The Straits Times, 9 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. \O. 22.083 THE STRAITS TIMES. I^ONDAY. JULY 9. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 459 1 Hill-climbing Success at San Bemo Scorefl by THIE B.ELIABLE CAR, DE DION-BOUTON 'TIk 1 Hill-conquer ins: CarDetails: Miiiin -San Remo Trials. Hill-i-limbing Competition, Saturday, April 7. Voiturette Section: De Dion-Bouton (driven by Maffers), First. in :5 minutes SG' seconds. C. DUPIRE Co. c 101 Agents; Singapore. LATEST ADVERTISMEMS COMPANIA TRASATLANTICA
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    • 266 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. POWELL CO., Singapore. 'Established 42 tbabs). Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortgages arranged Valuations made. Rents collected. Powell A Coy's Auction and House-Property ircnlar is issued weekly and sent free to any Jdrese H. L COGHLAN6 CO. ft Bafflr* Place. Singapore. Auctioneers and Surveyors. Land
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    • 197 1 The Recognised Headquarters of the Army, Navy and Tourists. THE ADELPHI HOTEL A first class Hotel in Singapore. Splendid situation. All modern comforts. Electric Fans, Lights, and Call Bell, English and French Billiards. Lawn Tennis Courts. Charges Strictly Moderate WAVERLEY HOTEL 59. Hill-street, SingaporeHealthy Position. French and German Cuisine and
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    • 835 1 Robinson Company. TOILET SETS USTIEW R,BVISED PRICES The "Manttettan" Toiiet Set Th SM 5 Pmom l>1(1 Wh,te DMi, vliith Bin.. Brown Wl te d or B nwi flowi rs. REVISED PRICES To rrm»ir The 'Cfemaii." Eoyal n—irni.wiii.l Tnftrt M R°>-« s- MM M 5 Piee-s S 1> 1V > White
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  • 1027 2 Kk.NT V. SriMKRSKTSIIIm London, 17th June. Somerset never looked like inaki::^' a fight in this game at Gravesend. which ended on Tuesday in a win for tlu' home team by ten wickets. The only Westerner to show anything like form was Martyn, win. contiiliut<sl 3d
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 HUMBER CYCLES. "Imperial" $57.00 "Standard" $80.00 "First Grade" $115.00 Beeston $140.00 IMPORTERS Borneo Co., Ltd. TUCK'S HAIR AND LEATHER BELTING. IMPORTERS: Borneo Co Ltd. 1. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXKCUTEI) BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAJNIT (PL'LO BUKOAV; Opposiu; Western Entrance to New llarbnr. LIQUID FUEL 3O(Tkirty Skillino) per ton
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    • 355 2 FOR LADIES D"JORET.HOMOLLE'S"APIOL 1 the most turt remedy tgtlntt thtl Sickness, anil other tWeets cauted by I tht deity of tht regular perloas. I afeoPlM.a«ln,ie»Jto«B«-Honor*.P*Hlt BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE I Fi'ohls to}) place in the highest class of Whiskies Guaranteed 12 twelve years old. c 46 CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT AND
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    • 405 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortity the System against Disease lift airf *MfT ur k^l* JAMAICA ■we <mno«t apeak HekaaTiaaa>aav44aV AYA VI a» iJ AiH IPi fS A W too highly uf it." Bqb^V ai K^Bfea^aT V BBr vl ft Tm\ B™V /«>"i
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  • 119 3 'I'lu rV.timi i> tin 1 play ..n the 1 Itli 'I Jimr :n the 001 l ('li:ilii|)i<iiisln|> .it Mun tii'id Wiis tin fine form display. -.1 by J. H. Tartar, who with Hoaad round of 72 deprived Mr, I flmsum of the lead. .1. liiistoiir. of Xortli Berwick,
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  • 540 3 A speech <>f striking- fora uul politiml importance wm delivered oa i lie ">th .Tune, by Mr. Chamberlain the Uii!i>aiaA WUiaVl in West Birmingham. lii the BMHM <>f liis stirring address. Mr. Chamberlain suggested Motto lot ill- tuitheiMiio of Kwijiire unity, and mentioned that he ihoild
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 Wanted t Once. A little foretbonght will orten save no < nl >'i tn nble. 'I kink at the nua and offering that onmi be endared n bhc ot mi attack <- pain in tile -< <>mi nil r cramp eolio whon MsKeUM tiinst be sent lor. Kvi-ry family should
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  • 22 4 A\: .hi s.- i>n t'.ie lHth of June, at Rothenli.ium Chausdce. Hamburg, Louis Harry John Andrews. Inte of Kangjon I Burma).
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  • 953 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS MONDAY, 9TH JULY. I'mmhi* in Ceylon are cotnplaiuing bitterly .it tin- high prices ahaßaai by the Mi-liral Department in that Colony for ordinary 4(aga supplied to them. The Crown Agents are said to bt- answerable for these ■SBaBMTC ..iUs. It BMMM a pity that
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  • 507 4 As the American canned-meat scandal continues to be as BHMB as ever the topic of thought and conversation, it may be as well for usto boom the Australian arrangements. The following memorandum, to some of the contents of whi:h reference has already been made in the Strait* Timm, has been
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  • 173 4 The other day, occasion arose for warning the British pensioner as to what might be in store for him, if Mr. Chiozza Moneys view of a pension as unearnel income were adopted by the House of Commons in the embryonic scheme for altering the Income Tax at home. We are
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  • 73 4 It is fortunate that Singapore not to rely on Renter solely for news anent the Tanjong Pagar Award. Had that been the case, it would have been impossible for the Strait* Times. in the circumstances, to convey the information before this morning to the subscribers to our telegrams. This
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  • 18 4 H. E. the Governor and party returned iv the Sew Mew this forenoon from a trip to Mnlacca..
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  • 12 4 Thk Japanese training squadron, under Rear Admiral Shimaiuura" left to-day homeward bound.
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  • 21 4 A MKKTiNii of the Licensing Justices was held this afternoon to consider the list of applications for new licences and renewals.
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  • 19 4 The Bhmittk Wnjfmtlittht tiUwms has been confiscated for sarcastic references to the Kaiser in connection with the Triple Alliance.
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  • 26 4 Thk German mail steamer Prims Lmlijold having left Colombo on the 7th instant at In a.m. may be expected here on Thursday at about 4
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  • 28 4 It is reported iv the Sin ill Bdk* that the Singapore Chinese are preparing a petition to Government to be allowed a special Quarantine camp for Chinese alone.
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  • 38 4 Sik John Bi v kindly writes us a pica- i sant notice of tlje Sfraila Timm annual. dated the 14th ultimo, from Brghtou ali.Ti His Excellency is iv.-r.iitinn health after an attack of il)ne*s on the <iold Coast.
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  • 36 4 Ipoh Railway Station was crowd.-<l to overflowing on the 2nd July with residents of all nationalities bidding God sjmv.l to Mr. J. L. Crockatt of the Chartered Bank, who left for Penang. <h nmle to Bnana.
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  • 39 4 H. M. the King, who was accompanied by Queen Alexaudia. on the Tith June, opened the new sanatorium for consunipiiM at Lords Common, near Midhurst. in B aaax. His Majesty made an impressive and eaiaaat speech on the occasion.
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  • 48 4 A JIEFTIXii of the .Mcus Society ot the Presbyterian Ch.irch will be held at the Church to-night at K.;M), when a lecture on Tasmania will be given by the Rev. T. N. Hunter, Chaplain to the Troops. The meeting is open to all who care to attend.
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  • 46 4 Wna a young couple' weru being married at the Registrar's office at Bristol on WhitMonday, the bride, instead ot repeating the usual formula, said, 1 take this man to be my awful husband," and the registrar, pointing out her mistake, madi- her repeat the correct words.
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  • 50 4 Kkv. A. J. Amkiiy, Pastor of the. Coleman Street, M. K. Chuuh, is leaving to-day with Mrs. Amerv for a month's holiday on the Taiping Hills. Next Sunday uioriiin;; the Rev. Herbert West will supply (be palpM and the evening sermou will be by the Rev. Wm. Murray. M. A.
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  • 69 4 Aboit half past six on Saturday evening, two Chinamen jumped off a tramcar in Tanjong Pagar Road while it was in motion and sustained some nasty iujuiii-,. One cif them was picked up practically unconscious aud taken to the Kreta Ayer Police Station in another car. He was injured at
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  • 70 4 During field tiring by a company of the 2nd Scots Guards at the J'irbright Kaugt-s. Lieut. C. Bewicke was seen to fall, and it was found he had been shot in the stomach. He v as removed to the Connaught Hospital. Aldershot, where it wan reported that, although the wound
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  • 46 4 Thk Qaaoa Of Spain is tv har« her <mi doctor. A doctor with a Scotch Mine lias the best prospect of being appointed. iVho ever siu-cccU is to Dft*e (800 a allowance for rent, a yi itua bi each vi-it. ami the ti^ht to private practice.
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  • 45 4 SVVUI girl (.mplovees have l-.i eiigageil for <hi\ duty at the Telephone K\ change at i'enaiif,'. One has already taken her place at the swileh hoard to lawn I k work. Mid the lcinaindi i will MBBB duties at the Ix "inning of next month.
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  • 47 4 Thk Court at Peking is hombttag hVa If, and ordering all officials to do likewi-e. in order to placate the god who sends rain. The prolonged drought is naming grave troubles in North china. A sacred iron tablet was aha baMßfbt to Mod rain, but without s'
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  • 54 4 Aciokmni. to a Tokio report, plans arc lieing formed to place the war strength o! the Japanese army at one million men. This is said to Ih! due not only to the lesson- ,t the Kussii Japanese war hut also in am ti MM With tin' iec|iiitcni.-iits of tin- 1
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  • 59 4 Tiik .Melbourne Chili has imggwtad that the question of thamaaageoei t 9 the visits of Knglish cricket teams to Australia In i board of control be left in abeyance till 1807, aud that all the Austiah -tn cricket bodies unite with the Mi-lUium- Club in iuvitini; the M. c. Q.
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  • 43 4 Tin Marquis of Graham .\as married ii the 14th June u> I.ady Mu\ Hamilton, .it St. George's, llai:over Square. Kiny hil«:;i.l aaa piesent. The wedding gift* umiilitTcd riveliund.'iil. (^iicen Knaof Spain sent the lxide aliiinal owl. King Rdwftrd'a pmaat was a diunnad pendant.
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  • 73 4 Hhkt Hautk's Ameiica is not )et past. message from an Oklahoma town, dated M.iy viHril, says: At 1 o'clock this OMraiajg lien-'. pistol duel took place on Main stn< Deputy Sheriff Jim Boodaad aad Fred Hudson. Hum-land received a wound in the alxioiiifii. the hall passing through the t» I.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 72 4 A Far Reaching Scheme in Germany. B.rliu. 7th July. The tilling o: i -riaiii apixnntmeuts in the German Coloni;.. ObVx has beoa determined upon in consequence af a .ai reaching reorga nisationscheu.eliciugcarried through. Itsaiin is to prc\ent i i. miencc ot certain gross abuses which ha.i been done
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    • 59 4 His Speech Warmly Welcomed in Berlin. Sir Kdward Grey's speech on Foreign Affairs, in the House of Commons, has made a very good impression in Berlin political circles, owing to its conciliatory tcnonr. One marked feature of tin- s|x-ech. how. i is its rii m upholding of
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    • 18 4 The railway to the copper mine at in German \\e< \frica has l>eeu opened.
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    • 56 4 Miscalculation Over Japanese war Outlay. The Russian .Minister it' Finances ban frame 1 his Budget latkaaftM ior 19<tt;. Tli.-y do-e with n ilerk'it of I'M' millions of roubles. He affirmed that the outlay on the war with Japan had Im'v:; miscalculated, and that it would cxc I -h.
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    • 20 4 The Daaai bus granted 1"> millions of roubles for rpKef in the fiimiaa rtihitm districts of Hussia.
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    • 38 4 The circular line of railway on Ih. Lakl Baikal section of the Siberian Railroad is blocked to traflic by rocks slipping tad overlying the rails. Traffic is cond i I bj steamers across the Lake.
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    • 30 4 The I'uited States Goverumi nt will nd teii small men of war to San Domini;... n public in Hayti. to prcv.-nt the ODtbreak of revolution there.
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    • 18 4 Hie Ki( -uch Governni" ut have nadi the constiHction of six Tiiore battleships this year.
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    • 51 4 The Kais.r has .vritUn a letUi to Admiral von Tii-pit/. the German naval minister, who is goius; on leave I Vinheim. The ictti r express s the K '.iser s IM-st wi- i- lor tin Admiral's return to du'y ia the a it nun in good
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 PHENOL Disinfectant. Positively 3Cils Germs and Greeks disease. nilXm I'UtTin-r.AIiS OF THE VALUE OF "PHENOL" *X.L OIH I'KHK LIST, HOB 4d. Price IVr Be rtd. Quart Bottle $0.30 1 Million Tin „1.50 and 10 gallon Drams on application. One Quart^j I Ten Gallons oi I- Makes 1 Strong Phenol Disinfectant.
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    • 353 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS ARK ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE The Best in the Straits, AND KO.UAL TO ANY ANY WHKKE. Price af Cabinet Portrait*: 6 Copie* 12 Copies IN MATTOTYPE 8.00 IIS.OO BROMIDE „12.00 „18.00 PLATINOTYPE VIS-00V 1S-00 „25.00 CARBON ,25.00 „40.00 Portrait* on Porcelain each $15. WILSO S PHOTO ART SI
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 54 5 Duma Rejects their Demands for big Loan. Utr'il. Singapore fi.s p.m. 7th July. The Ihnn.. has rejected the Ministry's demand for l'..0tK),(100, as a loan to be raised for the relief those suffering through the famine, but I M voted .£500,000, declaring tin Ml ami BS provided by
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    • 26 5 The death is reported of the German, General Mirk .l. who was the chief officer engaged in 01. unizing the .Japanese Army.
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    • 34 5 Mr. C. A. Mamfylde (political agent to the Sarawak Government in England) presided at the Sarawak nsid. Nts dinner, held in London yesterday evening, at which fortyfonr gentlemen were present.
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    • 27 5 The Singapore Mock Award amounts to 5:!H.:MK.114. U'siiles which sum the Government have to pay compensation to the late Directorate and the costs of Arbitration.
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    • 37 5 lift'il. Singapore 11.15 a.m. S(A July. The French Minister of Marine announces tlie layinu-down of six battleships at the end of the year and also the determination to keep the lead in building submarines.
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    • 39 5 The value of the Imports, for the quarter ended the MMh at Jane, was X47.892.709, showing aj increase of MjMMM; and that of the Exports, for the same period, was jEH0.639.1k7, gMag H increase of X'4.6.'i3.790.
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    • 44 5 Ute'd. fliajsjnii. UM nth July. The religious aMakkM is still causing great •.trift among the Omaha and Balgarians. The latter despite the presence of a large force of patina, n baaad to permit the Greek Mitropolit 111 to land at Varna.
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    • 83 5 Military Economy and Nation J Safety. Intkeooana njaaoai m Altrincham (ClmmUm) on Saturday Mr. Winston Churchill stated that the (iovernment were det<'nnined to effect, the redaction in the army to which they had imi n absolutely pledged by Mr. H.ild.iiK- ssatesaeni He hoped that on the Ukb inst
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  • 187 5 Orders of the Day. Friidf. I'Mh July. I 1")':.I 1 1 Wliewa and Orplians l'< Onlinaaea MW Ainonduunt Hill (Bill "To amend The Widows and Orphans Pensions Ordinaaoe MM -frd Bueiiiiiut ■J. Vohmtesc Ordinance 18HS Aiuend-iii.-nt I.ill illill "To •Mead Tin- Volunteer Ordioaaa '."I :i"l BeeitiM 8, Compaaies'
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  • 149 5 Last Monday a paragraph aaaaariag in these call is^l that a Mr. Horn, apnaiently flinwin. apnamced l>efore Mr. Mitlull on the jircvioiis Satin!. iv. li.t<iti\i' Inspector Tyrrell had arrested tliis man mi in-t! actions turn Malboana, M oould give tin Court no information MtotiM (act* of
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  • 55 5 h is stated that Iba data of Huron K. mura's 111 (MUtOM for Ku^luixl to take uj> Die pen* of Japauexc Ambaomdot at London nhangafl, m it is band Urn* radon is i:i ('(iiini'i tioii with li-. a|<|<oiiitiiit'iit .-hII fur early attintion. 11.' will Uwnsotc tve Yokohama Im- London.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 127 5 Duma Utilised as Revolutionary Centre. Reed. 9th July, 1.7 p.m. General Trepoff, the famous Russian officer of reactionary and tyrannical fame, has been interviewed about the political situation in Russia. He declared that the Duma is at present being utilised by the Opposition as a revolutionary centre.
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    • 62 5 A revised Red Cross Convention was signed at Geneva on Saturday by a conference held for the purpose. The conference also passed a resolution to lay before the Hugue Arbitration Court all disputes regarding the application of the Convention which might arise in time of peace. The
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    • 81 5 Search in Almost Impenetrable Bush for Chief. The Natal Government believe that the losses suffered by the rebel natives in recent engagements will take wholesome effect. The general rising of the natives which bad been feared is now regarded as remote. Three columns of Natal troops surrounded a
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    • 36 5 Keuters correspondent at Shanghai states that the Mingpo. which was bound for Japan, struck a floating mine, 120 miles from the mouth of the Yangtse River. She was damaged, but 110 lives were lost.
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    • 13 5 Mafor Ogilvy, the Instructor to the Moroccan cavalry has died at Pez.
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    • 29 5 The Governor of Grodno, in Russia against whom most serious allegations had been made in connection with the massacre of Jews at Bielostok has been recalled.
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    • 37 5 The Italian Secretary to the Treasuryannounces that only a small fraction of the holders of Government Stock there about to be converted, have claimed reimbursement for their holding*. The remainder accepted the converted Stock.
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  • 279 5 Transa.tion Ends in a General Melee. On Saturday, two (ioanese. Xavier and Fernandez, wore charged before Mr. Column, liy Bmml Bartels with using criminal force. Tan Hong Peow, a trader in Boat Quay, — 1 that the defendants went to his shop on Friday and bargained
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  • 28 5 Goon servants, says I'nnch, are becoming so difficult to obtain that we really cannot I lain*- the American lady who disinherited her son because he married her maid.
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  • 293 5 While in Australia Mr. Seddoii frequently Klluded to New Zealand as Gods own country" and liis farewel. missageto Mr. Mint. Ptin.* Minister for Victoria, began: Leaving to-nighl for God's ow,n country. Bupi i:.itmlia will baoOBM a ramdise. posed The Guests," a toast that elicited a very warm response on the
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  • 491 5 Alleged Gang Robber Acquitted of the Charge. Thk hearing of the charges of gang robbery and voluntarily causing Hurt while committing t^ang robbery, against a Chinaman named \eow Ah Vong was continued all Friday before Mr. Justice Fisher and a jury. A unanimous verdict of not guilty wan
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  • 77 5 On Saturday, Haji Abdul Shukor was before Mr. Column 011 remand under the allegation of the theft of property to the value of *.">.:i'.i.">. belonging to Haji Abdul, from a vessel in the harbour on the 2Hth. ultimo. Inspector Dooley of the Marine Police asked the Court to
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  • 28 5 The produce of the above-named Company at Tanjong Malim. for the month of June in reported at 89" pikulx of clean-dressed tin ore.
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  • 32 5 Thk cricket match between the Club and Army, in connection with the S. C. tournament, which was fixed for Saturday afternoon last, was postponed owing to the wet state of the ground.
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  • 39 5 In the Legislative Council at C ape Town' ou the l:!th of Jane Dr. Jameson, the Premier, stated that the Government was aware of the sad condition of the Moer emigrants to Argentina and had dissuaded others from going.
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  • 99 5 Mb. ARUSAt hah Tyaua Kuan, bracketed Senior Wrangler, is au Indian subj<xt. and was born in October IHBB at Yiuukoda, Krishna District. Madras Presidency, and is an Indian Government scholar, tie is now a major scholar of Trinity College. Private tutor, Mr. R. A. Herman. Mr. Clarence John Threlkeld Suwell.
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  • 136 5 On Kriday nitfht. a Kliu|{ was picked up incapably drunk in tbe Kaudani; lurbau division. He was "interviewed" by Mr. Scott on Satnrday. but he expressed surprise at his position anil at the charge. The police, lie said, nuut have made a mixtake as he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1096 5 Messrs. MAULEFFINCH CO. Their Inaugural Dinner. On Saturday evening, Messrs. Mauletnnch and Company entertained a large number of their friends at dinner, at the Hotel de l'Europe, in' celebration of the inauguration of their .inn in Singapore. The invitation card contained a list of partners of the firm— Messrs. K.
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    • 397 5 STRAND HOTEL RANGOON. ."The Queen Hotel of Burmah" The finest and most modern hotel in Rangoon. Magnificent Suites with private baths. Service-de-Luxe und unrivalled Cuisine. Most perfect sanitary arrangments. Electric lights throughout. Sarkies Brothers Proprietors JROPICAL MODELS of upright and Horizontal Grand PIANOS IN ELEGANT and CHASTE DESIGNS. BT THE
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  • 335 6 Dr Reich's Warning Against German Stolidity. Dr Eniil Reich, continuing his lectuiv. .1, I'lato at Claridge's Hotel London, recently before a distinguished company \>f fashionably dressed men »nd wo'niou, expressed disbelief of the theory that our thinking power is in the brain" You might," he said, "just
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  • 300 6 ihv- Government of Tasmania !|M f.a?«jJ a li«w tuning law of a v^ry Up to dale .ml (i 'ighteuc'l kind, npcal ing tli2 V. ii- .>et of l? 00, at toe iu-ti-til C Stewirt. the Uiiii>i«l l.i U 'as dr practical man I neu v.mug lav. embodies a
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  • 234 6 i lie above htmdin* Mi. ll< ribei't L. Beer, of the Wci-hr.i-wei School. an ;i follows to tin Hongkong Teiph." under the date June 19: in- concerning the future of \Y<iI I, ;i\c been in circulation and even detail* of the teraa on which II
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  • 336 6 The Cape Times says that Mr. Seddon s Imperialism sometimes «v ex hibited in a Mmewhat aggressive manner, but when others were vilifying South African as a den oi thieves his honesty was a wholesome corrective. Mr. Chamberlain, his letter to -Ir \V. P. Reeves. High
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  • 528 6 "We have come to the conclusion that there is no general desire on the part of the coolies to leave their work in the mines in South Africa and return to China." Thus ;he Under-Secreta:y of State for the Colonies demolished lor ever in the
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  • 373 6 The Malay Mail writes Recent events in the l'eiiang football world posses a peculiar significance for us in view of the inauguration of the new League. It is reported that at ih« conclusion of a League match in Penaug the referee gave the result as one goal to
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  • 524 6 At the date <* the lact maiJ advice* from Cliiua. reports ir«re currant of ill:reatmcut of Chinese ccolas work n^ on tlu nulw.u from T< nqnia into nn nwn now under construction. Th..,e runottn have been continued ),y the i iknring letter in a Shanghai newspaper: There
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 509 6 WANTED^ TEACHER.— A taacher needed for Standard [I or 111. Mn»t have experience and b«_well reoommended. Apply "No. 8," c/o Straits 2696 BABBEK.— A thoroughly efficient BARBER for the SELANGOR CLUB, Kuala Lumpur. Send full particulars to the Secretary. 2730 SURVEYOR.— Govcrnmeut licensed surveyor. Wanted immediately. Apply, giving references and
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    • 641 6 TO BE LET. OFFICES.— SmaII first floor office* facing Davenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Api ly to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., AgenU. a.o PARTIALLY FURNISHED HOUBE.— Kinrars." Orchard Road, partially furnished. For further particulars apply to D. Turner, British Dispensary. c 2346 OODOWN.— from the Ist June, a godown
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    • 939 6 NOTICES. REMOVAL. -The offloes of Hewn Gtangl Bros. Co. and the Singapore Steam Saw Mill Co. have been removed from No. 2 Malacca Street to No. 11 and 12 North Boat Quay, from Ist June, 1906. 9484 CHOA CHANG TH YE SALE.— The Sale by Auction of ALMA, BATU KAWAN
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  • 393 7 What It Really Means Plain Speaking. The Berlin weekly political review, the Grenzbote," publishes a BMnarkabst article by a con.ributor who stands in the closest relations with Ike Foreign Office. The writer urges thai; the Baghdad Railway question affords an excellent opportunity for the conclusion oi an
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  • 143 7 The Salvage Association Survey.. r ballswes thai !-c fire on taW KsmißCr "Gothic" originated ■porataJMOiuly. The woo] .;pp;ii( nt ly dam.imd in No. 4 hold proves to have Im-cm ouifiiml t.. a few Ijalcs of wo 1 and flax. Two bale- of wool from the it— lMtr "Gothic's"
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  • 38 7 The repairs to the German Mail steamer Room," stranded in Tsushima Straits last month, have jus* ban i 111pleted. The Roon will forthwith resume her service on the N. D. L. line, If"— *'*f to MMssdad m liedule.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 Dan Macfarlane Co.s ROYAL V. 0. V. Isiqueur Seote6 Wbisky. <:o:) OBTAINABLE FROM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. an Sole Jlgents. What we Do. We' do Well. wmmm^ m^ m m^
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    • 593 7 fl?? TAN SAN I«J? A MINERAL WATER fcj^^j^^*»»* Of THI JBtoL highest class, *^Jk (Brisp, Invigorating. TANBAN 0F ALL dealers. Direction der Disconto=Gesellschaft Berlin— Bremen— Frankfurt a. M.— London Capital (fulfv paid-up) M. 170,000,000 Reserve Fund M. 57,600,000 it; Represented at Hamburg by the Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg I The
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    • 386 7 *ntttm ■faagliiaflMlll ol Ij ili» Bi»«l^ Hat HtMn. 0. J. ircrmcn 00. ro offmr I hair H n/o« ma AGENTS IN EN LAND. Emtabllmhcd In IB**, thaj hmro m thoro-mh knomloaao ot thm Mark aim, mntl mxporlmnca ot Eaalmrn rrQulrmmmntm. Tha homafm of tho Firm plro po-monal aupontalon to mil
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    • 160 7 1 1 The Weight of J| The Pyramids 1 J seems piled upon the head cf the unfortunate sufferer from a split- K V tin)? headache. A headache of this <? 0 kind, if unrelieved, leads to aberra- i' (> tionoftbcmindandinsanity. Itgoes m beyond human power to endure. 4) A
      160 words

  • 1099 8 Pahangj Corporation. An extraordinary general meeting of the I'ahaug L'orjwration, Ltd., was held on Bth June at Winchester House, E.C., for the puipose of considering a resolution approving of the formation of a new company to Hciiuirc aud take over the property aud undertaking of the company,
    1,099 words
  • 914 8 The details of the race are as follow Grand Prix de Paris, 40 soys. each, with 8,000 added for threeyears-old colts and fillies colts to carry 9st. 21b., and fillies sist. 13lb. One mile seven furlongs. Major E. Loder's SPEARMINT* B. Dillon 1 M. J.
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  • 111 8 Canada Indignant Over a Recent Flagrant Case. A HoNTiiKAL correspondent wires to a home exchange under date of June 18th, that considerable indignation has been again aroused throughout the Dominion o\er the British practice of quietly de| orting evildoers to Canada. It is not the first time
    111 words
  • 74 8 A iiiirkm'uxiikxt of one of the paMn, sa\s Urn t.10b,. appeal* for "some bold i. lot mi I to ariw and discover for poor man a summer coHtunie as .sensible as that worn liy lii> sisters." We can nee no reaxou why he should not bo a bold reformer himself.
    74 words
  • 1157 8 A Look Round < and a Pleasant Half Hour. Our Japanese naval visitors of the past few days have, undoubtedly been a source of much interest to the people of Singapore. It in true, and no one can deny it, that the •Japanese naval man, as we
    1,157 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 409 8 To tlie Kilitor of the Strait* Time*, Sir. There is good food for reflection in the letter of A Chinese Father which appeared in your issue of Thursday, last week. Not that your correspondent tells us much that we did not know before concerning the frauds which are
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  • 211 8 A WIBIM football match was played at The Tan Tock Seng Hospital ground on Saturday between a second eleven of the National I'nion Football Club and the Ballestier Club. Owing to the recent rains, the ground was courerted into a swamp. Interesting play was however w ituessed by
    211 words
  • 150 8 Arrivals since 7th July, Per Marudu From Borneo ports Mrs. Diendonne and 2 children. Mr. Monusfort, Mr. Dumas and Mr. Falcon. Per Deli From Jangkok Mrs. Hays, Miss Lena Align. Mr. and Mrs. Trotter, Messrs. Hill. Allen. Heppand Sim. Per Selaugor." From Telok Anson r«i Ports Misses'
    150 words
  • 175 8 New Rubber Cocoanut Company. A Java venture, styled the Langen Rubber and Cocoanut Company, has issued a prospectus. The capital of the Company is set at 175,000 guilders, in seven hundred shares of 250 guilders each. The directors ate R. N. G. Blngiey Esq.: (Java). Managing Director: A. de Vos
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  • 54 8 AiroHDiMi to a Tokio message. Japan will not attach to Port Arthur the great military and naval importance which it possessed when in the hands of Riisnia. Only defence works of a small kind will be carried out there. Sasolio will continue to be the centre of .lnpau°> niiv.ll strength
    54 words
  • 76 8 Advuks I:kvi- Ihih niiived that tin A intrii an manufacturers do not consider the time opportune for carrying out the pro posed scheme for a floating exhibition of Uieir products. The idea was to conduct the. exhibition by iikuiis of sb-uni'-hips travelling round the world. American mamifactun rs. however, state
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 283 8 K.^A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS, Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian. Chinese, and Japanese goods LA silk kimonos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set- jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      283 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 83 8 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 9th J'jly. High Water. 1-4 p m Golf Oliainpionship'eutries close. Subordinate Civil Service Associati jn Meet inn. 8. V. I. Drill Hall. 8. German homeward mail due. Musical EveniiiK. Jlotel del' Europe 5-30 to 11. Tuesday, 10th July. High Water. 0-23 a. m 112 p in.
      83 words

  • 677 9 The Xoth China Daily News of June 23rd contains this leading article:— The majority of the foreign residcnU in China rejoice when exchange rises, and especially do those whose salaries are paid in silver, seeing that the tael now produces three shillings instead of the
    677 words
  • 91 9 That a man should jump from a'l.-li to the ground below and be Mile to pick himself up and run from the police is a rather uncommon occurrence. This, however, was an incident in an npium raid in Hongkong on the 23rd June. The suspected party. <>!i lean. ing
    91 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 350 9 Date of j Formation 1900 1903 Capital •175,000 £400,000 Subscribed •140,000 •Milliter of Bh»r« 13,500 S.SOO iimi-utd 4,000 350,(K)0 20.000 10.000 640 uui«»u«d C 207 10.493 36.700 110.000 50,000 150,000 20.000 2,000 usiMued I lsnue Paid j V»lue up to 10 10 10 t 10 £1 1 10 I
      350 words
    • 297 9 L9M MM MM MM MM MM Ml -i MM MM £150.000 f-200,000 £30,000 700,000 £70,000 •150.000 £12,000 £75.000 •250.000 £300.000 30.000 1100.000 £30,000 flOO.000 £140.000 $120,000 £11,121 1610,000 £59,520 112.5,000 £10,500 £55.000 1225 000 £260,625 £20.000 1135.000 1x5 000 £26,000 191.500 I 140.000 1 1 20.000 10 f
      297 words
    • 194 9 a. Special Gold Reserve Fund. b. Insurance Fnnd. c. Sundry Keaervea. d. Sundry Reserves. 894 1898 JE5.377.10.0 •225,000 £4.648.15.0 J225.000 7.638 4.500 80.000 12/6 I 11--. 12/6 50 865 $10,000,000 •10.000.000 •125 1901 L9Ol 1699 1903 •2.400.000 134,000 •875,000 9600.000 i •2.400.000 154,000 •875,000 •240.000 200 3.4(10 6.000 2,750
      194 words
    • 47 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% 1600,000 2% prem buyer*. Biley Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 245,000 prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 8% 400,0 0 2% prera buyers. 5% 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4% Wi.'X-O par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6* 250,000 tf% prem buyer*. 5% 1,365,500 1 prem buyers.
      47 words
  • 229 9 Singapore, 9th July, 1906 PRODUCE, Gambier buyer* 7.25 do (Cube Xo. lj unpicked „11.00 C«pra Bali 8.65 do Pontianak 8.20 Pepper. Black buyers 20.76 do White 6% 2aoo Sago Flour Sarawak 2.70 do Brunei Xo. 1 2.60 Pearl Sago 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% buyers 16.50 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis
    229 words
  • 1203 9 Sir John Rodger's Interesting Journey. Reuters Agency has, says the Morning Journal," received details of a very interesting expedition, lasting over V. months, recently undertaken by Sir John Rodger, Governor of the Gold Coast. Starting from the coast, his Excellency travelled as far as Gambaga, 400 miles
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought it into almost universal use. It never failt, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It iv equally valuable for children and adults, and
      74 words

  • 320 10 The thrill of horror which has been felt in Great Britain at tbe shocking disclosures made regarding the condition of American tinned meat exported to Britain has even found its way iu-vO official circles. All the departments of the British Government directly concerned in the use
    320 words
  • 70 10 A n anil icyctnlili' < xhibitioti of Colonial Botb product, waa held in the Royal HoitinilturM Hall, W, ■M.niin.-ti-r, at tbe btgiaail p a| .lime. From Australia and Siuitli Allies im»t neaffltßt fruits were shewn. It boiug too oarlv in the MBMssj Canada was not ic])rr.scnUil. and there was Tithing
    70 words
  • 498 10 Anti- Foreign To The Core. Considering the amount of oppression which China has suttered at the hand* of foreign Powers H-r many ye«u\* past it i$ not surprising, the NiclniS'ichi remarks, tnat sue should now be aroused to a sense of the situation and should strive to
    498 words
  • 330 10 Japanese Administration in Formosa. In Dr. Goto, Formosa appears to possess an able administrator. The doctor receuUy returned to the island— after a vis.t to Tokyo as Baron Goto, and received a most hearty welcome from th? people. A letter from Formosa to the Nippon a Japanese newspaper, is to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 83 10 Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Wtmtcly in India. Mr. Sd. L. Hiscocks writing from Clare Road, Byculla, India, says I i ad :uid still rvjuire a good many bo. tics of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rein -.dy. and hive found it iavafaubU at cure as well as a toa>
      83 words
    • 722 10 Ships and Steamers.- P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China Japan, Penanf, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Efjrpt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and Londom. Through Bills of Lading issned for China Coast, Persian Golf, ContinenUl, and American PorU. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outuard (Jot China). ■UaVnta 21
      722 words
    • 1146 10 Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aoshct, lati J. Daxhdeu Co., 3-D Colltxb Qcat. The undermentioned date, are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desiaiched for I:* De Klerk Soerabaya Tul v 9 Batavia. Java-Coast, Sam&rang. Soerabaya,' Boeleleng, Makassar, Amuoina, Sapa
      1,146 words
    • 705 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UN ITED STATES. Route from Hongkong vii Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Tons— Speed 19 knoU. PROPOSED SAILINGS
      705 words

  • 592 11 In the House of Commons, on the ICth June, Mr. Augustine 'Birrell, President of the Board of Education, offered to accept an amendment to the Education Bill which would enable the manager:, of a voluntary school to appeal to the Board of Education against a refusal on
    592 words
  • 254 11 At every race meeting, morning or al'trrncon ceremony, i.r function of busi- nr pleasure this year the doom of the fi'ick coat and top-hat has been more and more emphatically pronounccil The social world is tired of them, says a London paper. At Epsom lately i.'veti the
    254 words
  • 125 11 Norwegian papers state that the travelling high commissioners from China, during their visit at Chrikiania, engage*} a number of Norwegian, officers for the Imperial Chinese army. These officers will arrive in China in the autumn. Norway's pre-eminence is especially noticeable in the invention of modern arms. The
    125 words
  • 77 11 Opium smoking is punishable in Melbourne. Senior-constable Stapleton, who lias charge ■>f tbe plain-clothes police tbere, expresses the opinion that opinm-amoking is for all that still carribd on in the city. In two hoiMex occupied by Chinese which he visited he found men lying with the pipes beside them, but
    77 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1290 11 t'nuer this beading the following abbreviations arc used Mr. oteamer »h. ship bq; barque aoh.— schooner Tot. Yacht Cm. Cruiser Gbt.'— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.- -Horse- power; Brit. British U.S.— United State* Fob.— French Ger —German Dut. Dutch Ital. Italian Span. Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d.
      1,290 words
    • 221 11 Per P. A O. s. s. Sunda from London June 9, due 14th July— Miss V. Boaogoff, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce, Mr. 6. R. Darker Mrs. S. R. Darker. PerP:*O. s. s. I'irtorui connecting with the steamer StMaria at Colombo, from London Jnne 22, due 22nd July—
      221 words
    • 68 11 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Kast Wharf:— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock: Nil. Albert Graving Dock Nil. Section No. 1 Austria. 2 Aparima, Glenstr&e. 8 Nil. 4 Sambia. 8 Terrier. 6 Calypso. Borneo \VHA»r 7 Machew, Dagny. m 8 OnSaug. Atinil, Alala. 9 Cacbar.
      68 words
    • 93 11 For Per Steamer Time Touobrow. Sarawak RaJMkofSaravat 7 a.m. Europe via porU /.ieten X a.m. Sydney via ports Huraii 1 a.m. P. S'tenham, Peuang Perak i p.m. Palembaug Ofkif 1 p.m. Malacca, P. S'tenham Carlyl,- 3 p.m. lleugkaliH. SiakiV Pakan Hong 3 p.m. Sourabaya 4 Macassar Sam
      93 words
    • 125 11 From EoaoM— By. the N. D. L. s. s. P. R. Luilpold due on 14th July, >v From China— By the N. D. L. s. s. Zieten due on 9th July. Loft Singapore Dae in London Arrived May Mth P.AO. Juiie 16th Jute 18lb May **h N.
      125 words
    • 763 11 Name, port, probable dale of arrival, and name of Agenta. Steamer*. Achilles, Liverpool, July S Mansfield Alesia, Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. July 26 K Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. 30; M. Maritime* Ayuthia, Bombay, July 13 Borneo Coy. Armand Behic, Saigon, Aug. 13; M. Mtimes.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 624 11 N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is main tamed between Japan aud Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, I'ntler Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 768 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AND Toyo Klstn Kaisha The three great steamship line* between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Frmnoisoo, operating the new 13,000 ton, twin-screw steamers KOREA aud SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG
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    • 138 11 UNION S. S. CO OF N. 2. LTD. SINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND DIRECT. AUCKLAND, .WELLINGTON, LYTTLETON, AND DUNEDIN 4lso oalling at BAMARANG AND FIJI (if inducement offers.) The Co.'s T. S. S. APARIMA,,' 5,764 ton*, Edwd. Btott, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent saloon
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  • 222 12 Sanderson anp Co's Report. 14th June. Spot— The auctions were returned on the 7th inst.. after having been suspended since the 25th ultimo, the demand was slow and prices showed no material ak:«ration from those ruling before the holidays. East India has been in good upply, and
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  • 538 12 London Nth June. Aloes. The market rather quiet. 15 boxes of curacoa offered in last sales only one sold, ordinary to dull at 35 lOpkgs soccotrine bought in. There is a good demand for the commomer descriptions. Capsicums. Market quiet. 1 barrel from Dominica offered and
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  • 85 12 Ik a divorce cam; in London which resulted in Mrs. Ada Maud Mary Short obtaining a decree nisi against her husband, evidence was given of a code cable being received by Mr. Short from another lady iHting of the two words Vix Venus." watt explained that Vix
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  • 144 12 The "Morning Post" correspondent at Lagos, West Africa, reports that Mr. Oswald Crew Read, head ass stant to tlie Imperial Commissioner of Southern Nigeria, was recently murdered in the Asaba hinterland.- Capt. Rudkin, with 200 men of the Southern Nigeria Regiment, hastened to the scene of the
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  • 187 12 An Indian resident in Singapore has, says the "Calcutta Statesman," been studying the process of manufacturing the cheap kinds of glazed crockery which tie Chinese send to India and which are largely used ii. the latter country. It appears that far inferior ware a high degree of purity
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  • 190 12 A Malay, Wan Mohamed Ali, was charged at Ipoh Police Court, on the 29th June at the instance of the Inspec: or of Mines, with working State land without authority, uuder Section 114 of the Mining Enactment Ordinance 1904. The land is situated at Tekka Mengembu,
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  • 251 12 An Official Paper on the subject of coffee cultivation in Brazil has be^b published for the information af planters in Southern India. A previous Paper, which was published some eighteen months ago, was considered insufficient in detail, and the present one, while it gives answers from His
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 608 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong 9 Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital 110,000,000 reserve fund:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,0001 SilverßeMoe t 9,500,000/ "X. 8 0 000 RjMrve Liability of Proprietor. 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Hanpt, Esq. Chairman. G. H. Mcdhnrst, Eeq. Deputy Chairman. E. Ooetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. Hon. Mr.
      608 words
    • 526 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor. £800,000 Re*er T e Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltf. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and interact allowed at 1 per
      526 words
    • 640 12 H. L. COGHLAN CO.. Forthcoming Land Auctions at Sab Rooms. Jhly 9th. Building Land, Chin Swee Road A Building Land, Kirn Keat Road. Building Land. Gaylang. Building Land, Campong Java Road. Town Property, Arab Street and Sultan Road. Town Property, 210 Tan Quee Lan Street. Town Property, 167 Qncen Straet,
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    • 588 12 Exceptionally Good Tanglin Auction. Sale of High Grade Household Furniture THE PROPERTY OF J. W. VAN DE STADT, ESQ. AT MOUNT ALMA, DALVEY ROAD, SATURDAY, 14th. JULY AT I. 30 P.M. Rooms well appointed throughout in best TEAK GOODS' all of ARTISTIC DESIGN and GOOD FINISH. DRAWING ROOM. Richly upholstered
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