The Straits Times, 4 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. \O. 22.079 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. JULY 4. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 413 1 Hill-climbing Success at £an Remo Scoieil by TIKE B-ELIABLE CAR, DE DION-BOUTON Th** Hill-con<|ueii^g: Carl)ptails: Milan* Sun Bauio Trials. Kill-cliiubiug Competition, Saturday, April 7. Voiturette Sectiou: De Dion-Bouton (driven by Maffers), First, in minutes 86 tecoods. C. DUPIRE Co. 101 Agents; Singrapore. I IaWiJB amiia»ac»a«W»ißß. MAKES THE SKI Ny, as
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    • 487 1 "STRAITS TIMES" BDSIJj ESS DIRECTORY. AUCTIONEERS The Recognised Headquarters of the Dnia/ni c t*n c- Army. Navy and Tourists. POWELL 4^0., S..g.p O THE y ADELp(Ij HOTEL (Established 42 years;. x^^t ci,^ Hotel in Singapore. Splendid Real Estate Auctioneers aud Valuers. Mortga- situation. All modern comforts. Electric jee arranged Valuations
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    • 775 1 RobinsOn Company. TOILET SETS NEW REVISED PRICES The "ManUtlan?: Toilet Set Th- 'P« I TvJI I Set 5 Pieces 5 Pieces tt1.,1.- OiMri, v.l.itl, Bine. WW«« W| nlllt or Pink floweri or Brow, floors BE VISED PRICES T«• 4> C rt\*»»l! The "C'emalis" liivsl >i-ni .uvi-l-i ..i ToiKt Bat Boya]
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  • 1431 2 THE LAND OF MIS RULE. Turk Against Arab. In tlic opinion of the Calcutta Bug lishmaii. there is nothing BUpriaing, in the statement made by Renter thai Arab rebels along the Tigris have Bred upon a ctctlJMf and -hat the autlioritits arc unable t« suppress the r sing. The Arab,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES are all Bottled in Scotland. o "died Seal' 1 7 years old, $9.00 per case. "ftlaek White" 12 years old, $12.00 per case. THE AGE IS GUARANTEED. OF ALL DEALERS. H. ABRAMS The Horse Repository Orchard Road iia-> just Unilnl as U. D'lriun forty very aawMl liorsL-H, i'obs.
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    • 108 2 I. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIKS PROMPTLY EXRCDTED BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) Oppostte Western Eutmnce to New Harbor. LIQUID FUEL 30/(Thirty Skillmp) per tin f. k. v Kit* sf ddivfry M Uu fa hwi. .TOCKS ALSO ATSuez, Bombay, Colombo, Penang, Banfikok, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Batavia, Sourabaya, and
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    • 461 2 TO THOIE HOWtWAWO-BOUMD James Campbell Co. COURT, NAVAL. AND MILITARY TAILORS. o9 COXDUIT STREET London, W. H' H ii, DIMM F1762 CRUSHED FOOD 7 TRY IT AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED I. B. BELILIOS begs to inform (he public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at No. 1, Bclilios
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    • 299 2 THE COCOA' OF THE 'OLD COUNTRY" i^ (O€OA It is tke purest at\d most economical cocoa ii\ use. It's ixicest too. <a a 7ht 'lANCEl \sqys "Caddurys /s fheStandardcf highest purity.' IKIIEXjI/E" <&p WALSH. NAVAL ANNUAL HfiROES IN EXILE $2.75 EDITED BY THE KINO'S ENQLISH John Leyland and F. A.
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  • 175 3 A tolegram from Johannesburg diited 27th May, says The market continues to be in ;i ..I -stagnation. A total >!' -ix China- j HI have applied for the benefits of rcjwtriatioii under the latest prncla j nation. The native- ait- recently! giving just as much
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  • 244 3 >m. the record piio for im, nacfa ad on the 1 Mi May.. <if £215, tiicrc has. suv 3 the Financial Xews." beeu a reaction, tad tile doBUM qWOUtMB <•! .■Straits on the 31st May was jE18"_\ <>i £1 below t ho IgMH for the end of April.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 Wanted i t Once. A little fuirthnllk'li' will often s;i\i W j i i trouble. Think of the i>aiu and < sutler. ng that inu-l l> nulumi B CISC an .ittaek o! pain in tin v < in;ich or craaqi oolic when iiMlnino niu-t lie ami for. Every family ihould
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    • 478 3 9ianetti Majnds Natural Milk Q"D"ARAN"TEED PURE. REPLACES LOCAL SUPPLIES «0F FRESH MILK. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDIiAL PROFESSION FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS USED IN THE HOSPITALS. KCTTTTI3JNr.I3-A.OH BROS. SC 00-. Sole Agens for Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Arc. 129 t CJNKMATOGB.PHS mj pg^g ft^ For a complete Cinematograph Installation
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    • 53 3 ARTIE TULLY Turf Commission Agent. Sow has a ***** book •pad on the Peuaug Meeting. Double Events on Ex-Griffins and Merchants Cup Merchants Cup, and Paddock Cup The Treble Event Ex-Griffins, Merchants Cup, and Paddock Cup. See Price list, 17 Change Alley TeUgrap h Address TULLY Singapore Address 17 Change
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  • 1083 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 4th JULY. More than half tlie ills of life out here aiisc from the quality a;id quantity of diet. and consequently diet' is an all-important subject to all of us in the Straits. At the present time, we have Dr. W. J. Simpson
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  • 290 4 Today is tlie anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, which since July 4th 1776 has been celebrated as a groat national festival throughout the United States of America, and wherever Americans are assembled all the world over, no less iv Singapore than elsewhere. John Adams, the second President of the
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  • 240 4 Who will succeed the late Mr. H. Hudson, as Solicitor-General. It is suggested that the vacancy will not be tilled up at present, but that a Cadet, Mr. Sproule, for instance, will be allowed to act for a time. From the Federated Malay States, i t is reported that Mr.
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  • 277 4 It seems to be very generally understood that at the present time a large amount of opium-smuggling is going on in the Colony.and the elicit drug comes in not only from China and elsewhere in the world outside but also from the Federated Malay States. It may be askwl, why
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  • 108 4 Wk have received au extremely useful and well-arrant,"') Table of the Kate* of Kxchange at Hongkong for Demand Drafts mi Bombay. setting forth in column-. 1 1 1 fortnightly In:. Mm rupees on demand Bombay, MnwrngM uauk's buyiuj; r»te. and •fold leaf HO tea pat tael. The jmiai readies from
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  • 77 4 We nole in a recent Imm of Mm London Gazette that the King has l**-n pleased to approve ot' the retention of the titU- of Honourable by Sir (ieorgr Shtnton. who has vvvci for more than Umm \<his as President id '.'•>■ L'^islativc Council of W, stem k i^trdia. and
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  • 56 4 A GcjUU Hi.noi k. •>! '.'id rank ami tilt-. with the Regimental Colour, will be fuinisht-d by the C. Is: Sbarmod Konst. i\ receive the JaptMM Admiral on landing at Johnston* I'i-r .'.t lll.iill a.m. 'l'lmrs<lay, tlie jtli in^lan: (til ■miim). and a Salute of II yiiii-- v. ii: U-
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  • 8 4 Thf SI \.ill be published to morrow morning.
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  • 25 4 A CmLVBU wj::mh was yesterday sent to prison in a month by Mr. Scott for fraudulent poaataaVM of two coats aud a pair of bonier*.
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  • 17 4 Uan Dkk DOW iloiny two months' rigorous becauite be covetol two bottle! at xcent worth a dolia'..
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  • 19 4 Mi:. A. C H;"iii n-IVtts, share broker at Yokohama. o..iot<s l!.. ihs there at buyers on the 14th June.
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  • 25 4 Thk light a: Ifca i*>rt of Banjocwangie in .lava bM beeu altered to a Hashing light since 24th June thrt« tteconcix clear- twilvc seconds dark,
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  • 34 4 About 7.80 this morning the body of a newly born child, believed to be a native, as found floating iv '.In- sea off Jardine'x Wharf. Tanjong Paear. It was rolled up in a mat.
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  • 34 4 Thk South African Cricket Association has accepted iflLjßvitation of the M.C.C. to Rend a cricke&WMi to Kngland next year. There will be Three Test matches, all of which will be played to a finish.
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  • 46 4 Ma.iok J. W. Ormikion, H. (i.A., has rejoined the Command from leave of absence and Captain R. \V. de C. Reninck, 95th Russell's Infanty, has been /ranted leave of absence on private affairs from the 4th to the 17th instant, to visit the K. M. S.
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  • 27 4 Likl-tknant A. H. (ioTT, Inspector of Army Schools China, Ac. having left the Colony for Hongkong on Saturday last, in struck off the strougth of the command.
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  • 36 4 Thk Rev. Griflitli Evans is understood to have accept* i! 'he Chaplaincy of St. Mary's Church, but he will not be able to enter on his duties at K-i.m. Lampnr till tin .nil of September iiun;.
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 68 4 Troublesome Points in Triple Negotiations. ltrrlin, ltd July. The negotiations going on between Kri tain. France, and Italy about railway communications with Abyssipia are beset by difficulties. One troublesome point is the railway from Jibuti), a French port on the Red Sea, and Adisabeba. the capital of
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    • 122 4 Duma Passed Bill to Obviate Capital Punishment. The Duma lia panned a Bill for doing away with capital punishment in Hussia. This is an impui t.mts points in the pro gramme of the Radical party there. The Russian (ioveruiuent announce reform measures toward- assisting the distressed peasantry iv
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    • 55 4 Bonds Issued to Meet Cost of Construction. The United BtaaM Oow lUWlt mi bonds to meet Urn outlay on the construction of the Canal ncross the Isthmus .if Panama. The amount of the issue comes to thirty milieus of dollar: (gold.. The bonds will bear interest at tin
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    • 19 4 The Church St. Michael at Hamburg is on tire. Tin steoplo ot the Church has collapsed.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 149 4 Discussion in the British House of Lords. li<;\l. .Si,,./'/""- 1 1. 41) ,i m, 411, Drring the dilute i:i the Hoiisp of Lgnh yesterday ngwdlag the affairs in Turkey. Lord Fitzuianriri I nder Secretary tar Foreign Affairs. stated tlmt Mm construction of the Baghdad liailwa\ m i^ >t
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  • 39 4 Yimous K'.iv-iun mioadM lime in) I the War Minister at St. Pwterabwg that the fidelity of the army to sup|i-s a paMMri risu:^ caunol l>e de|Miidt i upon. The revolutionary propaganda is ;;iiniii<; grnnnd in Hussia with .ill ranks.
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  • 42 4 Tn l'opo'.o lionmmi iltouii. .lvii that Kn^lam! WM the main nhltarla t>> th.succesH of the anti Anarehistc .nfeience held in Home iv ItWS. So lone, as Anarchist clubs flourish in England unclit cla-d. under the H'^is of liberty, all precaution! are valueleHH.
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  • 74 4 tIUMUm have om-ii oninpiaawi by the India Office for tin earl\ IcxpaUli to Calcutta of ten tons of Russian ..nil liel^i.ui flax-Heed of the best quality obtainable tor ev]H iniiental cultivation in India. The Director of Agriculture, Helical, will ■mage with the Inxpt c'.'ir (ieneial of Agriculture in India for
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  • 87 4 It in our pinning tank, return ks the Mtilmj Mail, to state that Mr. Gordon B. Voules. father of Mr. A.l.. Youl. of the K. M.S. Civil Service, has received thu honour el kni^lit hood. Sir Uordon Voulen roaently .pent several weeks ill Sclan^or. He lias ■i n over forty
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  • 89 4 A KKJI IKKAHI.K ill. illation of til)' EotOU with which w. HWurdlisli strikes a blow has recently been reported. While- ie|iaii'iiiu a ship recently which hail completed a loilfl voyage in Pacific wa «r», a Mworiltish wax found which had v.iceewsfiilly pltTOtll i sheathing ono inch thick, a threc-im-li plank,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 735 4 Hotel de. .'Europe :o: i MUSICAL TIFFIN Saturday next, Ttd instant, at 1. p.m. The Austriin String Orchestra UNDER CONDUCTOR MR. C. MUHBERGER will play special selections of Music during and after Tiffin.' •Special I'linies TO BE LET. aw A larue compound house, No. 7, Oxley Koad with HUbles. Apply
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    • 95 4 WILSON CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHS AM ACKNOWLIIXIKD TO BK The Best in the Straits, AND KQIAL TO ANY AN'YWHXBE. Price ef Cabinet Portraits 6 Copies 12 Copies IN MATTOTYPE «00 »12.00 BROMIDE „12.00 ..18.00 PLATINOTYPE „1500 „25.00 CARBON ,25.00 „40.00 i* Portraits on Porcelain rach $1 5. WILSONS PHOTO ART SI UDIO.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 83 5 Result of Giving Followesr a Free Hand. litc'il. Singnporr X.5 }>.m. 3rd July. Tin Government majority fell to 16 over the>eral am. ndmont, which would practically liive negn i ved l 'lanse of the Education Bill. This Clause compels attendance daring secular instruction only. The minority
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    • 36 5 VITUPERATION Russian Ministers Greeted With Abuse. Yist< nUy, the Duma drafted ami passed a Kill, abolishing capital punishment, after a stormy I'cliate, in -which the Ministers, who spoke, »vr<- Ml with iriesof Executioners MgwAi r Assassins
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    • 140 5 Natalians Expect Complete Victory Over Rebels. 'I' lie Natal rebeU furiously attacked Colonel Barker's vanguard, but through the timely arrival of the main body of the force a disaster \va- avoided. Six-hundred of the rebels were killed. General Dartnell c.'i is dow u.niit: to tlie front. i There
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    • 285 5 Ecclesiastical Discipline Called Into Question. Powers of Bishops. The report ha- Imvii issued by the Royal Commission appointed to iinjniit- into -ucal Discipline in the Church of Knglaud. According to tbis report, the Coinmi— ion. r- find that illegal practices by a minority of clergymen in th'j Church
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  • 110 5 Kisskn Sisc.ii. a watchman was, out for a holiday on Haoday, lie imbibed sundry glasses of exhilarating iinil apparently inchi ixtiiig fluid, so that, st an early hour in the ivining. he was found himseff lyiug in the yutter. P. C. 208 was kimlly disused, making au
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  • 30 5 Sinn, txcolli'tit photographs of the fancy draw ball at the Tontonia Club am'. Milne■■eat moinberH' dinner art- cm vii'w in l.imlMTt tun! (Vs. xvinili,\v. Tin- iui<< is V: c lull.
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  • 968 5 Rear-Admiral Shimamura and Three Cruisers. For the first time since peace was declared in the Russo-Japanese war a Japanese squadron has arrived at Singapore. This morning the Japanese training squadron of three ships, under Rear Admiral Simamnra, steamed into the port in line abreast. The
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  • 74 5 Thk steam trawler Etnruiian took into Boston a live shell, which it drew ap in its net while in the North Sea fishing grounds. It is supposed to have been one of those fired by the RiiNsian Baltic fleet at the Hull fishermen. The Customs officials at
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  • 31 5 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at High Service Reservoir, on Thursday next and on the Esplanade on Friday next from MU p.m.. weatliei permitting.
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  • 543 5 Impressive Sight at a Mohammedan Funeral. Thk funeral of the late Syed Moliajiui] Alsagoff took place yesterday afternoon ami waa attended by practically the entire Mohammedan community of Sim^apore. The deceased wait mnch esteemed and nniversallj respected, not only by the Malays ana Arabs of
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  • 297 5 The l'ir<ik Pionnr'n correspondent at Perak Buntar gives the following particulars of a money lending case there A money lender is shortly to figure in Court for his rcpacky in the exaction of usurious interest. A sum of $60 was borrowed on which (15 had to be
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  • 65 5 Thk numerous friends of Dr. S. L. Symouds, who lias been practicing for two years in Singapore, will be sorry to learn that he is leaving the Colony, having been appointed Acting Government Veterinary Surgeon for Svlangor. during Dr. Ford's absence. We wish him every success. Dr. Symonds k«s nn
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  • 93 5 I'm -hay Thkyvn. a milkman, on the 1-1 cl i ultimo, sold milk to Sanitary Inspector Glass for analysis. Major Ritchie. R.A.M.C. conducted the analysis and found that the sample contained added water to the extent of 22 per cent. The defendant at the Police Court yesterday said he had
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  • 109 5 Mk. Ha.un, who is reported to have been bracketted ah senior wrangler in the Cambridge Mathematical TtiaM, belougs to a respectable Bralimin family of Southern India. He his an M. A. of the Madras University and was sent home an a iovennneiit of India scholar. The first Indian who at
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  • 800 5 H$25 imposed on Driver of Tramcar. eruoon of the 22nd of May last 28, driven by one Mowlasah, Uision with a Municipal aiubu- the junction of Coleman Street ridge Road. Sanitary Inspector T. Glaus was in charge of the ran iu which were several' cholera contacts
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  • 231 5 Thk Cingalese nurse, sixty years of age who wax, a week ago, sent to prison for a week, for failing to fulfil her agreement, \va« again before Mr. Coliuan. yesterday, to show cause why she should not be bound over to serve out the remaining five months
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  • 62 5 A MBM despatch states that the first i important work to bo taken up by M. Pabst, the newly arrivad French Minister, will be I to ask the Chinese Government to draw up I regulation* for tlu* guidance of French i Catholic missionaries in thts provinces, in i order that
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  • 261 5 Judgment for Katz Brothers. Maua Mohamed, whose illness has been noted several times lately in various local Courts, was the defendant yesterday in a which came up betore Acting Chief Justice Law. the plaintiffs being Messrs. Katz Bros. Sheikh Ali Kadir liad bought goods from Katz
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  • 84 5 On Monday. Mr. Hawtry, with a posse of police, made a raid on No. 11H. Middle Kojul and arrested live- respectable Xnuias, for managing or assisting in, a "Chap Ji Xi lottery. VeHteiday, theae ladies appeared before Mr. Scott. The womau who teuanted tb« bouse
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  • 178 5 Counterfeiters Sentenced to Seven Years. Before Mr. .Instice Fuller an<l yesterday morning two ihinaiiicn iiii ill Chin Chun and Lo A Yok were arrai«De<l on charges of counterfeiting current a posae.s.siui; instruments for m coins. There was an additional n delivering counterfeit coins against bin Chun. This man
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  • 102 5 Chief liisiH-ct-ii Hliu-lt of the I'ui. retires to clay on }iension after twenty years' meritorious service daring wliieh In b excellent work in the Colony. In connection with this it is n. factory to learn that Ins|ieotor Hciw.ul most couiuioiulahle work in the pittti been recognized and
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  • 19 5 Tin-. .SVd H'llr leaves for the Honbargfa L'^htliouHO early to-morrow inorniiii; witli reliefs. Slh will return tin- MUM <lay.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 340 5 RAFFLES HOTEL Singapore The Name of the great founder of Singapore is kept green in the memory of the inhabitants bjMfcHe nomenclature of many .institutions such as Raffles Mnseum, Raffles. Library, Raffles School, Raffles Square, Baffles Monument, and last hut not least, RAFFLES HOTEL. This latter is more than a
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  • 601 6 A member of the crew of U.M.S. M< utagu ha.s given the following narrative of the disaster to a representative of the Press at Devonport We lef. Portland on Tuesday niorr-iij; in --lear weather with instructions to spread out our wireless communications and to proceed to
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  • 54 6 Fifty persos who have been imprisoned at Hadom. in Poland, since January, are not aware why they were arrested, and are now refusing to partake of food, with a view of hastening their trials.. Some arc already delirious. The relatives of the accused have urged the Duma to interpellate the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 594 6 WANTED WANTED respectable well educated girl to tal. charge of money and books in a shop. Apply, K. R. c/o Straits Times 3646. A teacher needed for Standard II or 111. Must have experience and be well recommended. Apply No. 2," o/o Strain Timm. VYANTKI) by lady and gentleman accouilaudation
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    • 552 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET.— small first floor office* facing Cavenagh Bridge Road and Flint Street. Apt ly to Outarie Co. Ltd., AgenU. no TO LET, Kinrara," Orchard BoadJMar. tially furnished. For further particnkrs Bty to D. Turner, British Dispensary. c 4546 TO BE LET. from the Ist June,
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    • 516 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET. Office SJ/.)3 Robinson Road. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd. 1 2364 i TO BE LET. A Compound House, No. 53 Spottiawoode Park. Immediate entry. Six bedrooms. Stables. Apply to c 5683 OUTHRIE 4 CO., Ltd. I i TO BE LET. Immediate entry- -splendid offices
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    • 861 6 NOTICES. fxOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned iMaB ceased to be a partner in the firm of Q. MoClymont Co. of Port Dickson, Malacca. and Seremban. as from the 81st December, IMS. fro q. McClymont. NOTICr OF WfcMOVAL. The offices of Messrs Gians Bros. A Co. and Ihe
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    • 541 6 HOEO'S Antl -Corrosive Composition Anti- Fouling Composition Boot Topping Paint Used constantly with greatest success by steamers and sailing ships of all natinus. For ■üb-agenjriea apply to H. SCHAEFEK CO., 1765 Sole Agrots LACE STORE 170, ORCHARD ROAD. Large and varied stock of Lace*, Nottingham, Valenciennes, Irish and Brussels and
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    • 186 6 2 -^m* aY i^ar F^sß'^^Kll aß' i Tsß Bi IMS B R 'E B I' h w IV Facts of Absorbing Interest To Those Who Are In Tlie Clutches Of Rheumatism One cannot bo too quickly cured rf Rheumatism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a
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  • 632 7 Few Arctic expedition, if any, have been more carefully planned and prepared than the forth-coming Danish or called. The necessary funds, about Danmark "expedition, as it is officiary 25,000 kr., have been raised partly by a Government grant and partly by private subscriptions. Mr. L. MyliusJSrichsen, the
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  • 134 7 The MM the Re' b»'.ob to Vis-. East Aria ;ui- at followi Lnndrat Dr. Baeivriiikol. Dr. Hcd. Beckox (H«te4), Rittngtubetitier >i ft., hlcndorlT K. ■'\>'K L:eWmanii n Boaranbtrg, AnitjAht.-r Dr. Lv Kan'mcrhcrr WW Wepei.'ian ■> and Krewat Dr. Wallau. Thi by the s.s. Prinz Hoinrirh. Tli-- i gramme
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 WILLIAMS TYPEWRITERS. mod I No. 2 $120.— nett 6 $180.- WILLIAMS DUPLICATORS Price !?3Oi— Will tarn out better work than Rotary Duplicators costing doable the price. Sub-Agents. John Little Co, Ltd. SYME Co. FOR SALE SULPHURIC ACID SYME Co. MM What we Do, We do Well. I^^^^^^J Goo<l Work I
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    • 202 7 *jt CEL^BIITED igmlte J^f OILMEN'S STORES I I CROSSE I J plck^ups. H I JAMS, JELLIES, By Special AJND K^P potted Warrant BLACK WELL, W^ Purveyors to Uli/l H lea&pcrrin's KATZ BROS., LTD. Great^l Great j Great! Sale Sale Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY Last Days RECORD CLEARANCE KATZ BROS., LTD.
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    • 73 7 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uia rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowol eomptai has brought it into almost universal It never faile. and when r?(lueod with water and sweetened is plaaamat to take. It i» equally valuable for children adults, and is
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  • 263 8 Held up the turns at a Music-hall until Ejected. liiKMiNuHAM University student* have tni[iirntl\ distinguished themselves by hooli■MB at public gatherings, but their behavior at the Gaiety Music Hall on a certain recent evening wan ho outrageous that tin- entertainment had to be stopped, am about 40
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  • 462 8 Blur] inaccurate statements have lately ap]>earcd in print on the subject of the hi-toi v of the Battenberg family. These are the facts, says Truth: When the Emperor Alexunder 11. (then C'esarevitch) married I'iinccss Marie of Hesse tally in the forties, •lie was accompanied to Russia by her
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  • 154 8 Thi following are the Range fixtures for •Inly on the Ballestier Rifle Ran^e. Saturday 7th. Uidies' I'radice Shoot ii.HO p.m. Sunday Htli.2ui.VKi and Km yards 7.30 Mm.lay Mth. HOO <XXi tad IIKKI viirds ■_> |UII. Saturday Mth, 900 000 and 800 yards 2 p.m. ..lav 1.'.t1i. -2(»Mo
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  • 54 8 SfUhiMi atlSiriuinfjhum. Mr. Chamberlain a the Kdueation liili would never Ulorc loiiy, there would be another and ha should not lie at all surpri*. line next aming Mr. Chamberlain i- aloM in his view of the attitude likely t ;:ikeii nil by the 'loii-e ot l.oid-. The i .uli not
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  • 49 8 I taMOfetilM \w- l«r!l sttU'U'ri at I I'iliih us I biauch uf tin Nij;ii S .Ian Hirtr kttodmtian. Mr. K. (ili-ndin the I'll -u\> lit :iim< Mr. (i. .lacksoli otmry Beeretarr. Tbe neocMU] ot in tin' >lia])i- of I.fc KnlieUt ritlis. ■itioii. iti lius In i 'i n^iuisit'.imil giaad.
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  • 274 8 How two wild Beasts Travelled Without a Ticket A wonderful story is told in the Rbjdefia Herald of two intelligent lions whojftarded the Northern Rhodesia train <m thFway to Livingstone in search of a new hunting ground. The engine-driver and guard first noticed gfae lions—
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  • 666 8 Taiping, June S6th, 1906. Thk long looked forward to Masonic Conversazione is a thing of the past and many of us regret that it should be so for the universal opinion is that it was one of the most enjoyable functions given here for a long time. Taiping
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  • 126 8 gyoniy, Mr. Keene's great four-year old rare Lena, is dead, says a New York wire .lati d 17th June. Synonly is one of the greatest race horses that has appeared on the turf. As a two-year old in 1904 he first attracted notice to himself by coining in the Kutirity
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  • 400 8 S. C. C. v.;9sth Russell's Infantry. It is a long time since a match was played between the S. C. C. and the 9.lth Russell's Infantry. Yesterday afternoon the two teams met on the Esplanade and interest in the match was evinced by the presence of the largest crowd
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  • 557 8 General Meeting. A gknkbal meeting of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association was held on the 27th June at Penang. The Hon. .1. Turner. President, took the Chair. Labour Scarcity. A letter dated 29th Maxell from the Secretary- of the F. M. S. United Planters' Association was
    557 words
  • 478 8 Details From the Prospectus. Thk Directors of this new and successfully floated company are thus described: The Hon. Everard Feilding, 5, John Street. Mayfair, London, W. Director of the Federated Malay States Rubber Company, Limited Euward Bunge, 8, Rue St. Martin, Antwerp Chajflban of
    478 words
  • 225 8 Mr. K. Davis, presiding at the meeting of the British Borneo Exploration Company I Limited), said the company had "'> years' exclusive mineral rights in British Borneo. At the outset they had 1.000.001) tons of manganese, and they were constructing a railway to connect the deposits with
    225 words
  • 182 8 Tin: Mauritius Government has lately suspended Mr. P. K. Robert, the chief clerk of the Post-office, under circumstances which deserve the attention of the Colonial Secretary, says Truth. Complaints reached the Colony that orders and remittances from stamp collectors abroad for the purchase of
    182 words
  • 28 8 It is reported that the Ke\. Mr. Bonnie has shot a rliiuoceros which he came across between Simpang and Matang in Perak. The head was brought to Taipiug.
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  • 259 8 The proposed amalgamation of the Pahang-Kabang. Ltd.. with the Paliang Corporation and the Malay Exploration Syndicate. Ltd., is meeting with a good deal of opposition, says Public Opinion. This is not surprising, seeing that under the scheme the Ordinary shareholders in Paliang- Kabang are practically wiped out.
    259 words
  • 180 8 BjMMBMB -2«tli May by W. J. Paym. U, Budßerow. London. E. 0. Capital £100,000. in M\ shares. Objects: To. acquire, work, and turn to account any mines, rights and concessions in the Straits Settlements or any oilier part* of the Malay Peninsula, or elsewhere in
    180 words
  • 64 8 F M. S. TIN OUTPUT. January to May. 1006. 1905. Piculs. Koala, Perak 179.178.HH 179.88rt.29 Selangor 112.085.65 121V2J0..':; N. Sembilan X2.010.44 M£BOB3 Pahang Irt.H4H.K2 l:;.iwl.::c> Total :i»7.717.9» :;-W,97.V2n A (lei ie:ise of Piculs tJMTiSI r uty Collected. 190fi. 106 V. c. c. Barak B,m,fIWMM W78.i67.40 Selangor I.X-21.9H6.X2 1,37fc K. Seinhilau...
    64 words
  • 54 8 A RUHU from Hougkonn, dated .Inne 2nd. to tin- Mornimi />..: says: The British steamer Smnm lias been IvpA ou at Samsliiii. within si«ht ot H. M. S. Robin. The ship's conipr:ulorc wus slightly wounded. The commander of the Itohin and the harbor master of
    54 words
  • 48 8 Tuk ChilMM Ouvciiiuii'iit ha- declared that all tlie secret treaties neyotiiited with Hiihsia will lifiicefoi-tli be oooattacad nil ami raid. This Ims greatly disappoinUtl the Kussiun Minister at Peking who lian been HCllnming to obtain <■< rtiiin rights am! privilege* in Nortlieu UMWbuia by BMSBM of these sreivl tieutic-.
    48 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 Sale of Properties. The following properties were deposed of by auction at Powell C'o's Saleroom venterJay afteruoou. No. 16 Hong Lim Quay. Siugapore, 1.571 square feet, lease 990 years. Lain Kit Soon f 9.900. Nos. 9 and 10 Magazine Road, adjacent to Singapore River. 5,6H0 square feet, lease with TO
      148 words
    • 247 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e. silk kimones, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      247 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 156 8 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday. 4th July. High Water. -:w p.m. Amcri'iii'. imU'ix-iidt'iKv Day. P.*. O. BOmawaad mail due. Thursday, sth July. High Water. 10 a.m. MTI p.m Assizes. Philharmonic fhrnfcaalra' *-30. P. 4. O. liomeward mail closes. Football. DuUli Temn r. S. C. C. Agricultural Boon Committee. 5. Town liiind.
      156 words

  • 770 9 A Grand Undertaking. The announcement that the Rus-ian Government has formula ted the terms on which it will consent to the laying of a railway tunnel from Alska to Siberia must, remarks the Morning l'"~t.' be accepted as evidence that the fascinating proposal in question is still mi
    770 words
  • 106 9 In meal speech the Hon. Thomas Bent. Premier of Victoria, made. an announcement that i<« of interest to stud«tit-- <>f iriininolotry. He sa.'d he intended i'libniitting to the Cabinet a scheme under which prisoners in the Melbourne and other gaoU of i.hi: state would be emiiiiv(l in .inprovng Crown lands
    106 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 356 9 Date of formation I 1900 Capital 9175,000 Subscribed 1140,000 I .Nu in Her of Shan* 13,500 :i.MO „0 ...i«l 4,000 350,000 JO.OOO 10.000 840 unioiwd 6,207 10.493 36.700 110,000 50.000 150.000 20,000 J.OOJ gnuxuad i Issue Paid Value op to 10 I 10 10 I 10 £12 1 10
      356 words
    • 297 9 1903 i9a; 1904 I'.MI-. 1903 1906 1904 I'm:, 1906 1906 1903 1904 £150.000 i.'00.000 £(0.000 700.000 170,000 ■51.-KI.OOO £12,000 £75.000 f250.000 £:;O('.OtO 30.000 1200.000 £140.000 t120,000 aua 1610,000 OMM $125,000 £10,500 £55.000 •m 000 £260,625 £-20,000 t135.000 I 140.000 1 1 -20,000 t 10 It 6 f 7000 £11-1
      297 words
    • 197 9 1894 1698 1865 1901 1901 1899 1903 IK9I 1884 1890 1887 1«64 £5,377.10.0 V 225.000 10.000.0C0 •2.400.000 •34,000 •875,000 •600,000 •30.000 •200.000 •500,000 •3,000.000 •3,700,000 I £4,648.15.0 7.638 j 12/6 •225,000 4,500 W •10,000,000 > "0,000 «125 •2,400,000 200 9100 •34,000 3.400 > 10 •«-<nnn < 6000 llo •8(5,000
      197 words
    • 47 9 Howartli Krakine. Ltd. 6% MOO.OOO 2% prera buyers. Riley Harßreaves, Ltd. 6* 225,000 2% prem buyers. Singapore Municipal 6% 400.0 0 2",, prem buyers. 5% 1,478,000 par. buyers. 4% COi.MO par. sellers. Tanjong P.gar'bock Co., Ltd. 6% 250.000 2 prem buyer.. 5% 1,865,500 1., prem buyers.
      47 words
  • 229 9 Singapore, 4th Jily, 1906 PRODUCE. (iambier buyers 8 7.20 do (Cube No. 111 1 unpicked ILK Copra ISali do Pontianak Ml Pmmt, Black buyers 21.00 do White 5% 2H.00 Baflt Klonr Sarawak 2.70 <lo Brunei No. 1 2.60 Pearl Sa«» 5.40 Coffee Bali, 15% buyers 16.25 Coffee, Palenibang, 20%
    229 words
  • 895 9 Facts and Figures. Mr» Frascr, the British consul at Batfvia thus reports on the trade of that island, last year. The year under review may certainly be regarded as a satisfactory one. The sugar crop, it is true, was smaller than its predecessor, but against this must be
    895 words

  • 579 10 Advics boa fTaahingtna under date 10th May to the Manila Cablenews \ai!v olivin months after the boycot. of American goods in China was IMtlsrad U> be effectixc the first indication oi any raal daaMga to AJSMtioaa eoav nurie from this source appeared. For ni'-irlv jroar than
    579 words
  • 196 10 The 90th annual rej>. rt of t lie Fsaca s.c.ety, ii\ Naw Bread Btraat, London, B.C:eoagratalatas tka ssaaiban on tho continuing :.v.d incroa. iv.g favour In wn to its principles, with special reference t> Uu 1 'ti ,:i o| Parliaine:;t. the influence af the King and Qmoß, aad
    196 words
  • 1690 10 An Australian View. The Syduey Daily Telegraph" iv cently had an interview with -\ii Warnford Lock formerly a mining Ma nager at Raub, ou the subject of Oniaeae labour in Malaya. Mr. Lock is reported as follows I know at only one tin Bine in the
    1,690 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 751 10 Ships and Steamers. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth aad London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Ocast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward 'for China). Delhi 7
      751 words
    • 1133 10 Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatachapplJ. Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore Ship Aoikct, late J. Daendru it Co., 2-3 Collveb Qpat. The undermentioned dates are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desinkhed for Van hiemen 15iiht.ii July 8 Billiton, Batavia, Java-Coast, Samarang, Soerabaya. with transhipment ai Batavia
      1,133 words
    • 659 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Ronte from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tona— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      659 words

  • 159 11 PpA crtfcuual under sentence of death as latd\ banged whle awaiting, a reprieve, in .\-s.iiii Indi:i under the foli<'iini«tancGS Ou? Udoy Patni it. ii< 'I '.o death for murdering m>!iulh<lv <iikl grievously mutilating tw< others. Tli' High Court confirmed Uk sentence. He then apt* alod for mercj
    159 words
  • 195 11 Per P^ O. s. s. Marmora, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, from London due 6th July -Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Carey, Miss K. H. Dobson, Miss T. L. Evans, .Messrs. W. B. Michie, W. J. Williamson. Per P. 4 O. i. s Sunda from
    195 words
  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1104 11 Under this beading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah. ship bq; barque sen. schooner Yet. Yacht Cru. —Cruiser Obt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.- -Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb..— French Ger —German Dot.— Dutch Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak G.o. General-cargo; iLp. deck-pa
      1,104 words
    • 760 11 Nomi, fort, probable ddlt of arrival, and name of agemli. Stsaxzrs. Achilles, Liverpool, July 9 Mansfield Ajax, China, July 8 Mansfield. Alesia. Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anamba, Copenhagen. July 26 E. Asiatic Coy Annam, Saigon, Aug. SO M. Maritimes Arcadia, Hongkong, July 4 P. A O. Arconia,
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  • 341 11 Says a writer of Occasional Notes in the "Pinaug Gazette" I hear that a state of affairs nearly approaching that of Ireland in the eighties, ,s com-ing-into existence amongst farmers m and round Penang, as far as their antipathy to members of a Hunt is concerned. Not
    341 words
  • 44 11 Roberts, the ex-champion billiardist. in a farewell match against Digglc. another well-known English cucirt, conced- el the latter 2.5D0 points, and defeated him in a match of 18.000 up by 606. On the final evening of the match Roleil« made a break of 4'J.Y
    44 words
  • 46 11 A Royal Commission, with Sir Edvri rd Fry as Chairman, has been appcinted to inquire concerning the status cf Trinity College. Dublin, and the University of Dublin, with a view of increasing their usefulness. The Commission will supplement the report of tilt Royal Commission of 1901.
    46 words
  • 49 11 For Per Strainer Tint Te-MMsw* Si ngnra ami Bangkok Usdaui 11a.m. Europe via ports Areniiu 3 p.m. Madras via ports FkoafSM t p.m. P. S'teiiham via porttt wm 3 p.m. Hongkong and Swat >\v Umiii Hee I p.m. tats, Telnk Anson via ports Hye Leung 3 p.m.
    49 words
  • 110 11 From F.drope —By tbt P. 8. s. Dtlhi, due on tith July. From China-By the P. O. s. s. An-,,1i,, due on 4th Loft Singapore Due io Loudon Arrived M;iv 24th P. All. .1 .in. June 16tb May 2*h N.D.1,. IntlM June 21st May 31st 8.1. June
    110 words
  • 67 11 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Whark:— Nil. Victoria Graving Dock Waihora. Albert Gr.AviNo Do.k Zambesi. Section No. 1 Thongwa, Zweena. 2 Nil. 8 Sikh. 4 Itaura, Hydra. 8 Nil. 6 Paroo. Borneo Wharf:— 7 Olaarjroa, Hong Be;. 8 Laod, Pakuaiu 9 Nil
    67 words
  • 63 11 Frcniantle via porU, l'nr,H>, on 7th July. Bwstead. Cast Cout ports. Ban H'JwH ffia, alternate. Saturdays and Wednesday*. Telak Anson vis ports, Sappho on Mondays, Stlangor on Wednesdays, aim Hye Lttmf on Fridays, d. S. 8. Co. Port Bwetteuhain vis Mrts Ptna*f oa Thursdays, and Malacca
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 725 11 N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oerman Mall Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Por Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 516 11 N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co Ltd A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is main tamed betweeu Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed J.or the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Eleotrictity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 106 11 THE EAST ASIATIC COY. LTD FOR FAHANG, TRINGGANU. KELANT\N, TABAY, BANARKS, TELUPIN, PANGNARAI, PATANI, SINGORA, LACON, BANDON CHAMPON AND BANGKOK The s. s. REDASO will be despatched for the above ports on Thursday, the Bth instant, at noon. THE EAST ASIATIC COY. LTD. mi West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 30 11 WEATHER TELEGRAM HONGKONG.— 4th lews. 10 k x. Barometer 29.72. Direction of Wind Force of Wind 0. Max. Temp in Shade 87. MANILA.— 4th 759 calm. 3 SO 26
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  • 566 12 The Editor of the India-Rubber Journal," iv the latest issue, discourses x* follows: While on this subject, I would like to says a word or two in connection., with washed rubber (crepe). On examining manj different lots of this rubber from plantations in Ceylon and Malaya I was
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  • 153 12 The B.I." Line. The Glasgow cnrr>pondent of the Shipping WofM (Gth June) repor.s thai the British India Steam Navigation (Vmpany have placed orders for twenty strainers— the rt earners to be large and thoroughly up to date. The orders are divided amongst Clyde. Belfast, and Sunderland Ehipbu deri?. It is
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  • 176 12 Tberc is> some speculation among Ma<!i.:.n cricketers, says the Asian," as to whither that famous cricketer, C. T. S/.udd. who will be in England for the principal part of the cricket season, will t.ike part in any of the first-class fixtures. He. of course, is st.'ll
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  • 584 12 How Spearmint outpaced Pretty Polly. That Spearmint should have won at Epeum in such facile fashion (he apparently had to fight at Longt-hampi) it not surprising, when one reads the account of his Derby trial, which took place on Saturday, May 19th. Here is a description of
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  • 288 12 The following from the Pioneer is interesting in view of past protests against the Burma and Provincial Indian Governments entering the market as rubber producers According ;o a roccut report enquiries are made by the Indian Fon i I partment as to the feasibility d
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 613 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions. Hongkong V Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up Capital n0.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve •10.000.000 l 19 .no non Silver iWre 9,500,000 1 19 500 000 P. .serve Liability of Proprietors ai0.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Haupt, Esq.— Chairman. O. H. Mxdhurst, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A.
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    • 525 12 Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fond £975,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
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    • 688 12 AUCTION SALE. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. The property of twelve Pawnshops One Monday, 2nd July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Wednesday, 4th July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Friday, Bth July, 1906 at 10 a.m. The pledges consisting of watches, chains, gold and diamond rings, earrings, brooches, Chinese and native ornaments with
      688 words
    • 670 12 MORTGAGEES SALE. Tuesday, 10th July, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable godewn premises Nos. 9 and 10 lagazine <Road, adjacent io Singapore river, ,680 sqnare feet, 99 yean. MBO POWELL A Co.,— Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Mart On Monday, 9th July, at
      670 words