The Straits Times, 7 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VO. 22.082 THE STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY. JULY 7. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 290 1 Hill-climbing Success at San Remo Scored In THE B-ELIABLE CAB? DE DION-BOUTON r L'he I~iill-coii<[ueriii2: CarDetails: Milan San Remo Trials. Hill-L-liinbin<,' Ootupetition, Saturday, April 7. Yoiturettfc Section: De Dion-Bouton (driven by Matters), First. iii :5 mhwtet :><'. s^coiuls. C. DUPIRE Co. i 101 Agents; Singapore. COMFORTABLE LIVINQ IN EVERYTMINO. Tin-
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    • 428 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERSPOWELL &CO Singapore. (Established 42 tears). Real Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortgage* arranged. Valuation* made. Bents collected. Powell A Coy's Auction and Hoase-Property ircular is issued weekly and sent free to any Ureas H. L COGHLANtVCO. •5. Raffle* Place. Singapore. Auctioneers and Purveyor*. Land A House
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    • 470 1 Robinson Company. 4 t TOILET SETS Tke VM»nr,>t(an" Toilet Set Th- r i T< il t Set I '^m ♦'ink iiortcr* nvfl flowtrs. REUSED PRICES l^B X V^Lw Ji I "r^V .^^aaaM *^^MhL-Is f\- i> v£fi*£*j^BiEFA "Cs^^ T c j r >vva4i The "Cl«matii" i;..,ii fiari rimlilii Toil.-. M BojrmJ
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    • 453 1 PHOSFERINE The Greatest of all Tonlea. 5 RADIATES HEALTH. J Vffieton:— Athton A Parsons, Umiied, J 17. Farringdon Road, London. E. C. "e.eae.eawaoae.eaeie.aa* 1 Ai BLKT 1.. A. OXLCY, UntWtakt-r Tomb Buhd r Every atienti n |hnM to asßkaMai Qbmhm Uodanai ,<i Middle l<na,l. Sole ■gsirts lot Iftssn Dottrklai Brasfaan,
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  • 381 2 Report of the Directors. Directors.— Messrs. Thomas Johnston Caiarman C.R. Patoreon, T. A. G.illie, S.r I A. SwettenJi|pi, k. c. M. o. and North Christ* directors ha\e pleasure in submitting their first annual balance .-he t. duly audited, covering the period from 1* December.
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  • 135 2 AM.'tiei oaten >: a hunaied Chinese students has reached Japanaav bringing the number now :n Tokio t<P^er eight thousand. Many of tnei-c itaideati earning a most unenviable reputation. Continually one reads of them engaging in very repreiiensiliTo courses. It may be assumed that these evil doings are confined
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  • 149 2 A strange oa*e was lately before the Darling-hurst BsastOM la New South Wales, when Arthur Cecil Childs. pleaded guilty to BMstiesoaaly killing a heifer. The judge was informed that Childs was IS years of ;ij;o. and 3in. high. He was still growing. Thinking he had Keen unfairly treated,
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  • 86 2 Some figures recently published in America are worthy of note by students of the fiscal question. These statist ii>. which are issued by the United Btaten Bureau of Labour, -how how the cost of living in the United States is rapidly atoanting under a Protective tariff. Whole sale prices reached
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  • 599 2 Circus Scenes at Tientsin the Utter part oi the performance of Spampani's Circus at Tieatein on the 17th May when the «ions wenbeing taken from the menagerie to the back entrance to the ring, ready to perform their act, one of the lions, known as Prince,
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  • 125 2 Tka "Sungaai af crenrj ha ibcwa n>si iaajm of new Ckiuevt ruin.. It appaan that the Vi rev of S/,clnv»jpj ha- ii'-eniiie alarmed f it Iks large iin nfl tion ;-f India ti ruiif-i-^ v Tibft, ,uid) fearing that In- f:ut that Hibear the cfli;jy and siijxm-
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  • 70 2 The "Sarawak Gazette" anuouims the death, at Labuan oa the 24th June, of Mr. F. J. 11 Bingley, Cadet in the Sarawak Government Service. Mr. Bingiey who was 27 years of age, joined the Sir ..ii the Ist December. 1903. and at tl Jime of his death wai Mationed Lawas.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 BARBED WIRE. Price $5.50 per roll of 440 yards, four point barbs every six inches. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co., Ltd. "TIMES" MINING CANDLES. Hard,> Brilliant and *Cheap. IMPORTERS: Borneo Co.. Ltd. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXKCUTED BUNKERS. a» FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) Opposite Western Entrance to New
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    • 535 2 FOR BABY'S SHIN SCAIA AND HAIR Something for Mothers to Think About EVERY CHILD born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to distressing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suffering but
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    • 91 2 Wanted > t Once. A little forethought will often -aye no end of trouble. Think of 1 1; < ;>ni:i and suffering that must bo cmlurtd in case of an attack <>' pain in the omaea or cramp colic when medicine must be sent for. Every family shou.d have a
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    • 82 2 Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in India. Mr. Sd. L. Bitsocka arit&ag from Clare Road, Byculla, India, nays: 1 have used and still require a g>wd m.-mv bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcin?dy, and have foun.i it invaluable as a cure as well as a pr» ventive
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  • 2173 3 The following interesting article on what can be used instead of tin now that the latter metal 18 bo dear is from the "Mining Journal." The article is written by Mr. Parry, A. R. S. M. In January 1905 the price of tin was £130 a ton
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 HOEG'S Anti -Corrosive Composition Anti -Fouling: Composition Boot Topping Paint Used constantly with greatest sucoeas by steamers ai.d sailing ships of all nations. For sub-agencies apply to M. SCHAEFER CO., 176S Sole Agent* CRUSHED FOOD. TRY IT AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED I. B. BELILIOS bags to inform the public
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    • 151 3 ■V& nnnnnnnV caEBMTED <SWrS> n^^nl ln^B OILMEB 8 SIOR£S I ceosse m m noK^ n By Special AUD fU'V&S 1 Warrant I BLACKWELL, i»alt vJESr nnnnni nfl TiTH U nnß Mints ran Purveyors to I H lea&perrin's unniW nnnf-Sr DOGSHEADj^^ BRAND BASS'S ALE y tSffif GUINNKSSN STOUT. Can be had
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  • 2395 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY. 7th JULY Yr.sTF.UkAY, a sliort reference was made to a new departure in Singapore in teapect i» the opium habit, and it was shown that a certain section of the Chinese here have taken as important step in the good fight against that
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  • 16 4 Thk Netherhuiils- Indian quarantine againaf- Province Wellenley and the West i ueat arthe Peninsula is withdrawn.
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  • 21 4 We hear that the police have made an aoasi in connection with the recent murder of a Javanese at Telok Kerau.
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  • 31 4 tTax monthly meeting of the Presbyterian CSarch. Ladiat Sewing Party will be held at the^esudenee of Mrs. Banks, Cavenagh Villa. Cavenagh Road, on the afternoon of Tuesday, 10th msU^mi. v 4.30.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 203 4 Alliance Enjoying Exceedingly Good Heaith. I. TIH Jnl'J. Iv a debate on lUe Foreign Affairs yoU- iv the House of Comniuns. Sir Kdward Omj made a statement on the subject of Usi Alii ance between Britain sii'l Japan. Sir Edward Grey said tliat. despite ajaaafti v. the
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  • 24 4 A irhkbt match in connection with tinS. C. C. tournament will be played on the Esplanade this afternoon between th. Club and the Army.
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  • 23 4 H. K. the liovernor and a party from (•overturn nt House are Kuing out for a trip iv the Sta JuV«' this afternoon.
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  • 18 4 Thk Chief Engineer o> the Krencli cable steamer Francu WAra</o died yesterday. Tlie funeral took place this morning.
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  • 30 4 Mr. J. H. Sixxkb, residing at Oxlty Road, has reported to Urn police that during the night a pipe and a uiiip waai stolen from the verandah of afoi liooae.
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  • 48 4 real Meeting of ukiuWts of the Subordinate Civil Service Vsiociatiou to elect Officers and Membc ra of C onimitu-c for the year will bfjhfM at H p.m. on Monday, the (Kh instanOaWthe S.V.I Irrill Hall. 'tins* B**a Road. It ldhaped that there ill U a large attendaaaaJHLeuiU k^
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  • Special German Telegrams.
  • 29 4 Thk H. a. L. aaaaaai aWaaak ajaiml this niornini; frou. Tsingtau with K47 >■'. i man troops troni China <-h routr for Harnbnrg. The vassal is i-xpccteil to la»M to-morrow.
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  • 37 4 Wt. underKtaud tliat H. K. the &mm nor aud party Waal to ba«a luncheon to-ilay with Admiral Sliimaiiiiira and staff on board his flagship the H'nli'-I;l. Adinira luura and -tafl .linc-l \l Government H m la-st night.
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  • 39 4 Today the HoU I do l'Kurope uilil. a lively place, a iiitisiciil tiffin and a laaacal dinner being down to take pUce. The Band at this hotel has proved a decided attraction. A large amcuibly is expecte.l this evening.
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  • 41 4 Thm part of High Sucet which lih» been under repair is completed aud a sjil. v did iiiiproveuient has been tffecu^l. WuUie otlier parts of the roa<l round the Sa»Wnade ijare been cnmpleteiL then will !>• soiintiiinv- u< which Singapore iv« BSSMt.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 458 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor co., Wie Spirit Merchants SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW Hotel de I'Europe :o: MUSICAL DINNER TO-nSTIOHIT .A.T 7.30 "E>.2s£.. The Austritn String Orchestra will pkv special selections of Music daring and after Dinner C. CHAYTOR Manager LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. l Cansssf 1 Tanu! KDC:nrcnn« Assistant
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    • 223 4 Special* Telegram to H>e Times Siilmianiir CalJe) From Our Own Special Correspondent. Tanjong Pagar Award. ,■'.//'</. /.->//./'./(, &Jt& p.m. 6th Jxiir. Ihlirrml. Siinmpi'n ! ".m. 7th .lull/. The Special Correspondent." selected by the Management of the Straits Timtt to obtain the earliest possible information concerning the result of the Tanjong
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 299 5 FANATICISM SPREADING TO NORTH AFRICA. Sensational Speech. Btc'd, >;,,porr. M ''Hi Sir Kdwai! ':vv. Secretary <if State for Korean \!:.:i lagged Members in the us not to pass a hasty jndcment on tin <■ itions in Egypt and not to embark mi iivussion of ho wmkm I subject
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    • 71 5 Dublin Fusilier Attacked and Injured at Alexandria. A private in the I>nl>liri Fusiliers, while returning to camp in the Me\ suburb ol Ah \.indria. Ims been attackeil by natives and m liously injured. Prepare for Battle It U rafHtai from Hloemf niteiu that the tniojis at Hariisinith.
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    • 39 5 Recruiting to be Stoped in November. Mr. Churchill has stated in the House ol C.miMinux that he has fixed the 80th ol Nnvrmber as the date for tin- st ipp&ge of recruiting Chiui se for the Transvaal.
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    • 104 5 Statement by Mr. John Morley in the Commons. .S w;./ n«.r- 1 in lilh July. Mr. .liihn Morley. Secretary of State for lndU.lms informed tin- iueuil>crs of liie House >>i r minions tliit Mr. Sven Had has been. n:l n-ed |>. rii]i>-ii)ii to enter Tibet for reasons
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    • 97 5 Anti-British Speech by Labourite Leader. Mr. Ktii H.uilii'. the LahowiM UaiK, has ewi«»'d v profound sensation by writinjf to a Zulu visitor, nt pMMMt ill Kdinbnr^h. in which >ie At \\um lh NOMt brutalities in thr Suilan redaoe the HmiaJatmtioo of the S'l.lm t:> the level of tlieeorpsr.'l'ongoi;
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  • 17 5 CaPT.UH I!. MeK. I'oiler. Ist Sherwood Ku. esters, will be Field Officer during the ells liny week.
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  • 78 5 Thk yearly installation meeting of the lUlhoitsie Royal Arch Chapter was held on Thin sdav eveniuy. The Hou. \V. J. N.i|>:< r was present and it was stated that a Supreme (ir.uid Chapter had netived M action for establishment in the Straits with Mi. N'apiiM- as District Grand Muster. Anew
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  • 257 5 ANOTHER LIGHTER IN FLAMES tig Naphtha endangers Tanj»ng Rhu and Shipping. is reported yesterday afternoon a which hail just taken on board 800 naphtha from the Kriti-li steamer rug. caught fire at 1 p.m. outside the limit* ami burnt fiercely for several The harbour authorities anchored <>«• aud
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  • 488 5 (By Submarine Cable) li-;;l. m July. Sir Kdward Jrey. Siguor Tittoni.WtlTe Italian Ambassador in London: and M. Cambou. tke French Ambassador, have agreed upon a draft arrangement concerning Ativ-sinian affairs, which have been"nnder negotiation. Kut the arrangement will not be signet) until the Kmperor Menelik of Abyssinia has
    Reuter  -  488 words
  • 2728 5 INTRODUCTION OF NEW LIQUORS BILL. Proposed Increase in Duty. The Governor Praises the Future of Penan*. Thb meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon was not conspicuouf by great interest, only one out of the seven orders of the day rousing much attention. The second reading of the
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  • 126 5 On: attention, says the <•//./ has been called to a matter in conne ti.n withciiirency in the Straits Settleiuciits that seems to place the merchant at Penang in a less favourable position to that of him Siiigaixiie. The Government, it will Uknown iptetdnllan for sovereigns, but it
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  • 152 5 Mk. Lonsdalk, on the l'ith of Jun- ii: the House of Coiiinioiis. asked the Sirrutitry tOC Foreign Affairs whether he was awa the Chinese labour cartoons iss'ied hy Radical agencies at the last genural ejection rtere Ix'in^ r< 'produeed iv a popula' joomal ill I'eking: and whether,
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  • 27 5 THE lUiv. P. N. Hunter, Chaplain o the Trooi*. will itriach at the evening s< rvicn K I.". At St. Matthews, Ne.i Sepoy Übea, tomorrow iH'.h July
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 SPECIAL DINNER R *j*J A -Oi L TO-NIGHT. RARE OPPORTUNITY Just arrived ONE SEMI-GRAND PIANO BY M. F.* Rachals Co. Hamburg. Apply to H- Schaefer Co-, Sole Agents. o 1768 "GIRL" BRAND BEER. TO BE HAD OF ALL RBTAiL DEALERS Sole Importers Boustead Go.
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  • 786 6 Strange Instances of Recoveries From Illness Caused by Shock. Nature, even in her most grievous mooduMfemarks a writer in th<> New YorW^JHdependent, always has unex pectetr^conipensatioiii. Very probably one of the mrst interesting features m the reports from the San Francisco earthquake h;:s been the announccinent of
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  • 80 6 SOJU iilen of the Ik>oiii in rtlbbei iu.i\ 1m gathered fiom tin tact Upton Limited, whose him baa been nvi'Hv aaooiiagd with ten and baoon, hope be make th.ii iiiviili mis more elastic bs mean of robber. At ibe ajurati meeting cf the company, held in I, indoo lately,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 523 6 WANTED Scbveyoe. Government licensed "surveyor. Wauted immediately. Apply, giving references and stating salary required to Survey," c/o StrailsTimes. rMII Bookkekpeb- A smart Assistant Chinese Book-keeper for an Engineering Establishment. Must have references. Apply M," c/o Straits TimeshT.KKhEKi'KR Wanted immediately, Chinese Storekeeper, who thoroughly understands pro. dace business. Apply with oopies
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    • 529 6 TO BE LET. TO LET. Kinrara," Orchard Road, partially furnished. For farther particulars apply to D. Turner, British Dispensary. >MM TO BB LET. from the Ist Jnne, a godown No. 7 Bernam Street, off AAon Road, area 12,000 square feet, at present oooupied by Messrs. Bvme Co. Apply to E.
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    • 556 6 Japan Panama Hats Folding shape Q? Alpine Shape. in FIIsTE PLAIT. Strongly Recommended as an everyday wear SIZE IN STOCK Q, Otomune *S? Go, NOTICES. List o 1 application for new Licences and Renewals to be considered at 3 pro on Monday the »th Jul > 190*. by the Licensing-
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    • 399 6 NOTICES. NOTICE. IN connection with the firm of Pearce, Sharpe A- Co.. Metal Exchange, and 150, Leadenhall Street. London, we have this dayopened a firm at 4. Prince St. Singapore, under the style of SHAKIT. ROSS 4 Co., Metal, General, and Commission Merchants, which Jirjn will he managed by Mr.
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    • 758 6 NOTICES. NOTICE OF KEMOVoL. The offices of Messrs Giang Bros. Co. and the Singapore Steam Saw Mill Co. have been removed from No. 2 Malacca Street to No. 11 and IS North Boat Quay, from€bt Jnne, 1906. MB4 CHOA OIANO THYK NOTICE. The Sale by Auction of ALMA, BATU KAWAN
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    • 78 6 Chamber!:! o i i u Cholera j and L)ia rhoea kerreOy. I Tlic great success of tin ptpva.l 00 in the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brongbl it into almost universal It never fails, and when r.duccd with water and swoctcued is pleasant to take. It is equally
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  • 1083 7 Not Yet Satisfactory The following letter, which appeared in the "Japan Chronicle," should he read in conjunction with laudatory reports recently published Sir, As it is being extensively stiver tjyd that Mr. Friede. the General Foretpt Agent of the Chinese Eastern Railway, is prepared to book passengers
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  • 485 7 The Vegetarian Point of View One of the minor effects of the lavelatkms from Chicago will be to give a fillip b.> the already increasingly active vegetarian movement. At the present season there is always a noticeable falling off in the consumption of meat, and many
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  • 138 7 An expert Chinese thief MM btooght at the l'olice Court, Hongkong, (M the 88ru March to HMM a ehMgl of stealing ■IoHMW. It was tfhown that hfl wen; roiiml the streets IMMd \utli a very \»im, thin. and pliable bamboo in the top i'iul of wMcb Beadle was cunningly inserted
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  • 119 7 Ano.h«r Club is to be started in Ku ching Sarawak for the use of t hop not eligible for membership of the pcmnl existing Club. The principal mover in this project, has been Mr. 11. W. V. Scott, In»:ructor of Guunerv to tin Sarawak Rangers. The Rajah f Sarawak has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 133 7 Dan Macfarlane Co:s V. 0. V. Isiqueur Seotef) Wdisfiy. to:) OBTAINABLE FROM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme S? Co. Ims Sole Jlgents. What we Do. We do Well. |l_ .b^m J Good
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    • 577 7 K TANSAN luT A MINERAL WATER B^^^fr 01 r iik M W HIGHEST CLASS, l^il---^^ @risp. Invigorating. TANSAN OF ALL DEALERS. CROWN PERFUMERY. ■~J*im^ Manufactuerd by THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., LONDON and PARIS. OF ALL DEALERS. See that the bottles are stoppered with oiu registered- CROWN STOPPER. 1 SST"" f
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  • 1142 8 Thk Rt. Hon. .Joseph Clianiberlain M.l', to il;i i Ichrates the seventieth anniversary of hisbirth.and also the thirtieth anni ventary of hi- irprrxi ntation <d the City of Birmingham, ■nd the dual event will be the occasion of much rejoicing in the historic city. Kirmingham will, indeed,
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  • 986 8 Alleged Grievous Hurt When Looking For Pigs. Ykstkkday afternoon. Messrs. Michell and S'athan. sitting oh a Bench Court, were jngaged in investigating a ctoe of grievous uirt in which five Chinese i>articipated ,v (i an complainantK, three as defendants. Fco Nah and Ong Teng Wan fumyed as
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  • 131 8 I hkkk seems to be no end to the enterpiise of the Japanese. Mr. MatsiiL'ata. the President of the Kawasaki Dockyard Co.. is said to have stated to an interviewer that the Company desires to obtain shipbuilding orders from China. Siain. and ail the other Oriental
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  • 59 8 Tiik .lai sailors, who come frequently ashore, are rapidly gammy hosts of admirers liy their splendid behaviour and general appearance of utility and fitness. They are indeed a smart looking lot and it is rare that they indulge ill a nkisba or any other means of locomotion. t>cv«ud what
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  • 836 8 Decision given in Favour of the Bhang Farmer. On Tburwlay afternoon the long-drawn-out case of (lulani Mohamed vs. Murugaya Pillay was conclude<l before acting Chief Justice Law, the decision being for the defendML who is the bhang Arirer. Mr. Song sWJ ■nninied up the case for tlie
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  • 220 8 In the RjminisccnccK of Sir Henry Hawkins, quoted in the last HMOS of the Ainerinin Law Nerieir, there are some aniiisin>; stories of the vagaries of jury decisions. The evidence wan irresistible." says Sir Henry. and the ease oue of inexcusable brutality." The man had been tried for
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  • 85 8 I!ak\>ra Sim.h who was a couple of days ago. M-iitcnt-i 1 to two months' ituprittoßiuent for tlie theft of a chair from a Chinese temple, wax called K't'orc Mr. Scott again yesterday, and was bound over in a bond of SfiO in two sureties to come
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  • Correspondence.
    • 227 8 Labuan and the B. N. B. Co. '/'<> the Editor of the "Strait) Ttmes." Sib,— At the beginning of the present year Labi-an was taken over by the Imperial Authorities from the British North Borneo Chartered Co.. whose sole desire seems to be to possess as much >f the world,
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  • 403 8 (Sunday, Bth July.) Foi'bth Scxi'W urn: Ti-.iMrv. St. Am.rku 's Cathehkal. 7 a.m. Matins and Litany. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Mvtihk«'s Se«jv Lixes.— 9-15a.m. Holy Communion. 11-15 a.m. Foo Chow Service. 4 pm. Children's Service. 8-15 p.m.
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  • 39 8 Tut Japanese Government has announced that payments of rewards to the officers and mea engaged in the recent war wilt made by means of loan bonds bearing rive per oftt fctere«t and reckoned at a face value of 95.
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  • 36 8 Arrived 7th July. IMi: Saaßko.—From Telok Anaon-Mr. It. Elliot, Mr. bran. Sir. U. Shu. Sira. Lnnwo^. Mi. A. li. M.C. Dofiiat Mr. T J. Darby. Mr. Fc-rnaml(Z. Mi. J. AI. Sciulv and Michall.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 365 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have jnst opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, aik^Japan u se gqpda i.e. silk kimouos, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos. Jtos:a;i u:i<l Imlian carets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware sic. etc. Ladies
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 117 8 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, 7th July. Hifili Water. 10-57 p.m. Cricket Tournament. Hotel d'Kurope. Musical Tiftin. Sea View Hotel. Illumination Dinner. Association Football. Ballestier. Sunday, Bth July. High Water. 0-i r > p.m. 11-40 a.m. Fourth after Trinity. Sea View Hotel. Canoe Regatta. 4:10. gwimmffigCmb Launches. 10.11. t-U, :!.3O p.m.
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  • 521 9 Safe Vaults Fail to Save. Just five week after the destruction by fire of its new building at the ooraar of Pine and Battery streets, the firms of Payot, Upham and Cj. opened its immense valuts, and the instant the big steel doors were
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  • 328 9 Indian Rajah's Strange Visit to Jerusalem. Jaffa, and Jerusalem have been greatly excited by the eccentric pilgrimage the 'Sacred Rock" at the >l > |iv <>f Omar there of an Indian chief, Mohammed Sidiek Khan Bahadur, Rajah of Nampara. with 111s four wives IM a large retinue.
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 356 9 Date of formation I Capital Babscribe<l of Issue I Paid Value up to Reserve Company Pays at Preienl Price. I 10 j I 10 10 I f 10 £1 1 t io io io i io 1 i£1£ 1 1 I 19/ 1 j* 1 1 11/8 1 1
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    • 302 9 1905 1905 1904 1905 1903 1906 1904 £150.000 ••-'UU.IKiU £30.000 700,000 £70,000 5150.000 £12,000 £140.000 f120,000 £11.125 1610,000 MMH SI 25.000 £10,500 140.000 1 t 1 20,000 I 10 t 6 f 7000 1 1 I 11.000 1 7/9 70.000 t 10 9 10 lUU U«d 63,000 1 1
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    • 199 9 1894 1898 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 1«91 1884 1890 1887 1-04 £5.377.10.0 1225.000 510.000.000 «2.400.000 134,000 1875,000 5600,000 •30,000 1200,000 V.00.000 13.000.000 13,700.000 £4.648.15.0 7,638 12/6 12/6 I •225,000 4.300 (50 f 50 112.500 10.000.000 a t10.000,000 M). 000 $12-» KM 9.500.000 2)0,000'. I •2.400.000 200 »100 $100
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    • 46 9 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Riley Harp-eaves, Ltd. 6% 235.000 prem buyer*. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,0 0 -J"., prem buyers. 5% 1,478.000 par. buyers. i% 602,'tf0 par. sellers. Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 2.50,000 '2X. prem buyers. 5% 1.565.500 prem buyers.
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  • 229 9 Singapore, 6th July, 1UOG PRODUCE. (iiiinbier buyers 7.15 do (Cube Xo. 111 1 unpicked 11.25 Copra Bali 8.55 do Pmitinn.ik H. 20 lV)>|*r. Black buyers 20.75 do White 5% 28.00 Sano Flour Sarawak 2.721 Oo Brunei Xo. 1 2.60 Pearl Sago 6.40 Coffee Bali, 15% buyers 16.50 Coffee, Palembang.
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  • 1354 9 Some Stories of King Alfonso. Mr. Edgar Wallace countributes tho following interesting article to a London Joded There came to meet me at the North Station at Madrid a cheerful boy. A boy who had obviously come straight from a tennis court, who was dressed "slack," as
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  • 355 10 Tiie Tetho Lama, a h/gli spiritual Dignitary n.' Tibet was lately perl jaded to go on tour in Upper Indi.' I ulieic ha MM introduced to the Princej of Wales. Much was made of the visit! in India and hopes of good result- ran high. But he
    355 words
  • 38 10 A pNMtbi was recently i sc.l in London by the Castlefield Rubber K.I it.' Coy. Ltd. It has nothing io do with the C'astltwced Rubber Coy. The Ca' 7 fie Id Esta.e is in the Kuala Lumpur district.
    38 words
  • 1251 10 The following article is by Gordon Wilson, M.A.1.M.E.. in Chambers s Journal." Having contributed a paragraph on how the mosquito pest is dealt with in Mexico "Journal, 1903, page 140," and having just road A Simple Protect tion against Mosquitoes" (1905). I make bold to offer tht
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 709 10 Ships and Steamers. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Per Cblse, Japan, Peneog, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth sad London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Port*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lin*. Outirard (for China). .V. Maria
      709 words
    • 1173 10 Konlnklljke PaiWvaart MaatsohapplJ. ffiider contract with tfaVNetherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aoxxct, uti J. Dabvdklk A Co., 2-3 Collteb Qcat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted r Will be desiatched for I De Eerem Bawean July 2Ba wean. Soerabaya, Bandjermassin, Kcta, Baroe. Balik-Papan, Moeara-Djaua Saraarinda
      1,173 words
    • 704 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUFCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      704 words

  • 204 11 Coffee. The result the past yesr baa I c.v ra.hci Ix'ttcr than was at one time- expected. The product/ou of the Liberia crap ikowwj clmem**) cf 1.300 tons, but on the e.her hand we have lo report an iMCMM in .he crop of Java coffee of
    204 words
  • 133 11 A Chivksk. twelve years old. stole fifteen cents from a rikisha on tin 27th ultimo. He DM arrested and taken to the Central Police Station where lie «>< placed in a cell. Next morning, when thetoti came to clear p.p. the youngster crept out unobserved
    133 words
  • 106 11 A MMMMHMOT wriU-H t<> Hrn Km| htm Maiiriri statiny that the British colony in that city, in conjunction with the British communities in Barcelone ami other Spanish citieti. have purchased a wttldiuu yilt for the Queen of Spain ax a token >n
    106 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 959 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq; —barque sch. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. -Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— I'nited States Fch.— French Ger —German Dut. Dntch; ItaJ.— ltalian Span. Spanish; Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d.p.
      959 words
    • 814 11 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agenta. Steamers. Achilles, Liverpool, July 9; Mansfield Ajax, China, July 8 MananeM. Alesia, Hongkong, Aug. 12 Beiin Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. July 36 K. Asiatic Coy, Saigon. Aog. 30 M. Maritime* Arconia, Hongkong, July 8 East Asiatic Coy. Atholl,
      814 words
  • 76 11 July 6 Bangkok. Ger str, Bangkok K. Willem 111. Dut str, Batavia Polyphemus, Brit str. Na'saki, Kobe, Y'hama Foxlev, Brit str. Hongkong. Shanghai Van Diemen. Dut str, Batavia via Biiliton Islander, Brit str. Christmas Island Lindula. Brit str. Penang, R'goon. Calcutta De EereiiH. Dut str. Sourabaya via Bawenn Natuna.
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  • 69 11 •>-— Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf:— Nil. Victoria Gravino Docs Nil. Albert Gravino Dock Nil. Section No. 1 Nuentung, Glendhn. 2 Aparima, Borussia. 3 Lindula. 4 lUura. 5 Paroo. 6 Laertes. Borneo Wharf :—7: 7 Machew. 8 On Sang, Atholl. 9
    69 words
  • 36 11 For Per Steamer Tim* Monday. Saigon Cachar 11 a.m. Malacca and Linggi A'Ani.e Seng 1 p.m. Bangkok Prvlit 1 p.m. Penang and Calcutta Oh Satif 3 p.m. TI'ESDAT. Europe via ports Zieten 8 a.m
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  • 121 11 Prom Ecropk— By tha N. D. L. I. a. P. ft. I.uitpold due on 14th July. From China— By the N. O. L. s. Zieten due on 9th July. Loft Singapore Dae in London Arrived lay 24th P. AO. June 18th Jane 16tb Iky 28th N. D.
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  • 234 11 Per P. it O. a. s Stiad-i from London June 9, due 14th July— Miss V. Bosogoff, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce, Mr. G. R. Darker Mrs. 8. R I)»rkcr. Per P. 4 O. a. s. Victoria connecting with the steamer MMaiia at Colombo, from London June 32,
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  • 204 11 Serious Outbreak in Japan Accordino to the Japanese papero, a report received by the Home Department from the Governor o"f Toyama Prefecture. stat»-H that a strange malady, which for some unknown reason is known as "the English disease is prevalent in Himi district, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, where
    204 words
  • 183 11 The Hon. C. S. Rolls gives in M. A. P. a list of a few "of the things that have hap pened to him as a motorist I have burnt my boiler out three times, on a steam car I was once stuck in a deep, flood,
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  • 198 11 Svvs the Klectrical liiviow of New York: Oue of the most progressn f the independent principalities of Asia is the little kingdom of Siam. on the IndoChinese I' ninsiila. In tin' principal city. Bangkok, is a nodcru electric railway power plant, operated by the Siatu Electricity Company
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  • 242 11 The Imperial Rescripts issued from PeUiuj; are generally intvesthiy n.i<ling. The other day the fiiiajlUl DowaflJK ai«>logised in oue of them to the people of China for the burdeu of debt which she fears is oppress, to them. This is how sin- ]>nts it:— "The enormous sums
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  • 136 11 At the end of this month, says the London and China t ixpre*» of the 15th of June. tinNorddeutHcher Lloyd will have beeu running twenty years to the Far having inaugurated the Mtviaa witli the OkW oh the first steamer to the Kar East on June 80. 18 6.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 772 11 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Occidental and Oriental Steamship Corapaifv AND Toyo Klstn KaJsha The three great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton, twin-screw su-amers KOREA and SIBERIA together with the well-known steamers CHINA, DORIC, COPTIC, GAELIC, AMERICA MARU, HONGKONG
      772 words
    • 426 11 JAVA-BENGAL LINE. Combined service of the Steamship Companies NEDERLAND' and ROTTERDAM LLOYD." Managing Agents, Ship-agency late J. Daendels 4 Co.. Batavia. The steamers SOEMBAWA and BENGALEN maintain a regular four-weekly service between Java-ports, Singapore, Sabang, Rangoon, and Calcutta. The steamer SOEMBAWA will arrive here from Batavia on the 9th of
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 32 11 WEATHER TELE6KA H. HONGKONG.— Bth Ji i.v— I p.m. Barometer 99 67. Direction of Wind *.*.m. Force of Win J i. vf«. Terap in aq* I* <H. MANILA.— 6th Wwi, 3 27
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  • 547 12 Chopped Sausage -Meat and Frozen Pigs. The chief danger to the British public lies in the use by certain sausagemakers of the American chopped sausage-meat, as to the composition of which no one knows anything, and in the sale of boned meat, of which the consumption is
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  • 48 12 Owing to the satisfactory state of Chinese labour on ihe Rand, labour i limit ing will re-commence in the unit hi in provinces of China with renewed activity in the near future, •md a steady flow of Chinese miners will invade the Rand, remarks the Tientsin China Review.
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  • 73 12 Thk contraband trade in arms and ammunition m China is arousing the attention ol t!i< authorities at lVkiiiK- The Constabulary BoaH is alarmed at the enormous <|iiautities of arms and ammunition that are now known to liavu been secretly smuggled into tin- interior of China. It is ascertained that the
    73 words
  • 87 12 Tin- <» her day. a Chinese cemetery in Bangkok, a corpse was buried in an imiimred cofiin. When the grave was filled in the covering of mud and clay was no more than six inches "thickness. A heavy shower of rain fell soon after and '.lie corp&c was almost laid
    87 words
  • 82 12 Another new Joagiw is by way of I,l'Mi-,' Martfd with the title The British and Colonial Anti-Titles League." It is formed to counteract the custom of giving titles <to wealthy colonials, and the promoters state that he enormous increase of titles beet owed in these days will have very embarrass'ng
    82 words
  • 572 12 As the trees on rubber plaiitauons mature year by year and more of them come into bearing on each estate, the planter, remarks the Ceylon Observer," finds that considerably" more factory room is required for curing the rubber, and more labour iv its manufacture is necessary. He
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 560 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital w0.000.000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve »10,000,000) el 9e 19 500 000 Silver Reserve 9,500,000 tl9lSWloo R;serve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Hanpt, Esq.— Chairman. G. H. Modhurst, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq.
      560 words
    • 511 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltf SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      511 words
    • 643 12 AUCTION SALE ORCHIDS, PALMS, ROSE TREES, AND FLOWERING PLANTS At No. 8 Sophia Road Saturday, 7th Jvly, at 4 p.m. H. L. Coghlan Co Licensed Auctioneer! 2739 and Survtyon. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Mart On Monday, 9th July, at 2,30 p.m.
      643 words
    • 767 12 Exceptionally Good Tanglin Auction. of High Grade Household Furniture TH# PROPERTY OF J. W. VAN DE STADT, ESQ. AT MOUNT ALMA, DALVEY ROAD, SATURDAY, 15th. JULY AT I. 30 P.M. Rooms well appointed throughout in best TEAK GOODS' all of ARTISTIC DESIGN and GOOD FINISH. DRAWING ROOM. Richly upholstered Art
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