The Straits Times, 19 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.002 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. JULY 19. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 MICHELIN TYRES NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED C. Dupire Company. c 101 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.: j THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINAM K HM. Is IHr SUPREME CoIBT OK THK STIIAIIS SKTTLtMKNTS. bmasM at ■dwahsk. Jn Bankruptcy No 66 of 1904. *+Re Yeo Tian Lye. Katie* is heri'liy piven that a first and final j
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    • 438 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BOSMESS D]RECTOR,Y. AUCTIONEERS. HDTFI til. *ot:--i» p»ix~ nUItL a. s. c. 4ta a st« POWELL CO., Singapore. DE Lfi (Established 42 years). PAIX Real Estate Auctioneers ami Valuers. Mortga- r MIA .jes arranged Valuations made. Bents collected. fcl Sinoarjore Powell A Coys Auction and Honse-Property TeUphont 65 bmgapore
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    • 664 1 ROBINSON CO. NEW COIMSIGNEIMT OF EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Our Cigarettes are packed in Hermetically-Soldered air-tight tins. 100 Cigarettes in a Tin. Robinson's own JJ-JJJ .Beresford m**i**m JJ-JJ Tip TOp GOLD TIFFED, JJ-'J THESE ARE HIGH CLASS CIGARETTES. Egyptian Cigarettes Robinson Company. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. liOlSK— Small, iivar Rr.u-., Wharf.
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  • 781 2 First General Meeting. The firtt ordmary general meeting of this Company was held 10, Lime Street London on Friday, 22nd June, Mr II K Rutherford, the "Chairman of the Com ji.uiv. presiding. Tlie Chairman said I presume that, as customary. yii wflJ take the re]>oiv and
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  • 159 2 Thai Bishop of Luc-know has addressed .i striling letter to the clergy of his regarding the conduct of bum ;ni(! di. rtainim-iits in aid of Church hariticx Hi advin-s tho clergy that if tlu-y can do without baMUI Mkl ntci tainments altogether, to do vo. The
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  • 2034 2 Form A Remarkable Group. The Financial News of the 22nd Juno him the following remarks -on Ibe London Tin Market In view of the great inters now ing taken in the market for the \u i. the introduction of several shares of Im> mining compauieß to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 366 2 JODELITE nsnV^B 9 must not be contused with other preparations which claim similar properties. JODELITE has Iwen in use in the "Straits Settlements" for many years and has proved itself to be an absolute protection of SOFT TIMBEBB against White Ants, Dry Rot, Teredos and Decay. This Preservative PENETRATES ONE
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    • 224 2 SATOORAPHSS ATO0RAPHS Pathe Freres. For a complete Cinematograih Installation apply to LeVy HermanOS, j, Battery Road. 44 anenrj ixhble-sided recokdk AND TALKING MACHINES. "OOEOW" Talking Machines from $20. SOLE AQKSTS Levy Hermanos, j, Battery Road. MIGHELIN Tyres for Motor-cars always in stock. Levy Hermanos, 3 Battery Road. c3l BRAND PRIZE
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  • 355 3 W. R. Everott. in the Intvrurban Railway Journal. writes The steam locomotive has reached its linii: of development. Its driving w 1 eels are of the maximum size, and the stroke cannot be increased. It cannot be run saiely longer than ISO miles w.tli ;i
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  • 220 3 Mr 11. Caldicott, lately State Engineer of Xegri Sembilan. who retired on pension, some tim: 1 ago. and who has MM living in the Far Ea;j. for the pa>t few months owing to indifferent health. intends, the Malay Mail believes, to prolong his stay in Negri
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  • 164 3 A gang-robbery is reported to have occurred a/: the house CM a China mm at Gedong Lalang, a village three milai from Seremban, so reports the Malay Mail correspondent there. Pour Chinese are alleged to havo been concerned in the affair. It is said that they were
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 kimmk BBirXwOBKS Co, Limited. BRICKS FIREBRICKS. Sound well shaped mid hard burnt brick* can be supplied at $150 per Lakes at the Work*. Firebrick* *80 per tbouwud Fireclay $30 pec ton Am\ shaped bricks can lx> made to order »nJ delivere<l in about tne weeks. Apply to The Borneo? Company,
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    • 293 3 STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1906-7 ORDERS Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in the Straits. Any Desiring to Advertise Should Communicate Without Delay With he Editor. Straits Times Annual, Straits Times Office, Cecil S'reet, Singapore. KATZ BROS., LTD. merlin"cycle. ii m i pro
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    • 92 3 Wanted it Once. A little forethought will often save no end of trouble. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured in oaee of an attack of pain in the stomach or cramp oolic when medicine must be sent for. Every family should have a bottle of Chamberlain's
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  • 1000 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS THURSDAY, 19TH JULY. Sir William Taylor has issued his report on the Federated Malay States for 1905. and interesting ami instructive reading it affords to auy who care to peruse it. To save sonic the trouble n! doing this, and to whet the BMBMBI
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  • 88 4 It is interesting to note that, iv a memorial from the Board of Commerce, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce which was recently established at Singapore has been approved by the Throne, and its name. >U\. duly recorded in the Government archives. And also the Imperial Resident in Tibet has
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  • 15 4 ActDM Ins|«ftor Wilson of the Marine Police has been transferred to the Tanjong Pagar Police.
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  • 21 4 Thk mail steamer MoUmpim left Peuang at I p. m. yesterday and may be expected here at .1 p. in. to-day.
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  • 19 4 Thk Malay Rifle Meeting opened on the 9th July. There were 40.0110 entries. The Crown Colonies were s'.ronyly represented.
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  • 28 4 Thk Customs Head OHicial at Shanghai iuis apphe.l to the (i )Vernii.eiit at I'ekin for one or iv. o battalions of the new Chinese Army to garrison Shanghai.
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  • 38 4 Mi:. A. G. bn JOSXSTWI M. I. M. K.. etc.. the eminent ex|iert iv tin-mining matters, arrived from Europe this morning. We U'lii vc he comes fi,.m Kiirope to the care of Sharjie Hoss >v Co. of this.
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  • 37 4 Tut German mail steamer pdliU, having left Hongkong on the lHth instant at noon, iiiiiy Ik- eXpaetod base on Sunday at alwiit 6 p.m.. ami w ill probably be de -.patched for Europ>- on .Monday at noon.
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  • 35 4 Thk Mit-u Dishi Dockyard at Na^is.iki has decided to construct" another floatingdock. to accommodate steamers of 11,000 tons, for Kobe. The new floating -dock is \|Mvted to be completed by May or June next vt-ar.
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  • 54 4 Thk Court of Appeal at Leipzig, Germany, has confirmed a sentence of six i. ninths imprisonment passed on the editor of a socialistic newspaper, extendiug the law of leseniajeste to attempts t > depreciate and bring into contempt the ruling king's ancestors. The editor pleaded in defence that he was
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  • 57 4 taiatw, while H. M. s Ckmlitnftr was coaling at Tanjong Pagar, a bicycle belonging to Captain Itridsou tvas stolen from the wharf. The police succeeded in recovering the bicycle. They also arrested a Malay in connection with the theft. This man has been sent to hospital for observation as he
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  • 50 4 Tbk superstitoiis in Manila regard as an awful warning the incident thus reported by the CabUnewi The cock-pit at Mcndcz Munez. a village near Cavitc was struck by lightning on the Ist July, while the place was crowded with cock-fighters. The flash of lightning killed seven people, and wounded nine.
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  • 68 4 It is stated that a solid red polished granite drinking fountain and a cattle trough have been made for prcHcu tation to the city of Tokio by the Metropolitan Drinking fountain and Cattle trough Association oi London. At tho request of Viscount Hiyashi. a statement recording that the two
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  • 27 4 The members of the Singapore Lusitanian Club intend celebrating their second anniversary which falls to-day, by a variety entertainment to be gi .en some time next month.
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  • 53 4 A collision has occurred between H. M. S. Alacrity and s.s. Chinkinng off the NorthEast Promontory near Shanghai. The accident took place on the 6th July in a heavy fog. whi -h is responsible for the collision. Both the Mnrriln and the Chin Icianq have put in at Wei-hai-wei. They
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  • 96 4 Thk Journal of Horticulture has come to the conclusion that 'he Lotus is a Useful as well as beautiful plant. It is found throughout Malaya and is grown as a cultivated crop at Shanghai. The root-stock and seeds are eaten as bod in Clina, India and Australia, and medirinal properties
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  • 104 4 Ox the .Ith .Inly a force of police at Hongkong raided the Chinese quarters of the Chartered Bank and arrested fourteen otVu-e boys. who were hl:icml before Mr. 11. H. .1. (ionipei-tz. at t)ie Ai.ijjstracy next nwnriag Oaa "toy" was ohai^ad with keeping a eonnrton BMiafl house and the others
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  • 128 4 Kiv. Sisowvth of CatuWlia and his twenty wives aud sixty-nine sacred dancers, are accommodated in Paris, on an elaborate scalp in a residence in the Avenue Malakoff. which had been rested for tin m by the Goveruraent. The house has been specially furnished with magnificent old furniture belonging to the
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  • 128 4 Vam-ocvkk despatches of 7th ult. states that advices were received that morning to the effect that the Ocean Steamship Com panv had made application to the Chinese Empire Travellers' Asociation for a share of their passenger traffic to and from the court there. It is understood that Mr. Alfred Holt
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 103 4 Bred. VMh July. 10.10 The death is announced of I.«-'y Curzon, wife of the ex- Viceroy of India. [This will be sad news to the resident* and natives of the Indian Empire, where Lady Curzon was much beloved. Her Ladyship had been ailing for some time.
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    • 63 4 Invitation to King Regretfully Declined. The Government of the Dominion of Canada sent an invitation to His Majesty the King to visit that country. King Edward, however, has regretfully declined the invitation. In his reply, he stated that the extent of the Empire, and the importance of affairs
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    • 34 4 Increased Accommodation for British Troops. An immediate sui-ey of the garrison in Kgypt and Sudan ha* been ordered with a view to estimating the increased accoiniuo. datiou required for British troops.
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    • 70 4 Peace Commissioners to Meet on Cruiser. The people iv the Republics of (iuutcina! i an San Salvador, in Central America, have liecii lij;litiiiu s. vi rely. There has aaM great slaughter ou both sides. President Roosevelt has induced the l>elli",i nuts to IffßM to au armistice, aud
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    • 68 4 The Coming Crop season in India. Mr. John Morley. the Secretary of State for India, stated iv the House of Commons that he is in communication with the Karl of Minto, the Viceroy of ludia, regarding the Hoard of Revenue licensing the growers of Opium during the
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    • 106 4 Natal Government Deny Charges of Barbarism. The forci s in the Bald at Natal are greatly ridueed. Tlie Natal Assenihlv have had a debate IWgMfling tli otUUEgI ,of in Maeiißfl Hambaitta and other iclh'ls. and the Mini ester of Defence reiterated the denial that the Government had
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    • 30 4 liear-Adniiral Qaotp le v Icrc K^ertoii C. 13.. naval A. I). C. to His Majesty Mm King, has been appoiutcd second in com maiid of the Atlantic Fleet.
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    • 21 4 Tin agraian disturbances in liu^sia lmv< extended some two hundred versU in tin province of Veroncszh. Landowners ai> fleeing.
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    • 28 4 Admiral Skrvdloff hae been ap|>ointed successor to Admiral Clmkhin." who, it will be remembered, was shot iv the lungs by a sailor, who escaped.
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    • 36 4 For Publishing Inflammatory Articles. The Timei correspondent at Alexandria telegraphs that two weekly native newspapers have been suppressed there for publishing inflammatory cartoons and articles regard ing the l>. nisliawi pigoon shooting affair-.
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    • 21 4 The cricket m itch between the ti.-ntl mi v fill li i\ rs In- imic-d in a draw.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor ICO., Wine Spirit Merchants SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW LATEST ADVERTISMENTS. NOTICE. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Singapore golf u.i h m. spring Cup will be played for on Saturday and Sunday L'Hli July. alJ.Mp.rn. the 21st and 22nd ia.Unt. Freehold allotment fronting a reserve for T. J.
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    • 96 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS ARK Al KSOWLK.IM.KI> TO BR The Best in the Straits, AND EQUAL TO ANY ANYWHERE. Price af Cabinet Portrait*: 6 Copies 12 Copies IN MA.TTOTYPE 8.00 112.00 BROMIDE „12.00 „18.00 PLATINOTYPE „15.00 „35.00 CARBON ,'25.00 „40.00 Portraits on Porcelain each $1 5. WILSON'S PHOTO ART STUDIO G.R.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 134 5 MR. BALFOUR DECLARES CHANGE AN INSULT. Big Government Majority Reed. Singapore G. 5 p.m. IM July. An exciting debate took place in the House of Commons over Clause H7 of the Education Bill. The object of this Clause is the establishment of a Welsh education authority, styled
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  • 249 5 Lessons In The Glorious Art of Military Toggery. There arc still a few directions iv which the enterprising Yankee can learn a little from his Kurdish cousins. A tacit recognition of the comforting fact is vouchsafed by the important commission which the United States Army Department
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  • 143 5 Alzene A New Alloy. Two parts of aluminium and one part of zinc form an alloy to w liich has been given the name alzene." says the Inm Age. It is eipial ill strength to good cast iron and superior to it in the matter of elastic limit. It takes
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  • 126 5 Kni^its of the Order of the Black .ive a Ball in the Town Hall at Simla, in Upper India, on the SStll June. The inteu.ii of the Town Hall was completely < 'Illumed, a red and black room havbuilt within the large daucing room, the whole beiny
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  • 76 5 A sipiill. of typhoon force, blew over the Settlement at Shanghai on the ">th July. Hundred- I live- arloal h,.ve been 10-t by Lck of small native craft. Mr. i..iw was drowned. The TMgtaM mi i ImkU Tnrkiv« was struck by lightning. small Chinese gnnlwat capsized during the storm. Terrific
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  • 81 5 Cvitvin CHUM C. PaHMM, r.v.i 1 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby He^iiiieiit i lias been selected for the adjutancy of the Ist Nottinghamshire Volunteer KihY < orps the Kobin Mood Hide*— at Nottingham, in succession to Capta'n G. N. C'olville. Oxfordshire Light Infantry, whote extended tenure of five
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  • 86 5 I.iKiTKNAvr U. M. Hoitii. an officer in the Koyal Artillery, arrived at Dover Ihsl month from Ostend. having made a remarkable liievcle rule from India, across Central Asia anil Kiin>lK'. dm his bicycle. He carried his travelling outfit in two lsrije receptacles. Antony MM article-, lie ran led ft tent,
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  • 222 5 Concessionnaire Interviewed this Morning. Mb. W. i>k L. Bbookk, an old Sclangor Planter, now resident at Kelantan, has been making a tour of inspection of various estates in the Federated Malay States. This morning a representative of the Straih Timet had an interview with Mr.
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  • 336 5 Particulars of wounds in body of Victim. Vkstkkdav. Salli h Bin Lentong war again before Mr. in en on the allegation of murder brought against him. Detective Inspector Tyrrell conducted the enquiry for the C J rown the defendant was not represented by Counsel. Dr. H. J.
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  • 176 5 Narrow Escape of Diavolo From Injury. Thk popularity of Harmston's drew still ciutinues and last evening the iuar<|ucc was again well crowded. The programme is a Most varied one aud carries the audience with it throughout. Diavolo bM a narrow esca|>e from serious injury last iveiiiny. When he
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  • 167 5 At the Criminal Sessions of the Hijjh Court in Bombay, on the '27th June. Private Lynch was tried for the murder of LanceCorporal Todd. both men belonging to the Couuaught-Rangers. at Ahmednagar in April. No motive was given for the crime and the facts were not
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  • 125 5 WhilstW hilst excavating the fomi lations of tinOld (iiun.l Stand (Calcutta) in the bin enuloHure in the procens of its dismantling a very healthy next of krailt (suakesl was discovered and ttlain promptly. We often In .v of people meeting things called anWcbitent on a
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  • 1005 5 An Interesting Legal Combat Between Solicitors. In the Supreme Court, before acting Chief Justice Law, the case of Arabinte Incne Yak vs. Hadji Mohammed Xoor and his two brothers was continued. Mr. T. D. Parsons testified, on behalf of the plaintiff, to having gone to Rhio to consult
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  • 17 5 The gas buoy on the Cyrene Shoal has been damaged by a Chinese tongkang running into it.
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  • 94 5 It is reported to the police that a valuable diamond ring has been lost in a curious manner. A Jewish resident named Meyer was in a 'rikisha at the juoc tion of Coleman Street and North Bridge Road when a tram ran into the rikisha. Mr. Meyer informs the police
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  • 592 5 Interesting case at the Police Court. Thkkk was a number of summons cases on Mr. Mitchell's file yesterday, relating to the owners of houses agaiust whom convictions had been obtained for being common gaming houses. These summonses had been issued at the instance of Mr. Haw try.
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  • 259 5 Seizure Culminated in Serious Quarrel. Yesterday, the case of grievous hurt which occirred last month w lieu Tio Nah got a fractured rib through making himself prominent at the legal st izure of some piys. ni brought to a close by Mmm Michell and Nathan. It will
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  • 132 5 Mr. John Blkss, the President of the Local Government Board, contributes to the June number of the Pall Mall Magazine an in tide on The Tangle of London Traffic," in which he asks that the transit area controlled by the L. C. C. should have a radius
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  • 59 5 A dkath-ratk of 58.6 per thousand has just been reached at Colombo. The normal death-rate for that city was about 80 per 1,000, and the comparison of that with recent figure* tend» to prove the serious condition of public health there at present. So high a death-rate is unusual. The
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  • 29 5 Thk Towu aud Volunteer Band will play at the High Si rv i,e Reservoir tomorrow (Friday) from I to li p. m., weather permitting. m^m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 445 5 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER on SATURDAY REGIMENTAL BAND. "GIRL" BRAND BEER. TO BE HAD OF" ALL RETAIL DEALERS Sole Importers Boustead Go. HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS AND Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals to-Night To-Nisht!! Nt Mliarp. The Largest Best Circus Menagerie thai tver visited Singapore. Our Beautiful Stud of Horses
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  • 427 6 It ii au old question, yet ever new Are the heavenly bodies inhabited? To this inquiry Professor Turner devoted his fourth lecture to the young people at the Royal Institution. First there are the stars, like our sun intensely not bodies, and we cannot think of
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  • 288 6 The report of Mr. Walter J. Howell. C.8.. of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade, ou the sight test* used in the mercantile marine for the ended December 3f, 1905, which has been issued M a Parliamentary paper states that of the
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  • 109 6 An angry band of women suffragists i In !9th June besieged f< i two Iv vis h In v iI Mi 11 II Ai ]iiith. the Chan Ik* of the Exchequer. Mr. A in. th escaped by meam of motor brougham from the rear o' his houses. M --i Kci'iiy
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  • 1934 6 Sir William Butler's Commission for London Newspaper. iSi>rri,,l re the Trilnmr.) A,s long ago as November, 190J, we determined to send out to South Africa. to inquire int.) the condition of affairs there, a gentleman whose name would carry suflicient weight with the public to command the confidence
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rtmedy in India. Mr Brl L. Hiscocks writing from Clara Road. Byculla, India, says I have used nd *till require a good many lwi:tles of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Hiarrlioea Remedy, and have found i; invaluable as a cure as well as a pre\tiitive
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    • 534 6 WANTED. LADY TEACHER— A European lady teacher by a Chinese family. Apply personally at 81 McCallum Street, in the morning. 2883 TEACHER— A teacher with some experience for II Standards. Commencing salary 185 per mensem. Apply enclosing copies of recent testimonials to Alpha," c/o StraitiTimtt. 3883 SURVEYOR.— Government licensed surveyor.
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    • 659 6 TO BE LET. OFFICE— No. 7 Battery Road. Three rooms on Snd floor. Apply to o 1658 GUTHRIE 4 CO., Ltd. OFFICES.— SmaII first floor offloes facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apilr to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. v.c FURNISHED HOUSE.-" Elmside," No. 6, Upper Wilkie Road. Entry
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    • 872 6 NOTICE. SALE.— The Sale by Auction of ALMA, BATU KAWAN and PRYE ESTATES stands postponed to a future date, of which due notios will be given. KENNEDY CO., > A. A. ANTHONY ACO I Auo oneer r1666 TENDERS.— Tenders are invited for the rebuilding of 2*2 Shophouses at the corner
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    • 548 6 NOTICES. PROMISSORY NOTES OR BILLB OF EXCHANGE— Notice is hereby given that no Promissory Notes or Bills of Exchange now in circulation purporting to be signed bv_Tan Chin Pang are geuuine, unless the body thereof is in the handwriting of Chia Koou Lim. Any holders of Promissory Notes or Bills
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  • 247 7 Messrs Gow, Wilson, and Stanton's Report. London, 2\>ud June. At to-da/* auction, 278 packages of Ceylon and Straite Settlements Plantation grown rubber were under offer, of which only 92 changed hands in the rovnu. The total weight amount .1 to about 15 J tons, Ceylon contributing 3A
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  • 527 7 The importance of proper respiration during sleep is dwelt upon by Dr. J. 11. Kellogg in an article on Unconsciou? Respiration,'' contributed to Good Health (Battle Creek). Dr. Kellogjf notes that during sleeping hours the breathing movements are more sujKiti cial and slower than when
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 WILLIAMS TYPEWRITERS. Modal No. 2 $120.— nett 6 $180. WILLIAMS DUPLICATORS Price S3O.— Will torn out better work than Rotary Duplicators costing double the price. Sub-Agents, John Little Co., Ltd. SYME Co. FOR SALE SULPHURIC ACID. SYME Co. 2365 What we Do, We do Well. Good Work i TELEPHONE NO.
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    • 150 7 DOGSHEAD j^j3| Can be had at all f<rst class Bars and Hotels ISMAIL RAHEEM Grand Exhibition of Valuable Diamond Necklaces. Inspection kindly solicited. 2406 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Ltd. LOUSTDOIsr. Having been appointed Sole Agents for the above Company, we shall shortly be in the position to undertake Electrical Work, and
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    • 9 7 BRAND GUINNESS'S STOUT. Sole Agents. Kirn Hin Co., Singapore.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 264 8 I 'i>iii|M'titinn tor the ningPHTTT"" Uolf Clob'j Spring (up will take place on the 21st and •JJml instant. On Saturday, the Y.M.CA. will meet the Cut urn all of tiie Shei woods in an Association football match at Tanglin. The Hon. Secy, of the Singapore Garrison (,olf
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    • 51 8 The following will play for the in the Cuji Tie betWMB Sherwood Ron -lei -s BJLC. to-day: Goal, S. Zclmder: Hacks. .1. Zelmdi l.aml W. .Johnson: Halfbacks. Di,,s. K. K. ile Souza. and Meir; Forwards. C. Richard*, A.F.Williams. J. K. Angus, (i. Uehlera and P. A-
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    • 125 8 Wjth a view to advising readers as to what in;itc!u^ IN down for decision, we would b_- glad, if, in future, the hou. secTetarie* ii the varioai football, hockey, irickct. golf, etc., clabi will kiiully farward m, h ait.i t.- reach thi> oflce net ..ii 10
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  • 235 8 Complimentary References to England in Berlin Press. Tut \isit of the (u-nuan editors, who left Bremen for Kngland is the subject of leading articles in the Vossische Zeitung" and the Tageblatte. The latter believes that a personal interchange of opinions and idtas between the leading newspa|ier men
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  • 176 8 Pillsbury Passes Away at the Early Age of 35. A ii'"\i.t bran I'liiliidclphia announces the il< Mth of Hunv N. I'illst)iirv. the famous American chess player. Tho cause- of death was apoplrxy. Born tit Boston in 1871, I'ilUliury as a boy took a kicn interest in mathematics.
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  • 2444 8 An Interesting Itinerary. To BE TAKEN WITH SOME SALT, On, Naidu, Extra Tamby. Part I. 1 will tell master what I saw and heard, and master will write it as master please. Although it was still early when I mounted Castle Hill even the Hag had not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1290 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e. silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 81 8 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 19th July. High Water. 8-59 p.m. Cap Tie. SB.C. v. Fore«ter«. S. V. A. Maxim Co. Gun Drill. 5 30. Philharmonic Orchestra. 8-30 Agri-Hort. Show Committee. S Musical Evening. Hotel del' Europe. .'-30. Harmston'B Circus. V. Friday, aoth July. High Water. 10-27 ».m. 9-39 p.m. P.
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  • 344 9 Landing the Animals at Tilbury The Harrison Line-steamer Tao.ician brought i'rom India the collection of wild animals presented to and purchatcd by the Prince of Wales during his K-cfnt tour in India. In all there are •in fifty specimens. There are a baby elephant and a baby
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  • 329 9 The scarcity of aluminium btf in(iustrial purposes has become acute, and is being felt not onlj :n this country, but .11 Europe also remarks the American Metal Market Report The PitUsburg Reduction Company, which contr>l the manufacture, are completely sold up for all they can turn out
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  • 97 9 Xo official details have yet In en made knows with regard to the character and xtnit of t lie Eraah disturbances which btolM out at the beginning jf June aatoag the natives in the Iraku district 1 1;. in. in Baal Africa, some- 150
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  • 39 9 Mr Charles Edward Bloomer, solie\lor, and head of the law firm of Bloo.ner Clinic antl Damien, of 52 Doughty■treat, LoaaVm, W. C, has disapparci. Mr Bloomer's liabilities amount t X70.000. A receiving order has been ii'ade against the absconder.
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 360 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed .Number of Khurmi Issue j Paid I Value up to I Reserve j I CompaDy Quotations lavs at Present Price. OULO. I 1900 •175,000 •140,000 I 13,500 3,900 „,,-,.«d 4,000 mmm AI.OOO 10.000 an uniMMd 6,207 10.493 36.700 110.000 50,000 150,000 20,000 2,000 upmu«d
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    • 295 9 190-5 1903 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 1903 1906 1906 1903 1904 £130,000 ♦200.000 £30.000 700,000 £70,000 l> £12.000 £7VOOO •250.000 £300.000 30.000 1200.000 £140,000 1120,000 £11.125 1610,000 £59,520 SI 35.000 £10.500 £55.000 1225 000 £260,625 £20.000 •135.0J0 140.000 1 1 20.000 10 17 f 7000 1 1 11.000
      295 words
    • 201 9 1*94 £5.377. 10.0 •225,000 £4.648.15.0 •225,000 7.638 12 6 4,500 80 12/6 50 112,500 10.000.000 a 9.500,000 250,0006 i 150,000 19.000 22.000 400.000 199,M8c Bells Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd.. »7. 75 sellers Fraser .V Neave. Ltd. 120.00 sales Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 755.00 buyers Howarth Erskine. Ltd. ..I 150.00
      201 words
    • 49 9 Hnwarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% WOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Itiley Hargreaves. Ltd. 6% 2*25.000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6'i 400,0 0 2° o prem buyers. 5% 1,4'n.000 par. boyers. 4% 602. 'K>0 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 2.W.000 2K. prem buyers. 5% 1,865,500 prem buyers.
      49 words
  • 236 9 Singapore, I'Jth Jvly, li) 06 PRODUCE. (iambicr buyers f 7.10 do (Cube Xo. 1> unpicktd JO.flfl Copra liali MS do I •i.ntiiiiiak 8.80 I'. -|ijkt. Black buyers m:!71 do White 5% 27.fc> Sh^o Klour Sarawak 2.70 do Brunei Xo. 1 2.60 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali. 13',, buyers 16.50
    236 words
  • 1039 9 Bogus Confessions Bought for Cash That there are few privileges in this world thst money cannot buy is platitude stale enough, remarks a London paper, but will be startling news to the majority o." p;rsons even those who are diligent students of the police
    1,039 words

  • 536 10 Mr, Guy Tin inc. author of When it was Dark." opens C.B. Fry's Magazine" with a very straight and stern talk on sport and drink. Nearly every good thing has its parasite, and he is in no doubt about the parasite of mordern sport, tie 3ays
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  • 29 10 A Coif Cup, valued at R9OO, is w.i.s, olTeiod fur competition among the ■line teams in Calcutta. About 20 nllicis filtered, and the struggle pr, mised to be keen.
    29 words
  • 107 10 A dkastrou fire faraha out Rangoon on tin- lillth June in :i two-storeyed bulding occupied by liip Loon, a silk merchant and dealer in Japanese curies by QoooaJMU Saiusam. a jeweller; by Mactic A- Cii.. and other offices. Tli fire originated in Hip Loon's shop, wliu-li was completed Aided
    107 words
  • 971 10 A Ceylon Colonist who is now serving in Royston's Horse aganut the Zulu rebels in Natal sends the Times of Ceylon the following campaigning notes under date 29th May, aud 10th June, the field .orce being then, at N. Khauashalaa K. Khauashalaa, at last after BZ days'
    971 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 743 10 Ships and Steamers. P. 6?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylea, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Ooast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward (for China). Mohl.nia 20
      743 words
    • 1199 10 Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatsehapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aobict, mti J. Dakndkl* A Co., 2-3 Collter Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted] Wlji'be deafatthid for De Curi^ntier Biouw July 7 Billiten, Batavia, Java-Cras?, Samarang, Soerabaya, Soemenap, Banjoewaugie, Boeleleng, Ampenan, Laboean
      1,199 words
    • 702 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamahip Line. THE FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Tons Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      702 words

  • 489 11 a deputation ham the NatioaaJ Council of the Evangelical Free Churches represeutiug 1.000 provincial associations, on the 18tTi June waited upon the Piehident of the Board of Education, and urged the withdrawal of Clause IV., of th.- Etlmanoii Act. Otherwise." remarked Dr. Clifford, who led the deputation,
    489 words
  • 165 11 The Time -of Malaya publi-lu- tli following notitiiat: .;i i-ued m I'erak It lia DOOM to the Resident's notice no in- n tlian i ne oeeuioa th». big game have been killed in a way that is not contemplated or tlw Im wmidi re^ulatpting ol
    165 words
  • 110 11 Twcnty-tkrac panoai were killed ami iiimty-nino oth I MH iajvrcd l>y the iiuinii txpli.-'in in Madrid h the oeoaiion of the attempt made liv tlie anarchist Mural on '.he lives of tli3 King and Qaeea of Spain. Twenty C'ght bullits w;r found in the carcase Of one of the hoises
    110 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 96 11 for Per Steamer Timt To-morrow. Teluk Anton via ports Hije Leong 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports Bum Hin ihian 3 p.m. S'baya. Bah. Macassar Wilhelm 3 p.m. Laugkat Sink S p.m. Batavia and Sourabaya OfCMJktafhr 4 p.m. Batavia aud Samarang Xireena 4 p.m. SaTI-RI'AY. P. Swettenham, Penang
      96 words
    • 139 11 From Ecropi—By the P. A t). s. s. SlMavia due on 20th July. From China—By the P. AO.s. s. Mbl due on I'.tth July. TIMK TABLE OF MAILS DCI. Left Singapore Due in London Arrived May Mtt N. D. L. June 22nil June 21st May 31st B.
      139 words
    • 96 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. Tftajoae pagar Ea.-t Whabi- Basis:—Nil. Ea*i Wa.vK*- Su ri,,N I:—Peutakota.1:—Peutakota. Alhkrt Graving Dock :—Taiiglin. Shckrh Wn\Hr rfw-Tios I:—Edendale.1:—Edendale. Trigonia. Victoria Ghavinu Dock :—Nil. MAIN WHARF. TANJONB PABAH Section No.—2 Teesta. Dunblane. 8 Boscombe.
      96 words
    • 1084 11 SHIPPING^ I_N tinder this heading the following abbreviations are used —str.—steamer sh. —(hip bq; —barque scb. —schooner Tot. —Yacht; Cru. —Crniser Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo.; H.p.--Horse-power; Brit. British U.B.— United StoUa; Feb.—French Ger —German Dut.—Dutch Ital.—ltalian Span.—Spanish Sar. —Sarawak; G.c. —General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— TanjongPagarWharf
      1,084 words
    • 850 11 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, and name of Agents. Steamers. Alcinous, China, Sept. 4 Mansfield Achilles, China, Sept. 2 Mansfield Alesia. Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anainba, Copenhagen. Aug. 2 E. Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. 30; M. Maritimes Austria, Hongkong, Sept. 7 Rautenberg Avuthia, Bangkok. Aug.
      850 words
    • 489 11 Referring to the ivinditiou ..f the pr^ple in Manchuria tho Peking and Tientsin Times says The Red Cross is again expect d t.> be appealed B 9 for help unless .-'nini trade revival takes place, and there doet i.ot seem to be much chance of this on
      489 words
    • 106 11 A citizen of a Wexford town wlio re ccntlv l>ecanie the proud fatlier of ;i -":i humorously wrote to his brother: A handsome boy has com I to mv house and claims to ba your nephew We are doing our best to give him the welcome due
      106 words
    • 24 11 A coining 'ii:n t hai been diaoovered paiq. The annual catpnt of the plan) is ~.'..<l to have a terling. Nine Imvl- bean outde.
      24 words
    • 139 11 IVr I. ,v 0. t. t. r% '■■'••> ooonacWag wilh th.steamer tloUaria at Colombo, from l.oinloii June ilue Jiltli .lul\ M.-.-1-. .1 Nelson G. M. Allman. K. A. .letVrev. \V. K. urni. Por P. AO. s. s. M<i,,1,,,,i.i BQWntwMng with the steamer Mala nl Cobmbo, finn Loodoa
      139 words
    • 80 11 July 18 Petehaburi, Ger sir. Bangkok Yaroslavl, Russ str, Vladivostok Produce, Nor str. Swhrnt; Tsintau, Ger str. Gorontalo via |> irts lined. Nor str. Bangkok -^-laiigor. Brit str, Tiluk Anson via |>oit< Uenlomond. Brit str. l,on.lmi mil Anlw.-rp lakb, Brit str. Hongkong and \m >\ lV<hawur, Brit str. t
      80 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 767 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company Toyo KUtn Kaisha The three great steamship line* between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC. GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG MARU,
      767 words
    • 360 11 "S. S. MOLDAVIA" TheP.iVO. outward mail steamer MOLDAVIA may be expected to arrive in Singapore about 4 p.m. on Thursday. l'Jtli instant, and will go to an anchorage in the Roadn. She will prohahlv be despatched for China at noon, on FriilKv 20th instant. 2815 THE EAST ASIATIC COY, LTD.
      360 words
    • 57 11 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. East Coast (>orts. II" i Whull Hin, alternate. Saturdays and Weilnewlays. Teluk Auson via ports. Sappho on Mondays, Selnngor on WeH-iesdays, and Hye Leong on Fridays, 8. 8. 8. Co. Port Swetteuhtun via ports: Penang i o Thursdays, auil Malts** M Saturdays. S. S. Co. Penang
      57 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 56 11 WEATHER TELEGRAM. HONGKONG.— I9th lew M a.m. Barometer 29 60. Direction of Wind u»r. Force of Wind 1. Max. Temp in Mhiide 36 MANILA.— I9th 752 s. by w. I 2K I Timk Balls on Fort Canning aud Mmnt Faber drop daily nt 1 p.m.. Singapore Htandinl time corresponding to
      56 words

  • 208 12 The Price of Famous Prosecutions What the public have iio pay for the luxury of prosecuting their brethren for various sins against the law is shown interestingly in a Blue-book containing the httlj bills of 483 Tieasury prosecutions for 1904 and 1905. Here are one or two famous
    208 words
  • 179 12 Mr. Kwar.zo Iwasaki. sub-agent of the Japanese Department of Agriculture and Commerce at Durban, has jutt submitted to the Minister of the Department a report on the strange conduct of the officials of Che Transvaal Government. According to the report, rays the Japan Times." Mr. Nomura,
    179 words
  • 32 12 The Taiping Races are fixed for the 23rd, 25th, aud 27th August next, with nine events on each day. The Taiping Derby-valued at 8800—will be the fourth event on the first day.
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  • 80 12 Most people seem to be under the impression that the smallest ponies in the world come from the Shetland islands, but there is a smaller kind still in Lombardy. A correspondent of Sketch mentions having seen a pony owned by a Lombard farmer that stand- only 6 hands high, so
    80 words
  • 687 12 Something About London's American Visitor. By diving at Dorchester House with the American Ambassador to meet Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Longwarth, the other <lay His Majeety the King meant no doubt to show his friendly feeling for the who'e American people, aa well as to pay his
    687 words
  • 39 12 'The Time- tin I.nndoii under-u-i.ters art dutaroed l.y tin- m in to Colonial wool ships. They !i;u that lie nigh price? now ruling lor wool air tMPßtiag the- VOol-glOWari to slnp their wool in a dangerous condition <jf d.mi|>iH>s
    39 words
  • 42 12 The following articles were cxp.ited liuni (Avion to tho Straits Settlements from Ist .January to 2nd July this year:—Black tea." 191 ,t>34 lbs.: cocoa. I'.tnl i-wts.: cardamoms. 3.287 lbs.: coir rope, 8.054 cwts,: coir yarn. 179 cwts. iui.l coir fibre, 3000 cwts.
    42 words
  • 482 12 Detectives Helped By the Press. America has been ringing with tho 9tory of a stolen child, a>t ut detectives, and the arrest of the kidnapper, which in thrilling detail has seldom had its counterpart even in a country famous for sensational situations. This story is specially interesting because
    482 words
  • 223 12 Mr. B. G. Tours, Acting-Consul at Chinkiang, reports: A general improvement in metals is to be noted, and one new ium, icturnt'd as Copper, unclasied, coin blanks," d. serves special attention, the import being over 2,500 tons and the value more than £260,000. The mamiiiu-tuie of a
    223 words
  • 78 12 Tho Cuunrd Steamship Company is t/> enter Eastern trade in conjunction with the P. and 0., the Orient, and the Pacific Company. The projected -srvice is welcomed by the Times of India" as "an important step in the direction of the organisation of Brtish enterprise in the face of severe
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 72 12 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Ula rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel complaint* has l.rouyh it into almost universal use. It never fail*, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and adults,
      72 words
    • 561 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital 110,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve 110,000,000) lfl 000 SilverJWve I 9,600,000 1 W 9 500 000 F.aerve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq. Chairman. O. H. Mrdhurst, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E. Ooetz. Eaq. A. J. Raymond,
      561 words
    • 461 12 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £800,000 Reserve Fund £978,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City <* Midland Bank, Lit*. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      461 words
    • 783 12 AUCTION SALE OF HORSES AND CARRIAOES To be held at Mr. Abrams' Hor«e Repository, Orchard Road Friday, 20th July, at p.m. The sale will include several GRIFFINS which ran at the recent Race Meeting some very showy carriage horses, cob*, Ac. Also a number of very attractive turnouts, Victorias
      783 words
    • 197 12 BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD LAND Thomson Road and Syed Alwee Road Island of Singapore At Messn. H. L. Coghlan it Co.'s Mart Monday, 30th July, at 2.80 p.m. Lot 1. Four piece* of freehold land with frontage to Thomson Road, area 14,910 square feet.
      197 words