The Straits Times, 24 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times \O. 22.090 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JULY 24. 19 M. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 441 1 MICHELIN TYRES new sto:k I JUST ARRIVED C. Dupire Company. i 101 ALBERT L. A. OALEY, Undertaker Tomb Build -r 1..<-ry attention (jiven to (■liai«esM«lci-tttt-ISO WUUUe Rood. s<iU- A-ji-ms fur 1 rintli>il||a Tliothaira TM Tinatira 1 -'HHOCO'S Anti-Corrosive Composition Anti -Fouling: Composition Boot Topping Paint 1 •cniHtatitly with palatal aw
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    • 433 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIHECTOrIY. AUCTIONEERS- HOTEL aW-11 mix" nuiCL a. a. c. 4th stH POWELL &JCO., Singapore. D£ LA (Established 4J ykabsi. DA IV Kea! Katate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga- r Ml A ges arranged Valuations made. Rente collected. Powell 2 Coy's Atictiou and House-Property Ttla>>>"<« 61 Singapore ircular is
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    • 445 1 ROBINSON CO. RACE, FIELD and MARINE GLASSES -^aamaaß>^__ Robinson's slaaTal aTaraa aTa^Ma I^Ss^BMaVdMl Medium si/. very powerful, excellent for dC K target work, well finished HHV^mmH $12 50 "Scout" best value ever offered. •T«c bCOUV ALSO Ro!.i\so'r,'s well knewn "Special Rapid Action Race and Field Glass, W hen once focus*.ed,
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  • 1665 2 . Notes News of Sport from bngland. 1 he Turf. London I si Singaporeans who intend viaftsng En»l:iiul next v<;ii w II be iiiiint i) tn loam the racing Ixtnra Jor 1907 beforehand and these will be found below. It w.ll bo noticed th;it the Derby tail lato
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 Empire Typewriters fire* *^!j">Lv "Nil <% 725 of these Machines are in use BY H. M. GOVERNMENT THE PUBLIC USE 40,000 OF THEM Strong points of the "Empire" are:— Visible Writing, Simplicity of Construction, Durability and Perfect work. Foolscap" M«hl<l takes paper W" wide $110-00 Prices. 13.r 135-OO h 1-)
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    • 109 2 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to New Harbur. j LIQUID FUEL 30/- Kitty Utilise) I-" tsi f. s. is Kmrr.. Katf «f dtlivci) M t«n» p s«ei. STOCKS ALSO ATSuez, Bombay, Colombo, Penang, Bangkok, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Batavia,
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    • 401 2 rHE DERftY HORSE FEED j One of the greatest appetizers and muasle j noducing (<" <ls of the pit ent day, oonaiatfcifl if mixture of sugar, maize. (tackly. lirun. and alt. l"sed as stibbtitute for otlier fuod. Readily Skcn by li'.rses with rapid mid axtonisliing •esiilts. Kecommended by all who
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    • 207 2 Grand prize st. Louis mo*. DR DKAIXE'S ZBIiR^'EJKrWA.SSHIIR, LOTION tfjr*" v" WALLE*^ -iivi'gly r»Toiiimt'ii(lt'<l by tin- I W ctfEN ivAARWAjcr *J highett mrdiial uutherituM in I ''Cjfjf tn«T>nrt!rt^lH^ England and on the Coiitiinnt U'-frffl^^*'^ UK Of TF.\ I!F.K\ IMITATE* M'T.IIVBR Japan Panama Hats Folding shape Alpine Shape. in FINE PLAIT.
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  • 54 3 A m w world s record in pola-vaultiaa lias ttabliid by Mr. Mioori Fnjii. of tlir 1 111 1 jll>€l i 1 1 I niv.l-.ity. win. .1. i i. .1 \J >• I. it ;!•_;:> i n-^t tin- licord of 12 bet made l>v Mi. MeLaaahaa, al K< i I
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  • 822 3 Explanations and Criticisms trhap it h not generally known rks the Hongkong Daily Press," afc the result of the new F >ard of Trade rules an innovation is beinj oarriod out which may have t.n reach,iug effects on BrJ.ish chipping. Loa.l lines are being adjusted to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 Wanted t Once. little forethongh) will often save nc i able. 'I'liink .if the paia and I thai in. lst endured :n nw ittack <• pain in the ».<niaeli "r li.- wlu-n ni<(li,iiic must be MM Every family should have I )»>:t!i> ChaJßoarlaia'i OoKe, Cfcohf and i !!<in (lv in
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    • 285 3 PHOSFERINE Th* Gr«ateat of all Tonics RADIATE* HEALTH. J Aofrictan *+tun Panant, Limitad. ir. Fmrrimidoa Road, London. B.C. J B INDIAN ENGINEERING Am li-i uitrated Weekly Jocknal THE RECOONIZKD ORGAN* OF THE PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bctui fide circulation LIBT OPEN TO INSPECTION PAT. DOYLE C. E CALCUTTA Hotel
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    • 317 3 DOGSHEAD /g|k BRAND BASS'S ALE M J^jjflp!) GUISNESS S STOIJT Can be had at all first class \j£*^. c Agents. Bars and Hotels Kirn HH M Co Sin B*por«. STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1906-7. (:o:) ORDERS Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in
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    • 81 3 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in India. Mr. Sd. L. Hiacocks writing from Clare Road, Byculla, India, says I have used and still require a good many bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera f and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found it invaluable as a cure as well as a preventive
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  • 13 4 Nik r..\ Jam -Mill. Sj'- £»tSW. Qeorai DoM Vi TaaJKagaad flaming Coaaaa;
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  • 1136 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, 24TH JULY. 1 f i> not a far cry from trad (or v.itho it Slii|i|iini;. ti-.ide and eomtuerce in a place like Singapore vroaU onus to mate) t fiatrfatill an febi'ining. I ail :o it trade iii. l c mm to raeeoTC wonU
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  • 345 4 SuMKTUiMi I'roni the Spectator, in the jm -t-nt circumstances, is worth ■]iin:in l <. t)iir revered London contemporary remarks If the mere repair of uur bodily organ* were ;lie s>>le purpose of sleep, we might w»ll guppoae that Nature would have found a way to this end 1. m ■ostly
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  • 206 4 With regard to tlie tinploynient of C'liinese labour in the Federated Malay States, it may be stated that according to the HesiilentOeneral's last report to hand, the estimated labour force connected directly and indirectly with tin mining is put by Mr. Aldworth at 280,000. a very nnxlcr ate sti mate
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  • 94 4 Thk I'humtj (jo-ell-- objects t<i IVnaug's Iteing taxe«l to meet the o;itl;iy on Singapore's harbour and dock improvemeuts. It urges that the latter will give advantage to Singapore only and v> ill reuik-r it a formidable rival to Penang. To clinch the point, the (fcutft* points out that when it
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  • 19 4 H. H. thk Slltax ol Johore is cnim ted to arrive here to-monow by the German mail from Europe.
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  • 17 4 Thk troops aud Vohmtecrs will moliili/.e on the .">».h aud Bth of next month for field mano-iivres.
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  • 22 4 Thk population of the Padantad Malay States is .'-limated to have b«Mi not less tliat s^MMKKIat the close of the yeal I*o6.
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  • 26 4 111 1 is rapMrtai that Perak will not he able to participate iv the Hangoon cricket match at Christmas, says a correspondent to the Btruit* Echo.
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  • 29 4 Wl are re«jueste<l to sta'e that s. Ki*tim will leave the Roads at, UO p.m.. instead of J..M) p.m.. tomorrow. A launch will leave Johnston's Pier at 1 p.m.
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  • 24 4 Onk hundred aud fifty-nine daathl weie registered at Singapore daring the wc< k ending ou the 24th July. The ratio pat thousand was f?jM>
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  • 26 4 Aboit 7 o'clock last night a Chiuamau attemptetl to commit suicide by jumping into the sea off Johnston's Pier. A Kuiogieuii Police constable hauled him out.
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  • 36 4 Ksi.i.ish penny stamps are sold at l'cnan<> Post Oltice at four cents each. The dcllar having been fixed at 2H ]«r. the (iovem nient makes a profit of twain r.nts .hi every dollar's worth of staiupx.
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  • 41 4 Thk employees of tlie Netherlands Trading Society are to be congratulated ou their gotxl fortune. We hear that, for the year l'.Ki.V tlie Company paid a bonus of :M) i><i cent. on the salary of every one employed by the bm
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  • 50 4 Mi:. LokK Y«W is about to orect Un -h.>p hons< s in Klanu. It was fearod at one time, remarks the Molay Mail, that Pott SwutUinham might mean the decay of Klan^, but it is evident that such fear* were groundless. Klang is flourishing in every MMo of the word.
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  • 38 4 Cut. Pimm, formeily of the Al. S. <;.. is e.\)H'eled out from home next mouth. Hays the Strnttx E'lto. He intends to Invent money in rubier and will probably join Hidlen Traaanri Kst«t<'. the nraparty •>: Mr. K. H. Hrat:.
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  • Special (Sennan {Telegram*. .
    • 168 4 . MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED IN THE CAPITAL. Cause of Dissolution. aVMfa MM July. The Duma has U-en dissolved. A new Duma is calletl together to meet on HwMh March l!H)7. M. Ooremykiu. the Premii r of Kussia. ha- Ix-eu dismissed. ML Stolypin. the Minister of the Interior, will
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    • 16 4 The NwmiemUehr B*%Hms emplmtically denies the ruiuorr- ot I pr(.|«>-e<l I intervention in l!n--ia.
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    • 20 4 (ioveruor Trupi^l of Ki«< chau will leave for that station on tin lat \ugust nc\t. i.i Oeaea,
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    • 30 4 Herr Btepaaheaaee, weo .as formerly tl liiched to the wcriuan Kinl -ssy in London. has h. n tr.Misfei leil to the I .< rinnii tubam) iii Japan.
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    • 25 4 Qnaidi IteTeben i«>susi at the breiKn Ktnhassies ia "it- I'eteishin^, hut it is iIoBC solely as a pn nti\.- mi i'.sui-e.
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  • 37 4 A :l> clerk in a l.m i office was f.- mil iv the sea off C ollyci Qoay ■eatenkw aftei'iißOii. He ra standini; in the water jp to his neck. The man i-Ix-lieveil to ba uDtanc.
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  • 45 4 A MU us- BObOened in prt>ni'it ing the Baatam Trading C'ouipauv. l.tJ.. waslul-1 at Penoog. tbe other day, wben it was decided that I be capital of the Oempany should l« 54,O(j<nKXi, half of which wili 1..called up. >vill Ik- twelve .I"' on the Imi.
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  • 55 4 A an radon baa ban diaoovi din the iiiuip: unt nauad to Mounted Inf.iutiy with the Si msr ,-ihV. It has been tomtU that in th Ma aad tear of mounted work. Mm spring of tbe -futy milt «< ts graduaJJy worn by i ii'tan n tion with the banket
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  • 47 4 Mk. Trii ucherof arithaietic iv the Kanl<-> CUtfa 1 School, will I. mm Biajntpon I iglond on Thnnday, the 2Uth i nstcn.. lie will par vialt to America on his way hoc Mr. Clarke, of the Institution, will li'lily rill tl-i- vacancy in theOirla' i ~>l.
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  • 49 4 \\t .11 itatt lllllt the Sitpplio in 'it in wfl] ivc Port Swetunliiin at noon ou Kridayi and praoaed Malacca, without uailiag ;tt Pott Wckviu. si, i shciuid rot ii Mate) h at 7.:!<) pju. on Kridays and ;ii.iveal Siugajiori at h'l lIMuU time on Saturday mi. i v'>.
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  • 58 4 hoi i Indian 'm-^ Jldrsa \ua up a iMisition on thu >| iitj{ll in Nev, I Road, and for tho pus: wu UH-inii. molested everylvl) oronaing the bridge. The poifoa should p r. m Imuediata stop to thin iiniioyiincc. It v mill aUo b*' adrajitageouM if the |«olice would gather
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  • 141 4 At the opening of the Aariww ou :lrd April, tlie Sol: ttor-Oanoral the Int. Mr. H. H. Hudson drew aitontion to the i HOI moils increase In the Bwafcac t nrhnii n< \iolcnce. (>uti" ton) easi"i in the calt nl v Mm were not !oss than i.i^ht of viol, m
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  • 159 4 Tut niolttfariou* itaMoi uilotti-<l tv v ••ciilleiiiau w-iosc primary Oesna'aaVoß m that of lllMllllfclf of niiwani < s toe Dm hi hi ci)«l district (if UsBMM (New South N'.il. >i enotaMi coiiiniint from the OUel Jnatioe at Syduey, ou the 27th .lane. His Houn.u M that the otticißl hppeari*! t<>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor co., Wire Spirit Mtrefmh SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW AGENTS RILEY HARGREAVES Co., Ltd. FOR TANQYES PUMPS. Co. Ltd. We use Borden's k,,...v>^,. mj atabli milk, prepared aaaw H M We sell Borden s fl H deaaliaeea tt 'in Hit- earn to 9| B We
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    • 310 4 TO OUR ADVERPSHRS. Advertisers are ua nastl; requested to send In their smaller advertisements or notices »f eh anoe before Noon i»n >i:um«(» b.Jope 10.30 a.m. 1 otherwise their orders may have to be postponed to th* following ay. Large advertisements in future will require twentyfour r ours' notice for
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  • Waiter's Cclcflrnnn*.
    • 161 5 DUMA GREATLY DISAPPOINTED GOVERNMENT. "Ukase Unjustifiable". Mml -lull/. The Tsars MaaMMtl concerning the dissolution ct tlu- Duma says that the Duma ha greatly disappointed the <;overiimenl. Ih cause, instead of per forming pra*tic. l work, it had undertaken illegal actions uliieh were bi-vond their sphere. a fclcurain i.
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    • 33 5 Over One Thousand Rebels have Surrendered. Btc'd, 'NO .lithj. 1 1. to a.m. Iha i iuht days' mace hawing axafcai in regard to the Natal troublesome 1.047 rebels have surrendered altogether.
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    • 100 5 Inusual Scene in British House of Lords. Bee'd. Mtt -Ihlij. iohi ,'.m. There was an unusual scene in the House I Lords yesterday. Sixluiudred Members ot Parliaments in different countries in K irojH'. and in Americ i. BatOlttMad in the OoUaa (iallery v> discuss the ijiii'stion of pi
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    • 18 5 s- Rrtuabnrg is oadat, bet Timm and (teUo Ml in every qoactei of the city.
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  • 367 5 JAPANESE BATTLESHIP KASHIMA. Passes the Port this Afternoon. Thk new battleship Kcm/k'uo. whiak !ms joal liccu coiiipli'ti'.l tin tin lni|Ni'ial )a|irt insi (ii.viiiiin.iit by Sir. \V. Ariii-ticm^. Whitworth ami Cn'.. Limited, at BLrwicii. I mm <l throaah t'n port t!iis tttm moo hound tin- t.'.pau. Sh, liun h ili-jiliir.-ini'iit "t
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  • 148 5 . This pnpalar Chwaa still ooaakMaa u> |x norm before packed boa— nightly, aud everyt g gin's with a swing that carries thus.' present along with it. Saturday huge liois,-. when hundreds wire turned away alter the l.m n hail lieen s,ouied for extra --till the talk of Singapore.
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  • 792 5 His Excellency and Suite Loyally Received at Selangor. Miss Asdkkson and Miss Laird again went with Sir John Anderson on the continuance of His Excellency's visit of inspection to the Native States. At half past five o'clock on Friday the party in the Beit Mrw started on
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  • 358 5 Festival of Muhammadans in Singapore. Thk installation ceremony of the Kmmioori festival took place yesterday after- I noon in all the local Tamil -Miihainiiiadan inos(|iies. The mobiles and the house" of a past many Muhaininadaiis were il.roiate.l with huntings and evergreens: and every Mohammedan. fOOBA and old.
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  • 292 5 Introduction of a sew Process in Singapore. Mkksrs. (i. R. Laxbert and Company, Photographers, have introduced into their business the newly invented process of Colour I 'holography by chemical means. Tims Mr. H. Th. Jensen, the manager, is now able to produce a photograph of any animate or
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  • 392 5 Sensational Charges of Bribery in Regard to Property. Thk case of Phua Keng Tye v. Tan Seng Phuan and Somasnndram Chetty, .vhich has occupied the attention of acting Cliief .lustice Law. for several days, was concluded this morning. Mr. Elliott appeared for the plaintiff. Mr. Wee '111. tin
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  • 310 5 Chinaman Caught Red- Handed by the Police. At 11 -~> a.m. ou the 16th instant. Detective Inspectors Joyce, Tyrrell and others gained access to a house at the corner of Kramat Koad and they found a Chinaman named Kwok Peng Kok, in the act of pouring molten metal
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  • 25 5 . 'I'n i- Town .in.l Y«l uiloer Hand will play on the Esplauada tmiorrow I Wednesday). 1 p.iu ma ir pe.inuti lg.
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  • 711 5 . A Document that was Iniquitous and Criminal." YnsTEKiMY.the investigation into the allegation of pet jury brought against Hit ji Ahamad bin Ahmad Ahdulraiuan by Mr. K. W. Braddell, on behaU of Haji Ismael, was proceeded with by Messrs. Michell and Nathan. Mr. R. W. Braddell prosecuted Mr. Montagu
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  • 218 5 . Fkoji time to time the Key. P. (i. Graham miss.- 1 small sums of money from his residence, and yesterday with a view to unearthing the thief he marked a number of ten and twenty-cent pieces aud wrapped them up carefully in an envelope,
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  • 98 5 . Fi'Hthkk evidence was recorded in the case yesterday. lnspector Reynolds was examined. He found two piirangn {choppers) in deceased's house which would tend to show that he was not .irnicd when he met his death. A walking stick was also found in the house. Tijah
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  • 89 5 Tut swallow who nests in a railway truck, the cat who adopts a young rabbit, and the collie who mothers a litter of kittens are all eclipsed. A young eagle has been fonud on a roof in Kleet-st. Ft is supposed that its mother, flying over
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 271 5 TO BE LET. No. 4 Mount Rosie. Apply to Raffles Rotel FINANCES OF THE COLONY. On Tuesday the 81st July, 1906, at 4.45 p.m. there will be held in the Upper Hoom of the Victoria Memorial Hall (under the auspices of the Singapore Branch of the Settlements Association) A PUBLIC
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  • 264 6 LONDON RUBBER MARKETS. S. Figgis Co.'s Report. Una) Juue. Tue market couliuues tint aud only a ♦ma.l business has beeu done if liard Fine spot at 5,2J iorwafd delivery 5/2^ to 5, 2^, Soft Fine About 11 toils atloat ak 5/11, CauioU.s 3U. Island Nogroheads 2/9 J. Scrappy ainall sales
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  • 287 6 Messrs. Lewis Peat's Report. 23nd June. Pan The market continues quiet. but than has beeu a steadier tone prevailin. The sales include Fine Hard at Jj at r > '2\ on >:he spot, and at B/SI for forwani delivery: Soft Fine at B lj 1 on the >p<»' and atloat.
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  • 170 6 Messrs. Lewis Peat's Report. 29th June 1900. Para The market has lioen very dull ■11 tin. ul'li tin- pant weak and nol mneh am been aY ne. The Bale* inrlude Fine Haul at ."> "J; so •"> "J for fi.nrard ilclivciy. Soft Fine al ."> II to th tin- near
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  • 80 6 i>l l»ti the Kmm Fr.-. iv, > hrn "in li ct CUM of livdropli.i curriuf aasof, Bangkok ]>n Sobm mihh aiv reported a i« bitten, schan art- said havi had Him HHM and m-rillv on tii, |ol m. !<•-; llifv sliuiild OHM 111 i-.'Ut.iit with mi.) dog. In a town
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  • 1226 6 UP IN A BALLOON. The New Society Cure. It is true, apparently, that balloouiuf hM aspired to the dignity of a -cure. It was necessary that some sensation be devised to counteract the ?ver-increas-ing popularity of the motor-car, that something newer than motoring be elevated to a ."a: 'inm.ihl, craze.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 641 6 .WANTED. PONY.— A strong sound pony 13-1 to 183. Must be stylish. Apply Sea View Hotel. M KICK. Wanted Double rick in good order. Offers by pout to Swansea 191. Pasir I'anjaug Koad. Singapore.. 2866 HOUSE— SmaII, near Borneo Wharf. Apply stating particulars to N. 1.. Strait' Times. 8886 TEACHER—
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    • 661 6 TO BE |.El\ OFFICK.— No. 7 Battery Road. Three rooms ou tod floor. Apply to c 1558 GUTHRIE CO., Ltd. OFFICKS— Small first floor offices facing Caveoagh Bridge Road and Fliit Street. Aptly to Oathrie Co. Ltd.. Agents. a.c FURNISHED HOUSE.— "EImsMe," No. «f. Upper Wilkie Road. Entry Jane Ist.
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    • 1062 6 BIBOAPORE SPOBTINB CLUB. programme for the auixmn race Meeting, 1906. Oct. 16th, 18th and 20th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, October 16th. 1.-THE MAIDEN PLATE-Value 1600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance »20 Distance R C 2— THE LAWN BTAKEB-Vaiue »400. A Handicap for all Horses imported as Griffins
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    • 838 6 Entries close at no. jn on Saturday. 6th Oct.. 1906, except for Races Nos. 2, S i 4 ou the Third Day. For these Race*, entries will be accepted up to 6 o'clock p.m. ou Thursday the inth October upon |»y ment of au Extra Free of Teu Dollar-. All
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  • 767 7 London. Slat June. Aloes. Market steady, fair U tine Boootriaa Ikiul' worth 60 to 80 per cwt. :w ease* Gam sold yssurday, -.<■<! l.riytit at 90 to 34.. dull and di'- J 17 4 packages ZaiiziW.-.r fair hard Boeotriae in skins at 45 per owt
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  • 607 7 . A daring case of piracy m lantuu waters is reported in Hongkong papm* to haud. The steamer pirated n tailed the Sainani The China Mail < l the 16th July gives the following ac.-ouii. "It is evident that the attack wa* previously planned. Our Canton MX itpondent
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  • 202 7 Racing Yacht for the king. Negotiation! are in pragn i or the construction <>n the Clytl yacht for t he King. The designer! who hive ben honoured arc n well-known Glasgow firm and the yai lit will take the famous name of Britannia The builders hay not yi't been definitely
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 Dan Macfarlane Co/s ROYAL V. 0. V. Jsiqueur Seoted <:o:) OBTAINABLE FROM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. >365 Sole Jlgents. What we Do. We do Well. .^J Good Work j 0
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    • 235 7 4^£ TAINiSAN «MT A MINERAL WATER HtSL-g^PW^* r 1 J 1 HIGHEST CLASS, %a*mT7^^ Pure, @risp, 'Invigorating. ANSAN OF ALL DEALERS. CROWN PERFUMERY. ffg^b»» THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., LONDON and PARIS. OF ALL DEALERS. See that the bottles are stoppered with oui registered "CROWN STOPPER." (S) W*W*¥ TA. JLasf 1
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    • 72 7 Cham b rlan's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparatiou in the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought it into almost universal use. It never fails, and when reduced water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 142 8 ■afßefa Sport Notes will be found on PaSM and I of today's issue. Some of the horses engaged in the high jumpine, contest tonight at Harmston's Circus arc not unknown in local turf matters. The King has been graciously pleased to (•iifer tin title of Hoval" on
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    • 100 8 S. V. A. Hiklk Club. 'tut. Houorary Treasurer of this Club. Mr. T. O. Mayhew. lias presented his accounts for tlit year February, IUOS. to February, 1906. ami Jlr. .1. 11. Bead-worth has audited it and and bandit uuned Having commenced tli year with a credit balance of ♦146.49
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    • 121 8 MI.VVV- hil: L. L. T. C. ToI'KNAMKM. In the above tournament play will on Wednesday -Inly Mam, The follow my are the draws:— Lamb*' Deoaua. Mr- Sauudeis aud Mrs. Stevens v. Mrs. Freer and Mrs. Mactayjjart: Mrs. Pierce and Miss. Tait v. Mrs Nicholson aud Mrs. Scott linssell.
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    • 132 8 S Joel 1 ii- r. Mi hi v. s. uwh. A Illfrir atttrh was played on the Old, yesterday afternoon between t< aiu- lepieseiuing St. .lost |.h s and the Medical School. A fairly good game was uitm-sed but it was s,,uiewhat s[>oiled by tl.t rough play on
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    • 50 8 Golf. KH'IKI, C" I.I" I! .IlLl AUIiAL. It:, duly Medal was played for on Shtur lay and Sunday when twenty two took out cards. Mr. 0.0. Ho'rsfall the list with the iisful score of 90— 18 7-J and Mr. B. I'age ran him a -,'ixxl second •ritli M Ifl 7.-..
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  • 279 8 . List of Visitors and Residents. H a. vi.l Mis. li. K. Wilbcr iConsul (ieiier- .1 l.v \.,Mr. <i. K. ClmuiU'rliu iVice 1 ,i-ul tot I*. S. A.i (ok C. N. Watts. H. H. A. H. M. Sankey. <i Wrij-lit. Profc—a W. 1. Simpson. Major I. Henhow. t 11.
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  • 66 8 1 1 London eomeaoa- that pntt\ gMta ston. s an b to the fore then aud olivines. and I ■••1- ii all fashionable, as are also a lately iineaithid in Kliodesia.Htul iu\e stoiu kiin/it< only to be Diego County, in California. 1- .ii< m v rule, and hail trom Borneo,
    66 words
  • 901 8 Penang s Grievances, Tuk Piininij Gazette thus comments upon the Singapore Harbour Improvement Scheme We may take it for granted that 1 when the Singapore Harbour Improvement 1 Scheme has been carried oat in its entirety i and all the works completed, provided the 1 Harbour, Tanjong
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  • 229 8 At Camberley. on the '£Hi\l of .luue. between 0 and 10 o'clock in the morning. Miss Waite. who lives with her brother. Major Wiiite. was attacked by a man who had entered the house. He struck her in the face with his let She raised
    229 words
  • 17 8 Tin M, (iermaiiirii* arrived ycsteiday Mom Newcastle. K. S. W.. wit'i a c:iu:o of coal for Singapore.
    17 words
  • 1677 8 The Municipal Presidentship. Penang, Sunday, 15th July. On Municipal Commissioners have carried out their threat and, on the decision of His Excellency the Governor with regard to the re-appointment of Mr. J. W. Hallifax being read at the last meeting, they, one and all. announced their intention of
    1,677 words
  • 285 8 . Arab Rebels Punished. Alk\ indkia. '24th June. O'ConoxU Hey, Governor of Kordofau. arrived at Taloudi. on the 12th of June, with a force 550 strong, composed of a camel corps of 850 men and 2(10 Sudanese Infantrydrawn from the garrisons of El Obeid and Mara, after more
    285 words
  • 256 8 K KTHt'.K V.VL'OUAN. W'llO lias Coll\ Illscd tile smart set in London society by his recent diiitriU-s from the pulpit, belongft to the .h.siiits. A nieuiber of one of the oldest families 111 the kingdom, aud brother of the late Cardinal, he remains true to the traditions
    256 words
  • 48 8 Cmtain BOLFI of the a. s. Sum Suii'j. uliicli^firiiM.l (torn Hongkong yesterday, reported that In- picked up sevunU 111 Cliim IN in tlu- disiimntNd junk Haul lull LieiA Ch|h- I'adarau and Inonnlit tlii'iu oil to Singapore. Tho juuk wae'redderion and was in a -mkin^ condition.
    48 words
  • 92 8 Tiiiikk I liinaineu bar* Ihcii limuylit up at Mm Police- Court. Kuala Lontpor, on tin eaanje of" aUting" driaa, Tha .M«xistrau-. in lomniittiny tin- ateaa«l for trial, on tin ■jutl: instant, oava aa tha ohaqpi an att< nipt to clu-at ami tin OBVriaf) of dislioiirst 111 illK'tintnts hv linhlag tilt-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goodl i.e. siiic kimonos. Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton erupt- kimonos. Persian and Indian earpeil of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      225 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 138 8 DAY in DAI. Tuesday, 34th July. High Water. MS p.m. S. E. I>n!l. ■•>■:(!). Town Baad. H. S. Reservoir. ■"> t.> B 8. V. A. Hinge Finding, li. Haiinst.uiH Circus. 9. Wednesday. 35th July. High Water. 0 4 v.m. 1-U p.m. (.ei-ma Itward mail due. 3. Haruist )n s CtMaa.
      138 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 360 9 Date of Formation 1900 1903 1901 1902 1901 1892 1898 1903 1901 1901 1905 lbt-9 1890 1904 1900 1899 1902 1905 Capital (175,000 £400.000 ♦300.000 £30,000 £146,700 £-200,000 f 2,000,000 9300.000 $120,000 260.000 1150.000 £2-iO,OOO £:i7.-»,000 £120.000 ♦220.000 $2:10.000 £160.000 £30.000 Subscribed •140,000 £350,000 1293,600 £16,175 7/ £100,8C6 £191,250
      360 words
    • 303 9 190-5 1905 1904 1903 1903 1906 1904 1905 liHMi 1906 1908 1904 £110.000 J200.000 £30.000 NMM £70.000 $150,000 £12.000 £75.000 5250.000 £300.000 30.000 SJOO.OOO £140.000 J120.000 £11.12.5 1610.000 £59,520 $12>.000 £10.500 £55.000 MM 000 £260,625 £20,000 $135,000 140.000 20.000 f 7.000 i 11,000 70.000 0,000 uui. ued 63,000 I
      303 words
    • 200 9 l-.u I*9* 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 1891 18M 1890 1887 1864 £5.377.10.0 •225,000 t10.000.000 M.400.000 t34,000 •M 75.000 $600,000 •30.000 •200,000 •.500.000 •3.000.000 13,700.000 £4,648.15.0 •225.000 •10,000.000 •2.400.000 •34,000 •875,000 •240.000 •30.000 •200.000 •421,000 •2.000.000 •3,700,000 7.638 12/6 1.-.00 50 AO.OOO 112.5 200 $100 3.400 10 6.000 »100
      200 words
    • 49 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% WOO.OOO 2% prem buyers. Riley Harcreaveß, Ltd. 8% 225,000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,0 0 2° o prem buyers. 5% 1.478,000 par. buyers. 4% 602,0n0 par. sellers. Tanjong P«e»r Dock Co., Ltd. 6Tfc 250,000 2K, prem buyers. 5% 1,865,500 1% prem buyers.
      49 words
  • 805 9 The F. M. S. in 1905 l-'.j'r.tct* frtnn Ilir Ailiiti>ii*tr<ttwn lieport. l\ Public Works. The expenditure on Public Works iv 1905 was 86,488,152, of winch the expenditure on personal emoluments am. unted to $388,745, nearly' 6 per cent, of the total. The department had in charge 1,777 miles of cart-roads
    805 words
  • 89 9 A HATiint rurioUH incident is reported in neclion with the Animal Infirmary at Rmma A km «<nt there (or treatment •HMlhHpl on the lHth July an cured. Tin next moroiiiK. however, it returned to tin- Infirmary of its own accord. On the way it p:isw4il it viunnt piece of ground
    89 words
  • 225 9 Commercial. PRODUCE. (lambier buyers 7.10/15 <io (tube No. 1 j unpicked 11.00 Com Kali 000 do Pontianak K-20 l'.mxr. Itlack buyers 20.45 ,io White 5% 27.75 Sa»o Flour Sarawak 2-65 <lo Hrunei No. 1 2.62} lVarl Sago 6-40 Coffee Bali, 16% buyers 19.75 Coffee. Palembanß. 20% basis 21.00 Coffee, Liberian
    225 words
  • 1146 9 . Malay States Output-Modern Estimates. The "Financier" of the 26th .June has the following letter from its Ceylon correspondent Considerable progress has been made during the last three or four years in the cultivation and manufacturing of the raw rubber on the plantation, but most rapid and most advantageous
    1,146 words

  • 404 10 Three, if n.>t tour, exp ditioM are expected to bi in the Antarctic area again within the nixt eighteen BOntA*. '111, tU p»|lllllltil«l| from Capt. Qerlache of Beifinni to Dr. Chareot of France, that mkih \.\\v pa=t lew years in the Far Booth diaoovwed new lands and
    404 words
  • 245 10 The Bchemie tor building ;i new CaUtedraJ [or linmbay has been deli- 1 liiuiv ■hendwifd aad the alternative n, !<> [the improvement at tlio present building i- ion in hand. An appeal i» pubii.-lnvl 1/v the Archsiaaoon, who i the Secretary of the impraveoMßt Scheme. k>i funds tv
    245 words
  • 1245 10 It would be hard to find any count ry in the world, where there is a great -."r tangle in social conditions than in Australia, remarks a contemporary. A paid legislature has brought with it all the mont undesirable Matures of the Socialistic-Labour regime, but with ail there
    1,245 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 749 10 Ships and Steamers. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penanf, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward 'for China). IMni 4
      749 words
    • 1207 10 Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with t c Netherlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore Ship Aobhct, late J. Daekdklr A Co., 2-S Colltxb Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer i-'rom i ttxp'tadi W ill be ues] atoned (or Van Vicmen Riouw July 33 Batavia, Java-Coast, Samarang, Soera baya,
      1,207 words
    • 700 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED BAILINGB FROM
      700 words

  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 67 11 for Per Steamer To-Moßßon. ISanljermassill. etc. linn Umf Indrawn Aino Tlnje I'.S'tiMiliam A Penang DM Feluk AnsoD via ports SrUimior Malacca A Port Dn;kM)n Bmf l.iau vmrahaya Chmrtttktmm Muutok i Palembang U. (J. ileijer Tkiimhi. Sni>!')i-a and Bangkok Ileil'imi Furope via porta Pmlam nil,, Kreniantle via ports Sultan
      67 words
    • 145 11 . From Edbope— Bv the N. D. D. 1. 1. E. frinlricli due on 25th July. From Chin*— By the' M. M. 8. Tonkin due on 30th July. TIME TABU or HAIU DCC. Left Singapore Dne in London Arrived May 28th N. D. L. June 22nd June 21st
      145 words
    • 167 11 July 21 Argonaut, H M oru, Hongkong K. Kegentes. Dut str, Amsterdam via ports Prins Hendrik, Dot str, BaUvia JaiiHsi'iis. Dot str, Sourabaya via Ranean Hong Wan I, Brit str, Hongkong. Swatow Banka, Brit str, Anambas, Natunas Is Magnet, Brit str, Medan Sexta. Ger ste, Shanghai Challenger, H M
      167 words
    • 1185 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq; banjne nch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser Gbt. Gnnboat Tor. Torpedo H.p.- -Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch.— French Ger —German Dut— Dutch; Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d\p. deok
      1,185 words
    • 869 11 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and ■name of Agents. Steamers. Alcinous, China, Sept. 4 Mansfield Achilles. China, Sept. 2 Mansfield Alesia. Hongkong, Aug. 13 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. Aug. 3 E. Asiatic Coy Annum. Saigon, Aug. 30 M. Maritimes Austria, Hongkong, Sept. 7 Rautenberg Ayuthia. Bangkok, Aug.
      869 words
    • 257 11 Per P. tO. I. h. Maeeilonia connecting witli the steamer Malta at Colombo, from London July 6. due 4th Augt— Rev. R. De Coarcy Dla'keney, Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cherry. Messm. A. Keir. G. M. Knight, H. K. Girdlestone, K. 8. Meikle. J. D. Sauuders. W.
      257 words
    • 107 11 VESSELS AT TANJONQ PAGAR AND KEPPEL HARBOUR. Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. TANJOaO pa.oa,||. E»st WaUa* Basin:— Nil. E\st WuabkSh rii>N 1: BombavMaru. TaiiKlin. Maria ltu'kmer-.. Albert Gbavixh Dock Nil. MMM WHAKt SirTMx 1 Edendale. Montrnse. Erika. Victoria Graving Dock Sarie Borneo. MAIN WHKF. TANJONO
      107 words
    • 1097 11 Touching Reference to Miss tllen Terry. The last item on the programme of the Elle:i Teity Jub.le, 1 produced two charming ■peeohea, Lauy Bancroft, standing belure an improviicd curtain on the stage, nnt addn led the audience. She said Ladies and Gentlein -n. It was suggested to me
      1,097 words
  • 278 11 A :upp'.i miMitary note to the memorandum on the rojji-t ration of teachers and til.- alx>litioii of the register saysj hat -me- the rm iiiivaii.l.iin «M the Bwird have annouiued three important ehaaget in regard to secondary MssOoll and teachers in England. They have provid cl in
    278 words
  • 198 11 Tln^ i- a civilized country and fau i:uiiiot take tilt- l:iw into your own hands, ninarkod Mr. 11.11.. J. Gompertz, ;it Urn Police Court Hongkong on the ilth July. The reason these remark:, l.y ihc ('(iiivl m that four Japanese the b.iatswaiu. the quartermaiiter, the pmrttr
    198 words
  • 104 11 Mr L H Willie y. who. haj just been appointed first judge or the n?wly esta-hhsli-d Uiuti-d States District "Court for China at Shanghai, is At' < rnev-Ge-nrral of the Philippines and is to leave the Philippine! on 1 1t nth IMB. M a five months vacation not to return.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 762 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AMD Toyo Kistn Kaisha t The three great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-scntw steamers KOREAand SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG
      762 words
    • 382 11 THE EAST ASIATIC COY, LTD. FOR PAHANG, TRINGGANi;. KELANTAN, TABAI, BANARES. TELCPIN, PANGNARAI. PATANI, SIXGORA. LACON, BANDON, CHAMPON AND BANGKOK. Tbe s. s. RKDASO will be despatched for the above ports on Thursday, the 26th instant, at noon. NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITAI.I A NA. FOR HONGKONG. Tbe Italian s.s. CAPRI, 4200
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 55 11 WEATHER TELEQRAM. HONGKON'G.— S^iuiJt n— 10 t.u. Barometer 29 J Direction of Wind ran. Force of Wind 1. Max. Temp iu Shade MANILA.— MM 7-56 iav. 1 W M Timk BtlU "1! T.rt (■■uiini.^ mil M mt Faber drop d lily nt 1 p.m., tfingftpur* lUmUrd time cone>i> lulling t>
      55 words

  • 183 12 Tiade Competition in the Far East. A telegnua raenvad in official qoarten at Tokio gives, kmm partii tin pnceetlings at the ineetin| i the Dsimail Bad Asiatir Sicicty .«i HatSbwrg, when Piince Henry of PrMW, blether of ill' Kaiser, wai> |.i,-int The ino-i notable feature '-.ivs the
    183 words
  • 1258 12 Mobbing the King's Carriage. Big: Crowds. Havk t»i hk Bkatkx Back by the Polkk. A disgraceful scene, ending iv a free fight between the police and '.he public, somewhat marred the great wedding of the season at St. George's, Hanover-sq., on June 14. Som?
    1,258 words
  • 157 12 The constitution wf the great German firm of Krupps is undergoing a radical change. Since its foundation in 1816 to the present day, it has remained a phvate firm, and has probably been the only undertaking of the kind engaged in operation of such word-wide magnitude to escape
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  • 97 12 The "Pcrak Pioneer" lllMlwrtllllll that the Retidew: -General lias li,;d under consideration the filling of special class appointments under the General Clerical Scheme and towards this end confidential reports had to be submitted to the venous Residents by heads of departments employing grade I clerks. So
    97 words
  • 47 12 The new appoiu ,n«>nt of Inspector of Prisons. F.M.S., which it about to be I'ctified. is to be conferred on Mr. A. B. Voules. The head-quarters of the convict establishment will be in Taiping. Some use v evidently still to be found for the capital of Perak.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 563 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital n0.000.000 P.-JSERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »10,000,000\ |Igiw|Win Silverfteserve 9,500,000 f M*- 500 000 P. nerve Liability of Proprietor* 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq. Chairman. O. H. Medhurst, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. Ooetz, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. Hon.
      563 words
    • 476 12 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Chin*. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank o1 England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltf. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      476 words
    • 675 12 AUCTION SALE TEAK AND SERIAH FURNITURE At No. 1-n, Jalan Klapa (North Bridge Road) triday, 27th July, at 3 p.m. Catalogues issued. H. L. Coghlan V Co Licented Auctioneer! 2*6* and Surceyon. MORTGAGEES SALE. AUCTION BALE. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND Districts of Siolap and Toah Pvoh at Messrs. H. L. COGHLAN
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    • 76 12 AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED PLEDOES The property of twelve pawnshops On Thursday, 2nd August, 1906, at 10 a.m. On Saturday, 4th August, 1906, at 10 a.m, On Tuesday, 7th August, 1906, at 10 a.m. The pledges consisting of watches, chains, gold and diamond rings, earrings, brooches, Chinese and Native ornaments with
      76 words