 2<K). 500. and ■00 yard-.. H a.m.: I'ractise mi 900. and 1000 yard...
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    • 162 8 Aiii ■riling to a tule^ram to the Mntiu from boa New York, a new race across the Atlantic bewail on June 2M between the Oetaaaa ataaaaat DMlarMawl ami the Kunch sUainer I'nn< nvr. It will be reimiiilKriil that ou the outward journey the lunch liner arrived lii-t.
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    • 206 8 i.M'lks L*wa Tma Cuts loobkambbt. The following are the results of the playin tin- above Tournament on Wednesday aii'l Thurxlay Mnuui Doububi -A Clam: Kta. and G C. Mm ray 1.V4 beat Miss ami Mrs. Paya« QaßwtT- J. 6-1, M; Mrs. (ians-,-i .Hid Mr. Miles w.u. Mrs. I'oyntz
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    • 1035 8 ood Povsimaa ash i:. <;. m.xkk Dbaw. MocL the must btetaatang tic in the 'mix titii'ii lot tin Association I tip \\us tlmt o( tin- Mini final between the Slk rwooil I rested and tin Reyal (iHirison Artilerv. j -t. -i.lav which proviil an attraction for an
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  • 118 8 111 1 i- n ported that at Shantung and Tsingtau some new important industrial undertaking have beeu created, including a- glass manufactory at a branch line of the railway from Tsiugtau toTsinanfu. It may be added that the Chinese provincial governor has invc-tcd Tls. l.").(KHiiu the undertaking while
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  • 191 8 Tiik following passengers arrived here on the Joth July by the I'rinz JCitel Frifdrich. From Antwerp:— Mr. .1. yen BleysA'ik Ris. Miss. J. M. Meyer. Mr. "and Mrs. (j. Han 1111-1 Mr. <i. K. Vreede. From Southampton: H. li. H. Prince Suriyong, Mr. W. K. Olthoff.
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  • 33 8 It is stated iv a Chinese paper that H. K. Tang Shao-yi. the Chinese Commissioner of Customs, intends to engage a Japanese financial expert to assist in "the re-orgaui-sation of the Customs Service.
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  • 34 8 Tiik French newspapers assert that the British Admiralty plans of the new quick firing naval gun. aud probably its plans for the defence of British ports, have been stolen and sold to foreign Powers.
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  • 40 8 Thk llnWi/says that the Army Council has been in communication with Lord Kitchener regarding the formation of a •ii in ial Staff, and, in accordance with his I iews. early action will be taken both at home and in India.
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  • 35 8 Thk Committee on Shipping Law, of w Inch Mr. Bonar-Law is the chairman, uphold the existing tonnage law, and emphasise the fact that the principal maritime powers had adopted the British system of measuring ships.
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  • 35 8 Mil Haldaxh's proposal, to withdraw the British battalion garrisoning Ceylon, call, attention to the military contribution of thai Colony which, this year, comes to jf145).147. The limit is uinefortieths of the icventu of the island.
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  • 1168 8 -——«>■■ Opium Smuggling. Penaiig, Sunday, 22nd July. Opium smuggling has been very rife of late and we are constantly having cases of men being arrested and heavily fined for bringing it in larger or smaller quantities from Perak. Only the other day we had a man, apparently a
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  • Correspondence.
    • 424 8 To Ihr Editor o/t)te Strait* Mam* Sir,—I have read carefully the numerous articles which have lately appeared in the local l'ress regarding the Tanjong Pagar award and the general financial condition of the Colony, and have also noticed the fact that a public meeting is to
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  • 87 8 Tin i;f was the usual gathering at Harm sum s Circus last evening, and it is evident that the public are still very keen on the splendid attraction. To-night will be the la-t of the present programme, and the farewell matinee will be given to-morrow afternoon, children being
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 425 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese jroods i.e. silk kimonos. Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carj>etsof all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and Gentlemen
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 119 8 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 27th July. High Water. 2-27 p.m. Hockey 8.0.C. v. R.K. Town band. H. S. Reservoir. Ito 0 Harn>Bton'B Circus. 9. C. C. A. Prinsep St. Church, x. Saturday, 28th July. High Water. I'll a.m. :M0 p.m. U. I. outwtml mail due. Bruaeh Co. Meeting. 12. l>arnl
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  • 3 9
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  • 843 9 Bedouin ludicial Sjstem. In his annual report on Egypt and the Soudan for 1905. Lord Cromor gives a highly interesting account of the Sinai Peninsula, a country to whose affairs, says the Agent-General, the attention of the Egyptian Government has lately been drawn, and which has of recent years been,
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  • Stock and Shares.
    • 362 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed ■Number of fthanw Issue I V»lae Paid op to Reserve i Company Quotations I Pays at Pretent Price. I I 9140,000 13.500 3,»n am-iMd 4.000 350,000 JO.OOO 10.000 S*D uniraued 6.307 10.493 36.700 110,000 50,000 130,000 30,000 2,000 luuintd 10 10 SOLO. 1900 1903
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    • 291 9 i i 190.5 1905 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 £150.000 1200,000 £30.000 700.000 £70.000 •150.000 £13,000 £140.000 •120.000 £11,125 •610.000 £59,520 12.1.000 £10,500 140.000 20,000 f 7000 11,000 70.000 9,000 nun D«d 63,000 I 7,000 8.000 um.iuad 12,500 6.000 6,000 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 1 t
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    • 198 9 1894 1898 £5.377.10.0 •225.000 £4.648.15.0 •225,000 7,638 13/6 4,500 M 12/6 > 50 113,500 10.000.000 a 9,500.000 250,0006 I Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd. Fraser Neave, Ltd. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Howarth Erskine. Ltd. •7.7S sellers 117.50 buyers I-.'. •10.000.000 •10,000,000 80,000 »12-i $125 770.00 sellers 1901 1901 1899
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    • 49 9 Howarth Erekine, Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 2% prem buyers. Riley Harereaves. Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% prera buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400.0 0 2% prera bnyera. 5% 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4% 602,'W0 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 290,000 2% prem buyers. n 5% 1.365,500 1% prem buyers.
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  • 231 9 Singapore, 27th July, 1906 PRODUCE. <iambirr do (Cube No. 111 1 unpicked Copra Kali do Pontianak Pepper. Him k do White 5% Sago Clour Sarawak do Bruoei No. 1 Pearl Sago Coffee Bali, 15°£ Coffee. Palerabang, 20% batus Coffee, Liberian No. 1 Tapioca, small Flake do small pearl do
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  • 282 9 IF WE WERE AT WAR In an article entitled "The Advan tages of the Alliance with England,' the "France Militairc," says that in case of war between Great Britain and France on the one hand, and Germany on the other, England could render France enormous assistance apart from the Navy.
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  • 480 9 It would form a subject for regret if among the professional papers of the Survey of India a recent booklet by the Superintendent failed to attract general attention for— though professedly but au account of the scientific work carried ou by the department— it is, remarks Indian
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 Th? authorities at Peking, having learnei that the OfciMM volunteers of Shanghai are well drilled and have excellent rules, have written to tlv? president of thr commercial bureau of Shanghai la Mad a copy of the rule* to Peking, where they hay also the intention of forni'-i: a Chinese volunteer
      51 words
    • 58 9 It is reported that the Nippon Yuscn Kaishi hat decided to change its biweekly service between Hongkong and Bangkok to a weekly F«rvice. The Company has ordered three new steamers, each of 2,500 tons, .'or the Yangtze service two steamers of 2,700 tons each for the Shanghai line and two
      58 words

  • 343 10 The Sultan of Peraks advice to the Malays there U) work on rubber plantations draws the iollowiug press comments:— "Malay Mail." There is, we know full well, a strong disinclination on tfTe part of many employers to engage Malay>. but we hope thai nOtft in view of this
    343 words
  • 323 10 Mr. Balfour. recently iv the lecture- j hall of the City Temple, optued a fourdajn>' Grecian" bazaar, iv aid of the Parkor Memorial Chapel at Crowberosgk. He &aid that it was true that ho did nut belong to the church to which the great majority of them l>clungcd,
    323 words
  • 168 10 l'er P. <V O. v. M,u?,l,,nia ci>iiucotiiis with tlir -.tM.'.iniT IMlaat Colombo, from London I July 6. due 4th Augt— Kcv. B. De (ourcy IThhiiii] iu-v and Mr». \v T. Chan) Haw A Knr. (J.M. Km^lit. 11. E. ( H. 8. M-ikl.v .1. I). Sauiulers. \V. McNnb.
    168 words
  • 1026 10 The Australian Common *ealth Parliament is considering an Anti-Trust Bill, Sir William Lyne, the Minis-tor of Customs, speaking on the Bill, maintained that if some such measure had been enacted in the early days of America tho gigantic trusts, which had resulted in such great evils, could
    1,026 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 78 10 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO BAIL. BwniMng. Pasjri, due 2sth July. Belm Mever. I. i i .ii. Oltmrnk, tat 2nd Au^t lloiiKtetul. Ni-w /fain-ill via pirtH. l/mrima. ou ttth Auyt Boustead. Teluk Anson via ports, Sappho on Monday*. Selangor on Wednesdays, and Hye Leong Fn.lays. S. 8. S. Co. Knit Cxutt ports.
      78 words
    • 733 10 and Steamers.^^ P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penant, Ceylon. Auitralla, India, Aden, Ejypt Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bilk of Lading issued for China Coast Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Una. Outvard nor China). •MM 4 Augt
      733 words
    • 687 10 Konlnklljka Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under oontract with t c Netherlands India Government. AgenU at Singapore Ship Asnmcr, late J. Daikdklh A Co., 2-S Collteb Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer 1 From Ifin'ted Will be desiatuhed for Brourer Bengkalis July 25 Bengkalis, Siak. Pakan Baroe, P.uieh, July 28 Asahan,
      687 words
    • 467 10 HAMBURG AHERIKA LIME. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a rei'ul»T service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the
      467 words
    • 704 10 C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Tons— Speed 10 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      704 words

  • 286 11 During a debate on the Education Bill in the House ot Commons, on the Juth June a s:nts ol vehement speeches were delivered from the Irish benches against the iiie.[uality and injustice of Clause IV with Mi". Hniell s amendments Mi John Redmond described the propos.-d provision
    286 words
  • 317 11 Aii niU'iT-t:iiir li-.tle epi» da I i.ocn brcnght to man or l< au•,,.i.i Nty| the Malay, Mail Early ii the Railway Department '(Tralli.- Manager's Offut)! wi .1 MMM eighty Ot niutty dollar., to a| illu 111 Kuala Lumpur. In- 1 ■toad lending closed dwqiM i«r tin
    317 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1114 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq; —barque sch. —schooner; Yet. —Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser Ght.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo H.p.—Horee-power; Brit. British; U.S. United States Feb.—French Ger —German Dnt.—Dutch Hal.—ltalian Span.—Spanish Sar.—Sarawnk O.c—General-cargo; d.p. deck pas«ens.'<;r U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— TanjoiigFa«iir\Vharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf
      1,114 words
    • 96 11 July 85 Telena. Brit str, Hankow Sigrid, I<u*b str, Odessa 28 Anglo Saxon, Bnt str, Sew York via port* PrometheuH. Brit Btr, L'don. Adam, Antwerp Benarty. Brit str, Calcutta Marwarri, Brit Btr, CalcutU Delagoa, Nor Btr. Saigon Charterhouse. Brit Btr. Sourabaya Hong Mob, Brit str, Penan); Ban Liong. Dut
      96 words
    • 97 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. tanjong FaOalt. E»vr Wmtm tfimm- 1"1 East W'HARr Skitids I:— Tauglin, Powhatan. Ai.bkht Gravino Dock Nil. Shbkrs Wha'ik St>Tins 1 Kilendale. Victohia Graving Dock:— Nil. IHWHUF. TaNJONO P»0»R Section' No. "i Lombard. Nil.
      97 words
    • 123 11 From Edbope— By the 8.1. tlaajM due on 2t*tb July. From Chin*— By the ML M. s. s. Timkin due on 30th July. June 14tb B. I. July 6th June 18th M. M July lath June 2lHt P. O. July 15th Jnne 27th N. D. L. July
      123 words
    • 856 11 Name, port, probable date of rrivnl. ami name of Agent*. St'amkk.h. All-in, mi,. China, Sept 4 Mansfield Achilles. China. Sept. 2 Maimfleld Alesia, Hongkong, Aug. 13 Bchu Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. Aug. 3 E. Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. 30 M. Maritime* Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Behn Meyer Ardjoeuo,
      856 words
    • 116 11 tor Per BMMMT Time To unit how. Saudakttii vim port» I'uiel 10 a.m. Bandjermmsin. etc. Tmmm 11 a.m. Bangkok B i"t tprrt 11 i I'oimiiK. Sahsiig. i'adaui; 1 p.m. Bourabaya k*Mg (hen- 1 p.m. Bangkok fcuftaft 1 p.m. P. Swetteuham, Penaug I'm Sriii; 2 p.m. Siak, Paneli. Anahan
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 Tli.. Consulting Architect to the Gom rmiiciu of Indi* has given high praise to the work on the new Hi-man Catholic Cathedral. Rangoon, winch lif thinks the finest mafonry buildHsJ hi India. The wonderful part of it i that. uxcr|>. the huildcr, a Rom.-in Catholic priest from Europe, the workers
      60 words
    • 770 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company Toyo Kistn Kalsha The three great steamship lines betweeu CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG MARU,
      770 words
    • 644 11 N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained betweeu Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
      644 words
    • 215 11 THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD". FOR COPENHAGEN 4 ST. PETERSBURG. The Danish s. s. SdRDKAP is expected to arrive from Hongkong on the 29th instant and will receive a prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight and passage apply to THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., 2894 Agents. NAVIGAZIOXE GENERALE
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 53 11 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG.— 26th Jii.y— 4 p.m. Barometer 29 52. Direction of Wind a.*. Force of Wind 5. Max. Temp in Rhmle HO. MANILA.— 26th 758, n.s.w. 3 81 20 Time Balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore -ttandarl time corresponding to 6 a.
      53 words

  • 505 12 A debate took place on the 26th June in the House of Commons on an junendmont to the Education Act by Mr E. Cecil, the object of which is to make clause IV. mandatory. Mr. B>rrell stated that the clause in question mm an exorescene on the Bill,
    505 words
  • 130 12 Mr. llayashi, manager of the Shanghai branch of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. has returned to Japan. Mr. Hayashi's return is connected with the keen comj> iti.m now going on between the Nippon Yusen Kaisha and foreign s-teaimliip companies in the South China MTviies It is stated that the
    130 words
  • 160 12 The market was again subject to fluctuations. Cash Tin opening at £180. and three month.. £179 15s. but, says (\.riiisli Post." of the 27>.h June, at the beginning of the week owmil: to general dullness the mark.t relaxed and without much business, we close at £175 15s.
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  • 339 12 The question of under-sea coal storage attracted a good deal of attention about a couple of years ago. And thereafter the Admiralty instituted experiments in order to ascertain whether steam coal conserved its steam-raising powers better when submerged or when stored in this ordinary way under
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  • 200 12 The notice issued by the Indi&n Government on the 9th July regarding the change in connection with the Gold Reserve Fund signifies an important alteration in the method of dealing with the profits from coinage. Hitherto, these profits were converted into gold or held in
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  • 186 12 A few weeks ago a rather amusing question was asked in Parliament about the Chinese who weie tortured by British municipalities in the foreign Concessions by being made to wear the wooden collar. It is a pity the questioner couM not have been present in Hankow
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  • 84 12 The Chinese authorities in Canton have succeeded in capturing one of the miscreants who has confessed to being one of the pirates who boarded the Sa iua in." This man says that the captured booty was divided into shares of which his share was Tls. 180. The authorities will obtain
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 612 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Bonking Corporation. paid-up capital ti0.000.000 RESERVE FOND Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 %10% 10 gnn noo Silver Ressrve »,600,000| WO O 000 Raerve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Hanpt, Esq. Chairman. O. H. Medhurst, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond,
      612 words
    • 494 12 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £976,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Lb*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      494 words
    • 675 12 AUCTION SALE TEAK AND SERIAH FURNITURE At No. 1-b, Jalan Klapa (North Bridge Road) triday, 27th July, at 3p.m. Catalogues issued. H. L. Coghlan 6" Co, Licensed Auctioneers 2868 attd Surveyors. AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED PLEDGES The property of twelve pawnshops On Thursday, 2nd August, 1906, at 10 a.m. On Saturday,
      675 words
    • 486 12 AUCTIOM SALE OF PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. To be held at Powell 4 Co.'s Saleroom. Wednesday, Ist August, 1906 at 10 a.m. Friday, 3rd August, 1906 at 10 a.m. Monday, 6th August, 1906 at 10 a.m. Jewellery consisting of diamond rings, brooches, earrings, bracelets, watches, chains, Chinese and Malay gold and
      486 words