The Straits Times, 3 July 1906

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VO. 22.078 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. JUJLY 3. 1906. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 417 1 Hill- climbing Success at San Remo Beored by THE B-ELIABLE <OJ^T^ 7 DE DION-BOUTON Tlim Hi I .-conquering CarDetails: Milan— San Remo Trials. Hill-climbing Competition, Saturday, April 7. Voitnrette Section: De Dion-Bouton (driven by Maffers), Frrst, in 8 iiiiimtHb 86] woeadi. C. DUPIRE Co. c ioi -A-gents; Sin^apore._ SOUTH INDIA
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    • 525 1 TIWES" BDSIJjKSS_ JDI_RECTORY. AUCTIONEERS. The RecognUed Headquarters of the PO«UL M,. (Establish^ 42 ybaes). Aflrst class Hotel in Singapore. Splendid Heal Estate Auctioneers and Valuers. Mortga situation. All modern comforts. Electric Ms arranged. Valuations made. Bents collected. Fans, Lights, and Call Bell. English and Powell Coy's Auction and House- Property
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    • 349 1 Robinson Company. TOILET SETS ITEW BEVISBB PRICES The "Manhattan 1 Toilet Set The 'Pal' Toilet Set 5 Piece* S I'ie -es > White Ground, whitii Blue. Hr.wn White OTDond with l»Uie or Pink flower* B row "ow.r* EVISED PRICES T*%**Crf»*»air The "Cfematii" lljysl tlaiiimwialaiii Toflal Set li">ai Bssni-Paßßskls Tmi.t Bat
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  • 709 2 German Semi Official Statement. The Cologne Gazette pr.nts an evidently semi-0.-nciai satcment on the •abject of disarmament. 'Die article agrees with previous otiicutl statements, and may safely be regarded as rcprestnting the present attitude ot the German Government on this question. The statemen says the special curt.sponden:
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  • 105 2 The Amoy correspondent of th t' Mail reports pkigue to be still bad there. The atk-inpt to help the plagw patients by providing mats-herls on a bretzy hill where they 0 mid he treated with some hope of recovery has proved an utter failure. The friends of those who are
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  • 730 2 in connection with the room .!u!> 1., celebration of tiie fortieth yeaCharles of Rouniania.'* reign many biographical articles ha-ve l*en appearing which set fortli in interesting fash/on the personal charactei\a;ice of the one-time HohenKjUerii Prince, whwc Irong )m i r.c.nality has been tho moil important factor in
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  • 77 2 sJnsudeen Capsim. son of the late G'ass n, a Ceylon Malay, at one time Posthiaster at Port \YcJd. and who cam* to Perak during- the tune of Ml .1 IV: W. Birch, the first Briti-h Hi sidtjt. has left i<K Madias to be add cat Jl as an Assistant Surgeon.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 440 2 The Handsome Humber Caf s. "No su< h graceful design has ever yet been shown." "M.A.P." BUT "Handsome^"handsome does" In the Automobile Club Htll*cllmbing Competition ■t South Harting, on Jure 10th, the 8-10 h-p. Coventry Humber Car was first in Clas« A (ctrs from £150 to £350\ and the 16-20
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    • 186 2 CROWN PERFUMERY. <^^^s? THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., LONDON and PARIS. OF ALL DEALERS. See that the bottles are stoppered with oui registered CROWN STOPPER." Japan Panama Hats Folding shape Alpine Shape. in ZFIZLSTIE PLAIT. Strongly Recommended as an everyday wear SIZE IN STOCK Or. Otomune Go, Jor JYews of tde
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    • 81 2 Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in India. Mr. Sd. L. Hiscocks writing from Claie Road. Byculla. India, iayi I have uted and "still rc'iare a many bottles of Chamberlain's OoKc, Cholera and Diarrhtea Remedy, and lia\r Imtiul it invaluable as a cure as well as preventive of cholera. I
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    • 91 2 Wanted 1 1 Once K Mttlo forethought will often saw no cul t' trouble. Think of the pain and .jVehng' that must be endured :n caac //<*" attack v: pain in the aioinach or hlaiiip itilic- when medicine must be enl Jr. Even family should have a boit Chamberlain's Cole.
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  • 315 3 lii the ll»use of Commons, on the Bth •I nut-, Sir J. P. Uickson-Poynder, Lil'ii a I memb«r for Uhippenham, during a debate on the CMonial Office vote, urged the adoption of a vigorous land settlement policy for the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and
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  • 192 3 l.iberte a daily |>ar,er ]> ibiishctl in Paris, says that it is mm)* able for Fiance to consider Australia ri.iim ■nnex the Now Hebrides in return for I thr ros.-ion of Mauritius, un ••<- Qn U Hi itam made a definite pro| ■ffact, which appeared d I PariaKgam"
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  • 98 3 The prospectus of a London I i i.iko over a Java eetate wii! sli rl ,1 s;ivs the London correspwi cn t of the Times of Ceylon," under Uf« Juth June. Its title is to be tin .lL a Bnbbet ami Piodmr Company he apiul wil OOfiOO IU acquired is
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  • 119 3 Bad hafOT nearly lad I on Bangkok '.m I June On that day, M W WhM the American Vic< Cons „l Mrs. A. A. Smith, wif. manager of the Airacaa Compai oat whm cm o* tL i.uthis l.olted The IJ bj to pull the I>"><I ,lrcw them over MWai tht
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  • 673 3 Presideut Roosevelt, in a message to O.>ngress on the subjoct. of the next packing scandals says that the law at present prohibits the shipment to foreign countries of meats that have not been officially inspected, but does not prohibit their sale for purposes of interstate transport,
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  • 86 3 M. MouromtzotT. President cf( the t>urua. is prepanng the draft of a tit ut ion b> Russia. It is contemplated to make the Tsar a Constituationnoiiaivli, and to base the Duma on i-sal sufferage. It is also proposed Mta an Upper House on the model i Ftvm-h Son.\tc, and to
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  • 68 3 M.tiiv of the members of the police ne hi Sevastopol, fearing bomb at■k> li«vr quitted the service. The nul sail r> are much bettllHl) bMM compelled t" |Krforrii police \(tcr leading M. Goriemvkin > .dements regarding the MM, wemben of a battalion at .■volted. I" the subsequent 111- of hostilities,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 Ct-ambrlain's t olic. Cholera and Dm ihoea MeiteJy. 111, pMI MWM «'f tlus \r in tlu r.lii'f and <im<>l bowtl COmpUIBU brougtl ahiK'M imiv.i-a] BH r bib, aad when reduced witli m tei -iihl >.»-. -i-ti-nril ia pli .i^ai. t..k< [t i C |U.illv viilualilc lor oln .iii.l 1^ th
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    • 290 3 BUCHANAN'S BLACK WHITE holds top place in the highest class of Whiskies Guaranteed 12 (twelve) years old. c 46 POWELL CO. Hole Agents for PIANOS BY S. MOUTRIE&CO., LTD. Pianoforte Manufacturers Shanghai and Hongkong. NEW MODKLS JUST UNPACKED Inapectiou Invited. kfi i* m Powell Co. 2160 COMFORIABLB LIVINQ IN EVERYTHING.
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    • 133 3 OOGSHEAD^^ BRAND BASS'S ALE B S^)#, 7 GDINNESS S STOUT Can be at had at all first class Sole Agents. Bars and Hotels Kirn Hin Co., Singapore. STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL 1906-7 (:o:) ORDERS Now Received for Delivery at the End of November IN Singapore and other places in the Straits.
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  • 15 4 Alsu.oh. At Bukit Tungal. tlii» morring, Syed Moliamed hin Atimat Alsagnff. .\.ge 99 veers.
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  • 961 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, 3rd JULY. i Mr. A. Kmuht and Mewtrs. Lyall and Kvatt report their completion of the audit of Municipal account* for the past year and I add. by way of explaining their delay, that the ckwvd statements of account wen- not forwarded to
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  • 97 4 A shokt time ago. a Strait* fimm correspondent, writing tioin Kelantan, referred to the tragic end of Mr. .1, I!. Dubois, at ono time well-known in the Federated Malay States, and recommended inquiry into the cause of his death, which was shrouded hi mystery. To-day, a letter is given in
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  • 148 4 Thk detent ul' Pretty I'olly by Biiehrlvri Button in the race fur tlic Ascot Cup was, us \ve )«>inte<l out at tlir time, a severe blow to the marc's followers aud. the jjqiural public bat it must be borne in mind that though .beaten she i« by no means disgraced.
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  • 281 4 Ckvi.on is offerhig us the exhibition of a new departure o* the part oi the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Lord Klgin is said to be desirous of stopping much -needed public work' in that island, on the ground that that Colony must first form a reserve fnntl by
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  • 422 4 At the general mcetiug of Uie Malay Peuinsula Agricultural Association, which was held at Penang on the 27th ultimo, the Hon. J. Turner presided and had something to say about labour. Accordiug to the Member for Province Wellesley. |x-ople at home who are floating rubber companies think or seem to
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  • 13 4 Likitksaxt H. M. Milwakd. Ist Sherwood Foresters, has rejoined from leave of absence.
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  • 17 4 Thk Dutch steamer Timor arrived yesterday morning from Kurope na Sabang with over thirty tons of gunpowder.
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  • 17 4 Thk I'nriMt arrived yexterday from Krc mantle with ~>ol sheep aud 162 goat* for the local market.
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  • 27 4 C'aht Kqkki« of the Ophir, which arrived from Palembang, reports having picked up the Frcdeiik Hem Ink buoy, which was adrift at the entrance of Ranca Straits.
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  • 27 4 Lir.iTKXANT W. 1). IVatty. K. X., hat) been granted leave of absence on private affairs trom tlie .Hh instant to the 10th instant, to proceed to Penang.
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  • 34 4 Mr. H. N. Hiulkv. honorary secretary to the Agricultural Show, notifie* that a meeting of the Sub and Oeneral I'nrpoaex Committee will be held in the Kxchange rooms at 5 p.m. on Tbunday uext.
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  • 15 4 Thk Hey. A. J. Amery has report**! to the police the loss of a rag.
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  • 15 4 A Lady has reported to tl>e poh.-e the loss of a gold watch and chain.
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  • 38 4 On and from the Ist July next, British postal orders have been cashed as a '11 as issued in the F. M. S. Also, the prices at which the orders aro issued have MM MM> a sliuht reduction.
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  • 47 4 With the approval of the Secretary of State for India one officer of the Indian Medical Service in military employ, in addition to the three officers of the Indian Army already authorised, will be penritted to proceed annually to Japan, for a two MMsV course of study.
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  • 42 4 Thk experiment station at IVratlcniyii in Ceylon is shortly to be fitted up with I number of rubber treating machines. Three sets of machinery have already been un-.i ned for. connected with washing, rolling, and preserving rubber, and fans, for Osviag MM
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  • 40 4 Certain members of the Chinese com muuity at Penang are indignant that the Police will not allow some of their u.imber to attempt the feat of limping the loop iv Hannston's. This is characterised in one case as grandmotherly care."
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  • 45 4 A si'kcial general BMBsiag of the Perak Turf Club lias been called to consider the advisability of racing in the morning instead of the afternoon,. From a financial point of view any change from former years is said to be certain to be a failure.
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  • 48 4 A batch of nine, two of whom were mere boys, were yesterday, before Mr. Scott for playing in a common gaminghouse. In order to make an impression upon the juveniles. Mr. Sx>tt ordered them four strokes each with a rattan; the rest of the defendantwere each fined S3.
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  • 44 4 Thf Hritish Adnur,i.lty He greatly con cerned, owing to Uie danger which, it is alleged, ia threatened to tin; nautical observations at the (treenwich <;!>servatory by the London County Council s new electric generating station, which it is prafnaed to erect in the neighbourlnxxl.
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  • 45 4 Thk Straits Kcin, hears that the new arrangement of employing girls iv the iove.i v. >:■ nt Telephone exchange in Penang wil! soon be brought into operation. The MiC'rintendent of 'J'elegrapl.s has MM int> i viewing several girls who a'e applicants for work in that l)e]>artment.
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  • 53 4 W* are informed thai qbeaSM have been iss ud lor the payiULUt of iaMMBt under the T.injonj; Pagar "l>ock Orilinjmet 19d.'i. for the half-year, ended :toth .1 lie, to the share holders of the Tan jony Pagar l>ix-k Coiuiwvny. Orafts to home shareliolilers will follow by the Maii on Thursday,
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  • 51 4 Tb« F. M. S. Kailway ripailiannl baa now 10 motor vehicles under order, including Milnes^T>aimlers. T homey crofts and Albion-. Some are buses and others car-; in the former case, however, only the OMMfI M being obtained from home, the l>>.|\ kateg manifactured at the e.ntral warfcaßß|W at K ia!a
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  • 59 4 Cktviyssji, the Kliny carter, who was untio d ill aMMMOOOrt 1 >.*_i i ;i| >l l iv yos terdny's issue, vor\ uis»iv acted on the advice gh eu him by Mr. Colmau oil Satin-. dt;y. He producexl the Mqnirad witi i-s aii'l it MMd him. He was discharged but; warned
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  • 65 4 iKh Trust at .Madias haw oUaiM I permission of the Government for tin ,i,e. tion in the harbour of strong win pic r fully equipped with qoiok BHMtrn hvdrauli g cranes. The Port Trust uill pay tins out i f savings trom revenue, now amount t Ks. 9 lakhs
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  • 60 4 Vk»tkkihv, Messis Mi.lull ami \ agaiu sat as a Kcnch Court to continue the inquiry into the allegation of cheating brought against a cattle daaler named Moona Pathu by Haji Awang. auothei cattle dealer of Kelantan. An outline ot ih<- mm was given in Saturday's issue. YestcnUy. Mr. Evewtt MpMrnrt
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  • 62 4 Tin is so valuable to-day that many tons of black sand on (iwithiau ami other Ih'iiclii-.. in Cornwall, after the heavy growi Mas, are carted to the nearest ornabufl machines aud restamiied to save the |iarticles of tin which neither the mines nor the stream works weie able, to detain.
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  • 61 4 Qki Kietiich. I—that worker, who was arrested at Dresden, (renuauy. in May. on charges of having muidoreil Mieial persons, and who confessed that he hud nnml. red a banker and a youth in IWKI. a woman :it Dresden in 1900, and four other pewona in| Austria, made a further ■riniimrion
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  • 32 4 The following is a statement of Sclango import and export returns lor Uie rii-l «ai terof 1905 ami 1906:— Imports. Kvixnts. I i iw:, I.Mtnm r..(i.-i.-..K2.; 1900 It.HHO.HIO MMVSW Decrease 57ft,(MH J4.>,2k4
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  • 119 4 T« number of suits dowu for lum/'« in July's list at the Supreuie C/ r is only M, as against lot last moot*"* that nearly ")<) per cent, of the mm.**' of cases has been disposed of since tin I* I Jane last. This is certainly l 'Jt dented record.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 66 4 War Office to Disband Artillery Batteries. Hrc'il :ird .July. Th< IVMMM nndorstan* that the Wai Office contemplates in the interests of retrenchment, to disband thirty six batteries of Horse and Field Artillery. Tlie Home infantry hattalioiiv will be reduced in strength by MOBMM. Jn furtlier carrying out the
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    • 102 4 British and Boers agree to a Compromise. Id liter's ajjen. leaius that fee Coiuiuis siou under Sir I. ttwii Kidgeway. sent to inquire into the Mai form of constitution suitable for the "''i.insvaal unl the Orange Kiver Colony hi* /had an uiifnrps*fii result. It was expect 1
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    • 111 4 Financially Successful During Last Few Years. •Mr. Winst..i Churchill made auoth.i statement in tb. ffnnai ..t CoMMU alxmt the Ceylon >ieail fishei\. „h>ch has U.n leased to a s}n<lieate tm the lam oi luentv years. He ivmai l-eil that the |>enil hsh.iv there had bun lin.iuriall\ pnoßMafnl
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    • 166 4 Many Questions Given British Ministers A great- man;. qiMMMej Ix^-n put Ul IfIiUMBM HottM -1 UoMBMBfI alxiul the Tantitf 1 affail '■•sivpt la these ijii's tions. coijp' aillt <uade of the way in which thi executions and tiaggiiins ot tinguilty parties in the inurderoM assault on British
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  • Special German Telegrams.
    • 34 4 H, ,lm. Tltc Kuist i will s|N.'inl a. clay on a visit to t ,<• Crown t'rinct -.s of (irrmaiiy at Potwlam. morrow lit- will start M lu-. n-ual lidliMmv liipto Nortli'-ni l)mo|H'.
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    • 26 4 The Senate ..I H.imbir^ voted tin hiui often thou-md marks to tn< > t the ooat of renovating; Ifcu < aOBOoI -I Shanghai.
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    • 38 4 itmmn nrwn|nipnr. irHril Mir I'ihOui has brought forward a MrioOH ehaii;. ag.iinst(i«'iiernl Keiiiieukiiiiipf ucuiiiiuiiiidi-' who distingnis!i. I himself ia the w.n with Japan. Thai journal ehaMJM Ciencral with iM.ilxzzlrnt-iit .iniuilt. I. during the fiannmlflll in Manchuria.
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    • 60 4 The death of I'roli mot Manuel tiarci i. tin inventor of the laryngoscope, is uuuoiiiici I. He had «cached tliu uye .>f over 101 year-. I'rofcMSor (iarcia v.ism native of Madrid, uu.l studied Ijoth singing and music. Mr traa author of vvorks ()r -iiiyim; and on the
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    • 12 4 A telo^ line between Paris and I!oih. hits l«'ou u[»-neil.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 415 4 Caldbeck, Macgregor CO., Wire Spirit Merchants SINGAPORE and PENANG. HONG-KONG, SHANGHAI TIENTSIN. LONDON GLASGOW Hotel de l'Europe Austritn String Orchestra UNDER CONDUCTOR MR. C. MUHBERGER will play to-night '.and eve»y night bnjkijSJO p.m. to 7.:W;^8.30 to 11. p.m. MUSICAL TIFFIN <n Saturday next, Ttd instant, at 1. p.m. Special Curries
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    • 114 4 WILSON Co.'s PHOTOGRAPHS AKK Al KNOWLKIM.KI) TO XX The Best in the Straits, \M> aaSJI To ANY ANYWHKRF.. Price ef Cabinet Portraits: 6 Copies 12 Copies IN MVTTOTYPE M.OO $12.00 BROMIDE „12.00 „18.00 PLATINOTYPE „l».0O .;>:,.(*) CARBON ,25.00 ..40.00 Portraits on Porcelain rachsls. WILSOVS PHOTO ART SI UDIO. G.R. Lambert
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 174 5 Scarborough Captured by the Attacking Fleet. Hrr'tl. 5 ,/,,,rr 4.K1 p.m. \W Jnlt/. The attscl ie, rieet ill the coin se of the piisent n. u luanoiivres has captured Scarboroiin'i aad claims complete ioiiU-oI of the Ch-n 1. The defending Beat has captuml I!. I. S. ['ietmriotu, the
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    • 124 5 Cost of Inspection to be Borne by Government. i;.,-,i. .1,(h,. in.: Ihk \in«ri<-aii Itoef Trust has lu-liicved a nutalili victory over the ImAi an.l I'iesiiaat in iv»anl t<> tin' Meat bmfKtkm Bill br.'iyht baton tin CoagHM, wMi i< .li.ikinj; UM MMU-pMkteg HMU^ which have gc*at sensation
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    • 109 5 Failure of Crops Causes Havoc in Provinces. Tli. t'liil-u-f of cwja i» RoMia is oaMfafl I ..v,k- thiuiiyli..,it that country. And the fluiWl'al luTfi M>li J I*~ l>miiato «rant tli. -Mm i.f t.n millions st. rtiag for the j,h|k^4' iif IJjlbllJßa.— h«W 'I'* 11 >T »>» >r°vim
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    • 63 5 Fears of Another Revolution in Russia. The revolutionary spirit still emitinut s to r \ist Uwoghoat Kussia. and fears anentertained that a serious outbreak will; take place almost imincdiat. ly in the di-tiiets of iMaaMk lut4-ns.!v feeMafl the app in ml v approaching crisis, a large number
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    • 34 5 Fourteen Deaths and Many Rendered Prostrate. A aonth beat ware baa awept aouiw New York canaiafl destrnetloa. V.rf-ady fourteen lua:!is hare bean raeordad, while many people hare baaa rendered pnatcaaa,
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  • 166 5 Wl NMI If .ni'iMMiu ■>• the death of Syad Moliaini-il bin \i^a«i>ff which .Hired at hia raaJdaace Hnkit Thomson lt.iad. this morning. The .■eased was tin senior ]Kirtner of Alsttgoff id Coin)iany. a lonu ewU!»H«hed and well Mown tirm vi arab in. ii
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  • 210 5 A Light Calendar Thirteen Cases to be Tried. Taa Assi/cs commenced at the Supreme Court, this inorniug.before Mr. Justice What there being only thirteen cases ou the calendar. Tht list includes charges of committing a rash act, counterfeiting, unlawfully returning from banish mont. criminal breach of trust, culpable
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  • 276 5 Result Of An Unexpected Visit. Mi:. Kohi-xt Kmi> m.k. who has had large experience in the tiiiiiiiij; business in Britain and iv the Colonies, writes to the DitiUj MM*: It is not advisable w. should remedy the disgusting conditions that obtain among most of the packers here
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  • 209 5 MMnnm I'uktt\ holds a mort»a«e on HIM land lH'louuing to Anamalai. hut the latter holds the right of fanning out tl c product of the land just now a Chinaman hold- this light as to the maugosteens. These are now being gathered as they ripen. A week
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  • 91 5 SiMiM.ks lo curtail tlie extraterritorial riahts ot ltritish subjects these, especially those from India. This is a matter of importance as regards the Siamese MalayStates aeat Penang. The Pijuing Oatdie objects to this idea. It admtta f.iat the Siamese reiitral (ioveruineut is honest and above suspicion, but urges that
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  • 152 5 T ii k Sea View Hotel c-outioues to be a |M>jiniar renili/voiis (or holiday makers, and tliriv can Ih in. v lot ilisputiu^; the tact that the management are doing all in their power to nmlif tin- sen-side resort attractive. On Saturday there will lie a moonlight nitfht, anil
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  • 1189 5 Important Judgment Given for Mr. Fernandez. Bkkohjc acting Chief Justice Law yeateinUy afternoon, tlie case of Yeo Ooa etc. vs. ti. A. Fernandez wax concluded, the case for the defence being submitted by Mr. Knierson. He declared that the plaintiffs could not complain that they had not
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  • 257 5 Judgment for the Estate of the Late Sultan. Aii inc. Chibf Justice Law this morning gave his decision in the case of Dat Mentn &Mar of Johore. as executor of the will late Sultan Abubakar. Nh Mr nkrge d'Almeida, architect and surveyor, lor Uie recovery of
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  • 370 5 On the 16th ultimo, Teo A Han. a tongkaug man. was arrested by Lance Corporal Abu Bakar, of the Marine Police, for not having a permit on board his boat. On the lKth idem he was cited before the Marine Magistrate, but was seemingly not present when
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  • 239 5 Koh Son Kith was a bill collector of Chop Seang Teh Bee. Cecil Street. Ou the 4th ultimo, a bill for »3<IP was L-ntiusU-d to him to collect from Chop Keh Chan. He collected the money, did not pay it in to his firm, and later M
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  • 55 5 Wk understand that, while H. ft, Sir John Anderson was playing golf ou the liuks on Ciovernment Hill.'one day last week, sojne one auuexed his coat, which he had placed near one of the greens. There was nothing of any value in the coat except a pair
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  • 27 5 Kon: meat-packing cmnpanies iv Kansas aud the Burlington Kailroad liave been fined heavily for accepting .and givin-; rebates. Two brokers impluau-d in the offence have Ik«u imprisoned.
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  • 89 5 The project for th* ontablishnient of a (iiunnercial (iymkhana for those connecteil with Uie retail trade of Bombay has taken practical Miape. Tlie Government Uave h lluttei t the promoters a fine site on the nea front ov-erlookius Back Bay, where it is taped' to erect a niodext (iyuikhana, which
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  • 115 5 In tlie lion-house at the Manchester Zoo a large looking-glass has been rix.-d not for the benefit of the crowds of sightseers, but for the benefit of the lious. Lions get bored just as much as human beings do. and says the Manchester Cluardian I the device is
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  • 81 5 C. M. Kkvnkl is another likely aspirant this season to endeavour the swim across the Knglish Channel. He is a yonng man hailing from Munich, and has already been credited with some promising longdistance performances. He intends attempting to cross the Channel in August, and in
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  • 68 5 Two little boy professional beggars were arrested at the Esplanade on Sunday. eaterday, they wen Ixlon- Mr lolmau who ordered them each three strokes w ith a li^ht rattan. Their father. Peer Molmmed. wns fined *8, in default seven days. It is v.iy difficult to catc-h the parents of thrse
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  • 79 5 Thk following e'.cerpt is taken trom a letter addresseif to Mr Kobson from an old Selangor ofticial now farming iv Nebraska I should luive written -onu time ago to thank you lor tbe S. I. Auuual. wliirh reached me iv good shape. It i» really an admirably got up affair,
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  • 141 5 A latlTU message Iron. < ii ..I i;i town i British (iuiana i, dated May 19, *aya: -"There has been an extraordinary sc«|Uel to riots which took place ]m Iliti-mlM'r. L'ci tain rclitives ol the nun killed by Of the jmliee have institute!] pnOMdillgH fol inanslaughUr against
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  • 99 5 I It is no new fact that CWot atanda 'namely next to America, as rust. Japaawe ineivliandis... U-oufdinfl i official foieign trade retains, imports China during 100.') amounted lo OW .V.'.tlld.tHKi aud exiKiris from Japan t. Veil HH.tvmMiHt. ar« abont tv ice kite abova, of over
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  • 76 5 Mk. Mohxmmi tiuni't. of the K. :it I'eimug. owns a cockatoo. Tin otliei .ii«lit a ihict broke into his hi haviag tiecurwl tIH) bkd, trieil to gi flrriatif Bat tlw bird bawled out I awakeuuiK Mx. Ghonm who c«>' tin thief. Tb* tliief niailr i;ixhl his dropping the bird .lose
    76 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 \lkss,;s. Vi li.i.i: «.'•>-. aooorditM t» the Vilclaide ttawrwr. hare sola privntflv to i.ii uk-uant Uoorlav, fot export to imlia, rarißH mure /'<•«<<>. Tin- C'alutitta trainti i'l'Un baa riHcluil Australia in suarcli of a si.i.v; horse oi trtn to rafli in In.ha- It is in.-5i1.1,. tlmi tin Mi llHXinifl.'iU) winner
      96 words
    • 146 5 RAFFLES HOTEL Singapore The Name of the gfeit founder of Singapore is k. pt gm-n in the memory of the inhabitants by the nomenclature of many institutions such as Raffles Museum, Raffles Library, Ilaffles School, HarhVs Square, Raffles Monument, and last but not least, RAFFLES HOTEL. This latter is more
      146 words

  • 1469 6 (By the Times Special Correspon- 1 dent New York. 19th May. After a visit to a strange place there is always one memory, one impreanon, that is found to be more vivid than all. the rest. We often discover that it is not the things
    1,469 words
  • 252 6 ..!<-. Herbert >amucl, Liberal Ml', lei Cleveland, speaking on tue 4th Jum at llenkv n Itiames, declared thai, if the present attempt to settle the education tailed, the next Bill would be a DMaaON 10 establish secular education, pure and simple. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking on tinitu Juue
    252 words
  • 47 6 It is reported thai Etaaau Sand s.;nii- Uoumaiiiaiis a reward oi JO.tHMi roablai (£2,0 .i tfcoy would kidnap Matuschcnko, one of the riiiglo. i the mutineers, and daliver \\:iu op to i. >y sea. The project failed, haw ivn wing to a friend Matusclienko to quit Roumania.
    47 words
  • 52 6 A strike has occurred an HiLs.i.m hum at Odaaaa. Th crs threaten, in the event of eo:i:ium end firoaaan >. -:ig imported from tM Bait;.-, to take tlieii places, to explcae tin luiiugn .hipping iv l lie |mjil, ana thjus create international complications Aj regiment f infantry, kneed *iili c/iii.-k
    52 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 463 6 WANTEH WANTED respwtabl. WtO educated gir! to IBBS <>f money and books in a shop. Apply. K. R. c/o Straits Times 2646. WANTED. A f. ii mslied house in wlect neighbourhood. Kntr> ii.»t. H. L. Coghlan Co Bmm Antnti \NTtD TO BUY uiO.OOO Para Itul.Uv S.-^l*. delivery October December
      463 words
    • 537 6 ETO BE LET. ET.— email first floor offices facing Bridge Road and Flint Street. Api ly A Co. Ltd., Agent*, n.c r. Kinrara." Orchard Rodn. perished. For farther particulars apply ler, British Dispensary. TO BE LET. from the Ist June, a godown No. 7 Bernam Strest, off Ansoa Rood, area
      537 words
    • 517 6 TO BE LET. TO BE LET. Office 52/53 Robinson Road. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd. c23«4 TO BE LET. A Compound House, No. 58 Spottiswoode Park. Immediate entry. Six bedrooms. Stables. Apply to v 2888 OUTHRIE 4 CO.. Ltd. TO BE LET Produce Godowns Nos. 162/162 1 Havelock Road, facing
      517 words
    • 757 6 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that (be undersigned has censed to be a partner in the Arm of Q. McClymont Co. of Port Dickaon, Malacca, and Seremban, an from (he :il»t December, 1805. 8703 Q. McCLYMONT. NOT CE. The public are liereby informed that I have severed all connections
      757 words

  • 1074 7 To North Pole by Airship. Bial correspondent of Reuter's wko went to Pairs to ascerprogress which is being made Vellman's sensational project lg the North Pole by mean> of a specially constructed airship, has had .an opportunity the first afforded to anyone except those engaged in its contruction
    1,074 words
  • 365 7 The man wl»j can find an mtn Bad sure remedy for (says the "West Australian the white ant is sure of a good living. There are many remedies; but white anfc> thrive (till. They are a pect in all tropical and *ui>tropical regions in America, Africa.
    365 words
  • 111 7 A Shanghai dispatch states that a serious drought it, Ijeiug expeneutt-d in the pravnMM lulu >liansi. .Hid 1 1 n.iii China The wheat and bcrley crops have been spoiled, and vrork in the paddj folds Eu been impracticable, with tin; rc-nh ;liai i! of grain has advanced. In the five
    111 words
  • 125 7 Mr. Morley. the Swntary ol Stati for India, in prosontiiv-, the Asiatu Society's gold medal t. .Jhe Rev. Mr. Pope "and the Public S:J§>ols' medal tn a Rugbly youth, paid JFtribufe to tin Society's effects to stiwßutc interest and extend a knuwlcd^Fnf India. Si. mo of his pilitieal tneiids spoke
    125 words
  • 131 7 Knim Khit'i Dttkothai, the brothel c f tin I'ruwii I'iki 6 going to England for his educati paratoiv t.. joining the Royal yacht Maha Chakkii w 11. Mythe Siam Observer." take tl: Singapore HI time to .it n th G boat Seydlitz." The Ifaha i will wan "icct the
    131 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 WILLIAMS TYPEWRITERS. Mod I Ho. 2 $120. .nett 6 $1«M»- WILLIAMS DUPLICATORS Trice S3O. Will turn out better work than Rotary Duplicators costing double the price-Sub-Agents, John Little Co., Ltd SYME 6? Co. FOR SALE SULPHURIC ACID SYME Co. ■2-.J6.; What we Do, We do Well. mm Good Work TELEPHONE
      132 words
    • 509 7 TAN SAN y«i? A MINERAL WATER Hk|^^^V ok thb JHK HIGHEST CLASS, '^Jl (Brisp, Invigorating. TANS AN op A LL DEALERS. SET""™ Pathe Freres. For a complete Cinematograph Installation apply to Levy nermanos, 3, Battery Road. H AflftTAM DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS Vlf tU IV AND TALKING MACHINES. ODEON Talking Machines from
      509 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 457 8 T< the Editor of tlu- Slrnit* Time*." Dial Sik, 1 wax glancing over some be 11!<1 1!< I newspujiers when, by chance. I noticed paragraph in your issue of May 19th. from .1 Xi lautun correspondent, concerning the death of Mr. R. Dakota, lonaarij
      457 words
  • 441 8 Mb. X.m, C CBOOV'I mining laud at j which baa Ikiii act)iiired by a Limited Liability Co. floated in Cornwall. 1 iii formally handed over at the Laud Ottcc in ISatu C-ajah to the purchasers, who N representiil by Mr. K. ickett. Mr. lo ci a'«
    441 words
  • 153 8 i).. daagM i.l ii. i in ii:;nii,, not -i the ,d the '■tli ui-t.. i^ t vinrcl l,\ ■!i:n .i Roaaiai] ateamer, tlu I ii\. mi -r day«a|p>. utraekow ci in the 1:1 i<Jil>omhcK><l M>stoek and nfter a short while sank. Tl:i nfficers and crew «er. saied.
    153 words
  • 848 8 Thk gold export from the Kaub mines for the 4 weeks coding 16th .June is retained as 780 ounces, obtained from 5,80* tons of stone crushed. As tliere are now no other working gold mines in Pahang. this may be taken as the June output for the State,
    848 words
  • 259 8 Tn ifimotmur, which was lannchetl at hevoniiort Dockyard ou the (ith of .liint Ithe iKiiiiinj; ceremony beiuy performed hv the CoaaatM of Ciiiiii. i-. oin- of three rirstclass armoured < misers for which provision was made in the Navy Kstimatcs IWM IMB. In r sistership-. beinj- the
    259 words
  • 15 8 ln> I rriiL-ii cable Kteanui lr,n Amgo ariivid y«steijd«y from l'puti «;iakan<l leaves i Ittunortly,
    15 words
  • 793 8 Srn inlxiii June 30. Tuk Chief Judicial Commissioner having re through the cases on the Assize list, left Kuala Lumpur on the '21st instant. The feast of Corpus Christi was celebrated by the Roman Catholic community with the usual pomp last Sunday week, the Revd. Father N'ain
    793 words
  • 106 8 Sm IiKoKuK W. Kekewich. M. P., speaking at the Shorthand Conference, held at the Manchester HoU-1. Alders^aU -street, said he did not know that the Board of Education took as much interest in phonography as it should. They were slow to deviate from ancient traditions.
    106 words
  • 92 8 Thk U-legraiih and Ulcphone wiren of I'eiian^ require careful Kii|ion-iBion. as was shewn on the 27th June last, wlitn oueof the wires just outside the <io\ eminent Telegraph (Mm in Weld Quay snapped and fell upon one of the electric car overhead ires. A flash was seen and noises, v,
    92 words
  • 597 8 Somk remarkably inaccurate statements about Bolivia as a tin producer have recently appeared iii the London I're-s. and Captain John Penberthy a Cornish miner, has. says the Corninh l'o»t. arrived home at an opportune moment to correct any erroneous impressions. Captain I'enberthy has managed mines with conspicuous
    597 words
  • 299 8 Sim I'km; -the Du\ of the Anglo (.'hiucsH College of Amov 1 whose principal is Mr. H. Kaukin formerly of the Kuglish Presbyterian "Eaatata School" ill Siu^aporef thus writes Tiioii<.'h China has the claim to be one of the tii sl,s 1 civili/ed nations, having
    299 words
  • 81 8 Tuk Key. t. Miuty. mtur of Edlaston. Deiliv-liire. lias had an alarming experience. He ikrafl aßaoiail tka sa< ■•Hinental vessels on the altar table when he felt the Moor gtfil way. Fortunately he had the presence of mind to jump clear of the ayai, for a
    81 words
  • 22 8 amCMUi, incetinK of the Mtmlx-is of the Town Club will he held ill the Club •m Friday. 4ulv tttli. at .1.1.1 p.m.
    22 words
  • 74 8 A tkmil chilil. uuilir tun vims aid, m left slwpinn. at 'laipin^. uoai a lump with a naktil tltvm, while Hh luothti «i'iit U, market, early one moriuuu. It is believed tliat the chilil awulu and. toddling up to tlte lamp, luanagcd to knock it down, and to fall iuto
    74 words
  • 42 8 Tin Timttof Ccjflot London pocreepou limit wins, iumIct ilati 22nd alum UhIpIk'I luiirkit was slow, with .'>„. 'jj,) u tin' (|itotntioii for Imrd linil'aia I'lnntntioi: KiihlKi- mil- on tl ,\t ilnv moaUj with It. i\' tlie lii^lu-t pi ii l'i i' M (I,
    42 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 239 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS SILK MERCHANTS. Have just opened a fresh stock of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese goods i.e. silk kimoao.s, Maltese silk lace collars, Ladies' silk blouses, Japanese cotton crape kimonos, Persian and Indian carpets of all sizes, gold gem set-jewellery, silver ware etc. etc. Ladies and
      239 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 141 8 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, jrJ July. High Water. 7-46 p tn. Town Ban.l. Kspla.iadf. 9 M Wednesday, 4th July. Iliijh Water. S+-10 a.m. B-M (i.m. Americai! [odvptrilaact Day. Assizes. P. 4. U. h.i.n.'var.l -Mail due. Thursday, sth July. High Water. IM »m. !»--*7 p.m. Philharmonic Urcliestra. H3O. P. homew.ird mail
      141 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 349 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed >uniDer of Sham Issue Paid Value up to 10 10 10 10 t 10 10 I 10 10 1 I \t I 1 i 19/ a. lti 1 11/8 1111 1 I 18/10 100 i ioo Reserve I I* Company i euLO. qenawah G.
      349 words
    • 286 9 1905 !'.«>-. 190t 1905 1908 1906 1934 19ft") 1906 1906 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 190-5 1904 1904 £150.000 1200,000 £30.000 700,000 £70,000 5150.000 £12,000 £75.000 9250.000 £300.000 30.000 9200.000 MOO.OOO £30,000 tIOO.OOO 9100,000 £.-.0.000 £140.000 91-20.000 £11.125 1610,000 tmjm 912-5.000 £10,500 £-V..000 9-2-25 000 £•260,625 £-20,000 913-5.000 9S-5
      286 words
    • 193 9 1694 1898 186-} 1901 1901 1899 £3,377.10.0 •2M.000 •10,000.000 •2.400.000 •34,000 »*75.000 £4.648.15.0 •235,000 •10,000,000 •2.400.000 •34,000 •875,000 7.638 12/6 4.500 -.0 *0,000 1125 200 »100 t 3,400 I 10 6,000 (100 3.750 I »100 34.000 10 a,«0O um«u*l 600 50 2.000 I *100 12/6 I 90 112.500 10.000.000
      193 words
    • 35 9 Howarth Er«kine, Ltd. 6% ""fi'^JSl 8% prem buvert. Riley Hargreavet, Ltd. 6% it' (To D~m bnvm! Singapore Municipal 6% 47u'nno r bavers Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6*. i mi' v» l't 'no Wen'
      35 words
  • 189 9 Ojttmt have long be;n procurable in tin ntMrlfl of the rivers flowing; into ilir Strait? of Malacca rcmarke the Straits Echo. Of late numerous pi tni't- h.u been arked for collect. .ne -•'.i shell.: at Pulau Kra. Those unusual demand* attracted the attention of the authorities, with the
    189 words
  • 48 9 The consecration of the new Roman Catholic Church at Matang Tinggi, Province Wellesley took place recently. Tl'c church and compound were tastefully decorated with bunting and Chinese scrolls. Thft Rev. J. Meneuvrirr Vicar-General of th» diocese, officiated, assisted by Fathers Lamaundais, as Dea con, and German, at Sub-Deacon.
    48 words
  • 586 9 Details of Principal Averages. The following were the pr.ncipal bowling and batting averages up to Monday June 4 llavward 15 854 219 2 65.69 \V M. Turner 6 257 104* 2 42.25 F Wanvi 6 363 137 0 60.50 Kowlcy 6 278 85 1 55.60 Hirst 1"- 553
    586 words
  • 226 9 Singapore, 3rd July, 1006 PRODUCE, Uambier b»>«« W| do (Cube Xo. 1 1 unpicked Copra Bali gj do Pontianak "f" IN -itkt. Black bnyers 20. ,5 do White 5% "Jg Sa«o Flour Sarawak £6 do Brunei No. 1 •> ~r" Pearl Sago ».4O Coffee Bali. 15% buyers 16.25 Coffee,
    226 words
  • 843 9 London, 10th June. VllKKSUIKK V. L.ANIASBIKK. When tii: rival Roses meet there is almoe. inevitably a rare struggle, but in the match under notice the lorkshiremen were on top all through, and at Bradford on Tuesday inflicted on the Lancastrians their first defeat of the season by six wickets.
    843 words

  • 368 10 How the Beef Trust Foists Rubbish into England. A correspondent writing to the Times in reference to the revelations as to how /tuberculous and putrid carcases are doctored up in the canning factories of Chicago, gives the following remarkable case as to the discovery of embalmed hams "In
    368 words
  • 194 10 A student of an elementary sent ol ;it fhihli. Xorth China) was "recently walking in the streets of that city wear" ing the new foreign-style drill uniform, which is strange to the people, and a woman caled after him Maotzu." a •>"id according to the "Peking Times."
    194 words
  • 166 10 Ou.c a cwp'ain of the Royal Engini Hii-liaid Charles Ps-lets, 64, has dicJ in Wormwood Scrubbs prir«n from i :nl«' decay. The circumstances attending his bcui inquired into by Corner Drew ;it thfi prison. The widow said after leaving the army her husband was
    166 words
  • 71 10 I! Math nu enormous turtle was caught off Haibara, Shizuolta Prefecture in Japan. The turtle was found to be six feet long, four feet wide, and weighing about 369 pounds. Brokers in the fish-market bought the turtle. :md liberated it, believing thai the kind ;u-f would bring success to the!'
    71 words
  • 922 10 The Assassins Fate Matco Moral (the assassin) was, it has becu ascertained, the son -of a wealthy manufacturer at Sabadel, a town abou; 10 miles north of Barcelona, which hu long been a centre df anarchist activity. He was partly educated in Germany, and in January
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 659 10 Ships and Steamers. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanf Ceylon, Australia, I ndla, Aden, Ery pt Mediterranean Porti, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued (or China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Porto. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lin*. Outtcard (for China).
      659 words
    • 1146 10 Koninklljko Paketvaart Maatschapplj. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent, at Singapore Ship Aoikct, late J. Dafndi: lk Co., 8-8 Collibb Qoat. The undermentioned date* are only approximate Steamer From Exp'ted Will be desi-atuhed for V.llogendorp Singkawahg July 1 Billiton, Pontianak and Singkawaug July S Van Diemen Billiton July
      1,146 words
    • 659 10 C.P.R. Canadian Paoifio Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA, JAPAN, AND EUPCPE, VIA CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 6,000 Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM
      659 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 72 10 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hoepital, lit July, 1906. 9 A. M. 3 P. V-- i* P- M- KkMABES. Bar. S2 29.934 29.825 29.911 bj> Temp 85.8 87.4 80.0 •3'g Wet Bulb Ther 79.5 78.2 77.0 ,r| DirofWind.. v, s.s.b. n.e. Max. Temp 90.0 "S -a Mm 74.8 Max. in Sun..
      72 words

  • 417 11 The secretary o: the Wine aud Spirt AaocutitM ha.- addressed a circular to members of Parliament in view of the recenv. observations made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his Budget statement regarding the maufacture ot' what is known as "basis wine so called because it is
    417 words
  • 171 11 The first number t.f the first illustrated paper tvw published in Peking has jwt been issued, called Peiching lluapao." It U wrilton :n a popular style, and is obtaining a large circulation. A feature of the paper is the reproduction in an exaggerated form of the Chinese
    171 words
  • 170 11 On the 30th May a third-class as-sistant-paymaster named Masuda Seiichi. attached to the 9th Field Artillery reir 111 1 lit of the K.mazuwa Division, was sentenced by court-martial to imprisonment for two months on a charge of desenion, and farther imprisonment for a term of three months
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  • Ships and Steamers.
    • 1152 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer; ah. ship; bq; barque sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru. Cramer Gbt.— Ganboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. --Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Feb. French Ger German Dut.— Dutch: Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish; Sar. Sarawak G.c. General-cargo; d.p.
      1,152 words
    • 706 11 Name, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Stcamirb. Achilleti, Liverpool, July 9; Mansfield Ajax, China, July 8 Mansfield. Alesia. Hongkong, Aug. 12 Behn Meyer. Anainba. Copenhagen. July 28 E. Asiatic Coy Annum, Saigon, Aug. 30 M. Maritime* Arcadia, Hongkong, July 4 P. 40. Arconia, Hongkong,
      706 words
    • 66 11 Wharves at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf:— Nil. Victoria Gravwo Dock: Nil. Ai.bkrt Gravimo Dock Nil. Section No. 1 Thongwa, Zweena. 2 It»ur». S Benlmrig. 4 Nam Sang. „5 Nil „6 Paroo, Zambesi. Borneo Wharf 7 Glenlyon, Paknam. 8 Nil I. a Seyne.
      66 words
  • 397 11 Interviewed on their Arrival in London.* Thb Manchester Hotel has been tho rendezvous of many famous teams ot" athletes, and, like the "All Blacks," the West Indians are making the popular Aldersgate-st hostelry their head quarters. There who passed its doors lately, might have noticed various members of
    397 words
  • 207 11 Farmers near Umbali have fur ni.--.ny rr.or.ths suffered from the daprwUttjnii of numerous leopards and tin Central African papers report an raeit'ng adventure which befel a well-known trader named Te:ir.ant. who, with a native servant, went out to shoot the beasts. After walking for a few miles Ten:'.ant
    207 words
  • 81 11 For Per Steamer Time Shmm*. Bangkok BnU Illlilfili >i"!i t'li'ir I'.S'tenham iV Penang A'i»'<m Sftlmk and Djambie 11PenauK and Colombo hmlm Marti Teluk Aiihoii via purts Selnniinr HoiiKknnK and Swatow tbm$ Hre Batavia,C'rib.)n,8'ranK MM tam Billitou, SiiiRkawanit Vmn Hoftttiorf Muotok Palembant.' 0. 0. Meyer THllWhAV. Europe via
    81 words
  • 117 11 From EomopE— By the P. U. 1. Delhi, due mi 6th July. From China By the P. St O. s. s. Aremliii lue on 4th July. May 24th V. .V O. Juue lttth May '28th N. I). L. June feM M iv 3Ut B. I. .In in-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 723 11 N. D. L. RORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Por Said, Snez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to
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    • 644 11 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is main tamed between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrictity, provißed with excellent accommodation for
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 26 11 WEATNER TELEGRAM HONGKONG.— 2m. Jii.\— 4 t.u. Barometer.. S9 71. Direction of Wind Force of Wind 2* 1 MANILA.— 2nd 754 w.».w. 1 21 26
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  • 523 12 Dr. Adcock Committed for Trial. At Westminster Police Court, :he hearing was concluded of the charge against Dr Geo. Robt. Adcock, Christian scientist, of causing the death of Maj. John Nicholas Whyte, D. S. 0., who at one ■time was also a member of the Christian Science cult.
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  • 201 12 Of recent years European planters have by experience learned that the soil and climate of some portions of t<he Western States o{ Siani offer very favourable opportunities for the profitable growth of rubber, tobacco, coffee, and <>t her products. According tk> some accounts remarks the Siam
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  • 108 12 Mrs. Betsy Ware, whose death at the i .\traordinary ago of 130 years is just announced at Washington, was intimately associated in the days of her youth with some of the greatest events in French history. Mane Antoinette was about to appoint her lady in waiting
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  • 548 12 Dysentery And Prisons Simla. June 6.— The following 's a summary of correspondence between Lieutenant-Colonel J T Leslie, M.8., 1. M.5., Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India, and the Secretary to the Government of India, Home Department, on an approved scheme for investigation of Indian
    548 words
  • 62 12 Fearing that the Duma will be unable to secure a satisfactory settlement of their argarian demands, the Russian peasants arc preparing to seize the land they require, particularly in the Voronazh, Saratoff, and Grodno Governments. The peasants in the central southern provinces have already seized three and a half million
    62 words
  • 75 12 A dispatch from Gensan, in Korea, to the "Osaka Asahi states that on the 3<Jth ultimo 228 Japanese, the crews of fifteen steam-launches enj; aged in diving operations at ChMsg-jin-li, Kangwen province, were attacked by about 1,000 Korean insurgents. Tinmen engaged in battle six times during •he day and night.
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  • 93 12 The Socialist members of the Party of Toil, in the Duma, proposed that the Chamber should refer the Govern mcnts's agrarian programme to local committees elected by direct universal ruffrage. The peasant members of the uvme party, however, rccogpising that the Socialists are disguised revolutionaries refused to accept their guidance.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 561 12 Banks, Insurances, Auctions Hongkong 6" Shanghai Banking Corporation. paid-up capital 110,000,000 reserve fund Sterling Reserve 110,000,0001 $19 500 000 Silver rWve 9.500,000 1 19 500 000 Raerve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. Hanpt, Esq.— Chairman. G. H. Medburst, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. Goetz. Esq. A. J. Raymond,
      561 words
    • 479 12 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital £800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £975,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank, Lfal. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account, are opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent, per
      479 words
    • 651 12 AUCTION SALE. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. The property of twelve Pawnshop. One Monday, 2nd July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Wednesday, 4th July, 1906 at 10 a.m. One Friday, 6th July, 1906 at 10 a.m. The pledges consisting of watches, chains, gold and diamond ring., earring., brooches. Chinese and native ornament, with
      651 words
    • 571 12 AUCTION SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 4 Co.'. Mart On Monday, 9th July, at 2, J0 p.m. Five piece, of freehold land situate in the districts of Toah Pyoh and Rochore, with frontage to Kirn Keat Road, area 39,585 square feet. Circular, and plans issued'
      571 words