The Straits Times, 23 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times W. 22.095 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY. JULY 2a. 1900. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 455 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS HOTEL m«" nUI LL B C 4th a sth POWELL CO., Singapore. DE LA Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga I rAI A jes arranged Valuations made. Rents oolleoted. Powell a) Coys Auction and House- Property TeUphoiu oi Singapore insular is issued weekly and sent
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    • 576 1 ROBINSON CO. RACE, FIELD and MARINE GLASSES fßobinson's Tn beout H^^^^^H fl^HßasSl Medium si/ very powerful, excellent for Aj Lm- aa»»m larget work, well fini> hed $12 50 each. Bal Bal II Bail Baas Bail! Ba>l Baaaiiiii i^— fßobinsoris H |H I u Scour best value ever offered. 'Tri SCOUT
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  • 1638 2 Their Use and Abuses. When the return!) show I mac 84,000 people visited visited tin- oldtime reoort on Whit Monday is convim ing evidence thai. th> place in increasing in popular estimation, and the extraordinary circumstance inducts us to look into the why and wherefore which led
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 "EagleCement A Portland Cement of the Highest quality. "CONGO" TROPICAL ROOFING. Price 1 pay $8.50 per roll of 2 1 6 Square Feet 2 10.50 3 n 12.50 M p« M Complete with caps, nails and cement for fixing. TriH ROOFING IS RAPIDLY SUPERCEDING ATTAPS Importers: I§de ffiorneo (So., Js>td.
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    • 403 2 THE DERBY HORSE FEED. One of the greatest appetizers ami nnmcle producing foods of the present day, consisting of mixture of sugar, maize, paddy.' bran, and aalt. Ised as a substitute for other food. Keadily Mken by horses with rapid and astonifthing remits. Becommende<l by all who have tried it.
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    • 587 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PREBERVE YOUR HEALTH ail Eortity U Sistem against Disease ittn ~j^^j^B||^ff l^^^Sff^^O»^lO''^* T c _|__^l_ll^_^^^^^S^Pl^Bl •W» cannot mfk. ■^BiW>MiJlB t» PS IR H_ m too whir of if i^y^i t^%iMi lfl*m 3J-^a^LJ I SJ^SSSSSTI™A l L IAOTHOR.T^l AOTHOR.T^ SS.'fiSSS'^S Torpid Liver, Debility,
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  • 223 3 Tin rurii of Aiiuiican tovriati to K'ijl mil bat broken tin record of all I i- Mr, ii- MMOBH ;;t mrre nondins: date Nearly ijOOO paaengm arrived Hi l.'v ncol in the twdity-four In in lvii- l tth. all i ■lit < n touring Tin v HUM liv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 I Wanted t Once. A little forethought will often myt M i Hihlo Think of tho pain mid that must 1>; endured in MM an attack <>:' pain iii the s oinaeh or ir.tinp colic when medicine must be sent fi t K\crv family should have a ho'.tlc Cliamluilains Col
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    • 94 3 FOR LADIES-ai qJORET.HOMOLLE'S APIOL v the moif tur§ rawed/ agalntt tht Sickneti, anil other eeffec t czutcd bf tht delay of tht regular period*. afcQPIM.a-IH.IOT.Ka. S*-Honor*. PMI» BOVRIL A jib. bottle ol ;;,.itil vi.l N io or II rWpa "I a liiu'hly ii'iln oO> an ►timnlaiini: hfl Hotel Van Wijk
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  • 2540 4 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, 23RD JULY. It is thought «lv;<«Slt. iii view of the alarmingly rapid ■aaeoaeb o! the opening day of the AyriHoitic'i Ami. to warn mcuibeis of the Qanl ParpMMCoaadMM ami of tin' Huildiujj mm i Hrtrrtrilg O'lf> Committee* that thair mxl ■■.••'.'.;■>« has
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  • 23 4 Thkkk is suiil to be terrible Hickumw among the survey coolies employed on the demarcation of agiicnltnral land laOßaaK tion of .lohore territory.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 24 4 IfcflfcVJM -hili,. 11. M. King Kdward has decline! to attend in person the opening of the (JtH'brv Bridge in Canada.
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    • 31 4 President Roosevelt Successful in the Work. The Central American republics oi Guatemala, SaUad.u. and Honduras which had been at war. have made peace through the mediation of President Hoosevelt.
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    • 54 4 Behest to the City of Hamburg. Alfred Beit left to the City of Hamb-iri; his country laaMeam iii;ir there known ax Horstler .linger". He bequeathed £1,200.000 for starting a railway fund with which to construct Ham m such countries as might wish in be connected with tinproposed Cape
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    • 15 4 Kussian Stocks are falling heavily in v.'.ln, in the Bourst»s thioughoiit Kurope.
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    • 14 4 The Dag of I'amhxlm has ninlri n his return voyagp.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams. (By Submarine Cable)
    • 40 4 Dock Strikers Resume Work at Odessa. lln-ii. S,,^.i/)nrr. :'lst July. The ilockcc; at Mmm, »ho went eat on strike, hnvi- rcsiiinp<l work, owin^ la U onlir. jssiuml Ijy the (lyvt'riinr. threatininy toi'\ilc tin-in if the > rr)iit;iiu.-,l dm strik.'.
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    • 28 4 Atire lms aaeamai at Daaaaa, >v wn; damage estiraaU-. I at IsflsVflOl) tud des'.my ing the largest store of whislov in Britain and two jute w.iiehonsi
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    • 43 4 Suppressing St. Petersburg Newspapers. The Czarlms ■■■•LiliiNl to tin- Kuiser that h.has abaa<loiie<l liis foreign t.un owtag to lh. political situation. The authorities >• r day. su])|iiosh('(l si\ iih». -(papers in St. PcUTsbury. mmi rintwK JnHnwmi HMpoHes ami the tionpK IkIm;; stiiiiril.
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    • 179 4 BUILDINGS ARE CLOSED AND CUAkDEDBY POLICE. Precautionary Measures. Uee'd. f*W 10-r, matters mi linssia have rowihwi the crisi-.. 1 1 1 Twmt ins issued a dloHe dissolviu.; tin- Dm, ami nruVring Mm cmvocatiun ol a new l)uin.i am the .'>tli of March n -:i > Tli" D.imi
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    • 41 4 DISAFFECTED ARMY. Agitation in the Ranks at Kronstadt. Sibils I.! 1 ll IV I. I ,1,-n-o 1 n, the Russian i,. Civalry luve be-jii sent to Kronstn 1 w him cuisid r.iblo a^t i tion hr\s n-vi-il UMM tin- ginis.i i
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    • 54 4 s.muu i,.->(M hi afaakaai of tlu> Kus,i..,, Navy held a BMPtiaa, at Sevasto|xil. and drew up certain di i.n I for BtaaMlUHl)ll to Admiral Skrydloff. Iii ■•<,- havt- il,-uree:l that if thodenividtar;; i lultilhH Urn whale ol the Black S?.i flu,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 **PHENQTi"wi.'««u.t T Positively 3cilh $erms and Qdeeks niUI PARTICI LARS OF THK VALUE OF PHENOL M lIVU PMWI MST, PA(iK 4(i. Pries Per RepUl. Quart Bottle £0.30 1 Gallon Tin si. 50 •2 $a.7« "i iind 10 gallon Drums on application. <)n»'Qnai't| I Ten Gallons of j- Makes Strong I'lienol
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    • 92 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS AKK AlKMiUl.kl'i M> T" 1. 1! The Best ii the Strai's, AMI KylAL TO Ott ANYWHEKK. Price af Cabinet Portrait* 6 Copie9 12 Copies IN MVTTOTYPE sOO H2.00 BROMIDE ,,ltM ,,18.00 p-vriNorvPE ,.i>oo ,«oa CARBON ,2'i.0O ..40.00 Portrait* on Porcdiin rachSlB. W1LS0 S PHO 0 ART S1U0I0
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  • Reuter's Telegrams. (By Submarine Cable)
    • 101 5 Mr. Austen Chamberlain M. P. and Miss Ivy Dundas. 991 d July, lg-15 p.m. Mi Amlm I iianilx rlain. M. P.. son of the Kt. Hon. .los< ;.:i Chamberlain M. P., was marrielon s. tnrtlay to Miss Ivy, Dundas, Uiiijlit.i o! 0 m:i 1 lMindas C. 1!..
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    • 59 5 More Bequests of Mr. Alfred Beit. In addition to btfMBIMBJ -£1,200,000 towards the oonstiuction of the Cape-Cairo Railway. Mr. Alfred Beit, the famous Raud Magnate, has bequeathed 4:480,000 to educational and charitable institutions iv South Africa. i*15H.730 to the London University, jtWUKKi to London Hogpitals and charities, jflo.omto I'nion
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    • 107 5 BEYOND THE YALE. Death of Dr. Gott, Bishop of Truro. Hishnp ot Trur.i .Dr. Gotti is 'dead. His Lordship haK held the"Jßishoprio simx MW. He was Iwrn on Christmas Day 1*:«>. and was tlu'>voiui)»st of the late Mr. William ofj Grange Yorkshire. Educated at Winchester. UmseiiOM- ami Oxford. His l^inlship
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    • 48 5 FALSE RUMOUR. Report that General Stoessel|is to die Untrue. ir]xm km 1» en eil-culated at St. Petersburg and Tokio that the statement that <ieiieral Stoessel. the brave defender of Port Arthur, had been sentencec; to death for surrendering Port Auihiir is incorrect, and is hiiM'd upon pure conjecture.
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    • 64 5 Wireless Telegraphy Established from Dane Island. Dr. \V. llman. who is coud'u-tinj; an aerial \)H<litinii ti> ih<- Noit 1 l'i lias been siic-«-»—t-11 in {establishing wireless telegraphy tmiii Dane I-laml. which, it is believed is within 6(H> niil<-* (if tin- Ma, t<i Hammerfest. Tin' <'K|M.ilition (mix
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    • 46 5 Serious State of Affairs in' Russia TtOOpI ;ir.- ma-Miiy :it Bfc MataVaJg and Moaeow, ami Othff iniiKM-iaiit centres, iv ailiiitiun to tlw Hi-jjiiiicnt- m (l,i:irils which m:iiiln-<l iut«j St. Ntmbuqg on Thursday. All tilt- proletariat m-^ani/atious have eonplotal poapaMtioßa hr a pacific ral strikr.
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    • 26 5 It i- lxlie\..| that tba tall of Cousols is n inhibit! tn the heavy mlm 'hy t onif anies an. 1 hsi" sales.
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    • 19 5 The Kind's I'ri/.e at Hisl.y has been won In. 'rfptilill Davies. ol the Ist Middlcse
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    • 12 5 Mi. Vischinski. tin- Htissiaii Minister of *•_:> ii'iltnn lias ivsi^m'd.
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    • 20 5 Tba Commercial botweca Italy and Ibyataia bam rfgMi. l > s identical with the lieriiiaii treaty.
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    • 30 5 l.'epreM ntati\es of the two Central \i. i ri( an ie|iul>li<s who liave Ik*:u at warlaie. have signed diN-iuiu-iits of peace on Ixianl the American Crniaer Vtxrbiehtad
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  • 911 5 Lecture C. B. Buckley at the Y. M. C. A. Mk. C. B. Buckley delivered one of his popular scientific lectures at Zetland House on Saturday night, the subject being Busybody Oxygen." He was ably assisted, in the numerous interesting experiments he made, by Mr. Bartlett. scientific instructor
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  • 27 5 \\V iiiiflt'i-suiiul that, in conoectiou with the m t ut explosion of naplitlia in the harbonr. a summons has been issneil a^Hin»t the agent of the fuel.
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  • 46 5 It is staV'l that a new bank, to be styled Tin- Kasturu Trading Company will shortly start business in IVnaiiy. Tit undertaking will have a capital of »4.(Hijmi. Tin' primary object of the bank in to tender for and work the opium and spirit farms, etc.
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  • 67 5 especially intoiestiuj; feature of the Intel Parliamentary t'onferencc, which is U> be in-M in the Hoyal Gallery of the House of Louis tv day and the two following days, will be the attendance of eight members of Mm I 'in of Finland. The number of French delegates present will be
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  • 71 5 I'miuvvs it may be nuit-ssaiy to add. for tlie beaent of onr render* wliu were not in the jest, tliat the first, of Saturday's locals referring td certain remarks upon certain indecipherable linnet \u lUiiy. merely wrapixxl up, it may be, too laboriously, the information that the writer of the
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  • 486 5 Colonial Chaplain Alludes to Education Bill. Tbk Colonial Chaplain (the Rev. 11 C. Izard), at St. Andrew's Cathedral last night, alluded to the Education Bill, wliich is being considered by the House of Commons at the present time. He warned his hearers against the nnsectarian principles advanced
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  • 150 5 Thk Siamese Royal Yacht Umhm Chnkrkri arrived yesterday from Bangkok with HI Siamese on board. She is expected to return to Bangkok on 80th inst. It is understood that two or three princes arrived by her. They will proceed to Europe to be educated. H. R.
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  • 203 5 VmHBMT, Mr. Haw try. Assistant Superintendent of Police, made a raid on No. 162 Middle Road and succeeded in arresting fourteen Filipinos who were playing cards there. Roundly $220 were found. This morning, the defendants were charged with playing in a common gaming house. Two of them had
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  • 20 5 Mk. K. S(ott isappointed to act as Com1 1 1 i -.-n mi -i of the Court of Requests. Singapore.
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  • 12 5 The buoy ou ttie Orion Rocks wm replaced ou the 19th intitant.
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  • 6 5 H.M.S. Chiillmger left for Australia yesterday.
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  • 27 5 C.ipt Winters of the Bun Liomj. which arrived yesterday from Baucljenuassiu. reportH liaving passed the German steamer Mrniilr of Bremen vrliicli wisheil to be reported all well.
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  • 38 5 A licence has beeu issued to Mr. J. W. Hallifax to conduct saie-, by a-ictiou iv I'enang, in the town and similar licences have lx-<m granted to Messrs. .1. T. Lloyd aud J. Lloyd in respect to Singapore.
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  • 46 5 On Saturday night there w*h another Show at No. 7H Amoy Street by the boys of Telok Ayer and Amoy Streets. Messrs. K way Soo and Tiang Tye took their parts well and were very amusing. The piece wan Khodndott and about 801) men were present.
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  • 604 5 Tanjong Pagar Dock Board Staff Felicitous. SuMfc titty ur sixty members of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Recreation Club, togetlier with their guests, attended the Club house, Blair Lodge, on Saturday evening, to witness the presentation of prizes won in tin recent billiard tournament, and incidentally to enjoy a
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  • 164 5 Orders of the Day. Fri<l<iy. -!Ttli -full/. 1900. 1. Question by the Hoiible W. H. She! ford:— WTH the Government lay a statement before the Council giving (1) The list of the works they propose to carry out in connection with the improvement of the harbour including the
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  • 251 5 Tbk headless budy of a Chinaman lias been fouud near the fourth mile on the Ampang Road. The body, which was in a more or less decomposed state, was brought iuto Kuala Lumpur on the 14th July by Inspector Brewer and submitted to the medical authorities
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  • 28 5 Thk Town aud Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Koaervoir on laesday the 24th lustaut from ■"> to 6 p. in., weather permitting.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 617 6 Complete Reorganisation Scheme. Pi Tin- scheme for the reorganisation of the National Union, which has been drawn up by the special committee appointed for the purpose, has now been M published. It make* tome important Hit prat ion* in the constitution of the ÜBKui, its underlying principle
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 575 6 WANTED. RICK.— Wanted Double rick in good order. » by post to Swansea 191. Pa.iir 'anjang Road. Singapore* ■2865 LEDGER CLERK.— Wanted a Chinese iedger Clerk. Apply by letter only stating alary and experience. Robinson k Co. •2870 TEACHER— A teacher with some experience or II Standards. Commencing salary 185
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    • 661 6 TO BE LET. HOUSE— SmaII, near Borneo Wharf. Apply stating particulars to N. 1., Strain Timn. t 2436 OFFICE.— No. 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on 2nd floor. Apply to r r>n GI'THKIE it CO., Ltd. OFFICES.— SmaU first floor offices facing Carenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apt ly
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    • 667 6 NOTICE, THE BRUSEH HYDRAULIC TIN MININO COMPANY, LIMITED. Notioe it hereby given that the Company's Sixth Ordinary General Meeting will be held at the Company's Office, No. 1, Robinson Road, an Saturday, July 28th, 1906, at noon. 1. To receive the Directors' Report and Accounts to 80th April, 1906.
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    • 1059 6 8IU8AP0RE SPORTIN& CLUB PROGRAMME FOR THE AIT TUMN RACE MEETING, 1908. Oct. 1 6th, 18th and 20th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, October 16th. l.-THE MAIDEN PLATE-Value MOO A Race for Maiden Horse*. Weight »»t. 31b. Entrance $20 Distance. R.C. 8— THE LAWN STAKES-Value MOO. A Handicap for all Hones imported as
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    • 811 6 Entries close si noon on Saturday, 8th Oct.. 80S, ezoept for Races Nos. 2. 3 A 4 on tlitt 'lu.-d Day. For these Races, entries will be ccepted up to 6 o'clock p.m. ou Thursday the 8th October upon payment of an Extra Free of Vh Dollars. All such entries
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  • 378 7 Justice may be blind, but, shu ti;.- ,i--good memory. tx> many of th« things <vc ask tor not worth having-, any h so-called political bourn lurw> to be a boomerang. Imost any striking colour is appropriate for an automobile. What's the matter with the ma mi facturor
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 645 7 Dan Macfarlane Co/s ROYAL V. 0. V. Jsiqueur Seoted Whisky. (:o:) OBTAINABLE KKOM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. ■+:)i\:, Sale Jigenis. Direction der Disconto=Gesellschaft I Berlin— Bremen— Frankfurt a. M. —London
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    • 437 7 W^* Some of ths Special Advantages possessed by ff V Tkt MHi FaWs cla«ly aaantlault la caaaaaHlaa la, ia« art ai t«» al «|iallaa aa Malaraal Uk. I Mll^ K POOD No 1 I Ta.y an<Mc a atrfad akl l.r Ikt laraullaa 1 tlrai Htrt aaa uraa| Nmh. For nf
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    • 205 7 MARTIN S APlOL&steel s]j "K LLkJ *wmm torn aM lnatilaHllM AMsMa Jlia a«M aMI il Mania I PUlab lk« kouaa. Klu:.: it vax U uj lnanlAiilr of tba Irataal a tin.;; imm mm 1 faTlalalMif ffln^in aaiilin^TTiia-- 1- v Time Loiters I Painfully i for those who suffer from
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 207 8 The V. M. C. A. Cricket Club should have met tin- Sherwood Foresters on Saturday at Tangliu but the game did not come off for some reftsou or other. Tn Kiual Tie for the Annual Spring Cup ot Mm Singapore Garrison was played on the Garrison Golf
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    • 1139 8 I'KNAMi lI'RK ILI'H. BVtUH Ki>K AITIMN MkkTIM;. 1906. First Day. Tn Maidks Platk. Sexton. Sir Albans. Kxcise. licdwius;. Tuk Qnm Kaie. .Mi'jiic.i! Lady Option. Wm McGregor, (imiiyiiaril. The Gunner. I'nclc Tom. I ua. l'olii|>lil»isbois. Port Trust, Gauiecock. FlutIm Slicecay. Too Wise. Malakoff. K. Tuk Ex-Gkikkix Hwim u-. I in.
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  • 322 8 Ax express published by the Cswtesi Doily Sewn on 14th July p'ves details of the horrible tragedy on the We-t Kiver when pirates attacked and plundered the a, MtMMH. It states: Yesterday at 7 p.m. *UtH miles below Sarushui the s.s. Bmmm was plundered by river pirate*.
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  • 51 8 Mb. Waltek presided on tlie vilst of June at a conference convened by the Kcwaytaat Society, and held at the l/uitcd St-rvice liiHtitntiou. to cuiiMih r the expedient y of n-stiii-tiiiy or controlling the disseiniuatiou otmnmt in war time. A draft scheme for providing for a measure of restriction was
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  • 80 8 Tiu n-]K>it of tin- Opium Lk-uartiueut. Bombay, shows that tlie duty paid exports I from Bombay to China and other foreigu countries and the houit- consiuuptuni came to j ItMM iv IWKiIMi a* compared with -'11 l9oefc«ki iii 19»«-o.-i. The exports to China. aiuounted U> 14.(>s.s ebtali in IJM
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  • 413 8 Voluntary Giving of the Poor. Sojik time ago I wrote you on the giving* of the well-to-do and wealthy, now I send a few indications of how Chinese of the working classes give in connection with their ofrn Chinese, churches. Dr. Maclagao of Swatow, in the recant Synod
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  • 133 8 There was an entire change of programme on Saturday evening at Harm-ton's Circus and a packed house ua- again the order of affairs. Kach aud every item was warmly received, and applanded everyone of the vast audience coming away on good terms with the management aud themselves. Tlie
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  • 147 8 Thk following paHHengers are expected to arrive here by the Imperial German Mail Kteaiuer "Prims Eitel Friedrich" on Wednesday the \ii)th instant. H. K. H. Prince Surivonß and H. R. H. Priuce Ytigala of Siain. Mr. Xai Pin. Mr. Nai Hllfc I. H. H. the Sultan
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  • 973 8 Seremban. July 17th. On the morning ol the 12th instant the body of a Chinaman was found by the roadside opposite Police Inspector Pearse's quarters at Tampin. The man is said to have had an overfeed of durians, and a drink of sugared water on the previous
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  • 41 8 A nkw stock of the three cent stamps of the Federated Malay States is out. The colour of the new stamp is brown, and is said to be an improvement ou tlie old stamp which is of brow 11 utid black.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July 24 At Sale-room, freehold resident*! building at Bukit Timnh Road, 2-30 p.m. 34- -At Sale-room, valuable Town Properties in High Street and Chin Nam Street. 2-30 p.m. 24— At Sale-room, land and workshop buildings known as Hogan and Co., Ltd. 2-30 p.m. 24— At
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    • 325 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL A Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian. Chincion. MMi Japanese goods i.e. silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 87 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 33rd July Hi«h Water. 0-7 ami 11 ->7 a in. lUrni-t..ii- Chviis. 9. Tuesday, 34th July. High Water. 0-3 M p.m. (iermati homeward mail closes. H a.m. B. V. E. Drill. .VBO. Town Baud. H. 8. Reservoir. t.. li S. V. A. liange Fidding. 1). EfamMlM'i
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  • 155 9 Messrs. Sandersou Cos Report. Spor.— Supplies continue small and have again consisted of undesirable descriptions, while the prices realised show material alteration. Very little East India has been catalogued, the offerings having consist sd chiefly of Costa Rica, Vera'Paz and Salvador. The lots of Maragogipe have been
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  • 744 9 J7th June. Market continues firm, gocd hard bright Cape being wor'.h 34 per iwt. The last sales contained 30 pack,.l«- which sold readily at 30 to 34 |>er cwt. for fair to good hard bright, .md 27 was paid for dull and dro:sy. Cap- iciiins. Market remains
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 357 9 Date of formation j Capital Subscribed number of Rhants Isiue Value Paid op to Reserve Company Qcotatioxs I Pays at Preient Price. f I 80L.0 jßenawah O. M. Co.. Ltd *m 10.00 sellers i (Beferted) 8.0« Milan U>a* l>«v*iopment Co., Ltd. *40 sellers WadanaG. M. Co.. Ltd. ..I JMtf«ii
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    • 303 9 1905 190-5 1904 1905 1903 1906 1934 £1-10.000 ♦200.000 £30.000 700.000 £70.000 ♦150.000 £12.000 £140.000 •120,000 £11,12.5 1610,000 £59,520 ♦1 25.000 £10,500 140.000 1 20.000 10 7000 I 1 11.000 1 70,000 10 »,V*> uou ud 63,000 1 J 7,000 1 11,000 uni-iocd 12,500 10 6.000 1 i 6,000
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    • 187 9 1K94 1696 1865 1901 1901 £5.377.10.0 •325,000 •10.000.000 •2.400,000 •34,000 £4.648.15.0 •225,000 •10,000,000 •2.400,000 •34,000 7,638 4,500 60,000 200 3.400 < 6.000 i 2,750 24.000 3.810 oßi~n*d 600 2,000 12/6 50 •135 •100 > 10 Him •100 10 13/6 50 •ml •100 10 •100 •100 10 50* •100 Bells
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    • 48 9 Howarth Erekine. Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Riley Hargreaves, Ltd. 6* 325,000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400.0 0 2% prem bnyers. 5% 1,478,000 par. bnyers. 4% 802.0T0 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 61fc 230,«00 2% prem buyers. 5% 1,865,500 1 prem buyers.
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  • 229 9 Singapore, 23rd July, 1906 PRODUCE. (iaml)i.r buyers 7.124 ilo (Cube No. 111 1 unpickul 11.00 Copra liali »<)0 do Pontian.ik 8.20 Popper. Black buyers 20.45 tlo White 6% IMO Sajjo Flour Sarawak 285 do Brunei No. 1 2.624 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 16% buyer* 19.75 Coffee. Palenibantf. 20%
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  • 1138 9 Decoying girls abroad Stoutly deried Some fresh light has been thrown on the sect of Tramp Preachers concerning whom several articles appured in the columns of the "Morning header TheI gentleman who volunteered the inform, i tion was Mr. Coles, of Leytonstone, a missionary belonging to 'he
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  • 263 10 An echo of the boycott eoakM to hand in the annual .i:k1o report of CsUttoa, when OoMHI-GcMnl BeoM -iv- The year 1905 h;i-: been remarkable tot tho j appMnaea of now factor in China's coma rcial reUti< hi «ith foreign 1 wus. Orwinatiag with the refcnnkl students in
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  • 256 10 .'man robber ha; largely taken the i tine Paia rubber in late yean ii aotation mak ng, and where the |)iodurl is mIiI at a i nc:p< ndiug n mi price thi re v little to be Mid against it. Now that solution mikvii; baa j' -iy cut
    256 words
  • 73 10 Tin 1 groat success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel complaints bat bnagk it into almost universal use. It never fails, and when reduced with w; tii ;uul sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children
    73 words
  • 1259 10 How it Stands. While the New V.rk World" declares that ''if one quarter cf what charged against the packers is one-halt true, the only fit punishment for these people is lynch law. They ought cvciv one to be takeu out to the nearest lamppost and hanged;" the
    1,259 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 743 10 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Ponang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chins Ooaat, Persian Gulf, Continental, and A merman Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward i/or China). Malta 4 Augt Deranha
      743 words
    • 667 10 Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with t c NetherUods India Government. Agenf at Singapore Ship Addict, late J. Dakndklh Co., 8-8 Collier Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Ezp'ted Will be des|atcbed for Van Htxjendorp Singkawang July S8 Billiton. Pontianak and Siugkswsng IHP* July 26 Bengkalis, Siak,
      667 words
    • 438 10 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. j The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, I Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals
      438 words
    • 705 10 C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      705 words

  • 224 11 Desperate Gaol -Breakers. The district prVon of San Ui 1 Canton province) was the scene of great confusion on tho 16th July. The pri- mors had been provided with fire-arnij. |insiiinahlv In- their women folk, who are allowed to vifit- th"ir husbanls and s. us in prison. About four o'clock
    224 words
  • 208 11 The Malay Mail thus iwcribei h i x]hth me <t t!i' M who, in s laagor, nave raapfoyed Javanese oooliea. A contractor iafocai that jimiiiiil th;it lie bat i'iii|)lined this class ol laliuiu largely, and with very satis-.u-toiv ii ults eoatt more, of course, lait Iht iiii|>lnvir git.s
    208 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1578 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh. ship bq; barque »eh. schooner Yot. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horsepower Brit. British U.S.— United States Fch. French Ger —German Dut.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d.p. deck
      1,578 words
    • 105 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. TAHJOnO P»G»R Em Whirf Bt-is:— Nil. East Wharf Section I:— Bombay Maru. Tanglin, Moutroee. Albert Gravino Dock: Nil. shekr.- Mum Bacnoa l Edeudale. Victoru OIMW D«t Sarie Borneo. MAIN WHARF. T»KJO«O PAOAM. Section
      105 words
    • 84 11 lor Per Steamer Tim 4 To-MOHisnu Europe via ports Sryillii: 6 a.m. Penang and Bombay /vii.i 11 a.m. Colombo. Itonihny Bvmbap M.irii noon V. Sii iiham, Pei'iaug Pmuk 1 p.m. Palembang Ofliir 1 p.m. Malacca, P Swettenbam Kuniim a p.m. Malacca. P. B'tenliam (\nhiU p.m. Hongkong I.iqhlnmg A
      84 words
    • 145 11 From Edbopb— By the N. D. D. 1. 1. I, Friedrieh due on 2oth July. From China— By the M. M. s. 8. IMWb due on 30th July. Loft Singapore Due in London Hay 2rfth N. D. L. June '22nd Hay 31st B. I. June 22nd June
      145 words
    • 877 11 Xttmr, port, probahh' dute of nrrir >'. .m: I name of Agent*. Stkamkbs. Alcinous, China, Sept. 4 Mansfield Achilles. China. Sept. I Mansfield Alesia, Hongkoug, Aug 13 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. Aug. 2 E. Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. 30 M. Maritime* Austria, Hongkong, Sept. 7 Rautenberg Ayuthia,
      877 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 82 11 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea kemtdy in India. Mr Sd. L. lliscocks writing from Clan- Road, Uyrulla, India, says 1 h.ivi- iiwil and still require a good many Ik> ties of Chaniherlain's Colic, Cholera ■.ml Diarrhoea Kenv.'dy. and have found it invaluable as a cure as well as a preventive
      82 words
    • 770 11 Pacific Mai! Steamship Co.! Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AND Toyo Kistn Kaisha The three great steamship lines betweeu CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu i and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU,
      770 words
    • 631 11 N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co LU. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service i» maintained betweeu Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, t'nder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
      631 words
    • 53 11 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Fremantle via ports. Sultan, on Jttli July, Mansfield. Hongkong. Capri, fas -'-ttb July. IMin Meyer. A East C.wst i>.iu. Baa iVhutt ilia, alum/ate. 3 SaturdayK and Wednesdays. Port Swettenbam via port* Penang ou Thursdays, and Malacca ou a*turdays, S. 8. 8. Co. Penane via ports Kittnt
      53 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 54 11 WEATHER TELE8RAM. HONGKONG— 23m. J i ta— 10 Barometer W 53. Direction of Wiu<l Mt Force of Wind 1. Max. Temp in «i. MVNILA.— 23rd 7o« M.C 1 W 36 Tim Baluh ou Fort Caimnn; mii.1 M unit vkt drop d lily 1 p.:n.. StBiUpofl >M.>d«rl ii' orrespindin^ to
      54 words

  • 777 12 ~Oi late years, says an exchange much legislative energy has been expended all over the world on the question of food adulteration, the aim being, broadly stat■d that the purchaser shall know what he is buying. Purity is not insisted upon, but the fact ol adulteration must in
    777 words
  • 113 12 A tad ending to the life of a Javanese ciiricd ;it the Jcher Tin Mine. TanKMg M.ilnn. lately, says >:he Times cf Malaya. The deceased was one of a .in:,' of workers and appeared to have beta left alono at work at the foot of the hill juat under a
    113 words
  • 130 12 On the 22nd ult. the first meeting was held of a Committee appointed by the Japanese Government for investigating the reorganisation of the Army. In addressing the moo-ing General Nishi, Chairman of the Committu?, said that improvement of army efficiency was effected from time to time in
    130 words
  • 489 12 ENGINEERING NOTES. The Gas Turbine. The recent rapid development of the steam turbine and the growth in the use of oil and gas-engines for all kinds of industrial purposes will undoubtedly open the way .or engineers to perfect the gas iurbine. The technical problems involved seem less formidable than was
    489 words
  • 199 12 The results of the Kolapore and Mackinnon Cup Competition, at Bisley though disappointing to the Guides need not be considered unsatisfact?-y on the whole. The conditions for the K )>*{,<••; Cup. remarks the Perak Fionetr," must have been unfavourable, for Britain, whose team comprised the
    199 words
  • 171 12 Siv.nty-«ight cases of chcl.ra, the majority of the sufferers found dead in their houses, h fch-i record of cholera for the last fifteen days in the city ut" Manila, says the Cable-uews of the Ist inst On the 15th of June there was one tolitary case
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 601 12 Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital $10,000,000 e'.sservefund:— SterlinK Reserve $10,000,000) Silver Reserve 9,500,000 1 19 500 Uo P. serve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Modhurst, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. 1 Inn. Mr. W.. 1
      601 words
    • 527 12 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City <* Midland Bank, Lk*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per oent. |<er
      527 words
    • 692 12 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tueiday, 24th July, at 2-30 p. m. Freehold land together with the tannery erected thereon known as No. 8 Manc'alay Road, Singapore. Area ***** square feet, being part of Grants 2, 28 25. POWELL CO., 2842 Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tueiday, 24th Jnly, at 2-30 p. m. Leasehold land
      692 words
    • 501 12 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tueiday, 24th July, at 2-30 p. m. Shop— Louse dwellings Nos. 8 4 Passar Lane, Singapore, 1582 square feet, freehold, bung part of Grant 271. POWELL CO., 2845 Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Tueiday, 24th July, at 2 30 p. m. Six freehold allotments fronting a reserve for road off
      501 words