The Straits Times, 17 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times VO. 22.090 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 210 1 MICHELIN TYRES new sto:k just arrived C. Dupire Company. r 101 HOEG'S Anti -Corrosive Composition Anti -Fouling Composition Boot Topping Paint Used constantly with pMM Mceaaa by iiteamers and sailing ships of all nations. For sub-agencies apply to H. SCHAEFER CO.. U6--. Bah v^iritCHARLES TstL HEIDSIECKS Wl^i^ White Seal Champagne.
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    • 434 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS HOTEL «l. n, '-?*£«>- POWELL CO., Singapore. nE Lfl (Established 42 years). PAIX Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga r HI A [es arranged. Valuations made. Rents collected. t-i_,i o a« Sinc&Dore Powell Co> 's Auction and House-Property Telephont 6S biugapore ircular is issued weekly
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    • 572 1 ROBINSON CO. NEW CONSIQNENT OF EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Our Cigarettes are packed in Hermetically-Soldered air-tight tins. 100 Cigarettes in a Tin. \Robinson's own *J-JJ Beresford istraw tipi>ed J"? Tip TOp .GOLDTPPED, JJ-W THESE ARE HIGH CLASS CIGARETTES. Egyptian Cigarettes Robinson Company. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. Advertisers ara, earnestly requested to
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  • 2003 2 Its Commercial Enterprise and Success as a Crcwn Colony. And we came to thj Isle of flower* Their breath met us out on th« sea«; For the spring, and the mu.dle summer, Sat each on the lap of the breeze. Ho greater i.m.rast can i« conceived than the change
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 MOET and CHANDON. (The Champagne de Luxe.) Buchanan's WhiskieS are THE FAVOURITE BLENDS EVERYWHERE. "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK WHITE," BETTER VALVE CANNOT BE OBTAINED. Black and White" is guaranteed 12 years old and is matured in Sherry casks OF ALL DEALERS. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXKCUTEI)
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    • 360 2 MARTIN'S ir.l fl«I>< «sr liiMrtiitu 1 1k* ln«— umij tmt at, ,gi»i.m it frSTrg— itaHWMd A~.t»5« BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE Fiolds top place in the highest class of Wbiakies Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT AND YOl' WILL HE SATISFIED I. R. BKLILIOS begs to inform
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    • 230 2 n™ 00 118 9 Pathe Freres. For a complete Cinematograph Installation apply to LeVy HermailOS, J, Battery Road. ii AIIFAII tf DOUBLE-SIDED RECOKDK VHWCIWPI AND TALKING MACHINES. ODEON n Talking Machines from $20. SOLE AGENTS LeVy HermanOS, 3% Battery Road. MIGHELIN Tyres for Motorcars always in stock. Levy Hermanos, 3%
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  • 791 3 I'.th.lunr. The following is from the Mining Journal The fluctuations since our last issue have not been so violent, but the market seems to be settling down to a lower level. There is a good deal of disposition shown by Some of the leading dealers to keep
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  • 22 3 Tm: London (imcttr BUMMIMMI thr a|)|K>iiitiiicnt of Mr. .Tamos (Ji'cil Walter Peieirn. K.C., to Ik 1 SolioitortteiHTal for the [■land of Ceylon.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 264 3 PHOSFERINE Th* Greatest of all Tenlea. 5 RADIATES HEALTH. J .H-|(fcton :-A«htoo ft Plnoot, Limited, S 17, Pllrtßstoa »mi, London B. C. nuuuutuituittMiu ICE. ICE eaa Ix. had daily at our depots at Half Out a |ionnd. Krllhii" Koad Arab Street Victoria Street C'lvde Terrace Markrt Selene Road SeraiiKong Road
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    • 173 3 DOGSHEAD BRAND BASS'S ALE g[ ®^Jm/^ GDINNESS'S stout. Can be had at all first clas- Sole Agents. Bars and Hotels Kim Hin Co> Sin a P ore STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1906-7. ORDERS Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in the Straits. Any
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    • 81 3 Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rrmrdy in India. Mr. Sd. L. Hiscocks writing from Clare Koad, Byculla, India, says: "I have used and still require a good many bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have found it invaluable as a cure as well as a preventive
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  • 582 4 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY. 17th JULY. A notable poet suggests a general prayer for power of personal inspection on terms similar to those extended to our neighbours in their inspection of ourselves. Well; that is as it may be, but perhaps.|thc humiliation would rob life of [its
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  • 204 4 It would not be easy to name a subject of more importance to us all out here than that of opium, and therefore we would invite the reader's attention to the following extract from th<: Struiti Eclto, which dwells upon the Opium Farms in the Colony and the States, and
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  • 457 4 1 Unfortunately the Colony cannot do without the opium revenue, so it is out nf the question i i think of reducing the retail price of the drug to that prevailing in the Natiye States. We cannot, however, see any' reason why it should not be possible for the Federated
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  • 377 4 How are the Nonconformists likely to take the alterations in the Education Bill, especially in Clause 4. cveu if it passes the House of Lords without any further mutilation will they take the alterations lying dow ii It is not very easy for us in the Straits, at this distance
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  • 241 4 Hkskmhlancks would seem to have their disadvantages at times. General Kosloff, so today s w ires tell us, has been shot dead at Peterhoft, in mistake for General Trepoff, the execrated reactionary Governor of St. Petersburg. In olden times, when meu went about covered up in iron or steel, or,
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  • 158 4 Wk acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of the first number of Thr Eiiivnl ia n, the illustrated Magazine of the British School at Port Edward, Wei-hai-wei. Ity means of this spirited little organ, we are ready to hold our own with any other school in the country," says the
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  • 179 4 Wk have received a copy of the first nuiiil>er of the Sportiiiy At/>; whicii is a new venture printed and published at the Advocate of liulta Printing Press, Bombay. The date of the first issue is the 17th of June, and the pages number 10. The Derby, of course, occupies
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  • 194 4 A COPY of Km Ihcumnul Yxir* of Jvlm by .1. Dyer Ball. ,i. K. v. s.. is to hand from Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, of Hongkong. It is in pamphlet form mid dedicated to Sir Matthew Nathan, X.< .\i.i... the present vSovernor of Hongkong. wliise kindly appreciation on the
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  • 9 4 H. M. S. Argonaut is due from Hongkong shortly.
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  • 14 4 A Volixtkkk Motor Coips is being lorme.l in India, with cycle p.nd e.vr sections.
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  • 17 4 11. K. the (ioveruor !s expected to arrive here tomorrow by the Sm Mnr iioiu tinMalay State
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  • 16 4 Mi.iok KIUI Ull Loi»kk. '>wuer of Pretty Polly, has been abated member oi ttn Jockey Club.
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  • 18 4 Wk hear that the new .lap.inesc hattlekhipKti*him<i and Katoria nre due!roin England this week ni nmU for Japan.
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  • 22 4 Thb London OtMttt announces t!i appointment of Mr. .lames Civil Walter Pereira. K. C, to be Solicitor-General lot the Island of Ceylon
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  • 29 4 Wk hear that a new Hunch is being con struct* d for police work iv the harbour. The little launch Mb will then be a* wHat river work only.
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  • 26 4 Tin-. Captain of tha British stcaim-i linii-Kiiibr, which MTlilOl] yostorday afternoon from the East, rejxjrts tin- Orion Hack Buoy in the Khio Straits i* missing.
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  • 26 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will pliy at the High Service RMerrail this evening and on the Ksplanud.- tomorrow anoint; from "i to 0, weather BtfflrittJng
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  • 24 4 Thk Esplanade Kaad iwesl sidei between Coleman Street and Stamford Kwl will i« closed for repairs from tomorrow evening until the work is completed.
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  • 30 4 .1. F. Byrne, captain of Warwickshire County turned out for the first time thiseason on June '21st at Coventry against Northamptonshire. (Mag in sixth wicket down, he only made eight.
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  • 49 4 Mork evidence of the batting powers of \V. Rhodes of Yorkhire is afforded by his lay since he began to go in tirni. He stai -ted with a blob then scored 88, 70 ami his latest was against Notts the famous bowler com piling 83 without giving a chance.
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  • 44 4 On Saturday Inspector Dooley ohaifsd Koli I'hiu with the theft of ten empty bags from a godown in Havilo k Koail. halnawjnj to Messrs. Adamsou (iiltillan Co. The man was convicted. He had a previous conviction. Mr. Colman save him tiv. mouths' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 44 4 At the clone of the remarkable oratorical duel in the French Chamber between MM. .Latin's and Clemenccau tliere wan a pretty little context of wits. Vouh n'etes paw le bun Dicu," exclaimed Clemencean. "Et vous," retorteil .TauroH. viiii» u'i tex m«iu> pas lc Diafcle
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  • 23 4 Berlin 16th July. It is still uncertain wheu and where th. Czar and the Kaiser will have a meeting.
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  • 33 4 At rifle match fe-itivities liwid in Munich. Prince Ludwig, the Crown Prince of Bavaria, delivered a national and patriotic speech, in which he counsellod the German nation to keep together.
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  • 24 4 At Peterhoff [Rissial General Kottloff has been shot dead owing to the reseinblane* he bore to GeneralTrepotf. The murderer has been arrested.
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  • 20 4 War has broken out between the Repub lies of Guatemala, and Honduras in Cen tral America.
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  • 27 4 It is reported that Ilia liandmann Optra Company will play iv I'eiuuig for five nights, beginning on Saturday, August 4th. the last day of the races Uaeßß.
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  • 29 4 The Allahabad Piomttr'4 I. union correspondent wires that General Sir John French denies the report that he has been selected to succeed Lord Kitchener aa Commander in-Chief in India.
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  • 27 4 Thk Ontario Silver Plating Company, at Niagara Falls, has been fined 600 doUan (£120) at the Welland County BaarioaK, Canada, for fraudu'ontly atampfag its cutlery with Sheffield.'
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  • 44 4 Thk Japanese steamer Himtit Mum cul lided with the Niekigoi Unra iv Japanese waters on the 29th June. The former avail within three and a half minutes of ".in disaster. The ]>a*sengers .uid crew WOTS still mining at the date of last mail advices.
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  • 46 4 Wuilk the uew steamer l'erak. whicii is to be brought OOt 'iy Treweeke for the Straits rrhnrrihirt Co.. was docking at Dundee on the IHtll lilt., she collided with the quay wall, twisting her stem. The essel had to go into dry dock for repairs.
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  • 50 4 Si'eakin.. in the American Senate, on tin ■ of June. Mr. Lodge said that the m. v who were responsible for the Meat-Packini; and the Standard Oil mono|Nilies had .Innmore to advance Socialism. Anarchism, mi rwst, and unwholesome conditions in Ann ri can than all the Socialists in the world.
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  • 58 4 A lintnil .V-'/r.v messae from >t. PtltulU burg says: The General Staff has t i .lay issued tinal st;it stics lespectiui; the IoaMH of the Russian \imies dinng the wai with Japan. The iorrect«d rigures show that U.IH7 men were killed ami IISvBSB WOOad cd. The number of missing is
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  • 42 4 Tuk Timm of dylo> Mincing Unitcorrespondent under date toll July wire- The rubber market is slo a. The hard rim para quotation is .Is. (Ijd The plantation sorts were hi. istly withdrawn. The highest prices were straits cre|X' sa. !*d sa. BJ4.
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  • 50 4 Ok. Kulx. of the Past' ui Institute, has discovered a me it I'm an indefinite period by injecting a liquid in t the veins immediately after the auitiml is slaughter! d. The meat n tains its rlavo;n unimpaired, hut the nature of the liquid remains a secret.
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  • 58 4 I.u-iks interested iv the Ma/.aar in aid of the Poor in Singapore, which is übo'il to 'o. held under the .inspiccs ot the Society oi *>'.. Vincent de Paul on the 2nd of August.aiv re.(nested to meet at the Singapore Catholic I lull this evening at "•..'MI to arrange about
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  • 51 4 Mk. Jlu'tiii: H\xi>.m\\n was nasted tt Calcutta, on tiie 6til instant, an injunction iiv the High Court restraining .Mi. I I Ellin from playing the "Goisha. at the Theatre ltoyal, there, which was ad tor injiforniaiiee at that date. C onscqu. n'ly there was no show. Mr. Kaiidmnuii claimed Ii.VIMHI
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  • 43 4 Thk New York WorU layi that American millionaires have given away £167,000,000 to American charities tad education during the last l:t years, without including any sums under L'JiH). Dmiiii; lidtl Mr. Andrew Ciirucgie BBfl EB\9ooyooo and Mr. John Hock. 1. 11. r l-.'.:i-2t.ini<i.
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  • 55 4 A I-AKTY of trade unions dt.-lrgab's (ieriuany. who lv.-rntly BMcU n tonrof Jr. .it iiitain. have published a report BBOfJ b observations. Tiny statr that wiigi-s in lower in Britain than in (Serimnv. and they press ii prefei-cucc (or the lIIWHIIII twl in (ierinauy for the safety au.l well
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  • 62 4 Ir is I uoticeiihli' fart that Hamburg »U i ■an at Ciilriitlu arc Ibsßm le-ts tin! si-curing eURO than thnso Mt LoadOß I Liverpool and for port there is a very regular ni-.d fill! Mrrim. In the competition ht Urn tinle of India. says Mm Mfdtmt Ma I, 11crm...:
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  • 99 4 1 At MwbcM mi tin' 2nd iuxtaut. CapUm Mac«k>u>ild. niattter of the h.h. Hpmettm, ..<■• with a HcrioiiN acciilcnt, while trying to secure k horst* un board, which had broken looxe when alxmt to U- iandiil. Tin I had a wooden bar in his hand, and attemp ti-d to stop
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor co., Wire Spirit Meredants SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW DRS. KEW BROTHERS. LOST. WHITE BILL TERRIER-A white bull tciner dog. Municiiwl No. 18c. Rrward given fee information leading to his recovery. DENTA! SUKOEONS, P. S. I ALSH.VW, r_>Kl(j Govt. Veternmn Surgeon. AUCTION SALE No Dattery
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    • 112 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS ARK ACKNOWLRDOED TO l'K The Best in the Straits, AND K4)UAL TO ANY ANTWHRRE. Prloa ef Cabinet Portraits: 0 Copies 13 Copies IN MATTOTYPE 8.00 lU.OO BROMIDE „12.00 „18.00 PLATINOTYPE „15 00 ,25.00 CARBON ,8500 „40.00 Portraits on Porcelain each $15. WILSOM'S PHOTO ART SI UDIO G.R.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 37 5 Ure'd. Singapore 16th July. The Russian Council of the Empire have rejected the (iovernment's Famine Relief measures and have adopted instead the Bill premoted by tlie Duma, providing 15,000,000 roubles for immediate relief.
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    • 107 5 Mr. Alfred Beit Well-known Financier. IfM July IDA', a.m. The death U announced of Mr. Alfred Beit, the well Known Rand Magnate. Deceased, who was unmarried, went to South Africa when young. In 1875 he became a diamond merchant at Kimberley. and later took a partnership in
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    • 40 5 Russian General Murdered by Mistake. Oencral Kozloff was shot dead while walking through the Park at Peterhof. He had been mistaken for General Trcpoff. The assassin has been arrested, and has confessed to the crime. He is a Revolutionary.
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    • 29 5 There is a recrudescence of the strike at Baku, the Petroleum centre. The town has become completely terrorised, and the Police refuse to fulfill their duties.
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    • 99 5 Who is to Predominate, Britisher or Boer? Rec'd. MsjfMSMr* UM avja. 17th July. Sir James Fit/.patrick, accompanied by two other British delegates, arrived in England by the same steamer as did Sir West Hidgewayand the other members of his commission. Their object is to submit
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    • 21 5 The operations in Natal have been practically suspended in order to "ive the nat.ves an opportunity of surrendering.
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    • 27 5 The D.iil,, T>lr llr ,iph states that besides the warships that are already bein<; built at Tokio. Japan contemplates constructing more liattlesliips and cruisers.
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    • 46 5 Mr. Proctor lias won the Alexandra Competition at Bisley by a score of 66. Subadar Jewella Siimli. of the Malay States (iuides, came second with 64. and Corporal Sherzaman followed with 60. In the match Subadar Jcwala Sinyh made an aggregate of 111.
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    • 44 5 In the lions.- of Commons. Mr. Winston Churchill said that at an early date he pro ■Mai to issue Letted Patent establishing a Legislative Council in the Kast African Protectorate, to include unofficial members to be nominal 'il by the Crown.
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  • 77 5 N'K.tts reached Sin(;a|M>re by the s.s. tin- afternoon that the small local steamer I'.ntii Hmlji is ashore on the Helen Mars lit ct. alxmt eiyht miles from St. John's [ssaad. The D<itn H.nlji left the island of Mora, in the Diman Straits, at ti.:M( this morning
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  • 53 5 < K Saturday nisjiit. there was a performance „1 the Mm I:-ih,j*,i ir.m. at No. 7H, Amoy Stive, b) MOat oj SMbejPS (Straits born) of Telok Aver and Ainoy Streets. The piece was (iiiuijifn'i and was very amusing. The play began nt 0 o'efeok IM tinishcel at 11.. -Ml.
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  • 124 5 On the loih instant, a Javanese named Kargapt teinlered a counterfeit dollar to a tram conductor in Serangoon Koad in payment of a ticket, and s-.ibsequeßtly left the car. when it was going at a K ood speed. The <ar was slow «*l down and the man pursued. The defendant
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  • 324 5 Diavolo Successfully Loops the Loop. Haumstons Circus was again packed from floor to ceiling last evening and the fun and interest were sustained right through the entire programme. Each and every item was warmly received and applauded to the echo by the vast audience. The "going" in the
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  • 377 5 Constable and Chinting Charged with Breach. Oa Saturday, Corporal 51 and Chinting 124 were again before Mr. Colman and charged by Inspector Nolan with the theft of 98*2 from a young Chinaman named Wong WOOl on the 6th instant in a hut in Beach Road. Tne
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  • 54 5 Os Saturday, Detective Inspector Tyrrell arrested llaji Ahamed, the attorney of Wai Tahadjar binte Sai, formerly a wife of the late Hajie Osinan of Landak. for alleged perjury in the case which was concluded on Friday by the Acting Chief Justice. Haji Ahamed was brought before Mr. Column
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  • 56 5 At the Selan»or Races, on tlie 19th of June of Rtipid I'ilgrnit won the principal race, the Sclangor Stakes, worth a thousand dollars from Jim Qmper, the only other competitor, by eight lengths. As. however, he took 8 minutes to cover a mile and a half the pace cannot be
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  • 103 5 < )n Saturday morning, two Sikh constables were as usual on duty at the junction of North Bridge Koad and Stamford Koad. Car No. 88, driven by Slayman No. 90, was coining along at a fair speod. One of the constables signalled to him to pull up, but the driver
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  • 120 5 Blilkkks and others interested in brickwork will Ik: pleased to hear that t..e new brick kiln at Pulo Batam, constructed by Mr. M. Caps, contractor, to the order of Rajah Alii, has been sncoeHsfully completed. This style of kiln is said to be the best in the East to have
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  • 905 5 Counsel and Defendant who Failed to Appear. Thk first case before Chief Justice Law Crterday morning was that of R. M. C. L. tollman Chetty vs. N. Suppiah to recover the sum ef 1628.90. being the balance of principal and interest due on a promissory note for
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  • 158 5 It is with regret we record the death, which took place suddenly thin mnriiiiiu from apoplexy .of Mr.George Scaife.of North Bridge Road. The deceased gentleman, who was one of the oldest Knropean residents in Singapore was about sixty years of age. A native of Yorkshire, England,
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  • 1466 5 Chinaman and Police constable Fined for Assault. On Monday morning Lim Thye Keng, a cashier in the Police Department, responded to a sniiiinoiis calling upon him to explain a charge of assault brought against him by Tram Inspector R. Harrison, in having, about 7 p m on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 294 5 Eastern Oriental Hotel PENANQ. Perfectly appointed. Unrivalled Situation Sea. Lawn. Excellent Cuisine Wines. Terms Moderate. Board Optional. CRAG HOTEL 4* PENftNG HILLS. 3,««» ft. iWit Sm ltvel Unrivalled for its Splendid climate and rioted for its beautiful Scenery. The air is so bracing that, as a health resort, the Crag
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    • 198 5 TOO LATE FOR CLSSIFICATION TO BE LET COMPOUND HOUAB— CompoODd lionae No. 15-i Mount Elizabeth, poll mulv. Apfd) to utSIH GAGOINO 00. HOQAN a CO.. LTD., In Liquidation. AUCTION~SALE OF Valuable Land and Engineering Workshop Premises Situate at Merbau Road and TMafMUt C n.l Adjacent to River Valley Road an<!
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  • 1685 6 How Secularism Works in Practice. At a time wheu so much strife prevails in England as tv the retention or elimination of the religious factor in State-supported schools, it may be interesting to point out how the prnUleiu has been solved in Japan where during the last
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 494 6 WANTED. SCRVEYOR.— Government licensed sur\evor. Wanted immediately. Apply, giving references and stating salary requiied to Survey," c/o Strain Timet. ■B ULLR AS ESTATE ASSISTANT.— Billet as assistant on an estate by an experienced, hard working young Enropean, at present employed on an Estate in Ceylon. Good references, apply stating salary
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    • 656 6 TO BE LET. OFFICE.— No. 7 Battery Road. Thr«e rooms on 2nd floor. Apply to o 15S8 QTJTHRIE CO., Ltd. OFFICES.— SmaII first floor offloes facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apj ly to Guthrie 4c Co. Ltd., Agents. u.o FURNISHED HOUSE.— "Elmside," No. 6, Upper Wilkie Road. Entry
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    • 833 6 NOTICE. TENDERS.— Tenders are invited for the rebuilding of 32 Shophouses at the corner of Kling Street, South Canal Road, and Boat Quay. Forms of Tender and further particulars can be obtained at the Offices of the Architects. TOMLINSON LERMIT. 1 Raffles Quay." ii. 2609 NATIVE INDUSTRIES SUPPLY.— The Native
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    • 1062 6 BIS6APORB SPORTIM CLUB PROGRAMME FOR THE AY CUMN RACE MEETING, 1906. Oct. I6th, 18th and 20th. FIRST DAY. Titftday, October 16th. 1.-THE MAIDEN PLATE-Value 1600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance t2O Distance, R.C. f-THE LAWN STAKES-Value »400. A Handicap for all Horses imported as Griffins into
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    • 831 6 Entries close, at noon on Saturday, 6th Oct., 1906. except for Races Nos. 8, 8 4 4 on the Thirtl Day. For these Races, entries will be accepted up to 6 ''clock p.m. ou Thursday the 18th October upon payment of an Extra Free of Ten Dollars. All such entries
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  • 214 7 Thus, the "Daily Expi \ss The Redhills Tin Mining Company is a recent formation, having been PBgHßani early iv 1905 to acquire seventy-one acres in the Kinta district of talk. The capital is £40,000, of which £32,000 in £1 capital has Ivc-n isstird. The proeir qMtat&M is i\.
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  • 353 7 Before his honeur Judge Smyly, K C, at Shoreditch, an amu cident occurred during the hearinir of au action in which it was nought to be established that the father of the defendant was jointly liable. The father was called from the back of the court as
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  • 503 7 In the AlauMuu House, the utl]«r tiay,. juvenile \Y lutecliapel paused it*. Cockney verdict upon the country nu iv joys, in Ills uoliday spell ol fourteen (.lays uue bright youth had distxneid that there are two great classes of rabbits, tame and wild. These, again. M
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  • 52 7 The single eyeglass is m t siuli with tho Parisian <lumiy as it is elsewhere, but the new pince-nez hav< income immensely popular. He v.curs them, whether he need 1 them or irt, on all occasions. In shap-. 1 they arc small half-mooiib, aud caver only tin .wer/ part of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 134 7 WILLIAMS TYPEWRITERS. Modal No. 2 $120.— nett aa 6 $180.- WILLIAMS DUPLICATORS Price S3O. VN'ill tnrn out better work than Rotary Duplicators costing double the price. Sub-Agents, John Little A Co, Ltd. SYME Co. FOR SALE SULPHURIC ACID. SYME Co. 2365 Wkat w« Do. We do Well. m mm^^^^ Good
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    • 391 7 ISMAIL RAHEEM Grand Exhibition of Valuable Diamond Necklaces. Inspection kindly solicited. 2408 w^gf TANSAN iWT A MINERAL WATER OF THK M R HIGHEST CLASS, Pure, (Srisp, Invigorating. TANSAN OF ALL DEALERS. CROWN PERFUMERY. -^jp|B§^ Manufactuerd by -^jj^JW THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., LONDON and PARIS. OF ALL DEALERS. See that the
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  • 803 8 From it Corrrtyontlmt 1 Koto Tinggi. !>tl< July. 1906. A jubtnioht or three weeks ago. the Oil jill Timn drew attention to the prospect of successful rubber-planting in .loliore. ami commented on the strangely depressing effect that the circumstance was exercising on the
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  • 278 8 A tairly bqgt crowd turned up at the Old Uaol Site last Saturday to wftaewthe toeeac m:iti-li between the liaml and Drums and the National Union Football Club. The ground had the api>earauce of a swamp more thaa a field.
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  • 33 8 S. C. C. v. Wakmcbh on thk S. C. C. ■koiM,: This uiterni.on. S C. C. teaiu: Mason; Cliapin m. Nolle: Phipna. Raiid. \l,yatl Mackny. hduutt, Clarke. Haiity, JPHdersuu.
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  • 576 8 S. R. C. v. The Dutch Club. Thk Dutch Football Club met the S. R. 0. on the Esplanade, yesterday afternoon, in a game which was Uie centre of attraction for quite a large crowd of spectators. Play was hard and fast throughout, both sides showing good form.
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  • 405 8 Customary Qlorious Uncertainties. TUX (ii>LH Oft. Mr. 5..1 Joel's Bachelor's Button, aged. 9.4 (D. Malier) l Major E. Loder's Pretty Polly. 5 yrs.. 9st. lib. i ß.Dillon) 2 Mr. Heineiuauns Achilles, 8 yrs. 7st 71b. (A. Templtiuam 8 Lord Kosebery's Cicero. 4 yrs. 9st. (H. Jones) Mr.
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  • 61 8 CiLoicEsTKKsuiKK has discovered a new amateur bowler in P. H. Ford who secure 1 his place for the county against Lancashire in a recent match. Ford, who is 28 years old, stands 0 ft. 6 in. was played chiefly for liis bowling. He secured the wickets of Lancashire's first three
    61 words
  • 1217 8 The China Mutual Life Insurance Co.. Ld. The eighth annual meeting of shareholders, in the above Company was held recently it the Head Office of the Company, No. 18a, Canton Road. Shanghai. Mr. John Ford was in the chair and there were also present Messrs. J. A. Wattie
    1,217 words
  • Correspondence
    • 323 8 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Dkab Sir, In her recent interesting article in the St ra its Times, "Sylvia" refers to the great benefits derived from industrial education at home.especially by young womeu.and ihen goes on to discuss the tervant 1 p lestion. appearing not
      323 words
  • 500 8 Prospect* in the Malay States A OMMMMR in Thl Times discusses tin- position of tin anil copier, dealing generally with the world's demand and supplier Although part of the advances in the price* of tin and copper which have been witnessed of late has
    500 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 Ks A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e. silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      426 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 145 8 D\Y BY DAY. Tuesday, 17th July. High Water. Ml p.m. S. V. A. Lecture. 9. Harnißton'g Circus. 9. Musical Evening. Hotel del' Europ*. Wednesday. iSth July. High Water. i-.Vi am. Hli; pjn. Harinstons nvu-. 4 and 9. Thursday. 10th July. High Water. 'J -■»<> a.m. i> m. Cup Tie. S
      145 words

  • 342 9 The following, remarks the Malay Mail, shews tnat a change has indeed taken place at Klang from the days when it could only boast of an old white gharry pony. As a result of a meeting of automobilists <:herc, in has been decided to hold motor
    342 words
  • 357 9 The forty second ordinary general RKCtiag <>t Reuters Telegram Company was held at London on the 30th May last. The Chairman, Admiral Sir J. C. D. Hay who took the chair, laid stress on the watchful activity of the (V>mpany in the way of gathering news, lie
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 344 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed iNumoer of Shurc. Issue Paid Yaloe |ap to 10 10 10 j I 10 I*l i io io 10 II 10 1 1 1 I 19/ £1 1 1 11/8 £1 1 1 18/10 100 fIOO Reserve 1900 •175.000 I 1903 1901 1902 £400,000
      344 words
    • 297 9 1905 1905 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 1905 1906 1906 1903 1904 £1.50.000 ••-•OO.ikxi £30.000 700,000 £70,000 •150.000 £12.000 £71.000 «2.">0.000 £300.000 30.000 1200.000 £140.000 •120.000 £11,135 1610,000 £59.520 •125.000 £10.500 £55.000 »225 000 £260,625 £20,000 •130.000 140.000 1 I 1 20,000 •10 7 j 7000 1 I£ 1
      297 words
    • 194 9 1894 I»'J* 1865 1901 190t 1899 1903 IK9I 1884 1890 1887 1-G4 £5.377.10.0 •225.000 •10.000.000 •2.400.000 •34.000 •875.000 •600.000 •30,000 •200.000 •500.000 •3.000.000 •3,700.000 £4.648.15.0 •225.000 •10.000.000 •2.400,000 •34,000 •875.000 •240.000 •30.000 •200.U00 •421.000 •2.000.000 •3,700.000 •l. Si7.638 12/6 12 6 4 500 t 50 50 112.500 10.000.000 a
      194 words
    • 49 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% WOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Riley Hargreaves. Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400.0 0 2° o prem buyers. 5% 1,478.000 par. buyers. 4% 602."f'0 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6*, 350.000 2* prem buyen. h 8% 1,365,500 prem buyen.
      49 words
  • 233 9 Singapore, 17th July, 1906 PRODUCE. Ganibier bnyers t 7. 18 ilo (Cule No. liUEjulud 10.P0 Copra Bali Ml do I'ontianak 8.1:0 Pepper. Black buyers W.U, do White 5% S7.65 Sat:o Klonr Sarawak 2.70 do Brunei Xo. 1 2.C0 Pearl Ssro 5.40 Coffee BaJi, 16% bnytra 16.50 Coffee. Palembang. 20%
    233 words
  • 1058 9 1.0Ni«x,22ml Jink. Somkkskt v. BUMMMH, This match, at Bath, had to be left drawn on the 17th of June. Bf re< Gloucestershire, 329 and 238 for six wickets; Somerset, 391. YottKSHIKK V. MIDDLK HEX. After entirely outplaying their opponents Yorkshire, at Lords on the 17th
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 Wanted M Once. A little forethought will often save nc end of trouble. Think of the pain and suffering that must 1>? endured :n case of an attack Hi paiii in the s.omach or cramp colic when medicine must be sent for. Every family should have a bottle if Chamberlain's
      92 words

  • 718 10 Thus, the London coriesponden 1 of the Tinier ol Ceylon A London rubber broker on the industry sayt, wlt.n the growing ol tea in Ceylon was first beginning to attract attention it was a common practice tor Mincing Lane brokers to visit Ceylon and g€'. in
    718 words
  • 256 10 The tig?r is still a factor to be reckoned with in the forests of Lower Bengal. Th© annual report of the Forest Department states 'hat the number of men killed in the forests by tigers wa3 166, i.e., 59 more than iii the previous year. As usual, most
    256 words
  • 592 10 The London correspondent of the Ceylon Observer writes —By ridence just at the time your weekly arrived with a paper on camphor culti vation. I was making some inquiry into what is known of the matter in Mincing Lane There are not many tropical i
    592 words
  • 61 10 In Kuchixg, Sarawak, milk rAmarka the Pinang Gazette," is sold f r 10 rents quart bottle, butter at 8 OCnta .i |:i;tm.l, ;ind <-;,'£s at 1A cents each. The pri.-o <'f Imttrr in IVnang is ab<mt 23 per cent cheaper, but the other twi>"ii. Itie- can only be purchased
    61 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 756 10 Ships and Steamers. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Paaaag, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Golf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lino. Outward (for China). MMaria 20
      756 words
    • 717 10 Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aoenct, late J. Dakndkxa A Co., 2-8 Colltib Quit. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From ~Kxp'ted"p Will be de*|u tched fbrT— Dt Carpenlier Riouw July 7 Billiten. Batavi", Java-Coasi, Samarang.i Soerabaya, boemenap, Banjoewbngie, Boeleleng,
      717 words
    • 450 10 HANBURQ-nMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURd. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and die Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. The arrivals of the next
      450 words
    • 704 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN. AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED BTATEB. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      704 words

  • 253 11 Mr. Wantlsw rth. Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the Uni.ed Suites House of Representatives, complains of President Roosevelt's strictures on that body, and particularly deals with the Meat Inspection Bill. President Roosevelt admit that the Meat Inspection Bill as amended by the Agricultural Committee of
    253 words
  • 535 11 The following is an extract trofli BB article M Kiiuiatnni m South China. contributed to the N< rth China Daily 1 News I have recently visited some of these! Modern Schools in the cour.try districts! of Kuangtung. and chatted with UtOM ■who hive c'.'iirge of the now
    535 words
  • 56 11 Tli.' city if niton BOTMBMH the rtlMf-t-t tr.-et in the world. It is roofed in with glazed paper fastened on BBflAoo, and contains more signboards to the; squaro ftM>t than any street in any other country. It contains no other shops but th so of apoth-ecaries and dMMtS. Appropriately enough,
    56 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1342 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— ship bq; —barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.--Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— I'nited States Feb. French Ger German Dut.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak; G.c. General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger
      1,342 words
    • 819 11 Rame, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agent*. Aleaia, Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. Aug. 2 E. Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Ang. 30 M. Maritime* Austria, Hongkong, Sept. 7 Rautenberg Alex. Wentzel, V'stock, Aug. Borneo Coy. Anglo Saxon. Hongkong, July 16 A. Gilfillan.
      819 words
  • 100 11 lor Per Steamer Timt To-morrow. Hongknm; and Amay /.ii.(.i 7 a.m. Gorontal') in \t >vl> T'intau 9 a.m. Indragiri Ainu Tlii/r noon. P.S'tenham Penang A'i«/».i lpm. Bangkok llrriit 2 p.m. Penang A Colombo Peihainir 2 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports Selnngxr 3 p.m. Malacca Port Dicktton Bms Linn
    100 words
  • 137 11 From Europe— By the P. *O.s. s. IMiarii due ou 21st July. From China— By the P. it O. s. s. Delta due on 19th July. TIME TARLE Or MAILH ITF. Loft Singapore Dae in London ArHv»d Mny BMh N. D. L. June 22nd June 21st May
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  • 167 11 Per P. .V O. s. s. Victoria connecting with the steamer Moldaria at Colombo, from London Jnne 22, due 22nd Julv Messrs. J. Nelson G. M. Allman, R. A. Jeffrey, W. R. Cairnie. Per P. A O. s. s. Macedonia connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo,
    167 words
  • 109 11 Wharves and Docks at which Different Vessels are Berthed To-day. TARjONS f>AO»R Wharf Babik Nil. Eaht Wharf Section 1 Zaida, Sang. Albert Qravino Dock Nil Shirhb Wharf Section 1 Edendale. Victoria Graving Dock Trigouia. Kill WHARF. TaHJOMS PAO4R Section No. i
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  • 749 11 The following interesting article i? from the Calcutta Englishman" The French native troops in ludo-Chin-i seem tc be in the same predicament regarding insuftcient pay as their brothers in arms 'jn Ti^ia. In an article on the military forces :t> that Colony the "Revue de
    749 words
  • 132 11 The team of marksmen from the Malay States Guides, who it tent ly arrived in this country, arc BOW quartered at Bisley. and are practising for the Narionai Ribe As:..eia".oii im t,ii>,\ My* the London and China K press They ?re under the command of 1 apt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 766 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AM' Toyo Kistn Kaisha The three great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating tbe new 12,000 ton, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG
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    • 216 11 COMPANIA TRANSATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. FOR MANILA. The Spanish mail steamer ISI.A DX VIS AY is expected to arrive here from Europe on Thursday, the 19th inst., and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight and r-inagr apply to 2793 I BARLOW A CO.-.^nli. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. The
      216 words

  • 405 12 A Mine of Wealth. In the American Revi»w of Reviews R. S. Lanier describes a revolution in rice tanning. Rice having been raired successfully in Louisiana, a Texas man, A. P. Borden by name, resolved to grow rice along the lower Colorado River. In 1900 he
    405 words
  • 1007 12 Important Trial. Missionaries in uncivilised countries not infrequently get into trouble for taking upon themselves tasks, which are no part of their duty, and busying themselves in affairs which are none of theirs. Such a case may prove to be that of the Reverend Edgar Stannard, who
    1,007 words
  • 338 12 An extraordinary general meeting oi th- Pahang Coijxrati.n. l.mi.ted. w,ti held on the Bth June, at Winchester HOW London E.C., for .he purpose oi tonndering a resolution approving of the formation of a n:w company to acquire and take over the property and undertaking o. T the company,
    338 words
  • 516 12 Ficus Elastica. A new account of Ficus Elastica," the best of the rubber-producing trees indigenous in India, has just made its appearance, published by the superintendent of Government Printing, C'alcut'a. It is by Mr. E. M. Coventry. Deputy-Con^:rvator of Forests in India. He gives a concise account of the natural
    516 words
  • 75 12 Mr. Bryan, it would appear at present, will certainly be the Democratic candidate for the Unitod State Presidency next time. Many organisations aud men of diverse opinions who opposed h.ui last time eleclare they will support him to day. for the President's attacks on money interests have made them regard
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  • 98 12 An extraordinary incident oOBMTOd at Tientsin, in North China, on the MUI June. An unknown Chinese entered the DtMUSM of Collins and ('•>. there at seven o"clock in the morning, s-eizetl a. volunteer rifle belonging to an employee named \V. O'Hara. and attacked him in bed with the fixed bay.uiet.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 46 12 Kikli> Makshal the Duke of Connaußht. lnHp«tor(Jeneral of the Forces, on the 19th of .Jnnc. entered upon )ii« 89th year of Army service, having received his first commiwuon ax' a lieutenant of the Royal Engineers on the 19th of June, IS6B, when in bit 19th year.
      46 words
    • 557 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong 6" Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital $10,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve »10,000,000\ tl9 500 om F. wrve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Eaq. Chairman. G. H. Medhurst, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E.Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond. Esq. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gresson 11. Shewan,
      557 words
    • 476 12 j Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fond £975,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, LW. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
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    • 664 12 AUCTION SALE OF HORSES AND CARRIAOES To be held at Mr. Abrams' Horte Repository, Orchard Road rritlatj. 20th July, at 5.15 p.m. The sale will include several GRIFFINS which ran at the recent Race Meeting some very showy carriage horses, cobs, Ac. Also a number of very attractive turnouts, Viet'
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    • 73 12 Chamb. Main's (olic, Cholera and Dia rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brough: it into almost universal use. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and
      73 words