The Straits Times, 5 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. >JO. 22.080 THE STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 Hill-climbing Success at dan Remo Scored by THIE B-ELIABLE (DJ±tt y DE DION-BOUTON Tlih Mill-conquering Carhi't.n!-: MiLui Sail Rein > Trials. Hill-climbing Competition, Saturday, April 7. Yoiturette Sectiou: De -I n-Bouton (driven by Maffers), First. in 8 minutes 8(1', seconds. C. DUPIRE Co. A gen ts Singapore. j 1000 I
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    • 430 1 ''STRAITS TIMES" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. The Recognised Headquarters of the POWELL CO!, Singapore. Army, Navy and Tourist.. THE ADELPHI HOTEL (Established 42 ybars). Aflret c)alm Ho(el in B i n^pore. SpleudiJ Heal Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortis situation. Ail modern comforts. Electric 3es arranged Valuations made. Rents collected. Fans, Lights,
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    • 28 1 ALBERT L. A. DALEY, Undertaker Tomb Build r Every attention given to biume** Charge* Moderate 1,0 Middle Bond. Sole Agenu (or Mesm-t l>ottridf«e Biotlier?. Litd., London, 0 21HM
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    • 583 1 Robinson Company. TOILET SETS IsTIErW BEVISED IPI^ICES i^Rsj aH s|^E)i^(&^~v!-A /Jaasll luLflrJ JL K^aU*aaW^Bs/Na w\ ■90 ui&£i C cr v«J Drtrr^nl oin il Hv^^^rTiaWK vi The "Manhattan" Toilet Set T*-- 'P» i T il t Set 5 Pieces S l'iett-s White Omai v.l.itl, »l»e. KM Vui tiiound «tth Hlur or
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  • 1098 2 Manners and Morals Be very careful writ, a contributor to the Daily Chronicle ><--t your car has a metal or leather shield underneath. running its whole length. Then it will no>. leave a nasty pool of givese in trout of yoUr friend's door when you call and it
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  • 429 2 A oorreapondent from .his district in 1 crak writes as follows to the Timeb .if Malaya under date 26th June: Temoh town lias begun building again, and the scene of the big fire there MM time ago will soon be converted again into shop houses. The big
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  • 191 2 Mr. K G Bi.vlov. of i';.rk Mtate, Kandapola. ha:. -,iys tin 'Ceylon Observer," porekaaed from Mr. William Ward six-jungle 1'.. wl- foi 829 to go to .he Straits SatUonenti to M^ Bajloy'i fatlier. Three of tli i>ir;!>, cock" and two hem-., iire full m-
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  • 138 2 An important case, affecting > > prvivers, was datenriaMl by the lli^l. Court at Calcutta on liic HHh June There was a gang burglary in .1 village in Manbhuni (1.,-ngal) in the U'gin g of the year, and OM <;f tin gang was tin dered a pardon by the local
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 182 2 CROWN A Dl7DiriTMl7D\7 _l rilnfUW-ni. *£fflSj& THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., LONDON and PARIS. OF ALL DEALERS. See that the bottles are stoppered with oui registered "CROWN STOPPER." Japan Panama Hats Folding shape Alpine Shape. iv FIjNTE PLAIT. Strongly Recommended as an everyday wear SIZE IN STOCK— _r Or, Ofomune Co.
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    • 76 2 Chamberlain's t olic, Cholera and Dia rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and euro of bowel complaints has brought it into almost universal use It never fails, and when reduced, wtli water and sweetened is pleasant to take It is equally' valuable for children and
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  • 1442 3 I'll, following is from the Mining Journal Bth June. I'lii.tUKtions have ;igam been frequent in this market, hut <m ;t more fin liri ate Mtst th.-.n of late, ii id the feverishness has vanished. After considerable pressure from leading dealers, under wliirli prices receded sharply, there has
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  • 219 3 .Jardv ha\iiia- been sold !<■ jo Argentina that Republic will own four high-class stallious. the other three being Val dOr and Diamond Jubillee, who like .lardy cost 30,000 guinea.-., and IN i, MiKiritzbuiJ wko was purchased for half that price. Hen is a list of stallions •hat have
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  • 33 3 The idea t holding an Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Hongkong this year has caught on there, and an influential eomuiittoe representative of all classes has been appointed to carry out the scheme.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 Wanted »f Once. A littlo forethought will often save no end of trouble. Think of the pain and suffering that must be endured in case of an attack dl paiu in the stomach or eraaap oolic wlien medicine must be sent lor. Kvery family should have a bottle of C'lianiberlain's
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    • 406 3 PETROLEUM SPIRITS. SBNZINE. OASOt INE. NAPHTHA PETROL. "MOTOR CAR" BWND. In drama of 4 and g Imperial Gallon*. We have reduced our price for above spirits to 50 o«nU par Imperial Gallon from 11th December. Delivery can be obtained from Chin Huat Hia Oil Tradiaf Co 346 Houth Bridge Road.
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    • 177 3 DOGSHEAD BRAND BASS'S ALE B Jffilw*! GUINNESS S STOIT C«n be had at all first class jsi«y»/ Sole Agents. Bars and Hotels Klm Hln Co> sln K a P ore STRAITS TIMESINNUAL 1906-7. ORDERS Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in the
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  • 843 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, 5th JULY. Thk present Klack difficulty in South Africa is no; one of sudden creation. It has, like Topsy long before it, been growing and year* a«o people wlio studied the native element in that region knew it was coming sooner or later.
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  • 442 4 Bit what about the Governor's coat? Some days have been permitted to elapse so that public excitement might have time to subside before touching again upon this de licate matter. Several accounts have been circulated in the Colony as to what really took place, and iv one of these it
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  • 235 4 Mh. Haldank lias handed over the question of the creation of a territorial army to a Committee, whicli Sir Charles Dilke describes as the singular body, far too large in numbers." The scheme, such as it is, is neither dependent on military nor on democratic principles, and certainly has nothing
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  • 197 4 It is onr regretful duty to chronicle the decease of one who some time ago was wellknown in Singapore. Archbishop Osouf of Tokio, Japan, died on tlie 27th of .tun. at the venerable age of 77. His (irate was born in Normandy, in 18*29, and afte c customary period of
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  • 183 4 Whkn will the Kaiser cross the Knbieou Which powers will hold out objection to tin passage? We refer, of course, to the eastern frontier of Belgium and the fact, mo pointedly alluded to in La Grande lirrur. that (ierman plans of expansion must at some time tteek realization in the
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  • 32 4 Mi:. E. L. Bbockxas is a passenger, homeward bound to-day, by the P. and O. steamer Arcadia, and everybody wishes him a good voyage to England and a pleasant time at home.
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  • 10 4 The Japanese cruisers coaled off the wliarf yesterday and to-day.
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  • 19 4 Thk Delhi with the P. and U. Mail from Europe is due here at 6 o'clock to morrow morning.
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  • 16 4 Thk new string band, playing every afternoon at the Hotel de rEuropc. is attracting good audiences.
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  • 22 4 II ikmiston's Circus will arrive in Singapore on Friday next, the first performance taking place on the following day, Saturday. 14th iii-it.
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  • 19 4 Thk Russian Volunteer J-'leet Steamer V'oroney arrived this mornim; <■» romtt for Odessa. She is expected tc leave this afternoon.
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  • 23 4 Two hundred and eighteen deaths wen registered at Singapore during the veek ending the Brd July. The ratio |>er thousand was 52. 24.
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  • 37 4 Capt. Atkinson of the s.s. Sik'i. which arrived yesterday morning from Yokohama via Manila, reports of having passed the Deivry in tow of three steamers on the '2nd instant in Lat 625 N. and Long IOHOH E.
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  • 32 4 Imikpkndence Day was observed iv Singapore yesterday in a somewhat quiet manner. There was no public celebration, but several private gatherings took place, one of which was held at the Raffles Hotel.
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  • 47 4 Inspector Pkstana P. C. A. Department brought a Chinese Carter before .Mr. Column for working a bullock with a son neck. He said the animal had got the sore by rubbing its neck against a wall. Mr. Column lined him 910, the plea being too palpably untrue.
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  • 55 4 A Chinaman was found in possession of 4:1 worth of illicit chandu on board the the s.s. Saihora. He was charged before Mr. Column yesterday. He admitted possession, but deind that tlie stuff was his. Sorgeut Panyue gave evidence of rinding the stuff and of arrest. The defendant wan lined
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  • 50 4 Electric lifts are evidently to have a future in Malaya. Messrs. Kiley, Harp-oaves 4 Co., Ltd., have recently completed the ilrst electric lift in Singapore and have now in band the contract lor supplying and! erecting a complete electric paassenger lift for the Hongkoug and Shangai Hank Corporation at Penang.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 68 4 Supposed Plan to take German Emperors' Life Berlin, tth Jnlij. At Seattle, in the state of Washington (I'nited States* an Anarchists' den has been discovered. The recent Anarchist attempt on the life of the Kaiser in Alsa.ii i* alle(je.l_ to have l>oen planned thrre. I M QeHßan
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    • 95 4 Russian Government Deny Soldiers Caused Disturbances. The terrible massacre ot .Tew- it BiakMtuk recently, under circumstance* pointt >1 to official prompting lias aroused such horror that the Russian Government MM had to issue a statement on the subject It cm phatically contradicts therein tlie rumour*
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    • 45 4 The revision of the. -our. martial seiitcuc. on Dreyfus by the Court ol Cassation in Paris is proceeding. The I1I 1 lblic Prosecutor asked the Jourt to fMah the verdict of the court martial, without .lin>-tini; i new trial to be held.
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    • 24 4 There MOT consumed in the firt .it Han. bury. St. MWmml'i Chunk tbirte. n houses. l>esides M. rr Bnta'a storehouse.
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    • 17 4 The revolution^' <ii-.turbances iv Oil. -^.t have iculU'd iv n;i!iiallftw being proclaim. there.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 76 4 British Right to Appoint Consuls Denied. li.,d.;th ■1ihj.1L.V.a.,,,. A dobate upon affairs in tlie Congo, iv tin House of Lords yesterday, speakers, r. pi. tativc of both parties, agreod that abuse had been committed in the Congo, and remarked upon the insufficiency of the proposed reforms in regard
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    • 55 4 Mummed by Accused in the Russian Courts. Some escraordinary scenes were a itnesapj during tlie triai, which begun at St. Peter*/ burg yesterday, of the members of the Com mittec of Workmen*'delegates, wlio .him ui/ed the Moscow rising last I>eceml»r. While the proceedings were in paajnw Itw accused
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  • 43 4 P. C. 144 yesterday morning saw a uiglit soil man emptying his buckets into the drain and ■IMSM him. The man denied this an. l MMsW that somebody else had doi.e tt while lie went to buy food. Mr. folium tined hin »7.
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  • 81 4 A Kling man aud a woman have seeli going round the kling quarters of the ton v requesting subscriptions to meet the cost ol their return journey to India. Their star) is that nhilethev wore both bathing in a river iv Kuala Lumpur, keeping their belongings on the bank, a
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  • 87 4 Kksiiiknth who visit onr town after <> will have noticed the distinct improvement in-tlie street lighting as given by the n< Arc lamps recently erected by the Muuiei pality. We are informed that the whole aj this lighting gear was supplied by the Kii^ lisli Electric Engineers, Messrs CmmbuUmi aud
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  • 129 4 Thk Kntavia pajMTs annnuuct that pretty woddinp was celebrated or. .luno Ml at the IScsiili-nt- Otticr wlieu Mi-s M«iv Kloiiimann, second oldest danglitei ol the lat<- Mr. J. Kli'ininanii of NBgapore. was married to Mr. It. C'iffer, wktifwOß ul Mr. A. Ciffer of AniHtordani. The hride •wax given away by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 476 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor co., Wiie Spirit Merchants SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW. Hotel de l'Europe MUSICAL TIFFIN Saturday mxt, 7tfj instant, at J. p.m. The Austrian String Orchestra UNDER CONDUCTOR MR. C. MUHBERGER will play s|>f>einl selections of Music during and after Tiffin. Special Curries Exceptionally Good Tanglin
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    • 194 4 DRS. KEW BROTHERS, DENTAL SURGEONS, No. 2 Battery Read, CHARTERED BAXK BUILDINGS. 1533 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE DERBY HORSE FEED. One of the greatest appetizers and muncle producing foods of the present day. consisting of mixture of sugar, maize, paddy". bran, and salt. Used as a substitute for other food Readily
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    • 154 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS AHB ACKMOWLKDOBD TO Bl The Best in the Straits, AND KQI-Ak. TO ANT ANVKHKRB. PHce ef Cabinet Portrait*: 8 Copies 13 Ogriex IN MATTOTYPE 8.00 IR.OO BROMIDE „19.00 ..18.00 PLATINOTYPE „15 00 „25.00 CARBON ,25.00 „40.00 Portrait* on Porcelain »ach4lS. WILSON'S PHOTO ART SI UDIO. TO LET.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 84 5 Much Occasion for Rejoicing in Germany. Un'd.Mh July 11.i;,,.n1. The present ill be the occasion for much rejoicing in <ie many, and among the (xermans tln-migho it the world, for the German Crown Princes, lias given birth to a son —a future German Kmpuior. it may be.
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    • 50 5 Amendment. In tile House of Commons yesterday, the debate on the Education Bill was resumed. Mr. Augustini Kirrell. lYesidcut of the Board of Education, moved ail amendment to the Bill, to the effect that in part two. clauses 14 to 21 be omitted. These clauses deal with endowments.
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    • 105 5 (J. S. A. Government Have Provided Adequate Means. 'Die Board of Agriculture in America is making great efforts to prevent a recurrence of the meat scandals. The secretary. Mr. James Wilson, of lowa, has declared that the Government have now provided adequate means to inspect meat, from the
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    • 85 5 Rifles Demand Removal of their Officers. Bee'd. ,il B*m§ajfon 4.M) p.m. 4th July. Three Initiations of Rifles have mutinied at Aftkabad aud have demanded the removal •it their officers and nou-commisMoned ifricei's. and the appointment of others from the lanks. The Russian Government's land l'ro|Kjsals are scouted by
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    • 43 5 Britain Hopes to Ensure Equality to all Nations. In the House of Commons. Sir Edward Onf has stated that the Government art alive to the importance of ensuring an equality of treatment in OMMMfM for all nations on the Abyssinia railway.
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    • 72 5 Virulent Outbreak in Manila and Surrounding Districts. indent outbreak of cholera is reported (ran Manila and surrounding district. Four Americans have l»-en struck ilown by the disease, and one has died altogether 47 ith 41 deaths, i:p to yesterday. In the House of Commons. Mr. Churchill j said
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    • 61 5 Natives Attack Citizens in Johannesburg. Than hundred aud fifty natives were killi-d in tli<- attack on the Nataliau vanguard yi strrday. in Nntal. Johannesburg people .in scared by the native attacks on iti/rns in tht; suburbs, ulun- nmiiy |>ersons have been stabbed, beaten, and robbed. Tin-si attacks
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    • 25 5 All |)oliii- mm withdrawn from the streets <i Warsaw yi-st.-rday owing, it is said, to the <-onst;int inurdrt- of police officers.
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  • 60 5 Supplementary Orders of the Day. Kmiuv 6th Ji lv. 1. Umm Kill I Kiil •To consolidate and ainind the Law for <-olliK-tiii<» a Revenue of Kxcise ii|mhi lutoxicatiug I.iijnors." i—lsti 1st Reading. 2. Opium Kill i Hill "To consolidate and ainind tin- Law for collecting a Revenue of
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  • 9 5 Tha M f «il. «ns |,nblisliwl this mouiins;.
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  • 331 5 Visit to the Governor and the General. Rkak-Aumihal Shimamura, accompanied by two staff officers and three ships' captains landed officially at Johnson's Pier at 10-80 a.m. to-day. A guard-of honour of fifty men from the Sherwood Foresters with the band and colours of the. regiment
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  • 183 5 On the ix-casion of the retirement from the Police Force >f a very deserving officer. Chief Inspector Black, a free-and-easy was held at Police liahru last night. Lieut. -Colonel Pennefather, Inspector-Ge-neral of Police, was in tbe chair and was si;p|».i t«sl by Mr. W. A. Cnacaden, Chief
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  • 200 5 Ai-stralia now possesses the deepest gold mine in the world. Recently the shafts at the New Chum Railway at Bendigo, Victoria, have been sunk to a depth of over 4,800 ft.. and the quart/ there tapped has been sampled and crushed, with the result that a
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  • 162 5 Mr. S. Silvkrstonk agent for the Pacific Mail, kindly informs us that he in receipt of a letter from the (ieneral Manager at San Francisco advising that the' terminals of their lines at San Francisco as well as track facilities there, were absolutely uninjured by the
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  • 22 5 OfTPi r for the month of .1 mi. 1900approximate undressed Tin Ore produced pis. >.wr>. approximate amount realized
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  • 19 5 Tuk Dutch (mttTiiiiiciit steamer ZeeJnif arrived yesterday from Rhio with some officers, a lid are to proceed to Europe.
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  • 43 5 It is a nut altoj>et!iei iniuHuincant sign of the change which in now poHsible in Chinese iin-:li. mU of life, that the lliiuone frequenters of a certain eatinu-ttal! in Kuala Lmupar have iliscarried the customary chopsticks in fiivum of the knile ami fork.
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  • 640 5 ALLEGED -POLICE SCANDAL. Native Officers Charged with Theft and Extortion. On the morning of the 20th ultimo, sonic market gardeners were bringing in their produce for sale, when they- were stopped by Constables Abat. M 2, Europe, 601 and Lendong, 191 at the fourth mile, Pasmr Panjang Road, who, it
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  • 383 5 In Wetttern Tibet rebellion against the Chinese Uovernment has caused no end of trouble. The Imperial troops drove back the rebels. The last place that held out was called Sangpu. This fastness with its Kuddhist monastery of the same name, stauds perched high up on the side
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  • 66 5 Li Chan Wan appeared before Mr. i oh nan yesterday, with an .ugly bump on his foiebead, which was given him by a rikinh* puller. The latter said that the complainant had engaged his vehicle and would not pay the fare. Mr. Coluiim said he wan not
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  • 398 5 An Alleged Rash Act in the Roads not Proven. Before Mr. Justice Fisher and a jury yesterday morning a Malay named Ah bin Sallet, K-niny ol a steam launch belonging to Messrs. Behn Meyer X Co. was charged with committing a rash act by running into a Him
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  • 159 5 Thk case of Gulaui Mohamed v. Murugaiya I'illay. for the recovery of t1,37.~> alleged to have been lost on a bhang deal through the fault of the defendant, occupied the attention at noting Chief- Justice Law all day yesterday, but will probably have been concluded to-day. A Lady
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  • 265 5 On the 27th ultimo, Sergeant No. 5, P. Cs. Nob. a r > and 282 and Revenue Officers Nos. 6 and 71 made a raid at No. 9. Hamah Street, and found a tin box and all the paraphernalia necessary for administering hypodermic injections. Two men, Tan
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  • 86 5 P.vix Dcpikk was, a week ago, driving a motor along Collyer Quay. His brother who holds a licence to drive was with him. Mr. I) Arcy Symonda, Assistant Superintendent of Police, obtained a Huminons against Paul Dupire and yesterday, he responded, pleading that he
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  • 24 5 Tn Mlay .V(ii7 (hears favourable report of kedah, which State, it is said, U wonder fully well developed from an agricultural point of view.
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  • 194 5 Messrs. .J. Moir and Son iLimitedl write from 9 and 10, Great Tower-street to the London Time*: "Will you kindly perujit us to say tliat our factories', both at Aberdeen. Scotland, and in London are open to the public at any time they think proper to
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  • 58 5 S. C. C. c. LH'Tch T>: am :on the S. C. C. ground to-day (Thursday* at 5.10 p.m. S.C.I', team: Mason Noble. Chapuau Henderson, Baird. Phipps Mackay. Chapman. Clarke. Kdruit, Lenuit. Dutch Team -Haoenberg C. Hisnink. W. Pfeiffer VogelenHang Moranx, A. Hissink Keuleiuaiis ile Weve, v. d.
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  • 30 5 Nederlandsch Indisghe Handelsbank. iN'iTßkKi.iNi- India Bank.i I It is officially no.ined that the iMviJid Pq( the above- named Bank for ]«lj has 1 een I fixed at 10 1 .">
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 RAFFLES HOTEL Singapore The Name of the great founder of Singapore is kept green in the memory of.the inhabitants by the nomenclature of many .institutions such as Raffles Museum. Baffles Library, Raffles School, Raffles Square, Raffles Monument, and last but not least, RAFFLES HOTEL. This latter is more than a
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  • 1453 6 THE P AHANG RECONSTRUCTION. A Complicated Problem The following is from the Financial New*' I:—When1 When the last annual meeting of the Pahang Corporation was. held, in December, it was made plain to the shareholders that they must prepare for a reorganisation of the undertaking. The directors promised to consult
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  • 228 6 At lk>ngkoug Police Court a for) night ago, an Indian ni haled oa on a charge of refusing so comply with the reasonable requests of the captain of the Sui Sang while n a Wyafje frvin Singapore to Hongkong, and tin.' Magistrate took a commonsense view of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 487 6 WANTED WANTED respectable well educated girl to Uk charge of money and books in a shopApply. X.^R. c/o Straits Times A teacher needed for Standard II or 111. Mu-'. nave experience and be well recoran a.led. Apply No. 2," c/o Straitf Tim*. .'696 w ANTKH by lady and gentleman accom-iu.-iation
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    • 553 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET small first floor offices facing Cavuagh Bridge Road and FHat Street. Ap[ ly to Qtithrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. v.c TO LET. Kinraia," Orchard Boad. partially famished. For further particulars appi\ to D. Corner, British Dispensary. c*B46 TO BE LET. from the Ist June,
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    • 678 6 TO BE LET. Office 52/53 Robinson Road. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd. cSSM TO BE LET. A Compound House, No. Spotttewooa* Park. Immediate entry Six bedrooms, Stables. Apply Vc MBH GUTHRIK A CO., Ltd. TO BE LET. A large compound house, No. 7, Oxley Road with stables. Apply to ANG
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    • 824 6 WOTTCE. Notice is hereby given that I the undersigned Sive oeased to be a partner in the firm of Q. oCTymont A Co. of Port Dickson, Malacca. and Seremban as from the 31st December, NO5. *70» Q. McCLYMONT. NfITKC. The Sale by Auction of ALMA, BATl 1 KAWAN and PRYE
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    • 85 6 Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoeu k'tm«i!\ in India. Mr. Sd. L. Hiscocks writing from Clare Road, Byculla, India, says I have used and still require a g<* d m.i v bottles of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rein.dy. and have found it invaluable as a cure as well a.~ preventive
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  • 1559 7 By k Visitor to Zion City. A correspondent thus writes to a home paper about the modern Elijah When I read the other day of the deposition of Dr. Dowie from his pinnacle in Zion City my thoughts travelled back to a summer day in
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  • 251 7 U S. and the Far East. O. P. Austin, chief of the l>ure..,i .>, statistics of the United State-, tasltment of Commerce and Labour, delevered an address on "Neglected Op port unities in Oriental Markets X? fore the Manufacturers' Associatim i New York on the 21st May Tli< ..i ports
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  • 112 7 Municipal ilcv.t<ms in gentptl ai getting lively. It appears coal there an election held for tlic Ruji>ore Bfw i pality, and on the las-r MMBM clay ti.. i was a great crowd gathered mum! polling office and the polling offlcci i dined to r:cord votes UnleM the ci vvi dispersed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 Dan Macfarlane Co:s ROYAL V. 0. V. Jsiqueur SeoUfy Whisky. <:o:) OBTAINABLE FROM Messrs. Yong Lee Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Ann Lock Co. Hong Seng Co. Hoon Keat Co. and all dealers. Wholesale from Syme Co. •23(55 &ol€ s\§enis. What we Do, We do Well. L^a^g^a^aJ Worft S> 1
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    • 322 7 ISMAIL RAHEEM (AWO***. I»IAVOX»M. DIAMONDS Diamonds of No. 1 quality to be had at moderate terms. MM jJ^TANSAN I^h{? a mineral water B^.^^fc> or thi J I HIGHEST CLASS, Invigorating. TANS AN or all dealers. 1 <L waltmami U^kWATCHES I 12,000,000 of these I watche: new in use. CHARLES -Cjfc
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  • Correspondence.
    • 302 8 Sir.— May I take up a small amount of your space to vent a grievance of mine I would like to know if anything can be done to put a stop to the adulteration of milk, as the practice is carried on to an alarming extent, and hues
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  • 277 8 Tins race, one mile and a half, was run on the .th of l uue. with the following result Mi. Sol. Joel's eh h Baihkloh's Bitton. ..-•.I. i<st. il). Malien 1 Mr. W. Clark's eh h Bkst 5 yrs, MB, -lb. i\V. Higgsi 2 Colonel Kirkwood's b
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  • 313 8 Half-Yearly Report. Thk following is the report of the Directors ot the Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., for the business half year: Your Directors now submit the Accounts 1... tin half-year ended 81st March last, Mag the second half of the business year 1903 MM. Tha Aicounts
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  • 136 8 I t,:i\ im. from the Manchester course to the 1 -racing was over. 011 c clay last month. il noticed that Mahei had w ith him asadluch he took a. much care as though i.l n a jewel i-a.M'. He left for Paris t .a morninc. to lidc Mnlun in
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  • 1507 8 Venang. ltt July, Of course tin great sensation of the week lias been the receipt of the reply from ioverntnent as to the Municipal President ship. The Government's reply was read at Friday's meeting of tin- Commissioners, and as it refuges to extend Mr. Hallifax's term to six
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  • 313 8 An extraordinary story comes from Westminster police court. The magistrate had before him a gas stoker, \b years of age who wa>> accused of stealing from his lodgings in Wandsworth Road a waistcoat, containing a watch and chain, belonging to his landlady's son. The waistcoat was said
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  • 232 8 Whkrk.vkk Germany has planted her colonies, says the Brtxid Atrou- of the 2nd of June, she appears to have first built statelybarracks for her soldiers, then Anlage for them to walk about in. and finally railways to take them on filibusterin expeditions further into the country.
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  • 221 8 Thk public here have every reason to complain of the haphazard way in which the Government in the past allowed the town of Singapore to be laid out. Matters are far worse in Hongkong where owing to insanitary conditions plague has taken firm hold. The wretched way
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  • 47 8 MtMUtx. Phothkko and Morris held an iiajmrtant sale of orchids at their rooms, in Cbenpsicle. on Uttth May. The record price paid was for an (hU'ittoghmiitu Cnnj>um (tiiiireiannm, described astlie most remarkable orfontotf/noMiii^ven seen, which fetched 900 guineas. The total amount realised by tlie sale was £4.104.
    47 words
  • 452 8 Signs of a Slum*. Thk London correspondent of the Timrt of Miil-ii/ii sounds the following warning note under date Hth June :—ln: In connection with rubber I emphasised a point some little time ago that in the City rubber companies were viewed with some suspicion. Briefly put
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  • 388 8 Hi Mum E. G. Bboai.rick. Commandant, S. V. C. Singapore, 3rd hilji. Medical Inspection The Medical Inspection of all recruits joining the B. V. C. will be carried out by Lisut. G. D. Freer nt the Municipal Health Office on Thu.-suay. at 5 p.m. until further orders. Hony.
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  • 118 8 Invkstoks here are offered the chance of putting money into the Hagalla Company, Ltd.. which lias issued a prospectus. The Company is formed to purchase from the Kagalla Syndicate the estate known as Hagalla situated in the Federated MalayState of Perak, about Jl miles ou the Trong Road from Taipeng
    118 words
  • 161 8 p..w-i| and Co July 7— At Hi BancoUm Btcwt honaaboki furniture. 1 p.m. 7 At Salt- lx, 1 11. pUdjm 10 111. 7— At Villa fax lA* Mount Elizabeth Bnuil. household furniture. 2 p.m. -24— At Bate-room, land ami baildinga known aa Hojiin and Co., '.i> p.m.
    161 words
  • 75 8 The F. M.S. V mUxl Planters' ft anicihitlfti have been in communication with the Malay Peninmila .Agricultural Association with regard to certain questions uf importance If the planting world. A geueral mectiuy oJ the V. P. A. will in constHiueuce be held at Kuala Lumpur on the 2»th inst.. at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 K.^A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chhiese, aud Japanese good* i.e. silk ktmonoe, Mnltes*' silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japiuiese cotton crape tchnoti >s. IVi-simi iltd Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set- jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies
      112 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 162 8 DAY BY DAK Thursday, sth July. High Water. -'7 p.m. l'liilliurmonic fllllllalip s .in Kaatball. Datch T«un v s Agricultural slum t'oounittea. ">. Town lluml. H. s. Reatrvoir. X.SO. Friday, 6th July. Ilitfh Water II 11 a.m. 10-13 p.m Full Mo.ll. 11-SI a.m. P, A. o. oatward mail clue. ftaaiaaa
      162 words

  • 618 9 Murderous Assault Near Amoy. A murderous attack by Chinese on foreign excursionists near Amoy is reported in last mail advices from China. Dr. Home, medical examiner to the China Mutual Life Insurance Co., there, and Mr. Fadie, the assistant agent of t he Company went to Tung
    618 words
  • 265 9 The Times of Ceylon," London correspondent thus comments upon the seventh annual report of the Sclangor Rubber Company: A dividend of 20 per cent, is recommended, and aft» pajiag Mr. Bailey's .winiiii ;>:on of £636, a balance of £395 U carried forward. It was rcmaiked the other
    265 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 352 9 formation j 1900 »1 75,000 I Subscribed 1140,000 I I i>uinM>r of RhurM 18,500 3.J00 ,,di.-u«1 4.000 3-50,000 JO.000 10.000 W> uni*aued 6,207 10.498 36,700 110.000 50,000 150,000 30,000 1,000 uniMui] l~.ll.- I'lil.i Value up to 10 10 10. I 10 1 1 I 10 it 10 10 I
      352 words
    • 285 9 >"■. 104 K» 103 KM »I' 4 •05 M 6 »03 104 £150.000 •200,000 1-30.000 700,000 £70,000 •1 50.000 £12,000 £75,000 •250,000 £300,000 30.000 f 200,000 £140.000 140.000 1 1 Sl-.'ii.iKHi 20,000 »10 6 f 7 000 1 1 111 12> 11,000 1 1 7/9 1610,000 70.000 10 I
      285 words
    • 191 9 1894 1-"-£5.377.10.0 •225,000 £4,648 15.0 •225,000 7,638 12 6 4,-KK) 80 126 50 112,500 10.000.000 a •125 9,500,000 250,000fc I •100 10 •100 150,000 1100 10 50 19.000 •100 22.000 %00 400.000 1 100 169,2** 186-5 •10.000.000 •10,000.000 140,000 i »12.» 1901 1901 •2.400.000 134.000 •2,400.000 •34,000 200 1100
      191 words
    • 46 9 How»rtb Kr*kine, Ltd. 6-\, WOO.OOO 2% prem buyer*. Rilev Hargre.ves.Lul. 8% *W.OOO 2% prem boyers. Singapore Municipal «0.0 0 J prem boyere. 5% 1.47H.000 par. buyers. 4% tifa.'fO par. sellers. Tanj'ong PagarDock Co., Ltd. 6X iW.OOO 2% prem buyers. 5% 1,385.500 11.,I 1 prem buyers.
      46 words
  • 223 9 Singapore, 5th Jily, lflOG PRODUCE. (iumbier buyers TJ» do (Cube No. 1) unpicked .1 11.2;j Cms Uali MJ do I'oiitian.ik *JJ Popper. Black buyers MM do White 5% «M 0 Sh«o Flour Sarawak JJJ da Urunei No. 1 2.60 lVarl Sa«o *g Coffee Bali, 15% buyers 16.50 Coffee, I'alenibanß,
    223 words
  • 1321 9 Discussing rubber prospects generally, and the reason why cultivated rubber must hold the market, a writer in the "Financier" says: "It being a wellknown fact that the world's supply of indigenous rubber is enormous much in excess of the u>tal possible industrial consumption for very many years to
    1,321 words

  • 315 10 The French Colonial Office has for youn been directing its attention to the adulteration aud irrational harvesting of rubber in the French West African Colonies, and since the promulgation of the law of i-cbruary Ist, ltfos, a new state of things has come into operation
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  • 105 10 There were 230 deaths recorded at Kuihi Lumpur during May, and according to the Health Officer, it was the highest number during any month of the curront yoar. The figures given are divided as follows Residents, N'jn-residcnts. 11.. till 45 101 Town limits 62 22 Total 107 123 The disproportion
    105 words
  • 1128 10 Affability, as generally understood, is to be distinguished from mere pleasantness. Indeed, the difference between the two is wide, for whereas the latter is an a. tribute of disposition, the former is usualy the result of schooling or habit Afiability contains the element of condescension towards an inferior, says
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1961 10 Ships and Steamers. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porto, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward (for China). Delhi 6
      1,961 words
    • 707 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoiflo Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN. AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      707 words

  • 546 11 A remarkable trial at Darjiling, India, Ikis just ended, after many days, in a native named Dharma singh being sentenced to transportation for life for his part in the murder of Mr. Goes, an Englishman who had seen military service, bnt who had retired and was "living on
    546 words
  • 146 11 The British Consul at Philadelphia (Mr. \V. Powell) refers >.o the difficulty mi t iiin-< found in making iviueut roofing tiles, namely, that they take a long time to set or harden. He sayß A maker of roofing tiles who had considerable trouble w th the cement
    146 words
  • Ships and Steamers
    • 774 11 Samr^ port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agent*. Steamers. Achilles, Liverpool, July 9; Mansfield Ajax, China, July 8 Mansfield. Aleaia, Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. July 26 E. Asiatic Coy Annam. Saigon, Aug. 30; M. Maritime* Arcadia, Hongkong. July 4 P. 4 O. Arcouin,
      774 words
    • 241 11 tinder this heading th* following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ship bq; barque; sch.— schoooar; Yet.— Yacht Cru. —Cruiser. Gbt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p. Horse-power Brit. British U.B. United States Foh.— Frenoh Ger —German Dot.— Dutoh Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d.p. deck
      241 words
    • 810 11 Latest Arrivals. Arcadia. Brit. str. 3,515 tons. Capt Cooke, 4th July. From Shanghai, 26th June. G.c. P. 40. Coy. For London, Bth— W. ■ban Liang, Dnt. str. 275 tons, Capt Winters, $tb July. From Bandjermatain, Ist July. G.c, and 20 d.p. Ban Keng. For Bandjermassin, 9th Rds.
      810 words
  • 205 11 Quite the feature at the game between Lancaster and Kent early last month was a great innings by John Tyldeeley, who made 295 not out, the highest score of hi>i career and the biggest ever made on the Old Trafford ground. Going in when the home
    205 words
  • 252 11 Per I'.v O. B. r. Marmora, connecting with the steamer Delhi ft Colombo, from London due 6th July -Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Carey, Mi--K. H. Doboon, Miss T. L. Evans, .Messrs. W. B. Michie. W. J. Williamson. Per P. it O. s. s. Sumta from London
    252 words
  • 77 11 for Per Steamer Time To<naaßov. Bangkok ttatigh.l. 11 a.m. Teluk Alison via porW Hye Leung 8 p.m. Batavia, Sourabaya, etc? 4// Diemen 8 p.m. Christmas Island hlaniitr 4 p.m. Saturday. Bandjermassin, etc. De Keren* 7 a.m. Fremantle via ports Paroo 10 a.m. P. Hwettenham, Penang /"m Seny 8
    77 words
  • 122 11 Prom Eraore— By the P. 40.5. s. Delhi, due on 6th July. From China— By the >. D. L. s. s. /.itten due on 9th July. TIME TABLE Or MAILH DCE. Loft Singapore Due in London Arrived May 24th P. 40. June 16th Juue 16tb May 2«th
    122 words
  • 72 11 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Kast Wiivki N .1. Victoria G having Doci Waibora. Albert Gbatixu Dock: Nil. Sbctiox No. 1 Thongwa, Hakata Maru, Veronij. 2 H.I J M.S. Hashidate. 8 Lindula. 4 Itaura. S Paroo. 6 Hyson, Laertes. Bormeo Whark 7 Hebe,
    72 words
  • 85 11 June 3 Benmohr, Brit str, Antwerp via ports La Seyne, Fch str, Batav-a Kuching, Brit str, Sarawak Namsang, Brit str, Hongkoug Sandakan, Ger str, Bangkok 4 •Java. Aust str, Sourabaya •Glenlyon, Brit str. Calcutta Inaba Maiu, Jap str, Antwerp via ports Hydra, Nor str, Bombay Bried, Nor str, Bangkok
    85 words
  • 179 11 Should war break out within the next few years the condition of the navy will be such as to lead to disaster." Such is the statement just made by Rear-Admiral Mason, chief of the United States bureau of ordnance, navy department, in a statement to the secretary
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  • 170 11 The Burmah Pafa Rubber Company, Limited, has been registered in Rangoon, with a share capital of four lakhs of rupees, to acquire a concession granted to Mr. Chadwick by the Government of one thousand acres of land on King's Island, Mergui, with a view to the
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  • 183 11 A report is current in Rangoon of a bip swindling transaction in Calcutta, and a local paper hears that the police authorities of Calcutta have wired to a Rangoon Bank enquiring if a new firm. quite recently established in Calcutta. ha 3 branches in Rangoon. It woud
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  • 122 11 Tb« Ceylon Observer's London correspond.Mii. writes under date, 2lrth June that the painting of H.M. King Edward which has been obtained for Ceylon to be hung in the Legislative Council Chamber, will be despatched from London shortly. That portrait, remarks the Observer was procured as the result
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  • 88 11 At least seven well known long distance swimmers are practiKing for attempts to sw mi from Dover to Calais tins summer. The offer of the Alexander Channel Cup. value £"250, for the tiret Hwiunner who ceeds in repeating Capt. Webb's feat, lias given additional stimulus. The Rwimmers
    88 words
  • 43 11 A vrby small and aUsimll, inadequate sum wrk voted by the Storthing for the bX|ienHett nt the Coronation <>t the King of Norw.iy. but it is understood that the hulk of the coMt will be defrayed by tue Kiug aud Queen of Denmark.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 712 11 N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Una. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
      712 words
    • 158 11 West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. FORSOITRABAYA, SAMARANG, BROOME, PORT HKDLAND, COBBACK, ONBLOW, CARNARVON, GERALDTON, AND FREMANTLE. The Company's steamer PAROO 2,66« tons Captain Mills, will be despatched for the above ports on Saturday, the 7th instant, at noon. She has excellent accommodation for passengers and carries a stewardess. For
      158 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 33 11 WEATHER TELE8HA V HONGKONG— 4th Jilt— 10 a.m. Barometer t» Vi. Direotiou of Wind calm. Fore* of WinA 0. Max. Temp in 8hml« 87. I MAM LA.— ith TM calv. S SO M
      33 words

  • 468 12 Nothing, says a Toronto correspondent, could better illustrate the great change of opinion which Canadian sentiment, and particularly the aiiitiment of Toronto, has undergone during the last few years than the reception which was accorded to Mr. Carnegie on the occasion of his visit there
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  • 168 12 The title? of the different officers in Districts will, says the Perak Pioneer," s.K>n be changed as the styling of Magistrate and others has led to a deal of confusion. Hereafter the District Officer will continue to be styled District Officer and Registrar of Titles. Pcrak, South.
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  • 132 12 InfonMttioa reaches the Mulay Mail" that timber is very cxM Malaeia. Merbau planks > ami- it be bought, save from t lie C< \< ininciit euiiiraet-ois, who obtain their rappli from Singapore and Keg- >4-;ml> l.iii. Also, fish is very scarce. mis fai.litk-s for games, the town teems
    132 words
  • 41 12 in the House of Commons, on the 'li June. Mr. R. B. Haldane, Secretary of State for War, stated, in reply to a question, that the Governmen were thoroughly determined to prevent contractors for army clothing from sweat iag their employees.
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  • 309 12 The following is from the Times of Ceylon of the 23rd June: We are encountering the June drop in prices for rubber in London, without having had the May rise; and, however much the public have been warned not to calculate on so high an average
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  • 310 12 During the last three years the exports of Ceylon Lemon graqs oil has gradually advanced in quantity, although the total export has nut reached the figures of 1902, when 1,294,750 lb. r-ere shipped from Colombo and Galle. The total output for the last four years has been
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  • 187 12 The island of Barbado enjoys it is aaid immunity from the visitations of the malarial mosquito, adft, the cause of this immunity is saidips be a very small fish. The writer says:--"In many of the waters of this island there fk>uri>h in great quantities a tiny fish
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  • 34 12 The United States Senate has carried 4 resolution in favour of all supplies required in connection with the construction of the Panama Canal being purchased in America, unless the President tkosM deem prices extortionate.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2460 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions.^^^^— Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 1 INCORPORATED B* ROYAL CHARTER. Capitol £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund ..£975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltf. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at
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